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SLUSH VEMRARINE PIA PPB NT days, and cost the insurgents the death of Crlapulo ‘Rguisao en General Zabals. On March 25, the Span- inde chacged the Fupine Hes with all thee fury and occeeded in driving ovt the rebels with Heavy losses Inve was cvupied ty the een onthe same day. Presead 1 Conan Lasher im the eon ef Novela andy te wcorious enemy i the Iau Drea sex, Oe teal Agunalto transfered bie headquarters fom kus to Sin Praca Ge Neabon, the Magdivin songhoi "Tae tution of He rebels as eceas by mid-March 1897, andthe fuse fooled dark. On the one hand, their arms and emmunition were not sukient to turn the Aide of tate, while ont the oter, there was no ified ‘enumand that could te the suave and the respons ity im he face of tier ent tution. The conflict of Cougosnd i the ranks led fo dsastous reauts, and ‘he jnicusies among the lenders gave the enemy the Seeded epportunity to cieperse and rout them with die ‘itrous Consequences. Yet, inspite of tis, the Span- Sands were notable to consliate thei guns efecivey, [ir Gay de not have an elective gene plan of combat {Oia Back upon. Meesoer, the war of eration in Cuba ad sapped the vesourees and manpover of Spain, end {he nor era's, who were unaccustered to Gopice ci Save and tian, it weary dnd riseable, Demoraica lon atin, ean, in Ape 1897, to te resignation of Goreraur Generel Camilo de Polavieja, who feigned U- ents to save face The soaurgents, ch racked with ty jenluten snd lacking # esponsble unified com Find nevertieless employed with elective cesta the ‘pernila tectea that hararzed and depicd the ranks of the eneay. And the Spanish populace of Marin and of the eistant provinces, newous and inpatient owing f0 the dearth of sles 10 protect them, were demoralized tnd found themacives unable to cope wth the rapidly Ghanging scene, Thus, stale on all fonts, both aes femperaty lay by and conclued the Tue of Byelema Hatt toned the end ef te svar. masse ane oriftas cot He Kedigsran,. Quran Cys Uorsty oP the time tes ee Seeds of Discontent almultanecs attactes 2 cer upon Speci puters ad Convey klowed ty te daa alla of Gores ‘jean illace Ue sah ee trogen poner aos anpunan ef Caste ited inte tea Tacoma, the Magiang wd the Haga, eda procera torn he peo aloe pars ne Eat {Ee execied sovereign power ner of rms tncidng thes tp Brtngas torerog Cae. Tes ‘Talisay, & town in Batangas, was under the Magdato gow frome whe Nang, Taw and oat fe tke Fors, bonged totet gong. Ab indepen ‘ube te leaders of Ue Oo provi! ecuncls never one es ene ne i wr ben oer the ere promt, The Mang proce ing tht esa steno of he Aap See 1S ager ler prema Nes iat, Peet, Poel Aes, Bee Sera Emiliano Rego de Dio, Ninter of he interne E ‘rue riner Dich of rebel pictory climaxing the |Pegpapewrlad) Neviano Teas, Minister of Grace Justice Ariston Vilanuevs, Minister of Wary Sansings ‘lvares, Commander in. Chst, Diego Moxica, Minister Gr Finance, Avtemio Rar end Mariano RiegD é° Di2s, Msitary Commanders with the rank of Brigadier-Gen- ral. On the ether hand, the Magdaleeected the flow {ig to take the reine of ss government: Baldomero ‘Aguinaldo, President; Candido Tirona, Minister of War CCayetana Topeco, Minister of ance; ral Aguinaldo, Commander Chit; Editerio Evangelista, Leatenant General, Vito Relaraino and C:lspulo Aguinaldo, Nil tary Commanders with the rank af Beigadier General! Since the organization of the Magdwsy, its capital had been Noveleta, but sv the cary part of November, whe General Blanco bepaa his offensive, the capital was ‘moved to Sen Francisco de Malabon ind late: to Nak The Magdalo for Js part, hed its cept in Rawat and wen it fel, iiss, Sar Francisco de Malabon, Naik anc Maragonécn siceessively bevaane its seat* ‘An alterpt was made by both factions to make their respective armies wear the samme uno. I was agreed to adopt the flowing insignis: for the President’ eap, Sun with golden rays on a white background, aK (Ratjunan|® and the lettre ANB. |Anak ng Bayan) fhe midele Tae same insignia was ved forthe sleeves ‘The Blinister had the same sssgnia as the Presiden’s except that the leters 4.9.8. were not included. The ‘bands on the sieves of @ Minister, Including she K, were decent colors according tothe Manny te bias each belonged The Minister of War had a red Xan a white ‘eckground, « sun on the cap, a sun oa the lee breast ‘bat