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BRITISH STANDARD BS EN BRITISH STANDARD 1994-1-1:2004 henprng coal Sooo Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures — Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings | RECEIVED” | 10 0eC 209 *) =pare Eon British Standards BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 4 FSC 100%, National foreword ‘hie British Standard isthe UX implementation of BN 1994-12004, incorporating corrigendum April 2000 1 eupersedes DD ENV 1€941-:1994 which i withdraws, ‘The start and Bish of text introduced o altered by corsgendum is indicated in th tox by fogs. Text aller by CEN corrigendum April 2009 is indicated in the text by Ei) CG ‘Tha structural Buroodes are divided into packages by grouping Burocodes “cach ofthe main mntrils conecte, kc sumpesite coeree and ote, timber vaasonry and aluminium this eto enable a common dt of ‘ithdsawal (DOW) forall the vaovant parts that are needed lor «particular Aosign The eonfizting national standards wil be withdrawn a he anda the coexistence period, afer all the EN Burocodes of a package are avaiable Following publication ofthe BN, there is «period alowed for the nations! talibration during which the Nations! Annex i esue, followed 9y Soaristanc periad of a maximum three years, Daring the co-existence ‘period Member States aro encouraged to adapt their national provisions, [Av the end ofthis coexistence perod, Ube canting pact of naonal Standard) willbe witdrawn, {In the UK, the primary coreepondng national standards ar: = BS $050.8.1:1990 — Structural us of stehvork in building. Design in composite construction, Code of practice for design of simple and — BS'5050<41004 — Structural use ofsecluork in building. Code of practice for design of composite slab with profiled ste! sheng and based on this transition period, these standards will be withdrawa on a date tobe announce, but atthe lest by March 2010 ‘The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Techical (Commitee G25, Building tnd cl engineering strectures, a Subcommittee BG28/4, Composite structures. Alc f organizations represented on this subcommites can be obtained! on ‘request tts secretary. ‘Where a normative part ofthis EN allows fora choice to be made at the natiooal level, the range and possible choice wil be given in the normative teat, and.e ota will qualify tana Nationally Determined Parsncter (DP). NDPs cam be s specie value for a facior, m specie lovel or ls Dasticular method or a particular eppication rule if soveral are proposed in ‘To enable EN 1994-11 to be used in the UK, the NDPs wil be polished ins National Annex, which wil be made avilable by BST in du courses sar public sonesltaton has taken poe. ‘This publication does not purpor to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible frie eorrect application Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from Tegal obligations. ‘Amendmentskorrigenda issued since publication Dae Comments ‘Bi October 2009 | Implementation of CEN corrigendum April 2008 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 1994-1-1 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM Decne 2004 es e1ar030 0 240.10; 51.08040 Sipenaces EW 1941900 Incorporating corigencum Apel 2000 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings Fame hag pombe aan setpoint ‘omen Sdn at pp by CNN 2 p26. ‘evant abu cara wh CENCENELEG mer er pee dons un he an ni mp2 Snake pod ac Seas a ae se Serogycese rperynasoara tay tate tints cen Sn eee te Pe POR ‘Sena Span Suen ens top Section 1 Genera. 1.1 Scope. ee 1.1.1 Scope of Eurocode 4 2 1.12 Scope of Fart 1.1 of Burocode 4 2 1.2 Normative eftene25.o... B 1.21 General reference standards OI B 1.22 Other reference standards... COUN 3B 1.3 Assumptions : en {Diino even pics adaption ls 4 15 Definitions... Mone 16 15.1 General CRE 4 1,52 Additional terms snd definitions vied in this Standard, 4 1.6 Symbols : coe 1S ‘Seetion 2 Basis of design. 2.1 Requirements 2.2 Principles of linit state design. CII 2B 23 Basie variables CII 23.1 Actions and environmental influences, 2B 2.3.2 Material and product properties. CINE a 2.33 Classification of actions... 2B 2.4 Verification bythe partial factor method, . SUNEIINa 2.4.1 Design vals. . a B Design valves of actions 2 2.4.12 Design values of material or product properties. 2 24:13 Dain vals of geomet da, I a Design resistancs . : 4 2.42 Combination of actions. : 6 2.43 Verification of static equilibrium (EQU). ONE 4 ‘Section 3 Materials, 4 3.1 Concrete. on sen py 3:2 Reinforcing sel, an 25 33 Structural tel CI 25 3.4 Connecting devices oO 25 3.4.1 General 25 3.42 Headed stud shear connector... 25 13.5 Profiled stel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings... ae 25 Section 4 Durability. 4.1 General . x 4.2 Profiled steel sheting for composite sabsin buildings 26 Section 5 Structural analys 5.1 Structural modelling for analysis. a 5.1.1 Structural modelling and basic assumptions... 5.12 Joint modeling. : 5.13 Ground-structur interaction, 5.2 Structural stability... 5:21 Bflects of defuined geoetey of te sewctre, 5.2.2 Methods of analysis for buildings 53 Imperfections 53.1 Basis, 53.2 Imperfections in buildings. 53.2.1 General 53.2.2 Global imperfections 53.2.3 Member imperfections 5.4 Caleulaton of action effect. 5.4. Methods of global analysis. General 54.1.2 Eective width of flanges for shear i 542 Linea elastic analysis 5.421 General... 5.422 Creep and shrinkage - 5.4.23 Bees of eracking of concrete 5.42.4 Stages and sequence of construction. 5.42.5 Temperature effets. 5.42.6 Pre-stessing by controlled imposed deformations. $43 Nowlinear global analySis...en. oo 5.4 Linear elastic analysis with limited rdistribution for aii. 5.45 Rigi lt ol amis for bls 45.5 Classification oferos-sections 5.51 Generar 5.5.2 Classification of composite sections without concrete encasement. 