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souy aA AAT : ACOA COB-5 fea ofa oewy RGA (AIeTat Pre) SIISTS ett 31 ae aievera sia wis coe %. SS A. SAAT 1. AS 4, SN 21) TST STH SAH TAT THAT HAA CH? =. abtota 4. oh ieee 1, ORL AS W. ael AACS oO) afte scars een sfaeT ot. SeicHaA H. PRCT 8 | Ae CST AA NCAA HAT Se S, 34H OCs A. EAT *Tere 1 Sra Hes eee =. pia Fgh a. wieeta eet 9, Wal Aeitas Sfa e_ yfiera Brel G1 SCS Aa) Hea St AT? =. B. as a 4, confeeut oret 4, SSA SIENA &, CP ITT | via afeat ericets Ces fart CAI Cer? S. Orel a. aise at, Site, aT a alawia Cahier 2 fo Cay Y. STSTNST Giaral4 YI, 184 Glace a1 eatseices Sar sate aS caren? S. CoAT 4. THT : fa . a wees do | tft gar > | Ee ARIAT IFS AT A PTT ary feet? qm ofa 2. wie ary 9, CARAS U, CURIA SRP RIS DQ | GHA PACH BCT GIA Se SP do | SGD’ He BAIA? 3. A Py a. FATS SIT ot, Gao T, ame cotyat 38 | SGA car Sects ot? &, aes 4, freer of, SNAPE S. afereet S¢ | THADTAT CHA Gets DAT? S, Dory a. HT ot. te. ATE SO Tra tea ‘ormsamay! sara eo ert 34./ @Fs CAETT CT Crees She? =. fsa. Sate ot, Sere %. Sar db | Hisar’ eerie pret vera Drs GH FAs GaSe? raat &. faces art o1, Prakicert ¥. 74 br Se | FeherTa dipcaa aes sreeteet ary i? . Cir wal 2 aT ot, STRATE, Oca TST 20 | Fer aa" sreaatgiba ake — =. Sar a, orm Ores of, Sg Bes SaTTEIS 3. OY Gal EST SA aan Ame Visit: Jobstestbd.com sows fay APF : TOA COB-Q fa aia eee han (aistat er) saISTA et 9) ea sani ont eT =, Sef aefaara orale a. oie aise arias 4. Sey Vahl STafae W, oie wifsata orate 2) Gane Seem cas We Ae? %, Fate 3%, Seay 1, Barry a. aera O1 8S TA Afb? 3. fafret 3. fastrt 9, Sires are T 8 | ‘Aler “caa ot carnibe S CFaT a, Bos ot, Ty, PSR 1 carats mye a1 Pf ae? SALALITZ > v1 a8-b3 fre ETS ACA T eT ‘SR-52' Sip =. Taare 4. obs fee a, wade fare ¥, fetes fare 4 | “rey Cay TT? , Fe Y, deaie 4, Saison y. ae & | Sen fita Senha cary fait care? S fate x. ecatat fata . fafa a, aes fai Dl Dieatt tows air aetiow ae canbe =. aaeg A. aloe 4, reg ¥, wee do | A GPT SCT ADA? =. 8 a. TS 1 MTS. ST 99.1 aie Alves rey are Hise fi 2, | ante ees STICAS ADA Aa? , Ahrfe 2. Gheonc ar t, OGM 4, a ST 2 | Fyeow eels Sa Ce FIA? ¥. Sao 2. dado 1, 998, SRd 0 | Tort Gea oe Talet ys UST NAT FAT ST CH BH? , NGS 8. EAGT ot, SET, AGS 8 | Re Maes SF AAT? =. Cog Grr ares a, mineg Fra, SPT CAT @ | Sreras sie A erst aT FETT? : = ware, eo ot, Sree a, any eat & | Hfper «cara Hae carb? e. ois 4. aga toe. cafe QC wat street ea aioe? 3. AGS 4, TGS | COMA GRA GET CAT BINS 1H? =. fale et. Sy ot, ite a. fate