BS EN 1994-1-2 - 2005 (Composite Fire) +C1 - 2008

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BRITISH STANDARD Be | 1994-1-2:2005 oH TOGO hanperain Sy 08 Eurocode 4— Design of composite steel and concrete structures — Part 1-2: General rules— Structural fire design ESC te om me National foreword ‘This British Standard isthe UK implementation cf [BN 19841-22005, incorporating corrigendum July 2008 ‘The start and finish of text introduced or altered by eorigendam ia Indeated in tho text by tags. Text altered by CEN corrigendum Jaly 2008 i indicated in the text by BE) ‘The structural Burecodes are divided into packages by erouping Brovedes for seth ofthe main materials, cncres tel composite ouerets and steel, Umber, masoary and aluminium, this i #o enable a omen. date of withdrawal (DOW) forall tho relevant pats that are ‘odd fre parlcular design. The coliting nadonal standards will be withdcawa athe end of the soritonce period afterall tho BN Burocedes ofa package aro availa. Following publication of the EN, there is period af two years allowed {or the national ellbration period during which e national annex ie ‘asued, flowed by a three year consistence period. During the ‘oerstence period Member States wil be encouraged to adapt their ‘tional provons to withdvaw confstng national rules before the end Of the coaristenc period. The Commission in contltaion with Member ‘uate in expected to agree the end ofthe cusateaze period fr each package of Burocodes [At the end ofthis coexistence period, the national standard) will be ‘withdraws. In the cas of BS EN 1994-22006, there ane no corresponding ‘atdonal etandasde, ‘The UK partepation in ite preparation was entrat by Technic! Committee 11525, Duilding end civil engineesingvrustures, ‘Subeomnittes BE2SI4, Composite structures ‘A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be ‘btained on requnt ia souretary. ‘Where a normative part of this EN allows fora choie to be made at ‘the national level, the range and posible choice will be given inthe ‘ormative tert, aid a note wil qualify seas a Nationally Determined Parameter (NDP). NDP eon be epi value f level er elass, «particular method or partic several are propeed inthe BN, ‘Amendmentlcorrigenda iaued since publication Date ‘Comments 28 February 2010 | mplementation of CEN corrigendum July 2008 BS EN 1994-1-2:2005 ‘To enable EN 1994-12 to be used in the UK, the NDP wil be ‘Published in a national annex, which will be made avalable by BST in ‘fue course, after publi emsultation hes taken place. ‘Ys pubiation doesnot purport to include all the necessary Droviions ofa cont Users are reapoonble frie correct pplication. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from logal obligations EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 1994-1.2 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM August 2005, enerossssvewe es Incoraating eorgondun July 2008 English Version Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete structures ~ Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fre design ete hijo gonmane “enous conporane 2 yoteraragronan oo Sarum eon Te ve Nien Rn agence Bara “Th Eunean Src i appv by Eon «Novant 2 (Cotman re bound cam Ps CEMICENELE eal apt tc sul andr er i ie Ecgan, ‘Stn sto arc int oy senan, Upto ne elcpuoo| ena oars ea ‘rosy on Suna plete ph Cr Sector GEN aman ‘ni opm Sr tn oa rn gen, Pere, Gran Avern ney cba guage mae aon ‘Tee tere os GEN maner ob wn pug er esig na Cael Sates ssa sso i (ok mantener arc bcos. Bac, Ops Cah Repl, Daa Eis Fed, Far, ‘Sear ena uy oar ve La, Loon hoa Nay Pee Pa, Soi, ‘Scena Sp, Sec Scan an aga aagoment Canara de Stet 36-B1O50 rst BS EN 1994-1.22005, EN 1994-1.2:2008 () Contents Page Foreword - a 5 ‘Background of the Euocode programe, 5 Slaus and eld of application of Eurocodes 6 atonal Stanores implementing Euecoses 8 Unis betwoen Euocodes and tarmerisedtezhvicelspecicaions (ENs and ETAs) fr produc 7 ‘Additonal formation spect fr EN 1984-1-2 7 atonal annex for EN 1994-12 0 Section? General. a sn 11 Scope 4 12 Nomalve references 3 13 Assumptions. 38 14 Distncton beiveen Principles and Apicaion Rls 18 43 Demtions 48 115.1 Special ers lating to design in gone 16 152 Terme reiaing to mail and products properties. 18 1153 Tome rising to heat wansor analysis 18 1154 Teme rising to mechanical behatou enals 48 18 Symbols 18 Section? Basis of design. ae 24 Requirements. 