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Pressw ire is a t rust ed name in public relat ions since 2001,

serving privat e and public sect or client s w orldw ide.

Our client base includes leading PR companies and Communications

d e p artm e nts in the finance , le g al, te chnolog y and m arke ting se ctors, as
well as government departments.

O ur se rvice s includ e an ind ustry-le ad ing g lob al Me d ia Contacts Datab ase ,

Pre ss Re le ase Distrib ution and Me d ia Monitoring .

Presswire Limited
1 St Peter Street, London. United Kingdom SW17 7UH
O ffice : +44 (0) 207 754 0050 Email: info@p re sswire .com
UK Re g iste re d Comp any: 4630760
Your designated Presswire Sales Representative is:

Richard Powell
Public Relations Director
Office: +44 (0) 207 754 0050
Mobile: +44 (0) 778 680 6951
Fax: +44 (0) 871 433 0534

Please feel free to contact your Presswire Representative, regarding

any queries, quotes or further information you require, any time by
email, or by phone within GMT business hours.


Services 4
M edia Cont act s Dat abase 5
Press Release Dist ribut ion 6
M edia M onit oring 7
Tracking Report s 8
Search Engine Opt imisat ion 9
References 10
Sales 11 3

M edia Cont act s Dat abase

O ur e sse ntial, e xhaustive , se archab le and
re g ularly-up d ate d contact se t of more than
850,000 e d itorial op p ortunitie s world wid e
p rovid e s e asily-e xp ortab le contact information
that e nab le s you to e ffe ctive ly id e ntify targ e t
p ub lications or me d ia outle ts, and take
your me ssag e s d ire ctly to the most re le vant
corre sp ond e nts the re .  

Press Release Dist ribut ion

We se nd and track p re ss re le ase s we e mail
to journalists on our live g lob al d atab ase : at
ne wsp ap e rs and mag azine s, te le vision and rad io
stations, we b site s and wire syste ms.
Your business releases will land on business desks
and your consume r re le ase s will re ach consume r
journalists, in all targ e t are as, maximising your
e xp osure and b oosting cove rag e .  

Pre sswire also se lf-p ub lishe s re le ase s across its own ne twork of we b site s, as we ll as to
major social me d ia, so the y are p icke d up b y se arch e ng ine s, Goog le Ne ws, ag g re g ators
and RSS sub scrib e rs, b ring ing you hig h-value , long tail SEO b e ne fits.

M edia M onit oring

O ur me d ia monitoring syste m watche s ne arly
30,000 p rint, online and b road cast syste ms to
p rovid e one of the b road e st cutting s se rvice s
availab le , as we ll as p rovid ing re trosp e ctive
article re trie val g oing 25 ye ars b ack - via
ke yword s - from ne wsp ap e rs, mag azine s and
we b site s world wid e , in all lang uag e s.

We can also p rovid e you with cove rag e you re  ce ive on some b road cast ne tworks as we ll
as on ne ws wire syste ms and on sub scrip tion-only we b site s and b e hind p aywalls.

