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Maria Dede, Julia Timpel, Jasmin Kirsch, Christian Hannig, Marie-Theres Weber

MTAD: Is it the right “solution”? –

An overview
Introduction: A plethora of chemical irrigants exists that is used for the elim-
ination of residual microbes and endotoxins in root canals accompanied by
mechanical instrumentation. However, due to complex root canal systems,
the mechanical instrumentation and established irrigants still reach their
limits and pathogenic microorganisms remain. Therefore, new irrigants with
a wider spectrum are required.

Materials/Methods: The aim of this article was to summarize and discuss the
available information concerning the irrigant MTAD (mixture of tetracycline
isomer, acid and detergent) introduced in 2003 with its wider spectrum regard-
ing antibacterial properties and the ability to remove the smear layer. A litera-
ture search was performed from English-language papers published until Sep-
tember of 2018.

Results: This review of literature focused on particular advantages of MTAD

such as the antimicrobial efficacy, the ability of removing the smear layer and
the effect on dentine structure. Also disadvantages were found, regarding the
effect of MTAD on the dentine degeneration and the sealing properties of
root-end filling materials.

Conclusion: MTAD could represent an effective complementary irrigant, spe-

cifically in combination with NaOCl. Further research is required to establish
MTAD as a potent irrigant against more bacterial species, not only against
Enterococcus faecalis.

Keywords: endodontic final irrigant; E. faecalis; MTAD; smear layer

Introduction been demonstrated to be an effective even NaOCl. Considering the lim-

The main aim of the root canal treat- disinfectant and is widely accepted itations of the well-established irri-
ment is to disinfect the root canal as the gold-standard irrigation so- gants in Endodontics, new irrigants
system, which requires the elimi- lution [8, 11]. An irrigant should be have been introduced that could
nation of microorganisms and micro- able to disinfect, penetrate the den- possibly fulfill the ideal require-
bial components by instrumentation, tine and its dentinal tubules, offer ments. MTAD as an antibacterial irri-
irrigation and obturation of the root long-term antibacterial effects (sub- gation solution showed promising
canal as well as the prevention of its stantivity), remove the smear layer, results in several studies and has the
re-infection during and after root neutralize the endotoxins derived potential to be an effective end-
canal treatment [9]. from the bacterial lysis [40, 65]. At odontic irrigant [51].
Many chemical irrigants have the same time, an irrigant needs to
been used for the elimination of re- be non-antigenic, non-toxic and Methods
sidual microbes in root canal sys- non-carcinogenic [65]. However, at A comprehensive English literature
tems accompanied by mechanical present, no single irrigant combines search by Medline and by hand
instrumentation [8]. NaOCl has all these ideal characteristics, not search was performed with the clos-

Policlinic of Operative and Pediatric Dentistry, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden: Maria Dede, D.M.D., Julia Timpel, D.M.D., Dr. Jasmin Kirsch, Prof. Dr. Christian
Hannig, Dr. Marie-Theres Weber
Citation: Dede M, Timpel J, Kirsch J, Hannig C, Weber M-T: MTAD: Is it the right “solution”? – An overview. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z Int 2019; 1: 144–150
Peer-reviewed article: submitted: 14.12.2018, revised version accepted: 13.05.2019–0150

© Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2019; 1 (4)
MTAD: Is it the right “solution”? – An overview 145

ing date of September 11, 2018. The ELEMENT CONTENT

“free text” search string [MTAD] AND
[root canal treatment] was used for Doxycycline 3%
the survey by hand search in the in-
ternet and by Medline using PubMed. Citric acid 4,25 %
In addition, a reference survey of all
the relevant papers, 82 articles in Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) 0,5 %
total, was conducted. No relevant
articles were rejected for the present Table 1 Composition of MTAD according to Torabinejad et al. [58]
review of literature.

