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Item No. 3 Scheme of Study for BS Physics (4-Years) Program (Undergraduate


Any student with minimum of second division in F.Sc or equivlanet, with Physics, can get
admission in BS Physics program. A core “additional maths for scientsts” course will be
mandatory in the 1st semester for all those students who are majoring in Physics. This course
will provide opportunity to Pre-Med students, so they can choose physics for their carrier.
The requirement for the BS degree in Physics is 132 credit hours of approved undergraduate
courses. Out of these 137 credit hours, at least 70 credit hours must be from physics courses
(out of 70 at least 50 credit hours should be from the core courses). Semester wise detail is
given in the following tables.

Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
English-I 3
Pak Studies 2
Maths-I 3
Phys 111 Mechanics 3
Phys112 Rotational Motion and Thermodynamics 3 Core
Phys113 Additional maths for scientists 3 Required for pre-
med students
Phys114 Lab-I 1 Core(Required)
Seminar 1 Core(Required)
Total 19
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
English-II 3
Islamic Studies 2
Chemistry-I 3
Maths-II 3
Phys 121 Electricity and Magnetism 3 Core(Required)
Phys 122 Waves and Optics 3 Core(Required)
Phys 123 Lab-II 1
Total 18
Codes Semester-III
Title Cr Hrs Remarks
Foreign Language/communication skills 3
Statistics 2
Chemistry-II 3
Maths-III 3
Phys 231 Basic relativity and QM 3 Core(Required)
Phys 232 Fortran Language/ICT 3 Core(Required)
Phys 233 Lab-III 1
Total 18

Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Technical Writing 3
Maths-IV 3
Phys 241 Basic Statistical, solid and nuclear phys 3 Core(Required)
Phys 242 Applied Mathematics 3 Core(Required)
Introduction to C 3 Core(Required)
Phys 243 Lab-IV I
Total 16
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phys 351 Classical Mechanics-I 3 Core(Required)
Phys 352 Solid State Physics-I 3 Core(Required)
Phys 353 Nuclear Physics-I 3 Core(Required)
Phys 354 Mathematical Method of Physics-I 3 Core(Required)
Phys 355 QM-I 3 Core(Required)

Phys 356 Lab-v 2

Total 17
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phys 361 Classical Mechanics-II 3 Core(Required)
Phys 362 Solid State Physics-II 3 Core(Required)
Phys 363 Electrodynamics-I 3 Core(Required)
Phys364 Mathematical Method of Physics-II 3 Core(Required)
Phys 365 Quantum Mechanics-II 3 Core(Required)
Phys 366 Lab-VI 2
Total 17
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phys 471 Electrodynamics-II 3 Core(Required)
Phys 472 Atomic and Molecular Physics 3 Core(Required)
Phys 473 Statistical Mechanics-I 3 Core(Required)
Phys 474 Electronics 3 Core(Required)
Major Course 3 Optional
475 Lab-VII 2
Total 17
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Statistical Mechanics-II 3 Core(Required)
Major Course 3 Optional
Major Course 3 Optional
Major Course 3 Optional
Major Course 3 Optional
Total 15

Item No.4 Courses for BS Physics (4- years)


Phys 111 Mechanic I 3Cr.hr

Motion along a straight line, vectors, motion in two and three dimensions, force and
motion-I, force and motion-II, kinetic energy and work, potential energy and
conservation of energy, center of mass and linear momentum.
Text Book: Physics by Hallidy, Resnick and Walker: 8th Edition

Phys 112 Rotational Motion and Thermodynamics 3Cr.hr

Rotation, Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum, Equilibrium and Elasticity,
Gravitation, Fluids, Temperature ,Heat, and the first Law of Thermodynamics, The
Kinetic Theory of Gases, Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics
Text Book: Physics by Hallidy, Resnick and Walker: 8th Edition

Phys 113 Additional Mathematics 0 Cr.hr

Trigonometry, complex numbers, vector algebra, ordinary differentiation, ordinary
integration, limits and continuity, binomial theorem, Taylor series, probability, group

Phys 114 Lab-I 1Cr.hr

1. Modulus of Rigidity by Static & Dynamic method (Maxwell’s needle, Barton’s
2. To study the damping features of an oscillating system using simple pendulum of
variable mass.
3. Measurement of viscosity of liquid by Stoke’s / Poiseulli’s method.
4. Surface tension of water by capillary tube method.
5. To determine the value of “g” by compound pendulum / Kater’s Pendulum.

6. To study the dependence of Centripetal force on mass, radius, and angular velocity
of a body in circular motion.
7. Investigation of phase change with position in traveling wave and measurement of
the velocity of sound by C.R.O.
8. Determination of moment of inertia of a solid/hollow cylinder and a sphere etc.
9. To study the conservation of energy (Hook’s law).
Recommended Books:
1. D. H. Marrow, Selected Experiments in Physical Sciences, Longman.
2. Nelkon and Ogborn, Advanced Level Practical Physics, Heimann Educational
3. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
4. C. K. Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing

Phys 121 Electricity and Magnetisms 3Cr.hr

Electric charge, Electric fields, Gauss’ Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance, Current
and Resistance, Circuits, Magnetic fields, Magnetic field due to current ,Induction and
Inductance, Electromagnetic oscillations and Alternative current, Maxwell’s
Equations; Magnetism of Matter
Text Book: Physics by Hallidy, Resnick and Walker: 8th Edition

Phys 122 Waves and Optics 3Cr.hr

Oscillations, Waves-I, Waves-II, Electromagnetic Waves, Images, Interference,
Diffraction, Polarization
Text Book: Hallidy, Resnick and Walker: 8th Edition

Phys 123 Lab-II 1Cr.hr

1. To determine thermal Emf and plot temperature diagram.
2. Determination of temperature coefficient of resistance of a given wire.
3. Determination of “J” by Callender – Barnis method.
4. The determination of Stefan’s constant.
5. Calibration of thermocouple by potentiometer.
6. To determine frequency of AC supply by CRO.
7. To determine Horizontal/Vertical distance by Sextant.
8. The determination of wavelength of Sodium –D lines by Newton’s Ring.
9. The determination of wavelength of light/laser by Diffraction grating.
10. Determination of wavelength of sodium light by Fresnel’s bi-prism.
11. The determination of resolving power of a diffraction grating.
12. The measurement of specific rotation of sugar by Polarimeter and determination
of sugar concentration in a given solution.
13. To study the combinations of harmonic motion (Lissajous figures).
14. To study the parameters of waves (Beats phenomenon).
15. To determine the Thermal conductivity of good and bad conductors using Lee’s
and Searl’s apparatus.
16. To study the laws of vibration of stretched string using sonometer.
17. To determine the stopping potential by photo cell.
Recommended Books:
1. D. H. Marrow, Selected Experiments in Physical Sciences, Longman.
2. Nelkon and Ogborn, Advanced Level Practical Physics, Heimann Educational
3. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
4. C. K. Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing

Phys 231 Modern Physics- I 3Cr.hr

Relativity, Particle properties of waves, Wave properties of particles, Atomic
Structure, Quantum mechanics, Quantum Theory of Hydrogen Atom, Many Electron
Text book: Concept of Modern Physics (sixth edition) by Beiser.

