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Football idioms

Exercise 1 – Look at the sentences and match the idioms in bold to their definition

When I started using Kahoot to learn English it was a real a game changer for me, it made classes
much more fun.

I don’t like making presentations in English as I’m too scared of making a howler.

At the start of class, Gregor usually gets the ball rolling by asking us about the highlights and
lowlights of our week.

When studying grammar, I really need to be on the ball as I can easily miss something.

When we do role-play in class, I prefer to watch from the sidelines as I’m not a natural performer.

Sometimes I learn a grammar rule that helps me but then I learn 5 exceptions to the rule, I feel like
English teachers like to move the goalposts to confuse us.

When it comes to English, Gregor knows the score.

Idiom Definition

to get something started. Begin

a process
make a very basic mistake 

to be aware of the essential facts

about a situation
an idea or event that significantly
changes the current way of doing
or thinking about something
to be very quick to respond and
concentrating carefully
to be observing a situation and not
be involved in it
to change the rules unfairly
Exercise 2 – Put the correct idiom in the question and then ask/answer the questions with your

When you go on a date with a new person, how do you usually __________________________?

When was the last time you made a terrible _____________? What happened, what did you do?

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt left out and had to ______________________?

Do you have someone in your life who isn’t consisitent and always _______________________?

When it comes to football, who in your family ________________________________________?

In what subject at school do you need to be most _____________________________________?

What invention of recent years has been a real ________________________________and why?

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