Properties of MTAD
MTAD (Mixture of Tetracycline genic products (endotoxins) released the exposure of NaOCl [44]. Thereby,
isomer, Acid, Detergent) is an irrigant due to the absence of bacterial cell the time of exposure and concen-
introduced in 2003 by Mahmoud lysis [58]. The antimicrobial effect of tration of NaOCl play an important
Torabinejad of Loma Linda Univer- MTAD has been largely attributed to role to inhibit the growth of E. faeca-
sity (California, U.S.A). MTAD is a the presence of doxycycline. How- lis. The longer the time of exposure
mixture of doxycycline, citric acid ever, the substitution of doxycycline and the higher the concentration of
and polysorbate 80 detergent [56] by chlorhexidine significantly re- NaOCl, the better the disinfection
(Tab. 1). duces the efficacy of the irrigant [50]. abilities of NaOCl regarding E. faeca-
The combination of a broad-spec- Based on the results of the in vitro lis. These findings seem to correlate
trum antibiotic and the deminerali- study of Torabinejad et al., MTAD has with the resistance of the E. faecalis to
zing agent citric acid as a chelating a strong antimicrobial efficacy against NaOCl [44].
factor ensures inhibition of bacterial E. faecalis compared to 5.25 % NaOCl Several in vitro studies have dem-
growth and removal of the smear and 17 % EDTA, without affecting the onstrated the antibacterial action of
layer. In addition, a polysorbate deter- dentine structure of human teeth MTAD against E. faecalis, both in bio-
gent decreases surface tension thus [38]. These results seem important as film and in the planktonic phase,
improving the likelihood of reaching they demonstrate the efficacy of an ir- when used as the only irrigant in
bacteria in the ramifications of the rigant to inhibit this bacterial strain, root canals of human teeth [13, 38].
main root canal [58]. MTAD is com- which has been shown to be resistant Specifically, an in vitro study stated
mercially available as a 2-part mixture to many commonly used intracanal that MTAD, as the only irrigant, had
(Bio pure MTAD; Dentsply, USA), con- irrigants and dressings [38]. E. faecalis a wider range of microbial inhibition
sisting of powder and liquid (Fig. 1). is present in many failed root canal against E. faecalis when compared
treatments [15] and is the most com- with 2 % CHX and 5.25 % NaOCl
1. Antimicrobial activity monly reported bacterial species pres- [13]. Furthermore, another study
Doxycycline is the main component ent within the canals of non-healing showed that MTAD with maximum
of MTAD. It does not show bacteri- cases and asymptomatic infected antibacterial activity is more effective
cidal properties, but it prevents the roots [42, 52, 54]. This bacterium has against E. faecalis than 3 % NaOCl,
multiplication of susceptible bacteria a high capability to form biofilms 2 % CHX and 0.12 % CHX [31].
[5]. This bacteriostatic property may [28]. Furthermore, E. faecalis seems to Two research groups, Torabinejad
be advantageous as there are no anti- be less sensitive than other bacteria to et al. (surface disinfection) and Siren

Properties NaOCl EDTA CHX MTAD

Biocompatibility - + + +

Ability to dissolve pulp tissue + - - -

Antimicrobial activity ++ - + +

Ability to remove smear layer - + - +

Dentine degeneration + +/- - +/-

Inhibition of E. faecalis + - + +

Table 1 Properties of the irrigants in endodontics in comparison to MTAD (CHX = chlorhexidine; NaOCl = sodium hypochlorite;
EDTA = Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
(Tab. 1 and 2: M. Dede)

© Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2019; 1 (4)
146 MTAD: Is it the right “solution”? – An overview

