Follow Up 3-4 CH III

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Teacher:_____________________ Date:_________________
Unit 3-4 Meaningful Interactive
1) Reading: Read and answer: True or False /10 English Learning

My name is Alan Cockerell. I’m a waiter. I work

at a hotel near Loch Ness. I live in a house near the
hotel. I finish work in the hotel at eleven o’clock at night. Then I
walk home with two friends.

Yesterday I finished work at twelve o´clock. I walked home

alone, because my friends were at home. It was a clear night
and there was a full moon.
While I was on my way to the house, something happened. a) Alan lives in a hotel. ______
Something appeared in the lake. It was large and black. Was it c) He doesn’t work late. ______
a monster? It was enormous! It looked bigger than a boat. I
d) Yesterday he didn’t go home with his
watched it for about a minute. And then ran to my house. I
took my camera. But when I returned to the lake, there was friends. ______
nothing there. I couldn’t see the monster. It had disappeared! e) The monster was very big. ______
I’m sure it was the Loch Ness Monster. It was Nessie. I know it f) Alan walked to his house. ______
was! g) He took a photo of the monster. ______

2) Use of English: Choose the correct answer: /15

Yesterday evening I was/ were at home. I was/ had lots of Maths homework. Suddenly a monster lived/
walked into my bedroom! It had/ have big teeth and were/ was very scary. I ran/ run inside the
wardrobe. The monster were/ was hungry so it eat/ ate my Maths books and pencils. I was/had happy
because I couldn’t/ can’t do my homework!

3) Complete: /15

was wasn’t were weren’t

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
A: Tom! Where ________you last Monday? Jeremy’s house Club Cinema
T: I ________ at Jeremy’s house.
A: __________you at the club on Tuesday?
T: Yes, I ___________.
A: But you _____________at the club on Wednesday.
T: No, I _____________. I was at the cinema with a friend.
A: What film did you watch? Alice Tom
T: We watched “Ice-age 4”.
A: __________the film interesting?
T: Yes, It____________.
A: _____________ the animals scary?
T: No, they _________________. They were very funny.

4) Unscramble the sentences : /10
a. playing / She / tennis / is _________________________________________________________
b. cycling / Are / you / ? ___________________________________________________________
c. It / couldn’t / run __________ ____________________________________________________
d. gymnastics / We / doing / aren’t ___________________________________________________
e. wasn’t / I / yesterday. / in / park / the_______________________________________________

5) Writing: Write: /10

a. b. c. d. e. f.
a. He ________________________________________.
b. _______they___________________________tennis?
c. He_________________________________________.
d. She________________________________________.
e. ________ he________________________________?
f. They _______________________________________.
6) Write 5 sentences: /10
walked - had - ran - lived - ate - didn’t have - couldn’t fly - was


7) Listening: Write YES or NO: /10

a) Kevin’s in Scotland______ f) Kevin’s parents are doing sports.______

b) He doesn´t like it there. ______ g) Nessie had big claws.______
c) It was rainy yesterday.______ h) Nessie ran fast.______
d) Dad makes breakfast everyday in Scotland.______ i) Nessie was scary.______
e) Kevin’s sister is riding her bike.______ j) The family took a photo of Nessie.______

8) Speaking: /20
Where were you yesterday night?________________________
Was your mother at home?_____________________________
What did you eat?____________________________________
What did you have for breakfast this morning?_____________________________
What is your friend doing now?________________________________________

Hi everybody! I’m Kevin and I’m in my holidays in Scotland at the moment. It’s a great place with a lot of mysterious
things. Yesterday the weather was so nice: it was sunny all day! So we had a good time, because we visited different
places and we took a lot of photos.
Now it is the morning here and it is raining. Dad is making breakfast. In England Mum prepares breakfast, but here in
Scotland Dad makes breakfast every day. Mummy is so happy! She’s relaxing now. While I’m writing this e-mail, Lucy, my
sister, is reading her favourite book: The History of Cycling. She loves reading books about bicycles.
Guess what! Yesterday something amazing happened. I think I saw the Loch Ness monster. We were next to the lake
having some sandwiches when suddenly I saw something black with big claws and a huge head. It ran fast and made a
strange noise. It was really frightening. We put everything away and went back to the hotel immediately!

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