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Professor of the Semitic Languages in Yale University


The present volume is the third work published by the \r ale University
Press on the Alexander Ivoliut Memorial Publication Fund. This Foundation

was established October 13, 1015, by a gift to Yale University from members

of his family for the purpose of enabling scholars to publish texts and

monographs in the Semitic field of research.

The Reverend Alexander Ivoliut, Ph. D. (Leipzig), a distinguished

Oriental scholar, in whose memory the fund has been established, was born
in Hungary, April 22, 1842, of a noted family of rabbis. When pastor

of the Congregation Ahavath Chesed in New York City, lie became one of

the founders of the Jewish Theological -Seminary, and was a professor in

that institution until his death. He was a noted pulpit orator, able to

discourse with equal mastery in three languages. Among his contributions

to Semitic learning is the monumental work Aruch Completum, an ency-

clopaedic dictionary of the Talmud, in eight volumes. Semitic and Oriental

scholars have honored his memory by inscribing to him a volume of Semitic

Studies (Berlin, 1897).

Dedicated to


My first Instructors in Arabic
To whose encouragement
the undertaking of the present edition
was largely due.

The Futuh Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam is the earliest surviving account,
from Arab sources, of the Mohammedan conquest of Egypt and the West,
the first Arab settlements in and about al-Fustat and Alexandria, and allied
topics concerning the occupation and early history of the land under the
rule of Islam. The text here presented is published for the first time, on
the authority of all the known manuscripts.
c c c
The author of the work, Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abdallah ibn Abd al-
Hakam ibn A yan
ibn Laith, Abu ’l-Qasim al-Qurasi, was born about 187
A. II. (
Tahclhlb at-Tahdhib ), and died at al-Fustat in the year 257 (A.D. 871).
He was thus a contemporary of Beladhurl (f 279) and Tabari (f 310), and
a pioneer in the period in which the first comprehensive Mohammedan
histories were constructed from the unwieldy mass of oral and written
tradition. On the author and his work see Ibn Hajar, Tahclhlb at-Tahdhib
(Haidarabad 1326), YI 208; Dozy, Eecherches, 3® ed., 36 If.; Wiistenfeld,
Gesch ic'h tsch reiber n°. 63; Ewald, Zeitschrift filr die Kunde des Morgenlancles
III 3 (1840), 329 — 352; De Slane, Journal Asiatique 1844, pp. 335, 348,
351, 354 ff.
Rhuvon Guest, Governors and Judges of Egypt, Introduction,
pp. 22 ff. Also Ibn Khallikan, n os -
322, 651 (Trans. Slane, II 14, 598);
Suyuti, Husn al-Muhadara I 134, 136, 206; Abu ’l-Mahasin I

629; Hajjl Halifa IV, p. 386; Brockelmann, Geschichte der arab. Litteratur ,
I 148, II 692; The article “Ibn Abd al-Hakam” in the Encyclopaedia of
Islam; and the editions and translations of portions of the Futuh Misr
mentioned below.
Ibn Abd al-Hakam was by training and inclination rather an expert
authority in the science of tradition than a historian. The family of which
he was a member was renowned in Egypt and abroad, in its day, for its

achievements in the various branches of hadltli and fiqh. The father of the
c c
family, Abdallah ibn Abd al-Hakam, was one of the leading authorities in
these fields. Himself a raw! of high rank, he had also written books on
tradition and jurisprudence, and was the head of the Malikite school in
Egypt. The four sons of c Abdallah were all men of importance: Muhammad,

widely celebrated as a jurist and the author of numerous works, which have
perished, his father’s successor as leader of the Malikites of Egypt; Abd
al-Hakam and Sa d, both renowned, especially the former, for their learning;
c c
and Abd ar-Rahman, afterward generally known and quoted as “Ibn Abd
al-Hakam,” the author of the present work. The father died in the year
214 (830 A.D.), when about sixty years of age. Thirteen years later the
sons,and especially Muhammad, suffered in the inquisition (“mihna”) renewed
by the caliph al-Wathiq, since they, like most leaders of the orthodox
schools, refused to subscribe to the doctrine of the created Koran. See the
(incomplete) 1
account in al-Kindl, pp. fol f., and Guest’s Introduction, p. 23.

In the year 237 the family met with a disaster in which it lost per-

manently its reputation and influence. The account of the matter is given
in al-Kindl, LI, 14— It, 2; 111, 12— 11; foo, 13—16; fir, 15— fT, 4; 2
flf, 4— flo, 12; fvt, 1 — 5; space is given to it here because it seems to

have had an important bearing on the history of the transmission of the

Futuh Misr and its material. The very considerable property of the former
C c c
governor and military leader A1I ibn Abd al- AzIz al-JarawI was confiscated
by the government; in the meantime several of the prominent men of Egypt,
and foremost among them the Banu c Abdallah ibn Abd al-Hakam, had taken
temporary charge of the estate. When at length the emissaries of the caliph
al-Mutawakkil arrived in Egypt to claim the money for the state treasury,
it was not to be found. Legal proceedings were instituted, and the decision
against the Banu c Abdallah ibn
Abd al-IIakam was for the sum of 1,404,000
dinars (Kindi, flf, 12). In the course of the proceedings one of the brothers,
Abd al-Hakam, died under torture. The others were soon released from
prison, and sucli property as rightfully belonged to the family was restored;
but the fall of the once honored house was complete. “You have strange
ways of dealing in your courts of law, here in Egypt,” said a man of Traq,
some time after these events; “you give weight to the testimony of this
negro slave Sulaim, while such a renowned lawyer as Muhammad ibn c Ab-
dallah ibn Abd al-Hakam is discredited as a witness (_^^).” Whereupon
Sulaim, overhearing, exclaimed: at any rate, never proved false to my
trust, nor laid claim to what was not my own!” (Ivindl f vf ,
The main purpose of Abd ar-Rahman was to collect, excerpt, and

There is a gap in p. fof, line 4, in which an interesting hit of narrative must origi-

nally have stood. This is one of numerous places in the Kindi Ms. where a passage of some

length has fallen out by accident.

” In flf, line 4, there is another of the vexatious gaps in the Kindi Ms.

classify the voluminous Muslim tradition relating to Egypt. Others before

him had made less ambitious collections; how much these included, and to
what extent the material was already classified, we have no means of knowing,
but it is evident that some of them were of very considerable volume and
importance. The sources used by Abd ar-Rahman were in part purely oral,
for there were many in Egypt his father Abdallah was one — who c

prided themselves on their ability to report from memory a large body of
hadlth in the time-honored way, and the frequent and in the

Futuh Misr can be taken at their face value. On the other hand, it is

certain that a very large part of his material was derived from written
collections. The distinction between the two modes of transmission, oral and
written, cannot be sharply drawn, to be sure, for many authorities had been
wont to write down, for convenience, the single traditions or the extended
works which they at the same time held perfectly in memory; what already
stood in a book might be, and still usually was, handed on by word of
mouth. The Futuh Misr itself was presumably dictated by Abd ar-Rahman
to companies of his hearers, assembled for the purpose; and he had un-

doubtedly written much from similar dictation, in addition to perusing care-

fully the manuscript works of some of his chief authorities. He of course
makes reference to persons, not to writings; we do, however, find in one
or two places (160, 10; 161, 14) mention of a book of Yaliya ibn Abdallah
ibn Bukair —
one of his principal authorities which had been given to —
him by its author, a book containing historical material. The allusion to
al-Waqidl in 319, 10 f., 15, is of course to a written work. In another place
(294, 23 — 295, 2) he speaks of having found in the document on which he

was relying (jAck j, lAk? ) a certain isnad which an expert in


dition had assured him was incorrect. By this “book” he presumably meant
his own manuscript material, but there is some evidence that this also was
the copy of a document, rather than the record of oral tradition, inasmuch
as it is reported as from Ibn LahTa, who died before our author was born,
and whose materials were available in written form. In more than one place
where Abd ar-Rahman expresses his own doubt as to a word in the hadlth
which he is reporting, and gives an alternative, the ground of the uncer-
tainty is very obviously graphic. See 255, 20 (^Sk and ^S) and 291, 22
and ^liy>), in both of which cases the tradition is derived from Ibn
Lahl who is generally believed, on good evidence, to have compiled books
of hadlth. The frequency with which Abd ar-Rahman, especially in the
seventh division of his work, reports directly from Ibn Lalifa without any
intermediate authority, is additional evidence at this point. Moreover, it is

obvious enough from the large number of verbal variations, purely graphic
in character, in the traditions as they circulated at the end of the second
century A.H., that imperfect written transmission had already played its

important part. For other examples in this book see 300, 10; 802, 20 f.,

and the Glossary s.v. tjc.

had originally intended to give here some account of the traditionists


most frequently cited by our author, but the very full and accurate treat-
ment of this whole subject by Mr. Guest, in the admirable Introduction to
his edition of al-Kindi, renders the task superfluous. The reader of the
Futuh Misr will find all the most necessary material conveniently tabulated
and thoroughly discussed there. The names of the rawls on whom Ibn Abd
al-Hakam chiefly relies can be seen by consulting the Index of the present
volume, where every occurrence of each name is tabulated.
Ibn Abd al-Halcam ’s work is ordinarily cited as _y3, but the title
also appears in several expanded forms, the chief of which are ~y^>
that is, the Conquest of Egypt, with some account of the land and
its history (thus, regularly, Mss. B and C, and the title page of A), and
uJAAfij „yLs, the Conquest of Egypt, North Africa, and Spain
(thus for example Ms. A, fol.17 a). Even these expanded titles do not cover
the contents of the work. The material is divided into seven Books, or
Divisions (t|^>!), corresponding to divisions of the subject matter which are
obvious or even necessary. The principal contents are as follows (for further
detail see the Table). Book I deals with the characteristics and excellences of
Egypt JoLai), and the history of the land from the beginning down
to the time of the Muslim conquest. The episode of the Children of Israel,
the history of the kings and queens of ancient Egypt, 1
the Persiau-Byzan-
tine conflict for possession of the land, and the origins of Alexandria, are
the chief topics of the historical portion. Book II treats in detail of the
Mohammedan conquest under c
Amr c
ibn al- AsI. Book III, which is of especial
interest, deals mainly with the khittas, or primitive settlements, of the Muslim
invaders in al-Fustat and Gizeh; also with the history of the numerous fiefs

and similar grants, and with the Muslim holdings in Alexandria. Book IV
describes the organization and administration of Egypt under Amr ibn al-
c c c
Asi and Abdallah ibn Sa d; the invasion of the Fayyum, Barca, and Tripoli

For the names of these kings in the Arab tradition, for which our text of the Futuh
Misr is not always to he relied on, see Ahmad Kamal, “Rectification des noins Arabes des

anciens rois d’Egypte,’’ in the Bulletin cle VInslitut Egyplien , 1903; and Blochet iu the Rivista

degli studi orientali II (1909), 717 ff.; Ill (1910), 177 If.; IV (1911), 47 ft'., 267 11'.

under the former, and of Nubia and a portion of North Africa under the
latter; the revolt and second conquest of Alexandria; and various matters
which migdit be termed the “Fada’il Misr” under early Mohammedan rule;
carrying the history down to the Amr. Book Y gives an account
death of

of the conquest of North Africa and Spain, down to the year 127 A. II. '

Book VI is a concise special history of the qadls (judges) of Egypt, carried

to the year 246, i. e. about teu years before the author’s death. Book VII,
the most extensive of all the divisions, contains a selection of religious tra-
ditions derived from those Companions of the Prophet who came to Egypt,
namely such traditions as are distinctively Egyptian and recognized as such
among those learned in this science. Fifty-two Companions are named,
beginning with
Amr and his son ‘Abdallah, and under each name those
traditions are given which are regarded as well attested. These are followed
by a few anecdotes handed down, in Egypt only, from fourteen other Com-
panions; and these in turn by incidents reported from three others whose
sojourn in Egypt is known only through the traditionists of other countries.
Finally those (seven in number) are named from whom neither tradition
nor narrative is reported; together with still others (nine) who are said by
WaqidI and other authorities to have entered the land. Thus Ibn c Abd
al-Hakam in his seventh Book takes some account of every member of the
Sahaba who is credibly declared to have set foot in Egypt.
The seven-fold division was made by the author himself, and was preserved
unchanged by his successors; see especially the evidence furnished by the
two appendices to Book I (Text, p. 43, note 17; 44, note 4), in con-
nection with what is said below. There issomewhat fortuitous and
also a
very incomplete subdivision into chapters indicated by brief titles. To what
extent this Abd al-Hakam’s own dictation is doubtful; in
represents Ibn
the where the mss. agree, we can only be sure that corresponding
headings stood in the single imperfect copy which came into the hands of
Ibn Qudaid; in regard to this, see further below. In one case the title of
the chapter is in the wrong place, having been inserted carelessly, to all

Translations of this part of the history have been published; see the references below.

In the manuscript tradition represented by Codex B ,
the long seventh Division of the

work was divided into two approximately equal parts. See p. 287, line 13, where B adds

4^51 sdl y>7.

Although it is quite obvious and certain where the two passages properly belong, I have

left them in their present place because of the interesting testimony which they give. Many
ancient writings have suffered permanently through similar accidents.

appearance, by the author or owner of the manuscript from which ours are
derived; see 169, note 14; 170, note 3. Occasionally single mss. have added
their own rubrics, thus for example 192, 1 9 f .
(Ms. A, an important heading);
229, 10, note 11 (Ms. C). Even so, there are many where Ibn c Abd
al-Hakam himself, if he gave names at all to the successive chapters, must

have provided titles which have been lost; so for example at 4, 19; 33, 18; 177,

18. I have supplied numerous chapter-headings where they are indispensable.

The form of the tradition with full isnads is of course generally em-
ployed throughout the work. As has already been said, this form of citation
does not necessarily imply the use of oral sources. The material at Ibn
Abd al-Hakam’s disposal, partly written and partly oral, was certainly

abundant, but also very miscellaneous, consisting in considerable part of

popular tales and legends. It does not appear that any one of his predecessors
had been capable of sifting the mass of testimony with the instinct of a
historian, recognizing the things which were of chief importance and making
thorough search for the facts while they could still be ascertained. What
criticism there was had been applied mainly to the chains of tradition, and
even this had apparently not been carried very The raw! through whom
the largest part of Ibn Abd al-Hakam’s come (as also, later,
material had
much of al-Kindfs; Guest, p. 32) was Ibn Lahi a (f!74), a collector who
seems always to have placed quantity above quality, besides being notoriously
untrustworthy. Ilis very voluminous collections had been put in writing,
largely if not wholly; see above. As a matter of course, the famous Egyptian
authority, al-Laith ibn Sa d (f 175), is very extensively drawn upon in every
part of the work. Though far more reliable as a raw! than Ibn Lahi a, the
value of his collections by no means corresponds to their bulk. We know
that much of his material had been reduced to writing. A traditionist of
value for the early history of Mohammedan Egypt is the son of a Nubian
freedman, Yazld ibn Abl Habib (f 128), and the Futuh Misr, which cites
him very often, has profited by his industry. A book compiled by Yahya
ibn Abdallah ibn Bukair (f 231), from which our author tells us that he
took material, contained the transcript of letters and similar documents (see
160, 9 ff.), and doubtless much besides that was valuable for such a history
as this. Ibn Bukair had been at some pains to record the dates of events
(generally obtained from al-Laith ibn Sa d), and those contained in the
Futuh Misr are very largely given as from him.
In the chapter dealing with the Khittas, isnads rarely appear, since the
material consisted mainly of information derived from popular tradition —
the common property of the people of al-Fustat — supplemented by the
author’s own information. A considerable part of this interesting and important

material could be fully understood only in the author’s own day, or at least,
while the city retained substantially the features which it had in the first

half of the third century A. II. The later discussions of this subject, such

as those in Ibn Duqinaq, MaqrizT, and SuyutI, while largely based on Ibn
Abd al-Hakam, are obliged to omit as no longer comprehensible a large
part of what he had given, and to revise other portions in accordance with
later conditions.
Iu the narrative portions of the history, also, it is usually

the case that the chains of tradition are dispensed with, the variegated
material being worked over into a continuous account, with mention, from
time to time, of the principal authorities on whom the author is relying.
Thus in the second juz’, treating of the invasion and reduction of Egypt,
TJthman ibn Salih (f 219), who is Ibn Abd al-Hakam’s main authority
for the history of events (as Ibn Lahfa for the hadith), is most commonly

named at the beginning of the successive paragraphs. Often, indeed, when

others are named, TJthman ibn Salih is the immediate source. So, for

example, in the narratives given on pages G4 — 90 Yahya ibn Ayynb

(f 163) and Halid ibn Humaid (f 169) are repeatedly mentioned as the
authorities, though their traditions, as used by our author, had first been
brought together by Halid ibn Najlh, and then further digested by
TJthman (64, 11 f.). In the fifth juz’, dealing with the conquest of North
Africa and Spain, it is even more noticeable how deep is the debt to this
raw!. Again and again our historian, dictating to his pupils, is said to have
“returned to the narrative of Uthman ibn Salih”. The other chief autho-
rities named here are Ibn Bukair and Abd al-Malik ibn Maslama. The
latter, though of no great renown as a traditionist, had made collections
which evidently were very extensive and well digested. To what extent,
if at all, they had been put in writing by him is not known. Our author
seems to have found them especially useful, and cites Abd al-Malik ibn
Maslama constantly, in every part of the Futuh Misr. It is very noticeable
that his name does not occur at all in al-Kindi. As for TJthman ibn

A very useful map of the surroundings of al-Fustat, with location of the primitive settle-

ments of the Arab, tribes, is furnished by Guest, in his article on the Khittas, Journ. of ilie

Royal Asiatic Soc., Jan., 1907.

There are three other well known authorities in tradition, cited at first hand by our author
for a large part of his material, who are unused, or used scarcely at all, in those works of al-

Kindi which have come down to us. These are: 1. Asad ibn Musa (f 212); 2. 'Abdallah ibn

Salih (f 223), the secretary of al-Laith ibn Sa'd; and 3. an-Nadr ibn 'Abd al-Jabbar, Abu-’l-Aswad

(f 219). The last-named was at one time secretary to the qadl 'Isa ibn al-Munkadir; see al-Kindi

iTof. Al-Kindi gives only one tradition from him; the two other rawis he employs not at all.

Salih, he is known as one of the Egyptian authorities who could quote

exactly from memory a great body of historical tradition (see Guest, p. 26 f.)
nevertheless the way in which he is cited by Ibn Abd al-Hakam suggests
that some, at least, of his material was available in written form. 1

Abd ar-Rahman’s especial interest in the Qadls of Egypt, whose history,
carried down to the last decade of his OAvn life, is sketched in the sixth
juz’, is doubtless due to the intimate connection of his family with this
branch of the Muslim administration. His father and brothers, especially
Muhammad, were noted jurists, as has already been observed, and his father,
c c
Abdallah, had been associated with the qadl as censor of witnesses. Abd
ar-Rahman shows himself chiefly concerned with the period of the Companions
and their immediate successors; hence in his treatment of the qadls he gives
much space to the earliest, but less and less to the later ones down to the

time of his writing. The material of the seventh juz’, containing the traditions
preserved in Egypt from the Companions who entered the land, is of course
given in strictly conventional form. The principal authority here, as has
already been said, is Ibn Lahl a. Some of the minor rawls in the isnads
are of doubtful authority, but the collection as a whole is interesting and
instructive. Not a few of the traditions recorded here have already appeared
in earlier chapters of the book, in various connections. Attention is usually,
though not always, called to this fact in the footnotes.
Ibn Abd al-Hakam occasionally criticizes his sources, as any expert in
tradition might; see for example 64, 9; 231, 11 ff.; 239, 1 7 f . ;
265, 1 4 f.

295, Ilf.; 301, 18 ff.; 310, note 2; but in general it cannot be said that
he shows great ability as a historian, either in his selection of material or
in his treatment of it. Nevertheless he has given us a most valuable
collection of the Egyptian memoranda, producing a book which not only
was very widely used itself, but also served as the starting point and basis
of a number of Egyptian historical works of high importance.
The manuscripts of the Futuh Misr now known to be in existence are
four in number, of which one is in London in the British Museum, two
are in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, and the fourth is in the Library
of the University in Leyden. The following is a brief description of them.

Other traditionists known to us, not already mentioned, who are frequently cited by Ibn

Abd al-Hakam, and whose written works are likely to have been consulted in compiling the

Futuh Misr are: 'Abdallah ibn al-Muhiirak (f 181); Sa Id ibn Abi Maryam (f 224); Sa
c c
Id ibn

Kathlr ibn c
Ufair (f 226); and 'Abdallah ibn Wahb (f 197).
There is also in Gottingen a transcript of a portion of the work, made by Ewald from

1. The London ms. (A), which is made the basis of the present edition,
is a very old and excellent codex. See Rieu’s Supplement to the Catalogue

of the Arabic Mss. in the British Museum 1894, N°. 520 (Stowe Or. 6), ,

where it is fully described. It is not exactly dated, but contains evidence

showing that it was written in the sixth century A. II. It is written in a
somewhat cramped but usually very legible neskhl, in which the diacritical
points are where they are really needed. The
likely to be omitted except
indication of the vowels is also helpful to a degree which is rare in sparingly
pointed Arabic mss. Equivocal forms, unusual proper names, and the like,
are usually vocalized, almost always correctly. Marginal notes in the original
hand furnish occasional correction, explanation, variant reading, or critical
comment. In short, there is abundant evidence that this codex, far from
being the work of a mere professional copyist, came from the hand of a
scholar of rank. As to its origin, see also the evidence given below. There
are the usual conventional marks used to indicate expressly the muhmalat
consonants, and also one or two signs which are less common. The letter

over each of two consecutive words means that they have been acci-

dentally transposed. v_j is sometimes distinguished from o by a dot under-

neath. The proper names cA,b>, and A/o are always written

plene on the contrary, ioyw, Ah>, and uCLo. For lAS 3

LA<P, etc., A writes
bl3>, ^clASTs 3
etc. The formula of blessing after the Prophet’s name is always
abbreviated to jko (in Codex B it is jJALc aht Jvo). Other habits of ortho-
graphy are not sufficiently remarkable to need mention here.
The title page of the ms. reads as follows: v_jl>A
Aac yp all! A-x-c
y Ax£ ywl&Ji

A*e>* Jo jd AjAs qJ yj q- 3
J>— yA&SI Ao'y
Xjijj A^S yAo y3 yvvjl. ioiyj XaC „ yffi yj AJ't
Ac yJjjJ! yj Q.J Abyo ^jlo ^t. There is a similar heading at
the beginning of each juz’, foil. 17a, 86a, 53a, 75a, 88a, 97a, with slight
variation in the wording. The text of the new chapter then begins, in each
instance, with the formula of transmission printed in our text, p. 1, lines
8 — 9; except that in two instances (foil. 175, 975) the first raw! in the
series, as-Silafi, is not mentioned, the chapter beginning : v_ 3 oLo ^..j)

Q-J A-wyo, while in the four other cases (365, 535, 755, 885) he is

merely referred to as yAiJ!, the chapter beginning: jls AAioi

gJI vjjjlo jji Instead of the words jolxA j [jyA>! of the printed text,

the two Paris Mss. See Meyer’s Verzeichniss der Handschriftcn im Preussischen Staate I. Hannover,
3. Gottingen, 344 f. (Arab. No. 78). Berlin, 1894. On the two partial editions of the text made
from this transcript see below.

line 6, the formula in foil. 176, 976 has A note at the end of
the codex (fol. 121«) states that the ms. was collated with the “ms. of the
Hafiz” by Muhammad ibn Umar ibn Yusuf al-Ansarl, who according to the
sama had also read the whole work before the Sheikh Abu-l-Qasim Hibat
c c
Allah ibn Ali ibn Su ud ibn Tliabit al-Ansari. The latter died in the year
598. There is also an interesting sama ,
transcribed from the ancestor of our
ms., repeated in varying form at the end of each juz’, with the exception
of the last. This states that the whole codex was read before the Sheikh
Abu Yahya by its owner, as-Silafl, in accordance with a
Sadiq Mursid ibn
license by Mursid, who in turn had received a similar license
given him
from the Sheikh c Ali ibn Munir (see below). The reading took place in
al-Fustat, in the year 516. The names of those who were present, at each
of the successive sittings, are also given.
The authorities through whom this text of the Futuli Misr was trans-
mitted are therefore the following: 1. AlI ibn al-Hasan ibn Halaf ibn
Qudaid Abu-’l-Qasim al-Jauhar! al-Azd! f 312; 2. Muhammad ibn Ahmad
ibn al-Faraj Abu Bekr al-Qammah; 3. AlI ibn Munir ibn Ahmad Abu-’l-
Hasan al-Hallal f 439; 4. Mursid ibn Yahya ibn al-Qasim ibn AlI Abli
Sadiq al-Madlnl f 517; 5. Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad
ibn Ibrahim Abu Tahir as-Silafl al-Isbahanl f 576. 1
It is to be observed
that the same authorities are given for the text of codices C and D (but
not for B), as Futoh Misr quoted by Abu-’l-
well as for the text of the
Mahasin, I 6. The transcriber of our London codex, as he himself tells us
in a marginal note (see p. 99, note 2), had been present when the Futuh
Misr was read before the Sheikh as-Silafl, and apparently also had seen
the manuscript which was read on that occasion, as well as one which had
been read before Ibn Qudaid. It may well have been he who added the

somewhat hasty appendix Book YI, which certainly was not included in

as-Silafi’s text, giving the names of the qadls down to the year 320
(pp. 247 f., note 18). Possibly he undertook other slight revision, of which
there is evidence in this ms., such as the removal of repetitions and the
D c
restoration of an intelligible order in the chapter dealing with the Qata i

(pp. 133 — 139), where Mss. B and C repeat a long passage because of the
accidental displacement of the leaves of a codex ;
see further below.
2. The older manuscript (B) of the two in the Bibliotheque Rationale,
n°. 1686 in Slane’s Catalogue, is dated, at the end of the first juz’, three
days before the end of the month Dhli-’l-Hijja of the year 585 (1190 A. D.).

There is a good biography of the last-named scholar, as-Silafi, in the Tadhkirat al-lhtffaz

(Haidarabad, 1897), IV, 93 — 99.


It is written in a vigorous, flowing neskhl, the work of a professional scribe.

Diacritical points, of whatever sort, are generally lacking. The titles of
chapters, and similar headings, are in red. The copyist did his work rapidly,
and there are a good many small omissions and errors, rectified however to
a large extent, generally in the margin, by means of collation from another
manuscript. The title page, badly damaged, with the loss of some portions
of the text, reads as follows: ^Lyl! yJ.Ai
^ iJyLAb, yo/<s _.yo

^PAJ! Nj-s* [£i] y>! % j^_5

[xTj AjAs
j&IJLe aJJi. The words and

letters in brackets
A^c ^ q^J! A
have supplied by

conjecture. The beginning of the text (fol. lb):

^ A*x^ _= jj! UAA>
A^e U-S'Ae> AjAs qJ
(jls (sic) Jkc (JvE Lo'Ax> J-uyC!! Jy jj

#JS L*-3As> jls J.-ot*-*! qJ A*x>° LaAAe* jli *JJ! A*x q.5%J!.

name with which this formula of transmission begins has been carelessly and
incorrectly written, however; what w as intended
is A^ ^ j_j[

^cAAfzzzJ!, the form in which it stands at the beginning of the Sixth and
Seventh Divisions of the book; see p. 226, note 3; 248, note 1. That

is, the text of our Ms. B was professedly handed down from Ibn Qudaid
by his pupil, the historian al-Kindl. At the beginning of the Second
Division of the book the name is given in more extended form, see p. 45,
note The question of the correctness of this information will be discussed

below. To introduce the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions, B has simply
jls A>£ *11! Axe 0.4^1 A*e Ijl$'As». The text of B differs in no
important respect from that of A, except in point of verbal correctness.
There is, indeed, only one type of text of the Futuh Misr. In general, the
orthography of the ms. is as abbreviated as possible. The numerals are
usually written incorrectly, feminine forms in place of masculine, and vice
versa. The ending l' is ordinarily written in place of as is so often
the case in early Arabic mss. Such variations I have not recorded, except
for some special reason.
3. The second Paris manuscript (C) is numbered 1687 in Slane’s catalogue

In the former case, the word has been cancelled in the ms., apparently by the

original hand. This would hardly be worth mention if it were not for the noticeable fact that the

same cancellation has taken place in another old Egyptian ms. of high importance. See Nicholas
Koenig, History of the Governors of Egypt by al-Kindl, New York, 1908, Introduction p. 2, where
it is remarked that in the (anonymous) biography of al-Kindl on fol. 134« of the Brit. Mus. Ms.
Add. 23,324 the nisba has been cancelled three times. Apparently there was a time when the

correctness of this gentilic was doubted.


of the Arabic Mss. in the Bibliotheque Rationale, and is dated in the year
776 A.H. (1375 A.D.). It is a large and magnificently executed codex, the
work of a calligraphist of no ordinary skill. The scribe gives his name at
the end, in the colophon (p. 447), as Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim
al-Azharl al-IIanafl. The text is full of errors, and needs the constant
control of the other mss. It is plain that the codex from which it was
copied was very carelessly written, often hardly legible, and the scribe of C
in the makes no attempt to understand his
troublesome places seemingly
text, but puts down the characters which he thinks he sees before him,
even if they make a meaningless combination. The ms. thus often gives us
mere nonsense, carefully written in a beautiful hand. As it could serve no
useful purpose to record these monstrosities, I have not burdened the notes
with them. See however the notes on 85, 3; 88, 10; 107, 10; 114, 2;
174, 6, for specimens of the more common variants. In the parent ms.
final must have been written like an elongated j, whence those variants
in C of which the notes on 48, 18; 77, 9; 123, 2; 217, 20; 317, 11 give
examples. The ( of is very commonly written where it is not in place;
(plur. constr.) is frequently written y? or ^4. The consonants are very

often left unpointed, evidently because the points were lacking in the parent
ms.; vowels are used sparingly, and are likely to be incorrect. Chapter
headings and other superscriptions are in red. It seems frequently to have
been the case that red ink was not at hand, hence numerous titles are
lacking, blank spaces being left for them. This ms. has quite a number of
superscriptions of its own; thus 118, note 16; 119, note 1 (!); 229, 11;
231, note 14; 233, note 4, etc.
The title page reads: oW y-i y?^ Jy-c ^yis
y-i tAJ*S q_> yi yC (_i;! XjI
nXc iAjiAs ^0*0^ 0-J (i^ tjj

, 3 ! ^y.AJ! —
n bLk’JI iAJ'S qJ y-i jsc (sic)

f\b J.I JaiLH Lob5l xj xXc vjjolo

r l

LC aJuJ[ y> lAjd yi yj lS^\. The beginning of the

text is as follows: njUA j. jblii oVrf qj! y>
‘ _JL*&JI „ iAJ’I Aj y. j! Lo! t iuL caSJISj XXm
lXjlXs v_ali> 0! i-o!

L V£ 0 ?
0 ? At. New divisions of the
book are introduced in C by the formula: lXjAJS
y- j
y-i JLc
jls ^Jt lX_*_e LlSoV>. At the beginning of each tradition,
where B has uniformly jis
y?^ oVyc LlSl\=>, C prefixes to this J-c.

Jls; and this extended formula (though without either jls) is usual also in
Ms. I). In A there is no such introductory formula.

4. The Leyden manuscript (D)

is fully described in the Ceded. Codicum

Arabicorum Academ. Lugduno-Batav ed. 2, 1888 1907, prepared

Bibliotli. ., —
by de Goeje, Houtsma, and Juynboll. It forms part of a composite volume
(Ms. N°. 705), in which it occupies pages 159 313. The colophon, p. 313, —
top, bears the date 973 A. II. (1566 A.D.) Thanks to a false title, the true

nature of the work had remained for some time concealed. The title page
- 0 5

reads : A-i ^
^Lb>l A A-ICaoI

A_o»jj Jx.j . It is in fact, however, merely an

abridgment of the Putuh Misr, as the catalogue recognizes. Every division
of the original is represented to some extent. The abridgment is at first
comparatively slight, then increases progressively until in all the latter part
of the work only scattered fragments of the original text remain. The
writing is a good, easily legible neskhl, generally well supplied with the
diacritical points, and the text is in the main correct.

The beginning is as follows :

lo^M xdLaJI pvA-CvJi Lijp>S

nXc All J-lyioXlS Ajd qj A^cA qj Aji ^Lb jA ybAA

Xa i3 AyA-A-vAiLi sJja/0 A Liu,

wj> Ijj—*.^>i J sit

ljyA>l xjLo jjjtj Lw xjLaS" A A^l 0-j yAo yc

qJ v_JAA Ac jA LiyAA J_*All ,-yi' AJ'l A+cA yb
lxAA:> Aac ^jS All Ap 0,_> 0.jy!l A/j; yvlsjl jpl LlA'A:> ^=.3^1 AjAj
0~j q-c A® ijjb'Ac- JpcLjv<t q_j A.*^> That is, the .

ancestor of the manuscript from which this abridgment was made was read
before the scholar as-Silafl, in his own house in Alexandria, in the year
570 A. II., the writer of the ms. being among those present. This brings
it very near to the ancestor of Ms. A (see above); and, in fact, there is a
noticeable relationship between the text of D and that of A, as will appear;
not, however, extending to many details, nor at all such as to constitute a
distinct type of text.
The nature of the abridgment of the Futuh Misr exhibited in Ms. D
can best be seen from a perusal of the footnotes appended to the text.
The notes take full account of the material contained in this ms. from the
beginning of the book as far as the paragraph devoted to the Companion
c c
Qais ibn Sa d ibn Ubada in Division VII; see p. 273, note 8. Divisions I
and II are not very extensively abridged. Of Division III (the Khittas)
only the introductory portion is retained, everything being omitted after
p. 94 of the printed text. There is nothing to show where Division IV
begins, but a considerable part of its material is used. All of the latter
part of Division V is omitted, the main facts being condensed into a sentence

or two; see p. 199, note 3. 1

The conquest of Spain is barely mentioned
in a few lines; see p. 204, note 3. From Division YI, dealing with the
Qadls, we have brief excerpts, which pass over, without any indication of
a new subject, into the traditions of Division VII, of which only scanty
selections are given. It has seemed to me desirable to print here the text
of D in full from the point mentioned above to the end of the excerpts
c c
from the Futuh Misr. After adding, in regard to Qais ibn Sa d ibn Ubada,
the item: £ x y, abb, wJlb jd qJ q'A,

qUj (printed text 274, 5 f.), D proceeds (Ms. p. 294, line 10): 2

xl^s Uax *1!) xAe ^3 *JJS iXi q?*

xb! (jjC xA_r.

^3 ,__cA_cLwJi . ou>jJ! q, jl&K

!$!]! yAo xl^s LgJL-^oj •

|JL*S l\s xi'i hi yJUs lAji cA..oL>! yblo
K~^ h$j yDui xy hil x5 y>! ^3 (jrVjAj 'hi

Xx£ 1^5 ^c^Lojhii lXL^ 3b Xa^wJI y>!chi! L-J3Is

. iS 1 x.^av ^3 Xi
iV 3 ^3 XAS3 x ^3

LVxdJS ,«jiJuo xiy Li_iuXj> X-33A .V

»_£ ^3 (
^CjLoj'ii iAxae qj! xiLdi3

jsy. (__o 3J! JJCs yA* *JJi JAoj 3 l\*J! ^JiS <Ad> Jyy xsyi
L\^-r >

cr^ asoy, ,jd> xA^ L\XP y^LJt xdl

,% 3.: .; xl/LsiA yw alii q-*A- q-, ^nJLLj) A_»Ao »AJL> yysj Ui’i" 3'AjtJt

aJJl AiJ^si 3l\*JI ^jSl) L_Lw ^>[3 Lddlo _LA> crJ-* J.:>,3 iLoLiJt x-2>jL\Ji

X/*»jLj (J^c (j-»3^ Jyy x-4 jj, xxJUJ! ic>y\J! ,j, ii)SAs J—XJs 3A-
0L0 *JtJoo xAs lyy .x*jiy! xs>ji_\JS J. ii)L\j JJLs ^s> xU! 3 l\*j!

hi X_i'hLi |**Ao X35 UXxij . X-oLjiJi j»vJ Lpdc U>JKJ 3 lVS>

q, iLoy (Jd:

3! iL-c^j xA_e jl^o' hLs LIase oUi x-Ao!

,cl£ j' xcU^- 5^ Is

iLj^o L^Lfti" iAi l^>3j l^Ae. i_jLi. a'L^utj xAc JLwj

hli oUi sA>yw ^ out Jx>_e

a^J^j xUi »_j ^Jtc xdhLjj LiA_c Jv*vo hli aAou ^y.z>yJLb LoAi!

0^5 (JX<m^j>3 ohU iLAw ^^3 . xJJ! liLii ^ aj-seJl a^b!; Lq>Xi! 83^3
ayiot!l q, xA_c (__c^Lcijhil caJj _j! tA_j.^3 aLciii-XAvi XJ3AX1
Jvil |A-3
0 .

.a^jA (aL) al>J bli ^E>bit jJJL ^3-0 ,*Jt_Lo XjA UjLc

^3 a^-i^-A' 3^1 . tiiyiJ!
^ is Jxiii 3CC 3E XJA3 3, X3S 1^03

1 At the beginning of this Division, moreover, the ms. not only abridges greatly, hut also
makes a good many slight verbal alterations, as though not trying to reproduce exactly.
2 I have supplied many of the diacritical points, as well as the marks of punctuation.

^JL> AyA j, Lo yi yti.0 aJj—s ly./> LLv,v> Qjyiju \_x_y:

yTS aLoLj jjL*-! AB-sjlj

0 U_J ^LxAh y_La aJj—S LyOoj
3^3- i ^yA*_\£iy AxA AA A LLaA*., ys\sJlj \fc j5.xv*li
Ay y a_X_- V LAA ^0 Bl\— 5 !

blxA yi&SUaJ jJldI Lo tvJjtj' _j.J ,*JtJjo aJj_5 LjaXj .

yjd! A^ j, XJUAwJtj y»JJ

(^v^xP— * 1 vALLaJI qUy!) ly^LaJo a!H (Jyw^ L ii)lt 3 L05 iyjA |*.a xAxij

jyw, b ^Jli <AyLd! y-k-J yljf p'^il (jjyo'ii |!^>J_5 aoLo-AM ysy » Ay^Ji

iAxc s^y> yf ywi q!/j .

yLihli A*^ jlaai" «.lii ^ycJd! jA' cAyLl! U5 aJJ!

aLxxv JL&Jj f.^.J aLaxv aL> — iAiLl Ayj .

ylxl aJj!*, l\x£ tJLy^ ^jaxXxv

lixjpLo! axv. 4^> Axt iysj ^yt A*7” Afxjj jjyUili tyx^j jjL> .

abLoJi so\_$ ^! (jo^siiLi yo-*J! y,o y_Lo Aly ^ixxU! obA ^ Lyu
a! aUI ^_a*x3 yCU LPbL-o Q_+_i L^yAy^ Lye Sytyo yCly ^ i^yx
A_x_e y!j _y^LaitJf
y j._jh> • A5>LwJ! £-Lh_i L y> L^lXju abLo bij L$>->1

Aili ayS?. A]yx J, \jLJi Ax^-lo -*AA>5 v_xJ>! (sic) Qi yjdue AJy Lyo v**JoL>l

0^ UJ y iAi jy ! Lo J»aet ^.L! a_xxx

LC *ia^ lot
y yb5 aJ^. 5 Ly./0
j . axj>?.

b^ ^xxe>Li r'iLxi L' !*, A-xx.ihLr^ y_-^f

M j aJL)
^ Cyii_x— J (oLxx^jt (^3 ^.jLxxii

liLjyo JeJLxv Lyi !iA-e>! jL 0 . Here ends the abridgment of Ibn ‘Abd
al-Hakam, at p. 296, line 11, of the Leyden ms.; p. 285, line 2, of the
printed text. The ms. continues, without any break or mark of punctuation
yi aJJ[ iAxj Aijb u|yiJi »Ap ^[5 |*|
t yeJxs aJJ!
Jyy jls Jls ^sLp-
gJ! aj y.w^xi j*jCjiA_jLj Ajyy, and thereafter follows, in the remaining

sixteen pages, a selection of brief traditions. There is another allusion to

their source, al-Jami al-Kablr ,
in the colophon, which begins (p. 312,
bottom) immediately after the last tradition: ^LxA ^ L^d?JU

4A*ii ^LL^J aJJ! ^.sXxv.ii y.xkii .

The relationship between A and D, mentioned above, is by no means

close enough to permit the hypothesis of the same parent codex for these
two as against 13 and C. The one striking feature which they have in
common is the restoration (very evidently required) of the true sequence
in the chapter 139, where B and C
dealing with the Qata
, pp. 133 —
repeat two long passages (133, 134, 15 and 136, 12 137, 3) as the 1 — —
result of some accident, presumably the displacement of one or two leaves
of a codex; 1
see the footnotes. The supposition which at first suggests


Such, accidental transposition is by no means uncommon. There is an excellent example


itself, that A and D represent a line of descent in which the original form
of the chapter has been preserved, while B and C represent a different
line in which the accidental corruption had taken place, cannot be accepted
as the true explanation. In the first place, B and C do not otherwise bear
the marks of such an immediate common origin; secondly, there is the
very early date of B, joined to the fact that C is a manuscript of the
Silafi text; and thirdly, the facts which will presently be set forth render
another explanation virtually certain, namely, that the superior text of A
and B at this point is the result of editing. We have seen that the Futuh
Misr received considerable study in Egypt in the sixth century A.H. Some
learned Muslim of Alexandria — whether the writer of A, or of the
ancestor of D
year 570), or of some other codex
(about the rectified —
the very obvious and disturbing blunder in the chapter mentioned, and
perhaps also made some of the improvements in the orthography which are
not only conspicuous in A but also show their traces in D. That this was
not as-Silafi himself appears from the fact that in the ancestor of C, which
also represents the Silafi text, the revision had not taken place.
Study of the evidence afforded by our four manuscripts of the Futuh
Misr reveals a very interesting and somewhat surprising fact, namely, that
the text of Ibn Qudaid, from which all our witnesses come, was derived
from a single faulty codex, whose manifestly defective and disarranged text
he had no means of rectifying, or rather, no authority to rectify. It cannot
seriously be doubted that the remarkably uniform text which we have
before us is in reality what it professes to be, the text of Ibn Qudaid,
transmitted from him with care by the four scholars who are named as
having vouched for its accuracy. We have no reason to question the

from the Kindi Ms., in pp. — -l*VI of Guest’s edition, which evidently escaped the notice of

the editor. Three of the qadls are here dealt with twice over, in a very confusing way, and in

the case of each the second chapter, or section, of treatment evidently should precede the first;

thus, the second introduction of the qadi c
Uthman ibn Qais begins: “Then U. ibn Q. took the

office of qadi,” although he held the office hut once. The explanation is, that the single leaf

containing the section fa, 12 — PYI, 13, in the parent codex, was accidentally transposed with
1 1

the next following leaf. If this section is inserted between lines 7 and 9 on page t* .i (omitting,

of course, the false heading which constitutes line 8), the original order is perfectly restored. At

the close of this section there is a gap, i.e., the second page of the transposed leaf ended in the

middle of a sentence. The editor remarks (p. I*V1, note Q :

q-i Kjjjyi . This is

not the case, however; nothing has been lost. The sentence which is broken off at the end of

line 13 is continued without any break in line 9 of p. fM*.


statement of the writer of Ms. A (see above), that he had seen and consulted
a codex which had been read before Ibn Qudaid, and we can also be sure
that he found its readings practically identical with those of the SilafI
codices. On the other hand, it is certain that Ibn Qudaid did not receive
his text of the Futuh Misr directly from Ibn Abd al-Hakam, nor from
any authoritative intermediate source. Some good fortune put into his hands
the only surviving copy of this important work. The reasons for drawing
this conclusion, and the grounds for conjecture as to the origin of this
unique and faulty copy, will appear from the facts presently to be set forth.
The evidence at hand seems to show that the manuscript which came
into the possession of Ibn Qudaid had been carefully written, preserving
faithfully in general the words of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. Either this manuscript,
however, or one from which it was derived had been handled carelessly, so
that chapter-headings were either omitted or misplaced; marginal notes or
corrections, and longer supplementary paragraphs, were not always inserted
in the right place; and in one case the accidental misplacement of a leaf
had led to the transposition and verbal repetition of extended passages.
A striking example of misplaced supplementary matter is to be seen
in the two addenda to Juz’ I, pp. 43, 18 — 44, 17; see the footnotes there.
They are utterly out of place where they stand, have no connection with
each other, and contain no direct indication of the contexts to which they
belong. They were probably additions made on loose pieces of paper.
A similar example is the paragraph at the foot of p. 145, at the end of
the chapter entitled 4 5 . It has no connection whatever with either
the preceding or the following context, and doubtless originally stood at
the end of the chapter entitled yo, p. 139, top. Its displacement
was probably connected with the accidental transposition of leaves in
pp. 133 — 139, already mentioned. An excellent example of a misplaced
clause, found in all our mss. and attested elsewhere as the reading of the
Futuh Misr, is p. 14, lines 1 5 f . ;
see note 14. Another instance, even more
striking, is shown on p. 201, note 12. A most interesting illustration of a
gloss inserted in the wrong place is 172, If.; see note 5. We find the
same false order in Yaqut, who quotes the passage, and, what is more,
tells us that he is using an old and uncommonly excellent ms.; see the
Glossary s.v. (What is true in this case seems to be true everywhere
else: the only known text of the Futuh Misr is the text of Ibn Qudaid.)
A less important instance of the same kind is the clause in 253, 17, which
has gone astray; Ibn Abd al-Hakam cannot be made responsible for its
present position. In 76, 6 we probably have an example of a single word
brought in from the margin into the wrong place; see note 2. Another

example is wyjLw, in 84, 1 and 86, 19. A doubtful instance is the remark
in 107, 1 3 f . ;
not that there is any doubt as to its being out of place, it

certainly belongs immediately after 104, 21, but its insertion where it now
stands might possibly have been an oversight on the part of the author
himself. Finally, there is the remarkable disarrangement in pp. 133 — 139,
which has already was observed, above, that the
been mentioned. It

seemingly correct version given by Ms. A, which has been followed in the
printed text, is in reality the result of a conjectural emendation of the
version given by B and C. Strong corroborative evidence of this is furnished

by two brief passages which are now by reason of the

isolated, evidently

mischance which befell this portion of the codex from which ours were all
derived. The first of the passages in the one just mentioned, 145, 14 — 18,
which is out of place not only in Mss. B and C but also in A and D. As
was remarked above, it must originally have stood at the end of the chapter
containing the transposed pages, i.e., immediately after the paragraph 137,
4 — 139, 2. The other passage is the remark which now7 is found only in
B and C, printed here on p. 139, note 3, where the correct reading is

(see the Errata) : xlT ^LJL, 0*1 ^ eUi! Aye aJ^JS

. jss : see 133, 12 ff. and 134, 16). It is from Ibn c

Abd al-Hakam — it could

come from no one else — and in its original place, just after the long
paragraph ending with the word AAS ,
134, 15, served an important purpose.
But where it stands in B and C (and therefore presumably stood in the
Ibn Qudaid ms.) it is meaningless; hence it was left out of the improved
text represented by A and D.
In addition to the transpositions and misplacements there are numerous
minor errors and omissions, common to all the mss. and testifying to the
same effect. The following are the principal examples. 22, 17 and footnote 5,
for yi!. 25, 12 and note 7, the false insertion of two words. 58, 21,
the proper name for yyeLjy (unpointed). 107, 11 and note 12, yAy
for .^.xAA. Ill, 1 and note 1, the false insertion of of course Ibn
Abd al-ljakam (and Ibn Qudaid!) knew better than this, and in 262, 6
(same tradition) the isnad is given correctly. 115, 16, *y= for Bjy. 124,
10 and note 7, y vA instead of y^A y ,
a lapsus calami
which is very noticeable because of 123, 19. 135, note 8, unpointed
consonants which yield no sense, because of the accidental transposition of
two letters. Such instances as this seem to show that Ibn Qudaid (and
therefore his authorized successors) regarded the text as fixed, and would
make no alteration in it. 140, 13, the insertion of LJj. 162, 3, syLy for

JwjjLu. 164,11, = and very carelessly transposed in spite of the


immediate context. 229, 18 and note 15, instead of See also

270, note 10, and 292, note 1.
Examples of omission are the following. 196, 4, the proper name. 201, 14,
the date (there are other examples of such omission). 218, 11 ,
the accidental
omission of at least several words. 286, 6, where it is evident that a pas-
sage of some length has fallen out, leaving a text that is incomprehensible.
314, 13 (cf. 92, 8), where the suffiix 1<l presumably refers to a £k=> or

originally belonging to Abu Muslim.

The fact that some of the most palpable and certain of these purely scribal
errors are found also in the citations from the Futuh Misr in Yaqut, Abu-
’l-Mahasin, MaqrlzT, and Suyutl’s Husn al-Muhadara must not be overlooked.
It remains to find probable answers to the questions, how Ibn Qudaid
came into possession of this one faulty codex, and why he transmitted it

to his pupils in this imperfect state, without correction. It is to be observed,

in the first place, that there is no good evidence that Ibn Qudaid was ever
a pupil of Ibn Abd al-Hakam or received traditions from him orally. The
best native biographical treatises do not claim this for him, and in the few
cases where the assertion is made it is undoubtedly due simply to his trans-

mission of the Futuh Misr. His attitude, throughout this work, is plainly
that of an editor who occasionally adds his own marginal notes (such as
those given in note 16 on pp. 107 f., in 247, 15 ff., 300, 14 f . ,
etc.), rather
than that of a pupil transmitting a work received from his master. There
is a noticeable absence of any indication that he had himself heard Ibn
Abd al-Hakam; in the one passage where this has the appearance of being
the case, namely 63, 7 and note 10, where Ibn Abd al-Hakam is said to
have prescribed the reading instead of the explanation is

furnished by the parallel passage, p. 280, in which Abd ar-Rahman remarks
(lines 16 f.) that Abu-’l-Aswad, from whom he received the tradition, used
to pronounce the name with final mim
was in the year 237, when Ibn '. It

Qudaid was eight years old, that the family of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam fell
into the disgrace from which it never recovered. It is not likely that Abd
ar-Rahman, who at that time was about fifty years of age, gained any new
adherents after that date, but it may well be that a few of his former
pupils remained by him. It would seem that after the death of the master
his history was not circulated, but was allowed, by those of his own gene-

1 These marginalia of Ibn Qudaid are sometimes reproduced in all the mss., sometimes in

only one or two. Thus, the one just cited is found only in B; 92, note 12, gives one which is

preserved only in C. See below.


ration and their immediate successors, to drop out of sight. Even after it

was rescued from oblivion, and its material began to be used extensively
in other works, the discredit attaching to the name of its author seems to
have lingered for some time. The way in which al-Kindi, in writing of the
qadls of Egypt, makes frequent and direct use of the Futuh Misr, while
avoiding the appearance of doing so, is highly significant. He bases his
treatise on that of his predecessor even to the extent of making it end
with the year 246, and yet, as Guest remarks (Introduction, p. 24), in
using the same traditions he prefers not to cite Ibn Abd al-Hakam, but
instead employs, wherever possible, another chain of authorities. We may
suppose that not long after the death of our author Ibn Qudaid came into
possession of a ms. of the Futuh Misr which was either the work of one
of the pupils of the discredited historian or else the copy of such a work.
He had nothing more authoritative with which to compare it and by which
to correct it, and therefore handed it on as he found it, like a true rawi.
We have seen that the edition of the Futuh Misr which was delivered
by Ibn Qudaid to his own pupils, with his numerous brief additions and
comments, was transmitted from him by Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Qammah;
and also, that in the older Paris manuscript it is repeatedly asserted that
its text was handed down from Ibn Qudaid by his more famous pupil, al-
Kindi. The question of the authenticity of this latter information at once
suggests itself, since the text of Ms. B is practically identical with that of
the other witnesses, and we have no other direct testimony that al-Kindi
was concerned with the transmission of this work. It is intrinsically pro-
bable, however, that this should have been the case, seeing that his teacher
and chief authority (Guest, Introd., p. 18) gave out an edition of it with 1

his own comments and slight additions. It is a work of just the sort which
would be most likely to interest al-Kindi; we know that he was acquainted
with it (he could not possibly have been ignorant of its existence !)
and even
that he made use of it — probably much more extensively than we are
able to recognize. The claim made Codex B, moreover, is not found in

a marginal note, colophon, or title, but in the body of the work, four times
over, in varying form. There is additional internal evidence, slight, but not
to be disregarded. In spite of the inconsiderable variation in the mss. of
our history, and the comparatively small number of cases in which al-Kindi
professes to be following Ibn Abd al-Hakam, it is possible to observe that
the B text agrees more closely than its fellows with al-Kindi. An example

1 Guest, ibid., was inclined to question this, while waiting for the evidence to he furnished.
The mss. of the Futnli Misr, however, put the matter beyond the reuch of doubt.

is the tradition p. 182, 8 ff., cf. Kindi ("i", 10 fF. The traditionist’s habit of

repeating the word JLS after each member of the chain of authorities may
also be admitted as evidence. This habit is everywhere followed in B, but

not in the other three mss., and is also regular in the Kindi codex. Cf.

for example 90, 10 f. (in a tradition found only in B) with Kindi Lt, 9 f.

l*ff, 6 f., etc. Again, what is still more significant, B shows a certain
independence in reporting the comments of Ibn Qudaid. There is a series
of brief notes by Ibn Abd al-Hakam himself, among those which Ibn
Qudaid must either have found in the margin of his codex or have received
orally from a former pupil of the historian, preserved in Ms. B, but nowhere
else. These are the following: 63, note 10; 161, note 13; 291, 7 f. 301, ;

18 ff.; 307, note 8; 308, note 5; 310, note 2. These seven notes form a
group which is especially worthy of notice when it is observed that no
other manuscript of the four contributes even one note of this particular
sort which is not preserved also by the rest. On the other hand, there are
two instances in which editorial remarks of this general nature are present
in the other mss. but wanting in B. One of these, 316, 14 f., is a note
of Ibn Abd al-Hakam, like those just mentioned, but of less consequence;
the other, 174, note 2, is an interesting annotation by Ibn Qudaid, which
A, C, and D give In 300, 5 (see note 3) B
in slightly varying form. 1

simply adopts the correction of Ibn Qudaid without noticing the older reading
(given by the other mss.). The evidence at hand thus seems to support
the assertion of Ms. B, that its text came from Ibn Qudaid through al-Ivindl.
From the facts here stated it is evident that from our four manuscripts
of the Futlih Misr we can restore the text of Ibn Qudaid’s codex with
remarkable certainty, and in so doing can make a very close approximation
to the text of himself. From the time when Ibn Qudaid
Ibn Abd al-Hakam
published this important book, was extensively used by other writers and it

made the basis of numerous works dealing with the history and traditions
of Egypt, some of which works soon supplanted the pioneer collection.
Al-Kindl made it the basis of his own monograph on the Qadls, and un-
questionably also of his treatise on the Khittas. As Guest (p. 24) suggests,
his Alibar Masjid Aid ar-Raya probably had the same origin. Ibn Abd

1 In 107, note 16, Ms. A gives a bit of narrative by Ibn Qudaid which has no direct
connection with the Futuh Misr. In 92, note 12, Ms. C has an alleged remark by Ibn Qudaid
which looks like a mere blunder.
We read in Hajji Halifa, II 146, No. VMl*: y*, Jjli U—AIai*
qJ yf- jji xJii to Iqui The same work makes a like

claim (I 188) in regard to al-Kindl’s work on the Qadis, and similar statements are found elsewhere.

al-Hakam’s chapters on the FadaTl Misr (see above) furnished the younger
Kindi much material for his work bearing this title. Muhammad ibn 1

ar-Rabf ibn Sulaiman al-Jlz! (f 324) wrote a work on the Companions who
entered Egypt (extensively quoted in the Husn al-Muhadara ), and also one
on the Qadls, for both of which works the Futuh Misr must have been a
chief source. Such writers as Ibn Zulaq and Quda I still further expanded
and continued the works of their predecessors. In regard to other early
historians, such as Ibn Yunus, we have no basis for conjecture as to the
extent to which they were indebted The debt cannotto the Futuh Misr.
have been small.Yaqut quotes the work in extenso for a large part of his
Egyptian and North African material. Suyutl’s Husn al-MuJiaclara is to a
considerable extent a transcript of it, or of others who have incorporated
it, and it furnishes Maqrlzl with many chapters. It not infrequently happens,
in all these works, that long extracts are given, in more or less altered
form, without mention of their source. One of the very early histories of
which the Arabic text has been lost, but which is preserved in translation,
is VEgypte de Murtadi fils de Gaphiphe translated by Pierre Vattier in 166G,

a work of which we are told that the original text was edited by as-Silafl.
The book is rare, and I have not seen it; my only knowledge of it comes
from Mr. A. G. Ellis.
Former editions and translations of portions of the Futuh Misr are the
following. 1. Ewald, Zeitschr. f. Kunde d. Morgenl. Ill, 3, pp. 336 352. —
2. Mac Guckin de Slane gave a French translation of a portion of the chapter
dealing with North Africa in his Histoire des Berberes ,
I, (1852) 301 — 312.
3. J. A. Karle, Ibn Abdolhakami libellus de historia Aegypti antiqua ,
tingae, 1856. Arabic text, much abridged, of the first Division of the book,
with Latin translation. 4. John Harris Jones, Ibn Abd El-Hakem's History
of the Conquest of Spain, Goettingen, 1858. The Arabic text, with an English
translation, critical and exegetical notes, and a historical introduction. A good
piece of work, for the time. Both Karle and Jones used for their text the

Gottingen transcript of the Paris mss. which was mentioned above. 5. La

Fuente y Alcantara, a Spanish translation of a small portion of the work
(see Brockelmann, Gesch. der arab. Lift. II, 692). I have not seen this.
6. C. C. Torrey, “The Story of King John and the Abbot,” in the Journal

of the Am. Or. Society ,

Yol. 20, 1899, pp. 209 — 216. Text and translation

J. Oestrup, Umar ibn Mo bit mined el- Kindi’s Beskrivelse af Aeggpten , in the Verhandl. der

K. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Kopeuhagen, 1896, No. 4. It is an interesting fact that this hook
also was redacted by as-Silafi.

2 Futuh Misr from Quda'i in Ibn Iyas

See, for example, the material of the cited I 18.

of the story of King Paula (present ed., pp. 29, 13 — 30, 14), with discussion
of literary parallels. 7. C. C. Torrey, The Mohammedan Conquest of Egypt
and North Africa ,
in the volume and Semitic Studies (Yale
entitled Biblical
Bicentennial Publications), New York, 1901, pp. 279 330. A translation—
of a considerable part of the Fourth and Fifth Divisions of the history
(present ed., pp. 169,5 — 204,
8. Henri Masse, Le Livre do la Conquete

de Vlilgypte, VEspagne Le Caire, 1914. Arabic text of the

du Magreb et de ,

first two Divisions of the work; an eclectic text based mainly on the two

Paris manuscripts, with occasional readings from the London codex, and
others adopted from the extracts in MaqrizI or Suyutl. Finely printed, but
very incorrect and altogether inadequate.
Since the present edition has been often promised and announced, during
the past thirty years, and especially since it was for some time announced
as one of the publications to be issued in the “E. J. W. Gibb Memorial”
Series, a few words as to its history may be in place. 2 The task was

begun in 1895, with the copying and photographing of the greater part of
the older Paris manuscript. In another summer vacation in 1898 this tran-
script was completed, and the collation of Mss. C and A (made known to

me inmeantime by Rieu’s Catalogue) was accomplished. In 1901 a

visit Leyden made possible the collation of Ms. D. Some years later,

when the Trustees of the Gibb Fund offered to publish the work, the text
and notes were still based on Ms. B, but it seemed important to revise the
whole on the basis of the text of A. Other labors, which could neither be
neglected nor postponed, prevented, however. In March, 1914, the last in-

stallment of the revised text and notes, in final form, was sent to London.
Before the printing could be begun, however, the European war, combined
with an unusual and unexpected drain on the resources of the Fund, ren-
dered publication in the near future unlikely. At about this time the Yale
Oriental Series was instituted, and, glad to publish under its auspices if

arrangements could be made, I suggested to the Gibb trustees in 1916 the

transfer of the material. They very courteously consented, and undertook,

1 This translation, which was made while the writer was on a journey, with no hooks of

reference except Suyuti’s Husn (which very frequently gives proper names incorrectly), contains
many errors. I hope to improve upon it at some future time.
~ It was announced, for example, in the Journ. Am. Or. Soc. 1899, p. 209 (referred to in

Brockelmann, Geschichte der arab. Litteratur, II 692); the Leyden Catalogue of Arabic Mss., in

the description of our Ms. D ;

A. J. Butler’s Muhammadan Conquest of Egypt (1902), Preface,
p. xii; Guest’s edition of al-Kindi (1912), Introduction, p. 22; and for several years (1906 — 1915)
in the publications of the Gibb Memorial Fund.

through Mr. Ellis, the task, at that time precarious, of getting the parcels
of manuscript safely to the printers in Leyden.
In editing the text, the readings of Ms. A have been preferred wherever
they could reasonably be regarded as the original. The same principles of
vocalization have been observed as those adopted by the editors of Tabari’s
great work. The notes, which might easily have been considerably increased
in volume, are intended to supply only what is most necessary. There is

probably no need to apologize for the amount of space given to the glossary.
The great age and comparative certainty of the text, the influence which
the book exerted in the learned Muslim world, and the need of sifted
material, of definite date and undoubted authenticity, for an Arabic dictionary
compiled on scientific principles, constitute a sufficient excuse for discussing
unusual words at some length, and for including usage already recorded in
Dozy’s Supplement (generally, it is true, from works much later in date
than the Futuh Misr). The reader who compares our text with the extensive
excerpts from it given by SuyutI, Maqrlzi, and other writers of the later
period will be interested, and perhaps surprised, to see how often the
words and phrases listed in this glossary are either omitted altogether or
else replaced by others which are more usual. The reader is urged to
consult the table of Errata, before making use of the book, and to enter
in the text the corrections there indicated.

The editor takes this opportunity to thank those who have assisted, in
one way or another, in the preparation of this edition: the officers of the
Bibliotheque Rationale, the British Museum, and the Library of the University
of Leyden, for the aid so readily and unreservedly given; the Trustees of
the E. J. AY. Gibb Memorial Fund, for their uniform courtesy and consideration;
the managers of the Yr ale University Press, and the publishing house of
E. J. Brill in Leyden, for the care which they have bestowed on all the
details of printing and publication; Mr. A. J. Ellis, formerly of the British
Museum, afterward of the India Office, for his unfailing helpfulness in many
ways; Professor Snouck Hurgronje, of the University of Leyden, for generously
offering to read a proof of the work, and for some valuable corrections of
the text which I have included, accompanied by his name, in the table of
Errata. To my colleague, whose energy the inception
Professor Clay, to

of the Yale Oriental Series is due, I am indebted for much help and
encouragement. Dr. George Alexander Kohut, of New York City, has shown
a keen personal interest in the publication of this volume, and it is especially
fitting that it should appear under the auspices of the fund established in
memory of his father.
Charles C. Torrey.
New Haven, Conn., September, 1921.

Abdallatif = Relation de 1’Egypte par Abdallatif, tr. de Sacy. Paris 1810.

Abulf. = Abulfedae historia Anteislamica, arabice ed. Fleischer. Lipisae 1831.

Abu = Abu Salih,

Salih The Churches and Monasteries of Egypt, ed. and
trans. by B. T. A. Evetts. Oxford 1895.
Adharl = Al-Bayano ’l-Mogrib, par Ibn Adhari, ed. Dozy. 2 vols. Leyde
Agh. = Kitab al-Aghani. 20 vols. Bulaq 1285.
Ansab = The Kitab al-Ansab of al-SanTani, reprod. in facsimile from the
Ms. in the British Museum. London 1912.
Athlr = Ibn el-Athiri Chronicon, ed. Tornberg. 14 vols. Lugduni Bat.

Baladh. = Liber expugnationis regionum auctore al-Beladsori, ed. de Goeje.

Lugduni Bat. 1866.
BekrI-Slane = Descriptionde PAfrique septentrionale, texte arabe publie
par le Baron de Slane. Alger 1857. (Transl. in Journal asiatique
Bokh. = Le Recueil des traditions musulmanes par al-Bokharl, publie par
L. Krehl. I — III. Leyde 1862 — 1868.
Brooks, Chronol. = E. W. Brooks, On the chronology of the conquest of
Egypt by the Saracens; Byzantinische Zeitschrift 1895, 435 — 444.
Caudel, Invasions = Les premieres invasions Arabes dans l’Afrique du nord.
Paris 1900.
Coteiba = Ibn Coteiba’s Handbuch der Geschichte, hrsg. von Wiistenfeld.
Gottingen 1850.

Doreid = Ibn Doreid’s genealogisch-etymologisches Handbuch, herausg. von

Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1854.
Duqm. = Description de 1’Egypte par Ibn Doukmak. Parts IV and V. Le
Caire 1893.

Edr. = Description de PAfrique et de l’Espagne par EdrisI, ed. Dozy and

de Goeje. Leyde 1886.

Faq. Compendium libri Kitab al-Boldan auctore Ibn al-Faklh al-Hamadhani,

ed. de Goeje. Bibl. Geogr. Arab. Y. Lugduni Bat. 1885.
Fischer, Gew. = Biographien von Gewahrsmannern des Ibn Ishaq, hrsg. von
A. Fischer. Leiden 1890.

Geogr. = BibliothecaGeographorum Arabicorum, ed. de Goeje. I — YIII.

Lugduni Bat. 1870 1894. —
Guest, Khittahs = The Foundation of Fustat and the Khittahs of that Town,
by A. R. Guest. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1907, 49 ff., with map.
Guest, Kindi =
The Governors and Judges of Egypt by El-Kindi, ed. by
Rhuvon Guest. Leyden and London 1912.

Hajar = Biographical Dictionary of Persons who knew Mohammad, by Ibn

Hajar. Ed. by A. Sprenger and others. 4 vols. Calcutta 1853 — 1888.
Hajar, Tah. = Ibn Hajar’s Kitab Tahdhlb at-Tahdhib. 12 vols. Haidarabad
Hak. = Ibn c
Abd al-Hakam’s Futuh Misr.
Haldiin = Ibn
Haldun’s Kitab al- Ibar. 7 vols. Bulaq 1284.
Hauq. - Kitab al-Masalik wa’l-Mamalik, by Ibn Hauqal, ed. de Goeje. Bibl.
Geogr. Arab. II. Lugduni Bat. 1873.

Hazr. = Hulasat Tadhhib Tahdhlb al-Kamal, by Ahmad ibn 'Abdallah al-

Hazraji. Ms. 607 of the Landberg Coll., Library of Yale University.
Ilis. = Das Leben Muhammeds nach Ibn Ishak bearbeitet von Ibn Hischam,
hrsg. von Wiistenfeld. 2 Bde. Gottingen 1858 1860. —
Husn = As-Suyuti’s Husn al-Muhadara. 2 vols. The Cairo lithograph.

Ibn Dinar - -
Kitab al-Mu’nis fi Allbar Ifrlqiya wa Tunis, by Ibn Abl Dinar.
Tunis 1286.
Ibn Iyas = Bada’i' az-Zuhiir fi Waqa/Y ad-Duhiir, by Ibn Iyas. 3 vols.

Bulaq 1311 — 1312.

Istaliri = Al-Istahri’s Kitab Masalik al-Mamalik, ed. de Goeje. Bibl. Geogr.
Arab. I. Lugduni Bat. 1870.
Ji'an := Kitab el-Tuhfa el-Saniya bi Asma 3
el-Biliid el-Misriya, by Yahya
ibn al-Makarr ibn al-Ji°an. Cairo 1898.

Khali. = Ibn Khallikan’s Biographical Dictionary, trans. by de Slane. 4 vols.

Paris-London 1843 — 1871.
Khord. = Kitab al-Masalik wa 3
l-Mamalik, by Ibn Khordadhbeh, ed. de Goeje.
Bibl. Geogr. Arab. VI. Lugduni Bat. 1889.
Kindi = Rhuvon Guest’s edition of al-Ivindi’s Governors and Judges of
Egypt (see Guest).
Kindi Ms. = British Museum Add. 23,324.

Lisan = Lisan Arab. 20 vols.


Mah. = Abul-Mahasin ibn Tagri Bardii Annales, ed. Juynboll et Matthes.

2 vols. Lugduni Bat. 1852 — 1S57.
Makk. = Analectes sur l’histoire et la litterature des Arabes d'Espagne par
al-Makkari, publies par Dozy, Dugat, Krehl et Wright. 2 vol. Leyde
Makilla = Ibn Makula’s Ivitab al-Ikmal. Ms. 210 of the Landberg Coll.,

Library of Yale University.

Maqr. = Al-Maqrizi’s Ivitab al-Mawa wa’l-Ftibar. 2 vols. Bhlliq 1270.

Mas. = Magoudi, Les prairies d’or, Texte et traduction par Barbier de Mey-
nard et Pa vet de Courteille. 9 tomes. Paris 1861 — 1877.
Mlzan = Adh-Dhahabl’s Ivitab Mlzan al-Ftidal. 8 vols. Cairo 1325.
Mokadd. = Descriptio imperii Moslemici auctore Al-Mokaddasi, ed. de Goeje.
Bibl. Geogr. Arab. III. Lugduni Bat. 1876.
Moscht. = Al-Moschtabih, auctore Ad-DhahabI, ed. de Jong. Lugduni Bat. 1881.
Must. — c c
Abdalghani ibn Sa id, Ivitab Mustabih an-Nisba. Allahabad 1327.
MuD talif cAbdalghanI ibn Sa Id, Ivitab al-MiPtalif wa’l-Muhtalif. Allahabad

1327. (This and the preceding in one vol., lithogr.).

Yaw. = Biographical dictionary of illustrious men, by el-Nawawi, ed. Wiisten-

feld. Gottingen 1842 — 1847.

No weir i = Slane’s French trans. of el-Noweiri in his Ilistoire des Berberes,
Tome I, Appendice ir. Paris 1852.
QaisaranI = Ivitab al-Jam c
bain kitabai Abi Nasr al-Kalabadhl wa Abl Bakr al-

Isbahanl, by Ibn al-Qaisarani (Muhammad ibn Tahir). Haidarabad 1323.

Qam. = Al-Qamus al-Muhlt. 4 vols. Bfilaq 1301 — 1303.
Qazw. = El-Cazwini’s Kosmographie, hrsg. von Wiistenfeld. 2 Bande. Got-
tingen 1848 — 1849.
Qotaiba, Poesis = Ibn Qotaiba, Liber poesis poetarum, et ed. de Goeje.
Lugduni Bat. 1904.
Sam canl, see Ansab.
Severus = Severus ibn al-Muqaffa
Alexandrinische Patriarchengeschichte,
hrsg. von Seybold. Hamburg 1912.

Tab. = Annales auctore At-Tabarl, cum aliis ed. de Goeje. Lugduni Bat.
Tah., see Hajar, Tah.
Taj = Taj Arus. 10
Cairo 1307.vols.

Tajrld = Dhahabl’s Tajrld Asma as-Sahaba. 2 vols. Haidarabad 1315.


Taqrib = Ibn Hajar’s Taqrib at-Tahdhlb. Lithograph. Delhi 1902.



Usd = Ibn al-Athir’s Usd al-Ghaba. 5 vols. Cairo 1280.

Wad. == Ibn Wadhih qui dieitur al-Ja qubi Historiae. 2 partes ed. Houtsma.
Lugduni Bat. 1883.
Ward. = c
Umar ibn al-Wardi’s Ta D rih. 2 vols. Cairo 1285.
Wiistenf., Register = Register zu den genealogischen Tabellen, von Wiisten-
feld. Gottingen 1853.
Wiistenf., Tabellen = Genealogische Tabellen der Arab. Stamroe und Fa-
milien, von Wiistenfeld. Gottingen 1852.

Yaq. = Jacut’s Geographisches Worterbuch, ed. Wiistenfeld. 6 vols. Leipzig

(The very frequent references to Dozy are of course to his Supplement
aux Dictionnaires Arab as.)

jd I, with meaning “finish” (Dozy). 46, 20, “So I entered upon a

description of his qualities which/ had not finished ,
when he said,” etc.

^L>], local name of a certain class of Berber girls, each of whom, it was
said, had only one breast; 217, 19 f.


H. The infinitive 2 yy>li‘ in 134, 1 belongs to II, “send,” though

an unusual form. See s. v., and also bb IY. The reading is certain.
Fully pointed in Ms. A.

bv>! I with ^t, way toward such and such a place (Dozy).
he took the

113, 6; 196, 4. —
With acc. of pers. and to require a person ,

to pay something (Dozy). 131, 6, Uil A=>i, “He

required the people of Egypt to pay for the construction of the

minarets,” also line 8. 257, 15 f., Js A\3>Li' A-j

UxjAj, “Then how will you fare on the day when each
Sura will exact from you its rale a, and its two sajdas ?" Also
154, 11, 16; 159, 3; 312, 13. — With to take a certain route

(Dozy), 171, 12; 198, Ilf. — With i, 75, 10 UAb j A=>f, “He
held to the pursuit of us.” — With and name of a place or
district, to occupy (an aob>]), 141, 17 ff., and often thereafter. —
The noun ;s3b>l has plur. jJL>t, 130, 1, 4, 16. See Tab. Gloss.
£ 5 &

J.M. *jM, plur. J.M, “money-bags,” 147, 3.

(j^^cbLat (Ms. (j^^cblal). A marginal note in Ms. A, purporting to come from

Al-WaqidI (171, note 3), states that the iL^al i—oLo in the time
of the Caliph Omar ibn al-Hattab was qJ (j^ybbLal,

and that this was Abo. These names would seem


to be K Xsxyopxc (or possibly QiXxypioq ?), XifjLxpoc, and ZooiXoq (?) ;


have been able to get no farther light on them.

“ball,” 55, 7 ff. (The same narrative in condensed form in Al-Ivindl,

- 3

ed. Guest, v, 3 ff., where the reading is a —5"). See Noldeke, Neue
Beitracje zur sem. Sprachwissenschaft ,
158 f.

followed by 267, 13 (Tab. Gloss.).

Affirmative clause followed by and a nominative, 209, 18. ISTol-

deke, Zur Grammatik des ciassischen Arabisch ,

p. 43. — L T after

an adjuration, 180, 1, 'JvP Lx> ‘Sj eCle cs*-*j-e ,


adjure you to go out and wash this off!” Also 165, 4 f

. . .
Or-03 .

Ellipsis in relative clause, 80, 8 f., Au As>! JoJu A ijAu! jJu '-Wl

Lyoc, “Praise God that no one of them was killed in disobedience.”

So also 144, 15. Somewhat similar examples with relative pron. lo,

see s. v.

o ~ o;c S
The saying, 89, 15, pis! n**[s pJU ^ (pointing of

Ms. A) ;
notice the later and characteristically inferior reading in

Maqr. I 295, 13 f. See Lisan XIY 293, 11 ff., ajjs

s- .03 s- o_

O £ 3 — >•

aAs>!_5 ^jlXj!j ;
also in Ibn al-Athlr’s Nihdija ,
s. v.

o £
followed by imperf. indie., 133, 9. Reckcndorf, Die sgntak-
tischen Verhdltnisse des Arabischen ,
565 below.
o, o
(conditional). The combination (IP right, Gramm. II 348 C),

71, 21; 274, 14.

o -
followed by j and imperfect indie., 174, 3; 208, 11;
0 l5
209, 14 (cf. line 16, where the reading of Ms. B is preferable);

222, 12; 240, 11. — immediately followed by for the sake

of added emphasis, 181, 9.

IV. 166, 16, hL«->p* 1—j!j!, “The (approach of) night

caused us to seek shelter in a Bedouin tent”. Cf. Dozy.


Ld with suffix of first person, 140, 7, 8, 17.

The unusual idiom >_j ajw “He brought out with him”
-C O -c

(also with JvAo, otJLlii!, ^iAS, etc.), 86, 19, j Ajm „A>Li
eh.jL^i ,
“Bring forth with you four thousand of your army”;
also 205, 7; 217, 5; 222, 18; 247,3. The more usual order, „y>
ajw /u, 7, 16; 37, 5; 239, 10; 246, 7.
. S' - 5

vjj jsj. The noun with the meaning “escort (collective), 50, 7.
_ o _
The conjecture is very tempting; but in the best Mss. (A
and B) the word is fully pointed, and it is probable that the tra-
dition is sound.

jju I, meaning “offer” rather than “grant,” 72, 21 f. (See Beladh. Gloss.).
£ 5 O 5 - -
\ji I. 189, 6 f., iLLXj! o-jy, “The compact is rendered void for

you” (cf. Dozy).

by, plur. jdy and olLy (Dozy), 17, 15; 27, 1 1 ff., and elsewhere.

I and III “Leave the ranks in order to engage one of the enemy
in single combat,” 175, 1 9 f . ;
the infin. j!_o, “single combat”, in

line 20. Dozy.


cAj I. With 60, 20, eVJjo “The Greeks were disgusted

^ Ji
at this.”

wcu I, meaning “see to it,” “take heed,” 168, 10, *aj!,

“ Take heed lest he be already gone.” Ms. B has (cf. Tab. Gloss.)
in the same idiom.

vjiku. xALAj {-iTTzy.iov), a slip of parchment (or paper), 150, 16 f., 20;

254, 21; 255, 1 f.

. The noun v**ju, obligatory military service , 218, 20. See also s. v. .

V, be distant (stem V rarely used), 233, 4.

-Lib (Lat. pactum ), “agreement, contract”; also, the tribute agreed upon,
189, 9.

£Aib, noun meaning a level gnece of ground, 86, 3; cf. Bibl. Geogr. IV, Gloss.

^Jb I,

with accus., “satisfy,
it suffices for him
suffice for.”

as long as
66, 22, LbJb!
he remains in
j ^
this world.”
L> axJloj,

5 ff

IV, with ^1. In Lane, s. v., is rendered: “I did with

him that which caused him to come to what was annoying”, etc.

In the passage 216, 14 the idea of reaching the limit, or attaining

the end, has greater emphasis: Ji

jljJ! ijbl, “Then he began beating him once each week until he

had punished him thoroughly .”

bb IV, to deserve something from some one (with 2 accus.), cf. Tab.
S — S O 5 w _
5 0-0
Grloss. 134, 1
^ ^‘'-A****' i

“I have deserved of the Muslims fellowship and favor through their

sending me (on this mission).” See also s. v. 20-3 II. — With
134, 8, Joi, “He stood by him” i. e. proved himself his ally
when he needed support.
50550 -
oJOLj (IIovtoccc). 209, 12 f., 0JO0 “ballista,” see Dozy.

obo II. 43, 15 the pyramids (»L^ ) !

are spoken of as s boJ! iLsLUx. The
word evidently describes the triangular shape cf. Lane s. v. and

under and see Dozy-Engelmann, Glossaire ,

s. v. albanecar

and alhanega.
o —
for the s/iop of the farrier, 120, 10.
“crude ore,” (borrowed from the Syriac, like all the other Arabic

words belonging to this root), 184, 16; 266, 13.


try ’
“shield.” The plur. 2C* jl , 29, 11. This plur. plur. is rare, lacking

in most dictionaries. Lisan: ^ ubbu JL5. See also

Tab. Gloss.

In 57, 8, where the Mss. read eCs! Jjo y I ventured to point

JJo and to suppose that Omar was using an Aramaic loanwood in

his letter. It is evident that the word was found troublesome even
at a very early time, fji'i was omitted, or altered to ^ ;

(I, 289, 1) writes jjb Lx> e'o JjCi the other historians who
excerpt from the (except Kindi a, 5, who reproduces the
text of Jbn c
Abd al-Hakam) omit the interesting letter altogether. It

is not difficult to suppose such borrowing from Aram.

in view of the use of the secondary root JjCj, from JG> VIII, and
O 5

the similar borrowing of ^bCi, “trust” (in God) from the Syriac.
The phrase would then have meant: “If they were among those on
whom your mother relied for support, you would not have taken
them on this expedition.” It now seems to me better to hold to the
reading y — ^ and to suppose an unusual idiom, but to raise the
question of the loanword.

JJLi' VI, with of the person, 103,10, exactly as in Dozy: trouver

G — — off

quelquun importun et se

detourner de lui. — yjL3, plur.

“equipments of war” 140, 16 (Dozy).

II. Passive participle “audacious,” 57, 21.

isAjys-, plur. noun meaning “ lightly equipped troop” (of cavalry).

JuJi 169, 6; 183, 6. JuJi ^ sJu^, 173, 14. Cf. Tab. Gloss.,

and the adverb aAjy> in Dozy.

VI, with accus. of pers., converse earnestly ,

or dispute ,
with another.

295, 3, “He engaged him in conversation.” See Dozy, and

Tab. Gloss.
used in speaking of a tall man, specifically. 107, 13, &A.s. *•>!

% L^> -A

(yy^es), “plaster,” 42, 16. The word is somewhat rare (see Fraenkel,

Fremdworter ), and therefore this old example may not be unwelcome.

I, with J.I, 229, 7, said of one who presents himself to a qadi for

his decision (so in Dozy).

I, with Vi etc., meaning He learned the whole Koran

by heart, 202, 17; 234, 3. — aL*->L:> used in speaking of the call

34 glossary

to prayer by which all are summoned to assemble, on an important

s - o «
occasion: 81, 16, 'sJu> b> shLoJl
j q55. So in Dozy.

The noun 0 Ll>, properly plur. of iL^>, used as masc. sing., 212, 14 f.

Cf. Dozy (“dans la langue moderne”).

“famine” (as in Dozy), 162, 19.

“merchandise,” 189, 11; or probably rather “provisions,” reading

w -- G —
instead of Cf. the passages in Abdarl quoted in Dozy,
s. v. and under -^p> V and VIII.

“desert,” 169, 9. See Edrlsi Gloss., and the references

given there.

IV, to cross a strait (jb?) in a vessel, 207, 19. — jLs?, “strait,”

205, 9 f., 18 ff
. ;
220, 14. See Dozy.

U .
I, with accus. of pers. and to restrain one person from joining

another, 202, 14 (where it is not necessary to emend to

6£.). —
With in the signification which is common with stem II (see
below), meaning to restrict a legacy to a certain beneficiary, 135, 19.
See Edrisi Gloss., and Dozy. — II, with in the use just described,

100,22; 103,23.

I, with acc. of pers., to serve as chamberlain (w*>L>) of a prince

or ruler, 123, 16 (twice).

j^=>i meaning the “eye” of a needle, 42, 14. (Yaqut, Maqrizi, and Ibn

Duqmaq, who quote the passage, omit the word or substitute another.)

oA> IV, to “sin,” “do wrong,” in the most general sense (see Dozy and

Tab. Gloss.), 79, 2, 5. Cf. L+J5 oA=>i, 180, 21. — oAi> “insur-
rection,” “civil disturbance” (also Dozy), 96, 15.

Lv> Ill, “to be opposite,” construed with v_j ,

291, 20.

IY, to wear out riding beasts by long journeying, 237, 15. Jauharl,

S. V., OjA*

IY, “to secure, insure,” 154,7; 155, 11; cf. Dozy and Tab. Gloss.

VIII, 78, 3, “they fortified themselves”; cf. stem V in

Dozy. — Go
“fortifications (collective). 183,8,
> o

border strongholds of the Muslims (a conjectural reading, which

however seems certain).

G -O- 5 — t

pi. a trailed enclosure for a garrison, a fort , 27, 2, 5 f

The meaning “hospice” (see especially Edrlsi Gloss.) is evidently
the one intended in 112, 14 f.

IV, iGLJL “He began the prayer” (so Dozy), 300, 13. — V,

The phrase Aj, “It is forbidden to us, being in

0 5 w
(the category of) what is inviolable,” 91, 17; cf. aA.* ,

quoted in the dictionaries.

(collective), “caltrop,” Lat. murex , 59, 18 (in 61, 18 the word is

replaced by ii\Xw). With this passage compare Q. Curtius 4, 13, 36:

nuntians, murices ferreos in terram defodisse Dareum, qua hostem

equites emissurum esse credebat.

x_Ail=>, “suburbs,” the territory adjoining a city or town, 164, 5.

So also Beladh. Gloss.

(instead of s^J2 .:>), “sheep-fold,” “cattle-pen,” etc., 318, 23. Also

in Dozy.

I, show respect to a person, with acc. (as in Dozy and Edrlsi Gloss.).

122, 15, Lj! ,

“show respect to Abu Bekr in your

treatment of me.”

“box,” 46, 13. See Dozy.

IV, “to know thoroughly” (as in Dozy), 234, 3.

in the passage 139, 17: Ajlj s La_AJI ^J>\ dU3j

i . In Mahasin I, 81, where the passage is quoted, the

reading given in the text is and a footnote refers to the
Coptic Aa*J! or Maundy Thursday. But it can hardly be
doubted that the true reading of Ibn Abd al-Hakam’s
text was

as in all four mss. and in the Mahasin Ms. B. In A the _ is ex-

pressly marked as muhmala. If the original reading had been
it would not easily have been thus altered, since the term ^Xpit

was well known in later times (see Maqrlzl I, 495, 5 f.). This
then, is either the Coptic £jK.h, “quadragesima,” “Lent,” or
else a local jesting name for Maundy Thursday as the day of the
“ hot water” i. e., of the ceremonial washing of the feet; a name
perhaps coined under the influence of the Coptic word. This latter
supposition appears to me the more probable.

