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Task 1. The verb to be. Write appropriate present forms.

A: Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you?

B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3) _________ you doing?

A: I (4) _________doing fine.

B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

A: Not really, why?

B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

A: I’d love to.

B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.

Task 2. Write in am /’m not, is / isn’t or are / aren’t.

1. I _____ a businessman.
2. I _____ a pupil.
3. My friends_____ teachers.
4. My uncle_____ a driver.
5. My parents _____ doctors.
6. My cousins _____ vets.
7. My mum _____ a shop-assistant.

Task 3. Write in is / isn’t, are / aren’t, am / ’m not.

1. I __________ lazy.
2. My friend ___________ naughty.
3. My granny___________ kind.
4. My granddad ___________clever.
5. My teachers___________ funny.
6. I___________ a bad pupil.

Task 4. Write the verb to be.

1. Fred _____ thirteen now.
2. «____ you English? «No, l _________.
3. Her name _____ Ann.
4. «______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______».
5. __________ these men doctors?
6. «You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right».
7. There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go!
8. There ________no more questions, _________there?

Task 5. Translate into English.

1. Где ученики? Они в Великобритании. 2. Что грязное? Его рубашка. 3. Я красивая. 4.

Том умный? Да. 5. Крокодилы зеленые? Да. 6. Он не из Великобритании. 7. Где твой
папа? Дома. 8. Мы – семья. 9. Она не ученица. 10. Её сестра учитель? Нет.

Task 6. Correct the mistakes.

1. I is lazy. 2. You are naughty? Yes, am I. 3. He not is kind. 4. We are not businessmen a
year ago. 5. Her parents is not doctors, is they? No, are they not. 6. Who am a vet? He are. 7.
Is you at the party? Yes, I are. 8. He am not in Kongo.

Task 7. Make sentences in the correct order.

1. Fred, or, is, angry, kind? Is, he, angry.


2. Am, a, I, not, pupil.


3. Tom, Bess, are, and, seven?


4. Am, I, happy.


6. A, slim, fat, is, boy, or? Is, he, fat.


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