5.5.3 Classification of composite sections for buildings with conerete encasement. Section 6 Uitte iit tate. 6. Beans... 6.1.1 Beams for buildings... oe 6.1.2 Bffective width for verification of eoss-secdons. . 40 62 Resistance of cross-sections of beams. ced (62.1 Bending resistance nereeenne oo 40 62.1.1 General... fenenneeees 40 62.1.2 Plastic resistance moment Maa of a composite cross section, 0 6213 Mai esac momen of cons wih paral sear connection in buildings, son 2 62.1.4 Nowliea resistance to beading.» svn aes) 62.1.5 Blasi resistance to bending, “4 62.2 Resistance to vertical shear, el a 45 62.2.1 Scope... . 45 (62.22 Plastic resistance to Vertical shears CI as 62.2.3 Shear buckling resistance... 62.2.4 Bending and vertical shear. 6.3 Resistance of cross-sections of beams for buildings with partial encasement. . 63:1 Seope. 63.2 Bending resistance. 63.3 Resistance to vertical shear {63.4 Bending and vertical sheer. 64 Laterltorsional buckling of composite beams... 64.1 General. 6.4.2 Verification of lateral-torsional buckling of continuous composite ‘beams with cross-sections in Class 1, 2 and 3 fo buildings. 6.43 Simplified vrificaion for buildings without direst calculation, 6.5 Transverse forees on webs. 65.1 Gener. 6.5.2 Flange induced aking of of webs 65 Sheer connection... (66.1 General Bass of design. 66.1.2 Limitation onthe ue of paral sheer connection in beams for buildings 6.6.13 Spacing of shear connectors in beams for buildings. 6.62 Longitudinal shear force in beams fr buildings. (662.1 Beams in which non-linear or elastic theory is used for resistances of one or more cr0s-SetiORS. =. 662.2 Beams in which plastic theory is used for resistance of erese-see4008... 46.63 Headed stud connectors in slid slabs and coneete encasement. 6.63.1 Design resistance... 7 6.6.32 Influence of tension oa shear resistance 6.64 Design resistance of headed studs used with profiled ste! sheeting in buildings... 6.64.1 Sheeting with ibs parle othe supporting beams. 6.642 Sheeting with ribs transverse tothe supporting bears 6.643 Biaxial loading of shear connectors 6.6.5 Detailing ofthe shear connection and influence of execution, {665.1 Resistance fo separation. 6652 Cover and concreting for buildings. 6653 Local reinforcement i the sab. (66.5.4 launches other than formed by profiled steel sheeting {66.5.5 Spacing of connectors. 66.5.6 Dimensions of the steel Range 6.65.7 Headed sud connectors 6.65.8 Headed studs used with profiled steel sheeting in buildings 6.66 Longitudinal shear in canret slabs. 665.1 General. {66:62 Design resistance to longitudinal shear 66.5.3 Minimum transverse reinforcement... 6.6.64 Longitudinal shear and transverse reinforcement in beams for buildings. 6.7 Composite columns and composite compression members. on 8 6.1.1 Gener. en 6 6.1.2 General method of design vce nn) 6.73 Simplified method of design. oon 66 {673.1 General and scope... = O66: 67.3.2 Resistane of cross-sections. 7 67 6.7.33 Effective flexural stiffness, stel contribution ratio and relative slendemess. svintnnnnnnseee 6 Methods of analysis and member imperfections 7 67.3.5 Resistance of members in axial compression. 0 62.3.6 Resistance of members in combined compression and ‘uniaxial bending. so mmm] 673.7 Combined compression and biaxial bending “PB 6.14 Shear connection and load introduction. oo ™ 67.4.1 General a 2 4 67.42 Load introduction % 67.43 Longitudinal shear outside the areas of load introduction. 7 6.75 Detailing Provisions... CONe 67.5.1 Conerete cover of steal profiles and reinforcement... sso 78 67.52 Longitudinal nd tansvers reinforcement, a} 6.8 Fatigue. 7 78 68.1 Generale co Ts (6.8.2 Pana factors for fatigue assessment for buildings. = 79 6.83 Fatigue strength. sonnnennnieeed® 6.84 lateral foes edge lading CO 80 685 Ste5865 ren = Cao 685.1 Genecl SINE 80 685.2 Concrete. rs nnnvennnnn er) 6853 Structural sel, SI 80 685.4 Reinforcement. wssssnnvnnnn CoS BL 68.5.5 Shear connection. a 81 6.86 Stress ranges, ve BD 68.6.1 Structural steel and reinforcement 82 68.62 Shear connection... _ 82 6.8.7 Fatigue assessment based on nominal stress ranges. 83 68.7.1 Structural steel, reinforcement and concrete Ca 68.72 Shear connection I 8 Section 7 Serviceability limit states. 7 General, 72 Stresses. 72.1 Gevet. x . ae 72.2 Stes limitation for buildings. I 85 173 Deformations in buildings... CLUE 85 173.1 Deflecions COE as 173.2 Vibration. 86 7.4 Cracking of concrete 86 TAN Genet rnnsnssnvvnnnnn CL a 7.42 Minimum reinforcement. I wo 87 7.43 Control of cracking due direct loading... 88 Section 8 Composite joints in frames for buildings... 81 Scope. . 82 Analysis, modelling and classification 182.1 Genera 8.22 Elastie global analysis. 823 Chssieaton foi 83 Design methods. 183.1 Basis and seope 83.2 Resistance. 153.3 Rotational sess, 83.4 Rotation capacity 8.4 Resistance of components, 8.4.1 Scope, 8.4.2 Baal joint componeats I 84.2.1 Longitudinal steel einforcement in tension, 2 8422 Stel contac pat in compression... 2 8.43 Column web in transverse compression . ees 8.4.4 Reinforced components oo 93 84.4.1 Column web pane in shear. NILE 93 84.42 Columa web in compression a 3 Section 9 Composite slabs with profile steel sheeting for buildings 9.1 General 9.1.1 Scope, 911.2 Definitions 91.2.1 Types of shear connection. 9.1.22 Pull shear connection am paral shear connection. 9.2 Desing provisions. 92.1 Slab thickness and reinforcement. 9.22 Aggregate... 9.23 Bearing requirements 9.3 Actions and ation effects 93.1 Design situations 93.2 Actions for profiled see sheeting as shut 9.3.3 Actions for composite slab 94 Analysis for intemal forees and moments 9.4.1 Profiled steel sheting as shuttering. 