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Occult Mechanics
Part Two
By HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

The methods of implementing occultic mind control are numerous. They all have in
common simple denominators that use the natural order of how the organic brain and
the ethereal soul receive and integrate information.

Remember this great rule; everything is information. Everything in creation,

simplified to its most basic form, is simply information. Information explains and tells
everything what it is and more importantly what to do. Everything needs an
understanding of what it is to do; otherwise, it could not come into existence,
maintain its existence and serve its purpose.

Not everything understands itself and has choice to override its initial programming.
Everything exists to be, not everything exists to know. This is how we human beings
exist. We are born, live and die, all according to a natural organic design outside of
our present control. We are unaware of our collective purpose in the universe and we
certainly have no control over how our race grows or matures here on Earth. While
we all hope for a better world and a utopian society, the way to collective
betterment comes about through the conscious enlightenment of individuals, one at a
time. Transformational information, the type that transforms collective societies
never comes from an outside source. In others words, the necessary new information
comes from within, not without.

Humanity awaits a personal savior, a special human being, who with special powers of
persuasion, will show us all how to acquire higher knowledge. This hope for someone
else to do the job of finding the higher way for us is scapegoat escapism. It is the job
and destiny of each individual to find the secrets of redemption within oneself. Only
when the individual finds the higher path within oneself will one awaken to recognize
what we refer to as the inner spark of messiah within each of us.

Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

No external, magical savior will ever come. The bringer of higher knowledge is
always ourselves. As one individual becomes enlightened then so does a second, then
a third and so on until the entire collective human race shines like the radiance of the
sun. Needless to say, this process will take a very long time. Granted in our world
religions we have the concept of the coming of a Messiah. Yet, the messianic
character is not the barer of Divine light or higher consciousness; he is rather the
enforcer of Divine law. He comes to impose a new world order, to reward the already
enlightened and to punish those who still walk in their individual darkness.

Prophecies about Mashiah ushering in a utopian society culminate a long process of

the human evolution of consciousness. While this inevitable outcome is longed for
and welcomed by the religious, the occult looks at the advent of Mashiah as the end
of their game and power. When Heaven intervenes on Earth and takes control, those
here who have manipulated things for so long will no longer be able to function in
that capacity. Indeed, they will be brought to trial, judged for illegally manipulating
the minds and lives of others and punished accordingly by the now new imposing
authorities. Therefore, many dark-side occultists will manipulate anything they can
to forestall this inevitability. Granted, they may have limited success, however in the
end, the more energy they exert to prevent the coming of Mashiah, the greater the
opposite energy will be to speed his coming and to impose his rule. Essentially their
opposition only works to make Mashiah even more powerful. However, I have
digressed here enough. We can talk more about Mashiah at another time. We must
return to our discussion about information.

Information is knowledge. Knowledge is encased in energy. Energy vibrates as sound.

Sound is the vehicle through which our universe was created, as it says, “Let there
be” and there was. Let us take this famous Biblical statement out of myth and
understand it scientifically and we will understand the fundamental principle of how
all occult powers works.

At the most fundamental level, our universe is comprised of sub-atomic particles.

These “itsy-bitsy” tiny particles are relatively distant from one another at their sub-
atomic level as planets are distant from one another in our big universe. This leaves a
lot of empty space and vast distances to traverse. Yet, something tells these “itsy-
bitsy” particles, you go here to form this atom and you go there to form that one.
This “voice” of instruction directing these particles to be and to form what they do is
the primordial information that underlies everything in the universe. This
information, or what I refer to here as the “primordial voice,” is what Torah refers to
as the Voice of G-d creating the universe through speech, again as it says, “Let there
be” and there was.

The Torah later teaches that man was created in the image of G-d. This image has
nothing to do whatsoever with our physical form, although our human body in a way
does reflect the supernal pattern. The image of G-d in which we were created is a

Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

reference to our human consciousness. The “image of G-d” is the unique combination
of creative forces that are the individual parts of what we call the human soul. In
Torah language these parts are referred to by different sets of metaphors, the most
popular being the Ten Sefirot and the five parts of soul called NaRaNHaY.

