UPLB Library Reaction Paper

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Mark Joey S.

Ayson 2015-65324 September 26, 2021

Library Services Orientation, September 24, 2021

The library is a very common ground for students who wanted to further
understand a certain topic that sometimes is not available on the internet (google). The
common misconception about the library is that it was boring, un-hype (to some
teenagers/ high schooler students), and sometimes a waste of time because there is
‘google’ who can answer in seconds. The webinar constitutes the services that are
accessible to every University constituent.

The UP library provides numerous services to students, faculty, or its

constituents to give access to every research or material needed in studies. These
numerous services made students, faculty, or any member of the university further
elaborate, study, or back up their research topic of interest. What I saw on the webinar
(or talk) given by the UP-library staff was an educative and plentiful of information that,
for the few of the audience, were kind of new or special. As a student who experience
face-to-face class before and attended many seminars about the use of library spaces, I
think this kind of webinar really and should be appreciated by every student since it was
informative and gave the step-by-step or guide every student accessing different library

Lorman Hidalgo, one of the UP-library staff who facilitate the seminar on how to
use library services during this pandemic was immaculately handled the whole event.
He manages to give all the necessary information off-voice while the lecturer, Jarien
Galorio, step-by-step instructed us how to access a particular service. An example is
the use of Mendeley where we can, topically, organize or reference or reading materials
that were use or going to be used in a certain paper. The second is how to gain access
to ‘Turnitin’, a special online application/ program that the main purpose is to check the
similarity (plagiarism) of a paper (either academic or non-academic). These two
services are very helpful for students who will later or currently making their research or
thesis for their course program. For me, these two services are very essential since next
semester I am going to do my Undergraduate thesis and I want every entry in my thesis
Mark Joey S. Ayson 2015-65324 September 26, 2021

will be clear and have few to no similarities when check and have a correct citation and
organized references.

If I am going to score the presenter from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest or

excellent. I will give them a score of 4.8. Yes, it has a decimal, I believe that there are
no people who are perfect or have no flaws. The presenter is very clear and concise
about everything he is presenting and showing to us however since the time is limited
and few or most of us has a class after the presentation, we need to leave the meeting
at the stated time of the subject, the presenter overestimated the time left (which is 5
minutes) and continue to his last presentation. But it is okay for me since that last
moment presentation is helpful.

There are too many available applications and programs provided by the
University Library for every student or every UP constituent to have maximum literacy in
research. This webinar helps the audience (us COMM 10 students) understand that
there are a lot of services being offered to us and we need to max the use of all of them.

My only recommendation is that there are ice breakers or any activities that could
alleviate the ‘sleepy mind’ of the audience since the time of the webinar is in the early
morning, and the presentation is more on overflowing information.

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