9.42 Analysis of composite sab... 9.43 Effective width of composite slab for concentrated point snd line loads... °° 9.5 Verification of pried scl sheeting as shtering for ultimate limit states... seven 100 9.6 Verification of pried scl sheeting as shuttering for serviceability limit states. 1100 9.1 Verification of composite slabs for ultimate limit states. oo oo 9.2. Design criterion nn 100 9.72 Flexure 101 9.23 Longitudinal shear for slabs without end anchorage. 102 9.14 Longitudinal shear fr slabs with end anchorage... cn 104 2004 EN 1994-1-1:2004 (E) 9.75 Vertical shea. rnenee ecnnnnnnnsin 108 9.7.6 Punching shea. 104 ‘938 Verification of composite sabs for serviceability limit sates... vsvsvve 108 9.81 Coxol of king of coer, nnn 104 9.82 Deflection 105 ‘Annex A (Informative) Stiffness of joint components in buildings. . 106 AL Scope. — sevnnntnsnssee 106 ‘A2 Stiffness coefficients — 106 ‘8.2.1 Basi joint components... COIL 06 ‘A2.1.1 Longitudinal steel reinforcement in tension... 106 ‘42.1. Steel contact plate in compression. os ‘A.22 Other components in composite joints... 108 ‘42.2.1 Column web panel in shea, COONEY tos ‘A222 Column web in transverse compression. CONN 108 ‘23 Reinforced component... COIS tos ‘A231 Column web panel in shear I 108 ‘42.32 Column web in transverse compression. S108 ‘A.3 Deformation ofthe shear connection .renssnnnn 109 Annex B (Iaformative) Standard tess... 10 BA Genera rE . M0 'B2 Tests on shear connectors. ne 110 B21 General ee . no B22 Testing arangemenis COO no B23 Preparation of specimens... x Mi B24 Testing procedure CO 12 B25 Test evaluation... x COIN 3.3 Tesing of compose oS oo 113 BS. Govern z SEI a B.3.2 Testing arangement. ae na .3.3 Preparation of specimens, CONTIN aas B.3.4 Test oading procedure. Sons B.3.5 Determination of design vals for m and. On 116 1.3.6 Determination of the design values for ypu. n7 some (orm Scag fone or composte cues {or buildings. 8 118 BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 EN 1994-1-1:2004 2) Foreword ‘This document (EN 1994-1-1:2004), Eurocode 4: Design of composite ste and concrete structures Part 1-1 General rules and rules for buildings, hasbeen prepared on behalf of Technical Committee CEN/TC 250 "Structural Eurocodes, the Secretariat of whichis held by BSI, ‘This European Standard shall be given the status ofa national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, tthe latest by June 2005, and conflicting national standards shall, ‘be withdrawn atthe lnest by Masch 2010 ‘This document supersides ENV 1994-1-1:1992. CEN/TC 250 is resporsible forall Structural Eurocodes According tothe CEN(CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries ae bound to implement this European Standard: Austra, Belgiun, Cyprus, Casch Republi, Deanark, Eston, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, lean, Irland, ‘tay, Latvia Lituania Luxembourg, Malta, he Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzedand and the United Kingdom, Background of the Eurocode programme 1n.1915, the Commission ofthe European Community decided on an action programe inthe field of construction, based on aricle 95 of the Treaty. The objective of the programme was the elimination of technical obstacles o trade and the harmonisation of technical specifications. Within this action programme, the Commission took the initiative t establish a set of harmonised technical rules forthe design of construction works which, in a fist stage, would serve as an alternative tothe natinal rules in force inthe Member States and, ultimately, would replace them. For fiteen years, the Commission, withthe help of a Steering Committee with Representatives of| Member States, conducted the development of the Eurocodes programme, which led to the first ‘generation of European codes in the 1980s {In 1989, the Commission and the Member States ofthe EU and EFTA decided, on the basis of an agreement’ between te Commision and CEN, to transfer the preparation and the publication ofthe Eurocodes to CEN though a series of Mandates, in order to provide them with a “ture status of European Standard (EN). This links de facto the Burocodes with the provisions of all the Council's Directives and/or Commission's Decisions dealing with European standards (@. the Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction products - CPD ~ and Council Directives 93/37/EEC, S2/5Q/EEC and 89/440/EEC on publi works and services and equivalent EPTA Directives initiated in pursuit setting up the internal market). The Structural Eurocode programme comprises the following standards generally consisting of @ number of Parts: EN 1994-1 EN1990 Eurocode: Basis of Stuctual Design ENI991 ——Eurocode 1: Actions on structures EN1992 _Eurocode2: Design ofconeret structures EN1993 Eurocode 3: Design of sec structures EN 1994 Burocode 4 Design of composite steel and conerete structures EN 1995 Burocode 5: Design of timber structures EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures ENI997 __Burocode 7: Geotechnical design EN 1998 —Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance EN1999 Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures Burocode standards recognise the responsibilty of regulatory authorities in each Member State and have safeguarded their righty determine values related to regulatory safety mater t national level ‘where these continue to vary rom State to State Status and field of application of Eurocodes ‘The Member States ofthe EU and EFTA recognise that Eurocodes serve as reference documents for the following purposes: — a5 a means fo prove compliance of building and civil engineering works with the essential requirements of Council Directive 89/106/EEC, particularly Essential Requirement N°l — “Mechanical resistance and stability ~and Essential Requirement N°2~ Safety in cae of fie; ~ as abasis for specifying contracts for construction works and related engineering services; — 5 