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Your Daily Companion For Inspiration And Positive Thinking


About Playtol

Playtol and its related Service are owned For businesses, we know that customers
and developed by C-Channels Sdn Bhd, care about those who care about them.
a MSC-status company situated These iconic gifts represent the
in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Generally it is givers’ thoughtfulness, feelings and
being marketing by its associate, Playtol sincerity.
Marketing for Malaysia and non-
exclusive market globally. These memorable iconic gifts can make a
positive difference in customer
We are positioned as the leader in the relationship because it enables constant
world of memorable iconic giving to communication and giving that greatly
people whom we care about. It is more improve business relationship with
than giving, it is a marketing gadget that them.
adds values to create profitable customer
relatonship and businesses. This practically converts any transactions
into a more humanised approach that
Playtol is about giving, fun, innovative, engages customers warmly and make
joy, uniqueness, caring and loving. Hence them feel very important.
the gift of this e-book for every men and
women who deserves love, care, success An important point that drives Playtol is
and better life. that we all have emotional bank account
for all our relationship. Sometimes we
It is a world where only the invitees are make withdrawal from the account.
allowed to be the privileged members Other times, we make deposit into it.
called PlayG. Therefore this is no ordinary
membership. PlayG also have the chance
to play game-based contest that offers
cash prizes. They also become mobile
fans for their favourite brands and
Our relationship with people will grow or
shrink, depending on whether we make
HAVE U Playtol yet?
deposit or withdrawal from our
emotional bank account with them.

While we cannot measure exactly the

account like our bank account, Playtol
provide you the opportunities to review,
detect, reciprocate, improve, amend and
rekindle our relationship with others

Since our words and actions carry a lot of

weights and meanings to the other
persons, Playtol is the right relationship-
building and sales-boosting gadget.

Playtol is always here to help you build

relationship and/or emotional branding
by giving something meaningful and

Show you care, show it through Playtol.


Copyright @ 2010 C-Channels Sdn Bhd

All rights reserved under International Copyright Law.

Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part
in any form without the express written content of the Publiser.

Published by C-Channels Sdn Bhd
Produced in Malaysia
Introduction 1
Change 3
Courage 7
Dreams 11
Entrepreneurship 15
Failure 19
Faith 23
Ideas 26
Innovation 30
Leadership 33
Management 36
Marketing 39
People 42
Perseverance 45
Planning 48
Relationship 51
Service 54
Spiritual 57
Strategy 60
Success 63
Vision 66
Wealth 69

First of all, I would like to congratulate challenges and obstacles, especially in

the readers of this inspirational booklet achieving our dreams and goals. Imagine
for taking the first step towards positive if we have a remedy for all the problems
change. and get anything we want in life.

As much as we all fear change, change I believe there is a way to overcome all
itself is inevitable. That is why I warn ‘negative’ things and the answer lies in
readers that the content could change the power of our minds. Nevertheless our
their life. We all want to be successful, mind is like a muscle. Just as you need to
happy, fulfilled and have better things in exercise to strengthen the muscle, you
life, yet we are afraid of change. got to ‘exercise’ your minds through the
power of thoughts.
Certainly with change comes the
unknown and uncertainty. That is why so Basically a thought consists of words and
many people are afraid of it. But is it images that not only give meaning to
really that bad? More often than not, it is our world but also create our real world.
the golden opportunity to improve and
achieve greater heights in life. So if you want to change or improve your
real world or circumstances, you got to
As we move through life, we have to face start from your minds. And you got to
all kinds of problems, difficulties, feed your minds with positive thinking,
affirmations and imagination. your own brain. It is like copying a file
So where do you get the ‘raw materials’ from one brain to another.
to strengthen your minds and resolve in
achieving what you want? In answering In nutshell, if you think like successful
to that question, this book is born as a people, you too would become a
way of programming our minds if you successful man or woman. It is simply
like in our quest for success and because it works and millions of people
happiness. have achieved greater heights in their
life through the power of thoughts.
While it is important to take action, very
often we give up in our journey towards All the best to you!
our dreams, goals and successes. It takes
a strong will and determination to be a
success. So it is my hope that the readers
will read and feed their minds with Yours truly
positive thinking of other people who William Leam
have proven to be successful. C-Channels Sdn Bhd

By doing so, it is like modeling the

successful programming in the minds of
these successful people and ‘copy’ it to
“Be the change
you want to see
in the world”
- Mahatma Gandhi
You cannot change your destination All personal breakthroughs begin
overnight, but you can change your with a change in beliefs.
direction overnight - Anthony Robbins,
- Jim Rohn, American speaker American advisor to leaders
and author. He is famous for
motivational audio programs Everything changes,
for Business and Life. nothing remains without change.
- Siddharta Buddha Gautama
Become a student of change. It is the
only thing that will remain constant.
Change your thoughts,
- Anthony J. D’Angelo, Founder and you change your world
of The Collegiate EmPowerment
Company and creator of The - Norman Vincent Peale,
Inspiration Book Series American writer

You cannot control what happens to you, People can’t live with change if there’s
but you can control your attitude toward not a changeless core inside them.
what happens to you, and in that, you The key to the ability to change is a
will be mastering change rather than changeless sense of who you are, what
allowing it to master you. you are about and what you value.
- Brian Tracy, Motivational - Stephen R. Covey
Speaker and Business Author

If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we

don’t grow, we are not really living.
- Gail Sheehy

“To change
is difficult.
Not to change
is fatal.”
Human potential is the same for all.
Your feeling, “I am of no value”, is wrong. - Anonymous
Absolutely wrong. You are deceiving
yourself. We all have the power of
thought - so what are you lacking? If you
have willpower, then you can change Change is not merely necessary to life –
anything. It is usually said that you are it is life.
your own master. - Alvin Toffler,
- Dalai Lama, Head of the American author of Science-fiction
Dge-lugs-pa order of Tibetan
Buddhists, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize What we achieve inwardly
Winner will change outer reality.
- Plutarch, Ancient Greek
Do not let circumstances control you. You biographer and author
change your circumstances.
- Jackie Chan, Progress is impossible without change,
famous movie star and director and those who cannot change their
minds cannot change anything.
You can change your beliefs so they
- George Bernard Shaw, 1925
empower your dreams and desires. Nobel Prize for Literature recipient
Create a strong belief in yourself and
what you want. Don’t manage - lead change
- Marcia Wieder, American before you have to.
motivational speaker and author.
- Jack Welch