Y, to assume an obligation hy ones own choice ,

with accus., 156,5,

See Beladh. Gloss., and Tab. Gloss. — VI, with 63, 12,

(*_LwJl (jfcUJt, “The men threw themselves (in rivalry) upon the

ladder.” — VIII, passive of I, 106, 13, iLj “He was borne

away bleeding.” So Dozy. — O 5

it is possible , 155,3. Also

in Dozy. — Infin., JLos>!, ability to pay a required sum or amount,
153, 1, 5, 6, 9. See Beladh. Gloss.
— o —
The noun “poison, virulence” (of a serpent’s bite), 301, 3,
fully vocalized in Ms. A. I have not found the word elsewhere in
- 5

this signification, as the equivalent of the usual i*=>.

“arcade”, 109, 5, See Dozy.

w- O ^ C - 5

Ihe proverb, o^>, 86, 14, see s. v.

The noun “black mud” from the bottom of the sea, etc., 25,9
(in the oft-quoted tradition of Pharaoh, Gabriel and the Red Sea),
seems not to have been generally familiar to the Arabs, and is very
probably borrowed from the Aramaic “sand”, especially sand of

the sea. In that case, the meanings “black slime” (= sL_^=>) and
“black fetid mud” are presumably due to the popular interpretation
of the Pharaoh tradition. The definition “mud mixed with sand,”
Ibn Ilisham 372, 3 fl‘., combines the two renderings. See also Lisan
XHi, 202, 9—15.

meaning “when,” 76,6: There was great rejoicing (lit., it was a

festal day) among the Greeks of Alexandria when the Arabs con-

quered Syria. (Husn I 57 bottom and Maqr. I 164 mid. correct to

Cf. the examples in Tab. Gloss., and Rcckendorf, Die si/n-

taktischen VerJidltnisse des Arabischen , 660.

o 5 t

plur. oLpd, and II denominative, used of the ancient cuttings

and quarries seen in the hills of Egypt, 41,5,7 (where Ibn Lahka
gives the gloss Jjtl'i). In the text of this passage quoted by Husn,
Yaq., and Duqm. lU> has been substituted.

a Himyaritic name, syili

^ 188, 7, see the references there.

A theophoric name, hayaw-il; in Arabic originally written

(Tahdhlb VIII 372, Av-^PS Mlzdn al-Etidal II

346, s. v. qJ e ^' Jn al-Qaisarani, Kitdb

o<?'' >-V
o _
al-Jam 424 footnote), then pronounced Ayp^ and ultimately

as prescribed in Ibn Makula’s Ikmal ,

folk 626, 150a, and in Qamlls
III 353, 7. Cf. the name ©9T, Hayaw, in Mordtmann, Beitrdge zur
mindischen Epigraphik ,
V 6, XXX, LIII 1, LVIII 5, LX 1; ^NTI,
1 Kings 16,34, Euting, Sinaitische Inschriften n°. 370, and other ,

similar names; also the Himyaritic names Ap^A--^ A^-py-A and

(see s. v.). In the two places where the name occurs in al-

Kindi (ed. Guest, If, 10; VA, 17) the reading of the Ms. is Ar.y-^=> I

I, to be given out (officially), said of a written order, 166, 21. See Dozy.
Oj== IV with the same meaning as I, 229,5, where the reading is <^oy>t
in Mss. B and C, also originally in A (corrected by the first hand).
It is quite possible that this was the reading of Ibn c
Abd al-Hakam’s
own text; cf. the passage quoted from Amari in Dozy.

I, to be corrupt , deal falsely , etc.; said of a judge, 226, 11 (the

of Mss. AB cannot be the original reading). The use of the
verb in this ethical sense is well known in the later Arabic; see
0 3

y*L>, corrumpu ,
vicieux ; scileratesse , etc., in Dozy. Hava’s

Dictionary (Beyrut, 1899) records y».£> “he became a rascal” and

“rascal” as belonging to the Egyptian dialect. This is the


equivalent of Eth. 1fl<2 “he was corrupt, acted wickedly,” the par-
ticipial adjective “corrupt, depraved,” the noun JOC “perfidy,”
etc. Closely allied is the use of the word illustrated by Koran 12, 14
(“imbecile”), 7, 97, Bokhari II l.f, 15, l.o, 1. In these and similar
cases the underlying idea — in spite of the native dictionaries and
commentators — is not that of losing but of lacking (JjL*J!
oAx^jl etc.).

The noun £joU> “intimacy” (as in Dozy), 174,1; 252,9; cf. Ibn
Hisham 681,3.

IV. The infin. §Lki>i used with the meaning of the I stem infin.

Si xai>, 138, 9. Cf. Lane and Dozy.

I, to assign a piece of ground or other real estate to some one;

either used absolutely or with direct object, and with j of person.
See Dozy, and Lane stem VIII. Used absolutely, 98, 7; 100, 20;
s. v.

108,7. With direct object, 100,5; 113,22; 133,19. The adj. —

132, 10, used of a building belonging to one of the Khittahs.
°" . •

I, to circumcise (a girl). 11,22 “thou must circumcise

her.” Some lexicons record the verb only in the passive voice; see
Lane. — IV, to become humbled abased; 140, , 8, (jrLa-=>j. I

have not found the IV stem recorded elsewhere, but it was un-
doubtedly the reading of Ibn Qudaid (note the array of evidence),
and is a natural use of this stem. Perhaps I have been mistaken
in preferring the emendation

iLbA, plur. jbL>, with the meaning painful experience,” 140, 7;

182, 1.

V. 226, 9, \xh “he approached him.” Also in Dozy.

II, to “pass beyond” (a place), 197, 14; 211,5; 219,9. (Dozy). —

III, with acc. of pers. and ^!, to proceed to a place while avoiding
(or avoiding the notice of) some one, 198, 19. (Dozy). — VIII, to
follow one another constantly ,
76, 3. So Tabari Gloss.
o —
I, to have a private audience with some one (cf. s^_U>). 215, 4

LJU> A-jj—i “Yazld summoned me to a private audience.”


(Dozy). — II, 6^ >lo JA* to permit a thing to some one (as

in Dozy), 83, 12; 140, 10. — b^L> “private audience,” 105, 18. (Dozy).
o 5 o£
^ ,
plur. ,jA_*-=>!, 214,3, property of the Muslim state; here
used of men ,
elsewhere of conquered lands which become state

property (see Dozy).

plur. “things appertaining to this or that, 77,17.

See Pedro de Alcala, quoted in Dozy.

I, to “go forth to shift for itself” (lit. “graduate”), said of a young

lamb leaving its mother, 140, 14. The same in Dozy, said of a
young bird.

III, to know a thing thoroughly by experience (as sometimes stem I),

35,15. — IY, the phrase

O 5

L^o, “What do you know about

it?” 228,21, as in Dozy. Either identical with this or very similar
(“How do you know?”), 30,5; cf. Koran 33,63; 42,16; 80,3.
I. In the tradition of Gabriel, Pharaoh, and the sand of the Red
w )c ,
r s:

Sea, 25, 9 f., in the phrase j, x-woii ^svJ[ jL>

^ Jvj>! b!
5 ^
Q.psyj J,, the verb might mean either adroitly slipping the sand
into his mouth (without his knowing how or by whom it was done),

the use of j, x/*j illustrated in Beladh. Gloss., and agreeing with

the ordinary meaning of the root or, less probably, forcing ,

stuffing ,
the sand into his mouth (Lisan, Taj, Nihaya, xk>A tit

a jij jph j). The latter is the traditional interpretation, see

5 5

for example the variant readings x£>3 xj and x*a xj

given in Lisan s. v. Jb>, XIII 202 middle. May not all this, however,
be due merely to the popular (but erroneous) interpretation of the
verb in this one tradition? — Meaning “incite, instigate,” with A,
w ?

214,12, x-J[ “He had been instigated to come to him” (i. e.

with a false report). — With J, to incite a person to a certain

course of action, 218, 14. Cf. Dozy, for both idioms.

L&3 YIII, with j (so edited), 124, 15 xl “acknowledging him as

their leader” (Dozy). — The less common verbal noun x-jLeO, in

the phrase phLAM XjLco, “confession of the faith of Islam,” 46, 10

o _
(the same in Bokhan II 235, line 4); cf. Lane s. v. and Tab.
Gloss, s. v.

I, with ,j^, to commence the journey from a place 115,6; 288,8.

See the reference in Lane (who marks the usage with a dagger),
and cf. the later usage described in Dozy.

given as the name of a town in the Fayyum, 174, 6. Ibn Qudaid

corrects this, however, to see the note. The geographers
(except Yaqut’s Moschtarik , see below) do not know of a iLAj-o;
as for it is recorded in Yaq. Ill 265, but plainly on the
sole authority of Ibn Qudaid’s corrected text of Ibn c
Abd al-Hakam;
note the remark,
_cAJj hL: A_j
^ , o
cf. the corrupt

reading in our Ms. C, JIcAj for LeAj. Jl an 156 and c

? ^ - o
Abdallatif 683 (XY 66) mention a town (Abdal. in

the Fayyum, and this is probably the one intended in the story
told of ‘Abdallah ibn Sa c
d. JYan 166, Duqm. Y a, and Abdallatif

689 (XYI 82) give a in the Bahnasa district, and acquain-

tance with this name may have led to the corruption of the other,
> >

in the text of Hak. Moscht. has, s. v.

* g 31j L?tA=>! . Here
again, as in his Mujarn al-Buldcin, Yaqut is led astray by the
corrupt text of the It is because of this statement in
Moscht. that De Sacy, Abdallatif 682 note and 689 note, thought

of emending the name j->, in the Fayyum, to

VI, with accus., to come ,

one after another , to a place or a thing
(as in Dozy), 40, 15, 20; 117, 18.

(a Persian word), a movable tower, from which the general addresses

his soldiers, 219, 15. See Adhaii I, ft, 13.

£^J>, the “sleeve” of a garment, 176,4. So also in Tab. Gloss.

? -
The adjective j,J5, “mean, contemptible,” 160, 8. See Nowairi in
Dozy s. v.
_ o £ l. ,

j*.=> ! ^1^, an Abyssinian slave, 117, 18; 118, 2. See Dozy, p. 493.

£. s: OC-
xjlJt, and jul^Sl the designation of the company, made up from
members of various tribes, united under one banner in Fustat by
Amr ibn al- AsI. 98, 2 and elsewhere (see Index).

vr LCiGj (— ^G^, on which sec Fraenkel, Fremdworter), “shipmaster”;

122,8, vjislc Why these “navigators” of Ghafiq were

so styled, I
do not know. Presumably a mere nickname.

U^; II, to take charge of a thing, as a family concern. 125, 19,

(fully pointed in Ms. A): “A message, which the two sons of Firas

ibn Malik take upon themselves" (as belonging to their household).

Cf. I “she took charge of his household affairs,” and IV

“he took upon himself the expenses of his family” (Lane).

&kjh, “garrison”, 191,19; 192,4,6. See Dozy, and Tab. Gloss.

IV, with accus., to take horses out to pasture in the spring 139, 10

(pointed in Ms. A); 140,15. For this meaning in stem II see Dozy
and Tab. Gloss. — plur. ^Ljq, “estate”, 32,16; 100,12. Cf.

Dozy. In this and the allied derivatives of the root ,

Arabic words are inextricably mingled with Aramaic borrowings.
O G — -
Note how £3 and may have exactly the same meaning.

CO III, “strive to pacify, to reconcile”, etc., 35, 15, 17, 18; 36, 1

- o c- W j: CO W
in the phrase, |»JvJ>_j, said of one who takes

a pompous or belligerent attitude, 101,21. — The phrase


meaning “while under mg care" “in mg following" (= Ileb. ^JTQ),

164, 14. Cf. the signification “in my lifetime,” Lane 1045«. —

The in 216, 18 (insufficiently defined) should probably have
o -
been edited

II, to repeat again and again ,

182, 8. The stem, used in this sense,
is wanting in some dictionaries. See Lane.

& I,

with ^ii,

the attention
to bring a matter (especially a complaint or accusation)
of a ruler, magistrate, or other officer, 57, 14

104,15; 167,15; 242,16. (Dozy). — With *_j of pers., to give a

person a place of honor ,

179,4. (Dozy). — Y, with j, 158,1;
apparently, to betake oneself to a place, in order to sojourn in it.

Perhaps read iyj, however?

X, to seek profit or advantage ,

85, 15. Also in Dozy. — o —

plur. “provisions, produce,” 139, 5 f. (Dozy).

“stirrup” in the phrase in his train, 113, 20. Cf.

the use of alone, in Dozy, and the phrase jb “keep

fast hold of his stirrup!” in Bokhan II 181, line 8.

“in abundant supply,” 133,17.

“lye”, lixivium ,
214,5; cf. Golius in Freytag. The modern
tlo .

IV, see s. v.

(a word of Persian origin?), a kind of sweet pancake or

fritter, 119, 9. (Dozy).

(S x[3pxrx, ZxppxSx, Zxfixpx 3-i), the name of an ancient city in the

Tripoli tana, 172, 1, 5. At the time of the Arab conquest, Sabrata
was merely the market of the adjoining city which the Arabs called
Nibara, to which the market was afterward transferred by Abd ar- c

Rahman ibn Habib in the year 131. Both t^Lo and Oj^ are wanting-
in the Arab geographers generally; Yaqut’s knowledge of them comes
solely from Ibn c
Abd al-IIakam, see refs, here, p. 172. Yaqut tells

us that he used a remarkably excellent ms. of the _^Jo, * n

which the spelling occurred twice, tw-w once (III 31 : LAY

x<s.*Yt j xJ!
^ 5 ;
and again, p. 32 line 12:

xAwi! v^.i'i'j). Some of the Greek geographers have

another name for Zxfipxrx, as is well known, namely ’A fiporovov.
Since, however, the name of the city appears on Punic coins as
and (= 'LxfipxTOV ?), it is possible that the connection
between the two names is closer than has been supposed. I had
thought of a possible origin of Nibara in Abrotonum (see the note
on p. 172), but the latter is too remote; so also, perhaps, is Taberna

(notice Cypsaria Taberna just west of Sabrata, and Flacci Taberna a

short distance eastward). In any case, the narrative deals with two
distinct cities, Tarabulus and Nibara-Sabrata.

in the phrase b5 “He was not a match for him,”

77, 14 (where several mss. have xL_y*o). See also under

^ IV.

II. The passive participle “with large buttocks,” 77, 17. The

Lisan has IY stem, with this signification.

The plur. JoLk\_w “young lambs”, 140, 14. Plur. of the

o -
plur. of

IY, to light a lamp (see Dozy), 42, 12. — X, the same, 42, 17
(also in the text of the passage as quoted in Duqm., Husn, and
Maqr.). So in Tab. Gloss.

L5j*" •
jjy*, plur. b|^, a “raiding band”; the part of an army used for

raiding expeditions, distinguished from the main army (^£=2..a*_e),

101,9; 183,17; 190,4 (so to be read); 193,19; 205,2; 249,14.

Cf. Tab. Gloss.

iAav idfLw, “hook” (as in Dozy), 19, 1; 22,7. — A “caltrop,” 61, 18;

see also s. v. Dozy.

J-w xJLw, “clash of arms, fracas,” 171, 16. Cf. Lisan:

•C w -
jKXs: jAwF •

II. 62, 18, Ai'bLa ^ jJLw, “he finished his prayer.” Dozy. — fbLw,

“completeness, full measure”; “in full,” 107, 7; 233, 10.

Cf. Dozy.

IV, with j of pers., to assign a 'portion, 178, 4, 7, 8. Dozy.

w - ) t 3

I. The phrase Ub “I became apprehensive,” 186, 23.

i3^«w blackness ” of the. shy ,
in a storm, 23, 23.

IjCw I, used transitively, with dir. obj., 119, 3 (the verb fully pointed
in Ms. A), “So Omar ibn Hubaira and Abu Ubaida
(in command
of the forces of al-Madina) wintered them and the first fleet in

Pontus.” Tab. Gloss, has II, liibernare fecit. — aUj'Li (1) the army
which makes the winter campaign, 180, 15; also (2) the winter cam-
paign itself, 192, 2 (cf. asAo, 241,3). Dozy.

IY, “send,” with accus. of pers., 197, 7. In 241, 7 the meaning is

“send for.” — Simply “go” (as in I), 246, 21. All these in Dozy.
, o )

_ IY. Passive participle impers. -AAa, laced with a thong; 106,9,

(i/ ' Ci/
O - o ) — o — t

“He was wearing a cloak

under which was a sword with a thong laced over its hilt.” See
also the following word. — a ^ac ^ n9 or lashing by which a

thing is fastened in place. 106, 9, olowJi (thus to be vocalized,

with Ms. A) the lashing by which the hilt of the sword was fastened
inside the cloak.

in Himyarite proper names, see s. v. •

G - _
lJ—A, “hill, rising ground,” used of a slight eminence, 115, 12;
125, 14; 171, 10.

I, “satisfy (as in Dozy and Tab. Gloss.). 155, 19, ^ iA->j ^Li
O - S O

Uic “And if he found in regard to this any satisfactory

information, (well and good).”

5 0-
I. “perfumed,” used tropically, of a thing which seduces
from the right way, 140,17. See also •

II, with accus. of dir. obj., to wish a person well, invoking health
for him by pronouncing the name (!£*) of God. 270, 18. Presumably
from Syr. pa
el a.^a (1
st or 2 nd pers.). Jauharl: ^
yv-wJL a! jA*— 1 Alt

^ xiT ywJlj jls

yii ij
A i_\ .*-* r iJjj. The form with (j*,

is secondary. See the following verb, which has a different origin.

II, with accus. of pers., to “disgrace.” 191, 15, “Thou hast brought
disgrace on the Christians and destroyed their men.” See Dozy. From
the Jewish N'nsftf (root See the preceding verb.

oV?UJ! used absolutely, for J^lAJ! a^Lo, the evening prayer. 115,3;

282, 20.

The phrase meaning “by the command or permission of

jr 1 -

God,” 233, 20. So also Dozy.

II, 61,2, in the phrase ^su,oj (AjAA ^Lxs ®Jli1s “engaging

them from dawn until dark.” See Dozy s. v. Lw^o II, citing this same
passage (from Arnold’s direst.). See also L II.

o ~

j*- the open country just outside the city or encampment, 121,2;

122, 2, 21; 123, 2. Dozy. — IV, “they reached the open

country,” 123, 12. Tab. Gloss.

JXo 173, 18, _lH “on the return of the pilgrims.” Cf. Tab. Gloss,
on the use of IV with the meaning, perfecit ,

0 5

“upper part of the bridle,” 243, Dozy.

e^ 0 - clNjo, 2.

jjAo II, the phrase *Jlll v3Ao, or simply ^_v5v/o, used of the Muslim who
has proved true to God. Infill. 271,13; and in 276,24;
_ 5 - w
277, 4 Ms. A points A_x_S lC-X-=> *Ju! o-V-o, instead of the usual

I stem. Perhaps I should have edited accordingly.

O^ j j

The noun yo, “sacks (of coin)” (Dozy), in the phrase ls>yo 5 Ls> o,
i. e. all her wealth, 89, 10. Certainly the original reading of Hak.,
corrupted in some texts.

LJjO IV. 223, 20, &JI ^yo! “They brought them back to him,” cf. Dozy.

Ubo VIII, “confiscate,” 114,11. See Dozy, and cf. iLcLo in Tab. Gloss.

I, denominative, to give out a written order (iiLo) for something,

w 5 5

with tiVo, or plur. as dir. obj., and of the thing specified,

166, 10. See Lane and Tab. Gloss.

O 5

„JLo „.Ao, the payment made to the Muslims by treaty or agreement,

155,22; 170,11. Dozy.

*3. The phrase 60, 17. See Lane, 1724c.

, itcU-o, “arsenal,” 64,17; 90,7; 127,9. See Dozy.


IV, to partake of food (the verb used absolutely), 81, 19.

3 * pt^o, in the emphatic phrase bslys L«l^o, “with complete certainty,”

213,1. Colloquial for Lelyj b!^, with doubling for emphasis and
assimilation of the v_j.

isLib as, “summer campaign” of an army, 170, 1; 241, 3. Dozy. Cf.

\ 4 1 1 w •

I, to construct a building, 130,9. Cf. ^buJt in Hamzae Ispa-

hanensis Annates ,
ed. Gottwaldt, p. Ifo.

wiLyiJ I, to be angry (Dozy), 120, 12.
5 5

pbklb, plur. large ring (like a nose-ring, e. g.y 257, 2, LXs

*Ji jLai (oilb^Jt (Jls b Ulb) si all! This

5 5

appears to be a local (or vulgar) metathesis for pi !->=»

plur. p_Iai>.

The native dictionaries remark on the confusion of these two roots,

and in Lane p-b^L is not admitted at all.

VI, 175,21, “each in turn driving back his opponent.”


r*h II, “feed, nourish” (like IV), 297, 12. Later usage, see Lane and Dozy.

Infin. ^JLL, pursuit of a fleeing enemy, 75, 10. Beladh. Gloss.,

Tab. Gloss.

& VIII. Particip. passive 182,2, “That which is impending,”

o -
meaning the Day of Judgment after death. The same phrase,

in a traditional saying of c
Omar ibn al-Hattab; see the
explanation in Lisan X 109, line 5 f

ob * “big-bodied, bulky,” said of a beast, 101,21.

(also iwjLLb), “carpet, rug,” 208, 1 1 . This is from Syr. iAsiial^*

(whence also Pers. ,

„w_*_i_i), derived from Grk. txtt/,:. It

seems to me certain that the late Hebr. PPDri is from the same Grk.
word, though Fraenkel, Fremdworter p. 103, doubts it.

“brick,” 181,6; 251,18. This is from the Coptic Tuifee, tio&j.

*b ’
collective plur. of a^L,* “pickax,” 151,12. Coptic Tiope, Tujpi.

W 5

See Peyron, Lex. 249 b, and notice also iu^Jb, pickaxe, designated

as an Egyptian word, in Hava’s Dictionary.

Y, to enlist in an army, 190, 11. Dozy.

II, to “fasten with a cord, or strip (as of leather or parchment),”

denominative from jys, “cord” (Dozy). 244, 17, wJLO 3yb> “11°

put cords about the scrolls” containing the official registers. The

corresponding passage in al- Kindi, rVl, 8, reads: sL^aJt Jj!

5 5 5 5 S f

b'-i '3 yC * ’
* U W-Ofc.- V .... IgA*)

xL*_i . Guest notes a blank space in the Kindi Ms. after the word
- o £
Is it not very probable that the word originally
stood there? This word stands just here in the Raf c
al-Isr, according
to Gottheil, Egyptian Cadis xxix, note on 67, 8; and
p. it (or a

similar noun) is required by the context, for the £L<aJ! must

have been the labels on the strips of parchment (sLs^w) fastened
about the scrolls and indicating their contents. Wiistenfeld, Statt-
halter II 14, understood the phrase quite differently. — X, with
accus., to find the time too long , 38, 9, 11. Dozy.
5 0 5 S
I, to be cooked. 300, 12, ,^-jlbf “Has your pot boiled (are

the contents cooked )?” So in Dozy.

I, to fall to ones lot , with j of pers., 63,4. Cf. Dozy, II 79a, top,


I, to weigh light in the balances, 255, 2. I have not found the verb
elsewhere in this signification.

jr#- -fb, “person” (like (j*oii). 196,3, ^-g-bj Abj, “both

their horsesand they themselves."
W 5

eXc s Ac. ,
special reserve force of men, auxiliary troops ,
103, 19. Dozy.

xIjAc, “sack, saddle-pack” (one on each side of the beast of burden),

20, 10. So also Dozy (large sack for grain, etc.).

- o _ o -
tXe LjAjuo, plur. oUx*-*, 153,3. Apparently land on the borders of

rivers and canals, permanently occupied by fording -boats and rafts.

Cf. Dozy and Spiro.

I, with j, topay attention to a thing (like Y), 62, 21. Cf. Dozy
s. v., IY, where he expresses his doubt whether it may not be I,

rather than IV, that is thus used. — Y, with j of pers., to attack.

62, 15, aJ *4 “Make no attempt on his life!” Also 68,9

(infill.). Similar examples in Dozy. —
With accus., meaning “meddle
with, concern oneself with” a thing, 77, 17. — VIII, with accus.,
to “exact satisfaction for” a person or thing, 141, 3 (twice). Cf.

Lane, at the end of the paragraph on stem VIII. — The noun ijojc,
G - w 3

inspector of troops, 202,12, 14. See Tab. Gloss, s. v. u»yt5l v_jUA.

II. 124, 21, (the tasdld in Ms. A) “lie gave them a formal
designation.” Dozy. — Denominative from oy-c (see below), 123, 3

(twice). Dozy and Tab. Gloss. — v_ju^e, “captain,” 120,12; 123,3;

130, 16; 152, 17 (?), and elsewhere. The singular word (stat.

constr. plur.), 152, 17 (see the footnote), looks like a combination of

5 M - S5
and The variations in the ms. tradition show, however,

that the word was actually pronounced. Might one possibly think

of a from ypxCpsvs?

. ((j^iijfi), 152, 17, where I have emended to 4j^c, see above.


IV, with accus., to race horses (lit., “cause them to sweat”; see Tab.

Gloss.), 145,3. Cf. Jauharl: LLe L v where oy:

means a “heat.” See also Lane s. v. II, where IV is also referred

to. — Cif -
174, 3 and o^e, 60, 17, nouns with the same meaning,
“bones covered with meat,” regarded by the Arabs as especially
choice food. The native dictionaries generally try to distinguish

between them; tlms Qam. Ill 255, JA! loli Ha*! I Or*jl

UiAxJ Lfbb" Lisan XII, 115,

^ qIs jjlyiJl

vJijC ajJLe . So also Ibn as-Sikkit, Tahdhib al-Alfaz ,


oV>L, . But in botli traditions in Hak. the pJ- is expressly

glossary 49*

included. — ^Lc, sec ^ ie preceding. Some native authorities have

regarded this as plur. of Js-c; see e.g. Lisan, loc. at.] but others,
with good reason, have objected to this.
'lily “honeyed,” used tropically of a thing which seduces from
the right way (cf. Dozy), 140,17. See also s. v. pi.

aa*cc, the legal term (collective) for certain classes of more distant
heirs , 100,9, 1 6f
lac. Ape, “pardon,” the exact equivalent of j.ic, 215, 14, 16, 17. I have
not found this elsewhere.

yjic. II, to “leave offspring”, as commonly in IV, 112, 16 (so pointed in

Ms. A). — IV, with ,

to relieve or replace one garrison by another,

192, 7 (vocalized in A). See Dozy on III, where he notes that IV

may also be used. — xJic, a slight eminence ,
hill, 115,19; 116,1;
x - o
119, 9. — i_jlac, dealer in iUac (kind of variegated colored cloth)? 112,5.

JJic I, with j of pers. and of the thing, to (jive to a person the

government of a tribe, army, or province, 56,6; 79,16; 118, 19 f.;

192,9; 197,18; 199,12; 220, 4 f. Dozy II 148a, top. — jJP, used

for the decimal numbers 20—90, 44, 16. See Lane and Dozy.

JJic I, with direct object, to « pucker, contract,” said of the astringent

action of a potion.
5 -50 “If his tongue should
106, 3, JJi-c ^1,

be puckered,” showing that poison was present.

A*c. Jv+c, “trunk” or “stalk” of a tree (cf. by^vxJ' in Dozy), 141, 9.

aj the city Amorion, 108,15. As for the vocalization: Yaq. Y 25,

VpL-'t o JiS, and so Yaq. regularly


points. This pronunciation is indeed required by the oft-quoted verse,

Yaq. I 391, III 730; but not in the verse Mas'udI, Tanblh 170,
line 11, a verse contemporary with al-Mu'tasim’s expedition against
- O
<AXc. JUc, “in accordance with,” 244,15. See Dozy, who cites this pas-

sage. (Guest, Kindi emends

l"vf, to
y£ .


The name ^L^Lc, see the Index s. v. _ ;.d . A South-

Arabian name, see Ibn Doreid. The Mss. of the _>^s have
almost invariably (so also Ilusn), and this seems to have
been the tradition of Ilak.; but see the authorities cited p. 180,
note 5, and add Mu’talif.
I, W, “occasion of rejoicing, celebration,” used in the most general

way (i. e., not a periodical festal day). 76, 6, “The day of the
Muslim conquest of Syria was the holiday of the Greeks
in Alexandria.” (Apparently, the original text of the tradition did
not contain the word which was added later, in the

wrong place; see the footnote.)

II, with fwo direct objects and ^ of the thing replaced , 99, 5;

112,12. Cf. ^ 100,23.

- . .
° -
cAde, “families,” plur. of which is plur. of dULe, dA-c;

102, 15, 19. Dozy.

II, without expressed object, 105, 11, ^cAib (so pointed in A and B)

“(jiving the people their breakfast." Cf. LCbu, line 7, and Mas'udi

IV 437 ((j^Ui!

I, sec under

II, with ._j, to expose some one to danger 192, 10. SoBeladh. Gloss.

IV, with l_j, to discredit a tradition, classing it as non-authentic

;.oc £
or unrecognized (_o £). Thus 271, 2, Lg-a xJLc ,

and so 264, 2; 275, 18. 268, 5, ISjAs* Lj

(jfcLtJt sUj Lv>ij. In 263, 12 this idiom seems to be used for

discrediting the person on whose authority the tradition is handed

down: ^ j where
the suffix in *_i_JLe refers to the Egyptian collectors of tradition.
This use of _^£ IV is to be found elsewhere (e. g. Ibn Hajar I 615,
5 O—

line 131, but I have not seen



noted an any dictionary.


— l<

used like a preposition, “to the west of,” 104, G; 108, 14; 171, 11.

Cf. ,
and see Dozy on the latter,

lie I, in the reputed words of Omar in regard to the treatment of con-

quered Egypt, UX* »j*j 88, 10; 263, 19 (the

word fully pointed in A); Beladh. 11a. But “go forth on raiding-

expeditions” does not satisfy the context. Beladlniri records a variant,

.A*_j jis j!. The original reading was probably . AJLj “until the

offspring of the pregnant (cattle) are born (and can be nourished).”

Perhaps merely denominative from a newly born

lamb or kid.

I, with accus., do or undertake deliberately, 272, 1,8; Ibn Hisam

soc ^
289. Not in the dictionaries generally; Freytag has: Syit ^.33 in-

consulto suscepit rem (Reiske ad Gol.). The Nihaya, explaining the

5 O. _
use of the word in this tradition, says: syiAJtj q-.

wdc. “most favorable.” 191, 13, ^ xJLe “At a time

highly favorable as regards wind.” Dozy.

. c II, used of the humming of insects, 139, 13.


Jyi VIII, with accus., to seize upon suddenlg (?). 159,2, 1313

• ? o ^

lC^sli A ^cAJl Uai'^j' bl UlUiV “So when you come to me

with equivocal phrases which you suddenly seize upon, you do not
suit what is in my mind.” All Mss. and Husn have ULou (voca-

lized in A); Maqr. has lij u*j*, obviously inferior. It may be that
„ o __

the orig. was Lgj JLi “with which you content yourself ”; but
these letters of Omar contain some unusual and striking expressions,
and the reading of the text is to be preferred.

JLo, “place into- which water drains off,” 108,11. Cf. above,

*U! Li3 ^ .

_i. “place of recreation” (?), 135, 16. See the reference in Dozy.

-if, the name of a fine garment, 288, 11. I believe that the origin
of the word is in 3*12 and Qpvyiz, and that it originally designated
“ Phrygian splendor,” just as (I believe) the Hebrew- Aramaic p32,

O .. « 3

-aLs, Jui, denoted Phoenician luxury.” Qam.’s \aJL>
^ is,

I think, merely an attempt to provide an etymology.

VIII, with accus., “deflower,” used as a synonym of^o^i! in speaking

of the conquest of a country, 1S5, 6. Dozy.

c i I, participle; 105,19, UJ yS>^ “when he has leisure to attend

to us.” Dozy. — Passive participle e 5 _A«, “vacant.” 91, 3 (imper-

sonal). Of. Dozy.

V, “depart,” 166, 17. See Beladh. Gloss. — ,

“the Africans,”

185, 7, 10.

t'X' gjj, “sudden call to arms,” 127, 7 (like xcji in Dozy.)

(ultimately from Lat. piscina •
see Fraenkel), a fountain with its

basin, 87, 13. Dozy.

u* (jiyji.s, 304, 12, used of a ewe “whose milk flows forth without its

being drawn, by reason of the wideness of the orifice of the teat”

i'uii as plur. of slAi, “courtyard,” etc., 94,1; 98,9; 116,22. See

Dozy, and EdrlsI Gloss., p. 362.

II, “forcibly restrain,” 159, 4 (the tasdid in A). — *_s, plur.

oiis, technical term for “tax, impost,” 16, 12. Cf. the use of the
verb noted in Dozy, recevoir des impots.

lCJLA? used like a preposition,” to the south of,” 103,6; 108,17;

171, 11. Cf. ,

^ O _

“in proportion to” (as in Dozy), 141,4. — O


in the idiom 77, 15, L-gjjCJj “But it was a case of (two)

unevenly matched.”

IV, apcrmit.” 132,13. Dozy.

^ w O OP

IN', with double accus., in the phrase: ,Ax>
xjjsl Greet him

from me,” 232, 13. Dozy. In lino 16, the I stem is used, with Jtc
of pers., in the same tradition.

II, with accus., to give a person preferment, 201, 13. Dozy. Of. also

the Koranic usage. — i_o, as preposition, 98, 6.

(from xp'/iTrh, whence regarded as plur.), the wooden saddle-

bow, 201, 3. Originally an Egyptian- Arabic borrowing? see Fracnkel,
p. 104.

(Grk. %oproc), “lucern- grass,” 134,15; 153,13. Dozy s. v. quotes

from the Cordova Calendar of the vear 961 A. D., under the date
Oct. 2 : -AyL A^ .
y 1

5 C_
(Grk. xepxy.suc)^ the potter's oven 29,20 (twice), 22;
30, 10 (twice).
The word occurs also in Ibn Wadih, ed. Houtsma, II 489, where
s o
the scene of the narrative is Upper Egypt: Lw^o A>Ai

I sLvAli ^L-kaJS A* *4 ^cAJ! jfy. Cf. Ileb. and Aram.

TPIp, T'P’lj?, for xspxgJg (Levy). The Arabic words, seemingly allied,

which are connected with a root yv2_<_s have in fact a different

„ 5 0 5

origin; thus Lisan, OyJi

^ La_^i Ay^ ijo
is yoysjiii;

and Qam., *jLa g&y* yoGyA “place where bread is baked in

the ashes.” These are from Aram. (from N2Q 0), “ditch,”
etc. —
But (j^-wa—s is also used for the potter (;) himself, in the
yox „y^.i. Thus 30, 2, 3, 5, 8, the Ms. testimony making it quite
certain that this was the reading transmitted by Ibn Qudaid. In 30, 2

the scribe of Ms. D wrote ywjyyjJt ^=>lo, and in line 3 in

line 8 he began to write ^sw^cyiSt, but corrected it to y^yiii as in

line 5. I have ventured to emend, in all these cases, to ,

perhaps should have allowed to stand. The use of the word
in the two senses is not at all remarkable; there are many examples
even in genuine Arabic (cf. xJaj^ for the commander of a garrison,
_ o - c c
Tab. Gloss., and similarly x ,
and see Dozy s. v. ywUi>'), and in
the case of a borrowed word the double use is much more likely.

We may note also that bks (borrowed) signifies not only “pottery”

but also “potter”; see Fischer in Z.D.M. G. 72, 328 ff. —


“potter”, Ms. D in 30, 3; and my emended text (see above) also in

lines 2, 5, and 8.

III (and infin. iU-JiJLs), with double accus., and also with accus. of

pers. alone, used of the taking by the sovereign, from his governors,
of a portion of the income of their provinces; 146, l, 6, 15, 16; 147,
-- o

11, 12. See Dozy. — plur. booty to be divided 184, 14.


plur. a “stripe” in a rug or tapestry, 208, 11. Dozy.
» O _ £.

5 I, with v_j of the thing awarded 271,24, Jx »U*jLi

L 5** ,

“that we would not adjudicate Paradise (to any one).” Dozy.

;o. so.-
I, with Jx and accus. lx*j; 218, 20, Li*j ^JL^b! Jx “ He or-

dered the people of Itrabulus to furnish a military contingent.” So

Dozy II 3675, middle. See also s. v. — With accus. and j of
pers., or with two accus., to assign something to some one (as or-

dinarily st. IV); 9, 14ff. ;

15,18; 138,1; 157,8; Dozy II 3685,

bottom. — iboib, a piece of land bestowed as a fief, 108, 9; 134, 15;

137,8. Dozy.

Jsjtil, “proximate heir” (Qam., JvxpJ!

^ yjys). 135, 19,

iLwJji q* s bL*J!
qj Jsjts'i'j AxJs^! Jx
“He bound legally the house to the proximate heir, that is, the proxi-
mate heir of al-IIarith ibn al- c
Ala 3
reckoning males before females.”

AJ. “gauntlets,” 208,1. See Peter of Alcala, in Dozy.

x*li II, “examine,” 211,9. Dozy.

(from. Syr. jA^ox), “pot, jar,” 87, 12. Dozy.


(j*yLsJI (also (jo^JLaJI), the name of a place in al-Fustat, 132, 9.

U*^5 •

From Grk. x.x\wq, “bravo!” Correctly explained by Ibn Duqnuiq,

IV 35, who, after remarking that the place was just opposite the

figure of a camel at the Bab ar-Eaihan, proceeds : IS’lbwj X+Js

q •j.JuLx: Aj Lx>y:
I*xjA!c jJx iLjiAh ij'c?

3 * j»ls I, with j; j. pis “He addressed the people,” 267, 11. Tab.

Gloss. — IV pass., with j, to oppose 272, 19 f., allplsy Li!

^ plsy ^5
“He is not opposing me, but opposing God.”
— The same, in the

idiom ^Uj ^ (var. ^La-wj) “lie was no match for him,” 77, 14.
Haqr. I 164, 7 a f., improves this to jw.laj The same idiom, using-
active voices, of I, in Dozy, Faq. Gloss., Tab. Gloss. See also s. v.

Vaa«. — j.Ls, “passing the night in prayer,” 256, 21. Dozy. — Ujys,
“certainly,” 213,1; see the idiom described s. v.

military camp or depot (see Dozy), 132,14; 139,11 (cf. line 7);

183, 19; 193, 2; 196, 12.

Ttxt'rxpsix ),
“portico, bazar,” etc., 41,12; 136,13,14,16. See Dozy.

with neg., see Wright, Gramm II 219 D and note; 197,12,

A- .,

j.1] “And with hardly any emolument.” Cf. Tab. Gloss.,

s. v. iA=>l

VOS'. “school,” 103,7; 120,16. See Beladh. Gloss.

7^ IV, with to make abundant ,

or to perform frequently. The

hadlth, ^ Aft, 308,21. Dozy.

0 ? 5

! Jo"

XjJo, plur. a grave dug in the ground, 259, 12 — 14.

.,\i" II, with
^ of pers., to refrain from attacking or contending with
a person, 62,19. Cf. Dozy, quoting Yaqilt.

j.yf, “vineyard, orchard, garden,” etc. (in this use probably borrowed

from Aram.), 7, 4. See also Dozy. — “vine-grower, gardener,”

206, 7 f. Dozy.

'/ VI, to hire land, 154, 15.

I, with accus. and to discourage a person from some undertakin o>

242, 10. Dozy.

\^&AO I, with accus. and to withdraw an army from a region or an

enemy, 36, 10. VII, with ^£, — to retire from a region or an enemy
(said of an army), 34, 22; 35, 4, 5, 8; 37, 8, 10. Dozy.
G -

iA*f, “biscuit, cake,” 100, 13. Apparently an Egyptian word, the %xx,s7z

(plur.) of Strabo 824, who, speaking of Egypt, calls this iSiov rt

oipTCv ykvoc. See Dozy.

II. iJ£<*, “enriched, adorned,” 55, 8. Dozy. From the Aram., like
all the allied forms and derivatives of the root.

Iwls', epithet applied to a sheep whose udder is too small , 304, 13.

This trad, is given in varying form in Lisan s. v. and

Freytag gives and Qam. lias only wj’; but sec Lisan and Lane.

IV (used like I), to lie hid ,

lie in ambush 205, 20. See Be. in Dozy.

Jip, “place of refuge” (?), 159,7. See s. v. II.

“heap, pile,” 185, 6. Dozy.

A6 loosely used as an impersonal verb in the pluperf. construction

(with perf. of another verb); 107, 3,
A logical and natural extension of the usage described by Noldeke,
Zur Gramm., p. 77; see also Tab. Gloss., CDLIX, below middle.—

eUbGi, “Wait a moment!” 78, 14. So in Dozy, and in Tab. Gloss.

I, with accus., to “pervert, vitiate.” 244, 8. — III, with accus,, to

“tight, wage war against” an antagonist, 35, 1G. See Beladh. Gloss.

A5 VIII, used in speaking of buildings that have become crowded together ,

128,12. — In the passive voice, meaning to be practicable, 165,16,

^ J.UL — Elative “meanest, most ignoble of birth,”

168, 2.
o- -
Jj. plur. the collar of a garment, 59, 8.

a<CJ, the name of a certain large tree, a variety of acacia mimosa

peculiar to Egypt; see the description in Lane, and also Low, Ara-

mdische Pflanzennamen pp. 168, 423. The oL^u_L'l iA_^i_a*ws in

Alexandria is mentioned in 41, 12; 42,3. This name of the mosque

seems to have disappeared very early.
- 0 -" O -
II, with to “palter,” 159, 9; aJLc Lo* “Let me have
no more of this paltering!”

IV, with (instead of *__ or j), to persist in a course of action, 65, 2.


I, to “embalm.” 18, 7. Of. Dozy (“oindre”).


ol! II, “defraud,” in the passage 159, 7, e\J5 ^ i±V*a*j J \jt As

li^s liJ.iAA'I \aJlc Uj JLIe tikiUx. “I know

indeed that what has hindered you from doing this is your deputies,
evil servants they; and, wherein you are deceived and defrauded,
they have made you their place of refuge.” The verb in this meaning
is not in the dictionaries; hut “defraud of ones due” is one of the
significations of st. I, and this is evidently the same with intensive
force. The context makes it plain that the two verbs have similar
meaning, and the text is well attested, see also Husn and Maqr.
£ C-

IY, in the idiom *AjJub tyiSl, “they surrendered to them,” 169, 11.
See Dozy, and Fischer in Z. D. M. Gr. 65, 794 if.

u in place of ^], after a verb of adjuring, 92,6, LJaA U! liUJlc o—yy

“I adjure you to demolish it.” This L«3 is (I believe) the result of

abridgment, in speech, of Lo *5], the Uo being the indefinite (but

emphatic) enclitic. The uncontracted form occurs here in 165, 4 f.

180, 1 ;
see s. v. and Lo. No other explanation of the word satisfies
the syntactical requirement. See however Reckendorf, Syntaldisehe
Verhdltnisse , 593 f., and Bergstrasser, Die Verneinungspartikeln im
Kur'an ,

I, to become strong or solid (said of the newly grown branches of

trees), 139, 13, cf. line 6 (AA(). Cf. the use of this verb to mean
“become twenty years old,” said of a youth.

a Himyarite name, 173,5; 191,1. Abridged from the theophoric

name Ilisarah (or sarh ), the root-meaning of the latter element being
“open, enlarge,” whence “expansion, prosperity, joy,” etc. Cf. the
- o -
names ,
etc. a A name well known in Sabaean and
Minaean inscriptions; thus, Ilisarah Yahdub, a Himyarite king at

the time of the Roman invasion, 25 B. C., if, as seems very probable,
he is identical with the 'lhavapcc of Strabo 782 (see Encyel. of Islam,
p. 329), cf. also the ’EA irzpuv /upx of Ptolemy 6, 7 see further, for ;

example, Mordtmann, Beitrdge zur mindisclien Epigraph ilc, 111 (this

time not the name of a king). The full form of the name is rare in

Arabic writers; see however in Tabari (Index, s. v.

Ibn Doreid, 308, has and gives a partial genealogy

of the Mohammedan family; Ibn Khaldun II 52 has for the

usual form of the name cf. Beladh. 71, 8, Husn I 104, QazwinI II 33

Possibly the Palmyrene WOWb is a similar


^j, “smooth, slippery” (so the context seems to require), 39, 10.

(indef.), added to NS], for emphasis, after a verb of adjuration; 165, 4 f.,

lo NS! AJle J.JJC.S

“I adjure you to dig it!” Similarly 180, 1. See

also s. v. NS] and Q. — Loose (elliptical) use of the indef. relative:

15, 19, uUjtc.

eU! |*l*j Lo lik-oAj'
^ ULb
| ^ ^
00, 4 f*», • • • • Uj^Ux: 5
OOj 1 $, ^

0NLJ1 Lit. These examples all go somewhat farther than those

in Noldeke, Zur Gramm., p. 97. See also s. v. lA ?!


C/C — — —
Ax oLVxt (plur. of o„u), “reenforcements,” 128,11. Dozy. — ^

member of an army of reenforcement 118,20; 119, 1. See Lisan IV

404, below: J. iL'^Le> q_j Ajj AJU«

0+a' tir* t
JaX j>* ^e •

5 Go* 4 ^
Ax , a popular variation of ^Ax ( modius ), 152, 5; see the footnote, and
O w >

of. Beladh. 4 GO, note (codd. Fraenkel, Fremdivorter ,

remarks that the word is not Arabic, and can make no conjecture as
to its origin; his opinion, “strong von ^cAx zu sondern,” I believe to
be mistaken.

oj>Lx “chiefs, magnates” (abstract noun for concrete collective),


152, 17. Borrowed from Syr. i^ojAo.

in the local designation Jj>L/, 137, 1. The Coptic .w.<\pitc., the

name of the upper part of Upper Egypt.

T. The idiom, sAj ^be “lie shook hands with him,” 295, 9. Cf.
the occasional use of the III stem; see Lane.

V, with i_j, to continue or persist in a course of action, 218,14. Sec Dozy.

II, 61,2, in the phrase L\jAA '•JUJs “engaging

them from dawn until dark.” See s. v. _^.o.
The idiomatic phrases, i_j ajw w etc., see s. v. *_j.

IV, with ^£, to (jet far away from a place, 171, 12. — With j, to

advance far into a place or region, 176,9. Dozy.

the ditch or oven in the ground, in which bread is baked in

w _ 0 5

the ashes. In the phrase iJw jO>, 200, 22. See especially Dozy.

Sl* I, in the phrase ^li ^U, to “please, satisfy,” some one, 181, 9f.

Dozy. — The adjective dd (abbreviated from qXs), “full,” 235,1;

thus in Mss. B and C, and in al-Kindl, H., Iv (see the footnote there).

I now believe that SU was the original reading of the tradition, and

that which both Guest and I have adopted, is a later improve-

ment. See Dozy.

liVJU VI, to “stand firm, hold ones ground,” 191, 12. Dozy.

II, with accus. of pers., to hold out false hopes to some one, 222,16.

“garden,” 82,3; 100,9; 137,4,7. Borrowed from Grk. (also

Coptic). Dozy.

(possibly from Lat. Taherna ?), as the name of a town in the Tri-

politana ;
see s. v. .

VI, to increase constantly through the bringing forth of young (said

of a flock or herd), 148, 17; 149, 1. The same tradition in Beladh.
82. Dozy.

V, with accus., to demand the accomplishment of a promise, 124, 19.


L>" %>b, “favor, preferment.” 114, 14, yL*_y <31 ^ iOp-'j

“Hisam was in favor with Abu Ja far.” Dozy.c

uA I, with accus. and of pers., to send troops under the command of

some one, 59, 16. See Dozy, and Beladh. Gloss.

Ai I, with “take, obtain,” 209, 1 9 f . Cf. FiPiq on st. V: ^ AAo J
j.Ui- j.AJi, explained as equivalent to ajIo! Lc
y aJo L. See
also Tab. Gloss, (somewhat similar).

I, with to shoot an arrow, 98, 11. Dozy.

di3 v__>,

Ill, with accus., to take up ones abode near a place or person,

126, 6, 21. See Tab. Gloss. — IY, with accus., to cause some one
to disembark ,
190,3. Dozy.

SfS IY, with accus., to exonerate. The infinitive in 160,6.

The names of countries or peoples, and 1, 14f. Faq. 1",

" - G -
17 f., has ek-iiLy and De Goeje in his footnote recognized

that these were forms of the same name transliterated from Hcb.

sjvjtto, Gen. 10, 2, etc. was doubtless originally kd.yj. In the

Hak. tradition both names seem to have been connected with the
Arabic root iAmo
o - >

plur. jyai, “weapons” in general, 102,2. Cf. Dozy.

Lai. yz.j, the shaft of an arrow, 63,3; 280, 10.

rda.j, a round piece of leather with a draw-string around the edge,

which was part of the equipment of the public executioner. By

drawing the string tight he made a sack in which he caught the blood
of those whom he beheaded. 241,8, 14. See Slane in Dozy.

Ill, with accus., to “interrogate” or “examine” a person in regard

to a matter, 241,8. Dozy.

Asi I, “march onward, proceed,” said of an army or its commander,

200, 16; 202, 3; 219, 16.

in the phrase \_w_jL1 “on his own authority,” 287, 4 and

elsewhere. Dozy, Tab. Gloss. — xUiJ, “envy” (infin. of st. I) 20, 13.

LfiJ II, to clear the g round of trees and shrubs, 196,11. Cf. Dozy.

rfOo 1, with ^!, to take wives from a tribe or people, 107,3. So also, e. g.,

Ibn Ilisam 247, 3 a f. See Dozy ami Tab. Gloss. — III, with accus.,
to intermarry with another tribe or people, 107, 3. Dozy.

I, with the idiom O-:?- At LC_*J, “his lineage (joes had: to

o -
such and such an ancestor.” 126, 1, iaVJL* ^.t “His descent is

_ — ° " m - -
from Malik.”

A , .

similar use in Taj and Lisan:

-r •

equivalent to Atta ,1!

. ioALi
plur. “extraordinary expenses,” 102,15,10; 310,4. Dozy.

Jju, “minarets,” as plur. of b'Lu, 131,6. Dozy.

J-o. j'j I, in the idiom

^ Jj, to get the advantage of an adversary,
do damage to him, 64, 4. See Dozy. — Denom. from J-AJt, the Nile,

170, 7.

j.AP . a “ruin” which is to be pulled down and disposed of, 103, 19. Dozy.

J>. j£, “cat,” as a feminine noun, 209, 14. Dozy.

[vjLP.] US'/, for \Ji\J (jitj IV), 4, 18; see Dozy s. v. ojj IV and the noun
(iLsijP), also s. v. I and IV; of. also Marcais in the Noldeke

Festschrift ,
I, 430, and Lisan XI 427.

_^P. The masc. sing, pronom. suffix » used loosely, with indefinite signi-
fication, where the fern. U> would normally be used; 32, 18,

biy> L!j!> ; 55, 18, Sb Sj AXJf L_j!

It can hardly be doubted that these cases represent actual usage.

LSf- 218, 14, is apparently “personal ambition,” as in Dozy.

(jb . iJji as fern, of Jjji, 36, 5. Apparently for the sake of the rhetorical effect
in the three successive phrases, ibJUJt .... koliii .... xipM

3 -CC Ci 3 - _C.£ m

A. . The elative A*h in the phrase xi'A AVI “lie struck him with his

utmost force,” 176,5. Apparently the idea of utmost tension (the

figure of drawing the string of a bow?).
oiA«. Ihe noun JiAv, “chain,” 129,15. Dozy. — X, see s. v. ou*».
o -
*>*. *^>», 187,6 (pointed in A), a fit of gloomy silence, with downcast
«*- O -
eyes. An ».<« from infin. .

^3 II. The irregular infill. xo-Li, “sending,” 134, 1. See s. v. x>l and ^b.

The reading is certain, and the word is fully pointed in Ms. A.

III, with accus., the euphemism for “bury,” 94, 14; 299,4. Dozy.
Infill, of I, isLcj, in the sense of urging forward a marching company,
25, 14. This infill, is wanting in the dictionaries generally.

II, “give abundantly,” with of pers. and *_j of the thing given,

1G3, 5, 10. So Dozy.

O X, with accus. and j, to assure a thing to some one, 152, 15. A

variation of . Dozy.

The passive voice (as usual) in speaking of the infliction of lunacy,

30, 12; the active voice used of the condition or behavior of a lunatic,
30, 13. Cf. Hariri, Durra , 42, and my note on Ibn BarrI’s Kitdb
Ghalat ad-TJifafa? in the Xoldeke Festschrift.

Jio. Xsuas*, “slave-girl,” 202, 5. Dozy.

I, with to “remit,” 131, 8 f.,
q ^> eVJi “He remitted
the tax in the case of Haitian.” Dozy. — The idiom
they laid their hands to the work,” 92, 1. Dozy. — o
i, “occa-
sion,” 85, 18. Dozy.
CI ~
^y>i simply “place, scene,” 180, 15. Dozy.

a rugged, inaccessible place, 195,9.

f*' ,

The noun “wild-goat,” in the proverb

J^3* ^ (per-

haps originally _j o>>?) used jestingly of one who is an

incumbrance or out of place, 86, 14. In al-Ivindl, H, 1, the reading
is see also Guest’s attempted explanation in his Glossary, p. 67;
but I do not think that this can be the true reading.

03 III, with accus., “find, obtain,” 105, 18; 242, 19. Dozy. — IV, with
c > y ..

Jo:, equivalent to Jos i_j^) ;

126,22, JbUi Jc o?-** J>£
“On the hill, overlooking the clans of Mudar.”

I, to “occur, appear,” etc., 189, IS. Cf. Dozy and EdrisI Gloss. —
With It, to “arrive at” a place, 220, 14. Dozy.

^ _ c £ 5 £ _
-£ >

I, 66, 15, i^aJj t\5 lilj, apparently ellipsis for ^Jbd o^Jj,

“I have coine near to the predestined end of my life.” — III, with

accus., to “adjoin,” 109,11; 129,1.

YIII, with » i, in the idiom ebJ^o “you have made yourself

liable to capital punishment,” 106, 16.
• .

b. An irregular use of the interjection (without La_j!) in 314, 22 f.,

^ LU5. qJlXJLj
Surahbll wished to rebuke his hearers by applying to them the words
. The explanation is this, that

of the Koran passage which lie was reciting. This he could do most
easily and effectively by inserting this L, which could not fail to
attract attention. Inserting also L^ji would have defeated his purpose.

£. OC
w\j, in the idiomatic phrase “they surrendered to them,”
169,11. See s. v. jjJ IY.
3, 4 a f . For Tahdhib read Tahdlnb.

4, 4 a f.
„ Tab. read Tah.

6, 22
5 £ t ) c
10, 14 v
O -c

36, 19 is a misprint for „ y>li

48, G For *JJj read allij.

- o -05
57, 8 n >1

82, 12 » Li! » LSI.

99, 13 Cancel the asterisk.

100, 21 For SJtfl read _LirJi.

o —

106, 9 1 *

” t/
110, 9 r> LTij n •

112, 22

113 Move up the line-numbers 15 and

127, 9 For read j.P. .

cS 5 o£
134, 1 5, n

134, 16 n

139, note 3 » (C v (B

1 55, 1 „ !w\3> „ !As>.

165, 10
7) C* „ AF.

> o -
166, 5 For read -~JL
O 5

166, 7 (Snouck Hurgronje).

” U'" J)

171, 17 v Co v Yaqiit 111 32, 522 reads j., but the reading

is inferior.

172, 10 =>\ „ as in 287, 6.

S 0 5

190, 4 aj-v. (Snouck Hurgronje).

193, 13 Read ICoLi jt with Mss. B and C.

215, 13 For yG jst read jd.

222 ,
12 „

240, 11 „ n Lf/i-

259, 20 Move up the line-number.

294, 20 and 317, 15 For read

297, 5 The Mss. seem to have omitted a^j!

^ after (j~JL

306, 6 For read

15*, 6 „ xiUj’SI „ XiUbJi.

Q x
2, 7- For and Jl^f read and Jl^f


Page Page
& aJJ jLs^?
i >o
> «
317 ®^c aAj Isbf &>=o ojo
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. .

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319 .. . • •
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. . .
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^ 318
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319 . . . 318 .
qTjSi wW ^
319 .. . iUL^: qJ A*e3

Page Page

303 247 ^Ixj

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^ t


304 . . . ^AXil jOJe » * 1-0 2aLH

304 0^jAc 248 *Xe io’» Ju v
VA! i_*y*i LiL>j>
305 • •
• LfJrM j-* !
248 u^L*^' qJ 5;,c

254 .... (jolxjt
^ &1J1

306 *^y» !
259 iLi!A>
307 • •••••••a ^ 260 3uby J5I

307 ^jA> rr) 260 ........ y^yKA***

308 6^ a> !
262 . . . _ y*i yl iAj^w ^.j aJJI Ac
308 \+U\i _o!
aIIF Le1^> o


^Ae qJ tiULo

V= 263
. . .
'&. jtjjJI


A ifuJLc aj
264 ....
0j 0j aU! yf-
310 ®j^» <2^
265 0^ oi^X&^i
310 . 8jf^-9 qJ likJLo 275
266 0 L^-w ,3 qJ XjjIjm ^

311 Awa*Lw |»F y^-L.1^3

267 . . oIjAaej! yo (Jj!
qJ qT^j! l\jx
311 t^p 51
267 yjj 0j ^’u£
tr CT? 268
312 OjLi qj
0 ?
l\j'le> i_0jl jj!

• •
271 cjA/olojt soLe
0 Aew 0j
aJj ^
jIe^ ) LeIeO 273 HoLe _j j*yJi

»^-J ^5 \j \

q£ xjLv> \ae tjj^j 274 *111 A>e O-

..j _sL>-
313 .. .
r j~ lXx/w s
l) taw
313 .. . 2(6 A1e»° 0j
314 .. . 276 '-\^£1 0^ XjLcai

314 .. . cinj'j qJ
314 .. . 280
314 .. . 282 u^Laiil Bjaej jjt
315 .. . 284 (j^UiJ! yj> _vji

315 . . . y&iy5 ^yi

315 . . . 287 ys'n XJe

316 .. . 294 04" ^l
316 .. . 295 0^ol oljt^

316 .. 298 .... sy> OjlJ>- A>e


317 .. .

/!; 302 xjL*y iUaiE

317 .. . 302 ^^JUi tLVcJ! jj!

317 .. . 302 ...a a. a ^u\x-W


Page Page
235 0^ 156 Jasi\
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0=L*3! 0? 'y^ 0J jv-

JyU j

236 170
162 ?jJi Lcfj
0S 0^-J) -V-e
236 •
0 1 162
0 aZoj.;1 ^ax! — aaL> y>
238 04 o^f' -Asdl -i03


a- oV" 172 r
239 • 00*' 0? ^ '^s: iLay ^aas
239 &Ul Aa*£ 0i 0eLaE jjoJbljiat ^nas

240 -aiLXe> qJ nUI Jn^e A_ 0= 0i=L**l

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240 AjL> ^LaJ>- 1 i 5 .O .aXaXaa^* 0Eiij—

240 ^ 188
177 •
0^5 iy:> '-r’^-
240 ^

0- ^

. . .


yf- (Jae
jAi U ^cju
»p- [••Ai
241 •
0'^*" a- ijol*Jl 0^ _5j/= «^5

241 181 . . Aae (jolxii JOaaae^

243 *JJ! i_Vae 183

197 et4o

244 iotA-iJ 0?' 198 nj^aJ! e4aJ

244 £aaaJ1 0-J ^eU-* 1

^lyjl jj
244 • «.... 2Aa=Laj1 ^A4aa1am nj^AaXaa"^! a-2j!^

244 XiLuoi qJ A.*E wAi! »j-E JaE _.

245 a+> iiULLl oVxe .e^I yLb _o! 192 . , • • \e>jaEj 0oLa^1 ^0^
245 ...... NaJaA. 3w wa’i i .
4aa ‘

^ ^
192 „eJne> n_j»l*as
.. . .A
245 I *» y+*>A e\*E> 194 «.s!i qJ iUliE

245 oiydi oi=^i y>L^i _jjt

a i
245 • 0? Ac ^i 0TjSS wW «li Qi iUiiE JaXJjas

245 ^ <yi 200 • * *

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246 slfyJ! “*9“ (j~'^-5 0? 4^3
246 0? 203 ^AAEJ q.J
00 a a!

246 ^'se 0j 204 uJju^l gAZi

246 0^ |^V ! 226 ^>aEa 1 81*^5

246 ^XjLxil
^ r^
! 226
iUnoJ! Jae Ja,01 Za^IjJ'

^ ^
<^ !
^ vi^jaUI
0> 05^
. . .
. •

• ^xaO


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247 0 J«e
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J '

45 J,LiM

91 ^JUii *Jl
139 £?yi
*oL*Ji £;H
248 <-)LvJi fj-

V^jf 0.«w^5

Pago Page
37 iLj ,a\a£**^51 iUu 272 ... .
* V—,j ,*JlLo <vX *~vv^, >WJ»
130 J'

4o 4 JoLus
. .
°***2i*£L^ A.'
. i

03 • • wOAV 1 ... . Li-3 jr la\m» ^a2*J [taGi 1

^5 jl
55 -a£/<s „\/3 10 jAX*3 ,%-A^ijjl
•7 C
84 • . • • «— aIa^ i AiO^
, . » ^

. wj 12 ... . oiaa^j &-&SL^j! ^s-j
G '

88 »»>-E. o_sXi jS ^ 14....* ^a>-2- —L?La1-Jaaa!

91 -LLJ. ujyi* aLi_5»i . Aavaj JaPI jyio

98 . .
iA^wII Jy> -Lii2>! q-% . . . \a*0 *)

128 s :aJ~- _talai> -JIaaa.3 HLjj

J” •

iL^iAJXw/bM Js.jLi>i ^»_3 qLoJj l\*J -O..-0 liJjLo

oVs^uO ,i sjL^j' 21 j.LccJ! £.1 w«-^j j.lli£3

^ji'-j.gji 23 j~2a) jAjyAA^

_£NJ — $y>
139 ... sX a . . ^-' g-3 ._ j] ^Xi * —,- iOjJo iL\U
141 wXxlI

143 -ki , Jy.i> 28 ... . £5_jJo aVxj yC3^ liJ^L-c

146 ... . JujsJ! i—jLLiii qJ ~= ii^wJLc 31 ,A2^3

149 J^S 33 ^Aa^o (*5j“'

151 JLiiU 35 (*5/' C Uw gjLL^Xj'

•*> ’
GT _^

175 15, 177 8. 173 4, 6. iLiyiil

200 15. tUI 7 o 23.

170 1, 188 1 f., 5, 11, 18, 189 8. iLiyi! 156 21, 157 1,16, 158 3, 176 6, 182 JaiC!

6 0, 9 13, 15 7, 10, 12 f„ 21, 16 17, 20, 253 17, 19.

18 20, 19 1 f., 9, 22 7, 10, 26 12, 32 8, 1 11, 34 11, 96 17, 146 12, 163 15,

64 17, 65 4, 20, 91 5, 127 2, 128 6, 9, 165 7, 166 2, 229 note 18, 259 18.

149 7, 9 f., 14, 16, 18, 150 1 ,

4, 10, 13, 17 f., 40 15, 19, 41 1, 11, 42 4. SyJU
20, 151 1,4, 158 1, 163 14, 164 6, 170 7, 117 8. ioUo
176 2, 189 13. 119 10 f. jJ

-r ^
119 4, 125 6.
cr? ^ (6)^) ^
1 14, 8 12.
112 14. j!
1 15. ^*s***KA

6 8, 9 4, 16 f., 16 18,22, 20 14, 27 16, ^su.*

29 20, 30 3, lift., 33 12,14, 14119, 142
206 22. J 2, 6, 8, 158 3.

263 22. cL*JI 141 17, 142 1 f., 10.

94 8, 286 16. 42 4. x*- ®


133 12. 6 8, 13, 15 5, 10, 21.

1 12 f. vJiij 137 4, 7.

1 13. O* 1

; 100 9, 14. A. r

194 195 11.'

11, 15. L>5 99 120 4 121 133
0 7, f., 3, 6,

141 19, 142 4, 238 7, 317 11. 104 6. iU-iAfiJ! bl


4 15. 0^1 1 14 f. ttLJj

1 60 7. v ya 172 If., notes 2, 5. s^Lo

157 16, 158 12. 301 6.

72 9, 73 1. 113 3. ! [v_Jj-w]

142 y>AJi 139 17.

1 10, 64 5, 102 11, 127 12, 128 1, 191 15, 201 17. juJLojJI
258 1, 280 21, 316 9. 223 8. Sjtjij

3 14, 114 20, 160 7, 282 12, 295 11. 42 5. (hLi .iAAjCw"h5t y,) jilaal
INDEX. 364

88 3, 7, 15 f., 18, 89 1 — 17, 90 5,9,12, 14, 121 19 f. ^\-5>\aa*/3

10.20, 92 12,17,20, 93 10,13,17, 9417, 120 19 f. iljLxi

96 5,7,18, 98 17,19, 99 10, 103 2, 104 Q.J qj) aJJ) Ajx

18, 22, 105 10, 107 17, 19, 108 10, 15, 109 119 12 1'., 120 2, 122 41'., 237 19 ff.

2.14.21, 110 9, 111 4, 112 13, 113 8,19, 120 9. ilaJotJI lXjS'Uws

114 11,18, 11513, 116 10 13 f., 117 10, j (jol *_Jt iA^Uvo
119 3, 121 5, 122 5, 7, 123 18, 124 9, 41 14, 42 3, 130 6, 8.

125 3, 129 4, 131 6 111 '.,

132 12,15, 135 119 11. ^r'o

4,6,14, 137 6,8,19, 138 15 ft'., 1411,0, 116 1. qJ sj-Lc

143 4, 144 1, 145 4, I48 6, 149 9 1’., 150 116 6.

8.18.20, 151 2,10, 152 6, 154 4, 155 1, 117 4, 8, 10, 13, 118 5. l\;^Wc
3. 21, 156 5, 16, 157 20, 158 1, 7 f., 11, 1 60 129 16. *\e>\

14, 16110, 16 f., 162 9,20, 163 5, Ilf., 14, 121 7.

17 f., 164 17 f., 165 6,15,21, 166 1, 167 116 6, 135 15.

20,168 9, 1706, 173 16, 174 5,18, 175 132 9. ioiiiLl'

6, 11, 178 18, 22, 179 16, 18, 180 2, 11, 42 2.

183 1, 5, 10, 19, 184 10, 188 5, 13, 18, 192 125 10. yio qJ aoUo
18, 193 3, 194 2, 197 3,9,199 8,13,16, 42 3.

200 2, 4, 202 3, 11, 16, 203 9, 14,17,21, 236 4.

209 4, 211 1, 215 9,217 11,14,221 19, 118 17.

229 10, 230 1 f., 9, 232 15, 233 5, 234 1, 41 10.

237 17, 20, 244 17, 245 7, 246 20, 22, 247 121 11. yA
3, 6, 10, 15, 17, 248 2—9,' 254 1, 260 9, 18, 122 11. iiUwIi
262 2, 263 8,10,16, 264 17, 267 6,8,10, 1 12, 2 4, 3 4, 14, 19, 4 5, 11, 5 1, 3, -ae*
268 1, 269 18, 274 5, 275 1 , 3, 276 13, 18, 6,21, 61, 5 f, 10, 8 20, 9 3, 6 ff., 10 ff., 18,

282 5, 284 11, 287 13, 294 21, 295 10, 10 7,9, 12 11, 1313, 15, 17 ff., 14 5,14 ft'.,

300 7, 301 21 f„ 302 21, 303 10, 18, 24, 15 14, 17, 20, 16 1, 8 f, 17, 17 2,5, 10, 15 f,

304 4,16, 305 1,11, 306 2, 307 17, 308 18 3 f., 10 f., 16, 1 9 13 ft'., 20 6 f., 18, 23,

10, 18, 309 12, 17, 311 7, 316 10, 317 16, 21 6, 22 15,20, 23 3,10, 26 9,15, 27 3,

318 19, 22. 8, 10, 28 3, 10, 16 f., 29 7, 11, 13, 31 1,

83 14, 87 22. 8, 18, 21, 32 7 ft'., 15 f., 21, 33 10, 20 t'.,

116 8. 34 2 ft., 35 1, 10, 37 13 f, 20, 38 1 f.,

59 17. JjSj 39 3, 40 12, 15, 43 5, 13, 44 3, 47 16,

94 8, 110 16, 170 6, 8 f., 172 12, 180 48 18,20, 49 10, 52 16, 53 7,10,17, 54
11, 192 19,21, 1947, 1963, 1973, 199 7, 16, 55 3,5,18, 56 2,8,12,18, 57 2 ft.,

200 9, 203 13,18,22,24, 204 4,11, 208 7 ff., 12, 15, 18, 21, 58 2, 7, 13, 21 f., 62 9,

4, 210 5, 211 16, 233 5, 276 18, 279 13, 64 18, 705, 11, 15, 71 1, 6, 8, 72 18, 73 18,

319 10. 77 1, 79 3 f., 80 9, 82 21, 83 4, 84 1,7,

194 9. 14,19, 85 4, 6 f., 86 12,19, 87 2,7,17,21,

363 INDEX.

220 14. -,bs? 6 ft'., 9 f„ 22 l 16 f., 23, 222 8, 10 f„ 13 f„

j y ‘

131 16 f. ^~a5 18, 223 6,23, 224 3.

112 14. joLaj (

142 7, 169 14 f.

119 17, 120 15. «_aaa> J.I 57 10, 58 20, 76 13. *UJI Xj^LaaS
115 1, 282 17. 41 12, 42 2. Xj ,l\aXaw^L Xj.IaaasLI
"J y
91 10, 13. 113 21, 131 18 f., JjJiAvwaJ ^

1 10, 50 16, 81 9, 83 6, 9, 85 6, 93 16, i^ujO 136 12 ft'.

119 4, 135 7, 136 2, 162 18, 163 5 f., 15, 136 12. jLi).

165 7, 14 f., 166 2, 185 20, 187 8, 188 17, 136 13 f. ijutji l)ux Xj.LaaaJ
y, -j

190 11, 192 4, 11, 16, 211 11, 230 note, 131 18 f., 136 12. \aa*J Xj^L*aaS

235 22, 254 1, 257 20, 259 17, 268 7, 136 13. 1 iLXJ! X-i,L»aaS

269 19, 275 5, 9, 279 7, 282 7, 286 14, 136 16. ^»w2%*.P X^L*aa5
294 19, 301 22, 318 12.

35 11.

170 6, 200
^ 41 3, 73 21,
74 2,
7, 120
130 20,

177 11.

236 21.

-j 41 3. LaT
196 4. 97 4, 105 15. XajOCI!

198 18. ,
18 9.
0 \juS
122 18. 76 1, 80 22. w^jJi X-aXT
243 9. lX-S^a^ 1
136 19. Xaaaaa5"

121 8, 122 1. v_Oo! JX ' .W„*2 195 9, 11.

122 17. ^Li Ajs-w! 91 13, 245 9, 254 4, 259 19, 262 1 f., Xiy3
96 13, 97 3, 5, J^L-iaaS-jLj lX^TiaaII 273 12, 286 15, 294 20.

98 1 f., 15, 101 14, 102 18, 22, 103 6, 127 7, 130 5. nj ,i_XaX*«'^Li j»yXJi

104 1, 6 f., 107 16 f, note 16, 108 12, 14, 73 9, 12 ft'., 17. iiby^ j.y'

19, 111 17, 117 17, 11912, 12014, 127 4, 233 16, 20. j-oic

131 4—19, 132 1—5, 174 11, 238 12—15,

244 13 f., 284 18, 314 12, 316 7. J
119 fl> 15
15. 5, 11.
121 7. 41 12.

41 Ilf. Xj^JXaXav^Ij JXJ>\a*a’ 170 9, 180 11. sA<J

41 11 f. 108 4, 21.
0 LoJ
1 ( 6 11. 38 1, 170 6, 200 17. Xajy
121 8. ,»Ld Jl lX
r )
122 16. r
127 10. NAjyt iA^Aavwc 195 16, 20. s-Lc

127 8. Laaa.> 1_X_^*1aa>0 9 5. XiLo

41 11. ,Xj^uXa\aa^Ij 205 9 f„ 18 ft. tbsvit

INDEX. 302

206 5, 19, 21, 207 2, 12, 15, 19, 208 Js 34 21, 129 11, 16. ,
5 f„ 220 19, 221 2, 5. 4 11, 17 4, 58 18, 23. loJiii

83 194 195
8. Js 19, 7.
193 2, 13, 222 22, 223 5. ..ill 16 22, 33 14, 34 22, 58 7, 69 9, _blk«*_aJt
93 18, 257 1,4,71'., 269 13,18, 72 11, 73 7, 91 7, 14 IV., 19, 113 7 V., 114
270 22. 16, 115 6 f., 123 6, 129 4,8,12, 132 8,

42 5. xj AxX^v'ii. 5L>..o’i 10 f„ 136 2,9, 139 5, 144 2, 145 8,11,

~ .xaiiSt 164 5, 174 7 V., 189 3, 197 16, 211 8,
j j
109 11, 115 12. 233 16, 234 10, 236 4, 12 f„ 20, 237 3, 19,

no 14. ..A
CT >
283 3 f„ 28418.
12414. xbL.:> ..-j! rxis 57 4, 96 17, 124 17, 170 5, 315 9. y^JLs
58 8, 60 22, 61 1, 62 5,
yaail) yoi 99 8.

64 8 f., 16, 69 9 f., 70 1, 9181, 11013, 6 8, 13, 14 3 f„ 8, 14, 15 6 f„ 11, 15,

1 14 17, 126 5, 136 17, 144 5. 20 f„ 16 1, 7 f„ 14, 101 16, 142 3 f„ 6,

„ Jji Q_j *155 L-V>X y^S 169 5,7,10,13,17, 173 20, 174 6.

130 6 t'.

98 yos
4, 12, 14. ,4-c.
74 16. , w.,1j r

127 8, 10. lXjs y^i 198 15, 219 2,6, 221 12, 15 f„ 222 2, u^is
197 7, 211 5. ill5 yoi 223 7, 225 4.

112 10. iL^Lo y^S 145 4. ByoUJ!

2. v >Lo*
yai. 132
9. (j^yLail

2. sL

196 6. tjis 2 4, 3 4,8,10,14,19, 4 4,12, 5 1,8, Iiy-oil

200 17. ^1*0 ,1^5 20 f„ 8 13, 18, 9 5, 19 14, 17, 23 20, 26 4,

144 5, 157 16 f., 20, —^LIxw^jLj'Lj .-xxaJjJ! 28 14, 30 13, 47 4,6,10, 58 21 IV., 59 5,

158 1, 12. 60 8, 6317, 64 13,16, 69 9,18, 70 5,10,

1 96 6. xkj ai . 12,15,19, 716 f„ 10, 72 2 ft., 12, 16, 22,

9 14. Jaaa 73 4 f., 74 16, 83 7,18, 85 2, 87 2,7,15,

164 6, 10. yJlaJI 17, 88 1, 89 6,18,20, 90 2, 10913, 140
205 5. w. J 17, 141 1, 152 15, 154 11,23, 161 17,

116 18, 118 14, 12916, JdIL— aiL s^jLaJl 164 20, 165 21, 166 1, 175 10,15, 189
132 12, 136 19. 10, 238 7.

80 21. 5yl»J 108 5.

59 2, 4. yo!y£j! 1 1 8 7. '*2?***

193 12, 200 5. isLoyi 131 19. 8 .j xaILI

193 13, 196 7 f„ 12, 14, 198 17, 142 4 f„ 9.

199 19, 201 15, 205 4,6,15, 207 18, 211 183 12, 200 13.

5, 212 19, 213 23, 216 13, 218 21, 219 206 5.
301 INDEX.

116 12 f„ 129 18, 135 5,8, 152 6, 18016,

19211, 220 10, 221 1,19,23, 22312, 224
120 9 ft'., 14. flsJout 2, 251 6, 260 18 f„ 267 13 f., 26919, 279
1 12, 105 15, 18, 10G 18, 133 11, . vIjsJI 7, 304 13,16, 305 2, 308 18.

152 9, 203 19, 243 15,17, 245 6,11, 16 14. xiL&

246 7, 15, 18, 21. 174 note 2. sysAii
3 14, 4 11,17, 5 2, 816, 1017, 47 3, vytJl 206 22. iujAui
60 18 f'., 62 12, 63 15, 17, 64 16, 66 1, 125 14, 16.

71 6 11., 20, 75 2, 76 4,6,14, 77 19, 101 169 16.

21, 102 9, 116 22, 129 13, 164 13, 182 174 note 2. 'iyiyii,

18, 191 11 f„ 15, 194 17, 195 5,12, 201 &jL£> .oj'

8, 10, 204 16, 205 14, 206 18, 207 16,

212 9, 235 1, 276 2.

265 19, 292 13. olsj: 9 17 f. La
290 23. w. 143 1.
Q lo
9 8, 56 18, 57 5 f., 58 10, 15. (JCojsi) 224 22. ftyS^UaJI

263 8. 9 18, 14 9, 15 3, 27 10, 69 13, 87 8, AouJ!

118 16, 120 18, 158 8. yCwjtii 156 17, 169 14, 173 17, 20, 22, 174 1,

112 5. (jxjlastJI 15, 311 3.

93 11, 271 1, 272 4. jAaxIl 121 7, 123 9. U*aJi

129 8. yij' iojLc. 143 19.

119 9. iyiic 219 18, 223 2, 9.

12 11, 15, 18, 13 3. 8 17.

20 2, 5 f. .nJa* .nAoas

45 14. qUx 64 17, 90 7. 3)


108 15. 'iJjy+c. 127 9, 137 3.

413, 174, 1422,5, 158 3f.,267 7. 129 11.

202 19.

194 note 6, 196 5. 211 3.

141 17, 164 10. bs\b

o 19 10. lyL


8 16, 33 19, 34 2 ft'., 35 3 ft'., 36 8, 10, y* lj 142 2, 4 f., 9, 143 1.

37 10 f„ 44 10, 98 10, 257 21. 205 12, 206 21, 207 3,6, 208 6. idkdL
125 15, 128 129 9 13, 16, 18. y^Laji 183 13, 204 14, 17, 205 1 f„ 6, 11, i&jJo
8, l'„
149 19, 150 1, 6. oUSi 217 22, 218 2, 5, 7 f., 219 1, 12, 17.

207 6. l«Ls 202 note 15. iilifib

IN HEX. 360

20o 10, 18 I. 22, 64 13, 65 3,0, 67 7,14, 69 9,18, 70

170 10, 1 72 1, 5, notes 1,5, 219 21'., 5. 21, 712 ff., 8, 10 ff., 19, 24, 72 4, 7, 13, 18 f.,

96 16. 21, 73 5 — 10, 14, 17 f., 74 15,19, 75 2,16,

219 10. 76 4 ff., 8 ff., 17, 20 f., 77 12 ff., 19, 78 1,10,

112 14, KJuj AAc 16, 79 20, 80 10 ff., 82 14, 83 14, 87 18,

6 8, 83 8, 142 10. 21 f., 88 2, 91 16, 96 19, 98 10, 99 11,

39 129 10,12,15, 131 144 152 170

0 'l\a»J! 1, 5, 15,

Ww' V ^i’j 1 l,10f., 17113, 16 f., 173 12, 175 3—20,

194 9 f., 224 23, 225 7. o; ~ 177 1,4,8,18, 185 9, 190 16 11., 191 10,

209 5. aL.ob.Av 192 4, 6, 198 12, 200 13, 202 8 ff., 20,
6 9, 14, 17. / yv^O.Av 203 7,15, 214 16, 216 15, 233 19, 257
56 note 1. c .av 21, 261 7, 269 20, 278 21.
142 8. _Lulw 2o 7 1 , i,9.

191 14, 216 10. iyJULw 139 3, 5 f., 140 15, 141 8, 189 16,19. ouj!
120 19. .-£=3.7 'isusu* 244 12.
l _c .>

121 21. LoLa&av

120 16. Jjjiil iia^Lw ;

129 12. L£o '\susLm S 16. AjJI

73 20, 83 6,8,11,14, 84 3, 87 21. ^vaaLLv 111 16. ^Isj
267 6. 120 4.

8 11, 17,
1 14,



bj.~J! 119
4. Jj'ilJt

170 9, 198 9,17,19,21, 205 2, 217 ^^vJt 121 10. AT olsj

14, 18, 218 4. 118 10. 'iskj qj! vjjiij

22o 6 .
^a-Jj I
v ^av 120 8 .
^yi oli)
148 3.
(j^ 1

) \Ji_y* 64 3. sysLoji!

109 11, 111 6, 17, 1 15 13, 19, 1 19 oj-w 117 4. olij

14, 230 9. 115 18. xJlvax qJ dbUl l\j.e oij
63 11, 104 3, 113 6. j,Li! 126 9 f.
LCo o'jj
219 3. .
. 99 5, 107 note 16, 109 4,10. JsJl>IasJ! ^113
100 101 114 116 to 111 136 11
5, 13, 15, 9,
O ;3 6, 16, .

5, 7, 118 7, 132 19. 117 6, 118 9. oi';

lit 6, 118 9. 5LiLiv^ 121 19 .
149 19, 150 b?uuw 119 10. 043
171 4 f, 196 2. aJuo

1 12, 10 8, 21 5 f„ 8, 32 14, 34 2, ^LiUl U*

7 ff., 35 1, 9 f„ 44 11, 47 3,10, 57 18,21, 137 1. ^w>Lw
58 13, 61 19, 76 6,13, 10513,17, 10815, I08 8. ...a£
Uj t
359 INDEX.

116 4. _L>y! 111 19. J^UjC! (jJji ^yt

108 19, 112 5,8, 119 8, cr^lr~JI 109 3,
_y jb 132 20 f.

121 6, 244 12. 123 9. y*> _b!l jb

202 19. &jy> 98 15, 99 3, 6, 9. JoiJUi! ^b
141 17, 142 1.
i 119 14. yblj qjS ^b
224 21 f. Icyb 1341411, 1351 ff, 10 ff, 1361-10. ^syait^b
267 7. >JL£-o 118 99 5. (jxjy&S! jb
188 9, 17. XJL&O 120 6. ixbJxi a! ,b
174 6, note 2. ibyo 102 21. (jolxi! Js!
^ j«-o jb
100 l

6 8. -blysO 136 15. ^coLotS! ^Ac ^b

118 17. JwJi o 8. 3! ^b
, JT'J '

— ^ A^C. — - , , 123 8. £Je>^t
^y 0 j tiULo b
112 If. 113 3, 116 4. _^> .o7 AP.^' ,b
J' *
LT y
109 6, ^y ^.y 21. ^UJLw ^y Jiyrb ^b
113 6 f. ,•.!»,/» ,
o-J ,
»o 112 1. 3-LlXJl oVvc
A-*i^ ^b
119 15.
yy <3! 133 5, 10. Mys? jb
119 14. yl* j»L> 111 18. £&JbAx> qj! .b

G by yO
1 91 11, 13, 121 6. ((jXjob^J!) jSj 100 12. tAb^* jb
111 115

14. 122 3. yb*

1 16, 184 4, 0. ob 108 5. jjylxil jb
146 8. J^sUJl olj 100 18. b
164 9. w-^-3 101 3.
ibAiu! jb
110 6, 174 17, 189 20, 1901,3, .O 112 22. y>\b ^yl .b
268 3, 308 21. 110 14. -.Jt ,b
yj y
147 note 1. i
»J> 133 5, 11. (^gyiyjt
lC ^*£
jb ^y
19. ^w***!! jilj jb
A*t qJ
; 111 6, 230 9. ^b
2, 112 22, 116 19 ff., 1 17 3, 119 4, yi
Jt 6. yu jb
136 14, 141 18. 115 14. ti)yj ^y! jb
286 14. bAj J! 123 8, 125 10. (jiaol sjfjJ> jb

100 12. dUxJ! L>j 1 22 9 f. iJLyvP ^yt .b

120 20 . iU=> 120 3. Jbs'l yyJl <yl jb
6 7, 85 10. Ayi, 116 4. ^b
56 16, 18. „b, 116 7. iJ^o j\c>
jy 1

192 16, 247 10, 273 7. KbJ! 135 10 11. (u^b 1

5 22, 8 17, 33 19 IT., 34 2 ff., 35 1 ff., 150 5. XJbo
36 11, 39 2, 40 20, 44 9 f„ 53 21, 57 7, 120 20. (_cy?uJt ^jj=> <_y>

58 8, 18, 22, 59 6, 18, 60 18, 20, 62 18, 120 17. ^jy=> jb LyO
INDKN. 358



1 f.,
^ 119 9. iLo'ijJ!
162 17, 164

" ^
• L.


-A^C 1 .aI-A^*
t'" ,,

102 20. b 73 18, 144 2. yiA^I Kb>b>

120 10. ^o-UJ. Joy b 88 9, 263 17, 277 17, 279 14. -aa=»

111 15. jb 83 5, 178 17. jvaJ)

122 2. ^lav ^b
117 6. »jyA ^b
99 7. (b

q4 jb
120 8. -a&e lVjlm ,b 112 23. ,b
J7. (JT- ) r vJ- j
108 1:?, 135 2 ft'., 136 7,9, b 120 6, 122 17. ilo
r- ~ j
318 28. 119 16. JijaX!
y .b
109 7, jjuLsvtiSf bib -\a£ x*JLw .b 122 2. ^oLaav!
^y yo
116 4. 115 18 f., 120 3. ^a&Lj) .b
112 8. ^b 1 36 10. \aȣjI 4>.a3!

136 10. b 133 2. ibLyto^!

