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While they’re right out there for everyone to see, radomes are often the last thing a technician
thinks about when troubleshooting radar performance problems.


power transmitters, the performance In fact, today’s radar systems are so

of the radome is becoming more and sensitive to changes in their radome’s
more a factor in how well a radar will performance that as little as 12 to 15
function,” added Scott Unger, vice mils total thickness of additional filler
president and COO, Bryte material or paint will reduce the signal
Technologies Inc. “Because of this, efficiency of the system. It’s so impor-
the days of slapping on a fiberglass tant that FAAAdvisory Circular 43-14
patch over a damaged area are over. specifically states; “all repairs to a
Today, technicians who are working radome, no matter how minor, must
on radomes need to be very aware of return the radome to its original or
the jobs these parts are playing and properly altered condition, both elec-
take appropriate steps to ensure that trically and structurally.”

very technician knows what a their repairs do not impair the system “The repair technician really has to
radome is, but how many of in any way.” know what they’re doing when they
us really understand the role it The low-power, high-performance repair a composite radome,” Mike
plays in the overall performance of radars that are found on the majority Hoke, principal, Abaris Training Inc.
today’s sophisticated airborne elec- of today’s business aircraft are very said. “It’s not just a simple structural
tronics systems? And, more important- sensitive to spurious signals and side repair. They’re also repairing the
ly, the role careful radome inspection lobe reflections that might bounce off microwave transmissivity capabilities
and proper repairs can play in keeping the inside of the radome. Repairs and of the radar system. That adds an addi-
a radar in tip-top condition? damage to the radome directly impact tional complication that you don’t get
“For quite a while, radomes were the radar efficiency and resolution, when you’re repairing a control sur-
viewed by technicians as nothing more which depend on a clear, non-distorted face or other composite part.”
than part of the aircraft’s structure that and reflection-free antenna view Likewise, avionics technicians need
happened to cover the radar antenna,” through the radome. to fully understand what makes a good
explained Jon Tripp, owner, ACRES
Consulting. “And unfortunately, even
today, technicians often treat it like
another aerodynamic fairing. If they
see a crack in it they just squeegee on
some filler, give it a quick coat of
paint and send it on its way.”
While that may have been an
acceptable course of action five or 10
years ago, today it may just do more
harm than good. “With today’s low-


composite structure repair so they can plane had to leave,” Tripp added. lem can greatly shorten the trou-
spot a bad one. “An avionics techni- “Someone probably said the plane had bleshooting path.
cian certainly doesn’t need to learn to be fixed before it was released for Another thing to look for when
how to do the repairs themselves,” he flight. So the technician on site fol- inspecting the paint job is to make sure
added. “But it’s really a good idea to lowed the information in the SRM. that no metallic paint stripes extend
learn what to look for when inspecting Chapter 51 says you can apply dent out across the radar’s field of view.
a repair to be able to flag a bad one. filler to composite structures—maybe Even as small as they are, the mass of
And since they are probably the first it does, or maybe it doesn’t apply to tiny metallic particles in the paint will
line of defense for spotting radome the radome—but either way, the mate- dramatically interfere with the radar’s
damage, they really ought to know rial will significantly affect the per- signal transmission.
what they’re looking for.”

The Good, the Bad and

“With today’s low-power transmitters, the performance
the Ugly of the radome is becoming more and more a factor in
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, or how well a radar will function.”
highly trained avionics technician for
that matter, to spot a poorly done com- —Scott Unger, vice president and COO, Bryte Technologies Inc.
posite radome repair. Dimples, limps
and poorly matched or applied paint formance of the radar. And the pilot is OK, so what do you look for when
are all telltale signs that the fix under probably going to write up a radar doing a radome inspection? “Mainly
the finish isn’t going to come up to problem on the flight back. If the tech- what you’re looking for are things that
spec. And even if the exterior finish of nician doesn’t know about the radome are pretty easy to spot,” Moyer
the repair looks like a million dollars, repair, he’s going to waste a lot of time explained. “On the outside of the
that’s no guarantee that the repair troubleshooting a perfectly good radar radome, you want to look for cracked,
underneath is as good as it needs to be unit.” chipped or eroded paint and any signs
so it doesn’t degrade the radar’s per- of delamination of the composite
formance. Radome Inspection Tips structure which can be caused by a
“A good paint job can hide a lot of While that may be an extremely bird or lightning strike. It may be hard
sins,” explained Don Moyer, manager unlikely scenario, it does do a good to spot visually, but is really easy to
of sales and marketing, Saint-Gobain job of illustrating the very real benefit find if you do a tap test.”
Performance Plastics (formally of making a visual inspection of the To do a tap test, all you need is a
Norton Radomes). “You need to look radome a routine part of your radar small tap hammer or better yet, use a
carefully at the inside of the radome. troubleshooting process. “If a techni- quarter or fifty-cent piece. Then you
You don’t want to see signs of excess cian is going to develop a ‘logic tree’ lightly tap on the composite surface
resin buildup. Most radomes today use that they’re going to follow to trou- and listen to the sound it makes. If it
a honeycomb core sandwiched bleshoot a radar system, maybe one of makes a sharp ring then it’s solid. If
between the fiber layers and if resin the first branches in that tree should be you get a dull “thud” sound, then
fills those honeycomb spaces it will a thorough visual inspection of the there’s cause for concern. “When the
significantly reduce the radar’s signal radome,” Unger suggested. “That way layers separate, you not only lose
sensitivity. When you look inside, they check the easy stuff before they structural integrity and strength you
what you want to see is a nice clear, tackle the hard stuff.” also have a path for moisture intrusion
uniform skin with no signs of excess Another branch of the logic tree into the area,” he added. “Moisture
resins or fillers.” should also include asking the ques- trapped in the composite honeycomb
Often times, a poorly done compos- tions and finding out what actions pro- will absorb radar energy and diminish
ite repair is a result of circumstances ceeded the appearance of the radar the system’s functionality.”
rather than an unskilled technician. problem? Did it show up right after the An even more serious problem with
“Especially if the damage to the aircraft came out of the paint shop? Or moisture becoming trapped in the
radome was squawked at a base that had a new protective “boot” been composite structure is the ongoing
didn’t have the proper composite attached? Was there a bird or lightning damage that is caused by the repeated
repair capabilities or there wasn’t time strike? It sounds too simple, but know- freezing and thawing of the water as
to make the proper repair before the ing what could have caused the prob- Continued on following page


