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Alimsog Integrated School

First Periodic Test in Physical Science 11

Name _____________________________________Year and Section____________ Date ___________

I. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the best answer.
____1. Refer to the figure below. Which ststement is best observed in alpha particles hitting a gold sheet?
a. most of the alpha rays penetrated the metal foil.
b. a massive and positively charged particle is present.
c. several alpha particles were defleced at very large angles.
d. metal atoms in the foil must be mostly positively charged particles.
____2. A beam deflected in the CRT when a magnet was brought close to the tube. Wha does this ean?
a. the beam is made up of waves.
b. the beam is made up of neutral atoms.
c. the beam is made up of positively charged particles.
d. the beam is made up of negatively charged particles
____3. Water is always made up of two toms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Which law is
demonstrated in the statement?
a. conservation of mass
b. conservation of energy
c. definite composition
d. multiple proportion
____4. A hypothetical element has an atomic number of 50 and a mass nmber of 120. Which set of
quantities is contained in the element?
a. 50 protons, 50 electrons, 70 neutrons
b. 70 protons, 50 neutrons, 50 electrons
c. 70 neutrons, 120 protons, 50 electrons
d. 70 electrons, 50 neutrons, 70 protons
____5. Watr is a polar solvent. Which of the following statements explains the solubility of sodium chloride
and sugar in water?
a. water is a universal solvent.
b. both sodum chloride and sugar are non polar compounds
c. sodium chloride is an ionic compound, while sugar is a polar covalent compound
d. sodium chloride is an ionic compound, while sugar is a non polar covelent compound.
____6. Which of the following statements does no prove that a chemical reavtion has occurred?
a. a colorless solution turns red after a few minutes
b. a plastic containing solution suddenly becomes hotter
c. solid paricles settle at the bottom of the glass of water from the river
d. brown smoke starts to appear when a powder sample was heated.
____7. Which of the following is a component of a nucleotide?
a. amino acid b. glucose c. pentose sugar d. phosphoglyceride
____8. Which of the following is not a function of the active compounds in cleaning agents?
a. disinfect surfaces b. enhance durability c. kill bacteria d. remove stains
For number 9, refer to the table below that shows the different components of organic compounds in
Organic compounds Elements present
in organism Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen
Carbohydrates present Present Present Not present
Fats and oils Present Present Present Not present
Proteins and nucleic Present Present present Present
____9. Which element is found in proteins and nucleic acids but not in carbohydrtes, fat and o\ils?
a. hydrogen b. oxygen c. carbon d. nitrogen
____10. What is the chemical symbol for Nitrogen?
a. N b. Ni c. Nt d. Ng
____11. Which of the following is a disadvantage in using non traditional fuels?
a. They burn cleanee than gasoline
b. they could be supplied in larger quantities
c. they have lower energy density than gasoline.
d. they contribute less net CO2 to the atmosphere than gasoline
____12. Which among the following cannot be a justification of the usefulness of a bigas?
a. it is very good fuel substitute for refinery gas.
b. it may be used for cooking, lightning, drying and steam generation
c. it can be burned wth very low excess air and with resulting high efficiency
d. it can be used as a direct substitute for a standard commercially available LPG
____13. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sdium carbonate, cabon dioxide evolves. Which of the
following will not speed up the rate of reaction?
a. doubling the concentration of the acid using the same volume
b. powdering the sodium carbonate
c. doubling the volume of the hydrochloric acid
d. decreasing the temperature
____14. Why polycarbonate an ideal material for visors and sunglasses?
a. it is a shock-proof thermoplastic substance
b. it is easy to combine with the other substances
c. it is highly amorphous
d. it is a polymer containing a phenyl group.
____15. What is the particle emitted in the nuclear change shown in the following equation?
91 Pa 92 234 U + ____