1 09 22. tAAAAA^A 112 3. L
c,laJi bJ 1
Aae ...j ,
Jj! ,b
113 5. ^bJi! *AAb b iso l
^ 0u= ^ yb
113 3 f., ^lo ilo b 92 13 f, 18.

179 9. 109 10. ^*aA/$ ’\t=jy .b

238 10. bi-o ^b 1 20 1 f. qj! ^b
116 2. ijjaaCo qj! .b 115 13. a bib qj! yj>
115 11. _LaaJ 1 ,b 107 15 f., note 16. tLc aa! yAjf

101 6, 132 4. _L?Li2AA.aJL i yvia.1! 104 6. jb

109 4, 6 f. ^*aae>,av ijaLac j 108 7, 17. _n*=> bJ ,l>
y ,

133 19. tS^E. (bc'iJt l\a£ ^b 9i 20. LCA^b yo

103 6. yy> 0^1=?- qJ aUI 1a£ b ^jLaAaa (Jjl Q.O KaaE J.^/5 ^1 .b
97 3. (jo l*J
qJ Aae ^b 112 3.

120 7. ,L>b»- Aae ^_aj j'-’ 110 ^b 14. 2AaaEa

120 8 f. |*-wL? Q.J’yl Aae ;

b 120 j=y> ^b
8, 17.

112 5. slXae qj! .b 121 20. ^Aaej!

NLJ! Aae qJ AJl> ^b
108 19, 109 3. ioljE b 118 15, 239 11. b
100 20, 101 2 f.
y o'e 0.J IvaSE ^b 110 4. j7A*Aii ^b
111 iLJI e 112 115
19. jj'j >> 1, 11. ^fijlaiSl
109 9. A**Ji b 100 24, 133
^ 1.
134 6, 14. JvE
^ ja*e ^b 97 1.

91 20. hojLoJ! j -ae yo

102 21 f, 103 4, 132 4 f. ioLy
^ b
96 131’., 97 1, 10, 107 16. jolasJ!
y «y: ;
100 3, 101 2, 5 f., 15, 17, 132 4. J-yJt

116 3. Ajyi ^y= ^b 123 7, 14. gyi jb

111 18. iLoys- jtIae 114 9 ft'., 17. ,»y*i! AOji' ^b
357 INDEX.

115 12.
4 17.

34 20, 45 3. iLujAH 5317, 562, 57 11, 11315,17, 231 19. iLolii

136 10. 166 3, 9 f., 14, 22. Ill

111 3, 262 8. £ 58 9.
10 205 19.
0 Ip-
59 19, 23, If., 61 18, ( ok-JL|j) axA- 108 4, 304 21.
0 lpJ
62 10 f„ 13, 17, 20 f., 63 10, 12, 15 f, 64 1, 118 16, 121 1. Xio
18 f., 93 13, 11410, 125 6,14, 132 8,17, 127 1. v_ip-
280 15, 319 2. 194 19.

75 10, 12 f, 76 1, 77 18 ft'.,
^ ^s> 152 6. isp^P-

78 9, 16. 206 7.
|»l b pj>
129 2. tyJ-L 220 16. Ovjjo%
48 18. i7c.LiA3j! pb ilcLUil! spp*
16 20, 19 10, 103 236 14 ^Ji=> 3 14. ppjt Bpp-
13, 21, f.
74 16, 75 23. i^L> 16 21, 64 17, 20, (JjLhwwiJt spjP-
112 20. ,»Lj> 69 9,12, 90 7, 103 17 ff., 127 9, 132 1,

133 19 f.
o^ 1 ,*U=> 137 2, 239 12.

114 1, 3. ppi A*£ 1

p'u^* 136 20. JpIIx^JLIIj pAai! p4*-
112 8, 121 9, 11. Jpw j.U^> 193 14, 17. *%Jb-
137 1. vJs>JI
U> 108 4, 304 21.

100 13, 137 1. j»U> 221 14. iUii.

96 18 .,U=> 118 10, 11 ,..U>

o L

136 20. ijpjsjl j»Uj> 103 14. **+£. •• »Lo>

113 23. a
p ^1 [»U^> 114 8.
0 Lp-
100 18, 112 12, 116 16,18, 117 19, *Li! 118 16, 18.
0 U>
118 13, 129 9 f., 12, 15, 18 f. 127 13 ff.

147 12. 127 15. iL-sLp

38 2, 113 20. 14 8, 10, 13, 15 8, 10. SoJL

45 149 150
8, 10. 19, 2, 7.
143 1, 4. r*_P- 103 14, 1138, 114 7,> 128 13,15,17, ’ ’ ’
101 1, 133 2 f. 129 1 f., 4 f., 137 3.

195 8, 15, 20. I$L> 18 4.

142 15. Laj 8 11, 33 13, 16, 251 9, (jLci_pJ!)

177 286 19.

205 10, 206 3, 207 19, 22014. 10216, 103 8, 133 9, 164 15, 19,21,

102 20. L*Jii ? _Jib> 165 5 182 21, 185 1, 253 18, 316 5.
lNItKX. 356

5,16, 205 1, 207 17, 20812, 21317, 214 11,18, 199 13 f., 200 3,5,11,14,17, 201
3,14, 217 20,22, 218 2, 4 f., 8, 11,20, 210 16, 2021, 203 23, 204 17, 210 201'., 213
1,13,17, 220 5,11, 222 10, 223 1,8, 225 4,11,13,23, 215 1, 8 ft'., 22, 2i6 1 — 9,

2, 5, 287 17. 217 7,9,11,13, 218 4,6,11,18 11'., 220 8,

9,8, 110 2, 127 9, 170 4,8,12, 171 iLi_>

221 19, 22, 222 5, 223 1 ,
12, 16 f., 262 22,

3,5, note 3, 185 11, 200 4,6,17, 202 1. 263 5, 266 2, 305 10, 315 4, 318 2, 6,

92 13, 18. oLJiJl

"7 319 17.
85 10, 124 11. 4 15, 59 12, 84 1, 86 19. j»!

142 4, 9. XLtwj 4 11.

91 10, 13, 228 16, 247 12, 254 5, 203 5. (jJi/ct

276 13, 294 20. 204 13, note 3, 205 9—18, 206 1,

53 4. 4, 12, 14, 207 5, 13, 16 f., 208 6, 15, 19,

o9 11. 209 1,4, 210 9, 12 f„ 15, 18 f., 2115, 212

83 5, 8, 14, 84 1, 86 19, 87 22, If., 19, 213 7, 215 23, 216 16 1'., 217 4,

141 20. La 7, 15 ft'., 220 11 ff., 15,18, 2219,19, 31711.

119 4. 16 19, 48 19. LoLi

48 20, 52 10. L^o 89 6, 110 3, 170 8,16,18, 171 2, j~LLLi!
142 7. note 3, 200 16 f., 202 8 f„ 20, 203 5,

141 20, 142 1, 7 f. 10, 12, 14.

40 16. 141 17, 142 7.

18 6, 12, 22 21, 29 7, 31 3,

32 11, 53 20 f., 54 13, 239 16. 9 8, 202 16. idbt

201 14. iL^UJ!

^ 31 4 f., 32 10, 105 16. iLJuj

48 11.

120 10. J^Ij

178 18.

132 8. L>r. Sl xJ*

C) J
31 4. JaL.

187 13 34 61
f. 21, 2, J-uL, (
0 ^J! v_jL.)
142 3. UJ- 63 7, 64 13, 280 15 ft'.

8 17, 266 19. 142 5. lo

73 8, 14. -bjjjJ 189 13.

205 15, 17, 218 13, 15. 39 14. ijapL aJG

164 10. 147 13, 148 15, 302 8.

6, 8.
3 f.
^ 93 11 f., 18, 96


76 1.

5, 258 10, 12, Aj

21 16. iCoLu' 265 22, 268 4, 271 1.

198 12. sLjaj' 8 12,17, 170 5 f., 15, 198 10,13, 199 -j^J)
215 1,3, 217 13, 222 7, 223 11, 15, 22. 3,9,15, 200 2,14, 201 12,17, 202 5, 204
18 f., 177 6,18, 178 4,10,12,14,16, 190 I

6, 191 11,13,19, 192 1—14, 232 10, 233

17, 234 7, 16, 238 1, 241 7, 242 2, 247 7, 224 6 f. iuudjUl

262 12, 317 8, 318 11. 143 1.

6 7, 9, 8, 14, 156 17. JyJ 136 19. _blk~aJLi

9 lot., 15 o. fc v , I i
236 14.

11224 oby^i . 135 22. ^yg j' aO

132 20, 133 13.
0 >Jd!
v L£?i ;
238 9. J\
104 7. s-i& v L^Pf 9 9. _o!

112 20, 22, 116 5. u>ojj| ,

9 17, 142 1 f., 5, 10, 14.

104 7, 110 11. V U?! 200 18. iLo'Jc>l

115 17.
, v_,Lg>! 16 19.
“ J
134 6 f., 15. Jjyiii 85 9, 154 1, 176 20, 23. U=>!
98 14, 117 9,12, 118 6, !
208 6 f. I

128 7. 239 13.

G ^!
126 18. liLi-ii .-j A-Jiot
u 232 19. iLyuyC i

V L7* > •

222 14, 17, 20, 223 5. 174 17, 188 2.

171 6
11., 172 3 f., 8, note 5, 173 2, 19 13, 22 1, 23 3 ft'., 25 5, 9,

13, 19413, 200 3, 10 f., 216 Ilf., 218 12 ft., 26 3, 31 4 f., 10, 45 7, 1.

20, 219 4, 221 11 f., 223 6 f., 11, 224 5 f., 1 4, 6 8, 7 3, 37 12 ft’., 38 9,

9, 13, 15, 20, 225 6, 8, 287 5. 39 3, 40 13,16,19, 41 1 ft., 10, 42 1—18,

174 7. v_jLbi 43 5, 7, 45 13, 16, 49 23, 52 19, 53 21,

185 7, 10, 12. 54 17, 55 4 f., 7, 10, 14, 58 21, 64 note 9,

216 17. 71 1,8, 72 9,11,13,15,20, 73 8, 74 12,

20 23, 110 16,18, 119 2, 144 19, ICJi-jj' 14,18, 75 1, 76 4—11,15,17, 77 4,12,18,
171 note 3, 172 11, 173 2 1’.,
6, 9, 174 17, 79 1, 21 f., 80 1—22, 81 1, 6, 8, 15, 82
183 4, 7, 11, 17, 184 1, 6, 8, 185 6, 11 f., 5—14, 83 1 16 I’., 84 9, 16 ft., 87 21 ft.,

15, 20, 22, 186 15, 17, 187 22, 193 6, 10, 90 1, 91 2—19, 95 9, 127 8, 130 1 ft.,

194 4, 196 14, 18, 197 13, 16, 198 4, 8, 10,14 1’., 134 2, 175 1—7,13, 176 7,11,
INDEX. 354

184 It. tJux 119 19. Qjlo

C) (J-,

148 4.
»>o *
129 7.
^ eULc
170 9. 233 0. «.a

179 1, 8. JNae Jijj yi 1 34 0. i

> yl
107 3. jyO 142 15, 171 11. „Jjoo
117 5 ff„ 120 21, 141 20, 210 1. JjA 3> 126 5, 12, 15, 203 5, 295 8. ^=>j^
62 6, 128 15, 17, 129 6.
,lW 123 1, 125 8 f., 10, 126 7,14, 142 0,11. oL*
170 224 112
9, 14, 17 f. 5 100 7, 15, 113 7.
0 ^y> jXi
113 22, 125 15, 128 6, 9, 129 10, JJL, y.j 313 20. 52o y>

136 15, 18, 142 9. 1015, 112 5, 118 10,18,

142 9. j»LV> Jolj 242 10.

136 13. (Jo ^ &>jL>^JS 126 22. y&s,

100 15, 111 10, 119 12.
Db j yo 115 18. SlX.X jyO
125 8, 16, 126 5. q., 102 9, 126 8, 14, 16, 18 ft'., 127 1, 3,

142 8. XJLc, j! 7 f„ 142 10, 157 6, 257 10, 303 22.

126 7, 17, 129 1, 5. rib 143 22. io *Lr,c i_XJj

123 5, 126 15, 128 7, 10. 290 3. A*ai

1 17 4, 118 9. Is
170 7.

142 9. qJ ^Lvo j! 76 17, 77 1, 94 18, 118 15 ff., 119 4, How

118 12 ,
121 1. {J- ^ 0,9, 121 2,4,10,21, 122 20, 125 7, 142
118 12. ,*E> •„ xbiE> ..-J ,\y2o 2, 143 20, 184 12, 266 7, 316 9.
LJ y • CT y
129 10. !>5o yO 126 8, 20. ^slxil i_*S>yX jyJ
353 INDEX.

97 20, 249 3. 118 9.

200 20 229 13. y_> Jp5l


126 7, 9, 142 6. y^ v_s-il£
126 10. 142 1 5.
G b>y
117 G, 118 8 141 '.JNc 129 *i5
f., 20.
0 6.

1064,17, 107 10, 113 2. y? 58 9, 128 7. yi cr

115 16. yyl qJ (J* 122 3. ^voly!
56 6, 142 1, 144 11. dU 127 20, 22, 128 2, 5. JJf 5
^ Q Lo ;

141 18. o>l*il y> jy£ Jl 125 15, 126 7, 17. (jNCj

116 1. isJlU,
^a£ 112 18. yj

124 21. v_jjx yj 129 10. yjy yj

56 10, 77 1, 119 7,14, 120 4,7, 121 olslc 175 21. Ay
2, 4 If., 8, 10, 21, 122 3, 9, 17 f., 266 7. 170 7, 219 3, 5, 224 12, 19. iLy
147 5, 13. jy 246 12. yj

125 9 15 f., 126 6. Juiit yj 126 4, 8, 13, 18, 127 8.

98 2, 109 11, 138 20, 142 8,14, 283 jj± 142 9. A*~
8, 10, 292 1, 303 2. 122 21. y* Ax*w _y^
1 19 7, 1201,3, 121 3, 18413. ^ 126 19 f., 127 10, 128 If., 5.

125 19, 126 3. dUlo yj 128 5.

19 17, 20 6, 10. Jo ^y 0 ji 116 17, 117 5, 118 8 f., 11.
0 '^L*
133 15. *22 126 8, 13.

1 16 17, 117 5,8, 118 10, 120 16,18, yi 123 1, 12, 125 8 f. oly ^ yJL.
129 17, 142 2, 239 1, 3. 108 13. y*w yj
5 2, 35 3, 53 20, 89 17, 92 20, 98 2, yuy 121 20 f. iyy (IX*

1073, 1126, 116 19,21, 1273, 1785, 199 120 16. y'il yly yj
14, 218 6, 233 12, 252 9,12,17, 301 10. 120 18 t. A~*2 XJUav yo
52 20. iyy yj 117 4, 120 16. JsLtl^\2i

116 12 if., 290 4. *cLca 133 IS. qI^aav *2o

1118, 15. 143 1, 4. 62 6, 73 16, 119 9, 121 3, 122 1, uiA*^!

235 21. cIaJLaS
y 122 20, 123 3,12, 125 7, 142 3, 144 1,

126 17, 19. 202 12 .

106 15. no 2. yo yj
125 18, 126 1. July' 166 5. yj
s y+xo

116 18, 118 10. yi July 125 6, 188 17. yc yo

20 5, 58 10, 59 3,15, 116 15, 118 12 f, yi 147 note 1. y!c yj
119 8, 13 f., 121 2 f., 128 7,9, 142 4,16, 7 7, 100 6, 136 18. yJ-utJl yo

144 16 f., 186 18. 141 18, 174 8, 11. A*~ a t l\a£ Jt
170 8, 14. 120 7. jLJL Aac yj
115 16, 142 14. 214 21. I Ail Aac yj
113 23, 119 19, 129 8. 142 8. itfyl ji

241 4. cij 123 2.

117 5. oLi 98 13 f., 116 15, 117 4,9, 119 14, 19,

108 19, 109 2, 119 8. ouijJj 120 1, 3, 5, 7, 15 f., 121 1, 125 3, 184 13 f.

119 10, 142 4,9,10, 186 18, 231 14, Jl\> 129 10. vJJpM
809 11. 98 2, 115 Ilf., 138 19, 142 8, 303 2. JU
108 7, 17. 123 7, 13, 124 15.

126 13. ,_-oL> 126 19 f, 127 10,19,22, 128 1,3,5.

98 2, 126 22. 136 0. J S ^-io

119 15. slo> 126 20.

123 8, 12415, 1251. ^ 127 20, 22. 128 1 f., 5.

0 Lo> JJW
117 4, 119 15.
^ yJviS. 107 5, 233 8. X-yol yo
120 11, 13, 129 6.
y- ~ 198 10. iUj!
125 12. 122 123 ^jot jl
21, 7, 13.
0 O j

48 11. &JbiA> _j>.j 201 12, 17, 205 1, 214 14. yoJi
121 7.
0 ^^> 116 15.
^ y&. yj
64 2. 148 3. ^ Jo
107 7, 233 10. y.j 126 15.
^ iocj^Xj

122 20, 123 1, 5 f., 124 15, 17 f., o y*f*=> 201 17, 205 l' 214 15.

125 1, 5, 126 14, 142 5. 136 note 3. Jo

121 10. oiiU cr . lXJ- 62 0,8, 77 2, 114 9, 116 3—15,19,
113 20, 120 11, 122 3, 126 15,21, 142 136 13, 142 1.

6, 15, 241 4. 116 19 . iuyi jo

125 17. £..j..
jyJ. 116 7. Jo
119 19.

13. 122 21, 123 11,13, 124
7, 13

125 0, w^'

142 16. (jyio> 12, 15 f., 126 5 f., 138 20, 139 1, 142
125 14, 19, 126 2 5 ^y=> 3,11, 265 303 2
8, f., f., 15, 17, 21,
0 9,15, f.

128 5, 131 9, 142 7. 110 10 f. **40 yo

351 INDEX.

17 1 ff., 5, 10 ft'., 16 ft., 18 3, k_yi*J 299 1, 7, 11, 14, 302 7, 23, 303 6, 10, 12,

11, 19 4. 306 5, 10, 12, 16, 307 19, 308 3, 12, 309 9,

101 8. oL.x (il

^ vJsLsH ^j k_jyi*J 31017, 311 1, 10, 31411, 31511, 31613.
note 3.

18. .jA^M qJ
[qLjLw qj]
aJJ! A^x qJ

u" /
note 12,

2. X-iLv qJ Ajjj
181 18. A^x^ ^j A.^e
^ 20 3, 52 6. Aj ;j
48 3. jLAx. qJ v_jjiisu 124 2, 9 f. iLAo qJ Ajjj
89 12. APLs^
^ >_jyt*j 224 12, 14, 16 f. ^cjslatlf ^j Ajjj
226 5. A^x>° ^j 170 17, 19. yd>- A*>c Ajjj
268 1.
^b q j
J^) 0 liiilJ! _*l 240 5. yolAi* aJJ! A*c Ajjj
113 11. jL5j-jt qJ j
,y*k5kJ Jbb Aa£ qJ aJJt A*c qJ Ajjj
205 9 — 20, 206 2. £jAw k_^x>lo qL*Ju 243 note 5.

95 18. ouj 227 20 f. oLgJ5 qJ aJJ( Ax ^j Ajjj

127 1, 129 10. (^UU L.W jj\) iLo 290 13. jjjxJ! Aax qJ Ajjj
129 12. £-o qj! 104 14 f, 114 6, 213 tiULt A*£ ^j Ajjj
17 10. i_j^&xj qJ IJj-jj 20, 214 21, 215 2 ff., 8, 12, 15, 18 f., 234
4 13, 6 13, 12 11, 13 4 f., 13, k_a^j 7, 14 f., 18.

15 ft, 14 1, 5 f., 10 f, 17, 15 2 ft', 16, 16 226 8.

^ Ajjj
1 f, 5, 13, 17, 17 1, 3, 7 ff, 14, 18 4, 8, 15, 147 note 1. os-XkjJS qJ qJ Ajjj
19, 19 3, 8, 12, 215 f, 21, 22 2 ff, 14 ff, 5 5, 13 2, 258 2, (_cjjljuJt sjf- qJ Ajjj
149 3 f. 261 1, 284 17, 29410, 303 20, 3043, 3091.
109 1. jAix
0 j ^<=1 Ju-o 271 3, 317 5. jkJys qJ Ajjj
95 184 193 <j:A_c c
15, 4, 4, 8, ^j j
cH Jj* o~i cH U"*5 cH
263 19, 317 22, 318 4, 319 15. 146 ^xLccJt ^bcsvll _^jt AJujx>
259 18. oXjJ'Lo note 5, 147 15, note 1.

25 7 290 14. (jXbjaM A*x>* qJ Ajjj

o!^ O-
220 Ilf. f \_*slyv^j
yi f 213 20, 22 f., 214 1—20, *lw» ^j Ajjj

24 215
oy 0 J 7, 10.

37 20.
_y ^ cAib
^ Q b>j 216 12. ,j:A!5kJ! jJAk^o ^j Ajjj
19 3, 40 7. oVjkxE 93 17, 101 qLAw ji! ^j Ajjj
236 6, 9. iyiic qJ 14 f., 198 3, 199 7, 12, 270 22.

260 18. 213 6. qJ Ajjj

45 4, 47 12, 92 16, 153 Ju^i 0 -> ^wJ^j 284 17. ^_5>xx>\iJS Ajjj
15, 182 3. 114 12. AJ^J!
^ Ajjj
99 note 2. (A**l ^jj Aax) qj! 276 22. Ajjj _^j!
INDEX. 350

223 3, 14, 227 19, 230 12, 234 1, 14, 237 273 7. (o^IxeS! saLxe) AxJ^J! _jjt

10, 239 9, 240 4, 20, 243 4, 13, 266 20, 105 10, 147 14.
271 281 28410, 285 3,22,299 0,15, 108 x*e v^xPj
16, 9, 8, 14.
; c j

20, 302 14, 303 4, 304 15, 311 7, 319 4. i x£j &Ut AxE ^ ^_x^., |^jt

82 7. Ojlo nJJI Axe 182 3, 235 6, _^jt A£t^ qJ ait!

49 22. Axe 0 j
lC^. 273 13, 287 18, 289 14, 300 1, 18.

227 12. J.L^4o!

105 9, 147 14. i^x^i qJ
6 15, 7014, 87 1, q-? lCx->t.
88 10, 121 14, 240 2, 263 20, 276 3,8, 8 17, 39 10 f. _y>L
305 20. 8 20. ^exj —b
127 16,18,20. (liUlo N,-J) 7 12, 8 5, 16 f.
^ Axib
237 3. 116 7. xLxj

l oV+-£ 2-^ cr?

ll-l, 8 6 .
-y & 0^?.
93 5, 135 3 f., 136 3 f., 318 21 f. 8o 10.

52 7.
^ AjjJ 135 7. a
242 12 f. j*5''L>
^ Ajjj 92 9.
3 12, 4 15, 5 10, jJLl!
^ qJ l\jjj 53 19, 6411, 65 1, 70 21, ^ ^ j! ^
16,18,20, 6 2, 15 16, 28 13, 40 12, 44 2, 73 20, 74 13, 76 3,14, 80 2, 83 14, 85 3,

48 14, 49 7, 17, 52 9, 21, 56 7, 9, 57 10, 86 8, 87 20, 90 12, 256 23, 257 5, 273 18,

58 11, 61 14,16, 70 18, 72 17, 73 12, 74 274 15, 275 10, 16, 289 19, 296 8, 13 f.,

9, 76 16, 78 23, 83 4,7,10,21, 84 19, 85 310 7, 12, 314 21.

14, 86 17 f., 87 1,17, 88 5, 90 11, 91 2, 275 5.

8f, 92 7, 94 4,6, 95 11, 104 18,23, 108 91, 1 5 15, 53 19, All3»

2, 11017, 11313, 11415,19, 1155, 121 57 16, 72 14, 79 2, 90 18, 137 5.

5, 128 3,14, 130 3,12,17, 131 2, 138 4, 253 13. HJutj ,i!
7 f., 18, 139 8, 143 7,15, 145 16, 146 17, 144 13. jjXax t Ax*xv
149 13,20, 150 3, 151 3,10, 154 6, 156 815, [^XxS AjXw
7, 175 3, 177 19, 178 17, 179 12, 180 2, 100 16 11, 154 10,15, 208 21, 228 18.

13, 181 8, 182 9, 185 13, 186 14, 188 4, 3 5, 8 14, 13 1, yX) qJ AxE qJ
10, 13, 15 f., 190 2,7,19, 191 20, 194 3, 16 21, 50 14, 74 1, 76 12, 82 6, 85 13,

19716, 23014, 231 10,14, 24913,22,250 90 1, 96 15, 97 12, 101 7, 108 14, 110 2,

16, 21, 251 3, 20, 22, 252 1, 7, 256 19, 259 117 14, 1191, 122 6,11, 1317, 13818,20,
23, 260 15, 261 10, 262 21, 263 3,14, 265 145 15, 160 10, 161 15, 171 8, 17318,174
9, 266 1, 21, 267 4, 268 6, 269 9, 12, 17, 19, 178 13, 180 9, 184 14, 187 22, 188 2,

271 22, 272 3, 273 14, 275 6, 278 16, 20, 189 21, 194 9, 197 4, 198 5, 199 17, 200 8,

281 3, 282 11,14, 283 1, 284 13, 286 8, 201 19, 203 3, 10, 23, 204 9, 207 4, 211 6,

17, 287 2, 19, 288 1, 5, 10, 291 13, 292 4, 213 2, 10, 12, 14, 19, 214 19, 215 20, 216 4,

293 12, 15, 294 1, 13, 17, 295 6, 296 3, 8, 217 2, 6, 218 10, 220 9, 221 7, 222 6,
349 INDEX.

107 2, 5, 233 7 11. 3y= a J (.LbP 227 20 f. (aJJ! Axe Ajjj) obyi

I»Lav^ A*.r y^ j.Li^ 5 15.

35 6, 105 14. obj qJ Jviif!! 245 1G. ^a^s! 0»j^LP

200 12 .
a \^ JblP 113 12, 246 22. (j^Pyl *111 Ax ^ oSj [$>
101 9. l_jLwo 245 18. /o ^ 0 *
276 13. ^ys jbU> _*f 227 3. (^Lyi jbo3
( ^ AX>’.)
|*aaL5 )

232 21. iAjL> AiAgj! 6 14, 7 21

16, 2, 2, 4.
O lols>

176 9. buj yAjjl 4 14, 5 15, 18, 41 14, 42 7, Js^xii j,l3>

110 22 ,
(jwJb _jj! ^yL^i qJ 44 1, 48 13, 49 7, 52 20 58 , 13, 74 17,

262 6, 305 1. 75 22 ,
80 23, 82 8 , 11, 102 7, 127 5,

120 3. J^ii 157 9, 158 6, 285 23, 303 18.

115 9, 283 7. j^X^I jp! 261 14. ^AaxJ! Aj^Lsw qJ J.L£>

20 ^A-U!

2. J-lP

94 5 f., 8 ,
172 9, (^LaiSl Jjiiw waaJ 1

c ^ciAsyii 286 287

j» qj 1G, 19, 21, 2, 6, 10.

149 8, 254 8, ^cilxD a!1! Axe 123 8. (j^2aj! 0j ayA$>

12 ,
275 11 ,
292 8 .

0 j all I Ax y£> 8jaa3>

0 j!

12 2 , 5, 31 3, 37 17, 39 ^yA ^ aUAjj 258 5. J,bL?oCli 3 -aaP jj 1

20 22, ,
53 11 . 122 9 f., 12 ^jisLxJt iJLs^

314 4, 6 .
^.^>5 0 ! 36 8 ,
11 , 15, 18, 22, 37 1 ff., eVJU

121 14, 305 21 .

^A+^sUi j^b_5 13, 64 note 9, 7 1 3 ff., 12 f, 72 19, 76 3 f.,

281 4. (jjUt 0-0 0 j) A,yt _>j! 7, 10,12, 80 3, 183 12,14, 190 5 f., 9, 15,

119 10 .
—y* q;! Ay 5
0^3 257 4.

lX *^ c A-? 190 6 JJsy? 0j!

0 -? 3jr^ ^-V (

) o’^i .

33 10 73 74 86 93 35
, 22, 3 f., 9 ff„ 13, 7, 8 f.
0 !y>yJI
98 4, 7 f., 10 ff„ 100 15, 124 11 ,
136 19, 1016, 18, 11 10 f., 14, 12 4,14414, y'y? _y!
177 5—12. 14713, 14815, 149 2,18,226 4,6,22712,
100 18.
0 b;5 228 4, 232 13, 16 ff., 235 9, 280 18, 20, 24,

247 3. y>\ 281 4,6,10,13,17,20, 282 1,4,6, 302 2.

113 G, 9. idcj 14 4,14,16, 16 5,

0 .:

280 3. ycaH xA-jy* £

i 17 2,11, 452,15, 47 7,64 6, 1619,20614.
93 166 _\aJU qJ 87 153 Ao, (.LixP
14, 8 .

0 ^ 6, 15, 19,
4^v11! Jjt

12 16, 13 4. iy5 2 > AJjJI 176 20 , 256 3, 293 15.

16 20, 99 11 ,
131 10, tiUil JUc A*iJI 43 6, 165 10, 166 8. ^jAit Asu* ^
132 0, 137 2 204 ,
11 ,
207 1,14, 210 9,12, 10415, 11412, 136 16, dVIU Ax^j plAS 1

14,21, 211 1 ft’., 1G— 22, 239 13. 1432, 21521, 2167, 217 5,10,21816,18,
20 If. Sj* fcjt yJUW qJ Ayjyt 219 9, 221 18.

223 12 f. -ax! Ajjj ^-yi AjJ^Ji 114 13, 185 21. a^yC.
INDEX. 348

20 3. b^ww qJ Jtjiii 3 16,82 11, 84 8.

^ L c^y°
189 10. J0»vO 218 13. AJL> ^yJ

202 5, 237 3, 5. eUJI 52 12.

224 10 .
,i.yo Axoj^ ^yi ^ucj 23 16, 77 7, 81 7, -L,
^ U q
LS j

47 18, 51 14. W^*V*W

X 1 ^1 9 93 15, 97 15, 18, 100 16, 178 9, 232 15,
^ ^
(jzOfj^S A^_C ^aIEaj! 250 3,5 ff., 13,15, 27611,28024, 29018,22.
4 5, 5 4, 13 1, 82 12, 33 9, 56 7, 61 13, 1335,11, 1346,15. jjl

63 1, 74 10, 80 4, 89 15, 96 8, 99 1, 132 1. ^c"wrVc

101 19, 110 8, 124 22, 125 2,4, 126 11, 133 18, 144 19, 203 13-23, L^yi
130 2, 134 3, 146 16, 158 10, 172 7, 173 204 2—17, 205 5, 15, 207 5, 13 f, 16, 20,

4, 179 20, 22720, 228 23, 23212, 25021, 208 5, 15, 18 f., 209 21, 210 7—20, 211
251 2, 25415, 255 11, 256 5, 9, 15, 21, 257 1—17, 212 21, 213 3,5,8, 214 3, 215
6, 258 4, 259 16, 260 8,14, 2614,9, 262 9, 22, 218 3.

26414, 26513,19, 26611, 26722,27018, 133 18.

271 9, 15, 273 12, 274 15, 20, 275 23, 276 99 10 f., 13, 115 9, 235 a bp ctj
8, 278 19, 280 6, 15 f., 23, 281 8, 12, 15, 21, 18, 283 7.

282 3, 283 5, 284 16,21, 285 3 f, 286 7, 168 15 f. (__cjt2o2!S!

12, 287 8, 288 16, 24, 289 4, 9, 13, 292 3, ii)JLo ^ *JJ! >Ax£ Jai\
10, 13,18, 2935,11, 2948,12, 29517, 296 SoL-c qJ iaVJLo jjt

2, 12, 20, 24, 297 9, 18, 23, 298 2, note 2, 12, 1 'Al> y.y

18, 299 21, 300 2, 21, 301 3, 7, 14, 18, 303 283 14 f„ 17, 23. iUSyi
17, 23, 304 14 f., 22, 305 10, 306 12, 19, 307 284 22, 285 4. sLUJ _yi

16, 308 9, 17, 23, 31 1 14, 314 2, 8, 315 10. 2181 f., 7 f.,10, 220 10. , c jiAii s>jo«
50 qJ ^oAilt) Sy^j 113
13, liUlo _*jt is.
qj oy^
167 6.

147 12. U
147 4, note 13, 148 ^cAc 147 148
0 L*-u! 5, 3. (SAJIS'
227 21. oLr ***j 93 4, 99 3, A*e jsli

216 6. cJbCS) Jaji qJ jj&lii 111 19, 169 18.

147 5, 148 3. 'SALS' qJ 151 18, 152 2, 166 19, y+c. «lj
144 15. (jNJtit jsbf 168 7.

123 9.
^ Xejj 97 19, 227 20, 249 3, 256 6, 9, Ajjj
0 j jili

7 11 ff., 8 2, 10, 15, 19, 9 3.

_y 259 8, 14 f, 271 2, 10, 279 11, 292 21,

26 10, 43 18. ^LjyJ! Ajjj jjI idLcsi 293 1, 295 18, 299 17, 20, 300 19, 21.

115 14. djo qj! Jyiij £jlj y>jj) qL«LaJ!

252 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, &La
253 4.

2 14, 4 10, 13, 15, 17, 10 ft qJ aJJI Aa£ Jit

4, 16, 11 12 165 LCAiLiJi

8, 21, 4. 22. __^jt
347 INDEX.

12, 93 4, 96 3, 101 2 f., 7, 9 f., 110 17 if., 179 2. qJ oLjw

184 17, 265 22, 266 1 ff., 9, 14, 268 11,13. 266 6. jb^i td HI _^t

82 6. jjo'iULc 81 „jA> XjjIjm

7 5, 37 13, 45 1, 12, 16, 46 9, 14, 3—11, 21, 23, 95 8 f., 11, 17, 101 20, 23,

47 8, 13 f., 48 14, 49 19, 23, 52 19, 53 102 3, 122 13, 15, 130 6, 9, 143 8, 10 f.,

5, 7, 58 7, 9, 63 16, 64 14 f, 18, 20, notes 15, 22, 188 6, 192 21, 193 1—10, 18, 22,

9, 11, 65 1, 9, 14, 19, 22, 66 6,12, 67 1,4, 194 4, 7, 196 7, 12, 218 13, 236 16, 237
68 15—23, 69 2, 13, 16 f., 70 18, 21, 71 23, 266 22, 267 5 f., 8, 10, 307 18, 20, 308
2, 4, 13, 23, 72 13, 15, 17, 21, 109 12, 156 4, 8, 318 2 f., 6.

22, 157 7,9, 161 4,10, 173 12 f., 175 52 21, 85 15 f., 86 Jit

4, 10, 317 8. 3 f, 9—16, 92 18, 93 17, 95 23, 96 1 f.,

127 12. [^UUI] 98 5 f., 100 5, 20, 23, 101 1, 4, 13 ff., 20 ff.,

123 8, 124 102 3 f., 7 f., 13, 16, 105 6, 15 f., 20 ff., 106
14, 16, 19 f. 5,15,20, 108 9 f., 112 4, 123 14 ff., 124
112 22. (^U! ,W) ,*_>!* 0 jI 8, 15 f., 125 2, 132 18, 133 3, 149 13, 192
(alt! oV<_<•_£ Q.J &Ut i XXjJoo jst ^t 10—15, 193 19, 197 2, 20 f., 198 3 ff., 231
259 19. 18, 234 6, 14 f., 19, 260 18, 263 8, 266 16,

315 6, 8, 12 f. iXJuo _^l 19, 22, 267 5, 276 14, 279 9, 294 21,

29 5. J_OTLLx) Lax 316 2, 5.

note 11.

24 13,

8, 105 9, 146 JLo
^ w
21. 2,

47 19, 51 15. lXa>.£. 223 6, 9 f. qJ xj^Ijw

jt ^lajt ti.VJLo ^(AaIS 35 6, 105 14. jAxJ!
114 13 f., 266 15. otuXitit)

243 8, 17. li^Xlt l\xC qJ (AjJjjt jliLc. jjl ' AAjtf#

101 9.
207 1 f., 210 8—16.
-j O-J J?***
175 3, 176 8. 246 19. ^jyo! jVxiXxit

311 3, 5. x*..Lw (*'

V ->
o , lX*^
197 1—17,
J '-j _)
,1 « )J> f>lflt
J - ” *i! 113 10. X^jjt i_j S ^cJotxi

198 8, 14, 199 3 ff., 15 ff. 290 1, 5. ^otA.^- Ajyw qJ

107 note 16. 192 16. LC.JuJt lXjjj
oiv iy. (^c 133 13. (qW) -Llom
167 5.

0^ 18.
qJ l5 214 21, 215 5. ,

51 20. xocii
jt 5^i^t

5 15, 17, 13 3, 17 14, 20 17, LC*JI c 63 1, jlxX-fiJ! oV«^E xtLcii Jx'isji

21 4, 20 f., 22 1 ff., 16, 23 6 f., 16 ff., 2‘ 157 19, 240 4, 8, 244 16, 19, 245 6, 8,

2 ff., 25 5, 15 ff., 26 Iff., 41 10, 44 3 f., 259 8, 16, 280 8.

46 6, 149 14, 151 3, 5,7, 157 18, 20, 1581, 5 y= j'A&U jj.^t
^ oL\JiLt

253 2,4,6, 268 12, 272 17, 23, 304 8 f., 11. 61 5, otAii^) otAiilt
INDEX. 346

1 3 8, 315 1, 3.
2sJJ! ^\+SL i\JUv! (JA.A5
I-Xjjj yyiJS yi
q-^ oLr^ ! lX ^ 113 18. yKj
y hyy
qJ 231 14, 309 10.
0 L*Ij yyi
100 19. (cylH) 236 17 ff. u-JLL i^lXo
51 l. lXJLe* ^Ja'A'O 267 9. *111 o\a= 1
3 ^jUWJ ^*yi j*JwWw*5 267 9. xJJi l\a£ ^l\/5 _yi
92 7, 314 10, 12. LCiLiUJI jJuU yi J.y> ee»A/o yi
218 21, (^ylA^>-) ^ycyJl b'uM^..w
j.£> iwLbA/o yi
219 6 ff., 221 14. 92 7,
yi-xi! yi JyJ! Ay y Ay
33 10, uVoiw yl lXJLt^ qJ hUA**.^ 114 19, 138 19, 149 20, 150 4, 271 22,

12, 61 6 f, 77 13—20, 78 9,11,15,18, 79 272 3, 282 11, 14, 287 20, 288 1, 5, 10, 15,

14 f., 93 14 f., 17, 98 5 IT., 100 3 f., 8 ff., 16, 294 23, 295 6, 303 1, 13, 306 5, 10, 13, 16,

19,22 1'., 102 14, 124 16 1'., 19, 125 3, 131 310 17, 311 2, 314 11.

5 11'., 132 12 ff., 19, 157 15, 197 1 ff., 9 IT.,

^ i A.1 .W J aIaV A

18, 198 1, 231 5, 16, 233 5, 14, 234 5—16, 29 11.

275 2,12 1'., 276 10, 14, 17 f., 286 18, 293 O^iV* U V£ ^ (•V^y5 Jr 1

16, 316 3. 37 20. J.lyJ! hyy y L)j

120 5. x*J_vaai iyi 160 11, 278 16 .
yy?u2i oyy yi
319 11. aS*7. yl A*»y
i}^ ^c
319 yjAti
0y> ^y 1 5. O'T'Ias

180 4, 287 16, 288 17, 19,

0 U(c y> p* yWs-*Q 52 13. (A Ay 5
J^=> Li y ay) ' aaLJS ay
22, 289 1, 6, 11 f., 290 6 f. 84 4, note 6. SuVuc yi hULc.
y ay
7 20,818,20,9 7,11,19. ^L> yiy^ ^y yw 173 5. ^jylxli ^,yLJ
y ay
123 17, 124 9. yliJi yjuji <_a*aoII yl 52 13. IaIU! O-
119 14, 122 3. (yA^li) ysy- ^ ^‘• /S
) j^ 5 254 2. w-JlL
y J-xiic i^y Ajjj ay y
135 17. nUI lXac q.j 84 6, 107 17, note 16, 109 2, yCH y ^y
246 5, 7 f. dLSlo

.....51 vvl
y aJJI Aae y 112 15, 145 4,6, 166 21, 167 Iff., 18615,
319 12. ,
^iAv.j[ hlcly
v. vt qJ 17, 191 6, 194 5, 202 15, 233 22, 234 3.

4: 12.
295 13, 15, 19, 24, 5L*^ 223 18, 21.
296 4,6,9,14,18,22, 19, 24, 51 19, 144 13. io^Ljw
6, 306
4, 9, 13, 19.

12, 14, 16, 18, 21

204 4, 14.

49 20.
y/EJ yj

29 1.
^ y*
Q O^/

0 Ly

<3L*x 30 15. qJ
1 JIjm 216 9,11,14, 217 13.

19, 317 15. 260 20, 261 2 —20 . c)•yKS+*X\

51*.^ 17 7, 259 19. J*ww3

345 INDEX.

232 9. iA*£ A*e>* 167, 173, 178, 180 f., 187, 193, 202,
112 16. ^IjyO A*£ A*^ 226-229, 231 f., 248-319.
127 11. ^jL> viVJlil A<x. qJ AtES* 48 4, Ojl^- qJ A*^
247 16. sAae A+e^ 227 22.

247 18. ivcjj _^j! qJ A»-s^ 1 7. /j ^Uai!

^ AT! qJ A*jS?
286 20. ^Jitt XJLc
A*^° 133 13, 233 14. jejiJl
^ A*^'
247 note 18. oL^! qJ qJ A.*^ _^j! 2 10, 13, 4 16, ^Uo Q j vJibH qJ A^>
113 13, 171 note 3, ^cAst^f y= uW 12 3,6, 37 19, 39 16, 48 3 f, 116 9, 179
319 10, 15. 6, 231 9, 252 7, 253 14 f., 272 2, 11, 282
155 6. syf ^ A*=s? 14, 293 12, 295 6,10,12, 31016, 311 1.

222 19. 'fUs^. ^yi y-f- A*^ 18 18, 21 7. Aju^ ^yi A^eS^

310 20. c<r

w^£ A*=^ 1 9. J-xcLfvJ A*^°
228 14. ry^ A*^ 4
215 1, 4. A*^ 4

24 16. i qJ A*^ 4
121 9, 122 10, 14. vJuA*aJI yo J=t A^ 5

247 3. \^».JJt j4 ^.j A+eS' 200 11, 215 13. Jkj J;t A*^
51 6. j4 Q j A^ 168 17, 169 1. (.jLi*
^ A*^ 4

296 11. JfjXtl

^ A^ 5
249 8. ^yt Ait
; ^ A^ 4

24o 9 . !_
clXa^J I
, y» ^y^ 2 6. g-.-^ A+r?^

l_jLi4v ill I Aaa£ A*e>" 10 11, 13 6, 12, w*5UJt A*^ 4

2 3 f., 6 f., 9, 11, 13, 34 10, 15, ^c^jJt 17 5,8, 18 5, 21 1, 22 14, 23 5,12, 24 2,

35 6, 40 10, 45 4, 47 12, 49 17, 90 19, 20, 25 20, 44 13.

92 17, 104 13, 105 14, 125 1, 153 16, 82 9. ^_4»wLgjl AjJtM i^yi A*^ 4

182 4, 272 9, 282 6. 146 3. Xr-Lfw A*^ 4

47 18, 49 6, 5A_Lw^o A*-s^ 10 18, 148 15. A*^ 4

64 1, 93 12, 96 4, 146 1, 5 f., 9, 12, 319 1. 181 12. iL^Jlb

^ A*^ 4

224 15, 17. A^ o3 A« 256 9. XJiAo j.jt J^c^t A*~c qJ A*^ 4

267 A^ 9. y>L^i! 43 9. allt A*s ^ A*c>°

75 22. j! AJLJCw^t
^ oW (J
235 6. A^c qJ *11! Axe. A*.^

3, 14,

^5 ^ A^ ? UoL*J!
J yyf-

15, 137 10,


18, 169

310 8, 12. 4t) J Ajjj

A^ ^^=>1 ^jt) *Ut iA-*_c A*^ 4

21311,13, 214 4 f.,^yii! Ajjj

0 A^ j 282 6. (i_jLf*v ^yi\

10 f., 13. 52 11, 16, ,LJ1 Axc A^

308 13. Ajjj A^
j.jUt 227 2, 228 9,14, 249 21, 310 20, 31810.
24 17. v &.w*j A*^ 151 18. ^JLc 0.jy t Ax£ ^yi AfEi^

U^> 0-J vjA-*-4

cH '-iuw A J
112 1. jUAlt Axe ^yi A*^
45 note 3, ^AliCIt ^e. ^jt Ayj Aa£ ^yi A*^
226 note 3, 248 note 1. 89 2, 164 13, 166 12, 183 20, 184 1,5,

219 8. (A**£ ^yi Xll*i22) A*^* 209 20.

INDEX. 344

4 14, 47 15, 48 18, j»! io^Lo 246 5 f., 9.

L? E
.w_v qJ
49 2 ff, 9, 12, 17, 50 8, 10, 52 1 f, 19, 22, XXjCjJ &UI o\*£ J^ ^Aae! 3

53 3, 109 12. 10 8. -bjJ

Aa*J Aj^ j»! iu.Lo 60 14.

112 12, 16. 2 6 f., 3 11, 5 20, 7 4, 8 14, A*« eA-JJ!

2 2, 44 12, 80 9, 155 8, 1GG ,j~it dULo 13 18, 19 15, 32 20, 34 10,20, 57 17, 58
19, 21, 187 24, 208 21, 228 18, 233 22, 4,6, 61 8,11, 64 8, 70 18, 72 14,17, 76
282 5, 308 note 5. 12, 16, 77 7, 9, 80 11, 83 4, 84 18, 85 5, 91
129 7.
^ dULo 8f, 21, 92 14, 93 9, 95 11, 97 17, 104 12,

107 2, 233 6. q.j d^JL« 18,23, 105 4, 108 14, 109 20, 110 3, 114
317 eVJU 19, 21, 115 119 122 128 137
l, 3.
c j 5, 2, 7, 12, 3,

236 3. tiVJl« 5, 138 8, 13912, 143 15, 14515, 149 19,

64 1. -o^LwJf xLw.l.w l
x,\ dV- ^ 150 3, 151 18, 152 11, 154 10, 20, 155 20,

305 b'oIae d\Jl/o 156 12 f„ 15, 22, 158 15, 161 3 ff., 7, 162
12, 21 f. 18,165 9, 168 7,170 14,171 8, 17318,21,
286 4. <sJJi oV^e qJ tiVJLo 174 4,6,13,19, 175 2,9, 178 14,21, 179
305 ^^-aslxJI j_ji aJJI A^e dULo 11, 180 1,6,10,12, 182 17, 184 8 f, 186 5,

12, 14. 187 22, 190 If, 5, 7, 194 10, 13,18,

231 14, 309 8,11. ^sXi! K^Ue dULo 197 4, 198 5, 199 6, 18, 200 8, 201 19, 203
123 7. gAE-^l qJ ^e qJ dVJLxi 3, 10, 23, 204 3, 5, 9, 207 4, 208 10, 15, 19,

73 15, |j,A *n 11 a+eIj j_jt iUxlj qJ d^L» 210 4, 211 6, 213 2, 10, 13, 15, 19, 214 19,

144 2, 169 11. 215 20, 216 4, 8, 217 3, 6, 218 10, 220 9,

310 15, 17, 311 2.

8^ dUL« 221 7, 222 6, 223 4, 14, 226 8, 227 19,

319 7. <*JJi
_y^ 230 13, 233 21, 234 1, 235 18, 237 10,

29 4 f. 244 7, 250 6, 16, 251 3, 20, 25416, 256 10,

1 0 3 f. Loy>
^ LaJ'uo 259 23, 264 17, 265 6, 266 21, 267 2, 269
10 l. (^v^LXj £aJL*0 17, 270 6, 271 21, 272 10, 274 17, 21, 277
132 3, 246 22. (jyL*ylt ^yot q^cLLI 10, 15, 281 23, 282 3, 10, 16, 20, 283 1,

129 6. ^Sli v tr*"o? _ ^ 286 8, 288 1 ,

5, 10, 290 16, 292 4, 294 1 ,

147 note 13. OjJS-ww* 13, 295 12, 296 3, 5, 298 23, 299 7, 13, 17,

96 6 .
^(A*^! '-^*** w i^yi
Allr^ 20, 302 7, 306 10, 307 19, 311 9, 14, 315
24 17, 25 q!jje tly* j*s> A^Ls^ 11, 317 14, 318 18, 319 5.

11, 113 3, 179 1, 3, 8.

224 13 f., 18, 21. jjlw^ A$>Ls*

100 21. ^UJA Jbj£^° 237 13. Aae j»S (J>-J

2-4, 10, 11, 21, 25, 34,

38, 39, 43-53, 63, 68, 77, 79, 88,92-101,
^ A*^
103-105, 107-111, 114f .
, 121, 125-128, 8 17, 39 11.

135-141, 144, 146, 149,153,157,160, 8 20. ^clu J-o

343 INDEX.

35 9—18, 36 1—17, 37 8 ff., 45 13, 222 15. JwJixJI _y!

61 9, 13. 50 Lc>
198 12, 14, 200 5 f., 8. j.ji 85 9. iAaXvj v-^>Lo qLsjs
247 note 18. 190 6, 191 10, 14. jjLS>
^ ^-^uLl^s
5 5, 21, 18 3, 7, 18, 19 12, 124 7, 13. (5L1jUj> dl^)

29 10, 112 19, 149 13, 20, 150 4, 157 19, •n+I-wv? aJJ! u\>-c y£
158 11, 231 8, 232 20. 8 20, 9 14, 19 f.
^ Jaai

^IwJ ^yJ y** 'iSSO ^yi u-od" 41 2. &CU! s^Luli

113 21, 136 15. (jr-Vc qJ
o ? 'r^S* y O^ 1

266 17, 288 14. iUiiLc qJ ^odf 31 2, 10, 12, 20 f. (j^UJ

^ <j*py>
2 3, 6, 9. ei.V_JLo 169 14. OjlJi qJ tJ
94 15, 5LXas ^L«*o 254 4, 262 1, 294 20.
^ ^^3
111 5 f, 12, 14, 17, 229 12, 15, 230 2, 5 f., 42 1, 143 18, 150 9. _Lsail u^j>
8, 10, 315 18, 21 f., 24. 9S 15, 18, 20, 99 aoL*c l\*-w ,j^3
3 f., 273 8,10,15,17,19,21, 274 5,10,13.
v_ajLwJI yy 181 8, 252 2.

(^.jLavJI ^yi j»lXv-S-) Qj! 93 3, 102 21, ur *^wJi (joL*i! ^^3

136 note 3, 146 note 5. 103 2f„ 104 1, 229 11, 230 1.

218 18 219 123 124 ^*^3

f., 1, 14, 17, 19, 1, 10.
0 >

9, 11 f., 14 ff., 19, 220 1—23, 221 11 f. 185 14, 263 4. oVijJ ^ qJ u-^5
100 22. y«(c qJ iUsLc. ^vjo! j»5
97 16, 160 (jotxJ! qJ ^y> o!
io 2 . u^p- 0 O j >or 11, 227 22, 250 3.

115 5, 283 1. ^y>

<-J4 45 14. yjLO
125 9,11.
0 UL* 0.j pio
^ wUT 265 9, 15. oy 5 iyp-! <3^ cy
8 9 -
r ^
52 18. (KaLiaA^) Ipipi

118 8. v^juCJI j<\

c j!

iUljd yhj\ dyjd! jjl

8 ll. L> a , bjLp- (iVlii u\a£ yQ

171 note 3. Joyj 19 10, 13.
0 LXjw j*.^
20014,19,21,201 1,4, 13f.yyJi iOPUJ!
J 198 20 f., 199 19, 200 1. (jyyJI iUPlxJl
12 18. j*Lw i3»*^ 268 2. lXac) <-X^j
144 10, 18, 145 0. >_VyJ 310 1, 3, note 2. (
ySS yf^
144 21. \xPx.
t l\a>J 110 6, 308 20. _je$l yfX
205 11 ff., 206 21, ^o-lo 50 12. yljxXv ^yi

207 1, 7, 21 r., 208 3, 9, 212 1. 59 4, 113 10 f., o!

^ K?£

28 19. 13, 18, 124 5, 13, 191 5, 8 f., 232 22, 234
30 17, 20, 31 2. yA
^ ^Ui 16, 19, 235 1.

281 3. iUac qJ 247 note 18.

INDEX. 342

109 3, 133 1 .
(iiLy> jj! l
^ of iAJJJ qJ (iUIt )Ax£ y$ yji

123 9.
^ 233 14. (_.^v , 3 ! ^*,1) _iuyi
228 9. *Jlci
0 j „ ;aJt 7 10 ,
41 10 55 22 ^LxkSt , ,

12 .
^UJI t 60 23, 63, 1, 6 ,
77 3, 110 22 ,
255 13, 259
6 5, lfl, 21 f., 13 13, 14 1 f., (SUcUJt)
0y^s 6, 280 12 ,
262 5, 11 ,
266 6, 275 10 279 ,

5, 7, 10 , 16 13, 17 12 f, 20 f., 18 9, 40 19, 22, 280 8 , 13, 304 22.

13, 16, 158 3, 19, 159 13, 166 5.

239 119 8, 276 3. lyJk; (ji.

19 14, 20 4, 9, 18, 20 ff., 21 3, ^y> 111 18. LC xJjdi

23 2 ft'., 24 3, 10 ,
25 1 ff., 26 3 ff, 27 15, 89 8 . *JJ! l\>-c qJ QirLxX)

28 10 29 ,
8 ,
33 8, 12 ff, 441, 151 4, 253 6 .
^ *111 oV>-a£)
16 15. o-Xj 19, 21 .

145 3. (jfrjfijt lAiyi!! 84 4, note 6 . Kxiic

101 20 ,
157 19, lW ^ *JLd> 84 6 . y}\

269 276 20 22 277 8 20 24, 62 16. Jj?

19, , , ,
11 , 16, ,
c j

278 4, 10 , 13, 17, 21 ,

279 1 . 211 10 . *111 JXxX)

246 7. j*ilc 45 7 ff., 46 3, 6 f,

292 19. 50 4, 68 21 ,
111 8^ 229 14, 272 17, 23.

119 19. ^JLs

127 8. lX^i qJ 246 17 f.

134 16, 135 1. isLilcj ^xi 258 19, 259 6 .


8 12 .
j»L> Jjyi 112 13. lXj^J

51 6 ,
52 4.

228 5. LC=>>J! qJ ^UlS! 113 3, 179 3 f.
05^ 1

52 14, 151 13. *US l-W:

^ ^UJ!
226 8 . oXjjj
101 18, i_jL?ui5. qJ *U! j^LaJI
238 317 10 . v_a-<ii£ jji
217 14.

282 6. oW* 0 j
148 4. (c^UL lXJL>) V XU 0 j!

241 1 note 2 qJ Oj.£

^yr^l oW ^LaJl

243 8 , 10 f, 13 f., 10 12, ,
15 f.

257 291 cjLi

10, 1.
0j^ ; 0 j
174 note 2 .
254 1 .

^ y>
2418,3717, 39 21 ,
227 6 10 ,
. &ok>
^ solo
247 note 18. (j^lsdi 8 19, 185 11 .
30 16. L^uyo »jyi/ 110 4, 6 f., 308 19, 21, *U-b'i y-A
126 18, 131 11, 14, 17, liLijii Sj 309 2 , 5, 7.

10 12 16, 18, 239 11 ^L*J! iyo oXjjj) o!

, , 1, 4, 7, 9, f.
0 J
_,y= (-L.J 0 J
287 1
. q5j^ iA*c iiji 167 6 ,
182 10 ,
250 1 ,
305 5.
341 INDEX.

13, 158 13 ff., 159 10 f., 160 11 ff., 17 ff., 121 14, 143 7, 240 2, 255 3, 267 16, 285
161 3, Off., 9 f., 16, 20, 162 6—15, 19 f., 12, 289 19, 305 20, 306 5.

163 1—22, 164 2—20, 165 1—21, 166 1, 136 4ff. Ji’T

167 15, 22, 168 1—18, 169 2—18, 170 2, 4 3, 6.

12—17, 171 1—18, 172 2—12, 173 11 ff., 309 13, 15, 17. oU^- 0^-5/^
16 ff., 174 4, 18, 175 5—17, 176 2—21, 26 9, 110 10. OJl=>
177 1—17, 178 1 f„ 10, 16, 22, 179 12—22, 166 9.

180 2—19, 181 1—19, 182 4, 10, 183 1, 134 7 f., 11.
^ J;fC
5, 7, 189 9, 11, 192 1, 17, 19, 194 12, 228 317 15. L \ ^"


f., 233

2, 5

8, 249
f., 8, 10

1, 4


8, 14,

^ 11. Jyyj-w

1—23, 251 1—23, 252 2, 4, 8, 253 4, 12, 95 2, 97 13, 112 14, LC
16, 20, 261 6, 8, 263 10, 16, 18, 265 20, 251 21, 284 10, 307 12, 310 11, 314 8, 23.

276 15, 284 4, 7, 287 5, 7 f., 302 8, 10—14, 225 8. '-^.V"v *

314 12, 315 20 f., 23, 316 10. 90 15, 137 9, 138 2, 168
jjt aJJ! 17, 169 2.

11 15, 17 7, 23 10, 18, 26 2, 9, 43 18, 3 3, 45 i)°!i d^ d^

152 13, 262 1. 14, 47 16, 53 8, 13, 15 ff., 54 1—22, 55
224 19, 21 ff., 225 7.
0 Uic 3—19, 56 2—16, 57 1—21, 58 1—23, 59
124 6, 12. qJ jj+£. 1—21, 60 1—16, 61 1—21, 62 1—16, 63
277 7,10,23, qJ 9, 13, 17 f., 64 4, 65 1, 8 ff., 23, 66 3, 69
278 3, 9, 13, 279 1. 17, 22, 70 1, 15, 19, 72 5, 10, 13 f., 18, 20,

23 18, 26 2. 73 1—22, 74 3, 8, 9, 12, 75 23, 76 18, 22,

273 14, 17. Q.J i-XjJjJI 77 7 ff., 12, 15 f., 20, 78 2, 9, 11—19, 79
116 3. iAjjj
^ 1—22, 80 11—21, 81 3,5,8,11, 82 1—21,

^ ilil iA*c
av’ 83 8 f., 16, 84 1, 9, 11, 14, 85 2, 86 20,

12 18. pLw/ qJ (ov^«c ) 87 2—23, 88 7 ff., 11, 89 5, 9, 90 15, 91

257 6. tiVJLo ..j .j^s. 3—21, 92 2, 8, 10, 93 2, 7, 13, 94 4, 16, 19,
d- J-
103 14 f., 20 ff.
^ y^s. 95 8, 23, 96 1 , 13, 97 1, 5 f., 15 f., 20, 98
108 9 f. ^+C >—^5 y*^ 1 ff., 100 20, 103 1 f., 104 19, 105 5 ff.,

309 15. *JJI 10 ff., 15, 106 6, 21, 107 1, 12, 108 7, 12,

tiVJLo yyi _yS> Jjjit 111 11 f„ 14, 16, 112 16, 18, 114 17, 115
215 23,


16. LCJlXJi ^ iLw^Lc

rt^ !







f., 4,

26 8, 10. 128 15, 21, 1 29 2, 4, 9, 18, 130 4, 6 f., 13,

83 21, 86 18. qLLi^> qJ i

_!'•%£. 19, 131 5, 136 18, 137 19, 138 1,15, 139
3,5,9,12,15, 140 2, 141 18, 145 16, 146
84 4. j_cjiA*Jl pjsu) 2,7,10,14, 150 8 f., 13, 15, 17,20, 1519,
241 13. (aU! iAxc) 152 11, 15, 154 1 f., 156 22, 157 1, 7, 9,
INDEX. 340

169 21'., 171 note 3, 172 11 f., 173 3, 6, 290 14, 17 f., 22, 291 1, 5, 304 7, 314 22,

9, 1G ft'., 178 11, 20 f., 179 3 f., 12—22, 180 315 2, 7.

2, 5, 192 3, 227 16, 228 G, 19 f., 229 11, 25 7. Ajj (J-c

230 3, 5, 11, 14, 231 19, 245 17, 249 15 f„ II 15, 40 1, 98 16, 111 i aJLu jjsC

262 7, 263 18 f„ 264 5—11, 265 3, 8, 269 2, 227 6, 262 7, 274 5.

4 ff„ 276 22, 277 1, 288 20, 295 16, 298 24 13, 44 8.
16, 305 16, 315 4, 20, 317 10, 18. 51 6, 52 3, 231 9, 13, 282 Juxo ..-j ,|c

217 22. ^1! *11! A*c ^ *+£ 13, 293 14.

1 6. QAvJi j^lii A£~S (J^c

133 6, 8, 11. 135 5, 8, 318 23. qJ Ajy qJ jjvc.

89 17 ft'., 90 4, 7, 9, 11, y*s. ( ^ w0

q4 iff y^ ^^7^“ <J
13, 99 12, 14, 104, 9, 14, 136 9, 154 7, 41 note 13. (j*^vLa]! J^ae-Uv*!) ^IsJt (JvE

9, 20, 22, 155 1, 20, 156 7, 164 8, 208 7, (? *ii* Aa£ ^ ,j*aLw A+^) _j.ji

213 18, 314 13. 25 11.

194 13, 198 17, 19, 199 ^ ^.sT: j£> j,!A*JI J.C
19, 200 2. III 10, 230 4, Aju ^Le
134 5, 7, 9, lAjj-J qJ _*x. 315 20.

135 8 f., 13 f., 18. 96 5, 7, 9, 267 jji yAj qJ ^Ue

4 7, 9. 8yi£
^ 19, 21, 268 3.

152 1. A+^ ^^ 157 8, 12. j^Le

98 4f, 12 f„ 237 17.
^^ J-LOW ,J;t iLyAE AjJjJ!
^ b^l*E

119 3. s-aaP -+£ 133 12, 139 note 3.

249 13, 22.

0wJi ^ 0 Lc 3 3, 35 7, 39 18, 49 11, 13, yjllJi
^ _*e

291 22. (qL.j>) 1 51 3, 53 4, 17, 20, 56 1, 4 ff., 10, 14, 17,

CT olr*^
123 3. ^Aa^j! 57 5—20, 58 1, 59 13, 60 11, 13, 61 3 f„

311 4. aJJI Aax.

^ 7, 12, 14, 16, 79 1, 3, 12, 80 15 f„ 81 4, 6,

1 J'' L>yJi
07^ 8, 10, 14, 82 2, 20, 83 6, 9 f., 16, 19, 84

O- cr
84 3. 1, 13, 85 6, 86 19, 87 24, 88 9, 12, 89

cH & olr*^
10, 12, 90 16 f., 20, 91 4, 6, 9, 92 4, 11,

238 1. 93 12, 94 16, 95 8, 104 18, 107 11, 111

304 2, 309 18. lC^a21 hUloc qJ 2, 11, 113 12, 15, 17, 116 13, 128 16 f.,

^ o*
12 3, 6.
r^ >* 1

^ ^

^ 133

5, 145
137 4, 6, 8, 17,

14, 146 1
f, 11, 13, 16,
13, 140

252 15 f., 18. K-yot 1, 12, 148 11 ff., 16, 149 1, 150 15 f„ 18,

209 21, 259 18. ^^asxJ!

^ 151 6, 9, 13, 152 2, 11, 13, 153 15, 17,

309 20. ^1<J! 155 7 f., 14 ft'., 157 2, 4 f„ 11, 158 13 ff.,

274 17, 22, iLc^j _yjl qJ 159 11, 160 9 ff, 17 ff, 161 5, 9, 15 ff, 162
275 21. 2— 12, 19 f, 163 2—20, 164 2—20, 165
3 12, 61 16, 83 21, 86 18, o,lii 1—19, 166 3—20, 167 6, 21, 168 1—20,
339 INDEX.

13, 18, 21, 294 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 18, 21, 305 22. 175 5 f., 178 1, 11, 16, 183 5, 8 ft., 185
217 10 .
qJ iUsic 22 f., 186 6 f., 10, 12, 15, 187 8, 10, 188 4,

109 23. qJ iLoic 192 5, 194 5, 235 20, 236 1, 262 4, 7,

144 17. £y) iiJic 266 7, 15, 268 1.

243 3 f., 293 21, 299 18, jJL^ iCJic 230 10, 231 2. (jolxJI (it qJ qLLx
300 3, 310 2, 4. 226 3, 6. ^yi qL«Jx
93 5, iA*£ qJ £ilj qJ xoic 125 10. i >*o*J rv3 I'.Uic
99 4,6,111 19, 171 4, 185 19,194 7,13, 281 16.
a Ui£_> j!

16, 19, 195 2 ft'., 15 ft., 196 13, 197 1—13, 116 11, 254 5. qL»aX yi\
20, 198 3, 7, 13—21, 199 1—17. 104 1. ijoL*Jt 3! ^
34 10, 90 19, 272 11. jJL> 3**^ 144 Ilf., 15 f. 3ot!
u~f <Jo£
254 2. ^JLb 106 4, 17. yjd'
219 1, 4, 6, 221 13 Ij-sJI 3jj V Q J iUibCc 299 15.
14, 16 f., 222 1—22, 223 1, 3, 5, 8. 89 18 f. ii)Jle

13 14, 23 14, 24 15, (^Lx. qj! J-y*) iwyL 308 7, 9. _j^c

25 22, 52 2. 89 2, 164 13, q-j qJ) “Sj®

166 13, 15.
^ f^LxSt 166 12, 254 2.

235 10. j*-o!c 115 16. |*^w qJ ByyS

v -
^yryi oU 3! a- 307 13. 3>

u^v 1 '

cy *4# 0 tr* y -* 1

135 5 318 21. l\j ;j Li*JS 276 22. iLLix;

"J" 0^
, 7,

302 5, 7 -
129 7. s

209 21, 210 5. JoA3>
51 7
^ ^ ^Uae

190 2;2, 191 2 ff., Jo 0 ..jr.
25 11. v^oUwJ) o
192 9 f., 13. 43 10. jJUwa 3^ t'uLc

114 1. iUiilc Qjt qUxc jlill iLLx; qj!

262 21. '—

, cJjti!
' J
42 17. lXJL>
^ jLLueJI

247 note 18.

^ Jx 203 5. qJ kLx
y— cXjcXi 133 15, 17. (-Low
DW qJ iwafi

CX^**^* ,3 !)

1 7, 2 notes 1, 3, 6, 45 ^UJl 217 15 ff. ^yi 5LOJC

note 3, 63 note 10, 92 note 12, 99 note 2, 145 5, 10. -

107 note 16, 139 note 6, 174 note 2, 226 38 10, 85 14 f., olj" jji yic ^yj x-Jic

note 3, 247 15, 248 note 1, 300 14, note 3. 17, 86 3, 94 16, 95 20, 100 4, 20, 22 f.,

.A A f - K—^ ^ V.
‘ K M/i J i

ch 101 2f, 13, 132 20, 157 15, 178 5, 180 5,

247 note 18. 228 10, 231 10, 253 22, 269 13 f., 18, 275
23 17, 53 7, 81 7, 93 q Jx j 3, 5, 7 f., 13, 15, 287 14, 16, 21, 23, 288 1,

15, 95 16, 97 16, 1 18 13, 129 18, 173 8, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 22, 289 1, 6, 12, 15, 19,

178 9, 232 12, 15, 250 3, 5, 7, 13, 16, 21, 290 2, 6 f., 8, 10, 14, 17 f., 22, 291 1, 5, 10,

271 11, 272 13, 276 12, 277 20, 280 24, 14, 292 5, 9, 12, 15 f, 19, 22, 293 3, 7, 10,
INDEX. 338

52 14. yf- aJJI Aaa£ 184 7, 12, 185 5, 18, 186 5, 187 23, 188

282 13,
^ aJJ! Aaat 3,


0, 9,


194 3, 196
10, 14, 18, 21,

88 6, 11, ,^1 q-j Q-? ^ Aaac 209 20, 210 4, 228 4, 230 13, 231 13,

134 3, 235 17, 263 15, 21, 300 19, 301 249 7, 254 11, 255 3, 21, 258 1, 14, 261
16, 305 4. 9, 13, 23, 262 16, 263 2, 20, 264 14, 16,

216 7 11'., 11, Aac 0 ?

sAaae 265 19, 266 5, 267 3, 269 11, 285 10,

13, 16, 20, 217 4, 6. 287 1, 290 4, 12, 292 10, 19, 293 20, 298
[liULI Aa-£ 0"? ^jL*a4av
sAaaC 21, 301 7, 303 4 f., 309 12, 314 13, 317
119 4. 22, 318 18.

Ojj aDI Aae qj j^!c jS> HlX-ux 300 16. qJ likUf AaC
84 (aa£c 0-j aa£e qJ SlWc 20 3. iXXLjJ! Aa£
4, _jj)

note 304 309 eUu!

6. 2, 18.
a >

124 22, 126 11. jaaA>

a > 2 10, 4 6, 16 f., 12 18, j.Ux? tlUIi A.^
86 12 ! ft'., 112 3, 180 10,
0 lAw ^ XyLc. 37 16, 18, 39 15, 48 2, 53 10, 93 19, 94 2,

192 9 f. 107 8, 116 9, 179 5, 253 14, 272 2, 11,

179 5 ff.
0^5y 0^ XyLc 282 note 1, 286 15.

304 5, 7. ^Aaj! XyLc. 135 17, 158 8,

0y: jJ Aj^j
^ tiULl' Aae
4 11, 5 8 ,
6 1, IE>, 7 10, 8 18, iLo
^ 240 21, 23, 241 5.

21, 9 1
2, 10, 12 12,! 13 9, 16, 18 10, 14, 282 7. (sy.y* jjt) Aac
19 8, 13, 20 IS, 22 19, 23 2, 24 15, 26 1 5, 144 13. l\ae
27 9, 12, 28 13, 3015, 33 19, 34 20, 38 7, 19 3, 52 6, 116 11, oU 0 j L\>y! Aac
53 16, 55 22, 56 10, 57 9, 58 17, 59 1, 10, y Aj^a 0"4 Aj>!^j! Aae
60 23, 61 8, 17, 62 4, 63 9, 12, 13, 64 S, 222 3—22, 223 2 f., 5, 7.

11, 66 3, 72 12, 73 3, 74 8, 77 11, 78 23, 100 2. sAac. HAae

79 81 83 84 85 87 93 112 sAae
15, 3, 7, 14, 18, 1, 5, 6, 5.
0 j!

16, 88 5, 14, 18, 91 2, 8, 114 15, 128 14, 167 20. sAae- j.j!

130 12, 149 8, 12, 150 8, 151 3, 10, 156 40 8. Jju 0.J Aaae
15, 157 7, 13, 15, 17, 170 16, 171 2, 9, 300 6. (jjjtjlt axIaa qJ Aaae
173 11, 178 21, 183 5, 15, 184 11, 185 115 5, 283 2. »a:>
j- •
._j iXiAt
10, 191 20, 193 12, 198 7, 199 19, 201 15, 55 22, 60 23, 85 1, Jixs> a!
) •
° ._j
aJJ! lW
206 19, 211 9, 23, 253 19, 270 18, 274 4 f., 86 2, 8, 90 6, 160 10, 262 17, 271
21, 24, 275 23, 276 2, 278 19, 285 3, 290 17, 285 24.

6 f., 293 5, 299 12, 300 2, 303 24, 305 7, 18. 143 2 f., 189 15,
145 18. (jolxJi 217 10, 12, 16 ft'., 22, 218 5, 12, 15.

43 10, 229 note 18. tlLic

^ qI*ae 232 21, 273 18. y>j a? aL'I Aaae
57 20 f., 58 2, 60 15, 96 5, 7,
0 Ue ^a Uix: 107 note 16. -Ac Aa*av qJ aU! Aaae
109 21, 110 15, 111 2, 122 13, 16, 123 Oj.*awo qJ Aaae qJ a)J! Aae aJJI Aaae
5,11, 128 11, 161 6, 173 20 ff., 174 5, 34 16, 35 7.
337 INDEX.

133 2, 4, 10, 19, 20 f., 134 3, 4, 16, 135 271 22, y>.lxxEj! *Ly£ y Ay
1, 136 12, 14, 138 2, 144 18 f„ 21, 145 272 4.

2, 156 3, 200 3, 202 2—13, 203 8, 11, 218 21,221 *yE y qT’X Ay
14—24, 204 1, 234 12, 235 5, 7, 11, 236 16, 222 1—6.
11, 13, 15 ff., 22, 237 1, 4 f., 9, 17, 280 24, 2119, 5018, 5 1 8 f.,
yy y Ay
301 21, 307 9 f. 163 7, 187 17, 19.

40 7. yxESfJt ^..xEx/0
y yytl! Ay 32 13, 319 3, 7.
y Ay

yy j

212 7—21, 213 2.

q-J y}j*j! AyE 44
120 12
12, AJU>
y ^y* A_y

182 16, 274 20, Ojb y ^Uii' i,W 90 13. *oLJ ,Jj! y y Ay
288 21. 181 12, 19. *11' Axe y A*A* y Ay
227 16. UyX-XE* (JX^Afij! A 84 5, „oAe>
y ia^Lxxi
y ^yyi Ay
58 14. o^Lia-
y yXJl Ay 143 19, 144 15, 236 10.

y qIxE> wbii ably-

y Ay (iUi! 44 14. Ay.y^>- yt jujLsw Ae
89 16, 90 7, 154 22. 120 9. yiLP
y Ay
217 4, 7, 15, 17,
52 12.
y tjUIt

11 11, 13,

3, 52 19,
226 6.
y/ ^ Ay
220 13—22, 221 3, 8. 184 5. S^> $y Ay
218 9.
^y tjVJUl uW 260 19. sLbj!
y yj Ay yt
300 5, is. jXyLU (3^ ^yi liVJdi Ay 294 22 f., 295 7, 10. Ay yt
y> y Jii jit
y A*A y XU! Ay Ajy y xlit Ay l
-V£ ^
245 1, 3, 6. „ ; e^! f\k Ajjj
y *1S!Ay yjl ^ I Ay j.J
11411, 122 5, 133 7 f.,
y eUi! Ay U~*j

y bay y Ay J\
134 5, 7, 10 ff, 135 9, 156 3, 193 1, 13, 295 2. ^5*jl' Ay yl
18, 20, 200 10, 201 18, 202 3, 203 13, 16 ff, 267 7. (^IxiLw (i!
y ia^lxx) Ay _a!
204 1, 9, 208 19, 237 17. 290 13, y>y yt 05*** by
2 2, 15, 3 5, 11, 15, 0_j tiXJut A*£ 295 18, 297 1, 10.

4 1,8 13, 50 12, 15, 52 14, 18, 53 1, 5 f, 9, 282 6. (ay^ [jxfAv Axe
56 9, 57 16, 58 11, 59 2, 61 15, 70 14, 318 10. Ay ^y A»xj Ay 11

73 11, 13, 76 23, 77 2, 6, 80 9, 82 4, 83 226 2. Ay q-j jjjxJt Ay


10, 20, 86 1, 17, 21, 88 4, 13 ff, 89 1, 3 f, 99 2, JaxJLo

y iXU' Ay
y oj*J! Ay
8, 11, 16, 90 3, 5, 10, 91 21, 92 3, 6, 9, 14, 273 10, 300 16, 305 8.

21, 93 1, 9, 94 3, 102 5, 109 15, 110 16, 50 note 16. y>y!y\Jt Axxe
y Ay

yyJ! Ay
116 20, 129 17, 13017, 132 11, 134 15 f, 40 6, 10.
0 |y= y
137 9, 138 18, 139 12, note 3, 145 15, 16 19, 74 18, 75 19,
y Ay

146 17, 148 12, 151 13, 152 1, 11, 153 21, 92 15, 95 5 f., 98 13, 100 10, 13,

15, 154 6, 21, 23, 155 6, 8, 20, 22, 156 2, 103 4, 7—17, 21, 104 4, 8, 111 18, 112
7,12, 162 3, 17014,17,19,173 1, 177 10, 6, 9, 11, 113 14, 19 f, 21, 114 1, 7, 117
178 9, 12, 179 11, 181 18, 183 13, 20, 16, 19, 118 2, 122 5, 123 16, 131 9,

INDEX. 330

24 290 15,21, 291 293 1,11,297 4,14,

19, 49 O- ^ {lF~
17, 4,

21, 79 2, 161 15, 228 23. 308 6, 309 7, 313 16, 314 19, 315 24.

q4 '-^-c 24 17, —xa^ ,y! o~^ q-j aUI A-Vy-

240 17. 165 22.^

235 10.
^ ^Ty! i\ae 256 16. xyyOtj qJ aU! iAac
93 6, L.Va£ 149 17, 267 8, 275 1. yiA*y
y aUI a\ae
109 6, 19, 23, 112 2, 2»5 8. 224 8, 10, 12,
^y JFI a\ae
42 1, 58 _ o^. 77
C "- tj-y

^ 14, 16, 19

yCH Jyx
f., 225 1 f.

13, 59 2, 14, 60 1, 86 2, 89 11, 14, 90 aJJ! jxax. ^y-i Jvy.

0, 95 2, 139 4, 264 2, 304 1 f, 307 6, 164 12.

309 14, 18. 113 13. ybty

- y >Aa^J> l-W
2 16, 6 (yyA aAaL*«w
F^ x\-a-e a\~aA *A_ i J aVa**^- lXaE
49 8, 108 2, 109 16, 143 8, 15, 180 13, 96 6, 268 2.

231 12, 251 3, 20, 22, 285 6, 288 14, A*-A - J

^— j

291 13, 292 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 294 13, 18, 49 16, 51 19, 247 9.

304 19. 99 2, note 2, 273 10. lyy!

y ^5”^ Ay 1

45 5, 47 12. ^Uit 2Va£ a\ae 267 15, 17. oLxXoit Jo

y Ay
318 11. ^Llo aJJI uXac.
y x\ac 84 6. (y-ydLJ! ^y%’ J>\ Ay
A-\il iAa£ q_j *U) l\a£.
^y yl Jx_y: 231 10, 12, 293 12. y

Jl Joy:
1 8, 2 notes 1, yyai! yyi! y*Alait yl 249 14, 250 1, 260 7, yy> y y Jl Jyc
3, 6, 63 note 10, 90 10, 111 7, 139 note 261 5, 19, 293 2.

6, 143 3, 161 note 13, 177 7, 186 18, 133 6.

y cylH y tF~

note 9,

5, 11, 239
226 note 3,

17, 248
note 1,
10, 49 22. v_-a!pLe>
y y j!!


O”^ _>**'

254 2, 255 20, 265 14, 272 9, 280 16, 172 2, 219 16, 220 6, 14, 18 ff.,221 1 if.,

282 3, 291 7, 11, 22, 294 24, 295 11, 21 f., 223 11, 15, 17, 19 f., 22, 224 3—18,
301 18, 307 note 8, 308 note 5, 310 note 225 3, 5.

2, 316 14.

13 2, 95 4, Sij& sy^ y> y jl Joe
aA^Xa*a«1 Xaa£
y >Aa£ 156 4, 228 5, 235 7 f, 11, 18 f, 281 6,

23 10. 10, 13, 23, 286 9, 13, 307 9.

216 16
217 1.
f., aJJ! 'AaX.
^y y*j! (
a\-a_E. 279

0 l~;> ^ )

19. yyjl aJJI

Out ^y
y ^F 47

48 13, 51
y 16.
^ y!i JXae

^y ^y 7

2 3, 6, 9, 11.

Q-J y-^u! ^yjl

255 22.
^ ;
ejT^i ^Vad
JXac 0_j Jx_ac. 310
^y aJJI 7, 12.
^yy tF ]

245 14, 19. yA A ^

^y yf- j^y 11 10. Aijj jjy'w' Ay

2, 5, 304
^w,jAc q-j ^y\Ji A-a_e
19, 305 1.
88 16
9, 38

yil q-j
16, 22, 256

^ 270 8, 312
335 INDEX.

52 1. qJ a)J! uW |
20, 180 4, 181 7, 183 14, 20, 184 12, 15,

192 15. tjJax qJ aJJ! iAxc 185 5, 10, 18, 186 14, 188 3, 5, 14, 16,

309 15. (j^slatll aJJ! JXa£ 19019, 191 10,20, 19212,17, 193 4 f, 8,

186 17. jiow

^ *11! l\*£ 194 3, 197 15, 199 10, 209 20, 228 4,

214 22. sOjj qJ ayjtil aJJI l\*c 230 1, 231 6, 13, 16, 232 12, 234 14, 235
97 249
^ Aae 240 244 249 250

19, 3. aJJ! 17 f., 2, 1, 7, 13, 21 f.,

20718, 21021,
0 > aU! Jyc 21, 23, 251 22, 252 1, 253 19, 254 12,

212 19, 213 12, 22, 24, 214 1, 215 7, 10, 255 8, 19, 256 6, 9, 12, 19, 257 5 f., 18,

12, 17. 258 2, 5, 9, 260 6, 12, 15, 261 1, 5, 10, 14,

215 15.
^ aJJ! Aae pi 19, 262 5, 17, 21, 263 14, 20, 264 15 f., 18,

3 6, 5 9, 52 21, (__cLy*J) S-yS 5

aU! iA^e 265 9, 16, 266 1, 6, 12, 17, 21, 267 3, 16,

88 15, 97 6, 13 f., 112 17, 114 21, 115 4, 20, 268 6, 269 8f, 270 15, 19, 271 2, 9,

128 14, 130 12, 162 3, 173 1, 191 20, 11, 17, 272 13, 273 9, 14, 21, 274 16, 21 f.,

231 6, 258 5, 270 19, 273 21, 282 16,22, 275 6, 18, 20 f., 23 f., 276 8, 21, 277 7,

284 3, 285 18, 293 2, 5, 302 1, 18, 309 278 3, 16, 20, 22, 24, 279 1, 280 3, 19,

20, 316 17. 281 3, 6, 10, 13, 16, 282 4, 21, 283 6 f.,

2 15, ^ aUi lXx£ 284 3, 10 f„ 13, 17, 22, 285 11, 18, 286
3 12, 16, 4 2, 7, 10, 10 17, 11 10, 35 2, 4, 12, 17, 287 4, 9, 288 14, 17, 19, 21 f.,

38 8, 45 4, 47 11, 49 16, 59 2, 14, 20, 23, 289 1, 6, 11, 14, 290 1, 6, 8, 10, 291 5, 9,

60 5, 12, 61 8, 16, 64 8, 83 20, 86 1, 18, 12 f., 292 8, 11, 14, 293 2, 5 ff., 15, 21,

87 5, 88 15, 18, 89 4, 8, 11, 90 5, 91 9, 294 5, 10, 23, 295 1, 12, 14, 24, 296 8, 12,

92 9, 16, 95 2, 97 13, 102 6, 109 16, 20, 18, 21, 24, 297 5, 15, 19, 24, 298 3, 9, 13,

121 13, 138 3, 139 8, 143 7, 18, 152 1, 19, 299 10, 12, 17, 21, 23, 300 16, 19, 21,

153 15, 155 6, 157 7, 162 3, 5, 164 12, 301 1, 5, 9, 16, 302 1, 17, 23, 303 6, 12, 20,

178 9, 197 15, 251 22, 275 20, 276 21, 304 6, 22, 305 4, 8, 13, 306 12, 16, 307
281 5, 284 11, 285 5, 10, 12, 287 1, 290 13, 308 7, 12, 20, 309 1, 9, 20, 311 9, 14,

5, 296 13, 300 3, 302 17, 303 6, 305 20, 16, 313 20, 314 5, 9, 11, 315 2, 5, 7, 316
306 9, 307 6, 310 2, 4, 11, 314 9, 21, 2, 13, 17, 317 2, 9, 22, 318 1, 4, 319 5, 16.

317 5, 319 6. <+ *+ 1 ’

. . J 1
^yi aUI iAaE

A>—e Ajjj aW Axe x. dVJlo a^J iAxc

4 2, 5, 209 19, 254 16, 255 4, 13, 16, ^Iclt 121 12, 15, 17.

256 7, 12, 17, 257 18, 258 2, 9, 259 9, 95 16, 184 5, 193 5, 8, qJ aJJI At
261 1, 17, 270 16, 18, 21, 271 17, 295 2, 241 12, 263 19, 278 1, 12, 15, 310 16, 20,

309 2. 318 1, 4, 319 16.

Ay-E j-i) lXjj-j q-J a1)I Ax 123 6.

0 i aJJ! Jyc
81 7, 11 1 9, 178 3, 182 9, 230 3, 231 20, 279 7. qJ aJJ! Aae
255 18, 256 18, 258 4, 259 5, 269 11, 105 1, 260 1, 5. qA a)J! Ax-
270 6, 14, 277 19, 278 11, 23, 281 1, 52 13, 15, 286 14.
^ aU! A*c
285 3, 287 24, 288 18, 21, 23, 289 3, 14, 224 5, 11. aIII . V.x
INDEX. 334

1 10



14, 33 11
40 13, 49
0 _j

63 7,
Jyx 103
1 ,

16, 18.
112 13, 132 2, J?Lb
^ jOJ! Jy^
, ,

73 21, 74 2 ll'., 93 2, 94 1211., 96 14, 16, 42 7. qJ aU! Jyx

97 3, 1 12 8, 149 9, 167 22, 174 9, 11 IF., 94 131., 299 3 f. (jolxj! *1!!

