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Productivity Tip: .
Try doing your activity in your garden, so you can breathe fresh air while learning some important global
interstate system/qovernance .

1). Introduction

Hello! It's nice to see you again. Welcome to Contemporary War/di Are you excited to know our topic
today? What we have now is Global Interstate System: Contemporary Global Governance. Global governance
involves multiple states including international organizations with one state having more of a lead role than the
rest. Countries in the global community are playing major roles in the modern world-system and it is
politically as an interstate system - a system of competing and allying states. If you are not familiar yet with
interstate system, after this class,you will gain more understanding of the topic. Likewise, how did our past
and present leaders govern the Philippines will also be discussed here. Are you ready now? Before we
proceed to our topic today, answer first the pretest below.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets
are your goals. Remember . you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of thelesson.

Directions: Read the statement carefully and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is
correct and write False if it is incorrect.

1. Global _lnterstte Sytem is the whle_ sysem of _h_ uman interactions but there is no one in-charge.
2. International tribunal 1s not needed in Judging poht1cal leaders accused of international war crimes.
3. wro:s main functin is to ensure that trade fl?ws as smootly, predictably and freely as possible.·
4. President Duterte 1s powerful and has a continuing expression of nationalism.
5. Dictatorship is a form of government with an absolute and a centralized power.

Do not worry if you do not know the answer to some questions. Wejust want to check your prior knowled e of
the lesson. g

Thank you for answering this part honestly. There's no right or wrong answer for this. Now, let's move to the
next activity.


1). Activity 2: Content Notes

What is Global Interstate System?

Global Interstate System is the whole system of human interactions. The modern world-system is
structured politically as an interstate system - a system of competing and allying states . Political Scientists
commonly call this the international system, and it is the main focus of the field of International Relations.
Why countries need to be in good economic relationship with each other is obvious due to interdependence .

What is the importance of global interstate system?

Importance of global interstate system

The most important feature of the interstate system isthat it is anarchic. Unlike politicswithin states, relations between states take p
Purposes of global interstate system

Stimulate economic progress and world trade.

Providing a platform to compare policy experiences,
Seeking answers to common problems involving member states,
Identify good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members

Whatis a global governance?

Global governance is a movement towards political cooperation among transnational actors, aimed
at negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state or region.

Global governance involves multiple states including international organizations with one state having more of a lead role than

These Institutions of global governance : The United Nations,the International Criminal Court,the World Bank World Trade Organi

What is a global governance?

Global governance is a movement towards political cooperation among transnationa lactors, aimed at
negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state or region.

Global governance involves multiple states including international organizations with one state havin
mre of a lead role than the rest. The modern question of world governance exists in the context of
globallzat1on and globalizing regimes of power: politically, economically and culturally . In response to
the accelerat ion of worldwide interdependence , both between human societies and between humankind
and the biosphere , the term "glObal governance" may name the process of designating laws, rules, or
regulations intended for a global scale. Global governance is not a singular system. There is no "world
government" but the many different regimes of global governance do have commonalities.

These Institutions of global governance :The United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World
Bank, World Trade Organization, NAFTA etc. -tend to have limited or demarcated power to enforce

While the contemporary system of global political relations is not integrated, the relation between the
various regimes of global governance is not insignificant , and the system does have a common dominant
organizational form. The dominant mode of organization today is bureaucratic rational-regularized, codified
and rational. It is common to all modern regimes of political power and frames the transition from
classical sovereignty to what is described as the second regime of sovereignty-liberal international

Traditionally, government has been associated with "governing ," or with political authority, institutions and
ultimately, control. Governance denotes a process through which institutions coordinate and cntroi
independent social relations, and that have the ability to enforce their decisions. Some now speak of the
development of "global public policy". It really shows that No country operates alone just like No man is an
island. They are all interdependent in this world.
How do leaders in the past could be compared to our global leaders today? Let us take a look back
a how the past President of our country ruled the Philippines.

How did President Ferdinand Marcos govern the Philippines?

. . . . d t rzed power or dictatorship.
It believed that President Marcos ruled the country with his absolute an cen ra 1 •
What is dictatorship? What is Martial Law?

Dictatorship - refers to centralization of power to a single entity. The leader personifies the entire
politic! structure as/she rules without limitations . Dictatorship is historically related on performing related
to war . It IS attributed with expediency and logistic efficiency . It ranges from autocracy to totalitarianism .
(Friedrich and Brzenzinski, 1966)(2012 Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-
Philippine Office)

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civil law by
a government, especially in response to a temporary ·emergency where civil forces are overwhelmed, or in
an occupied territory. ( .)

Rekindling the Past: Martial Law Days

More than 25 years since the EDSA People Power revolution that ended Martial Rule (1972-81) about 40
years ago, Filipinos - especially the young - seem to appear confused, misinformed and indifferent about
terrors of dictatorship during the martial rule and spirit and symbolism of the people power revolution. The
Marcoses are back in power (with Senator BongBong, Congresswoman Imelda and Governor lmee).
A House of Representatives resolution was passed with 193 signatories supporting the burial of the former
dictator in the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes' Cemetery). ( 2012 Center for Youth Advocacy and

Networking; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Philippine Office)

Declaration of Martial Law

TL '.- L..-- ..... .... -1..-.....,..• 1f\ "'°'r ""'f mili+n.1 ,., ilo in tko
On the evening of September 23, 1972, the late president Ferdinand Marcos appeared on national television to

How do leaders in the past could be compared to our global leaders today? Let us take a look back at
how the past President of our country ruled the Philippines. '
How did President Ferdinand Marcos govern the Philippines?

It was believed that President Marcos ruled the country with his absolute and centralized power, or
dictatorship. What is dictatorship? What is Martial Law?
Dictatorship - refers to centralization of power to a single entity. The leader personifies the entire
political structure as/she rules without limitations. Dictatorship is historically related on performing related
to war. It is attributed with expediency and logistic efficiency . It ranges from autocracy to totalitarianism.
(Friedrich and Brzenzinski, 1966) (2012 Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking; Friedrich Ebert
Stiftung-Philippine Office)

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civillaw by
a government , especially in response to a temporary ·emergency where civil forces are overwhelmed, or
in an occupied territory. (

Rekindling the Past: Martial Law Days

More than 25 years since the EDSA People Power revolution that ended Martial Rule (1972-81) about 40
years ago, Filipinos - especially the young - seem to appear confused,misinformed and indifferent
about terrors of dictatorship during the martial rule and spirit and symbolism of the people power
revolution. The Marcoses are back in power (with Senator BongBong, Congresswoman Imelda and
Governor lmee). A House of Representatives resolution was passed with 193 signatories supporting the
burial of the former dictator in the Libingan ng mga Bayani(Heroes' Cemetery). ( 2012 Center for Youth
Adv ocacy and Networking; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Philippine Office)

Declaration of Martial Law

On the evening of September 23, 1972, the late president Ferdinand Marcos appeared on national television
to formally announce that the Philippines was under Martial Law. This began almost 10 years of military rule
in the country. Marcos formally ended Martial Law on January 17, 1981, but it was not until 1986 when
democracy was restored - after the dictator and his family were forced into exile, overthrown by a popular
uprising that came to be known as the People Power Revolution.
..............-.....-- ...... .........,. ,............-.,..--·-·-·>:1 ·1

Rekindling the Past: Martial Law Days

More than 25 years since the EDSA People Power revolution that ended Martial Rule (1972-81) about 40
years ago,Filipinos - especially the young - seem to appear confused, misinformed and indifferent about
terrors of dictatorship during the martial rule and spirit and symbolism of the people power revolution. The
Marcoses are back in power (with Senator BongBong, Congresswoman Imelda and Governor lmee). A
House of Representatives resolution was passed with 193 signatories supporting the burial of the former
dictator in the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes' Cemetery). ( 2012 Center for Youth Advocacy and
Networking; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Philippine Office)

Declaration of Martial Law

On the evening of September 23, 1972, the late president Ferdinand Marcos appeared on national
television to formally announce that the Philippines was under Martial Law. This began almost 10 years of
military rule in the country. Marcos formally ended Martial Law on January 17, 1981, but it was not until
1986 when democracy was restored - after the dictator and his family were forced into exile, overthrown
by a popular uprising that came to be known as the People Power Revolution.

When Marcos signed Proclamation 1081 on September 21, 1972, he cited the communist threat as
justification. His diary, meanwhile, said the proclamation of Martial Law became a "necessity", following
the supposed ambush of then defense secretary Juan Ponce Enrile.There were subsequent reports that
said the ambush was staged, with the Official Gazette citing Emile's admission in 1986 that it was faked to
justify the imposition of Martial Law.

What happened under Martial Law?

Through various general orders, Marcos effectively put the entire power of government under the rule of one
man:his own.He was to lead the nation and direct the operation of the entire government. He ordered the armed
forces to prevent or suppress any act of rebellion.Curfew hours were enforced, group assemblies were

Tfi!s document ls ffie property of PHINMf Enbc froN 02i&l!A

GEN 005 Contemporary World

Student Activity Sheet Lesson #7

privately-owned media facilities shuttered. Those considered threats to Marcos - such as prominent
politicians an.mmbers of the media - were rounded up and arrested by members of the military and
the notorious Philippine Constabulary . There are those who hail the discipline and supposed order of
the New Society, as Marcos called it, and considered that period as among the "best years" of the

Among the myths: that the Philippines enjoyed a golden age under the Marcoses.Various reports and
historical accounts debunk this; while it is true that infrastracture spending increased during that
period, it came at a staggering cost: plunging the Philippines in billions of dollars in debt. From $8.2
billion in 1977, the country's debt ballooned to $24.4 billion in 1982 - or within a period of just 5 years.
The Marcoses also plundered the country's coffers, with various estimates putting the amount at between
$5 billion to $1 O billion.

The Presidential Commission on Good Government,the body going after the Marcoses' ill-gotten wealth, is
still recovering this money; over the past 30 years , at least P170 billion have been recovered.

Aside from the billions in illegally amassed wealth,human rights abuses were rampant during those days.
About 70,000 people were imprisoned and 34,000 tortured, according to Amnesty International,while 3,240
were killed from 1972 to 1981. During this dark chapter of Philippine history , thousands of people were
subject to various forms of torture. Prisoners were electrocuted, beaten up, and strangled. They were
burned with a flat iron or cigars.Water was poured down their throats,then forced out by beating.Women
were stripped naked and raped, various objects forced into their genitals.

Historian Alfred McCoy wrote about Marcos' elite torture units, whose specialty was psychological torture
and humiliation aside from the physical pain. It has been many years since then, but the victims have not
- especially as the Marcoses have neither acknowledged their crimes nor made reparations for their sins.
At the Supreme Court hearing on the proposed Marcos burial at the Heroes' Cemetery, victims were
asked to speak before the Court to recount their horrifying ordeals.
President Rodrigo Duterte's Governance of the Philippines
GEN 005 Contemporary
World Student Activity Sheet
Lesson #7

privately-owned media facilities shuttered. Those considered threats to Marcos - such as prominent
politicians an.mmbers of the media - were rounded up and arrested by members of the military and
the notorious Phihppme Constabulary. There are those who hail the discipline and supposed order of
the New Society, as Marcos called it, and considered that period as among the "best years" of the

Among the myths:that the Philippines enjoyed a golden age under the Marcoses.Various reports and
historical accounts debunk this; while it is true that infrastracture spending increased during that period, it
came at a staggering cost: plunging the Philippines in billions of dollars in debt. From $8.2 billion in 1977,
the country's debt ballooned to $24.4 billion in 1982 - or within a period of just 5 years. The Marcoses
also plundered the country's coffers, with various estimates putting the amount at between $5 billion to $1O

The Presidential Commission on Good Government, the body going after the Marcoses' ill-gotten wealth, is
still recovering this money; over the past 30 years, at least P170 billion have been recovered.