a. an alpha particle/proton like particle c. a neutron

b. a beta particle/electron like particle d. a positron
234 B 4
____16. In a nuclear equation 92 U A X + 2 He, the letters A and B are ___________, respectively.
a. 90 and 232 b. 94 and 232 c. 94 and 230 d. 90 and 230
____17. What is the source of the sun’s energy?
a. fusion of hydrogen atoms c. fission reaction of uranium
b. fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium d. fission of two helium atoms into four hydrogen atoms
____18. Which of the following will less likely result in bioincompatibilty of prosthesis?
a. production of prosthesis that is dimensionally accurate; however, coefficient of friction is high
b. production of prosthesis that is hydrophilic and with minimal conformational change.
c. production of prosthesis that has antibacterial property
d. all of the choices are correct
____19. If nucleus has one more proton, what does it emit?
a. an alpha particle/proton like particle c. gamma ray
b. a beta particle/electron like particle d. positron
____20. What is the formula mass of lime water (Ca(OH)2 when Ca = 40.1, O = 16.0, and H = 1.0?
a. 74.1 b. 57.1 c. 58.1 d. 72.1
____21. Which of the following is no a molecular formula?
a. HC2H3O2 b. CHO c. NaOH d. Na2CO3 • 10H2O
____22. This is the amount of substance or the mass of the substance that contains 6.02 x 1023 particles.
a. mole b. gram particle d. formula
____23. If 3g of a substance A combines chemically with 4g of substance B to make 5g of substance C and
some D. How many grams of D would you expect?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

____24. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a compound used as an antacid and as a means of replenishing
calcium in a diet. What is the number of atoms in the compound?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
____25. Which of the following chemical equations is not correctly balanced?
a. 2Na + Cl2 2NaCl c. 2NO + O2 2NO2
b. 2H2S + 3O2 SO2 + 2H2O d. P4O10 + 6H2O 4H3PO4

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is not correct.
____26. Nuclear fusion involves joining two light nuclei to produce a heavier nucleus.
____27. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same mass number but different atomic
____28. Alchemy is a branch of chemistry that explains atomic structure using sophisticated
____29. In a polar covalent bond, electrons from a less electronegative atom are being transferred to a more
electronegative atom.
____30. Geotheral power plants contribute to high carbon dioxide emission tht cause greenhouse effect.

III. Identification. Write the letter of the correct term that is being defined or described. Each answer can
only be used once.

a. nucleosynthesis f. graphene k. pyrocarbon

b. neutron capture reaction g. lipids l. carbohydrates
c. John Dalton h. collision theory m. renewable energy
d. Ernest Rutherford i. non renewable energy n. toxicity
e. electronegativity j. synergism o. Eugen Goldstein

____31. It explains that chemical reaction will persist if particles of reacting substances are constantly
____32. It is the event that happens when toxic substances have increased in the body due to constant
____33. It is the reaction that happens during the last stage of stellar evolution characterized as the initiation
in the production of heavier elements.
____34. It is the reaction that happens during the initial stage of stellar evolution characterized as the
formation of nuclei using pre-existing nucleons.
____35. He discovered proton using the canal rays.
____36. He produced the atomic theory.
____37. It is an allotrope of carbon similar to graphite having a honeycomb lattice structure.
____38. It is the ability of the atoms to attract electrons
____39. It is the major source of energy for the body
____40. This is the type of energy that extensively rely on fossil fuels and oil reserves.

IV. Balancing equations. Balance the foolowing chemical equations.

41. Na + H2O NaOH + H2
42. Cr + HCl Cr + Cl
43. Ba(OH)2 + CO2 BaCO3 + H2O
44. Mg + N2 Mg3N2
45. Cu + AgNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + Ag

V. Problems.
A. Calculate the formula mass/molecular mass of the following compounds. Use a separate sheet of paper
for the solution and answer.
46-47. Al2(SO4)3 (antiperspirant)
48-49. (NH4)2CO3 (baking powder)

50-51. C14H29NO4S (penicillin)

52-53. NaHCO3 (baking soda)
54-55. Mg(OH)2 (antacid)

B. Calculate the number of moles in each of the following elements and compounds given their atomic mass
unit in grams per mole. Use a separate sheet of paper for the solution and answer.
56-57. 50g of gold, 197g/mol
58-59. 150g of sulfur, 32g/mol
60-61. 10g of silver, 108g/mol
62-63. 160g of CH4, C-12g/mol and H-1g/mol
64-65. 36g of CaCl2, Ca-40g/mol and Cl-35g/mol

C. Some compounds such as baking soda(sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonate- NaHCO3)
when heated decompose to yield carbon dioxide-CO2 , water-H2O and carbonate salt-Na2CO3. Baking soda
can be used to put out flame because of the production o carbon dioxide.
66. Write the chemical equation of the chemical reaction.
67. Write the balanced chemical equation made in item number 66.
68-70. How many moles of CO2 are needed to react with 4.0 moles of NaHCO3?

VI. Enumeration. List down 5 words related to science using different symbols of the element. (71-75)
eg. ReAcTiON – Rhenium, Actinium, Titanium, Oxygen, Nitrogen

“THINK and it will HAPPEN”

“The aim of Education is the KNOWLEDGE not of FACT, but of VALUE.”

- Dean Inge


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