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faun Oxford Cer enone AN EXAMPLE PERSONAL STATEMENT ‘A career in management has clways been my ultimate goal, and a desire to master new concepts and techniques has influenced my A Level choices of Maths, Computing ‘ond Business, The combined degree in Maths and Management ot [University Name] is especialy suited to the development of my interests in al three areas, as it also has ‘@ number of optional computing components that will allow me to continue my studies eo gs _ inthe topic az ss Growing up ina local convenience store, have always been infested and imolved 25 in business, and by studying Ia! both GCSE and A Level, this hands-on experience 8 has been reinforced by learning new concepts and theories a8 forced by learning sand thy <3 During my summer break | travelled fo Bimingham and did some voluntary workin @ ‘mall bt growing computer course company that used ILA (Individual Learning ‘Accounls) as its main source of income. Although I was only there for three weeks, it was extremely useful, because It gave me an insight Into the operations of a growing partnership. | was also involved in some of the development of the company’s database, Working in the same office as the manager, | observed the way that decisions were made and risks taken in @ business e ‘On commencing my AS Level course in Mathematics, | found it extremely challenging, ‘and I was intially demoralised when certain theories woren't grasped quickl, However, with hard work and dedication my skis in mathematics have improved profoundly. An interest of mine that developed in the AS course was the variation in managing methods from different parts of the world, such as America and Japan. The Production sub-medule was particularly fascinating, and techniques such as kaizen ‘and other laws using motivation on the production line wore especially intriguing. | now find Maths a very rewarding subject and look forward to studying ital an even higher level UOHO oF enDy | OP IDUM — In my spore time | enjoy socialising and porlicipating in sports activites. After leaving Junior schoo! | played badminton once or twice a week at the local club for four years, Boing solocted as captain of a toam at tho local foctball club developed my team leadership skills and wos very rewarding, although education has remained my main focus. @ My committed nature has made mo a very hard-working and conscientious student. My main strength in Business Studies is my abilly to make decisions and apply ‘appropriate strategies to certain situations, including methods of raising finance, motivation strategies and promotional techniques - all of which contribute to the ‘quaities required to be an effective manager. Studying these topics at [University Name] will provide me with the stil to fulfil my long-term ambition of managing a business in the computing sector, drawing on @ variety of knowledge covered in the different areas of the course 10 nok oy, | very much look forward to the challenge end rewards of universiy life, and | am confident that it will enable me to achiove my goals and build 6 rewarding career. (einquyvo> ym 98:009 049 ‘mot| pun s1006 snok Buypniput) ee eR! SOV eE SILT) GET IN TOUCH ‘ om

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