Phys 241 Modern Physics-II 3Cr.hr

Molecules, Statistical Mechanics, The Solid state, Nuclear Structure, Nuclear
Transformation, Elementary Particles.
Text book: Concept of Modern Physics (Latest edition) by Beiser.

Phys 232 3Cr.hr

Introduction to; FORTRAN language

Phys 332
Introduction to C language 3Cr.hr

233 Lab-III 1Cr.hr

1. Measurement of resistance using a Neon flash bulb and condenser
2. Conversion of a galvanometer into Voltmeter & an Ammeter
3. To study the characteristics of Photo emission and determination of Plank’s
constant using a Photo cell
4. Calibration of an Ammeter and a Voltmeter by potentiometer
5. Charge sensitivity of a ballistic galvanometer
6. Comparison of capacities by ballistic galvanometer.
7. To study the B.H. curve & measure the magnetic parameters.
8. Measurement of low resistance coil by a Carey Foster Bridge.
9. Resonance frequency of an acceptor circuit
10. Resonance frequency of a Rejecter Circuit.
11. Study of the parameter of wave i.e. amplitude, phase and time period of a complex
signal by CRO.
12. Measurement of self/mutual inductance.
13. Study of electric circuits by black box.
14. To study the network theorems (Superposition, Thevinin, Norton).
15. To study the application of Lorentz force by CRO.
Recommended Books:
1. G L Squires, Practical Physics, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press
2. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
3. C K Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.

Phys 242 Applied Mathematics 3Cr.hr

Scalar and vector fields , Vector operators , Gradient of a scalar field; divergence of a
vector field; curl of a vector field , Vector operator formulae , Cylindrical and
spherical polar coordinates, Cylindrical polar coordinates; spherical polar coordinates
Stokes Theorem, Greens function, Greens Theorem, Partial differential equations,
Differential equations, Vector space, Scalar Space, Matrices and Determinants, Eigen
Vectors and Eigen Values, Reciprocal Vectors, Differentiation of vectors ,Composite
vector expressions; differential of a vector, linear vector spaces

Phys 243 Lab-IV 1 Cr.hr

1. Understanding and uses of electronic devises including GATS, Transistors.
2. Understand the behavior of nuclear radiation including beta and gama radition.
3. Determination of e/m of an electron.
4. Determination of ionization potential of mercury.
5. Characteristics of a semiconductor diode (Compare Si with Ge diode)
6. Setting up of half & full wave rectifier & study of following factors
i. Smoothing effect of a capacitor
ii. Ripple factor & its variation with load.
iii. Study of regulation of output voltage with load.
7. To set up a single stage amplifier & measure its voltage gain and bandwidth.
8. To set up transistor oscillator circuit and measure its frequency by an oscilloscope.
9. To set up and study various logic gates (AND, OR, NAND etc) using diode and to
develop their truth table.
10. To set up an electronic switching circuit using transistor LDR and demonstrate its
use as a NOT Gate.
11 Characteristics of a transistor.
12. To study the characteristic curves of a G. M. counter and use it to determine the
absorption co-efficient of β-particle in Aluminum.
13. Determination of range of α particles.
14. Mass absorption coefficient of lead for γ-rays using G.M counter.
15. Use of computer in the learning of knowledge of GATE and other experiments.
Recommended Books:
1. G L Squires, Practical Physics, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press

2. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.

3. C K Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.

Phys 351 Classical Mechanics I 3Cr.hr

Introduction 1
Space and Time, Newton’s Laws, The Concepts of Mass and Force, External Forces
Linear Motion
Conservative Forces; Conservation of Energy, Motion near Equilibrium; the
Harmonic Oscillator, Complex Representation, The Law of Conservation of Energy,
The Damped Oscillator, Oscillator under Simple Periodic Force, General Periodic
Force, Impulsive Forces; the Green’s Function Method, Collision Problems
Energy and Angular Momentum
Energy; Conservative Forces, Projectiles, Moments; Angular Momentum, Central
Forces; Conservation of Angular Momentum, Polar Co-ordinates, The Calculus of
Variations, Hamilton’s Principle; Lagrange’s Equations
Central Conservative Forces
The Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator, The Conservation Laws, The Inverse Square Law,
Orbits, Scattering Cross-sections, Mean Free Path, Rutherford Scattering
Rotating Frames
Angular Velocity; Rate of Change of a Vector, Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field,
Acceleration; Apparent Gravity, Coriolis Force, Larmor Effect, Angular Momentum
and the Larmor Effect
Potential Theory
Gravitational and Electrostatic Potentials, The Dipole and Quadrupole, Spherical
Charge Distributions, Expansion of Potential at Large Distances, The Shape of the
Earth, The Tides, The Field Equations.
The Two-Body Problem
Centre-of-mass and Relative Co-ordinates, The Centre-of-mass Frame, Elastic
Collisions, CM and Lab Cross-sections,
Text Book: Classical Mechanics by Tom Kibble and Frank Berkshire, Imperial College
Press; Latest Edition.

Phys 361 Classical Mechanics II 3Cr.hr

Many-Body Systems
Momentum; Centre-of-mass Motion, Angular Momentum; Central Internal Forces,
The Earth–Moon System, Energy; Conservative Forces, Lagrange’s Equations
Rigid Bodies
Basic Principles, Rotation about an Axis, Perpendicular Components of Angular
Momentum, Principal Axes of Inertia, Calculation of Moments of Inertia, Effect of a
Small Force on the Axis, Instantaneous Angular Velocity, Rotation about a Principal
Axis, Euler’s Angles, Lagrangian Mechanics, Generalized Co-ordinates; Holonomic
Systems, Lagrange’s Equations, Precession of a Symmetric Top, Pendulum
Constrained to Rotate about an Axis, Charged Particle in an Electromagnetic Field,
The Stretched String, Small Oscillations and Normal Modes, Orthogonal Co-
ordinates, Equations of Motion for Small Oscillations, Normal Modes, Coupled
Oscillators, Oscillations of Particles on a String, Normal Modes of a Stretched String,
Hamiltonian Mechanics, Hamilton’s Equations, Conservation of Energy, Ignorable
Co-ordinates, General Motion of the Symmetric Top, Liouville’s Theorem,
Symmetries and Conservation Laws, Galilean Transformations
Text Book: Classical Mechanics by Tom Kibble and Frank Berkshire, Imperial College
Press; Latest Edition

Phys 362 Dynamical Systems 3Cr.hr

Dynamical Systems and Their Geometry
Phase Space and Phase Portraits, First-order Systems — the Phase Line (n=1),
Second-order Systems — the Phase Plane (n = 2), Prey–Predator, Competing-species
Systems and War, Limit Cycles, Systems of Third (and Higher) Order, Sensitivity to
Initial Conditions and Predictability
Order and Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems
Integrability, Surfaces of Section, Action/Angle Variables, Some Hamiltonian
Systems which Exhibit Chaos, Slow Change of Parameters — Adiabatic Invariance,
Near-integrable Systems
Text Book:

Phys 363 Electrodynamics I 3Cr.hr

Vector Analysis
Vector Algebra, Differential calculus, integral calculus
Curvilinear coordinate, The dirac delta functions, The Theory of Vector Fields.
Electrostatics, The Electric Field, Divergence and Curl of Electrostatic field, Electric
Potential, Work and Energy in Electrostatics, Conductors.Special Techniques,
Laplace’s Equation, The Method of Images, Separation of Variables, Multipole,
Expansion. Electric Fields in Matter Polarization, The Field of a Polarized
Objects, The Electric Displacement, Linear Dielectrics. Magnetostatics, The Lorentz
force law, The Biot Savart Law, The Divergence and Curl of B, Magnetic Vector
Text book: Introduction to Electrodynomics (3rd edition) by David J. Griffiths).
Recommended Books:
1. Electromagnetic Theory by Carson and Lorains.
2. Electromagnetic Theory by Reid and Milford.