Change is the essence of life. Be willing

to surrender what you are for what you
could become.
- Unknown

“Courage is
simply the
willingness to be
afraid and act
- Dr. Robert Anthony
Self-help author
Courage conquers all things Whatever you do, you need courage.
- Ovid, Ancient Roman classical Whatever course you decide upon, there
poet and author of Metamorphoses is always someone to tell you that you
are wrong. There are always difficulties
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it arising that tempt you to believe your
is the courage to continue that counts. critics are right.
- Winston Churchill, British orator - Ralph Waldo Emerson, American
and prime minister during World poet, lecturer and essayist
War II
What would life be if we had no courage
Courage is the power to let go of the to attempt anything?
familiar. - Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter
- Raymond Lindquist
You don’t develop courage by being
You will never do anything in this world happy in your relationships everyday.
without courage. It is the greatest You develop it by surviving difficult times
quality of the mind next to honor. and challenging adversity.
- Aristotle, Ancient Greek - Epicurus, Greek philosopher
philosopher, scientist and

If you could get up the courage to begin,

you have the courage to succeed.
- David Viscott

“It requires more
courage to suffer
than to die.”
- Napoleon Bonaparte,
Courage and perseverance have a
French general,
magical talisman, before which politician and emperor
difficulties disappear and obstacles
vanish into air.
- John Quincy Adams, American
6th US president (1825-29)

We can never be certain of our Courage is not the absence of despair; it

courage until we have faced danger. is, rather, the capacity to move ahead in
- François de la Rochefoucauld, spite of despair.
French classical author - Rollo May

Courage is resistance to fear, Courage is not the absence of fear, but

mastery of fear - not absence of fear rather the judgement that something
- Mark Twain, American humorist, else is more important than fear.
writer and lecturer - Ambrose Redmoon

The secret of happiness is freedom.

The secret of freedom is courage.
- Thucydides, Ancient Greek
historians and author

Courage is always rewarded.

- Kenny Loggins

“Laugh often,
Dream big,
Reach for
the stars!”
- Anonymous
Build a dream and
the dream will build you.
- Robert H Schuller The biggest adventure you can take
is to live the life of your dreams.
There is nothing like a dream
- Oprah Winfrey, American
to create the future.... television personality,actress and
- Victor Hugo producer

Man, alone, has the power to transform Dreams are renewable. No matter what
his thoughts into physical reality; man, our age or condition, there are still
alone, can dream and make his dreams untapped possibilities within us and
come true. new beauty waiting to be born.
- Napolean Hill - Dale E. Turner

A dream is your creative vision for your I don’t design clothes, I design dreams.
life in the future. You must break out of - Ralph Lauren,
your current comfort zone and become American fashion designer
comfortable with the unfamiliar and the
unknown. We live in the present, we dream of
- Denis Waitley, American the future and we learn eternal
motivational speaker and author of truths from the past.
self-help books - Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
Chinese Head of the Chinese
Nationalist Government in
exile on Taiwan

“When you cease
to dream you
Too many of us are not living our dreams
cease to live.”
because we are living our fears. - Malcolm S. Forbes
- Les Brown, American songwriter

If you can dream it, you can do it. Always

remember that this whole thing was
started with a dream and a mouse.
- Walt Disney, American pioneer of
animated cartoon films and creator
of Disneyland.

You’re in the midst of a war: a battle Be careful what you water your dreams
between the limits of a crowd seeking with. Water them with worry and fear
the surrender of your dreams, and the and you will produce weeds that choke
power of your true vision to create and the life from your dream. Water them
contribute. It is a fight between those with optimism and solutions and you
who will tell you what you cannot do, will cultivate success. Always be on the
and that part of you that knows and has lookout for ways to turn a problem into
always known that we are more than our an opportunity for success. Always be on
environment; and that a dream, backed the lookout for ways to nurture your
by an unrelenting will to attain it, is truly dream.
a reality with an imminent arrival. - Lao Tzu
- Anthony Robbins

“Entrepreneurs are
simply those who
understand that there is
little difference between
obstacle and opportunity
and are able to turn both
to their advantage.”
- Victor Kiam
Entrepreneurs are risk takers, willing to
roll the dice with their money or reputa-
tions on the line in support of an idea or
enterprise. “When you reach an obstacle, turn it into
- Victoria Claflin Woodhull an opportunity. You have the choice. You
can overcome and be a winner, or you
Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as can allow it to overcome you and be a
survival, but that is exactly what it is and loser. The choice is yours and yours alone.
what nurtures creative thinking. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that
- Anita Roddick, Founder of extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It
BodyShop is far better to be exhausted from success
than to be rested from failure.”
“My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s - Mary Kay Ash, founder of
what you’re called when you don’t have Mary Kay Cosmetics
a job.”
- Ted Turner, broadcasting Success or failure in business is caused
entrepreneur more by the mental attitude even than
by mental capacities.
You say I started out with practically - Walter Dill Scott
nothing, but that isn’t correct. We all
start with all there is. It’s how we use it
that makes things possible.
- Henry Ford, Automobile