do | ‘araper =afo— BASH 2. farsa S31 ‘CRITETS’ CoA WaT? =, wie oxeraa a. few wera 51, UOT eres y, TTA eer S21 AI OT eet Sa ST AT’, OF SFPE TA . Sider a, Sipie ot sata 4. Sort yo | Sago Aerator oh Fa 4, Opa 5, GURL SAY, Se ahs 38: GID antes faara foe? Sag 2. FT 9, RY, GPT Se | rami SreGTAG Ge ABA Se? =, corny Fg 4, ATS CRITE ot, CHAT Sa W. Slraa CRIOTT o& | Gane Serr? SS, TA HS A FSA Serr farsa SOC APTA SCT Sea S. Sl Sema 2, Wey ot, eH SICH F. SSpnt SIT Sb | (Gat STMT WCW Brat AGT FES oa aire cH? S, Oe Aor A, yeree DT 9, Bresto Cte wfera 4, ay Pasta Bi aera cae ST I =. oof 4, soft +. saff ¥. s8it do | Bayar A Cy CTBatD Gina’ fertz %, 20 Tad 4, 99 TH, © FRAY, 8 RT 9. facets cae ¢. fapte fram ot, Garey. ceafa ferrets 90 1 FETE RT BA CHIT See? ot, Pee OTST so) Sisaee 38:1 dea ais Yierarats ay =, 38cm fhe 8, yews vee Gar SAAT MG | FISTING SMB FIA ADS? F, Treg Cte Wega TAA 4. Ga SR st, ott rat, ote tate 2&1 Gran «RP awa So Ae CRIT TATA AS Daf — FCA, Get ae TTA Tear fret "fhe shark The River And The conan: =. OP Te 2. Cia ITT ot SI ASA ¥, FSR TS do | wets wreats coretty— %, Sa OS a, area) fester See oe ce 2 SE Sead a, © focrTA sB95 st, bu SETH yd) 4, Qv Ae 3993 Qo | MR Ae AST CHG CRT DANE MS ALOT CFP 9. OR aoe 4, ay Bis lett TST of, YN ES, AT TT Jobstestbd.com jer dais aor ocza Hise Dea WCET GB: 3.72.70. FB. 9. FV 1G Ae. Vd. 190, 739.798 D9, B98. F 9. AY. TI. db, F do, Wo, B Feet soey fafa Aces OS Aea-s Gs 9 Aes etal: ofa BPR Stes Cries Fart Corn Coma? Gest aca 7, Glen | NCUA CDE qwa-0 aa 3¢ AH ST: Crone Soryrate ce aba Seca? Ges Vea A. Areal CAAT | soBT RT Ast: WOT COB-¢ Bt, SRSs QC sey fay (ey Te) aeons feaaretr > | ‘Casting Vote’ 4 Sy HSA Ft corare? =, Pratt 4, error 9, be B24 w, aS Q1 FC IS Gy Poy ASH anes Saree eicareri? #. @2 4. Yo Ft, 80 Fo O1 GR GR aait Aer SPT ACICE? S. Fase 4. gerne A, TEAS ABTA 8 | TAM wate ca, Stage SIR Pour algrior 20 825 7 22 8 20 © FETT SAT HET SAT, ee s = eH 8. ¢% MW. 90% 4, 20% wie SR forties Ba 707 TEM SSCS A FS Tee TA As? &_ bt Fad U, vo aq F. & Ted ¥. eo Tea 4 | BO He BET Sioa Fee Selb? Sod A. ¢o Fed F&F v1 seer Pafea aeons ers ART wwe? S21 4. Quit 1. oof 7. asi >| AFT @ SAT als ARTA CPI? &. siertal 2. otteat 9), Fiala e, career so | iets Gore crater . Amery 4, Rea 1, Tate, ae So) Teetet aefeers Segara Prater argh Rema ASR TIA FS? . 2¢ Tad 4.89 ad \. 0@ Fea ¥. se Fae 38. aefeets ees fears fafa RATE FS A SLAC? FRAG A, PAR FT, SBITE H, DORAL yo asa fie ts SH eS Clty? 8 alee 4. 