Phys 471 Electrodynamics II 3Cr.hr

Magnetic Fields in Matter
Magnetization ,The Field of Magnetized Object, The Auxiliary Field H., Linear and
Non Linear Media
Electromotive Force, Electromagnetic Induction, Maxwell’s Equations
Conservation Laws
Charge and Energy, Momentum
Electromagnetic Waves
Waves in one dimension, Electromagnatic waves in vacuum , Electromagnetic waves
and matter, Absorption and dispersion, Guided waves
potential and Fields
the potential formulation, Continues distribution, Point Charges
Text book: Introduction to Electrodynamics (Latest ed.) by David J. Griffiths.edition)
Recommended Books:
1. Electromagnetic Theory by Carson and Lorains.
2. Electromagnetic Theory by Reid and Milford.

Phys 354 Mathematical Methods of Physics-1 3Cr.hr

Infinite Series, power series, Complex numbers, linear Algebra, partial differentiation,
Multiple integrals, vector analysis, Fourier series and transforms, Laplace
Text Book: Mathematical Methods of physical Sciences by Mary L. Boas. (latest ed.)

Phys 364 Mathematical Method of Physics-1I 3Cr.hr

Ordinary Differential equations, Tensor Analysis, Special functions, series solution of
Differential equations, Legendere, Bessel, hermite and Lagurere functions, Partial
Differential Equations, Functions of Complex variable.
Text Book: Mathematical Methods of physical Sciences by Mary L. Boas. (latest ed.)

Phys 365 Quantum Mechanics I 3Cr.hr

The wave Function , Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation, Formalism, Quantum
Mechanics In Three Dimension, Identical Particles.
Text Book: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Latest edition) by David J. Griffiths.

Phys 472 Quantum Mechanics II 3Cr.hr

Time Independent Perturbation Theory, The Variational Principle, The WKB
Approximation, Time Dependent Perturbation Theory, The Adiabatic Approximation,
Text Book: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Latest edition) by David J. Griffiths.

Phys 352 Solid state physics I 3Cr.hr


Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice, Crystal binding and elastic constants, phonons I:
crystal vibration, phonons II: Thermal properties, free electron Fermi gas, energy
Text Book: Introduction to solid state Physics by Charles Kittle 8th Edition.

Phys 362 Solid state physics II 3Cr.hr

Semiconductor crystals, Fermi surfaces and metals, plasmons, polaritons and
polarons, optical processes and excitons, superconductivity, dielectrics and
ferroelectrics, diamagnetism and paramagnetism
Text Book: Introduction to solid state Physics by Charles Kittle 8th Edition.

Phys 481 Solid state physics III 3Cr.hr

Ferromagnetism and anti ferromagnetism, magnetic resonance, non-crystalline solids,
Point Defects, Surface and interface Physics, Dislocations, Alloys,
Text Book: Introduction to solid state Physics by Charles Kittle 8th Edition

Phys 353 Nuclear Physics-I 3 Cr.hr

Constituents of the nucleus and some of their properties
Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Basic properties of a nucleus, Mass and Atomic
Numbers, Isotopes, mass and size of a nucleus, Nuclear force (Basic Idea), Rutherford
scattering and estimation of the Nuclear size, experimental measurement of Nuclear
Radius, constituents of the nucleus and their properties, mass and Binding energy of
the nuclei, Weizsacher’s Semi-Empirical mass formula, Nuclear spin moment and
statistics, Parity of the nuclear levels.
Radioactivity: Historical Background, The Laws of radioactive decay, half life, mean
life, Radioactive Growth and decay, Radio Nuclides with more than one mode of
decay, chain disintegrations, Ideal equilibrium, Secular equilibrium, Transient
Alpha Rays: spectra and decay
Alpha decay, theory of Alpha decay,Barrier penetration problem in its simplest form,
Range of Alpha particles in matter, Alpha decay paradox
Beta Rays: Spectra and Decay
Beta Decay, Disintegration energies, Continuous beta spectrum and the end point
energies, difficulties encounter to understand it, measurements of the energy of beta
particles from the source, Angular momentum and the neutrino hypothesis, pauli’s
neutrino hypothesis, Detection of neutrino, Fermi’s theory of Beta Decay
Gamma Decay and related Phenomenon
Introduction, Gamma rays emission- selection rules for gamma emission, internal
conversion, internal pair production, Nuclear Isomerism, Parity and electric and
magnetic multipoles, Electric and magnetic multipoles radiations,
Nuclear Reactions: Basic Nuclear reactions, Types of Nuclear reactions, the balance
of mass and energy in nuclear reactions, The Q-value equation, Exothermic,
Endothermic, Threshold energy, Nuclear Fission, Theory of nuclear fission,
spontaneous fission, fission with liquid drop model, Nuclear Fusion reaction,
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion.
Recommended Books
1. Segre, Nuclei and Practicles, Bejamin, 1977.
2. S B Patel, Nuclear Physics, an introduction Wiley eastern limited
3. Kaplan, Nuclear Physics, Addison-Wisely, 1980.
4. Kenneth S. Krane, Introducing Nuclear Physics, 1995.
5. B. Povh, K. Rith, C. Scholtz, F. Zetsche, Particle and Nuclei, 1999.

Phys 482 Nuclear Physics-II 3 Cr.hr

Starting from Bacqurel’s discovery of radioactivity to Chedwick’s neutron.
Basic Properties of Nucleus: Nuclear size, mass, binding energy, nuclear
spin,magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moment, parity and statistics.
Nuclear Force
Nuclear Forces and Its Characteristics, Exchange forces Meson exchange and nuclear
potential, Yukawa's theory of nuclear forces, Yukawa's potential
Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model; Fermi gas model, Shell model; Collective
Nuclear Reactions

Types of nuclear reaction and conservation laws, Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion,

Thermonuclear fusion in star and sun, rates of thermonuclear reactions, reaction cross
section, Scattering and reaction cross sections, Compound nucleus, theory of the
compound nucleus, Optical Model, Direct reaction, Nucleon scattering, low energy
neutron proton scattering, proton proton scattering, Ground state of deuteron, Ground
level of the deuteron,
Detectors for Nuclear radiations
Proportional counter, the Geiger counter, Scintillation detector, Solid state or
Semiconductor detector, Cloud chambers,
Recommended Books
1. Segre, Nuclei and Practicles, Bejamin, 1977.
2. Kaplan, Nuclear Physics, Addison-Wisely, 1980.
3. Green, Nuclear Physics, McGraw Hill, 1995.
4. Kenneth S. Krane, Introducing Nuclear Physics, 1995.
5. B. Povh, K. Rith, C. Scholtz, F. Zetsche, Particle and Nuclei, 1999.