Aside from the billions in illegally amassed wealth, human rights abuses were rampant during those days.
About 70,000 people were imprisoned and 34,000 tortured, according to Amnesty International, while 3,240
were killed from 1972 to 1981. During this dark chapter of Philippine history, thousands of people were
subject to various forms of torture. Prisoners were electrocuted, beaten up, and strangled. They were
burned with a flat iron or cigars Water was poured down their throats,then forced out by beating. Women
were stripped naked and raped, various objects forced into their genitals.

Historian Alfred McCoy wrote about Marcos' elite torture units, whose specialty was psychological torture
and humiliation aside from the physical pain. It has been many years since then, but the victims have not
- especially as the Marcoses have neither acknowledged their crimes nor made reparations for their sins.
At the Supreme Court hearing on the proposed Marcos burial at the Heroes' Cemetery , victims were
asked to speak before the Court to recount their horrifying ordeals.

President Rodrigo Duterte's Governance of the Philippines

The Presidential Commission on Good Government, the body going after the Marcoses' ill-gotten wealth, is still
recovering this money; over the past 30 years, at least P170 billion have been recovered.

Aside from the billions in illegally amassed wealth, human rights abuses were rampant during those days.
About 70,000 people were imprisoned and 34,000 tortured, according to Amnesty International,while 3,240
were killed from 1972 to 1981. During this dark chapter of Philippine history, thousands of people were
subject to various forms of torture. Prisoners were electrocuted, beaten up, and strangled. They were
burned with a flat iron or cigars Water was poured down their throats, then forced out by beating.Women
were stripped naked and raped, various objects forced into their genitals.

Historian Alfred McCoy wrote about Marcos' elite torture units, whose specialty was psychological torture
and humiliation aside from the physical pain. It has been many years since then, but the victims have not
- especially as the Marcoses have neither acknowledged their crimes nor made reparations for their sins.
At the Supreme Court hearing on the proposed Marcos burial at the Heroes' Cemetery, victims were
asked to speak before the Court to recount their horrifying ordeals.

President Rodrigo Duterte's Governance of the

Philippines His Promise of Real Change

On May 10, 2016, Rodrigo Duterte, then seventy-one years old, was elected president, winning 39 percent of
the vote in a five-way race. Charismatic, blunt, and frequently profane, Duterte combined a Dirty Harry
persona with a track record as a successfulmayor of Davao City, Mindanao's largest city.

Within weeks of his inauguration as president of the Philippines in June 2016, Rodrigo R. Duterte became
the most internationally known Filipino leader since Ferdinand Marcos, the country's infamous dictator ,and
Corazon Aquino, the iconic housewife-turned-president who championed the restoration of democracy in
1986. A great deal of media attention has been paid to Duterte's murderous war on drugs as well as to his
often crass and controversial statements. His embrace of China and his visceral disdain for the United States
has garnered additional attention in foreign policy circles, and he frequently is included in media reports and
scholarly articles on the rise of populism globally .
Key Concerns and Priorities

The Duterte government's top priorities include combating illegal drugs and crime, promoting rapid
infrastructure development, sustaining economic growth and making it more inclusive, enhancing peace and
development in Mindanao, and reorienting the Philippines' foreign relations. To support these goals, the
government has significantly increased spending on infrastructure, raised the salaries of government
employees, expanded existing social development programs, revived the stalled peace process with the
Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), entered into
negotiations with the communist insurgents, and established a closer relationship with China.

Under President Duterte, progress on the political and security front has been mixed. This is in large
measure due to the May 2017 occupation of Marawi City, in Lanao del Sur province, by lslamist extremists
affiliated with the self-proclaimed Islamic State. It took five months of combat operations for the Philippine
military to regain control over the extensively damaged city . In response to the Marawi crisis Duterte
imposed island-wide martial law, which remains in effect. The most significant accomplishment pertaining to
Mindanao was the passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in July 2018. The BOL translates into
law many of the provisions included in the 2014 peace agreement between the Aquino government and the
MILF. Under the BOL, a new political entity, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao,would replace the current Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The BOL is an important
step forward , but multiple challenges remain, including possible objections to its constitutionality, a
forthcoming plebiscite scheduled for late January and early February 2019, and the actual establishment of
the new autonomous entity.

Similarities of President Rodrigo Duterte's and President Ferdinand Marcos governance

Many Filipinos believe that Ferdinand E. Marcos and Rodrigo R. Duterte have many things in common.
They shared the same insatiable drive for power with the ability to control and destroy democratic
institutions to ultimately achieve authoritarianism.

The varying methods in attaining their goals differ because of the different circumstances of theirtimes. Marcos's
swift and !'011ddFm imnn!'Oitinn nf m::irti::il l::iw in SP.ntP.mhP.r 1972 cauaht flat-footed millions of Filipinos. In one

Key Concerns and Priorities

The Duterte government's top priorities include combating illegal drugs and crime, promoting rapid
infrastructure development, sustaining economic growth and making it more inclusive, enhancing peace
and development in Mindanao, and reorienting the Philippines' foreign relations. To support these goals,
the government has significantly increased spending on infrastructure, raised the salaries of government
employees, expanded existing social development programs, revived the stalled peace process with the
Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) , entered into
negotiations with the communist insurgents , and established a closer relationship with China.

Under President Duterte, progress on the political and security front has been mixed. This is in large
measure due to the May 2017 occupation of Marawi City, in Lanao del Sur province, by lslamist extremists
affiliated with the self-proclaimed Islamic State. It took five months of combat operations for the Philippine
military to regain control over the extensively damaged city. In response to the Marawi crisis Duterte imposed
island-wide martial law, which remains in effect. The most significant accomplishment pertaining to Mindanao
was the passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (SOL) in July 2018. The BOL translates into law many of
the provisions included in the 2014 peace agreement between the Aquino government and the MILF. Under
the SOL, a new political entity, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, would replace the
current Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The BOL is an important step forward , but multiple
challenges remain, including possible objections to its constitutionality, a forthcoming plebiscite scheduled for
late January and early February 2019, and the actual establishment of the new autonomous entity.

Similarities of President Rodrigo Duterte's and President Ferdinand Marcos governance

Many Filipinos believe that Ferdinand E. Marcos and Rodrigo R. Duterte have many things in
common.They shared the same insatiable drive for power with the ability to control and destroy
democratic institutions to ultimately achieve authoritarianism.

The varying methods in attaining their goals differ because of the different circumstances of their times. Marcos's
swift and sudden imposition of martial law in September 1972 caught flat-footed millions of Filipinos. In one fell
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the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in July 2018. The BOL translates into law many of the provisions
included in the 2014 peace agreement between the Aquino government and the MILF. Under the BOL, a
new political entity,the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao,would replace the current
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The BOL is an important step forward, but multiple challenges
remain, including possible objections to its constitutionality, a forthcoming plebiscite scheduled for late
January and early February 2019, and the actual establishment of the new autonomous entity.

Similarities of President Rodrigo Duterte's and President Ferdinand Marcos governance

Many Filipinos believe that Ferdinand E. Marcos and Rodrigo R. Duterte have many things in
common.They shared the same insatiable drive for power with the ability to control and destroy
democratic institutions to ultimately achieve authoritarianism.

The varying methods in attaining their goals differ because of the different circumstances of their times.
Marcos's swift and sudden imposition of martial law in September 1972 caught flat-footed millions of
Filipinos. In one fell swoop, decades of democratic experiment abruptly ended. All media outlets were closed
down; thousands were arrested and detained; Congress was padlocked; the Supreme Court was
castrated, and the long night of oppression descended upon our land.

In a democracy, no one is supposed to be penalized for holding and expressing his or her political beliefs.
This latest episode thus begs the question: are we now under a dictatorship?

Similar strategy: Demobilizing traditional opposition through force

The demobilization of the opposition through force is often the distinguishing mark of a dictatorship. Such
demobilization also happens in democracies, but in dictatorships , it is done through illegitimate or
duplicitous, coercive means. According to Mark R. Thompson in his (1995)book The Anti-Marcos Struggle:
Personalistic Rule and Democratic Transition in the Philippines, "Marcos demobilized much of the traditional
opposition by abolishing Congress; shuttering pro-opposition newspapers , radio stations, and television
stations ; banning demonstrations;and imprisoning many leaders of the opposition."
Tfos document 1s the property ofPftiNNii i£ioduroN 6

the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in July 2018. The BOL translates into law many of the provisions
included in the 2014 peace agreement between the Aquino government and the MILF. Under the BOL, a
new political entity, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, would replace the current
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The BOL is an important step forward , but multiple challenges
remain, including possible objections to its constitutionality, a forthcoming plebiscite scheduled for late
January and early February 2019, and the actual establishment of the new autonomous entity.

Similarities of President Rodrigo Duterte's and President Ferdinand Marcos governance

Many Filipinos believe that Ferdinand E. Marcos and Rodrigo R. Duterte have many things in common. They
shared the same insatiable drive for power with the ability to control and destroy democratic institutions
to ultimately achieve authoritarianism.

The varying methods in attaining their goals differ because of the different circumstances of their times.
Marcos's swift and sudden imposition of martial law in September 1972 caught flat-footed millions of
Filipinos. In one fell swoop, decades of democratic experiment abruptly ended. All media outlets were
closed down; thousands were arrested and detained; Congress was padlocked; the Supreme Court was
castrated, and the long night of oppression descended upon our land.

In a democracy, no one is supposed to be penalized for holding and expressing his or her political beliefs.
This latest episode thus begs the question: are we now under a dictatorship?

Similar strategy: Demobilizing traditional opposition through force

The demobilization of the opposition through force is often the distinguishing mark of a dictatorship. Such
demobilization also happens in democracies, but in dictatorships, it is done through illegitimate or
duplicitous, coercive means. According to Mark R. Thompson in his (1995)book The Anti-Marcos Struggle:
Personalistic Rule and Democratic Transition in the Philippines , "Marcos demobilized much of the
traditional opposition by abolishing Congress; shuttering pro-opposition newspapers, radio stations, and
television stations; banning demonstrations;and imprisoning many leaders of the opposition."

Tfos document 1s the property ofPnINmEDUCATfON 6

am ........... LUUV\ lIUN
...... IM.KIN(",\l\'fSlllJfllltT1111• -...o;rn._ ..Al_.Joo<.: GEN 005 Contemporary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #7

In almost one half of his ter . .

Congress he h m, similar developments have taken place: (i) while Duterte has not . abolished
removal • d/ as captured the legi 1 t a 'supermajority' in the House and the
h ure of
t . sa rough Representatives
R I of opponents in the Senate, (ii) Duterte tried to "shutter" media
', such as app er - rBN 111 and Inquire (...) has been in jail for one and a half years and Senator
T .
enator de Lima s
.n arrest now seems forthcoming, and (iv) Duterte's intervention in the Judiciary has also been revealed
in th_e ouster of Chief Justice Sereno through a quo warranto. Moreover, just like Marcos, Duterte has
been looking to the military and the police as a base of support.