28 211 Bast requremenis 26 2.12 Nominal tre exposure. 28 213 Parametie re xpos 2 22 helons a 35 Dann vaina of mati eopaing a 24 Veneabon metnogs Fa 241 Conor 28 242 Member ania. 2 243 Anaysis of patolihe stuctre 30 244 Gopal stir ana 3 Section3 Material properties... 7 24 General a” 32 Mechanisal propane, 3 321 Srenghh and defcrmaion properties of siclural sis! 3 322 Stengh and determi properties of encrte. 3 325 Resmorcing see = 35 33. Thema popertes. 38 3°31 Stucheal and renioring dels 38 3.32 Normal weight concrete 30 3.33 Lightweight concete a 3.34 Fre protacton materi. 2 34 Dens 42 BS EN 1994-1.2:2005, EN 19944.2:2008 2) Section 4 Design procedures .. 44 Induction. ~ 4 42 Tabultes dain a 4121" Seope of appication a7 4422 Composite beam comprising sae Seam wth paral Sonera encasement 4 423 Composite cols. 7 43° Simple Calaton Modes 3 43:1 General res for composi sibs and compose beams 5 433 Prowsed comport abs 52 434 Compost beams. 5 4435 Composite cols. 8 44 Aavancedeaelaton mosis oy {U7 Basi of ana ee 442 Themal response. 85 443 Mechanical response 68 44 Vatdaton of edvaneedcaciaion modes 65 Section —_Construetional deals... ame 54 tnroducton 88 52. Compostebeams 08 53 Composte coun 7 531 Compose coum wih parialy encased sos secions 8 5.32 Compose colmas wih concrete filed hallow sectons. = 87 54 Gonectons between composte bears and columns ee ‘4 Genera 6 5.42 Connections between compose beam and compas colurms wih sel sectone encased inconcret. 60 1543 Connections between compose bear and compost column wih paral encaaed Soe! scons, '544 Connections Sebween compose beams and composite columns wi concrete ld oto stone 7 ‘Annex A (INFORMATIVE) Strese-strain relationships at elevated temperatures for structural stools n ‘Annex B (INFORMATIVE) Stress-strain relationships at elovated temperatures for concrete with siliceous aggregate 7 ‘Annex C (INFORMATIVE) Concrete stress-strain relationships adapted to natural fires witha decreasing heating branch for use in advanced Calculation model ” ‘Annex D (INFORMATIVE) Model for the calculation ofthe fire resistance of unprotacte composite slabs exposed to fire beneath the slab according te tho standard temperature-time curve 78 1.1 Fre resistance scoring to thermal inulaon a 12 Calulton ofthe sagging moment resistance May? 0 3 Calculation ofthe hogging moment resistance Mana 2 4 Efecive miekness of compost sab a Ds Fiat of eppicaton 83 BS EN 1904-1.22008, EN 4984-12-20 () ‘Annex E INFORMATIVE) Model forthe calculation ofthe sagging and hogging moment rosistances ofa steel beam connected to a concrete slab and ‘exposed to fire beneath the concrote slab, 86 1, Calculation ofthe egging moment resistance Man 86 2 Calculation ofthe hogging moment resistance Myn at an termediate support (oeat sresvaning supper) 8 3 Ceealrenstance a euppets 88 EA Vera! shear resstance 89 ‘Annex F (INFORMATIVE) Model forthe calculation ofthe sagging and hogging moment rosistances of a partially encased steel beam connected toa concrete slab and exposed to fire beneath the concrete slab according to the standard tamperature-lime curve. 0 1 Reduced cross seo fer sagging moment resistance Mya 80 2 Reduced cross-section for hogging moment resistance Manz 5 £3 Flot apreaton 5s ‘Annex G (INFORMATIVE) Balanced summation model forthe calculation ofthe fire ‘resistance of composite columns with partaly encased steel sections, for bending ‘round the weak axie, exposed. to fre all around the column according to the stand: temperature-time curve G1 tnosueten 6 G2 Flanges o ho sta rofie a G3 Weborthe ses! pote or G4 Concrete e GS Reinforcing bar 0 {G8 __Caleiaton ofthe axa! bucking load at lovated temperatures 100 G7 Eceentcy ofloacng 101 Gb Fist oppicator 101 ‘Annex H (INFORMATIVE) Simple calculation model for concrete filled hollow sections ‘exposed to fire all around the column according to the ‘standard temperature-time curve. 