a famework for drawing up harmonised technical specifications for construction products (ENs and ETAS) ‘The Burocodes, a far as they concem the construction works themselves, havea direct relationship vite the Interpretative Documents referred to in Article 12 ofthe CPD, although they are of @ Gifferent nature from harmonised product standards’. Therefore, technical arpest arising from the urocodes work need to be adequately considered by CEN Technical Committees and/or EOTA Working Groups working on podvet standards with a view to achieving full compatibility ofthese {echnical specifications wih he Eurocodes. ‘The Eurocode standards provide common structural design rules for everyday use forthe design of ‘whole structures and comporent products of both a traditional and an innovative nature. Unusual forms of construction or design conditions are not specifically covered and sdditional expert consideration will be required by the designer in such cases, "ding At 39 fe GO, eet gems ese eee oem Be ane SPE ecg Sng Ae ey i ig se ») nf noo ene ric mpteen ite ec pean meio ‘Sano pat wee eee Sette! ui sera tal guise enpen whi pal ‘eto, pay contr ne dt rR at spetctERT ‘National Standards implementing Eurocodes ‘The National Standards implementing Eurocodes will comprise the fill text of the Eurocode (inctating aay aanexes), as publisbed by CEN, which may be preceded by a National tle page and "National foreword, and may be followed by a National annex, ‘The National annex may only contain information on those parameters which are left open in the Eurocode for national chofe, known as Nationally Determined Parareters, to be used for the design of buildings and civil enginering works to be constructed inthe country concerned, ce: ~ values andor classes where alternatives are given inthe Eurocod, = Yales obo used where a symbol ony is given inthe Buocode, = county specific data (geographical, climatic, ete), eg. snow map, the procedure tobe used whet lterative procedures ar given fa he Burocode emay also contain = decisions on te use of informative annexes, and * references to non-contradiciory complementary information to assist the user to apply the ‘Burocode. Links between Eurocodes and harmonised technical specifications (ENs and ETAs) for products There is a need for consistency between the harmonised technical specifications for construction products andthe technical rules for works" Furthermore, all the information accompanying the CE. Marking of the construction products which refer | Eurocodes shall clearly meation which ‘Nationally Determined Parameters have been taken into account. Additional information specific to EN 1994-1-1 [EN 1994-1-1 describes the Principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and dursbilty of composite steel and eonerete structures, together with specific provisions for buildings. Its based ‘on the limit state concept used in conjunction with a partial factor method For the design of new structures, EN 1994-1-1 i intended to be used, for direct application, together with ether Parts of EN 1994, Eurocodes EN 1990 to 1993 and Burocodes EN 1997 and 1998, EEN 1994-1-1 also serves asa reference document for other CEN TCs concerning stractural matters EEN 1994-1-1isintended for use by = committees drafting other standards for structural design and relited produc, testing and execution standards; ~ clients (eg forthe formulation oftheir specific requirements on reliability levels and durability); = designers and constructors; relevant authorities. 10 BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 EN 1994-1-1:2004 (&) Numerical values for partial factors and other reliability parameters are recommended as basic values that provide an acceptable level of reliability. They have been selected assuming that an sppropriate level of workmanship and of quality management applies. When EN 1994-1-1 is used asa base document by other CEN/TCs the same values need tobe taken. National annex for EN 1994-1-1 ‘This standard gives values with notes indicating where national choices may have to be made Therefore the National Standard implementing EN 1994-I-1 should have a National annex containing all Nationally Determined Parameters to be used for the design of buildings and civil ‘engineering works to be constructed in the relevant county [National choice is allowed in EN 1994-1-1 through the following clauses = 24.140) 24.1265) 24.1206)P 24.1202 316) 350) 64300) 6.63.1(1) 663.13) + 66418) 6820) 6820) 9.110) 9.602) 9.7.34), Note 1 9.7308), Note 1 = 9730) + B25() - B36) n Section 1 General L.A Scope LL Scope of Eurocode 4 (1) Burocode 4 appliss to the design of composite strvetures and members for buildings and civil ‘exginering works, Itcomplies with the principles and requirements forthe safety and serviceability of structures, the basis of their design and verification tht are given in EN 1590 — Basis of structural design. (@) Burocode is concerned only with requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability and fre fests of conpste structs. Or euemen 9 onan thal cn natn, (@) Burocode 4 is intended tobe used in conjunction with: EEN 1990 Furocode: Bais of structural design EN 1991 Burocode 1 Actions on structures [ENs, MENs, BTAGs and BTAs for constuction products relevant for composite structures EN 1090 Execution of ste! structures and aluminium structures EN 13670 Executionof concrete structures EN 1992 Eurocode 2 Design of concrete structures [EN 1993 Eurocode 3. Design of stel structures EN 1997 Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design EEN 1998 Burocode 8; Design of structures for earthquake resistance, when composite structures are boul i seismic regions (4) Burocode 4 is subdivided in various parts art 1-1: General rues and rules for buildings act 1-2: Structural ire design at 2: Bridges. 