“Our success has
really been based on
partnerships from the
very beginning.”
- Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it

living someone else’s life. Don’t be
trapped by dogma - which is living with Find a niche market opportunity, exploit
the results of other people’s thinking. it, then reap the benefits while at all
Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions times searching for your next niche to
drown out your own inner voice. And enter, move to make, and edge to
most important, have the courage to employ.
follow your heart and intuition. They - Ryan P. Allis, entrepreneur
somehow already know what you truly
want to become. Everything else is The entrepreneur always searches for
secondary. change, responds to it, and exploits it as
- Steve Jobs, American an opportunity.
Entrepreneur and - Peter F Drucker
Apple co-Founder
The five essential entrepreneurial skills
“Business opportunities are like buses,
for success are concentration,
there’s always another one coming.”
discrimination, organization, innovation
- Richard Branson, founder of and communication.
Virgin Enterprises
- Michael Faraday, English
physicist who contributed greatly
“The important thing is not being afraid to the understanding of
to take a chance. Remember, the greatest electromagnetism
failure is to not try. Once you find
something you love to do, be the best at
doing it.”
- Debbi Fields, founder of
Mrs. Fields Cookies

“Our greatest
glory is not in
never failing but
in rising every
time we fail.”
- Confucius.
Failure should be our teacher, not our An inventor fails 999 times, and if he
undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It succeeds once, he’s in. He treats his
is a temporary detour, not a dead end. failures simply as practice shots.
Failure is something we can avoid only - Charles F. Kettering, American
by saying nothing, doing nothing, and engineer, inventor of the electric
being nothing. starter
- Denis Waitley
One failure is worth seven and a half
“Failure is not falling down but refusing successes
to get up.” - Eli Khamarov
- Chinese Proverb
What people see of my success is only
“Failure is nature’s plan to prepare you one percent but what they don’t see is
for great responsibilities” the 99 percent which are my failures.
- Napolean Hill - Soichiro Honda

Remember the two benefits of failure. Failure defeats losers, failure inspires
First, if you do fail, you learn what winners.
doesn’t work; and second, the failure - Robert T. Kiyosaki, author,
gives you the opportunity to try a new entrepreneur, investor
We never learn from our successes,
- Roger Von Oech
we learn from our failures.
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to - John Naisbitt
have tried to succeed.
- Theodore Roosevelt, American
26th US president (1901-09)

“Failure will never
overtake me if my
determination to succeed
is strong enough.”
- Og Mandino

Failure is not an option. It is often the failure who is the pioneer

Everyone has to succeed. in new lands, new undertakings, and
- Arnold Schwarzenegger new forms of expression.
- Eric Hoffer, American writer
Many of life’s failures are people who did
not realize how close they were to I’ve failed over and over and over again
success when they gave up. in my life and that is why I succeed.
- Thomas A Edison - Michael Jordan, American
NBA basketball player, widely
“Failure is the tuition you considered to be the greatest
player in the history of the game
pay for success.”
- Walter Brunell A minute’s success pays
the failure of years.
There is something good in all seeming
- Robert Browning
failures. You are not to see that now.
Time will reveal it. Be patient.
Success and failure. We think of them as
- Swami Sivananda opposites, but they’re really not. They’re
Indian Yoga master, physician,
monk and founder of The Divine companions - the hero and the sidekick.
Life Society - Laurence Shames

“Faith will
- Proverb
Faith is taking the first step even when In order to succeed, we must first believe
you don’t see the whole staircase. that we can.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., - Michael Korda
American baptist minister
and civil-rights leader Miracles happen to those who believe in
It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid
- Bernhard Berenson
of meeting challenges, and I believed in
Always continue the climb. It is possible
- Muhammad Ali, American boxer for you to do whatever you choose, if you
and activist
first get to know who you are and are
willing to work with a power that is
A people without faith in themselves
greater than ourselves to do it.
cannot survive
- Oprah Winfrey
- Chinese Proverbs
To believe in the things you can see and
Faith consists in believing when it is
touch is no belief at all. But to believe in
beyond the power of reason to believe.
the unseen is both a triumph and a
- Voltaire, French philosopher and blessing.
- Bob Proctor
The only known cure for fear is faith
What seems impossible one minute
- Lena Kellogg Sadler
becomes, through faith, possible the
- Norman Vincent Peale

happen to those
who believe in
- Bernhard Berenson
What we can or cannot do, what we
consider possible or impossible, is rarely
a function of our true capability. It is
more likely a function of our beliefs
about who we are. Believe it can be done. When you believe
- Anthony Robbins something can be done, really believe,
your mind will find the ways to do it.
If you think you can win, you can. Believing a solution paves the way to
Faith is necessary to victory. solution.
- William Hazlitt, British writer - David J. Schwartz

Have faith in your dreams and someday We would accomplish many more things
your rainbow will come smiling through. if we did not think of them as impossible.
No matter how your heart is grieving, if - Chretien Malesherbes
you keep believing, the dream that you
wish will come true. It’s the repetition of affirmations that
- Anonymous leads to belief. And once that belief
becomes a deep conviction, things begin
to happen.
- Claude M. Bristol

Fear clogs; Faith liberates

- Elbert Hubbard,American editor,
publisher and writer

“Opportunity ideas do not
lie around waiting to be
discovered. Such ideas need
to be produced.”
- Edward de Bono, Maltese psychologist and writer,
leading authority in field of creative thinking

Ideas control the world. There is no force so powerful as

- James A. Garfield, American an idea whose time has come.
president - Everett Dirksen, American
To stay ahead, you must have your
next idea waiting in the wings. I can’t understand why people
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, are frightened of new ideas.
American business speaker and I’m frightened of the old ones.
consultant - John Cage, American avant-
garde composer
Almost all new ideas have a certain
aspect of foolishness when they are A single idea / the sudden flash of a
first produced thought may be worth a million dollars.
- Alfred North Whitehead, British - Robert Collier, American
mathematician and philosopher motivational author

The air is full of ideas. They are knocking If at first, the idea is not absurd,
you in the head all the time. You only then there is no hope for it
have to know what you want, then forget - Albert Einstein
it, and go about your business. Suddenly,
the idea will come through. It was there All achievements, all earned riches,
all the time. have their beginning in an idea.
- Henry Ford, American - Napoleon Hill
industrialist and entrepreneur.

