Youth Ambassadors Summer Institute Seminar (YASI 2011)

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Project description of

the Youth Ambassadors

Summer Institute 2011

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 4th – 14th of July 2011


1. Introduction to YASI

2. Project Description

 History

 Objectives & Priorities

 Methodology

 Intercultural dimension

 European Dimension

 Themes & Activities

 Schedule

3. Organizers

 Luxembourgish Youth Parliament

 Belgium, Sarah Declercq

 Bosnia & Herzegovina, Amila Selimadzovic

 Greece, Efthymios Skoufas

 Luxembourg, Chiara Bleckenwegner

 Moldova, Daniel Voda

 Poland, Aleksandra Syjud

 Norway, Mads Andreas Danielsen

 Partner Cooperation

4. The project on a larger scale

 Impact & Multiplying Effect

 Visibility

 Dissemination of results

5. Finance

6. Funding


The Youth Ambassadors Summer Institute (YASI) is a youth exchange bringing

together 28 youngsters from seven European countries (Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Greece, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway and Poland) in order to shape them to become
more politically active citizens.

The project will take place in Luxembourg City, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
between July 4th - 14th, 2011. The participants will take part in discussions, workshops and
sight-seeing tours concerning primarily diplomacy and media, secondly the EU and global

The aim of YASI is to create a better cooperation and cultural understanding across
borders, both between EU member countries and non-EU members, in order to turn the
participipants into real young diplomats and give them the skills needed in a globalized
world, inspire them to start acting in their own countries and provide them with tools and
knowledge to involve in the world of politics and diplomacy.

The methodology of YASI is based on peer-to-peer education, not only by passively

absorbing knowledge through lectures, but by also giving the participants the opportunity to
actively help shape their understanding through discussions and debates. Thus we aim to
contribute to a skillful generation of young global citizens.

Project Description

The idea of the Youth Ambassadors Summer Institute 2011 was born in August 2010.
Today’s group leaders of YASI (Chiara from Luxembourg, Sarah from Belgium, Daniel from
Moldova, Amila from Bosnia&Herzegovina, Aleksandra from Poland, Efthymios from Greece
and Mads from Norway) initially met at the Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer
Institute 2010.

This program, taking place at Wake Forest University, North Carolina, and financed by
the US Department of State, allowed them an unforgettable experience together with
participants from over 30 European countries and 10 fellows from the US.

The Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows (BFTF) institute intends to foster relationships
among the younger generations of Europeans and Americans as well as to promote
awareness of shared values in light of the global challenges of the 21st Century.

The great experience of BFTF inspired and highly motivated us to start work on our own
follow up project – the Youth Ambassadors Summer Institute 2011 (YASI).

Objectives and priorities
The main objective of YASI is to develop mutual understanding between youngsters
in the spirit of European identity, subsidiarity, solidarity, tolerance and cultural
diversity, and of course, diplomacy as the key to a united Europe.
Our priority is to select participants representing different cultural and ethnical
backgrounds, in order to raise awareness of the value of an intercultural dialogue among
participants. Thus, the project aims to display the feeling of a culturally rich and
differentiated, yet united Europe with similar overarching values.

Another objective of the program is to engage the young people from Belgium, Bosnia
& Herzegovina, Greece, Luxembourg, Moldova, Poland and Norway in debates concerning
topics such as European identity, active citizenship, participation of youth in political life of
their community, at both national and European level.
We want to encourage youngsters to get involved in their community life through
participation in the civic life of their society and make the difference, in other words
shape their leadership skills.

We want the participants to think about the influence of media on democracy. We

will do this by visiting media agencies and let them make a newspaper themselves. We
hope to shape a more critical mind and encourage them to be active and interested in the

One of the main aims of YASI is to combine theoretical knowledge with practical visits
of European Institutions (such as the EU Parliament, the European Court of Justice),
embassies of the participanting countries and media agencies (RTL Media Group, Graffiti
Radio Station). On the other hand, we are planning to meet influential decision makers of
the EU, i.e. Mr. Herman van Rompuy or the Luxembourgish Member of Parliament Mr. Claude
Turmes. Furthermore, we will organize skype conversations with alumni colleagues from the
Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute, all of them spread in 38 European
countries and in several U.S, states, to brainstorm on issues of international (European and
transatlantic) cooperation in the youth field.