Phy 355 Atomic and Molecular Physics 3Cr.hr

Structure of Atoms
Review of Bohr’s theory, Sommerfeld model, Frank Hertz experiment and
approximation methods.
One Electron System
Review of Schrodinger equation for hydrogen atom, Fermi Golden rule, Quantum
numbers, Atoms in radiation field, Radiative transitions, Einstein coefficients,
Selection rules, normal Zeeman effect, Stark effect, Hyperfine structure.
Many body Systems
Pauli exclusion principle, Periodic system of the elemments, Stern Gerlach
experiment, Spin orbit coupling, Central field approximation, Hartree Fock methods
and self consistent field, Thomas Fermi potential, LS coupling, jj coupling and other
type of coupling, X-ray spectra.
Interaction with field
Many electron atoms in an electromagnetic field, Anomalous Zeeman effect, Paschen
back effect, Stark effect.
Ionic and covalent bonding, Diatomic molecules-rotational, vibrational, and electronic
spectra; Born Oppenhimer approximation, Transition probabilities of diatomic
molecules, electron spin and Hund’s cases, Polyatomic molecules (brief introduction),
Raman effect, Hydrogen Molecular ion (LCAO approximation), Hydrogen molecule
(Heitler London and molecular orbital theories)
Recommended Books:
1. Anne P. Thorn, Spectrophysics, second edition, Chapman and Hall, 1988.
2. B. H. Bransden and C.J. Joachain, Physics of atomic and Molecules, Longmans,
London 1983,

Phys 356 Lab- V 1 Cr.hr

List of Experiments
1. To study the characteristics of a Geiger-Muller counter and to examine the
attenuations of beta particles in Al-and Pb foils.
2. Measurement of the half life of a radio nuclide. To study the pulse-height as a
function of the H.H.T. in a scintillation counter.
3. Measurement of the spectrum of gama rays from a radioisotope. Shielding and
attenuation of gamma rays.
4. To study the characteristics of a solid-state detector and use it to measure the
spectra of alpha and beta particles.
5. Use of a Lithium-drifted Ge-counter for gamme spectroscopy and to compare its
performance with that of a nal-detector.
6. AC circuits and dielectric constants of water and ice.
7. Radio frequency measurement. Skin effect, etc.
8. Experiments with transmission lines.
9. Measurement of characteristic impedance. Velocity. Standing wave ratio, etc.
Recommended Books
1. H.Mark and H.T. Olsono. Experiments in Modern Physics (McGraw-Hill).
2. A.C. Melissinos. Experiments in Modern Physics (Academic).
3. R.J. Higgings. Experimental Electronics (McGraw-Hill).

Phys 366 Lab- VI 2 Cr.hr


1. To expose the students to advance level experimentation in Physics

2. To make them familiar to such experiments whose out come can be used in
developing future research capabilities and teaching skills.
3. To make the students confident in their studies by showing and measuring
parameter which they have used in theoretical work.
4. Study of random processes and fluctuations in random processes (Poission
distribution, etc.) Measurement of transistor hybrid parameters.
5. To build and investigate the properties of hard value multivibrators.
6. Transistor pulse-circuitry (three types of flipflop and the Schmidt trigger circuit).
7. Design of high or medium voltage dc power supply and measurement of the voltage
regulation. Ripple factor etc.
8. Design of an L.F.R.C. coupled amplifier and a study of its characteristics.
9. Design of high or medium voltage dc power supply and measurement of the voltage
regulation. Ripple factor, etc.
10. Design of a medium wave T.R.F. or superheterdyne receiver and measurement of
its sensitivity. Power out-put selectivity, etc. the operational amplifier.
11. To design and build a linear integrator to enable digitization of photo-multiplier
pulses, or to design and build a height-to-width converter.
12. To design and build a lotic circuit (using AND/OR/NOR gates) for performing a
given function.
13. Study of leaser parameters. Gain characteristics and spectral response of a photo-
multiplier tube.
Recommended Books:
1. G. L. Squires, Practical Physics, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press
2. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
3. C. K. Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.
Phys 473 Statistical Mechanics- I 3Cr.hr
Equilibrium Thermodynamics:
Basic postulates, fundamental equations and equations of state, response functions
Maxwell's relation, reduction of derivatives.
Elements of Probability Theory:
Probabilities, distribution functions, statistical interpretation of entropy, Boltzmann H-
Formulation of Statistical Methods:
Ensembles, counting of states (in classical and quantum mechanical systems,
examples) partition function, Boltzmann distribution. Formation of Microcononical,
canonical and grand canonical partion function.
Partition Function:
Relations of partition function with thermodynamic variables, examples (collection of
simple harmonic oscillators, Pauli and Van Vleck paramagnetics, Theorem of
equipartition of energy.
Books Recommended:
1. F. Mandl, Statistical Physics, ELBS/John Willey, 2nd Ed. 1988.
2. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill, 1965.
3. A.J. Pointon, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Longman 1967.
4. C. Kittel, Elements of Statistical Physics, John Wiley 1958.

Phys 573 Statistical Mechanics- II 3Cr.hr

Statistical Systems:
Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistical systems. Examples of
thermodynamics of these systems; Black body radiations, Gas of electrons in solids.
Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Systems:
Lattice vibrations in solids; Van der Waals Gas: mean field calculation; Ferromagnets
in Mean Field Approximation.
Advanced Topics:
Fluctuations, Bose-Einstein Condensation, Introduction to density matrix approach.
Books Recommended:
1. F. Mandl, Statistical Physics, ELBS/John Willey, 2nd Ed. 1988.
2. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill, 1965.
3. A.J. Pointon, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Longman 1967.
4. C. Kittel, Elements of Statistical Physics, John Wiley 1958.

Phys 474 Semiconductor Devices 3Cr.hr

Special Diodes:

Zener diodes, Zener regulators, Varactor diodes, Schottky diodes, Light emitting
diodes, Photodiodes, Tunnel diodes, Varistors and their applications.
Transistor Circuits:
Bipolar transistors; parameters and ratings, Ebers-Moll, Hybrid-p and h,z and y-
parameter models, Switching circuits, Biasing and stability, Common emitter,
Common base and common collector amplifiers, Frequency response, Power class A,
B, and C amplifiers, Field Effect
Transistors; Junction FET, MOSFET, Operation and construction, Biasing, Common
source and common drain amplifiers, Frequency response. Multistage Amplifiers; RC
coupled and direct coupled stages, The differential amplifiers, Negative feedback,
Tuned RF Voltage amplifiers, I-F Amplifiers and automatic gain control.,
Operational Amplifiers:
Ideal op-amps, Simple op-amp arrangements, its data and sheet parameters, Non
inverting and inverting circuits, Feedback and stability, Op-amp applications;
Comparators, Summing, Active filters, Integrator and Differentiator, Instrumentation
Armstrong, Hartley, CMOSS, Colpit's Phase shift and 555 timer oscillators.
Voltage Regulators:
Series, Shunt and switching regulators. Power supply.
Books Recommended:
1. J. Millman & C.C. Halkias, 'Integrated Electronics', McGraw Hill Book Company,
Singapore (Latest Edition).
2. T.L. Floyd, 'Electronic Devices', Merril Publishing Company Columbus (1988).
3. A.P. Malvino, 'Electronic Principles', Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1988).
4. D.B. Bell, 'Electronic devices & Circuits', Reston Publishing Company Inc.,
Virginia (1980).
5. C.J. Savant Jr. M.S. Roden, G.L. Carpenter, 'Electronic Design Circuit & Systems',
The Bengamin/Cummings Publishing Co., California (1991).

