Soft Hard Sell

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1. I can’t a. What’s stopping you?

2. I’d like to think about it b. Of course. Perhaps I can help. What is it

you’d like to think about?
3. I never make a decision c. Of course not! When shall we arrange
without consulting my for the three of us to meet?
4. I’m really not happy about the d. I see. So if I could find a way to improve
delivery time. on that, you’d be more interested,
wouldn’t you?
5. I certainly wouldn’t want he e. No, I think you are right to choose the
luxury model. economy model.
6. I’m still not sure f. What about?
7. There are several questions
that would need answering g. Fire away!
(Command, using urgency appeal) (Conditioning, for later)

PRODUCT is temporary PRODUCT has repeated use

SELLER is temporary SELLER is permanent
BUYER is temporary BUYER is stable and familiar
A sense of CRISIS exists NO CRISIS, no urgency
GUARANTEE is missing GUARANTEE is available

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