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Friday Bulletin The Weekly Muslim News Update

Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011 Issue No. 415

“Kenya is working with the Ugandan government to ensure a fair world cup finals in July last year.
trial and provide legal aid to the suspects.” This statement from the His assertions however, failed to calm the nerves of legislators who
Internal Affairs minister George Saitoti effectively placed the fate of were demanding justice and fairness for the detained Kenyan citi-
the eight Kenyan rendition victims in the hands of the Ugandan au- zens.
thorities. “While we condemn acts of terrorism, is it in order for the govern-
It went against the minister’s own pledge made to Muslim leaders ment of Kenya to willingly allow the torture and illegal detentions
last year that the government had acknowledged its wrong ap- of Kenyan citizens in Ugandan jails,” asked Gichugu MP Martha
proach in the renditions and was working closely with the Ugandan Karua who set the tempo for the debate.
authorities to have them brought back home. Story continued Page 6
Saitoti’s ministerial statement in Parliament on Wednesday has also
cast doubt on the veracity of the recent comments from the Justice
minister Mutula Kilonzo that moves were underway to bring the de-
tainees back to their homeland.
The Internal Security minister who also holds the foreign affairs
docket in an acting capacity for the first time defended the decision
to is working
rendition with the
the Kenyan Ugandan
citizens to government to ensure
Uganda saying a fair
that this wastrial and provide legal
aid to the suspects.” This statement from the Internal Affairs
reached on the basis of evidence that the suspects were involved in minister George Saitoti
the gruesome placed the fatewhich
bombings of the eight
killed 76Kenyan
football rendition victims
fans watching thein the hands of the
Ugandan authorities.
It went against the minister’s own pledge made to Muslim leaders last year that the
government had acknowledged its wrong approach in the renditions and was working
closely with the Ugandan authorities to have them brought back home.
Saitoti’s ministerial statement in Parliament on Wednesday has also cast doubt on the
veracity of the recent comments from the Justice minister Mutula Kilonzo that moves
were underway to bring the detainees back to their homeland.
The Internal Security minister who also holds the foreign affairs docket in an acting

Demonstrators hold placards during a protest outside the French embassy in London on Monday. France's ban on full face veils, a
first in Europe, went into force this week exposing anyone who wears the niqab in public to fines of 150 euros (Sh 18600).

Child prostitution gaining ground at the coast

Mombasa is on course to take its place as the global capital of child sex tourism
which is blossoming at the Coast. With increased restrictions in Thailand, Sri Lanka This Week
and other Asian countries, the pristine beaches of Mombasa coupled with the lax
laws against the vice, have pushed the coastal town to be a favourite destination for OPINION Open letter to Muslim MPs P2
tourists venturing for the thriving so-called child sex tourism industry.
Corrupt security and public officials are looking the other way as children resort to
the illicit trade after being seduced by fast cash and promises of riches and trips Da'wa Islam-The easy way P3
Dozens of weekly flights from Europe are flying in sun-seekers who are looking for Women Issues Niqab: Fact Vs Fiction P4
pleasure from girls and boys, some no older than ten years.
According to some estimates, up to 30,000 girls between 12 and 14 years old are Youth Impact of drugs on the society P5
currently being lured into hotels and private villas along Mombasa north and south
coasts where they are sexually exploited. National New P6
Lamu, which stands out as a vestige of Islamic civilization is gradually gaining repu-
tation of attracting homosexual tourists looking for young boys to satisfy their im- National News P6
Story continued Page 6
This Newsletter contains some of Allah’s names. Please do not throw in the trash. Either keep, circulate or shred
The Friday Bulletin Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011