1.12 Scope of Part 11 of Eurocode 4 (1) Part 1-1 of Eurocode 4 gives general basis forthe design of composite structures together with specific rales for buildings. (2) The following subjects are dealt with n Pat 1-1: Section 1: General Basis of design : Materials : Dunbilty Section 5: Structural analysis Section 6: Ultimate limit states Section 7: Serviceabilty limit states Section 8: Composite joins in frames fr buildings Section 9: Composite slabs with profiled sel sheeting for buildings 1.2 Normative references ‘The following normative docaments contain provisions which, through references in this text, constitute provisions of this Ewopean standard, For dated references, subsequent amendments to ot revisions of any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this European standard are encourazed to investigate the possiblity of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references the latest edition of the ‘normative document refered to applies. 1.2.1 General reference standards EN 10902! Execution of ste! structures and aluminium structures - Technical rules for ‘the execution of steel structures EN 1990;2002 Bs of structural design 1.22 Other reference standards EDEN 19921-12004 Bupoode 2: Designo concrete structures: Gener nes td rales for baildings EN 1993-1-:2005 Burocode 3: Design of steel structures: General rules and rules for bulaings TEN 1993-1.3:2006 _Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Cold-formed thin gauge members and sheeting EN 1993-1-5:2006 _Ewrocode 3: Design of steel structures: Plated structural elements EN 1993-1-8:2005 _Burocode 3: Design of steel structures: Design of joints EN 1993-1-9:2005 Baxocode 3: Design of steel structures: Fatigue strength of steel servtures EN 10025-1:2004 _Hetroed products of structural stels: General delivery conditions EN 10025.2:2004 Het rolled products of structural stels; Technical delivery conditions fornon-alloy stuctual steels [EN 10025.3:2004_Het-olled products of structural stels: Techaical delivery conditions {for normalized/normalized rolled weldeble fine grain structural stels 10025-4:2004 _Hetclled products of structural steels: Technical delivery conditions {or themomecharical rolled weldable fine grain structral steels EN 10025-5:2004@G].Het-rolled products of structural steels: Technical delivery conditions {for sructural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance Foon dicted 3 BS BN 1994-1-1:2004 EEN 10025-6:2004 Hot olled products of structural steels: Technical delivery conditions for fat product of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition [EN 103262004 Continuously hot dip coated strip and sheet of stractral steels ~ Technical delivery conditions 5 EN 10149. 1995 Hotrolled Mat products made of high yield strength sees for cold-forming Delivery conditions for themmonechanicaly rolled stele EN 10149.3: 1995 Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels fr cold-forming: Delivery conditions for normalised or normalised rolled steels 1.3 Assumptions (1) In addition othe general assumptions of EN 1990 the following assumptions apply: those given in classes 13 of EN1992+1-1 and ENI993-I-1. 1.4 Distinction between principles and application rules (1) The mules in EN 1990, 1.4 apply 1.8 Definitions 1.5.1 General (2) The terms and definitions given in EN 1990, 1.5, BN 1992-I-1, 15 and EN 1993. 15 apply 1.82 Additional terms and definitions used in this Standard 1.52.1 Composite member structural member with components of concrete and of structural or cold-formed steel, interconnected by shear connection s0 ato limit the longitadinal slip between conerete and steel nd the seperation of one component from the other 1.522 Shear connestion tn interconnection between the concrete and steel components of « composite member that has suffcient strength and stiffness to enable the two components to be designed as pars ofa single structural member 1.52.3 Composite behaviour behaviour which occurs after the shear connection has become effective dve to hardening of 1.524 Composite beam «a composite member subjected mainly to bending 1.525 Composite column a composite member subjected mainly to compression of to compression and bending 1.52.6 Composite sab 8 slab in which profiled sleet shects are used initially as permanent shuttering and subsequently combine structurally withthe hardened conerete and act as tensile reinforcement in the finished floor 1.54.7 Composite frame 4 famed structure in which some or all of the elements are composite members and most ofthe remainder ae structural steel members 1.52.8 Composite joint «joint between a composite member and another composite, stel or reinforced concrete member, in which reinforcement is taken into account in design for the resistance and the stiffness of the joint 1.829 Propped structure or member a sttcture or member where the weight of concrete clement is applied tothe steel elements which ‘are supported in the span, or is carried independently until the concrete elements ae able to resist 1.52.10 Un-propped structure or member stricture or member in which the weight of concrete elements is applied to steel elements which are unsupported in the span 152.11 Un-cracked flexural stiffness the siffness By ofa cross-section of «composite member where [is the second moment of area ofthe effective equivalent stel section calculated assuming that concrete in tension is un-cracked 1.52.12 Cracked flexural stiffness the siffness yf of a cross-section of a composite member where is the second moment of area of the effecve equivalent steel section calculated neglecting concrete in tension but including reinforcement 1.5213 Prestress the process of applying compressive stestes to the concrete part ofa composite member, achieved by tendons or by controlled