Phys 475 Lab-VII 3Cr.hr

1. Measurement of the total neutron cross-section.
2. To prove the Rutherford law of scattering of charged particles.
3. Measurement of the spectrum of gamma rays from a radioisotope (e.g.Cs) and
study of their photoelectric and Compton absorption.
4. Source strength of Co60 by gamma coincidence methods.
5. Determination of the constituents of substance by activation analysis.
6. To examine the characteristics of a Solid-State detector and to use it for alpha and
beta Spectroscopy and compare the results with those obtained by a scintillation
7. Use of an analogue computer for solving differential equations.
8. To examine the stopping-power of various substances for thermal neutrons.
9. Determination of Planck’s constant (h) by using the photoelectric effect.
10. Determination of the charge on an electron (e) by Millikan’s method.
11. The Frank-hertz experiment (Measurement of excitation potential of Hg).
12. Determination of the Rydberg constant from the spectrum of hydrogen.
13. Fabry-Perot interferometer used as a gas refractometer.
14. To study the Zeeman effect for a line in the spectrum of helium.
15. Experiments with microwaves. Study of their optical properties.
16. Electron spin resonance (E.S.R.) by microwave absorption.
17. Nuclear magnetic resonance (N.M.R.) of protons in water.
18. The study of the Mossbauer effect.
19. The measurement of the Hall effect in germanium and silicon.
20. To build a medium or short-wave transmitter.
21. Measurement of the conductivity of Si and Ge as a functions of temperature.
22. To determine the energy gap in silicon and Germanium.
23. Drift mobility. (Shockley-Haynes experiments for Germanium, demonstrating
transistor action).
Books Recommended:
1. H.Mark and N.T. Olson, Experiments in Modern Physics (McGraw-Hill).
2. A.C. Melissionos, Experiments in Modern Physics (Academic).
3. T.S. Gray, Applied Electronics (John-Wiley and Sons).


These elective courses can be chosen from the list or new elective course may be offered
according to the availability of staff and necessary infrastructure. University may also tailor
these courses according to their facilities.

Phys 483 Plasma Physics 3 Cr.hr

Introduction, Occurrance of plasma. Concept of temperature. Debye shielding. The
plasma parameter. Criteria for plasma. Applications of plasma physics. Single-particle
motion in electromegnatic field. Uniform and nonuniform E and B fields. Time-
variant E and B fields. Fluid description of plasma. Wave propagation in plasma.
Derivation of dispersion relations for simple electrostatic and electromagnetic modes.
Introduction to Controlled Fusion: Basic nuclear fusion reactions. Reaction rates and
power density, radiation losses from plasma, operational conditions.
Books Recommended:
1. F.F.Chen, Introduction to plasma Physics, 2nd ed. (Plenum).
2. N.A.Krall and A.W.Trivelpiece, Principles of Plasma Physics, 1973 (McGraw
3. S.Glasstone and R.H.Lovberg, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, 1960 (D.Van

Phys 484 Surface Physics 3 Cr.hr

An Introduction to Surfaces:
What is a surface? The energetics and thermodynmics of creating a surface. An
introduction to surface Physics. Surface energies and the Wulff Theorem.
Studying Surfaces:
What is UHV? Do we need UHV to study surfaces? The kinetic theory of gases,
concept of vacuum and standard vacuum hardware components. Comparison of
different types of pumps with measurement of vacuum pressure. Preparing a clean
Surface Structures and Reconstructions
Lattice concept. 3 D crystal structures, 2D surface structures. Specific types of
surface, fcc, hcp, bcc and stepped surfaces and a discussion of their relative energies.
More complex ceconstruction, stability, growth mechanisms, adsorption. Desorption
and experimental probes of surface structure such a LEED and RHEED. The structure
of semi-conductor surfaces. The surface structures of very small metal particles.
Adsorption, Desorption Bonding , Catalysis and Growth Processes:
Adsorption mechanisms and kinetics chemisorption vs. physiorption, the kinetics of
adsorption, potential energy curves and adsorption energetics. Adsorption
mechanisms and kinetics for low coverages Langmuir Isotherms, derivation,
adsorbate phase diagrams and phase transitions.
The Structure of Adsorbate Layers:
Experimental probes of surface structure such as LEED and RHEED. Growth
processes, vibrational spectroscopy, catalysis, Desorption.
The Electronics and Magnetic Structure of Surfaces: Band theory, Free electron
theories and the work function. The electronic structure of semiconductor surfaces,
Electron emission processes. Magnetic processes at surfaces.
Electron-Surface Interactions:
Electron diffraction and quasi – elastic scattering, comparison of particle scattering
techniques. Electron spectroscopes, Discussion of the merits of different types of
electron energy analysers and electron deterctors. Signal processing and spectral
analysis. Theory and practice of Auger electron spectroscopy, Quantification of Auger
spectra, Auger depth. Profiling.
Atom/ion surface interactions:

Comparison of particle scattering techniques, An Introduciton to the theory and

practice of SIMS, SIMS imaging and depth profiling, Auger depth profiling, theory
and practice of Rutherford. Back scattering.
Surface Microscopy:
Classification of microscopy techniques, Basic concepts in surface imaging and
localized spectroscopy, Imaging XPS, Optical microscopy, STEM. SEM. SPM. An
introduction to the theory and practice of scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Scanning
probe microscopy techniques, Atomic Force Microscopy.
Books Recommended
1. John A. Venables, Introduction to Surface and Thin Film Processes Cambridge
University Press (2000).

