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Teacher:_____________________ Date:_________________
Units 5 - 7 Meaningful Interactive
1) Read and answer: True or False /10 English Learning

My name’s Sandy. It’s 12.30. Dad is not preparing lunch. He doesn’t cook on Wednesdays. We always
eat MacDonald’s food on Wednesdays. My hamburger is bigger than my sister’s hamburger. But my
dad’s hamburger is the biggest.
Yesterday evening we ate pasta and we had chocolate ice-cream for dessert. Yummy, Yummy! We
didn’t drink Coke because there weren’t any bottles in the fridge. My hamburger was bigger than my
sister’s hamburger. But my dad’s hamburger was the biggest.

Dad is cooking now. ______

He cooks on Wednesdays. ______
Sandy eats at MacDonald’s on Wednesdays. ______
They ate pasta on Tuesday evening. _____
They drank two bottles of coke. _____

Use of English: /40

2) Choose the correct answer: /20

Yesterday I went/ go to the zoo with my friend Jack. We see/ saw lots of animals. In the morning we
watched the dolphin show. The tallest/ taller zookeeper falls/ fell into the water. He didn’t swam/ swim.
The dolphins helped/ help him. Then we play/ played with some model boats in the lake. My boat was
the smallest/ smaller than Jack’s boat. But here was another boy and his boat was the fastest/ faster than
boat. Did you went/ go to the zoo yesterday?

3) Complete the sentenses: /10 Remember: Use: GO – DID – GO

1. Did you _________(play) tennis yesterday? WENT – DIDN’T
- Questions?
2. I _________ ______ (not-go) to the park on Wednesday.
________+ you + _________?
3. I_______________ (watch)a movie last night.
- Negatives –
4. ________ you __________(see) your friend today?
You +____________+ ________.
5. I___________ (have) pasta for lunch.
- Affirmatives +
You +____________ to the zoo.
4) Unscramble the sentences : /10
1. smaller / are / The meerkats / than/ the lions.
2. Uncle Jack/ older / than / is/ Jim. ____________________________________________________
3. Uncle Jack / the /tallest./ is _________________________________________________________
4. fattest. /is / Mr Smith / the _________________________________________________________
5. The twins /shorter /than /are/ Jim. ___________________________________________________

Writing: /20
5) Write comparative sentences: /10
6. HEAVY Tweety is heavier than Sylvester._________________
7. BIG _____________________________________________
8. STRONG________________________________________
9. TALL____________________________________________

7) Write superlative sentences: /10

SMALL Sam is the smallest
FAST ______________________________________________
Sam _______________________________________________
Mike Freddie


8) Listening: /10
Listen to Sandy and circle the correct answer.
On SATURDAY/ SUNDAY Sandy got up at eleven thirty.
She had TEA/ MILK and biscuits.
She bought some CHOCOLATE/ ICE-CREAM at the supermarket.

Read the statements and write YES or NO.

In the afternoon, Sandy listened to music. _________
She didn’t eat alone. __________
She went to bed early. __________
She didn’t watch movies. __________

9) Speaking: /20
Did you play tennis yesterday? _______________________
Where did you go yesterday? ________________________
Who is the tallest is your family?_______________________________________
Who is younger you or your friend?_____________________________________
Did ...?__________________________________________________________

Yesterday was Sunday, so I got up late, eleven thirty. For breakfast I had milk and biscuits. Then I went to the
supermarket, and I bought some chocolate. In the afternoon I didn’t watch TV, I listened to music. In the evening I
cooked, and ate with my friend Sally. I didn’t go to bed early. We watched movies and ate popcorn.

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