An idea that is developed and put into Capital isn’t that important in business.
action is more important than an idea Experience isn’t that important. You can
that exists only as an idea. get both of these things. What is
- Buddha important is ideas.
- Harvey S. Firestone, founder of
An absolutely new idea is one of the the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
rarest things known to man.
- Thomas More, English humanist, Creativity is essentially a lonely art.
statesman and chancellor of An even lonelier struggle. To some a
England blessing. To others a curse. It is in reality
the ability to reach inside yourself and
Most executives, many scientists, and drag forth from your very soul an idea.
almost all business school graduates - Lou Dorfsman
believe that if you analyze data, this will
give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this Ideas must work through the brains and
belief is totally wrong. The mind can only arms of good and brave men, or they are
see what it is prepared to see. no better than dreams
- Edward de Bono - Ralph Waldo Emerson,
American poet, lecturer
and essayist

Globalization has changed us into a

company that searches the world, not
“Lack of money just to sell or to source, but to find
intellectual capital - the world’s best
is no obstacle. talents and greatest ideas.
Lack of an idea - Jack Welch

is an obstacle.”
- Anonymous

Think out of
the box,
be innovative.

Innovation is not the product of logical I think all great innovations are
thought, although the result is tied to built on rejections.
logical structure. - Louis Ferdinand Celine,
- Albert Einstein French writer and physician

Just as energy is the basis of life itself, Sometimes when you innovate, you
and ideas the source of innovation, so is make mistakes. It is best to admit them
innovation the vital spark of all human quickly, and get on with improving your
change, improvement and progress other innovations.
- Ted Levitt - Steve Jobs, American
Entrepreneur Apple co-Founder
Innovation is the creation of the new or
the re-arranging of the old in a new way. Innovation is the central issue
in economic prosperity
- Michael Vance
- Michael Porter
When you innovate, you’ve got to be
prepared for everyone telling you you’re My innovation involved taking an idea
nuts. from the telecommunications and
banking industries, and applying that
- Larry Ellison
idea to transportation business.
- Frederick W. Smith

“The heart and soul of
the company is creativity
and innovation.”
- Robert Iger

You have all the reason in the world The world leaders in innovation and
to achieve your grandest dreams. creativity will also be world leaders in
Imagination plus innovation equals everything else.
realization. - Harold R. McAlindon
- Denis Waitley
Good ideas and innovations must be
Discoveries are often made by not driven into existence by courageous
following instructions, by going off the patience.
main road, by trying the untried. - Hyman G Rickover
- Frank Tyger
Innovation distinguishes between
Creativity is thinking up new things. a leader and a follower.
Innovation is doing new things. - Steve Jobs
- Theodore Levitt
A dream with courage is innovation...A
There are men so conservative they dream without courage is a delusion
believe nothing should be done for the - Unknown
first time.
- Unknown

Be a leader,
develop your
leadership skills.
Effective leadership is not about making Most people think of leadership as a
speeches or being liked; leadership is position and therefore don’t see
defined by results not attributes. themselves as leaders.
- Peter F. Drucker, American - Stephen R. Covey
educator and writer
We know that leadership is very much
Leadership is influence. related to change. As the pace of change
- John C. Maxwell accelerates, there is naturally a greater
need for effective leadership.
The function of leadership is to produce - John Kotter
more leaders, not more followers.
- Ralph Nade, American activist A sense of humor is part of the art of
and lawyer leadership, of getting along with people,
of getting things done
Actions, not words, are the ultimate - Dwight David Eisenhowe,
results of leadership. American 34th president (1953-61)
- Bill Owens
I suppose leadership at one time meant
Leadership is the capacity and will to muscles; but today it means getting
rally men and women to a common along with people
purpose and the character which inspires - Indira Gandhi, Indian politician
confidence. and prime minister
- Unknown

“Leadership is action,
not position.”
- Donald H. McGannon

Leadership offers an opportunity to make

a difference in someone’s life, no matter
what the project. A leader takes people where they want
- Bill Owens to go. A great leader takes people where
they don’t necessarily want to go but
Leadership is the challenge to be ought to be.
something more than average. - Rosalynn Carter
- Jim Rohn, American speaker
and author Good leaders make people feel that
they’re at the very heart of things, not at
Leadership is the wise use of power. the periphery. Everyone feels that he or
Power is the capacity to translate she makes a difference to the success of
intention into reality and sustain it. the organization. When that happens
- Warren G. Bennis, Author of people feel centered and that gives their
the ‘Becoming A Leader’ work meaning.
- Warren G. Bennis
The only safe ship in a storm is
leadership. The very essence of leadership is that you
- Faye Wattleton have to have vision. You can’t blow an
uncertain trumpet.
The history of the world is full of men - Theodore Hesburgh, American
who rose to leadership, by sheer force of Clergyman, University President
self-confidence, bravery and tenacity.
- Mahatma Gandhi

“Management works in
the system; Leadership
works on the system.”
- Stephen R. Covey

Management is doing things right; Management manages by making

leadership is doing the right things. decisions and by seeing that those
- Peter F. Drucker decisions are implemented.
- Harold S. Geneen, American
Good management is the art of making businessman, He was CEO of ITT
problems so interesting and their
solutions so constructive that everyone Management is about arranging and
wants to get to work and deal with telling. Leadership is about nurturing
them. and enhancing.
- Paul Hawken - Thomas J Peters

Management is nothing more than Effective leadership is putting first things

motivating other people. first. Effective management is discipline,
- Lee Lacocca carrying it out.
- Stephen R. Covey
Effective management always means
asking the right question. Management by objectives works if you
- Robert Heller first think through your objectives.
Ninety percent of the time you haven’t.
Good management consists in showing - Peter F. Drucker
average people how to do the work of
superior people.
- John D Rockefeller

Management must speak with one voice. Management is efficiency in climbing the
When it doesn’t management itself ladder of success; leadership determines
becomes a peripheral opponent to the whether the ladder is leaning against the
team’s mission. right wall.
- Pat Riley - Stephen Covey

