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Divide these words into positive and negative.







Positive Negative

Use the following modals in sentences below

Have to
Be able to

Before you buy this black dress, you _____ try it on.
Tommy doesn’t like his job. He ______ look for a new one.
When my dad was 40, he _____ to speak 4 languages
My son _______ ride a bike until he was eight years old. He was scared.
How _____ you do that to your parents. That was rude of you.
Slow down. You mustn’t drive so fast.
Ellen looks pale. She ______ to rest.
I’ve never _____ speak Spanish as well as my brother.

Have Do Take Make

1) My sister ________ most of the housework, because she wants to help my mom.
2) I’ve got to _________ care of my little brother, while my parents are at work.
3) My teacher said that I ______ a mistake in the Test and I had to correct it.
4) I wish you would ______ up your mind and choose the best university in the city.
5) I ______ a weird dream last night.
6) When I was young, I used to ______ part in school plays and concerts.
7) School children should know that ______ fun of other students is offensive.
8) If you ____ ________ on someone, you feel sorry for them
and help them.
9) I don't know why everybody ______ such a fuss about a few mosquitoes.
10) When you ______ an effort, you succeed in everything that you want.
11) If you ________ someone a favor, you do something for them even if you don’t have
to. That means you _____ someone good.


(предположение (предположения/ожидания: (уверен)
относительно скорее всего/ вероятнее
возможных вариантов: всего)
может быть)
Could Should Must
May Ought to Can’t
Might Couldn’t
It’s likely

expressing possibility: may, might, could, can

We use can to talk about general possibilities.

In Russia, it can be quite hot in the summer.

We use may, might and could to talk about possibilities in the present, the future and
We sometimes use may to show that something is more likely to happen.
I may be a bit late for Friday’s lesson.
Peter might have the right answer for number 10.
There could be some easy questions on the exam.

expressing probability: should, ought to

We use should and ought to to say that something is
probably true or will probably happen.

Mr. Davies should have the report by now.

(= Mr. Davies probably has the report by now.)
The exam results ought to be on the website by now.
(= The exam results are probably on the website by now.)

expressing certainty: must, can’t

We use must when we are (almost) sure about something now, in the future or generally,
often because we have seen some evidence.

Your father’s late. He must be stuck in traffic on the way home.

Hi! You must be Mrs. Johnson.

When we are (almost) sure that something isn’t true

often because we have seen some evidence, we use
That can’t be the postman at the door. He’s already been here today.

Read these sentences and phrases from comments to the post on p.

6 and 7. Match each one with an explanation.
1. That’s more than 15,000 km away! ____
2. Natalia and I love each other (of course) but we don’t always get on. ____
3. I spend almost every weekend with him and his wife… ____
4. We’re doing a project on families at school at the moment … ___
5. She’s always complaining that I play music too loud! ____

a. This is a regular habit.

b. This is an annoying habit.
c. This is a temporary situation.
d. This is a general, scientific truth.
e. This is a feeling or situation, not an action.

Circle the correct tense in each sentence.

1. Our family goes/ is going on holiday to Spain every year.
2. Did you say you stay/are staying with friends until your house is ready.
3. My sister doesn’t have a car because she doesn’t drive/is not driving.
4. People live/are living in many different kinds of family.
5. Brothers and sisters often argue/are arguing about unimportant things.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the
box. You may need to use a negative form.

try go learn see live like

1. My brother and I _________ to the local secondary school.
2. We ________ here until the new house is ready.
3. I ________ French for my trip to Paris next month.
4. My grandparents ________ like milkshakes, but I do.
5. ‘Wait a second. I ________ to find my keys.
6. We ________ our cousins every Christmas.

Use notes to make complete sentences.

1. My brother/ always/ complain about/ me/ to parents.
2. In our house,/ we/ always/ eat dinner together/ and I/ like it.
3. My step sister/ play/ the piano and she/ know /hundreds of songs.
4. I/ think/ Mum/ have a shower. She / usually / have a shower at this time.
5. My relationship with my sister/ get / better.
6. I /not believe / everything my brother/ tell /me.

1. Introduction.
2. The first point in a list of points.
3. Additional point (introducing a further point).
4. The final point.
5. Conclusion.

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