imposed deformations 1.6 Symbols For the purpose ofthis Standard the following symbols apply, Lavin upper case letters 4 Cross sectional area ofthe effective composite section neglecting concrete in tension 4x Cros-sectional area ofthe structural steel section 4s Crossstctional area of bottom transverse reinforeement yy Cross-sectional area of bottom transverse reinforeement ina haunch 4, Cross-sectional are of concrete dix Cremenentinnal ten ofthe tensile zane of the coneete An Cross-sectional are ofthe compression flange 4; Cross-sectional area of profiled stel sheeting 15 BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 EN 1994- 2004 (E) Effective cross-sectional area of profiled steel sheeting Ceoss-ectional erea of reinforcement (Cross-sectional area of transverse reinforcement (Cross sectional area of reinforcement in ow r Cross sectional area of top transverse reinforcement ‘Shear area ofa structural tel section [Loaded area under the gusset plate Modulus of elasticity of stuctural see! Effective modulus of elasticity for concrete Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete Design value of modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel Effective flexural stiffness for calculation of relative slendernese Effective flexural stiffness for use in second-order analysis Cracked flexural stiffness per unit width of the concrete or composite slab Design value ofthe resistance to transverse compression ofthe concrete encasement to 8 columa web Design longitinal free per stud ‘Design transverse force per stud Design tensile fore per stud Shear moduli of structural tel ‘Shear modulus of concrete Second moment of area ofthe effetive composite section neglecting coneretein tension Second moment of area ofthe struturl steel section St. Venant torsion constant of the structural steel section Second moment of sre ofthe un-cacked concrete section St. Venan torsion constant ofthe un-cracked concrete encasement Second moment of ara ofthe stel reinforcement Second moment of area of the effective equivaleat steel section assuming that the ‘coneret in tension is un-racked ‘Second moment of area ofthe effective equivalent steel section neglecting conerete in tension but including reinforcement Correction factors to be used inthe design of composite columns Stiffness related to the shear connection Parameter Calibration factor to be used in the design of composite columns Length; span effective span Equivalent span Span Length of ovechang Distance from centre ofa concentrated load othe neaest support Shear span Distance from a cross-section to the nearest support Bending moment Contribution of the structural stel section tothe design plastic resistance moment ofthe composite section Design bending moment applied othe structural see! section Design value ofthe buckling resistance moment of a composite beam ‘The part ofthe design bending moment applied to the compesite section Elastic critical moment for Iateral-orsional buckling of a compasite beam Pane Design bending moment Design bending moment applied to a composite joint ‘Maximum beading moment or internal force dve to fatigue loading ‘Minimum berding moment dve to fatigue loading Design vale af the elastic resistance moment ofthe composite section Maximum design value of the resistance moment in the presence of a compressive ‘normal force Design value of the plastic resistance moment of the effective cros-section of the profiled steel sheeting Most adverse bending moment fo the characteristic combination ‘Design value of the plastic resistance moment ofthe structural sea section Design value of the plastic resistance moment of the composite section tking into ‘account the compressive normal force Design value ofthe plastic resistance moment of the composite section wit fll shear connection Design value of the plastic resistance moment about the yy axis of the composite section wit ill shear connection Design value of the plastic resistance moment about the axis ofthe compote section with ll hex connection Reduced plate resistance moment ofthe profiled sel sheeting ‘Design vile of the resistance moment of composite section or joint Characteristic value ofthe resistance moment of a composite section or joint Design bendiag moment aplied tothe composite section about the axis, Design bending moment aplie to the composite section about the 2-2 sxis (Compressive normal force; number of stress range cycles; numberof shear connectors Design value ofthe normal force in the structarl steel section ofa composite seam Design value of the compressive normal force inthe concrete flange Design value of the compressive normal force in the concrete flange with full shear connection (Compressive normal force inthe concrete flange corresponding to Mayne laste eritcal load of « composite column corresponding to an effective flexural stiffness Elastic erica normal forse Design valu of normal force calculate for lod introduction Design valu of the compressive normal force Design valve ofthe prt of the compressive nonmal force thats permanent Design value of the plastic resistance ofthe profiled stel sheeting to nocmal free Design vale ofthe plastic resistance ofthe structural tel section to normal force Design value of the plastic resistance of the composite section to compressive normal force Characteristic value of the plastic resistance of the composite section to compressive oral free Design value ofthe resistance of the concrete to compressive normal force ‘Number of stese-range cyclee Design value ofthe plastic resistance ofthe steel reinforcement to normal fore Design vali ofthe plas resistance ofthe reinforcing stel to tensile normal force Design valve ofthe shear resistance ofa single stud cannector corresponding oF, Design value ofthe bearing resistance ofa stud Design val of the shear