Physics Potential Energy Assignment 1.: U X U X U X U

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1. A particle is released from rest at origin. It moves under the influence of potential
field U  x 2  3x , where U is in Joule and x isin metre. Kinetic energy at x = 2 m will
(A) 2 J (B) 1 J (C) 1.5 J (D) 0 J
Ans. (A)
Sol. F   2 x  3
2 2
W   F dx   (2 x  3) dx = [ x 2  3x]02 = 2 J
0 0

1 2
2. The potential energy of a particle of mass m is given by U  kx for x< 0 and U = 0
for x  0 . If total mechanical energy of the particle is E. Then its speed at x  is
2E E E
(A) zero (B) (C) (D)
m m 2m
Ans. (B)
Sol. Potentialenergy of particle at x  is zero. ( x> 0)
 KE = E
1 2E
or mv 2  E or v 
2 m

3. A particle is acted upon by a force F = kx, (k> 0) where x is displacement of particle.

If potential energy at origin is zero then the potential energy of the particle varies with
x as

(A) x (B) x (C) x (D) x

Ans. (A)
dU 1
Sol. F  kx    U   kx2
dx 2

4. The potential energy of a body is given by, U  A  Bx 2 (where x is the displacement).

The magnitude of force acting on the particle is
(A) constant. (B) proportional to x.
(C) proportional to x (D) inversely proportional to x.
Ans. (B)
Sol. U  A  Bx 2  F   = 2BxFx.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 97831-97831 1
5. The potential energy of a system is represented in the first figure. The force acting on
the system will be represented by

a x

F(x) F(x)

a a
(A) x (B) x

F(x) F(x)

a x x
(C) (D) a

Ans. (C)
Sol. F  , up to distance a, F = constant (negative) and becomes zero suddenly.

6. The potential energy U(x) of a particle moving along x-axis is shown in figure. Which
one of the following graphs represents the variation of kinetic energy of this particle if
its total mechanical energy is E0.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Ans. (A)
Sol. KE + PE = E0 if PE increases KE decreases and viceversa.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 97831-97831 2

7. A conservative force F   4x  8 ˆi N acts on a particle that moves on the x-axis. The
potential energy associated with this force is assigned a value of 8J at x = 0. Which of
the following best represents variation in potential energy with position coordinate x.





Ans. (A)
8. For the potential energy function shown in fig. there will be an unstable equilibrium at
0 4 8 12
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) None of the above
Ans. (B)

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 97831-97831 3
9. In the figure shown the potential energy (U) of a particle is plotted against its position
'x' from origin. Then which of the following statement is correct. A particle at :

O x1 x2 x3 x

(A) x1 is in stable equilibrium (B) x2 is in stable equilibrium

(C) x3 is in stable equilibrium (D) None of these
Ans. (D)
Sol. Maxima of potential energy curve gives position of unstable equilibirum
So, at x2, there is unstable equilibrium.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 97831-97831 4

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