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Overall verb tenses

Name No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option.

1.1 Julia __________________ her stuff in the classroom when I last saw her.
a. packed b. has packed c. was packing

1.2 I believe Richard __________________ his depression very soon.

a. overcame b. overcomes c. will overcome

1.3 Sylvia and Ted __________________ at this school since the beginning of the school year.
a. have been b. were c. are

1.4 My friends and I __________________ the bus to school in the morning.

a. always take b. will always take c. take always

1.5 I __________________ at Claire’s tonight. We have to finish our science project.

a. have stayed b. stay c. am staying

2. Ask the right question for the underlined answers.

a. When did______________________________________________________________________
Malala made her first public speech at age 11.
b. What is________________________________________________________________________
My mother is working on the coverage of presidential elections right now.
c. Where does____________________________________________________________________
My friend Sasha? He comes from Russia.
d. What was______________________________________________________________________
The teacher was assigning project work when I arrived in class.

3. Complete the fable below by choosing the correct verb tense.

The Bear and the Two Travellers

Two men a. were travelling / travelled together when a bear suddenly
b. met / had met them on their path. One of them c. climbed / was
climbing up quickly into a tree and concealed himself in the branches.
The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and
when the bear d. came / had come up and felt him with his snout, and
smelt him all over, he held his breath, and feigned the appearance of
death as much as he could. The bear soon left him, for it is said he e.
will not touch / doesn’t touch a dead body. When he was quite gone,
the other traveller f. descended / was descended from the tree, and
jocularly inquired of his friend what it was the bear g. had whispered /
whispers in his ear. "He gave me this advice," his companion replied.
"Never travel with a friend who h. deserts / deserted you at the
approach of danger." (adapted; accessed in January 2021)

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1.1/1.2 Vocabulary
Name No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Choose the most suitable adjective.

a. Peter is always lazy / bad-tempered in the mornings. He gets angry at the slightest thing.
b. I wish everyone could be as easy-going / kind as Jack. He’s so relaxed and friendly.
c. Still in bed at lunchtime? Get up! Don’t be reliable / lazy.
d. I can always count on Ann to keep things on the right track. She’s so reliable / polite.
e. Martha is so considerate and helpful. I’ve never met anyone as easy-going / kind as her.
f. Joe always says “thank you”, “please” and “excuse me”. What a polite / bad-tempered child!

2. Write the words in the box under the correct definition to describe someone who:
annoying sensible indifferent selfish generous dull

b. is reasonable and c. isn’t interesting or

a. only thinks of himself.
practical. exciting.
______________________ ______________________

d. is willing to give money or e. isn’t interested in f. makes you feel slightly

help freely. someone or something. angry and impatient.
______________________ ______________________ ______________________

3. Match the adjectives with their correct meanings to form complete sentences.
People who are/feel:
a. thrilled 1. are very angry.
b. puzzled 2. show extreme fear about something.
c. terrified 3. are extremely pleased, happy and excited.
d. furious 4. feel perplexed and confused.

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1. Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B and their possible
confusing meaning in column C.


a. actually 1. creativity A. accomplish
b. legends 2. help B. currently
c. ingenuity 3. myths C. hold
d. realise 4. really D. naivety
e. support 5. understand E. subtitles

2. Choose the correct option.

a. In his ingenuity / naivety, Brian believed everybody would help him.
b. If Sylvia continues with her positive attitude, she will realise / accomplish so many good things in
c. As you grow up, you realise / accomplish that being proactive will open many doors along the
d. They are actually / currently employing workers, so I’m going to apply as I’ve already got my
e. You should surround yourself with friends and family who can support / hold you in difficult times.
f. Some teens have made a real difference in the world and are treated as real legends /

3. Complete the following expressions with the adjectives in the box.

a. _______________________ than life.
b. _______________________ said than done. longest
c. Actions speak _______________________ than words.
d. He who laughs last, laughs _______________________. larger
e. The grass is _______________________ on the other side. sweetest
f. The forbidden fruit is the _______________________. louder

4. Complete the sentences with an expression from exercise 3.

a. I wanted to set up my own business online, but I realised after a while that it is ________________.
b. My sister is always the heart of the family gatherings. Everyone agrees that she is ______________.
c. What you do in life is more important than what you say you’ll do. I really believe that __________.

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1.3 Vocabulary
Name No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

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1.4 Vocabulary
Name No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Choose the word that fits each definition.

1.1 The ability to depend on yourself or your own abilities to do things or make decisions.
a. integrity b. self-reliance c. intuition

1.2 The ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, understand what they mean, and how
they can affect other people.
a. intuition b. emotional intelligence c. generosity

1.3 The ability to judge what needs to be done and take action, especially without suggestion from
other people.
a. initiative b. perseverance c. intuition

1.4 The ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like
to be in that person’s situation.
a. curiosity b. emotional intelligence c. empathy

1.5 The ability to understand something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts.
a. generosity b. open-mindedness c. intuition

1.6 The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure or opposition.
a. empathy b. perseverance c. integrity

1.7 The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
a. integrity b. intuition c. empathy

1.8 The quality of being willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different from your
a. pen-mindedness b. generosity c. curiosity

1.9 The spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others.
a. initiative b. generosity c. empathy

1.10 The strong desire to know or learn something.

a. curiosity b. self-reliance c. intuition

2. Choose from the words above to complete the sentences.

a. He never gave up his dreams of being a scientist, despite the difficulties. It was this same
____________________________ that helped him win the Teen of the Year award.
b. Today’s society values people with ____________________________ – people who set things in
motion and don’t stand still waiting for things to get done.
c. Greta Thunberg showed all her ____________________________ when she donated 500,000 euros
of her Gulbenkian Prize to environmental organisations.

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1. Overall vocabulary
Name No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Fill each gap with one word from the box.

support respectful threatens embarrassed terrified realise

Abusive relationships
Dating violence is any intentional behaviour that harms, a.____________________, or endangers
the physical or emotional safety of self or others. If you b.____________________ someone you know
is in an abusive relationship, show him/her some c.____________________. Don’t be judgemental or
make them feel d.____________________ about the situation. Don’t pressure the victim to talk about
the abuse as they may feel e.____________________ to speak up. Be f.____________________ of their
feelings, but report the situation to the authorities.

2. Fill each gap with one word from the box.

sensible compassionate honest loyal hard-working

Positive personality traits

Some, if not most, of your personality traits are likely to be positive. For example:
– being a.____________________ by always telling the truth means you are someone who can be
– being persistent and b.____________________ will help you keep going no matter what;
– being c.____________________ and sympathetic means you relate well to others;
– being d.____________________ means you’re reasonable and make wise decisions;
– being e._________________ is a great quality, as your friends know they have your constant

3. Complete each gap with one word from the box.

selfish bad-tempered lazy

Negative personality traits

What would life be without balance? Whether we like to admit it or not, some of our personality
traits are also likely to be negative. For example:
– being rigid and a.___________________, unyielding to the needs of others are not endearing
– being b.____________________ and full of excuses is sure to drive others away, too;
– being c.____________________ will turn people away since you easily become angry and annoyed. (adapted; accessed in January 2021)

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