Critical Factor For Tecdiar S.A

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Critical Factor for Tecdiar S.

1. Financial

Critical factors:

 Sales
 Productivity
 Financial resources
 Process expenses

2. Customer

Critical factors

 market presence
 customer confidence
 customer service
 management and coverage of the points of sale

3. Internal processes

Critical actions

 Continuous optimization of the technological infrastructure

 Periodic study of consumer needs
 Constant update for service efficiency
 Service with differentiation

4. Learning and growth

Critical actions

 Encourage teamwork
 Working conditions and well-being of employees
 Constant evaluation of staff performance
 Constant training of personnel
5. Human Factor

Critical factors

 Organizational culture
 Procedure standardization
 Work environment
 Teamwork and communication

In order to carry out the Balanced Scorecard, a complete analysis was carried out in different
areas in order to establish processes that allow the company to improve. In the financial area,
the following indicators were used:

1. Sales
2. Productivity
3. Process Expenses

Because customers are, a fundamental pillar in the activity and development of a company,
the indicators selected to improve in terms of loyalty, attention to consumers and quality of
the service offered to them, were chosen:

1. High Quality Services

1. Increase Loyalty
2. Increase the points of presence in the market

In the case of internal processes, this focuses on determining which are the processes that the
company must improve to achieve its objectives, which processes are those that will help us
satisfy our clients and our partners. For this we have made use of the following 3 indicators:

1. Periodical study of consumer needs

2. Optimization of technological equipments
3. Quality of services

Learning focuses on identifying and developing the capabilities and processes that will help us
create value in the future. The indicators are as follows:
1. Encourage teamwork
2. Procedure standardization
3. Constant training of personnel

The application of the BSC to our project resulted in a detailed analysis of the vision through
the operation of the Tecdiar company, we even managed to develop a strategic map thanks to
the action plans and the correlation of the objectives. In the development of the BSC we have
managed to identify and set indicators, the measurement of which is related to the efficiency
of the organizational functioning. The company is expected to make a commitment to ensure
that its employees and all those who make up Tecdiar meet the objectives set out in the BSC.

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