Both Marcos and Duterte also made/make use of "enemies" as mobilizing factors . Communists for Marcos,
drug users and pushers for Duterte. Consolidating around enemies was/is the way by whichthese leaders
separate/d the grain from the chaff: those who did/do not acknowledge the (identified) "enemies of the state"
are also their (Marcos' and Duterte's) enemies.

In the regimes between Marcos and Duterte, demobilization of the opposition also happened but it came in
the form of capturing hitherto opposition forces through material inducements and political horse trading
(e.g pork barrel). What sets Duterte apart from these regimes and makes him more similar to Marcos is his
use of force to quell dissent and mobilize support .

All this has fostered a politics of fear and a culture of violence - exactly what Marcos built and what
Duterte is now rebuilding. In Marcos' time, this kind of politics and culture resulted in more than
70,000 imprisonments , 34,000 torture victims and 3,240 deaths (as per Amnesty International). In
Duterte's time, the number is just as alarming: more than 20,000 deaths. The dominance of fear and
violence makes Duterte's regime a defacto dictatorship - even without the Marcos-style proclamation of
Martial law.

Alexis Romero ( posted on January 16, 2017, the statement made by Chief Presidential
Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo regarding the difference of President Duterte from former President Ferdinand
Marcos who placed the Philippines under Martial Law in 1972 supposedly to curb communist insurgency
and othe threats. He also mentioned , "There are safeguards under the present Constitution."Let us
remember that it is very out of the character of President Duterte to be abusive. In fact, that characterizes his
service as mayor and as president. He hates abuses," he added.

GEN 005 Contemporary World

Student Activity Sheet Lesson #7

In almost one half of his ter · ·1 · -

Congress, he has captured thm, 1simi· ar developments have taken place: (i) while Duterte has not abo
e 1ature
. through a 'supermajority' in the House of and the
eg1s ives
removal and/or weakening of opponents in the Senate, (ii) Duterte tried to "shutter" media institutions such as
Rppler',ABS-CBN and Inquirer (iii) Senator de Lima has been in jail for one and a half years and Senator '
:rnllanes arrest now seems forthcoming, and (iv) Duterte's intervention in the Judiciary has also been
revealed in the ouster of Chief Justice Sereno through a quo warranto . Moreover, just like Marcos,
Duterte has been looking to the military and the police as a base of support.

Both Marcos and Duterte also made/make use of "enemies" as mobilizing factors. Communists for Marcos, drug
users and pushers for Duterte. Consolidating around enemies was/is the way by which these leaders separate/ct kr
the grain from the chaff: those who did/do not acknowledge the (identified) "enemies of the state" are also their 1
(Marcos' and Duterte's) enemies. ·o
In the regimes between Marcos and Duterte, demobilization of the opposition also happened but it ser
came in the form of capturing hitherto opposition forces through material inducements and political horse vic
trading (e.g pork barrel). What sets Duterte apart from these regimes and makes him more similar to e
Marcosis his use of force to as
quell dissent and mobilize support. ma
All this has fostered a politics of fear and a culture of violence - exactly what Marcos built and what
Duterte is now rebuilding. In Marcos' time, this kind of politics and culture resulted in more than
70,000 imprisonments , 34,000 torture victims and 3,240 deaths (as per Amnesty International). In
Duterte's time, the number is just as alarming: more than 20,000 deaths. The dominance of fear and
violence makes Duterte's regime a defacto dictatorship - even without the Marcos-style proclamation of
Martial law.
Alexis Romero ( posted on January 16, 2017, the statement made by Chief Presidential Legal hat
Counsel Salvador Panela regarding the difference of President Duterte from former President Ferdinand es
Marcos, who placed the Philippines under Martial Law in 1972 supposedly to curb communist insurgency abu
and other threats. He also mentioned,"There are safeguards under the present Constitution . "Let us ses
remember that it is very out of the character of President Duterte to be abusive. In fact,that characterizes his ,"
he added. )rE


,··-·--- -·· vulc1Le ""' t:nemies.

In the regimes between Marcos and Duterte, demobilization of the opposition also happened but it came in
the form of capturing hitherto opposition forces through material inducements and political horse trading
(e.g pork barrel). What sets Duterte apart from these regimes and makes him more similar to Marcos is his
use of force to quell dissent and mobilize support.

All this has fostered a politics of fear and a culture of violence - exactly what Marcos built and what
Duterte is now rebuilding. In Marcos' time, this kind of politics and culture resulted in more than
70,000 imprisonments, 34,000 torture victims and 3,240 deaths (as per Amnesty International). In
Duterte's time, the number is just as alarming: more than 20,000 deaths . The dominance of fear and
violence makes Duterte's regime a defacto dictatorship - even without the Marcos-style proclamation of
Martial law.

Alexis Romero ( posted on January 16, 2017, the statement made by Chief Presidential Legal
Counsel Salvador Panela regarding the difference of President Duterte from former President Ferdinand
Marcos, who placed the Philippines under Martial Law in 1972 supposedly to curb communist insurgency
and other threats. He also mentioned, ''There are safeguards under the present Constitution . "Let us
remember that it is very out of the character of President Duterte to be abusive. In fact, that characterizes
his service as mayor and as president. He hates abuses ," he added.

Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Paneto, allayed fears sparked by President Rodrigo Duterte's
recent statement on martial law, saying it is not within the chief executive's character to abuse his
powers. Panela stressed that the president would only declare martial law under certain conditions.
He added, "I think the message of the president is very clear . It is as he said, 'if.' It is when 'if the
situation. He is telling us the reality on the ground. If it becomes virulent and if it is really needed, then
it is his duty - constitutional duty to declare martial law."

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Student Activity Sheet Lesson #7

3). Activity 4: What IKnow Chart, part 2

Now let's check your understa d' ·

time you have to answer th .. mg of the les. on. I hope that everything about the lesson is clear to you. This
questions. e hat I learned column m page 2. I am sure you knew now the answer to

Directions · Turn your activ ·t h t t

· / Y s ee o page 2 and answer the "What I Learned" column. Make sure to write
your new answer based on your learning of the lesson.

4). Activity 5: Check for Understanding

Post Test
Directions: Let's do it again. Read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

fr" 1. Global .lnterstte Sytem is the whole.system of human interactions but there is no one in-charge.
f01\Y'- 2. International tribunal 1s not needed in Judging political leaders accused of international w ·
(": D WTO' · f t' . ar
3. .s main unc ion to ensure that trade fl.ow as smoothly, predictably and freely as
1s crimes.
4._. President Duterte 1s powerful and has a continuing expression of nationalism.
\r"'t. 5. Dictatorship is also an absolute and a centralized power.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Directions: Give yourideas/opinion on the following questions below.

s otbe[ng a member of United Nations?

,,o-t-°"'1' 11\Clt\Wr f
"·- - '-•

Thank you for answering •
this .
part honestly. There s no &
nght or wrong answerthis
1or ·Now •let's move to the
next activity.


1). Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Is there anybody here who knows somebody who got richer because of his investment abroad? Is
McDonald a type of foreign direct investment? How about Starbucks and Jollibee, are these part of foreign
direct investment in other countries? Did you know that even businesses can have daughter companies
entirely owned by parent company? Today we will be discussing foreign direct investment, its method,
types and examples. Let's start now.

What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?

:oreign d!rect investment (FOi) is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business
interest in another country, in the form of either establishing business operations or acquiring
business ssets in the other country, sue s ownership or controlling in a foreign company. A
foreign direct investment can be made by obtaining a lasting interest or by expanding one's business into
a foreign country.

LastingInterest and the Element of Control

An investment into a foreign firm is considered an FDI if it establishes a lasting interest. A lasting inter t
· stablished .when an investor obtains at least 10% of the voting power in a firm. The key to foreign
investment 1s the element of control. Control represents the intent to actively manage and influence a

Tliis document IS the property ohft&kfainucfn'fJW Wt 24 2 Li

firm's operations. This is the major differentiating factor between FOi and a passive foreign portfolio
investment. For this reason, a 10% stake in the foreign company 's voting stock is necessary to define FOi.
However, there are cases where this criterion is not always applied. For example, it is possible to exert
control over more widely traded firms despite owning a smaller percentage of voting stock.

Methods of Foreign Direct Investment

1. An investor can make a foreign direct investment by expanding their business in a foreign country .
2. Reinvesting profits from overseas operations, as well as intra-company loans to overseas subsidiaries,
are also considered foreign direct investments .

Finally, there are multiple methods for a domestic investor to acquire voting power in a foreign
company. Below are some examples:

• Acquiring voting stock in a foreign company - Voting shares give investors a say in how a
company's corporate policy is made, including the election of the board of directors.
• Mergers and acquisitions - Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are defined as consolidation of
companies. A merger occurs when two separate entities combine forces to create a new, jo
int organization. Meanwhile, an acquisition refers to the takeover of one entity by another. Mergers
and acquisitions may be completed to expand a company's reach or gain market share in an
attempt to create shareholder value.
• Joint ventures with foreign corporations - A joint venture (JV) is a business arrangement in
which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific
task. This task can be a new project or any other business activity. ... However, the venture is its
own entity, separate from the participants' other business interests.
• Starting a subsidiary of a domestic firm in a foreign country - A subsidiary company is a
business owned by a parent company. Subsidiary companies are separate legal entities created by
the parent company or another party. ... Wholly-owned subsidiaries are 100 percent owned by
the parent company. An example would be the Disney Channel, which is wholly owned by
The Disney Corporation

Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment

firm's operations. This is the major differentiating factor between FDI and a passive foreign portfolio
investment. For this reason, a 10% stake in the foreign company's voting stock is necessary to
define FDI. However, there are cases where this criterion is not always applied. For example, it is
possible to exert control over more widely traded firms despite owning a smaller percentage of voting

Methods of Foreign Direct Investment

1. An investor can make a foreign direct investment by expanding their business in a foreign country.
2. Reinvesting profits from overseas operations, as well as intra-company loans to overseas subsidiaries, are
also considered foreign direct investments.

Finally, there are multiple methods for a domestic investor to acquire voting power in a foreign company.
Below are some examples:

• Acquiring voting stock in a foreign company - Voting shares give investors a say in how a
company's corporate policy is made, including the election of the board of directors.
• Mergers and acquisitions - Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are defined as consolidation of
companies. A merger occurs when two separate entities combine forces to create a new, joint
organization. Meanwhile, an acquisition refers to the takeover of one entity by another. Mergers
and acquisitions may be completed to expand a company's reach or gain market share in an
attempt to create shareholder value.
• Joint ventures with foreign corporations - A joint venture (JV) is a business arrangement in which
two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task. This
task can be a new project or any other business activity. ... However, the venture is its own entity,
separate from the participants' other business interests.
• Starting a subsidiary of a domestic firm in a foreign country - A subsidiary company is a business
owned by a parent company. Subsidiary companies are separate legal entities created by the
parent company or another party. ... Wholly-owned subsidiaries are 100 percent owned by the
company. An example would be the Disney Channel, which is wholly owned by The Disney

Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment

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create shareholder value.

• Joint ventures with foreign corporations - A joint venture (JV) is a business arrangem nt in whi
h two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a spec1f1c
task. Thts task can be a new project or any other business activity . ... However, the venture is
its own entity, separate from the participants' other business interests.
• Starting a subsidiary of a domestic firm in a foreign country - A subsidiary company is a business
owned by a parent company . Subsidiary companies are separate legal entities created by the
parent company or another party. ... Wholly-owned subsidiaries are 100 percent owned by the
parent company. An example would be the Disney Channel, which is wholly owned by The
Disney Corporation

Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment offers advantages to both the investor and the foreign host country. These
incentives encourage both parties to engage in and allow FOi.

