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International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems

ISSN (2210-142X)
Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. #, No.# (Mon-20..)

TCAD Based Simulation and Performance Optimization of

PPV/PCBM and Perovskite PV cells
Mohammad Asif Iqbal

Research Scholar, Department of EEE, Poornima University Jaipur, India

E-mail address:

Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta

Professor, EEE, School of Engineering & Technology, Poornima University, Jaipur, India

Received ## Mon.20##, Revised ## Mon. 20##, Accepted ## Mon. 20##, Published ## Mon. 20##

Abstract: To address the non –renewable energy source lack, solar cells are the most potential renewable and carbon less electric
energy asset. Because of possible uses of active semiconductor materials and their immense applications in the field of short
wavelength optoelectronic solar cells, organic thin films are now a day’s attracting most of the researchers and academicians.
PPV/PCBM additionally shows alluring photovoltaic (optical and electrical) properties, for example, high resilience to radiation,
high versatility and high ingestion coefficient enable more slender layers of material to retain high transition coverage of the solar
spectrum range. An organic solar cell comes with low efficiency but they provide good economic benefits. The inorganic solar cells
provide good efficiencies but they are a bit costlier. In this paper TCAD Based Simulation and Performance Optimization of
PPV/PCBM and Perovskite based solar cells have been presented.

Keywords: PPV/PCBM,Bulk hetrojunction solar cells,Polymer cells.

In any case, the assembling cost and extremely hard to

1. INTRODUCTION create has become its disadvantage. We presently want a
Silicon based PV cell is leading the way in PV cell low generation cost instead of a high efficiency.
technology. Mono-polycrystalline silicon have been The organic cell offers the plausibility of minimal
mainly used and can be found everywhere PV panels on effort manufacture on a huge size of solar cell collecting
roofs, street light and even on electric cars. Today, silicon solar energy. Aside from that, these polymer gadgets have
based PV cells used and account for 98% of all the PV the adaptable capacity, for example, light weight and it is
cells(Leung et al., 1998). With conversion output of the precisely bendable. These components open up greater
devices peaks up to more than 25% and theoretical value probability of other solar cell application in our day by
predicted to be more than 30%, inorganic PV cells has day use. 0rganic material has been broadly researched
become the most great approach to reap power source consistently and viewed as the answer for supplant
later on. In any case, the assembling cost and extremely inorganic material to turn into a high efficiencies solar
hard to create has become its disadvantage. cell. The significant contrast between silicon PV cells &
The organic cell offers the plausibility of minimal polymer PV cells is the semiconducting material utilized.
effort manufacture on a huge size of PV cell collecting PV Silicon PV cells utilize crystalline silicon, while polymers
energy. Aside from that, these polymer gadgets have the cells use carbon based natural mixes applied in a meager
adaptable capacity, for example, light weight and it is layer to an engineered backing. Since Polymer PV cells
precisely bendable. These components open up greater are made utilizing an ink based application & can show
probability of other PV cell application in our day by day straight for wardness, they as a rule bring about an
use. 0rganic material has been broadly researched adaptable PV board that can be introduced in more
consistently and viewed as the answer for supplant interesting manners than customary PV chips, (for
inorganic material to turn into a high efficiencies PV cell. example, on dividers or as parts of windows).
2 Mohammad AsifIqbal:TCAD Based Simulation and Performance Optimization of PPV/PCBM and
PerovskitePV cells

