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Combine Sentences

Rewrite each pair of sentences, combining the two sentences to form one

1. The storm hit Springfield. The storm destroyed the town.

The storm hit and destroyed Springfield.
2. The Jaguars made it to the semifinals. The Dragons made it to the
The Jaguars and The Dragons made it to the semifinals.
3. I walk to school every other day. I bike to school every other day.
I walk or bike every other day to school.
4. Oranges contain vitamin C. Strawberries contain vitamin C.
Oranges and strawberries contain vitamin C.
5. The kite snapped the string. The kite got caught in a tree.
The kite snapped the string and got caught in a tree.
6. My mom told funny family stories. Mom’s cousins told funny family stories.
My mom and Mom’s cousins told funny family stories.
7. According to the forecast, it may rain tonight. It may snow tonight.
According to the forecast, it may rain or snow tonight.
Compound Sentences with

Coordinating Conjunction
Rewrite the two simple sentences to make a compound sentence. Use and
or but and a comma.

1. I rushed to the ticket office. The concert was sold out.

I rushed to the ticket office, but the concert was sold out.
2. I studied for my math test. I got a good grade.
I studied for my math test, and I got a good mark.
3. The kale was on sale. I do not really like kale.
The kale was on sale, but I do not like Kale.
4. We went to the street fair. Mom bought us roasted corn.
We went to the street fair, and Mom bought us roasted corn.
5. Dad took me shopping. He realized he’d left his wallet at home.
Dad took me shopping, but he realized he’d left his wallet at home.
6. My sister made sandwiches for lunch. I helped cleanup forward.
My sister made sandwiches for lunch, and I helped clean up forward.

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