Below are some of the benefits for businesses:

• Market diversification and Tax incentives
• Lower labor costs and Preferential tariffs
• Subsidies and Economic stimulation
• Development of human capital and Increase in employment
• Access to management expertise, skills, and technology
• For businesses, most of these benefits are based on cost-cutting and lowering risk .
• For host countries, the benefits are mainly economic.

Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment

Despite many benefits, there are still two main disadvantages to FOi, such as:

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create shareholder value.
• Joint ventures with foreign corporations - A jo int venture (JV) is a business arrangement in
which two or more parties agree to pooltheir resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific
task.This task can be a new project or any other business activity. ... However, the venture is its
own entity, separate from the participants' other business interests.
• Starting a subsidiary of a domestic firm in a foreign country - A subsidiary company is a business
owned by a parent company. Subsidiary companies are separate legal entities created by the
parent company or another party. ... Wholly-owned subsidiaries are 100 percent owned by the
parent company . An example would be the Disney Channel, which is wholly owned by The
Disney Corporation

Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment offers advantages to both the investor and the foreign host country.
These incentives encourage both parties to engage in and allow FOi.

Below are some of the benefits for businesses:

• Market diversification and Tax incentives
• Lower labor costs and Preferential tariffs
• Subsidies and Economic stimulation
• Development of human capital and Increase in employment
• Access to management expertise, skills, and technology
• For businesses, most of these benefits are based on cost-cutting and lowering risk.
• For host countries, the benefits are mainly economic.

Disadvantages of Foreign DirectInvestment

Despite many benefits,there are still two main disadvantages to FOi, such as:

SZE kdfi.&_ Q

GEN 005 Contemporary Wor\a

Student Activity Sheet Lesson

Displacement of local businesses - The entry of large firms, such as Walmart, may displace.loal businesses. Walmart is often criticized
Profit repatriation -The primary concern is that firms will not reinvest profits back into he host
country . This leads to large capital outflows from the host country. As a result, many countries have regulations limiting foreign direct in

Four (4) Types and Examples of Foreign Direct Investment

1.Horizontal FOi: a business expands-its domestic operations to a foreign country. In this case,the business conducts the same activities a

Ex. A. Starbucks or Jollibee opening a new outlet in a foreign country.

8. Amazon opening a new headquarters in Vancouver, Canada
C.McDonald's opening restaurants in Japan would be considered horizontal FOi.

Vertical FOi: refers to any investments into businesses that fit somewher e in the investing company's value chain or different types of

Ex. A. McDonald's could purchase a large-scale farm in Canada to produce meat for their restaurants.
B. BMW investing in a parts manufacturer in Poland.

Conglomerate FOi refers to investments in businesses unrelated to the investing company's core business. A business acquires an u

Ex. A. A real estate company opening a restaurant chain in another country.

8. JGokongwei Group of companies which is based in the Philippines, opened its business abroad.
Four (4) Types and Examples of Foreign Direct Investment
Hor·izontal FDI: a bus·iness expands -.its domesti·c operati·ons to a fore·1gn country· In this case' the business conducts the same

Ex. A. Starbucks or Jollibee opening a new outlet in a foreign country .

Amazon opening a new headquarters in Vancouver, Canada
McDonald's opening restaurants in Japan would be considered horizontal FDI.

Vertical FOi: refers to any investments into businesses that fit somewhere in the investig company's value chain or different types

Ex. A. McDonald's could purchase a large-scale farm in Canada to produce meat for their restaurants.
B. BMW investing in a parts manufacturer in Poland.

Conglomerate FOi refers to investments in businesses unrelated to the investing company's core business. A business acquires a

Ex.A. A real estate company opening a restaurant chain in another country.

B. JGokongwei Group of companies which is based in the Philippines. opened its business abroad.

4. Platform FOi: a business expands into a foreign country but the output from the foreign operations is exported to a third countr

Ex. A. If Ford purchased manufacturing plants in Ireland with the primary purpose of exporting cars to other countries in the EU.
B. Nike invested a manufacturing plant in Vietnam and these products were exported in Asia.

you have to answer the "What t tearnea.. cowmn m page .c. 1 am :;w y uu 1<.11vv 11uvv 111 tt11vvc1 iv '""'


;tions: Turn your activity sheet to page 2 and answer the "What I Learned" column. Make sure to write
new answer based on your learning of the lesson.

ctivity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

>e that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of activities will
you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

:tions: Read the statements below, write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is

:.... 1. Starbucks or Jollibee opening a new outlet in a foreign country is Vertical FOi.
_ 2.Amazon opening a new headquarters in Vancouve r. Canada; Manila Philippines is Horizontal FOi.
:_ 3.A real estate company opening a restaurant chain in another country is a conglomerate FOi
L4. BMW investing in a parts manufacturer in Poland is vertical FDI.
'- 5. McDonald's could purchase a large-scale farm in Canada to produce meat for their restaurants is
vertical FDI.

:k your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
:tions: Give your ideas/opinion on the following questions below.

next activity.
B. MAIN LESSON . let's move to the next set of activities.
f think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, . h on
derstandmg of t e 1ess ·
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and u

1).Activity 2: Content Notes (13

mins) . . h d'ff, rent than the past. Our life has
Anybody here who knows somebody who is so in these times is so muc e . e detection new jobs , etc.
changed so .much i.n almost all aspects such as transportati on, healthcare, cnm Are 'ou uys ready?
Today we will be discussing technological innovation, its methods, types and effects. Y g
Let's begin.


Technological innovation is the process where an organization (or a group of people working. outsid a structured organization) embar

Technological innovations comprise new products and processes and significant technological changes of products and processes. An

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the branch of knowledge concerned with aoolied scien

T 1s ocument 1s t e property o P TION


Innovation is evolutionary and is a response to an unsolved problem and unexploited opportunity. It is

the effort to create purposeful, focused change in an enterprise's economic or social potential.

Creativity and Innovation

1. Creativity involves the use of the imagination or original ideas in order to create something. It is the
idea phase. In other words, creativity is idea phase and innovation is action phase.

2."lnnovation is the act of introducing something new, the word "new" relates to creativity and the term
"act of introducing' relates to innovation. ·

Invention and Innovation

1. Invention is a creation of new product or service or process, innovation is the introduction of new product
or service or process into the market place.

2. Invention may have economic or non- economic motives . Innovation has always economic
motives. Invention precedes innovation or innovation follows invention.

3. An invention is based on a new idea that is turned into some kind of conceptual model that
demonstrates the.feasibility of that idea. Innovation is concerned with the development and
implementation of new systems , products or services and is typically based on invention.

Why is technology innovation important?

Essentially, technology innovation can be a crucial component of any effort to address needs and better
serve individuals and families. ... This, in turn, encourages experimentation with various IT providers at low
cost and low risk, leading to innovative ways of using technology to deliver healthcare and human services.

Technological Innovation Examples

The innovations include technological inventions such as wind turbines, photovoltaic cells,concentrated
solar power,geothermal energy ,ocean wave power and many other emerging innovations.

20 Examples of Innovative Technology Designs

• SA950 30 MONITOR BY SAMSUNG Wireless Charging Technology From Ecoupled.
• TROMM Styler Clothes Steamer. U-Socket AC and USB Power Outlet.
2. Invention may have economic or non- economic motives. Innovation has always economic
motives. Invention precedes innovation or innovation follows invention.

3. An invention is based on a new idea that is turned into some kind of conceptual model that
demonstrates the.feasibility of that idea. Innovation is concerned with the development and implementation
of new systems , products or services and is typically based on invention.

Why is technology innovation important?

Essentially, technology innovation can be a crucial component of any effort to address needs and better serve
individuals and families. ... This, in turn, encourages experimentation with various IT providers at low cost
and low risk, leading to innovative ways of using technology to deliver healthcare and human services.

Technological Innovation Examples

The innovations include technological inventions such as wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, concentrated
solar power, geothermal energy ,ocean wave power and many other emerging innovations.

20 Examples of Innovative Technology Designs

• SA950 30 MONITOR BY SAMSUNG Wireless Charging Technology From Ecoupled.
• TROMM Styler Clothes Steamer. U-Socket AC and USB Power Outlet.
• Touch Mouse by Microsoft. Lady Gaga's Polaroid Camera Glasses.
• Nomad iPad Paint Brush Stylus. Robot Scooba 230 Floor Washer .


1. Transportation. Transportation has become faster like individuals can move rapidly starting with
one,place then on to the next. In the past, people cannot travel as rapidly a today. because of not
having enough modern transportation. This technology allows vehicles to communicate, via wireless radio
signals, driving information such as speed, lane departure , and environment 1normat1on to o.ther
vehicles on the highway. The potential safety benefits of these types of advancements are 1mposs1ble to

2. Communication. Technology has changed the way people used to communicate in the modern
management . to
... mana
ement has among
fast,employees, or , management
instantaneous t , collaborative,
more deliberate subordinates, and
unified. seed and Costs.

The most significant impact of technology on communication is the spread of the lnterne:t and the
posibility of sending emails and chatting. ... The Internet hs thus increased the speed of
communications manifold, and reduced the costs drastically. Communication has changed so much
over the years. From speech to the postal services. ... There's now telephones, cellphones,
computers, and email; which makes the way we humans communicate extremely easy and fast. Life
has been made pretty much easy because of these inventions .

3. Education. Technological changes in the educational industry have created new ways to teach and to
learn . ... Technological changes allow teachers to access information on a global scale via the Internet,
to enhance their lessons. Likewise, students can use the vast resources of the Internet to enrich their
learning experience. Technology positively affects student engagement , enabling students to retain and
learn more information. ... Many students are more stimulated and eager to learn when they can interact
with the hands on learning tools that educational technology provides.

4. Job Creations - Technology also created a host of new positions that never before existed. Think about
it: computing specialists, social media managers, digital marketers, energy engineers, software and app
developers,drone operators, YouTube content creators...

5. Health care - The Most Significant Medical Innovations of the Past 20 Years . Vaccines and
Immunization to prevent outbreaks. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) It is hard to believe in such a
modern era, but a mere decade ago, fewer than 18 percent of medical providers used electronic health
records. HIV Combined Drug Therapy . Minimally Invasive Surgery. Needle-Free Injection Technology.

6. Relationships - Technology is often introduced into a social system with the stated intention of making
life easier for people. As it becomes more pervasive in everyday life, the assessment of technology's
presence in relationships and its impact on how humans interact with one another especially long-
distanced relationships is becoming very popular, giving way to intermarriages between races.
Sometimes, the ways people use technology can create problems between romantic partners, potentially
stirring conflict and dissatisfaction in the relationship. ... They also found that younger users were more
likely to report both increased tension and enhanced closeness in their relationships as a result of

7. Crime Detection - As technology is used to commit more sophisticated crimes, law enforcement officers
and those in the legal system are increasingly using tech tools to combat crime.To keep the public safe
and protect human life, it's important that the criminal justice industry use cutting-edge software , tracking
systems, and more. Modern marvels such as DNA analysis or image enhancement technologies, have
made forensic
.,,,..;"'"''"' P.;:i!':iP.r in one resoect. ... Forensic scientists not only solve for murders and other violent crimes. but
The most significant impact of technology on communication is the spread of the Internet and the
posibility of sending emails and chatting. ... The Internet has thus increased the speed of
communications manifold, and reduced the costs drastically. Communication has changed so much
over the years. From speech to the postal services. ... There's now telephones, cellphones, computers,
and email; which makes the way we humans communicate extremely easy and fast. Life has been
made pretty much easy because of these inventions.