Both of the models forecast that an improved hole

mobility together with a decline ofthe acceptor strength of
0.5 eV will lead to a maximum attainable efficiency of
5.5% in the PPV/PCBM-based solar cells. In this paper
current-voltage (IV) characteristics of organic material
fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells describe by
numerical simulation and modelling with the help of
TCAD tools. Bimolecular recombination and a
temperature and field dependent generation mechanism of
free charges are also presented.
Figure 1.Schematic Diagram of energy flow in
As of late there has been significant enthusiasm for the Polymer PV cells
utilization of organic materials in presentation
innovations. Acknowledgment of the advantages of Phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) has
inexpensive materials and preparing just as enormous turned into a positive materials as it has indicated great
territory conformal development have additionally put potential and has been broadly examined as a functioning
high enthusiasm for organic solutions for PVvitality layer in organic solar cell dependent on mass
applications. Organic Solar models bulk heterojunction heterojunction idea. PPV has been the by and large used
(BHJ) organic solar cells utilizing the methodology of p-type material in nearby a fullerene subordinate, PCBM
Korster et al.[3] this model can be portrayed as pursues. as an electron acceptor. These blends have shown a
BHJ solar cells comprise of an interpenetrating blend of promising result and has the most raised display to date
giver and acceptor materials. Ingested light creates stood out from various materials. PPV has some
overabundance excitons which are charge impartial and exceptional electrical and optical properties over other
diffuse to the acceptor-giver interface where they separate Polymers PV cells including its high self-association
into free electron-hole pairs.[24] capacity, high holes mobility, and extended absorption in
the specific color(pink) region. Since opening is
A Perovskite sharpened solar cell was reproduced commonly the high-mobility carrier in PPV, the upgraded
utilizing SILVACO ATLAS programming and the got electron mobility is accomplished by expansion of
outcomes were contrasted and the exploratory electron acceptor, PCBM.
information. The recently demonstrated Perovskite
sharpened solar cell with The electrical properties of organic solar cells (OSC)
ITO/TiO2/Perovskite/PEDOT/Au structure by have been investigated to understand the charge loss
concentrating on photogeneration, carrier separation and mechanisms impacting the overall efficiency. The power
photo-current creation forms gave promising outcomes conversion effciency of a solar cell isdependent upon the
the change efficiency of 11.73% and the Fill Factor (FF) short-circuit current density (JSC), open circuit voltage
of 70.10% under the AM1.5 conditions.[7] (VOC) and the fill factor (FF).[10][11]
The model incorporates the standard float
dissemination equations (Poisson's condition and the
2. MODELLING AND SIMULATION electron and gap continuity conditions) expanded by the
A. Energy Conversion Efficiency singlet exciton continuity condition:
The energy change efficiency shouldn't be as high as ds
 G ph  KNRS.EXCIT ONS • S - R D np  RL np
the normal cell's viability. A broad utilization of organic dt (1)
solar cells could add to the expanded utilization of solar
energy universally and make sustainable power sources where S is the singlet concentration, Gph is the
user friendly.[8][9] photogeneration rate, KNRS.EXCITON is the non-
radiative singlet rot rate, RDnp is the exciton separation
rate and RLnp is the Langevin recombination rate.
The equation governing the exciton dissociation is
given by:
3rL S .BINDING J I (2  2b )
RD np  exp(  )
4A.SINGLET kT  2b
Here rL is the Langevin recombination rate steady.
A.SINGLET and S.BINDING are client indicated
parameters speaking to the electron gap pair separation
Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. #, No.#, ..-.. (Mon-20..)3

and the singlet exciton binding energy, J1 is the main 

request Bessel work, S is the singlet fixation and the b J n ( x)  qU ( x)
parameter is given by:[14] x (12)

q3 E 
b J p ( x)  qU ( x)
8r o k 2T 2 x (13)
Where Jnp(x) is the electron (hole) current density and
Where E is the local electric field, εris the relative U(x) is the net generation rate, i.e., the contrast between
permativity and T the temperature. generation of free carriers and recombination of free
We likewise included a parameter, QE.EXCITON that carriers. Current densities to the transporter densities and
depicts the portion of consumed photons that generate the potential densities which join both drift and diffusion
singlets (instead of electron gap sets). For the most part of charge. [2]
this parameter ought to be relegated to one. We should
 
take note of that the majority of the optical assimilation J n  qn n   qDn n
models accessible in our Luminous simulator are x x (14)
additionally accessible in Organic Solar. These include
geometric ray tracing, c, pillar prop¬agation and limited  
contrast time space techniques. J p  qn p   qD p p
x x (15)[17]
To align this model we endeavored to repeat the test
results displayed in the Korsterpaper[4]. These whereDn,p are the carrier diffusion coefficients, which
estimations were performed on a 120 nm thick OC1C10- are assumed to follow the Einstein relation
PPV/PCBM (20:80 wt %) BHJ sun oriented cell. The au-
thors suggested the parameter values shown in Table 1. D n . p   n . p Vt
The singlet restricting vitality, S.BINDING, was not
specified however a worth under 0.4 eV was suggested.[2] Vt  k B Tlq
We picked as a benchmark to utilize 0.35 eV.
The average net generation rate
1 L J ( L)  J n (0)
Parameter Symbol Value Units  u   0 U ( x)dx  n
L qL (18)
Band Gap Eg 1.34 eV
C. Solar cells structure: PPV-PCBM based Solar Cells
mobility μn 2.5x10-3 cm2/Vs With respect to photogeneration, the creators
recommended a constant photogeneration rate all through
Hole the gadget of 2.7x1021 cm-3s-1. Our very own figurings
mobility μp 3.0x10-4 cm2/Vs show that for complete light accumulation of AM1.5 sun
Eff. density oriented range a value of 3.6x1022 cm-3s-1 would be
of states Nc/Nv 2.5x1019 cm-3 fitting. The last worth disregards front reflections or light
going through the gadget. In view of the recommended
Relative parameter esteems we ran the recreation. Figure 2
permittivity εr 3.4 demonstrates the examination of our simulation with the
Pair distance A.SINGLET 1.3 nm introduced trial results. In spite of the fact that the short
out current is a decent match, the rest of the bend changes
Decay Rate KNRS.EXCITON 1.5x106 s-1 a considerable amount from the trial. [8]