An Open letter to Muslim MPs

Dear brothers and sisters in the August House, Assalaam Alei- My dear Mheshimiwa, fel-
kum. low Muslim, before the dust
I know that some of you will not like the contents of this open from the Ocampo6 eupho- Is it asking for too much to
to remind you something appeal to you to use the same
letter. It is natural, truth pains. ria settles down, allow me
Waheshimiwa Waislamu, allow me to congratulate some of you
that you know, just like energy and voice you have
for showing very rare qualities of bravado and unwavering soli-
the “innocent until proven
guilty” Ocampo-six badly displayed for the Ocampo 6
darity with your” poor innocent” colleagues in the August House.
You have treated us to very rare theatrics and a show of energy
er equally “innocent until (or is it 2), to speak against
need your voice, eight oth-
and skills we almost believed you did not posses as you vigor-
ously exercised some of your fundamental rights, (thanks to the
proven guilty” Kenyans are the injustices meted against
new constitution which has no claw-back clauses), freedom of
languishing in the police
cells of a foreign country. our brothers?
expression, freedom of association, freedom of movement, etc.
Maximum respect for your rights to do all that and more.
Do you remember Al-Amin
Dear honourables, join me in thanking Ocampo. The “Ocampo Kimathi the human rights’
6” euphoria has helped some of you rediscover yourselves and activist and the eight other Kenyans? Besides being fellow Kenyans,
show-case what political stuff you are made of. great leaders they share a faith with you. Don’t you feel you owe it to them and to
we have, Alhamdulillahi. the Ummah to speak out against the injustice they continue to be sub-
Now that we have heard and seen some of you shout yourselves jected to? Oh yes. Mheshimiwa I know some of you feel that you were
hoarse, nerves bulging from your necks over the International not elected on the platform of religion, but what about the Hadith of the
Criminal Court, typical of our politicians, changing position de- Prophet peace be upon him, “all of you are guardians and all of you
pending on “maslaha”. At one time the Hague was the preferred shall be asked about your subjects”? May I commend the few gallant
destination for the suspected perpetrators of post election vio- Muslim and non-Muslim MPs who have severally raised the issue in
lence, all of a sudden the cry became “we have a competent ju- The House. May Allah bless them abundantly.
diciary here”. Although honestly speaking Dear Mheshimiwa, what is the difference between
we thought as Muslim Parliamentarians,
you will stand out of the crowd. You proved
If only North Eastern Prov- Al-Amin Kimathi, Omar Awadh, Muhammad Hamid,
Idris Magondu, Hussein Agade, Muhammad Adan
us wrong Waheshimiwa. ince was not so much in Abdow, Yahya Suleiman Mbuthia and Habib Sulei-
Dear Muslim MP, we have seen the strength
with which you have shouted that our peo-
need of the tens of thou- man Njoroge and our “HEROES”? Please help us
understand. Is it because they have nothing to offer
ple should be tried here in Kenya. Granted! sands you spend to political ambitions come 2012? Don’t you need
We have seen you expressing your rock- that little ajri (reward) from Allah Honourable you?
solid solidarity with fellow “poor and inno- As you enjoy the bounties that Allah has bestowed
cent” Kenyans who were “wrongly’’ taken upon you, remember the sufferings the brothers are going through in a
to The Hague. Granted! O yes, how could I dare forget that we foreign land. Remember the pains their families are going through. If
have also seen you take a flight to Kampala? No no, very Sorry, Al-Amin was a presidential hopeful come 2012, would we be as indif-
to The Netherlands, Kampala is not that chilly. My interpretation ferent as we are?
of all these, Solidarity at its best! Nobody is asking about how
Allow me to conclude by appealing to your Dhamiri, in the name of Allah
much a return ticket to Amsterdam is worth, that is private and
who created all of us and placed you in that leadership position.
we respect that. And of course there was “Dharura” or?. If only
North Eastern Province was not so much in need of the tens of Nobody is asking you to buy an expensive air ticket. Nobody is asking
thousands you spend…no, no, please get me right, I have no you to help in hiring expensive blue-eyed lawyers from the land of the
doubt that this is your hard earned money and you have every Queen. Nobody is asking you to join a solidarity choir and sing hitherto
right to spend it as you wish. Never mind about the hadith of irrelevant patriotic songs. Nobody is asking you to organize a mammoth
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam about being questioned on home-coming rally for Al-Amin and co- suspects when they eventually
“your wealth, how did you earn it, and how did you spend it” come back home Inshaallah!.
but of course that is far.. I mean, “Yaumul Qiyaama”, Tell me Mheshimiwa, is it asking for too much to appeal to you to use the same
Mheshimiwa, when pursuing political maslaha, do stories about energy and voice you have displayed for the Ocampo6 (or is it 2), to
the hereafter have any relevance? speak against the injustices meted against our brothers? Please note
Dear Mheshimiwa, we saw and heard some of you loud and that we are not claiming anybody is innocent, all we want is for due
clear as you welcomed the “heroes” back home, I am sure you process to be respected. Please, tell the Minister of Internal Security
are now in their good books and your place is secure in the next that we are not saying anybody is innocent! The courts will determine
government. Great! I call that foresight and “kuona mbele”, that. Don’t we have courts that are competent enough to try them at
home? Lest you forget, our courts have already ruled that the renditions
We saw some of you publicly and bravely read a letter to the
to Uganda were illegal.
whole nation (never
Dear Mheshimiwa Muislamu, “Kullukum Raai wa Kullu Rai masuulun
May I commend the few mind the authenticity
of the contents and a’n Raiyatihi” (Each one of you is a guardian and each one is answer-
gallant Muslim and non- the author). What able for his subjects)”.

Muslim MPs who have sev- about the guidance

in the teachings from
Can we take a lesson from those leaders before us who were con-
cerned even about the welfare of animals within their territory.
erally raised the issue in the Qur’an, to be just May Allah give you strength and wisdom, not only to defend the mighty,
The House. May Allah bless even to those who are
our enemies, whether
but the weak and down- trodden. Wallahi, the latter need you more

them abundantly. real or perceived, and Your brother in Islam

the guidance to shun Ibrahim Lethome
falsehoods? (Former Commissioner Constitution Review Commission of Ken-
Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011 The Friday Bulletin