The conventional definition of If you pick the right people and give
management is getting work done them the opportunity to spread their
through people, but real management is wings—and put compensation as a
developing people through work. carrier behind it—you almost don’t have
- Agha Hasan Abedi to manage them
- Jack Welch
You don’t hear things that are bad about
your company unless you ask. It is easy to Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes
hear good tidings, but you have to your time and it annoys the pig.
scratch to get the bad news. - Paul Dickson
- Thomas J. Watson
Never tell people how to do things. Tell
them what to do and they will surprise
you with their ingenuity.
- George S. Patton
“No business in
the world has
ever made more
money with poorer
- Bill Terry

Marketing drives
the sales up!
Technology can be acquired, at home Even though the lawyers hate it, making
and abroad. The real bottleneck lies the brand name a generic is the ultimate
with advertising and marketing…we weapon in the marketing wars.
know how to make, we can make large - Jack Trout, Trout on Strategy
quantities cheaply, we must know how
to sell. In manufacturing, we can score There are three sources of revenue for
70 to 90 marks…but in advertising and your company: Adding new customers,
international marketing, we can only get getting existing customers buying more,
between 5 and 30 marks. Imagine our getting existing customers buying more
value if we strengthened our advertising frequently.
and marketing. - William Leam, Entrepreneur and
- Stan Shih Chen-jung, Founder of Author
Acer Group
Marketing is everything you do to make
Marketing is a company-wide philosophy sure your customers find out about, and
calling upon everyone in the company to buy, your products and services.
sense, serve, and satisfy our customers. - Bob Serling, the Stratford
- Philip Kotler Marketing Group

The aim of marketing is to know and Money coming in says I’ve made
understand the customer so well the the right marketing decisions.
product or service fits him and sells itself. - Adam Osborne,
- Peter F. Drucker, American American entrepreneur
educator and writer

“If you do build a great
experience, customers
tell each other about
that. Word of mouth is
very powerful.”
- Jeff Bezos, Founder of

Globally, we are gravitating towards an

‘experience’ economy, where consumers
expect and pay for more sophisticated A product is something made in a
brands that deliver memorable experiences. factory; a brand is something that is
Dubbed as a new marketing frontier, bought by the customer. A product can
experiential marketing is claiming be copied by a competitor; a brand is
considerable mind share and is lending unique. A product can be quickly
new dimensions to brands, in an era outdated; a successful brand is timeless.
where quality is no longer enough. Stephen King, WPP Group, London
- Sarit Reouveni, Samsung SA’s Affiliate marketing has made businesses
group marketing manager millions and ordinary people
You must have mindshare before - Bo Bennett
you can have marketshare.
- Christopher M. Knight The sole purpose of marketing is to sell
more to more people, more often and at
Advertising is salesmanship mass- higher prices. There is no other reason to
produced. No one would bother to use do it.
advertising if he could talk to all his - Sergio Zyman
prospects face-to-face. But he can’t.
- Morris Hite, Adman: Morris Hite’s
Methods for Winning the Ad Game,

Getting along with
people is the key to
successful career and

Dealing with people is probably the People don’t really care how much you
biggest problem you face, especially if know until they know how much you
you are in business. Yes, and that is also care.
true if you are a housewife, architect or - Mike McNight
- Dale Carnegie People become attached to their burdens
sometimes more than the burdens are
Great people are those who make others attached to them.
feel that they, too, can become great. - George Bernard Shaw
- Mark Twain, American humorist,
writer and lecturer People’s behavior makes sense if you
think about it in terms of their goals,
The best way to persuade people is with needs, and motives
your ears - by listening to them. - Thomas Mann, German
- Dean Rusk, American statesman novelist and essayist

Most people say that is it is the intellect All people are half actors.
which makes a great scientist. They are - Dana Andrews
wrong: it is character.
- Albert Einstein Value people on their potential,
not on their history.
- Bo Bennett

“If you wish to win
a man over to your
ideas, first make him
your friend.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
American 16th US president (1861-65)

If people are good only because they fear In motivating people, you’ve got to
punishment, and hope for reward, then engage their minds and their hearts. I
we are a sorry lot indeed. motivate people, I hope, by example -
- Albert Einstein and perhaps by excitement, by having
productive ideas to make others feel
All things being equal, people will do involved.
business with a friend; all things being - Rupert Murdoch
unequal, people will still do business
with a friend. People that seem so glorious are all
- Mark McCormack - founder of show; underneath they are like everyone
IMG. else.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“… our first priority should be the
people who work for the companies, What concerns me is not the way things
then the customers, then the are, but rather the way people think
shareholders. Because if the staff are things are.
motivated then the customers will be - Epictetus, Greek philosopher
happy, and the shareholders will then
benefit through the company’s success.” Always give people a piece of your
- Richard Branson heart, not a piece of your mind
- Anonymous

“Through perseverance many
people win success out of
what seemed destined to be
certain failure.”
- Benjamin Disraeli
British prime minister and novelist.
Great works are performed not by
strength but by perseverance.
- Samuel Johnson
By perseverance the snail
For all things difficult to acquire, the reached the ark.
intelligent man works with perseverance. - Charles H. Spurgeon, English
- Lao Tzu preacher of 19th century

Patience and perseverance have a It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that
magical effect before which difficulties I stay with problems longer.
disappear and obstacles vanish. - Albert Einstein
- John Quincy Adams, American
6th US president (1825-29) History has demonstrated that the most
notable winners usually encountered
Most people give up just when they’re heartbreaking obstacles before they
about to achieve success. They quit on triumphed. They won because they
the one yard line. They give up at the last refused to become discouraged by
minute of the game, one foot from a their defeats.
winning touchdown. - B. C. Forbes
- H. Ross Perot

Most of the important things in the

world have been accomplished by people
who have kept on trying when there
seemed to be no hope at all.
- Dale Carnegie