et al. (dentine block disinfection) lasting times. This effect duration of dentine surface [26]. In comparison
documented that E. faecalis can be residual antimicrobial activity is to other solutions, MTAD has dem-
eliminated from the dentine by fol- better in MTAD [60]. The substantiv- onstrated improved results by re-
lowing a protocol using MTAD in ity of MTAD in vitro was significantly moval of the smear layer on primary
combination with NaOCl [49, 58]. greater than that of 2 % CHX and root dentine [7].
Different in vitro studies showed that 2.6 % NaOCl. The substantivity of MTAD as a final rinse after the en-
MTAD as a final irrigant in human 100 % MTAD was significantly higher tire instrumentation with 3 % NaOCl
teeth was effective in completely in- against bacterial biofilms than lower provided the best cleaning ability in
hibiting the growth of E. faecalis [1, concentrations (10 % and 1 %) of all parts of the root canal system and
38, 49]. MTAD [33, 34]. had good results particularly in cases
In an in vivo study with human of teeth with established infection in
primary teeth, 2.5 % NaOCl and Bio- 2. Ability to remove smear the apical part of the root canal [25].
Pure MTAD, both irrigants were layer In this study, the dentinal wall of the
equally efficient against E. faecalis It is widely known and proven that cervical, middle and apical thirds
[60]. The aim of a present in vivo study the presence of organic tissue and were observed at magnifications of
was to evaluate the reduction in bac- smear layer reduces the effectiveness up to ×1000 for the presence/absence
terial loading with the sterile paper of antimicrobial protocols [23, 43]. of smear layer under SEM [25]. On
point method using MTAD as an irri- The lack of increased antimicrobial the contrary, 2 studies summarized
gating solution in pulpectomized pri- efficacy may be due to the inability that the efficacy of 17 % EDTA as
mary teeth. The results showed that of NaOCl to remove the smear layer final rinse for the removal of the
MTAD could serve as an alternative and to penetrate into dentinal smear layer was better than MTAD
irrigant for pulpectomy of necrotic tubules once the smear layer has [27, 61]. In addition, based on the
teeth compared to 1 % NaOCl [18]. been removed. Findings from studies outcomes and limitations of an
Unfortunately, not many studies of Torabinejad et al. have shown that ex vivo investigation, SmearClear
exist which examined the effective- the removal of the smear layer with a (Sybron Endo; Orange, CA), a 17 %
ness of MTAD against other bacteria chelating solution (EDTA) with no EDTA solution containing a cationic
except for E. faecalis. According to antibacterial effect does not enhance (cetrimide) and an anionic surfac-
Misuriya et al., the MTAD solution the antibacterial effect of NaOCl. tant, was found most efficient in re-
showed maximum antibacterial ac- Otherwise, the combination of 1.3 % moving the smear layer in all regions
tivity and was effective against E. fae- NaOCl as a root canal irrigant and of the root canal followed by MTAD
calis, F. nucleatum and P. anaerobicus. MTAD as a final rinse was signifi- [63].
In case of C. albicans, MTAD was less cantly more effective than the combi- Additionally, another present
effective than 5 % NaOCl, 3 % nation of 1.3 % NaOCl with 17 % study demonstrated that chitosan
NaOCl, 2 % CHX and 0.12 % CHX EDTA [50, 58]. (natural polysaccharide, derived from
[31]. After mechanical treatment and Using the scanning electronic the deacetylation of chitin) was more
irrigation of root canals with MTAD microscope (SEM) Torabinejad et al. effective in smear layer removal than
solution, P. intermedia, P. gingivalis demonstrated that MTAD is a valid MTAD, especially in the apical third
and T. forsythensis were not found in solution for the removal of the smear of the root canal [67].
an in vitro study with mixed infection layer, which does not significantly
in root canals [32]. Regarding the change the structure of the dentinal 3. Effect on dentine structure
antifungal activity of MTAD against tubules when used as a final irrigant Chemicals used during endodontic
C. albicans in vitro, 1.3 % NaOCl and in conjunction with 5.25 % NaOCl. treatment play an important role as
2 % CHX were equally effective and The changes in temperature at they may lead to alterations of the
significantly superior to MTAD and 4°C, 25°C, and 37°C play a specific root dentine and changes its chemi-
Tetraclean [35]. role regarding the efficacy of MTAD cal and physical properties. Pashley
In 2004, Luciano Giardino pat- for removing the smear layer. In a re- et al. stated that the tubular density
ented an irrigant prototype, also anti- cent study, it was concluded that affects the microhardness of the den-
biotic-based, called Tetraclean. It is using 17 % EDTA and MTAD at 25°C tine surface – as the tubular density
similar to MTAD, although with dif- and 37°C was more potent than increases the dentine microhardness
ferences in the components. It also using the solutions at 4°C tempera- decreases, respectively [14, 41].
contains citric acid and doxycycline, ture, even in the apical level of the De Deus et al. and Sayin et al.
although the amount of doxycycline root canal [12]. examined the effect of endodontic ir-
is reduced to a third (50 mg/5 ml vs. Using MTAD with ultrasonic agi- rigation solutions on root canal den-
150 mg/5 ml of MTAD). Additionally, tation reduced the smear layer [26]. tine surface and stated that there is a
Tetraclean contains Polypropylene Based on the results of the SEM data significant decrease of the microhard-
glycol instead of Polysorbate 80 and in a recent study, 1.3 % NaOCl and ness in the dentine of the root canal
the antiseptic cetrimide [22]. MTAD combined with endosonic irri- after the application of EDTA [14, 48].
Finally, it is worth mentioning gation, acted synergistically to re- In accordance with Torabinejad et
that MTAD and CHX have a residual move the smear layer and debris, al. 1 % NaOCl preceding MTAD can
antimicrobial activity with various while causing less erosion on the dissolve the organic portion of the