Islam - The Easy Way

Khurram Murad
The Path of Moderation seech Allah for the good things of this world.
Moderation which leads to balance, is a fundamental and distin- Relaxing the mind also has the additional benefit of resting and
guishing feature of Islam. Allah tells us: "We have made you a na- rejuvenating the body so that when we eventually return to fulfil out
tion justly balanced" [2: 143]. Additionally, when the Quranic verse various obligations, we will be more focused and ready Ali ibn Abu
"As to monasticism which they themselves invented, We did not Talib once said: 'Minds get tired, so do bodies, so treat them with
prescribe any of it for them" [57: 27] was revealed, the Prophet humour' and 'Refresh your minds from time to time, for a tired mind
Muhammad peace be upon him commented: 'Do not overburden becomes blind'. Another Companion of the Prophet, Abu Darda
yourselves, lest you perish. People [before you] overburdened said: 'I entertain my heart with something trivial in order to make it
themselves and perished. Their remains are found in hermitages stronger in the service of the truth'.
and monasteries' [Musnad of Abu Ya'la]. As we have highlighted before, the approach of the Prophet to life's
In other words, excesses may eventually develop into large prob- activities was always a balanced one. As devoted as he was in his
lems and even become a threat to the well being and security of the personal worship, he was quick to indicate to his followers that the
Muslim community. path of Islam is the way of moderation. Thus, when he heard that
Indeed, the Prophet always resisted any tendency towards religious one of his attendants was continuously fasting during the day and
excessiveness. He once said to his close Companion Abdullah ibn spending the entire night in prayer, he remarked: 'In every deed [of
'Amr: 'Have I heard that you fast everyday and stand in prayer all action] there is a peak followed by lassitude. He who, in his las-
night?' Abdullah replied, 'Yes, O Messenger of God: The Prophet situde, follows my Sunnah [the part of moderation] is on the right
said, 'Do not do that. Fast, as well as, eat and drink. Stand in prayer, path, but he who, in his lassitude, follows another [guidance] has
as well as, sleep. This is because your body has a right upon you, [erred and] gone astray [from the straight path Allah has revealed]'
your eyes have a right upon you, your wife has a right upon you, (Al Bazzar)
and your guest has a right upon you [Sahih al-Bukhari, Muslim]. Making Islam Easy for Others
Abiding by the will of Allah requires that we seek and maintain a In sharing the message of Islam with people the Prophet was ad-
delicate balance between the various obligations that demand our vised in the Qura'n: 'It is part of the mercy of Allah that you deal
attention; between our obligations to Allah, our obligations towards gently with them “If you were severe or hardhearted, they would
others and our obligations towards ourselves. Moreover, whenever have broken away from you' [3: 159]. Thus, when the Prophet sent
the Prophet had to choose between two options, he always chose his Companions Mu'adh and Abu Musa to teach Islam to the people
the easier, unless it was explicitly forbidden (Bukhari). of Yemen, he gave them the following advice: 'Facilitate [religious
Maintaining a Joyful Disposition matters to people] and do not make [things] difficult. Obey each
Allah wants us to enjoy ourselves not only in the Hereafter but also other and do not differ [amongst yourselves].'
in this world. Allah tells us in the Qura'n to pray for both "the good in [Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]. On other occasions he also said:
this world and the good in the Hereafter" [2: 201].
Continued To Page 6
Additionally the Qura'n speaks extensively about the enjoyment


of life: 'O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every
time and place of prayer Eat and drink but waste not by excess,
for Allah loves not wasters. Say: 'who has forbidden the beautiful Theme: Moral values in Islam
gifts of Allah which He has produced for His servants and the things 18th-29th April 2011 2.00 pm-4.00 pm
clean and pure which He has provided for sustenance' (7:30-301).
And again, 'O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things
Jamia Mosque Multi Purpose Hall
Allah has made lawful to you. But commit no excess, for Allah does Registration contact Abdallah Uthman Jamia Training
not like those given to excess. Eat of the things which Allah has Institute 0726482405
provided you, lawful and good, but fear Allah, in whom you believe' Organised by World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)
(4: 86-88).
Surprising as it may seem to some of us, the Prophet not only ac- MAAHAD RASHIDAAT WOMEN SYMPOSIUM
cepted jokes; he also told them himself He was cheerful and pos- Theme: Importance of Knowledge In Islam.
sessed an easygoing character He was always smiling at his Com- 12th April from 8 am-4 pm
panions and enjoyed their conversations. He also possessed a very
keen sense of humour. But, his jokes were more of a philosophical
Mahad Al-Rashidat, Al-Muntada Building (next to
nature, never inappropriate and always true. For example, once an Hanbal Mosque) Mugoya Phase 4, South C
old lady went to the Prophet and asked whether after her death For Registration details call 0733765080
she would enter Paradise or not. To this the Prophet replied, 'No
old woman would enter heaven'. On hearing this, the woman was
naturally very sad. 'Then, what is the reward for them?' she asked.
6 Aside Footbal Tournament and Food Baazar
The Prophet relieved her anxiety by saying, 'All old people will be Date: 17th April 2011
made young before they enter Paradise.' Venue: Kilimani Primary School Time: 9.00 am-6.00 pm
Relaxing your Mind To bool your team email or call
From the analysis above, it should be clear that Islam does not 0739267673
expect of any individual that he should spend all his leisure time in Organised by Wives of the Renditioned
the mosque or at home and should listen to nothing but recitation of
the Qura'n, or for that matter, be engaged in exclusively 'religious'
pursuits. Rather, it recognises that we are human beings, so that, SATURDAY LECTURE
as we eat and drink, and also need to relax and enjoy our-selves. Islamic Banking
Relaxation is not at odds with piety and dignity. The Prophet prayed Sheikh Badr Jaffar Part 2
and engaged in worship more than anyone, but he also enjoyed 16th April 2011 2.00 pm-4.00 pm
good things, smiled and joked. Indeed, in his prayers he would be- Jamia Mosque Multi Purpose Hall
The Friday Bulletin Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011