“Only actions
performed with
perseverance can
ensure success.”
- Yajur Veda

Lack of will power has caused more

failure than lack of intelligence or ability.
- Flower A. Newhouse Perseverance is a great element of
success; if you only knock long enough
When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced and loud enough at the gate you are sure
myself to keep going. My success is based to wake up somebody.
on persistence, not luck. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Norman Lear
Edison failed 10, 000 times before he
The most essential factor is persistence - made the electric light. Do not be
the determination never to allow your discouraged if you fail a few times.
energy or enthusiasm to be dampened - Napoleon Hill, American author
by the discouragement that must
inevitably come. You’ve got to say, I think that if I keep
- James Whitcomb Riley working at this and want it badly enough
I can have it. It’s called perseverance.
I do not think there is any other quality - Lee Iacocca
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes A jug fills drop by drop.
almost everything, even nature. - Buddha
- John D. Rockefeller, American
industrialist and philanthropist

Nobody plans to
fail but a lot of
people fail to plan.

When planning for a year, plant corn. A good plan is like a road map: it shows
When planning for a decade, plant trees. the final destination and usually the best
When planning for life, train and educate way to get there.
people. - H. Stanley Judd
- Chinese Proverbs
The majority of men meet with failure
Without goals, and plans to reach them, because of their lack of persistence in
you are like a ship that has set sail with creating new plans to take the place of
no destination. those which fail.
- Fitzhugh Dodson - Napoleon Hill, American author

Planning is bringing the future into the All you need is the plan, the road map,
present so that you can do something and the courage to press on to your
about it now. destination.
- Alan Lakein - Earl Nightingale, US
motivational writer and author
Create a definite plan for carrying out
your desire and begin at once, whether I try to learn from the past, but I plan for
you ready or not, to put this plan into the future by focusing exclusively on the
action. present. That’s were the fun is.
- Napoleon Hill, American author - Donald Trump, American

An intelligent plan is the first step to You were born to win, but to be a winner,
success. The man who plans knows you must plan to win, prepare to win,
where he is going, knows what progress and expect to win.
he is making and has a pretty good idea - Zig Ziglar, American
when he will arrive. motivational speaker and author
- Basil S. Walsh
There is always plenty of capital for those
Good fortune is what happens when who can create practical plans for using
opportunity meets with planning. it
- Thomas Alva Edison, Most - Napoleon Hill
famous American inventor
I find it fascinating that most people plan
Plan well before you take the journey. their vacations with better care than
Remember the carpenter’s rule: Measure they plan their lives. Perhaps that is
twice, cut once. because escape is easier than change.
- Unknown - Jim Rohn, American speaker and

Happy people plan actions, they don’t

plan results
- Dennis Wholey

“Failing to plan is
planning to fail.”
- Alan Lakein

Basically life is
about relationship
with other people.
The quality of your life is the quality of The only way to have a friend
your relationships. is to be one.
- Anthony Robbins - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Real magic in relationships means an If you judge people, you have

absence of judgment of others. no time to love them.
- Wayne Dyer, American - Mother Teresa
motivational speaker
Human relationships always help us to
Whenever you’re in conflict with carry on because they always presuppose
someone, there is one factor that can further developments, a future -and also
make the difference between damaging because we live as if our only task was
your relationship and deepening it. That precisely to have relationships with other
factor is attitude. people.
- William James, American - Albert Camus, French novelist
philosopher and psychologist and playwright, 1957 Nobel Prize
for Literature
My research suggests that men and
women may speak different languages A friend is a second self.
that they assume are the same, using - Aristotle
similar words to encode disparate
experiences of self and social Treasure your relationships,
relationships. not your possessions.
- Carol Gilligan, American - Anthony J. D’Angelo, Founder
psychologist, writer and researcher of The Collegiate EmPowerment
Company and creator of The
Inspiration Book Series

“The ultimate test
of a relationship is
to disagree but to
hold hands.”
- Alexandria Penney

The most important ingredient we put

into any relationship is not what we say
or what we do, but what we are. And if It is the things in common that make
our words and our actions come from relationships enjoyable, bit it is the little
superficial human relations techniques differences that make them interesting.
(the Personality Ethic) rather than from - Todd Ruthman
our own inner core (the Character Ethic),
others will sense that duplicity. We Why do people persist in a dissatisfying
simply won’t be able to create and relationship, unwilling either to work
sustain the foundation necessary for toward solutions or end it and move on?
effective interdependence. It’s because they know changing will
- Stephen R. Covey lead to the unknown, and most people
believe that the unknown will be much
Today we are faced with the preeminent more painful than what they’re already
fact that, if civilization is to survive, we experiencing.
must cultivate the science of human - Anthony Robbins
relationships - the ability of all peoples,
of all kinds, to live together, in the same For a marriage relationship to flourish,
world, at peace there must be intimacy. It takes an
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, American enormous amount of courage to say to
32nd US president your spouse, “This is me. I’m not proud of
it -- in fact, I’m a little embarrassed by it
-- but this is who I am.”
- Bill Hybels

“Make service your first
priority, not success and
success will follow.”
- Unknown

The thing that lies at the foundation of Whoever renders service to many puts
positive change, the way I see it, is himself in line for greatness - great
service to a fellow human being. wealth, great return, great satisfaction,
- Lee Iacocca great reputation, and great joy.
- Jim Rohn, American speaker and
To give real service you must add author
something which cannot be bought or
measured with money, and that is It is high time that the ideal of success
sincerity and integrity. should be replaced by the ideal of service
- Douglas Adams, British comic - Albert Einstein
People who concentrate on giving good
Service is what life is all about. service always get more personal
- Marian Wright Edelman satisfaction as well as better business.
How can we get better service? One way
Service is the rent we pay for being. It is is by trying to see ourselves as others do.
the very purpose of life, and not - Patricia Fripp
something you do in your spare time.
- Marian Wright Edelman

“Everyone can be
great, because
everyone can serve.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

