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Kitchen Standards

Attendance and Punctuality

 All students are expected to be in class at the assigned time and in proper uniform; and are to
remain in the class and/or designated areas unless excused by the instructor.
 It is pertinent and required that students attend all classes.
 Students missing multiple days of the course must communicate with instructors and request
materials from classmates.
 All students must remain in full uniform during cleaning and closing procedures; until after the
instructor inspects work areas and has officially dismissed class.
 In the event you foresee missing an exam or deadline due to an emergency situation, you must
contact the instructor in by every means possible (phone, e-mail, inform Jessica Apgar, ext.
2411) in advance of the test or deadline. Otherwise, a make up may not be permitted and a zero
will be the grade issued.
 When it is necessary to miss class, exams or appointments due to unforeseeable and
unavoidable circumstances, the responsibility lies solely on the student to communicate with
their instructor well in advance. After the fact is too late.
 Excessive lateness will have a negative impact on final grades; more than two occurrences is
considered excessive.

Excused/Unexcused Absences:

o Only absences supported by official documentation (i.e. doctor’s note, etc…) will be
considered excused.
o Information missed, due to an absence, must be obtained by the student through


o Students need to make every attempt to acquire official documentation (i.e. doctor’s note)
to support absence due to illness.
o Any student that is clearly experiencing flu like symptoms should stay home and remain
until two days after symptoms have gone. It is important to see a physician if symptoms
o Important measures need to be taken by students and faculty: extra care and more frequent
hand washing; avoid contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms of illness.
Culinary Uniform Standards

Chef pants of black hound’s tooth pattern

White Chef jacket with approved student logo
White bib apron
Plain white skull cap
o Mesh top is fine
o Hairnets will be available as an alternative
Black rubber soled, non-slip shoes, no sneakers.
o Open-toed shoes are dangerous in the kitchen and never permitted, for any reason.
White undershirt (no printed undershirts)
You may not enter the lab/kitchen if you are not in complete adherence to these standards; fixing
hair in the lab/kitchens is unacceptable.

Hygiene Standards

Visible body piercings present sanitation concerns; they must be removed before the start of
class. This includes earrings, and please remove tongue spikes.
All jewelry must be removed; it is both unsanitary and unsafe.
Eliminate scented perfumes; they affect the taste of food for you and others.
All students must be clean for lab.
Long hair of shoulder length or below must be tied up in a bun or a hair net must be worn. The
hairnet is meant to constrain your hair; all hair must be tucked in to the hairnet. No long
ponytails. No baseball hats, no ski-style hats.
Men must be cleanly shaven or wear a beard guard, which will be available.
Fingernails must be anatomically attached to the body; kept trimmed to no longer than 1/8th
inch and clean and free of polishes of any type.
No chewing gum, earphones, cell phones, or computers in lab unless allowed by the instructor for
a specific purpose, such as to take pictures at the end of lab.
Smoking is very unsanitary and unappetizing in the kitchen atmosphere. It affects both
the ability to taste food and the flavor of food itself. There are no breaks for smoking
during class.
Make-up work

In the event a student is granted, by the instructor, the opportunity to make up lab work;
arrangements must be made with that instructor for the session to be supervised on the 6 th floor of the
Academic building. All make up work must be completed and totally cleaned up by 5 pm on any given
day. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Full culinary uniform and hygiene policy must be upheld.

2. All food must be stored and labeled properly.
3. Students must clean up thoroughly and completely: remove trash, scrub and wipe down
counters and table tops, sweep, mop, detail dish area, turn off equipment, etc.
4. Student(s) must request an inspection by the supervisor before leaving.

Ethics and Conduct

All students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner consistent with the
expectations of the University, professors, managers and administrators of the Center for Food and
Hospitality Management. Always respect the space and property and dignity of others.

The restaurant and kitchens are your laboratories. Please help to keep areas clean and orderly.

Effect of Policy on Grades

Attending all classes, being on time (early) for class, and strict adherence to the policies and procedures
will have a positive impact on final grades. The opposite will have an adverse effect on final grades.

Kitchen Safety and Safe Food Handling

A professional kitchen is a dangerous place and demands the respect of all its occupants.

It is paramount that everyone practices safe food handling and kitchen safety to prevent the spread of
dangerous microorganisms; and provide for a clean and sanitary facility that is safe for students of all
abilities and experience.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for everyone handling food or functioning in the kitchen to be certified in
food service sanitation; or be versed in kitchen safety.

Remember to:


Common sense in this area goes a long way. Ask your instructor for help before handling food products
in a manner that may compromise safety and sanitation; or operating electronic, sharp or unfamiliar
North Dakota State University has published applicable guidelines on food safety:

Here are some basic professional kitchen safety tips that apply to the 6 th floor facilities:

 Wear proper, non-slip footwear to reduce the chances of injury due to falls.
 Remove all jewelry
 Keep hair short or tied back in a bun
 Avoid/eliminate loose clothing (roll sleeves up to forearm)
 Look in your intended direction before moving; do not move before looking
 Tell others you are there or coming, by saying: “Behind you!”, “Coming!”, “sharp”, “Hot!”
 Clean up spills immediately and completely. Oil spills are the most dangerous and require special
 Do not leave burners on or cooking food unattended
 Exercise extreme caution when heating oil on top of the stove. Smoking oil can quickly combust
into a dangerous fire. Avoid any splashing water around hot oil; including a pot of boiling water
near a pan of hot oil. If an oil fire occurs in the pan; smother it with a dry pan or lid of equal size
or larger
 Avoid unprofessional or “horsing around” behavior in the kitchen.
 Keep knives and bladed equipment sharp. Dull equipment is far more dangerous than sharp,
since dull blades require the application of more pressure to cut.
 NEVER catch a falling knife.
 NEVER attempt to use a piece of kitchen equipment on which you have NOT been trained.
 NEVER by pass or remove equipment safety measures, mechanisms, or apparatus.
 Exercise caution when walking with or moving hot or heavy vessels of food or liquid.
 If you witness an individual in the process or intending to compromise kitchen safety; inform the
instructor immediately!
 NEVER place broken glass or fragmented metal in to the trash can. Carefully sweep up the
pieces and place in designated receptacle.
 NEVER possess or drink from a glass vessel in food preparation area.

 Evaluation of students will be based heavily on the performance during each class. This
includes not only the technical proficiencies, but also the level of communication, effort
and teamwork shown between you and your classmates. I cannot emphasize enough how
essential it is to show a sense of urgency during this lab: when shown in conjunction with
good communication and teamwork provides the best opportunity to receive a high grade
in this category. There will be several quizzes throughout the term in addition to written
aspects of both the Midterm and Final exams. These written tests are important in order
to show me that you are keeping up with readings and absorbing information from class -
any topics discussed in class could potentially be on a quiz or exam. That being said, I
place greater importance on the practical aspects and technical proficiencies when

 There will also be a requirement for each student to participate in an event in the
Academic Bistro. We have many events this term and each of you MUST work AT
LEAST one of these events with me. This will entail a several hour shift, putting to use
the skills that have been introduced in class. Your attendance and performance during
this shift will be factored into the Class Performance grade. After a calendar of events
has been posted, students can begin REQUESTING the event they would like to work. I
reserve the right to make adjustments based on availability and specific needs of each

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