179 10, 180 14 tl'., 181 13, 20, 182 4, 10, 157 18, 293 23. ^cJyJt!l oLx aJJI Jyx
15, 199 7 f., 10, 13, 234 8ff., 13, 15, 171., 7 11, 10 11, 13 6, 12, 0J *JJi

251 4tl., 22 ,
253 16, 254 4, 6 ,
8 , 12 , 17, 17 5, 9, 21 1, 22 14, 23 5, 12, 24 2, 13,

255 4, 9, 14, 16, 19, 256 1, 4, 7, 13, 17, 20 ,

25 8 ,
20 ,
35 7, 44 9, 13, 52 2 ,
20, 23, 257 2, 7 f., 1111., 19, 258 3, 6, 10, note 18, 235 17, 264 19.

16, 19, 259 6 , 9, 265 13, 267 10 ,

274 2 ,
112 9. al!l Jyx alii Jyx j»l

280 14, 299 3. 1 9, 2 8 , 14, 3 9, ^<*1 Jyx 0-J Jyx


308 13. <-!_}£ qJ a)J[ 19 15, 20 19, 21, 32 12, 42 3, 50 19, 60

41 9, 115 4, 0j al!! 4, 15, 74 10, 79 21, 91 15, 95 10, 97 17,

241 6, 243 3, 255 13, 258 15, 19, 279 19, 103 15, 105 4, 109 14, 143 14, 144 4,

22 ,
282 21 . 165 22, 166 12, 18, 177 12, 184 19, 185
258 15. ^oLlC
0 j aU! Jyx 18, 20614, 226 7, 22818, 232 20 ,
241 11 ,

19 17, 20 7. aUia'i
^ qJ alii Jyx 242 4, 244 7, 245 2, 249 21, 250 5, 2553,
123 256 21 259 260 3f, 261 262
7, 13. ^*^1$
0 j al)) , 15, 8, 3,8,

3 2, 6 , 11 4 ajyx! 263 264 14, 17 267 269

, 5,
0 J aU! 19, 3, f., 1 11., 7,

7, 10, 14, 20, 5 4, 9, 16, 18, 6 1, 15, 7 10, 271 20, 273 17, 2743, 19, 276 7, 277 6 ,

9 If., 13 2 ,
15 16, 18 11, 19 15, 22 20 ,
282 2, 21, 285 9, 288 3, 16, 289 3, 294
24 15, 28 13, 32 13, 33 9, 35 3, 38 2 , 17, 296 12, 299 9, 12 f., 300 1 ,
303 17,

40 12, 41 4, 7, 43 7, 44 2, 48 13, 49 7, 307 3, 308 1 , 17, 309 22, 311 13.

16, 52 17, 19, 21, 53 6, 19, 55 22, 56 7, 9,

57 10 58 ,
11 ,
60 23, 61 13, 16,62 4,7014, 239 14 f., 18, 21.

73 12, 74 9, 11, 17, 76 23, 78 23, 80 4, (iff 0-J lUe

17, 81 3, 83 7, 10, 20, 85 13, 86 17, 87 1 ,
39 22 319 ,

16, 88 5, 10, 14, 89 2 f, 7, 16, 90 4, 10, 15, l\xe

0 -j all! Jyx
91 2 92 , 3, 7, 13, 94 4f., 95 16, 96 8, 97 243 17 f. _xV>
5, 13 f., 99 2, 100 19, 101 19, 102 4, 6, 146 3. alii

13 f„ 103 2, 108 1 ,
109 8, 110 5, 9, 16, 122 4 ff., liLLU Aae. qJ aJJi oW
22, 112 17, 11311, 11415, 1159, 116 21, 131 13, 237 18 f., 21,23, 238 3— 10, 239 9 ff.

121 4, 17, 124 22, 125 2, 4, 126 11 ,

128 51 1
q'uHe ^yx.
14, 129 3,17,19, 130 3,12,17, 132 108 0:yLJ! oV*x
12, 5.
0 j alii

1343, 137 9, 138 3,18, 139 8, 16,143 18, 125 18. all!

146 17, 148 12, 149 8, 13, 150 3, 9, 151 92 15, 17, 93 3, 0j all! Jyx
3, 10, 154 6, 22, 156 2, 7, 157 9, 13, 16 f., 134 3, 5, 149 17, 151 14, 152 1, 168 7,

158 6, 11, 164 13, 166 12, 170 1611., 172 228 6, 237 20, 264 1 , 3, 15, 22, 265 10,

7, 173 1 , 5, 7, 177 19, 178 12, 15, 17, 179 15 f., 18, 20.
333 INDEX.


^U_p y>
y> adit

aJJI 96 6 ,
259 20

6 . ilxit
^ ^ fie
11 11 . odj _yi yj ad)! Ju£ 23 10. 5tX;u£ jjt ad!i
,y> ftc.
105 1, 259 23. j^jJt iAAI^ y> ad)I oW 243 19. .IlXjoo
301 20. aUd-w _y! £sJj
yj adJI l\>-e p adadl _yt ^ait aJlatj
^ f'c.
185 14, 262 22 263 ,
4. aJ^Oj ( 3 !) aJJI iA*c 254 16, 255 4. y* f'^
182 21. ^ojd!
a a adJI Ay: 319 7. adl!
jy-'j w'olo y)!c _jj!

114 10, 133 6,

y? yjji!
124 4, 10 f. |^_c^Jl*J! aLJuLi yj due
183 16, 185 10 f, 22 ,
186 2 — 12 ,
197 19, 272 9. ot _y! adit duc^iJJijut
318 20 . 257 11 if. aJJI Ay v bi?i oly ^
L^. >>) ^ 0 t 246 3. A*^* yJ oly
58 19, 93 4, 110 13, 17 ff„ 111 1, 119 5, 61 6, 62 17, 20, 65 23, o^LsJ! 5oLs.
125 6 ,
130 7, 141 18, 156 13, 161 5, 66 2, 5 f., 12 f., 67 4, 13, 68 16 f., 23, 69 1,

170 2 ,
173 17 if., 174 5-19, 175 5, 178 79 17 if., 80 1 , 5, 93 11, 96 4, 104 3, 130
1, 16, 183 6 f., 10 f., 16, 18, 184 1, 8 11, ,
13, 5, 10, 271 1, 3, 12, 18, 21 f., 272 4, 10, 14.

185 5, 15, 18, 21, 186 6, 8 , 14, 18, 188 86 13. [yy p-sa yi soly
2 — 10 ,
189 2 21 , ,
190 3 f., 8 , 12 f., 21 If., 310 13 f.
y-'! Holy
191 1 if.. 192 5, 21 , 233 13, 262 3—2 2 267 9. yi
263 1 , 5, 9, 266 2, 4. 109 4. Jyyyi ^ u**Ly
46 13. ygrAlt l\xX*v*
O aJJI Ay 19 2 ,
116 11 .
yJLb (j*L*d!

121 17, 249 8 ,

305 13.
0 LJu* & ad!! Ay (_w*ly adJI Ay (j*ly qj!


& aJJI Aa^- 117 12 .

(^j\Ac*J! ^LsLsm^I ^w.Lotd!

254 4. Jyyjpi O- aJJI Ju£ 218 3. pijy'it _oy> yi (i^c^I Ay

viyJJI s_ ^ y-t ciLo ot I add! Ay alcb. qj! y> A)L> y^ Ay
2 5, 4 20, 5 20 6 ,
1 , 15, 7 4, 23 16, 24 12 ,
112 11, 118 11, 156 16, 231 7, L<r

32 20 ,
34 10 ,
35 5, 44 8, 70 18, 72 16, 238 6, 14, 16, 18, 239 5 f., 8.

76 10 ,
80 11 ,
83 4, 85 3, 86 7, 90 12 ,
228 15. (^xdatXj! ycic qj) Ay
91 8, 95 11 ,
97 18, 104 17, 105 4, 13, 133 18, 20, 134 4. ay= 3! Ay
115 3, 128 3, 138 7, 139 4, 145 14, 272 15, 18. pJU 3 yj , !
adl! Ay
149 19, 156 15, 22, 158 15, 161 3, 162 227 3. sAjy yj aJJI Ay
18, 165 9, 168 7, 173 20, 175 2, 179 11 , 241 note 2, yya-S^J! .._j adJI Ay
180 1 , 12, 182 16, 190 2, 226 7, 227 19, 243 7, 10 f.

230 12, 232 14, 250 5, 12 , 15, 251 19, 226 3, 6. (_jpjj! yy> *))! Ay
256 10 ,
257 17, 259 16, 260 4, 264 17, 94 11, ^AyJ! £y> ^ eyelid- aJJI pc
267 2, 270 6, 272 1 ,
10 ,
275 10 ,
277 14, 103 3, 24, 157 14,253 20, 298 22, 299
19, 281 2, 282 2, 13, 20, 283 5, 288 4, 9, 1, 7, 11, 13 f., 16, 18, 23, 300 4, 6, 17, 20,

13, 289 18, 290 10, 21, 24, 292 7, 294 4, 301 1, 5, 9, 17, 21, 310 5.

16, 296 7, 299 6, 10, 302 14, 304 1 ,

306 157 14, 253 21 .
y~J! aiLv>
9, 308 2, 309 17, 311 14, 315 17, 317 14. 9 If., 10 10, 44 13. A)l=> yi adJi Ay
INDEX. 332

63 2, 279 20, 22, AuXitJ! 53^! ,. yj ,..L_x^,

io 280 9, 314 3.

63 2, 6, 260 12, 279 19,
o L0-j ^ *x-^
15 f.,
kJsJjo) uijLb 22, 280 8, 14.

note 5, 205 6 f., 12—19, 200 2 ff., 19, 207

2—22, 208 2, 5, 8, 210 7 11, 13, 16,

211 6, 17, 19, 21, 212 2.

236 17 ff. tikiAx v_»*JLb jji 8 21, 9 17 f., 21. y^> to

258 11, 268 21. ojJLb 272 17. ,
K~ '

^yj l\aC ^jjji ^.j! 308 18. T
^-x^- (
.,j „'JLxo

118 17. j.L>Lsxi! Jui 113 4, 179 9. (j\x*Ls5i‘ wO>lo gJLo

264 15 265 Uju 100 104
f., 10. 5 7, 2,
cr^ Cr>
40 l. (xLitj ^xlc) _ot 241 2, 5.

308 1. aJJ! Axxc qJ ‘i^JLo fill

cr^ ^
JLx= >? 5

48 11. qJ l\jj) _»jt

74 1, 97 13, 99 13, 192 8, _^wJi 200 17 ’

o 1*^ 1

C7- 0 ^ ^
1 > i ^.iLo jj!
258 8, 264 13, 273 3,
281^ 21, 285 22, 203 24.

300 20, 301 23, 309 22. q£%S! AxC i_Vx*xv j.? ^j= .LajeJl ..’JLo

19 11,17. (iCxvS r ,*rEi) lJ.1o oVxE l_X*xv vjlixxli! . <jl „jlo

85 9, 177 2, 4. U>S UJLb xnJLo ,..j *JJ5
C ^7-
10 4, 12 13 f. LJ'w 116 2. i^xXiLo

168 8, 13. Aljtli


oLj Ax” j.p j^xo j.j!

219 4, 221 11, 15. elL J.I
0 O ^axoj

233 15 f., 20, 22, A_^_*xv ctj uWo!c 48 3, 5, 9. Jiajul n^°

234 2, 5, 9, 11, 16, 235 2. 90 4.

40 8. *A> j*x3c 232 2, 314 14, 17. OjLH aJlo

ill! lXxc jlhj! qJ (joL*j! iClxx^r;

oW > •

<sJJ! Axt: (joL*Jt qJ (JOLXjt

JXx£ Jjj! tjolxJf qJ . ijoLrj!

146 11, 169 18. Jo[j (jolxJi

116 8, 10. jotj (jolxi! j.i 319 13. (j^lxJl _4.jS

116 11. jy>8| 111 10, 1 (jjLjS^xiaJI

235 note 5. lixxiti _«ji ^L*J! ,*xj>!c 230 4, 315 19.

148 4. (^xix=J( qJ ij~-kS qj) xxolc Sj-o qJ *JJi L.W; ^S> lilL^xai)
123 10. ^CxiLxil 133 14. qj ^
89 3, 5, 171 1, , C ^*JI xJl*J| ot 74 1, 77 3, 80 (^c J^xcLf-xl *x3

227 6, 9 f. 23, 82 4, 99 13, 102 7, 127 6, 192 8,

95 22 f., 96 If. ( *t)

^ yst 232 9, 262 11, 13.
331 INDEX.

41 43 j£ olAi 299 301

5, 7, 11 . 12, 15, 23, 5, 9. d>j
0 0 L*Ju*

264 3.
^ 148 14. ^L*-Aw (^1

59 3, 13, 255 8, 12 . Aj^j 211 2, 4, 9, 13, 15, (iVJU! A-xc

0 UJuv
^ (Mss. 212 18, 20 f., 213 3, 5, 7 f., 11, 14.

64 2—4. lA^’ jiu\

0 !^ 0 UAw
148 13, note 12 , 231 ^4 215 18. .\JLcj

5, 16, 285 8, 314 20 22 ,

. 193 5, 9, 318 1, 5, 319 16. ^Lxo
Ill 302
18, note 13. (jr.JiJS aLaJbA'O
^4 18. 0\-*JI
-ij ^ Lx xLw
118 19, 119 3.
0 ?
18 19, 21 7. *_;/>
^ vi)L<w

o- cfr )''
73 11,13,15, 162 LCsbJa*J! 148 3.
is** 04

6 ft., 10, 13, 15, 175 19, 180 11, 184 16, 98 8 , 10 f. AJb^ X».l wx -Ja^wjt

18, 194 8, 266 13. 137 4, 6, 10—19, 138 (^Ax^j) ^A>A

188 17. 'i'oy*' 1—19, note 15, 302 22, 303 1, 6 f, 10.

162 5. Axc dVjji 299 14. XxJix3

57 19. Sl\a£ qJ eVj A, 275 17, 19, 21 , 24, (jAcLJi A*x«

^ Jo*«
227 6. ^.L^t 04 ‘mUm 276 4, 8 .

lj»w 112 10. q4 '-'V^ q4

304 9. LAaXw 295 15, 18, ^A^il (j*o! 0J Jlaw 0J J^w

292 22 296 297
0 j 24, 4, 6, 9, 14, 18, 21, 2, 5, 11,

225 4. (jUic qJ 15, 19, 24, 298 3, 9, 13, 19.

95 10
143 14,


230 12
^ 260 4, 100 9, 11 Al^- 5
04 J-p* J4^

267 2, 288 4, 9, 12, 294 4, 16, 296 7, 112 10 . Aae 0j
299 5,10, 306 9, 308 1 ,
311 13, 31516. 136 5. i

^4 uAoi clo^xvJ!

90 15, 137 <sl!! A*£

i A*^ qJ 282 4. wxa^LH Aj*^w
10, 168 18, 169 2. 9o 11 ,
181 8 , 252 (^cjJUl
0xx 5 Ajxxw
274 14. 1, 256 19, 266 21 ,
267 5, 302 7, 307
314 5. ^c^Lx.l ^-v5 .-xx^-w ^oi 20 308 3.


158 7. Ax_xc ^jLvv 271 2.

127 6 .
jJ'lo qJ 47 20 ,
48 viioj 0-4 0 Lx^>^

AwLxxO 04 ! 12, 51 16, 52 18.

5, 7,

6 .
10 12,,
129 6
0 _j
^ _*J 50 16. v_sxx*

J^o A*r^ j-? 04 1

(aJJI Axe ^4 AxjP) v_jI£A 0?^

282 6 . 247 note 17.

51 2 ,
319 7. ^A>=> 04 yt
228 9. j|xxv
^yj XjLxW
35 9—18, 36 4—22, 37 2 — 11 . 45 13, 53 12 . v*xpj ^L^lxv
INDEX. 330

3 1, 1 39 15. is cVotMl 259 5, 278 20 , 23,

0 _j Xiu.
277 15. w\j jj Aax-w 285 24, 286 3, 287 19, 24, 290 13, 15,

50 13, 235 9. ^c^Ai^ l\x*aw 297 1, 10, 308 3.

262 18. L-Vot^ jj! 219 8, 221 13, 15. ts^s? uW

294 5. ^LoLftii i A-utw ^jI 37 17. yyXj
13 14, 23 14, ^Lvv^kS^) iAxjlw ^«jI 167 5. lS^xm
25 21. 120 12. yg.^1 iA**«
qJ o^lH jJlI!
j3>I La^i( 177 2. v_i.;Lw i_Xxxaw

301 23, 302 1. 95 3, 307 7, Lfr

jly-wJI (3^ 0^
2 8, 39 22, 152 12, iX_u1 rr- r:
L — A-P.AV 317 2.

165 22. 3,Lo _j_j! qJxJ! l\>.c yi

3 6, 63 ^Lw *ji *:j.l£ L^ 92 10, 232^ 1, 287 9, 314 16.

6, 280 14, 284 14, 285 12, 286 1.

275 2. LCi*^ud! jjixJ! X- E X 1*"

6 , 11,

1, 3,

263 15,21, 307 5,7, 9, 11,,13.

o^ 24 18, 39


qJ oV-Jtw

268 8, 303 22.

j r
. ; ...La**
O *• - 71
19 16, 20 1, 6, 58 4, 19 f., yJuz
^ X*^"
1 8 1 9 ,
21 / . ^ j i
63 18, 66 1, 84 note 6, 86 11, 91 15,

52 12. ^oCw^o 94 19, 100 19, 102 4, 12, 14, 17, 103 1,

281 1G. (Ji.Lxx>-vi^ ^/c(c ^Lo^Lw 107 note 16, 109 7, 111 14, 112 17, 113
AJ’! qJ A*-=>° qJ AJ”! ^xLwJ! 11,17, 115 10, 120 8, 121 16, 132 6,

319 12. ^Jlo

^ 0 l\L* 13416, 139 note 3, 143 18, 144 1, 157 18,

228 5 . 1 xL^ 169 6, 173 19, 174 2, 6, 177 7, 178 22,

319 1 1
^^ ^ ^ j x^-Lw 179 10, 180 4, 182 20, 184 19, 18520,

271 3.
T'* '/" & •''-Lw 188 16, 209 5, 229 10, 230 1, 8, 231 6,

104 1. (Jv C bl*9 ^yS iU-Lw 16, 232 4, 238 8, 11, 239 4, 240 8, 253
109 7. ^c.L^aoi! tiUil iX*£ qJ isU-Lw 18, 257 4, 261 4, 273 18, 284 2, 288 23,

12 3, 5. JwCaaJl iU_Lw 296 17, 305 18, 310 11, 13, 315 24, 316
301 20. %i\j
^ *JJ! Jx>x. i.+JLv jji 5 f, 9 f., 319 2.

3 13, ,yj qJ” l X.C iUJ-w _vjt 35 2, 236 12, XJu ^ LC ^y.c
11 14, 90 1, 228 3, 259 17, 301 16, 20, 22. 275 20, 285 17, 290 5, 319 6.

302 311 isUlw 106 11 W uXaXa*.

18, 3, 5. (C,aj!
^ j,! 8, ff . 1

53 13. ((^w«*-w

123 4.


2, 229
97 21,

12, 232 9, 249

^ X**«
2, 259
9, 13

21, 234
1, 4,

17, 235 3,
314 16.
^ yJL, 14,



5, 289
299 19,21, 301
23, 293 1,

40 10. 22, 308 23, 312 2.

29 10 40
8 14.

j'ilj 8 15, 228 19, 235 19,
^X *.**

ff., 16, 18, (jrJui

0 UJL* 254 3, 259 17, 279 7, 294 19.

207 3, 5. 226 4. 0yiL,i

329 INDEX.

2 10, 4 16, 87 18, ^bCJ! 113 Iff.

^ Aac
39 48 6 179 253 272 2, 295 296 ASli
15, 2, 1 1 9, 6, 14, 11. 14, 24, 3, 8,
a D bj>

196 18. c>lij 14, 18, 21, 297 2, 5, 15, 19, 24, 298 3,

51 20.
^ C>\j.j 9, 13, 19.

212 8, 15 f.
^4aaaj! KxjLaJ! 247 note 18. yas> jij qj!
**#j cr* ^ r*" ^ 120 11, 13. o,lJL Aaoj
49 21, 79 3, 89 12, 14, 1 61 15, jJlJ
^ Aj^ 147 14. s^Ajy^ yo^ji!

165 10, 166 8, 318 11. 61 5, 12, 14, 17, 62 1 f., 63 9, yojJI

d*’? y167
^d 1. j
d ]
12, 14 f,

96 3, 111
1, 3 ff,

9 f, 14, 16,
7 f, 13,

3, 163
1, 13,


21 8. iAj^ 186 2 ff, 7, 9, 12, 262 7, 263 13, 16 f, 3192.

249 22. v Lil a j Jo.) 184 16 f. ^yoAi! qj!

268 2.
223 10.

l\-*x) Jy/ l\jj

'-V) 274
17, 22,

^ d
144 14, 255 19. qJ _5y= _^j!

247 18. ^iiA^AJt qLAc qJ Aao^ z-^jj jj!

182 3, 235 6, A2i!^ *U' &£,• _>j!

122 2. 273 13, 287 18.

22 ^^Aax!! jw-Ai £
17. jvvl jC.o'
0_j (y^) a- k/j
10 5, 8 ff., 19, 11 16, 18, y^U! 8,1*. 47 16, 108 17, 109 4, 112 2, 179 1.
12 2 ff. 94 17, 305 3, 5, 9. _^!
133 3. v_jLLii io^,Lw *U! AaC j$> A>ljj j.j!

24. ^L.**a^»-


^lw 137 138 lCA541
^ ^ a*

13, 17. *11!

0 i 10, 12,

^_jlA ^,La£av ^Laaa^a ycil*y j.j! 5 f, 8, 303 8 f.

7 12, 15 ff., 8 7, 16. _y .L d? AaC *)Jt AaC 0-J Aa-S^) (j“OJ

275 5 f. l3^L> wAjLavJ 1

102 20. (yiA> qJ iu^ljw ^
100 24, 101 1, 133 1. £i! ^! ^aILaJ! *JJ! AaAE jvLwa^ AaO^ as//
10 i

12, 15,
1, 233

5, 7, 13.
|»L*aA a_ajL*0 194

1 f,
198 18
4 ff, 12,
f, ^c^LaJ! jaaaJs
202 8—17, 203 1
^^ ff.

42 9. (
aJy! Aa£ 0 j JaacLjJ) 26 9. iOjlst/S yA-
42 9. ^cvAavJ! 88 17, 270 8. y*i! oljj

294 24, 295 3 f., 318 9, 12, 14. OjAV 120 10 . vo-li- obj
135 18, 246 11. 312 3, 5, 9, 15,
j!AooJ! c^LJs- q_j ob

40 lCjLL jjyw jot 313 15.

1I 5,

317 13, 15. oL*a« _^j! a_a^\a!1 *LL»LaO> obj

38 8, ^-AA^\aJ! AjtAV 124 7, 13 f.

91 10, 12, 93 1, 8 f, (jo L-i^ Jc!

0 _j A*av 280 3, LCAyo2l (j-J A>bj

96 3, 99 6, 8 f., 163 7, 318 17 f. 311 17, 312 5.

INDEX. 328

20 9 8 . v_
& 28 16, 18. ^w.yvLj qJ
aA v >
93 6, 109 6, • '
& 16 18, 26 14 ff., 28 15, 40 15. sly XJot

112 148 285 125 Qjt

8, 19, 23, 1 ,
13, 8. 11 .
0 Ui^j.
319 13. (JsjAjt oLac
& 246 20 ,
247 2 . 0 5 O yl ^yl

89 9 170 18. ^^wvLjO ^^yl

o?y !

46 13. ...L*£c 303 11 , 13. yJbo
291 9.
138 4., 182 17, JayjJ
a- j>

303 7 ,
311 10.

228 10. Ajy cr

1 145 3. ^yil JulJOt
213 11. byy>
2 17, (jyU-iJI s3Ll> q_> uA1> ^3 j_j!

254 ,j:yl3ul slloe 94 97 109 130

7. Jjl
0 ^
1 f, 4, 9 f., 9, 14, 17, 8 ,

y f3^ cy r*^;
143 9 ff., 16, 284 6 ,
8 , 14, 18, 22 ,
285 6,

292 11. LC
a£0l 13, 18, 286 1, 5, 9 f., 13, 15.

102 ! 6, 156 2 .
^^LLS *JJi lA cy cyy
144 10 . JJI 5
V ''SaXciX* 1

258 15. ^.siLxJi

o*)j ->•' 35 note 3. [yo? qJ A+..> ]
2 15, 82 11, 84 8 90 19, A*av 291 6 ^yoLsyJt
a •3

109 1 5, 158 6, 285 5, 10, 296 8, 12 21 , ,

144 9. (.
yf U^.y’ 3 ^
23, 297 2, 4. 317 4. olj y>
313 19, 21, y.y' s l\a~w^ 37 15, 18, 38 4, 7, 39 1 17, 19, (yoy^ 3 >3
^y ,

note 14, 314 3. 21 f., 40 1 ff, 17, 42 10 .

Aa*C yiif &

Kxi^ jjI

266 18. ^sbCII
^ ^yi

10, 12. 13. ^_=0

0 j1

127 11. A*** qJ ill! Aa£

^ ^5yl
103 5—12, 104 135 illy
3, If., 9, 12, 14.
a >\
302 16, 18. slAoy! _y!
101 4 f. yt qJ XjjIjm KLj. 252 7. (j*y qJ v^ 5,
iy 5 -Xxc^

Aaav! v_jiy>l 53 2 Aia. qJ

^y .

268 22,269 2. c.Lai^t alii Aa£) &>!*, ,_jt 315 8 jj!

(, f.

93 100
eW 1

a- a-
! 6, 3, 24, all!
s$y-y) i^y-* j_j!

129 10. _Aj 133 1 ,

318 20 .

63 2, 109 23, v^Jj 77 10 .


110 Iff., 279 10, 13,20,23 f., 280 4, 9, 11 f. 125 17, 20. qJ
315 11. sliyj
^y! liUi 1
Aa£ ,._! Aj:j *j'b> ^_a=>Lo
13 17 18 A-J^JI 215
3, 2, 14. j
0 Ly!
104 12 j>
8 ,
f. iC^-,1 ,.j
au C ’'
309 5 f.
1 69 8, 15. jJ-Ajdj) &ary; qJ qJ
12 14. LxiLo
.\aj' L&Jl^ 279 12 .
327 INDEX.

200 20, 22, 201 lC^a*jS OujJ qJ 1 10, 32 13, 20, 33 10, 74 2, 82 4, 101
8 f„ 11. 20, 102 8, 127 6, 139 4, 158 11, 173 5,

10 2. oLJLs qJ Loy> 179 20, 192 8, 234 15, 256 23, 257 6,

316 12 286 293 306

d j <5sXv 4, 7, 10, 20.

242 4 — 11. iLi;y>

12 13 f. *4jt

iAjjj _p *pp _>?t t

146 12. }.J6
^ v Lk^
144 10, 18, 20. **>*££ 59 20, 61 6,

145 6. 93 2, 104 6, 17, 19 f., 22, 105 1, 5, 7 f.,

221 10, 20. lCaK!! j\L& jj! 106 4, 17, 20 f., 107 1, 10, 116 3, 145 17,

20 20 f. qUIw c j l>^L> 175 10, 231 2, 233 12, 259 21, 260 1, 5, 7.

227 2. qJ >_sii> 40 7. qJ |»jL>

247 15. lAp qJ 112 17,-231 4, 7. lCH^ viJj !

232 18. (y^ jy^" 218 5 ff., ll. k_w.s>

306 20. jiljtii ys!c qJ 215 11, 13. ^Li-
147 note 1.
^ o\JLvi> 64 11, 65 1, 70 21, 73 20, qJ bJl=>
240 6. ^AjUi J^L> 0 j Lil 74 13, 76 3, 13, 80 2, 87 20.
259 19. l\x£ qJ iUpp* 219 17. J j&jJt
^ J0L>
114 21, 240 14 f., j*_ou 93 18, ^Lai^t Juj <_)JU>

18, 22. 282 10. 96 4, 268 4, 7, 13, 269 10, 13 f., 16, 22,

*111 iAac uViya yi\ 270 5, 8 ff, 16, 19, 21.

Ill 7, 9, 229 13 f,
cC >~A*Ji d LLw ^ jJl>
note 18.

229 note 18. qLow (p l\JL> oJj!

18 15, 19 8.
0 LJt J» ;
b 7 3, 10 11, 13 6, 11, 14, *JJ! l.W lXJLs>

170 5, 272 17, 22. ^-yJI Ojb 17 4, 8, 18, 2, 5, 17, 19 11, 21 1, 22 13,

89 4. *111 Jnae qJ O^b 23 5, 12 f, 24 1, 20, 25 20 f, 29 9, 42 9 f.

43 9. (? jaaej ^j) Ojb j»Lw.P 7^ ^ ^XiLi*

100 9. juL>0 133 4, 6, 8, 10.

j*.pbl qJ qT^jJ! JV_a-£ |*-pb[ *^=>0 121 20. j*bLw.JJ Jnae

^ j0t~>

49 16, 51 19, 247 9. ^xb! 0 j 289 11 l\u£ jOL>

45 47 ^/Jbbi iLi-Jb* iCp-j 193 2152,4, 277 Lc ,3! l\JL>
13, 18, 8, 16,
0 o-
49 0, 53 12. 318 5, 319 16.

281 0,10,13,23,
0 L*<v. 39 16, 18, 304 16. ,jbbU! qL'Njw
& iAJU>
282 3, 284 22, 301 1. 9 2, 64 11, 77 11.
0 l\JL=>

I lX^e>
253 8, 10. juyt tXJL>

227 21. 53 19, 64 12 , 114 19, 260 Jojj l\JL>

93 130 2333. y>!c *b bJ!_>j! 264 282

19, 10,
0 J 5, 18, 10.
INDEX. 326

4 2, 5, 256 S^- £
^ 25 7. Jbb ^ ^x*il

6, 11 f., 277 7, 10, 20, 23, 278 9, 13, 279 1. 82 11, 84 ^Ly y
^y AxT 256
113 7, 132 9. 8, 87 6, 153 19, 158 6, 9, 176 19, 3.

144 10 .
J0 5 ,yI 294 20.

7 11, (J.LxAA2jt ^cLyxO) jJJI AxE ^y ^jE-xE* 52 12. JytJ) aJJ! Axe y
143 19 f., 209 19, 255 8, 277 16, 278 52 21. Q.J

17, 279 12 82 12, 84 9, I08 7. uVux ^yLw (^,%xxe»


^y ^y
215 10, 221 9, (^vJUCi q-J illIixE» yj *JJ! Ax_xE yJ A-x-C yJ y.xxE»

18, 23, 222 4—21, 223 2—22, 224 1. 52 1 .

238 9. xllixE* AxE y adJt Ay j£> (JVxxE* ,_l;l yl
52 19. (bLjiJjj! EE- 33*!) £xe» 59 3, 15.’ y!
244 6 , 245 (c*jj q-j ^LtvJ!) jj!
o- ^ j4 !

19, 246 14. 50 12. ^U-JLw

y ya&>
290 16. jlj!
0 j (jUe> 149 18. ye y yaaE-
311 8 10
10 12. y»xxJl

(jAyii Kj!^>
^y 18 19
24 14.

y yy^E. yi
, . 2, 6, 17, 12, 9.

175 21 ,
176 1 — 5. ^=>iAxi jjt Jyj.=> 187 24. (^yjt

120 8, 17, 20. [P^UaJJ J.I &] 24 14 .

0 i? ^ y.
86 13. iAjj qJ cioy> 100 1
yyit A-y y> yfii Q.J yiH
108 17. ^yyxJI oyy^- 117 8 f., 118 5 f.

^yyll Axe t£»y^i> yi 166 13, 15 ff., 19 f. j.ty>
y *x£e>
96 9, ^1*11 wIAe j_ji
^y a -> ^_E>
112 3. qL^-w
y xAe ^yi (vyCE* y!
267 20, 289 15, 19, 290 1, 8, 10. 205 7, 206 6 f. Jy y ^ UJ y; b> j*yC=>

89 16 20 90 4, 7, 11,
_yy Lx.e» 311 l\j; olir
f., ,
d 1.
99 16, 19, 154 22, 156 8. 25 7, 11. bU.Ll

^y ^jLa> 101
2 . \_s-w^j 8 .

244 11. &[^>j _jji oLj’

82 7, 87 5, 111 10, 153 19, -uyi
^ bj.xE> 247 note 18. yEO ^ytoij qj!
162 3, 176 19, 184 5, 227 U, 15, 230 3, 275 15. (y!c qJ iyiiE) olj’ jji
231 20, 235 6, 241 6, 8 ff., 13, 17, 255 12, 100 15. i^>ot isolj’

269 12, 17, 270 7, 273 9, 13, 277 19, 23, 227 2. (qT’'j!! oV»-d 0.j Jue) ^iLji
278 9, 11 ff., 287 15, 288 19, 21, 289 11, 319 11. LC+L«’5i yy= ^y

309 4,


15, 19,
299 17,

3, 18, 191
9. SjT _y
^ !

188 7. SyClj qJ 42 10 . (? (jy^vJS Dy^ ^ JUE^) sy* _yt

^y) ^yE- qJ
316 16, 18. (yixUi 24 15. ^e^Ud L\b7*

257 18, 258 9, nUI Axe ^y 167 20. AaT

270 15. 224 7, 9, 11. (JsjeJS aIII A^e ^ Axf
y&\j J-LP qJ ^jrtp* 182 4. j^yy) Axe
325 INDEX.

109 1, 252 7 f. 80 5, 95 1, (__cypM ,^1 Q_j y^Uy-

jj! yii( yLyw 260 12, 271 12, 306 4, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20.

149 17. 150 4. jLlXJ! s'oLo> jjl

207 17, 212 ^ysJt sl\^£
^ y jj!
y sjly> l_jiAjL>

8, 13, 15, 17, 213 4, 217 18, 218 12, 14, 202 12, 14.
J y jjy> s=U3

219 11 f., 14 ff., 18, 220 4—7. 112 20. yL='t

282 5. o*j»jya qJ 47 15. ,yJojJ!
y <jl>

105 15. qJ 50 9. (sic) wb>\^>

y j_j!

219 3. 104 4. ^<3jXl ysys*

K*.*^> jj! Jai 144 17.
o- C)yP-
224 5, 7. (sOy^c J
o*> & ] 242 20. ioyy^ 3
c^ (
s 1

119 15, 120 15.

188 15 ff. Joyw vy^y>
266 23. *11!
-5j [»'
52 6, 168 17, 169 1. sl£t ,.o _L^i^ 47 19, 51 15.
y y'L>
297 4. o\*« ^y yji-i^
y —Ls-- 224 8, 16, 19 f., yyiL q-J o ;

92 10, 231 20, jlat^Loi! jljui

y „LsoJ. 21 ff., 225 1 f.

314 15. 107 6, 233

y 9. |»li^
y w*.a>«=> viy^lii.

117 15, 133 9, yii&jS v_ji~jj

y 183 fin y 10.

156 3, 213 20, 214 6, 228 15, 236 4. 97 249 y&*J!

y 3. Jy_*^v OjtD-
109 2.
y y 135 Jyy y 8,
y18 f. JixJi o^lil
l\x£ *Uf l\>x. *.£ ^sLtSi] s ta^' 44 100 247 ^-oCwi
y o,lJ-

..j ,oi 10, 19, 6.


a ryi Juc^yTfl y| 53 76
7, 95 yoyail. 23,
y lXjjj OjlH
261 10. ^yi 16, 110 5, 125 2, 4, 172 7, 173 7, 184

y y l\>-e
y alii

>Aac) ouiA~>

17 f. (aojlaw
y 15,


19, 266
4, 232



306 16. ^y.LJ! KajJo> 280 19, 286 9, 12, 287 4, 291 5, 293
215 23. .^y! Jvya 2, 6, 304 6, 308 7, 20, 309 4, 315 2, 7.
1 9, 2 16, 109 16,
D ;^ a
i :1 KLo y> 292 14, 16, 18, 314 5. oyuo y cy,li!

178 3, 182 9, 285 5, 289 15. 233 18, 21. (iA*^

y viyJLSl) o^iil y!
214 9 - 11 15, 152 13. yy* cH

47 1 7, 48 3 ff. 50 9, 53 45 12, 15, 46 3 ff, 14, ioCdb

y i_JbL>
10, 107 4, 233 7. 47 13 f, 49 22, 53 7, 13, 317 7, 10.

266 18.
o- 0 U> 7 12, 18 ff,
y8 9, 16 f.
^y j.L>

200 7, 9, 16 ff. 20 ff, 201 ^Lw.=>

y 2 8.

2-18, 202 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 203 13-21, 227 11. 311 15, 17. ytjuojl yo
y Q L>
102 9. yL*i!
^ y*Jl 123 \_juy
y ^L:> 2.

19 3, 24 18, 39 21, 40 7, ^eyoJ!

0-^J- aJJt
y f

227 16. Joy y Jy-c aJJ! j,$ ,}y^>

INDEX. 324

39 16. iAjjj qJ Xi 218 19, 219 13, 20, yio yj ^Jb

267 17. yi yi 220 1—23, 221 1—7, 21.

303 19, 21, 304 3.

u-yiJt XS y t 29 3 f.,
yj yxi^L
17 14, 18, 20. y>L*
112 14 f., 117 8. NjOioiH- ably
c 58 21. yyLy yt
246 2 f.
yj 28 18. y^O yj uyy
51 7, 274 7, *JJl Jy_c yj yL> 29 6 f„ 14, 30 3, 12, 14. jls'UA yj iJy
9, 18, 22, 275 1 f. 8 13,’ 18,’ 9 3, 5,’ 8. *L=> -x^xj
r o- > •••

170 5. cyb>
53 5, 109 11 ft'.
y> 0 j!
25 2 f., 9, 12, 49 14, 18, 272 20.
276 14, 17. iCJic yj xLc>* 38 3, AXxvi yj ylxV^ yj] ^Aj
193 7, 11, 317 21, y,= £ly> 275 22.

318 3, 7. 5 16, 19, 18 3, 7, 18, yy*i! y(c yj £*aj

299 11. jslj Qi iLly- 19 12, 29 10, 41 10, 42 1, 44 2, 125 5.

iUsli yj nU! Ay ylxhJJ jjy- yj! 9 22. Lo yj yyLXj'

118 19. syxiy, 27 12. sy>L*Jt H^Aj
183 12, 14 ft'., 184 8,19, iybil eUx> y>y- 203 9 ft', JyJLi'

185 1, 266 13. 112 23. ^X^xJi yj yxLl yj

184 19, 185 1. 178 3. y-Al ji yJ
7 j" •
22. jyy> yj! 92 4, (<iLL yj *JJ! Ay) J>bwxxll j*-mj y!
64 note 9. (ybyilt) _o_5 yj Liy yj ^uy- 97 6, 9, 14, 114 22, 172 8, 173 1, 273
155 6. 21, 282 16, 22, 284 3, 6, 285 18, 287 5,

1017, 20 3, 105 10, 147 14. yb> yj yy> 20, 22, 294 5, 316 17.

147 4, 148 2. (iojlaw yj) *y> 118 20, 240 8 f., 13. y^yiall yi yJ
148 13, 235 6, 267 4, ijLx-y^ y_j
274 8, 15, 314 21.

il!! A*y i3^

yyuli y J-r! 50 15, 167 20. J,UJI i


285 13, 15. J_ot> 280 20. o^lJ- yj uy J !

185 14, 263 4. yot yj 48 4. yxL^wCv yj yxx3 yj V^O'j

45 14. yAiiil Lo! 264 18. Jujj yj o. :

Jy >5 ^L«_w yJ —xx-xl> n*4.> y! 121 17, 305 14. i^yjCSt y! yJjti
85 14, ylc y_j iLxiie
^y yxPj y_j 220 10, 12, 17, yxijJL iL.-o'jl—w y_j Xxlxi
86, 3, 308 11, 13. 221 21, 23, 223 11,43.
275 24. £|aJ>- Jyy> j,!Ayil J>c yi yj xoLb
Q^y q j jjjjsJl lXxjcJ osjA.o i
AjL> 278 21.

236 23, 237 1 f. 103 24. &]Ji

323 INDEX.

133 11, 145 9, 203 19.

^y y yj 301 13. ^ylJ! (^Sy) yo! j»l

235 5, 7. yi! qJ
yb-it ..oio 10 17. (^tloXd^woJt) yyt
94 1, 97 ayij q-j ayj y! 213 4. liVlii lXa£ qJ ^yi

8 if., 114 17 ff., 115 6,9, 157 14, 178 5, 89 3, 5, qL_*_s

y— ji yJL*JS ,_it oyit
253 21, 282 9, 11, 15, 17, 22, 283 2, 7, 123 11, 170 1.

284 1, 0 ff., 295 12. 310 8, 13.

y yyt
87 8 ft., xoJt 212 19. y^J oio>! ^yt oyit
247 12, 15. yL&bi abo y iLoo-i
^y iy Oy y lXJL> yyi yt
4 20, 74 11, 260 6, 261 14, ajty
y yb
17, 267 16, 273 19, 274 8, 16, 275 19,
280 3, 285 12, 291 9, 294 5, 8, 295 1,

311 16, 313 20, 314 3, 317 2, 9. 10 11, 13 6, 12, j,U> (,!^.y yLs yt j.tbLi
4 20, 5 9.
y fi 17 5, 9, 18 5, 21 1, 22 14, 23 5, 12, 24
74 18, 162 3, 286 8, yyl*!! _»y= y yo 2, 20, 25 20, 44 13.

287 16, 288 19, 292 21, 309 4. 3 2, 13916, 199 10. ^ylxl! y>!3
y y?.
85 1, 112 2, 185 13, 232 20, ya y yo 56 note 1. (JoxL{v»t
y boob ) (j=jL^uJ!

255 3, 260 4, 263 3, 267 4, 274 17, 20, 31 1, 3, 7, 11 ff., 16 ff., 32 2, 4, 11, 17. yi oo?:
276 3, 294 17. 52 4, 7. i-ytc
y f!y!t

20 4, 34 17, 51 3, 53 5, vJUXoJt yo _y! 120 l.

y qU^c y f'yH
95 17, 111 2, 122 15, 137 15ff., 138 12, 94 18 f., 95 1, 102 yylt y „y
141 7, 186 5, 13, 245 18, 262 7, 264 7— 17, 19, 316 1, 6, 9 ff.

11, 265 3, 272 14, 16, 18, 298 16, 317 8. ^


133 7 f. OjlH y box y yo jjt 119 2. ay y!

100 6, 8, 11 13 f., yjjjd! box:
y yo yt 109 9. yybo y XSy
118 3. 120 2. iAy y!
52 7 -
^ 227 3. w»*cl y 5Juj

aAy yt
228 3. [.y- y y y yo yt 227 3. (.sit! box)
53 2.
yy yl
y yo y! y^Laifejt
j3 yt jlfijt aJ>Ly-
y yy
247 13. »yo yt 80 18, 20, 22. is^lwj

80 5, 193 5, obi'il q_j &U! Ay y y^o 115 17, 190 4, ^cyladt aLLy! (it
yj yo
318 1. 14, 194 8 f., 11 f., 17, 205 4 f., 260 10,

311 5. sy= ^y yJo 13, 16.

*lit lW y L
<-0? J^it ybb
y t 80 5.

115 12. yt 2G1 7.

120 10, 300 11, 307 22, 313 4. 190 23, 191 3,7. „yJy ajT ixyt x*«:oy
319 12. v±> HI
y 227 22.

228 15. (it

y 215 8, 11 ff., 16, 18, yKJt o y y yo
(yJ^OJt iUlw
y y syf) yt 21, 216 1—6.
53 10. 147 4, 148 2.
yX^dt j^y)
INDEX. 322

l\a£ ^.y yolJ! yS> ^y! )"** o* ^ o^ 1


100 15. jvA>oJI y! yiiAyJ! *JJ! o\_*-c y$> y\

20 20. (j*y£sM yt
52 13. oLJlb
y 3114.
73 10 ft'., 144 1—9, *_jA^J (j^yi JLi^l 7 3, 10 7, 10, 12, 11 14,
u—w^-o ^y
169 12. 131,5, 11, 14, 18, 17 4, 6, 8, 18 2, 5, 7 f.

8 21, 9 15 f., 20. y<±A

y yXi! ^
17, 19 11, 20 23, 22 13, 23 4, 9, 11, 17,

Ji ^yvoJiii yyj! UV £ y V 'r^ A 24 1, 19, 25 6, 10, 19, 26 2, 29 9, 42 8,

2 2, 115 19, 120 3, 233 18, 21. yiiaJi 43 6, 18, 44 12, 14, 45 3, 47 11, 90 14,

103 104 yysJI i_V*_c ,^yo*iS! 121 16, 148 14, 152 12, 166 7,10, 167 5,
5, 9, 12,
15 f., 112 7, 137 7, 138 3. 168 17, 169 1, 173 7, 180 12, 181 7, 12,

136 10, note 8. yJS

y jyo! 227 5, 251 19, 252 1, 253 13, 254 15,

41 note 13. (olJj

y tA*^) yiy'i! y! 260 14, 265 13, 277 9, 18, 278 1, 8, 12,

rf O- O^’ ^ ->
p 15, 18, 23, 280 6, 288 4, 9, 13, 289 9,

52 4. (^jLy y
qL»*L«) 291 7 f., 293 4, 294 4, 302 15, 305 18,

169 17. !jZ.ys>

y j*Js 315 5.

108 16 (qLaSav ,
^j, )
yt 11 15, 17 6, JjA yJ t

309 19, 21. 23 17, 24 17, 26 2, 43 18, 51 19, 228 14.

58 8, 64 18, note 11. (yoiiSi v *.;>Lo) ^.yc'bS! 37 15, 17 f., 42 9. yXiJCw^l

123 10. £jy* y iiVJL«
y yJ y yciM 152 2, 160 10.
^y yf- yLv4

117 wJLc5JI y! 94
7. 6, fiVAXpJ!
171 note 3. Joyj y y (jyyilit 268 7, 269 9, 12, 15, 18, 286 18, 287 2,

191 7, 9.
lTy AS^I 294 1.

133 20. o ^y!! 117 li, yyJi Ax y £ Uv«I

220 20.
y tiKJLlt Aac i 118 4 f.

124 21. yyi yt 51 2. Joy £ Uv.t

284 14. iLyal y! 2 5, 7, 12 2. (_yJ! yPiyi qJ ,J~yLf»vi

98 5, 7, 11. a4L y>L*3 122 2. JalyJ

y J-yUv.;
49 17, 5015, 167 20, 168 2, <iUlo
y y! 181 13, 317 14. &A/at
y J-yUJ
228 15. 225 3 tf.

88 17. yUjt-ixJt (cy y yul 213 16, *

y *l!t lXajx
247 note 17. 217 13, 218 4, 11.

236 8. *y.E
y j^y y>S yt U*jt 3 9, 43 6, 53 1. ylx£
184 1, 6. y! 244 5. ,iyC!S
y J^xLc-vt

112 23 f. JoJL Ay ^yi yAL<Jl

^y (J/.LI 275 19.

279 13. y) (j^U 3 2, 139 16. liULo

(Aaw'^I Ay jy _^P) ilit Ay y (jJj! _j!)

109 22, 112 3. yjlflit 138 note 15, 139 1.

122 21. A**,

y 0 L\jj ijjy y Q? yi! '-yc
y y-wj'i
li5CJ (3 pLfryVwf Lb*.<VW^S

275 20. (j^o t

8 21, 9 10 f., 21 f. yw <y ^oy!

6 LC cLf^Ji
yt lXaav! v_jty>l 133 13, 15, 17. -Low yt 0 Lf
123 7, 14. J,LXj^! Jl
0 j 46 14, 84 6. ^Lo yt y
49 19. ^yiS! iW ^y 0^) 4 12, 10 5, 7, 13 f., 18, 11 3, 9, yJ! yPty!
24 16.Jyw y! ^Xy lX^I 17 ff„ 12 1 ft., 18 5.

92 16, yiiJf yt yj! ^y= Js.j’f 246 11. iJrL£“i

y y£ty
139 8, 143 7, 197 15, 242 15, 281 5, 246 2, 4. sLCJi
y yPiyi
300 5, 14. 246 14, 17. £.! J-
y y^fyt
40 9. cXy* y> 44 13, 226 5. Jow*
y y^y
80 18, 82 1. lX-o^w
^y y^ty
1 3, 99 note 2. ^rLaJ! ^Lb y! ,*-^y 120 6, 122 17. ^Lo y
yLv 0.J |»bb« yt 49 20.
y y^l <-Xy
y yS>y
41 9, 115 4, J^yGJ! ^y jjyy! 51 14. ^yoLwj! l_Xy
y y^y
254 10, 255 15, 258 18, 259 5, 279 21, 122 18. -by! y^ly!
280 2, 282 21. 48 1, 49 9, 17, sJJ!
7 16, 18, 8 8 f. j.Lw
y lX£cs?.I 50 10, 14, 17, 51 2, 5, 8, 13, 17, 20, 52 3,

31 5 f., 8, 13, 16, 32 1 ft'., 8, 10.

yJt Lw.t 7, 53 3.

184 15, 266 12. ^^axLiSi Juy ^ 20 22. ywjw ot

287 9. t
_yL*i! ^_jLv!
y iwLv! 40 6. yXJLjl
y y^y
16 20, 99 9, 239 20.
Lyud! iAj^
y &*U 319 6. -LLo y ^_Apty!

127 9. [XyL> ^y] iAj^

XxLb 202 2, 8. J,tyJt
y ypy
47 19, 51 15. ^yudif qJ 2wL«t 241 4, JULit X+_y> yt i_Xy
y y?Lt
29 2. Lay ^a^Laa*! 6 f., 13, 17, note 2, 242 1 ft'., 13 f., 16, 243
267 3. yw y ^Jo
y o'LsH 7, 13 ft., 19.

3 1, 139 15, ^y_>y\Xj! o|yJf ^y 113 9. ^.LaL!

y XSyt
245 12. 144 17. ^yJI y>- oiL!
119 16.
y GiLH 310 6, 8, 13. s' Lc y jJ
179 2. >cLwJ)
bbw rr
. 310 note 4. L<r
w-otJ! s^Lc
y J;t

if V •
319 Yale Oriental Series.

W O » «• 5

cr“ ^ o^ ! lX*a3
cr^ w! y&C qJ i-X-Ot-vw LoA=> Jls

y ®

jls jlii yo ^ ^c^r. q! y£ al aLoi? 'i J—ij al Jyii a*<i oJli2>S Ai^

5 3? a3^£? aJ q! iCxj^J all! AaJCj

(j-j! ^_c
., L *£o
Jy>! V“% q?! LLsA>
y O-
A-otw Lb'A=»


i3^ V ii)oLc _ji

^Ty ] >A^c q--£ UV* ^* 4

Q-jAit L_jj! L iuhM 3A£> u^Jjj Aij *aLo all! A*e ® Lao $ul a3& S&i
t5> ^*J»ci aJJtj . 'AvI'-AI*- (121a) £S ^ ® j*Xj A^j sLiyii! qC |^JLw.j ^5 S^A

10 y JWs^
U*i syij
i—jytl 4
_ 5j*i
all! Jy . wjL£?
^ LjJlio q^®5

® &T^ CT?
xjo^, *
o o-
jjf ^ Vj+£> 8j^5
-. > - C/ -
& —
q_j JLo qJ qIAJua^ & 5
LC*y*J! iictOj (it
y i—aJLLJIj &a3*yw
U^ ^ 8 aP* q-j & 7 J^JLiAit 6
oLy ^ muj^ &
<& (_gj I * H

1 5 LoAj> ^oAc Lb A—* Ls <_cAs^J!

y qJ iX*^ jls Lo ij5'A*2J Ly
Q? o'j^ ^ o^ CT^ Q? '-V^

v w\ all A » — :>^ >wjl V A— y 1

A-*^ b juw aj ^Lo»,!

20 |»
- 1 wj * — ; 1

1— » A X W. V

1) B inserts here ^=^41! u-^*5 (see below). 2) C 0-^>. 3) B

j*yty>*o. Sura 5, 101. 4) B j*j. 5) These names om. C. 6) Vocalized
in A ;
C soLc. 7) Thus A. On this nisba see Fischer, Gewahrsmanner 65;
Sam c
anl 233 a, 237 b. 8) B C ^y . On the preceding name see
Fischer 93. 9) Vowels in A, so also Husn I 111. Hajar IV 203 has u-^ulL
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Aid al-Hakam. ,

„ 5 I

Q-i Ac j-A 0^ *-*a£J 0-jt lilyl* 0? Ao£

<3 ^ _ o—> w» — —
^_x>J ^vwO jlxaj^l^ L^X/9^ ^jiA> q-j! ijjjc <3^*
;sLJLj> ^1 1
dUo yG! * !a^>I J j^JLi l\ju Ju^JI go^\x> ^j! ULUi

^x: xx-o^J ^^xt( LoA> ^ccXx LoA> (Ji5 X&^Lai^l

V s

ji ^ iJLas yj*^ 3 3
3®*^ q'E * jL~j qAA oJL* Jk‘ q'j-/1 3^ 0? i-\L>

» >L


^ o'*^
4^ A*j \_A2Ajt x-aJL^sL LJUj yj.A> qj! y£ wtAx> >A>t

0 !
jy= Q-? *1^> Lis yJiS (j*li
c^5^ !

0-Jj-^ CT

V w


& L->^ ss*/$ l\x>Lj

LciA> cj)^ iAc qJ iA*joit Aae UiA> jls A-c Q-? A*A LoA> jls 10

«n £ £
i^oj^ Jl5 jJLm[
^ l\j^ Lul)C> ^LaJs> aUI l\aC qJ

aa.JwV^ 1 ^/voAi + *.Lo a)J! jtpAVp & —a . )L 4.^v jib' IlX-P Lo oJj& ^ Lsy* ^«v»o
£ £ 5 -c £
cAi JLfi-i j«jlLo (jr.-jJt i^AiyAwli JyV.M 5
q! j$jyi>Ls
3 0t __ 3 o£ .C On
*JLX_c! Jls ao
*oi q! Ajy lo ^^Jloji. jlsis »yu! xxj^b ^xclj kjy«
o£ o £ m

& ^iy&cls e^L-a 7
y>*^! lX^jLj Lc Syliii 15

iul^> 8
\a£ LoiL U-kS j*Jtlo aJJS dy"j ^ L^L>^* q-*-^

3^ 0^ 'Aw
l_K3li_5 ,jj! 0j Afcw q! A*_ov 0-J 0ajJU! 0C iLjlw-C 0j 3JUt A USAs*

<af 9
j.Ai *

0^ji! A*£ _^j!j ^yjjj! aJJ! A-ej ^j*JtLo aJJt (Xyi js _^j !

i_5^si! 0<j^f At Jjt aJj(j ^,j*ajt qJ Ajjj

A xxji oyo A*j yjw x^OjAs 0^_j *JtLo ail!

jy^ i^j A aJl

Lj-o ^A* 1

. Jij i^Apis* xi*A*JI LwumI qI3Jl!!

lCJIc «y>!j _^j

^ iiVJ3 A*j 11 UiLyo *j1 lA>tj ^3^ *§]

1) B »ylj!. 2) B 1*=. 3) See refs, given above, p. 294. 4) Mss.

5) B-t-j.Aao. 6) B pref. xoyAt. 7) B C y>^5!. 8) A om.

9) Blank in B. 10) B &aj. 11) B lS>Lo.
317 Yale Oriental Series.

flj O? ^-5
A-OLw ^_C Sojyw ^jJu ^y£. Jjjl J_^5 viAJL>0 aJ^ SUj
O- 3 £
KkaSz 0-H 1
^c^r 1 qJ liwl* (__c^ aj!
O^ 5^5
5 all! Jut aJ^ tiLi5 4 qJ * Ajjj Xj tjj
^ ^yil! 3 3
xie j&j

& V^S Q 4’

alxXb u^.LL>j

v^SjAaaiS j—Xa ^j! aya>j ay^ lXI^aw^Ij '

A' ay>j j*jlLo ail!

^ yo q£ al x_> ;J qj!
- C -
^jj <3?j*JiLo ^.jJ!
oljj Axa LujI xJ!

10 yjdjljb Jl5 Ujllaii

yy ^1 aL*JLb jd qJ w^ial=>
. ». —3 3
6 >
- ~

- Of

& jyyo >? 8

^j-o |»l\J! ^Jlo 7 |*-iuw^j (j^JAj"^!

L$L! AJyio ljiye yiLo ail! ijywj i_abi?!

^ Ulio ^4^5
- 3

9 L>l*-W

aLj— «t'
10 qJ Js-otf^! q£ l\**« qJ o^Jii! UoAs» ALo ailt A*e L0J0 Jlj’

15 oL*_~ jd L?
^JI v^ 5* 11
^ “V^ qJ d>L*-<>
CT? ^ O*
q-, aLAic L> 0^5 ya/« q-» (
1206 ) ca/d-Al Jls xit ytJLa all! t}y~j la>Lo

w*^Aa !3!_5 L a a-m^j y^-

.\-L-x-j yLa la! !o! —.•o.'Ai 42
— iwo L*la Cv*$! v^a^-1 ys

Q-J y= l—$J ca^*j'l tpL^-Jp yx**** ys> 1

» » ~> ! o*1*eA Jls L^yl <J*e

LgxSftji &Lw L^Xrye jb L^j vi\JUti U^>Lo ^L> ^li jCLw jLai v-jlLii

20 ^ urV

l !
3y= cr? ^-5
Laj'A> (^cAxl
Lo'iAa>j aJwi ^y! LoA> xJLvvo liVJu! lXvc LoAs*

1) C + a^-x/! ^ sU_i'Aa>. 2) A and Tajrld I 181; B s. p. ;

C v_jLjys

Husn I 90 and Hajar 997 f. have oly. 3) B io! ^. 4) C qj;

B u^iaL> (sic). 5) B v_*-bL>. 6) Pointed in A. 7) See Yaq. IY 929.

8) B illegible, C yi. 9) See esp. Mu’talif 69, Husn I 110. 10) B-j-^!.
11) C + ^t. 12) B yJbot.
The Futuh-Mi.p'i of Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam. 310

w Cl — J O t o
qJ 1

0 ^5
tlh"; 1
o4) ^
^ CT

£ c . #
^‘ULc.1 cXl^ q-j isLjwww^ (jv^^ (jyiJlo ti*

^y**4*- I

jil*—i— oLJa&tj

^JLc sLLj'A^* jis Cr J-osi ^JlSI ioU^lwj iuyw ^1 ^ jLs\>4 ^1 5

> o > o - -
LJlo JLi L> L\—0 lo JLiLa JXwj> ^_j ^-fcJL5 Uls yjic Jls

j»Xj Liard j*X\>l 4 Lai JlSuII ^e v_Jii

5 L
cC> 3 J> s.-Jy Ijohb q-, „.yST.

C? jflj aJJI t^L) jlii

J*jb lulls' yCjjjij j«Xj'4Le sLLcj
O - w o
LyL, CT*^ 1

cr Hj&*
cr <5^ i Li3 CT^ yy 1
0^-5 O^ 5

J$> U!_5 JX^> _,y ^Le Qj! Jls L\X? • LfJ ja*s»tj o>l*JI qJ £S) yax 10

C?JjLLe qJ
w?» . .

^yi LJji- i^yi

w >
^ )
qJ OojJ qE
Ox JO- -O)
»Lol\e> ^jylt Jy_c Ji * ^b.-CwwJ! jxo l^o Axe Le-^ !. L5 Jls \ji

C? 7 ;yiL i ^15

O - ) _
^lUbcyxi j*-A_T l3' Q-j' QC _J^5 vi>.jA=> Skc.

^3 Ijr^- *
1 2
^ ^-S_j
— J-^°
y{— ir>—Ij—»-x«
ij, A— )! (jr^-

5 ^
1) B _,y. 2) C Jjwo, also below. According to the best authorities,
5 O 5

the name was S^c.^ see Moscht. 365 and lit. cited, also Qam., Tajrid, al. Ibn

Abd al-Hakam himself prefers JX^c, see below. 3) B syy. 4) C JX**£.

5) This was al-Murildl. On the others named cXli! ^ and LCby>

see Tajnd I 168 f., Qaisaranl 127, Hajar I 870 f. 6) B \Li3". 7) B om.
8) Ibn HarSm al-Laitl; Hajar I 754, Husn I 89, al. 9) B C adds:
^cl_5 »LbiA>.
315 Yale Oriental Series.

cr^ ZrJ cr? u* ^ cr? ***« i cr? 1

^ ^ jWj

^_jt S^sujt £_jIj *Jtlo *11! i_^->Lo U_J 0j-3L»~t

»LoA> & L^j HjOlc aUiij^sl jf- jiao iUaj^o! qOLX**!

5 a^
! * yy* o-
^ cr
(j^ cr^ & ^7^- cH1 a**
L^° • ^* c fWs

LJlj 3! !^yo! * ^c^JS lXxo!^ (_5s*^' v_jlsS?t _jj! jls jls
,J;^} o^5
- - - G > o-. - o -

^CotL! ^OJ! 6
pyr q] 3% 5
13! vA^il^ LLj ^Vj ^suS ^Lm*Uj
10 &^lLp. u\x£. yiajj! oj-w^l _^j! »LolXj> <& Ld! oJ^>v>
j- ! qJ 3yijJ
^ ^JJ!
I 4U3
^Jo! ^ j, lo JLftj tjX*£u ^ jliis ^^Xaj _>^5 3^-?j
(J^ j* *X*Ls Li 63>
L glo j‘ ^5! iCJyJ^o j_j! jlas (jv^iJI i^olc L^o! jJ3 s^Lo oJ^! l\sj
O - . P - Op
o^« t3-j!
^ 3G

^ ii.V_jl j_Jj liLj'^Lo vpa^3

! 33 idLil jls
jo o^3 u%j>
O - > O^ > O ~
15 *Jb L^ac j-g-w L+3 ,^a>»wJoI
^ CP L^aw ^ (*X5 J5jJ
> - o >

l\-a-£^ v^aaU! iwAA^w 3L-L’ii*A^> "fit &. j^Lo q-» CP ^

•v o -
^ ^Lo ^ *11!

_wjjsj! iU/to >-r

jouOyii qJ tllL^^J! ijjC>! _’Oj3 qJ C*jA> j^_5 (3>!j O^J.3o \i£ ^Uj

20 q-j ^3^
c p
wLLui- q_j
^ q! ^y*>!
_5>-^'J! iA**w

^ys! yjLxi" sf^jJsLi (120a) XjJ! sUaait '^J^O ^j! jjts?. q! (joL*j!

Ji &Xi^i! L.
.* 0 Loj ^JLi^lii- <sJJ! jimO^wo ^ &U!j jUio (^-i^i!
P o ^
8UOl\> jb ^ ^OS^\ J^ib q! L^i Oyu
^ 2 L!j Lj-jLxj *U! »Lpl iAjLJ

<3> illlJlU j, U3^> iSjO ^yJtS^ jo yt.SiC. ^yi iAaJS-v- Lo'l\p>5

1) C 33 j£. 2) B om. 3) Tajnd, al. (j:3uXii. 4) C om. 5) B q!.

6) B ^aib>. 7) B vsU. 8) C «Ia>. 9) See p. 230, 3ff.

The Futlih-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ‘ 314

£ £


JJ> ^JLwj l £^p>

^LLjLsj }
0 Lt f?

I^CJU J>3o! A_s 5 .

Ql l\-a_e 0-j
1 jAiaii? sL-a '(
2?' jJo o

<& ” qLx-^w 8 -a^ ( 3^ 8 l>|^av (^J L+»a ^

^ 1

yyJli J}l L_^S*J

0 * (1196) K*^jJ ^1 _^5 uV>ij C^xV> Xic
^ 5

La?^ Li-Lwji i-\i^ <*JJt <—a^>Lo ^^>% )

^j! 1>>aLc ij^o JlS ~ •p>»)
O C CC O — . tf o o_ w
*Lj> 1
y*Lpb (j*fcjJ ybs-.^ jybj &j LiJyaj Li!^° \xLj^ oili
w _ 5 M > 5 S £
Oj^AV -5 J"*
C sLo<*\^* ^ £«AAV o ! lAai 5


~ O 5
^ySliiJ |J^w< 10

^ ^ J 5! O-J ^UjJ o -A -? ^r .^ 1 ^
w-5 CC wC 0 r

5 5

.bX^Uvi! aJuIji jlS (jol*J) qO^j **^0 c5

^^>lo J^o (

o —
3? iUJ^ww* ijVJlL! l\*c sLolX^> &jj^Jt!! iA*£ qJ jf- L^Jtlaiis Jls
7 ....

j^UaJI c^ qj * 1*35
w w .. 5 O -

JjlxJUaj! jL\bi qJ jli guyi qJ s^> _j^j Aj>!_5 vioiA> \J^c

^5 15

w J O O^ 5 I

ijaijj qI^ j^-£ ,j-j q! Sj-*b>! i_5^La-*J! Q^yi l\*£ ^X_otw ^J-o LI

j*jtL3 *1!!
jy«j v__>L=i?S
q, j^j (_CjU*J! OjH qJ id,o *! jUi j*jl5
j^3 (j«Ui!

^j\_j eV— c^d! l?^

5, bjL»b>.! Uotlai NSj j*JtLo L*1aj iA^c \jSji L aJJSj

£/?" O- O* Lr:jd, ! LoAs»
»Lbi 6
Xa.«a w> '^w*| 20

cr 11
O- 0£ ^"L^' CJ^ (_c^- cr
1 '

Jl\^> i^C

(3 !jS ib! ^dc

<$i o!^w sLol\^> ^9 <sJJ! J^vyw

1) Mss. yaj. 2) I. e. i3y<! see Husn I 114. 3) Hajar

IV 410. 4) C iOiu^ (Hajar **iut). 5) AB o!^. 6) C XjLvws.

7) Something missing. 8) B om. 9) Cf. Sur. 4, 165; 16,90, etc. See Gloss. L.
313 Yale Oriental Series.

^ ^Xsps ^slxsh xj lP-Xj! Ji s[j]
^ jdatc-T Jljjj “b5 J_ds
w c r js L.^ a f:
o^ \m


^ cr»

. £ > ., > £
l\j>Ls ^Lo ^ooLo -Uu <?vJ
^ LJl ^ oli ~ Ludix^vj^ Iaa&avJ ^ ^LXo 134

0 of
0] xU! Jyw^ JUS f-Jb q! oS^Ls jbb $L> Jf
^ oty
5 xXu! \Jj^Io aJJl lAxaif JlS ajJLs _^-j5 qO? qXj


^X.tL+^w Js| ^vLiLs icXj Lc

JUS qJvAP q-» ^vAct <* 4J! b LaGL
— ti £ s: ^
)Lm3 j ^y.S2l}
JUi l<
-X£ UL, iAaJL* As,
kJ! <3
Sb_5 (J^tys J, ffAo _pp LC d ^ qC jL
dJI ^ JLiLi 0
gAs osAA * qU, Jyjls csAA 4
^1 ii)SJ j_P j**Lo xUi

o- J W? v- >

10 2 ydc [p*As qJAj! ASjJI ^ 3^?J

(J^ AJjAS 6
^Jldc SyC»i Jw>-p ,_pJAs (*-*Jlo

LxX4Jo>li L^jL« Lot-v-j iL-CwJi lot LxJ

^1 Ji^w^ l?
^ ^ LaLc s^Ai

3*^5 L-ALw! AS 5 L>Jp> »Ly8 ^c Lijyixs IAjLo J*s

! 31 j ®

w £ - .C O # 3 0-0 S
JlS vJ^ftXi Lj>J^ ^.3^Ui Ifl^lo Uj^o ^1 byj ^ Lo iJJ! £l >13 LJ Ui^>

loli oL*>^- «<A^J Jls ^ 12

^j£xi (cOj »l\j J,
^iyti oLy^^>

15 UodiiA! !_$ LJijeii jls &U1 j*-wt aA^tj 5As>tj USjjillj ydit (*-yy)

sl_d'As> <5? lPj*£

^ j^>o q! tiVid Aau

8 13
3jJ ^5 ‘'Ac |*JtL3 xUt Jy«j v_jL^P! L^Lio
153 ^ ,j-.

* *~ ts^c
f* J

20 iAX.jj /0 q-,
^ '— J u-'^~
> Ac
IpiLolj _jj*Jl ji tj! Ipi
^ ^Ul

j*JtLo *JJI dy*"j yjbiPt q, »j^*c JLsu

1) B om. 2) B UasuvIj. 3) B lAo, and adds _p^; C adds As. 4) A ^Ij.

5) B pAA 6) B jjCdc. 7) B ^Jls. 8) C om. 9) B pjA^ (for VA^-I).

10) C
UsjCCs. 11) BC (C ^). 12) C ^As. 13) C 3>5 As (sic). i

14) His name was llasld ibn Malik; not to be confused with Rasld ibn Malik
ibn ‘Amira (also “Abu AmIra”) c
as-Sa dl (also “al-Asadl” and “al-Azdl”), Tajrld

I 196, Ilajar I 1056 f.

cf. Hajar IY 264.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ‘Aid al-IIakam. , 312

> pS j j£ - ^ a _ > &S o£

iAij l^Lol iAjLw Lo jlai xa-oi? xXaLicLs 2 |j «j! ^Li>JI

|*JyO lXaJLw '<$}

Lo (Jlj' Lo

o^J. ^ ob^

^ ^yTyi Ax£
5 ..
_^5 ^ioA=> j*jtLo

xU! Jywj qC x^c $Jj
5 OC
'o3 ) ! Jli' Ojii ^_j obj jls Q.J 2>bj L_iw\> Jls ^j! 5

SO- 5 5

^ Uko- l\- 3 \Jl 1

o^.i>li ^^Lv^St J»c aJuulo <*)J!

b o.ifij j?Ojj JLaj ^XcLbj LC-V j.bU«b iiVJ Lit, (ji-Jl OOjT xUt b

Jls bL>^ j^L-aJS Ai ^^> ^ 1

^j xl!i

(jy*^ ,1 jLa-j £t«bL*Lj j?iAi_j Jls j?2>jS ^uJl xxx> w>.X5^ bLyj (*-*^0

jjLsLi j»^L«^U j?L\£> xLSt Jo i^JLs t*Loy.s
3 ^ibuJ tAj] ^ijuo L>! b ytLo xU! 10

0 5 .
w.c£ £
,1 aUI Oy*j lj
^VJo\j LLxS" J w\X>o Jo ‘JUL. ^)yo^! ^lit ^xJOo xLSt

£ .

Jywj jj-ii s^lsLwt (jiaxj j, iiU<3 qI^*, i^UcXj ^i>i LLo ^ i^JOo ^jISlXo
L^-vwj ®
lC^Lj lk\i>t ^-Lo!e ^^Lcio jj*if ebio 3$4 3b ^jixi **J-o xU!

^JLs Ltj x_jL^! JJ j*jti IjJIs

3*V (*JtLo xLi! Jj_Wj jLJii xJlPlil ^ xJLuj

sbl Jls
3 x\i' J.i>>As lC
jLwL !
Jis Q-»y» Jw>y-J b^LobJ!
j, yp> 'A JLas 15
so- - £ — o£
(jr^ j-t*5 Oc cr°
r*-*bo xU! jLiu
Nbx ; ' xUt dy*>j tj S&
o£ .
£ #
O 5

xUt w jLfiJ xiuX^aj! jrJacLs iJUis ^IsajI (3 ^t«5j

'-^r 'j


_o (jb>. Xyi
^ xU!
3<J> bSj
(Jisy. j*JtJL*a

jIiXcJ! jls iiLL=> ii)U-Jxc.l

5 ! liboJzc! *!j^>b5t (119a) iA_Li' ^la

j*jtlo xUI q! (__cAc Lj(j o^'iAaoJ! xJCJI —w 3bS L<r

wJU 3 3J 3 3-^>l^2 20
-C W 5 w
0 » y>l_»Lw_i^ 6
\a£ 0 xjL^Ij qL"*, LjO xXxjls JOJl Jjt ^ 4 ^-wjlct
5 50 «£ 05 5 £
'w^Jt>5 o^j>->Ls 3jxS ^aao!! abLo
0 ^! 0 ^ Lx-Li l>j>( x*/0 OLo ^

,^bLb !oi j^Ji_j _5 oyLl! xjp”b jbixi xUI b jysi

c!l\jo L>i b iLo 0, 3-^ Jbii xjL^PI oL>blj lAij ^J! ^_iyaji Ji

1) B ora. 2) B iJw>. 3) C »llacl. 4) B Ua^!, C 3**Xcl. 5) C

XjbiPl. 6) C 3s£.
311 Yale Oriental Series.

Oc O- Oc
5 I
Oc ^ O*
G.- ».

<*J 00^3 »y^ ^ i^Lc &U! l\-*x eXjyc

as a *»£• 9

JcouaJ! JjJu qO_5 iUJ-w pt y>Lp_j

q£ aHI Aac q£ oLai^S! vjhP! _^_j! J-S >_5

lA-Oi} ypjA> xAe. ^J5

0oA. £-^—»« *-*^3
cc^Ai- Jls g.-4 -Lw j»! \^>y* ^-pLyo
0^ Sjp v^y*

(1186) sLoAo & iAlxs y± adjtsi ^ iShti

p iolxs 1
j, * ^ Jou j*Ji

'& yaa
yx Ax _jy. ^ <$> ^do aJJI Aa£ ^^aP.

^•jX AOtA^J Ax*v qJ iAaaJJ!

\£ajAo * j*Jtlo &IS! Jyw^ q£ 2UX

10 JyWj Q6 KJ!y> Qjl ^jC. (J^aPU! -^3*^

Q 3
0s l

rA^!~> (3^ 0?

^ « »
lp ^ 03
Lp AiLi o^li
O a.
q-. Lp
O a»
^ lp Asa viy^li q, Lp

^ Jls
3 ytLa *U!

O^Ij jaLacx iLa-Jb> jAs ,j-,5

jyo jts adJi jywj Lj l<5 lo j^JIs . Lp Afti o^lo

viAAili uxotwj y£ii Ac qJ *UI Ac »LLoAs» ’& dlpAit .^jyPj * aL*j

<5? 0C*J JLc |S^3JU AjJJ jOtAgJ Qj! l^a*^! (jAaJU! q£ sLL/O qJ *U! Aa£j
-» 3 V* 3 W
15 ^LAoJ! go d Lc>3
8 l>|^w qJ jio iXA^J Qjl yS>y A£>!j vccoAo ytLo <*!!!
^¥"j o^ 1^3


^ t_c^
o1 J'
5 (_p!AAcJ!
gp Q-J 4
q4;> q-61 |*~ i ^ *J CT^

LwwO. oy^>Ls
j ^"
jls |»'^Lw i5l (Jwc cc^L®-3 JOA-oli (jvJ!
(_ci3^ 0 ^
i^Iaj! 1
f w 30wJC 3 w 3 .5
Jslnxt^ UJ a^Uxjb xX*xj’li JS

20 j*X*a« o)j\
^ Jlai ypijls
sli^l j, ^xjUat

Jot^ iAo oLpy3
t w C- w £
vXt j»L-S-i
^J)b«AA^ JsLLc^ 6
oUyj L^juJls ltoyJ q!
O 3 ^O- S 3

j*Iav^J a^LoNW
J, y=> j*JtL*0 jJJI JyWj jlsis pJiic Li^Ls q! Jlas yiJLo jdil jywj

i3 'wS-Jj>5
q] (aJ^Lac ^ aJsAac d^j g ^p Ji

1) B uCAo, also below. 2) BC d\y>, also below. His name was Abd-
allah, see Tab. I 3396, Ilusn I 96, Hajar II 733 ff. 3) C om. this passage.

4) B qLao (above, s. p.). 5) A i^UAS". 6) C + jAo.

The Futuli-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

^ '

A, 'vv

0 5 5 0- f
0nSi_V> Jls »,o
^ q_j s^> v^Pj ^j! l\^>I_5 io,A> \-lc

l*jtLo xUI J^_wj q' |*JtLo aJJ! >—jL^i q, ^ j*-Lw^o qJ'

0 5 .
j*JLw»« qJ 3
iU&c ^^wj! U't_5
>-r*^5 0^ v£aJl\> .
^LJ! Q-, ujlac^U J.j 5 Jls

& (*W iJ]!_5 . Oji> qJ \U! iAac q£. 5

»;Ux qJ Lr?!i

0-E '
^T^)j 0? 0^ LV- C
0* VUr 1
.’ Q~? (
J-^5 -^=> ^5
t vi>~JLX^>

j^ o^ -

cr^ cr

OCi 5 5 - OC O O
JlS <J*c &UI y <^^1$ jlS (j^-o! £-/> ^xXLJilt
IiAj ‘
L05 xil-ij Jo cods J2
Jj ^dJ!
0 ^5-.5 j“p? 10

q-c. uaPj qj!

O^w qJ _ 5 ^= LLiiAs>3 Jls <5j- ^oic
11 ^ «Lol\=> & iJJ

0-c <^


lX ^ 0“ crjj o- l
^“c o c cr
u^ 1

9 ^_<JLC ,Jj . 8jL*.C

0-? j^-ji
0C 0.J SiSL-fc-C Q-— 0-^2 0-? Vi5-’

(jr^ 0^ soL.c

8jAaS> qJ (JJLcj 15

iAjjj qC v_£iH qJ 1_JoAs> Jls ^Lil qj! iA^»!_5 c*jAo> \Xt.

13! * — s!
qJ ti^Jlo ^x: 10
J,^J! xU! iA*c 0^
cr Lo j*jtLo x3J!
t Jls Jyu ^ iLJJLo ^tj> LfJL^! JLa>3 bjLo- iA^3i

0j (_aXp 8U_JcXo> Jls <2? ^>>3! ^1 (J^JUvJ! Q-. ^_iyJuj3 icdi \xJlc (*^-
w" <l

Jis lX^S^ ljj_*^>! l\a£ iA*^° LolXs>5 <2? »i)^L*X! ^.c

1) B s. p., everywhere. 2) B adds : IL=> _j^_j 0^! 3^.c Jls. See Tajrld

II 29, Husn I 103 (yi*^ J5! j^)» 3) B 4) On this name see

Mu’talif 87, Moscht. 372, Tajrld I 7 f., Husn I 79, Hajar I 29, 199. To bo
distinguished from b^Uc (Tab. II 17, 20, al.). 5) BC Jls.

6) BC (jyo^j^, both times. 7) BC L>. 8) C iAj^w. 9) C 8.1*=.

10) B om. 11) BC

309 Yale Oriental Series.

Ijt JlS

_j yf-
qJ l\jjj

^ xjtxj! xU! iA*£ Lo'lX=>
JiS |*Jy«

XU I jyw^ jy«-J jLfrbls Li! £_fw xjt Q^y! AaE

& xxxLi* Lgj xJLe Jox-j Lgj xi!t xxj^ 1 jls
xi! "3] xibo *

d ^ o V"
a? J 15 fyd d
5 JjyiLi j*^Lo xJJ! _xE>bo x+Lli «y~w X_j! »j-xi>!
^,yf\J! x*ju^ q! »yj>!
jy^ Li!

3 £ j: 5

LI v^^JLw
0 ^>
^ ^ vi£a^<-^* 5 £_.*.*- jS JoJJI s'bL/o ^*222! ^-iJS sbLo q],

^(^cyuJ! sUjA> 'StjJo

LJ x*L>li

4 xl^Lxc qJ
L5>x^C! lAiLoj

(jjt qJ iXjjj ^E. XXa^S qJ| j. 0 j Ax-!,, iO-\> ^*Lx> xU! jy*j qE xJx $Jj

0^AV^> id
j'~?"j L^"c £<' w
jy¥. d? CT? U*^^ id'

t^Lix. So! jyb **Lo xi!!

jy*j £**« xi! xx£>Ue
^ ii\JLo xi! j»!a>
& yxo jj>! j*s. Xxc ,j 'S' xJL^w-fl tj-Ll! Axe »LoA> {$? s^JLxSLi

(^.clj^t! ou-^J! qj


d qJ qJjS! Axe _^>5 l\>!j (118a) du.Jo yslo xi!! Sy»j d" ^ ^lij

15 Jls

3 o
jyy vJu^J!
d ^Aj'lXx- jyu ^cyL*!!
,, oc Go
xll! Axe ^ iy-x*E

Lg-o <J^' .5
L^.a^ (j^Uil ^*aa5 0§p^-j «xlil

5 . ^ w O-
jcUI »Lol\^> & i^A/c^Ai (ikivXis ^jjl jli •

? w _

cr? o!x^

cr ^ '^*3
3 3


^ys^! ds
0-^ (j^^y i>d lXj> !3 uAj.a=> x3x
20 !

cf c^


3 w 3 Wi 3 C j:

O _
^ L
^Ool lJI>I L^l jls jJJI

^1 ^y^^l
_5) S ^
.. _

<$) qJ ^SJLbj lXxe: ^JJl l\a£ 3 ! »LolX^> <& jlxo |»Lo

|_5 L$J^2
I o 3 £

1) B ^5! xl! iAs^ ^ jyu. 2) B

o —
Sam'snl 127; Ibn Sa

Mustabih 15. 3) B U .
4) C om. 5) A ^Lxb qj but see note p. 231.

6) C v_iux>\J!. Coteiba 149, al. 7) A orig. ^ylXJ! (so BC), but

B om.
^ corrected

st hand) to j. See Tajrld I 432, and esp. Hajar. 8)
The Futuh-Misr , of Ibn Abcl al-Hakam. 308

Aac qJ xUt Aac sLo'Ao & xUl iAxxc qJ 1

*c<\Jlb IjJLaj lAP

^ id! I Aae*, qj!

Q-J Ajy- (3

cH cf ^ CT*
- X*Xm ^-jA=> Lfi^J

^ SLAii
0 i Jis xllt Jywj Q !
5u^o q£
sL-S-j'AO- ^CipAS^! wAC>! Loj UJi ^A-SAU ^jLj j AjS »J ,*->'s^ ikJOjM " JsAVsC 5

r 0 5

<& ^yij)
.. 505 ..

0 3
5 ^ 9 O-
ey cy
H^iA-c •,! xUI ^5 jB j^tLo <$JJ! go<A> &jyw

. A-A» ') Lt AaE L^v/iS! ^jj! sLuAO ^ l.j]**> I05 LoA!!

& JsS 1

^ac xic _jy. >5 10
- -^55
jIaaw qJ 3 v-aaa^* <sju^> jjL,

^ ..3

0£ iC*A^ _^5 AoL, c>J.A=» jA*io
ail I Jy*, ^ x-Lc
uua> iLsu^> Jst \_j^e
^ all! Ac q£ ^jjLlt Ajjj
^ A*c> q£ waaaj>

u j*if ^Sjo'il j»!c (*jiLo <*US ^ ^Jio jli’ j**Ia5 <xAi!

Sy^j Aij ^Law
_ O _ 3 ~ £ G
lo .slit L <sJJL, ^ fjJi' oiaaLo J,t iA>f jJLc Jls l^Aa ^ys L*Ji 15

. vs. »C vs. £ _ VM

0 bULj'Ao <3? 5 yci*JI A*j (_<do q^Is Qs>jlt ^ols l^iLJbo

3-^t ^a£ xJLc _jj ^ Asc ^jJ j*Asjf


_>-?!j j*-^- Asc ^ All iAac


qJ |»LwJ! (3*^5
- £ -


jiAsaJt ^-siy A-jjj qJ Ojil wtx^S ^j! jJ >_

v^^j.Ao *Ac ^Jj 20
o oc ____. - .

Q-, jJd ! iL^di'i LL |*jJjs9 &UI Jja^j Jls 3^-»j

7 ^_csAj * aaLIj L! c>Vs jls

S vw S 0 3

JS ^ iC^>jO LgJ &Uf S! aAs^ sJJ 8 A^uso |*JLwvai

^ tj*sjJ «_jls O^UsJt

qJ AaXav LoAOj ^ AaJIavj Asc yiAS! OjAs.'i! »LoA^>

l^y 0j

1) C ora. B prof. lA£. 2) B J-wsatJ!. 3) C pref. qJ. 4) B —)— Lo.