3. Education. Technolog ical changes in the educational industry have created new ways to teach and to
learn. ... Technological changes allow teachers to access information on a global scale via the Internet,
to enhance their lessons. Likewise, students can use the vast resources of the Internet to enrich their
learning experience. Technology positively affects student engagement, enabling students to retain and
learn more information. ... Many students are more stimulated and eager to learn when they can interact
with the hands on learning tools that educational technology provides.

4. Job Creations - Technology also created a host of new positions that never before existed. Think
about it: computing specialists, social media managers, digital marketers, energy engineers, software
and app developers , drone operators,YouTube content creators...

5. Health care - The Most Significant Medical Innovations of the Past 20 Years . Vaccines and
Immunization to prevent outbreaks. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) It is hard to believe in such a
modem era, but a mere decade ago, fewer than 18 percent of medical providers used electronic health
records. HIV Combined Drug Therapy .Minimally Invasive Surgery .Needle-Free Injection Technology.

6. Relationships - Technology is often introduced into a social system with the stated intention of
making life easier for people. As it becomes more pervasive in everyday life, the assessment of
technology's presence in relationships and its impact on how humans interact with one another
especially long-distanced relationships is becoming very popular, giving way to intermarriages
between races. Sometimes, the ways people use technology can create problems between romantic
partners, potentially stirring conflict and dissatisfaction in the relationship. ... They also found that
younger users were more likely to report both increased tension and enhanced closeness in their
relationships as a result of technology .

7. Crime Detection - As technology is used to commit more sophisticated crimes, law enforcement officers
and those in the legal system are increasingly using tech tools to combat crime. To keep the public safe
and protect human life, it's important that the criminal.justic.e industry use cutting-edge software,tracking
systems, and more. Modern marvels such as DNA analysis or image enhancement technologies, have
made forensic
.......ionf"o o:::aci,:.r in nnA rA nAr.:t J:nrP:nsir. sr.iP.ntists nnt nnlv snlvP. for nrl nth,:i.r \/inion+ ,..ri_.......... '-·...

on learning tools that educational technology provides.

4. Job Creations - Technology also created a host of new positions that never before existed. Think
about it: computing specialists, social media managers, digital marketers, energy engineers, software
and app developers,drone operators,YouTube content creators ...
5. Health care - The Most Significant Medical Innovations of the Past 20 Years .Vaccines and
Immunization to prevent outbreaks . Electronic Health Records (EHRs) It is hard to believe in such a
modern era, b.ut a mere decade ago, fewer than 1B percent of medical providers used electronic health
records. HIV Combined Drug Therapy. Minimally Invasive Surgery .Needle-Free Injection Technology .

6. Relationships - Technology is often introduced into a social system with the stated intention of making
life easier for people.As it becomes more pervasive in everyday life, the assessment of technology's
presence in relationships and its impact on how humans interact with one another espec ially long-
distanced relationships is becoming very popular, giving way to intermarriages between races.
Sometimes, the ways people use technology can create problems between romantic partners,
potentially stirring conflict and dissatisfaction in the relationship. ... They also found that younger users
were more likely to report both increased tension and enhanced closeness in their relationships as a
result of technology.

7. Crime Detection - As technology is used to commit more sophisticated crimes, law enforcement
officers and those in the legal system are increasingly using tech tools to combat crime. To keep the
public safe and protect human life,it's important that the criminal justice industry use cutting-edge
software, tracking systems , and more. Modern marvels such as DNA analysis or image enhancement
technologies, have made forensic science easier in one respect. ... Forensic scientists not only solve for
murders and other violent crimes but for chemicalattacks,cybercrimes,and any other acts of violence that
come with the modern territory. '


1.Incremental Innovation:

These are small but important improvements in a product, process or service. Such innovation
associated with enhanced customer satisfaction . Example: Intel Pentium Ill to Pentium IV LAN t
Modular Innovation. These innovation do .not alter the overall product .structure , but change can
occu in the component technology .Example:Change m a car engine technology will not change any
other features.
4. Job Creations - Technology also created a host of new positions that never before existed. Think about it:
computing specialists, social media managers, digital marketers, energy engineers, software and app
developers, drone operators, YouTube content creators ...

5. Health care - The Most Significant Medical Innovations of the Past 20 Years. Vaccines and
Immunization to prevent outbreaks. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) It is hard to believe in such a
modern era, but a mere decade ago, fewer than 18 percent of medical providers used electronic health
records. HIV Combined Drug Therapy. Minimally Invasive Surgery. Needle-Free Injection Technology .

6. Relationships - Technology is often introduced into a social system with the stated intention of making
life easier for people. As it becomes more pervasive in everyday life, the assessment of technology's
presence in relationships and its impact on how humans interact with one another especially long-
distanced relationships is becoming very popular, giving way to intermarriages between races.
Sometimes, the ways people use technology can create problems between romantic partners,
potentially stirring conflict and dissatisfaction in the relationship. ... They also found that younger users
were more likely to report both increased tension and enhanced closeness in their relationships as a result
of technology.

7. Crime Detection - As technology is used to commit more sophisticated crimes, law enforcement officers
and those in the legal system are increasingly using tech tools to combat crime. To keep the public safe
and protect human life, it's important that the criminal just ice industry use cutting-edge software , tracking
systems , and more. Modern marvels such as DNA analysis or image enhancement technologies, have
made forensic science easier in one respect. ... Forensic scientists not only solve for murders and other
violent crimes, but for chemical attacks, cybercrimes, and any other acts of violence that come with the
modern territory.


1.Incremental Innovation:

These are small but important improvments in a product, process or service. Such innovations are
associated with enhanced customer sat1sfact1on . Example: Intel Pentium Ill to Pentium IV LAN to WAN
Modular Innovation. These innovation do _not alter th overall product _structure, but change can occur in
the component technology. Example: Change 1n a car engine technology will not change any other features.

GEN 005 Contemporary

World Student Activity Sheet
Lesson #9

Architectural Innovation:

Honda's smaller motor cycles.

Radical Innovation:
These innovations are revolutionary in nature. Railroads, electricity, computers, internet can be termed as break through innovations. R

2). Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Based on your notes/text , in the previous activity, fill out the blank boxes with your own definition of
Technological Innovation. In the second box, give the its facts/ characteristics. On the 3rd box, you can list
down some examples and on the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples of Technological Innovation.

Direction: Inthis activity, you need to fill out your Frayer Model based on the text and discussions
GEN 005 Contemporary
World Student Activity Sheet
Lesson #9

Architectural Innovation:
These innovations take existing technologies and link new technologies in novel ways; they are built not on ew technological break-th

Radical Innovation:
These innovations are revolutionary in nature. Railroads, electricity, computers, internet can be termed as break through innovation

2). Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Based on your notes/text , in the previous activity, fill out the blank boxes with your own definition of
Technological Innovation. In the second box, give the its facts/ characteristics. On the 3rd box, you can list
down some examples and on the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples of Technological Innovation.

Direction: In this activity, you need to fill out your Frayer Model based on the text and discussions

. I
2. Innovation is evolutionary and is a response to an unsolved problem and unexploited opportunity .
3. Creativity involves the use of the imagination or original ideas in order to create something.
4. Innovation is the act of introducing something new, the word "new" relates to creativity.
:.. 5. Invention is a creation of new product or service or process, innovation is the introduction of new
- product or service or process into the market place.

:;k your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
!Ct ons: Give your ideas/opi nion on the following questions below.

stion 1. What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages of technological innovation in crime

iestion 2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of technological innovations
in nsportation?_ ,,. ...
GEN 005.Contem pora ry World Student
Activity Sheet Lesson #lO

Class number:
Section: c,1- tsiv --- Date: _
-Tl Schedule: -----------------

Materials: Activity Sheets

Lesson Title: Risks of

https://corporatefinancei m/resources/knowl edge/other/glob
Learning Targets: At the end alization/
of the lesson students should https://www.coursehero .com/fi.le/p3 5ifc2/Equity-Distribution-The-nsks
be able of-globalization-can-be-unfairl y skewed/
t9: ..,
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t r 1. describe the risks

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Productivity Tip':

After finishing this activity , explain quickly what you've learned to your bff classmate .


1). Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? What did we
discuss then? Well, we were able to discuss Technology and innovations. How this is important to
developments of high end virtual communications and busineses. Are yo redy for our new lesson today?
Today's lesson is about Risks in Globalization : What are the nsks of globahzat1on? What are the factors
confronting this issue? Just listen, read, and pay attention, after this class, you will gain more understanding
about the topic. Before we proceed to our topic today, please answer statements below to check what you
have learned last meeting.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning
targets are your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review

Direction: Fill in the Blanks. Read the satemet carefully and write your answer on the space provided for. ,
_ 1. These innovations are revolutionary in nature.

. 2. It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the branch

of knowledge concerned with applied sciences. '
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G EN 005 Contemporary World Student
Activity Sheet Lesson # 10

-in=t:r d - r:-:---:------3· It ·is a creation of new product or servi.ce or process, ·nnovation is

uc ion of new product or service
or process into the market place .
. d 1· k w technologies in
These innovations take
novel ways. technologies in ne

---:-----:------ 5. Technological changes in the educational industry have created new ways to teach and to

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
paper .

2.Acivity 1:What IKnow Chart, Part 1(3 min) .

Directions: On the first column of the What I Know Chart .wr ite the answer to each question based on your prior knowledge. Leave the
"What I Learned Column, you will be answering that later.

What IKnow Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

crs ()\ol - tM C f i off q1;11 nli q

Aol vo11 te.i-' r o ttol adw.,f r e{fec.f
What is the Risk in
v "ttitq<ScJ f · Bw f ,·lt/1.f.on Globalization?
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.-1e ttf 11•hj o1... r1of
/c{itfl\. . How Equity Differs from

Thank you for answering this part honestly. There's no right or wrong answer for this. Now, let 's move to the
next activity.


1 think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let 's move to the next set of activities.
The succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

1). Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Hello guys, welcome to GEN 005 Contemporary World. Is there anybody here who hates people who are unfair? Does it necessarily mean we
are always equal in life? When someone is richer than you, how would you feel? Where did inequality come from? Why not all Filipinos
were given the social amelioration subsidy in times of calamity? our topic for today is about the risks of globalization. Are you ready? Let's
GEN 005 Contem pora ry World Student
Activity Sheet Lesson #10

Risks of Globalization

balizat!on has offered the world great advantages for economic gains and comfortable living. B.ut in the un e ru, t has the other
side of the balance. The bad side of globalization is all about the new nsks and rta ties rought about by the high degree of
integration of domestic and local markets, intensification of competitio, high degree of imitation, price and profit swings, and business
and product destruction, the most
prevalent nsks are: equity distribution, national sovereignty and interdependence.