A business absolutely devoted to service Only a life lived in the service to others is
will have only one worry about profits. worth living.
They will be embarrassingly large. - Albert Einstein
- Henry Ford
Without community service, we would
Men are rich only as they give. He who not have a strong quality of life. It’s
gives great service gets great rewards. important to the person who serves as
- Elbert Hubbard well as the recipient. It’s the way in
which we ourselves grow and develop.
Kindness is the only service that will - Dorothy Height
stand the storm of life and not wash out.
It will wear well and will be remembered Never forget that the purpose for which a
long after the prism of politeness or the man lives is the improvement of the man
complexion of courtesy has faded away. himself, so that he may go out of this
- Abraham Lincoln, American 16th world having, in his great sphere or his
US president small one, done some little good for his
fellow creatures and labored a little to
You can start right where you stand and diminish the sin and sorrow that are
apply the habit of going the extra mile in the world.
by rendering more service and better - W.E. Gladstone
service than you are now being paid for ADS
- Napoleon Hill 16

We are a
spiritual being
living in this
You are not a human being in search of a restricting us to our personal desires and
spiritual experience. You are a spiritual to affection for a few persons nearest to
being immersed in a human experience. us. Our task must be to free ourselves
- Teilhard de Chardin, French from this prison by widening our circle of
geologist, priest, philosopher and compassion to embrace all living
mystic creatures and the whole of nature in its
For nearly a hundred years, we have - Albert Einstein
known that the material world is an
illusion. Everything that seems solid - a Human beings are of such nature that
rock, a tree, your body - is actually they should have not only material
99.999% empty space. facilities but spiritual sustenance as well.
- Deepak Chopra Without spiritual sustenance, it is
difficult to get and maintain peace of
Spirituality is a way of accepting the fact mind.
that there is a spiritual force in the - Dalai Lama
universe larger than all of mankind.
- John Henrik Clarke Great people are they who see that
spiritual is stronger than any material
A human being is a part of the whole force, that thoughts rule the world.
called by us universe, a part limited in - Ralph Waldo Emerson
time and space. He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feeling as something
separated from the rest, a kind of optical
delusion of his consciousness. This
delusion is a kind of prison for us,

“Great men are they
who see that spiritual is
stronger than material
force, that thoughts rule
the world.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

It isn’t until you come to a spiritual Life is difficult.This is a great truth, one
understanding of who you are-not of the greatest truths. It is a great truth
necessarily a religious feeling, but deep because once we truly see this truth, we
down, the spirit within-that you can transcend it. Once we truly know that life
begin to take control is difficult--once we truly understand
- Oprah Winfrey and accept it--then life is no longer
difficult. Because once it is accepted, the
We do not see things as they are. We see fact that life is difficult no longer
them as we are. matters.
- The Talmud - M.Scott Peck

Life can only take place in the present No man has ever risen to the real stature
moment. If we lose the present moment, of spiritual manhood until he has found
we lose life. that it is finer to serve somebody else
- Buddha than it is to serve himself.
- Woodrow T Wilson
Love is what we are born with. Fear is
what we have learned here. The spiritual The key to success is to keep growing in
journey is the unlearning of fear and the all areas of life -- mental, emotional,
acceptance of love back into our hearts. spiritual, as well as physical.
- Marianne Williamson - Julius Erving

Think strategy

I don’t think we can tell the difference In marketing I’ve seen only one strategy
any more between a corporate strategy that can’t miss - and that is to market to
and a marketing strategy. That’s just your best customers first, your best
vanished. prospects second and the rest of the
- Regis McKenn world last.
- John Romero
Strategy is the direction and scope of an
organization over the long term: ideally, The key in all competition (war, business,
which matches its resources to its house contractors, etc.) is to avoid or
changing environment, and in particular mitigate your competition’s strengths
its markets, customers or clients so as to and exploit their weaknesses. The nature
meet stakeholder expectations. of strategy consists of always having,
- Johnson & Scholes even with a weaker army (company),
more forces at the point of attack than
Strategy without tactics is the slowest the enemy.
route to victory. Tactics without strategy - Napoleon Bonaparte
is the noise before defeat.
- Sun Tzu If you know what businesses you’re in,
strategic planning is a piece of cake.
- Alan Michaels

Strategy requires thought, tactics require

- Max Euwe

There will be hunters and hunted, To boldly go where no one has gone
winners and losers. What counts in before.
global competition is the right strategy - Opening phrase of Star Trek, the
and success. famous Science Fiction Series
- Heinrich von Pierer
Running a company on market research
You have to be fast on your feet and is like driving while looking in the rear
adaptive or else a strategy is useless. mirror.
- Charles de Gaulle - Anita Roddick

However beautiful the strategy, you The way to achieve success is first to have
should occasionally look at the results. a definite, clear, practical ideal - a goal,
- Winston Churchill an objective. Second, have the necessary
means to achieve your ends - wisdom,
There is always a better strategy than the money, materials, and methods. Third,
one you have; you just haven`t thought adjust all your means to that end.
of it yet. - Aristotle 384BC-322BC, Greek
philosopher and scientist, student
- Sir Brian Pitman, former CEO of of Plato and teacher of Alexander
Lloyds TSB, Harvard Business the Great
Review, April 2003

“Creative without
strategy is called ‘art.’
Creative with strategy is
called ‘advertising.’ ”
- Jef I. Richards

Success is
in your
Success means having the courage, the Success is a state of mind. If you want
determination, and the will to become success, start thinking of yourself as a
the person you believe you were meant success.
to be. - Dr Joyce Brothers
- George Sheehan, American
physician, author and running The key to success is to focus our
enthusiast conscious mind on things we desire not
things we fear.
Before success comes in any man’s life, - Brian Tracy
he’s sure to meet with much temporary
defeat and, perhaps some failures. When The most important single ingredient in
defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the formula of success is knowing how to
the most logical thing to do is to quit. get along with people.
That’s exactly what the majority of men
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Napoleon Hill The secret of success is learning how to
use pain and pleasure instead of having
Success is almost totally dependent upon pain and pleasure use you. If you do that,
drive and persistence. The extra energy you’re in control of your life. If you don’t,
required to make another effort or try life controls you.
another approach is the secret of
- Anthony Robbins
- Denis Waitley

