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Multiplicity &

the implications for segmentation


Web 2.0: transformation from one thing to another

A fascinating escape from normal Now digital is part of life, we
life. ‘Otherness’ and wonder don’t even notice we’re doing it

Post Digital Age: being many things, all at the same time

Social Media responsible for this surge in multiple identities:

young people are consciously constructing different ‘faces’

People have always had different parts to their whole. Social

networking has turbo-charged this identity fragmentation

A new approach to life: rejection of one career, one skillset,

one area of expertise

•  Portfolio careers

•  Creative generalists

A new youth mindset: life offers a constant churn of possibilities


What does this mean for brands? What does this mean for
consumer segmentation?

Many models assume attitude Adopting new behaviours is

& values shape behaviour now changing attitudes &values

Difficult to use ‘precedent’ to predict future behaviour because

too much changes too quickly

From fragmentation to finding the universal…

•  A quest to separate out the •  In a world of extreme

homogenous mass fragmentation

•  To add subtlety and craft to •  A quest to look for things

mass marketing which draw us all together
‘Segmentation Model’ to ‘Commonality Model’

John Lewis Ad: online sales increased by 39.7%

A shared common biological journey: from the cradle to

the grave

So what?

•  Analyse the cultural landscape for shared

universal desires – extreme unification

•  Young people feel they belong to a multitude

of different segments... And demand that
brands recognise this

•  In a world of personalisation tools such as

PVRs and recommendation engines, young
people choose to self-segment: to select
relevant information and tune-out the rest

•  The rise of location based social networking:

we have lots of different contexts in our daily
lives (based on geography, mood, the people
that surround us, our work/social context

•  Can our mobile device predict our segment

based on our context?
The Homemade

In a post recession age, young people have lost trust in

traditional institutions

The rise of the Homemade Economy


Alternative, informal forms of “transaction” are seen to be more

positive, and sustainable

Rental : move from Homemade currencies:

ownership to access new online and offline

Focus on benefit and experience rather than product and


Mushrooming communities
providing infrastructure for
exchange networks and recycling

The Spotify model, FON Community –

music in exchange for People can become a ‘hotspot’
ads rather than -  use of the other 1.5 million
ownership… and now hotspots within community for
they’ve gone social! free
-  opportunity to make own

Check ins
Location based social networking where life is like a
video game: checkins can translate into real life credit
and freebies

Starbucks has launched a

Foursquare initiative where
visitors who check in at retail
locations using Foursquare will
earn customer rewards. The
mayor drinks for free!

So what?

•  What is the added value of

buying a new product?

•  An opportunity to expand into a

more diverse range of value
streams – experience, avatar

•  Think about Foursquare and what

it could bring to the brand
Value vs.

Social media gives young people a voice and allows them to ‘get

But are they actually changing the world?


The rise of ‘armchair’ ethical and political action

“If I want everyone to go to my website and buy my new book, it’s incredibly
useful to have 100,000 followers on Facebook. If I want to start a political
movement to overthrow a tyrannical regime, it may be less useful”
Malcolm Gladwell , Vancouver Mail April 2010

Signing a petition online ‘ticks a box’, and alleviates


But does it change behaviours? Social media activity may detract

from real action…

More than half of 18- to 24-year-olds are not registered to

vote, according to the Electoral Commission

Young people like the ‘feeling’ of activism without actually

following through

Autism Talkathon

For each person that Talks about

Autism on Facebook, Twitter or email,
the autism charity Treehouse received
£1 from TalkTalk

Allows consumers to translate online action to real donations

while simultaneously exhibiting TalkTalk’s ethical credentials

So what?

•  Find ways to make young

people ‘feel’ like they are making
ethical choices
•  Online ways of making a
difference (click to feel better,
petitions etc)
•  Simplifying everything (less is
•  Help young people navigate the
chaos, be a signpost
Crowd Sourcing

Young people are creating more content than ever before: only
30% of content consumed is professional

"The collective wisdom of the British

people is much greater than that of
a bunch of politicians or so-called
Jeremy Hunt, shadow culture
secretary Dec 2009h

More than 82 million people in

the US created content online
during 2008, a number
expected to grow to nearly
115 million by 2013

The Crowd is a powerful animal… and brands, media and even

political parties are racing to harness its power

Brands are starting to harness the power of the crowd and

outsource creativity to the empowered, prolific youth

"We believe Peperami is a brand that deserves radical creative solutions and are
confident taking our brief out to thousands rather than a small team of creatives will
provide us with the best possible idea and take our advertising to the next level
Peperami marketing manager, Noam Buchalter


Won by two recently redundant creatives, working as freelancers…

Can the Crowd really produce moments of genius from amateurs,

or is it simply a means to access a broader pool of experts?

When Crowd Sourcing goes bad…

Vegemite – iSnack 2.0 was a

difficult attempt to reinvent a
national favourite

Crowd sourcing has a lot of buzz, but can it deliver true


A closed
community of

Apple has an unwavering belief in their thought leadership


A middle way that captures the artistry within the brand and
encourages the creativity of the community?

The Many
The Few
The Amateur
The Expert


“Monologues provoke, inspire, move, motivate and set agendas.

They are the essential beginnings for something else”

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