M edia Cont act s Dat abase

Our media monit oring syst em w at ches nearly with them, and share them with your team, or
30,000 print , online and broadcast out let s Export and email to your clients.
t o provide a comprehensive elect ronic t ext
cut t ings service, as w ell as ret rospect ive art icle Whether you’re building and saving Contact
ret rieval going back 25 years - via keyw ords lists to develop relationships with journalists and
and alert s - from new spapers, magazines and e d itors, looking for sp e cific se ctions of me d ia to
w ebsit es - w orldw ide - in all languages. send press releases to, inviting selected media
representatives to press events or researching
Our essential, exhaustive, searchable and sp e cific se ctions of the me d ia land scap e to roll
regularly-updated contact set of more than your branding or marketing strategies out to,
850,000 editorial opportunities worldwide the Presswire Media Contacts Database has
provides easily-exportable contact information everything you need in one place.
that enables you to effectively identify target
publications or media outlets, and take
your messages directly to the most relevant
correspondents there.
One of t he most pow erful t ools
a Public Relat ions agency or
The Presswire database can be queried
corporat e Communicat ions
by Continent, Country and City; Type of
depart ment can use
Media (such as Daily or Weekly Newspapers,
Magazines, Blogs, Television/Radio Programmes Our live global database is updated over
and Stations); Ind ustry-sp e cific Trad e , Busine ss 40,000 times a week. By subscribing to our
or Consumer-targeted Media; Individual Staff database, you will have access to our global
and Freelancers: listed by Job title with their media contacts, and you will be able to create
Email, Twitter handle, Direct Dial Telephone and save your own d istrib ution lists, filte ring
Number; and, the ability to add private Notes them according to geographical territories or by
to record your dealings and correspondence using our subject categories. 5
Press Release Dist ribut ion

Our indust ry-leading Press Release

Dist ribut ion service w orks by sending your
press releases direct ly t o t he journalist s most
likely t o w rit e about t hem.

We do this by tailor-making bespoke lists for

each individual release from our live Media
Contacts Database of more than half a million
editorial opportunities, across Regional and
National Newspapers, Magazines (Trade and
Consumer), TV, Radio and Online.

Press releases can be sent through our website

by registered Presswire users, or directly if you
email them to us. They can be sent as pure text
or HTML, complete with images and embedded
video at no extra cost.

Prior to send-out, a human editor checks every

We offer addit ional dist ribut ion
press release for typos, spelling mistakes,
t o M ediapoint Wire - from t he
broken links, corrupt formatting and missing
Press Associat ion, PR New sw ire,
images to ensure recipients and search engines
AcquireM edia New sedge and
always receive a faultless message. We then
Google New s
test send each release to ensure it always
reaches the recipients’ Inbox folders, avoiding
ove rze alous sp am/junk filte rs. We syndicate all our customers’ press releases
across our own network of websites as well as
As press releases are distributed, our unique through social media like Twitter, Facebook,
system tracks each recipient so we can Feedburner, Digg and Delicious. We provide
report who opened them, whether they were permanent links to our releases and push them
forwarded, how many times they were read and onto Google News, promoting your keywords,
how long they were read for. This provides you content and links to major search engines for
with immensely valuable data to compare pick- the long-term, providing quality back-links that
up metrics from one release to another, as well will boost your search engine rankings and
as providing you with a roadmap for following- page rank for years to come.
up with your key targets.

M edia M onit oring

Pressw ire provides M edia M onit oring with analytics/statistics to help identify trends
services, including print press cut t ings and and sources. Company/ Business intelligence
w eb art icles from consumer and business as reports are also available, in some cases.
w ell as t rade t it les, and from behind pay-
w alls and subscript ion-only w ebsit es t hat are All Media Monitoring searches are conducted
not view able by search engines. by an experienced account manager who
oversees the process personally instead of an
We deliver comprehensive Media automated program, ensuring only relevant
Monitoring reports to clients, article s are sent to the client with no
worldwide, and in all languages, repetition/duplication of content
on a daily, fortnightly or monthly and guaranteeing quality control.
basis by searching for specific
keywords, phrases, stock Current clients for Presswire
symbols or company names. Media Monitoring include the
United Nations and World
Our Media Monitoring system Health Organisation and previous
currently includes 13,718 Print clients include contracted UK
titles and 14,052 Web titles as w ell Government work, won under
as some broadcast transcripts from multiple tender, for the Department
television and radio news and current affairs of Food and Rural Affairs, encompassing
programmes. traditional cuttings monitoring as well as deep
analysis and reporting of several years of
We can also search our Media Monitoring retrospective press.
system retrospectively, providing news and
feature articles going back up to 25 years, for A full searchable list of monitored outlets can
research or analysis purposes, and deliver them be found on our website, here:
as searchable Word or PDF documents as is, or

Our searchable M edia M onit oring syst em provides

keyw ord alert s and report s from 13,718 Print t it les,
14,052 public and subscript ion/ payw all Websit es
and Broadcast t ranscript s: as t hey happen, or going
back 25 years 7
Tracking Report s

Follow ing t he dist ribut ion of your press release, w e offer

Tracking Report s.