resistance ofa single connector ” Pre Characteristic value ofthe shear resistance ofa single connector Ping Design value of the shear resistance of a single stud connector coresponding to F, Ko Design value ofa support reaction 5 Rotational stifiness of Sia Initia rotational sifzess ofa joint Vans Design value of te shear force acting on the structural steel section Vina Design value ofthe shear buckling resistance of a steel web Vesa Design value ofthe shear force acting on the reinforced conerete web encasement Ves Design value ofthe shear free acting on the composite section Vig Design value ofthe resistance ofthe end anchorage Vina Design value ofthe resistance to shear Vana Design value ofthe plastic resistance of the composite section to vertical shear Vane Design value ofthe plastic resistance ofthe structural steel section to vertical shear Vgne Design value ofthe resistance of a composite slab to punching shear Fra Design value ofthe resistance ofthe composite section to vertical shear Ye Support reaction Vine Design value ofthe resistance of a composite slab to vertical shear Vesa Design value ofthe shea resistance ofthe conerete encasement to column web pane 7" Measured failure load asin ower case ltrs a Spacing between parallel beams; diameter or width; distance 6 Width ofthe flange ofa steel section; width of slab by ‘Width of the boom of the concrete rb be Width of the concrete encasement to a steel section bug Total effective width bay Effective width at mid-span fora span supported at both ends Puma ‘Effective width at an internal support utave Effective width ofthe column web in compression bg” _Eilective width ofthe conerete lange on each side ofthe web Yim Effective width of a composite slab br Width ofthe flange of ste! section ab Geometric width ofthe concrete flange on each side ofthe web 4 Width of a composite slab over which a lad is distibuted 3, Length of concentrated line load a ‘Width of rib of profiled steel sheeting Bu Distance between centres of adjacent ribs of profile steel sheeting bo Distance between the centres of the oustand shear connectors mean width of & concrete sib (minimum width for e-entrant sheeting profiles); width of haunch e ‘Width ofthe outstnd ofa see! ange; effective perimeter of reinforcing bar eer Thickness of eonerete cover a Clear depth of the web of the structural stel section; diameter ofthe shank of «stud connector; overall diameter of circular hollow steel section; minimum tansverse dimension of a column da, Diameter of the weld collar toa stud connector 4, Distance between the centroidal axis ofthe profiled stel sheeting and the extreme fre ofthe composite slab in compression 4 Distance between the steel reinforcement in tension to the extreme fibre of the 18 composite slab in compression; distance between the longitudinal reinforcement in tension andthe ceatroid of the beam's steel section aw by Eccentricity of loading; distance from the centoidal axis of profiled steel sheting to the extreme fibre ofthe composite slab in tension age distance Gap between the reinforcement and the end plat in a composite column, Distance fiom: the plastic neural axis of profiled stel sheting to the exteme fibre of ‘the compositsiab in tension Distance ftom: the stel reinforcement in tension to the extreme fibre of the composite slab in tension ‘Natural frequency Design value of the cylinder compressive stength of concrete (Characteristic value of the cylinder compressive strength of conerete at 28 days Mean value ofthe measured cylinder compressive strength of concrete ‘Mean value ofthe effective tensile stength ofthe concrete ‘Mean value ofthe axial tensile strength of conerete [Reference strength for concrete in tension ‘Mean value ofthe axial tensile strength of lightweight concrete Design value of the yield stength of reinforcing tee. (Characteristic value ofthe yield strength of reinforcing steel Specified ultimate tensile strength ‘Actual ukimae tensile strength in atest specimen ‘Nominal value ofthe yield strength of structural steel Design value of the yield strength of strutuzlstel Design value ofthe yield svength of profiled stelshesting “Mean value ofthe measured yield strength of profiled steel sheeting Reduction for for bending moments at supports Overall depth; thickness Depth of the siructural steel section Depth of the soncrete encasement to a steel section; thickness ofthe corcrete flange; thickness of canerete above the main Nat surface of the top ofthe ribs of the sheeting Thickness of conerete lange; thickness of finishes Position of nestral exis Overall depth ofthe profiled steel sheeting excluding embosements Depth between the centroids of the flanges of the stroctural steel secton; distance ‘between the lengitudinal reinforcement in tension andthe centre of compresion (Overall nomial height ofa stud connector (Overall thickress of test specimen Amplification factor for second-order effets; coefficient; empirical facur for design shear resistance Coefficient Stiffness coefficient ‘Addition othe stiffness coeficientk due to concrete encesement Reduction factor for resistance of a headed stad used with profiled steel sheting parallel tothe beam Rotational stiffness; coefficient Stiffness ofa shear connector Stfbess reduction factor due to deformation ofthe shear connection Sifness coefficient fora row rof longitudinal reinforcement in tension Reduction fictor for resistance of @ headed stud used with profiled slel sheeting transverse to the beam 9 BS EN 1984-12004 y h hk t 1 Ihe he & Factor forthe effet of longitudinal compressive stress on transverse resistance of a column web Parameter Flexural stiffness ofthe cracked concrete or composite slab Flexural stiffness ofthe web ‘Length ofthe beam in hogging bending adjacent to the joint ‘Length of slab in standard push test Beating