YASI is based on peer-to-peer education, not only by passively absorbing
knowledge through lectures, but also by giving the participants the opportunity to actively
help shape their understanding through for example discussions and debates.

We will also arrange training sessions, film/documentary screenings, workshops, study

and sight-seeing tours to important international institutions concerning diplomacy, media
and democracy. In addition, we will organize cultural events, such as an International
dinner where the participants must prepare a local dish themselves. This will contribute to
improving cooperation and teaching the participants about other cultures, in this case the
culinary traditions of other countries.

During the program, national groups will be divided into international ones in order to
assure cooperation, tolerance and cultural learning among the young people with
different national backgrounds, creating mutual understanding between people of quite
different nationalities and backgrounds. We believe the ability to cooperate in a good way
with people from foreign countries is essential in today's globalized Europe.

We will ask the participants about their expectations for the program, and the seven
board members will focus on creating a program that will engage all participants in a
satisfactory manner. We will organize one meeting or a group session each day where the
participants will give the seven organizers feed-back and an opportunity to influence the
program. Our wish is that the participants will be actively involved in each stage of the

Intercultural Dimension
The aim of YASI is to create cooperation and cultural understanding across borders,
both between EU member countries and non-EU members. Youth from seven different
countries will be represented in YASI; Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, Poland,
Bosnia&Herzegovina, Greece and Moldova. Interacting with people from these countries will
create cultural meetings that will have a huge impact on the participants, especially when it
comes to cultural awareness.

We will inspire the participants to start acting in their own countries and provide them
with tools and knowledge necessary to fight for example prejudices. YASI will give the
participants knowledge about other cultures both through meetings and interconnection
with people from other cultures, and through lectures and embassy visits.

YASI will develop the participant's ability to understand the feelings and needs of
other people from other cultures and self-confidence (knowing what I want, my strengths
and weaknesses, emotional stability), and in this manner increase the participant's positive
awareness of both other cultures and their own culture. YASI will also contribute to make the
participants understand their own cultural identity better.

In addition they will gain knowledge about for example government, democracy,
conflicts, media, economy and the European Union; Knowledge that will benefit the
participant's home community/school in a significant way, by the participants sharing their
knowledge and experience with their peers at home.

European Dimension
In times of so much uncertainty and global economic turbulence, every European is
concerned about what is in store for the present and future. It is imperative that everyone
and especially the youth should take actions to reestablish the close ties that have united
our countries into one. These bonds need to be strengthened. This can only be completed
through solidarity and cooperation via meetings, common projects and various means by
which people are brought together in a spirit of duty and determination to find ways of
communication and collaboration. In this aspect YASI addresses exactly this particular issue
by bringing together so many young people from diverse European Nations.

We are hoping that this kind of youth activities solidifies unity and a spirit of purpose.
We believe that through rekindling the initial inspiration and aspirations of the founding
fathers of the Union, we will work toward long term goals.

YASI includes a tour of the participating Embassies; a visit to the EU Parliament (as well
as other European Institutions i.e. the Court of Justice, European Commission), home country
presentations by their participating representatives as well as a tour of Europe through Skype
calls with BFTF alumni. There are scheduled Integration games and discussions on “How to
Debate,” and “An EU Parliament simulation” with participants. This will give participants a
hands-on concept of the European Union and its workings.

The whole idea of YASI is to involve the Youth in matters which will be important in their
lives, the impact being that once one understands the concept and sees first-hand some of
the activities of the European Community, it will become closer and real. By this means YASI
will significantly affect near and distant future thinking of the participants. All the scheduled
activities and workshops, including the visits, have been designed with this thought in mind.

