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By: Killi Nancwat (2017)


Questions have been raised as to which race existed first on planet earth. That is, whether the first
human beings created by God were of white or dark skin. In responding to this jurisprudential
question, I will like to categorise the perspectives into three schools of thought. The ‘strict’ school
of thought may posit that the white race was created first; the ‘fictional’ school of thought on the
opposite side are likely to argue that the black race was created before the white race; while the
‘functional’ school of thought will prefer to toe along a neutral path that the black and white race
were both created at the same time. On my side, I am appealing to the intellect or power of
reasoning with the following logical analysis under the fictional school of thought.


The tower of Babel is the most popular incidence that gave a historical account of ethnic groups
and languages in the world. Originally, all humans were speaking the same language and God had
to create different languages amongst them to confuse them. There have been debates as to the
actual location of tower of Babel. The tower of Babel according to Genesis 11 vs 2 was built in
Shinar; Hebrew. There are different opinions, but the most common is that Shinar, the biblical
location of the tower, is believed to be in the Southern half of Mesopotamia (Southern Iraq in
Asia). However, from my own perspective, it is only logical that after the creation of diverse
languages, the highest number of languages will live around the region, which is Africa. Africa is
the continent with the highest number of languages which confirms this logical intuition. From the
world’s ranking, the first 15 countries with the highest number of languages are all African
countries which include: Uganda, Guinea, Tanzania, Nigeria, Liberia, Cameroon, Togo, South
Africa, Gabon, etc.


Black men existed before white men. This is logical because it is easy to transform one’s skin from
black to white than from white to black. The first set of humans that existed were the black race.
After the incidence of tower of Babel that took place in Africa, some of the dark skin coloured
humans migrated to the colder climate region of the world. There is a predictable correlation
between skin colour and the strength of sunlight across the globe. White skin is more resistant to
cold weather. Africans who migrated to the colder region of the world (Europe, America, Asia,
etc.) where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultra violet light while people
who are in the tropics (Africa) where created by God with dark or melanin skin to block the ultra
violet light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high
concentration. To buttress this logical analysis, there are other natural ways of turning black skin
to white through the use of aloe vera, alum crystal, papaya, lemon, good sleep and stress free life,
vitiligo skin condition, etc. On the other hand, a white man cannot change his skin colour to black,
except through a temporary make up.


It is also logical that the ideal location God created and placed humans is Africa. This is because
Africa is the best habitation for humans. Africa has the fertile soil for agriculture; natural and
human resources; and good climatic and weather conditions more than any other continent. Africa
is the only continent that best fit the description of the Garden of Eden in the Bible. God created
that garden so that man will not suffer, but having abundance of everything he needs to survive.
That is why Europeans had to scramble Africa after the industrial revolution to get raw materials
for their industries. Furthermore, Africa is not known with natural disasters such as tsunami,
hurricane, earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, tornado, cyclonic storm, heat wave, limnic
eruption, etc.


It is not verifiable but only hypothetical that the first humans created, Adam and Eve, have white
skin colour as portrayed in biblical movies. The bible never mentioned that they had white skin
colour. The reason why we are made to believe they are white is because the producers and actors
in those movies are basically white men. It is only logical that those movies will definitely be
produced and acted from their own perspectives.


The above analysis only leads to a logical conclusion that African race was the first creation on
earth before the evolution of the white race. Africa is the best habitat for humans. If Africa was
the first habitat of humans, then Adam and Eve had black skin. If Adam and Eve had black skin,
then God also has black skin because Genesis 1 vs 27 affirmed that God created mankind in His
own image.

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