lengths Load introduction length Slope of fatigue strength curve; empirical factor for design shear resistance Modular ratio; numberof shear connectors [Number of connector for ful shear connection “Modular ratio depending on the typeof loading ‘Number of stud connectors in one rib “Modular ratio for shorter loading Ratio of end moments ‘Longitudinal spacing cenreso-cente ofthe stud shear connectors sip ‘Transverse spicing cenre-o-centre of the sid shear connectors t ‘Age; thickness & Thickness of end pate fee Effective length of concrete © Thickness of a flange ofthe structural steel section 4 ‘Thickness ofa stiffener fq Thickness ofthe web ofthe structural steel section ue Thickness of the web of the structural steel column setion o Age at looding vey Design longitudinal shear tess my Design value of erack width 4% Distance between the plastic neutral axis and the extreme fibre ofthe conerete slab in compression y ‘Cross-section axis parallel tothe flanges 2 (Cross-section axis perpendcalar tothe anges; lever arm 2 Verical distance Grock uppercase lees do Stress range ‘do Reference value ofthe fatigue strength at 2 milion eycles 4x Equivalent constant amplituce ses range ‘Aaa Equivalent constant amplituce stress range due to global effects ‘oeine Equivalent constant amplituce sires range due to local effects ‘doz Equivalent constant amplitue stress range related to 2 millon cycles ‘do; Increase of stress in steel reaforcement due to tension stiffening of concrete ‘Aoives Damage equivalent stress range 4r Range of shear stress for ftizue loading 4x Reference value ofthe fatigue strength a2 milion eyeles 4m Equivalent constant amplituce stress rage 4x2 Equivalent constant amplituce range of shear stress elated to 2 million cycles ‘Ae Fatigue shea strength 0 y Coefficient Greck lowercase letters Factor; perameter Factor by which the design loads wool have to be incressed to cause ct instbilty Coeficien related to ening of «composi column Coefficient related to Bending of «composite column abut ts yy axis and the 2 axis reapectvely Rate Factor: aston pramstr Parameters, Part factor for conte Part fator for actions, also accounting for model uncedainies end dimensional aons Paral itor fr equivalent constant ampinde sess ange Partial factor for‘ material propery, also accounting for model wacertiates and dinensionl vranos Part factor for sacral sel applied to eistnce of ross-sctions se EN 1993-11, 6.11) Paria fico for sructrl see applied 0 resistance of members to inability assess by member checks see EN 1992-11, 6.10) Past factor for fatigue singh Part itor fr fei szength of sts in shear Partial itor fr pestresing ation Parl fete fo reinforcing sel Part itor fr design her resistance of beaded stad Partial itor for design shear resistance af composite lab Factor: sel contribution ro: cena! defeton Saguing vera efetion Deflection of el sexing under is own weight pls the weight of wetconerete Limiting value of & ‘Maximm ali messred inate the hacer load evel Carters ale of ip expaity 2381, «where fis in Ni? Degree of her connection; coefiient Frets elated othe confinement of conrete 1h Mh Ta. Factors related tothe confinement of concrete Ay Fase die a a BS ey Has Angle Damage equivalent factors ‘Damage equivalent factors for global effects and local effects, respectively Relative sendemess Relative slenderess for lteal-torsional buckling Coefficient of fition; nominal factor Factor related to design for compression and uniaxial bending Factor 4 related to plane of bending a BS EN 1994-1 ’ Reduction factor to allow forthe effect of longitudinal compression on resistance in shear; parameter relate to deformation ofthe shear connection, M% ——_Poisson’srato for structural tea! e Parameter related to deformation ofthe shear connection - Parameter related to reduced design bending resistance accounting for vertcal shear & Parameter reinforcement ratio Gameze Longitudinal compressive stress inthe encasement due to the design normal force aru Local design strength of concrete Extreme fre tensile sires in the conerete Got Maximum stress due to fatigue loading Gas Minimumstress due to fatigue loading Gimaxt Stes inthe reinforcement due to the bending moment Meanse Ginint, Stes in he reinforcement de to the bending moment Megat —_Stessin the tension reinforcement Ginx Stes i he reinforcement due to the bending moment Mags Sines Stes in the reinforcement due to the bending moment Mam, negletirg concrete in 9 _Sitess nthe tension reinforcement neglecting tension siflening of concrete ‘mg Design shear strength fa Value of longitudinal shear strength of a composite sls determined from testing ‘uns Design vate of longitudinal shear strength of composite slab fae Characteristic value of longitudinal shear strength ofa composite slab é Diameter size) ofa ste reinforcing ba; damage equivalent impact factor $ Diameter size) ofa steel reinforcing bar a Creep coefficient (hia) Creep coeicient, defining creep between times and f related to clastic deformation at 2hdeys x Reduction factor for flexural buckling jax Reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling vw Creep muiplier Section? Basis of design 2.1 Requirements (OP The design of composite stractures shall be in accordance with the general rues given in EN 1990, QP The supplemenary provisions for composite structures given in this Section shall also be applied. (2) The basic requirements of EN 1990, Section 2 are deemed be satisfied for compesite structures ‘when the following are applied together: limit state design in conjunction withthe partial factor method in accordance withEN 1990, actions in accordance with EN 1991, combination of actions in accordance with EN 1990 and resistances, durability and serviceability in accordance wit this Standard, 2

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