Debate is the foundation of the European Union. YASI will place a strong emphasis on
the founding principles of the EU such as democracy and freedom of speech. Through the
participation in the activities, workshops and simulations, everyone will have the opportunity
to express personal views and opinions and actively engage in understanding fundamental
freedoms and rules of law.

Themes & Activities


Diplomacy Youth policies

Subsidiarity Solidarity

New Media Cultural

instruments diversity

Mutual Active
understanding citizenship


Host organization - Luxembourgish National Youth Council

The Luxembourg National Youth Council (Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse
luxembourgeoise asbl.) is the umbrella organization of youth organizations in Luxembourg,
working with youth aged from 12-35.

The CGJL has 27 member organizations, which

are active in a great variety of different areas
in the youth sector. The CGJL is an organization
of, for and by young people and gives
youngsters the opportunity to voice their
opinions and to raise common concerns.

The CGJL is a privileged discussion partner

towards the government and other official
actors in decision-making and can as such do
active lobbying for the opinions and interests of the luxembourgish youth.

For CGJL it is very important that young people keep voicing their perspectives and
Luxembourgish National Youth Council want would like to make sure that they are heard
and understood. One of the main objectives of the CGJL is to increase participation of youth
in society and in democratic life. In order to sustain this, the CGJL offers different thematic
activities. In CGJL eyes all participation is based on accurate information of young people.
This is why we try to give young people on a regular basis the opportunity to discuss specific
subjects with experts and politicians.

The CGJL tries to defend the interests of youth on all levels and is therefore actively
lobbying for the European Youth Pact. In meetings with members of the national and the
European parliament, the minister responsible for youth and other important actors in
decision-making, the CGJL uses the opportunity to explain the matter of this instrument
within the Lisbon Strategy. Furthermore the CGJL is also promoting Youth Mainstreaming and

For further information visit

Partners & national project coordinators

1. Belgium, Sarah Declercq

• My name is Sarah, I’m a Belgian girl. I am

very active on political level and also in
development cooperation. I plan to study
political sciences or international law. One
day, I hope to work for the United Nations or
the European Union. Though I am quite
determined in my future plans, I do believe I
should enjoy the opportunities of life as much
as possible. In my free time, I like
photography, travelling, to play the guitar or
to talk and debate about all kinds of subjects
with my friends, especially about politics and
what’s happening in the world. I definitely
want to stay engaged in social affairs, keep
on meeting new people, discover new
cultures and travel the world.

Partners - Informal group of Young people “Gerbel International organization”

Gerbel International is a unincorporated association of German and

Belgian young-adults. Our aim is to create a better
understanding of diplomacy for youngsters, to
immerse them in the opportunities provided by the
European Union, to turn around prejudices by youth
exchange and to initiate youngsters to be more
politically active.
Gerbel International organises Youth Initiatives such
as Mission Europe: Ypres – Berlin.

•Heule city, West-Flanders region
Contact •Email:
information: •

2. Bosnia & Herzegovina, Amila Selimadzovic

• I am Amila and my home place is Sarajevo,

the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am 18
and I am so ready to spread my wings and
explore what does this world has to offer. This
includes good things, good and positive
experiences as well as the problems that our
world faces and with which we have to deal
with as a young people. I got this attitude
during my Benjamin Franklin Summer Institute
2010 which showed me that if we want, we
can change the world. Led by the famous
quote “Think globally, act locally”, I am
involved in many community service activities,
volunteering. I am also very interested in media
and I am using my filming skills to share my
knowledge and attitudes with other people

Partners – Informal group of Young people “Delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina”

The goal of our Informal group of Young people “Delegation from

Bosnia and Herzegovina” is the ultimate success and realisation of the Youth
Ambassadors Summer Institute 2011 (YASI) in our country.
All of our members, students at High School will participate and support
the project in each stage, ensuring it’s visibility on national level and trough all
Coordinator of the activities of the grup is Kušmić Haris and Amila

•Bosnia and Herzegovina

•Sarajevo city, Kanton Sarajevo region
Contact •Email:
information: •Phone: 0038762943605