104 Ha Invoavetion 104 H2 Temperature cetiouton oe HS. Design ail Bucking load at elevated temperature 04 Ha Ezooneiy of eacng $08 HS Field of apcator 108 ‘Annex (INFORMATIVE) Planning and evaluation of experimental model 109 1 Inoveton 409 12 Testor global assessment 48 13 Test fr paral inomation 108 EN 1996-1.2:2005(€) Foreword ‘This European Standard EN 1994-1.2: 2005, Evcocode 4: Design of compose ste! and concrte Stutues: Part -2" General ues ~ Sita fee eign, ha boen prepared by Technical Commitee CCEN/TC250« Structural Eurocides», te Secretariat of wich a held by BSL (CENTTC250 is responsible for StucturalEurocaes ‘This European Standard shal be given the satus ofa National Standard, eter by pubscation of an ‘ontcal wt or by endorsomen. a te lest by Februaty 2000, and eoifcing National Standards shall ‘be wtharawn at test by Maren 2010, “This Eurocode supersedes ENV 1904-12: 1904 ‘According tothe CEN-CENELED Intral Reguatons the Naonal Standard Organizations of ie folowing curtres are bound ic implement this European Standaré: Ausra, Belum, Cyprus, Czech Repub, Denmark, Estonia, Filana, France, Germany, Greece, Hungry, lela, Weland, aly, ati, Lian, Luxemboug, Malla, Neherands, Noway, Poland, Portugal, Sovak, Sever, Span ‘Sweden, Switzeriand and Unies Kingdom. Background of the Eurocode programme In 1975, he Commission ofthe European Communiy decid on an acon programme in the Fld of onsiucon, based en ase 85 of he Treaty. The ebjectve ofthe programme was the esminaon of {cial ebstanes trace and ine harmarisaton of ecnicalspecfestons, \wtbin this eton programme, the Commisslan took the Inatve to establish 2 eat of harmonised {echnical ues fr the design ofconsruton works WH, na fit sage, would serves on altemalve ‘the naonal ein forse nthe Member States and, utimatey, woud reflace them For teen years, the Commision, wth the help of @ Storing Commitee wth Representatives of Member Stats, conducted fe development of te Eurecedes programme, which ad 10 the. fst (generation of European codes nthe 18's In 1989, j= Commission and the Member States of the EU and EFTA decided, on the basis of an ‘Sparen! betwoon the Commasion and CEN, to transfer the preparation and the plcabon of the Eurocodes to the CEN through saris of Mandates, in order 1 provide them wih a fiure slatus of European Standard (EN). This Inks de facto the Eurooses wan the provsons of al the Councts Direcives andor Commissions Decisions deaing with European standards (eg the Counct Drectve {2r10BIEES on consucton products ~ CPD and Councl Directives S3TIEEC. SUSOIEES and {O/440/EES on pub weks and siege ana equivalent EFTA Directives Inte pure of seting UP ‘he teal mare). ‘The Stuctral Euocode programme comprises the folowing standards generaly consisting ofa rumber ofan -EN900, Eurocods Base of stuctraldesgn EN1001, Euceode 1: Actos on structures [EN962,Eurooode 2: Design of concrete structures [ENT003,Eurocode 3: Design of ste stucures Secon hero on @UROLSOES oe seg ng an ci ergneurng ta EIEN BS EN 1904-1.22005, EN 19941-2:2005 (E) N96, Eurocode 4: Design of compact steel and concrete stctures EN1065, Eurocode 5: Deson of inber structures EN1966, Eurocode 6: Design of masony structures [EN1967, Eurocode 7: Geotechrical design N96, Eurocode &: Design of stuctues for earthquake resistance EN960,Eurocode&: Design of aluminum structures Ewrocode standards recognise te esponibity of regulatory authoiis in each Member State and have Safoquarded thelr igh fo determine values rlaod to reguatry safety matters at nalonal level where thse contnue to vay fom Sate to Ste, ‘Status and fold of application of Eurocodes ‘The Member Sats ofthe EU and EFTA recognise that EUROCODES serve as reference documents for the folowing purposes 18 means to prove complance of bulling and cv engineering works wih the essential Fequlements of Councl Directv SOTOBIEEC, particularly Essenal Requirement Nt ~ Mechanical Festtance and stably ~ and Essenal RoquremertN2~ Safety incase of fe ~ 8s basis fr speciving conracts fr consructon werks and elated engineering senices ~ 38. namework for rowing up hamanse techn! specications or construction prodvets (ENS and Era). “The Euroodes, a8 fa as thay concem ie constuction work hemsaives, havea dret relationship with the inerpctatve Dooumeris! etre in Arle 12 ol he CPO, altough they are ofa citron nate ‘tom harmonised product eandarst. Therefore, tocinicalsspectsaring fom the Euocodes Work need to be adequately considered by CEN Technical Commtles andor EOTA Working Groups working on product standards wih a Vew fo achovng full conpatbity of tose tchnical spectcatons wih the “The Eurocode standards provide common stetual design rules for everyday ute forthe deign of whole stuctures and component poduds of bolt a vaduoral and aninovabve nature, Unusual fame of onstruction or design conatons ee not spectcly covered and adonal expert consderaon wil be Fquied by the dosigner in such cases National Standards implementing Eurocodes ‘Te Nationa Standards implementing Eurocodes wl comprise the iltx of he Eurocode nucing any annexe}, 98 publahed by CEN, whch may be preceded by @ Nasonl te poge and Natena forward, and may be fotowed bya Nana annex "raring 33. 