Phys 485 Fluid Dynamics 3 Cr.hr

Basic Fluid Mechanics:
Fundamentals of Continuum mechanics, Kinematics of the flow field, the continuity
equation, governing equations of fluid motion, Incompressible flows, Compressible
flows, Thin aerofoil.
Boundary Layer Theory:
Laminar Boundary layer, Turbulent Boundary layer. Reynold’s number.
Computational Fluid dynamics-I:
Introduction to numerical computation, Introduction to numerical solution of Ordinary
Differential equation’s using multi-step methods, Boundary value problems,
Introduction to solution of Partial Differential Equiation’s using finite difference
methods Advanced Techniques.
Computational Fluid Dynamics-II:
Governing equations in integral and differential form, Reduced forms of governing
equations, The finite volume method, Incompressible and
compressible flow & their methods, Discrete methods for the steady state and time
dependent advection diffusion equation, The pressure correction method on staggered
and unstaggered grids, Time marching schemes, Incorporation of turbulence models,
Schemes for solving large algebraic systems, Use of a commercial code for the
predication off complex flows.
Experimental Methods:
Introduction to laboratory techniques, Laboratory sessions (preceded by lectures):
water waves, air flow past a cylinder aero foils, hydraulic jumps, vortex shedding and
vibrations, turbulent jets and plumes.
Books Recommended:
1. H.Lamb, Hydrodynamics, Doer, 6th edition 1993.
2. White, F.M. Viscous flud flow (second Edition), Mcgraw Hill, 1991.
3. P.J. Roache, “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Albuquerque, N.M., Hemosa
4. Patankar, S.V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere, 1980.
5. K.A. Hoffmann and S.T. Chiang. Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers,
Vol.1 & 11, 1993
Phys 486 Methods of Experimental Physics 3 Cr.hr
Vacuum Techniques:
Gas Transport: Throughout, Pumping Speed, Pump down Time Ultimate pressure.
Fore-Vacuum Pumps: Rotary Oil pumps; sorption pumps. Diffusion pumps, sorption
pumps (High Vacuum). Production of ultrahigh vacuum; Fundamental concepts;
guttering pumps; Ion pumps; Cryogenic pumps; Turbo molecular pumps.
Measurement of total pressure in Vacuums Systems; Units pressure ranges;
Manometers; Perini gauges;
The McLoad gauges; Mass spectrometer for partial measurement of pressure. Design
of high Vacuum system; Surface to Volume ratio; Pump Choice; pumping system
design. Vacuum Components; Vacuum valves; vacuum Flanges; Liquid Nitrogen trap;
Mechanical feed throughs & Electrical feed throughs Leak detection: Basic
consideration; leak detection equipment; Special Techniques and problems; Repair
Radiation Detection and Measurement:
GM tubes, scintillation detector, channeltron, photo multipliers, neutron detectors,
alpha/beta detectors, x-rays/gamma detectors, cosmic rays detectors, Spectrographs
and Interferometers.
Sensor Technology:
Sensors for temperature, pressure displacement, rotation, flow, level, speed, rotation
position, phase, current voltage, power magnetic field, tilt, metal, explosive and heat.
Electronics and Electronic Instruments:

Operational amplifiers, summing amplifiers, difference amplifiers, Differentiators,

Integrators, Logarithmic amplifiers, current to voltage converter, Spectroscopy
amplifiers, charge sensitive pre-amplifiers, Coincidence circuits, Isolators, Ramp
Generators, and single channel analyzer. Power supplies, Signal Generators, Counters,
Multichannel analyzer, Lock in Amplifiers, Boxcar averages.
Computer Introduction:
Introduction to computers, GPIB Interface, RS 232. Interfacing, DA/AD conversion,
Visual c/visual Basic.
Data Analysis:
Evaluation of measurement: Systematic Errors, Accuracy; Accidental Errors,
Precision, Statistical Methods; Mean Value and Variance; Statistical Control of
Measurements; Errors of Direct measurements, Rejection of data; Significance of
results; Propagation of errors; preliminary Estimation; Errors of Computation. Least
squares fit to a polynomial. Nonlinear functions. Data manipulation, smoothing,
interpolation and extrapolation, linear and parabolic interpolation.
Books Recommended:
1. H.D.Young, Statistical Treatment of Methods of Experimental Physics, Academic
Press, Inc. New York & London Vol.1.
2. J. Yarwood, High Vacuum Techniques, Chapman Hall.
3. P. Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for Physical Science, McGraw
4. J.B.Toping, Errors of Observations, IOP, 1962.

Phys 487 Environmental Physics 3Cr.hr

Introduction to the Essentials of Environmental Physics:
The economic system, living in green house, enjoying the sun, Transport of matter,
Energy and momentum, the social and political context.
Basic Environmental Spectroscopy:
Black body radiation, The emission spectrum of sun, The transition electric dipole
moment, The Einstein Coefficients, Lambert – Beer’s law, The spectroscopy of bi-
molecules, Solar UV and life, The ozone filter.
The Global Climate:
The energy Balance, (Zero-dimensional Greenhouse Model), elements of weather and
climate, climate variations and modeling.
Transport of Pollutants:
Diffusion, flow in reverse, ground water. Flow equations of fluid Dynamics,
Turbulence, Turbulence Diffusion, Gaussian plumes in air, Turbulent jets and planes.
Basic Acoustics, Human Perceptions and noise criteria, reducing the transmission of
sound, active control of sound.
General laws of Radiation, Natural radiation, interaction of electromagnetic radiation
and plants, utilization of photo synthetically active radiation.
Atmosphere and Climate:
Structure of the atmosphere, vertical profiles in the lower layers of the atmosphere,
Lateral movement in the atmosphere, Atmospheric Circulation, cloud and
Precipitation, The atmospheric greenhouse effect.
Topo Climates and Micro Climates:
Effects of surface elements in flat and widely unduling areas, Dynamic action of seliq.
Thermal action of selief.
Climatology and Measurements of Climate Factor:
Data collection and organization, statistical analysis of climatic data, climatic indices,
General characteristics of measuring equipments. Measurement of temperature, air
humidity, surface wind velocity, Radiation balance, precipitation, Atmospheric
Pressure, automatic weather stations.

Books Recommended:
1. Egbert Booker and Rienk Van Gron Belle, Environmental Physics, 2 nd ed. John
and sons. 1999.
2. Physics of Environmental and Climate, Guyot Praxis Publication. 1998.

Phys 488 Introduction to Quantum Computing 3 Cr.hr

Computer technology and historical background; Basic principles and postulates of
quantum mechanics: Quantum states, evolution, quantum measurement,
superposition, quantization from bits to qubits, operator function, density matrix,
Schrodinger equation, Schmidt decomposition, EPR and Bell’s inequality; Quantum
Computation: Quantum Circuits, Single qubit operation, Controlled operations,
Measurement, Universal
quantum gates, Single qubit and CNOT gates; Breaking unbreakable codes: Code
making, Trapdoor function, One time pad, RSA cryptography, Code breaking on
classical and quantum computers, Shor’s algorithm; Quantum Cryptography:
Uncertainty principle, Polarization and Spin basis, BB84, BB90, and Ekert protocols,
Quantum cryptography with and without eavesdropping, Experimental realization;
Quantum Search Algorithm.
Books Recommended:
1. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by M. A. Nielson and I. L.
Chuang, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000.
2. Exploration in Quantum Computation by C.P. Williams and S. H. Clearwater,
Springer Verlag (1997).
3. The Physics of Quantum Information: Quantum Cryptography, Quantum
Teleportation, Quantum Computation by P. Bouwmester, A. Ekert, and A. Zeilinger,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2000).
4. Mathematics of Quantum Computation by A.K.Brylinsky and G. Chen, Chapman
& Hall/CRC (2002).

