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Fill in the blanks with the correct modal

1. You ________ eat a 2. You ___________ eat 3. You _________ drink 4. You _____________
lot of candy. a lot of fruit. a lot of water. drink of a lot of soda.

5. You ___________ 6. You ___________ 7. You ____________

eat a lot of chocolate 8. You ________ play a
exercise a lot. watch a lot of TV.
lot of video games.

9. You ____________ 10You ___________ eat 11. You __________ 12. You ___________
brush your teeth. a lot of junk food.! play with fire.
wash your hands often.

13. You __________

wear sunblock when 14. You _____________ 15. You __________ get 16. Children __________
carry a heavy backpack. enough sleep. drink coffee.

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