aone on the sleeves‘ The plan, however, did not go ‘beyond the paper stage, a5 the rebels did not have the means to bay the unions.” When Cart, led tt rial tions, eucowesfully ose in revolt, the leaders fell nt> disputes ersing from the desire of ene group to lord it cver the ober. Since bet troupe were responsible forthe rebel wicteries, neither Snould bow t the otter or allow ite tobe placed under Ea reels command There nar ne acu open beach, ‘but the sient confit more ominous than i appetad ot the surface, Urestoned to drerk the unity tht inthe beginning had dens tstch to prevent the foe fom verrunning the wide province and analllting the reso [ution atte vy inept, evan this eontet mare Shan anything els, that oto the rebels defeat at the bands of Pola. The Magdonrg factor, beans that a0 the tnitator of the revohition fs Carte # ha the prio git to mule over the insurgents of the province, lecked wth isdn at the way the Negdab men refined to cxperate ith it The Mopdaio flowers, beeing that mart of the Toctones ia tie whol terry were von by thee leds, ‘wanted to appear the stonger and, terete, the better Set tale ‘We situation, tough not go seriaus on the surface, Jed the Magatoang men teins Andee Beas lo vst Cave and see fr hire ll that had been accomplished by the revolutions im chat area an to intervene in te conflict. A delegate was sent to look forthe Suprema tn the mountains of Montalban and Marigina to apprise him ofthe urgent neesnty of mediting on the wcerng sft between the fv popular council. Bona, informed Of the situation, reused to heed the request of the ‘Magdwang eset onthe rein that i cr ta succeed in the revolution against Spin the leaders ust nl be concentrated in a eagle place. This preiminacy contact ‘th the Supreme relied sa the pridic echinges of Communications between him and the Magdtoang thietaina On the third invitation, writen by Artemis leate pon the instnction of Martane alvaree, Borfio ceeded fo the request, With bis wile and tm brothers Cirace and Procopia, aniacio let for Cavite bot the sriddle of December 1896° Emilio Aguinalo, Candide ‘Tiron and faiterto Bvangeista were on hand to mect the Suprema and his entourage at Zapote, I was at tis preliminary taeeting that o misunderstanding arose F = between the Magdalo leaders aid Bonifacio, forthe former, ghtly cr wrongly, saw fom Bonufacio’s gestures and Denavir that he regarded hinselfsuperor and “acted as it he were a king.” Bven op, the hard feclings that Bonifacio’s unconscious and unintentional actions engendered remained gubmezged and Qared up only in the rus Assembly. ‘Bonifacio was brought by the rebel leaders to the house of Juan Castafeda in Imue, where he was visited by Baldomero aguinalde, Daniel Tirona, Vicente Fernandez fand others, The Suprema upon sexing Fernandez, ordered his exest, Por Bonifacio, remembering that Fernandez tims the same man who had promised, before the bate UrSen Juan, loattacethe Spaoirdo ip Laguna and Morong Simultaneously with Bosslaso's ofeasive in San Juan Gel Moate but whose promite was never carried out, now few hs chance t) punish the ofender, Bonifacio blamed fim fer the defeat in San Juan and-was determined that he should not go unpunished. Az Supreme Head of the ‘Ragyunan, Bonoco toi granted that he would te Sheyed by al Te hie surprise and dismay, the Magdalo Chieftains, to whom Fernandee had run for shelter, fefsed to ve ap thelr man, The Supcemo by then had realized that-ne had very Ll, ifany, influence in the Magdalo area With doubte crissrossing his rind and inisgvinen sesaling his hear, Bonifacio, on January 2, {o07, wrote fon San Francleco de Malaton to his uncle in-law, Mariano Alvarez: Preient Maina: Don't fat come hs very mamient fotinstiorallte you prey eet whathappenedto ms fr Maga ond ao a yout expla he orgarizadion Mesnmhile, Esteban San Juan invited Bonifacio to attend the detonsteation of the Magdivang rebels! in Noveleta, Accompanied by San Juan himself, Baldomero Aguinsldo and Candide Tiona, Bonifacio arrived at Seto acne sos Noveleta amidst the enthusiastic aclamaton of the peo- ple. Ar thee inthe afternoen, a parade tank place in which Bonifacio, ring in a carriage and flanked on both sides by the Magdivang soldiers in ted uniform, uae the object of the demonstration. Aa the parade woud te way toward Sen Francisco de Malabon, the people chouted, “Long lve