The risks of globalization, in fact are greater and more varied than the risks of domestic commerce . Managing them is the key. '

The Advantages of Globalization

A number of positive aspects of globalization include:

1. Building up the economic and social structures of struggling countries and economies through free trade
2. Creation of a world-power and less and less compartmentalized power sectors
3. Learning about and sharing of new and interesting cultures with one another
4. The opportunity and desire for prosperous nations to help countries struggling with serious issues like unemployment, disease,
and natural disasters
5. A greater opportunity for travel and it increases free trade between nations

The Disadvantages of Globalization

Though it comes with perks, there are a number of cons to globalization that analysts and critics have noted for years. They include:

1. The oppression of weaker and poorer economies by those that are more robust; 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer'
2. The danger of job loss, with certain industries and sectors sending jobs to countries where workers are willing to do the same
amount of work or more for smaller wages
3. Multinational corporations often get away with poor, unsafe, unethical, or exploitative . working conditions due to variations
in laws and regulations from one country to another
4. Multinational corporations can exploit tax haven nations, sending large portions of revenue offshore to avoid taxation

Equity Distribution.

The benefits of globalization can be unfairly skewed towards rich nations or individuals, creating greater inequalities and leading to
potential conflicts both nationally and internationally as a result, " the rich get richer, the poor get poorer'. Because the rich countries have
more resources and capital to do business. Their industries produced more chemicals damaging the environment and yet the worst
damaged were experienced by the least contributors like the developing countries.

one way globalization can increase inequality is through the effects of increasing specialization and trade . Although trade based on
comparative advantage has the potential to stimulate economic growth and lift per capita incomes, it can also lead to a rise in relative
poverty .

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property . PH
G EN 005 Contem pora ry World
Studen t Activity Sheet Lesson #10

- untry stu?ies document that globalization has been accompanied by increasig inequality .within ' ping count res,
suggest ing an offset of some of the reductions in poverty . ... Finally, the evidence
sts that relying on trade or foreign investment alone is not enough to alleviate poverty.

How uity differs from equality? .

Equaht generally refers to equal opportunity and the same levels of support for all segments of so.ciety. Equity
9. step further and refers offering varying levels of support dependi ng upon need to achieve greater
I 1rn ss of outcomes.

E.' mple: 3 Children are watching games over the fence , the shortest one was not able to see so he was
1 n 8 stool so they all can see the games over the fence that is equity. If all of them were given a stool, th rs equality . . '

Globalization leads to interdependence between nations, which could cause regional or global instabilities, if
local economic fluctuations end up impacting a large number of countries relying on them.

I How does globalization lead to interdependence among nations?

The need for countries to rely on each other for these resources creates a global interdependence . Hence,
I the drive of globalization creates a robust interconnection of world network through borderless operations of
countries, making it easier to interact, trade and build a co-operative world .

Interdependence of Human Societies

Interdependence descr ibes when two or more actors impact and rely on each other . Consider the flour industry , for example. One
person specializes in growing crops , another on milling. one on packing, distributing and finally selling it. They need each other to
deliver the final product and if one day the mill stops , everyone is affected; they are all interdependent.

Think of those individuals as a country , and the flour as the products and services we consume. This gives you an idea of the
interdependence of human societies . We fulfill our needs by relying on a massive network of other people.

owadays, most countries are also interdependent because they rely on other countries for supplying local demand and for selling local
products . This interdependence is strong , and one nation's actions often have consequences on others. For example, China's labor
costs impact employment in other countries, Russia's
I policies on gas affect transport costs in Europe, and air pollution generated in the United States has global

Most countries are interdependent: Globalization is often defined as the interaction and integration of people
in different areas of the world. This broad term groups together economic , social and political interactions .

Since antiquity , human soc.ieties have developed forms .of globalizatio. Galleon Trade connect Europe and Asia in 16th century.
The Silk Road once connected Chna.,Central Asra , Persia and Europe, and facilitated commercial and culturI exchange.
However , the globalrzatron we are experiencing nowadays is the biggest and fastest in human history .

Technological advances in comm.unication an? falling costs of.transportation have facilitated international exchan es. Multinational
com anres o eratm rn several countries , outsourcin of services and 0 erations,

GEN 005 Contem porary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #10

interna.tion. al free trade agreements, i.nternet access and international migrations are some exampIes of globalization.
Transportation facilitates globalization.

Effects <;>f Human Interdependence and Globalization

Hur:ia mterdep dence and globalization have had both positive and negative effects on economics, soc1et1es and politics. Let's
examine some of these effects.


Competition is a positive effect. Domestic companies compete with foreign firms , often raising their stndards. oreign businesses
often bring innovations and new approaches , trying to capture the consumer . This dynamic usually increases the quality of
products and services and makes them mor afforda?le. For example, American oil companies operate in many developing nations
and have formed alliances with local capitals , bringing technology, employment and making huge investments .

Most nations have opened to international trade , creating a global market and directing investments into the developing countries.
Companies from industrialized nations look for new markets and possibilities and sometimes open operations in new countries,
bringing investments and employment.

Globalization also affects employment.

Jobs are generated in new areas , but are sometimes lost elsewhere . Imagine you own a company with 100 workers and decide to
relocate to Thailand, where labor costs are lower . There you hire 150 workers, which means 150 ne\:V positions for Thailand , but back
home 100 people just became unemployed. The world has 50 more people earning wages , but there were also losers in this process.
The lower cost of Chinese labor is attractive to many multinational firms.

Globalization has helped some areas progress towards industrialization , including countries like India , the Philippines, Mexico, and
Brazil. On the other hand, some areas of North America and Europe have suffered loss of jobs and businesses.

More Negative Effects on employment

1. Negative effects occur as a result of large-scale technological developments that accompany this phenomenon , which will reduce
the demand on unskilled labor. Even direct foreign investment does not care for cheap workers but only for highly skilled workers

2. The traditional nature of "work " might disappear due the rapid advances in technology, while at the same time creating new
and innovative occupations in favor of the highly specialized professions.

3. An increase in hidden unemployment , a lack of new job openings, and a deterioration of real wage rates are the consquences of
globalization .in most develop ing economies, which were unable to adapt the new technologies , 1f the labor clause will be enforced
through the WTO , this will have a moreover negative impact on economic growth and employment in many developing countries,
where child labor exists and where working condit ions are miserable.

4. Most trade liberalization benefits will be received by the manufacturing-producing countries, while the smallest share will be
going to the agricultural-producing countries (developing countries) .

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oral'")' World
Jla. GEN 005 ?nt; t Lesson
• : .1?.. S?.. Studen t Activity -

r 5
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· additi :m policies of structural adjustment such as priva ization imp d for labor.
since privatization is a ccompanied usually by a reduction in the dema d
. de liberalization are bae
6. Finally the teoretical predictions about the employment consequences of traThese assumptions,
might on assumpt10.ns of full employment of resources and flexible labor arkets. tructural
not hold true in developing countries where labor markets are inflexible due to s
National Sovereignty

Th · d and from which

e surme, . bsolute, and uncontrollable power by which an independent state is goerne . e ri ht and
a pecific pohtial oers are der.ived ; the intentional independence of a state, combined wrth th
g P
er of regulatrng rts rnternal affairs without foreign interference .

Some see the rise of nation states, multinational or global firms and other international organizati ns as a
threat to sovereignty . Ultimately, this could cause some leaders to become nationalistic or xenophobic.

Sovereign States increasingly measure their vulnerability not to one another, but to forces beyond their control.
... Globalization is frequently discussed as a counterpoint to national sovereignty . It is commonly asserted
that globalization has eroded national sovereignty or that it has rendered borders obsolete.

Globalization has had a dual effect on the sovereignty of the nation-state. ... Y et , simultaneously ,
economic integration has limited the range of policy options available to states. This has diminished their
capacity to meet these obligations. Sovereignty is the absolute authority over a certain territory

Does globalization weaken national sovereignty?

Globalization, thus, has powerful economic , political, cultural and social implications for sovereignty
. Globalization has led to a decline in the power of national governments to direct and influence their
economies (especially with regard to macroeconomic management) ; and to determine their political

2).Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

/ hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of activities will
help you deepen your understanding of thelesson.

Directions: Based on your readings, give your own definitions of the following terms below.

ra ry World
- G E . 005 .Contem po
. Sheet Lesson

.: !'?. Student Act1v1ty

. unemployment
. . I an increase in 5·
1 addition policies of structural adjustment such as privatization imp yd for labor.
since privatization is accompan ied usually by a reduction in the deman d
. . f trade liberalization_ are bae
6. Finally the teoret1cal predictions about the
employment onsequences oe These assumptions, might
on assumpt1o_ns of full structural factors.
employment of resources
and flexible la_bor
not hold true in developing
countries where labor
markets are inflexible due

National Sovereignty

Th · d and from which

e surme, - bsolute, and uncontrollable power by which an independent state is goerne . he
9 ri ht and all
specific poht1al powers are derived; the intentional independence of a state, combined with t
power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign interference .

Some see the rise of nation states, multinational or global firms and other international organizati ns as a threat to sovereignty .
Ultimately, this could cause some leaders to become nationalistic or xenophobic.

Sovereign States increasingly measure their vulnerability not to one another, but to forces beyond their control.
... Globalization is frequently discussed as a counterpo int to national sovereignty. It is commonly asserted that globalization has eroded
national sovereignty or that it has rendered borders obsolete.

Globalization has had a dual effect on the sovereignty of the nation-state. ... Yet , simultaneously , economic integration has limited
the range of policy options available to states. This has diminished their capacity to meet these obligations.Sovereignty is the absolute
author ity over a certain territory

Does globalization weaken national sovereignty?

Globalization, thus , has powerful economic, political, cultural and social implications for sovereignty. Globalization has led to a
decline in the power of national govern ments to direct and influence their economies (especially with regard to macroeconomic
management ); and to determine their political structures .

2). Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

/ hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of activities will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Directions: Based on your readings, give your own definitions of the following terms below.
GEN 005 Contemporary Wor\a 4
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #11

er by which an independent st t
. 4. The supreme , absolute, and uncontrolabl po t ntional independence of a
a e rs governed and from which all specific political powers are derived, the rn . rf nee
state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign rnte ere ·

. f domestic commerce and rrsks 0

. 5.
These are greater and more varied
than the managing them is the key.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
paper .

2). Activity 1: What IKnow Chart Part 1 (3 min) our

Directions: On the first column of the What I Know Chart write the answer to each question based on Y prior knowledge. Leave the
"What I Learned Column, you V:.i ll be answering that later.

What I Know Questions : What I Learned_(Activity 4)

S'l.jr Al So u..o I'\.'°'(/
°6- fl' o<Nwh.<».. What is economic system? cYtf;.

What are the four main types

"""'{ntd.• '+··<f- r
1 J.,oY'\t"
of economic systems? C-0 "1/fAO >1-0(
Jf - tAo rW
- i-• l""CV1

Thank you for answering this part honestly. There's no right or wrong answer for this. Now, let 's move to the
next activity.


I think you are now ready to sta1t with our lesson for today. Now,lei's move lo the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

1). Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Anybody here who knows someone who is selling anything and earns money from mark ups? Why do you think sellers never stop
selling? Why (SRP) suggested retail price or price ceiling for certain commodity in times of calamity is imposed by the governme t? Can
you just sell anything in the market? All of these things
·can be answered in our lesson today. Our topic 1s about the Emergence of Economic systems. Ready? Let's start.

What is an economic system?

An economic system, or economic order, is a system of production , resource allocation and distribution of goods an
institutions, agencies, enities, decisio-mak ing processes and patterns of consumption that comprise .the econom

I GEN 005 Contemporary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #11

An economic system is a way of organizing the distribution and exchange of a country's goods, esoures, and services.
From an economics perspective, an economic system regulates various economic issues including the factors of production, the supply
of capital and labor and all other physical resources .