© Deutscher Ärzteverlag | DZZ International | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International | 2019; 1 (4)
MTAD: Is it the right “solution”? – An overview 147

smear layer that covers the dentinal

tubules after instrumentation. Due to

(picture in laboratory, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany)

the citric acid, MTAD is an acidic so-
lution (pH 2.15) and is capable of re-
moving inorganic substances. This
allows MTAD to dissolve the inor-
ganic portion of the smear layer, pen-
etrating into dentinal tubules, and
decalcifying them without affecting
the structure of dentine [58]. An in
vitro study by Pappen et al. concluded
that the detergent of MTAD can addi-
tionally decrease the surface tension
and increase the penetrating ability
of MTAD, without affecting the struc-
ture of dentine, too. The samples
were observed by confocal laser scan-
ning microscopy (CLSM) after bacte-
rial viability staining [40]. In an in-
vestigation of Machnick et al., there
was no significant difference regard- Figure 1 Viscosity of MTAD-fluid in a plate, a mixture of powder and liquid
ing the flexural strength and modu-
lus of elasticity between the dentine
bars exposed to saline or to MTAD
[29]. Aranda et al. revealed significant materials were used [10]. Saghiri et al. whereas 2 % CHX was highly del-
dentine microhardness reduction showed in an in vitro study that eterious to cell viability at this con-
promoted by (Biopure) MTAD and MTAD as final irrigation lowered centration. At 100 ml/L (high con-
17 % EDTA. Only the use of 17 % this push-out bond strength of MTA- centration) MTAD as well as 3 %
EDTA promoted dentinal tubules ero- dentine contact surfaces and thus NaOCl generated high levels of cyto-
sion in vitro [3]. affects it negatively [47]. toxicity to the fibroblasts [6]. Another
The study of Machnick et al. com- present study also demonstrated that
pared the effect of MTAD and phos- 4. Biocompatibility MTAD was less cytotoxic compared
phoric acid on the bond strength to Focusing on biocompatibility, MTAD to NaOCl, CHX, QMix and EDTA
enamel and dentin using a conven- as a final rinse for the removal of the [24]. This finding is in accordance
tional OptiBond Solo Plus dentine smear layer did not cause postoper- with the results separately reported
adhesive system. They reported that ative discomfort after root canal by Yasuda et al. and Zhang et al. that
teeth treated with a MTAD protocol treatment in 73 patients, according stated higher biocompatibility of
(20 min 1.3 % NaOCl/5 min MTAD) to a randomized clinical trial [59]. In MTAD in comparison with NaOCl
might not need any additional den- this study, 1.3 % NaOCl and MTAD 5.25 % and EDTA 17 % [64, 66].
tine conditioning before the appli- as endodontic irrigants were com- Doxycycline (tetracycline) as a
cation of the adhesive system [29]. pared with irrigation using 5.25 % part of MTAD could cause permanent
Regarding the effect of MTAD on NaOCl and 17 % EDTA [59]. tooth discoloration when treatment
dentine bonding, some studies con- Regarding the cytotoxicity of occurs during teeth development. Te-
cluded that MTAD can significantly MTAD, a study by Zhang et al. evalu- tracycline products should be avoided
improve the resin-dentine bond sta- ated the viability of cultured fibro- by young children with evolving
bility due to its broad-spectrum ma- blasts after storage in MTAD and teeth or by pregnant women, respec-
trix metalloproteinase-inhibitory ef- other standard irrigants. MTAD is tively [30]. NaOCl has been proven
fect [20, 29, 36]. Furthermore, studies less cytotoxic than eugenol, H2O2, to react with MTAD thus triggering
stated that MTAD as final rinse in- Ca (OH)2 paste, 5.25 % NaOCl, Peri- light brown discoloration by oxidiz-
fluences the sealing properties of dex (CHX mouth rinse with addi- ing the doxycycline component of
root-end filling materials negatively, tives) and 17 % EDTA, but more MTAD [53, 55, 58]. This reaction may
like other chelator factors (EDTA) do cytotoxic than 2.63 %, 1.31 % and be affected by the release of doxycy-
as well. Leakage of root-end filling 0.66 % NaOCl [66]. Bajrami et al. cline, which will be exposed to
materials increased when 17 % EDTA demonstrated that irrigating so- NaOCl if it is used as a final rinse after
or MTAD were used for irrigation [16, lutions should be used at lower con- MTAD [58]. Clinically, this can be
37, 46]. A recent study concluded centrations to enhance cell viability. avoided by neutralizing the oxidizing
that the highest leakage rate was ob- In this study incubation of rat liga- action of NaOCl with a rinse of ascor-
served in the 17 % EDTA and MTAD mental fibroblasts in 0.1 ml/L con- bic acid before MTAD is applied into
groups when MTA, Portland cement, centrations of 3 % NaOCl and MTAD the root canal [55]. It is also worth
and Bioaggregate (BA) root-end filling was only moderately cytotoxic, noting that the chemical reaction be-