70 trator hil hn cn em epee en be * heer ie At 2b CP be eon donot = “ “pete eaten ceren yam aa eck enn ces Sees Seagate ne ster rnc andarts nd sine apne spre ‘he Eonete soo pays sna tlie ang eR BS EN 1994-1-2:2005 EN 1994-1-2:2008 (E) “The National Annex may enly contain Inmaton on those parameters which ara ft opan in the Eurscode for nalona choice, krown as Nationally Detained Parameter, to be used Ie the design of buttngs and cv engineering works tobe consvued ine county conesine, = values andor classes where ternatves are gen inthe Eurocods values o be used where a symbel only given inthe Evrocode country specie ata (geographical, mai, te), eg. snow map, fe procedure tobe used where atemative procedures are given a the Eurcode; Tey aso conta: ~ ecilonson the application of iermatve annexes, ad ~ ‘eferences to non-conradicoy complementary intrmaton to assis the userto apply the Eurocode Links betweon Eurocodes and harmonised technical specifications (ENs end ETAs) for products. ‘Thao is a need for consistency between tje harmonised tecnica! epeclécatlons fr consicon products andthe tecnica tes for works" Furhermare, al the information scsompanyng the Marking ofthe constucton products which refer © Eurocedes eval clear mention which Nataly Determined Parameters have been akan i acsount ‘Additional information specific for EN 1984-1.2 EN 1904:1-2 describes the Principles, requtements and rules forthe stuctral design of bulngs exposed fo fr, including the folowing aspects: Safety requirements EN 1904-12 is tended for clans (e9. forthe formulation of ther specie requremins), designers, ‘contractors and puble athortes, “The general objectives of fre protection are to mit reks with respect to the Invsal and society, rnaihbourng property, ond where equie, environment trecly exposed propery, ne ca fe Corstruction Products Deechve BS/106IEEC gives the folowing essential requirement fr the kiation of ‘revi “Th constuction works must be designed and bul in such a way, that in the eventof ar outbreak re + heload bearing resistance ofthe consiucton can be assumed fora speci period of tine; ‘he generaon and spread of re and sroke wit the works are lite, ‘he spread of roo neighbouring construction works I ited; fhe cccupants can lave the works or canbe rescued by other means fey of escue teas is akan inte conser’ evens 22 3.24) md 42330102 BS EN 19044-22005 EN 1994-1-2:2005 (2) ‘According tothe interpretative Document 2 "Satey in Case of Fire he essantalrequtoment may be Cbserved by folowing vanous posses for Re sa'ly strategies provaling inthe Member States ike onventona fre scenaros (ronal fre) of natura (paramete) Me scenes, incluing patsive ‘nao active re protection measures. “The feo arts of Stucural Euocodes deal wih specie aspects of passive fre protec in terms of sesiging oro rd prs ral for acount edb ence of ig he send os Required functions and levels of performance canbe spcifed ether in terms of nominal (standard) fre feskslance rang. generally gen in nallonalregatons or, where allowed by ratios fre regaons, Dyrefersng to fir safely engineerng fr asseshng passive and achve moasures ‘Supplementary requrements concerning, for example the posable talon and maintenance of pier sytem + conditions on cccupancy of bung cre compartment = the use ot approved insulation and coating materi, inluing her maintonance, ‘are not given in his document, because they are subject fo specication by the competent author Numerical values fr par factors and ther eabity elements are gven as recommended values Hat provide an accopabi vel of relat. They have Been selected aesuming that an appropri lve of ‘workanshp ané of ually management apples. Design procedures ‘A tl analycal procedure for stuctural re design woul take ilo account he behaviour ofthe structural fyetom at elevated tempertires, the potential heat exposure and te benef effects of ave fre proteclon systems, Togetier win the Uncsflanes assoctated wih these tvee featues and the Importance fhe stuctire(concequances of au) ‘At the present time itis possible to undertake a procedure for detemining adequate performance which Incorporates some, not al, of Tese