An understanding of our own internal human parts provides for us insights how we
operate within ourselves, how we connect to the universe and thus, with everything
in the universe and ultimately connect to G-d. In religion, the connection to G-d is
emphasized. In the occult, the connection to everything in the universe is
emphasized. Through the powers innate in the human mind/soul we can access the
innate information existing in every sub-atomic particle and like G-d “speak” to it,
through the power of combined thought and speech (so-called magic words) and
thereby influence its structure and integrity. This is the underlying principle of all
occult operations.

As we have mentioned in the previous essay, the human mind is not limited in scope
to the confines of the organic human brain. Thought can travel everywhere. While
we call “thought travel” imagination, we often find that the things we are dreaming
about or imagining sometimes are real and come true. This is so because the
conscious mind when unfettered from its organic brain prison can indeed see other
places and other times. More than this, it can influence events in those places by the
combined power of thought and word. This is how the occult works and this is also
how prayers work. Both operate using the same “spiritual” or mental apparatus.

The human mind projects its power through a combination of mental image and
physical sound. One is the soul of the operation, the other is its form. Everything in
the universe needs these two components, force and form, soul and body, light and
light, they are all the same. The two act together in a unique way creating the third
element, which is the desired result. This triad relationship was discussed centuries
ago and actually put into writing in the opening words of the ancient Sefer Yetzirah,
the Book of Formation. For centuries, this book was rumored to contain the secrets
of creation, that one could use it to create a Golem, an artificial life form. Yet, if
one reviews all the standard commentaries to the text, none of them seem to shed
any light on the techniques how to perform these operations. This is because most of
the commentators only dealt with the text academically and never practiced its
deeper meditative teachings.

Sefer Yetzirah is a guide to meditation and the recognition of the subtle energies
encountered by the mind traveling through the not so unreal world of the
imagination. The text opens by stating that G-d created His world with three books.
Yet, here is where proper understanding means everything. What are these three
books? The text offers us a peculiar, almost code like choice of wording. Three
words are used to describe what G-d used and because these three simple words have
never been read correctly, they cannot be translated correctly and thus, not

Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

understood properly. In order to explain this initial important concept we will have
to use the original Hebrew terms of the text.

After speaking about the 32 wondrous paths that G-d through his many Names created
the universe, the text speaks that G-d created the universe using a sefer, a sefer and
a sefer. Most interpret the word sefer as book, thus the metaphor and the rise of
myth. However, the first mention of sefer in the text should be rightly translated as
book, yet the second mention, while spelled the same, actually is pronounced with
different Hebrew vowels giving the word an entirely different meaning. Instead of the
second mention being Sefer, like the first, the second should be read as Sapar, which
actually means the one who reads the book, or if you will, the storyteller. Finally,
the third mention of Sefer curiously adds the letter Vav between the last two letters
Peh and Resh. This turns the word Sefer into Sippur. This is the Hebrew word for
story. Now, we have the actual meaning of the three words. They are book,
storyteller and story. This is how G-d created the universe and this is our
metaphorical way of understanding the creative process.

Information must first be received from its inherent preexisting source. This is the
book. This explains the ancient teachings of our Sages that G-d looked into the Torah
and created the world. In other words, creation followed an already pre-ordained
pattern. Even in the teachings of Kabbalah, it speaks about how our universe is
merely a copy of an already pre-existing higher universe and how our story of creation
is only one of many. The preexisting knowledge is the book. One must be able to
gaze upon it first in order to accomplish any creative act. Unless one can touch the
components of creation, one cannot create anything.

No creation is something out of nothing. Only G-d did that. All creation at our level
is something out of something. We must first know and embrace something before we
can manipulate it and turn it into something else. Thus, we must first know what we
call the story, the already pre-existing reality. Without mind travel and expansion,
we never see the true story (reality) of the universe. Therefore, all occult training
begins with learning the principles of what underlies creation, the laws of physics and
the psychological parameters of the human mind. This information is the “story”
which we read and learn how to manipulate.