The niqab, fact vs fiction

How much do you really know about the niqab? Fatima Barkatulla answers common misconceptions
1.The niqab is a symbol of female subjugation. 6.Niqab wearers can’t possibly be teachers.
None of the niqab-wearing women who I know, wear it because There are many highly qualified and experienced Muslim teachers.
they have been forced to. They see it as an act of devotion to their A Muslim teacher, who wears the niqab, would not need to do so
Creator: the culmination of a spiritual journey. if men were not present, therefore many female Muslim teachers
The hijab, niqab and abaya are outer garments and are worn only choose to teach women or children and uncover their faces whilst
when outdoors or in the presence of men who are not close relatives teaching.
and so, contrary to popular belief, underneath their robes, in family 7. Banning the niqab will free those Muslim women who are
and female-only settings Muslim women are often very fashion con- coerced into wearing it.
scious and outgoing. They dress in everyday clothing; they get their Banning the face-veil would be totally counter-productive: it would
hair done, go on holiday and even buy lingerie! cause many Muslim women to feel targeted and persecuted and is
2. Women who wear the niqab cannot possibly contribute to likely to cause many talented women to withdraw from society. The
society majority of niqab-wearing women in Europe, wear it out of personal
People are surprised to hear that niqab-wearers come from varied choice, so if, for the sake of a suspected minority, the niqab was to
vocational backgrounds. They include doctors, teachers, dentists, be banned, this would be clear discrimination against the majority.
authors, social workers, university graduates, lecturers and more. If we want to empower women from any community who are op-
They usually prefer to work in a female environment and so would pressed or abused, effective public services where such abuse can
not wear the face-veil all the time. Other women say that wearing be reported need to be made more available and accessible to the
the niqab actually makes them feel more comfortable when they women involved.
are working with men. It is ironic that the very women who are the
subject of debate are far from being a burden on society: they don’t
get drunk and disorderly, don’t smoke and are likely to be very good
citizens. Many of them are full-time mothers who take pride in rais-
The Friday Bulletin Kitchen
ing well-educated children who will be an asset to the society.
3. The niqab isn’t in the Qur’an
The Qur’anic worldview presents a complete system of living,
which permeates the daily lives of observant Muslims. This includes Ingredients
everything from rituals of personal hygiene, advice on neighbourly ► 1 kg chicken, skinned and cut into pieces
behaviour and animal rights to regulations for dress. Some women ► Two green chillies, slit
see the niqab as a religious obligation, others, as an act of worship ► One tsp garlic paste
following in the footsteps of notable Muslim women of the past. Nu- ► One tsp ginger paste
merous verses in the Qur’an contain directives for Muslim women’s ► Three to four tomatoes, peeled and chopped
dress, amongst them: ► Two to three small onions, chopped
► One pkt coconut cream
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of ► One pint water
the Believers to draw their outer garments all over their bodies. That ► Half a tsp turmeric
will be better, so that they may be known and so as not to be an- ► Three tbsp lemon juice
noyed, and God is Ever-forgiving, Most Merciful.” (33:59) ► Salt to taste
The Qur’an was interpreted by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be ► Few coriander leaves, chopped
upon him) and his companions and their teachings form the basis of ► Five boiled eggs, shelled
Islamic law. There are two orthodox schools of thought with regards ► Six boiled and skinned potatoes (optional)
to the interpretation of this verse. One interpretation by scholars is
that it means covering the whole body including the face. The other
school of thought is that, though not obligatory, covering the face is ● Boil the chicken with half a tsp salt, garlic, ginger, ground green chil-
a virtue. lies, onions and two tomatoes until the chicken is cooked.
4. Wearing the niqab implies that all men are predatory ● In a separate saucepan put the coconut cream, one pint water, one to
two tomatoes, slit green chillies, salt and a little turmeric, and bring to
Just as locking our doors at night doesn’t imply that all members boil, stirring all the time.
of society are burglars, wearing the niqab doesn’t imply that all men
are predatory. ● Cook on high heat for fifteen to twenty minutes and then reduce heat

The Islamic worldview recognises that attraction between men and ● Dredge fish filets in dry mixture and fry in the hot oil for 5 minutes or
until fish flakes apart easily. Remove from oil and place on paper towels
women exists and, if left unharnessed, has the potential to break
to absorb excess oil.
down the moral fabric of society. It also acknowledges the physi-
ological and physical differences between men and women and ● When the chicken is cooked, pour a little of the coconut cream gravy
therefore Islamic legislation for dress and behaviour reflect these over the pieces and grill on both sides for a few minutes.
differences and aid adherents to avoid situations that could lead to ● Transfer the grilled chicken into the coconut gravy and cook for a
extra-marital sexual relations. Hence both men and women have while.
been commanded to lower their gazes and given directives on ● Turn off the heat and add lemon juice
● Add the boiled eggs and potatoes
5. The niqab poses a security risk at banks and airports
● Garnish with chopped coriander leaves
By simply going to the side and showing their faces and ID to fe- One of the following would make a perfect accompaniment:
male members of staff, Muslim women who wear the niqab, have mkate mimina, paratha, naan or rice
been, for decades, passing through airport security in major airports
all over the world without cause for security concern. The same sort
of arrangement can be made for any situation where ID needs to Share your favourite recipes with our readers. Send them to P. O. Box 100786-
be checked. 00100 or or