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148 MTAD: Is it the right “solution”? – An overview

tween NaOCl and citric acid leads to has been indicated that MTAD is did not improve the quality of the
the formation of white precipitates somewhat effective against bacterial regenerative process in root canal
[2]. These interactions between biofilms. However, it cannot disrupt [4, 17].
NaOCl and MTAD require further in- or dissolve biofilms completely [33].
vestigations to validate the safety and Actually, not many studies examined Conclusion
usefulness of this combination [2]. the effect of MTAD against other bac- In conclusion, MTAD represents an
Some studies were performed fo- teria species than E. faecalis. How- effective final irrigant for the removal
cusing on the regenerative aspect of ever, the difference of the studies in of the smear layer in combination
MTAD and other irrigating solutions. methodology and microbial sam- with NaOCl. Promising data con-
MTAD was used for the regeneration pling procedures play an important sidering the antimicrobial activity of
of immature permanent non-vital role, too. Most of the studies were MTAD especially against E. faecalis
teeth in dogs [4]. EDTA showed signifi- based on the paper point sampling exist, but further research is required
cantly more growing tissue in the pulp method for the analysis and quantifi- to establish MTAD as a potent irri-
and less inflammatory cells than cation of bacteria, which is contro- gant against other bacterial species
MTAD. The use of collagen as a scaf- versially discussed by scientists. and biofilms. Furthermore, the effects
fold material and MTAD as a surface The bactericidal activity of MTAD of MTAD on the sealing properties of
modifier did not improve the quality as the only intracanal irrigant root-end filling materials as well as its
of the regenerative process [4]. Con- requires improvement. Attempts effect on dental stem cells in regener-
sidering the cytotoxicity of different ir- have been made to enhance the ef- ative endodontics are still controver-
rigants on the survival of stem cells of fectiveness of MTAD. In 2013, a new sially discussed.
the human apical papilla, MTAD ingredient was added to MTAD. In general, MTAD seems to be a
showed the highest cytotoxicity to Nisin, an antibacterial peptide, was promising additional irrigant within
stem cells compared to 17 % EDTA, investigated in an in vitro study to an irrigation protocol. No solution
QMix, 5.25 % NaOCl, 2 % CHX and show whether it increased the anti- exists that is able to ensure complete
sterile saline [17]. The table summa- bacterial and antibiofilm activities of disinfection, yet. Therefore, the com-
rizes the properties of the different irri- MTAD against clinical isolates of bination of irrigants along with prop-
gants in comparison to MTAD (Tab. 2). E. faecalis. The results clarified that er instrumentation of the root canal
MTADN (Mixture of Tetracycline has probably a much higher impact
Discussion isomer, an Acid, an Detergent and on the treatment outcome than one
Since its introduction by Torabinejad Nicin) effectively inhibited both the single irrigant.
et al., MTAD has been in the focus of growth of E. faecalis root canal iso-
attention as an alternative root canal lates and the biofilm isolates [56, 57].
irrigant. Therefore, the publications As another important aspect,
of Torabinejad et al. should be taken MTAD showed improved results in Acknowledgements:
into consideration carefully. The combination with NaOCl in the re- The study was supported by the DFG
presence of doxycycline in MTAD moval of the smear layer during the (German Research Foundation)
suggests that MTAD may have some root canal treatment when compared (WE 5838/1–1, DA 1701/1–1).
substantive antimicrobial action [58]. to EDTA and NaOCl, respectively [25,
Doxycycline, as a hydroxyl derivative 38, 50]. Furthermore, recent studies
of tetracycline, is the most potent for MTAD showed good disinfection
anticollagenase antibiotic among results when used as a final rinse in Conflicts of interest:
commercially available tetracyclines combination with NaOCl and agi- The authors declare that there is no
[22]. However, the exact antimicro- tated with ultrasonic [25, 26]. How- conflict of interest within the mean-
bial action of MTAD has not been ever, regarding the clinical relevance, ing of the guidelines of the Inter-
fully understood. the cost of the material, the availabil- national Committee of Medical Jour-
The initial studies of Torabinehad ity and the clinical feasibility as a nal Editors.
et al. conducted on MTAD showed 2-part mixture, MTAD seems to be
good antimicrobial activity especially disadvantageous compared to EDTA.
against E. faecalis [58, 38], but E. fae- Clinical studies are required to estab- References
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(Photo: Carl Gustav Carus Dresden)

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