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1st Conference of the

Automation & Robotics Network Tunisia

Call for Papers

The DAAD funded project “Automation Robotics Network Tunisia” (ARNT) aims at establishing an intra-Tunisian net-
work initially based on the trainees and trainers of the ALEJE project. Today ISET Béjà, ISET Djerba, ISET Gabès, ISET
Kasserine, ISSAT Mateur, ISET Tozeur are actively working with/on the methods and materials from ALEJE. They will
present their experiences, their success stories and their best practices to academic representatives of all ISETs of
Tunisia during the conference at Sousse.

The focus of the conference lies on automation & robotics (technical skills) and project-based learning (didactic
method), thus addressing the transfer of both technical and soft skills to students. The conference addresses staff
from all Tunisian ISETs teaching in the fields of automation & robotics. The conference will be held with supervision
by the DGET.

Speakers: Important dates:

Teaching practitioners and students from all Tunisian • Speakers:
o One-pager Submission: October 10, 2021
ISETs offering degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Mech-
o Paper notification: October 17, 2021
atronics and Electrical Engineering specialities are invited
o Paper submission: November 14, 2021
to submit one-pagers (short documents) describing a
• Listeners:
learning/teaching approach and its reception by their
o Listener application: October 10, 2021
students. The papers are submitted as PDF-Documents o Listener notification: October 17, 2021
with online platform (https://cmt3.research.mi- or using the conference website . Submission is possible until
Sunday, October 10 2021. Paper and presentation can be given in French or English language. The submitted one-
pagers will be reviewed by the directors of ISET Béjà, ISET Djerba, ISET Gabès, ISET Kasserine, ISSAT Mateur, ISET
Touzeur, Prof. Valentin PLENK from Germany and Dr. Malek KHADHRAOUI from ISET Kasserine according to the fol-
lowing criteria: novelty/innovation, applicability and sustainability. The selected speakers will be notified by October
17 2021.The submitted one-pagers will be reviewed by the directors of ISET Béjà, ISET Djerba, ISET Gabès, ISET Kas-
serine, ISSAT Mateur, ISET Touzeur, Prof. Valentin PLENK from Germany and Dr. Malek KHADHRAOUI from ISET Kas-
serine according to the following criteria: novelty/innovation, applicability and sustainability. The selected speakers
will be notified by October 17 2021.

All speakers will be invited to speak at the conference in the presence of the DGET. They will also be invited to submit
a paper (4 to 8 pages) for the conference proceedings which will be published after the conference.
Teaching staff can also apply as listeners by submitting a list of the subjects currently taught by the applicant and a
letter of motivation showing how the applicant expects to benefit from the conference to the director of their ISET
by October 10. The directors will distribute the seats to the applicants. Participants will be notified by October 17.
Hotel accommodation for speakers and listeners is funded by the DAAD.

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