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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 1 Main Point: I Worship God When I Am Thankful

Bible Story: Song of Moses and Miriam, Exodus 15: 1-21

Background: Miriam was Moses’ sister. After Miriam’s and Moses’ people were rescued from
Egypt and on their way out, they found themselves trapped in front of a huge sea. They needed
to get across to get away from some people who were chasing them, and they did not have a
boat. God parted the sea so they could walk across. When they arrived on dry land, the people
worshipped and praised God.

Craft: The Parting of the Red Sea


• 1 piece red construction paper

• 2 pieces blue construction paper
• Print-outs of Moses on white card


Cut the blue paper as shown. Do not cut all the way off.

Use a fat marker to curl the cut strips of the blue paper.

Glue the short ends of the blue paper to the short ends of the red paper.

Color the picture of Moses.. Fold at the bottom and glue on the red paper to show him parting
the Red Sea.

Supplemental coloring pages attached.

Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Moses printout for Red Sea craft:

MOSES and the Red Sea MOSES and the Red Sea

fold fold

MOSES and the Red Sea MOSES and the Red Sea

fold fold

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 2 Main Point: I Worship God When I Sing to Him

Bible Story: David Sings to God, Psalms 8: 1 & 3-5, 19: 1-6, 139, 145: 1-13

Background: David wrote many songs to worship God in the book of Psalms. David was a
shepherd but God made him king of the Israelites. He sang songs and played instruments to
worship God.

Craft: David’s Harp


• 4 craft sticks
• 3 rubber bands
• markers


• Prior to class, glue the sticks together as shown.

• Children may color the harp with markers.

• Place the rubber bands on the harp as shown.

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 3 Main Point: I Worship God When I Pray to Him

Bible Story: Hannah’s Prayer, I Samuel 1: 1-20, 2: 1-10

Background: Hannah was sad because she did not have any children. She prayed to God and He
gave her a son.

Craft: Hannah Praying/Baby Samuel


• Printed template
• Construction paper
• Markers or crayons
• Glue

1. Print the templates.

2. Color and cut out all three pieces.
3. Glue the pieces onto construction paper. Make sure to use the same color for all of the pieces.
4. Cut the templates from the construction paper.
5. Take the larger piece and fold on the solid line creating a crease.
6. Finally glue the hands to the other side of the larger piece.

When the sides are closed Hannah’s hands will be together in prayer and when you open the
hands she will be holding baby Samuel.

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 4 Main Point: I Worship God When I Help Others

Bible Story: The Good Samaritan, Luke 10: 25-37

Background: A Jewish man was traveling to a town and some mean people beat him and left
him lying on the ground by the road. Three different people walked by and did not stop to help
him. Finally a man stopped and helped him. He bandaged him and took him to a place where he
could rest. He even gave the person watching over him money to take care of him.

Craft: Good Samaritan Story Wheel


• Printed templates on
white cardstock
• Strips of cardstock,
1 inch x 6 inches
• Crayons or markers
• Brads


• Print the top and bottom wheels out on cardstock.

• Cut out wheels.
• Cut out circle shape on the inside line edge of the top wheel.
• Have children color wheels.
• Attach a brass fastener through the center of both wheels.
• On the back of the bottom wheel attach a strip of cardstock (at least 1 inch wide
and 6 inches long) leaving half extended over the side (so you can turn the
• You can also draw an arrow on the top side of the strip on the end to indicate
which way to turn the bottom wheel.

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 5 Main Point: I Worship God When I Give

Bible Story: The Woman’s Coins, Luke 21: 1-4

Background: One day Jesus was preaching at the temple. Many people were putting lots of
money in the offering. Some of them were showing off. A widow who did not have much
money quietly dropped two coins into the offering. (A widow is a woman who has lost her
husband.) It was not much, but it was all she had. Jesus was very happy.

Craft: Offering Envelope

Give generously.
Psalm 37: 21 • Printed templates
• Printed bible verses
• Strips of cardstock,
1 inch x 6 inches long
• Crayons or markers
• Glue sticks or tape


• Fold on the dotted lines.