B. Simulation of organic solar cell

Poison equation

( x)  n( x)  p( x)
x 2
 (11)
Current continuity equation
4 Mohammad AsifIqbal:TCAD Based Simulation and Performance Optimization of PPV/PCBM and
PerovskitePV cells

Figure 2.Structure of a bulk heterojunction organic

solar cell
Figure. 5: Dark and Illuminated Characteristics for
PPV/PSBM Solar cell[19]

Figure 3.Organic Solar Cell comparison of

experimental - un-optimized simulated current-voltage

Figure 6.Organic Solar Cell comparison of

experimental versus optimized simulated current-voltage
The coupling energy has changed fairly yet we can
breathe easy in light of the way that worth utilized by
Korster et al[4] was not given. At long last we see that the
photogeneration rate was decreased to generally 58% of
the recommended worth. As for examination this appears
to be sensible since the accepted steady age rate was
presumably not estimated. In all we are very happy with
the tuning investigation and feel certain that such a
methodology can be applied to different gadgets/materials
D. Modelling And Simulation: PerovskiteHeterojunction
Figure. 4: VI & VP Characteristics for PPV/ PSBM Solar Cell
Solar cell A Perovskite sharpened PV cell was reproduced utilizing
SILVACO ATLAS programming and final outcomes
were contrasted and the exploratory information. The
recently demonstrated Perovskite sharpened PV cell with
Perovskite structure by concentrating on photogeneration,
carrier separation and photo-current creation forms gave
Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. #, No.#, ..-.. (Mon-20..)5

promising outcomes the change conversion output of

11.73% and the Fill Factor (FF) of 73% .
As of late, the perovskite-based PV cells have
pulled in incredible consideration because of their great
light-reaping attributes. These cells are promising
contender for next generation cells with ease and higher-
conversion output. We reenact a PV cell with Perovskite
structure and contrast the reproduction results and
exploratory information announced. [11]

1) Device Structure:

The perovskite senser is embedded inside the Figure 9: Perovskite sensitized solar cell charge
inherent layer which is between the TiO2- PEDOT generation and separation processes
respectively N and P type. The ingestion of episode
photons by sensitizer makes excitons (or electron-gap
sets). The 2D arrangement and Meshing structure of
reenacted PV cell are appeared in Figure 7, separately.
As the mesh is the most significant parameter in the
numerical recreation, to build the exactness of results, the
thickness of mesh ought to be high in the limits. Then
again, making a thicker mesh builds the re-enactment
time. Along these lines, as appeared in figure 1b, better
meshing is presented close to districts, for example,
junctions, material limits, and electrodes. [12]

Figure 10 :Perovskite sensitized solar cell (a) The photo-

Figure 7: Perovskite sensitized solar cell Device structure generation rate, (b) Potential

E. IV- Characteristics:

Characteristics of (J–V) execution of reproduced PV cell

with Perovskite structure under AM 1.5 daylight light
(100mW/cm2) is appeared in figure 11(a). Outside
quantum conversion output (EQE) which decides the
occurrence photon to change over electron proportion
was reproduced for Perovskite sharpened PV cell is
appeared in figure 10(b).
Figure 8: Perovskite sensitized solar cell Energy band
6 Mohammad AsifIqbal:TCAD Based Simulation and Performance Optimization of PPV/PCBM and
PerovskitePV cells

The IV (Current-Voltage) characteristics of
Polymer/fullerene mass heterojunction (PPV/PCBM) and
Perovskite PV cells were reproduced by using the
numerical models. The polymer PV model incorporate
factors like float & stream of charge transporters, The
impact on electric field of room charge, the age factor of
the free charge bearers and temperature dependence
factor on bimolecular recombination’s. To demonstrate
and investigate about polymer / fullerene mass
heterojunction photovoltaic PV cells the proposed model
was utilized. The polymer cells can be an alternate of Si
based PV cells as the results obtained by the software
tool SILVACO TCAD very found to be good and
acceptable. We can say chose materials PPV/PCBM are
very conspicuous in light of the fact that these materials
are demonstrated acceptable electrical and optical
properties. The Perovskite material can bring a drastic
change in the field of solar cells and it also has a bright
scope in the field of future research.
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Mohammad Asif Iqbal received the

M.Tech Degree in Power system with
First class from Rajasthan Technical
University, Kota India in 2014. He is a
research scholar in Department of
Electrical Engineering at Poornima
University. His research interests
include Photo detectors Materials and
Power system.

Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta received

M.E. in Power Electronics Machine
Design & Drives from Maharshi
Dayanand University, Rohtak and
Ph.D. from the Malaviya National
Institute of Technology (MNIT),
Jaipur (INDIA) in 2006 and 2012
respectively. He has guided &
supervised several Ph.D. and Master’s
Thesis and filed multiple patents. His areas of interest include
Renewable Energy, Improved Power Quality AC-DC
converters, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Drives &
Dynamic Voltage restorer. Presently he is working as Associate
Dean (Research) & Prof. in Electrical Engineering and has
more than 18+ year of experience.

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