5) B marg. adds: tiUU AjA^ !A^s ^Jl Aac Jls. 6) C ^t,
and ora. following name. 7) AC om. 8) C A^wi.
307 Yale Oriental Seines

lilj 3L>A3! &x*t
Asj "3l
uCo ^ Lo j*JtLo &US Jis jjJtc. xyij
5 i &f 5- OC w -of
^UsJi &lyy *di! *—i] JL>cXJ! x ^t

adit lXxc. sUL:A^> jb

?w- ~ -

*^Ui ^lij
G G~ -
&c> ^ v—jU£it
.. 5

& l\*£

jii goyi Q? 0-TjJt Axe ^-e s_^5 veajAe> l

La . ^ool>f Xxe jjtfj

V*^5 CT? q;^" 'wx*»* 3}-*-J jjL»3Jt q-J AxXxv c**f*

) w G ) t
qj! L^j cjoA^ . oLj Ae»! (J^cj ajU! £li' ^ 3yv. j*jJLo *JUt jj*«j
f y . y

aJL i _^5 3-»^ Js O-?/5 cy j4j*^ A*e (Js^ (j^As piss Bjx^"

10 q^« A-E>! ^iL*_s ,_c-*j aJUJls j-jjjeJ! Axe ^L-sLi &SA^ *3-jAJ>- ^jE A*e

»LoAe> 3lj' & 4 j*jtLa iJJI Jywj Ia££> (j^Aw jlfis ioLJt 3
3>! uu

0 f 5 r ,

^ x-iLw«£ ^-at
v— CT^ 0 ^
0-^ 0^ 0-^^

La-Do! 0» ^-o> adit Jwaaaw j, h^lXc 3! *o>*^ JlS \Jt ^*JtJuo adit jywj ^c. *S\X>

15 SL^ adit j.y>- US" ^!y> awii^ 4JI03 0^J! q^I! 0^ L$

> f «
adit Jyy^ 0-C 0^ (j^Uit (JUJU Xxi J^io! U^^ . »Lol\J>

5 5

>x5^J! „-oA> qJ ••J

iAjjj qE lXjixv
^ OxxUi L^jL-4 • >iiojL>! j*jtLo (jryJ! iUE

20 xUi 3y«j (jl

L ^> (11^) q£ sj-1-=> ^ u-As 0-J Aj^vw q-e uuf>
^xxib JLai
3^; B^Lai! ^ Ai^ ^ |*L*>i Lo^j

^*0 (j^LJJ LCLai a^lxiSt plsts 3l_i Aful! 3^>Aj sXoi! ^

w ffv. O-f > ^
^ j+i st^t
0 !
^1 ^ J^>j!t t^Jyul ^jLai 0aLoI ^USAj

1) B om, C jrfl
cr .
2) B uC UJt. 3) C Je. 4) B + 3^.
5) C om. G) B \jLxe. 7) B LeJIe. 8) B adds: U^ Axe 3®
Lt !^aJL=>, a note which should have been inserted before the clause
iji A-
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abcl al-Hakam ,
. 30G

„ ..
£ « c- o-
^ & Jli* U^oi ^ G \<\xsiz •,! uLo

^-c. \>ix jKza ^ y^° j-^ Jj3

- s* • LooL>
£ „


2 1
& Q^aj! 3 cr l5~ f^5 UyJ'-x^- fS (**^° u^'
w-t y

(jiOj'i I iU/ci soLL>5

<3 !
& cr^ ^ CH V= L f^ # ^ 5

JS *Ui
®X?^' q| ^y*j cr* (3^ CT^

aJJI b 5
LJJLs j*jiJI>o *JJi Lailaili ebiJ j, i^ibols iAi

Lc 3y£lgil r.iTg^V ^ (117a) j*jtbo (_5>>Ji jLaj v^yotuiij! Jos 5_^VgJ! q! LLb

^ *JJt Jy£^ oylM qJ sboJoj &o$>_5 ^j! y'o IjjCP . ol^l G



“ jU^ o’ uri* O* l^’ ^ O^ O* $* 10

Ji jfc*JLo aJ1!
<}y"j ujL^?!
^ ^5L>j ,j'
7 aJi'Jo ^b>j q! * 2otX=> iUx>i

lCjI ^£. >_^yO 0-J Ajj> 0-£; A-*^ Qj! OyJbSt _j_j! sLuJo <$t i£aJl\J>-

ljy"L\j Ja aCiJo

. q,
8 bbs-^
£<•* \Jl aoJo Swa! qJ isol*> ^jE
£ O

l*j«JLo Ux '^t^; bbLwjls ^laiLo ^ L>Lcuu jlij ^otlaAil 9 Lx*nsu jlsis s^^uJ!

& ^o aH So Ji 15

&aj.A> »^>! L!
(3^ ^ Ajjj fotxfrS UjOoj

^6 X *jUji ^*jtLo t
^c ^ut 8j^>! iLyot
lCj! qJ »jL*> q! *bA> l—Ji

OS O £ 5 v» > » ^
^5 t^JS (j^wo! j*>Ujoi jlfti lj] ^JLfts jlai
^ ^ Lolj^b ^Uif v^yii

^Lil Jy^ yi2*jS jjt bLoA> <3? Sjjkjli J'a ^ tyi iiAc j*Jo! ^^fjLai! Jls

iLya! Jc!
^ jfc>Lfc>

O «v
^ qC 10
^1*11 ^alc
0wyi=> ^oA=>

Oy^j q-» iCot,"* LiO Jo Lo'Jo aJ I^JLas n^oy«


3 Jyo JLjw ^3 ,}3>o j'a

_ o£
sJ-aj j.^-a-1! ijo*j Joli jy*Jb>!
jias ebJic.

„ w
^3 J
. ^5 *^uo Jz \ilt

^oj A-wj!
^ j*aLo aJJI
Sy*j cj~>
Lx_jA> a-Co o-'iJ .jbiLs », J.V-
2J! (ji2*j

1) Cf. Husn I 112, line 5 (c>s_joL>( io^bi). 2) B aOu!*,.. 3) BC om.

4) B lyillijla. 5) C ^Ua*j jla. 6) B orig. j»ij, but corrected. 7) C ora.

8) C ^i>j. 9) C ^bc£ju, and so A orig., but corrected. 10) Mu’talif 49.

305 Yale Oriental Seines.

^ ^ ^ .
0wJy\£ ^
° O _ 3 »


& &S*w ^LwJL

eS^M aA*j ^j!j

^ ail! iW aoL^J ^j! A=>!j AoA=> |*jOoo (jrjJ! aJx SUj

o ^jrjrtOj aL. x .».o 3""?^ 3*^ * * )^o all! (J^wp 3^ 3gM 13


^Jl3 L+aS ^5^0 >5 . X.Jyj ® ^ L^t5 XjtxvO v^^aAaS J>! jLftj Lx^!^

eg er^
iVt 3 qJ jjjxl! Aa£ ^j_e aLx^ qj! u>jl\j> _^_5 lAS> (J-y*- ajl&> Ac
idy^> (j^s* jlS j*Jtio ail! JjA«p >_jbiP! qI^j t
c»L-l! ajwj Lt q! Joix iiUI!

r & - J £ 5 o
10 .3 . _^j! sLs_3A-> <2/ jjiSj^Li sy>3 !»y*u q! s^io !J! j?^*! aUiu^iL slj^J!

tit y^y0 J^! ^£ Ac

ail! Ax£ qJ tiUlc JLiijj . »olx£ qJ eULo ^^-aiLii!

q-j ail! Ac aL*_^J ^! L?A=>! .

^UjiJo |*jtLo ail!
6y*j Ac ^Jj

ail! Jywj 3^1 Jls ^^-fijUU! ail! l\jx ^yj (A_JL qC O^AJ! ^2?! aL_A*a ^-c *

15 *Ut Jjywj y LaJ.j> oJ^! y*-**t <jb Ji lolxL Lc^j y*lo

. ^ . W .. . 5 C
yc-jj L\-P q! JUb <*US Jyw^ ylt
^ Oy^>Li y*i jls

^ f
!3! ^ LCi^!
*^5 'w'*^ v^a-15^1 oLx^-J
t w



l\j jJ ^ILa^
(J^y 5
<-^[5 qJ lXjJUv sLoJO jb ^y^vAA^!

^ 2 8>^3 ui^* u^*J Jj:

20 wt
eg c5*^- er
O -
^7^ eg ^ c
o£ ^ eg
o _

— —

j_ij! aoU-c qJ
^ a-j! a_i;Aj> aJ! 4

_wA^>! aLcb 5
5 0
q£ aiJo

Jolc ^jCa^> Lo q] ^)Xo Jlfti ^jtJLo (jr.^t jli (j^l«j yo!c qJ 2CaA£^

Qycr'y-w j*XiLs Q!y3Li j*XaJLc 3L«i gij^l! ieS' j, LeJ! a^c |*jtio ^^aJ! q] eUL^
VAaI2 (j3^ L5g‘"^ ^ oA^svi2 —
! Jsic
eg3 (_<*
£ vii*jA^> ? Aj j»y> 3'1

1) B ^
and so also
ail! Ax. B om.2)

Hajar 1Y 352. B s.

C ^
6) B j,
4) Moscht. 114 f. 5) A


The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ~Abd ul-Uakum. ,


Lo'uXj> Ato
^ xUt i_\a£ Lo'oV> (Jli . XaaSj

^yC. xj L&> xac ^Jj

u^ 5
CT? O^ 1
cr? ^.3 *

^41 ji cr* J’5 ^ u^ !

jy u^ cy ! v2 *^’-
cy J''''

LjC> *
^ ^a£ .w: A * &l£iU=>l >j5^b US'

c; 3 0 3
^u\aJ i ^yi
Xylcj 5

lAjjj oJi x^aU qj! _a>. l,V>!^ ^jlXj> |*jtLo xUi xac $Jj

J>-cJ Jj’ j*xLo xLil

- c
^ qIs^ j'A-a— i qJ x-aac
o —p ~ £
qJ LCb:

^ ufiij! ja ^-a-Le (_oaj-^ ^c**25

^aA>ai *4^ -

q! yj^ j.tSLwJt x—Jx. yyjuj^ vjjSji oLt UJ jAslwJS xbx ^jy-y* q! ,*jtLo xLM

O- —03 £ - - - P
C-O^ UJi u^jS 7 gXu Lo L^LIitli XJ QywJtXj Lo x-*^Li- l£bS jL*o 10

- o-*
L^-*J*I>- ® UJ *bM SLw L.^.X/0 ^l\x2J aJ^ xU*D jj>yO (J^^I
O 3 — S « w OC — —
11 10 9
*4} iJyyUti AaS jjauJ xSJAj (jOUj! X^-JLO}_j ^yUA C)^ 1
bii ^yJtASjS »Ia2JU

P W 3 3 — Go- 3- 3 -
j*Lww^ ja>L>\x3^ xLI • v^aXJ) 05-&-J *^_5 *^5 u-J^-*»x2

lCa>:^ Axe ^12Ajl OjAw^f _5

_j! sLuiAx* 'fi? SL^IamJI & Uaai ULaj j*j‘iA>j

(1166) ^a£ xac _jjJ ^ <5?^ft£H o^aj


jSUXj -X ^ xUt l\ac ^j! 15

O — f
^!l\jw lXJL=> j.UiJt Js^! ^ xac xjIjJ! yj^A


a- Xji
->^3 • f*Ls> xUt

^ xic
JS xi!

0-aJu\c A*£ ^ XJlXj> XAvUb ^y£. wU*=>

-vy0 /' cp

^ w


lp^ (if^
£ O-

^j! sLlj'uXj> <3r qULaJ J-o>5 17

JyJii- _j!
^UJLsxjtj 1G qUJ J-o* j,
15 xJU! ^^UUcsj

a-3^c qj! ®[^3 ^U 4 cXac ^y ~ ^aV^aJI O^aw'S.V

1) C ^i. 2) C om. 3) AB ora. 4) A om. 5) B s. p.; C

also below. 6) Sur. 28,28. 7) B s.
p ,
C ^aj. 8) BC 9) C

lCa^u. 10) B crj^. 11) A J~y£. 12) C Jyff. 13) A 0aIj.

14) C
c OjaJ. B om. C B 0VJiii
15) 16)
Q LJ. 17) (cf. 108,4.).
303 Yale Oriental Series.

*)JS l«^XX<W (jls ^AxJX Q.C 3

^ij^l US I
AxE AjyS (3^ 0^
u *J caUiii .
S 3 ),

LgJ US' ^a£ ^La£ 5 US

3 5 3

- -
LyJLx yJAl Jyjj
3 - oS

0xlxSI CljAff>Sy .EiUi yXJ 3

^* ” XXX^ yU\j j*JlLaE Ul ^yMy i^ol bf

^Aj ^cij
^x>o (jjJ
5 U.Ux« qJ Axe slx2Aa> 'C&yxj jls iAJAj 3 iUe

5 $ viojJ. j>! A'

4 jAxw jbsj^ *
0 Ujjj
0^ 0s 0^ ^-**5 qj!

i3’ ? '-r*
- O - 3 _
116 a) ^Ib is — il xol q£ jiUw ^.j USS Axe q_c ,_csA^CSt JaxiiS iLjt-xj^ ^yc

yjtLo *ill
Jy^j jU x_£Aff>j »Le42 ^>JJd ^xilA^-l i3«Ux* qJ ^LoyS SAxe

JU dUj ^yssjl jls US I

dy-^j Ij (3 (jojt jls 20U wiXclj jyiSI gLjjj JUeLs »jxE>ls

10 & ya/O ^ xlc ^y, J


\j& uXjjj ols .

^i,Lww^>- i ^-Lo^

0^ L\jjj
0 X: ^Xx^j
0 ^i
2 *, . lXj>(^ <xJJS
3y*J 0^
L &U! JlS xSt ^Lvxxll i3 !
USS b j^Us! ^UtSS 0» Ijlj^ I

H ^'*a ^ '~’yJ ^^ sAjsXw sOjb (jW^jLj Lj] xljl

15 ouXx! J>] L^Jli^ jlas jLxiuiJi pty> xili jl$ Jo jl5 yCwo 0^0! jUii

- O ^ 3 _ ff ff ff ff

a | oo.y
G «?djt
0 -, jlS ^L-Jli: uXJj 5 L L^-cuXo q! * ^-o! oJiij \a)ic

0_J yffL*Jt
y—jlj j*X^> iAa£ 0-J <sJJI l\^C ^1 sLoAff* ^ SyJjsils X-Jlc l^JlC

ys2X J^l ^ki: \a£. _jy. ^_5 X3SC |JmO ^ jUyUI ^

IS^ J? ]
20 Q-J Ajjj X—*-x.{J qj! jfiy . lXe-Ij sffoAa> y*io xUt dy^j 0^ ^ ^5
cr vyj 6y“j ^ ^ ^^ 0^ l=/^ !
3 j*

Uit 01 0*Jj IsX-P xUI q-*j j_j! jlfls ^iLfcJt >_.

Axe qJ 0^
^LlU Oyxv^l jjl Lj'A^> ^Lwo
^ 2jJt »l <5
blj yb-ils ^LJLxJLj j*Jti*a

^ ^
^* 0C Xx£ -ybo ^j^xE^
y2J> 3^^ j*£- ffsE 5 jJ _
. SyyC. yJtLo xiil jjlj (JasU .

1) AC om. 2) Mss. Lx^’. 3) A ora. 4) B om. See the trads.

above, pp. 137 ft’. 5) B *Joc>^. 6) B lyi^cAj. 7) Mss. y^j, also below.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn cAbel al-Hakam. 302

wi ? o „
x*^ ^_gwX-oji! ^>1 1
„ULwJ! qX qX x*a£J qj! Lo\Ax>
» « ^
yxc ^5 Lo (jSj>-L*aj! SiJLaxJ oVci xlil
q] jyLi ^jtJUo xUI jj-w^ ioo Jk Sji/

jo j^Av^ b ^. L
lO> bh ^5 o!;
xljl i^-Jlo • ” JvX.
O o!
^ Q5^b*4 (^ t^-5 0 5J^*3^

w O O ^
^s^LaJ! ^xC-o^ .^j x^iilx

ii>JuXs> _>-^3 • i<^c j& iXs»tj oaj<a> j*jtlo xU!

^yy o~ ^J_5

X*iAe £= [
C ^IaJ 1 ^jas. aO
^ ^
j i^^JsjAA ^00 w^aaaO^- , ^
^ - ~ ^~~~ t
‘a . aU 1

„y> ^o* ^-^SxJI jj uoLjtJi ^JtLo xUl Jywj ii«.*j Jo t

j:»rLJt iCi/e^ ^j!

jLsLo JasuXav) y j**Lo xUS dy^j (ja-jrao \_*_^ Lo>y>j 5

xj^a« A. ^Ao xUI

xU! jlas Jaib^wlo xob ^sj ^ j^= x*A«i qLwj! JA li^itAXs t^c xJUt y> 10

jio xUt jyMj b _j y= q., Ltlas L/- xlii j*J>j jLai Jo&aXaJo xiilj u*v*i J !y=

^lx> xio\uJJ ^wvLj«J! >

V 4>oiA-i 13! ^,>,0 3>l oy 3 JlS xIL I03 t^JlS (joLrJI

. .
^ o 2
xU! bUc (jylo
3^ b !cX^ AJ Qjj ^ xl jyiii j;>Li x^Aaoj!

J.Lo qJ xUl Jyji sLLo\A-S» jo ^ tj-x> xJJl oVLc 3 4JtJ

^ ^1

^ o^ jOo i s

_ o_

iA>x qX qjI qX v-^3 0^! ^3 7 ^aj»A^ ^Lo xU! q.c xax

== ^'oX^0 »<1 b! x^«X>»v ^ xbii
j ^3j
— . - £
xoLo! l»jjw xj^oss xU! uy*j xj |^j‘li v^yi y^bo q! x5 ^\x>
3 . £ #
£ OP f
J^sJ! ^x x^ yo! xj^yt 3! xiJUil J,! ^o! Ui x3! xj y'li xJLiJ! 20

$: yos) xix 3^j ^3 . J^AxoJ!

_cf^- 0*^ <A4^ «Ls.3 lX> Jx jlS 3!

- ° -

o ^^-5

xb i j^w^ Xa*c

1) B ^UyJI. 2) 1 Corinth. 2, 9. 3) B 0y&>.. 4) C x£'. 5) Mss. s. p.

6) B iXy’i (also below), and so Hajar IY 127. See also Qam. I 293, Tajrid II
177, Husn I 110. 7) B + J^>! 5 .
8) A 9) Hajar II 272 f., Husn I 94 f.
301 Yale Oriental Series.

qJ *Ui l\a£. *jt 1

<3 !
q£: \^ajA^> 1^3
5^0- 05 CP - C w - w
£aJJ Oil —Let jliU cjUol! jLjJ! J q] *jtlo .slS! Ja j^-a-j £j>
_, O - — O - w O
q-j yc^xJ! 0^*41 j-j! suolXj> JS & iCJ-xv Ujy^> uX^oi KjlvJJ!

&^La11 Aa£

5 £
i^ O? ^jr^- e^ ^ c^ %& o -^ 4
cr^ O-’
vi ** Xs> k^P
Lo sJO ^ . LjLsO- J—Pt (JH5 (_JVrr
qI OPO^J <Jls |*jd»o «sUS J^-a^ ^S

o^aA$! i^.V_ L I lO »Lx_3i_\«a> (Jlj


^St j*jtio xj^JpLs^ |jjl^

t5?^L-p. Aac

yO *jS O.H qJ <xJJf AaC q£ obj 0-J q^aLav q£. Xj-A-gJ ^S l^bs.,

5 - 5£ X O G
10 jls L-fJ ^.AibfU sLt.
^ j?^jt l^ib> Ao 2
u^O q-, x—iAij i^Lo xJ waSs-Lo^

q U
,-g> ^*1a3 *1!! l j?^»As q^aaaa<a5 tJjP Syli Ijj
y* Ids ^clXaj }>
O )» £5 S - O 5 w OC
jyu £^3 bi ^^a>J 3 IxA^ibc <*JJ!
4 S^oAaj s^yaj! U6 ^-Jx
- c€ ££
xl j^JL) sA-bc ^.a- j S ptj SjgbA-U w^j Jjj 2j_a^Xa«5 xUS "4 xLSt

Aa£ qJ ^asaSS OjaUM jj\ sUbi'A^ jls <$: xJ xUS jJis. jlaj xUl dy*j L *1 ^JuiaaaS

15 t^l-L^S

A_a-e 5
ibJLw ,il ^-c ayOLl! xUS Aaac iL*A^i b^J.Aa> LgJOsj,

lCA^j q! aUI Ja-*^ Jo ^-j o^. ^ aJJ5 A-a-c

Aac j'a <&^l_l^- A^e 0 -j ^aALSI Oj-jw'i! _jjt »Lb'A> <2? iOj Ap>!

^ (11 5Z>) <AoAil SAP 6

(AP jsUXw LS qS goLAwdS (ja2*j

20 & 7 j*d^S aUS^, .

^ xU! Aac xJLw jP US 0>£ ^ ‘Aao:
^ iuLw LS

^ O"^
Aac A*j y*^^’ jyA> ' Aac

KaLw _^-j! xajAIS Jp! xae

05; 5 p^ 5j^ J • (jyUaj i^^aw

O -
_ 5 w^Gc
^aJlb LolXj> jli‘ \xn ^53
tAJi «UuvJ! JLSj ^ a! a!

1) C q-j. Soo Husn I 117 f. (where (joL*JS should be (joLaJS). Hazr. adds

other details. 2) C —J— L«. 3) B q^aaaaaO. 4) B Sj^Aaj. 5) BC-}-q£.

6) B _^P. 7) This note in marg. of B.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. 300

qJ aJJ! aJJ! Aa£ J;!

sLxb'AE* & ^_5
i^Loi Lui J
l\ 5 LdjtL? aIIS j«^w^ LaI5 I
jUx^xj jib*, lXvv)^
*111 l\a£ q£. |JU^c *x&£ 8
.^LJ! *^wa

*£? CT? ^ c^

ijl qJ (i-V —Lit Axe Lo'Aje* 2
£„bJI q-J * Sj? Q-} Art LoAs> 5

qJ c^>j>- qJ (115a) aUI Axe UxLe j»As Jls

_coijJt mLj ^ 1
iXu£ ^e
aJ ^xex A^Ava bjA^f. aJoc^vxs ^-ox j*-xbo aJJS 1 ’b^?! ^j-t i^cA-Oji!

o - so- o 3 9 —o — O - o - oc
jib* jW-wJ ^AyA ^Aj} v^S-yv-O wJy«2*<0 l^k—O ^A2*-C j>l Lo


.C - - £ 3 3 £ 3 O
j^JLi lo *J .
^JjCa-o ^o-oLj v-j^-c JS*-1 i o/ !

lXJlJ jib'
^1 ^^aLjX! *) ^UJ! v^a-*^5 Le^ jib ^L>—S! l*-o 10

O W #
W _ O - - 5 oc
slolji j^Li j4± Jw>^ ,*jlLo *US jjo ^j*oLw ^1 XXn^w ^jLvw
J. jj^
5 3 O £ ^
(iVjOo^-j v^>oLb! ^xLo *1!^
j^*^ ^ jl& ^Lol £ *^*^3 j^>y
6-^ li^oi sbLaJlj

j»y>! (_c^> IjJCIxj
Jjj jUi 9


l^xx jjlxxi 8
^ of j«jb Jls

12 _jwJ! q-j * zjA qJ lX^-I 10

^Li2J! j_si * 8 bb'L>o iAjoVs ^j! ji'] ^bi!

^ [xlb< 13 8l>LLwL iby qj tibLLi Jx^c ^£. 15

- 3
x_o! J-Lo iiV.J-L! A*£ q! jjjjbt Jyi vx>jiA^>

»Lb'A=> bo^J ^>J ^jiJlo *JJt

jy«j ^t S-^S- *JJt JA^c

Aj^Lu vioAii- ijjy^o 'jpj * XE^j _^J)

^e tXuE ^e
syJLjl ^_j aJJI x-x-x.^J qjSj eXjjj
^ jili lioib' L^xXj

g^J» olLb »uiiA> ^ ^*Lo jJii U~w«o ! !a^>I ooj^ lo jib 20

^ CT? ^ C^

1) B (J'xb. 2) BC om. A has (see above). 3) So A marg. (also:

,3^0^! 3> SiAb"), Hazr. ;

A text jj^jlxU; B ^yiLt ;
C _}2> Aj As ^j! jis •X5/WI.
4) So Hazr., Husn I 116; A x^ac, BC xaxe. Hazr. adds: xAe 3'bb^. 5) C
6) C •
7) C jti. 8) B adds (later) xJJt Lj. 9) B
a*e*j. 10) B jxej!. 11) B om. (In B this note is later, in marg.).

12) A om. B om. remainder of note. 13) A om. 14) C ebJU.

15) AC om.
299 Yale Oriental Series.

M vm 3 O -

l3^' (^Ayy! y* 0"? '“>

y‘ 0? AyC 0-E '•—‘•yyE>
3^ 0? AjjJ 0C CKXjm

yal! AJ_e j_5>j a^J-o *JJ! Jy^ Jlaj w^jy- ytlo xUt Jy« }
|»Aj ^ya


^ (jolacU



jy= Qj'i jljj (joL*il 1
oJlia iiV*w! l«

LLj^ JlS lyjil <0Ji iAa£ j^JCJl (joLxi! ^aLo Jyw^ <jl& (joLjlJ! jli* gX*jw( Lo

5 v^ajJJ! qJ wuxi aljLsAe> jli 2

IjjL—J c>-!Aj lXjSj y&S! Le-y> y$ LU=>LaO

qJ <sdJ! Aye ^Lo &UI Aye*

aJJ! Aye j+m aj! i_**.yy:> 3^ A^jJ 0t Ckjum vi^oAs* IgJbaj

^ aii 0-^a a—
^ 0"iy^ ' ij*-l
y ^ 3j! l'

. - S C 0 -03 3

xUl Jyx: »Lol\^> i^LLXj y^UJI o^X> bU, ^LiiS! J*^aamw*o

10 lAS> J, aLstygJ qj! J^^l As 3 .

gJlo qJ all! Ayej c>_dJ! w«jJtij j*XH Ay:

3^ sLoAyj . «li aJLy vi^jiL qJ all! Aye 0Jj yyy.> 3! 0^ 0J \A*~Ail

* — -i' oLtj 0*yLw 0£ £*y£^ 0^ 0^ g'l*3

0$ 0*-^3 ^c
1 ^ Aye

y c>ydJl ^e jjCii i_\ye 0-J aJJt Ay 3! al JLaA:>j .

0-J alii Aye

0-J Q_J all! Aye 0*^ “^ydsu Q_J Jy-w 0- E V A

'^!~ >'
( 3 ^ 0"? 0^ AXjm
LCyST. aloA>s
4 c
15 0^ 0^3" 0 11
0j lc?^ 0= 0^ A>.e .

0J ail! Aye 0e

» y_o> ^e A-JjJ qJ ^.sbj ijtyJ jdJI Ayej A*-w cAyi-1 yjA> Uyj
» .

^j! ( 3 y^-J ''^j’T* O^ 1-

! Aye v,— ^ 3 i* j*—JLw^a ayiie ^^e

qJ Ayfc* aLl-iAe* ^^1 ;JI

^ j»!AJ5^! q^Luj yjLac'iU J3 <sdJ( dy^j

20 6
v^yJJ! y; * yJo aJJI Aye L
^y 0? ^*3 uAyijI 0e yy
AyC 0J 3 yAv^!
0^-^i (*^ 3 ° L'^ ^3 • 0^^ 0E yO-ot _yj!j

* r tAjrs 5f

O ,£ ..

U.b"! JJI (Axe IgA^oj

JlS q-j oLj^
0^ 04^J.av
5 Lxao^\JIj LulXjI LL^\^5 sbL^ail
^ j^JtLo ^JJ!

C1) ijlia. 2) Cf. Hajar II 851 f., and see also above, p. 94. 3) B jyj.
4) Qsm. I 102, 4 a f. 5) A om.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-ITakam. ,

u*5 aJJ! »!cO yaxy q! (jLz u xI2 ae p&f 0^ Jls xil j*aLo *il! Jyw^

tS^Ql iAxc yCi/Ji jj! sLolXj* J»L> (j. syb?. ^2> xbij^lii

0 0^ bui 0 Lypj
0E -
(J* ^
0 "?
0-? J-y* 0 o 4 0*
? ;

v xJlP'i Jlsj ^_rLs? qIj jjJLSlj xjloi?! yol xi! pJtLo *1!! Jy*j 0^ xyt

»j_eAj J. j-aJyi xcOjtj A..Jle pi**! >j ybii pjtlo *11) dy*j 5

aJ JLiii aJLc ULw^j Jo>J) JyiS pjtJoo xU! Jy*^ ~Lo x*lyi!l pyi xyL* J.

JyWj JUj pyjt “JIjjiAaJ JyflAW pjtj JlS ti)jlo£?l ijJLLw p-Xj (^lAji! pA^AO aJJ! Jywy

xLyaaJ! 3 '-.JJut*, vjjj-w-i' jjxj Ulo iA*jb 3Jii sAy (_o3J!j pjtLa aJJI

q! x_ol ^ blow qJ Jyw l\j!s qLj xAyJ

0 ?! LyUj

3 4
* _jl slyy;.£.S Nij p_Lb 3 LiLy yo 0^ Jls ,*a)ao> aJJ! Jy*^ 10
o _ 0 s s o £
sLbJo © 0^y! o*li> 0, i_\o>l aj aj2o! Lo L^ly !^y! aJ §L\acI NSj plb yy
iAaC yialJt
0 J

Awa-j) r oLa/O
y jv~.'--ov c lXjO ^* xaa a j ^isaj^«X^* Lyl^o^
^y ^y^^

Jo xLSi Jy*«. b !y>! p2ic! ^jiA^LyN+i! t_cl jLiii x Lw bLy^ q!

p-*Juo aJJI

Biyij S^LJI /J J* \/6 aJJ fyiS\ $ 5

r ^1
yx^LJi jli Jls t/J» xJLi

yjtJ _yi JLii-j aJL
pjtLo xLH Jyy Jyij iJJb Ji ibJxoJSj gx^Ufj

pjtlo (114i) aJJ!

Jy*«j JLjLi yi> J-3xj ^^^IlXJI la^o ly ^ L>U '_j^2 ^ 0 ^^

xXac yuJlJi y^Aw'if _y! sLoA> ^ Jy>!

q! xoi 0_c oLa^o 0J Jy-vv yt aXjIo qJ 0^ AAyj 0j! yAJiA^> Ly^ot)

Jo & p.A. r J.^ l3a^> o ' aIa^^I

pyj 0*L«JI Lla^ 1

0 ^ Jli" ^aIao aJJ! i3y"_> 20

o ^
(& A^Lw.<« i_\a£ »LaJl\|>
0j tjbi!

0-5 o - ..
0l\ojJ! ®y> 0 -j cyy- 0j aJJI iAaej

0_j yAjJJi coiX> Ly-L^o . LoA> 0j^bx. y, _oy ^aIaa 0-aJ! 0e AjLc

1) BC ii)yi*-w. 2) B —)— sLbiA=> (sic), C -f- l\a£ 0j yaj lAjav^I _yS sLbbo
L^.. 3) C yyo (sic). 4) B \j£jje yye. 5) B -f- !y>t. 6) B ora.

7) A here (and occasionally elsewhere) writes y>.

297 Yule Oriental Series.

b^x L5^ oc V? c^jAx* Lyxj

^-o) ^y£. <3b*x qJ 3^" ^c. Juli qJ

0 bj A*« qJ bl** qJ J*y*
0-5 . . - 05
qJ A+i-X sLo'lXs* & pb^tj AJuii ByX^Jl qX ytLo a)J! jyw. ^j!
o 5 5 v* - ^
^ o^ ^; O?

s'^=>5 o*
o U^1

0 5

^ 5 O £
cr* ^ cr?
qX A-X-A.?.’ ^ji
ljjAjA> Ly-Oj
- ^
(jXXAjj aU

o ! jl—«-s
uk"^ ik2^ CT^ f*^
5 ^ Jyy; Jbv 3»o* ^ J>Lr^s

b (jaIaJJ ._a^ jls aII! i3y^j L L> bj jls . aU! ^5L3 i3 AjLawJ aU
O — -E ? f
_yl bLoAs* & 3 cjaaaxj »,! Ly> 1
jyu iiL^xb »yb‘ Lo
^ syCiL, libwiui

bb t\*£ 0j y'OAj!

10 0y^y« 0j ypyS! uUt (114fl) [»y>y« qX uy! qJ iAa*** AoJo ly-oj

3bb lkL*x? 3*^ 1 0-« jb


yLo aU!
3y*^) 0 S aa.j! qx 0Ajf 0j bLxx 0j 3 ^"w , 0X

0 ,
j»l\£j Lo a! JlL 8y> A, (_5^ jy> yx 0, \jJ3jj2 LX5 5
^cjJ! aU A*il

0^ Jy^" 0 A-k-Ojp SiA? 1

J,Lw.S" 0 lXJ1 aU lVoJ> jliii by (j««*J Ayb

£ C. J w J ~
^ ^yidf 0X ^A^r. 0^ Aoxb bLaj'Ax=- "& Abb 0, piXai' b aj yx »y 3i

cr^ U~ cr^ ^L**
cH <3^. o* buli 0j 0 bj 0X wtA^ 0j! eAJ.A=> lyy5

^jSjj “ij iOoUait j»^_i aJJI ^ bLx aJJ

0] jls aj! j*js1ax aJJ!
3y«p 0= Aaj!

i w ? O — i w — _

0y-b!_5 U- j-ax yyj jib* ^Jii

j»|-^ ^ ^5
c« - G $ G
5U’iib\^> jib ^JU !^aj^ j^OUju ytfo j*y5

o 5

o* '3L*-5 cr^ vk- ^ & 0% C^

! '&#*=> k^3

20 ^as ybj' ^ b oLs'J! 0^a a*Jjw ^x joo^t bl\P j!y Jls ytLo aUI
5 w - -O- O 5
50 - ^
5 °* "°. 5
L05 jjJlb 0^liUaJ! $ j- JJ5 p^ p^-^5 (jSoa PJ Lo
- "
5 5
O ^

^ pk^-A-^ jS^AA^o ^LojJi ^3 j.

IwX-aC. qL-Oi-X^

0X 0 bj 0X a*^
oc cr* bl*>« 0j J^a« Jbli 0j 0j! e^jA=> k^.5

1) BC JJG. 2) C ^ja4.a2aJ . 3) B . 4) C transposes this trad.

with the following.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Abcl al-Hakam. 29C

^ O _ O 5 — - ^ ^ C 7 C
eV^y> ^ J-jLiaij! J^ail Jls a*1o *U!

<5? jjl sLoJO Jis & liX-Jlij ^J>0

0_c cX-jli L 0* iA*-w qJ oaJJ! \3uA=> l^«5
0_j Q^ji 0-? \?j?
~o -C

!^i Jls \-il j*JtLo adJi Jywj \_jb£?l

^ qOj au-3 q£ u^J! 3-rw

oaaIH jli fit LPjuVs^G 1 \—XLaw ^ L^j-ciAajIj aUL* i ifjiAii 5

sL*_i\A=> Jj . v£ajAH LVg-J *jsLo aJJS Jywj 0_e 2^-a-j! q-c. a.Av.oj oLjw qJ A.^av

aJJ! iAae., 0A;Jjt qJ ^k+tJa,

0 Q3 0^ -^w 0 H 0 ur^

0 |4
-? "
0 :
r. -^0 ?
-*-^-r 0^3> Sri>^ d -

^ 3—
3*^"^ i3 ^^3 l/'j5 ’
0 "^ 3^ f*
a.13 3 ^aw^ a^Aji oLx^ (0^ 3^^ 0^
aJiiP 'Ij a>.AAA*j ^UlJ! jJ .3 qIIiLw «3c>Lj ^ y^Lwit bVj^c
^ le^LiX* aJJ! 10

,0_j A*^ 5
sLjl2l\j> 3? 3 L&j^L, $] j*jCjLa! * 3ls ALji-jj 3jh' all! Q'i A-wj^i

> £ o w
iAa£ aij! ^XaC (0T?S
&*A^i 0-jt 0£ Oj-w'i! o\jtAV
qJlXaWj 3^>^i

0 0*^. 0^ v^j
^ 0d* 0c r>^-

^ ol*x yi 3 ^ Juli
0 j
0 Lj ^ s-^. 1

0 d
v£*jl\> 4^5

^NxasMai ^ ^ ?$^La j ./0

,3 ^ i 15

O -
ojt^ q]_5
sljLL2i> aI
Oji-c \y.^> J^JLs
A.JJ *b5]

& jxic qJ l)uJUv »Lo'l\>

O 5
^0 ^ 3L« ^ 3^ 0fi 0j 0 lfj 0£ euA> 1^3
OiAjaf. q! $! aJ ^.oi. l\£-^3 ^(cj L*jLo qO q-o 3^' &U! 3^*^

^ ^i 5
Ojaa*3I 0j! sLol\£> '3? iA*j 20


0^ 0~c: L^ ^ 0-? 0^3 0C iA*a« q.j 0jAX03 a^Aii q-3 0>.jiA^> L^a^3

a^jl-Aai jSiltj ^i^aXJUJSj a loj! ,% ii\^>L*i=d! 3 ^' *-*-Lo \JUI

^-r*r 3 0*
O A-

Jj!j l\*av
0 0j CSJAj qC
j jA-J^O
0 jt
0 j lXaXaw sIaS'Jo 3^ ^ bJoIj iJjAAJ

0 0s
jLaII l\a£.
0 j

1) B s.p., C L^jXlXaj^. 2) B A^j 3 ;

also below. 3) Sur. 19, 72.

4) BC qIj^. 5) Mss. di; also below.

295 Yale Oriental Series.

yG ^.c £*>3! j-S> Lrt J'Ja LoL^p! (ji2*j

*j o^f J6 * ^Us" 3
ujL^3 ! q-» 0^5 ”
0 5 j^ L^ c
O-^ cj^!^ 05 - ’’
^j! ^x:

>wLc ..^oe-o s^L^is oJ" ^ xxL»i j_*_j sylJI s^yw !y> JJs Jy>, j»Jsi Jls (*js1>x

j»jLwi oUIails 3
L iy« j_j j*.xLo &UI ^ jLsj j*aLo j^jJS 20 3I9 2u jilt) Ji
cS . w _ G
5 & j*Ic aUU, . wi^cls *5 I Jo ^ plot &ilu ^*Jua ai!t
j\y*j yjL^Pt
^ 4

lP 1
0^ <J cr* lP cH !
cP cr?

w 9 - w O O - $ .

p ^Lji^aS^ 3^-^ 0'.'*‘.~^^P

<3^ 3^**^ 0-53^'
— .- - o£— £ o. _

CP'J ^|; cP 3ywj b l*Jo>! jLiij gs^-Jwo ^ 0^?^ ^lj sLot

Jjjo y>^5! 3***5 i_jyoi! ji sJo lP^3 3^' ^ )j Lo e^iJoxj i3y

10 Jcj_£ 0_£ oLLw^! 'lX^J oiiH JOj & yOX) yj~ JO.C _j^J J
o s _
Cl=> liUoj 5
053^ p£ jis * . j^ij !<-xe
oy^b m 3^ *ut
jy^j q[

j*icl t^ijo Li
?5 XxyJ qjIj j>-Jj! iiUJ>
3 ^jS v_j 3 l£» lXSj »yoo _y! Ui

j 4^ !
U~-^ cP
^1^>! L\jli 7
qLj ooib* l£jL* . LoA^> yvj^b
o y s- - .. ? o ^
3yw; q.c 0*
15 3^ ^ 0» 3“ jl*xi \jji 0^ 'PL*/S
0^ 3^*"

!i5i i_jLL33-
^ j?- jUs ,'iJ^~\ ,3 Uoj aJ *JJi
30 3J> o!y> yix 8
Jo>! aJJt $§>

&j ll^- iAaC qJ yojjt Jyw'it jjt »LoJO> jls (3? *UI jlj ii!!
3y“j y

3y^ j»y>y< (1 1 3&) _yl

0njJx> jts lXjjj jjli o>jlXx> LyU5

jyyj x_o
|*^L*Jt jLai ^JJ! (j^i^ E ^*
0^ 0^
20 3^-®-^ '**-?'
j (*^3^ (.^l^i! 3Lai y>i 3! ^ oLJw.^ yixc -
Jljj j»5L*J!

y>! 3! 0*3^ jLiii \_j'l3y_5 &)Jt 'i-Z’j*, pyj^c j.^UvJ! Jl-iLj ^s»i 3!

Oyo- ! jjCj Jisj 0oo^t 3^ njytxA^ oj'i"
yj *JJt
^35 |»^LwJ! 3^
^yjyo uXaxm »UiJx> 3^

0^ 0s 0-J 3-f^ 0s l -^-J ^

0? 0Q3 0-^ 0^^ OjJ^* l-rPj

1) B xj^!l\5. 2) Hajar IY 232, 238. 3) Mss. v_5y«. 4) B bL>j.

5) B om. 6) C (j-uJl. 7) B s. p., C qIj^. 8) Sur. 112.

The Futuh-Misr of lhn Abd al-Hakam. ,

O — O £

CT^ 3 ^ j*—
0£ ^Jjt
q-j! O** 0 ^ ^-^3^ Lgyj

MAi J^5 ytLa &Ut Jywj c^otol Jlii yit y yic

)C 0 7 ^ — CC C- O .. 3 o o£
3 j»ct

3-o qv, *11 ! oV*.c yi " !yb Jliij syw 3 F^


cr* ^ ^Ajy!

Gt ijv-y*
y o
iAaw)j 1L«3
y *U 1 iXyj
y w<-ocvO sLo'Ao <3? oaJUJ! v_y

^jlc (Xl 0.c 3L-A>&11

q.c sa!^*v
y a i
0.c *^yi ^yi ^i>.jlX^> Ly^oj
o —
.. .

yJLo ^L*j> yib £yiLa 3

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w c #

31 jiij
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y 0;Al! yyi *U! qL> .^ ;

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i_a-ax> ,ijt iAjy qE ya^o

^ Lo'A^> j*Xi> lXxe
y *JJ! .Aux: sLol\j>5

^ iAiic
^y iww UA: y ! ^y
^ ^J! Jux. vMa *3 XJolXK Ju^t JlS

CJ *^ CT^
0^*^” 3^^ 0^5 • 3^ 0r 3a! • VV^>
® aL»3 - LI yAo . *jy» Ki 1L> 3 yv. ffys A3J !
yA^ .
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Ow 5 O-S
IlNAA* q^jJ! iAax. Jo) 0iy ^ J^3l 0^^ 3 ^
1) B (jyi, C 3y!. 2) BC + Ly . 3) C gJl- 4) BC /Jo. 5) B pref.

0 3 ! . C j&. 6) C yls. 7) BC wALo. 8 ) Hajar II 137 f., Husn I 93 f., Qam. I1I 237 .
293 Yale Oriental Series.

t&gjyi qJ s^_iw> 'AjjJ jsli qE j*-y«


cH cr^ 1

cy °yy- cy cy

cy '***£
'*** Xs> ^
^ ^ 5
xUl Jy*> 0 t
liyv. y>!=
£*« *1! y^> (1126)

0 -J i_N*a*S bL-»-JlXS> ^ l^-jj y>^C<*i y^Cw! LM_j ty^j Jn^sJwS^! JwSSNS^! LM

5 lX*£ 0-J S^_<A^ Qji q£ XJtA^i QjS q£. (jXvCj lS*ty*

&*&j& Qi qE ^yt qC

<3yM ^*y

^L-X*Ji L03 &U! Ij

|^l5 a-LS^
3 <wjl—alX3!
^ ^j*0oi ii)^L-P J^JLj ^.xbo &JJ! J^-m^

O^xlX-o q-aJJ! q^os- ,^ 1

*JJ! <*Jjit Lo yxL (

Js£ ^J^IaaS ujUc^ii Q^JjtXj Jls ^xU!^

10 &Lx-$A-> . ScX-^ j-xi yc!c qJ £-*JLc ^3 jj! jib*

^ ^^^[5 o(cUl>

&^CiL l\x& qJ jxaxi! ^(3 ^yii!


0-^jJS iA*c 0_c w-Vr^ -

cy ^y Oc qJ? IgJCoj

6 ,jmX< v_^>Lo idQL Jo>Aj "b5 Jyu ytLo xUI ijy*j <jls yil*
£a&e qE.

yy= ^yj
xUt i-Voe ^jC- >A>jw
^ ^Je »LoC\s>

Z'- tr-’j j»L*L. 0> q! u^x-c> X—J jJ ^ *.*(^ 0-^ (^*3

] 5

^3 j-s ^>1

0?_0- i3*^r.


^y k^X^vo
\jl 8^xi>t

O ? _ . O 5 W O -

xUt J*pw^ qC 0O L\P_5 Jo-otJ Lo ^LaKJSj 3

KjA5" Jyc. i^jA^

^ jyjj !*jtJLo xUt dy^j JLsj ^-olc qJ x*ii
plSs iUae L

4 xi!i
My> LojJI J, yj>-^ ,j-» jyij .^Ljl)! q-» «tA*ju

20 <& xjlw) qJ liUXt JyX: »LLSi_X^=- jls ti? by>'^i (j,

> 5

q! ^_xLc iyijc ^y£.

|*JLwwO qJ X-jJLx: ^_C Qj! c>>.Jl\5> UjUj

iUj U'l5 * slit ^le 6 ^^SLavo Lo oLjlIS ^.laatJ xJJ! So! Jli ytLo &JJ!

xlli l\x£ »Lo'oV> ^ iyi5t ^.i

XJ Lo |^*wj UJj * (Jj Ji
^ Krit „'^uXjCw!

0\\>.*J| oLLe

1) B ora. 2) Mss. s. p. 3) So Mss. Doubtless orig. ^LuJt. 4) B-j-xde.

5) Kindi 71, 15. 6) C o5 Uo. 7) B isUXs. 8) Sur. 6, 44; 7, 165.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

jaaJI iL_y>lo L_g-sj LM3 Je |*^f> j,

LbdLa j^e ijfA ,^>1
& _ .-O - vs. 5 005
3_jt *Lo'Ae> ^tiV 13 J^e oL*i J^b b ^JLO_sb j-_e>-sssj & « -b V jJi

6?^Lsii (_\»SE ^yi "

xbl iwwbbi ^-jE yju> Jit qJ iA_Jj-l ^E l\X-w qJ UiyslJi CsJ,A> Lgi^j

^j-sv* *^3 &bic ^*4ww 5

. o - _. O «> £
jls ^^lXj *-jsb>! Aybb- ^e ^3 ^lAj (_cd> £-yJ (Je ^IXo

& bio jjjJ xUS iA*e sLosXe>

^ byE O^ byE V^ls ^ **1 ^ qj! iiob> l^Js/03

$t bs *-f-b i_^_jL_^uI otb ^ Jij' j*Jtlo xUS j-*o!c

^ K_*JLe ^_e

<& 0j tiklil l\x£

^Lsli- sAaE y*2 JsJi . L>j-vb$! 3b sLs’is\E> 10

Jjyb *Jt*xv *it ^yiaii! sJ^5j v£*ol\> Ljaxi^

X-^E xU! XAOE-^ JyfiJ ^ Q/C Jlj j*Jtbo xUI JyWj

, q! yOE ^ XxflE ^^E Obv^?.

CS^lLP- bsxE yi2*Jt 03**^! Jjt tsLb'bsE* oljjC- jb-E> Jjb (j-v

wv O ^ ..

jls \_jt (^c^Jt JLwLb; qj( q£ v_jbi*J qJ O-ii q£ xatyjj iioib> LgJb«3

W 5 0 I 05
^VxJlc oLio j*jS 00(3 (jytoyul ^-JbXP eV-J] j-o!c 0j ^LxJixj 15
. . o w c G
jli . aJLxj) >5 j^xLo xUI 0, ^CoUv^ ^I x->JL£: JS

. «-XJi
y lLc ^y>' ^ ^ <3^* ^)t «3 Lo», jC^wU^c

b\x£*| ^LI^* iAa£ 0-J ^ASaiJ! y}\ »LolX^> & jlS Xj! CJ
/ V#
w JO-5
(iVjt iyJi*i jli
U-bs t*UI! s\xe OoiAe> j.3 . xjussx tiUIt

^ qjJs^ 20

sE^“^“ • ^s J>is * ,r ni
^*— ^3 ^5^^* ^^olXe* L r * ***3
^ ^ ^ CT^
£ £. 05 5

j^iij ^Jtlo «XSt *ot jyij y«(c iyJiE ^*-w 2ul isEjj qJ vyjEb
5 OC ^ ^ 5 0C 5

^ 0-jAj) JlS LJ^ai! v^ax^U Lo

5 &\j\ Ij !^Jb Lgi^o! lSju *bJ

1) AC yOCu, B orig. LbCbU, cor. to LJw). 2) Mss. ysai, also below.

3) Ibn Makula and Moscht., s. v.

Husn I 121 (ob^j). Mss. 0^). 4) B y>.

5) BC jv-Ju (B s. p.).
291 Yale Oriental Series.

J8 qJ 'x-Ssis. Jls J?j qJ LCic qX. qJ obi L^oj

a-*lc Lolc (J^s all!

3y*j LyAc q^I ,*i*Xj iA^wI! j. \jS

slAo ^^-wju !'_j aj !^a*j* jls a_jt va^AA**^ ^aa£!j ^lyiSt yjju JLiLs
.C O 3 3 3 # #
si £ £
»Lo(A^> JS J, ^ bJLaj i\£l

er* **** er " 5

er* °*j* o^
^-ijCj *oi »y *ji ^jjpL^uil <*J jLSj Js <$JJ! jyWj y*lc

Jl5 * lX^I »LljlXj> jls . x_jj.a 0 ^iy.^ 2 s(cl\J!^ ^fyiSL aJJI -S"o

^ 3 ^G*yA l\av! SS| Vl^O<-\J>* SlXS^

-5/- ^ a^ !

0^ 4
l 5^ !
U*^5 cH cr^ CT?

10 ^.ks JS 5
^Avoli Lto^j jipiL) j*jslo aJJJ Jjjwj c^JU*- jls yilc aUae

_lai=>( Q.J’yt lX^c Jls & q, IgJLS Lo axe s"3
^ »Lw yt is^Ua

® a*^aJ Qjt 7
q£ sLolA^-

£-*av a_j! a,.wL*Xi qj! qC u^A-C> Ji! qJ I_\j^jj

q£ X_*_yii Qj! vj^oAo LgJUj

Jy«j qI^j pLjiiS Lu JLbls j**La all!
jy*j ^ Lo^j Laa-L*3 jyu 0? aA&£

15 Jls ai! ^a£ aAo 8

^»o ^ * lAii a/oLi j. f*-*^
5 all!
dy^ji v_M=> 0^° |*JtL»

ji j*JtLo *JJt
<}yj y L-rV" s ^~frl lifj l_j^

5 W o £ w
J^-3 ^— :! l\— .

uLft5 <vl^> L-w l^-Ls ^VJo i«XjtJ

^*i bfj i_jj 10 L; j^JLj' (112a) i^Iouav} *11!
dyj lj LJ^ ^Ls 9

LCxil2ixi g, tXij ^>1 s^*^! j. \j ^lXej U«^ Lo bAaj

m ^ Jbii
o ^ W c c r 3 w 3

20 (C.Xmj ^cv3l^-
(^! q! 1-4-15 lXsj 5^* !( -X^ )


c w j: o _ £ 3 0
I jit/ LsdaSoy^Li j*jCLe al!t L:.iyji ^Us Ijtj i_j^ ^c! v>Lb ^Liob q!
03 03 SO 3o£
oW 13
(iUi 12
Q^j r :
^1) qI3j> 0^
^ 1^3 ^i^li 11

1) C 2) C /jb'5 . 3) AC om. 4) B om. 5) C

6) B jj»2a=>l. 7) B ^a£. 8 ) So B orig., but cor. to £<wJ ^ (= C).

9) B C ^y. 10) B 0|. 11) B ^Aif. 12) B 0Ly>, B Q ly>.

1 3) BC 0i liAwJ!
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

ioLiix -*tA^Ut Ajyw q-j U>-^;

\_ji Js!
<v_ij -*-xi
L^LS* JLiii j.*j oL3 ytLo &JJI Jywj Aic o^a5 JyJ yoc qJ 'iLkSis.

w £ S 05-0 5

0*4 Axsl JyLi p_yj! e^Ji Ji Li'^LS UJls Axo! JLas Jo Axx
- ° 5 £
eUIl »loA> <5i j*. 4 S> qJ ii)JLo qJ jCc-Lcoi j^Jo! JlS *JJ! u

»Lu As>» .
\_jj 0.E w^Sjj Qj! 2 A-JLj qJ * _w~*s. qJ A-ou* »LoAs»5 5
o 3 ^ o

0* (
111J ) »*=>* Jyv. *aSe yC ac iowJ Qj! y£ g^> 0r*^


JyMj CA*,-* JyiLj Mtf« \j| iUiic ^j£ ioLiXi. (Jet

^ 0^'

tit yvy> 3
j- J<-^ ^ l<« J'o Q^a Jyj |*j^o *JJf

I*jlLo aJJi Jywi^ ^t yos?. xjl iolAc ^jt £*a£J qj! cioAe* lyAj 10

^l_i l_Jy^>5 iL*_b> ^yo? (*A*^

0] Jyii-J.3 -Jys^JL, *-JiL * —L^>t ^
qJ (JJlL! Aae »Lo'Ae> <3? LoAJS ,j. L^awjJlj

»^>y^ y~~* y^jxJ

2 AjjJ ^AjA^> Jls i_J^j! 0 '
0J AaXam viiO.A> LgA/Cj

2 w 3

Jy"; J-y !
J o ylc 0-J X*te

0£ -
J^ 0^
«b )
^ ^ 3 C 5 .C
^ 0^
0-j iAajlw * ^j^JLl) sLoJo <&3 ^Lo Jo oi^yu-Su !j^S q! \JJ! 15

0^3 v»

i_c?* 0?
0^=> 0-c ‘Ajs-w qJ i^wJwl! ^_^Lo qJ iJJ! oV»£ »Lol\s»5 .
1 i_^jj

^ cf cr> &

Jyj 0J iy-iin Jjij *Jl xo! ^,-Le v£*jAs» LgJuOj

U^* 0- :..*. ^ J*iij _jl

0i*5 L?
Laj ^1 LiL^o \U( Jy^ ^
J-m-j 0^> Syxglai! j*J0 j»yu 0->j ^._a_j_j' 0^=* iL£jj 0^-wJI nJJaj' 20
£- O— —

^ yLo qJ xLii l\a£* (_cyii! »LolX^>- ^ (_yju (JW^-wJI w ft aa'.^ I

D y^
0^ iyik: *-ot q£. 0J (jr^y0 vi^jAs*

^ S^y^} l*^ ^
1 *
^ j»^Lw"4! "
J-^i IjA— oLyivXi! pQij io^c-
|»y.3 ® pyi

9 ^.Lo qJ *JJ! A^e 8U'j'A> *

1) B ora. 2) B Offl. C has AJu. 3)0^. 4) B Jj^, also below. 5) BC

6) BC pref. 3 .
7) C J^ A^t. 8) B 9) C om.
289 Yale Oriental Series.

s-jls xU! 3>^ow JylyJI b5l xly (*-^T. eyy« 3^ 3yA} ytLo *JJ!
o^v*^) ^3 u\x£. xL)5 iAa^ sUolX^> <& v^jlo ^
5^ xl^ y>! *1

-C) 5 * .

Q"» * 'iS'.xy (jr2> X-k-Lc ‘-^-^'^5 ^j_j! Jj ^Li3>- A>js ~ y£uJ!

Lfy??. ,
5 ^yjijl 3 ^lXS

q-3 OyJv>
4 *-*yJ
iLyiLc Jyij qL^Ic Jls Lyyj
^lyll yj>- B^yw u>-lx2S xll!
3yy) "
ytLo xlH
3y-yj o3l*“ 3yAl y®-c

^ 7 Ly Lii-j bis 6 IfA^Wi ^ q^5 5

yJti yUs xU! 3y*j (JLai (jO'Jxy" lyi ^b5

3yy-J (^^ls \jl_jiA^> (j. Oj-Awbii

_J—j! 3*5 (JT^^4 lVamIj 0^v/3S yjtj si * 'iw\jr>
10 _
& 0bl\s^ j2il 8
yw J. xlj!

4 Lj-U^
cr^ 0-^ o^ cf*^

oilc ^yd 3yu ytlo xJJt

3^*"j £y* 3y^ y«!e iyAc £<v* XjI -yl*-4
oc ; . w — S £
^yi ^yC. Jy*bM _yl si *_ii_\_E> & x! *111 gJ>j! bLi iL-eOj ollc ^yCj x^ xll! yl bis

s w " ^ O - ^ iik
G> ^
^isUyyr O^J ^
k I »

u^ .
^ x)Jf

15 yAsic qJ iyiic i^yotv'^ 3y^? xiUix. Lt 3S Q^j»c

^ xJL<y> c>sjAs> ly^5

^yu-j^is Q-yJ^ yA~d oix> ^li *1 10

o^" cr r*^ 5
^ Ay'j Jy^
^ o ? s; s > — w ~

3Lo *ui
iUac xi\As> xiLlsc Lt ^,1 o^- „ ^y= ^y; yjyl qJ L* r^8-
vis*.Jt\> biiyj

20 3^ ~y> J ^4^’ ly^j’ 3^' *U!

3^-y) 0^ y^ 8

. sbLoJ! j»!o l« HbLo 3 Jyrl ^5 oUtwJ> yl^ a^-b> 3^ —*-^ ^ s ^

L.Votw sl © XaJI 0x1^ "*

0“* ^ (0* ^5

^t^y 8
^ c^

1) AB Q^l^- 2) Mss. yai. 3) A ^Lxs 4) Mss. qIcI^. 5) B om.

C) C 1 4.^ i lA>\a^o , i
C Ly ^
. 8) C om. 9) BC om. B has l*yy>.

10) B ooli'. 11) C v*^.

The Fuluh-Misr, of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. 288


o£ o-
\x» Ui^j

JCx LC^j Ll^Ua xjL^?! Jx L^fwjb L«ax slLci y*Lo
O T xlc 1 (c

yiiL l\-a_c qJ xll! iAac ,Jit sL*-S\_Xj> Gr xj _x*o jliis x*J~o xll! jywJ »j>

lXavSj -iLo yj xUt iA*£j qJ w<jjtxi hLoiAx-j

ijy-_y* 0 -J

xyix yi^ ^ yi lAjjj i-A*av

0 ^ xaaD! uio>V> Lgx-oj 5

JO — o —

L =y Li Ijjyu [»yu JyUi I ULx-kJ liLi] xU! Jyy L Uls jls xii y'ux jy!
-a O
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LC*-yj Uj y-?C! Sj yli j.yb ,*Aiy
0 !
y*^0 *L!f oy"> Li! jLi» eDJ

yi w^.*xi slo\Ax» JlS & L£

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iyjLc ^jC yi»* , 3 ! y£- >_m> J;!

qJ lXjjJ qX lSjCam i^aaLj! vi>.JuXx> UAxJj 10

Oyojt \>i Jlo x^yls yy> (*-*La5 xUt Jls y’Lc

L jyy ,y!
w . .
» ;c,
hU_$iAx> <5? (jxfiXjl! lu\P
lC*aAj ^ (jls JS x! s^IXjo SiAjiA^. ley Xxyi

a^L^jx l\av! ^5^iAj xaLo yi xU! LAyy vj^aD!

0^ *Aa*!j

qX isL^U^i qJ
0^! oV»x ^x iUijix yi ia*^ ibox! 0- ! ^jAJlw\j> LgJLc^

. S^Lij" jJJt »jLi-S" jti' ytLo xli! jyw^ q! j^Le y} X_J1e ^X LC

jt 15

^1 iAax
3 ysAJ! jjtj ‘-V' c 0? &LS! 1A/.X sliiiAx- Js

Jryj 0 !

J-^ ^

0j x-yix yC 4
0 L^Le qJ -.yA/s qX wuy! qj! e^jAx> lyy,
x wt £ ^ o
^ »LxJ:iA^> . xU! l\a£^ xLi l\aX: xU! l\x£ Jj! jls xUt

'o* 6 cr^ jj’

cr^ 0 ^ j
! &#*=> l^»_5

7^ 0-^ ^ _^J Jls y^La xUt jyw^j (111a) y«E yj iL*iiE ^E 20

^ x*a^! °OjiA yi ^UiJ!

^y! y£. 0s mLol\x> . > iLLxi^i
O 5 — o
y*lx3 xlJ! Jyy; JLi Jyb iAsx jls 0^ 0 ^^ c^jAe- Lyix^

Aa*av_5 »LoiAe> JLs . oy^>! Lo UJi 7

J. ^yi!!' Ji J, q!yif >!

^jLiL t\*E
^ S
y2iJ! y!j yXE ^y!

1) C 3*ix. 2) C 0y- 3) Mss. y^j- 4) AB qLxLP. 5) Mss. ^^LeLS 5


6) C + yt. 7) B £1.
287 Yale Oriental Series.

qJ-J! AaX; qJ ojs ^jX <-A$J 0^ 8 1»

-,jS • liUIl AxC sLo'Ax> &^UJt £
*U! jy*> £*-** *_i! Joubo l

-rV^ 0^ Sj^ o'j^ ^ i3-

SjAX C>.JwX> j*JtLo
0\>J! qC £aX jjo ^j*aaJ ^ &JAo j*JtLo

a-il lXjjj vAyU ^x jLau^J qj! exoAs* IgAo . Xwij J,

ol*l-&> ALx ®Jj
5 • 5 5 . ° *»

5 »3ji Q-J
3^ 'ujjc jyb JsU^il L>i £*-w
O- - O- .
O 5 5

q-jo Oj»-j vv^ l3AAi Ijjw^

• — oi £ H-
Sot qLa22 q~jO qS yrfwL ^ jLsLi ^La*^
^ vJ5ji-J (jolstiS

oV*X ^ y&X}\ O^a*/^! &Lu\»X> • Hl\x ^ L^i slXxj!


^Lo ^_j! ^coAx* Jo j^Uiil s_;Lvj X—sLwl ^^x X. *,.,* g.l \x>oAx» l^Aoj

10 j*jtLo

<*li! <—aX>Lo

UT ^Lvi







xl^S lAjy.

O - - c c
^ & yoaiJtj JjJi-s ya*J! ixx*jlx» ^Ax- UT .L>*o aJJt iaAsAx!
<3> 5
jizA ^ax Ax-! Alx

o- ^3
]5 gy^A
0 ?
s^aX» ^^ajAx- LiAs . ^AjAx» iolc. £^aA
Jt ^ > *W ^y"j CT^
^ O


0^^ 0? £
0^ L?/^^
05 50?
0^ ^ 0^
^^^[3 !bj^> ^jc_a*3 Qy^-y^ v^aa^j! Ob’

tA^c^ xU! i_^Pj iLcjj _^j! »LolX^> . A^>fj

ija*** w^a>-> Ajjj v— jl\— yyj

jlS (_i!
0 -J ^Ij J*pj!
0 J

20 0^ Ax J-lAoil j^y b! (3yy

Ax Ays ^
$ -5 O? 5
O - S-
*hM v^A-Uii _-xj!c }L-*JLd ^>-o Li L-jyujS ^to! UV> t&X«5 ^V-
. — oS c o- 5 oi
jliii siVJAj ^>Axy! iAj^I ijy v_jiyiil a’iLo jAi yyIxfj j*y ,J;! q-, iAa^x!

^xdo 8
. J>_3biJI jii e'oAr Ui ex^Jb iJJ! 1
-yc ti-
c qJ &Aic

6? s_j^j! qJ iA-os-w q£ sLo'iAxs

1) C om. 2) A Ai1jL<x> , B #jLjC>. See above, 172, 7 If. 3) Mss. yxi.

4) C ^*>1. 5) B + ^ y>l. G) AB 0 (cl5>. 7) B om. 8) A \Jl*aj.

The Futuh-Mi.p'i of Ibn lAbd al-IIakam. 280

0 C w- t
G -

bLyuo JU J,l Jla oLLo xUt y! Jla At lCj! q£ yyt JL*

& *-yO 2
Jb> Q-tyiyJ ^5 1
QrV^* qwoLj ^ y-v-Ab v_A.r>! bo J_S wv>l LCi^
w £ O'*

& oot ^cAUJI sl*S\Ax>

w —
L o^b J*JI *UI Ax JJlo * Jli‘ J-yi j! qX ijy-x! qj! OyAx> L^i/Sj

1*^3 Jy^L tAS> J. y! y^x>! lo JyLj j*jtLx &U! 3y*>j Jla xi!
j3 (Jit q£ O-Ax*. 5

. f - 5 OC £ O - 3 .£ w w 3 3 Ox
4 ^ ^ jA-io! otji jAj xi/ ^ylLA jA L(
Ao ^Jyiioj \iiajt

Ayx qJ c
yCi>ot Oj—-J! _^jt sLoAx* .
j»jtj Jla otys oJx j*.3tLo JJt J^—^ y-.

qX »J,
cr? JT^
^ Ajjj ^x A- qJ xAyl-t AJ.A> lxA*

*111 Jvwj b oda Ja xit

^3 J;!
(jjX ^AJt s-y?’ Qjt ^x Ajjj q-J oJi-
0 5 « _
, o_ 5
iLilcI LxJj 5 >,
sy.*X3 Jot jO Lb Jla Ji (jr.-^Afl ^Lx sAj > yoa Jla jjfJyjtiUo Ji 10

. .
~c w ,
*» O Go
& L-:.x-s xJlc.
l5^^5 L:J?^>. l_PAi>! q^o ^5j K_x>L\i} ^y> j*y.

tA-jy q-J oii- \.x.a:J
1 LocX-^> qJ yia>Jl O^a*/^! yi\ bLLjilX^

& j3 Lt fLfrAv ^ji»0 *^i ^*yl ^a^-4-w jli'

jX' X5 ^a2a^ ^>a^C ^Juo^ \Xj+j 8l\^-Hj

0-3 3 303
& Jj^£> qJ vi)JL' uW Lo^\j>

U*>i v_j^Xc> x^t . xiyC!! 15

5 03 0-3
u^aaP woLo _^_5 ^CjLaiJt 0

qJ AjjJ Qt x»oj ^t vi>jAx> 9

_y?j Aj>^ 6oA> !*JtLo ^tfyJS qX
~ #
3 O - O £ OS
voX>bo J.) AJxS'^j iU-L— 5 Lf'Axj jb \_i'A.x> ^jL+x Lit j*!^! ^t oyyX> ^t
0 3 3 3

^5jUiJ! Jxjw qJ y-yy^ pV;i

q vLjAj y^L 10 kAx^ oxiAi L*Ji Jli' iLAy^Jt
* 03 » C .03
j»Las iylx iA*x>? y'bLi 12 _cCiyi!t ^jyJix qJ Ax-J ^jlIo xUi >ox>Lo 20
x>f. ( ^y~j

\io5 S -Lli> s^t y> ^yt JfcJLj jv*JA3 &)J!

^y*j o^*4^ jlas y-yy^ *Jjl

1 C 0ty«t; cf. the trad, above. 2) C Jx. 3) B JJL ^ JJLLI l\*x

4) BC om. j. 5) Something missing. 6) Mss. (A y*ii).

7) BC c j. 8) Mss. y^. 9) BC wbo>5 . 10) C xJox^. 11) B

C xyL^i an d so (l<-llx) in Tajrld, Usd, and Husn. See on the contrary
Mu’talif 93, Moscht. 372, Qam. I 107. A points correctly in both places; BC
below s. p. 12) B + Jo L\J.
285 Yale Oriental Series.

— - £ 5 O - O — O O C — - C- OC w —O—
. .
' ^ tA^-i (
y*xxvb 0x*ob oLwi foL, i^bCxj^Lc^ ^ &JJt

w O - S w -X-- s: £ £5 7 0 —
«Uol\e» ’S? (jv*jil yvj Q>yoiij ^Sj U^Xj 0*^-J ^5 20I0S
^jy *% likbj-w

^SLXl yi-O
^y ^Lo^Lej yJo 0? l\aE
^y ^L*4»- l
-^"£ yaJlJi

^AA«fjl Lit O^XV*^5!

5 0 O - O
5 0-.c (j^x^jt Q-f qX: v^P*, qj!^ Axx* qJ v£xjA^> LgJuo^

- " " " 5

^ &
L^l 0*j.^\£xxv ^xLo <jOJ^ 4jAW^ JlS Jj^,
PJ ^b L! '^s*X*p* JIS t &xvb»w

O- £ C

Lx>^ £—*b
S w

^1i t^xb> L^JL^b

C5^> t^-o^Awli Jbt^-xpJ! b^-b j^Aj
. 7

0-5 w 0 5 *o

£^ ^ 0 ^LaXpj
4 5 > /Q
Q-? \S^ j

AxX. 0J <*!!! AxX: ^yt »LoAx> &L g-X./O KAxJ 3 ^5 Kx»**X>

0-5 5 o ..

10 0—jI 0^ * V^5 0-^ 0^ ‘^LJ^VO 0-J eb-Ll! Axx^ A*xv 0j 0-jA-i^ 0-c xXil

& 2 K_ -e-

^Lv LI
0 f 5 k>t^ Q-J yo yi y 5^ 0-£
jli‘ bLoo- oixf «*J jb j^jdLo <*JJt
0! ^b
^t 0-c. &-SA> j.LciyJ>-

w S 5 0 5 S O
0xI>j vii^t^bx lAxxv ^a)-5 b^ls /^c^j
0xLx ^Cl^AS^ ^ Lx-Axwc
0-» jjb* (Jo 31 0-»
5 5 t
S O 0-5
15 b JlS 0^-5 ^Jb *,t oJt 3I £ (JwO
0, ub*

—c c t .

jb ^aaoj x-j IaXP 0^Lab

JlS . N-: |fLi!Lj) lili **-*_£> {j^j xit lo
^JLxaj vi^bt^ aU!

^ AxJb* 0j 5
lCwo£ 0 j AjOtxv »LoA^>

q! J.L—XaAL ^t Q^l 0^ ^jI 0ajiA^>

1 jl>C>Jl ^-a£ jyu .^_ x_o j*.*Ia3 aUI j—^ u>-^ Jlii

20 LjaIo J 13 XJO.J l}^><Aj q! LJi L

£5ol 6
Ut^l ,JL>lXJI ^cOot J^e

8 7
iUj^l Jls &UI b (JvE ti)£L£>l JLe-lXJI J-Sr^- 0=^^ liA-S 1
lo jls

O - o - w w 5

2JJ! AxX 0-J ,_^s^xJt 0j oibb «LLSAj> .

0-xJlx2jt ^t 0-JxiO+Jt

110 a)
( 0 j

5 w

^1 ^ ^Lw ^e ^
2*^* ( 3 ^
0 ^ '-\v^c 0s 3 ^
0 ? -^*Mi '£>jAe> L^oj

1) BC Jy (B cor. to 3y)* 2) BC om. 3) B wtyi. 4) BC (jv5l«^.

5) C yiE. 6) C O^ii. 7) C Jbodl. 8) Mss. ^6y>l.

The Futuli-Misr, of Ihn c Abd al-Hakam 284

Ov O o

slaw I xjoxv ij, Jib ybCii q! Qj-^j Lb xUI jLiis l£jbb> — u->yXi yb

& j*S-C qJ lA-Otxv »Lo'l\=> Jlj’ . LX=>i

_5 Lf)W ,t J^b Q-^I b|
o -
sy3»i yxr ^i ayx$> 0^1 x_x_yy!
xjt Ji.iy.^Ji Li
q£ 0 j( lyx/Cj

0wd! y+j* xjt xli!

^ iXj+=>i jyb i^L*i! ,y=

bS! yjJ! jijl] ^xxajt sbLo ,Xi 1

=LbX*JI yXJ Lo L^Loi sbLo j
*ib>Ij <Ai xUt qI Jyu 5

VM , £ w C O «.

j-j! c\3>li qJlXxIS (1096) jjL, Lj! ^\ jlS . (J^IajL!! jyoj

jlas (jol*Jl yj ji.1

0x\Ji > >L*Jt lXxc aliAy-ji tyaj lCj! ^Xt LxiiXUi 0iAxj
L^jJUxj iibLo Ai xLS!
q] jyL) yseJLo xUt ^js-x+mj syxj Lb jO _jji

-O _& O 3

^o! <jb jb *Jou-w j6‘ JlS yjJS 3

^ gvxAoj! -Lead) (j\a lo
j 15

0£ L>|^XW
0 j X*xjJ
0 yC j! yjo
0j xli! i_Xx£
0 j ^LxxA^ ^ y*-j <jls 10

b? y2x) y£ XxC ^ . X*xxS

0jl qC wVpji qj!

^UiJt b jj!j

W o u^ cH cH Lfr*» b^ob*! iUc

! ! !
cr^ •

jO Li j,! JLiii xJywo (j, x_yo! ^j! * (X! ,Xi J.Lxbx^Ji ^L*«
vw J COG) £_ 3 X £
x-x<U xj! »yx<bi xJyLxi ^ xj'LJi Xx>Lj j*.XxV>i _x>!
to! jyb y*bo xU! Jyyj

^? 4 Oj-wbSi jjl * abo'i _>0 . t*Uy^ 3

eXxx2> iAij

(***j (0? xji 0 iUI! _5y: 0-J xX_jjj 0j= X*xyi 0-ii c>J.A> L^
0 3 _O w 3

J^UjasxsJ! iA-^Lv^-o
^ i»\*a*c v-V-c'b* L! (jryx^VXi^

xlii |*aLo xLii

^-ji »LaSl\j> . o^l$ <i£: ' lib *Jt ^dJ) ^yij* (c!^b xUt 20


^ jls
yj uC jI
yj: 7=Lilj| lCj( yX s
„y 0-C 0 j' lyix>5

ijb (.yjJi qIX U >' 8

eXi jyi Lo J,fl£.t ^L! iLO-w y*JLo xlii

1) B ^ybxJi »bLo. 2) C xl./<i ^ji. 3) B ^t. 4) B ora. 5) Mss.

yxj, also below. 6) B _iy3 . 7) Mss. ^yJ^It, also below; but see
Mu’talif 122 f., Moscht. 513, Qam. (marg.) and Lisltn s. v. 8) A liVJu.
283 Yale Oriental Series.

0 5 0-5

y-J *
3^ 0-^ ^0^
CIAwkljl VJ— l^—* LxXaSj

qLC2Xj 3 Hyaa 1
y> Aa-c
l_Jli (_c^Ls_iJ! £_xi ^ilvj x-i! 0-J
3 0 3 o, 0 3
3 2
i^^XaS iya-Jb (clXs -bUxwAji Jaij j»l*Xu (eO -LLIa^aj! q-, tjjtio

w 3 £ _
xjla5Pt 5 ycLo xU) xX-* 0^ 5

r^c.y! Jlsij b^ii JplJa^aJi ^laxi q! ^Uio jJj

5 q£ iAxc
jji »LoJsj>-_5 ,Xlo qJ xli! lX*£ »LjOlX^> . brails

^ ^—*-£-2-^ 0^
byaj li jlw xi! yX^Ji
^ O lo;i 0^30 yCL x**aJ
^ ojJc> ^«5 l

xlJt i 3 *p^ >Xj u^sPlXj q! LaXsiA^s ya^,\ XXs^ xXw LaXjIoS jliis ^IsLe i*^w i 0*
0^3 jvxLo xli! •Sy-,M
iXS UaJdaili LLa> ^Xi
^>j3j j»L*JaJI
^ x*/> i—wa>i j**Lo

10 8
Jfa> ) ^y-Lv^c! jis jLa_c ,_£nj
q, Ja^ LJLs j»yiii
^ jlas j.^lw'^l tAjy ^

xjLjP^ UXi 8
^jtJua xU! ijy^j jls ci-*xjl
0^ tikJo LUjj LutiCti Jj UXfii

I*-xXa 3 xli! iA>! q! iX xUI &Jb« Jo*; iA-Lj |*-AJ-a Jcjy 3*^ |
A=> L^
O - X w 5 Off -3

(eAs Lg^-vb I
3X 3
j c J-X
*. (cJ6 ^_g-*JLXa>7
0 Ui x5j ^j.i v—aXIails 0:A-j
-Off ; wff O- - O
^ a>
, .

jSLj (cO J? L^Xi l—yXS ^ ^ylio Jslsiwi L^oJLs? L^j o^i lyu jjou 9

5 0-0 S w - 5 5 Off
U^La^> *i5j Xa/cU:]! \^Sy L^i Jj?*- (^
05 ff #05 O .Off -5 ff

iA-a-^ Ao* q! jCj-j *4 Li^jb jjrJC^iib^ X—Li-^ L^n£

(j. iuX-P yc^J b JLiii L^lcJ ytLo xU! q! ^ xUi

ff . . ff - 5
12 yjJLi-ols xj^Ly- (3
^ v_jL/o! lXs xili uj^ji x^Xc ^5

yc> Ljy tiX Lj' (JxXjJ 3 3^-^ \^S l**ar v >UJ!

O - wff O 5 5 ff 5 ff

20 ^LI^^CvO

xi^y_9 xLSt (cA-3 ^Lo o^Lo A-^,

5 Off O $ -0-5 5

IjJLv! iAi ^,-jLai?! xiXa> iXsull ^X! L\£ Ui sAic

w w . ff ff —
xXxxxi xa^La^ iAaj Jo0 iX -X=>Li
q! xjla>?! xUf y°' LUi
. 5 0-3 . ff

LgyJc^ xjXUj (JxAj! jlai x-P^i bjxi xX-j ^t ^^fiXXrj'j ^r-Vo j*.*Lo xUI Jy-j iAi-ls

1) B s. p. 2) B t^xiiA. 3) AC om. See above, p. 115. 4) B J^li'.

5) c v^y ! * 6) Mss. yai. 7) BC qjS. 8) B bloj. 9) Towels in A.

B -)- xl xj^Ls-. 1 0) B (3j>b 11) Mss. xxa_w. 12) BC + 3 (secondary in B).

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-llakam. 282

o ^ _ O O G_ 3 w 3

wJixJt (jitycit (jfcy&j bLj ^-Lo (31 JlS &U! q(

jo .
gJLo qJ idi! AaEj j*AJ> AaE &U! Aa£ j;t —Ai A_> & X_j AA?i
si jA^aJj

^ca!! o^-w'j! ^jl LoA=>j jo ^ ^i>o_a 1>- LXS 3

^ CT^j'

* — V-aavI!!- Ajy* Q.C 0j! LoAo> l\xC qj!

=>! qj! LjoAe> jo ijJds ’w-ol^ \_5*jyt qO 2
l_aaaO> LoAs»5 1
jo & AeAawS 5

o —

U*^*-« -Vx:
i3^ (** w ^ j^ A-*os^ qJ (*-*«Laj! (jjjl ujL^ qj!
w 0
qUo jlflJj A— 1
A xJUA-IIj ^ xdtj .

A*c jUo .,

6? qAaa*0>j

O _ C- 3 O -
ayoJ qJ 5
X*ju/j 4 _c^Uii! syoJ ^jtj
Js_a*o> t

Ajjj q-J A-Lo> Ajew q_j A>-*Jj! ioAjA^- l^Ao . oaJ'^'-=> ^ Aw^A- Xae ^jj 10

IJ] j o p*Lo

jy^ 0 I gyao jj! ^ jet
^ vvr^ j- 1

cH ^j 5

Aae sL«_:Ao>
w ^ —
j*XJ^ j,!jia ^*AaLe
[^La l<5li

e>yu ji xd! sLw ^t iAc
o^ ]


q-c ^j^j! _j^£= qJ id!!

7 Aaa£ I o'Aj> Ajjw ,jv£ LoAo> Gt g.Lo xU!

j,jl!! id!! lU Q-J Adyo yJi jet

^ ,_aaaO> jet qJ Ajjj
^ OA^t A*o>

<& xlAo (*^° xU! jyA^

aC 8^J j-t qC 15

- 3 3 O _
(*"^*'J 1
0^ A*av qJ A>-jAo>


O - _ _
U>j 8

^JLs j*.*La id!t

t s^aoj jet
^ c
I —oAc t^—sjjo j*ALo ^^0 JLc a'iljea!! sA-5 1

q} jlsLo xJy^j! j? ^Ujjjt

^dLu ,jn> lAA*J a jLo "jj ^yjJuu& L?j>! x! xJUt i_a»./A |*XA LA’SIao q.+o

idll o\a£ j;t (109a) Lo'Ao>j jlo . koo-vdJ! qJ xUt Axe sLo'Ao> ^A^lAJt 20

j-Lccsj! ^La£ qj xU! Aa£ ce ^. (j^j.ot^ x*^i qj! ^e j*aJ>. A*x. ^j!

&tsy>? j*aLo xUt jywj isyEJ jjt ^x; j*-A jet


1) B pref. j.U^> jJut Aac LoA=» U/ sA A ^t j*-w! q'^j . 2) B y-tX>.


3) B s.p., C p. Qam. IY 181. 4) AC ora. 5) B ju*>, C j^o».

6) A j^jdt. 7) C tAvc. 8) A ^lS. 9) Pointed in A; B ijxuxsaIIj, C s. p.

On this name, see above, 115, 1.

281 Yale Oriental Series.

b I .a '
.A—* •
£-jIP ^ <3 b ^ j-w jio

y l<o alii ji^A*^

& ^.Lo qJ aJJt lWj

ds' 0s ^ Cr- **A^ ^ CJ?

C^ ! vi ** A> ^3
oi ^ O-"
jC^ 3
O -
! JjSj (**Lo *NI

0 3 0 - _O- O O— .. O-

0^ ^Sm
5 <S qJ) ^y*-5i * »U$l\£> JJaj 3
^yu vJUj
CJ^ O* .
q ]_5

5 O - w-

V/ ^
• y— — -*«>w^*-w '

X ^.1^3 ^
a. T *
J ^.^ol c^ajA— l*A**Cfc

jls alii £i> q-e j-A-J

^ sjLp Jl^j * jls ^—il all!
^y"j o^
O — Cj _
yHAJ! OyA^! _^j! »Lot\s> .
aJJS j^^o |j-»
q^jAo (1086) <joj$\ 3 qjj^ahj 04>A3

& jjJii ^ alii Aae qJ ^aoPj ^llil Out qj!

10 alii
dy"j ®j-4^ ^ 0s "

0-^ O 11
z!J^ O^ a«-*A£j Ai 1 ^ ^r^3

q-oLwJS 3
q! ,jt 2> a-cLJi!l j.^j
s^w j^ |*Aax^\J aij sAaj ^—aA) (jsASL, jls j*-*1ao

Aa£ qJ 6
^ialji 3jA«j! _jji bLo'Ae* . Lx^Lait I+aS ^LaAAM]

SjJj? 1
Lii V—A*.fA jo S^S-
0 0< ^
jil A*£ 0& -y 0£ a.*A^J
0^ AajAo I-£a~«j

0AJi jyi*A oA^o ^3 (J*i ^3 jJjCo 0AJi j>ivs jv*1*j alii Jis jyy
vv .. 03 0 -
15 ^Xxx: qJ 6
^ooaJ! jjl »LolXj> . \>L^ oiaJu ^ jJsXit

O - -
04ac 0_ji jo'A> jl* ^ILotAJl o!c qJ qIo^Lw
0-c a*A^J ^jt AjA> Uaxij
oc o- o£
jAiC^AiaJ j*-Lct Lo oj*lxj jJ ja*1 o alii JyA^ Jls jo a^Jl Sj-J^ < 3 ^
—03 — I s s

0LJi i alii jywjj Loj Soils' I
j*yy (*^^^3

j^pflj jo .
9 j*Jo 8
^Lii ^uit 7
00^3 (jy ^ *^3 a*!^ 1 ^jSI

3 3 I 3

20 l_j oj alii j^Av^j i^Sis

j*JtLo aUl
jy^ jj! oV>! 0 t L^a***« loj Xj3.^ _^ji

oUioj Aae n ^ALii bLoA> ^Lo 10

0 j . aJIoJ! JaaIH jlaaS"
0^Ji jls
o -

^ 0 ji

3 O - w
A-*-w oaaUI
0 ji
0— C : ’BjA^’ 0^1 0£ ^.4-wJ! j;!
0-c iA^jA^* LjajSj

1) B jiil. 2) C 3) BC ora. A 4) Taqrlb 118. 5) Sur. 24, 37

Z ,,

and 73,20. 6) Mss. yal. 7) C 8) B jlai. 9) C

10) C 0yJL 11) Mss. also below.

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn c Abd al-Hakavn. ,

lXJLe 3! IsU-mJ iAjy. ly'} 2

jJEuu 3!
iob Ojy \j!

5 t
O ~ •

& lCj^. jjao^o! 8uol\> . i\*> iGb AjGo Joai 'djLcijt ^ aGGe-

cMr qJ % ^ cf o^
^ <3^' — ' {
^y~VJj cr~
O - w -O^ OC w
uVoiav »IJu\Ae»
° OC
& yOclab aJ aUIa&S!

y obVOE i_jyii! iA*ii*Jt aIec! j*yjl jlij 5

aJjjIj ^Ua*j jliij . (jA«^ qJ tAwfj 'A-vc qJ Oj.-w'i! _^j!j j*j^x (3*

& i_>yil!
J.L<.-A-fiJt (j*Lx. (jiibE qC &L^22
y v^AjAe* lyGflj

w £

<3 L5 iw\^>f
«3 v^oj i3^»^aj^ ^)^^VVV

wV>t ^
O 5 .C

3 4j^*i l\ j+jJOo xU! 10
q( q! >Lj

l? yxL^ <*JJ f i JlS j-a-j^ JlS$ .

^Xail 6
j^j^JL )
5 ~ £ _ i - _ „ C £ O„ . . w
Ljj jJLfij 3! agge>- iAac aJ! (j^LJt
y3>ls ^oJ^ju tiVj j^.LXw yLJi Jjti
w ^
C 5 O _ w

(j£,Ll£ J,y 3 »lj ti 7

^y aAo qIs yla.»j 3! aj!o 3!

y Aj aJ! 3^,= aU! l\a£ ^jE J.Uv-ys\J! ^JLw qLx^ qJ q- c

iA_>wC 3 yC2-«j| _^_J* »LolX^> Jajty* IiA5 > 15

^yj . > I Li

y—1^ !iA5^ L ^ ^'E ~^~


j*-*ilj L L
(jr*1**' J'2

3^'^ o^yv. ^
»jHjr^ Jr-ls

0-c ^yjl ooJo LyOo . Lo;Ae> ^yyiju A^xX; aJ-e
0 5 j: ..

jii' \_i! xUI q-c ^ a—it sy3 *l oyi ojIj' ^! 20

2= 5 -CC s g£ £ c. 5 O* ^ O -
Lj^i ^yJt3 'dJcLil Jj^! 3^^ 9
ylj'i aUJa^-Ij qL*j qUj qUj^S
aXaX^oL yy^ 3^^ qjoSlXaJIj lyx^v!^ 3^! ij>

Axe ^y 3
yo<o! Oj-w'iSI sLo'Ae> *.V.! J>A!



o£ oV CT? ^ O* L5^ C^
„ _ j

15^* '£*#'*=>

1) C 20Gb. 2) C o»Jle. 3) Mss. yoi. 4) C pref. ouEi (cf. 63, 3).