parameters and to demonstate that be sbucture, oF Is Components, will give agequst perfomance ina reel buldng ‘Ye. However where the procedure Ie based on a'nominal (standard) fre, he casiicaton system, which cals for specie periods of fre resistance, lakes into account (hough not expe), the features and uncetanes Gescibed above. [Applcaton f this Pat 12 s lusratod below. The prescriptive approach and the perfommance-based ‘pprosch ae Wdentiies The preserptve approach uses nominal esto generate thermal actions. Tho Devtormance-based approach using fre safety engineer, res Io thermal acions based on psa fd chemical parameters. For design according to thie part, EN 1991-1.2 is requed for the daterminaton of them and ‘mechenica exons be erustre, BS EN 1994-1.2:2005 EN 19941-2:2006 () Figure 0: Altemative design procedures Design ads ‘Apart fom simple calculation models, EN 1094-1-2 gives design solution In tems of tbuated data (@esed on tests or advanced caculason models) which may be used win the specfed its of vay Iti expected, that design ais bated onthe cleulaton models gvenin EN 1994-12, wil be prepared by Interested extemal rganzatons. “The main text of EN 1994-1-2 ogether wih informative Annexes A to | includes mest f the pncpal concepts and ules necessay for stucurl fre design of composte steel and conerete svctues, BS EN 1996-12:2005 EN 1996-12:2005 2) National annex for EN 1994-1-2 ‘This standard gives atomatve procedures, vals and recommendations fr classes with notes Inaeatng where national choices may have to be made, Thereore the National Standard mlemening EN 1994-12 should have a Natonal annex containing at Natonaly Determined Parameters fo be Used forthe design of buldngs tbe constctesin the relevant county. = sc) = 2130) fH — 22(pnove + = 23,Q)P NOTES = 242(@)NOTE = 332(@)NoTEs = aan = 4354 (1NOTE + 8S EN 1904-12:2005, EN 1996-12:2005 (6) Section 4 44 Scope (1) Thi Par 1-2 of EN 1904 deal wth the design of compose steel and concrete structures ‘or the ‘cient station offre exposure and fe inanded to be used In conjunction wit EN 1996-14 and EN to91-1-2. Ths Part 12 ony Wenlfes diferences rom, er supplements, normal temperate sign, (2) This Pat 1.2 of EN 1994 deals ony wth passive methods of he protection, Active methods ate nat (2) Ths Par 1-2 of EN 1904 appli to compost steal and concrete arucure that re required ofa ‘ofan ncbons when exposed oe, interme of = avong premature cotapse oft sryture (oad bearing hneton = tig fre spread (fame, ht gases, excssive heat) beyond designated areas (separating uncon). (2)This Pat 1-2 of EN 1004 gives principles and appication rues (see EN 1961-12) for desgning Sruclures for specified fequvements in respect of the aforementioned functions and the level pedormance. (6) This Part 1-2 of EN 1904 apples to structures, or pars of structures, that are within the scope of EN 1854-1 and are designed acordngly. However, no les are gen for compost elements which Include restessed conrete parts (6)For al composite cross-sections longitusinal shear connection between stel and concrete should be In aceoreance with EN 1894-1-1 oD Vrifid by tests (ue 9s0 4.341. and Annex) (7 Typical exampes of concrete sans win prose steel sheets wth or witout renforeng bark are gen nique Trapezoid profie peepee “ee an = eee Figure 1.1 Typical examples of concrete slabs with profi Telnforelng bare sheets with or without " 18S EN 1996-1.2:2005 EN 1984-1-2:2005(€) (@)Typcal examples of composite beams are gen in Figures 12 to 15. The comespondng ‘onaectona detaling is covered in section 8. Koy 1 Shear connectors 2 Ft concrete sab or compost sab with pried see sheeting '3— Profs wih or wihou protection Figure 1.2: Composite beam comprising steel beam with no conerate encasement Koy 1 Optional 2 Shrups welded web of profie 5" Renoreng bor Figure 1.3: Stel beam with partial conerote encasement = 1 Reinforcing bar Koy ber 2 Shear comectors Figure 14 Stee beam partly ancasedin slab Figur 1.5: Composite beam comprising ste! boam with partial concrete encasement (0) Typical examples of compose columns are given In Figues 1.6 to 1.8. The comesponding ‘constructional etaling is 2overed im section 6. cy SEN 1904-12:2005 EN 1994:4-2:2008 6) + oyea: connectors welded to ‘web of profle Figur 1.8: Figure 17: Figure 1.8: Concrete encased profi rally encased profi ‘Conerat file profes (10) Offerent shapes, tke ctcula oF cctagonal eoas-sectons may also