3. Greece, Efthymios Skoufas

• I am Efthymios and I live in Larisa, which is a city in

central Greece. I am really interested in sports and
in particular, I am a huge basketball fan. I have
spent several years swimming and I have also
studied the guitar for 8 years. Finally, I really enjoy
reading. My goal from now on is to make at least 2
trips to other countries every summer, if the
financial crysis makes this possible of course.
•In the sumer of 2010 I had the greatest pleasure to
participate in the BFTF program, alongside the
other 6 great mentors of YASI, and I can tell
without any doubt that it was the best experience
of my life! I cannot really describe how many
things I have gained through my paritcipation in
this Summer Institute! I really hope that with YASI,
we will manage to give all the participants an
experience like the one we had back in the U.S. I
am waiting for all your questions and suggestions!

Partners – Informal group of Young people “Delegation from Greece”

The goal of our Informal group of Young people “Delegation from

Greece” is the ultimate success and realisation of the Youth Ambassadors Summer
Institute 2011 (YASI) in our country.
All of our members, will participate and support the project in each
stage, ensuring it’s visibility on national level and trough all methods.
Coordinator of the activities of the group is Ioanis Skoufas and
Efthymios Skoufas.

• Greece
• Larissa city, Thessalia region
Contact • Email:
information: • Phone: +0030 2410 281385

4. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Chiara Emma Bleckenwegner

•My name is Chiara, and I am from a tiny

country in the middle of Europe called
Luxembourg. No, you are not the only one who
has never heard of it before…During the
Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Summer Institute
I took part in during the Summer of 2010, I
continuously explained to youngsters from all
over Europe and the U.S. where I come from. In
return I learned a lot about diplomacy and
politics, I was encouraged to do voluntary work
and I made great friends. I know it sounds
wonderful – and that’s why we want you to
experience the same thing! You can do that in
our Youth Ambassador Summer Institute that
will take place in July 2011 in Luxembourg. We
are already counting the minutes to meet you

Partners – The Luxembourgish National Youth Council

The Luxembourg National Youth Council (Conférence Générale de la

Jeunesse luxembourgeoise asbl.) is the umbrella organization of youth organizations in
Luxembourg, working with youth aged from 12-35.

The CGJL has 27 member organizations, which are

active in a great variety of different areas in the youth
sector. The CGJL is an organization of, for and by young
people and gives youngsters the opportunity to voice
their opinions and to raise common concerns.

•Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

•Luxembourg city,
Contact •Email:
information: •Web:

5. Moldova, Daniel Voda

• I’m Daniel from Moldova” this phrase became my

second name at Benjamin Franklin Fellowship
Summer Institute during an awesome experience in
USA from 3-30 of July 2010 where I’ve met my
friends from YASI, nowadays regional leaders in our
project. I’m involved in social actions and
volunteering in my community and I strongly
believe in quotation of romanian philosopher B. P.
Hasdeu “The future of one country is based on the
manner in which it trains the youth”, like a social
part of my community I try to bring a change in it.
I’m working as Head of Mass-media and relation
with public committee of Local Youth Council of
Chisinau, moderator at Radio Moldova, also I’m
member of The Center of Young Journalist from
Moldova and MediaPoint NGO. Being responsible
for Moldova in YASI project is a great act of
responsibility for me, so I will do my best!

Partners – Young Journalist Center from Moldova

The Young Journalist Center from Moldova is developing youth mass-media in

Moldova on national scale. In this sense YJCM supports a network of youth journalist
publications, organize instructional trainings and workshops, offers consultations, and facilities
information and experience exchange
between youth journalists and active
youth of Moldova.

Young Journalist Center

from Moldova is member of National
Youth Council of Moldova and European
Youth Press Association.