5) B ylu .
6) C (
jioyij. 7) A pref. 8) B jlaj. 9) B om.
279 Yale Oriental Series.

0-? (3^ 0-*- 3^ 1

l3^ 0 s" K-T-j.-j] qj! viAJiA^> LyXj

LCAic 3! LtU^il o^ls 3-?3 ji'-AC

3» £- w-^ ^ x*Jb Jy«j q! iAj^c
- w - -C -S O - S
3^-w-J Xi oUi BuVyv qX Jui 1 l\xC 3! X-X)^ xLe J^*o bLs Lyolc ol*i mW
- w - c- -- 5 C
3-xwj' ^li sA*j ^^oyyi LoAJI K_jjyo LPlaS'" iAs 1
LxJ_e i_jLe sty^ xo:
w 3 - O - 3 -
5 BjJtJt 8^)3 *by-XJl »ifvJ>^3 Jls »s!Oj xbi 4 ^j'uLi j$—Lc ^ xiJb^ .Lye

<& *i!l bbw 3 J^-^3

O - 5 £ 5
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o)J^ Oj^ 3 ^^ <

!J! XvvyJj by ^3 ybii! 3 LS’Oj lydb! L>! I

^s> yliit q, iu!^ V*^y.

bl_5 -=>^t j.yxJtj 0^ 0, y*J.X3 &U! jlsj ybLii! 3 v_jib>!
0-,y jyy . »0j

7 8 cb
,3' 0j lAx*« »bb'L\^> . 8
y3 <AJj ^JLwJ
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20 (108«) x-j'O^ 0X) jls ytLo *UI Jj, •XV^ ^ ^ 1 >*3 ^

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O G 5 5 - w 5 w W - O £
^xi>li xJL*J jUs j*.xbo xUI JyWj ^JI jlixS Lxav ^SiA^>t

1) C ^S. 2) B J^Io. 3) BC ora. 4) C £ jL». 5) B (j^x>

6) BC oiL>. 7) B a^Lo. 8) B om, 9) B «A^>Uv^c.
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. ,

*UI o\_>_c iAjw! JLo'A^> tJJjj LiLs_^
0 -J si .
0 I<5


0-= cr -5^
<3* ac vi ** x=> k^
c_ £ - _ ff j _
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5 «* 5 O - O w. ^ Off #
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ff 5 tf 5 w -
^ iS^a ^ l\-w! »Lol\> (
1076 ) . o^r q! o>f. Ljj^J yio! q-»

l c^- ! qJ jy=
0 !
_^ !
S;^ qJ »**=> vi*Ji\> LfrUj

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jy«^ .

0£ qJ Aw! sLoAo>5 j'i’ . uj^jI ^1 00 A-oew 0t ^cyil I »LoA=> <5 / u^^lo


1) B jaSj. 2) In B cor. to 3) B (orig.) (j»l^. 4) B om.

5) C 0o'. 6) BC om. 7) B ,
8) AB yoto, C yoao
277 Yale Oriental Series.

^ 0^Oi L-4w .

O - O - 3 —05 *•* w (
w ff

q-, gdbJ! ujyaj '-jj ^^JiS qU*^! l\a> Q^y*

* - ff - - 3 0 — ff 03
L>Lo JoL> 3-^3 aL-oUu! aLq>^\J( 3 <xix& S-^ afrf

Q-^ys Jj>^ 5 &bLij! ics-y_\jS

^ (jJJAs JsAi aJJS UiiA^j _jJmJt Iby* ^>!j
3 w Off
2 > *
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^ _^ !
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io (AJLo *ijf 0s - J,L^ ^ ^ A*^j cioAs* L^a^j

0 *
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3 - 3 - - - C 3 ff £ 3 3 ——

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(J^ (^wvLaJ^ &A/Q i


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& 4 gJUo jj\

O 3

^L^u; v£>JcX^>
15 l\jjJ 0j i-X^ocw ^j! jli* lXx-w
0 ^
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- 3 - O -

3 w
0^ 3l*^i! lA*^ 0^ 0^ (3^ 0^ ^
^co) I 'wA^jJ! !v3li L-f-X-UaP^ 1 ^Loi3 jw,c yf~>

iXwt aLLSiAff* . Jv*^ij'

0<j> ^l-o ^ jlas aJJt liXio o2^Ai l^LuO jw^
0 — ff

jls 0-J LlS'Jo $ ^yCt Ui'Jo ja ^^Jlo

^ ail! Axcj iS^y> 0jJ

20 ^jI J 15

q j

aJL^s 0-e ^.bj 0J
w 3

^ oW> ^1$

^AJI i—aPAJL 5

jjb>j L^.as s^'^lib j*atLo aJJt

SO— . .
- O - 3

<& G
Lij3 wa^’uXjLj w^bJi Jfe >of »>A^>3 b'O^UJS 3
^ 0 t Js^kA ^\J> _^t
l?jA> JI 5
0 -J
8>_v^> AjA> LfUj

jyij j*jsJu3 aJJI jJij -V^£ 0? ibLia
£-?* aJt ai'iA>

1) C + oiy. 2) B
ora. 3) Sam c
snl p. 136. 4) A -}- wol^.

5) BC fjLiJI. 6) C oj S .
The Fiituh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. 276

5-w 3 O i 9 0 3 « 3

La^wj ^$3 AaS “bS ^3
Jyu *JJI

3 GC 3 oE E 3 3 3 ..

^ ,1Lo »LoAV> . (_jj3 xa-wJI v—jj-li q-» *v^

jls JUt\> Qfc-*A /0

0j (JJ'
(^/LLe. ^j£- J&2A 0 .J Js.} AoA^> LjAa^

(i^-jA^>! Jl- g .0 \^S*-2y j*— Lwj A*av 3 A*JS\avJ ! 3 {^sjS

3 w , 3

^*aaj V •
'/JxSiZ jjrycS? ^I-AAot J-i i^A&Aji A A'^-A'O .\.lji ^ =^^_a*0 5

^ 0
Jy"j ^>-*-f-* JL& lAP ji a*J.o xlll
Jy* ^3 uAo


LoA^>3 . Aac \U! Aae 3 »LoA> & t>"iLo ^

y*A s^LcJl yAo AawJ!
Arav qJ Jy* c>^" jo ^c^y02-^ q? (_c^T- q— qJ^ o^aAS! j.jI

^ a^LoJf ^liAj A^LwJI 3 j*Il> lo aLLo J. J!yi ydo &Ui Jy^ Jo JyV.

(^j^LojT'M l\Ls^ io

0-C lCU- 0 _J
ijy-y* CAjA> J-% • ayE ^A- |!?-S (_T-aJ A>Ij (jjaJoV> \a£-
E w 3

^ ^_j! LiSj a-rI/o xUI Jyvj LCi_Aj y4> J>c j^>3 jyu fj^f* >o! JajI

J^ 3' ^A -J-'V> a
_«_?3 oV>^ \A_c. BjOaJ) 3^|j <& yax jAt y>J- \a£ 3jJ
.C E w W —
JLsLi jyb iLj^Jw xjt qJ xaLaaai qJ i^-O’ LoA> 5
(Jtaa' Jt

l\03 iAP c
(i^c qJ) jjoLrj! la
J^A«j (c^-*,-a Jyst J,] Lj! Jli q! jj**3

J3oi La-Vj
3 . (_jiL3s_*Ji K-iy O^IaJ! j, *J qJCv03 (_jLoJ[ nIIe jl^JJt Jyj-1 jaaLo xUI
O — w a <• '*' 5

6? XjJjC xLa> (A-iAA

0 -J

w 0^3 _ W
[j'AO ’ K_a_av ujj-il!* Aj q^i J»! j-^5 K*Lwv!i J.3 Ai 5

^)* AaRav Li A^Cj . ^JVAA^

_CjlAaj'Jl Aaae aJLc2I3 20


0-c a*j^J
0 -j! q£ wa^>3 AajAj> l-g-A-^ . IajA=> a>_c j^Jy

^yj yf £t„ Aji Aaa£ qJ iJL>C23 (jy>^ 7
(3^ (|jC jLaJ '-5
00 5 'lLiC

qLt^I AaO> Q-.yfl J^s-j A_R-J^' ilA-iAJi JaJlj f

«jlLo xUI JyA^j A_jS JjgJ

^Ua£.! i^LaJi (107a)

^ ^UJI aaJ! jiy. ^c3Ji iJiAi jAs 3c> *JJ! o’Aej 3 Axii

1) AB ora. 2) C IX03 .
3) B Lai. 4) BC -}- »LoAo> (sic). 5) C
(_cSa iyt. 6) B 7) C
275 Yale Oriental Series.

Lo'Ae> v_rx*o qJ all! Axe LoAa> L yea j ail! Axe yle* *5 'AS q**j Lyj
3 -
iU-Lv^ jjvc ail! Axe |»lXs JS yayti! Axe ^ Ax**«

v£xJ.A^> ^e aJexJ
jCe=- y*te ,yJ aAac Jsxyl a] jlsis yew _yot yS^

0-* j»A_a ^cAJt jliLjj ^ c>*r* J>i Jlas 2 a-Ji

J-wjlj j*jlLo * aUt Jywj ^ 1

5 qJ ^yes*. £ U-o (^Lej^t oSLi- qJ <—xjL*J! yJ? Lfl yxic qJ axiie XJuAlt

oi=> ^ o’ j* 3 ^ cr


O 51

l—xvi ® yLwJt jS^Aj j*JlLo aUi Jiyuy jlftS y((e Xx- T P. .. ^Jke j»Ai

v^O I jls . aJJ! »yLw L*Aww yl** ^y/o jyi) yjtlo aJJ!
Sy^j ixiie jUia

w o—
^ ^let aJJtj , aV—’AJ KJoAl! q., |»Asj ^5 j ja .
y*i ja j*aLo aJJf dy»j q*

10 ^y.e (j*Lxc qJ o^Ue ^j_c v_yjl

0^ L cr^?.
LAsAe> ^.lo aJJt Axe LoAj>3 Jis

ylxaj^l j*JtLo aJJ! jywj i_jL^S (j^, Jc>j

Ai jis (_Cjjli*JI all I Axe ^yj i_x$>lj

jli’ JafiAx^o jjJJi tyt& jLiLb Lju sL&Jli «AL<^U x-Jlv^o Jys.

jla aLxiie ^1 Jxvy ,_£C> ^ (1066) Jli jyl jLaj -.ys? aL+Lxw I^IaSali 4xls
O- 0 3 - - ff ^ Off

s^yc (J.c Uixx^o A>5 Jyxy c-o^fx jLsj alj'ls a—Jt J^wyLj
3 w— ff 03 O^ f O- ^ O ff

15 alii jyx^ Aa oL*e> lii aAJLc jlar L^y^ ^ 4 sOyyo lxe>! Ubo syUvi

yle! 1

<5? aiitj . J^syi!

o^ L?^ '
t*"^ -^3 ^yV. (*-*1°

^cAcLJ! Ajt*«
j4*v s

xjlcJ Qjt c>jl\> LgJL^o . Ljj Uis" v£^jjL>S ^jtLo jOJi

w -.Off
AA^ ^'u^i v3^av! cX^-w i3" £
^ 0k3|^Aw

20 & s-aPj 0j( q£: (

-\4- J* qJ JX-ot-w »LoJs^> . (J^-o! j*-*JLo

13*”^*^ v^aj^-^»v y^~
^_y~^ y CT^

sL-OcXo • t\—5 LxaJ 1^-a.avO *b5 J^-w^ jb* JjJLj ^lXxLwJ!


cr !

C^- ^ ° cr
L< 1

o4 ^
Jyvy Viv^fx A*xv Joav q£ ^iA^-! X*xJ ^j! <AoAe> LyUj,
a j

1) AO aJotfx, 2) B ora. 3) C qXwJ!. 4) C 8Oy0. 5) B J*x£avj.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-TIakam. c

1*^—3 1 ‘*‘i‘ f? P .Av 3 ^Laj.' «- — A—A— ».aAaJw fu^A^A^O ^


) - 0 3 v.

ebJb JJL« JjyiLj yy= y *DI l\ae .

ply> yC^ Jij iL^Lait (106a)

oLiLbj yjCi> ^Va_e *JJt iAae si IJiiA-o .

£_yU2^ _*,! j, 85], LaJlXi^.

^ »^N-4wwjS :• WJ 1

c V-J-


^y ^<-1x1 I—£aLc ®*^5 y^2*A eXS Axw ^j/aa3 5

^ 3 yblaj Qlb' ibw J,

aJjej yyJj^

(J^LoJ^S .sJJf iAa£

y yL>j

y yxy-j boLav
y yb iiiAjiA> Lya . viiAj.olp*! j*.*1ad aJJS Jy*j q£ *Ae yb,

yiLo aJJI i3y^ v^a*J jyu

y yb>
M b!
i3^ q—
^AAl ^jAAi 4(J y?\^3 IjlAyS^ g^L * r *-XjtAV ^/AA^S Ax j— a3 j LaXJ 10

ylfb j»bl ibJb \aLe biKb l»Abr. by> ioL> yiSf lXs BjJy-y ^y\JL> ly*, i_aj

X [5^0 ytlo all I (3-^ lyAi L*J_j

^^yy 3 aub* ^.jyjJoL: , Xaa
3 • — 3 w £
(jUiS ^_5 q! qLw
3 3 ,C_ 0 3— VAC

^-j^. ^a-oUC »UlSl\j> 6 cW IjlXxc jJ G 5

^ xiLi Li!

cn ^ e^ V^ 3 1
o- /*^ o- V^- oc * 15

^ yb

lwi~> l-^Aol lXjjJ BO^av ^C: X*a3 Qj|

03 - 3

( 3 O*^
°^w Q-^ ^^“[5 0^ Li-A-*otj

KXAj'fj j.La3 ^ys jli bt j^tLo iJJI JjjAAj *JJ1 l\a£ yb>

iAa£ ^1 9
illl sLa-j'iAo ^ j»LaaE »l ^yAjI j»La3 bbCi q-, blw

^CEaJI Oj-w'iJI j_jI bLoAoj jli‘

^*a/i Jii ^x. Ojto Q.J ^Uibl iAaej l\aE 20

^ i^aaIjI q£ g>i.O q^E^) X*Aji qj! qE; '-^c

bJ! l\ae
^y yb> y; yb>. y »y K_cy ^xl q.e iL*_»_y ^1 i^ajAe> LtA^

«Lo'iA> . ou>jJ! ^y, Jj}^

10 bail
^ ^LiJ! jyii xjcca bl ylo (jr.-bl >a>Lo

^ylo a a

1) A om. 2) B 3^(5. 3) C + XSav j (sic). 4) B -f 61. 5) B

--y, C £-»y. 6) B om. 7) C om. 8) Mss. yb. 9) B qI£j. 10) C XcLLJI.
273 Yale Oriental Series.

o 3 ~ w & _o — r-

Jjie-j v_*eJt ^jaj yolJ! iC—jC-j^ULi J.iA«i &UI qL, J>Uacl

_ Z ,
Uliw iOcLjJi!! 2
_Aijwj 1
QjpliJt (jwlp^ul j*iacl

w - 3 O 3 w — £3 05 0 3

<5^x05 9^3

J. &L^\JI J3I (3 |»y. (J*^3
^ |

w #
3 - OC - 3 w£
jwjlJ! oL^> 3» 3- |»*pj ^ yool till (j\jl*jw

5 X4»x-otJ! ^ u^3^3 tikbJij 3^^3 U n£j*^LII *^j.

& U*Lo ^
^3 5

lXjJ^JI Li £^jl n*^"* ^iLc^jSL


3 O -

O’^ ^P3 6
ly-* • 0^rpb>S ^*Lo *ill
3y^ qX *Jx
~-£ 0—3
10 Q“r * ^
3 0r^ O^"
^ ^
O^ - lX-*x ^yi

O - . o£ w
«UoAx> •
8 L^Aaxj (jrV 7 w^>Lo (Jyb pJtho jOJ 5
3y»>j <jli‘ Nil Ax-w

^ &—s^^il 3^ xajAH IlX ^ 1

3 Ai^ A>x ^-jI

- o - o>
& 10 z\y+, idixi S^p> (^j£ &EjJ jj! sLoiA> *

q_j AJjJ! *yf- qC i_a-P> (3^ iXjj-j q£ A*pJ vi£OiAs> bp}
15 A5Ull J, j«pj ob ^Jl — j> j*-*^3 sJJ! I

; o -^w ! l

CJ^ U*"^ CT^ ®L^ C;

- 0 3 w w 3 O - -O — w w w
sLLjlX£> • [»|y>
jXw) U'.'r^b (•^P

(p; q! (jLsi

£ ^ w ..

u<^p (j%.j^ lXJ^S! qJ +,yf- (jo 13
Up J^=o! Ujj_j .
j*.^P tXp iJJI Ap (i;!

o - *.

13 jsJJS lXaax: q-x lc^

Lx^‘-^> qJ iAxXav Lo«Ax> ^ ^s*)j
[•^ o*^
O- 3 37 0-3 Vrf W
20 & yixJ! y+z> 's£>i.i Ifili ^S^cJlSU) (jy^^3 ^^ 3 j

O -
- ws:
oAx^f. L^UC- iluP qj!

qX q^I AjA> ^^3

^ Nil

i_'UU (j^JLj j*jtlo -^Jtw

(J^ 1


1) B ^ypUJI. 2) B (jUjtJj. 3) C HjA • 4) B q^U* 5) D om. isnuds.

8) Mss. >-<! (marg. note here in A, see above, p. 99, note 2). 7) A wijJt,

C iutiAi 1

D ioL\J!. 8) For the greatly abridged text of Ms. D from this point on,

see the Introd. 9) Mss. ycj. 10) C inserts above, after ^oyi ^ j ^yp"- B om.
z\y* *JU/o. 11) C 12) B om. 13) B 14) A o^-w.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-IJakam. 272

& GLo qJ \UI «Lol\^> . xlIS ^i.5 (iU2> 2 iLi2i

^ llyL <AJL>
^ UyLi. 1
_ji Ui*i

i\*> qE xUI oW qJ obj Lol\> jls 3

j»L&P Q.J iAU! lU LoA> Js

q-E J, US xU! AyC q_J 4 JO—5 Q_C J:!

qJ .jr'-jo jS 'Oi^i Qji
-- - ? 5 3 0-5
1 r
A — • *,*->> aS^ (3^' V^a/cLahJ^ 0i3La^ ^•'.Laa^J 1 4nJ«a*v»\^. L-^-aC

c o- «w

(JwaS t^)Jj>3 sL**saJ/ JO£aJ ^s£. &111 jJtyAVp La£jLa5 ^avvXi ^cof LaS^*) 5

? C 3 0 - -03
^JCso ^*) *^*) t> L^>»w &LL ^ilyCCo (j^“^ u-^jL5*ul .z.j

j^sJi ^li lJ^j*a3 J,

&aa^l*j ^S_5 LJb^f., LajAj! (j^j \j^a&i qLajaj (1056) jkli

<& ^jLd ^Li 0-5 ^Lw &JJ1 li-Aw J<5 j^AA^Vsii &AL^\Ji

0 3

Jfil *JJ! l\.a r *JJ! lX-j(c ^-jt sL^ tA>x. Ji5

l\*av q-J vu>aUJ 0.£. ^Lo Q-J *JJ! gXa-C. &L-LS\A.:> . i^axIajJ! q-J »oL*X ^

Q-C. *11 1 oVaX oLij q-C ^Uu£> qJ iA-LL! (AaC-3 l\JL> qJ J*-a-2-£; q£:


JI5 -:o\ c i J
~4; O- C_f^ 0 !

O'- cr '-*-*-f C^ !

Jo _jj| Low 7 I^JLaJ iA^>wit (J,

LG" Jv-iLi i^wLojt qJ HoL*_c. jK^t, Q^a
3 -
y w - ^ . 3 i: vvwC

iLi^J >Ayj jy_w 8
qJ ^j! qJ idf) l\^£ _js? jJ-c LLoju lyjj
O^i 1

<" OC fr » Js- 3 w 03
Qy^I Ui" XjL LLa-jLs lXu^^ Jj5j *^! jJCj Lb JlJLi 'liJj'Li aJ

i- c£
oVoXj isO^jUL ^-v^E J L>j ^jJL 2>_j!j> £ l>j ^IjJLSIj (jr-^ s ^-:
iLJjLLL jLLo sLe-

jio _5_j( JLfiS ^-*lo xUI jywj „ G-? ^Jo J_jt L

,Jyi ^-^yO ^,-j!
^ &U!

!»lftj L5 K—)| j*aLo> xU! dy^j

^ v_jisLG-ii iGw? xLi Lo

^LGe ^jeil !_cL! xU! i;«*ou.j oAj> „ ^L>! jliLi J.L1 Jo _ys- jjt xl! j»LJLj L*j! J,

S -i 3 W ww

(_yUj| J,! (jGjtJ xLt

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xUi Gj
j-2>'o Is 1—5 j.'Afij' Lo (jyjj J. ^a.d * jlj Jyy>^LS! ^-vyyCj l
_CJ ^3

1) B 2) C ,_y^. 3) Ed. Wiistonfeld, p. 289. 4) B oVyo.

5) B 6) BC pref. lit. 7) C s. p., B Syii .

8) BC om. 9^ D
resumes. 10) BC xLxaaj'j ,
D eLxJL-csfijj. 11) Supply US'.
271 Yale Oriental Series.

— c 5

l\j Ag-w A3 qJ Si^LaXj

*- o$

^ Joy ^iljj XxyJ iioA> lyo

— O-
. ly fyy! 1
Jiojls*! jOLc $Uj

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jyy IjLc^t Jlj

s w w O- 5 v* 3

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(j«i^ LyJli y^J! jyy*o ^5 <sdJ! Ja^ 1 5

q-, I

— g_jli iLlxastJ! jj-^y ^3 &-Lj! q,

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O oS - O 5 O <0 w O 5 £. _p

^ ^ .aA Q j^ ^LL^! q-c ^Uax £a*w ^3 ^y>li L^iJ LaJAj! ^ ^(yjS

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t3-S<3 q-i ^y^S t\-^l <jls yoi '3 jo>L*JvJ! Jls jdj!
jyyj 3-b q-» qjS’S Jls

iAa£ 7 yjaiji ?LjLliuX> Jo |*^o

25 . ii)»J ^.*^5 iS "b5 j'J

l\xc 3 !
3 qJ !
jJJi Aaac ^y£. X-x-yfJ qjI uaoAa> ^-<3

1 Oy (jaaxS Lo J!s j*xLo jJJI jyWj c>-<LaJ!
^y BoLc ^y:
, O f Sw- —05 w w O- 3: w 5 t
.^y>! iyo xili (Aa^JI
V^ ^-S(

& iAa£
Jvjjt iAa£ 3 * »Lol\J>

q£ iA*a«
^y liiAjJJi evoAa> 3^3 joo (jaUJ! L ^ o>oJo> B^Lx.
^y ^3
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S O 5 £ . --5
Ua^» *UL

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^ —

— 5 O

q] jo-o>-lj ^yaiij ^3 V^*-^ ^3 J<JJ!

yJt u^it J-Xiii "^3 3ji ^3 oiyo ^3

1) D om, foil, trads. 2) C qI>Lw. 3) B om. 4) BC s.p. 5) A om.

5 w
6) C Q^aib'. 7) Mss. yai. 8) B H.b. 9) B om., inserting later jJr. {
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

M „ 3 £ £ w W , O f

Cj ,

Ijjjj *-J^oL aoLjJ aJJI jet adj jbaj^5l yiXstxi L-o ab4l sAS 5

lil e^tL/ia cXJj Lpc! q] |*jiLo aJJ! j^-wj q-, \y*i (jLatJ L-l^-j-x .a Ll»-o U_o

Ll*I? Lc L-JLjuLc o^j xjLcS^ J, Jp*, xU! jjili Lpo Lo Ll<\Lo 13 Ipi U-*sS

3 £ )o- 0£ 3 03 t
) 0$
J. ^wJLi q) v^oljCs &GpJ! ^1 ! j*Xjl\jIj I^aIj ^ xU! Jopw ^ l^j&jl^ &j

S w OS 0 3

a^isxj J— 3 L^Lc ^ ji Lf9 _5jiiL ljj-<Ls . j^.bi$l 5


pit l\-jjj q-j adJI >Aa£5 l\*av qJ q£ Aba qJ adif lX-*£ sLlAXs* . adJ!

o -

<2? gU qJ 8 j..^> »LolX^>

w — —— 3 oc
LI5 Los+> Jls a-J! a»*jt |*juI q-j qJ o^y'i viaoA£> Lja^j
5 fiw £ — ?o^
1 LjuLs
^1 ^i.1 La-Lw^I Ls^LXc LJLs ^ ^c^La^j^S

c**<* iii q! 'wSil
^ qUCj j*jLo Lj!j


jUs v_j^jI _jj! 10

£-lci3> \£ji ppl*, JIao£> jJU4l pp>l ^1 3

jy3 ^*jlLo *Jj 1

VH .fc O? £ s w
j*L*u q! ^[5 q! »(cl> 131 4 *JLc.
&-p^ Lp>L, l&> ^)-j iAS Lpo
-C £ _ »M _ 3 £ - -- -
)OU, &-Jj Llp aJC-J ^<31^ ^ yjQ 131^ &JC.4wuX-J 13 1*,

£03 - O- £
<& (_cyi(Jt »Lo\As» jls . j q! aJ

iAa£ Jit q£ ^Cjilxit adJ! l\a£ (105a) lc*
=> *ivoiA=> L^oj 15

3 -**('*
O^ 4?'*rJ '
r*^ (3j^j


_^-jf »l — iwcLii!! p<,j iUi>j5t a^Lo &U! o^j Li?iA-»_j sJJtj (jvj

^ Q^icj ^C-P- -V
l E;
8 yixJI

(3 ^ L!
q! F'
u^c i 3 ’ ^j- £ 0-j! aLjiA-gi qj! vi>.jlX£>

[*^d3*y 9 ^ji

Jij ajy’o L'
5 UdJ' Jlijj JJej L^s aj^oftj ^*Lj> xlit 20

u 3ij ^ 10
liuL % lli jPt /b D Jb J P LI
0 t pi o!
^ Kj^xx ^0 ^jLi (^clX^*! <>w*»w x
\ j
^ ^ ^ ° •(

1) A lit i. 2) C ^L^f-'Axxj. 3) D resumes (jJLxo ad^s L^L<5 ). 4) B om.

5) C 6) B C 0^>; D om. this trad, and follg. 7) B J^il.

8) Mss. j*aj.

9) A om. 10) Conjecture. A
o'o* BC ^xLj. 11) D
209 Yale Oriental Seines.

mi ~ 9 £ w ^ v» J ~ ) OC £

i ^)i ^ <*3wi ^V^Lci

6y*j (-^>! 5 oLx-^i v^&L<\j *i5 aJJi
Ac^ J, ^ &>[^ JliS
£ w .C ^ 9 s o-
Lcj * J^>5 j-E ait! jjJLs jyjjZJi ^yiJI 8fc>j £ Luu v_j|jj Q-, aUoO j^JlJUa

-. O £ « > > O» ff O- »• m ^ o - G- —
qJ jf jl&s jm#Ij LJj*j& * <^US
KSf** Oj^ 13

G _ _ ^ — — — _ o—
5 adit
jy*) |»Lis LJ a
oW> ,}«> L*jf ^Leu'ii ^-iow LjUIss 4

-Jj ^1^ Lo * jjit lAi adit £jl 7 ai
^.Ai y= ^ gjt Jlas JiyJOJ y*Jle>
^ £ # - t
O) -Of .c

A-a*d qJ all) lX^ ^1 »u3A> & &$] 8

J. q-^L£j ^o> &I

O “£
& 9 wtoJ ^ q£. * |*jCil

Q-6 o!/^ ^ 'r^tr'P* J;' iy^ '-^j- 10


^j—LL) v_Jj*it aLLuJ L^oIj jyJLj j«_xU3 xlit y^LoJLtt i_j»_jt

10 jyyj u>-*-c« jls Jjt

ijyS-lt 9
A-jjj q-j adit i)uc * LoAf> <& aLjuv^a e'Jd! cVa-c s1_JLjiAj> .
11 y$uif

(jr-yS^J! q’^e (CJlXe- i_Aj-e> A-jyj Ljy3-t -auyi qJ Hv>j> Lo\Ae»

_*~>t jls
0 -j

12 aCy-Jaxixv^iiilj
i_jyj j-j! Iajmj q^_j LSy>li yyiLt s^Le>
y 8 '21

- w f ^ w
^>Lo! tAP »^Lo xJic u »w^jj jj! aJ Jlas
) w 0 - 0-0 -
15 i^aIss q!j.
c jo i'—
^ CJ^ (*d (i)!yj ytLo xlit Jywj

j»ys?wiit g_>db Ljj jOLo ^j^4-wJt w^ JLaj v_j«>j?

? O -
^;olXj> Ji i_AAy> ^jt q-J i-V—Jyi qX: -;o^w q_j s^_jw>j vii^xiii >x>.-J^\e> L^-yj

jywj i_^x>Lo y«lc aLyix; yxxi ^ej r

ak*A*. iAt-7— «iiilj 13 Ui" jis y& (*d-wt

5 9 - £
jw kjljAL! Js^S

isJLcss p'wXiJt ^xlo xli(

20 ^<j>
p i I ^.Lc
^ J>4-=^ (j^mt ^ L -^ ^ ij c . LIae ^U LsjLoj j»_jj!t

pLiLs 15 alddydt ^S 14 ^Aaj LCfljf adit qL^« ^UJt -j> Ji ^*s

«J»-P 16 Q^ijliJ (jwLxJt La-i! Leu ‘it! v_jyt _y!

Jo^Lxi! tcX-^ 1
(JvC aL-j'i! j*Xi| jliii

1) B -sAcj. 2) Sur. 8, 17. 3) B Lit. 4) B a^j- 5) B tJwx>.

6) AD + ai. 7) D om. 8) Sur. 8, 68- 9) B om. 10) D om. following trads.

11) C j.y>Jut. 12) A aoUiuiiwjiilj ,

also below. 13) C-)-Jweu. 14) B
auA;0. 15) Sur. 2, 191. 16) B ^y^Lo, C QySjlxi.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam. 268

0 i
04^2 j»Lj' xy>o 0 ^ •) .
0 UiM L>! xdw JaA,
) 0 - o„ _ .

Lv,Ll!! 0 ;t
j ij?5) idaj * A*d A^j AaJjJ!
( 0?
Aa*o»! Aax LoAa> UT 0^-^

& LicAj
-aaIi Lx.

s ~

Ajj 0j JsJL> Xfw^j AAj (J^LaJJ^! v_Jj.j! “ kA}

tf s t

_}-Pj (jaUJI stjj

LVx>f_j LoA=> * "^1 ly lyyt! 3
AooL>1 xxa*j a-Lc

0j! JyAl Jl 5 _^ls* 0j lXjjj 0£ A*yJ 0j! AjA> . J>*xo! L>jA>

aLu A£L 0^31 ytba xU! Jywj Ui (Jo jyu (j^lAxi^t i_
0j! Lt \j( jjd q^jF

aU! Jot! yjtl) sA£> 6

^JiLXxj — * Q' (*-^ jLfls i^Liw
yJu ya>!j
0- O . 3

jifoa j»yAi J, 0yj Lo L—lJ <ja 0A/C»j Lojj \jy*/ L*li Ld>yi? aJU LJb L^La^axj

[ lldJj »AxJ! JaJLj italla Laj Lo xll! b a!!!.,
Lila LyAt Aa 10

0j olA&Jl (jliii ^JLXoj LlJ x_aLL> ^ 1 L-La ^AjL! Jl^a J. 0 5y L> 7

J'i' b? y*JS
W i CO 5 w

9 0^Aelj‘ Lc?'iJ> Li) LLj'laa (iVy^ L>j! i_aS>3!
iS^J^ jMji J'o
Id (jyij ji Li] t)jP

0 0^ !
Li-L’ i>iA_g..l! Jii' Ld LJb Li! ^Lcu"^! jLow L-dda i_ jy! _jj!

. _. Cj.

Ra- i (Ado

Lddi *_<jo ^J] 5

xU! Jj_i5 d?
0 3 diij ®5 aJjJs J! 0^bCi yy^ f
cr LAj^o 15

53 LaJl ysJCsjLLJ!
0A>] aJJI ,aAarj 13
A] •, (J 05
qUj Jd xji Jt U^Loi 0jJJ5
? 3 w-3 3 OS _ O ^ w 5 ci

L^ 4- 1 3 i —otif ^5^-CvJf
j^c »| &5^-CvJf^ ^-CCof j~^~

j*~3e.Ua *U! 0^ ^ L-LwAi! (^ajLLj

yiif Lcj^ ^oti! w (jyxjLUf 0:Aa>] aJJ) IjAcj

j*jdo xU! Jy^j J 1 sLo <0^! b!^ jLai J^aii jJa.IjJ

2sJJ 5
lj^.i>Li ^iXx: isLi-ii^ jCjUi^
... i<3li Lilxsj

J>LjlX3 Lyoli
^ 05 05

5-xi 1j Ux^Jo-t lj] b? O^iLb i_jLS?! j>Ax Jl*j aU! A+j>j lLJJo yvi Uj'A*J ydo
16 Aj^' 1046 ) JJ Jyuwp L xa>t. jUa b^oL Ux Uaaliota
0 >
( aJJ!
. 0 j! j.yii!

1) Qam. I 329. 2) D resumes. 3) D om. foil. 4) BC Aa>L, Aj.A>.

5) D resumes: xajAIL \jS Jls lyLo. 6) B orig. Ulx6 Adda -y^', but cor-
rected as text. 7) B f^Jia .
8) C L> Jd«. 9) Sur. 5,27. 10) B orig. ebb.
11) Sur. 8, 5f. 12) Ibid. vs. 12. 13) B o!. D abridges here. 14) Ibid,

vs. 7. 15) BD Lona>!. 16) D om.

267 Yale Oriental Series.

, 3 ^ »l— (_c3I 2yi ^ !3! |*Jti vi>JLfij . *_o LgJt>Lcu L$A:>! Jej . jao

(3-1 »LLj'A^>5 Jis . l\xa« O-aUI gJoo

iA^xj c^aIM yi i_aa*^3

qJ yo vJbS^tj 1
sLol\^>j & XxajJ qj! ^e likJLlt iAaEj

O- ? 011
qJ l
-V(j-J 0^ yt
^ O*
B <2? idiu 0%£jm (ii! yi Xj^W q£ j20l)o qJ KjyJtX! q£ (_T-a^

— o-o—
" ^aa4«Lw UV**^3 j-a—v^ i3 <3^ CT^ J»p>0

^ LI ^* c^

.C w
Lo‘t\> JlS LouXj> Jlw^j q.: <$JJ! <Aa£ (104a) q! Jj>3 lXJ5 qJ qaaj
O )
(3f _jt 3^! all! l\_*_c y* ^.e ^5 Lw
0 -j (jwLotil y-s. y>l£»! q-j iX*^
sL c
10 qOLj! X_jyti *,yf q.j *JJ! iAac JL-Si NSjJU UJyLs Ljow ^ Ijjje JB 1^1X0
, c ^ S t f
J>! JlS x-a-Lc ^coU, &U! iA 4^ 4
JLc j*Uii aI ^oLi (j^UJt jJ, J,


L—^rnmJC-^.jl (3^4^ j^plLj ^

w _C 52 ^ 5 «-
5 -C -C

j*LwJ! J,! &_j lX^aj ^*y>J! !ol5 ^cy^ij

<& o|^ vi^Uji |»LwJL QAflJt to!

15 vJuAaoj! <j y7^\ l\a£_5


0— yo yC J
0 3^3 j
0 j* cllAJoV> _^5 l\j>! 5 C!Ol\2> KaC

^ J'S * 11 ! q! 1 ^! 0-? i-XaE

0-E jji ( 3 ;!
0^ ° sotj-w

Gt ioA*Ell

f^ 3
CT? )~^5
w O^ - ? .

20 JlS ^iljujl XiUix£ J;1 J-^3 <Aj>!5 p4^

O - - ^5 & C- c. oc ^

^aLo 3JJI J»j-av Laj> i»\»vvi

a 1
^ u^M ».C

C^S. 02 7/^i ^ **/^t _^j! »Lol\> .

»!^ y* yA

1) C Jjt. 2) Duqm. Y 62, Abdallatif 613; cf. also Kindi 19, 5. Vocalized

in A. 3) C qj! . 4) A km£>. 5) B o\y*. 6) B (marg.) C -]-

Xaw iiy/5 (sic). 7) Mss. ^aoj.

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. ,

£ o £
oLViuJ! q! ^lXj qJ lXjjj 1

p J, oLVsuJJ *il! A_-_c Jo l^rj L*JLi j] oJJJ uVy I

j£ ^
oA^vo! Abs aJJt JLc y, q| oLArI! xJ Jlfii ^L\J( sA? ^pSj ^sj 1

3 l^Lo
o _ «* .. o£ o £ 5 .- tit

Q-j-j'../0 2
oJWil Job' Jyfij ^i "h^J xJJi Avc Jiao oijwi A»s iJJto y* p ^J
& aUAw^o tlVi»L( Aax »LoAx> . L^jOoAjJ 5

o 1

UT 5
^ 3
J;! ^ JlJLaJt u^IIe
3 O _-
^ J tic
^ X*^ ^t y=A%
Ql_i_c Q_j ^L»jlc
0 Loj
5 Ci ^

XjLs 8jW
w* „£
^ p
oiiLc. y, ^lx>^

&jLL! (jr^ I^LoO ^00*0 liU (jUi <5 Uaa£


qJ oLvJuJI
o £w ^SiLiit i^UAj
. s

^ -£ ? W X _ 3

sLo'A> . xi^wy aJJ!

q, y^. o 3 '
* L ^ Ubbir Jii x*xaJi xJlc loo Uls stAyl^J 10

& p}>- AaX qJ 5

0-5 ,oc .

Ajy er? /j
l^Ao J» Ajy qj OjS- x*^ ^jf
9 - OC .SO vm ^ 5 _ O ) ^ «.

JjOli XaOAJ wa£Aj SyJ jcJ-a^ lC*^ dV-J^ii jiS>j> +yi (jaUJ! j*-w.ULfl (Jx: qI^" J5

^_1L ^ (j^> ^i oL\jiIt jLjij aJ JJ3 L^w'it

^ oL\iCI LabJ j u^*j y,
w -O - X

« #

( ^ ^
^ qIac ,?s
vi>ii ^>Lw L! 15

Jj' 0 J

OOlS" ^_C <-> a-
; J L?o\x>! ^LoAx> jv*JIa0 a)J! Jyw^ Ki£.

? - #
3 w O k 0^5 M £ -O-
v^j^a^w ^ ^Lwx> u. *
^-* ’ Awkiii»^

? 5 0
sLolXx> .
7 j*ij/y Lo liljjJ! j't Olio xU! Jy^j Jls Jyju qL^w J;!
qJ XjOt/3

^ yJo qJ 20

Joyv ^c uuf>
W 5 c
^ lAjy
^ X*yj qj!} l\ju«
qJ vx^yjj! eioAx> y>"jStj5

ic^JLw JyiLj y\jLw J;t X_jyw ^fw xjl xoA^> x_jyw ^x. ^ *0^ ,y! 1

Lg - ^L^ 1

(_sAJI v_jy! i j. J^-Lo-J yslo AsJJf
Jy^j J_^ y^Lo (
_5i-^J ?

1) B L9J«x>l, C j?«A=>t. D ora. following. 2) A iWl. 3) C ,y!.

4) A ora. 5) Mss. yxi. 6) D has this, but a long omission follows.
7) BC ^p.
265 Yale Oriental Series.

- c. m o t
JUS lilj ytlx3 Jit Jy*j Oy yi- qC
£ « - £ 3

oli S^C" L.J-A—S sAaC 8jA^7. A->! »=L> UiT 20 S^^cw l^A/3 bAaE
131 ,_A=> L*eaLo 1
jf 5 3o jji Jli LfjJl |»S <»)Ls> ieea**£>! 131 1

1 q*J &UI
q] jls ^4.ii 8 A_£> j*ju j^Jiii sA-S 5
Qjsyej'l Jls Lj_JLc \_Jii3

b jo La a ^
j3 !^ L-^-j^xccsxj L^.*. aL 1 i\ L LlxL>* L^^asajl^ Lg^olc^ L^-oLa*^

^_viijlt a-e3o (jyLi! L£Aj>! yi [Jjtii L^jAeL jliLi qaA—JL L> Ji oaLJ!

0^ l^*s LI iiLJ3 j^si! Lf] jS»l jls vJilijJI 8 <AS>

q], (jaLL! jLi

&^ jiao all!

jywj L iik;3L I lif jiao 3
all! Ja^“

3-0- wAAA> jd q£ E*aL
A-AAE^Vj j^9 pA<5 AjjJ CiAJ.A=> Ul/Sj

10 L 1
jlo j*jLo Ijfj j^Aot jl S-2 g-Li 4 sb'Li j*.*JLa 5 slit
jy*^ AJLe q!^ ai!
^ qj!

jU» (jtaau jJ Laeju j-LL ^ jus 5

aJL*s a/LLg
^ j»yb q! j-3 ^ oUi »sL>

yi\ sLoAe> .
AaL) iiV_Lr j! gai a—a*1e Ao

ail! Aa£ jLsLi iAajAH 1a.£ j. (jr^A? AaJ 8

v_aJL>j .
^llli Aae 7 ^aeaJ!

A—ajIj ^aL A—a-£ j^T^a! Axe ^ f*^^‘ 3--'_5


IB ^ ao^^\j ^i:! ^aEa5 ^*a«a^"3 ^^a3 3


O 5

8^L> J>] ^e jyO jls

<3! Q-^ 0-jt v^ajOo Lgx^

0-j! jli (103Z<) eLJ3 JLe (__=j

3I ^^j! jo ^aej ”b5 jLiii ^2aL! j,
^LaeI! q_e alLwo
O 0 3 0- -
JJ^o ^5! *-xlx ^Ui J^aSj ^ 0-5 * jyu j^^Lo aUI
jy^ j*

'(i)' <5 v^Lww^

0 ^ l\x£^ ^U.11 lXx^ 7 pAJ! »Lo'As> .
O oy; l


20 (jr^Sl 11
'AaL Xaaa 3. ^oV oolxj! ^aa giil aXe^ jf qj!

& ^*e>j]! Aae L!

s -o c o
!^Aj l\^-w a5^-w*3! ol^XiLA^

2 13 \-Aaj q_e aLLL \ae

( jri j*jlLo aJJ! dy*j q£ a a-e
^ jjaaaJj vAajoLe>!

1) B LaLaao. 2) B om. 3) D inserts in preceding trad.; see above.

4) BC beLs?. D resumes: slil j*.*.J-o ail! jyw. q! I^JUj. 5) Only in D. 6) D

breaks off. 7) Mss. yaij. 8) B aj3L>j. 9) Husn I 116. 10) Pointed

in A; BC s. p. B marg. prefixes 11) D has this. 12) D+ L-*-*-

The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. c

qJ xUt A>.£
J C/C w
Aac rfjyi Jit LyU . LiJ UT vOajjL>! a-ic ^tJj

- - 5

w a-^5^ tj3 jT
r}yv C7^V
U ^ ^ 1
5 ° r.

q! ^ 3 2
Lyu^ j-4-> K-aJLj yli Jji (j^p-
w . . £ ,0 5 - O ? p — -

yf- LV-oli ^jL+jJI stA-p ^cu)cO uX^>l L\i ^5lLo edit ^

l^y? j*~ ^^> |_5

y»<yJi »w\« 0 ^£N-*-Oi ^ciAaJ ^x\^d jdli Jlyv^ l\^>1*) 8^L**o

£C o - w tt

„£.} ^-jt 3pLs LjL-Lo L«*wO ytLo jJJI Jyw^ Ijy-O Sb\j SoX^O V—jLi2i>-

suX-o ^Jo 3 ^ JUj (Ai*!*, «^L*o 4
q£ ^ ^c>A-j y*Xo Jy.
O - 3 — »-r £ o ..

® v^Jjlsji
3^ po*^! L*-o! ® (cy^JI

» yLccJJ o\3»f^ \-a-£^ 3 (103a) yslo <jJJI £jl\-«o _^t ByLcio Jyji jl& 10

i> 3 O -
l-yp Lo (j^c- jlS liLj&i 5
&Uf Jy^ b Jl-Si

UJLxjI^*, Lyy-wvC^
L^XjL»j L^sLwj
Lylb ^rj j*a

O - O - <— VM

l\a£ < 3 ! LoA^> Jl5 ^^ -wJ! 4 qJ oilb »Lol\j> •


I^JlS iC^X^Vw-^ I^-LX! ^Lx^- u\>.C lXxC 0.J

yxXo Jywj y,c jo iC-^^b 3 q- £ LjLSlX> 15

y iXj ^

5 oc — w o >

jAl !^s! jjt iL^jub _j_j! Kr^ qj! jo iLjLw./« iil.Ut Aa^ jls .

cAJJ! U_iA> ^6 ^.Uo *ilt Aac* j»AH Aa£ qJ aJJ! Aa£ Jit LoA> C& yaas

AjjJ qJ CCAJJ Ry-A «jt AJJJ qJ AiA- 0.C Kr-cJ ^yt (jW'AC’j Jit Jj'
ARav Qjt
• s: 7 - __
qJ alii Aae ii>Aj’Li Ly_o <yq ^.c at
jls aJt jS^Aj

Arj lcH 3^ A*j V UT ^ jJ A+."£^ 10

is—ot b Jliis aJ t>kJ3 Oj^As (_,aLae 20

a—^IsAiij t
i^-t a~3vae ^*-^^a5 ^*jLS'
<3j->S t«4^ ^*^a^c Jyi*^ a~^saaJ

tiUj Jo—o at o^S"Ai ^yt Jt Jd . |»ty> LyL*jJ j.ty>

^ yCJt£ ou>b (ja_Jj

1) D has the bare trad. AB LyJlR-s?, D ->.je_^.

2) 3) C _Ao.

4) B Je, D j. 5) B om. 6) D om. 7) D inserts here a passage from

the following (similar) trad.; see below. 8) D om. following. 9) AB

yu, C yoi- 10) B Lt,

263 Yale Oriental Series.

bA_P O^xm ill! A-x. jLiLi t^Sjoilj (jdjJl ol ^Cj'^Lo 3 Ux*s

yy j?

5 S C O - >

qJ iAU! Jyx. . tjoie!} ojLcl!! o«cli ^5o‘^Lo LlXa£ l5 !

Jsjj abLcd!

Ajjj q£ yiw yo L_l_i A^ j*Xil Axe ^y all! A*£ UA' A> <5? xJLw-b

xUI ^ ?'* & 0s <3* lta3 a 11
5 ^
5 3 iOJb> yyjtfj
^° Pytl! j^b (j*bdi Ajlw
alii A*£ ^^JUo

(_JjJI Uyi
y ^ Uli B^loli jibis iA*i! 3
^ut |yb> 5 eVJb 1
^Ucjls A^wli

JAs 3,1 |.Lst
3 .
yo-s y£ a_Lr jy J
isL-i— w b\*-w alii A_«_£ LCsp'
* JLsLjj j^ybo * ^lAp-S

4 qJ
10 tjolx}l 5
y= A*J yo<-. ALJS (jyJA,

\_At K— jJ_5 y! 3 (j*UJ! [jiyi q*/> y*Bo &lii jywj v_jLA? 1

^ Ly-Lio ^yyj

AoAil 3 SAJLe. &j 6 ty-ii^

r^' er? jr^r 11

q.e w-c> Q-J A-jjj

^y lAyl ^y! AjAe> _^5>j A:>ij c>jA> A; SUj

15 l«J Jyiu J-'jiyS-Ji i_/.—£>»|

0-j yiw 'c^*-.'" g- i iyybJi ^-y
alii A-^-y £c*> q*
OC 0-0 o -

^=> Lf***3t ^ sjf JLSi 1

3j/= y
^ojJf j»lS
lX^c ^ob yc* 7 Ll<£C6)

JLJLs ^ajc> 1—4^ xLSf^ jLJLs

w ». f £ C
9 xJi wa»x)o q-j ^1 ,^^0x5 ^ou,t ,j^> ^ _^y=
w_ --3 ^ 30 - ^ C
alii Ao q-e. i_cA£ 0-j pAp «LoA^> . aLL^\li J>^> lyx
_5j*J jf

20 qJ tjrPr. (_o»i'Ao>5 wtjoi ^yt jj ^ isUL*^5 ^y

dXUi A*£ bLo'A^j
jls . 'iijl-p
^O -
<3? vyZ' qJ yL» q£ 3 yiJi qJ *lil A^*x; qC QyP
W 303 » -
wvw *
aU! LI yAjZ> ^jl ^JJO

1) Pointed in A, but cor. in marg. 2) B ail. 3) B ora.

4) D has this. 5) Following suporscr. wanting in CD. 6) B ]yyt Uj.

7) B Ll^o. 8) B -f- o\Jic ^5 . 9) BC ora. 10) BC Uyb. 11) D has
this, and also adds: Lywo i_ALL i^p> yox yi 3 aJoAe> , j»ASj Ai^.
The Futuli-Misr, of Tbn Abd al-Hakam. (

>-J) jLajj jL> 3I

r 0 uysJ iLjyC!) A?t
^ a-L£ j
AsyJ jAtj 3^ s~ ^

^c^c'wjtjl ~~ y* 3^
0 Axm^ | *s3Jf l\ax^

,*-*i-o 0-JI q£ aAe

^3 .
aJ LeyS^' ^llc qJ
CJ*^ 3 AO 3.5 0^5

(j^ly qJ 0;ly Lo'A> Jls K_t_a. j;j qj! 0oA;> j—y As^ i£>jA> 5

j*_jtJLo aJJ) , $y*>j LyJ Jli —jm q_j Aj^w q-j aIII Ay q_e 3
\~Jui yy!)
3 j
3'^'' r» ydy 5 ^3^5 ^
0^*^"-5 y^5 _5 — ^ AjL^^) ijjWsC^

oLjAaj 3! 0j "§} 3a1e (j*3 Aj 6 £)y> q^CJ * yJio aJJ! Jyvj aJ jliu 3^ 3

Ay qJ 5 y2>JI i^a*^! jj! »Lo'A:> .

4 AyA _j!

y>! 0*jA>3 . yy 0yA^> ytLo aJJi
3-y ^e (
Xa£ )W 10

[5 ^ ^ 3^ ^^LaJC&j!
( w<^
v^ — ? 33*^^ CT^
> £ -^ O- w w
v_J-JI 3i +3 yn) t
£s> |^Jl^\xj‘ X^-ciAs*! ^j>Io ^*3 <jli‘

Js^w <sUt lAx£ \_jJjf jli* XxAiil! u^:>l

o ^jC*i 3^^

^ <nJ«^ I

0^A. ^ t
|mXa^«w L —4*

^ '^/>3 3o »vv l-J?5 (*^ ^

o w .. O -
sLi_:L/V> •
o Ji yij U]3>lXj [».li>Aj "A q! oy ! dKi* (joc 'iAs- Jc>lXj ^ jyv. 15

<& aJuvvo qJ tAUi Ay

jstjo ,3!
0-c ‘ 5 ^-*-^ 0^^ 6oA> Ly« . x<**jLi 9
3 oL)l^> aAc ^U_5

° "

(yf ‘^ '
l\x£ ^*"v (3^
(Jyj cJ^ 3^-5 yF** O*
o . * w o

Ay 0-J *il! Ay 3 ^ 8 ^jA\> .

QllayJ! CT* O-^; ^-r-
1 ^

til *X^J! 20

^yliil 30A0 j’li

1026 ) y> 3I Ajjj ^jA^- lyy,

sALo Lui-Jji] Aj^w a111 Ay ^.xs jlj' aU! Ay q-c

1) B 3iAyit . 2) B om, 3) A BC ^ju* . See the previous note

on this name. 4) D has this, and adds: q* syix: yJLcj ^y> Q^i 3

6) A
yjj^.5 <Jy5
om. 7)
0*i£3 y=3
yQ y!
8) B
^ 331. 9)
C q£.
ybJPt. 5) Mss. yaj.
261 Yale Oriental Series.

ail! Juc l-W Lt Jj' (J^slsd! 'jf qJ iAjjj ^yc ajtxyl ^y! vioAs*
5 3 0 - .C v. 3

liUAj aU! Jmwj ^aj^ <Jyy oL\-& AyC**!! JL5 j 1

Js*^^ Ajjj
O 3* £ W o 5 O
lX^x; qJ *)JI oV_a_e Jst si JL3As> . &L5v>-Ij Lyyo a-Jy £jlo! (jo le
i&SjS?*) OjilJI (?A>! AjJJ O^w^l _y!j
yJLe qJ AaXawj * yjCii-

5 q-^ * j*r> ^ cr^y ! L ^c cr^ o 11


C *" 0 3

v^j/JL^a 61 _5^j»
c 2—a2 <3 ^ L a_jO ^ jo uMA-Xv u^yC%*-#Ji

3 o - O £ «M W _____
J-ute*t ^-o 7 £*aao y$A>l 6
_yio y^LJt Ax;! q} Jyb ^jdo aJJJ Jys^

»Lo\A> 9 8
<*!!! A-a-c <3! . (AP q£ jl £5 XcL*J! ^^5 ^lP Ut

"& X^Lw^-O l6»<Lt! A>X^ ^IaII AaC l^yi^x]! i3yw*i5! Aa£

$ cr-

a- ^ cn ***^ c^ !
* i3^V. aJJJ Jj-aw^ ^a»v< (102a) (J*pJL-3 o!A-x; CA*t^

»LoAx> .
11 L^Ar^ Lo Isbl XAw AjLo
ci^ y* 1615 XJL* &jIo q!_5 Jx>!

^ ^»4»Lw»/ 0 l^)6£! iAa£

^.x ^Aa^IS
o 0 3
3 IP q£ hj^av
^ y6 q-c **aJ v^oA>

15 11 \aX 3*^” 3 ^Li tfJy&wO 0L0 ^*y

3 * |*aIo &JJ! jy-Av^ JS jlS <j!A-w ^y^A,t

^avo ^li (jo!c 0L0 Q-13 * 3^6) ^1—5 SA^jCCc La^-o 3-^ Aj j 5 0L0

^Jii o!lAw 1

y^ 1 <A-ad ^ ^Ac

^>-3 *61 StAfj ^-xLo

Q-^ ^~r (JJ? O^V’ A-J„c Ajy qJ OjD- a-*;yj

^ u>jJo LyL<^

20 ^j^ri ^-•^ lA) 9
Jyy JJI JlS oSAaO OpyAs-l!
-^5 ^y
s o - o O
^Xj ^ 0^*3 LaXma*>o 1^ wa^*vJ*a>Jw ^Aav,/q <\J Jb
UoL> i° L-A-wJcX-65 |»u>li*

l\a£ »LoA> . UjjLw _j! Jlc a.jli iiVJ3 ^_CJ-w vyLo! Q^i iolo 15 £jL> aJ

<5? x*Xwi
^ ^viu

1) B Jy^-. 2) C om. 3) C U?l\=> 1. 4) B 5) D resumes.

6) ABC yj. 7) B a^wJ. nQ^3, Gen. 36, 3. 8) C jjCTbLfl*. 9) D breaks off.

10) Mss. yai. 11) D has this. 12) D has this trad. 13) A
also below. 14) B -(- aJ.
15) D -f- U*iy..

The Fuluh-Misr, of Ibn Abel al-Hakam. ‘ 200

UJ^ ~y> Jls w!jo ^ xy,b> ^ ijjjit

V ^ cr ^ a c lA?
jjylt yS> y, j*_xJ
^ 3 sLLej y^iLoI * A_i *JJ! JLiLi *jtio xU!

aUI lV*x ,y sLa_jA-> . jf'jjJt ^JHu q! y *UiotJ! 'i^Lo (j\j l«yi yCS 3

Q.J yo Ley! 1
sLo'tX^j & »ylo q-4 iAxEj <i\JLi qJ yCH '-'y.E

. 3 w 3 w -3
& KiL\j> &>^L> iyo ^1 qJ <x.U Aye Ajjj qJ Ali> 5

lAjy C.»bb, sot^w qJ yo qE qj! L^vo iv«ii J; oLbe> xic 3 yJj

.3 £ 0-3
,sUt w*z>Lo &_sL\^> £-^b> \_it yyby- q.*j>JI Axt
. . OS 5 — O
0_: c
^c:>J! Jj—<"41 j-j!} y^L AaE (jj?
xll! iAae jd »LoAe> .
^xaeS'J! y*E

& ye/) J.2! y iAe>! XxE *y ^5 .

^LiL l\aE



»'-^ t

a 3

j*-»La3 (jrL-^! q-s x-Le yJ l\e>!j u>j_V> j*^Lo Q.C xae yi}
3 O - 0-3 W-
a E 0 L-i^-J qJ <J

,*^y Q-c (j*

^ (jxLe
ac K*^j
O 3
a j! eoAE> y>5
« t
^ jyu qJ
^AjLS! ^biij j*Jtlo xUi £<* xi! isLbj!
y— iLyd ^j!
"& W ..
lXa^U) oVx— (j'o • ^yLl^ ^
w<^p> ,3^ 0-J ^Jr 1 C^uA> Ly^O . XavJL} ^ 3
j^3 15


3 03
c 10
(>Jj xxLLi! (_c^ l3f$ jo Jls

& 11 ^U!
O- £

ij^'3 ^ ^ x-^-E >s^-w-yo q-J j»Lw*v! ypl Xae (^_53^3

^ j*L! j»LcvJL * y4<^>y]

uXae L! • j»LwJ)

« 0 w _ 0,0?
J>! Jxe ^3 o^yCwM- !^ 1 20

LxU Lgg*w! 14 Lo vii*jjb>! iCCw e>_jLXlL xilt x_J_e SUj

. _jt L>y^j

1) C ora. 2) D sLLoj y^tA^'j isLLo yoij. 3) D ora. foil. 4) A adds

the name. 5) A s. p., B 6) Mss. yzi. 7) B yio, also below.
o —
8) BC om. (D om. whole clause). 9) A always 10) C + J..

11) B + _y »LoAe». 12) D has this. AC add ieLw j, (sic). 13) B

yyiwsitj (so also below). 14) AB Lo
5 .
259 Yale Oriental Series.

£ ** _ o — 3 o t
iLx_i 3 j*L*oj >^ sjLo jlaj

Jis ^ $ Uls J^-lj LCic (** 1.0 aUl Jls j+>t Uij X3t ^ Lje

sLii bl} i_X >1 q| ciO.JjSi jlii 5L-351 slXjJ aJJI jJjcs- L\*e ^oSs^Ij >Ai 3

aV^oi3 (.Lr illuj tiXXjle Jii>lj trials I (JLsj ii)o^Li 1

(jo5 **Lo aJJI JUo Js^l
W £-

5 3 0-?^
L'Vr*- w (_c Ji*S LoA=*j
^ 0?
bLoAe* . *I!I uUc

0-C ‘jv^ q-3 iAa£
0-C jj-p qJ ^w-*£ 0-C (jaIIc qJ J '-^“ >
j (_f'"

(Otto alii

q£. OUav ^ O -_
0^3 I-X —jjl qJ jiljj xJ'b02j qJ (j-iljt

j*_ado *U 1 Ojawj *—« iijO jlii (joL*J! ^yi »yf qJ *]Ji Aae ^e ^oh 0*^>JS i

OC w C 3 S *0 — __

10 iUia'i b jLfti L^i^c aJJai ‘bS iLLiw s!y«lj 131 aob

0oL>j Uii

liVJjtli jls ^\X~ij£y j*W' ^y~4^j

LXP wVLc q, oJis \^\X>
£ O C - - __ 5

^Ui 1AS3 0A US 3 iJji 3

q! aJJl oLjw oJls 0.A33 !
^jm ojJj
£ - - $ - o
. ^La^I ^ xi)A> L^Jjj l5
^ «*

(^_ 5uXX!^

jJjw o\*Ju jJ JL& ^S\Xj lo

3 !
^ A>*«v bLLj'Jo .
^jLsUJ! . iAo! i5J> L^I^j 4JoAe> (5 £jlj J’5

15 (*XH iAxe qJ aJJi lX*e 4

3 ! »Lj i'Joj Ji ?iA_jjj
<5 qJ ji'j qE (*j^*5

C *jL^j JwCli*! q£ oV*E_j

0 ^
5 ^ci*Jl

•Aae qJ iL*Xw .' . l-Voiav .*. KJuJO! 3

^! 0 , iOLe ioy! 3 p3j*~5

(3^ CT^'-i
'• 3^L« qJ '-*"^1 • • 3^ CT»5

CT ^^
,0„ * O^ 0—3
iXe .", ^l\—E»"^ t
0 ^j^a*v*o
101 J) .’. ^L^-X—l 3^! 0*5 •"• 5

^s!cj =>
0 '4'

20 01 . 3*! t
2oL\j> qJ

. BjJa-e j**Lo 0 .JLi!

0-e \JLe
^ 0a3 iA>!j caJ.3e> j**Lo (^aJI q£ \>e
0 j *JJ! l.Ve
0£ i_^_aa>
(3 ^
0 ~J iX
.1 ^E >A*w
0j o*;JJ! _*^3

1) B +0 *. 2) C ^yil ^;yJt. 3) BC lil. 4) B om. 5) Mss. ^as3!.

6) B _|_ 8 *^:> vi>.J|tXs» LgJO»j (sic). 7) C 8 ) In the

sequel, D has only the name and the bare tradition, without isnads.
The Futuh-Misr , of Ibn Abtl al-Hcikam. 258

; c ; c (
£ 2.

& qJ liVJUl »Lol\>. ,Jb?b <*11! sl\P

(Jvaj-! '-Vx <3^ _j^,=
qJ A?jJ qX 0J AJt\> LAX3

sLo'Jo . bp Jo xlil J^_v^ q! u^l*.!! qJ 3j.= qJ *1!! A>x ^x

(& _^J'_5

O 5 3 )

2 a^-c*£>
O"^ v£*jO
q.£ * Ljx/C^ 5

j*j“^ oL3 |JuaJ! „^3> j*.*.Xo r.vL! J^—w^j ZtyF’ 0-0 ob! A>x o^

W 5 G G- G —
W w MW
sL_0Aj> 0AAfiJ!j xj^xj^ ^'-®o A->wwb
L$t) O*
<$? 3
x-4>JJI qJ oiJLb

0*j^' A»x ^ 0-^ L5pL*b A*x qJ +

lF^ 0 c 0^ AoAx> Lptxj

x»*>j ioUilb J. jA_j j»^j

|*jlL3 *JJt
Ay"j ~j> Jo Sjf- q-? xU! AaX ^x Jux>t 10

alAx- j&l
|I^Jjt ..A* yV-5*
O &
oj-^LL — jb>
0-0 5
^ ybx

j&A bj !^b-5 !

j.y jjj xU! Air j&xAla ^Lc> ^Ut *pbt *-pwb’li is^x j*-<JJ!
( (

— £ O
gW »LajA=> . ( 101a) 0.JUx> 3! Jg*x- 0»ly Ax>! ‘JS

& iUl^w^o libbl

Qj|^ (3?!
qX (jrbx qJ -sJJ! Axx. qX J-lyCiJS (jiLx xU! l\>x 0ajA> LA03 15

(_cAi! q!
j_yv. jV*-l*3 ill! ^yMj jyp 3^= ^jj *ill A<X Jo
O G X — X S*v w«3 o — — cS?

. iAjo ip" \_jt jJ iswo'uJj! J4.J !A*jAo ^-Lxj _j_?V >x>! jjA-J yxj j*j

^0*^. 0j »Lb'A^»

&U! A>x qX ^Axiit J)^b5> 0-t 0J *JJ! A»x oo.A> LiA«5

Lib jUi 8 yj_yii xU! 20

0-« !ys!
>3y"_; - J L^b>j 3^= qj'
C- O - M> o — —
Liii iyi! JLsLj J.LwJ JAA, Lfbt A*ja>3 &JJ! ob
jLsLi tibJo JA JlAi **« o^b q, 9 LiJu tys! JLai eVJb JA Jlsi j*x> o!b ^
LIa L 11
c>JJj 10 !^i! *
(JnJx &JJt J^-«p) J^’ ,Xji l-*JLi ib] si^-tls j*jiLo xL'S Jy^;

1) B 2) C om. 3) B ora. 4) B Ly>, C (jy*o. 5) B

marg. (later) -J- yix A> 3 ibUib' xy5 .
6) B A^ , 7) B marg. adds
here (later)
J.ysl aJJi JyMj.
^ xibb
11) Sur. 99.
8) B C 9) BC om. 10 ) C Lj
257 Yale Oriental Series.

!cA_s j-o 3
Loj! AL^JidivviL!! gdo 1 bjdlAxS (joL*.!!

ijy* ;
AJLc did jlas oiLs’J! jj C
0<di!! U, UJLis
j*/^b 4 aJ j.l-Wj aU! lUc

jj' aJJ! L J_yi ^nao q-^CxjJC! (_c' Udso j*_ss_i

3! jyb lo >_^ddo |*jdjo aU!

5 ? - w
q_jI w&JLe* A03 & ^Ae CT^
l ^Xm . AxJudad2>»JLi! A-y-j 8 jij£ aajA/4

5 j_ot »LJLjAs> . v-jjjcJu *_Le! *lu_5 ooAJi lA-S 1

j, 0J3.1t
Q-? ^joS?. a*^

^ A i* (jd/fl ^_J ^C. ^E. j^O) ^i AJtjoi Qj! LoA=> A^E jCzJul

jjj j odXEO '

A i ^JJLi U.yJ a- ./tj . <ioyukir?xN.w>gjt go 48 I. /jo *

0 »
jij Ji iLiyLjiv/v^iL i
jiao a-o (A-jAa/oj •^c all! Aae !cAs

'j! h yvjtAdi! q-> aU! AIe lils ,*jCdE *dl! ddAo ,3

/ c
5 jl lisu

10 „ bloj J»co A-do ^SAj oLau-!

0, g-<-d 0£ 13 qJ^ ,0?
12 oLo uAjAe- u>^_5
f , ) W — £
I^JLj 0^ =L^JloJI
^ 0^ ,0_i aJJ! Ao 0_Lj 0*-^ oL*_e a! jL_«_j bL>. 0!
w C 3 C _ .

oLe blits
3^ 0-J aU! A^e (j.Jd jJus b'AE>tyt Axdji!
^ ^~*J! (jo 0*7^'

oLLe Jo: eVJd Addils 0^ cdJd aAJIo! 0_jL> L 30= 0? <sdJt Jui aJ jlas do
- J .. _ e 2 5 C £ .C

^y*J! iiLi( yj>I ^1 jl5 U^>3 »

^.VJLLj jsLJlo! ^5! iiU *ilt aJ JlSS
? ^ I
5 j/ jAi-Lj' j».j
(jo w^/3 * J5
4 jJ d 14
Joo j JJ :i:
jls swX^yi X*5y t /
bU2iAe> .
j*jtio> a!!! d Jis
17 Ud j] jd jo! ^ L<
j] /! L^j'kA^j Ujoed^j

^ 0? aU! o\jtE

(d«sxS3 0?yt oXxE ^! 0_E aU! lXxe 0j

0E WlAfS 0ji ovoAe. Ulc^

jy> 0»0fias?.
^3 oAx/Jt j,v_j ^xl*o Ajjt
jy-^j — Jii' »0C 0-^ di! A_0e 0e

20 Uj aJJ! £Jl j aj^oej! sAP jUi ioyO aj i_yco (j^Li!! j*odo aJJ! i5oAl!

jUi idJliJ! le .io Ji ,j*j6 jyS L^j aJJ! gdj sjJ 3

jliis A^jlii! oj/3 jj j»»j!! jyd

B /lAXs
1) . 2) A A^dadiwJij!, also below. 3) C Igit. 4) B om.
5) Thus A. B C 6j B ^sXoJ!, C 7) B s. p. C odj^.
8) C pref. 0jt . 9) Mss. ^oj. 10) C !j^d!joo. 11) C ^obCJ!. 12) Mar-
ginal note in A : v sLsLiJ oLyi L*_P »A>Le lAd. Hazr., margin : aIj!

j~oi j»\o idddi b^Sj. Qam. I 171, oL»i. 13 ) B qJ^, C 0>3j. 14) C
jo«t j 0 (. 15) BC jJ oeJo- 16) B ^!. 17) B L*. 18) B ^>, C yw>.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbel al-IIakam. 256

(J=VW L)y * X-A_Li 1

-JjtSl Jo * j*JtLo aU! J)y*l. q! xU) AaX ^£1
*_> — 07 *_> o —
<2? 0GJ- jlx>j »LoJsj> . XJ '*
,>lc xaXjj 3! aUjo xjA _j! xj! 2
Ja^xo iJJ 3
— O— CI-- ft t

j;! qJ j.U^> 0_c


cb^ o- cr^
0^ t AoJo SL^JLcj

^Sj tj-j^-Vc -jLb Jo |*JtU3 a1!1 J^-wj q! 0? aJJI lXac 0£ _*.i^JJ! iUo^

tSt^LjSjl lAxX 0j 5
^OaJt Oy^M _yJ) sLoJ'O . OiX- qAxJIj Ax> ^5 xxL? B

iAxe LI 20-jt
>> # 0- ot'i ^
ou^lii yoliLfl aJJI Jo ajJyo aJJ!
^y*>j q! _j-^ qJ aJJ! Aax Jaa^-I 0?yll
y £ o -
sLoA> . 1< Av ^sJ *UI X& ^c. » C
q) * jAs

X *.a .J 0_j| 0£ OyxAM jjL, iAjjJ

0j £_olj 0£ <Aa£ 0j JWA iiJA/O jjt
5 5
. I

q-j v£>-JU! qX: ^Lo &U! l\x£ Ul$l\x> <& x-*J>Lo v^oJSj> U?A:>! vi>oA^> 10

^ LwxaJuX> ?oLaavLj J,l£ J«|

0E A*~
2ul JyL JkxO^I 0^1 l\a£ L! ,^fv. X2I 0-jL^> (Jjt 0£ XXxjJ 0jl c^.Jl\> Igxrfy

Jyy }p- 0J
jjkj 9 **Lo
j x-j^Lc l-Vx

0, Ic JyL> xlJ) Jj-Wj «,-* x-Jf. xL !

y -c- 2 o - 7 x — w ? >

o '-5
yj 0&J5 0, ^y>! 0xLi‘ [yioSlRj' >5

10 sLoiAo>
L.Vy£ 0j °^CbJi Oy-w"iS! _yj! .
^ j*j' UxjxEJ Ji 15

0-C ,0j xUI 0-C 0-2 ftiLj

02 05jJI
* AaE eEA-JLXo> UxXj

12 0/toS Jj * Jo j*JtLo aJJ! Jy"j 0^ 3 0^ ^ l\a£ 0£ AjjJ 02 aJJI JXy£
£ O- — £ t
»LiSa^> . xryG ^jsx>! ^
i_r^ cr? 0-^ vvrP“ 3 (
0-? 0^ 0? ! o.jJo
0^ jfF'*
^ ^

^ 0^
13 ^xeJI
0-2 Oyjv'i! (lOOi) J.jf_5 j*-KH lVaX. 0j aJJI lXaC Jjl sLo'A> . XacLaOj jtJt,

^^ Lil A-a-X

aJJI AaX lUx 0^ xi! Xx>'Ax> xJl JftAs ,3! 0£ i_jyjl

02 0jX». 0ajAx> LxAj

1) D XjJj. 2) D oru. 3) D om. foil. 4) Mss. J.L\*xj 1

(B with J>),

but see Hazr., Husn I 120, etc. 5) Mss. yxi. 6) C v_sl=>. 7) BC om.
8) B 02. 9) D resumes. 10) Long omission in D. 11) B om. 12) C
0L2S &JJI5 13) BC jAai.
255 Yale Oriental Series.

als Jlius sSs> &LLlJI

bLjLji_Xj> . Ui! _j.^U_o AillxAjt ca-Ju&j obb^wJl aIT J, XSUaJtj

0-J ^yf- q_e * j&a qJ ^Jo UL_iJo ,^1 LoA>5 <$? aJL^s tiUIl


cjri* J® 3jr^ O"? ^ ^ cr^


l?^ i/f


5 tols ^1 \_
yZy+b Liyij ^ SU" q**—oj iLjtwj' x_*-«5 iULxiL*!

bi L^o tola iL-obo Xibbuj ^yt? ^ tXJs Julj i^LsAj bS 0: J—o (j=Aj xj w^J
aII! *^! a!!

qJ (J^3 (_c~o jls l\jjj q-j ,}^c>!yi q-c 5C*-ai qjS do,Jo Uoj
jyu a-ajs-t* 3 JLiLj aUS Jyx (100a)
5 0 5 ft ft

10 5
So! vi^xS^ Lo ^L! 4
Li li* So! jL£Jj> oyb *JJ! oy*j c^jl^
«» ..

^Li* l\x£ ®^2>JS Oj-Li5! ^j! »Lo*l\> •


'w^j*w J^S 6
s-Q-so ^) S^JCw

c4 ^ 5

O -
'-5; 5

cX yl l\a£ lXx£ L^XyCj

a!1! aa>JI a*a&> ULc j*ic
^ jls j*jJ-o aUI (jo'u*J!
^ »yf aIII

15 <5? qJ »Lol\> . Ji ,j-> j»L^Uj i58LJi!t

3 o£
aJJ! lXaC q£ I-Xjji qJ lW j*ju! ob^ qJ CJ^J

1 ' b^uCj

.xJL#l 12
^ ^ L
^i *Ui JIS
^ 6y»; 0 >
J= c >

^ (_£yi*Jt »Lo^>
jb (V*U= *11'
a !
Qjt ^ (J^ O^’

20 xbSt l\*£ '~ K ^ ^ ^5^ i^LwJ! j.yjj‘ ^

^ isUJl-vwo qJ eUIi iAxc »LoiA> . j*-£^- iAa£ qj!

5 Oft
u ^'-^> 4^5
O 4^/ oV^= c *

£-^ cr? o- r" !

a- °k) c^

1) B om. 2) B vi^JLii!. 3) D resumes, prefixing: iAxc

iJls xJLjf _jl ^yf- ^ (_cj-j xUI. 4) B bLi. 5) A 6) D iw-'.

7) D li'b^o, and om. following. 8) Mss. yai. 9) D resumes (a^s LgJOo^,).

10) C ^iA-jjJ. 11) D ^-J.AJi 1 i3u 5>. 12) BC om. 13) D om. foil.

14) B j*jOL*Jt qJ (?), D om. isnads.


The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn c Abd al-Hakam. 254

of >

! jAoo
jls . w*_jy5 .*. Juc 3
0 3 - « 3 — 3

85^5 ,\ <Ajjj vyJLb .*. g^sJ! p!c lXJ^ Q*yl <Ayn


£,-* U'! X-? IjJlij jJ-o tfw i^JLas ^.j uVocw 3 oiixi-t lXJsj .\^OjJt
(j-aa3 .’. isLiyCJi .’.
*JJt iAac*, •’•
c (jjj-J -silt l\a£ x*j!
X^ cr3 •••
^ X !

^ 5

^ 3 y= *11 ! lXaCj

gllic 3! ^_j
S L>^ vi^oA—» —A.a-
I 3 . iL_jlc ^ac

j*jtlo -silt Jywj (joL*J! ill! Ajx ^ylxit -sUi iAx£ qJ

w 03 03 .. ff -
xU! 7 xj_5y.
(j^ sULw^ 6
wu>ij ;y> »L>! *JLb! ^yo JlS

3 o- -
8 5jca.
(j*o^<J>i aLo'oV> .
j»!c iulo a ^.^-3) ^jJ5Aaj> Ji (jv: Lo vj5‘oU3> w q-» 10

& £*L<a/ 3
^ liUit l\a£j (jr^T-

• q-J ill) Oy-£ qC *JJt l.W qJ —a?U, ilxxij

a j! iioAp- LiJl-o^

3-0— £ Go— #
G-- P V.C c
L^sbtL: xJlXi 9
3j Jwva£ 2ot_jlo! (__cA^>| ,3 sj'S j.LUi 3 L^j
03 O- O- - £- - O . C
sl.yjl 0-oLoCJi o^y q! jt&i xU) J^xvJ ^—!o y^A.s ^xyoli

& ^xvyQ lXxv^ 14 l\xC c)yw*4t qLol\> • 15

*v 3 3

»» i- wi 3 -

y ^Lo w
a- xJil
(J^J C7^
C ,
w , W w -03
Qytxvj^ 13 yiJJC5
^Xxj! xl xUt JyLj y y^-SI <A-*o Ly^o iL^Uw xjt^vo Xxlc

14 13
v^Lyli ^o\«c lA-Li! U ^5 jyiy L !«a^
-03 -03 O - - - _ W w
xj „^vxi ^ 15
iiU q| Jo Jij&o yjj Ij ^5 jyio 20

^ L idll Axe Lv-*^° q! 5 *JJ! *^1 #il "i5
q! L-^-xi wLLu

1) D om. following. 2) By 3) C

4) A+ i5L>*o ^j.

5) B + iOCo 6) B x*a~L:S. 7 B » ij^L 8) AB ^a-w. 9) Mss. qI^.

10) Mss. ysA. 11) C om. 12) BC yLyi. 13) C yU. 14) B oLiXs.

15) B (_Cw\J-£
253 Yale Oriental Series.

U-j (_pyj! j. jj c-OOo jla i_\i xi! xx>oa x&jt

£ . & , S

^Ls 0a^/Cla-J &—jujLj 5 (J* ^ &A/0 ^ Ljj^S

. £ - .E
. w OC
i^cAJ! ^a5 ^( ^w^oLlII xo’LJ xi! eULX5C] uj)L> qU liki-L! Uj) c>~^ jls 2 ^a^c .1

O ~ G 5 w .
^otLli jjj2 y sA-o (j*Jii
l5^[5 j**J JlS
lT 3 *^-

5 L*/ j&-»-jL> 4
^ ^Lc * ^ys
q -»5 y9 q Aj ^> L5^ s (3^.5

iiw-*i jo yb jlo j.
Jp ai ^Xxjbyj! ti^lo jis iOyp-j J^c ^_v._y3 y£?

jls ^L.joo x_jJi_e qL5" L*e ^y.L jb> <A_9 j (ibi?! J^_e *J (_A*jLo «^Aj

&C 9 0-9
0<»aI^ Lu
0-j! js A-a-j^j! 0j A-Li» \^s*jju
^ <Sy& v^A&Laji
9 - f G£ .C

|^AAAA4J} ^ ^LaAAS*^ 0L/ao1 |»LAaamI A&S jJlAvli U-A&3I 0^ jOilj A-S^i 0^

10 o\Jb> j»L\fiA5 oV^wi! x^bc UJL>l\3 ytbo all!

jy*^ LCp- jX> UaJHails jo ab!} btj

w ,09 £ 9 w ,

piAsij lo j 9 yib q! J|v£ ijjtJ.Li! *JJS

jyy i^a*jLo <^avClA2j y 8

L oPb j»bbwb5! ^li *y= b £jL yibo all! jjy*« jLiii jls y>Li La S Y, (jr.oJ

S w G
LbAo ^jMyn i_\_wi 10 »LolXj> ^?LjJL<j Lj isy^Vjii

^_j obj q£ j.LwXy’ qJ til Lit iAy LoiAi>j oi^S qJ lX*^ q£ (i! qj!

^yi lX*^ 5
xU! ^Xp

5jf qJ xUl oVp xJt£ Jvpj (jvst^Sj ti>ib xIav ^LiJ!

tjol*JI qJ »^,- c^-(5

iAX*y y-vLJl oPjb)

12 qI^j

ebJAj by=>!
11 xlit lXx£

^ 13 x! _yXi q(
yailb qSJj


jUaiiil syiw ,i
15 yi jo x*-yJ qj! Lo^V> (99 b) jbo ^y*bp 14 LbxX>

20 aJJ! oVpj .*. (joL*i! yj,= /. JYi Xva43> ptlo aUt

jy«j t_jbi?l
^ t_ijE

G — «v .9 w 9 G — *.

17 ayiJ _>-j!_5 .’. j^ywJ! aL^!vX^> qJ xli! oXp_5 .\ ^cA-*jjJ! 16g

j> q-J Oy> qj!
" 5 0 9 w

*ty^ !

o? ^-5 ••

1) D liy>. 2) BC xUsu’. 3) D + jJiw!,. 4) B ^ D 0 *.

5) D it sAXc cr .
6) D om. 7) C y**U. 8) BC jj'uo. 9) C ydu.
10) D om. following. 11) C inserts below, aftor xj y>. 12) BC ^yJ^.
13) A -{-Jib 14) D resumes. 15) BC q2^. 16) B y>. 17) C Syai.
The Fuluh-Misr of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

J,_a.>1 _»a xf qJ Ajjj qj! Lo\A> qJ Awl Lo'As>

-0 3 £ 3 s w - 3

O' ci^ w J® ^ (jr^ LrA 3 qj!

\-Lo Lo ^*-Lo &Ui (Jl—iLs i Lo

O^ ^
3 &UL3
jLpW^ ^L^> ^W-vLJi l\»w*^ \^\jS'

^ \.jOc *Lo* 2OJL oi^> ,jro> lXj^I L *Joo>f^ NSj zXa 4 ,jaa£.
oLL Li ^j?-Lo *JJS 5

<2? cAjAJL
_^wwS> JyO Aill^ i_a.cC> (J^
qJ AjJJ Qc v_A^! qJ A4 .JS AjA> 5

^ Loyojl LJ Jls «JiAj> (joL*i! qJ 3 _,c qI aL'A=» L-oj> ^t ^aiiJl (jwjl qj!

J>! * 1 )^ LJju 3j £-asL> ^JULo., ^ja-o (j£oy> SyLi oou> vJJAJL^u!

£ =:- ^3 3

^t^Jis xXj!^ As (__c|^

J, yJ J.J lyUo jj-Lc ^yo^l
Lo _*1*j
A^£^ yol * 10

A+A' (^jo*. LAo Lo ^c'

2> ilUx ^yUs ^L^uJLj v—jL5-\jL> \^ULs Jis y5> L05

OP- o
^y I ^LLi -sALc Lusl AocL

yb ^ jJUil (99a) Uscy, ^jy oyb ^,ls

__ J " " -C

oLLs Jls * u>-yU tails' l.U> ,jA c:
o/ 1

o' O'* L

Cr^’ ^ Ji UUis Jls LoLL cr*

W i-
a» wli

UoOl >J iyt-s^>

^ALstjJ! j*JtLo ailt \ajcj As iAo! qJ O^Lii o], iAo 9

ljj.jj Ai * 15

— — 3 w £
Iv^A/OlX^ l\-S lX-4*^ tV-A-SLJ L\i &^*) si,>*J»il2 ^0
3 & S #
OP OPw P .%
JjCiLi (j^j>
ofj^>! l\3 Jjt jjSwjyS ol^5 cOJu& ^woLLclr »Ij] isjJL^ 11
^ ^L^'JL.J!
w P
\~yLc: u>J30 ^ ^wyo!
0 -J XaIx: JJ>0 Ui JlS

^A-Lb (Ji JljlXao L \^a-jlX^! Lo L*»^>yo ^CvL>*jJ^ jLib LLs^ L^,

^ I^La.83
^ ^cLicXP
^jcJ! J$ jb LiiwX^ 1 ^ 4
eU v^ajlX^I ’

^Vii! LjjI 20

LJ j^_5 eLLo 00 L lX- 5 J,! eLUi Lj! J JIS ^ j'i‘ Lj

Lj yj w^l£ ^ SuVj l\L jli* ^oX-C Lo J-P Jywwj \ili \£a£ v ^>^>5 \aaLc:S

1) B yuu. 2) A (jUa. 3) B Laj>. 4) C ^cUxc. 5) D resumes.

6) C yo'LS'. Cf. with the following Ilis. 716 f.

7) BC Ji‘. 8) D y! villas.

9) D ^oy. 10) C c^Ail). 11) BC As, D Us. 12) B oiys>!.

251 Yale Oriental Series.

JLa-i^s q-» j^p> Js*J Jii' <3'^ u^L*J!

iAa£ qJ 1
yiziui jjt hLo'iAs* . iA*j


1 <3 5 (jjJ 'A-JjJ
^ Ootw
^ vioJo (98&) Lja^j
sLi^ nJy^>
xUI lXac L'u ailt l\x£ *J JlJii als^Jt (j\.:>
^ Sj*£=4

^ *JJ! iAac \J y\xi ojif l\*j Lo “b5 Jo L\P Jvc eU*sr. o^ll q-,

lAfii Jii’ tJJ3 xli! iX.* r .
^jt L*_Ls J.UJL) 3^ j*jiLo xJJ! Jy*ij
3 w £ 3

*JJ! V^jxXO yJjJ! Ji^AJ Lo i^xxLc (Js^ O*/0 yl X-X-li ^vlxL?! VO^AXj

jd!) qJlXJ (jrC^y 8

( jr5t jJ ^yUjl ^ ^L>- u (j*UJ! 8^! ox£o

^.c. v^a»*o &l!i l-jL^ !

|»o ^cc^x^vi! ^x^-lxo J! ^^\J! J!
• • S JS O 3

&U1 (.^jlXo lxli &)J Ls^Xwo _5j/” oLo ^jaUJI Jli> ^VJ3

V^xLo jd ^clX-J '^/j&kSO ^CsJfcjlxxJ SlX-J ^Ji ^Li>ax>3 ^*JlLsO &lii J^xv^ ^xxjlo ^c>lb i3

i3 j>t ^ J>!
lXxx^p* b _5
(jr.o3 ^lX£j Lo J 4 JsJJf ybb JsC aVjuU

Lo u-x^ ^*-Lx-5 Lo wX>*, ” 4-*<Lo &U1 J^ax^ JL&S

,^.AWp ^--o ^>1^3 sj*

2 ^-Lav! ^jaLlJI Jo v^ixlii! !cXP yk L ^x xo

o^Lo] ^xi ^ lXJLc


sJi-^X-o LL, ^of

j->y &U!