Phys 489 Particle Physics 3 Cr.hr

Particle Classification:
Quantum numbers, leptons, hadrons, baryons, mesons, quarks.
The Fundamental Interactions:
The electromagnetic coupling, the strong coupling, the weak coupling.
Symmetry Transformation and Conservation Laws:
Translation in space, rotation in space, the group SU (2), systems of identical
particles, parity, iso-spin charge conjugation, time reversal, G parity, CPT theorem.
The Electromagnetic Field:
Gauge invariance and Maxwell’s equations, polarization ad photon spin, angular
momentum, parity and C parity of photon.
Hadron Spectroscopy:
Formation experiment, partial wave formalism and the optical theorem, the Breit-
Wigner resonance formula, baryon resonances, phase space considerations, production
The Quark Model:
The group SU (3), quarks, hadrons baryons, mesons in quark model, heave meson
spectroscopy, the quarkonium model.
The Standard Model (qualitative treatment only):
Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions Glashow-Salam-Weinberg
Books Recommended:
1. Relatvistic Quantum Mechanics by Bjorken, J. D. and Drell, S.D., McGraw Hill,
2. Quarks and Leptons by Halzen, F. and Martin, A.D., John-Wiley and Sons. (1984).
3. Quantum Mechanics by Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin, World Scientific, (1990).
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths, D., John-Wiley and Sons, (1987)

Phys 491 Computer Simulation 3 Cr.hr
Importance of computers in physics, nature of computer simulation, computer
graphics and programming languages, Techniques and class of computer simulation,
Accuracy and stability of numerical techniques, External points and strings, principles
of vector computing in Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical coordinates.
Numerical Approaches:
Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, initial (boundary) and eigen value
problems, numerical integrations, special functions and Guassian quadrarure, matrix
operation, partial differential equations (elliptic and parabolic types)
Simulation in Classical Physics:
Motion of Falling Objects, One Dimensional Dynamics (Accelerating cars and objects
on springs), Two-Dimensional Trajectories (Kepler’s Laws, Oscillatory Motions),
Energy and Center of Mass, Electric Fields and Potentials, LRC Circuits, Driven LRC

Circuits (Time varying), Wave phenomena (Fourier analysis, Coupled oscillator),

Interference, Diffraction and Polarization, Geometrical Optics (Ray Tracing an
Principle of Least Time), Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields, Electromagnetic
Random Process and Quantum Physics:
Random Number and their uses, Random-walk problem, percolation theory, radio-
activity and radioactive decay series, Noise in Signal, Guassian Distribution,
Distribution Functions in Statistical Physics, Molecular Dynamics in Solids,
Approaches to Equilibrium, Monte- Carlo Simulation, Canonical and Micro-
Canonical Ensembles, Numerical Solution of time-independent (and dependent),
Schrodinger Wave Equation, Particle in Bound and Free States.
Computational Methods for Continuous Medium:
Fluid equations, Governing equation in integral and differential forms, Reduce forms
of the governing equation, finite volume method, compressible and incompressible
flow and their methods, Discrete methods for the steady state and time dependent
diffusion equation. The pressure-corection method on staggered and unstaggered
grids. Time marching schems, incorporation of furbulence model, schemes for solving
large algebric system, use of commercial code for prediction of off complex flow,
Raynold averaging and its applications to Navier stokes equations. Mean and
Turbulant kinetic energy equation,
Magnetohydrodynamics, Modelling ideal (MHD), resistive and viseus flow of
plasmas, thermal conduction and heat transport.
Books Recommended:
1. Hillar, Johnston and Styer, Quantum Mechanics Simulation. (A Series of the
Consortium for upper level Physics software), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New
2. P.J. Roache, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Albuquerque, N.M. Hemosa
Publishers. 1993.
3. Marvin L. De Jong, Introduction to Computational Physics, Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc. New York, 1991.
5. D. Stauffer, F.W. Hehl, W. Winkelman and J.G. Zabolitzky, Computer Simultation
and Computer Algebra (Lectures for Beginers), Springer-Verlage Berlin, New York,
6. Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochink, An Introduction to “Computer Simulation
Methods” Part-I & II, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., New York. 1988.

Phys 492 Digital Electronics 3 Cr.hr

Review of Number Systems:
Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number system, their inter-conversion, concepts of
logic, truth table, basic logic gates.
Boolean Algebra:
DeMorgan’s theorem, simplification of Boolean expression by Boolean Postulates and
theorem, K-maps and their uses. Don’t care condition, Different codes. (BCD, ASCII,
Gray etc.). Parity in Codes
IC logic families:
Basic characteristics of a logic family. (Fan in/out, Propagation delay time,
dissipation, noise margins etc. Different logic based IC families (DTL, RTL, ECL,
Combinational logic circuit:
Logic circuits based on AND – OR, OR-AND, NAND, NOR Logic, gate design,
addition, subtraction (2’s compliments, half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full
subtractor encoder, decoder, PLA. Exclusive OR gate.
Sequential Logic Circuit:
Flip-flops clocked RS-FF, D-FF, T-FF, JK-FF, Shift Register, Counters (Ring, Ripple,
up-down, Synchronous) A/D and D/A Converters.
Memory Devices:
ROM, PROM, EAPROM, EE PROM, RAM, (Static and dynamic) Memory mapping
Micro Computers:
Computers and its types, all generation of computers, basic architecture of computer,
micro processor (ALU, UP Registers, Control and Time Section). Addressing modes,
Instruction set and their types, Discussion on 8085/8088, 8086 processor family, Intel
Microprocessor Hierarchy;
Micro-controller/ Embedded System:
Introduction to Embedded and microcontroller based systems; The Microprocessor
and microcontroller applications and environment; microcontroller characteristics;
features of a general purpose microcontroller; Microchip Inc and PIC microcontroller;

Typical Microcontroller examples:, Philips 80C51 & 80C552 and Motorola

68Hc05/08; Interfacing with peripherals.
Books Recommended
1. Larry D. Jones, Principles and applications of digital electronics, Macmillan
Publishing Company, 1993.
2. Digital System Design and Micro possessor J.C. BORTIE (NBF).
3. McMillan, Micro Electron, McGraw Hill.
4. Digital Logic and Computer Design Morris Mono 1995 Prentic Hall
5. Tocheim, Digital Electronics, (1999).
6. Barrey B. Brey, Intel UPS Architecture, programming and interfacing, Prentic Hall
7. T.L.Floyd, Digital Fundamental, 8th edition.
8. Tim Wilmshurst, The Design of Small-Scale Embedded Systems, Palgrave (2003).

Phys 493 Experimental Nuclear Physics 3 Cr.hr

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Measurements:
Interaction of nuclear radiation with matter; photographic emulsions; Gas-filled
detectors; Scintillation counters and solid-state detectors; Cloud chambers; Bubble
chambers. Charged Particle Accelerators: Linear and orbital accelerators Van de
Graaff, Cyclotron; Betatron; Synchrocyclotron; Electron-Synchrotrons; Proton-
synchrotron; Alternating-gradient Synchrotron.
Neutron Physics:
Neutron Sources, Radioactive sources, Photo neutron sources Charged particle
sources, Reactor as a neutron source, slow neutron detectors, fast neutron detectors,
Measurement of neutron cross-sections as a function of energy, slowing down of
neutrons, Nuclear fission, Description of fission reaction, Mass distribution of fission
energy. Average number of neutrons released, Theory of fission and spontaneous
fission, Nuclear chain reaction and applications.
Elementary Reactor Physics:
Controlled fission reactions, Types of nuclear reactors (Power and Research), Detailed
study of PWR and CANDU type reactors.
Books Recommended:
1. Glenn, F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, John Wiley, 1989.
2. William, R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics, Spinger, 1994.
3. Philips Berington and D. Keith, Data Detection and Error analysis for physical
sciences, 2002.
4. Segre, Nuclei and Practicles, Bejamin, 1977.
5. Kenneth S. Krane, Introducing Nuclear Physics, 1995.

