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Drugs – Prevention and Control

This module will focus on the orientation about the
effects, abuse, addiction and management of Drugs
as a condition contained in the Training Modules of
• At the end of the session the students would develop a better
understanding of Drug Prevention and Control as well as its
Management Concepts.

• At the session’s end all learners / students will have the appreciation of
the various facets of Drugs, its physical and mental effects In relation to
the community.

• At the end of the session learner’s / students must accomplish an

assessment task, required for under the module.
A. What are Drugs ?
B. What is the Difference Between – Drug Preventions,
Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Drug Dependence
C. The Top 10 Drugs and its Effects
D. Overall Effects of Drug Addiction
E. Our Slogan and Battle Cry
A DRUG is any substance that
causes a change in a human’s
physiology or psychology when
programs that are designed to
provide the education and support
necessary to diminish drug
dependency in communities, schools
and the workplace. Drug abuse
prevention has become an important
first step in informing specific
individuals about the dangers of
addiction, prevention techniques and
where to find recovery help if it
should be deemed necessary.
Drug Abuse - is when you use
legal or illegal substances in ways
you shouldn't. You might take
more than the regular dose of pills
or use someone else's
prescription. You may abuse
drugs to feel good, ease stress, or
avoid reality.
Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior. When you’re addicted
to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the
drugs may cause.

Drug addiction isn’t about just heroin, cocaine, or other illegal drugs. You can get
addicted to alcohol, nicotine, opioid painkillers, and other legal substances.

At first, you may choose to take a drug because you like the way it makes you
feel. You may think you can control how much and how often you use it. But
over time, drugs change how your brain works. These physical changes can last a
long time. They make you lose self-control and can lead you to damaging
DRUG DEPENCENCE - is defined
as a psychic and physical state of
the person characterized by
behavioral and other responses
resulting in compulsions to take a
drug, on a continuous or periodic
basis in order to experience its
psychic effect and at times to
avoid the discomfort of its
1. Heroin
2. Cocaine
3. Methamphetamine (SHABU)
4. Cracks Cocaine
5. LSD – Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
6. Ecstasy (MDMA)
7. Opium
8. Marijuana
9. Psilocybin Mushroom ( Magic Mushroom)
10. PCP - Phencyclidine
1. Heroin
Extract directly from opium poppy. It was originally created to help
cure people of addiction to morphine which mimics the action of
endorphins, creating a sense of well-being; the characteristic
euphoria has been described as a “orgasm”. One of the most
common methods of heroin use is via intravenous injection.
1. Heroin
Effects on the body. Side Effects on the body.
• Obstruct blood • Nausea
vessels • Vomiting
• Brain damage • Fatigue-like symptoms
• Liver damage • Slowed breathing and cold
• Kidney damage • Clammy skin
• Collapsed veins
• Seizures and convulsions
• Respiratory depression
• HIV / AIDS / Hepatitis (sharing
• Coma
• Death
2. Cocaine
A Crystalline Tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca
plant. A stimulant of the central nervous system or topical anesthetic and an
appetite suppressant, euphoric sense of happiness and increased energy.

Side Effects on the body. • Loss of appetite • Stroke

• Nausea • Weight loss • Heart failure
• Vomiting • Dehydration • Heart attack
• Cold sweats • Malnutrition • Death
• Restlessness
• Insomnia
• Anxiety
• Rapid heart rate
• Increased blood pressure
• Change in breathing
• Convulsions
3. Methamphetamine (Shabu)
Street name also called – “Crystal-Meth”, “Boo”, “Chalk”, “Chicken Feed”, “Crank”,
“Cristy”, “Geep”, “Glass”, “Go-Fast”, “Ice”, “Load of Laundry”, “Scootie”, “Shi-shi”,
“Speed”, “Spoosh”, “Zip”, “Poor Mans Cocaine”.
Also called AMPHETAMINE (C10H15N) – “Bennies”, “Benzedrine”, “Dexies”,
“MDA”, “Pep Pills”, -used for weight loss, to stay up all night.

Side Effects on the body.