This service is delivered to you a week after the distribution,

in Excel format, and the Tracking Report will show you:  

• All of the primary recipients who received • The average metrics provided at the top of
and opened your release. It does not show the table show you how many opens, how
any of the contacts who received the release many reads and how long an email was read
but did not open it (bear in mind, many for – this is invaluable when comparing one
people read their messages in the preview release against another, especially if you
pane of Outlook, etc.) put multiple releases through Presswire in
future, enabling you to tweak the language
• Where we identify that a recipient opened and presentation of future releases to boost
your release and looked at it for more than pick-up and effectiveness.
4 seconds, we include their name, position,
publication title and telephone number
(where available), for following-up purposes.

Tracking Report s are t he

• Where there are multiple openings of
ult imat e road map for
your release, it could mean that the same
follow ing-up w it h journalist s w ho
reporter is returning to it, or that they
are int erest ed in your message,
opened it and forwarded it to a colleague,
and clinching coverage
who has then also opened it.

Search Engine Opt imisat ion

In t erms of SEO-building, w e provide an SEO

[Search Engine Opt imisat ion] Super Boost ,
for your press release’s main keyw ords.

The Presswire Search Engine Optimisation

Super Boost for Press Releases is the ultimate
solution for customers who are serious about
SEO. If you’re stuck in a Search Engine Ranking
Position (SERP) below your competitors,
then the Presswire SEO super boost can take
niche-related, contextual backlinks from high-
your online visibility to the next level. Super
authority domains, with keyword analysis by
Boosting the SEO of a Presswire Press Release
our experts to ensure we’re promoting you to
comprises private blog posting, ethical white-
search engines in the best possible way.
hat link-building and the latest cutting-edge
syndication methods to increase your website’s
You will also receive a report one month
results position, even for the most competitive
afterwards, for every release you purchase an
SEO boost for, so you don’t have to have to
check keyword positions, yourself.
A standard Presswire Press Release SEO Super
Boost promotes two keywords in any one
release using high Google Page Rank (GPR) 1-5, 9

We are happy with both the distribution and media monitoring of our press releases. The added value of very pleasant
and fle xib le staff make Pre sswire a g re at find .
Daniela Bagozzi, Senior Communicat ion Advisor, World Healt h Organisat ion & Unit ed Nat ions

What I b e lie ve is an ad d e d value to Pre sswire ’s d istrib ution se rvice is the imme d iate re sp onse to clie nts’ ne e d s, fle xib ility
and readiness to go the ‘extra mile’, working after opening hours, when the situation requires it. We believe it is the ideal
distribution tool for young and dynamic brands like ours.
Beat rice Giust i, Head of Communicat ions, Richard M ille
SecPoint has used Presswire’s Global Press Release Distribution system to target journalists in the Technology and IT
Security sectors for years. We’ve achieved mainstream media coverage, as well as specialist blog coverage as well as
SEO b e ne fits like hig he r Goog le Pag e Ranking s and valuab le ke yword p lace me nts.
Vict or Christ iansenn, CEO, SecPoint
Following discussions with various online press release distributors, we chose to work with Presswire due to the extensive
global coverage they could offer us at an extremely affordable rate. I was also impressed by their professionalism and
re sp onsive ne ss throug hout the te nd e r p roce ss. The y have b e e n ve ry sup p ortive p rovid ing valuab le fe e d b ack on our first
press releases.
Fiona Gillen, VP M arket ing, Splendia
Presswire has provided press release distribution services for telent in the UK over the last two years. The service allows
us to reach the editors’ desks at all of our key trade publications with just the push of a button. Responsive, reliable and
cost effective, Presswire are all you could ask for in a media distribution partner.
Chris New man, M arket ing Communicat ions M anager, t elent
You d istrib ute inte rnational p re ss re le ase s ve ry e fficie ntly on our b e half.
Cao imhe Ní Lo chlainn, Co mmunicat io ns O ffice , Trinit y Co lle g e Dub lin
Thank you very much. I do appreciate the personal attention you gave to our release and I will certainly reach out to you
again in the future.
Jennifer A. Cooper, M D, Diligence Review Corp (New York)
Your Press Release reports are extremely helpful and overall we are very happy with the response that we got from your
distribution, and particularly the links generated which were entirely due to the press releases.
St ephen Bence, Direct or, Transent ia