The Friday Bulletin Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011

The Impact of Drugs on Society
“I am a parent who has gone through a lot of predicament due to drug
abuse. God has blessed me with a son whom I love and cherish very much. Cocaine
However, as soon as he finished school he started smoking bhang which
has negatively affected him. Besides that, the one who supplies the drug is
a close relative who resides in Nairobi’s Eastleigh estate, where I also put Cocaine is a one of the most powerfully addictive stim-
up. We have lived here for many years during which police have constantly ulant drugs. It is commonly found in powdered or crystal
attempted to have him arrested but he has managed to offer them bribes. form. The powdered form of cocaine can be snorted or
One day my son came home and told me that he was going to kill me, he dissolved in water and then injected. Crack is the street
insisted that he would even sleep with me if I dared joke with him. Luckily, I name given to the form of cocaine that has been proc-
managed to creep out of the house and sought refugee from a lady friend’s essed to make a rock crystal. This crystal, when heat-
house. Later, I looked for elders and some neighbors and pleaded with them ed, produces vapors that are smoked. How Is Cocaine
to talk to him and calm him.” Abused?
These are the painful remarks from a disgruntled parent whose son has Three routes of administration are commonly used for
joined the growing list of thousands of youths from across the country who cocaine: snorting, injecting, and smoking. Snorting in-
have been addicted volves inhaling cocaine powder through the nose, where
to bhang and other
absorption into the bloodstream is through the nasal tis-
dangerous sub-
stance. sues. Injecting is where a needle and syringe is used to
insert the drug directly into the bloodstream. Smoking
The negative con-
involves inhaling cocaine vapor or smoke into the lungs,
sequences of drug
abuse affect not where absorption into the bloodstream is as rapid as by
only individuals who injection. All three methods of cocaine abuse can lead
abuse drugs but to addiction and other severe health problems, includ-
also their families ing increasing the risk of contracting HIV through needle
and friends and the sharing and other infectious diseases.
entire society and The intensity and duration of cocaine’s effects—which
include increased energy, reduced fatigue, and mental
From the specific alertness—depend on the route of drug administration.
dangers of addiction The faster cocaine is absorbed into the bloodstream
in the home to the
and delivered to the brain, the more intense the high.
staggering expenses
incurred by individu- In order to sustain the high, a cocaine abuser has to
als and societies as administer the drug again. For this reason, cocaine is
a whole, drug addiction has a dreadfully widespread reach. With the rising sometimes abused in binges—taken repeatedly within
number of addiction cases and the decreasing average age of addicts, so- a relatively short period of time, at increasingly higher
ciety’s problem with drug addiction and alcoholism is gravely serious. Drug doses.
addiction is no longer limited to the poor and underprivileged, where society
can choose to look the other way. What Adverse Effects Does Cocaine Have on
Drug addiction is a progressive and insidious disease that creeps up on
individuals, and unfortunately most do not recognize the problem until ad- Abusing cocaine has a variety of adverse effects on the
diction has completely taken over. The signs are so subtle and easily over- body. For example, cocaine constricts blood vessels,
looked that thousands of people today are struggling with addiction and do
dilates pupils, and increases body temperature, heart
not even realize the fact that they are on a dangerously slippery slope.
rate, and blood pressure. It can also cause headaches
The most obvious effects of drug abuse--which are manifested in the indi- and gastrointestinal complications such as abdominal
viduals who abuse drugs--include ill health, sickness and, ultimately, death.
pain and nausea. Because cocaine tends to decrease
Particularly devastating to an abuser's health is the contraction of needle
borne illnesses including hepatitis and HIV/AIDS through injection drug appetite, chronic users can become malnourished as
use. well.
Children of individuals who abuse drugs often are abused or neglected as Different methods of taking cocaine can produce differ-
a result of the individuals' preoccupation with drugs. Studies have shown ent adverse effects. Regular intranasal use (snorting) of
that parents who abuse drugs often put their need to obtain and abuse cocaine, for example, can lead to loss of the sense of
drugs before the health and welfare of their children. Children whose par- smell; nosebleeds; problems with swallowing; hoarse-
ents and other family members abuse drugs often are physically or emo- ness; and a chronically runny nose. Ingesting cocaine
tionally abused and often lack proper medical care and necessities such as can cause severe bowel gangrene as a result of reduced
food, water, and shelter. blood flow. Injecting cocaine can bring about severe al-
Drug addiction is also one of the fastest ways to spread the HIV virus, lergic reactions and increased risk for contracting HIV
through the sharing of needles and other drug paraphernalia. It is also and other blood-borne diseases. Cocaine abusers can
spread through just using drugs, because of the effect of drugs on a per- also experience severe paranoia—a temporary state of
son's judgment. This can cause people to make bad decisions and partici-
full-blown paranoid psychosis—in which they lose touch
pate in dangerous sexual activities with an infected individual.
with reality and experience auditory hallucinations.
Economically, businesses often are affected because employees who
abuse drugs sometimes steal cash or supplies, equipment, and products Regardless of the route or frequency of use, cocaine
that can be sold to get money to buy drugs. Moreover, absenteeism and lost abusers can experience acute cardiovascular or cer-
productivity affect a business financially. ebrovascular emergencies, such as a heart attack or
Every day, thousands of people struggle with addiction and thousands stroke, which may cause sudden death. Cocaine-relat-
more watch with feelings of hopelessness, as addiction coldly and system- ed deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizure
atically destroys their lives. followed by respiratory arrest.

Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011 The Friday Bulletin


Child prostitution gaining ground

Rendition false promises at the coast
Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1
On his part, Nominated MP Sheikh Dor reminded the minister that the ille-
gal extraditions had been condemned by the high court as tantamount to moral gratification. Watamu, Kilifi, Diani and Mtwapa area
kidnapping Kenyan citizens by its own. He said there was no justification also part of the circuit for those seeking the immoral flesh
to extradite Kenyans to a foreign country without the due process of the gratification.
law being adhered to. In these areas, it is becoming a common feature to find odd
Saitoti told the stormy session that the Kenyans were receiving consu- couples -elderly white men with very young girls or teenager
lar services and legal assistance from the Kenyan High Commission in boys with elderly white women who are enough to be their
Uganda. He however, failed to answer a query from Bura MP Dr. Abdi Nuh grandparents.
to produce the names of the lawyers employed for the task. This illegal trade is thriving along beach fronts of hotels, ca-
The legislators noted with concerns the mistreatment of Kenyans at the sinos, saloons, massages parlours, night clubs, hotels, lodg-
hands of the Ugandan authorities as the countries were edging towards ings and the closely-guarded and secluded villas along the
closer regional cooperation. Among the issues which Martha Karua de- Kenyan coast.
scribed as “hostile action” on the part of the Uganda government were the Elephant tusks, leopard skins and rhino horns are no longer
detention of Nathifa Ali and her one month infant child for three weeks in the much sort out trophies, instead, young boys and girls are
a military detention facility yet her alleged becoming the favourite items for the paedophiles.
A report from the Tourism ministry entitled The Current Status
crime related to immigration violation. “You are discriminating of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism in Kenya admit-
The former justice minister also queried
why the government chose to rendition against your own na- ted to this problem but government officials have preferred
for a second time a Kenyan citizen back tionals who all appear to look the other way due to the paranoia that the tourism
to Uganda after the court found him inno- to come from the same industry which is one of the biggest foreign exchange earners
cent of charges that he was involved in the may be undermined.
religion” The UNICEF Kenya representative Heimo Laakonen has
Karua strongly condemned the continued severally in the past appealed to the government and key
detention maintaining that no evidence has stakeholders and industry players to put in place measures
been brought forward to incriminate the Kenyans. “They first appeared in that can help curb the vice but his appeals have largely gone
court in September last year and since then no plea and trial has taken unheeded.
place. The government of Uganda appears to have no evidence. They are Last year, the Kenya Hotel Keepers and Caterers Association
detaining them while evidence is being manufactured,” she stated. chairman Phillip Chai said villas were the main areas where
In her submissions, Nominated MP Millie Odhiambo termed the treatment the vices was being perpetrated as they were not monitored.
of the Kampala Eight as discriminatory saying that the government is Malindi which is home to a significant population of Italian
spending millions on the Ocampo six who are facing accusations amount- nationals has more than 500 foreign-owned luxurious private
ing to war crimes at The Hague while no similar assistance was being villas in isolated areas offering great security as sex tourism
extended to the detained Kenyans. “Can we know whether you are dis- hot spots. The vice is commonplace although conducted un-
criminating against your own nationals who all appear to come from the der a shroud of secrecy.
same religion?” She posed. Added to this exploitive cocktail, there are no adequate laws
Her counterpart Shakila Abdallah, deplored the harassment of the fami- in place to specifically address child prostitution or provide for
lies of the victims by security officials noting that some of the wives have stiff punishment of offenders. Most child prostitution incidents
been arrested by security agents without any valid reasons. go unreported, but when they are brought to light, authorities
The legislators who were drawn from the political divide demanded the mostly do nothing about this evil trade.
government accords the victims their due rights as citizens of the coun- The growing number of sexually exploited children has in turn
try. Nominated MP George Nyamweya told the government to have the contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS among the most vul-
same benchmark in dealing with its citizens who are facing trial in foreign nerable population.

Islam the easy way

Continued from Page 3
'This Deen or way of life is easy'; 'Make it easy, don't make it difficult; in Salat and so prolonging it that they come to hate what they are
'Let people rejoice in being Muslims and not run away from it' and doing'
'Cheerfulness towards other people, even a smile is a sadaqah or Ease versus Hardship
charity to be rewarded by Allah'.
To say, however, that Islam is easy and not 'difficult', is not to imply
Moreover, a person-in seeking to purify himself and further develop that Muslims will not face 'hardship'-and here the two terms must
his God-consciousness-may choose to place greater demands of be distinguished. Indeed, although Islam is easy to understand and
worship upon himself, but this in no way means that he has the right practice, the whole purpose of the trial is to make manifest the de-
to impose or force the same on others, and thereby, unconsciously gree to which an individual is steadfast (and hence sincere) in his
alienate them from Islam. The Prophet exemplified this in his own submission to Allah- and this is precisely what is indicated by the
life because he used to prolong the Salat whenever he was alone, Qur'anic verse: "And We will most certainly test you with something
but he would shorten it whenever he led others in Salah. Regard- of fear and hunger, and loss of possessions and lives and crops"
ing this he said: 'Whoever among you leads the people in Salat, [2: 155].
he should shorten it, for amongst them are the weak, the old, and
Notwithstanding these trials however, we can find ease in this
the one who has business to attend to. And if anyone among you
world and the next. But, this will be so only if we are firm in our faith
performs Salat alone, he may then prolong [Salat] as much as he
in Allah and follow the course prescribed by Islam, as He Himself
wishes' [Sahih al-Bukhari].
has declared: 'But give good news to those who are patient, who,
Similarly, 'Umar Ibn al Khattab emphasised that creating unneces- when a calamity strikes them, say: 'Indeed we belong to God and
sary difficulties for people may well have the effect of leading them indeed to Him we shall be returning: They are those on whom are
away from Allah, rather than making them better Muslims. He ad- blessings from their Sustainer, and mercy-and those, they are the
vised: 'Do not make Allah hateful to His servants by leading people rightly-guided. [2: 155-157].
The Friday Bulletin Jumada Al-Awwal 12 1432/April 15 2011