• Loss of appetite
• Weight loss • Agitation
• Diarrhea • Increase heart rate
• Constipation • Increase blood pressure
• Cramping • Hallucinations
• Insomnia • Convulsions or seizures
• Restlessness • Death
4. Cracks Cocaine

An extract from cocaine, much more addictive. Street name “Coke”:

Side Effects on the

• Hallucinations of
insects crawling
under the skin
• Severe depression
• Agitated delirium
• Toxic paranoia

Wilky Lao
Side Effects on the
5. LSD
• Dilated pupils
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) • Higher body
was originally derived from the temperature
fungus ergot, which grows on rye
• Increase heart rate
and other grasses. Street name –
”Acid”. • Increase blood
• Sweating
• Loss of appetite
• Sleeplessness
• Dry mouth
• Tremors
6. Ecstasy- MDMA

Also called Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Street name “E”, and “X”.

Side Effects on the body.

• Stimulant
• Hallucination
• Drunk feeling without hangover
7. Opium

Is a dried milk of the poppy plant and contains morphine

and codeine. Side Effects on the body.
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Abdominal pains
• Cramps
• Insomnia
• Lightheadedness
• Depressed HR /
• Coma and Death
8. Marijuana

Street name “Reefer”, “Weed”, “Pot”, “Hashish”, “Cannabis”

Side Effects on the body.
• Paranoia (fear, distrust,
obsession, paranoid, terror)
• Confusion
• Anxiety
• Nausea
• Increase appetite
• Headaches
• Short-term memory loss
• Increase heart rate
Wilky Lao
• Relaxed and talkative
8. Marijuana

Medical Marijuana
9. Psilocybin Mushrooms
Street name: “Liberties”, “Magics”, “Mushies”, “Liberty cap”, “Psilcybe
semilanceata”, “Psilcybin”, “Shrooms”, “Amani agaric”, “Fly Agaric”

Side Effects on the body.

• Emotional and sensitive
• Dreaming when awake
• Feel sick, tired, stressed out
• Disoriented
• Nervous
• Paranoia
• Severe stomach pains
• Diarrhea
• Liver and heart failure
• Death (due to toxins)
10. PCP

A PhenCyclohexyl Piperidine, developed as a surgical anesthetic.

Street name “Angel Dust”
Side Effects on the
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Blurred vision
• Drooling
• Loss of balance
• Dizziness
• Illusions
• Hallucination
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Loss of friends

• Conflict in their relationship

with significant others and
friends or even closed

• May suddenly abandon their

old friends and form new
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Loss of jobs

• Loss of income

Wilky Lao
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Loss of family

• Loss of home

• Conflict in their relationship with parents and relatives

• Risk taking (disrespecting authorities, cutting classes,
conducting inappropriate behavior in public)
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

No self
Over-all Effects in Addiction:
• Loss of self confidence
• Sense of shame and embarrassed
• Increased secrecy and demands for privacy
• Simply lethargic (tired and lazy), uninterested
• A lack of interested in things they previously enjoyed
• Depression and self-loathing (dislike or hatred)
Over-all Effects in Addiction:
• Unpredictable mood and emotions

• Mood swings or exhibit illicit behavior

• Hyper-energetic
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Skin diseases

• Disturbed sleep
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Weight loss

• Haggard face

• Disinterested in
social interaction,
sex and food
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Affects health

• Affects hygiene
• Affects mental
• Cardiovascular
inflammation of
the heart lining
Over-all Effects in Addiction:
• Repetitive activities
• Stealing
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Over dosed

• Body reaction such as (withdrawal

sickness, nausea, vomiting, irritability,
hot flashes, cold sweats)
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Pusher
• Supplier
• Manufacturing
Over-all Effects in Addiction:
Over-all Effects in Addiction:
• Unpredictable anger • Violent behavior
• Suicidal thoughts • Homicidal
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Heinous Crime
Over-all Effects in Addiction:

• Death
• Physical
due to
Long Term
Drug Use
• Philippine Drug Enforcement Administration (

• WebMD Drugs Education (

• Center for Disease Control (

• International Public Safety Association (

• Philippine Red Cross (

• Merriam-Websters Medical Dictionary (

• Wikipedia (
Our Slogan
Battle Cry !

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