the ruler of the Palippinel” to whick Bordaio answered: “Lang lve Philippine iberi Upon artving a Malaban, he was quartered Ue house of Santos Nocon an, later, i the house of Me, Estefania Potente, where he stayed tn tithe Spaniards captsred the towm in Apr. 1897.!" ‘Tae sasunoensrvone Tasr exated between the followers of the Magdavang and the Magda, so des-ructive of the Katipunan plans, deepeaed into mutual suspicion and Jealowsies that reaulted im military reverces im several ‘sectors, Polaviejas counter offensives led to the fall of several touns hitherts held by the rebels, andthe attiude fnon-cooperation exhibited by one faction when the otzer ‘was harassed by the enemy led, as if must, to disaster in the Feld. The situntica, both eampe belied, could only be remedied by coming together and threshing out difeences of opinion and solving, ultimately. the question ‘fleadership in the province. For thie purpote, the iaders ff the Magsbuang and the Magcata decided to eall 8 convention of assembly at ius." Tn the assembly hal, the fo factions met* and changed the usual greetings. Bonifacio entered, pro- ceeded to the Head of the table and unceremanicusly foecupied the chair. He beckoned to the Magdwang Min Isters to sit at his sight ade, This obvious partial tothe Mogdivang was resented by the Magdal, fo 23 Supreme Head of the Kataunan who was called upea to mediate between the two factions, Bonifacio was expeted to show impartiality. But his actions in the case were motivated a E by his regard for hie wil’ uncle, Mariano Alvrez, the President of the Magdiwang a fact that aggravated the sation, Even e9, the Mfagdalo men did mor show their resentment fut kept silent in order to prevent further ‘lsunderstancing between the flowers of both camps Seeing that Benacio had called is Minioters, Beléomers Aguinaldo, President of the Magdalo, withost being in vied, sat tothe left of Bonifacio. General Emalio Aquinaldo, Seeing hls positon as a purely multery one, was content to be a mere observer. He had, however, @ plan of his town, Since it waa the intention of his faction to propose the establihasent of a rerotionary govarsment, he had decided eforenand that in the cotning election for the presidency he would nominate and support Eiilberto [Bvangelista,since'among them all "Bvangelista was the ‘best educated "? Bonifacio knew of Aguinaldo's active clectioncering in favor of Evangelista ad wae deesly hur, for as founder and Supreme Head ofthe Katipuras he fe that the presidency should be given to him a3 a zeward ‘The assembly opened with Bonifacio as Chauman. It was evident, whiea Baldomero Aguinaldo made the pro- posal to establish a revolutionary government, that the foro factions would never come to an understanding, The Magdalo men contended that the continuance of the Katipunan government was no longer necessary, fr since the start of the Revolution the Society had ceased to 7e- inain a secret seciety and must therefore be supplanted thy one thet would better fit the situation. The Magdalo people further contended that being small, Cavite must ‘not be divided between the two factions. On th= cther Fhand, the Magdicang followers argued that the Katipunan already had a constitution ard bylaws duly approved and cnforced in the Ishids and that, by viru of this, provin- ial and municipal governments in and around Maria had already been established. There. was, therefore, no ne- cessiy of establishing a new government.” Even s0, the Magdwang Minister of War, Arison: Vllanueva, sbo4 up and oaid thet ia new goverment was to be established, Andres Bonifacio, who had organized and planned the en tie revolotonary movement, must fright occupy the res dency without any election, Further, he pointed out that fas Chairman and Supreme, Ronifacia shot be given blen- ‘eet authority to appoint the Ministers. The Magdalo goup strenuously objected and insisted on an election, The die- fusion became heated and eid not accomplish any tang ble result The assembly vas adjourned and each facia Jeft without any definite understanding Suspicions and jealousies continued to plague the ranke of the rebels, and even among the members of the ‘same faction petty quartels continued to come up. The Megdal followers suspected the Magdiwang of courting the favor ofthe Spaniarde, while che same suspicen was aroused in the Magdivang as regards the