be ised for columns, Where ppropits, reinforcing bare maybe replaced by see sections (11) The fre resistance of these ypes of constructons may be increased by applying fre prtecton ‘ate NOTE: The design pine and nies oven in 42,43 and een sures racy expose othe ‘to writ ae Roe aye preecon aan iss exp pected abe, (12)P The methods given in this Part 1-2 of EN 1904 are applicable to structural ste! grades $235, ‘S276, $365, $420 and $469 of EN 10025, EN 10210-1 and EN H0210-4 (13) Fr profiled see sheeting, reference ls mage to section 25 of EN 1904-11 (14) Ronfreng bars shoul bein accordance with EN 10080. (18) Normal weight concroto, 2s doind in EN 1984-1-1, is applicable tothe We design of composite ‘Stuctures. To Use of ghtwelght concrete fs pemited for eomposie sats, (18) This pat of EN 1898 does not cover the design of composite structures with conrete strength ‘asses lower an C2025 and LC20022 and higher ban CSOI60 and LOBUISS, NOTE: Iomation on Gone Seenat Clases hgh han CED la en sacton 6 of EM 105212 ‘hou of tove conse sheng Gata ay be spectedin fe Natal res. (17) For materials not incase herein reference should be made to relevant CEN product standards or European Teenneal Approval 17). 4.2, Normative references (yp This Ewopean Standard incorporates by deted of undaled reference, proviions fom other Dubicalons. These ronmatve reteences are cited a the approprata pacer in the tee and Dee Publications af ited hereafter. For dated relerances,subsaquen amendments too evisone of ay ot {hese publications appy to tis European stangard ony when incorporates m by amendment oF Feviion. For undated references the latest eclton of the pubbeavon refered {0 apples (neucing ‘emendments EN 1985.4 Fie resistance tots for lbadbearing elements — Part: Nas EN 1385.2 Fie resistance tots fot oadbearing elements -Part2: Floors and cots EN 1385.3 Fe resistance tots for loadbesring elements - Part 3: Seams 8 BS EN 1904-1-2:2008 EN 1994-1-2:2006 () en 1265-4 EN 10025-1 EN 100253 EN 100254 EN 100255 EN 1025-6 EN 10080 EN 102104 EN 021044 env 133014 env 133012 ENV 153613 ENV 192814 ENV 129815 EB ev 199018 EN 1990, EN 1981 Fre resistance tests or losdbearig elements Pat 4: Colurms Hotcoled products of ructura stels- Part: General technical dlvery condone Hots products of structural stools - Pat 2 Techical delivery constons for non-aly sbuctal sees Hoteole products of structural steels -Part3: Technical delivery conditions for fomazedhnormaizedroledweleble fre grin srr sel Hoteoled products of structural steels Par 4: Technical delivery conons for thermomechanical ole weldabl ne gran suctural secs structural steels with improved almospheri corosion resistance Hot ote products of structural seele-Part6: Technical delivery condone for fat products of high yild strength structural stools in the quenched. and tempored coniton ‘Stoo for he reinforcement of concrale- Wedatle enforcing seal Genera Het tristes stnctural hollow sectons ofnon-afoy and fine gan stutural stels = Part Tecnialdevry contin Cold formed welded stucual hollow sections of non-lloy an fine gran trical soot = Part: Tectnea dlvery condone Test methods for determining the contribution ote fre resistance of sructral ‘members Patt: Horzontal roectve membranes Test retods for determining the contibuton tothe fre resistance of srctral, rmemeers-= Part2:Vertcal protecive membranes est methods for determining the contibuton tothe re resistance of srctra ‘members Pat: Apled protection to concrete members ‘Test mathod for determining the contibuon tothe fe resistance of ucural members ~ Pan: Apples protectin fo see members ‘Test methods for determining the contusion tothe fre resistance of structural members ~ Pat 5: Apples protection to concrelepofied sheet comport members Test mothods fer dterining the contibuton to the te resistance of siivtiral members ~ Part & Applied protection to concrete fled holow steel columns Cl Eurcode; Basi of seta design Ewrcode 1: Actons on Stucure — Pat 1.1: General Actons- Densities, set weight and imposed oads Evocade 1: Actons on Stuctues Pat 1.2: General Actions Actions an ‘sretures exposed tore 8S EN 19044-22008 EN 1994:4-2:206 (€) EN 1091-43 Erocode +” Aaions on Stuctures ~ Part 13: General Actens- Actions on structures - Snow leads EN 1991-14 Eurocode 1 Actions on Stuctures Part 14: General Actions Actions on structures Wi oad EN 19024141 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures Part 1.1: General rule andres fr bangs N 1982-12 Eurocode 2: Design of coneree sturures - Part 12: Stuetural fre cesign EN 1960-14 urocode & Design of toe structures - Par 11. General ules andres for buldnge EN 1908-12 vrocode 3 Desig of see srucures Part 12: Structural fre design EN 1008-45, Eurocode 3: Desig of steel structures -Par 1: Pstd stuctural eloronts EN 1994-141 Eurocode 4: Design of composite stool and concrete structures - Patt 1. (Genera rules and ues for buldngs™ 1.3 Assumptions (HP Assumptions of EN 1990 and EN 1991-12 apply, 4.4. Distinction betwoen Princip nd Application Rules (4) The rule gven in EN 1000 case 1.4 apply 1.5 Definitions: (1)P The rs given in clauses 1.5 of EN 1990 and EN 1991-12 apy (2)P The flowing temns are used in Part 1-2 of EN 1994 withthe folowing meanings: 1.54 Special terme relating to 1544 dhe distance ‘Gatance between the ane of the enforcing ba and he nearest edge of concrete 442 ar of structure Selated parton entre structure wth appropriate support and boundary condtons 1513 protected members members for which measures ae tien to reduce he temperatures inthe member duo fro braved frame ame which has a eway resistance supped by a bracing system which is suflonty stir tobe ‘acceptably accurate to assume thatal onontal bags at essed by Oe bracing system 16 1BSEEN 1996-12:2005, EN 19844.2:2008 () 4152 Terms relating te material and products properties failure time of protection Guraton of pretecton agaist rect fr exposure; thatthe te when the fe protective casdnge or ‘ter proteton fal of he composite memer. or offer elements aigned wi tat compeste member fl (0 1b colapso, or te alent wih cher semen Is terminated due to excessive deformation of Ne camposie member 4522 fire protection mater any rato or combination of materials apple toa structural member forthe purpose of nereasing ts frereastance, 4.82 Terms relating teh 3 trator analyse 4534 section factor fora steel member, the rato between the exposed surface area and the volume of tet fr an enclosed ‘member, the rato betwen the itamal surface ate ofthe exposed encesement andthe volume of ste! 115.4 Terms relating te mechanical behaviour analysle 1548 ical temperature of structural tae! {ora oven lad love te temperate At which fae is expected Yo occur in a structra set element fora untor temperate distribution {he tomperatute ofthe “onvorcomert at which fale inthe element is expected to coout a given lad level tfective cross section ‘coss section ofthe member in stucturl fre design used Inthe effective cose section method. ti ‘obtained by removing paso the cross secon with assumed zero svength and sites 1544 maximum stress level {ra gen tempertire, the sess level at which the stress-strain elaonsip of ste! is tuncated to provi a lel psteas 18 Symbols (1 Forte purpose ofthis Part 1-2 of EN 1994, the following symbors appl Latin por case ators A oss-eetional area or concrete volume ofthe member pe mete of menber length Aus ose ectonal area of the ste profi at the temperature 0 foe ose sectional area of he concrete athe temperature a roe sectional are of steel fange AA, any, An Aa aa 5 Fea Faas (nex BS EN 1994-12:2005 EN 19944-22008 ) cement area ofthe cross section witha temperature Gor or he exposed surface area of he pat ofthe see! cross-section per unit ang the io goomety factor ection fetr [ofthe pat of he steel ros-secton (non prtectd member) deat hase surace area of member pr unit ieng® eatin factor of structural member ‘are of he inne surtac of he fre potecton meteral per ui length of the pat of the ses! member section factor [of ne pat ofthe see! crass section (yah contour protection) cross-sectional area ofthe sions section factor of stifeness oss-seclonal area of the renfrcing bars atthe temperature Integrity eterion ‘oF E 60,2 member complying wth the Integy erteron for 30, or 60. miutes in ‘Standard re exposure charac vale forthe modulus of lastly of stuctual steel at 20° characters value forthe modulus of east o a proesteel fange characters value for the slope ofthe linear elastic range of he stress-strain Felatonsip of srucura ste! at elevates lomporaures tangent modulus ofthe svess-tain relationship ofthe sleet profile at elevated tomporatire@ and or stesso. characterise vale forthe sacant modulus of concrete in the fie svat, given by 0 9S BY Fou characterise vale for the tangent modes at the origin of he siress-stain relstonehip for sonereta a elevaod lomperatures and for short trm loading tangent modulis of the sress-tain relatonship of the concrete at elevated temperatre 6 and for stress oe ‘design efecto actions for normal temperature design desig fect of acons inthe fre stuaton, suppose to be ime independent design elect of actos, including ndvect re aeons and loads in the fre stuaton, sttinet ‘lenutal sess inthe We stuston (lates to the central axis Z ofthe composts ‘Gosesecton). 