9 ferret 91, 8 Glia ¥, 93 Gy 38.1 Aefaety soa SAGs Gear aT wa @. cay aifeat ay A. aferat err of, STAAL GaorT e. Ast arate D¢ | AAO STRTTST FH i? Tae TF, feoR A, Dit eX, for oe =, some SSA 5, OAH, OIE 34 | SEMAN Aatlaaeal ces Sat BE PSST eS? 3 ar! 8. a ot, oer aah de |g ate Hefears aecaest afer ea Feit? =. featt <. nit +, are ¥, ast Sb | WRAPS A] STARR Co-9 Sate sat Br SowT Hew? BAAS, DB 1, eT, aT 20 | feat, fara s seater sat GFN SRA SAT SET? ODay a, BBA FT, LATS, SOAR Visit: Jobstestbd.com tose Airs acwrT COceA Hos Dea WOH GB-8 23. FQ. FO. FB AVS SY. FFA. VD. 10. FHS IWS dO. 1B, FOG. Fu, 4, A dv. FH Ob. Fao. a 8oBy Ray MAF: TET COBY 8 GT, Ca aie sey fear (ae FETA) Tenet >) ae Semer ew ener ara — 4a. A. DAS, of 3) FRB" feral are? Seat S oy Vege are 91 Serica cate fawsiat oncba fer fart Sifsers sca? 2, © TP OT 2. ARF SIH ay 1B. FER Sot ¥. Pager St 8 | ‘opera fects a? , SAS tires OL 4, OAS Gite 8A 4, Bape Gilwd PUT ¥. ee ifs ales ae lay) exc) 2, Saas A. Aer 9, bia &. ofacer v1 Ne ce Eb afr tofss tafe rier ea CEP oe USOT eee oa SafRbEE rere . ARR A. 41, SEAS H, BEAT 39.1 Feat sTertes SETAE STE TT arm DrTyl Ataf + ATCA? ot gitar aie <_ whe ome 92 | fia cate erenots gat s ? 3. ae aaa foe 4, CSOT, So | Tea AN AT TITS safes amy fe F. ROR MC A, 2oRd FCT WV, 2028 ANA H. 208¢ AAT 34) Goris sips Vrenise =, wire ¢. aie 9. aia ©, Ft vbr | Aes BUC SATA aiaat Boras a Ft? S, SOMA @. Hey 1. Carafe w, fay ob | Geta Sg ca Sree aT Sea? SF. DPA @. AAA 1, ATR FPA 20 | Barmy, Fe sora, F-cTaT wena Aegios Seat Tees Tei FS BCR ret BCE? F, 20(F) 2%, €9 FW, Sd T y94 5 eens IE Visit: Jobstestbd.com TSA IPS WET oes Hiss Gea Wey OB: F QAO AG. AS NEAT A’. Ad. Td0, F d9. FAT DO. F 9B. F 9G. F Ov. FG. Te. Yow. Qo, F Soey POT AAT: WCET COS-9 8 Ot, OMS CIT ose fahren (ara SETA) S01 HAD carats Bares? =. gine fice 4. tant Siercere Sencry 3 ATM-94 9a) Gt? , All time money 3. Automated teller machine 1, Automatic teller machine 4. Any time money Qe ey aes Tee ? S, Sate AW a. Brews vibe ies st, Saat Te, ets ae | Publ Gert cate ee? F, oF Die 4. At Brae ot. 1 Disa W, carte brete lz ot, aete BS, eee ¢ | Te ies Neca Geet FS? *, @ aaa 4, 8 aa 4, 90 Fa FQ FRA w | Serene Sey IG Bil SH aca? F, 3b93 AMA MAD ANT 41, SbA¢ AIG F. Seto FIT 9 | aeteacts Carnie gate Pecett SICH CR ATS CARE F, PIPES Hy 4. ASS Fy . Cola comire , alee act b | Cfarsarencad Faas Heel canto? eterno Fiveisite ore ware airy 3. Sef SaaS 91, area Tat . Orie ofa >| Het Hsetia Sires eld? &, of 2. vit 4. oft a. oof 4, Cofeard Sfercere 4, wheat Sievers 39.1 ECNEC-94 ASTATS