Torah speaks about the universe being created with the “twenty-two letters of the
Hebrew alphabet.” In religious circles, many interpret this literally and actually go so
far as to attribute meaning and significance to the shapes of the individual letters.
Yet, the letters themselves are archetypal representations of ethereal energies, or
ideas. Their physical shapes may indeed be used to extrapolate meanings, however,
those meanings and the letter shapes are subjective and, as we say, in the eye of the

Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

The initial “story” underlying creation, again are the laws of physics that govern all
worlds. By all worlds, I include the realm of the psychological. Occultic teachings,
all the more so Torah teaches that the realm of the human mind/soul is equally
subject to the laws of creation as is everything else. By understanding inner human
dynamics, we can extrapolate and understate the universe. When we say we are
created in the Image of G-d and that G-d created the universe, therefore the universe
in its concentrate state exists within the human psyche. All we need do is access it.
Accessing it is reading the story. This is the meditative process of mind exploration
practiced by every authentic occultist. Therefore, from the story we proceed to the

Reading the story does a whole lot more than merely recite words. Words by
themselves can be dry and boring. When, however, the mind and the imagination of
the reader reads those words he embellishes them with feelings. It is the feelings of
the reader combined with the words of the story that merge into yet a third entity.
This is the story itself. The reader transforms the words of the book into a living tale.
The reader bonds with the book and thereby makes the story his own.

In brief, I have just explained the procedure of how Sefer (book), Sapar (reader) and
Sippur (story) work together. At the same time, although I did not outline it, I also
explained the procedure of how the Light of G-d shines through the Ten Sefirot. We
have so many metaphors, so many words to describe things. We all too often become
distracted by the descriptions and forget what it is we are describing. This is only one
of the many dangers of learning the occult, or for that matter the Kabbalah.

We must begin with knowledge, proper knowledge; yet we must never convince
ourselves that knowledge alone has any power. Unless one knows how to use
knowledge, knowledge remains impotent. All the power and force in the world is
useless without the proper knowledge to know how to use it. Therefore, we see that
knowledge and power must be joined hand in hand for either to be used. Knowledge
is learned from one’s teacher. Power is generated through passion. Passion is
generated through the performance of specific rituals.

The power in question here is the power of focused emotion. Nothing translates from
potential to actual other than through the power of emotion. The mind is the engine
but the emotions are the gasoline that makes it run. The mind is the book; the
emotions are the reader who embellishes the book giving it life. In Kabbalah terms,
the mind is the upper triad of sefirot KaHaB. The emotions are the six sefirot of Z.A.
HaGaT, NaHiY. Only when these are combined can we manifest Malkhut, the never-
ending story of life and creation.

Occultic mind control begins with learning how the mind works. This is learned
through the studies of both psychology and psychics. Both of these disciplines were
known in ancient times and considered essential and guarded traditions within arcane

Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

schools of knowledge. Once one knows how to operate, one can then implement the

Torah tradition is full of such occultic traditions. Unfortunately, most modern

Orthodox Rabbis, especially those of Ashkenazi backgrounds have absolutely no clue
that the general principles underlying Halakha were all founded upon occultic
principles. Why else do you think our Sages established what, to some, seem to be
arbitrary rules. Arbitrary, they are not. Torah law was established to safeguard the
Jewish people from occultic forces. Judging from the centuries, the wisdom of our
Sages has been proven correct on countless occasions.

Before one can learn how to channel occultic energy through the medium of sound,
one must first be able to generate that energy and then be able to control it.
Without the generation of power, nothing can be done. Without the control of power,
nothing is safe.

Therefore, step one in manipulating the minds of others is first to learn how to
control one’s own. This requires disciple. One must learn both the laws of inner and
outer reality. One must learn how to control one’s desires at the same time that one
learns about the true nature of those desires in oneself and in others.

One must learn the ways of reality, the laws of universal truths, these are the
foundations of all Torah, all science and all the occult. Seek these out in the words of
our Sages. Strip them down to their bare essence. See the psychic profundity in the
most simple of their sayings. Strip away all the religious hype and cultural nonsense
that has crept in over the years from Eastern Europe.

Once one develops an intuitive sense for recognizing true knowledge, then we can
then build upon it. This will take us into the next lesson where we can review
practices that will use sound to arouse emotions and merge the sefer with the sapar.
This is no mere academic concept. This is a process that merges mind with heart,
thought with passion, mental image with focused intent. Only then can we take this
generated force and project it through the vehicle of sound to traverse time and
space to manipulate our chosen targets.

Copyright © 2007 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

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