“The path to
success is to
take massive,
determined action.”
- Anthony Robbins

One essential to success is that your You must choose the thoughts and
desire be an all-obsessing one, your actions that will lead you on to success.
thoughts and aim be coordinated, and - R C Allen
your energy be concentrated and applied
without letup. If you want to succeed you should strike
- Claude M Bristol out on new paths, rather than travel the
worn paths of accepted success.
The successful man will profit from his - John D Rockefeller
mistakes and try again in a different way.
- Dale Carnegie Many of us spend our lives searching for
success when it is usually so close that
Don’t wait until everything is just right. we can reach out and touch it.
It will never be perfect. There will always - Russel H Conwell
be challenges, obstacles and less than
perfect conditions. So what. Get started Successful people are simply those with
now. With each step you take, you will success habits.
grow stronger and stronger, more and - Brian Tracy
more skilled, more and more self-
confident and more and more successful.
- Mark Victor Hansen

The vision will
light up the path
of your life

Vision is perhaps our greatest strength.. The vision must be followed by the
it has kept us alive to the power and venture. It is not enough to stare up the
continuity of thought through the steps - we must step up the stairs.
centuries, it makes us peer into the - Vance Havner
future and lends shape to the unknown.
- Li Ka Shing A vision is not just a picture of what
could be; it is an appeal to our better
Vision without action is a daydream. selves, a call to become something more.
Action without vision is a nightmare. - Rosabeth Moss Kanter,
- Japanese proverb American business speaker and
Good business leaders create a vision,
articulate the vision, passionately own The first step toward creating an
the vision, and relentlessly drive it to improved future is developing the ability
completion. to envision it.
- Jack Welch - Unknown

Create a vision and never let the No man that does not see visions will
environment, other people’s beliefs, or ever realize any high hope or undertake
the limits of what has been done in the any high enterprise.
past shape your decisions. Ignore - Woodrow T. Wilson
conventional wisdom.
- Anthony Robbins

“The best vision
is insight.”
- Malcolm S. Forbes

It takes someone with a vision of the When you have vision it affects your
possibilities to attain new levels of attitude. Your attitude is optimistic
experience. Someone with the courage rather than pessimistic.
to live his dreams. - Charles R. Swindoll
- Les Brown
Only those who can see the invisible can
Every great work, every great accomplish the impossible!
accomplishment, has been brought into - Patrick Snow, author of Creating
manifestation through holding to the Your Own Destiny
vision, and often just before the big
achievement, comes apparent failure and We are limited, not by our abilities, but
discouragement. by our vision.
- Florence Scovel Shinn - Anonymous

Vision - It reaches beyond the thing that Vision without action is a dream. Action
is, into the conception of what can be. without vision is simply passing the
Imagination gives you the picture. Vision time. Action with Vision is making a
gives you the impulse to make the positive difference.
picture your own. - Joel Barker
- Robert Collier
Everyone takes the limits of his own
vision for the limits of the world.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Not a millionaire
yet? No problem,
read this book and
you are on your
road towards
financial freedom.
It is not the creation of wealth that is
wrong, but the love of money for its
own sake.
- Margaret Thatcher, British
politician and ex-prime minister.
I have about concluded that wealth is
a state of mind, and that anyone can Owning a home is a keystone of wealth...
acquire a wealthy state of mind by both financial affluence and emotional
thinking rich thoughts. security.
- Andrew Young - Suze Orman

Wealth flows from energy and ideas. If we command our wealth, we shall be
- William Feather rich and free. If our wealth commands us,
we are poor indeed.
Wealth, like happiness, is never attained - Edmund Burke
when sought after directly. It comes as a
by-product of providing a useful service. Wealth that you hoard is not yours;
- Henry Ford wealth that you have given is really
The main source of our wealth is - Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Indian
goodness. The affections and the spiritual leader
generous qualities that God admires
in a world full of greed.
- Alfred A. Montapert, American
motivational author

“All riches have their origin
in mind. Wealth is in ideas
-- not money.”
- Robert Collier

Businesses must invest in products and

people in order to create new wealth.
- John Hoeven

It requires a great deal of boldness and a It is health that is real wealth and not
great deal of caution to make a great pieces of gold and silver.
fortune, and when you have it, it requires - Mahatma Gandhi
ten times as much skill to keep it.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson We make a living by what we get, but we
make a life by what we give.
Your mindset is your asset. - Winston Churchill
- Jose B. Cabajar
Sell not virtue to purchase wealth.
If a rich man is proud of his wealth, he - English Proverb
should not be praised until it is known
how he employs it. May your charity increase as much as
- Socrates your wealth
- Proverb
Wealth is in the richness of the mind and
heart, not the pocket.
- Anay Bathia

Thoughts For Success will help you to become more
successful because a man is literally what he thinks, his character being
the complete sum of all his thoughts.

YOU are what you think, so by accessing the thoughts of many well-known
and successful people, you will not only get inspiration and motivation,
you gain access to problem-solving, paradigm shift and intellects.

EXPLORE the minds of people like

Mahatma Gandhi on Leadership
Stephen R. Covey on Management
Stan Shih Chen-jung on Marketing
Dale Carnegie on People
Napoleon Hill on Perseverance
Donald Trump on Planning
Anthony Robbins on Relationship
Lee Iacocca on Service

Imagine yourself being able to think like them just by exploring their
thoughts on many issues ranging from ‘Change’ to ‘Vision’. Then you are
able to tackle many of your challenges in work and personal life.

This booklet is meant for businesspeople, entrepreneurs, management

and executives who believe in the power of thoughts and its positive
impacts on their professional and personal life.

Live your life to the fullest! Read this booklet whenever you need an
inspiration or new way of thinking or solving some challenging issues.

Think success and you will indeed.

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