Basic economic questions

As such, an economic system is a type of social system. The mode of production is a related concept. All economic systems have basic
questions to ask: what to produce, how to produce and in what quantities and who receives the output of production. Four basic questions
that a society needs to answer.

1. What to produce, in other words , which essential products and services and which enjoyable but optional products and
services should an economy produce to ensure the subsistence of a population and the happiness of that population.

2. How to produce goods and services , and how much of these goods to produce. Produce too much and there is a waste ,
produce too little and the cost of production rises.

3. Whom to produce? There's also the question of who is allocated the production: those who can afford it most , or those
who need it most?

.4. How economic systems must cope with change. Even when the factors of production and the distribution of output has
been settled , economic systems eventually undergo change. The way an economic system is governed also determines
how it copes with change. Economic change can result in some economic participants being worse off, and an economy
should help participants
_ equalize inequalities over time.

Economic systems can be very government driven and highly regulated or could be more dependent on private operators and lightly
regulated. Many agencies , government entities and institutions and a range of regulations are involved in an economic system .
Overall, economic systems are complex and need continuous intervention to ensure smooth functioning .

What are the 4 main types of economic systems?

There are four primary types of economic systems in the world: traditional, command, market and mixed. Each economy has its
strengths and weaknesses , its sub-economi es and tendencies, and, of course , a troubled history .

The Traditional Economic System

The most basic of all the economic types and in practice since ancient times, the traditional economic system involves very little
division of labor (in other words , individuals specializing in producing specific goods) and very little in the way of economic
governance .

Characteristics of a Traditional Economy

1. Traditional econmies are ofte based on one or a few of agriculture, hunting, fishing, and gathering.
2. Barter and trade 1s often used in place of money.
3. There is rarely a surplus produced. ...
4. Often, people in a traditional economy live in families or tribes .

Advantages of a Traditional Economy

1. Traditional economies produce no industrial pollution, and keep their living environment clean.
This document is the proper ty of PHIN MA E DU CATION
GEN 005 Contemporary World Student
Activity Sheet Lesson #11

An economic system is a way of organizing the distribution and exchange of a country's goods , esoures, and services. From an
economics perspective, an economic system regulates various economic issues including the factors of production, the supply of capital
and labor and all other physical resources.

Basic economic questions

As such, an economic system is a type of social system. The mode of production is a related concept. All economic systems have basic
questions to ask: what to produce, how to produce and in what quantities and who receives the output of production. Four basic questions
that a society needs to answer .

1. What to produce, in other words, which essential products and services and which enjoyable but optional products and
services should an economy produce to ensure the subsistence of a population and the happiness of that population.

2. How to produce goods and services, and how much of these goods to produce. Produce too much and there is a waste,
produce too little and the cost of production rises.

3. Whom to produce? There 's also the question of who is allocated the production: those who can afford it most, or those
who need it most?

.4. How economic systems must cope with change. Even when the factors of production and the distribution of output has
been settled, economic systems eventually undergo change. The way an economic system is governed also determines
how it copes with change. Economic change can result in some economic participants being worse off, and an economy
should help participants
_ equalize inequalities over time.

Economic systems can be very government driven and highly regulated or could be more dependent on private operators and lightly
regulated. Many agencies , government entities and institutions and a range of regulations are involved in an economic system . Overall,
economic systems are complex and need continuous intervention to ensure smooth funct ioning.

What are the 4 main types of economic systems?

There are four primary types of economic systems in the world: traditional, command, market and mixed. Each economy has its
strengths and weaknesses, its sub-economies and tendencies, and, of course , a troubled history .

The Traditional Economic System

The most basic of all the economic types and in practice since ancient times, the traditional economic system involves very little
division of labor (in other words , individuals specializing in producing specific goods) and very little in the way of economic
governance .

Characteristics of a Traditional Economy

1. Traditional economies are often based on one or a few of agriculture, hunting, fishing, and gathering.
2. Barter and trade is often used in place of money.
3. There is rarely a surplus produced . ...
4. Often, people in a traditional economy live in families or tribes.

Advantages of a Traditional Economy

1. Traditional economies produce no industrial pollution, and keep their living environment clean.
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- GEN 005 Contemporary Wori

student Activity Sheet Lesson #'\'\

2. Traditional economies only produce and take what.they nee, the goods required to survive as a
3. So there is no waste or inefficiencies involved rn producing community.

Disadvantages of Traditional Economy

1. It isolates the people within that economy .
2. Large outside economies can overwhelm a traditional economy . ···
3. It offers very few choices, they can only have whatever they produce in the area.
4. There may be a lower overall quality of life.
5. It creates specific health risks, like malnutrition, diseases.
6. Unpredictability creates survival uncertainties.

The Command Economic System · ·

A more advanced economic system compared to the traditional economic system, the .command econ?mrc system involves planning
from a centralized point, either a local government or indeed the national government , as under communist rule.

Nonetheless, some people would argue that the command economy has advantages in that the government can better control supply
and demand than the market can. The idea is that a command economy can lead to lower prices for the public while also ensuring
that there is an ongoing, plentiful supply of jobs for the population.

Command Economy Characteristics

1. Government is in control of the pricing of goods and services by central economic planning.
2. The government owns all the factors and means of production.
3. The government makes all decisions for finances in the country , may even assign people the jobs.
4. Social equality is the essential feature of a command economy , no one is rich or poor.

Advantages: Low levels of inequality and unemployment , and the common good replacing profit as the primary incentive of
Disadvantages: include lack of competition and lack of efficiency .

The Market Economic System

A market economy is a system where the laws of supply and demand direct the production of goods and services. (1). Supply
indudes natural resource , capital, and 1.abor. (2) Demand includes purchases by consumers, businesses, and the government.
Businesses sell their wares at the highest price consumers will

Market forces control the economy.

1. Consumers deciding whether'to buy a good at a certain price, to wait before buying it or to never buy is a market force . They
want lower prices of commodities.
2. Businesses pricing products to create maximum profit, taking into account consumer demand is another market force.
They produce more if consumers buy more. '

Advantages of a Market Economy

1. Competition leads to efficiency because businesses that have fewer costs are more competitive and make more monev.

Et 3
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GEN 005 Contemporary Wono -

Student Activity Sheet Lesson #'\'\

2. Traditional economies only produce and take what they nee, d required to survive as a
3. So there is no waste or inefficiencies involved in producing the goo

Disadvantages of Traditional Economy

1. It isolates the people within that economy.
2. Large outside economies can overwhelm a traditional economy. ..·
3. It offers very few choices, they can only have whatever they produce in the area.
4. There may be a lower overall quality of life.
5. It creates specific health risks, like malnutrition, diseases .
6. Unpredictability creates survival uncertainties.

The Command Economic System · ·

A more advanced economic system compared to the traditional economic system, the .command
econ?mic system involves planning from a centralized point, either a local government or indeed the
national government , as under communist rule.

Nonetheless, some people would argue that the command economy has advantages in that the
government can better control supply and demand than the market can. The idea is that a command
economy can lead to lower prices for the public while also ensuring that there is an ongoing,
plentiful supply of jobs for the population .

Command Economy Characteristics

1. Government is in control of the pricing of goods and services by central economic planning.
2. The government owns all the factors and means of production.
3. The government makes all decisions for finances in the country, may even assign people the jobs .
4. Social equality is the essential feature of a command economy, no one is rich or poor.

Advantages: Low levels of inequality and unemployment , and the common good replacing profit as
the primary incentive of production.
Disadvantages: include lack of competition and lack of efficiency.

The Market Economic System

A market economy is a system where the laws of supply and demand direct the production of goods
and services. (1). upply in.eludes natural resource, capital, and 1.abor. (2) Demand includes
purchases by consumers, businesses, and the government. Businesses sell their wares at the highest
price consumers will pay

Market forces control the economy. .

1. Consumers deciding whether to buy good at a cert n price, to wait before buying it or to never
buy is a market force. They want lower prices of commod1t1es.
2. Businesses pricing products to create maximum profit, taking into account consumer
demand is another market force. They produce more if consumers buy more. '

Advantages of a Market Economy

1. Competition leads to efficiency because businesses that have fewer costs are more competitive
and make more money.

GEN 005 Contemporary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #11

2. Innovation is encouraged because it provides a competitive edge and increases the chance for

Disadvantages of a free Market Economy

1. Factors of Production is not employed if it is not profitable.

2. Market system may not produce certain goods and services .
3. Free market may encourage harmful goods.
4. Production may lead to negative externalities.
5. Free market economy may increase the gap between the rich and the poor.
6. Unemployment and Inequality.

... The Mixed Economic System

Traditional economic systems are incapable of dealing with the advanced requirements of a developed
society, but there are arguments for and against both the market and command economies. This is why the
mixed economic system emerged , which is indeed a mix between the command economy and the market
economy .

Mixed economy
Mixed economy is an economic system combining private and public enterprises. A mixed economic
system is a system that combines aspects of both market and command . A mixed economic system
protects pr.ivate property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for
governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims

Characteristics of mixed economy:

1. ·Co-existence of the Private and Public Sectors- minor industries for the people and major
industries belong to the state such as Expressways, LRT/MRT and Dams, National Power
Corporation, etc.
2. Existence of Joint Sectors like Public and private, both private companies
3. Regulation of Private Sector such as price control and declared illegal products
4. Planned Economy - the businessmen decides what to produce, how much
5. Private Property - individuals can have own properties as long as he can have the means to buy
6. Provision of Social Security - benefits and insurances returns upon retirement
7. Motive of Business Concerns - profit maximization, market share, survival in market'
a. Reduction of Inequalities of Income and Wealth - all are given the chances to participate in
wealth accumulation.

Advantage: A mixed economy permits private participation in produetion, which in return allows healthy
competition that can result in profit. It also contributes to public ownership in manufacturing, which
can address social welfare needs

Disadvantage of mixed economies: is that they tend to lean more toward government control and less
toward individual freedoms. Sometimes, government regulation requirements may cost a company so much
that it puts it out of business. In addition, unsuccessful regulations may paralyze features of production.

Which is the best economic system?

The way an economic system function has a huge effect on the daily lives of the citizens of a country. For
these citizens to live in an environment that supports both personal sustenance and personal growth is
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GEN 005 Contemporary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #11

2. Innovation is encouraged because it provides a competitive edge and increases the chance
for wealth

Disadvantages of a free Market Economy

1. Factors of Production is not employed if it is not profitable.

2. Market system may not produce certain goods and services.
3. Free market may encourage harmful goods.
4. Production may lead to negative externalities.
5. Free market economy may increase the gap between the rich and the poor.
6. Unemployment and Inequality .

... The Mixed Economic System

Traditional economic systems are incapable of dealing with the advanced requirements of a developed
society, but there are arguments for and against both the market and command economies. This is why the
mixed economic system emerged , which is indeed a mix between the command economy and the market
economy .

Mixed economy
Mixed economy is an economic system combining private and public enterprises. A mixed economic
system is a system that combines aspects of both market and command . A mixed economic system
protects pr_ivate property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows
for governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims

Characteristics of mixed economy :

1. ·Co-existence of the Private and Public Sectors- minor industries for the people and major
industries belong to the state such as Expressways, LRT/MRT and Dams, National Power
Corporation, etc.
2. Existence of Joint Sectors like Public and private, both private companies
3. Regulation of Private Sector such as price control and declared illegal products
4. Planned Economy - the businessmen decides what to produce, how much
5. Private Property - individuals can have own properties as long as he can have the means to buy
6. Provision of Social Security - benefits and insurances returns upon retirement
7. Motive of Business Concerns - profit maximization, market share, survival in market'
8. Reduction of Inequalities of Income and Wealth - all are given the chances to participate
in wealth accumulation.

