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Mark Joey Ayson 2015-65324 October 4, 2021 11:42


Social media gave access into new kind of communication. This kind of

communication aids not only people – people near interaction but helps people to

communicate even in long distance. Also, it provides numerous advantages in line with its

norm ‘communicating’ usage. Additionally, it greatly helps in transaction, delivery, or in

providing goods, service, etc.

As pandemic took place year ago, I have been with the internet most of my time

everyday 24/7. Internet, specifically social media, consumed my daily time particularly on my

part time jobs before. I worked day and night before in preparation for my schooling since I

decided to continue studying in finished my degree. Then after several months of workload

from my ‘work-from-home’ set-up I regained my composures and saved money for my


Also, pandemic also change the way we bought things. Before, we bought thing via

shopping or in store hopping but today, most of us wanted to be safe and away from being

sick. By that, we go to online shopping with the convenience in our home, with online

transaction, it became safer from me that I used online/ digital transaction to buy things.

However, since it is online transaction, there is these common disadvantages. There are

people who chose to scam or become fraud to their customer. The latest example was, I

bought a pair of shoes for about three thousand pesos. I trust the seller since they provided

ID’s and proof of transactions and I did not even look hard enough if it was real or not.

Another example is, when buying online make sure that the store you were buying was a

legitimate store that caters numerous customers. There are stores that, showing a grand or

luxurious products for a lower price because they have ‘certain-percent off’ on their products,

most of the time they use this strategy to gain more customers buying to them. When you

bought, the delivered product was not the same as the one they posted on their online store.

The delivery or logistics who handled the delivery is not the one at fault there because they

Mark Joey Ayson 2015-65324 October 4, 2021 11:42

were just the carriers who delivered the product from the partner stores to the house of the

customer. I hope that after pandemic, these scammers and fraud will be subjected to legal

indictment of their unlawful actions.

Aside from that, after several months of working, I decided to come back studying to

finish my degree so as a student coming from “LOA” or Leave of Absence, I am so new with

the kind of learning mode this pandemic has resulted to. Classes let me understand how

hard it is to cope with the difference between the traditional set-up versus this new mode.

The pedagogy or learnings in this set-up has been reconfigure in a way that every student

could cope up. Since this is my first-time online set-up of learning modality, I really do not

have further details or personal experience yet. But, right now, my current professors and

instructors in different classes gave their best to fulfill their duties delivering the proper

lesson and educated the students in this pandemic.

In this school year I learned how to use different learning management system

(LMS). Back then, before I entered LOA, the only LMS I knew or we used Google classroom

and other one that I forgot, but the point here is that I am so new with this. But the University

did not leave the students behind, they provide webinars and other helpful information

dissemination for the student to fully grasp the LMS going to use.

This time, since I was aware of what kind of response the Philippine government has,

I tried to push myself to disseminate proper, fact-checked information on the internet. Some

examples are the usage of Ivermectin as a counter or cure for Covid-19 positive patients and

to get vaccinated to have herd immunity versus the virus. For me, I think what I did is very

helpful since most of the people nowadays are more focus on their social media accounts to

look for information despite not fact checking it first. Watching, reading, or commenting, then

eventually sharing it because they think it is right or correct but, what they are doing is

unsafe since no one deserves a false information and other people who will read, or view

that on their stream could potentially share it too without fact checking it.

Mark Joey Ayson 2015-65324 October 4, 2021 11:42

Now that everything is all connected to online type of socializing and online

application, made me realize that changing the platform for every aspect of daily life creates

a barrier for not just for me but for everyone else. For some people who cannot afford any

digital device nor have access to digital information let them get ignorant to the proper


Word Count: 804 words

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