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Module 3: Module Writing/Course Materials Development

Individual Workshop Output (Maam’ Nurhaid Haliddin)

1. As Instructor/Professor of the College, what is you understanding about Course pack?

From the word itself, I can say that Course pack is a course guide of a teacher on the content of the subject to
be taught. Starting from the objectives of the subject on to be attain by the students followed by the study guide for the
student to how they will accomplish the following objectives and the last is the assessment to be used in judging the
output of the student for them to be aware on how they get their grade of that particular subject.

2. Based on your experience in teaching in the past years or so, give some advantages/reasons of preparing course
pack before the start of the semester.

Having a course pack before starting the semester has a great advantage, this will serve as my guide to what I
will do on delivering my topic and how I will evaluate my student. It will be easy for me to just review my course pack
from time to time whenever I will finish a certain topic.

Group Workshop Output:

Ahmed Deedat S. Ibrahim
Bennazer S. Abdulmajid
Ferdie Aida T. Jumsali
Jamila A. Knaik
Janice A. Sarmiento
Karsom B. Gapor
Khadil T. Sarahadil
Nur-aisa A. Abdulla
Nurhaya B. Maksal
Samira J. Siraji
Sherma E. Sali
Sitti Husna J. Ahamad

I. Course Guide
Course Title/Code: Capstone Project 1 (Proposal)/IT 401
Course Credit: 3
Course This course provides an opportunity for students to engage in high-level inquiry focusing on an area
Description: of specialization within the IT profession. Capstone projects will be inquiry and practice-centered
and will draw upon areas of interest to the student and focus from the computing degree program
such as Software Development, Multimedia Systems, Network Design and Implementation and
Server Farm Configuration and Management, IT Management and among others. All capstone
projects aim to bridge theory and practice an are aimed to have an impact on the professional life
of the students.
Course 3 hrs./week
Pre-requisite: IT 202 Information Assurance and Security
Faculty-in charge: Janice A. Sarmiento
Facebook Account: Acapulco Sarmiento Janice
Contact Number: 09639246211/09262854477
Course Objectives: Demonstrate the depth and extent of knowledge and clear understanding of critical concepts,
practices and issues in Information Technology project development completion.

Learning 1. Formulate the project objectives, scope and limitations;

Outcomes: 2. Collect and compare literature related to the project;
3. Propose an ethical and feasible IT solution to the identified problems in the project.

Student’s Learning
Attribute: Outcomes
Investigate and evaluate prominent literature related to the 1, 2
Process of planning study, collecting the data, analyzing the 1, 2
data to comprehend its meaning.
Analysis of qualitative or quantitative data, including
Statistics, displaying data, and writing the conclusion. 3
Generalize specific solution and limitation of the project 1
Construct instrument used for survey, questioners, and others 1, 2, 3
for of evaluation
Develop interpersonal attitudes with peers 1, 2, 3

Boost self-esteem in presentation of the project 3

Awareness on the social problem with regards to IT 1, 2, 3
Compel roles and responsibilities on Intellectual Property 1, 2
Collect original data following the ethical protocols 1,2
Interpret data collected draw conclusion rooted in the data, and 3
convey those interpretations and implications in a formal
written report
Presentation of the research project and engage/answer in a
collegial discussion with peers and faculty 3
Compose a formal report of their research to include the 1,2,3
Introduction section, Review of Related Literature,
Methodology, Findings and Interpretation, and Conclusions
and Implications.
Course Outline: Unit I. Introduction on Capstone Project
Lesson 1. Investigation and selecting a problem, issues
Lesson 2. Innovation area through review of relevant scholarly literature

Unit II. Establish Goals, Questions, Parameters of Capstone Project

Lesson 1. Statement of the project goals
Lesson 2. Scope and limitations

Unit III. Designing Capstone Project Methodology

Lesson 1. Research approach
Lesson 2. Appropriate methods

Unit IV. Collecting data and Generating Artifacts

Lesson 1. Research tools
Lesson 2. Planning and implementation
Unit V. References, Appendices
Lesson 1. Presentation of proposed project

Course Materials: Laptop, handouts, articles, links

Course Schedule See attached file
and Structure:

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