Since we began working with Pre sswire, we have seen our public profile grow month-on-month. The coverage for our Family
team has now built to the stage where we receive requests for TV, radio and conference appearances, all carefully considered
and orchestrated by Presswire. The exposure has been excellent and it’s a pleasure to be working with this agency.
Deborah Jeff, Head of Family, Seddons

Pre sswire has p rovid e d Vard ag s with a mass of flag ship b road cast, p rint and online p re ss cove rag e across consume r and
trade titles, for over four years. They apply an essential balance of savvy public relations know-how, sound advice, press
releases and distribution as well as media monitoring, resulting in truly exceptional exposure that keeps our name in the
public eye.
Ayesha Vardag, M anaging Direct or, Vardags
WER has been greatly encouraged with the placements which Presswire has been able to achieve with subsequent PR
b e ne fits to WER. The y have b e e n ab le to vary the style and conte nts on article s for ne wsp ap e r, mag azine and online
sectors giving WER a good cross section exposure. We are happy to recommend them.
Alex Haxt on - Chief Execut ive, World Emergency Relief


Annual Dat abase Subscript ion Package Rat es

(Including unlimit ed Press Release Dist ribut ion)
European Contacts - €3,500
North American Contacts - €3,500
Global Contacts (inc. All Countries) - €5,000

Individual Press Release Dist ribut ion Press Release Translat ions
European Distribution - €180 (M ajor languages)
North American Distribution - €180 €180 p e r Pre ss Re le ase (for first 500 word s)
€120 extra, for each additional 100 words)
Asian Distribution - €180
Global Distribution (inc. Any Countries) - €300
Addit ional Sending
€120 per each extra geo-
Press Release Tracking w it h Report targeted send-out
€60 per Release (e.g. French-language version to France,
Switzerland and Belgium).

Press Associat ion Nat ional New sw ire - M ediapoint Pricing (per Press Release)
Dist ribut or First 400 w ords Addit ional w ord charge
PR Newswire €390 €105 per 100 extra words
Businesswire €340 €75 per 100 extra words
Marketwire €250 €65 per 100 extra words
Vocus €240 No
Gorkana €220 No
Cision €210 No
Pressw ire €115 No

SEO Super Boost M edia M onit oring

€180 per Press Release, for up to two €180 per Press Release (can cover up to one
keywords/ anchor links. month after Distribution).
Ongoing, €240 per Month for up to two

A suit e of some or all of t hese services can be combined

at a subst ant ially-discount ed annual rat e,
please cont act us t o discuss your requirement s. 11
Presswire Limited
1 St Peter Street, London. United Kingdom SW17 7UH
O ffice : + 44 (0) 207 754 0050 Email: info@p re sswire .com
UK Re g iste re d Comp any: 4630760

© 2021 Presswire Ltd.

These pages are copyright protected. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised reproduction or use is strictly
prohibited, unless we grant such reproduction or use in writing. Unless specified, all intellectual property
rights regarding this document and its contents are the exclusive property of Presswire Ltd.
Ref: Version 3, January 2021

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