Mogdlo. Ina situation where the Nagdato needed the help of the Mopdswarg, the latter, o which Borfacio belongs, ze fined to come to the ad of the former.” Moreover, the Magdavana followers were themselves occupied, now and then, with petty Jedousies and quarrels that tended to emoralize the soldiers Thus, when the town festa of ‘San Francisco de Malaon was held in vantary 1897, the rebels, then enjoying the aflernoon games, were dis- turbed by a series of rife shots that sent them seampet- ing away to places'of safety. Thinking that the enemy ‘was approaching, Ariston Villanueva and Santiago Alvarez gathered their men and prepared to meet an attack, They Iter found out thatthe rie shots came from the men of Captain Mariano San Gabriel, also a Magdiwang man, who, tigger-happy, hae fired several shats in the air Alvarez’ men tried to daarm the offending soldiers, but Instead were themselves disarmed. alvarez was furious land demanded that San Gabriel disarm his men, The latter refined ancl let for Noveleta. It was only through Ricarte's intervention that the two men, Alvarez and San Gabriel, were brought together again as comrades. ‘The situation had not eased up a bt when the leaders ofthe Magdsvang planned to hold ancther convention, tit : i | time in the estate house of Tees, a Magdivang tecritony uated about twa ldlometers from San Francisco 4¢ Nalsten and about haf a Ylomterffom the town proper Of Salinas, The govemment unde the Magi, comprising the town of Kawie, Bakood ard Imus, was at the Urte ceriouly tieatened by the Spanich anny which eccupied the cnta house of Saltran and which had dug in as a preparatory ste to the battle thet was about to coramence. General Brac Agsinalfo, leading the Magda soldier, Faced the Spaniard in Saltran, a erro between the towns ‘flan and Dasmarinas Teas Nasch 22,1897, Aguinaldo's Biahday, when simultaneously the batle raged and the sseembly convened at Tejeros. ‘The delegates, mostly belonging to the Magdivnng, lay Looped that sultry afterauon to the spacious es: tate house of Teron, Some of the men were barefoot thers wore bur bats of were dresoad in baron Tagalog. ‘They came from all diections: kom Kawi, Noveleta and Tus to the sort; fom Tanza t the west; and from Sen Francisco de Maisben (othe acrtheast. The estate-house, ‘Smrounded by stone walla and bull inthe middle of the ‘Savhectare farm owned by the fiars and now in rebel ‘hands, fda 60 meer frontage. The entance was through Se arched gets connected to the rear arched gate by a Teng end wide corridor. To the rit, afew meters fom the front gets, were the stair. Disectly opposite the stairs fas ecstorage room, and next 1 it, to the rear, was he Chapel. Dicey opposite this and next to the stairs was fvther serage rom. Up the curs was the big hal, with the doors of thy fur rooms opening tit. Inthe rear ofa oom to the tight were the dining room and the azote that Commanded 2 beau view ofthe flels around and the ‘rurky Tog Kavayen on whose banks thick clumps of bam- too protette the house from the glare of the sun. The ‘ete notes epod abbas in that ade expanae of iceland.” Decily opposite the house and across the road was mere iceland (tiga. The long road that commenced from the eon of Salinas led diecty to Sen Prancisco de Malabon, Seno Datet i ‘and half a kilométer from the estate-house it branched sia eie se aes Sette ee ae rena ae ees cnn inl ee a oe cet fae Oe rte ih tape areete ele ie tee ae eae Soares ge tans ave tee des RS eae: fe ewe 2a ae fee ole ee ates mage ae Se aac ed Dee pues tet Cen elt Ae fect aun ble ae iss irate ai ce tee as ener ace Spr mal as Tei keegan Shp cesnsas Seren dees See pe tee utr any sialon rn fe Sa esse career Peerage See ee at pen spaces nn gram te a aly Seer et sect natal perioral tely peer een pe acl ogee este open boc hows assembled to the Kaunas tag with « Kin the mi din, wich embodied the del of he rclutonsts, name, fibety, De la Alas, not contented wih the Supremes ex lsat, countered thatthe Cn the Ong ef he Kea, hd mot ny vy wey the in of goverment at ey had wether sath poverncent wap monaschie or repube enn Bovaio remarked etal the Kaipureros, tor Supreme Head f the lowest member, eroguzed the pi tiple of Unig, reer and Equally. Tecan be seen,” be fd, that the Goverment ofthe Assoeiatin of he Sons of {he People is repbiean fn form.” ‘Pe discussion a going nowhere and