CF? &, aqrael 2, Saat 91, “feel U, age A 321 Aeaee) ose ates Fes =, Biss SR &. feet Shr a, fides ofr eee water 39 | Tet ey Ae +a aie Si ara? %, dbho AN 4. Syd FAT 4, Sn9@ ANT H. Spee AA 38 | GINS Sere Fa? =, OF a 4. eT TE Fa ot, SPH oe W, ater oe s@ | ‘Sra afeice’ St? =. De Ea errs Oe a, Pace tenes sare aes | Wsgere Fs ) Soret et Ghent ory AAI aioe frat %, titer G7 ARTS baton SY | SeTCAC Srey ALERT CPT PCH CHP SWIG STH A, AREA AT +t, ©, FN ICH 3. Te] SAT D9 | ARICA LRT SCT CONT ST i FS FI? F_ gh4d 4. 98492 F, SoAe TW BAG So | TST ATHSHST DSA HS AT? F, dbab U. obdb WT. Sba- WT, Qook So | SAT BARD-o afwater cr? B STSTa RAH A el, Wreromalsy OT 9, CAT Aaa DTT S.A STAT 20 | EAS Cay TAA CIE aay Sato? =, of 2. sof a, soft w, asiF Visit: Jobstestbd.com TSF Asis TET OFA His Bea WET OB-8 9.2. FB SEIT FE. Ad, Ye, 79d. TRS do. 338. Fe. AF dv. FT 30. F db. Td. TQ0. F soy aay AAT: Tw COR-v ON, BBE CER 8es faPiey (arg) ST areerert freetaht 31 IRC rer Grater weTES eee COT CAT %, See %, coma 9, oy, By 21 CIC Berne SENS See ara tz =, cabana a. ore 1, Bia a Hoe 19.1 SAT COG CHIT ? %, OTe Y, DUSTY 4, AraTaiigs W. Pic Sie eee wert SITE ‘areirag *, ¥, Betas Senet | Toure Fxenfe aiMfere anes sey =. eB 9. ub 4. oy. oft 91 Ten ae afeioe ea ee A? %, Say Y Sbee A 3B4d V. dBee v | Die er @ SEP TTA ara 1? S, CHA Ses BRAM ATS o, BaTh aes a. par ae >) sero fete ier 6 ered we Fg foals aT Lg Co TN? S, A 8. mere a see accent uae Visit: YT CSSA ae dei srenene atta FT br ? =. 28x. of 1. vB eof 39 See IME-98 SPP er ? . SINaie 8, Coes Ae 4, aprafe w, sTeheye 38 | IRAE Se A A? =. ahh crore %. yest cores fr 4, Casas site ea Sr crete Fat D0 | HAGER TT AT HAAAT CHTCT ways: 2 =. TSE 4. ST 4. gigas 3, eiaaqa 38 | See TESTA) EtG? %, 96 ¢, of 9, of wy, oz Ser AE HE sen Cro? = oes 9. Seer i, ROTA TC 3% | BOMEA fetes =m ee ATI? %, YA W995 1. Shs H, Shas 34 | SR WET Ha STO FOST Era? $204, ot 4. 84a. a Se ETRE HET THE “White Gold’ AIK “fates? &. fale vi, nb ss, Fab1 onfta sme 4, Zee compas do | bre Bree wees Bireee S994. a One ea 20 | TTA Sree Feit @ crATTS Fae eeib? QB x. 0 4, of wv. oh Jobstestbd.com TSH ABMS CA OCS AIF CST RE OB, YS SO SB SEU SSF Wy, Sd, U0, 199. SVS 39, U8, F o¢, Y 5b, 94, Fob. T db. F 20, Ff sowy fahiar AAT : TWO O-» 8 OT, OS IO osea Raa (are) AT aettcrt fraatater 31 sift Srtercs sneer ceracet face Sees TOMA TAB SOON? S99 4, 9, OFF, BF 21 Teal Res aierT Hes sia cH? =. 