RADOME REFRESHER Wilken, regional sales manager, Elliott Another benefit to performing a
Continued from page 77 Aviation. “While they won’t reflect field test of the radar/radome combi-
the aircraft climbs and descends. the radar energy, they do transmit stat- nation is it will immediately identify
When this happens, the trapped water ic energy away from the nose and back an installation that is using the wrong
will slowly but surely migrate into to the airframe. If they’re not making radome. Although it’s a rare occur-
more and more cells creating a larger good contact with the fuselage, you rence, it does happen. Sometimes the
and larger gap in the material until it can actually get an electrical ‘spike’on original is damaged or gets changed
gets so wide-spread that radar per- the radar display or interference in the for another reason or maybe it’s
formance will not only be significant- ADF or COMM receivers. We’ve seen because of a radar system upgrade.
ly degraded, catastrophic structural it a few times and it’s something tech - “We had a guy come in a while back
failure is possible. nicians often overlook.” who had a Piper Aerostar,” Moyer
Another moisture-induced problem To verify the conductivity of the explained. “He had recently upgraded
is found on aircraft equipped with diverters, technicians need to routinely the old monochrome radar to a new
radome erosion resistant caps—you check to ensure good electrical contact color system and on the first flight
know, those formed polyurethane nose at the terminal ends and inspect the proceeded to fly right into the worst
“boots.” continuity along the length of each weather he’d experienced. And the
If they are applied incorrectly or strip. If you want to perform an elec- new color radar never gave him a
have been on for a long time, water trical check, a typical resistivity read- clue.”
can often become trapped between the ing across the terminals should not “He came over to our facility and
cap and the radome. This layer of exceed 0.010—0.050 Ohm or lower. we tested his radome and found it had
water can create a strong radar reflec- “We had technicians routinely very poor transmission efficiency with
tion and in addition to an overall loss changing out the R/T’s but what was a very low return,” he said. “We
of range, may frequently result in false really happening was the static strips replaced his old radome with one of
radar targets and ground clutter weren’t bonded properly,” Wilken our new models and then showed him
returns. continued. “If they’d inspected the the difference in performance. He
strips they would have saved a lot of bought it on the spot.” ❑
Check Under the Hood time and effort by not changing per- For more radome information:
Sir? fectly good boxes.” Abaris Training, Inc.
After you’re done with the outside Composite repair training
of the radome, open it up and look at Field-Testing a Radome’s Ph: (775) 827-6568 / (800) 638-8441
the inside. Since most radomes aren’t Performance
painted on the inside, it’s easy to see Elliott Aviation has another way of
the fiber structure. And in some situa- helping its technicians determine the ACRES Consulting
tions, you will even be able to spot signal transparency of customer’s Aircraft Component Research and
areas of moisture intrusion. “It’s quite radome. As Wilken explained it, there Evaluation Services
Ph: (760) 568-0300
possible to see moisture filling the is a TV transmitter antenna located
honeycomb structure,” Moyer contin- exactly seven and a half miles from
ued. “It looks like dark areas. It’s bet- their facility and the technicians use it Bryte Technologies Inc.
ter to use a moisture meter, but a visu- to test the performance of a radar and Composite materials manufacturer
al inspection is a good start.” radome combination. “We know that Ph: (408) 776-0700
Also, if the radome has static dis- all the current radars will paint that Email:
charge or lightning diverter strips, you tower as level three,” he said. “What
need to give those a good look too. we do is put the airplane on the ramp Elliott Aviation Inc.
These diverter strips continuously col- and paint that tower with the radome Aircraft and avionics services
lect static-build up from the surface of on and then take the radome off and do Ph: 309-799-3183 / 800-447-6711
the radome and conduct it to the air- it again. If the intensity goes way up
frame without severe sparking or arch- we know we have radome problems.”
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics
ing. “It’s nothing sophisticated, but it’s a Composite radome manufacturing,
“More and more high-performance good test,” he continued. “And it’s repair and testing
jets have them impregnated into the something an avionics technician can Ph: (330) 297-3096
radome itself,” explained Mark do easily without needing an A&P.”


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