•Chisinau city, Chisinau municipality
Contact •Email:
information: •Web:

6. Poland, Aleksandra Syjud

•I am Aleksandra and I am 18 years old. I live in

Tychy a town in the south of Poland. I could not
imagine my life without traveling. Getting to
know other cultures and meeting people from
different backgrounds helps me understand the
world better. I would not be able to hear
others’ stories if I couldn’t communicate with
them. That’s why I always loved learning
languages. Who knows maybe you’ll teach me
yours? I participated in BFTF alongside with
other 6 mentors and without a doubt that was
the best experience in my life. Now it’s time to
give others such a chance under Youth
Ambassadors Summer Insitute for Youth.

Partners – Internationaler Bund Polska Association

The foundation Internationaler

Bund Polska, located in Kraków,
was established in late 2004 and
2005. Its fundator is a German
organization Internationaler
Bund Freier Trager der Jugend, Sozial und Bildungsarbeit e.V. located in Frankfurt am
Main, which has been working in the western part of Germany since 1949 and since
1990 has also been working in the eastern part of the country.
The main aim of the foundation is to help people to make personal
progress, plan their lives independently, integrate with their environment, take
responsibility for themselves and actively participate in the development of their
society. The foundation should stimulate activities aiming at impelling individuals and
society. Moreover it supports and implements understanding and international

• Poland
• Krakow city
Contact • Email:
information: • Web:

7. Norway, Mads Andreas Danielsen

•My name is Mads Andreas Danielsen, and I’m from

Norway. Throughout my life I have played both
football and swimmed, but the typical
scandinavian sport “floor bandy” has been my
main sports activity for 7 years. Today I spend most
of my spare time on working for volunteer
organizations and the student council, especially
enjoying working with people from other countries
and cultures. Through my participation in YASI I
hope to contribute to spread cultural
understanding, highlight the challenges in modern
diplomacy and make youth aware of how
globalization influences Europe. These are fields of
knowledge that are extremely important if our
generation is to succeed in making a better future.

Partners – Informal group of Young people “Young Ambassadors Leadership Program

2010 alumnus”

The Young Ambassadors program aims to encourage motivated students to

attain their full potential, whether their paths lead them to careers in business, NGO-
leadership, or governmental service to Norway.

The program is being organized by the U.S.

Embassy and Norwegian youth who have been to the
U.S. on similar leadership institutes.

Participants are learning about public

speaking, debating, networking, career planning,
business and politics. They will visit the offices of influential
companies, organizations and politicians to learn more
about leadership and how it applies to different careers.
There is also a mentoring component, which will match a
young Norwegian leader within politics, business or organizational work to one of the
students, allowing participants to gain valuable experience and guidance.

•Oslo city, Akerhus region
Contact •Email:
information: •Phone: 004747904759

Partner Cooperation
The administrational duties (reservation of hostel, search for financial support,
defining the concept of the programme) will be done in the months preceding the project.
Every mentor is responsible for completing an individual task and takes actively part in group
discussions (held via Skype, Google Group, emails, GSM) about the outlines of the activities
and aims of the program.

During the Advanced Planning Visit in April, all the mentors will meet in
Luxembourg to set up a more detailed schedule of the visits, lectures and workshops that will
be organized. Additionally, specific rules of participants’ selection process will be selected
and a promotion strategy in the respective countries will be discussed. The mentors will also
be able to get familiar with the city of Luxembourg and the institutions that will be visited.

During the programme, each mentor will be a tutor to 4 participants. Each

mentor will also have a specific task and will be responsible to lead some of the workshops.
The mentors will be responsible for all the practical matters as well as participants’ safety.
Each evening, there will be a mentormeeting where we will discuss tomorrow’s programme as
well as personal things and where we will have teambuilding sessions.

The project on a larger scale

Impact & multiplying effect

YASI is designed to create a universal concept of young people meeting in a
European Union setting to exchange ideas and open lines of communication and
understanding. We are hoping to provide a platform which will broaden the horizons of all
participants, enable them to make experiences, and provide them the opportunity of
expressing their opinion, while making long lasting friendships which will with no doubt have
a significant impact on their lives.

The scheduled events are designed in such a way as to give each and every
participant an opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills in order to create
similar activities and processes in their home communities. The optimal goal is to ensure
that all the representatives will be able to make a difference, after the completion of the
programme, in their own local societies.