Phys 494 Laser Physics 3 Cr.h

Introductory Concepts:
Spontaneous Emission, Absorption, Stimulated Emission, Pumping Schemes,
Absorption and Stimulated Emission Rates, Absorption and Gain Coefficients,
Resonance Energy Transfers.
Properties of Laser Beam:
Mono chromaticity, Coherence, Directionality, Brightness.
Spectroscopy of Molecule and Semiconductors:
Electronic Energy Levels, Molecular Energy Levels, Level Occupation at Thermal
Equilibrium, Stimulated Transition, Selection Rules, Radioactive and Nonradioactive
Decay, Semiconductor Quantum Wells, Strained Quantum Wells Quantum Wires and
Quantum Dots.
Optical Resonators:
Plane Parallel (Fabry Perot)
Resonator, Concentric (Spherical) Resonator, Confocal, Resonator, Generalized
Spherical Resonator, Ring Resonator, Stable Resonators, Unstable Resonators ,
Matrix Formulation of Geometrical Optics, Wave Reflection and Transmission at a
Dielectric Interface, Stability Condition Standing and
Traveling Waves in a two Mirror Resonator, Longitudinal and Transverse Modes in a
Cavity, Multilayer Dielectric Coatings, Fabry Perot Interferometer. Small Signal
Gain and Loop Gain Pumping Processes: Optical pumping, Flash lamp and Laser,
ThresholdPump Power, pumping efficiency, Electrical Pumping: Longitudinal
Configuration and Transverse Configuration, Gas Dynamics Pumping, Chemical
Pumping. Continuous Wave (CW) and pulsed lasers Rate Equations, Threshold
Condition and Output Power, Optimum Output Coupling, Laser Tuning, Oscillation

and Pulsations in Lasers, Q Switching and Mode Locking Methods, Phase Velocity,
Group Velocity, and GroupDelay Dispersion, Line broadening. Lasers Systems :
Solid State Lasers: Ruby Laser, Nd: YAG & Nd GlassLasers and Semiconductor
Lasers: Homojunction Lasers DoubleHeterostructure lasers, Gas lasers: Helium Neon
laser, CO2 laser, Nitrogen Laser and Excimer Lasers, FreeElectron and X-Ray
Lasers Laser applications: Material Processing: Surface Hardening, Cutting,Drilling,
Welding etc. Holography, Laser Communication, Medicine, Defense Industry,
Atmosphereic Physics
Books Recommended
1. O. Svelto, Principles of Lasers, Plenum Press New York & London
2. J. Eberly and P. Milonni, Lasers, Wiley, New York. (Latest Edition).
Scully and Zubairy, Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press
3. A.E. Siegman, Laser, University, Science Books Mill Valley, C.A.

Phys 495 Renewable Sources of Energies 3 Cr.hr

Energy Scenarios: Importance of energy, world primary energy sources, energy
demand, supplies, reserves, growth in demand, life estimates, and consumption
pattern of conventional energy sources: oil, gas, coal, hydro, nuclear etc.
Energy & Environment: Emission of pollutants from fossil fuels and their damaging
effects, and economics impact; Renewable energy and its sustainability. Renewable
Scenarios: Defining renewable, promising renewable energy sources, their potential,
availability, present status, existing technologies and availability.
Solar Energy: Sun-Earth relationship, geometry, sun path and solar irradiance, solar
spectrum, solar constant, atmospheric effects, global distribution, daily and seasonal
variations, effects of till angle, resource estimation, extraterrestrial, global, direct,
diffused radiation, sun shine hours, air mass, hourly, monthly and annual mean,
radiation on tilt surface, measuring instruments.
Solar Thermal: Flat plate collectors, their designs, heat transfer, transmission through
glass, absorption transmission of sun energy, selective surfaces, performance, and
efficiency; low temperature applications: water heating, cooking, drying, desalination,
their designs and performance; concentrators, their designs, power generation,
performance and problems.
Photovoltaic: PV effect, materials, solar cell working, efficiencies, different types of
solar cells, characteristics, (dark, under illumination), efficiency limiting factors,
power, spectral response, fill-factor, temperature effect; PV systems, components,
packing fraction, modules, arrays, controllers, inverters, storage, PV system sizing,
designing, performance and applications.
Wind: Global distribution, resource assessment, wind speed, height and topographic
effects, power extraction for wind energy conversion, wind mills, their types,
capacity, properties, wind mills for water lifting and power generation, environmental
Hydropower: Global resources, and their assessment, classification, micro, mini, small
and large resources, principles of energy conversion; turbines, types, their working
and efficiency for micro to small power systems; environmental impact.
Biogas: Biomass sources; residue, farms, forest. Solid wastes: agricultural, industrial
and municipal wastes etc; applications, traditional and non-traditional uses: utilization
process, gasification, digester, types, energy forming, Environment issues. Resources
availability; digester, their types, sizes, and working, gas production, efficiency;
environmental effects;
Geothermal: Temperature variation in the earth, sites, potentials, availability,
extraction techniques, applications; water and space heating, power generations,
problems, environmental effects.
Waves and Tides: Wave motion, energy, potentials, sites, power extraction, and
transmission, generation of tides, their power, global sites, power generation,
resource assessment, problems, current status and future prospects.
Hydrogen Fuel: Importance of H as energy carrier, Properties of H , production,
2 2
hydrolysis, fuel cells, types, applications, current status and future prospects.
Nuclear: Global generations of reserves through reprocessing and breeder reactors,
growth rate, prospects of nuclear fusion, safety and hazards issue.
Energy Storage: Importance of energy storage, storage systems, mechanical, chemical,
biological, heat, electrical, fuel cells etc.
Recommended Books
1. World Energy Supply: Resources, Technologies, Prospectives: Manfred Grathwohl;
Walter deGruyter – Berlin, 1982.

2. Renewable Energy Resources; John W. Twidell and Anthony D. Weir; E & F.N.
Spon Ltd. London. 1986.
3. An Introduction to Solar Radiation: Muhammad Iqbal; Academic Press, Canada.
4. A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity, Simon Roberts: Prentice Hall Inc. USA,
5. Solar Cells, Operating Principles, Technology, and system Application: Martin A.
Green; Printice Hall, Inc. USA, 1982.
6. Solar Engineering Technology; Ted. J. Jansen, Prentice Hall Inc. USA, 1985.
7. Wind Power, A. and Book on Wind Energy Conversion System; V. Daniel Hunt,
Litton Educational Publishing Inc. 1981.
8. Biogas, Production and Utilization; Elizabeth C. Price, Paul N. Cheremisinoff; Ann
Arbor Science, USA, 1981.
9. Biomass, Catalysts and liquid fuels; Ian Campbell; Technonic Publishing Co. Inc.
USA, 1983.

Phys 500 Undergraduate Project 3Cr.hr

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