7 SEN 1994-1.2:2005, EN 19941.2:2008 () (ave hee nes nate aus 5 B aa B a be Mane Mae Mane ® fenuralsttness ofthe two tanges of he ste! protien the fre stuaton (elated to the central axe 2 of the compost cows sector) {true stiness of the reinforcing basin he re station lated tthe centl axis Zot the composte coss-secton) fective Berl stfness (or bending around axis 2) in the ee station flerural sess ofthe web ofthe steel profile inthe fe stuaton (rated to the cenal aus Zof the composi cross sector) charactors value ofthe modulus of elaccty ‘modulus of easy of the reinforcing bars characterise value for tne slope of the near easte range ofthe stress-strain Felatoneip of refocng steal at elovatod temperatures tangent modulus ofthe stess-van relatonsip of he enforcing steel at elevated temperature 6 and for sess oe compcessve force in the steal role {otal compressive force In the composite secton In case of sagging or hogging bending moments compression force in the slab characters value of permanent acon hydrocarbon re exposure curve ttemal nsiatonenteron second moment of are, ofthe pataly reduced pati of tie cosssecton for bending aroun te weak osrong ais inthe fre stuaton 0-1 60,.. a member comphing with the thermal insulaton criterion for 30, er 60. Irindes in standard Re exposure system long ofa column inthe relevant storey bucking length of column nan ital storey bbucklng lang of column nthe tp storey ending moment ‘esi value of the sagging or hogging moment esitance inthe fre situation esign moment resistance in the fe station atime t umber of he connectors in one cia ngth, Naw Nea Meine Nowe Mens Pees Reyne 18S EN 1994-1-2:2005 EN 19941-22005 (6) or wal oad ceauhaent ail oad tas ica load («Euler bucking lad inthe re stuation ast cites toad (= Euler bucking load) around the axis Zn the fe stuston design value ofthe plastic resistance to ail compression ofthe toll rose-eecion Inne te atuaton design value of the cesetnce of a member in axial compression (= a Dueking loa) and in the fire station design vaue ofthe resistance eta member in ala compression, fr 2encing sound {hea 2m the ro stoton with ofthe bottom fange ofthe steel section bs wih ofthe upper ange ofthese section be depth of the composite column made ofa totaly encased section, ‘rw efeonerete paral encased ste bears on idl eduction ofthe encased concrele between the Nangesin the fre stuaton eam ‘minimum vaiue of he width educton of the encased concrte between the Senge Inthe fe station be fective with of te concrete stab b iat eduction of upper ange nthe fre suai e speci (er buckng curve, ‘er concrete cover from edge of concrete to border of structural tee! a speci heat of soe! « specicheat of normal weight concrete e specie het of the fre protection mate a ameter of the composite column made of coneels Rled hollow secton, or ‘ameter ofthe studs welded othe wab of he ste profle 4 thickness ofthe fre protection material ° thickness of pote or hotow secton o tickness of he botom Range ofthe ste profle % ‘tikness of he upper flange ofthe steel profile * ticks of ne fang of the sel pofie e thekness of the web ofthe steal rote 2 hs nm ha BS EN 1994-1-2:2005 EN 19941.2:2008 () enteral fre aposure cuve ‘maximum sess lve orefoctv yield srength of stuctral tal in he fe stuaon strength of sel atcrteal temperature Oy ropertnal imi of seucural or reinforcing stelin he fre station timate tensio stongth of structural stel or ste! for stad connectors in the fre Stuation, alowng forstainnardning, ‘Characters or nominal vale forthe yd stangth of sutual see at 20°C characterise valu of he compressive clndersvength of concrete at 28 days and awe. characterise sregth of conerat prt jat 20°. aracorisic value for the compressive eyinder svength of concrete Inthe fre ‘stuatonattumpersture 6°. residual conpressve strength of conerete heated toa maximum temperate (wth mlayers) residual compressive strength of conerote heated to a maximum emperature