tempers raa thigh as the men insted on their own pnts of view, 82 fat, die discussion was between the men of the same faction, Iran anfrtunate moment, 0 Magdalo man, ‘anton Monizongeo, stood up and, shouting atthe top of tis oie, tok inoue with Bonfaci, “if we donot act upon the saggetin ofS. de a Ala," e sl “we, the rebls, fell be keno unto a mere pec of bighway vobber, Yovse, ike animals witout season” The words, uttered ih ocd fat and in the beet that something must be dha fo have a new goverment Grp, touched of @ Senative apot inthe hearts of the Magdionng lstenets, Santiago Aree, a Mogdieang, poked (o anger, took the floor and, hong a mci side glance at Montenddo ected: We, tie feova of Cav, expecially thove wader the Magdivang, recognize the Governiment organized ty the Aasseirion ofthe Sons of te People. And you wank to eel up another form of epveraent, yoa ean go back to Jour own prowince and wrest the authority from the Spaniard, es we have aca done A such; you can do ‘thatever you want to and nobedy would interfere with you. We af Cavite" he added with a meaning fill of items“ of Cae do nt ned and weve eed ny adviss ef your own sanding onl” "™andemonfam fged ee the woe of Saag Alvarez ‘boomed nade Be spacious la His bodyguard, planted ear the sas, moved ominousy~all et to fie at those inside the atl Lanbcere, sensing the loa statin, tect called a reess sve sient ref the sn) ten to cool of At the eof ofan hour, te meng tae fesumed. Jaco Laembress, seg tat would Be use itu fr hi eon pene such at amospese, refed to take the chai tying: "As the sin under discussion i completely oes of wit ib ented the agenda ofthe meting ands concetned lncead mth the elses of an otal grommet ef te ee tin, | should not comings t peso oer tie een? Then he tok his seat nong tne messbrs, and Raita Bef, who oma adi bp alo soceed aim tae ‘he cai a he pring oer by vse a is by te Present of he Spree Counc of te Rp Hee called the meting to os lsd “An yu dere nt ‘pa spe geren Sete sees cat ing what ups pied by the Eaenar el oon the reas approve inthe Assen of ns 00 ese ent of he Supreme Coun of te Raton I accede dou Just pean, bt Sa lL wat taut se ‘hae a prieple asa bso agreement fn ts or ee ‘reng, ch is that we epee and obey he ole the Ij Tv peer sw ie noe ad wide ef Popeaion aed send unos. The Repule ofthe Piippines was then and there ocaimed anid ents rahe Wilh anew rh ff foretnint dccminc tae tw lace ate no, the dation of ere was then propare, Nine eficre were tobe elected popular vie, mana re et cee Caps General, ier of Wa, recor of ner, Director af Sat, Duet of inane, Director of Famers and Distor af Juvtce, Bette oo cecding th the lection, Gala, protablyaseated by doubts and aware of his iain, called the etenon ofall Ue eeore representing the dierent regons af ie’ Pnupiaes to tne pap that whose WOaid Se elected shoul te teoognieé snd respected eps of his sei canton ard education, The propa. sade i R: PLANS OF “ESTATEHOUSE” “FLOO} Fi THe’ fn the form of a mere statement and reminder, wes ap- proved, for in that convention very few, if any, were men Sr high intellectual attainments. The ballots were pre pared and distributed, The balloting was made succes. Evel, that i the office of the President was first voted tipon, afer which the other ofiee were filed in singy. Re ‘an our, the ballots were eax for the presidency, {ind Brulio AgLiaalo won in absentiaave: Andres Bonifacio sod Mariano Trits, The President-elect was prociamed ‘with load shouts and applause. Before the ballots were cast for the Vice-Preaifency. Severino de las Alas stood up and suggested that in ax fhuch az Bonifacio had received the second largest ‘number of votes he should sutomaticaly be allowed to ‘ecupy the Vice Presidency, The men assembled appeared Tokewarm to the suggestion, there being no one who approved of disapproved it! Consequently, Bonifacio Gecided to continue with the election of the Vice President. Mariano Trias was elected tothe position over Andres Bonifacio, Severino de las Alas ané Marieno Sivaree. The election of the Captain-General came next hd Ricarte, the ecting Seeetay of the convention, came tout over Santig Alvarez. With a modesty that sprang Thom the realzation ofthe responsibly attached & the position, Rear efood \p and declare: "None better thas, Tienow ty own Limitations and Finess: the position with Svhich this assembly