Stop political intrigues and address mwanachi needs,

Supkem tells political leaders
The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) has taken is- many parts of the country notably in Northern and North Eastern
sue with the political class for failure to address pertinent concerns parts of the country. The failure of the long rains will further exacer-
facing the population while focusing their priority on partisan inter- bate the problem which has so far seen the deaths of human lives
ests. and livestock due to the prevailing drought, the council warned.
In a statement from the secretary general Adan Wachu, the council The umbrella body also told the government to act swiftly in reset-
said the country had been held at ransom by politicians who were tling the post election violence victims and reminded the concerned
laying their attention on the fate of the Ocampo Six while the myriad ministries to put their act together in ending the misery of the In-
of problems facing the local mwanachi were continuously being ig- ternally Displaced Persons (IDPs) instead of resorting to endless
nored. blame games.
Wachu deplored the premature campaigns for the 2012 elections With the apparent pact between the leaders of the Kalenjin and
saying that they were being carried out at the expense of imple- Kikuyu, the two erstwhile antagonistic communities in the Rift Val-
mentation of the new constitution and other essential concerns that ley, SUPKEM suggested that, the government should consider re-
need adequate attention. settling the IDP in their former homes as the new deal has in effect
“The antagonistic political class that rules Kenya today holds the brought a resemblance of peace in the violence prone region.
country at ransom in the contestation of the fate of the Ocampo Six. Wachu also demanded that the government accords the renditioned
As a result Kenyans continue to suffer from myriad of problems that Kenyans their due rights and should see to it that there are returned
the grand coalition government seems completely unable or unwill- back to Kenya. “The 13 Muslims renditioned to Uganda by the Ken-
ing to address,” he said. ya government be returned back to face trial in Kenyan courts,” said
Some of the lingering problems which SUPKEM demanded that the statement.
they be addressed include the current drought which is devastating

Renditions: Uganda deports Kenyan activisits

Ugandan immigration officials on The organisations among them the state
Wednesday denied four Kenyans human rights watchdog, Kenya National
from entering the country over what Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR),
they said were security concerns. Muslims for Human Rights (MUHU-
The group was part of an entourage RI) and Muslim Human Rights Forum
of ten who were scheduled to meet (MHRF) also called for the setting up of a
the Ugandan Chief Justice Benjamin task force by the ministry of justice to in-
Odoki to relay concerns over the con- vestigate acts of torture and other human
tinued detention of Kenyan citizens. rights abuses by state security agents.
Those denied entry were Hassan The communiqué also sounded its dis-
Omar Hassan from the Kenya Na- pleasure to the government for extending
tional Commission on Human Rights, legal support to the Ocampo Six while
Hussein Khalid of the Muslims for ignoring the needs of its citizens who
Human Rights (MUHURI), Samuel Hassan Omar (Left) and Sheikh Muhdhar Khitamy are detained in foreign countries. “While
Mohochi, from the Kenya National on arrival after deportation from Uganda noting that the government has gone an
Coalition of Human Rights Defenders external mile to shield the Ocampo Six
and Sheikh Muhdhar Khitamy, the chairman of the Coast Province from the due process but at the same time flagrantly violating the
branch of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM). fundamental rights and freedoms of the Uganda Eight, we ask-Are
Instead of proceeding to Kampala from Entebbe airport, they were the Ocampo Six more Kenyan than others?” the memo queried.
deported back to Nairobi on a Kenya Airways flight. Eight Kenyans are being held in Uganda for their alleged involve-
Six other members of the delegation were allowed to proceed but it ment in the July 11 bombing in the capital Kampala. A the same
is not clear whether the Ugandan authorities will allow them to ac- time, a Kenyan citizen Muhammad Abdulmalik remains incarcer-
complish their mission. Those allowed to remain in the country were ated in the US concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba on
lawyers Pheroze Nowrejee and Haroun Ndubi, Munir Mazrui, Mary Story continued Page 8
Gathegi of the Open Society Institute of Eastern Africa (OSIEA) and
two British lawyers.
“If a person comes here and the documents do not meet the require- VACANCIES
ments or we get a little suspicious, we have to let them go back,” A Muslim organization wishes to recruit staff for various depart-
an immigration official was quoted by the Ugandan daily, the New ments as follows:-
Vision as saying.
The paper further quoted the Immigration directorate spokesperson
Eunice Kisembo saying that those deported out of the country were
Da’awa coordinator – should be a Kenyan graduate and fluent in
“Kenyans of Somali origin.” Arabic, English and Kiswahili and preferably Hafidh Quran.
In Parliament, the internal affairs minister George Saitoti promised Orphans & Welfare program coordinator – should be a Kenyan
to take up the issue with the Ugandan authorities. This was after graduate and fluent in Arabic, English and Kiswahili.
several legislators complained that Kenyans were being unfairly Projects Coordinator – should be a Kenyan, fluent in English,
mistreated in the neighbouring country. Kiswahili and preferably Arabic. Should have at least a diploma in
Meanwhile Human Rights organisations have repeated their de- Engineering (Civil or Architect) with some experience.
mand for the immediate return home of nine Kenyan citizens who
are currently held in Uganda and Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Send your hand written application plus copies of your CV &
In a communiqué issued after the end of the a two-day national testimonials to The Friday Bulletin Advert 004-2011 or drop
dialogue conference on torture, terrorism and counter terrorism, the them at The Friday Bulletin Jamia Mosque Administration of-
organisations also called for an end to torture and human rights vio- fice ASAP.
lations by security agents in counter terrorism operations.
Renditions: Uganda deports Kenyan activisits
Continued from Page 8
allegations that he is an Al Qaeda operative. sit back and watch as our fundamental rights
Since his detention in early 2007, no charg- and freedoms of Kenyans continue to be vio-
es have been brought against him. lated while these rights are provided in the
The organisations warned that they may new constitution,” read part of the communi-
resort to “political, legal and other constitu- qué.
The conference held last week in Kilifi last
Propagating Islam to
tional means” if the government fails to act
on its demands. “We can no longer afford to was organized by MUHURI.