• Secure with glue stick or tape, leaving flap open.

• Glue bible verse to envelope.

• Child may decorate the envelope.

• Explain to children that they may use the envelope to bring money to church for the

Supplemental coloring pages attached.

Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Give generously. Give generously. Give generously.

Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21 Psalm 37: 21

Supplemental coloring pages attached.

Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 6 Main Point: I Worship God When I Love Others

Bible Story: Peter, John, and the Lame Man

Background: Peter and John healed a lame man who never walked in his life. He stood, walked,
and jumped. They showed him love by stopping and noticing when everyone else was ignoring
him. When we slow down to love others, we’re worshipping God.

Craft: Lame Man Leaping


§ Pre-cut shapes using template:

o White circle
o White triangle
o 2 colored short rectangles
o 3 colored long rectangles
§ Crayons or markers
§ Glue


• Pre-cut 1 circle, 1 triangle, two short rectangles, and two long rectangles; see templates

• Draw a face on the circle.

• Glue the triangle to the circle for the body.

• Glue the short rectangles to the triangle for the arms.

• Fold the long rectangles accordion style and glue to the bottom of the triangle for legs.

• Now the lame man has been healed and can jump and leap and praise the Lord!

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Template for lame man leaping:

Cut 2
Cut 2

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 7 Main Point: I Worship God When I Obey Him

Bible Story: Call of Abraham, Genesis 12

Background: Abraham lived in the same place for 75 years. God told him to pack up and move
to another country. It was hard, but Abraham obeyed God. God had many great things planned
for his life. When we obey, we should do it in a happy way and not complain.

Craft: Abraham and Sarah Move


• White envelope with triangle

flap (not rounded edge
because the triangle flap will
be the camels hump)
• Crayons
• Brown or yellow yarn
• Printed templates
• Piece of white or colored
construction paper


1. Cut out the printed templates

2. Color the printable cut out items.

3. Paste the envelope onto the middle of the construction paper, with flap up and
“pocket” opened toward you.

4. Color the envelope (this will be the camel’s body).

5. Color and glue the camel’s head onto the end of the envelope and the feet under the

6. Use the yarn for the camel’s tail.

Tell the story of Abraham and Sarah while allowing the child to “pack” the camel (put the
printouts inside the camel envelope) with the cutouts.

Supplemental coloring pages attached.

Center Stage

Abraham and Sarah

Move Household Items

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Supplemental Crafts

Center Stage

Abraham and Sarah

Move Using a Camel

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Supplemental Crafts


Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Lesson 8 Main Point: I Worship God Because He Loves Me

Bible Story: Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, John 3: 1-18, 19: 1-32, 20: 1-9

Background: Jesus is God’s son. He came to earth as a baby and grew up just like us, but he
never did anything wrong. When he got older he began to teach people about God. Some people
did not like what Jesus was doing. They punished him by putting him on a cross to die.
Nicodemus and his friend wrapped Jesus’ body in long sheets of linen cloth and placed it in a
tomb. Three days later rose from the dead, and now He is with God. God loves us so much he
sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins.

Craft: Colorful Light Ray Cross


§ Pre-cut cross shape from template

(out of any paper; it will be discarded)
§ White Card Stock
§ Blue Painters Tape
§ Oil Pastels (or colored chalk)
§ Tissue (optional)

2. Gently stick the
1. Place the cross on a cross to the card
scrap piece of paper stock with a piece of
and have the kids painters tape. Using
color the edges with one finger rub the oil
oil pastels. A thick line pastel off the cross
works the best. onto the white card
stock creating
colorful rays.
You may use colored chalk instead, and/or use a
tissue to rub the pastel or chalk.

3. Remove the
cross to reveal a
beautiful outline.

Supplemental coloring pages attached.

Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

Cross template for colorful light ray cross:

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Center Stage Supplemental Crafts

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