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Comparison of new advertisements through social media with the traditional

advertising technique and its effect on Consumer behavior

The base of this research (Aspasia’s, Riga, Latvia, 2017) is the impact and
influence of social media on the buying intention of the consumers. Now a day’s
world is changing very fast with the new upcoming technology in all the fields
specially in the marketing, promotion and advertising fields. So, by changing
technology the way by which companies focus and attract the consumers also
changed. Advertising and promotion often focus on the emotional, psychological
and social factors of the all types of the consumers. Because of modern era of
internet technology, the way of branding through the newspaper and other old
processes are now replaced by the e-technologies and it becomes the most
essential, efficient and economically way of branding the projects, services and
products of the companies. Now the brand loyalty became an important and
essential focus when the companies have considered the use of social media. AS an
example, the Facebook have become the most beneficial technical platform to
introduce the people about brand related contents and also for the promotion of the
brand associations as the average user of the Facebook are 955 million people and
half of them access their accounts daily basis. The brand awareness now became
the essential factor to gain buying intention which can only be done by using the
modern internet technology. So, conclusion is that the approach towards the buyer
is important when branding something as increasing use of the mobile phones and
smart applications worldwide has now led to belief that smart technology is most
valuable tool to support the consumer engagement.
Effect of Social media advertising on Consumer behavior with including the
aspects of Online Branding and Shopping
In this research (Marc Polo-Lopez, Joseph Rom-Rodríguez, Pedro Mir-Bernal,
2019) the main focus is on the influence and effect of the social media on the
consumers. Both society of the broadband and Journalism of the cloud have now
strengthened the concept that the social network is the most useful way to build the
engagement between brand and the user at the end. So, the most productive
companies and sectors are now changed their branding and promotion techniques
to the new technology in order to approach a lot of their essential and potential
audience. The most of the sectors are now approaching to the audience through the
social media networks through the Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram as
the web traffic is of the high-level numbers than any other network at these social
networks. The Social media advertising is affecting the market as now in these
days the concept of online shopping and online business is also promoting day by
day. The way of advertising the brand is most essential and careful process to sale
any product as if your product is even of best quality it will need best advertising
which can only be done through the social media advertising now a days. The
online payment apps will be made more easy for the user and consumers to
manage their buying and sailing process more easily. In the end we are concluding
that the social media is now a confirmed main advertising platform but the more
success will be achieved only by giving quality services with full security and
surety for better experience of the online branding and business.

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