L^^5 X^oIj ^-xJLaxJ *h$3
!^CjXwl3 5v3l3 • wQxIai! LXP

5 |^xaw_5
^c^LaO >\jJu\j ® o*-A*x^ ^\XT qIo lixv L-jiyJ! ^.>oL^Vo Jii



_ ^ O - w 0 3

,*,j> ;
lXJ5 ^_cAxc |^x)Co i

Js^r^xO !o! ^of X—

b ^ X_xXi3> ^-xiiii 7 ^J3>lXj* ^
£ £ O^

CT^ ^ illt lX^e

g^ 5 »Lo'Ae> . u^olXvi

iLwUi; qj( q! w<-u> ,3! ^ iAjjj Lo'iX> 8 lXjew qJ ui*jJJi

q_: 1

L_it_\j> l>|j-w q-j _»yf- LxS'Joj Jis ^ y^O Jf alijJl lu y^> U (joist!!

*JJt lXxE KavUxO q-j! qE WU*> 3^ (XlJJ q£ iot-cjj li^C>l w>^5

^aUl "bS! *JI ^ iijil^ci e'Jo

^ J-^( o^jj’ }jF *1 Ji-fii
c ^e ^y=

1) Mss. ^aej. 2) B xl. 3) B om. 4) C om. (secondary in D).

5) B ]y^ J, C ]yJ^s . G) C vji£»l. 7) C Jy>Ou. 8) C om. re-

mainder of isnad.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Aid al-Hakam. c

u* ? ]

cr^ er? d?) ]

a~ c u^’ 6 1

^ o£
Jy^; o' o-^ ^y® <3'

-. « 3 O £ 3 0-
l\>x <& xb 5 v»jLosJl Ju?S j*Luo^ Lc<Lyo y\j Lo <J* ^**-Lo edit

w 3

l\*c ^_j *U! iAx£ jjt »Uj'Jsj>j 3

*-ut q£ * uCJlc ^ <j*y> Lxo\_\o ULo
^ *Ut 5

& (J>e qJ Q.C l\x.w qJ O-Jb! Lo Jo Jo yUb

Jjf o^J Jls wl (joL*Jt .y= q-c xut q-c LCIc qJ (_cxy v£y>\=> lyJo 5
. «* 3 . ff O 3 _____
y ^yALwj ^Lx-i' cxJols (Jw>^Lwj iA jLo jL—JIe lXo Jiao j*JtLo *UI Jy^
b 5
Jo Ji slLLL Jj 4
^_taxJ! Ljyao LijJO >j'A:>ji yJLo <sJJ!
Jy*^ ^ o-U*!
SO- 3 — OC w - 03 ff

dVJ dV-J^o^ eW>jb 10

<jLl! <*111 Jvi. ^1 lX^! J>1

S C 3 ff ) S *

0^ ysUAM ^ i \->..d^ x*-Lx! JUJJ bo^lx*.! lo *Ut Jyy b slifj c^Jba si>lxo

ULo qJ all I Jyc sLoAo . UUU! 6

Jo-jU ULoJS JUt yu _j
y= b Jlso jIjw 0^"!

b\*j( U Jyj (joL*Jt qJ »y= Jo *xj!

lCLc qj 0-xy ooJo LgJUj
Off **ff w O - - o -
(j*LL_!t i_yy yjtj Lx_) l\J! ^ (j«LU! iA^j! qUo Ul 1

^Ibo 0j &U! iAa£ Lo'b\> & (jr^ (jy

0-e Ulo 0j *11! (Ax£; hLjOlXj> . UxO 15

£-e» *i! »y>! —ly qj J^lc q! yxp ^t Xy 0C ^a-JJ! LoA=>

ff ff

jxaLo *JJ! JyMj Qb' Uxj y_xi^! Loji Lo *JJ!j Jyy yxif uoL*J! ^j! ^y=
c; - o ff

y U5 l ! *. *)
JObJ x-*-Lo *1!!
Jyy 0^5 LobXi! J, Qycy y^Vo! j*jCo *»o u)Ojj
0i JU>j Jiao . *1 ^_c^xJ! 0i ys^! *xlc (_cv\j!j ^5! yAJ! 0i v^xU ytLo *1!! Jyy
0^xo"L 5
! 0—j! sLxUA^> ^ v^alxxxj ytlxo *U! Jy^ 1 *_i!^ l\_o ytlo *11! J y. iwiL^P! 20

eft ur^ cr^ ^ ^ c^


Oc ^ 9
/^ !

^?0O)L*J! 0j 3y= ^fx si!

*_LJ^> 0oL*j!
y *yJ Jy 0 Joy q I
^ Jo. Jo Uy,

1) C 0x !jS 0j Joy qJ 0*o!, 2) A-f-^yoLsJ! ^j. 3) B om. 4) C yiUl

5) B -j~ J. 6) C J-y^! ^x). 7) A + j.UxwJ! \-J_c, C yLo *U! Jy^-
8) A slyJ>!j B sLo'Jo. 9) Mss. yo.
249 Yale Oriental Series.

5 O— <*, ______ £ £
g ^s. iS jv*«j i3tjSt Jj uoL*J! lya

q-£ yy Jj! q-j l\^v a'woA> 3 qIjuX^" gJi 2

Hj^-w 3 _s
oLLi 3 lya
O- 3 -3 ..

l\*£ ,_oj
^ 04 Aa£ 4
£i*JS AyRa* 0? eys-
0s 'Auj3 . 0?

& (joL*J‘ y= -y

j~bj j.*p 0. L« jyb ybo *i!i o*,-* JlS 0ol*Ji 0j yy q! Lyy
jilij »0 Loj 3-^swJLi SjJoi Ijjil ^LkS 1-3 »^5 0 » la_j s—jjJL !jA—•! ^5^ Liy

q-c ijtyJ

Q-j! q_c iUJLwx yL_LI! Ay. »LoAo

J.‘ j

. v_*£y|j
0 3. SjA>t LyJ! ^uj

* (joL*Ji _jy=
q! 2uA> j^cO^t AAt^
^ A*js^ q! 0*-Jlw
,y *JJt A*£
r^J *JJ>
lat jLaj i_^C 2 i*J aJJt A_yE Lt
q| Jy'j ^ s-s |*i**y y- Li yAlt
1 Lay

10 0aJ.A1L 6
0, Ji iUj XvE XjJjj. ylo *111 ybi?! Jji! Q, J>I

£Ly ylaj j,y

^ Lo
jyj yLo *Ut jyw, 2
LLy j.!

'(& 0y-,\JA ^

> 9
^j 0s ^ J -A >J
0-c J~j'
li ’
0^ 0^ 0C K
'r ^S~ i3 !
0i 5

i 0?' Lya_j

w - 0 — 3

3 ^*aLo tJji 3^*4 ^
0-4 0£ ^J~ ^ 0? 0-^yt '-A"^

15 OyJ! aAiAw b'J^Li &JLaJ j, &jLl> (JTsajLoli i_,'lLii 11 bylc jytj

^jLIa3 aU! J,t jf- J-lXil yiLo *l!i i3vw^ Jkc 'jUtXs Ub s

jyy ^Jl y5>_5
Ly lCL> Jls
q! ^-0^ 0, (98a)
4 4
yys? _Llj5 lyLo Jb HO^L <S«bJ c^y~b>-! >M objJi ^bLwJ y*Lo
y (3 '^y J "
W w 3 3 C w - C-

JUi jjb v^At^'°3

fri (j^0 ' Oy^li * Jw^X£i ^) (j^o

IiAXS 10 <& i^Jjc ^LibCa ^yjS j] ytLo

20 3 ^ «-jlX^> 5
*U! Jy-j

^LliL lAy 0j »LlS'l\s> 5 isotyi ^yS q£ j^LiL Ay ^ &U 5 Ay

CH 0 y= 0-^ ! At
^ cr 1
er cr 1 jly>t qJ i_Ny loA>

1) BC XSblS. 2) A om. 3) BC by'A>w . 4) C 5) C yAa.

6) BC 0^. 7) B Uy. 8) AC
0yLu‘. 9) BC om. 10) D
resumes hero. 11) D Lyij. 12) B #jt. 13) ACD UJ. 14) C oy?o.
15) C q! oyls. 16) D om. following.
The Futuh-Misr of Tbn lAbd al-Hakam. ,

2 1
^jtJLo *JJ! jj^yn J—Pt xA»x: ^_cjj »AS> iJLs (97 b)
' - ? 5 W
•'• 3 L_2-LiO
iLjf; J! J cr"^ ft** i}->! ^Jft-i
? __ w 0 9

^_^J 0/0 X-J IjOjSJ I 05 ^LV-LJ!

| ^
L-SjC. .'.
f?jp^ q jj-,

° S O) £ 5 . 5 >

jJ y-w 5
A_i iLoi?
^ G !
^UJt yn*j yToVj Lays . xic j?j*£ 5

Q, ft •
pj ^_yJ ^uli/ Q-» ^J-*
!A^>i Jl

? s )
XCisu (J.c ^Li^^U icjSo q^o

,>P' J-% o 7
i»W 5^
wP £ w
L.ajA> q-Jj^-c (J-,
yiTI \-Lc ‘foj .
j.'iLw'i! (i ysi Jj! j.5^

tinuos here with the following Appendix, on which see the Introduction. The
pointing is mostly my own.
^->ft> q-j yy*^- q-} Ayxc. _j_jI «l.V*j
o —o ,
t ^
^ jJi'b sA*j ^ ^ ^ K-jLfil -i+ i\ A VJ XXmJ ^

jjc ^ S^_g^i (JSilj ^ibd! »A*j J t&jjc y*-yjj qj! »Aju ^ ^

Ji tS?
_J—j! XAjI Sl\*J ^5 s* s* o^ !
cH 8LX*f ^5 ^
Q-% (j*oL*J) ijll
ft 'S-jjt j <->'uj> »A*j 05 ^ & jj£ j ft ft)
8 >A*j 05

& 2*^1 „y3 ojlxT. 1) Here begins in ABC the seventh main division (

of tho History. I have supplied the superscription. A has the usual introduc-

tory formula. B (fol. 152a) prefixes: j^iA-aJCJI j q-j uW 1

ft _^1
qJ tAx£ 1 —i_i'jy> jls lAjAs qJ q_j J.C LliAo

yiy jt2 (jocl *UI lAa£, C has simply: A*£ Lo'J^> JLs

Ju£ aU! Ay qJ. D has only a very brief summary of this chaptor,

see the Introduction. 2) BC 3) BC xlx. 4) B sXa. 5) B om.

6) C ^LiS^l. 7) D has before this name: iftj i_>L^S
^ xhs.
^ ^c>
j*_*Jl o xUt. 8) D adds: LgJU v2>JpL>bSl oji lytx /Ai and om.

next two trads.

247 Yale Oriental Series.

Lc*) 2>wLw 0^ jy^t Lysis Jjj j*li aLJI j, L_Lb

0 5 — O) £ 5

^ " o!»l> ^1 ^-y ^JsC. *jlX* JJti

qO lXSj * 0^ *-Jl

)^c t
o' ,.jjl
au^j l-jLAj mm ^iAsj ysx J
LJlj yjyl! _^jt jhAsj

w.4J> jUw ujUaw (S—*'L> b-L iy.w.C

5 'slsA>J yJ ^t LySiS (JjJ |*J>2 i =L*12fijt
y y

"fa (J ^5 yv-AjLo^


tL-x^v <jL>ww
^3 *4! ^3 (j^***^ 0^ oy5?J! 1^*3 3^”

jjj yLs .
j—^3 ^L^lsl! £_j ^3 xjsL> (96a) 0JOU3 (jyls^
. . 5

•& (jyjUj j>^ yL q-» yyu 3

jLL £*a*J |>y. oy^
o — y
^-^XwClXJI 8
j^-oCaJI 0-J ^ °
0^*y\ l\>^C ^xxaJI ^ ^j>p>^ ^33
*" G-
10 0a^3» ^Lm/ N-J 03 oo ^ 1

j-cvo 7 * J^*jj ^y^Jo ^0^3

^ 0-^-X-jLo3
~ oZ. 5 in.
0, ^y&o! H^O
9 Xg-yS SlXjLJ
3! 1AJ3 0, y$>} HjAOXj! J..£S 0j 333

0 0^^*
0 ^ **>4^
lXLJI Jj>J>3 * «*!!! (Jy^ H^o

& 10 yyu^3 i>w »y>^S

G - 5 W W- C 0-5
15 X33^Ui> 0-J3 ,jr^> (J^li bb ^l>o Jou y2/0 vi^l5 [$ lXjiAS 0jl 11
ywlfiJ) jJ * <jl3

Lytols jyj
j*.JLs (jyoloj o.'^VA,
£yw &a-w 14 sLi^aJJ 13 LW qJ 12
A^=>° lXJ*! qJ *

(jr 0

.>^a t^Aiijj & 10 &y>-5 !

(j:oUj> J.
yOo'^cj (jnjUoj iL-Ow ^t

18 <3?
o^ 21
iA*^” ^

1) BC As 0 I^.
i 2) BC L>
5 b. 3) A ora. 4) B 5) B ora.

G) C om. 7) C 8) D resumes: yOjUj ^nju.Ij Xa*« Jj Jls

gj! _j.^ Luto'j' ^cy^J! iU;03 qJ ^L<j 9) D sAij. 10) D om. B adds

hero (j^olwJ! (since the following merely an appendix, not by Ibn

^ is

‘Abd al-IIakam). 11) AD om. 12) D om. 13) C-f- v_jy> ^j. 14) C -f-

by>^l (J=oUj> ^ o^* py?- 15) D om. remainder. 16) A+

byL^) j.
jls . 17) C marg. :
^ycLiJI y^Af. yA^> j.LxJI sL^s K-yy ^3 Jd

iLil+iljj o.Abl SSm. u.a^lXc. |jj!^ Lo iA*j. 18) Ms. A con-

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ,
'Abel al-Hcikam. 246

® —1^5 O-.^ X—^ jjt j o by— 3 s boaJ

la lVIajI l\x^-J jjl>3 OLXwbi ^jL> 8*^3 =L-X-x_j' ^ -A

iA*> Q-i oCx xJUCs OJ3 2

jjjOSUi oot-xbl jo? 003 l?'
cj^ Jj 1

6?slXJt 3y*i

xU! iAac jjjJ o»Job j»Jvs

> Ly^j' Jjj qj xxazJ ,^J»3 5

. xxaj (J j*i 3
IZj >.
Xm^3 D Ui XX .W *V b liLLo ^j|
_ ff vw o —
jt x—Uv jJili vjjfyt!!
^ uu xj j»Ai 4
oJIzlt j*Jlc J-aaJt jj .5

. xlyti oTLii XaJlc OLLa-C .o'

s-La j.y. Jj! sA*ib ^cj j jo' oV> LyCols Jjj *-U
L c'*^c - Vjt_oJ ij^Z-5

’Or (jOjLoj jXji xaav 10

^ ^aPjI lXL*J^ jiPl il^LCvvO uXxj ^yi ^c^-wji

ff , 0 ~ - -.0 5

bj-X-j' ;
'^j^ O^-^ 1 *
I X* ^1 7
x *4"^) l5^

^ UT*^
^j_Ci Jj loa>Jo> Jj!
oLai?l Jjs j ol&Aj ^3 ^J^U! j*_A. 5>ji xibCo jj_j
5 5 w 5 — - w O —

X—«l&>! OoVw.53 xiL> i^jyAXi <JjljsJI Xo! Xwlc j»l \5 (JTO> Xojj jjl 6
alX-V*JL) 15

. x oVLot ^u qJ xUS lVlc ' ji-Jxi yyabj tobo (jzJ'o-t xVw j Lutols Jjj jLi

^ !

o't^ cH (-^7^ ^lXjCu! q-j lXos^ qJ jlV<IJ! Q-J

^L\xxit ^-j as:
^ j$i d <sU!
^>[5 . eViUP ob>3 oSy^I!

l*AaA*I! j.lVs Ulj .

^LoO olILj iiVJ3 xJj: (j»li‘
^3 j^3
jr^ &
0 5 j: ^ 5 vl

^X^Ji 8
l)!^0 q.o! \-0 SjXix. XXwW ya/0 20
'S? l3Ul^ oUi liWO l\*j
«05 — I 5 ff £ O
j*»A5i ^Lciiiji *l!t
cr^ ^4

Ua2£ . (^JXajLjj SjvaC Xaaw qLo^j j&m 3^ y&jO L.VL*J|

1) The superscr. in C: s^aJf ,}J4

^ ^ yac ^ (jr'o (jxiia ^Lr ^c>

(similarly in sequel). 2) C 3) C (^aj uwj. 4) Mss. wJlI^o.

5) A (VjUJi. 6) C + j. 7) A + xjc. 8) AC o^b.

245 Yale Oriental Series.

& /? $ o* ^^ /UJi y) h J M'S

M! *<-**' 3s l\ac qJ aJJ! Ck^s. by^> _5 !

Gt sSS3 5 J,
ff ff O > i w # _,

^•jnJLc^-1 ^ ^v.LlL
w CC 3 w _ )i _
W w _ff
& ys! ^j£: ^Ujbio lo yJ>3 ^ §^y£o ^yci
ff Off £

^uJlc ^Lils Jo-y MIc j£li F^Jvs . XjLcj yvjtAAwj iLLw J. ^icli ^^axaa*! ^
JLai ®o^*^ ^ ^LLil _^j! J 1 5
ijUai qJ * jJLall ^y> iLlcJ
^ J^iaJL

0£ q£
. cvj'S" . Lo
"M» j^ic! JJ lit

<5? JuLoj y^JE^wj £>~w is^w ybo 3> ^Lasil J^c. JoLdu! Jy *li

S ‘»
N —A - A ,
^Jr— A* .
^w\_>jC. ^-MA-5

10 _ ->i X-jLoj qajuoj iLLw J,t iLcaJjj}

jj_j ^Jl3 . f^F> y^- qLTj

& tjsL-xJ!
O . 3 3

&Lw ylo 4x2£jS 9

Jjj |Ji * vJisH oJL^u*^

^ L$j*S ioLcj (^'JU.ij ^w_*3>

j<~ i^yi
-Me '
^ 3
jt-r" (956) ^jJ i_\—»~£ qJ CT^T^
'Aae 3} .3

15 ^ lAij . ioLoj yytwAjj

jJ.f iLLw
11 L» s
k )!

^colcs- j jjc jrc> tlcsall J>c

(3 1 ^. ^.LIt )

tf Off » .

& IlXj! aJjcl b) aIIIj jLiii »^£ LuV>f, jji t.^b^i v_jlli>
J 1

CT* (3*3 CT*

i jI^pI (^co'lj o5.jL,\-oji (3^ '-^-3j q-, (__cjK*il ^jCj j^jt j*-viL? »l\*j ^3 ^
_ .
j*_ii iL-i->--c> ^gjf v_jlc5vot laPAo -_aPlXj q'S» ^3*^X-o ^03

1) The
superscr. in C:
ora. to
Bakksr ibn Qutaiba (end of
^ cr*
this chapter). 2) C y=. 3) Cf.

Kindi 384, 5 ff., 15 ff. 4) C yo. 5) BC ora. 6) B (later hand, above

the line) adds: LaJLc ^.ji, and something of the sort is needed for the under-

standing of the words which follow. According to Ibn Athlr YI 92 he was qxuli

in Bagdad. The citation of Hak. in Kindi 384, note 5, is not quite accurate.

7) C 8) C om. all the following until the qildl Ibrahim ibn al-Bakks’.

9) B ora. 10) A yc<\!t, B s. p. Qilm. I 382, Wiistenf. Tabellen P 25.

11) B 12) A om.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Haham. ,

t--X_J yvlj * . \xj ^jLRxa iL*_U Qji Jii 5 _ycb Kjtxjj QjLj
i 5 «v 5 C
eVJ 3 \xJIe ^_cy>! ya /0 bLes Ajt (
95 a) LLxjp (jOla A A Ue i^cytj

jjj aUa&S!
q qJ.JO! j?
iAJLJ! b jSj
^ w
U !_5
* KsiaIe* bLe&OJ
B 3
3 ly y»ls 2

& KjLcj (jOLxvj '

^ yj> yr^> tx*?lj

bt+> •
^-*^5 (jjV-xvj >Sjm A A je» ys^xi^ * ^x^xJi ^
Ass 6

l\_L»J ! A-A t
0-V. Js £l * Jjjj At ^ jo 0^ 3 *if
$1 ALJl J^t oUc

^_xU At Ajiam qJ viiyJJt \_x-i i_xXj Ja 7 *JJt t-W. ^t 1 1_2 'Ae> v& ,k.ioyu AJUo

5^0 IjUat <*U.,o *JJt

Ay-y> a-L*w l\xAj. Nay Ixxx-y A-ij (yyUjIt yxb

tS? Aiyj i_xx\j . !yE> N] j?.L\Jtj ^LU\jf A LUe Lo Gl

Kxxv 8
8y>$! ^sUs- £ ^J>yS y=> jyj *Ji * sLiaft]! Je yUw y OjE Oy 10

^ sjyat i^x^oAi J'j'

3 sLy _^U yx*-*
* ^UG- I aj!lX> & iLaloj yJCxvj qL+S'

At liut^ (yg>ly*Jt AJ_E q^xLw 0-J O.E ^.iAs 9 &Ls?vo A LptiS Aj^ej * '_ajy!

(jv>t_Ut ^^Axit^ -
i5 XjUo ^e Ayi U:>la>. xjyi-tj l^yst Ut *Ex5 Ui i_\a>Uxi!

A.fiij As stylt ^>ayaj'j iAyixU At Uy lixE>L>l US wUj 3

iAaS\xv_St 'j.U: ytj *
O - ? w «i o
(&tiLf*t 11 Axe OyE k^Jt Ly.E tiLx+Av (jv> tiUS 10 *JJtj i^xjUt * 15

AUUt iAxxe
* idtAi^j ^_j jUIjt fUaftSt 12
Aj O^e oLo L*JLs * Jli
r _ 3 3 w— W w 3
i_Xe>! wxx\Jt Ayla y*^2 *'. slxflfiil Ajt y*' ^ : x » yJCxvj ^.xj A i3j"
c _A

^jt iAjlJ ioU bL>y ^S L>dxJt ioU AyE»! * Ai' ® j?^Lx-E>y ^xLU! £^Ui
qXS A'ci^t &S jlfij ^xlseij AUUL 14 USt eUxxU- 13 Alas
Ay c

$} =Lxxjt ^xxIjj <A Ixxxai ^cJOt 20

1) D UaaSt a)hi. 2) D Ajt 3) D ora. 4) Tho supcrscr. in C:

i3yCt AU ^U Ui _oy A?t y&j ya,' (j^'6 ^jyCyj • 5) Ilusn


II 83 has £y_t~w (confusion with the Hanafite rawi). 6) C iLxaia> ^jt.

7) BC + r<U L.W cr
J. 8) D om. A reads ^cAy-*-^- (so often in A).

9) D om. B -f~ U. 10) D c^Ao, 11) Not to be changed to yE, as in

Kindi 374; see Gloss. 12) D siA*j As j- 13) D *S AU ‘A*2 ^Uy iSj.

14) D oU>.
243 Yale Oriental Series.

Lo jlss iiU<3 j. Jc>JI xduCi L^/ji joob y>\ ^Jtc

& iUas q^e^Ao ^ (945) J,)

(jeaeaII ^Le j«_Lw) iU&E 1

l\3j * .
(jjixiaJ! (jiiLc *)JI l.V*e
^ J5

lit lo aWj Jj-eI ^ Lo ^*>o Lo'w\> I*/ jJLw^o iUiic (j'jis \4e

o' i>4^ ^ qLs (jaLaJL ^JueS


5 w w
3 (jols

X w

U! ujj> ^5
W 3
^ y
w ** £

& JjJbt q! j^>li V^A-O

q ]_5 0^2-5 y^si
- 3 £ o- > - .,

j^b 5
jsjjf <Ax£ xjIX* Jol>j 4
-ix:li *U^> ^ijCCw! 8 jl5

x . o—
(jO^jIt JCl^UL (J^E- j^cAjI vijyi U!
Q^ jlfiJ^

y^] JJ t

S - c
wvi^ oLo Loii |J^b q.j all! A*e oLo lc^>
(j*UJl ^ s ^Ls Oj-t

iAae XajI c ^aej iJui ^jdl ^1 a_i£

^1 |^, ji tjkSJ i^oli’ |*^as <?JjjLo

t5t Sj ALo^j o^-Lo a)JS

0-» ejyi ^Vi ^> s UoijJ( ^Le iLrj£> _^j! Je ^ Jls

S3 3 3

^ 0 *e q!
JLSjj ^LceaSI J^-e
Oj-e 'iL-?jZ> 7
_^j! Jjxs iC-aJLii!

JvE Jjj jji lXjjj qJ 10

>?' £ LaEaI!
(Je o^*J! if 0^" U^ 5*

iolcj VJ^1 iCLw


£ 3 . y

jlai (jOUjIt ^yoi jJje ^^>J.i»L\5 jla d^ycli i_\JU^j ^JuV> ^j! 11 qL^
x w o-i w

> y y

^AJlo <A&S go>\j> ^jb ^

^LVjeo jji »'A*j sLoJiJ! (^c^) q-*5 j*_*j JLsLs

lo! lillo

w - X X o- X 30-
14 ^-X2UiJj g^Lsoj jo
Jl5 q! J4A2I ^)iv3

1) A o^5 •
2) BC ^yCols. 3) D has only: i-lcasLi!
^ ^ ^uuUn\ Ji

X SLoj (jW4.e>j £_jjl iL-_Av J, J.3-J5 jyaiif ^jLxo> ^t J, (seo below).

4) This was in reality after the few days of service in 140, see Kindr 358, 12.

5) Correctly, J^U
o^j" O* ^ '^c O^
L L'V j4*
6) The true date 140,

see above. 7) Mss. LI. 8) C Lyi. 9) C om., leaving a blank space;

Ilusn II 89, 4 has hero j). 10) B LI. 11) D resumes. 12) B vsv°'>
D iw-ujo. 13) C ^13- 14) BC Lf
jolaJI. D has ^o! Losaif.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbel al-Hakam. ,

S r - o£

CP (3"^
^ > _^'
‘^z.jr c)^
w £- o ? ~ «
<u jlib LI JL& (j^Jl^ J.
O, 5 - - 3

x^— \tLi U-Wj „y>'i x JJ pi j.Ui

q^j Lb

ipOjpJt X-iy> pt jyy

Ap qJ * aU lW; 3} jls & pJp- >4

Q-bj (Jyu Lc xA jJ (94a) ,Ji xdc ,*Xwi Ap oL5 x pi xrp> 3bS ISjA/o 5

ipp ,11 3bJ bwi Hiiy> , 3 Jp 313

APii'i .tAp 3 xJ! ^.op- Ai x£p> pi

pyti! (_cL° L3!i j*_jLo yJ>j yxxbli JlS _j! ajj -pi! aJ jlfii ipL's
_ - 3 5 0 -0

pA-c A-jp \jAj jjXj x-lc ^JlixAi jli' iUip> pt Ajtii pic. ^oblwli 3

Lo jLiii xip> pi pp>li 3o sL> L *J Jij xi-*J 4

LA xLc <_>p xJlc jJLwi
.- O - — £ 5 0 O - w C w
(j^UU ^C: cU3 8 y**X<i C^-Lg q) 5
q! ^ dVJ>3 qO 10

£ £ w 3

^L\l£)j! q! JAj^! Jsii £wp» jj! jl&

— £

A_L_’! C
AjLp y$>} * pjL>
0^ AJUJf golAxi (jia*
p-'^Apj ,ji

O - oc. 5

p-j A-jpJ vjo pL xpji* pf xJi aJjx-o iL_rj> ,3! sL>

w > o- j; 5

3 iL,'3> 7 j._j! j*JjCi xipiii p ^Opb> p3;> 0*-C Kix *j'L>

£ 3

_5 ^,= qJ AJ't L*.SlX> &xJI cpy^ PjLe 8

U^C?. c
(j^ 3 0 ^Lj. ^ 15

cr & * *—:p* A !
o'.r^ l5S> u°^ *
J-5; J5 /^ ^ S
9 '‘

w f 3 O 3 C
d^Ji oUi] y.

^ Ij-
O- 3

^ cr ^^5

13 £-£JCo ^ cUl\5^ i£)A>x: eLua&St Jyb ^ iol ^J! ^jS}>

_ w 3 - - £

xib-J a— i 1 ->
Lo*j — jPj ji lAJj l\sj J> JA*j aLciftj! iA>Lc


S -
^li \Jo!u> <w-**5
^j ^1 16 x-|^j^^\jl
^ ^.ji ALj! 20

1) C 0 LLwyi!. 2) AD om. 3) D + *Jj^. 4) D Lo 5) D

aK. 6) D om. 7) D 3^ ^xii. 8) C jJlpf. 9) BC om.

More correctly _pAol, see Kindi passim, Husn I 136, Hazr. 10) D om ,

also preceding isnad. 11) D has: j*Jii sJIas

^ 1
s^L »Aii Uf slXax Uai.

12) D om. olaii, and adds xi 0^3(5. 13) B 14) D om. following

trads. 15) BC iA^av.11. 16) B s. p., C

241 Yale Oriental Series.

£? oyi jLiLs *— Jcso L Is *J i^JLaj

^ O —


Lf^ cH
£* g/* l?”
> '-P 5 J>s '

p cr^ cH 1

^ 2
ioLij (jvaujlj £j>! iuLw iCajUail

V^ ^
O £ G— 3

r*V ^jp ^
£ 00 2^ ^w-A-A-W
0^3 • Op-^ cr cr2^ 1
i w o —


5 5
p^Ls ^Le ibo j£ Jj jlajj sUdijt ;i Li
. Jw>j j 0y= LI

O * 3 3 0-
q-j 6
l\-jj-j * ^aP^! ^\jyi yi *3bL&

lil —3 1
So UJi



^cAi £_*Jws'i

lXx^j £r^p> jj!

q ^5





-10 e Ui * ^1 us^aXii! lAfiij 9 ^xj „bjw L\S> ^Iss \xx L=>Ua^s 8

y>! &^p>

10 L-Lsiijj ^Lj 11
,j-» q4 Lc tgyghj Syp jl fij Bjibj * —«j£ LJLs

.» O - - - 3

jb jyb j*Xs* b\-^ 0-^ &US Jl5 H^~p> ^aJjc Lo

^ L Qi*-*
*-*-jI^ ^1 13 ,b.odb iA->t o 12 jYj> Lo i^U-JI all! iA*£
3 3 £ 3 W
£U^ajf \-x-Lx (j£y*S &pj:> ^ ^ JlS 'C&q^c goyi CT^
b^> *^1

.C 3 O 3

vi.1 v_’L>la \&jj> *£vA.wJ^ ^p-1-5 ^ccX-5 ^xJ0ci3

^ ___
^ '«—
». . Si W*
-oi 3

15 -»»pJ lX^>Lj iijXv^c *&

0'^-5 jt?** ^3 ^ [•)

0 LCs .
^b^o iA=>)
^ y_ b^I ^ I
Ibis 15 (j^Lwi! j^r*I L! —
I ft Jyy^ l
s 5
. \
16 ^*JCi>! ^xi> xrjr> jji s^p* oy^ ^Li^! xrj> ^j! ^ goyi

1) B cor. to ^j£. 2) Om. A, secondary in B. The correct date is 140, see

Kindi 358 f., and Husn II 89, 2, where the statement of Ibn c
Abd al-Hakam
is corrected. The account of tho succession of qiidls is badly confused here;
the true order seems to have been: Ghauth, 135 — 140; Abu Huzaima, a few
days only, as Ghauth’s hallfa; Ibn Bilal, four months, as Ghauth’s hallfa; Ghauth,
140 — 144; Abu Huzaima, 144 — 154. Seo Kindi 358, and Guest’s note. 3) C
jvHj! _»j!. 4) Qam. I 144, Sam'anI 114 b, Wiistenf. Tabellen 3,24. 5) D
resumes hero (p. 284, 8 a f.) : k-J^j ,i ^LbX*v! y^> uXjyi ^jt s^a ^5 Uj Js
^il s-jJle ^juils i-LnfiJI. 6) CD om. 7) D ^Liiltj. 8) D -)- &+Y q^.

9) C tCi, D 10) B ^li't, C ^.LflJL 11) D j. 12) D vjuo^.

13) C nJotjS. 14) This was the temporary appointment in 140, seo above.

15) BC 16) C jjpM.

The Futuh-Misr , of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. 1


<Si XjUj (jvXo £xx* J-bdii!

y: y? y iAi» y *1)1 l.W

* T Vi' q-^*
5 y _5 j*“ N-x_c
u=5j ^yya^llt Qyv 5
CT *35 b?

& *ybSj j ^L, yb b*> . ajIcj iylxE LCLw v_yo y2> Lx^i'
j y j*li

o - a 3

y jyy id baa
y y^b 1
Jis ^xXj
y yp-7. Lo'Ao

2? v_iy b 1 1
y L\b> y *JJ) lXxc
y Auy yj b 5

S o 5 -
vi>o!Sj ob b ii-xxxJ l^xxXv Lxxo!a j»i'i ! lA_L> qJ jlxb~b iA*> ^
& 1q^.4mT>

0^3 XjLotj jj^Cix Xa-w 1%

- w 5 TT Z O -
y JwO^ali LoA=> yAc y oVoixj lxiA=> .
^yyb> yj q-j ioy i-3 y
viD yy^? ._bb LgJ jba *jlyt !cO sbaai! " yj ^y ioy ^ Lj (jla

_ w
oblliSI 3

(jxLxJ! y!
q-, *j Ixxb

b obb X Jia

ty> yba

^ *D! d)y> 10

xjijO ^_5jXi x_j ^co^<3 |4-^> Lg-S ^.^>1x23

q£13 jib* .


j. *xJb J"X\j ^ q-» Xj q( ly yb' bla e Lt5 (936)

4 vi^>Lx>) Jb *

c c - _ -
UJlr: x JyJii ^rjCO^I ^JJ! lo
5 * xjy ^>y> .

) O — w

y yb*
3 3
yybcj qUj Jy bi ysyasb! yxi
a-Lxv j uiya y2> Lytols
y y=> Aji 15

A? iL-jbj

sUaiu! (^Xc
jy yLr
O — X ) ».
yL« Jc!

q-j c
y * q5jI!
3 «-3
ij .5

Jy jji y*i
y y> • by- yc y^xvL, fUisa!! y; byi 7 b'Oyx^j’ jy>0

L*_jA> Lb \_2y3 waxw ^ X—jLo^ (j^sm4L> isL-L^w ^ L-5 Lytolb*

y - . 0 3

SA^Li X—Jx. Xof x^^o'uz^ v-J<Ai 20

2 *w 3 *.e . . $ s
v-XyD !t«X-^Lw
o' ^ L5 Abi- (jxvx^. yLs IiA=>!_5

j*b^\j! >i)y^ i3 ow“^’-3 ^

iTj^ l5 -^"‘4^

> ^‘ L^ — ijy

^jbc 9
pj y jji x_)bCo ^t ^oAxyJ! Oj-j y=> ^5 JLJLs
^y _^_ji xJ! Jy^

1) C y! Xb>. 2) A + yiyai>. 3) Hence, obviously, the c>j! (edited

oil) in Kindi 343, 9. 4) B Jjbb. 5) BC ora. 6) C ora. 7) B 8) C -f- y*j yl, and om. three following words. 9) B Jj Ji.
239 Yale Oriental Series.

<* O— C. M
^ JlS vo>xf

LJ!c 3
wS-^JLij jo"!i! 2
oLL^JS jx; I
—LiLsx« ^..».g.aJi Jo^ix

- - £ -5 w 5 - - O- oi —
L*— [j—JIj (jj^Ju! Jo-?! A—J G 5
L-?jwj e l.,x_3
J*_^i ^Jo 4
.1 jLw
•v 5

(93a) ^j! J! BJs fAJs (j\x> -byiJI

^ Jx>; sl> Jo Jlib 5 .
^oic Jis IlXX?

5 £^2 xxt^wJ! Joo j! A-j^xJ!

cr a-AJLs J>c Jo»j
Jx>b A_o * aJ JLas Kclis.

—ib a_ o j^Lo aoIsj q-jI slj'li JLi! j>!j ^JjAii Jo-. vixXJj
- O-O-o £ W5 $
U> j.jili jls -kyio! Jo; Jo ^oi J^JI
- £ C
^ .
Jo BJs a]


& Axle Lo Jo Sji!} ByoJL aJo j»jL—JS iolij qj! l>!cIs aJo
O 5 .C £ W 5 5

J* *Aa£ &Ut

«A-xjeJ (j^yu *b5
q! y>l By
^ (As*,

-05 £

10 Lis'" liUi! lXo aJJ! Ax 3*xs? «ij)

aK q! ^ £jL*x ASM aj -y>

J.-a*-A! A_s aJJ! iAx q^5 8jb a! ij&jXj Jj J-xi^ 3b J! jji 5 aJ qI^

aJJ! Ao J? ijoj ^ By> AJtxfi L? jo>! 3 a>^o Ux-wJi B^j^- 3 aIsJj

8 io

<S? aJJ”

JJo j!o^
AJJ! Ojsj
~ 77 5
Us A*x>
^ Lc JJo iJJJ!

Axo qo!


. B^-xi? qj! _j—?j s^x^" q? qTj!! Ao Q-? Ao ^5 ^

w 5 5

15 L»i 8^2^” q— ?! q! AIxJ! 8

J«?t ^aiLxvs ^ a — w
— vw . . O- O— — — —

1^5 jY 3^ (_Aj! aJJ JoiLo ^jxl\.9 »J! s— sL! Ox qooO!

q^%!! lX_»_£ Jlo ® iiU?t 5 (_oj! 3_JL? Jls a<-vo>I aL lit Jls sLoii!! aJ! a*Jo

^ I3
ySS > ! of
) B^ ii
Ji xUwJ

Jot j_?j ®LoiiJ! a—i'^Sj I4

aJo! lCxi^UJ! J? 1
__c 0 ^'!)5 ! aJJ! Axxe (j^ 4vc ^•3 ^
20 iAw 3 ^ 00^x3

W 5
& Lxaii!!
Jjj jji . i^Cj^i!

J>£ ^y>jxx]f (Ajj

5 — 5
qJ axL«>5

jdl! A-cax? 0.5 ^ (jyc^o^ q^*

(2? ajLo axxv OjAX Cv^3
J3 jJi

1) Kindi 62 f. (first verse edited as prose). 2) C o»JL 3) C oLL^Lj,

(and B orig.). 4) C JLw. 5) C tSjl—o. 6) B 3jy and 3?t; Kindi 3(5 1

7) B j»l\o. 8) C Axo and ax^jj


. 9) A om, 10) BC -f- aJJI iAo ^j.

11) C qj!. 12) BC 3x1. 13) Kindi 315 decides for the elder Ibn Hujaira.

14) B aJx!.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

xlajl^o s"5y! liilxX-o
^ "t^La^o a_Jx iAl5£ ^
_ ? — - cTTTl
£**o 2CJLjw ^ tikJJ Jjj jji Jjj&J)} ^IxoaJS xJ.w> q-j ^jt

q! 3 ^ j*-*0 likkXl l\xC xUt l\x£: \xkc


3-3 <3
^3 5

(^wvLJLi \Jlvj_5 ^o* x^jLsw^ 2

\a5 ^vX$u^ (j*vxi}t
y> ^
o -
x! ^LlAj

<&*>y£u ^>y, 3c> 5

O- C _ w
o\a£ aJJ! iAac ~j>5 • xi'-jCa cH-* q$ bJL> ^ (ix'ii t\*£ 3

iJotSTj aJj^o a—aJ'Lj aJJI 3^_c JLwi -buiiit

^ Joy ^.f dUit

qI^ Lf! ^-XX Q-b jii •

d'JUt lXx£ * aJJ! lXa£ AjJ! ^LaJi 3 s_jJt Ajlo aJ

c 5 5
0 -j! aJ JULj *_jLxXJ! y, Jx>^ £-a u*j+jJt Jjt a1!S lV*x -j^
Sji (jj*J! aJJ! lXac jjls . j,fp>- „"JUa _^j! L^*Xavo jSi! ^kXit s^b io

°" -
Xv^xls jjxo*ixi ls ^VJo xilj jx&£ <Jo •
)m 9 O

(3 >A-^wl! xiii ek_j^w qJ »y> jo . Lv^Cjo

(XLo Xxvt^ X_x-xJ> ^yJb>yt Js^>! l\*0_5 4 jjxJL^ v_j!^5^Jt

pljij Jd
G 0 3 (

y, &Ux (Jx; Jx>j j.lXx aJ jlai lX^wU Xb^io q-, J^r*j iAJ'lx* iAxx

q-j! slj'lj ^wJxs? j_j^j <bi xj[^ Jx>J> J} l\x>wwII —o

v_jl _id>
A_jjJf 15

C w > C w
uJx j*ju jls oJt ,3«^J!
^ 9
J-x sy> aJ jlaj Byo'iS! ^-Jb aJx
*-Lwj> 8 Axtj

dbjJ qIi
q} Jls (jx j*jx>li w^oi _bjbj!
*) c w ~. £y o .-a

Hyi aj jLiLi xU! L^jt ^bLwJt xtli^ qj! jUo Ui" >^^3! JlS

1) BC Lp. 2) A aaJLe. 3) 0 Jis (AB NSj^)

and pref. the usual

^ (j»is —tile ^3. But Abd c c
al-A la did not hold the office of

60, 329 f. He was chief of police, and the qadl was Abd al-
qadr, see Kindi
Wahid Abd ar-Rahman; both appointed by Abdallah, and serving for the
ibn c

one year 89 — 90. Ibn Abd al-Hakam has omitted the qadl through carelessness;

since he is following Ibn Ufair (the chief authority cited here by Kindi!),
and his own following narrative shows that c
Abd c
al-A la was only _h_bJ) ,Jx.
4) B om. 5) Duqm. IY 129. Pointed in A. 6) Kindi 62. 7) C l^Ji.
Kindi 63: xUjiyw xxi> 8) I. e.
Abd al-A c
la. 9) A ^ixi.

10) C UJ! (so B orig.). B + J.

237 Yale Oriental Series.

o!^avJ) ijLx —.y> 2ob y>ytS! A>x BjLbS*.

yj yytli wV*x
- O - O - 3 - O - w - O—
^jLo> ro>Lo ujLlj> 5
* . ^1! x-JLjt^jl ^of oL^'jL^ u^LJ! Jyc

j*.LiJt 0^3 c^
! L-$Ooi v yxs -blii*bb 3
0 )jJJl
jl_JLs ^yiw *1 \—oLx ^JLbJj au&yo j> Q3/ 8
yiytSi box Jx yXS

5 ^_cK Ub AJ 0Oli &^>ij ^aaa^aJ

0^ 0^ 3 ^i3LXxv!

^ w
^ 3^bj Uio! sl\«w

~ 3 - - ~ - w - O- O - - - - w - 3 3

* Ju.
0^ [jj—x. c. l\—x—w» LSs-X--c-w

- #
O 03 330- Go 3-03 O -
^cO^Lj*, JyLb 0^° \JLjAj2j 'jLx\± 00

j_JJ*Jt wV-^X j! liVJtXj ^Cvs>-**av 1

j *_3 l> ^aJb <jJ y>Sj ^J_a£ gj 5
£x* LJj

10 JS-*-w yJu Lo bo iuljj 'o-bL* oLo Ji . 20 !o>bj

abJb J._j .
yblbj o-v. ibJbv. ^>5! ^oUo q, oJo 3-bo jbb'i
(j-bb'i! xJLJ

- o
7 oOjyJI Jyb
- 1 i £ - O- -O- 0-3 -O ; - — £ w — — 3 wC
^U^J! lAib 0jl 3-*-*0
0t^ O^ 3,

cV ^**-*-^-*^ l— {-^J w
OC M 3 — Off - £ £ - O — -030- - 0303
bLfc jl U-“-w l\ 5»! 0-* xow JjP xJ ^jJjC lX—i (JLx— * o^Ls ^XlM
5 O > w £ « 5 O 5 5 -£ o£ 5 , .
15 SL'i! [jbj&„ 'isJJj ,% j*_jJ^(_j j?Loj! (j-UJ! v_j^-o-j Jj (92b)
-" 3 - o- 3 X- .
-O 3-0- £ oc - - £ 30-
bLo., Jbx IjlX^
— 5 3 -w£ w
3-^ !
(J^ {^yl c\xc jaI
0— ?
b\- A- c ,


C& ^iXJL-Lt Jy»£ 0j jdl! l)u£ 3^3 *wi^o ^ 9 jC-LJ ^* tj-g—£> plili 0^^o
5 w .
- 05 .

05%i! l)u£ L+J^ LAwbJ ^G-A J^LIxwsAJ ^Cv»\j! <JJI w\x£ iX^Uvs^
** r ^3 -- ; w - 3

20 q-J 2JJ1 iAaxJ lX^Xw^! jJ^Jf (jii*J x*^5 Lytols y^o ^syjtJi al!! Jut

^ liV_L*j! lXo All! 1_X_»-E t\5lwoS J_P5 X-JpLo Q-wolj Syjti ojLbii
^ yX
Xfcj liLbi

— 3 f
g,_ci yX ^X 2>Jj£
Q, yOlAo JjX eLJLL! lXo qJ *JJt lXo ot^li

1) B yaS. 2) BC jjxXJt. 3) B s. p., C fjy 1 -

4) Husn II 6.

5) BC -f- yiyt5! Jyx. 6) A -f- xLJ. 7) The verses (in slightly differing
form) which are ascribed to Muhammad ibn Baslr al-Hitrijl in Agh. XIV 153.

8) B marg. gloss i^Xl^j. 9) C xJuij.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn (Abd al-Uakam. ,
23 C>

LM U jUi a)J! tiVJo \j J-aXj

^ yj'-X^ty
o _ o
& JJo !o(j
__ — “
j I

w^>L>»3 xi-w
^ y+j v^V—3Lo ^Lajq-a-11 ^-i*,

ICtlij iLLs-’u '\Xm Ji J,

A_Jt y^o (__o3J! ii.OLo Jy?W,o

& oto £ L^iiiS!

JvC jy jji . i
5*^5 5 5

- > 5
~^ 7> w H 3

jjlj flcaftJlj J_yxJi a! <c*>j ^yoyaiL aa!tc jjao^j »iA*j q-, slcziiL! ly
<5? (92a) iCLw oLo yc> l**ols

aaLe qJ ^y>t ^j! Lwjt

sLa&l! jl», (j*oj.j
^ iALj! J.S3 !
golowo (jdjtj (*

)5 u^'

aaLie qJ ^w.ja.j Kts. oV*j

*ii _LyXo’_j tLcaai! a

a! £*>j ^AlXii „jA> ^y wou' ^yj! Jy-i ^ Ji 10

^ o *y° o-
1 t\>.c
(J^ Jjr?

8 ^XjOtAv LolXe* L*A

i_\-aL) ^yw-AC ^tLLzAw.2JLi «.sj i_\i ^.jytLLiJ] ^.y* ^ jls

^ ^y Q-J j-Jy*Ji l\ae ,_y^ A-C>Lo Si\+ ^ Lo

yC\_j sy£j
5 0- . #

Qt^jt ^-^3 ^ysys ^ oLsy *3 & ^>b

0 5

qj! qUo q^L^U LyLv^ yydt aXae U^aXr>! yJI 15

syi-5 5
oy q* lALJt J. olXjA. Lo yJ>. j»yi Ji' J, lXa-c J«Avy yo_L\^>
£ ^
J-iLi-j u-JUa _jjt jlai dW*.t to Aa£ aJ jtai stili j»y> oO JyJt J^Li
y^JLIj j-ol (j-c dVJLwt lXa£ a! jlai a^jIcj o\y£
• 5 0 5

dVJlL5> oU_j —13 \d>y^ J.

(j^yoj dVJjo jJj*!! iAac JsLiXi jtfli iA<v-l Lo

6 20
-bltjAv^aJ! iiw_) ^XaJle o^XXxiij illiwAaJ! a y-«.^\i
J-La-! i

y >3 i3

^ — 3 i ~ ~
d\JU^ ^ c^ds-yj.Sj Aa5 J-wjj 8
^Jy^L=> (J^JU j Jjili y*j'
3 £ ci 3 _ 3
yyj! JSyc ^yojlj ArS ^ 1

y*j * qI^ UJ Oyt!! Lyo yLyuJLi a*ai

yj>5 ^jt>L>
G s _ w^ 5 .c

(jjp' aXJs yjU.i> I—SLJlXo aI q’/j '_.’!—Ad>

jyLo otc 0! AjjJjS^. yJ q!

1) B om., A + Jtc. 2) Superscr. in C: Lo^ At aljj

^ A;0 Jyj. The following, abridged, in Husn II 6; cf. Ibn Iyas I 28.

3) C -)- Lol\> jls yai qJ. 4) B ^yy. 5) C oto. G) A om.

7) C + q-»- 8) in Duqm. IY 121. 9) AC ^ y*j'.
235 Yale Oriental Series.

qJ _o£ yyJ! i3 ^—LJ“° q is q-i

jr-*' L>li i

**C O 3 - - O V.C S.

Lcl^ tilLoi^Xj lX-^a* b vi>ot Lob, ^l\x£ KPjjf

Oj*3 ^ (J.V —jfj5^ 1_X_3 ^ tjLiUxXJ q1^5 eVjW 0^ 2

y£ Qj yjlw b
O- w . 3 S
^LsLUaj^ oii>- q£ tAolioy qIjIJx^ tiVoui Uytols

£ — 3 O - -0-3 6 3 «
5 ^ yu2*J! Q— ?
Q$y* lXx£. ^ ^
3 0- O -

0j yOL> ^sJyi By> 0* A£j^ oJJ! >—*^5 Lol\J> &U! iAx£ 0j A*=>*
0-3 5 3 £
^ O^y 5
0 ?
o^3 ^ 0^ L^ 5
y^2^' 0^ y***J 0^
lX_Jj y-S "bSt Hyp" ^jl j—% J. 3j^Jt ByJ? qJ A*£ ^5 J% J®
— - 3 —— v» O 3

0aosJ!j iL;r.*l\ isI 0.LL-1! iAe l?3^3 0^A^\Ji A>Jt—* Li^ (916) By^

10 (_>oLfijl yo!c 5
00 fbL*JI
4 0^JJi ,ii
0_£ g-*^*Ji ^i 0j 0-5j^! A^e LS3;3 • jut

jli! ^>*0 5 00^(5 tLioflii

0 5y 00 yyli Aa£ £« 0^ yJ"^l By^ 0jl 0i

jl—li c^J ij-5 ^ 0i*i2ii ,J,j

^jL*Ju> (_pLo -cLiaaji ,j,
*-yy 0^^
x_jJ! &LwJf J, j
bole xjjjL>5 ^UuO 8

3 tt O - -
(J>£ jy jji B^jiS *— -5 Lo blX-jLcj yJLc 0^0 j*Ji ^LoX

1 5 K-L-w ^ CjLo^ yvjUij oL«-w ,Xj ,Jo JLboj (jvjUjj 10 —J-o iCLw ^ oL<

^0jUoi5 y>
O - m £ = 3

0£ 0>* A
0~oi 0C lA**v 00 viy—JJi 05j3 ^ ®yV^" 0?^ |*^*Jj jlfli

- o - o - o 31 - 5 »o S o—
X-A— pbLvAj! ^ U^' V^-IUWaI) LXjWJt«W
20 0>iJj 0lic 0-J 0^ Aij yiS' Uo si!
^ y'o
10 \oli
Ly!l 0*0 sjdo jj>l
O S A 3 O- 3
^ x-a~Lt> ! ^Lit-L-O ^o-J ^J5tp%w
^ j4^j! ^yC4v! v£>»a^ ^aJLLI <*JJi

^ X-J ouyto^ lo ^JLaJU! XO Uj f?j^^ j3^ ^^5^ y? XxjAI!

1) C bLo (as in al-Kindl), in B 0 secondary, above the line. 2) C L/tols.


C pref.


4) B
: y
-)- 00.
0^ (jrls


B 0C. Kindi
and similarly
317,2 has
for all the subse-

t^UJl 00, which is the true reading. 6) C yyolo, and so in sequ.

7) BC (joLoaJi. 8) Mss. ^oU. 9) C pref.

D t. 10) C Ass. 11) B jd^i.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn c Abd al-Jlakam. 234

O - »•

XjA g, A*AV 1
^y£. jjjii ^yi Lo'l\> L*i" xL>AO) ^AiA! j*Ail
3 5 - o£ w
Jitsb »w*JOo *iS Lyof ^Vara* ^j*o!c <\! ^^clXs ^yt jLib (jOIaw*, ^ja*«4 X>

Jls "J Js (job'yJt o..A:>b Jo* 'i Jls aJJI ^LaA 2

^j4>I j*ALii- qJ
o 5/° ^
£ 3 w C 3 OC O- - -
& LytoUJ! v^AjI JUb V^A%> LfX: C^lc U L
^o5i <jli* (*-0

- O- - w O - -
cX-OtAM (j*o!c XaaJ^Jj L-AjLwJt lXL^ ^C^JwWw*0 '^AAAV **

. X *
ALj! Jtj AJb^j 3
iL*_LvvCj AJLs^ * iUJLv^ J! wuf (j\Aw J;f
^ bye* q!
w 3 - C c
plbA woL*J! J.I ^x£i b^AA£bh5lj i_jlxJj) bJ—** J.lo A-yJ btAAJL y*b
£ ^

(jol se_J
qJ _jy£ q_j aJJt Aa£ y*l *J! £_jLo (J
Aj 5
AjU^j byA ,J^ jA,
- c
U*.j!c jliis
3 j^= qJ &U1 AotJ q* iUJLw^o jiao 6
Joub jJi >—jLaAI! bi—^ io-Lc o!cb
S- C
(cAo \_j'b jJi *US A-a_e (91a) -LLLaakJI y\_iii A-oew 10
q! J!
— — O — — —
JoyiJIj £ UaSil
(J'—c- (j*o!c
jy ^5 £_jLi Jb sybs j—aLc oy^b ^UJL,
w wC VN. C
U' t3L«j_5
a Ub bb* o y Q _ 5
0 J yjyeJI lW 8
bt j* L^' 7
o !
ec 15 *

. o c a

l\a£ ^i X.a-J

C 3
j»Lavs^ wolwj! ,Xi lX-Lj^

^ K-4«-Lva^0 u.aa5^

^x: isbtAjJ jJilt «Aa£ ^^AX>Li ^a>o ^j! jli‘ .

(j^aw qJ ay ^Xju *Ajj-o

C 3 w w -
lXjJa] JrlLy. q! l\a£ 8 ^" «AjjJ oJLsXav^ j>j bJ jii' J-^Ai ^1 15
- -OC -0-33 3

biixAi 9 ^l^uUCaw^L
b\-otAv tc*, ^Lv./) ^!
S # o O-
^ 5y: iillt Aac [>bcy 10 (jolij (_pij * AL^j _J_£> 5
yic iolc

A-3j-j yb * 11
jJLe! b^ * bJtj ill! Aae JLfts Ajjj iJtu
u y.jjJ
0-3- 3 -03 3 C
Jlsj ^ojiaj _y> Jo oJ>jl 13 v_Abs^Ao b! byw w yb>!
w it c G — — O 3 — —

y^>L\3 c\b £!^\a3 U * 20

^jLa^! ^
^1a**o ! (^V-La^ Lo

1) D resumes here, for a moment :

yyAj iLbv (ij iA*-w ^JJ! Jo

yCH Q^ys j»Ao, and gives the following anecdote. 2) D <^xf~.

3) C om. 4) D om. following. 5) B A-x^j ^Ls, and a later hand sub-

stitutes «yib for these words. 6) B 7) C <J^>- 8) B j»LI.

9) B om. 10) B L<

oob^ Jo'ii, C epb. 11) C ^^5 J!. 12) B
Ajyo. 13) C vbbiiwv. 14) A -f- #Ay! 15) A om.
233 Yale Oriental Series.

^-°i bLj[ jlo jo L*d _jl L\5> JJLo

tide jy"! 1
Jui^ Jo

JO* lid^oLot |.l\JLCj oy»i (906) bLo! jlo cod*o L jlo j=lp \J_4_0P lyiLo
O _ G 3 3

*U! Q-, objj Jyjtjl jtj-J lo J^JLj elOjJof LI voO*-*fw j.Li> jo oJlstO Ic jlo

<& ^bvX Lid 3


£-0 JI 5
- - y
_ 3%i
V y^e
*1 ooa*^>5
iAJLJI lXLs^vo
^ hUL-AX
J 4

, \L?jXv '*
^y ^\j l\>I ^*y
|»Lw^ J L^oLwjl i£^-5o <?J

0 -^ 3 >

3 - o£ L ,- s CC
_ i 3 - CC ^ 3 o -
j.UdJ ^t^o ^jjl 5
L ^— 1

-> Uio> K_xb iwux! j-*-J

0 .» 6j,.V Jj?

^ Cd x^-> Q-? OjL^Ji
b j-d*x 0 -,

- - o Z'c. o -oc sc; c c 3 _

10 pb— w—j — 3^bo> l^ot^ jj-ojl £_xo L^b-t jwwj> ^.a-j b|^

o-id yJI jLu^UaJl (j^ai 8

j, U_xo * QjAil JjJ! Jo! 3^,= plbS> 0^3 jlo

o^L> 0 ^ A03
l\*j pLL3>
0j wajLwJI 9
0oL*J! 0j *y= jlo .
0 - 5 - 5 . 3

b r* iAj^w A-a-xc JLe i3liA> qj!

! 1

er-> 'zr ^y
<*JJI 1
q 0^
~ 3 t> ; 0 .) w
l\JI> q-j ^U-Lv^o jy£ ^ & Layy 11
^j*yyj qJ l—Lj>LX^> L^
15 . <n) 1L+^>- s$ ^yvJi lX-vX-w ^jao(c
^3^^ ^ w^-jLv^ji

0 3 .

3 - - OC W S ^ O W CC-O-O iff
U^-oLjj- jo?' 0j.L>JI by>! L^j iL-^JOLjC-w^l JI 0-=*!
J, 01 L<
- Ci 3 S3 - - 330 3- Off

^j**.jL ft.i^Qt, L-xL— ^.^>0 'wA^vvf^

— CC — O— — i *
O »* OS o _
Jl o*~j> _a-*JU iUvOd —g-A-0 jli ijoaoAo>I iA-Oj
0 1

O - O-C- S-O- S _ _3- 0^w3 o^. ^O-

20 ^ 0^jle j»b" q-> gL&SL IflAiao 0:vJ> is^ifAw^J Oj-aaJ iA_0 L_^ —a_a_1 1—^;-^

M ff 3 ^ Off . . ff

0 0 ,
_MAAfiJ! J_JJJtil A A_ri
0j k_^«^Avl (_A^vilj l\_X—w
0 j C^aUI ClJ^L>- (_d? b—jy
,£ I

0_1 0 *y> joo (Jo =Loaajl dou- 0 0 j aj!c

Jjj jji <& ^ol
0j iiUx i_jL^?I

1) BC 2) B ^Jlc. 3) B Ijou. 4) Superscrip, in C J>J!j

foe. 0 ^ q»1o. 5) C J*aao*. 6 ) See above, p. 107. 7) B s. p., C ploy*;

note in A : _^jo! a5>j *L?Ui 03.3 aIj^Um jyij. 8) C om. 9) B -{- Lot.
0 J

Z - Z
10) BC \*x. 11) BC 12) B + Jujj 0j. 13) B also ^yolaJI.

14) C 0ajK.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbel al-llakam. ,

q! 8^aS>! (J^jUijt w\>-C 3 AaXav 3Lo Lit ^t <

.. 5 _ w 3

cr y-fy :<JLo a) jl& ^jlS j.£*, y/vUI Jvx (jx£j

OC w - o
Lx<«L>y Lbilis NL, LLaaj Aye. Liiy' Lo *JJL, ^LIas &)Jt > >L^?t

- f
A_e>! y-ix- ^yi A-otw I ,LjA-S> LA yle o_j
qI^j jli' & Ijydsi y\j tiLjUi?^

La! yL JS j^>
QtjiiJt ^a\juup xLJ 3 j»^aj ^IL, q-jApw^U! jLoeJt 5

_c . ^ j: ,
^a’^QaS \—L-£! <jJ.Lj L-£=j ^ j»y£j ^ \Jc>L> ^-AiaP-o

£ w w3
jJilt^s <*111 *-jfy*! ixx^b’ olo UJi ofy* ^JLiJ! J, ^Uo Uj^ *jc>L:>* ‘Juu

-of w 3 w 05 -

^ ^avo^j i^)o^ ^ax5^ l\£j

5 j*aLw JuJtfsJ ^U*p qX ^Lwj! Ax qJ A*^ 0

f^” -/
5 5 <3^

of 5 o
<x^)x>A3 j->0! q-* v^a_/0l\J5 y\x> JlS SL-j^AJLX*^!
^ ^>x>y> jii* yx. 10

r: of 3 O f .C — S w
_»_;! byj>t <& tyAc Lyy+j'^ <_A*as! ^a jAc>
JJ L^aa* \as oA**as ^l£ ,3

Q_J lCLc 0-C. AjjJ qJ oJi qC XXyJ LoA=> ^llil *A* C Q?

’ykiliJI Jj-vAt!

of - w O of 5 — -

As 3 s^3>!_5 ^UwJtI ^jJ*9 7 \jyli sy^P Lt tot ylc q.j j*_*~Lv 3 J15 Jli’ — ly
wi .C 5 w£
qJ .dJ
J'y.i. LLiAs> <& <?J OjxO As Ijtj Jles 8
iu^c>ls \XJils OjxO

3 JLas yji-o L=>L^\s- U>y> Jls

i-ot ^jE "Lo 15

— — we 3 Oof— f, O-o

iuo'ij aI OjftiAwwt A-3 8j^>L) ^L^j\ ^ I
(Js_x. t^J5! yCx ^jI
. - f f 3

JlS ^ HtAiui <|J Oj^Awt AJ5 15(5 jx! * jLiii a! ciLli

f - O 3. Owwi-
0^^ As
Lo! (JLiii L^JC«£.lip_5

q~* ^J jli' ^JljS _^.j!

- f 3 3 - Of -f ,
S - _f 3wf w
«JJ! jyw^ Q-, Li'Jj c^J^v! jsLx-XX^] l^jS! ^^sX L!^ 13
j*,! Lp] *
O— m O— O — _C

jJo LoAs> j*XeL Aac qJ aU( Aae 3^ LoAs» (jnjIaCI! jt 3^> j*-*Las 20

w " -Cl-. O - - 3

lX-xLx> qJ q£ qJ <JJ! <AxxX Q.X ^2/1 0j!

f O
^ . of 3 3 0 3 - -

Lb 16 UJib «w
^! 0.2 jb'

1) BC om. 2) B iOJLJ. 3) A &JJL, .

4) C pref. Ju*«. 5) B cor.

to q^aJLw, and so very often in the sequel. 6) Mss. y^i. 7) A s. p.,

BC syils. 8) C »y3>'i. 9) B (later hand)-|-x3t. 10) C xb ^. 5
11) A om.
12) BC LgA$>lsp (B cor. from Uac^^). 13) C (jv^^ Uxjt; B cor. from
(jsoyJ! 14) B C r >j. 15) B »t
. 16) BC Jlas.
231 Yale Oriental Series.

0-0 #
w _ _
eVj^Lcb liUwi>j tiUb ^LEmj' q-, yyulo g, by^UwJ! gjL liVJLS

- S § .
) O-o

3^ 0"? * uw'^5 Q.J Q-bju \Jc^L^bb ^by£j! J, &!a^> ^ (>2j^

& aJiLyaj 3,

o— —
qLXj * aAo bULxJAJs g^XJt
^ O -
y AJL> !cOj

5 Jy_c jo

y iL+JLw^
^-jCll iCAo
®yH-^ 0-^ 0 C a**^jJ Lo'A=> yic y ! Lo A> & 3 (j-^fiJui! yvpdjio
Jiao aAa «U*aJ5 0*XJS ,J^c adots^J als'y y! Aq> ^y:3! v^^oj
y AL> IcJ> ly=
o „ so- w o-
t& 5 ^l
«Ji 3 > ^° 0^ L_yaj' "bS (jlo LyiA jls aA/« s^£i 4 lo _jyC *J

oiAw i

y A*^* q£ 8
y aJJ!
7 Axxc loA=> 6
aIjw y lCJLc Lo A=>
0 5 5

10 *JJ!
jy*, Q t ye!c
y aOJic
y Cc~^( 0?^ CAc 0« 3 !
0^ 0s
0^ 0-^
all! A*c qJ * 0?j^ A-c jls . kill (j-Jlo l-o^Lo 3-^^ "-> y*Lo

IaXa 0^^5 i__Cj£*JS aAU»w Q-Jy i A_xc y£ 9

Lf! (90of) A*-c.

q_e ajtyJ 0^^ L*oAs» aUl—/5

y liVJiif A-£ LoAs> & A>jm y 10 ^J-c »LjoAs»

3Jlo 0-c 0» 0c
I ',
0le^ 0? 11
0^^^ 0s 3 ^ 0? '-^jJ -

15 0-jt LoA=> t&sjJbSli S^LLc yXxii! lot

jyj yiLo aJJ!
jy«j cs*-*-."" jls aU£lAe 0j!

3 w^l—^0 ^\ C iu.w."> 3^^"^*0W Jls aJtyl ^yt LiAs>

^0^ f

^0^ o* l

& AL>
5 O o - 5 - — ,

qJ iLiyo
5 — —
J.L1 ,3
s l*^5

5 »

y£ ^ 15 y<3—v
. .

<&Ixa4^> ^UaSJlj N-J! }CoL>-Ij ^ 00jfl>» y^>3 yC i^O? l\Sj

20 jJkH LLjAs*
0 -J »yp> LoA> ^eid! 17
Ajy adJ! A * LoA>

1) AC ora. 2) D has this one sentence, and adds 0-sJLo. 3) Abdal-

latif 598, Yitq. Y 15, Jr
a;n 6,21. 4) A lo
5 .
5) Cf. above, p. 112. 6) B
A**~. 7) C Axe. 8) A ^31, B
— o
C 0^. 9) BC Uf3 .

10) BC om. 11) So Qilm., Moscht. A points both here and elsewhere.
12) C ^Ljui. A points elsewhere ^Lc3?. 13) B liCuo. 14) C pref. super-

scription yif.
^ 3'd
£3. 15) B ^y-JA. 16) B yc (always).

17) C om.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

y* J
qJ JlS X-*-xgi Qjt Lo'lXj> yiX:
y A-OLw 1

i_.otT yir. ye Jjj! q( JwjA Aij • sLoasil (joLxJ!

y yy abX,

o ^ £05
a^> LolX> s
l\j^J qJ aIII l\>x* <* 2^1 LolX^> jJlc.! aJJU, Joiu ^5 v-jU^j
w .- £ O _ 5 w 5

j?y>t (_c.-x^vJ!
Aat^v qJ ^Ue yiilxJI J^y»x>yi
y ijJL^UeS! 4
by>! yjyio yl


Ci>c X-Ua ^y v*-*5

J-*-?r. q' u^L*J! y yy ^1
£ C.
j? o'

^-*1 o*
\)ji \x^Uj ^5 aJJ!^ jlJLi yvJL^It ^jyol ujbl5^ »!y>ti &-J! J^Li

qI Jtli 1

— gJbo ai!t sbyl J] !l\jI Lg-*s y*j Jd * aAigJ! q, lg^ ^ 7 L05 aLdAlii-

i*L>j ^ ^ qI^j 8
yix: y! * jla &yy= 8

<& &JL<uJt ^L\j oyu 10 y«jJ> >Jiy^ y3^-

C (Jwc-ft-J ^ t **^ a j-iJOoi

CT^ ’

3 qJ
q( (jolxJS w«JC5^ Jsi L-jlLii q1^ lXJ%, JlS (jolxJ!

5 - X O,
0j * ^iLo t-X-AXj V^/uJJi 0-J w*>Atw Lo’l\^> ^ ^ <*J (J&j&J
o ^
Q-x Aa-w * v£>wJLSt Ll$<A> I^JlS ^JUw) wXacj ^xj qj 3

w O 0-0 £ — » .

o' o^ ey y 1
^y 15"

^ ^
Ly yjCotj (Ms. yiyil)
^ <^Ju\^h iPAyu XJulNIIj a^s (jy
oyb Ja

ay£ (Ms. Ayu) iAyu ^UJ i-'-*j’ ^ Lyai L^LilaLi Ly^iis

O^ L^lj'Li

/. ^cAju' JjLoj Lyu y>y>'y .*. Lg^>^ •’• J's

Jiy> !31 iyy>5 ^^5*1 aAJ^i jlii ya^c>! UJj . jo l*f
- OC O - x: - O — -
Lyj y^ A* l\-Lc v^aiLo

Ijya^-Ij y,yiyj!j
^yj y*JL> tyy!^ aJJy ^ Lo |yy>!j oLi u^j" Jigu^ »yL>.

ays !
5 AAsy iwUii!! ^t oL^-otitj oLolXiL ^*5y>Lw J-li Jys! Lo ^-030 Lj'li’

(Ms. ^y) ay j.LiLs »j.^yJ yi y^>ii y^! jy> £ ^y Ij'bLs

yJl (Jslj Jla <&yyLi (jiy_y_U yjt Jlyo ^L*J! L_jli^ Jlij Sjyiij.

Cf. Mas. I 131 f., IY 20 ff., Hajar I 959 ff. 1) D om. two foil, trads. 2) A -j-
v-jlk^- qJ« 3) B ora. 4) BC J,y>! .
5) C Jyjtw. 6) D Abp Jt l\*j

(om. all preceding). 7) C lo.D om. 8) D om. 9) Here begins a

long omission in D. 10) B ^cAJI. 11) B pref. 12) C om.
229 Yale Oriental Series.

I* *jS


3 2
5lX3-Lj' "b5

tJ) (jro 3 1

^Lil 'iA^o- j>£ Jal^o

^ qJ

q^ rN—x-U: ioLo JYIj iuL>



5 > 5 - O >

(J^c j-*->T. Q^yi tjJb 3 ijJo Aj!c

« — f m s «c Gi £
<A_s Iv3b &-j 5
^j’li \-a-Lc 4 |^coi JliS 3
*1 sb’li oyoLwail g>
5 £ £. _„
5 \^>Lo (896)
7 x«JiS j.lj Uls tiUo *jp>li aJj>! q-, i^o»y> 3<£> ^yaXJt 6

*U1 A^. ySj J>jf ^ v£*>y> (jdl 8 iotAJS ,Jk£ * uUy> c>jj; lj jU»

qL<s *_a5 j, ^ y>!% 5ji> a*s

l?A=>l Q^>_; uJl> s^yb S
|^ j>
AJiJ all! aU*o dbJJ> Jn—i lC jLjLo} ^JCj ^ *_£_!! (__cJ> jl

{& s L=ji!! 3 Oii> OjJL^u (JLc Lexis’

10 lUx. /o Ur r
^l 3 13
^. L<
^*Ll oasis $ 13
cr^' A^ 11

q-4 -57*= j' 5 SJ '-^ cH V'AJCi oUs lA3 ^ 1

3 o
! 3 Lr^o
O — w — O — O — £
^-j! ^3 jsl Jl5 . xsso ^a^uavo ^1 (joLxil
o b
o -
16 AJL> 14
Bj-XiJI 3 LC*Xj' K_j! 15
x_o j*xjj ^cA-Si ^wjjsJ! qIXa« c^Xj

qU-w AiJ-j Lf£jJ.£ *11! 0_y^ J*-Iy5 qJ lC *v-x£ (J-^J. j*aLo Ailt jywj * (JVJ

15 L>jx.i ‘jj iLJL^lll ,3 j'Oj £ L*^i jyJv. 3^ •


& j.^Lw^l 3

1) D oJK. 2) D ^JwsJs. 3) D JuUit. 4) C JU. 5) B 5.

6) BC ooy>S. 7) D ^yiJ. 8) B xjtjJJ J^ic. 9) D 3. 10) B cor. from


lyd£\ 11) C pref. superscription: y^n sLai S3. From this point on, com-

pare Husn II 86 ff., El-Kindl 300 ff. 12) B+ *Ui Juc

j. 13) B om.

14) C ^=>1; cf. Yaq. II 937 bottom. 1§) B om. D has simply llo
^ c_5
*v > >

The three Mss. have (j~y> in place of cf. ’iilq., 1. c. 16) A l<

17) D lCw^c. 18) D iCoi, and then continues (p. 283 line 14—284

line 7): &C*j j_Lo aJJI

y^3 ^ i3 Lc 3oL>j
f W O
jC — »-ji L L*j>ya j'ij L : j ^s>y vy^S ^5 qL-I-w qJ u\JL> iLol xxLt o'Aij

iA^>i &WI _^S> J.o iyy ^J-o &UI ^y+'j .

MjS> >^3° Udfs LLo L^jI

jjx: tllic ^gj Jls t$t ^_Lo *JJI

jy^y y&} iAsj
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abil al-Hakcun. 228

S'Ul |*X=> Ut Jyjj *aLo *Uf £fw \Jl (jolxil qJ U^L*JI qJ *>yF

• 3 ** . G .C C ,
O $ £
(A^j ^oAx£ ^>1 xJLi LLi>t ^ A-gOL>b to
^ty^S <*AS ujlo! A£x:>l5

Aae. qJ iL*lw j_ji yaAo* lAiA jLai j.y>

^_c Aax^ qJ yo LI \AoAH

ojl q-c ijtAii q_:I Uo'wV> iUi.-w.-s lid! Aax U2 Jo ^ o^y*

** — . I sz 3 3 O i
^y>-xJt <jlxv \_i! ^j! »y>»S\ x*J./* q_x A-uj 5

O- O - 3 03
^yaiii 3 ji.1 L*a2ax>I jjl jyu Jis
yf qJ sUS Aae ^jlcm

lj! *111 JjjWj (Jlflj 8ya>li |*.*XaJ> *11

1 j j£\j) SaLc ^-a^lSuJI 3 Ja^UwS LyLo
G £ f f i i
y>l Ua^lj A_2o>S ^y>l »yUc 4 t_Xoli AjA>li j^tolall
qL" yGas
5 I <*J
^^ 1 <?J

q_j _ A') LoA> 3

iolxii Lo'Ao> ^CLP- l-W A.*x^ Lo'Ao> ^ 0 y>!
O- w-3 03 -
ij U^aXAl
0 S

m s: C
^ 'A-Jj-J

qJ 10

^LsXaJL Vi^xjt <*!!!

Li^xxj (jjQit JU& (JlLo 2SsJJt jtjXv^
i £ 3

oA g.xV>t ^->t B^-ix ^xxA^li oA^>l tot G


to lo Jkxi
£ — £ .c

<& A^>t*j ^>! v^XJli> oU^>ii

1 „.xj>A> jjot^xvt La.jA> jxx5" <a^^ 9

Lb'A> ^Ixli AxX A*^ 5
^ LoA^>

O 1
0^-5 ^ cr^ i3 !
cr? ^ cj^ (

tLaail wJio ^yn J^,_g_j j*jiLo sill

Liy-^j J>] u«jl JI—JLs isyaJI ^Lcai s-JI

w-3 S-- C 3

^»OAmO LaJLvO jOJ! jjjt xJLc qJUmO ^ XxJlLj ^ xJt \xJLx ^IjtAXwt^

A;OUv ^_J
£w 3- 03
^ lA-JLc LyO>l
slit A*£ Jjt Lo'A=>

q! (^t^S ^cO^-gJ^ j*JwWv^ 0-J yp q! i^xxxv^jt Ax^xv q£

BjAJL x_yias oi>lj A-iU sillj ^Jy-Jl jLii si yiaai ^OyuU oi^>

qI^ ^1 Ua->L y^aiij yalj (ja^J «J] Ayii Li} ^cJ^iAii jLfii tj)u^Aj Loj 8
Ji y
lily tola 0-^> j»lo Lo O^vil JuLfiiy^ soloAwj ii)Xo s^Lwj liLLo Saj-t qx:

qJ ^yi Aac q—c y^-T* Aa£ iyj

yaAil 0^"^! _^_j! LaL'A;> ’Sr «Lyj LsyC OJ>-

1) C ^y=. 2) AC 3) B Ja^^wOs. 4) B om. 5) B sjLao.

6) Cancelled in B. 7) D om. two foil, trads. 8) B *J JLSs. 9) A

BC yai, D om.
227 Yale Oriental Series.

£ - c e - - G
Xwii jy>lj (_rLbJ! jj>li 1
JIe (&>•, * ^LJI ii tiUPlj

iLbjJo qJ ^Jo Lb'Jo 3

^U^LI Lb'Jo
^ lX+S^ 2
Lb\Ao t$r icLP-

G 3 0—5
,i ^Lbl ibJb sLeaI! j*jlLe aJJi jl5 jls \joS ^j£. slXj^j ^j! ^e ^LS 5

J'r> J^r-_;i *111 £ _3 ~P (*J^ Uj Ue ,Jx aJUI j, ^Uii

5 0-?
^ Ibb'Do
S^LdS ^as ,J*j lo

M ..
J^L <s

^^Ie A j_| &_aJIxJS LI coifw Jls HoLaJS ^.jE —lo\il ibjtJ Lb'Jo ^caa^

^ i_cjLI L«li jLJ! j. qLoIj 'iJ^~ (j, Jolj ibJb bUqaSI Jl 5 iSjj I jjs^

\jI^ lX^aE-I Jo,., ^Lb! j y£ IAa*aA) ^lo Jo,., *-s^ j> 0 *i>-
v'“°^ J<>£b>l

lb! Jli lA-fJol AJs_5 IlA-P v—bj> lo AaJI*jI

Jj$ o^SS . JjJ\ g, yp ILols
v* 3— 5 330-— —O—
LO "hi! ibJlxJi ^1 HobS £^vaj ^5 6
jj5’jII A*c 2
Jis & {
j*asb IaaoIs JjlBj jjli ^Juu
v* - - 0-3 O - .

0 Lw>
& gvjyi lS5j^ ji’ L\-£ v£>--joL>( Kili
— 3 O — 0 3

0 *® 3 ^- S- J
LI ^1 Jyb SJ-r+i ib! Jslj^wJI ( 3^ 0? 0s
^1 £J 0^3 —*“11 & >•
lj r
^ •

w 3

^ CT*3
,LljI (i
yp oL>-l q—a^u ^5 y&2 J-bb (89a) il*^all

^0i'lX-E>5 Hi 7 Jls Gt 3
^ -^-L (^Aibjs JaJu q-vaS^. yS>_
iLia 5 j|
G 3 w 3 ..» i 35 i,
» n . ..f»
ibLi HLuall jj" V_jLLlJi y*£- q! q£ -AUJ> (JA^lAkjl l\a£
£ —i «w £ £ 0 3
11 ^jLoli 10 ^J 9 Lbi>li <A^o>!
^ q! \jo bj eVJui
O 3 O -- E
oJlb tWo ^5 ^iiJLsli

^aaJJI Lo'iAe» ^ls ^aXj 13 *11! Ju£ * j^aest.j bLo qJ &UI Js-ae 12 LoAe»

20 UiiAE* ^L>4>- b-*E

& U y^ ] O^-w'il y—j! Lo'Ae>5 I_>l g_If ^jl ^jC lAst-w qj!

oLgil qj! ^e ^Ojjl^JxJ! Lb Jo oLo j*-oti LbJo^ ol^JI ^j! q£ iAjjj qj!
M O- I

0^ Oj^wl 0X
1j J'^'
U"^2 3 (
1 Jy-*AV ^jM*J q£ L
0 ?

1) BD (
JLe J^e j*io (Jo^. 2) D om. trad. 3) A s. p., B C ^Lil.

4) C UJLe jjlc. 5) BC 6) C-|-a.LI JyE qJ. 7) B marg. + ^ob'A^.

8) C oaJoj. 9) B LCLoli, also below (twice). 10) AD om. 11) BD om.
12) D om. two following trads. 13) B om. 14) AC jAEjJt, B
15) BC jwjJs (C ^jl). See Husn 114, Mahas. I 73 Hajar, Tab. XII 207&.

' 1
jK^A sUb.5

iOJI A^-c. I .
s l*22iij!
jy£ X^LS 3
jSL5 (88&)
_ O £ 0 5 o ..t

^jX 5 0.-J q+Xc ^X yl*:> 0-J <*US lA>X Lo'lXj>

5 5 O
y-vUJt (js-J Lytoli Jjc> q^o aJJt
3y*j i5* 3* 'Sj-J^ <3^ q-£ A*x*«

1*3 Jo o\js-w qJ Lb\A> A*^ qJ LoAe> & yOCw ^*ib gob Ass 5

3r~; cr^ H

3 !

cr? cr^ o £ x*-*-^

^ !
L_a-j'lXe> 'M iLo aJJi AaCj |*jd> A*e qJ *l)t A*e jd L*3A> & xJLbs

0 I
_Li\Jt i\_jjj 8 qJ ^LyLiJ! ^LLstiii 7 ^S A**v

(j^lL^' * Ji ll*b oAdi x-JLc Jtls

11 sUasJf 10 ^COo bb* ^jtyiS
o£ O - . 5

3bLol 3->T._5
UJI q,
13 AjLxJ! j»Lsbo LX^ 1

jLas uAj y\o 12 j»Lai &*it io

15 j^c^ j*ib> Jo>y &*Jlb jyb j*JtLo &Ut i}y*j o-*-f«v jls L*b jLJi q,
17 16 (*-be y*LLI
uJ-JbSi «l liU^ls * ^Uui LCai
2owbi liXJL^Sj liLJbb

1) Here begins, in all Mss., the sixth main division ( g>) of the History.

2) I have supplied this superscription. 3) C om. AC pref. the usual formulas,

see Introduction. B pref. (fol. 1405): Jls ^cA^All A*e^ jb LbA=>

0-j 0-f*^ Aye (MwlftSI L*3A=> jls AjAS \_aJL> qJ ^**^1
^ Lb‘A>
jls A*e *b! A*e. The word ^cAAJt is cancelled by the original hand;

see Introd. 4) B om. this superscription. 5) D om., and so frequently

(part of the isnuds ) in the sequel. 6) D om. trad. 7) D pref. Ajj..
8) C + 3'. 9) ABD s. p., C 10) D ora. 11) BC sU*xJ5.
12) D jjg. 13) D +3 wj. 14) D+^^l. 15) AB y^>, CD s. p.

16) BD j*_Lc (B, later hand, pJLc ^*£ J^c). 17) AC pref.

jA*s (C jA^i).
225 Yale Oriental Series.

L?yst ^jLLIL iAx£ S^X*s£ J^C 1

1 Ji . Cy.liJ.

,iju^aj! ,Xd 3? L*_y^> OjlJi-j jC£ iAat Jj&i Xoii UijLo Lo ^iLaj;
3 £ 3 3 «. -
^A^C> qJjSI iA^c: &<J( oLj qJ

^j4«Xc & +SL (•Ai

,J>»x£L^«vi ^-SiL^
^ ^jJS " <J*olib
s O .c £
5 8^^»v*£ ^ J%vl Aa£ (^)^5

^yt^ L5p^v ^ Jj-a-J!
£ 3

w^a^2 (j^LwhM ^jua^ (
j^Jbly3! dJ (j\p» Ag-£o 3
£ W 0 3

^La-Loj ^liLLct i_jy^i j^X-ij Oj*« (j-®^ q-> »— *Xc |»Aj» q^£ qJ $yr

"j-?~ ® j-X! t& ^

t_5^^j-*-^ X)y« q-? ^ ^*
C i^******!}

7 j*w«lii

1) B . 2) B y/lsb. 3) A Jb. 4) C + J^- 5) Fully pointed

in A; B Jjlo, C JJLo. B A -I - iLXSl ^La**! iUv^p> C ~!~
6) j*j. 7) \

_^5 ;

* 1

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abel al-Hakam. ,

^ aJUsj v_jLxxJ( xJ. lyi L^JLi jb* lo 'll iby ^ l^Loo

s. X . ? ^ O)
tiUij |.UJt J^S cr. cr '-*•’ qc 1

-f3 Lcji q^j *Xc

q*~ ^X>-c " aj^5 qJj^Xj 5

^" 3
i-»3 c5^U> 3
^ 4 ioloj ,£., v^AAg XxAg (_Cg>ly> J,

— .
-C —
*JJ! l\x£ cXi>li
Lc Xo!c ^—>! »l>) Q^Jf Aac oou 5

s^OL#Jo>i^ \&a£: Lw-O^^ Lytolj| ^0^ ^Cw^^VXjt

" "




^^jCxJ! xUI
y oVa*”

y bl3d
W -
i i_\_*_.c j_*i

O - .
y £--
o^lii- \*/0j

-3 .