honors eis yond my seant ability nd strength; 19 me its a very honorable position but hhorzon i too wide for mie: sol request the assersly not to resent my refusal to accept it Ricarte's modesty, genuine or assumed, proved elective, Cres of disapproval followed is request to be ceived, and the disturbance created by the enthusiastic followers ofthe General forced ‘Bonifacio to cal the meeting to order. Then: "tin geting dark? he sald. "go we have to proceed to the election to ther positions” Semebody suggested that in order to expedite the election to the remaining positions, the Ehetoce should siep to one side when their candidates Sant of Dacre as called, a proposal that was immediately approved In thie marine, the following were elected: Dicectar of Wat, Builiauo Riego de Dios, wha won over Ariston Villanueva, Daniel Trona end Santiogo Alvarer; Director ofliterie, Andres Bonifacio, who won over Marae Alvazes tnd Passue! Abarea The election of Bonifacio gave rise to an incident that early ended in a Bloody afi Amidst the acclamation that followed the announcement of his election, Daniel ‘Tirona, « Magdolo man, ston! up and sad: "The position of Director of the Interior fp en exalted one and itis 2 meet that a person without a lawyer's iploma should eceupy it We have in our province a lawyer, Jose del Rooazo; thereloe, we should protest againat the elected snd acclaimed" And, shouting a the tp of his vole, he ‘added: "Let us vote for ose del Rosario!” No une, however, took up the suggestion whish waa shouted four times Nevertheless, Boalfaco felt insulted and he turned Crimson with anger, Contreling hime, ne demanded fist Daniel Tirana retract what he at eid. Dl We not ‘ages. he added, “that we bave (0 abide by the decision ff the majority whatever may be the social standing of the elected?" He insisted that Tizona give satisfaction to the assembly for his defamatory words. But Tirana ignored Bonifacio and tcied to Jose Rimeell in the erowe. In the fhush of his anger, Bonifacio whipped out his pista to fre at Trona but Rearte grabbed is hand anc thus prevented what might have been a tragic fair Tae people then began to leave the hall, and Bonifacio, frustrated and deeply wounded i feling, ied sloud’ “les chairman. of thse aosembly, and ae President of the Supreme Council of the Katinunan, as all of you do not deny, eclare this aesembly diesslved, ané | annul all that thas been approved and resoed.” With this parting tate ment, be let the hal, followed by his men" ‘Die sox oF piscontenr resting fom Ris fare to get the presidency, and which was watered by the unfor fat ade of Dose! Ton, who, by another sad cl ‘idence, Bebe fo the oppose Section, fond fertile {found in Bondac's beat and mind, Ase frm the ct {Rats founder af Ue Katrunae and the invator of the Revolution he blleved he should ave been given the promgeney, ie contented that regularities were Cm= Ena by te Magda mes ae that he would Rave bees Clete had it not en for ibe preneitated trade of the rival faction, Wing fs wnce-in-aw, Mariano Avera, Ne sad trounce Manne ur recenty ended easton at Mapagtis [2 ‘rec de Mabon ie ae pet hor year fetes yury made fa at ha Seer ageed upon tive Ay Genera sve extn ‘asrcrpceny an ahs wal ence ‘ht rnc ant ena pn a pn Yur ee ‘eae we Tet ton Mog ol hat was (Sear hey ined ut te wc ou. “Sade nce end eater cthe Meter counters t Las an linet four promned SSpuhen Tie daguetce Your supeto, Ax Boni, Mara Chg vent to hie resentment over the procedure and rest of the eeedons, Baila in a etter to his end, alle Jocinto, then fn laguna explained his aide and fe the tacground ef the eent™ ‘a sajrty thn nthe conven tend ‘bores pment it gave Ge understand {ESTEE cl re been on cera the barn ‘Serepcsneatves efter dts, ae om a age ‘Bent having sent) bers side at the convention st Fos that healed ey, een in GP dasen sical sna of tee pucion re ‘fab tetne to wn for he preemies os oes en es Gari uct i iste nig ec ae ca ‘eovlamaed te pron tinethainene Nee Xa permease cae esr ean na ede aed ita tena Peseta stern soc ‘be gomemned by men from other pueblos, and that thoy Sone el cere oases oe Fonaat wanaihnriet amc rao nct anaes comet Sited nro pont Ou ove she ace ae cio emer ect adn siniieeneravaces ee ee Siren tomate a laa ‘rope Ber, eter Dow al Rear the Cosel, Blmtiacemnrds Bats re

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