Interview Camp: Level: Medium Given A Graph and A Target Number T, Find T Exists in The Graph

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Interview Camp 

Technique: Depth First Search (DFS) 

Level: Medium 

Given a graph and a target number T, find T exists in the graph. 

Questions to Clarify: 
Q. How do you want the output? 
A. Return a boolean. 

DFS is extremely common. You won’t be asked to implement it directly. You’ll typically be given a 
problem that can be modeled as a graph. 
Tip: You should practice this code at least 3 times to get familiar with it. 
When you think of Depth First Search, you should immediately think of the ​dfsVisit()​ function. 
This function checks if the current node is equal to the target, and then visits its neighbors. 
For DFS, it is standard for each node to have a State - ​UNVISITED​, ​VISITING​ and ​VISITED​. We store 
that state as the Node’s property.  
If we cannot add a property to the Node class (not typical), we can also maintain a list 
that maps the node to its state. Usually, the interviewer is ok with keeping it as a node-level property. 
dfsVisit()​ function does the following: 
mark Node VISITING
process node
Run dfsVisit() on each unvisited neighbor
mark Node VISITED
For this problem, the ​"process node"​ part will be - checking if the data in this node is equal to target, 
and returning true if so. 
Typically in interviews, you are given an entry-point into the graph. This will be a Node. You can use this 
node to start your search. 
However, that depends entirely on the problem. If the problem graph has multiple connected 
components, you will need an entry point into each component. 
For the sake of simplicity, we’ll assume we have a Graph class with a list of nodes. We will run ​dfsVisit() 
on all ​UNVISITED​ nodes of the graph. This is because there might be multiple connected components in 
the graph, and we want to cover all of them. 

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Interview Camp 

dfsVisit(Node, Target)
Node.state = VISITING
if ( = Target)
return true;

For each neighbor:

if Neighbor is UNVISITED
perform dfsVisit on Neighbor
if dfsVisit returned true, Target found, return true and exit

Node.state = VISITED
Target not found, return false

dfs(Graph, Target)
for all nodes in Graph:
if node is UNVISITED, perform dfsVisit
if dfsVisit returned true, Target found, return true
Target not found, return false

Test Cases: 
Edge Cases: empty graph, null graph 
Base Cases: Graph with 1 node, graph with 2 nodes, graph with 2 disconnected nodes 
Regular Cases: Target in graph/not in graph, Target first element/deep in graph 

Time Complexity: O(V + E), where V is Vertices, and E is Edges 

Space Complexity: O(V) in worse case.  

If graph is a chain, then we take O(V) space on recursion stack. Also, we need O(V) 
space to store the State of each Node. 
public static boolean dfs(Graph graph, int target) {
for(Node node : graph.getNodes()) {
if (node.getState() == State.UNVISITED && dfsVisit(node, target))
return true;
return false;

public static boolean dfsVisit(Node node, int target) {


if (node.getData() == target)
return true;

for (Node neighbor: node.getNeighbors()) {

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Interview Camp 

if (neighbor.getState() == State.UNVISITED && dfsVisit(neighbor,

return true;

return false;

* Helper Code. Ask interviewer before implementing.
public enum State {

public class Graph {

List<Node> nodes;

public Graph(List<Node> nodes) {

this.nodes = nodes;

public void addNode(Node node) {


public List<Node> getNodes() {

return nodes;

public class Node {

List<Node> neighbors;
int data;
State state;

public Node(int data) {

super(); = data;
state = State.UNVISITED;
neighbors = new ArrayList<Node>();

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Interview Camp 

public int getData() {

return data;

public void setData(int data) { = data;

public void setState(State state) {

this.state = state;

public State getState() {

return state;

public void addNeighbor(Node node) {


public List<Node> getNeighbors() {

return neighbors;

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