Advantage: A mixed economy permits private participation in production, which in return allows healthy
competition that can result in profit. It also contributes to public ownership in manufacturing, which
can address social welfare needs

Disadvantage of mixed economies: is that they tend to lean more toward government control and
less toward individual freedoms . Sometimes, government regulation requirements may cost a company so
much that it puts it out of business. In addition, unsuccessful regulations may paralyze features of

Which is the best economic system?

The way an economic system function has a huge effect on the daily lives of the citizens of a country.
For these citizens to live in an environment that suooorts both personal sustenance and personal
growth is

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GEN 005 Contemporary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #11

important, and there are many arguments for and against all of the economic systems .
·t.f1·nnovation Perhaps the best argument is for an economic system that provides enough incen ive or and
growth, but which also takes into account the needs and desires of all economic actors, rather than JUS
those responsible for growth and innovation.

lneitably it is a balancing act, with no absolute implementation of an economic system serv_ing th ned of
ociety well. Exactly where this balance lies, however, is up to citizens and this is why there is a fair variation
in .economic systems in place around the world, and perhaps why the world's economy effectively operates a
mixed economic svstem.

2). Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of activities will help
you deepen your understanding of the lesson. .
Directions: Based on your readings, give your own definitions of the following terms below.

Traditional Economy and - 1r olit I "....,. +"' o..d

Command Economy '° . w _tea
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Directions. Based on your learning of the lesson give your ·1d / . . fowevvl ve-f.-
statement/s/questi ons below. eas opinion on the following

Question 1:_W, hat do you mean by economic system?

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fkis document is the prope-rty of PHMMA EDUCATION a a 6

GEN 005 Contemporary World
Student Activity Sheet Lesson #11

important, and there are many arguments for and against all of the economic systems.
h · centive for innovation and Perhaps the best argument is for an economic system that provides enoug inh · t gro
those responsible for growth and innovation.
lneitably it is a balancing act, with no absolute implementation of an economic system th ned of oc1ety well.
mixed economic svstem.

2).Activity 3:Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of activities will help
you deepen your understanding of the lesson. .

Directions: Based on your readings, give your own definitions of the following terms below.

Market Economy and Mixed Economy

Question 1:°W' hat do you mean by economic system?

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fhis document is tke roperty of PHlNMA ED-£ATION t&
GEN 005 Contemporary Wor\(1
Student Activities Sheet Lesson #12.

Lesson Review .
words below, then, write the Directions:
Read each question carefully. Choose your an swer from the pooI 0f
correct answer on the space provided for.
Command Traditional
S stem
Market Mixed Economy Econom
Economy E
. d ·ndividuals specializing in
1. It involves very little division of labor (rn other wor s,
producing specific goods) and very little in the way of economic governance. , d
5 5
.2. It is a way of organizing the distribution and exchange of a country goo •
resources, and services.
.3. A more advanced, it involves planning from a centralized point, either a local government or
indeed the national government, as under communist rule.
--------·---.---4. It is a system where the laws of supply and demand direct the production of
goods and services.
5. It is a system that combines aspects of both market and command.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
paper .

2). Activity 1:What IKnow Chart, Part 1 (3 min)

Directions: On the first column of the What I Know Chart, write the answer to each question based on your prior knowledge. Leave the
"What I Learned Column, you will be answering that later.

What I Know Questio What I Learned (Activity 4)

so l' ns: What is

u i> o..loild- to vh6.i'11 N. o1
it\\ w.Yf o r \-i11 ") Cl\- (Ji r ert /1\;I\ \t ve\ (\;
t)t, sustainability?
What is Sustainable r .
tJe lov'l t or ;J\U)
World: Sustainable .. 1.\ .\-\\J.. 0 ye ( O.r cMi VIC1 fO<IA
Development? cCO)'fl'\
wli.i\e o1 (;\ilf\- tJ \\) Ovl.S

Thank you for answering this part honestly. There's no right or wrong answer for this. Now, let's move to the
next activity.


1 think you are now ready to start with our lesson today. Now, let 's move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

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GEN 005 Contemporary World Student Activities Sheet Lesson

1). Activity 2: Content

Notes (13 mins)

Anyone here who lives in a mansion? Or living in style and always dining out? Why do we need to urn off the lights when not in use? Why
some people are so conscious of their energy consumptions/expenditures? Did you waste your food often? Do you have a vegetable garden in
your backyard? How long d you take bath and how much gallons of water you wasted? Did you put your garbage in bins or you JUSt throw
it anywhere? Did you know that the Earth we live in is breaking before our eyes? Why? It is because, people were careless and do
everything to pollute the environment. Here we go...Our topic for today is about Sustainable world: Sustainable Development. Are you
ready? Let's start now,

Sustainable world is the outcome of the different development strategies and implementation of program that will keep the world in existence
over a long period of time.

Major factors, such as human population size, biosphere robustness, resource stock, food supply, and environmental quality must
remain in balance, on a global scale. This state of balance must last long enough so that it will not be merely a blip on the curve of
unsustainable growth . Even though we might not really attain that balance, we must move in that direction if humanity and the ecosystem are
to survive .

Sustainability is living in a way to minimize humans' negative impact on the earth and the animals and plant:;; we share it with. Making
sustainable choices is a means to preserve the world and tackle climate change for future generations to come.

Because the Earth is a closed system, a sustainable world is not compatible with extreme extravagance and expenditures of natural resources .
Activities that promote polluting the land, water and air in environment.

Sustainable development, in the dictionary , is economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources. However, it
applies to and can be incorporated into everything we do. It's application spans from growing food, sourcing product materials, operating a
business, to building societal infrastructure and how we live individually and/or as a society.

What is sustainable development according to some experts?

1. Carey Kennedy, Landscape Architect , organic gardener/farmer (1996-present) September 14 2019 "Sustainable world is one where
the inputs and outputs balance. Right now we generate millions f tons of waste
that polluts our environment . We eed ways where all outputs are recycled back into the system becoming beneficial.
It's a world where toxic outputs can be dealt with in a way where they aren't harmful t anything or anyone."

2. Shashikant Nishant Sharma, xpert of Urban and Regional Planning. September 30, 2018 "Sustainable development means using the
natural resource for developmental processes and also cons ·
it for the future generation. It has two objectives: . erving
(1) Resource planning should be done for the judicious use of resource.
(2) Harm to the environment should be least."

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GEN 005 Contemporary World Student Activities Sheet Lesson


1). Activity 2: Content

Notes (13 mins)

Anyone here who lives in a mansion? Or living in style and always dining out? Why do we need to turn off the lights when not in use?
Why some people are so conscious of .their energy consumptions/expenditures? Did you waste your food often? Do you have a vegetable
garden in your backyard? How long d you take bath and how much gallons of water you wasted? Did you put your garbage in bins or
you JUSt throw it anywhere? Did you know that the Earth we live in is breaking before our eyes? Why? It is because, people were
careless and do everything to pollute the environment. Here we go...Our topic for today is about Sustainable world: Sustainable
Development. Are you ready? Let's start now,

Sustainable world is the outcome of the different development strategies and implementation of program that will keep the world in existence
over a long period of time.

Major factqrs , such as human population size, biosphere robustness, resource stock, food supply, and environmental quality must remain
in balance, on a global scale. This state of balance must last long enough so that it will not be merely a blip on the curve of unsustainable
growth. Even though we might not really attain that balance, we must move in that direction if humanity and the ecosystem are to survive.

Sustainability is living in a way to minimize humans' negative impact on the earth and the animals and plant we share it with. Making
sustainable choices is a means to preserve the world and tackle climate change for future generations to come.

Because the Earth is a closed system, a sustainable world is not compatible with extreme extravagance and expenditures of natural
resources . Activities that promote polluting the land, water and air in environment.

Sustainable development, in the dictionary , is economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources. However, it
applies to and can be incorporated into everything we do. It's application spans from growing food, sourcing product materials, operating
a business, to building societal infrastructure and how we live individually and/or as a society.

What is sustainable development according to some experts?

1. Carey Kenndy, Landscape Arhitect, organic gardener/farme r (1996-present) September 14, 2019 "Sustainable world 1s one
where the inputs and outputs balance. Right now we generate millions of tons of waste that polluts our environment . We eed way s
where all outputs are recycled back into the system becoing benefic1a ; It's a world where toxic outputs can be dealt with in a way where
they aren't harmful t anything or anyone .

2. .Shashikant Nishant Sharma, xpert of Urban and Regional Planning. September 30, 2018 "Sustainable development means using
the natural resource for developmental processes and also con ·
it for the future generation. It has two objectives : . serving
(1) Resource planning should be done for the judicious use of resource.
(2) Harm to the environment should be least."

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GEN 005 Contemporary World Student
Activities Sheet Lesson #12

3. (UN Brundtland
"S tainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Example: Environmental sustainability is the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and non
renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely. We're consuming more natural resources than
nature itself can reproduce, some of which are non-renewable. We are also causing irreparable damage to our
environment due to our high level of consumption.

Facts to think about:

• On average, each person produces about 4.3 pounds of garbage each day
• Garbage can take up to 100-400 years to decompose especially if you used disposable things.
• 300 million tons of plastic is produced globally each year with only about 10% of that being recycled
• 16 billion pounds of waste are dumped into oceans each year
• 35 billion barrels of oil are burned worldwide each year (2016 statistic)
• Waste can cause land, air and water pollution, produce harmful gases, and can cause respiratory
problems in people around the world, it's a threat to public health.
• Forest are the lungs of the earth, it gives oxygen to make air breathable but illegal logging is on.
• While the United States makes up 5% of the world's population it uses 25% of the world's resources.
Note that economic development in isolation of social and ecological development has not increased
the quality of life of US citizens in the last 45 years .

Here are some top areas you will want to familiarize yourself with and ponder what you can do to make a
difference .

1. Climate change - contributes to global warming. Summers get so hot and it kills people of heatstroke.
With this, planting trees and vegetable lessen the heat.
2. Energy consumption - curve our energy consumption and find better ways to create energy (solar, wind,
water , etc. ). Air conditioners should be used moderately and wisely.
3. sustainable sourcing - sourcing local and buy local helps the farmers to plant and grow more
4. waste production must b kept to minimal, .environmental footprint - focus on recycling versus
constant trips to a local landfill. Reduce consumption, Reuse products and recycle things.

Green living Tips -It's diicult for pe.ople to completely change thei lifetyle but here are some very easy
"green living" tips you can incorporate int.o your every day that you won t notice but the environment will.

1. Reduce energy ttuhrnig offdlightts anud electr?nics when not in use. Install high
efficiency LED Light w er. s a drying rack to dry your clothes. Insulate
bulbs. Was c1o
your home to increase your homes heating and co?hng effic1eny. own sized ecerything.
2. Purchase reusable water bottles, Buy a water filter and don t drink bottled water. This will cut down
dramatically on plastic waste. . .
3. Save water by taking shorter showers, use faucet aerators , install high efficiency toilets, washing
machines and dishwashers. . . . . .
4. Make your own cleaning sbupplleesd two1cthlenaonnc-to ouxn1cte1rtetompss.t0Batklngt bsodal ,
vinegar and lemon are among opular ingredients that cn e us . . 01 e w s to your washing
S. uy reused i tems i f possible and refurbish older items such as furniture , clothing and appliances.
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