41 Fa AAS 2. SIRT Sf 51, fea oTatqene X, Ss Fa © | SSS TA OT BRITS) CE far? IGT “In Tes 9, SISA] SPAT T. Otel Wega TTT 8 | Banker to the poor FI ag? SF SAM SH aU Bop 1, SAS OF aU, © | PS Oise CLS TAN ONT SP Ba? 4b Xo TT I, ¢ HIG H&M we | ficos cord Prarore erarger wicics fees frase %, DIRE] Y, LOTS 41, SICSAI-80 4, ATE 4a] a1 cod call hey AED Sole ace =, OA SPAN SCAR a. U, yan Bopr 91. G, SPP RSR F, EPET OTT | CHET HG’ Sioy weH BUS CH? PT Bas 4, Fens wept 9, GaPARER ATA 8_ OTe >| Sar ate’ caries yare fer? S, ASI A, HST 91, TS TTS TA SAX, SS SA so | Tenfafear ert ea CH AS? . Ten aeCely 2. Fle asiowst st, aero ofits tr 331 Pal Gee Bite cH? &. 34 F238 et ST q. 2S OS Sry 4, Sia ASST > q | Serres Aedee wee Areata 2 . TS ECC THA A, LSE HS MEST ATS TTT 3 234 dO | aor ows OE feces ATT Cait Cal Catala Fare? &. ae @, Sere 91, aise 4. fear 24 | Tees ay Bey waters ATH tle SP 6 HPA, FHT 1. YER, BT. dw | set Gey al oe aA ee HA? , sb¢o Y. Yows T, Sag UW. Ae dd | STS coats ST SS TCP , So¢B A, dad AW, NAR ZT. 998 20 | Sass ay ea ay eff atte Svat ala wife a. aioe wet a, Clee S, raed She Jobstestbd.com TSH Cite swr OA As ea WET GF 3.8L FOGG TYG A Te Td. Td0, FNS FR F D0, F98. FIG, FY. F 94. Vb. Fv. TF Q0. 7 80BF FRAT AMT : WEA CHZ-30 Bt, SHS iT sey far (aT) TIE feaatatt > | areraiy yet fersliet pear ce? ©, Prarerscmten 2. “exer er 1, ASR Y. Say 21 Stat STEHT Cal GTA AT? FTA A. DIRT 9, ARs, OOATS eee 19 | eres aeateT ares spud abi =. Cinta 1 2%, efter 5, Bread ¥, arene 8 | Teles Cate Fels aI BITC fatte ea? 91, Ida a A, Age b | eae Sores HTM ATS Fea FS A? F, SHAR 2, HHA FW. Spero FW, gas > | Searels ety Ci sorwals Aa fe , fo aT 8, fa. ET 9, far Ptr AS. PH VATE so | Weyateter eran Dario * =, SNA St 8. Atel RST o}, OSA TERA %. Viet TE oo) Nie oR agi aa ret? = a Se a. a fy 1, Sifeas TAA W. STOTT 32.1 Si eres ory” ceib— 3, afer Ay 4, pafieraa A 4, Some ae, ereeifoea Ary 30) arsta geet f ata ofainee %, SE 4, Hed OwAT ot aifere eat ©, sicnies enfs 38 | fered Tees a5 OE BE pd ale al =. 4, feaiga 1, eH Bisa Y, wlte d@ | Setters SET WEAN a] %, a as Sy ™ ae ornare BD cree ans CH? Pisa 2. winels sia 7 Wet SY. eA Se 39 | Teas ra era PTT CRIT BATS? =, Pread 2, alain ot, beaiy ¥. aria Sb | ST GST AVIA eer mala CPP F, CRS, CaS Y. TR See 1, OE PAR Y, SRC BEF 21 frat Ses? FD x, 98 ferrza at, 2 AID, $0 ferred Re | ASR ST eR Beem Shs S, wah a eras ot onefste a Berafes state is Bom! <5 PHiSasH OF? Visit: Jobstestbd.com ASI esis WET Orea Hiss Bea WOE GB: 3. 12. FO AVG AE V4 Sy. 1d. 150.999. FIV S do. 298, O¢. TS, 494. Fb. A ob. FRO. a

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