Nursery, Pre-Unit, Primary SECONDARY SCHOL ALLAH says in the Glorious Qur’an:
Class 1-7 And Secondary Form 1-3 "The Religion in the sight of ALLAH is Is-
lam." (Qur'an: Al Imraan: 19)
Form 1-3 Balagh and Da'wah among non-Muslims
is a collective duty of the Muslim Ummah.
BOTH SCHOOLS HAVE This is because the Prophet Muhammad
✪ Highly qualified and motivated staff peace be upon him was sent as a "mercy
to all the worlds" and a "messenger of all
✪ Well equipped Science and computer laboratories living human souls on earth.” In recent
✪ Good catering services with wel balanced diet, break and lunch for day centuries Muslims have relaxed from this
scholars collective obligation. It is time to revamp
the job. Balagh and Da'wah among non-
✪ School Transport Muslims is one of the responsibilities of
✪ Variety of reacreation facillities the entire Ummah. The work of preach-
✪ Counseling department with high discipline and moral values ing Islam among non-Muslims will infuse
new life and faith into the world and rid it
of many of its evils.
ISLAMIC INTEGRATED EDUCATION Out of this call, Ummah Foundation has
taken up the responsibility of distributing
(Qura'n, Hadith and Arabic taught at all levels an English- only translation of the Glori-
FOR JANUARY 2011 INTAKE PLEASE CALL ous Qur’an to various institutions across
the region. First, the translated copies
0722 724794, 0722365160, 0732365161 were distributed to various institutions
Knowledge and Taqwa the secret to success of Da’wah, then the idea of reaching out
non-Muslims in the Hotel and Tourism in-
dustry came up.
The translated copies are also beneficial
POSITION OF IMAM cum KHATEEB to Muslims. Many people understand
written English than any other written
JAMIA MOSQUE COMMITTEE language in this part of the world. This
invites applications for the position of makes the copy a very warm and wel-

I M A M c u m K H A T IB come idea to them.

Some of the institutions that have ben-
efitted from the distribution of the trans-
The applicant should be a Sunni practicing Muslim possessing lated copies are: Alim High School, Iqra
the following minimum qualifications: - Self Help Group, Maahad Daawah Or-
Bachelors degree in Islamic studies or related disciplines ganization, Young Muslim Association,
from a recognised Muslim university Parklands Mosque, Pangani Mosque,
Al Momin Foundation, Muslim Aassocia-
At least five years experience in a similar position and /or Da’wah related activities tion of Kenyatta University, WAMY High
Preferably a Hafidh ul Quran with excellent qira’ah School, Manyatta Madarassah – Kis-
MUST be fluent in both written and spoken Arabic,English and Kiswahili. Any other umu, Riyadh Swaliheena – Nakuru, Ma-
language would be an added advantage. darassah Yusuf – Gilgil, Siaya Mosque,
Sio Port Mosque, Naivasha Prison, Ka-
A married Kenya citizen with a minimum of 35 years of age miti Prison, Industrial Area Prison, Athi
Excellent public speaking skills with good public relations River Prison and a host of many other in-
stitutions. The Serena Hotels worldwide
Dynamic, dedicated and highly motivated have accepted this offer as well as other
An attractive package plus other benefits will be provided to the successful candidate hotels and institutions.
Apply with detailed testimonials including names and contacts of at least three (3) reputable Support this noble campaign by donat-
referees. ing to
Applications must reach the office of Ummah Foundation:
The Secretary General Jamia Mosque Committee Village Plaza, Ngara Road
P.O. Box 100786-00101 GPO, NAIROBI TEL: 2243504/5 P.O.Box 58717-00200 Nairobi.
FAX: 342147 E-MAIL: Tel: 0734 845 277
Latest by 15th May 2011 0770 809 756
The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147 E-mail:
Printed by Colour Magic Production Ltd-Kirinyaga Crescent P. O. Box 9581-00100 Nairobi

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