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Name: Date:

Group: Marks: /41 marks.


Internet Journalist
David Thomas, 30, Washington, writes blogs about the latest music. People from all over
the world read it. “Every day I look for new stories, so I have to read many different
newspaper and magazines. I get a lot of information from the mass media. Social
networks help me too, because many bands and musicians post new music on their
social networks. Sometimes I call my friends to find out about the latest news in the
music world. They are really updated of what is going on!”
My blog is for anyone who can use the Web. Many of my reader use their smart phones
to access my stories. I have some advertising on my site, but I don’t have a publisher like
newspapers, and I don´t need to broadcast live like radio stations, I just press “publish”!


Run by super stylish Jessica Wang, a Chinese American fashion blogger from New York City, it
provides readers with ideas about how to dress up chic yet casual.
“I share pictures with my followers. I go to the park with my friend who is a very good
photographer. We take pictures of each other and take pictures of flowers. These photo sessions
are important as I need new content for Instagram every day.”This is a big year for me because I'm
finally releasing a new documentary: a story about my life, since I am an adult and have had enough
experiences that I want to share with the world. Also, I am going to an event organized by a luxury
brand. I am going to show everyone my makeup collection and answer all their questions. My job is
difficult, and not everyone will understand, nor do I need to make them.

Science Journalist
Peter Smith is a science journalist in New York. He travels the country to report stories for
national newspapers and magazines. Since he doesn’t work for a publication, he does not
have an office. He works at his apartment or coffee shops. As a freelancer, Smith has to
come up with all his own ideas. This can be exhausting, he admits. Being a journalist is his
dream job. He only wishes it paid a bit more money.
Last year, he and his girlfriend moved there from Portland, Maine because New York was a place
where Smith could meet other writers. Being a journalistcan be a solitary profession. To
succeed, it is important to make friends in the field. New York City, he says, is the opposite
of lonely. “I can’t walk from my apartment to thesubway without meeting another

A) Read the article. Decide who the sentence refers to David (D), Jessica (J) or Peter (P).
1. doesn’t have a boss? ___
2. lives in the USA but is not American?___
3. thinks the profession is solitary? ___
4. has a job that shows aspects of every day life?____
5. has friends that help to get information for writing? ___
B) Read the article again and answer the questions.

1. Which job do you prefer? Why?

2. What are David’s activities? /10
3. Why Jessica takes photos? Where does she take the pictures?
4. Which are the positive and negative aspects of Peter’s job?
5. How does David get informed?


Listen and choose the correct option. /5

Adam: Sarah, I heard you worked in reality TV. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Sarah: Yeah. When I was living in Orlando, Florida, I worked for a production/editing/promotion company that filmed
reality television. And first of all, it was an interesting job because I worked from 7 o’clock at night until 5 in the morning. It
was me and four other guys. And I was the only person who hadn’t been to film high school/university/school that was
working there.

And overnight we would transcribe video backstage/footage/foot. So what we would do is we would watch the extended
footage of the reality shows that this company produced, and we would type out everything that they were saying. And I
quickly came to realize that everything in television is scripted/writtten/scened, even reality television because they would
often prompt the people what to say on the shows.

Adam: Interesting. Was the producer there on camera prompting them to say things that you saw but we as viewers might
not see?

Sarah: So all the producers and the staff are all around and in-between takes, you know, they’ll try to get them to say things
a certain way. And so they’ll often retake/take/remake scenes over and over again.

Classify the words/phrases in the box. Add TWO MORE to each category.

courses ; interests ; tabloid ; salary ; radio braodcast ; referees ; workmates ;

full time ; chat room ; lunch break ; ; gossip show ; personal statement
WRITING: Complete the Venn diagram about the PROS and CONS of Internet.


people become lazy or obese-
obese educational- dangerous for children-
source of information-
information information in real time


Write about you, your job,, positive and negative aspects and how do you get informed.


H. Gambardella”
Prof. Ana Demaría. Liceo N°55 “Luis H. Gambardella”

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