The general understanding and experience shows that such encounters have
a longlasting and multiplying effect. One way of sustaining this is by setting up a
multicultural network, where people would be connected by their common experience in
YASI. This open communication would offer a platform embracing further ideas as well as
represent an encouragement in overcoming obstacles and problem solving.

This youth exchange initiative could be followed up depending on its outcome.

We are doing our best to ensure its ultimate success and we would be more than willing to
continue this project on a periodic basis.


The project will be promoted at a large scale

and we plan to cover both the local and the European level
during the advertising process.
The following methods will ensure the project’s visibility: the
media will play an important role in the promotion of the
project's activities and results, being used in all phases of
the program, because it reaches the highest number of
people belonging to the core target group (i.e. youth aged
15 to 18). Partners will contribute to the visibility by involving
local newspapers, their own websites, networks etc.

The website will be an important mean to promote both the project's activities
and final results. It will be implemented progressively and will be the key tool used for
communicating with the target group and their parents and will assure interaction during the

Our web site:

We will emphasize on social networking sites (e.g. Facebook) and youth and
educational portals (such as SALTO YOUTH, Eurodesk, adding the project to the UN Youth
Year calendar, etc) to advertise the project.

We will also seek the help of our national Ministry of Education platforms or
their equivalents.

A specific Logo was designed to ensure recognition and credibility of the

project. We will also apply for the permission to use the International Year of Youth logo
issued by the United Nations.

Posters will be produced in seven languages and will be distributed in the

mentors’ schools.

T-Shirts, pens, folders: in order to create a better sense of affiliation and

identification amongst participants we plan to order t-shirts, pens and folders (both for the
mentors and for the participants) that will use both the YASI logo and the Youth in Action

Naturally we will acknowledge the grant support received under the Youth in
Action by adding the phrase “This project has been funded by the European Commission’s
Youth in Action Programme” on all information material. The project will be promoted at a
large scale and we plan to cover both the local and the European level during the
advertising process.

Dissemination of the results

The direct target group of the project will be youngsters at the age of 15 to 18
years. They will be reached through direct communication to schools and media publicity
(we will mostly focus on internet based media).

The website created by the YASI team members will represent a channel for
the project valorisation. The YASI team members will develop an internet website with
sections, concerning both the period of time before the project as well as the time after it
has been completed. We will give the participants surveys to fill out before and after the

The YASI participants will be given Youthpass certificates that will be material
proofs of what they will have learnt during the project and will also be an incentive to
continuing making efforts in the field of European integration and civic activism.

Specific articles on the project activities and achievements will be published

on the website. We also plan to carry out a series of media workshops that will result in
creating a newspaper made by the participants. The newspaper will provide a tangible
evidence of the abilities and knowledge which the participants have gained and will also
be a lasting reminder of the project.

We also want to encourage participants to organize their own follow-up

activities, because we want as many people as possible to benefit from our programme. We
will ensure that by presenting the possibilities awaiting the youth in Europe during a lecture
about the Youth in Action Programme as well as others programs targeted at youth.

Likewise, our website will be maintained and kept up longer than the duration
of the project itself, preferably until the next edition of the project, because we strongly
believe that YASI should not be an on-off project, thus we will keep a database of the
participants email addresses in order to create a network community and making sure the
participants keep in touch with each other.

Photo album: we plan to create a CD souvenir that will include photographs
taken during the project. CDs will be given out to participants after the end of the project
has ended. We are eager to distribute them to all organizations as well as individuals who
will help us organize the project if they express such desire.


Youth in Action
We applied for funding through the Youth in Action Programme of the
European Commission. The project line was Action 3.1. Youth in the World – Cooperation
with Neighboring Countries

Other resources
Meanwhile we are still looking for other resources to fund our project. We want
to keep our participation fee as low as possible in order to give youngsters with economic
difficulties the opportunity to participate in our project.

Annex 1. Time Table of Activities of YASI 2011


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