^Lct_5 lA-gJU 1% Ly 5^3 y*L!yb! ^ <*U! oW: lXxJ


0-5 w .. 3 . C

^ 1^5 jdlXss ^loi^l Jy y yii ua^ y ^Ly. lV*£ lX3>I tyy> Uls 10

l.W ^lyUvi. . jy&l! 4

(__.-- 0 ?Cj! Jytw y *JJ! c\a£ j»l\j y^JlLu iAa? v_jL^P(

^ylo y u\_jj-j ^1 y yr Jt lXae i_^20o & L^ylj iC.j'Jj ^Lc ^LyU!

jLsjj (_aUJ! v^o-LOao y^yit y ? 3 0 C w

ax iX^Ly* x_>j^
f: -
- w
w ..
JV-Jy—l oLi^Ji SjOyr fi ! ij_y& 3 lX^L^ j»lsLs *^VE5 8j|>^ jb? - -Xa£ ^£:
O - - 5 w

jAyJj o\>-c ^UaJls 3
[vr'j^ Mtxi „ j>Li ^.jyio qJ lXj^j ^1 v“^5
3 w £

^ rij/ 11
Q-? ^-*-^~
3 q|^-2--° q-J '-'Vjr! u~^ L/
0J !

CT O^' Q^'

'-V c J^-i 8;^ 3^J (*J^1 qJ gX^Ls^

J^>|j VVr^*


0-J 3j.c (•—j'a £-&) lj°J~?

vi^Ulj ^Lil lXac ou>ji yii'

^ Liif" y*gJuiyjt o ,lj>_5 iAa£ ^.yLwt^ .

qL*Xc 20

q-j O^lH xjt-j-j'lj

^ lX_^Ls^ Lc^cO ,1!
jy _^.=> ^0

c y\JLXj viy.L^. \5^j>ls fL^goJf ^ Lcj-dO
^ -r^
>< (87a) ‘-XaIj

l>T.y* \-g^j *y lyr

5 ^ 7 iyLi U_LxJii * o^Ul JgA=> tcS^lh oy

1) Mss. ~~> - 2) B sy-')!. 3) B om. 4) BC om. 5) Secondary

(marg.) in B. BC -f- Lysis, cancelled later in B. 6) BC i_V* .
7) C
iy^c yXsuj (see above).
223 Yale Oriental Series.

. i
j.yi JsiX=>li KASJ^it
L O'2*2 ^ l5^* Vj% q-»
wSwOJ L\>lyl l\a£ ^05 .
\JU& &JUaJL> \J IjjI

>5 O ^

0—c j-Oo lX-*x.^ £—v*L£jc ^ ^L*vJJ^ ^aa*

^ £—jLo^ >M»Xj «5 %Aav V^AJkXil

o- o S ) )

5 ^y^L k^mIxc:^ j»L—L/o^L L\-^>|yt i-\->«c j^L> ^ Lo l\ac ^i^2vc> iAi^

^. 3
y>L syou \-L^£ *-jyjw ^i ^i^A&st
^ 1
4 y3 ,

LX^*y( q!^ Lo \iLi jj^o'o *1! ^-^Xi!

OO vs. O -
i^oJ! yia/oli * LfX/O J-S 1

[jj-wj 83 &i*}
! lj_^y> jjj> 1
% ^aaJCj iLwlXej
. O 5 w > > )

Lo wXfiAAAv!*, X_JjAaoJ| q!^o ^Lj^Lx/o JJCss 3

|JUj1rS x-jts) ^-. ^Lu! ^L*i
— w . £
10 *)jf- qJ lA-^ <iXJj> XjjIjw (_p^> ,XS iLHiL> cA*a2 X/OJt
^ 4 t^jLo! ly'i *

qJ *4* 2 0^ j~Jyj _v-c>

q 2 ~Ve q'^3 • u^jk ^ ^ Oyajls (j^J!
? O- .c w - . 3 -

^_j lAxJjJt JjCi

^ xJij^sLj
^jA jJLi Lii xIIxLp> £^0 ^^alA^vSI iOi^l*v

L*y iAa-^J! J-XJj jX! iL-fl'bLw qJ xJjtli _ 3-j j?o!ys A^lc --. j> iAjjj

(j\2ij JLJ ^jm4^>- j.^_j O"^ ^-2-2 '-^;>

5 . w
15 wu-p* O- ^ O^Lr^
'-^->*~C: « ^ x-jLo^ qJ^v^x^ v^Ayw xXm ay>*^i

c —
iLiii^Lj> viV—'j> jJj L*Ji

^ k^\.=>1} qIj^o xlax^> jUai
LJLi iLxJLaJ! ^_c OiXIU, iL_EuXj! J-i L^c 5 K
jJb*, SjOi^lj lX-^ qJ ^-^*^5 86 &) c ^J*-*-Lj v_AJ^i2j! (j^jto t^jl^
o^/ 1

lXj^j Ji :i_5
-^r'j cXy*^*22
* 3 tX-5 iLiii«J> qJ*ji! A*£

^*33 ^1 7
^Xiyoli ^Li> ^UJ! Js^li

vA ]j> 22>'% Uii bLU^L> q-» L^v iiki3 8

j-h’ 1 ^ >Ai Ui'^j

cCL<r'. ^t iLJ_^LC> ^X! Q-J^jJf Jyx; waaXA, . vA_Jl\J> 3 U^2^' |9—2

10 ^aL*j jUt o>-aJ l^a5^5 LjAAi ^jlj^AfiJl

"5f j.Lj! iij'Xli'
„ j<?. qIj

1 )
C Ijyij. 2) C oin. 3) B ora. 4) B I^jLoS Li ^Aj! J. qK.

5) B + J^l. 6) BC ^AaJLj'. 7) A ^yoli. 8) C 9) B Jj?

and — r
4-v . 10) B xaL*j.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hcikam. ,

A/ilyj! iA*j L**o> iAsj iCiiLXe iOJic
^y ^
w 5

iA*£ A-Jdi Lc2j! iva!c pyjls a** q-»: A^iita (j-«

Ji Ayy qJ okolpil iA^c puXSj y>! L**> -A Ayys iyJic

LyJ! — ^fyLo q-j
Jlxa (i<£
lyAo 3

® «— a—OLe lX*c iAajy! JOi 3 ^ic (jj?

^SyS! l\xc 5

c -

jj.! L<J—w ,3
0-e yAj ^y <-^->T. LJo\\s* UT AOe qJ Q.J’yt iAa£ J»Xiw
w > 5 #

yl**3 L^aIbD
^A Ca /0 "0^ , -W*. £3

^l^ydiSI t\jy L^hLT, 10p>Lj sX»ju AAoh, ^SjyiLlt ^1 pAflj ^ ilshL>lj aJIc

£ ^j-. j^AXXi ^ Uii *XiLi a^e>Lo ou^o Lyj! 6 LyJt q^oLJo *

iA^-I^J! iAxc ^_Jl Li\Xc> Jv£ y&s>! uA>S^JI l\*£j j_cj!jal! yyJS 10

m i _ w 1 c s:

^jt tyijj $UAj! 3 -^ii*vli yi

2 qSj^aa!! a) ^JLSU q! syLs XlliA> _aA»
£ O_ O ) ,.
A-oLJ ^IrUA " jj^yi vi>JO~J x)llic> q! => j^X^WwAA*
q 1
} <S'

^—c ^ <Aajd ^wjyXsji L*JLi . LLoO (jy^K>x 9

jLy^ KiiS'

11 j.Ui-o^t 10
cr* Jyjj aj JUu qL^c L\iS>^j A-yyi

iLilix^ wOJo AjOcAiw (J^c: (86a) 12 sy iA>ySt uW 15

^_jli»5 Lk^j-Lc VJ 11 13 Ajj ^-^iy LLxs"

LfjQ } (j^LaJ!

Ay^>; lo ^LooXS! iJofjJl oV*~c o^aei a!jas> v_jy! iLiibCc . U.^cL»X:>t

.. «-/ G £ o ?
sLJl j,y5 ^^>3 k*x ,1! jCib^

|^LyLc ^Lv^wbi V^jb^b*)

5 5 —O — 5
\JW JJ3j aju>5 lXx aJJ!
J.yi pLOo^ij XL*Jin
^yt 20

^y^iysJ! aL^LXc jo>!c 18 y^Xs qXi v-Jj^ 5 17 Lo

LJls . ^jJ> L° L5;b.
5 - O-

0^3 cOJ! i^^bCe jl: ^Jb ^3 ^yilL xb'Ui ^jJLJ


1) B om. 2) BC 3) C cy?JoJi. 4) Mss. s. p. 5) C Jlas.

6) C syC^ju iAxjIj (see above). 7) B J^*wJL. 8) BC (

Juw. 9) A pLC
10) C B doubtful. 11) See Bibl. Gteogr. V 245, note l. 12) Adharl
I 46 has J^Jtil; confirmed by Makk. I Ho. 13) C om. 14) C ajuyjj.

15) B (later hand) pref. iAXc. 16) BC yy*ot. 17) B ^ . 18) C -(- aJJI.
221 Yale Oriental Series.

5 0 ) w GO—
^15" cXJs*, ^jtoUiSi 1
gJu Js( «A^£ Jw-JJI q» LJi

jwyL*£ J>^Avi A
-^=> qJ CJ^y^ A-^c ,
0-2i qJ ^bJll! iA*£ j»t\j j*-p1

o s. %* )

_UjLi> ?Obls> (JjvE Jsjc>5 Bj^Ui xJusj ?wiiJ.£, i i Cl *

5 *JvAj jiab*

5 £*> ^ qJ ^ ’y\ w\*£

aJulsis iUbbs q-, „ y> Jj j*XCo
p ^5
= -03 tf .c 5 —- s
LoJo ^ Ljyo oLo Lfi JJLaj Jz
L^tJu q! jUbj . sjla ^Jj JJCar y>\ Lx*e>

^wj Uo^ ^
^Wv_^uT—-* ^wA>wW l**J 1*5
^ >5 b=\i^<W ^y**£ ^ •

& jJ-io 0^2*^ 0^ £bwS c\*J

) O - $ i -

qJ ^uJl *^Lj^! (i^-£ (j^iJo^l ^

10 4>JJ^ $Ui 3 (856) ^Uo (jr.JXil 3

O ^ O )

3 0^ ^ qI^^0 0vJjtjt)! JL& &—L-*!e qJ
0 [S' tA-j^

— £ W

) .

(*y^ ^-juili (j*oli‘

^XJs X^Jt «lX»xma J
(7 J^
w O —
i iLeSPI qi *—*-3 6 bj^lj qJ l\-os_av xJS ^.y> lA-ij i_3jjaj'i

t Jos 8
iU^tif <»J (JLsLj J,t (^ejtjiiJ! 7 8t>^-w< qJ iU-U^o

15 .
(j^olsb xjL^PIj a JKjjum tiULo Jst
^Lio Uli j*o o l

q-. "iLyi

O )

(j^o U^i L^J


^^0 3j*&j\ Js^t

3 ^^IsiL!!
^ 0*?^ CKj^

^ iuL^ 3
! iw!e JjiSj (Cj'j^S Q^jr^f (;jO^


qJ^wCj Kx>w ^sxs j, q!j^ qJ iCLIic:> (iUH Jyjr. qJ j.Lw^ ^cs-* ^

) 9 \-<Ji W^C5^ ii Uls yJ^l xWe 1

ry j»LxiJi J^|j) (J^^tXi^t Jsp! ikjjij

J»'„\i J<£ Q .^)

20 IgJ^i iLcUaJI ioJt !jo! L^owXa UJi 10 ^lLi^jt Lt LJI^ ^jJt ^i>jto \j^JL»*o

_ O -
>«Xxe^ y*~l v«5^5

„y>lj ; A.;OkE>
^ CT^J^

. o —

iA^r — y>! u!>*
^ y<? •
Q*j^Ji!Li l^ibo j»UwJ! 5ui*j

1) B ^Jb, C i\Ju. 2) C + I0 . 3) B orn. three follg. words. 4) BC

^jjL. A orig. - .it-i^l) but cor. in marg. ;
so also below. 5) B-f-^JI.

6) BC s. p. 7) B s. p. 8) C s. p. 9) C 3<?l. 10) A (orig.) BC

v UJi, see above. 11) C \*/«.
The Fuhih-Misr of Ihn Ahd al-Hakam. ,

L>Jj ^ u^ai £ vJLSjl

- W-. w£ .. s oc
xjL^-’I c
(jr^j '—^Li <Aij (J»c jyA .^aLisLwJj Ls?^e- 5
g;Jj ^
• Lsoj'^SLi

- o£ w i- .c c w
lXScIj JUaJt tibJ}! q! (jv»x^li q| u'l& HlXxxc < 3 ! ^
,jr2> y) Js^ yy-M idb>j ux^>j_5 y^t ols As _aaaE> jjLfti y^L»Jt JLe iiVJ

j-jIj ^b>!^ 8 jyU "5] AaE J^E yuf> ywils ioL^Plj 7 L^aIA S^DIe*

Le*/« w».xaE>
1 5
j»yiA <AJL^_j Jyiw 10
LCili y-U ci"
c tJLwi .v*a q^AaS 9

^ jLoj ^j,
yblA ^_a.s * •’vbijy! (85$) ^jaiLajI '_>

Xaav j, pyb JvaS jlS A*av Aa-JJ)

0 -E.
y_\j (_yH>r. LoAe*
12 *"
j»LccJI J^t 13
QA iAib} ^ylA^U! ilAxjV ybj gjj J.jy
tj Syv.^yO 11
^UaS KjLoj

^'Lsi ^Ayls uc^l^3 o^ &*ajIA u^Ai^l


cr l5;W^ |

6 (j^JiAj^t ^1! L<Ji*y yta ^yaxij \jIA?! j»yj!j -wR-wy yt jAiis

j?yLj ,jyaJi q^5 qJ dUi! Juc LeJej (jA-iAi^t _AJ As j»yl5”

qJ -V- j»<A«J
5 . =lyEE?J' jbs?

iyis. A_s. „,Jo jjljl^s yjl »o!Axib

„Jwb C;aJ 0.EJ 0-J iiVl*Jt A/£ yo!_5 Lg/CASs (j^jAi^! „Jj j.Lot LAAA> * 3

1v_2_Aj> 2sj! X+jjtJ Q-bi idUi! AaE \^y * gJj j»Ai Ji \*aIj
0-J J,t 8 .Jj->-lj J»iit3


L-W.A.O U-O 0^5 ^ ^ i ^AwiwXj Sj r» *A»^

05 _ 5 £
qJ bW f

^.Lvi 0wJAj^ i

(j^^> j»uX5 UJ L^-L q! yS .

^dj L^li' q-»
w t
l\xX: jL-xwo! c\-Jt-^ w^p* qJ q^^J! JXxT: ^^Uvjt q.J ^VJLLf oW 20

aJ jlij Q^vJi qa Q^i iiUI! Aae ^.JLj „ y>li „Ju JUfiJ ju^b

qJ dUl!

ebib 1
Aac j.Las ^AoaL> 16
j,! e^b* 15
Loyls' ^1 ^a'uJ! yj>ii Ay^I! j !*J5

(•As Ji . mue yJj i_jyA J> y*J D^y: 7^ J>[5 [»y-^ ^[5 ^1 —
1 §jI JLiis

1) B ^Jj 5
C s. p., as above. 2)B naLJ. 3) C ^Us5 .
4) A
5) C gJo. 6) C c^^ej. 7) BC rylT. 8) B byA 9) BC s. p.


14) A

11 )

15) BC

12) C
^C 4- Below, either ^.Jb or s. p. 13) C om.
r Q t.

219 Yale Oriental Series.

5 .
w 5 O- ^

^ jAIAc 2
yJLT ^^y> A*j ^Us ^yiit Sojyw qj!

I £-*A 4
Oj>jw pAJLi aJ 13>! ^cAo j_5>j (j«jls

O -» —
^ v_Jyd
»» —«
» ^

jA2>- ^-Ljj .
0_J w*~yy> Adxj j?A.^\.wwO ,j, OjWk LJj— ^ &jLjj

_^pj |Ju ir^jk! (Jȣ
eULo ,3 ! qj q!^-°
VP >

i' pjAj ^'-JJ JA5 (>j^jli j&ijtss o-y- -^LA

7 i_j^j! * aAIAe \y JA 3
! ,i »J>|^ q_j iULv^

a-aiIc z—Jt-A ~ j> aLxIc ALma-s pj^jli ^dj'Lfii
cr ^y>

& J.L-1*J! 9 a^u ^jj Aa*a. ^-Jlcj q-» iUA-o £/i ^1^
^ - o >

*° y-Aj Lgyj yaili pjJ JLc ^ ^5

iLyyw 10
jjjj a_J_>Aj ^3 20

Lijlc pylS^ (jAAi ^ Ax. piAia jNx* »y^c Os^Uj "^S bAaae jd
2 y-yy^>
O ^ 5

yy> p_yJA
0^ . a-^A) vl! L*-£jm l*yy> 12
J yyyx> <J^=

pAi uJi 15
14 ^AoJAo (Jvc. ^^wAii! ^cio 13 yJj pAs As ^ Ji ^1 „y>
Lrul pji^ pA-5 qL^Ij
0 _jL^s slfliXs \X3jjOo sxaij (Js£

" .
- O_
15 13 4
qIjAjO (J^
A-Avvj w-yy^> (3> (jj-**25 (j*l*it py^ k—Ala>

^ Uii 3
v-yy^ 17
' (
-rVyJ> '-r^> l

(_c^y^J! ^ (iijjj! Aa*£> qJ l\JL> pW^5 ^Cy«-A. jJ^yi ^aSL" iLSAb (j^t
C _ £• ? w O 3

wuc* ^Ucli X-jj-a/o *i5l jjuix: ^y.O^U »ly^

L py^ <*J jLiij i)y^5 Cy*^ <^£


20 l_£j ^lw,Ay! ijyy^ yA q 2 y^A* 18

p^ q£ liLLci

1) C om. 2) A om. 3) B om. 4) BC »jy«; also below. 5) AC

y^=>3- 6) BC om. 7) AB om. 8) C iLcly>. 9) Fully pointed in A,

B s. p., C 8y*^u. All the Mss. read Ajt.**, but see below. 10) B )A=Oj.

> ^
11) A Ayyw, B A-") appar. cor. to Ayw, C xyA. 12) C ^lio. 13) B
yA, C gJu. 14) C xXa'A^-. 15) C JyiL 16) AB 17) AC Aii,

B pAaj -

. 18) Only in A marg., later hand.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam. ,

W. O vv _ O - b .


^Lc ^

is y**-yO |
^ rJCw^
> ^

L-. ;,x.lx:

L-. .J

^c4-wj^ Ki ^ » »

— w«3

j^ 5

>' •
L c!r°
; w

o^ “g^r*

abb ^ !
(j^b * jJjy! abb -A-J bj \bbi ad)S byyyc J_yeUvd
8 L^xicj (_wj_wJ!

O - .. 3 w
XJt-*3 abpbba B
yjJI ^ wyyy> ,J<I qJ iAjL 3> v_;L>\ii qJ ad)' Aaa£ A>y3 5

3 3 3

^L>Lvo gvxJ ^ ajb£?(_3 i_\Jb> Jbiij ^*£3 ^Lb^ij u^*^3 ^ abb^) y>5
3 £ w
Jbsii absula sb*yyo !l\JL> q) JLaj^ 5*ji tsjjxJi
^ »J> L<
-iiJ . ti)Jj

bia lie 6
j-ybj* AjyjAv ^-j^Ji able Oj&lb abJibb is^^yo a_3joi! ^ . ajw q^»
« 3 - -OC W
<& 7 ^l^uJl qj eUK iAxx: ^yc! \Ac syub
L< r

jXft&Ji ISyW-yC (jJbJ vJ^* ^*AW
L/ V^A-^li! 0. D. ykjCj Lol\s> * 10

jCLw ^ w^u> qJ iAJL>*j jJJI l\ax£: .... yyj! cp

^.Lj UJi HAxxc (J?! ^ y^P 1

v-jL^\J> 10
a^>yj '3?
aLjbj qJ^.'C.c. ebbb
3 O
12 ^oiA>
Jwc ^j'a^ aj.LxI k
lyo l\JL> (^I qJ lc-^ 3 Aj>! 11

(j*J> AJs _j! i^3y^ ad q»Xj q) A-»

j'i a_cIL)Li lA^b q-^ a^j! ^b>! <Ai*
3 O - tf O
14 13
ail! ^A^yyC Jbij aud_0> 3 L*.x2X1 aJl^^, »lX_J ^Lsj AbbJJ 15

J}yX* J^ Xaj+j ^ ^coL4j> b\x£ ^Lci^ ^L^v.o-I


" ° 3 w
i5LL^ isy>*^i ^cJu> J.
(j^Lx-£. qJ ^xiLs^r! J|s£: ac>5 ^
£ £ _ o- w
^ ^
^*b\—5 L4A5 ^J«wj ^ymmJ ^nmLj |»lX^ i^OwC» J^jAV.C’^ V«1 ,IaX^

Owb 3 _ Ia*j 3 ?! ^Lc. ^laij ajw 17

jLj^-d 20

abLwi v_P (J^S L-rj*^*^' abiLc (846) ^%)) JA>.e ^(j-biS! JkE oJlsa^Ij yJb"

1) C ibyw^. 2) B s. p., C (j=^e.iA>Ji. 8) A ^aj=>, B s. p., C _yAb>.

4) C AbbbL,. 5) B 6) AB yJuj, C yJuj. 7) B C ^LsuJt.
8) Something missing. B queries this passage by enclosing it in a sort of pa-

Om. B C ^ah. 11) B C

0 L~Jb.
renthesis. 9) (orig.) C. 10) 12)
^-jAb>. 18) B ^jLw^Ixj. 14) C bbi*. 15) B om. 16) B cor. from

v^*i). 17) BC oL^L.
217 Yale Oriental Series.

q! qT^I Aa£

0_e ^c^T. UiA> l**s xUs qI^j . iul^5 ! iwicj lA^ixx-w'i L^le Leu! ^»J! „ b> ^
^ i»jLoj 5 vy -T
^x+iA ,'v-v, \,£^xUjl

^i 2
5uVw£ „y> ^ CT^ t^^ L_ Aa£ ?Aju ,j*JAJx5! Jwc * oA-a-^s.

5 ^ i^, Ij^cX^j x*/c w\^d


q*\JI lXax; iitW j»»A-i 0^" J® A*x- qJ viixxUI

q£ ^Aj qJ LoJo
L*_jO ^xJAbl qIss L^xj., *®b_5 byixc h3Lw hLAi^sl
0 ^j . ^jj! ij~-*^> q*

0-, dUb y^_5 a— hLJlo £_»_« s^x^i! ^S^Ji 0«5 slc^lj Axx*j| 3
^ \_j - j>

„y> (j\x> 5 «a£^®! Js^ & iLxj^lj &L&Sij i_j!jLXjt_5 J-kib, qLxi^-I
W _ o
10 uW 5

^ wOo^ 0

sUjl/AU, 4
sL)Ajj j»Lw.P JLc
; - 5

^ iyiLc.

L^ut »*
5}3 jLxJL^sf ^1 (84a) G
jxajl^SIj 8 j-*Lj y^ xU!c <si!t

U-)L^vl> &UI l\ax£ |»A&2 . «ioLoj HjXvs£ £~bv* ^ ^>*^1 ij> ^ s-^'"^*)

A-a-a~c. ^-iucLfv*l 8 *^5


^ ^-x2^o ^jk-c. ^ Aaax 0-J * ^--wLii-il a.j) ! aUI

15 Jx: ^il
^ Jo JuJLj^ ^ qIj® qJ dULLI L.W jjcj Q-J iOJic gx.Lvj'i!!

0^3 »_)Ls\^- 1

(*^ ^ q? iUxxxc iAa^j (jxJAi'St

0 J (jr.Jbl!! >

<5? q^s t\*f UJlc &UI Axx£ Oji ^JiAj^lj qJ iLJic dU^i
r - Z - w-

0 bjxJI ijOj 1} (jx^xJI ^5^1 5 lW >

^1 0j 9
*^ !

byjAE 0jC5 *

11 10
^1 io^L> i tlxsl Ux2 0^5 q-* £ Ul Lc i__iLoIj xlbc ji Jt \
yea j

s!j£ • A^-lj (^cAi l5l q>) isA=>L, JaJ (J—aJ
Qb*] ^
<3l^*yjsjl J yS^JI Uajj
O- .. >

*JJI l\x£ 0j \JLe!c yUfij x^uIjj qJ ill! Axxc JU y_J I cixxa&o'j

1) B LgJuo. Cf. Sur. 21, 31. 2) C ora. 3) BC ora. 4) A L!A$j. 5) C »U*i.

6) C ^xxxilj. 7) B om. 8) B om. *UI, C *U! Ax. 9) Mss. *JJI C^c. Ijc^,

(B +0 j). 10) C L^L>. 11) BC 0Aj; b-. 12) B 0 L>I, C jl>l.

13) B cor. to l^c.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-IIakam. 216

q-i bL\i eb_Lxs jylt ^^_jLob aLbLiyi

^ y^lJI \j£
^ Aij

^wO .X-A—V. xd A.JlXJ '

xJ jbft—J ^
<3? X-jb.,

X^sLy! 3
q 11
q!>^° q! y*i £ y jli' ^Xm qJ
l xbvJJ ^y: yjG
j^xrs?. bi'i_Xa>

X_jbj ^avO j 0U 3
xbb5 X —1—w ^ LyJt x-jLcj !x_aam ^ 5

qJ bbe cJF>
uj" cJlxJt
{JXi^xj .X-aJJ-J-S y>'J l
q!>^ 1
•r Li (jjj-x

6? xjUj ybc xaa* yo J, xdyyl LC-w_Ji!! j^yySI l\ac

^y 8 l\aa& J.U3)

l\-a-£ qJ 8iAaa£ q£ j-a^J 6

.xb! oVaE * ^-J c^>'. bb\Aa>
Lf!)i ^y ( _

^aaaa*1I x_y- 5 xbijy! &l\aa£, f^As l*Jh 8
ix-Jbj ybc X_a.av 7
j»j>- <3 XASijbt q^JI
11 ln
^cxXJf uxJ bU ~xy j&Ajbalj xJjixj ji.1 b^Lc ^yiy*-! v_jLsxob qj! 10

xbt il ^—Tyt lA-A-£

S A >. AC wA.a\5 ^jA.ljjyb —AAAAvJl XO
l\_fl_j xjm bxxxo^ Li'jj jiAbo q! yob ^uXaxJ! *JLa/i ^_j lAyy

^ yjJ! x_j
xiLbj Lates-j 13 Il\1e> sl\L> suXaac
Jw 5
(Jv£ j»iA_s bJi U>jj j.

j»ls! jaaxmJI ^1 ebJoj xJt 15 yJbt yx=> * 8/° *Jt*:r' iK 3 yyM Jj'x' b 11

b^Aa>° t^Xobcj 38
Jy j*_Li „!yj! OwXXvit^ ilxXv.Ji x*.Lt Jji iS^" (*3^ L^^b 15

0^5 U^bo^! (Jue bJ! lX_*_£ qJ tXx£ J wVi Su\.;<-^E. ^ '.JX^E

w C-._0.-0
j^jLLd ^vJAJ j! jlX-c ^aoBI
^ i5L>U^} L>Lo
- o_i . w ) W _ 5 ^
^AJL 18
i jLo! y&>2

X*^s ^'^jLvbt ^ tibo jjb« j*.wj*| bi O^-wJo 3fl

L^J j/«b

xJ! i-xXXs *-xj suXej^o LiLcS XaJ! i \XXs IlX-jA^v Lxat LWc ^i)Jj> bbi 20

1) B ^S. 2) C ^loJbi, and so (s. p.) A orig., but cor. in marg., first

hand, to xbjAJI. 3) C 4) So A, B i^Lii, C. s. p. 5) B Jab

6) A ora. 7) C ysuit. 8) B om. trad, to this point. 9) B yotwit, so

also below (three times). 10) BC cj,UL 11) C xJLsLw. 12) C xjw.

13) A 14) C 0b. 15) B jL bi y=>, C jb: ,_5C>. 16) AB by.


17) Mss. ^>b>> (C IS) C x*n*i2iw. 19) A LX^yJfj. 20) B om.

215 Yale Oriental Series.

_5j^ q ^5 u*V Jjv£ 25-fciL^it

O 5 o5 X
q-j l\jL> &—So ^3 qo Uj 2
^ wOcTj j?^c! s^s &-JI yiwjli

* cr» o^ 1
^*'c ' Iacj 4
'Ajjj <JSe j»iAii
ct* _>^5 OJ*
£ w £ s

3 L-^Li> -^— 3^
O™^ 3*^^ cjr^ <3^ CT^

5 2-5
5 s^oti! Jg? oJi 1
-h ^ li*® ***^»

ij-^tj Qj.Ail J«£l ,j^

w -5 > O > 5 05
^^jCwi xtauf w^U, aJ Ui <A5 JlS ‘sOy

'-\jjJ J-& O’ l5^-


^ 03^. o ! ^jyoj qJ
>A*£. (j*IaS! <$j
- w O- O 5 M
J, liUOj X-xiLj^il ^bol ^/Xo iiUIl uW Jojj ^^5 ^jl

«L>! yox (i c oiLsuwlj iLxJLjjj! JJ (i'^ ^-b*!c &jUj (^\aaj 0


10 lA-ijj Jjisi ^lAJ! y$ qJ *JJ! iAa£ q! \*Jl> aLojj^st JoiO UJi Xlli/ 0>

^AVJ s-AA^2 l^AE^ ^ OAO 1

l^G3 (^E *4aA-3
qJ *JJt t\*£ J.A2J SysLl q|^a3 (jjJ y£«J ^S lA^jJ

C «w£
UA>jCj liUif iAaE
^ lAjJJ


7 yG j;!
^ -ao> qj l\JL> <jLs-i LsLsj s^o>Lo yio ^3
w£ £ O v« ^
*^ ^*^**a^ f**s*^
1 C^* y
15 lXjjj ^JjCi <AJjJ j*jL> wolo 10 *

JsXiij ^io j— q] J-^t.^

1 X-SJli* 3y^L' ^Ai>l ^a)jc>3 \X>iLjtj ^x'6

pyJ! q! Ckju
d^-Sv3 ^3 ^*^3 \A-oljtj
3^^ (*^-^5 >Aa£:

O - O O- £
‘1 lX-2>_5 ^ \xx2a! 1„\«J^-J i xLc*,

vi>ol^ . tAjjj »l5^ vwAj^Ll!I !j! ^j<s> si 'lPJsx:! lXj^j 3*1

20 (jub 3UJ xlxi qJ cjaxIJ! ^.r. yjG Lo'Jo U/ \jli^

i^V-l-il l\-*^ ^.j j»Lw^ (iy*- LjfcX^Ji ^-L-o [*'~^3 • <5bL?3

^JLd ^35 \-JUx 3 i^ ! L_^-*0 LXJb »3^5

LCAAAiiI! (83i) ^Xac y>i Uac JjCj (_fiJW! aaS~ qJ iu>*AC (_w.JAji!

1) B \J>J>?. 2) B \Jlso. 3) B lias, above the line, 2 yJi Ij.lXaeIs. 4) C sXj.

5) BC om. 6) A om. 7) BC ^0o. 8) B ^ob'. 9) B 10) B £u,.

11) B + lCaa4a!!. 12) C 13) C ^.rWAxil.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam. ,

aJLs^J! aJJ! iAax: LJi a-at^s iAjj£ aj! !yio
L cj>
ausLoh (j*L*J! Ajjj yotj ».!a

w . . x £ c
q! b* & cfrxw JLc jjyO lX^I
f s o £ _

*i>! 5 Ld_y>! ^d*>$ j-?y u-»

'Air5 -'\a=>!
i j*iw)

8lXJLs»j aj>A*j ^yi5! t\jjj qJ lA*=>° lX3»!j aJoLLaj \**y> )Jd*> ^ ^!y«!

lA—i;-J yji^Vc *A^ i-Xjja lX-*^ alii.ww aLSUvJCv-j * !i_\)o> 5

iJJoiAe o^Uo! L>! i\_o aJ JLiii „ iJAA- qLj g, ogiolj j*_Lw^ ^1 ^j!

aLy> sLw/j a-o adatsS lAlo lijo ^^UvJ! J, aJ ,_oo iAa liLLo Oyst ^ Oyc
i Z. s 9

j JJ jJLw^ qJ

lXjjj ^yjou uli . (joLo^
£ S
^ O
(*j'l>’. l^ule

., 9 9 - ^
gjy> aJ JLk-j a*w^> q, Joj>^ ayJ! Lf^li ^yjjLc xAxi JjLAs wAju a-<L*Ij ^i>S

iA*a>a (•'A-i J-*sli aL*Ac lX^VwJS ^ho \*v!^ alxs ajy&h »_axAv.ilj 10
,j. \j
A-b lX*^° *j jlai l\-5 lXjjj ^b yio! <jl& ^:£wJ! \x)x: Jb>A5 lXj^j ^S

Ui ajtx>w o>! yj' a_jUJL£

^ y>! aooj'S ^ a_J! (j*A ail o>OLXj
5 - - ^ vw

l*-Lwi J<i qJ lAjjJ (j*y> q1^ Jo J^3 Jls Ji*i! lXjjj ay.
S w 50 3 9 — J 03 ^ ,
(_yoJ K_a3L> aJyj a^yit (_yO> (? tyi'ij (J=yO “il ^U5 j»lX_2 yo>

JJ JL-ili (_yLut
lAojJ. '-
rAai? oV>t (j^o!^)
^ jjus 15

^ # — — 9 0

^ i3» |4**
vv b CM-WJ L>Lo (83a)
9 « ^ ^
ff -09w O 9 _ -o

CP ^>y> c5j^^ *>**)

. »SIajw ^ s^Ufli v-JjJtl^ a^La] lX^UvJ! J,J \_a_UJ ^ ~y> ^> A Lk2*-?

^ 2CSL05 (jy-b '


l3 ^Xjtv^ v3yb!l yjCi qJ Lb‘OsJ> b^

^vbjl ^^^ ,

*’' [-b^ Jjt

bb 20
9 09 9 )i _i

lXxc ^\J ^X^>i ^ <S*^ *°'^y ci^ CT^

!y^|^o cblt l\x£ ^-XjjJ jXb

o-«J qLs liLj'^a^. J.-XJ5 Ja>^! LV5 1

q( Lgjj a^ot aJJl Ay aJ Jliij ^tiAJi

> ^O- r 9 09 £ O
gjAiJ! J^si aJA-i (jyAylt ^ «A*j IlX^j

1) C [jAIsj. 2) A expressly; B cor. to 3) A alaAAv'ii, and

om. bLo
; ;
B encloses the three words in a sort of parenthesis. 4) BC
5) BC om. 6) C L1
o>t. B om. ^S. 7) B jAib (enclosing preceding word
in parenth.), C JA&.
213 Yale Oriental Series.

& aAA albs ^cAJI

^ all! aA_*l a-bxs 1
Ujy L«!yo abc,! yb JlS

O -

U>JJt y. yba y all! Ac y yci? bb'Ao lb" ywy 0^ 3 yybt l)uC Jji.} qI(j

a.xiAr y-cb
y wC
Lot qU-aL* 0^5 jls
& yw* aA* j. A*w*
y t

826 ) v_j^jb bali/Ali Aibyi

q_j ( 20 !y>ys3\J auL^?!, SA-yc:
y 0 ? '-r
5 aO j»yi
0—? <_oy> A>i ^UjJjw q! JLaj_, . xyjl ^1 aJ yby s.L>li ^Lb-w

ayyAls ubyll 3
0 ?
Aayo * 2
^L^Ali al
^ b A>tj eLl3 ayll, ^Llo v aJf abb

vcc-a^as, • Lla#w a—.*? da b, naIcc ^LbA y^, a^b, al a>.yy ^b-ALw 0 **

0— i LSty* — j-b’ is g>^ii (J>-c qAaLw ye, ^ i 3 ^j ^.»> ^ yA** i

^AW &A/.V
J, auls, cabL, . y^>
w }

O tf >b!
^ ~jb sy^ waacJ JaC

10 (& A*av
^y *A"*a!JS *bb
0^- >” •
Lib Ao 1*a5

b i^LLb ' l\ac
^L+-aLw 'bL yL Aay ^y A^ca' aA^ly^ bl

0-J ^ c-yCy' -
LajAo <3?
0\.*,wj, .

~*aaa jA ^c-*-aa
all! AaC A_JyC>, ®y^> 0 -

A+c> jya j*.J_s (jnjsawJj jA aUiiayS JLe Aay y A*eA y! jls AaaU> y:
y^s?, LL'lX> Lb ajljj ccbLL; & dLU! Awt y ^U-Ja y,a y> Lil, Aay y!

15 jmj 1 <_a-w yo q, ybia Jl_*J yb*J aLx_*bi

y As^ oyJJt qC. yJo ^y!

lyay> ^Lc abb iA i 5

*^! ‘-\y£
0 ^ aJbCo jyc .

Ao ! ^y
yj t Aayy aA— wib.j iywwJ
Ly cAoj Ly>LAj

Lb" a —A vccaJ^j ^ yy 1 '

Aac ^y ^
yA> 1 r * Lc bl|^ Jy ^-1—3 yb- ' ^j.

^ 0-yjj

jib yL*l
w . .
ajuii- [»yj l\*wv
y aAJJ)
yc yjb
y y, LoAo
0 J Ajy 5^5 ^L>\i>- ^*
1^5 y:!
y o\ay ajlbb jyb . abbj ^A>l aA«

Lj abb, Cfbot aAw y, tiLL* I _V>ci-

^L! |*J»aavo
^! qJ Ayy j»Aii2 OyblL AAy ytS~^ 0^ <_
c^y5 0 ?

y Aay y: ^t,yi!! ^Lbo L«_Ls 0wLd! sLbLj' lyA Loy ^1^ 13! y> Aiuy!

aJyo ^yyiAj ^! Aa-e

i^i aJJ! lX_a_c ^j.
a'it^s ^—aacj
0^ (J^y5 0^ jwLwaao

1) Adhrtrl II If, 2. 2) A jLbAls, C^LsSbi. 3) C ^Aj ju. t 4) Pointed in

A. Meaning yaj yea

^ y-il, Yaq. IY 495. 5) A om. aJJI. 6) A LylAoj.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ,
Abd al-Hakain. ‘212

ti'JLc a_jo! 1
Lit J'lJLj jAl
^ iiL_Lo iAiLo^ si^o! _.^jj

LLLi ^Juoy

^ s^c Lu LoAii
o >

^ ajsLs^
a1xj> t


L.—^ +

Li ^L— ^^AE>2wy *^2 ~ 1 t j liLxLL ^^1 (^c^t ,L i^Lli


aJ ^LLi * ujLxj -Ails L^J jyb to jju j*Is aJ qjl\5W)j aj^ »£»«> (Xl aJCL

uv ujLJ! a~JI J*_=>LxJ 1 V3>Aa5 ^wUU qOL ^IL, LyLs 4

aLo-^ ayai iLyLj 5

C . £ I /
oK Ui xjU (jrfwLJf
^.1 ^tJu 3
l $>2 v-jLJI \-w!^ I.wJCl-0

7 6
i_iLJt ^Lii I r! \_j! ^wUJ! . d'ALo (jjyj
jjjxJS AajlS viols’

*» O 5 - w
&bLJt Q-J v>l^ BAx^c <Jj( q— *J ^Lii \-jyjii L; it yJLii

$itL 9
lcl\JLS Aae Ji-L J)e
s lytoJo-lj iJLLi ij-i

L? qOj l! ^313 abLL! ,i,t — ,jLj Jyjj q 31

10 |^JLsLi A_)3yo ^1 yi_5 «^oi
^ 10

, O - w£ — Cl _ w £ . — O-S w

^ JwaJLj 11
AfiJ \Jj^l JUS AaC s_^Oy^j! <->J^

7'J l\a£ S^LfoJl
,<C2^> ..JI
J? ,~aC*
7 ^ ;
,Aaj! ^>J*S
J <?J
<G.4aL>! A^*
^ A^VvaI^
— O G G ^
^ua> 14 xc2jL> *_j 3 o L:.a 3c'vj j^aJ
131 13 lyb ^^^5
15 .0 LiLo> Jwi>Aj s^lo i^j.AE.ili j_j^*J! Aae (_wt^ ^JL& ^aaavJI
w t $
ijbLlJ! 2>ljj wtAjlj HAyAE Jjt ^_yj> '—jj?2 >
e>^>' ^*^*[5 ^
iiLi^ ijbLiJl qjL l\aE aJ JLfij a i sA^j a 3'! Jos Jj>Ai
r. w o c . . _ .c

LyA-AJ> *iVi3 A-J^: l^A*J »lAi>- ^^Aj 16 jlas i^JLav to

w £ ,

(J^C 1;
j^lj vik-til o\_aE qUwaLaw ,i.t
JJj*^l A-aE Lr y !>>/>
! wl^tj

sU! A*I 18 L^ic5 17

0 J;lill!
J^E * l^yOj pai ^y> 'o>A-! ^1 yj^jt 0wJAj31
iAae (_JjJ q'uaIav (JvE ^_xAi 19
f*—Li 20
^_jj*jl qUaLw aJ j_ii jy^j qJ
-My: -*EE>j ajAj (j\j r.ytjoyh

1) C Lgj. 2) C AiyJi*j. 3) C wsiiii. BC om. aJ .

4) C 0^.
5) C om. 6) C LI
oyi ,
the ^1 doubtless orig. a gloss intended for the

lino above, where the word is missing. 7) BC -f- eVJ3 .

8) BC
9) C (jjJI. 10) C + aJ. 11) B _yl. 12) B aJI. 13) B om. 14) A
AlaiL>, B AlaiL>. Sur. 56, 1 — 3. 15) A om. 16) BC + aJ. 17) B ^I^jaaIIj.

18) B • 1 9) B (j^yuu .
211 Yale Oriental Sei'ies.

iJJX! iAa£ qJ fjjsytt! y^> j»iAi

jNo» WlX-jJIj j*jLoL!! tiVJjo ^bwj

Ju^J 4
oyyj j»LJi-l!j vi^XILi ^L^-aLw ayJ! waaJo^ abs^XA*o i^y^ 1 oaXXj ^LKs

j.J^E-2 iAaJ^J! alsj a.Xj'! 'iLfyhj

^ tot yo*
ijyy* —y>j
~ 5
iS^y9 jP^y
yo> "^aa2 j
^y * ^_«^o q! Jlayj . libbAa qL*-J-w y~z bLXyi! libby ^L^aIa* ^,-ie

0=^ J 3bU>>
y^ ,
3 £
U! yajj * jjj} 4»i=>
Q }^!1
Jj*j J ^lXs

<a*a« qx ^Ajy qJ 4 al!! <Aae qj * (jyy

?- LoWs> <s?Ojbb aaw ya^uij

J *o -^ (^?*aao^
, < j£—-O.W 3 t-*-^! ^ !Jo:!» jyo q— ? ^cpy* J^-5
w «v . . C J

&jyJ! 4
jf« y»
UV^ JO u~->y>>
pjJ -LILa^a!!

3JJ 7 y-^Iiu ^L-aLa g IaaaJ 4 Jbo qL*JLe a£aJa>o»

Jlii »j^£_5 * J) ^Z’j >2

to ail! lXax ^_j lj

aua£ aJ JbJiy j.aax3 qJ tjyyy0 ob£?! y» S'-r'j o^-yl 3! btiAgi!

lilUi.! iA_i aJJ!

z o
y ^yot b Jl sii yUlx)! (Jx qI^j aLloAl! J^t y*
y o ? _ __

L*+£» „y<u >S

lCw^> ^ ^Lajl wO>Ls Js!^ jJ^JI q-c jbl^iSL

^ ^ c\jjs<s0 ^y*£>L\2 2 ^L^a-aImW wAA-2^3 l
20 <i)|j! Lo

11 10
l\Jj JU! ^>-0 333 (82a) Jlooly *
y* [5 ^£ J^L^-L a)J! ^IUcI o\i j*ju

15 ^ \_3t_xi
^p „o|y>-} a^S\j)j.^» ^A/xi ^avj^ ^.aj! iA’i qU-J^«

iAjJjJ!} iik-Lit iAas qj oVJjJ! Jisc ^-ao.3

^ ur^y* ijy
j' * 1
^ vj*i!
iAaJjJJ Jl s_s i^cyy* >yOd^i L^Xyot Li! IL> jlas sAjU! ^-av^o a-J! yi^jyo

O «o J c-o
12 Jjui l\-J^J! L-£o yiiLi HAjLILj jpoti
!^3o (cJ 6


5.0 ii)^A=>!

x: 5
^li yyUji) ^yoL a_]_w uijLb



O ^



Oi^bo j.p


Joy! xyio

J.c ay
O >



yy^ojl! ^jyo! JAaawj J! fij Lyabo! tjyp* bot/i i_Xo>! yJ! Jo*j!! ^3_jbb „y>Li
V* c . 5 O
& 2ojjL^> jjatlj 20^.5 ! 20 lXjo5 20 t^Jb5 Lo vJjcX^o L^J

uXi 200
! .i
^ i 5 ^y j^j
^ 1 iAaX
0 ij

1) B o>yy •
2) A om. 3) C If! b *as. 4) C ora. 5) B ora.

6) C UXy.5. 7) C Jyiy. 8) C ay Jli J'i!. 9) BC cr . 10) C j ailooL.

11) C y-JbU! JLo. 12) B 4- UJ!. 13) B jAXwo. 14 B yjJ!.

The Futuh-Misr. of lhn c Abd al-Hakam. 210

^xilkXi! L3> As dA>) Lj
o-Ai (j^> JuAS 5
vlyo £sf^

} - _ S ~ 3 w O 03 O
xAxjt vUxxS’Ai l\xxe5 ^c
UbAo qLmo! ,3 Jlii ^j\-J £(_ci ^ i3y> ^

oAe>li 3 ^xjLjA)! o^_xxA OjxxXij l# xX^caJ ^./oiL '

aA>lj ,>u:':>.* 1

o c
,i bL> oAIj Asew ^.-j kiixxLSi lxS'A^> Axe Lo'Ae> <$}
J O (A
jli’ tj)JLLf

- o
,-vAi 8
LeL*_e> J^S> L^j 7
J^s?3 J^e k_yLLli nj^~ qJ £ Lk£ 5
^•y^y o 3^

ki^Ojil Q-» ojif Ale
w- ; « 3 .
^1^ x\a£j
^5 ISljj »lV&3 q-j vJ^Lb q-J [S*y*
*-X3»!j jls

G w G * - 3

q! OjL^ ^ajI eVlU lXxc lXaJ^JJ Lo^Lc:

C £ c O - w c

cH att £03 3 ° L^i i», L>!.i L*_Lj kiXJ3 jjv£ 8 lX^!cj XjIo kibxxleet 1

jj~o! jJb Aij tlAel 14 Lb H ^xxej

k_iL>ij »^«! kiU 5 *J Jljj

- o -
iAaj^JS (Jx
1G ^lX5 l*)i j^Jl\j^Ij
15 wOxo «l\>$ ii)udc

jo 17 (__cAJfj sL!
ijr^^ (j«k^S-_5 kJs^LL) (jA j (Jv£ 0wJAj^! gj ^ ^_cA!tj

w — O 0 3

\jcJni kiXi^o'bS sjiiy!o *UIj i'J j*-**»aj (jr*^5 AxJ^JS q-,

'J^ *—
J.AJL2 jr*5y
18 Aow <c_xi >_jbjCjf \e>. »j \j lilAij Qili'i 15

^ 20 (j:JOi l\a*J! iCJLXL 19 wloii Ojlb lijlb os-Lt 1 ! sljJi Ub

J^C sAjLI^j j— X—40L0U j^)*JA-)^I —lUkaj


vi^slb xlw (j^jAj"bL)

^ 3 fw*ls'2 kiioi^j Axe \1 jI jja'JAj'I)!

wlO (_5^3^ j»Ai L*ij ,wj 22 (^'>jewj_5

aiJ! lXxc xIj? ^Le oiLsMv^ _ "73/^^ Axe qJ Axi^JI

1) B ^LoAif. 2) AC w*> (vowels in A). 3) AC 4) C

(appar.) ^Ae ^Ls. 5) AC (and B orig.) *A*. 6) B Lf**>!. 7) C J^Uxs.
8) C 1,
and k^xi^ii (twice) below. 9) AB om. 10) B (see above).

11) C om. 12) BC + w!,. 13) B ^,jJv>. 14) C eUb,. 15) B <ixx*x>
16) B v^lixx*^ . 17) C yfjt.Jl. 18) B vixxatx! . 19) B vix^A*’
20) BC jJl. 21) B HAjUIjj. 22) C \^.
209 Yale Oriental Series.

'uJ-i' "iUU. L .
-A - Sjlis U: a f (jJjJ! Juj! US

aII! U_eAi flu vjyi jyij UoUx ^s\5! - UU^ L*Ji L^s UU.. _U!p
) ) £ „
Ua£*J v-Ol^t isL&o!c ~\_j^ ^ULjLoI ^1 L-^£o L*i J!5

5 oVocv. ’uo'A> Ur Xxiljy* ^1 ^Ui* bLotjyw j? U|j j^

j£ qjJJI j?

(^->^->(5 S»i*\*Vs5
^ ^ U-yO A^ ^*-*«Lv*«*' SjU-yJ) S-Z>±j L«

aJL^. ^ III LOp >S jCcduU w^jJ) ^ ^^JCoT

;0 —
xc LrJvS ^ pill

^jAfiiLwv>^ t3 L^ ^j-»
0 tf U vioty^ L.' 88 ** oAw US l^lato^

^US \Uc |^o!cS ^ ^^cAj' ^X2 ^»S i^J 3 ^U^Xxj 8

»l «

10 UaXL — j>li Lxsj! (joU >' Q-, xsjS^jo 8

fils \_^y>'i JU \L>j ^-obb

JU>Oj iL.xJ'ii c.ULj‘ ^..a-».~>- (*A>lj slit ^xc ^LSaj q*UUU! Jic UU U>i
o- > G > 3 O-
L; a 8 8,<w ^*j\_J S^JtJ^ ^yU \.v^A. 9
^iVJj ^JfAXj xxy^ * wi.S ^Ur'j

JL^-jSj 11
L^yoU a-xxA 10 xosax 1 jLoSj »LU>!i \JjAXo sU^s .»UU» ^X! y'-iX: SLlo

L+^.Ab ^J! A~>U J^JI 0tf 0 li . l^iT %Jli JUo orJL4! job Jlil JUJU

1 5 oLj yi ^i.) Uj 1S
\Uc JojoSU JS j>^ Li ^xU^o ^ ^r^r" c-
U; ur^i

tJu^ Jukij EjJo Jo>yt 15

^ qSj * Lp3o>S Sols XXyC Ui! 14 L?t^ j*.St*X;J

Ux-^>jj'» uU 1c
j*jS ^oy * "SUU Str^ ^sj>^Uo

Jv _o! "bSI L*-a-4x> S_UUb v_Jix>LoiUS L ALaXi iu (__coLo LoLu U,-*


19 18 Ju£ qJ 17
J»_L*JS ^y, L_\J JjAj Jz Ugi'i (
j:UaU! &US (jiJL>5 ^JU^\JS qJ^S

20 Jls OywjSi L! c>*i* XosjcJ q_j! LoA=> iUi^ qJ ii.Lil‘ Aye LoAs> ‘^cXLo
- ? oc
q-j ^Uae ^aa2j qJ [S^J^
1 v3j-S-J
q? (816) c^»

1) B Ulacy. 2) C j’.
3) Mss. v_Ao.c. 4) C-f-ji. 5) A
G) B 0111 .
7) C sjUU. 8) B + _«£>. 9) B raarg. 10) BC s. p.

11) B Uy*Uls. 12 ) C Uj. 13) C + xJU. 14) C L^,^. 15) B 0K,.

16) C Uoii. 17) Vowel in A, and _ xJUw. Makk. I 17G ,_L^\J!.
- 18 BC s. p.
c • •

19) Gloss in B A>!! . 20) A illegible, C

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

O w ’ 5 o-
s ^ ^
^ xJLi i^o'i L 2 stjlfiij x_y>li' jyJlej 1

er^- cr* v*5 \ ft*? ^

4 tUaJ!
yyJLvkJ ^5j_j xjw qXj oij^lXJ all! JsaAJ *yi oyyi 3
q! 0*_«»ccj!

fA plj! xilo ^ULx; ^yiwll 5

<ci_j j*Ji I_£a>5 yA~\ Jii xlxfixi i_jjtlL> qXj ^
S w .C 5 05
xlixX^o lXxj 6
\J>j Lb ^oAj! ^ & Suiy ^1 (jaLaJ! 5
iS^iy^ o’
o - s jo£ 5 0) ) 0-5
jk'ii xjj_iy ? xi^ ! x>Jj y> yyj lyo v sia^J f xlkdb ^Xt 0*jAj8S|
O £ f
liLiol (81a) Jw£! L^-Jx wAi &_3^t ^^xXo >Aa£
^ ^ ^l^*,

& 8 Lus si_\jLI( yjlo^ US 7 li^Lb ^Sj j.^J! ^Ul\j! j,

(j*LJt 2
i iLolj iiX-Jb Xo ,1! Jv^>LwJi J*_yxi ^AjS tlLU oyy-XJ q^5

v^aaJJI L-A-iiuX^* xU*****^ ^ vAJUbS

0^ a^vyU 44
^jLlc 10
o o- .
o _ o
Xi»>^*XwJf ^ aXSLO wAXJ! qLaaoju Xi>^ww^o ^ XwAAlail jli Xuv 0 .j(

X i.7 awJ ^L=5 L-P*lX—Z>9) ^ ^^J^JJlj w^PlXJI

c «_ o .
-c £- s
j-LvJu'b [aJuaj Usa^j L?Jo! >Ai>Lo L^.La^ uj^oa-o (j^LaJL I^jLj
1G [^”

q-J * (Aa£ L5lA> <& ^Xjj> jA-i-J 18 q^XAaIa/3 17 jA^vO^

liVJlU 1 1 ^JaLaJU)

5 w
^Xi ^jLaajI £ L> ^j^sJi^Xj*^! v^a^(3 Lj jls Xxw Lou\^> ^ X4~l-v^c 15
-O O— vw ^5

U^L? 1

|jjiu! jlas x*x i^xsyi yi" ci<£

j*XJoi ^-xi lyXxjt jliis

w £ w -- O
s^u^j LJi la 6 kIjI* 3
^ ^uLc JLwi j’i

eUIt 0y£. Lo'A^- ^ xJt sly* (jx=> iyJ* t^Lwjls qJ iS^J-^
20 biA^j 85

tdUIi >Aa£ ^X! v_*v2C5^ (jaJiAj^I

gj iS^y* 0^ i-X)tw qJ v^aIK lo'iAs>

t&yLs^I 2S xIXJ^
&L 22 L^it 20
Aa**v 24 * U’iA=> jCjUwo qJ LbAs>

(jr^ . 0j liUlo ii)Jllt >A/x

1) C + xJLc. 2) C *5 }Ui>
5 .
3) B 4) C U*Jf. 5)

6) BC 0 ; lL. j 7) B J^IL. 8) BC + ^1 xUS5 .

9) A s. p., C
10) C 0J? . 11) C UUc. 12) B AsyJ. 13) B ^lio, C ^.^ko.
14) B jJ^JJ^.

. 19)
oyM 3

C LsiAaoj.
16) B UU^Ij.
21) C 4~
17) C
^ ^j|.
5 . 18)

U-J. 23) C 0 JC.. 24) B om.
207 Yale Oriental Series.

« w- w „

3 5 5

CH AxijJ! 3
^U 01<5 . iO^ 1
oL^jJ j£ .silt A-X-iLi

it JjLId L e^
aAi> A-Jajs 'A_jj Lc^jjlt wOjw _s.>j-j \J 5 jlb JoC> J-e AJLlt JyE

q_j slVjLj 1 _P^x£ j*P 4

*1 qXj sA-sLlt JLwj L^1j>A5 xllidb

Ovaw 0_i \^A-J]t lo\A=> ^jJo 0?

bj'iAE>j J6 ^ < jLXJCI! J^t i
_jdt Js^to

0— 0 L*-UuW
1-0 i3jtv3 BtX-llo 1—J~t/0 iA-E»ls ^_yEJ Q_J G
5 <JLS
J*— J

o _
idlidb (jyo^J G '

3 jrV^ il
(J*| 1— gJ JI-SJ LjJJj sJullt ^t \JiJJd Aba . „bJL,
-C o# J

x-JS \a*j JJ>t blob o^Lb «wxJt OAjoi bbyddl ob»l ^jt wdsl! J^ej
0 Lo!j
w*>jj! ^ —£-Oj
1 20JS L.^JcAi bAjLI! 9 ^Jt ^sot o^Lb *1 jUa 8
b j.35 7 aOL-oLs

L-^jJtj ^PjA- L^-o U. L^br^t 0^ vJSjlb 10 ^lia dbo y_ ^ lo


10 A_i>ij 1^*9 U ^b-O o*J! ^oroU: sJ^Ut vi>^5 yiii 1 $\jmi ^>b>j LjJ Ajc>j

AJ 3 ^-v-vv i_Jiotj x~*. —


3 '
* ^wCaal
j i^A^VXitj „d>L»*Jtj j-ry}?- 0^0 biAae 0^ lo ds^lb
. W . 5

v_bbd> . L^j j.!stj> it i_*~ojt y) adi A !3 abbbo ji Jt lo 0^0

it [^c^ys >— *bd * iLb*Jt 0-'3 ^_;Lot L05

0wJiAj"^! ^ob *"*-i*4 a 0—J it

j^bs 1

'it v_3jt-b it (jv-j* '—^'•1 a~*du 11 jdAbu, liUbo xdxj AU! Jut 0j AaI^S!

15 & b?v>a L*JCiv ^tXwj i” iv^dc

*_yryl uV^^^is djbb il>Lw _,o>^ j, ^JAi'i! it — b3 b
>jw „y>j OjLb Jvfi lbxi/0 -j>5 ij^lbdi! ib>0 ,jSj> j?jbt slSjCj ij^Itj

0w! 0^5 (jr^3 0-J ^U! Oy-c. ^>Lj! 0t^diSt JyS- LW J;! 0j!

b! I
i\ iJ sLiyii OjLb sld-Llb iibji it ^*ay« s!^*iubj! 0^0 jb>Li su\Jj

(j>^o gdl! tJ^o

20 ^jljLb Js-c ^bJij ‘i lo jt^wo^Jt
0^ ebl

Ui Ojlb it O^bJ i^>yi J»J jis tit XOt j*_a_e 13

0^ LIT
(J\_J ^-lywJtj iOdLa jJj** J^E bd^Oj-l ^^Lb X,Jt — j> Oi-J^JO ioJ! 0-£jb!

1) 0 + 0^. 2) Vocalized io A. B o>_oixi (as always in Makk.) and so

also below. 3) C oni. this and the four following words. 4) A <fcj.

5) A + U. 6) C prof. Je. 7) C «iUs. 8) A + d^Lb. 9) BC 0111 .

10) A «diia. 11) So AB (vocalized in A), C unpointed. 12) C 'Adis.

13) C om. 14) C bJi.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn c Abd al-IIakam. 206

Q-, 20 Ls J—o". q! bH

2o^ 0^ ^ ^.,'wJj v a-L^'^, 2obi?l jL=3 y>! j o,Lb 0^ ^UiLo

cr*3 O;^-*
£-Ui • »AL JaL, 2obi?! 0^^ t— aIsS 0yCJ *[ jUs\Si q-.

q, iuuJ 2oUi?lj ^A-Uo Oj Lb 20>j^ 20 jf (j=i 3J! |^<jLsC«5 jjwJAj'iM 3$>! 2v*/0

Lyj _jd-A y?U! >3 *xbjS Ao oSL>j»i &L>lbyj lyi jlcj iuj *1! 5

0.«JwU iAAjJ 2
0 , tyjjll A-UCS sACS- 0-, jSO L^JM., |
*-A> |»( L^J jLfiJ 2J 20^l>

q-V A UV= /
[s^S sy.j-^
>v> UV> 0yi— l! 0^ 3
A3 •
*^> [*
! 8

^ a‘i^
^ ^ jci ^*i3 j-*
L- .-J
OC ^ i 7 '
Z ,

Lo ^ySjC>\ LJi y>! ^l\S J, U->- jyl^ lXJu, xjL^! ^yb

(jx\J! ysnJLS 2J !*_L*_i NSj Jo> Jt AJ 3 y> 0, »jAub 0^ 10

fK^>Lo (*^ ^0! ,Ji ,^-it UV^js*^ cr <j& crS

8 2
0*L*J! ,*A 0^_b L |Sfo! (j*JAjbl! A-£l \^yJ>\s 0-, UU.^!

^lybLi ^>jo U

AUi 0li

(jro* Sl-Ux.


2 oLc


Lu'i\> Us"

^Oo iJXo (JvJ

^ JLfii!


o-Vrf 15

o-i / US" XaJi \-Jc


<i)^-LU j^Jli ^.j^Lw.1! 2ylc


2>.^>uj U oj^ £ !
5- 2^-Uc 9 2
c>*i U * (80J>) jlij
3^ 2 JU 25

<$! iALJ! lA5 > *yilt Jo=>>->

(A^ 131 ^_jU5" 2yi^ I_v*ji ^yO 2oj lolj

5 G> v.

iLJjj 0 ^-o> ^J*LiiLi o ;

LL) ^L> L4-L5 11 jii‘ v^oA^> ^
i3jJ iw\-X-wi3 jsJjj ^cjjj ^ 20

5 O- > C>
> 2
|ybj6 islUjA^b ^Lo! ^VJj SCJLj«A/o l^iJb
w 5 ^
t^iJiAXi "XSUi j*.A.V> lj io.^XSi 2J
pt (»y-Jt 2J JLsLj l>\») (Jvt (JLfiJ

1) B jlo. 2) C ora. 3) C As. 4) B Us. 5) C ^JUi

BC B C 0^b C A
6) ora. 7)
0 JLjU U!, lj. 8) C 0^!. 9) .o&t ,«Jwo^.

10) C ujLUj!. 11) A ora. 12 ) B tjjX^-U,, C unpointed. 13 ) 0 [j_L>

and 0jA)J. 14 ) A ora. to oUjAJ below. 15 ) C 2ujASo.

205 Yale Oriental Series.

M> - O 3 3 - w

-5 ”
cr* Q^ 5 cr1 ^ j5 _y 3

3 3 — w
aJup> o^lbi 5LwJ! ai_^\bj
^ lio Ub iLclLJt 3
,% Jb>J> qXj J

b y*J) y~k-i LJ^S pW-c (^33 *eLL^ «»Jt S^oSj j?L-wj ^Lb^i ^yb^i
WW ’ ~ff ~0- OC 0 5

au^AJt ^5.-^3 L^sSasIs j»bj £iJb ^e Q^^a!! ibjiAb ^ a£*Jb tiLby ,XS
^ 4
-05 03 w
5 L cv:yo q] >? <& ^1 au “i! v_j yu ^5 ^_gs 5
y*o ijJj) i 3
Js .JV* ,-^>

^Ij^aJLI! ^! L_jynjt y O'oj qJ 0 >lb ^33 X-yU-b J^c aL^X*J

0^ Lijf-

5 wff

Uoj(y3 iiLJUS> ^_y^Lb f^'ls (*n^> j»t LgJ jLaj aJ X-j^Ls? auw As v
& 0VJLmO ^jvJCo wLw
i iVJ3j Lilcj

5 0 3 3 „ Off .

qIJ-} ad JLsj |*^Jt Jo^, aJx: u*JAj^S 0Oj aJ-u ^Aii jl^wii
q ^_5

10 7 iycaA’J! LJ jib (j^JAi^l ,i.i jLs\«Ji ^e XJuA/o Jyc q^3 ^“X-w ^—^-Lo

u^-SAj^ w>s>lo v^Sj^lXJ XeLUI 80 a) 8 ^LJb ^3 X^uJb Jj Ljo

q 1(5 (X!

-- 3 G 30-3 .

qIAj 0^5
0 LL qXavJ Oy^X)
l\3 (5^“ O^Lt>

qLL gbl3 ^_L^i LJue>Ls Lgji. 3t.j

3 Lgj3»_J (j^JAj'i! wo'wo ob^Ai ab 10 XajLj

qJ 11
v_3 jLL JJ to l_j ytSt aJLe "^t slilXs ^3 ibyic *J jlss
o 3

15 0j^LL? ^LiLs
0^ l5 ^
;v ,5
(0ww.d^o lX-^-^j 05^L^5

^ .sl-x-a-LjIj 13 xJ! ^>OL*i jsL^LjuPy v^jtxj' jjSj> ^ 12

3—>3 q

'— O^LL> — ri L+eI^5 (j^v^Lo ^Lj — 1

!fj50 L?^*e 0J3
O 3 ff — O —

0^3 ^j*JiAi^5t iiLL>o\x 51 aJ J03 aoJlc j.l\5 (j^> \j r-_^ jL^uJ! J^c a^O^vo
ff o — o—
j^vmI LJi ^wJAj^Ij aCOuw yu U-o vjs^lb ^.yJ! au JLsj qJ^Ls^-L (jo

20 wv5 ' L«JLs s^Ui K^-i 14

^5 Li jL^U! iibJ3 t_jAi wb^i^Ilj qLJj »sL>

jtxbj "^3 Aot ^fUL/s Juj ^ ,j5

^> as^JI tju^i auLi?i q,
15 ^yb ^ * ^t

1) So A; B ^-bl, C yuJ!. 2) B unpointed, C (jJyuJtj. 3 C om.

4) C ACo ^j!. 5) C yio. G) A ^Lb, also below, B qLJj, C qLJj
(generally ^,1
-Jj). 7) C ora., B 3!. 8) B ^Ub, and so below.

9) B 5oly. 10) B i5ot. 11) C alajCc . 12) B j>t, C om. 13) BC om.
14) A, raarg. (later hand), 15) C ^c2^-
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. ,

X 3 OC 1

(79&) eUJLli l,W Q., tiUU ^Awi iAUi Aae ^X! jJjxJi >Aae ^*jLob

tit (JvE U

cXjtAw ijAaJJ! LoAe» kiXAlt Aae LoAe-

^j_jt oJf XJlo ^^-ywJ! q-, y^Loli q*j^ x-A-j' v^axj yjUi Ue

. jLsii j?
^-o Ajt*v
^ 3
'—fti! xjIo v_jL*oIs y>t ^U-ys-
\xi>! 5

LiJi ^yiXE ^_j! J&?\ *JJtj jj.mj ^_j! y*Lji jlji

dX_Jjo juLX? J£! Uii
- O- 3*
iyjtyJ jUj jtV°j qJ liVJo ^J-O (JA"..*e>! ,j. ^j^a/Oj-U ^y«i ,Xt L^J

. UJ! qJ^Ue &J (j£u£J

3 w
yw\j La^ A^> Ui"
\j’l%) oil^ Q^yo qJ ^Ui! JK+S- ^
v^iA-w i\a-w ^3|^,-vv
^j-j Hjvvs£ r»*~J ^-\x»w ^
- 3 3

^yEJ 0-J (J^>^ Q-1 AjJjJ! (J>-E 1

’^*-»! — *-^-2 O ^jj' VX2 . (iLllt AaE Q.J A-OjJ!
W 3

3> 3 \j JyEy AaUIj -sAXe XJjaA

3 _ OC

^Ui2 ^
s 3 O- 3 w

^J.e LUj!jac Xe>VX—) ^X!
iS^y^ ^*) *.e! j-yEj ^rv^X) ^)b

. jul^ywj UJ! 5 _j^c qJ ^UxE- ^Xe olU> 5 1

v_j.oii joUi?!}
^ Aes^ 15

cr* j-4 ^ ^ cr* O;^ ^

O - S
Xe>uJj Lj^Le iLA-iij^j! --j2> q! jUj^i ^s^IaeJL) ti)J3 (j^yrls

1) B ^Jv3. 2) C !yJu!. 3)D appends (see note above, p. 199) a few

words regarding Spain:

^ y*o ^Aj ^---jL^i! ^JAiXJ! ill! J Jls

CH iS^ '-r*^ L -: ^U j fa B^UU *jUe 4 »/. c» j^eJ (_F^3^3


j-UiL ^ Lri * j! ^lVj)! Aj (^i^e> (jX—LI ! l\ac 0_j AjJjJ! ^X! ^y-Ej

L/-Uj! veUej B^aJU L^ * *> • » XI>J» O* U ^Lfjd-W sAjLo wE<^ '» A>* *

Oje! *eU! k>^5?jxj q3jJ ^ ^Us j^vJ! J. j*jLuJIj !yt^>j U*JLi »jUU x^Xc.

Le*j Lw2*j >^OjSt c^:>L£2 v^Jie-UeIIj SjAJiijX, (Ms. !^su^i)

UUvi ^ U>Aj ^ (Ms. )lU>j) ^i (jyt*E>! \yijxi. 4) B

'Jyoit J. 5) A, marg., oLj yjjLU JUsj.
203 Yale Oriental Series.

o-ivij 0—^5 J— 1

T^j " 0^ v-jLb

pyd\ ^J! K_i 5
y— iik_JU5> jf^yLs Lslm^* ^wjL*?!j libwjij

jC_Jw.W 1^, yJo y ^c^T. 1—«-j'A> UY \_jL^?!_3 j_j-_?j J-X&c 0^j

3 o- - ^ _ ww- _ oc
5 iCyac. *J ijLiu ^cOw) 0, Orj jJLjlkii iuy ^ 1
,j*Jlsb 0^3 jis

-Oj3 ^ulxXJi 0, *£U> &jyJS eUi' J. 0^_j b^J!

^ bjlS> *J 0jLi „y>

f&jP ^di'Liis j$u ^Jl=>js ,j^>j iuLxy* 20JI £*X>ls (j«bJI

^ 3 >

jo Lj^
O cH Jyj*-'


—Lj js^> &

I L^Jox>caj y^-o Jw-£! oty t LJj AaIj *J jUb Lc^l£ 3 LgJl
G 3 3 S wf
10 & Op Lb y£^ Qt'P* u-blhit (i^ yt Ji‘ Ax*v
^ yJo 0j 0-0?.
G ^3 3

Jy^li q-j yjyji Axf: ^XJb ^Li Axe |Jcj lXaJLj m\*1 (j*LlM JJ&s
•C ° -
& (j^LLhib yL, \£ou A-Ju

O -O

Aax <*J jlfti ^^JLjlLj! ^pSy^h t^A>x. ^AC^I yyJ! Aob jlS
y 2/3 ^As Ldi
9 S3 3
-Oi- #
^ O- C3

15 ^>^! lot 0Lw^> JUli ^yt l^Jic: v^JyCwii lyjoy? 4

b] Aju U
w «o -C

olL> 5 dVJII Axe <XS bc>t^ 0Lvo> oybli

A-<d jlaj yy^l! y^t &
^ 3 3 w G -O ^

yAii Aa£ ^>33 (j^jy 0—^3 viX—L-L 5 A*.c (Js^ ^Afti ya^. iJJS

^cjji &JJ JuiJ- Jlsj !Aj>Lw liLD Jv-£ tibS^Xj tibl! tXxE ^c>lj

0j y£o vjj!yJl (J^C lAUI lXaJCj bU(c

0^ . S.jX& tJUu\ SvXbJ 5
0 , (JNjjCst

X 3

20 (0^ -L ^b*. '

l\a£ N->w*o s1lXaSi3 xb-Xo ot^t*) l\a£ &aIc
W . m3 3

04*ijt 0 _j 0b^o» vijvxb ^5 ^1? .

yv. »vX-«-c 0^5 *-*J3 j-ry---1 0-J

0 —b

Li-j'^V> ’S? i iLj_w ^ v-jy-l! yjvaj 0-J |*vA-Sj


<& 0Vjfcj-w _5
^**o i3vAv jLyij ^i! ^yvai
0j (jyy* y I Jls u> 0 ^ LbJ^> y (jr^F-
- 3 3 m

^^y A>x l^j 5

y [53 A^lc gJotj oJ-o L!
jy 5

]) C u«»*xib. Yftq. records the name on the authority of Hak. 2) Mss. s. p.

3) B O. 4) C 0 I. 5) B yt3J5 , C y&. 6) B + Lgj.


The Ftituh-Misr, of Ibn ‘Abel al-Hakam. 202


i ^Lvo- Lxls ^^Lx-o a—*— xiLo^si ^ w Ww^ J^is JL

ex' !
CX^ e

y-*s oV er? j -^ ^ ff
^ uc*^ *
5X5 er^ r*V Lr>'/’
c> /'

A-S^xS ^.jL*x> \xic O^jjt I

—*J lik—LU lW: yxi —Llf Ax£ J.f Afii
^ y2L*J


q (j 1
O -
_x>v.X q-, !uw qL Uir
jjjxJS Axe m A>! Jo 7J-iij 3 . axjIxcj
5 5
0 — 5 5-5-5O
OjX2=> 3
J«,SJ ^-cUeJi wxccj aJLLo

^ Lj ^jxjt ^SjLoj
^ A*X
O -

^Ub lo I £_j^L> ^Julo qL*o q /0 j-j iA-x«c.

^^LxJl> >, aJLi

M 5

j*_xJyi o-ijii uJbLLi! Ja; ,jLwj> A-*a OjLeJj Jls .

,j~.xs ^x3J Jxile

kJ-xJ 0
L^xJy> ^cAjI ^ Ljxo J^L, LyxLik>i Jod ^^>5 J-l^ob!

U^xxS ^xPj J.! Q^y» qJ

jJj*J! Axe tJJo olw^Ji L^xS j^syJ j:o> 10

rs/ A* (ji^ix.L) AxC 8yols 1

— £-J pljl ^x2/> £_Lj Lis qLw.S>

, a _ _ 0
jAx> a) Jjb i_jw\x^’ q-, (J^j!c
q s_j

1 * Aobir
) ^ j?Pj> £xx->f. b;

10 iAs * qJ Ax*i ^x£j Lobe 9 8

jrAx! i3] Loi q»ij^ jjjxJ! JLsa lbs jjliJ) yj?„o qj!

ajA-wJ LxLUi ^ v'Ax>

AxaLIaJj ^wxxjS'xi 1x2^ !c ^*20 CX^*^ — * ^a>L
.. 5 w - £ 5 5

j*Xil Q-J 8^j! (J\p>

xljis qIs Js.£ Lo'ic jjjxJt l\x£ 15

LxiLj- Uk> 'bSJ Ij id'oU-lc Lo a! jLiii yaox Jo>Aj q! J-*j q-, aJLj! AxS>ti q-,

*iH Jjj! Lo
o' O-^^ l5 J
[ b ^ (JL-ii-i
L! u*L^. ^Lda^L
yJS> Lo

-O -
^Xb> viljj
— (79a) ^1 J^Jj
^ 13 ^_*Lo


{joj 15 ^^-x-b tot

,J^> (77^ AlJt ^l_5 oaio-bo

Xi <sJ JliLi (jxlxJ! AJ ^jLijTi LLo>^ u^Jtjxx ^ _x% pjJi JL ^xJbLIiii 20

1) B ^o,-. yo. 2) C aL. 3) Cf. Belndh. 229, 1 2 fF. On the poet, sec
Agh. I 129, Qutaiba Liber Poesis 242, Ilusn I 256, Mahas. I 291. 4) C -f-

L>. 5) B lS>y*] iAi, C UxxjI As. 6) C ^U!. 7) C cr .
8) B s. p.,

C Q-a^> (cor. from y^>). 9) A Lxas. 10) B )3t. 11) Tasdld in A.

Emend however to ^xc? 12) Hajar II 30, Husn I 92. 13) BC om.

14) Vowels in A, B aj^Aj. BekrI-Slanc 57, Yaq. 15) AC as^L, B AS^b. I

have ventured to emend because of BekrI, 1. c. (a->Lj iLs^xb j^r^j a-^x), and
Yaq. II 570. 16) B
201 Yale Oriental Series.

^5 Aa-^LO
b olj sjA~^ (_Cj q-» wjIaAII LjaS

jjLc A-\—3 Jl^Wjjl ^vsl—

aLaJI \ - JAj L-+... Aw ^Aj

(jAjjys jj. *kJjo*2 j>\ " LIaS”" IwOsjI XaJI _aXS" JS . XaJI ^.LaS?. Lj a-1-£ x-a-s >-jUisjlj

. 5
KJ-^bCll xibyi LCa>5 ^cy^t vjubtj Xa3 l_iLa3CII ^3*j »ji=>


‘ibiii (J^"^l ol— *JC5" jL ? 1

b jyjj ^5 LsjI

Syilj 1. .:* II >£>jJ Uis L-S’ljfi J$ \_jUi?l vJlAaJ ^Lva> <Jw£ j»l\S

v-jbs" (j:y tails' =UwJl ^ to Lo IjJiil 6

^Xi b* c^-lbis (786) l5>j*w
% 50— I

•c^x5^ L*S
J>! uXjjj qJ u\1^- >S

8 7
J.I lVL> JLili ly=> q^.aXP ^,b_iy>Li (iLyojli bl * pyJI 'iA-S> JaL (SVaaIaj

- 5 03 wc w
j*iicl i_jytjt Aae L?oV>I qjXjj (Jkj vi>Jls LaSaa/ao ^1 LsL> L q^

q] ^_jb>!

w S £ O )' o £
9 l£>yj> SjC>li ^Lvj> <Ab> liLol L^ oilhili *J-s bLi

^ cr cr°
iLcl*> £wo

. lilo! LjwkwO^ lAi-lj

3 xa^IXjI \_x--o qLaaO ^yoa^j . X-jyij iLi^lXil ^oj! ^y9

y.S^S qL-a^
w 3 3 w 3

&.... 13 12
&L£iXJl . xiPbot yb L^JW q/3 x-cle^ oJjC& Js/O)

O 6?* ^Lv»C> (^.^a^j! Jd 8^-x-£^ k^>Os-X^> ^ ^

4Jk wx_a.j^si 4^*"


Sw - 3 a. wO-
yoJt ^/o ^LJi >5] (j^i^! ^yo
y yJ( ^ xo^A^t j»b!
J, &4jLa*J ebJLil lXaC ^1 ^_i-A.J L>XJ| a! c^Lfi^v-l >SJtSCyf. q'iwaO aIs'Ij

aA^W ^yJ l^jA^Ul LoaX> ^aN

^jjl LowV>J J'o (jjNJtAAW^ •
'AAV &AAW a^>"i5! (^cOLf—

1) B ^a^vJ. 2) BC a_jU£j. 3) Mss. ayb>j. 4) C uA*j. 5) A-j-^j.

6) A om. 7) B idy&l J,!,. 8) B (Aiy>b. 9) AC L?^. 10) B + J.

11) B s. p., C jaaJS. 12) The text which hero follows is sadly confused. The

threo Mss., without variation, give the following: v_i^ Aail ^1? io^Lxjl yo ^^+**3
x-LPIjCSI ^j*5
J-r^j q '^3 (*J^I

go! IjaeU> ^coj Jis »ja£^

^' 4 Evidently the original order is to be

restored as I have edited. The eyo of a copyist strayed from J to ^Jy^il

13) The date is missing.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-IIakcim. 200

&a$> 1£SI !AjAb h'Lb sLij'liii qJ (^^ a )

_ 5 r »

ila*Aj> j»-
-La ysi* (LI
0^a3 qJ yPji ij^ jf TLT^^

lXj_c jLa_j _5 ^^wJjl^bLi iyib^st (ll^a

^ i*£*/o _y> ^ U^jL^P!

qIj^o *
yd ^V-bajJ y^j 5
j-ox Li
3j*d s
T'^f) ^ (Xj

25- 0 — 5 5

1—a£ j*j<
1 xLbw.5^ Laj^ <Jpoy rj-» 1)0 L*J»5 ^aa5^ (3 ~ 5

O - , 5

Jlsjj . &Sy vXt ililS P? ww '^L^S JJCab ^LaaS 15 *-Jt £.y>^ <*JIasJ

0^ 0^ qL^-^' 0? qLw^> Jo
> (^_Cl\-J!
^[5 0-? tSw
*r 3

^ 0Ow*a^ «5*aav
^ l\jCw 0^- 0^ ^-A-^. L**^ £~Iaaa5^

LlaXc. ay^ol v^jyut

Hy-3 0**^ 0-J 0^^* J* •
0U*aJI qUvJ>

l»\a^ 10
^•j^Raav*) bii-A^i L^'A/w LiX^*L
*3 (^.

0— ?
\JOcvAii-c '
t Vta
-rt^ 0^ 0^ 0^
^Lac. 1
O^LaJ! gsXjLi 0^5 0J j^Iit 5
y qJ 4
<jbL$>j 3 ^a>Cj ^

^ LiLii ^i 6
L/i ws-^ij j*Ji j»^jli L^Oj iCc>Lbj3 &uA/> (IS „ . s^xiS"

L^—JLli ivi^i 7
J^> c
jwc iAij yjit iOsJLa i^JIJi J>! iU^LKJl [jdj i_*^A^jli

AJOa^iS i»Xj^\-w ^SLa3 £ bLJt 15


yP> q, Jy^i JjA3 ^^Jjliii! \Jbia lA&ij ^Lv^> (jbUi 1

-55 w-5w5


£oy^ (jJblki! v^A-il^ 8

y*^° ^ ci^ v*^JL^Caw(_5 ^L/^o ^^AA4-wi ^L-by

- o £ w - - -

- - 5

Q/o o ^b>j ^UJLwjlj ^.jLii?!

0^) ^Lw] o/Uv—>o
w Gw O —
iAb> qL-vo 11
L^sw 10 \X^yi
o^jlo . j,li'tj iAjjj 0j l\jU> <fJ JLiu (j-y^ 20

>-A0o 5C— »-PlXJI yy?. LyJ! i iLx_>Cif 0^a iA*a,' l« ii)J Jyij. 0= ^
. , M— O')

(_c*^) * LLb
Jywyit ^1 Li-Jt-jJ i? iLLa »jxb- J, >JLjc>5
0 U^.3> ^1 iAjjj
0J iAii>

1) B om. 2) A rp, B 3) A ^Jo, B s. p., C ;

3o. 4) B cor.

to liULoj. 5) B 0^y«> C O^. 6) C + l\=>(. 7) B I, C NLi- J^.

8) Hassan’s froedman ;
soe Riyad in Caudol, Invasions, 174. 9) B njJL\=>!.

10) B s. p., and then cancelled. 11 ) This narrative in Athlr IV 301 f.,
Adhsrl 21 ff., al.
1 5

199 Yale Oriental Series.

sh J<j>
Kj.: \avj2 y£\i! ^ysuil A *-*-«-£
<~^' U^s (_=yyil U ^_5
5C> ) P w

•c&oj^u I^L ^ oAj>3

^ jl^u ^ J>t

° -»»
^.g Lit

£ y>L^It ^j!_5
JJLSj OJJ f-Li jiyj\ o^c l\5 sLi^ l*>!^

£ *UI yiiil y>Lgit y-j| Jils *a£ AjAH- ASU iL*jLc

y! y^t ^AUj Uii AjAA-

5 & ly*x y-»} y>lyll _jj(j iAac jAai ^oAjAs-

j»A- 5 *jl3 y-J iOJj£

y A*av yj v*aaUI LoAJ> j>UF**X yj (4JJUI Aa£ Iaj'A=»

j- 5^ ^y 1
eb yi yyll if ij*
£ u^-o- 3 y> bjy '-^ y.
3LiL>y kIA-
y Jj>Aj yjjJ! yiyll y eOLstJ iAac b
*JJt A*c 4
a! jlas yx*
> >

q-j tiLLlf l\x£i US‘«A^> & L*^> ^Li.5" (?*, 0Ljb

10 yJ *JJI i a£ A>Lc o.;i" j'S y>L> yj y^. y£ wsa^J yjl UoAj> jUJUax

Lo jlas (_5y^iJI y~y!l Axe £& yJ jAfciic 2ylc <).:>_>

yJ> u^lati 5


yc ^ Aiic A_jj_i (jvx^i! y-xl yli Jis y.A Jii iAac. b LibxAii
O_ £ Vi

J>b ^^5 K>jti

0yC,- q! ^)Ij! 5 ^ Q-? Ouc Jlsi XxSj^i!

iAiLiyt ^Aiis . eUyi iA-5 5

J, yi^jy y-, Jcy, „ \_jt J

15 yj^l iCw-*£> ijLxi y’ «JA=>5 *jJL£ oyiJ; yr'b^l 7
^5 ^1 ^.y> i^l

_yi! jAij xjbiP! Jjcij jAiLj AjAH J, \jw y>lyll -y>; y=x y^ y>j

y_£ yjo jyJ yr^jS?. LLSA=» UT ^_>L=5Plj tj[j yJ iOjlC JASW yOj .
^JM J>^H

^ yOOw^ JwUM Axw yJ Vl>.yil

Ay yfjyfiJI ^1 xi^lXil yjl ^_aj>j y Jls Sy£j yyXc iioA> -l! ^ 35

1) D yly: »lj 5 u^*i«

+ 2) B Ayil, C tiULw!. 3) B + Joai (s. p.). D
omits tho remainder of the y>, but summarizes: jJAhs jixi
J. „y> jAac ybb,

Jo''Laj ‘bS yyJI wJjb l_ALo bLyj ybj ilybyLi ?yCw£. v_a)L> 5 yi^vJt ^.1 syCw£. y,
i_jji»l A3 i^5^—| l

A^-3 3 “bjj yAj|

1 jdJI
y^ v^.^i2Jj iLi_<bj iAaj "^51 IA£>I

yOAj Axhi iAw ^ vAvxli! Jls nLj x yl^j

2 ^.L*j> &UI sbJtj Uj . There follows a
passage on the conquest of Spain; sec note at the end of this account of the
conquest of North Africa. 4) B om. 5) C ^by. For this trad, and the
following, cf. Bckrl-Slane 73 f. 6) Mss. ,yJ>. 7) C £y^3- 8) C ^y=,
also below.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-IIakam. 198

\-oAj ji» »L! x^jAsjj -Abb q.j A*J-w-o qLCo
5 -05
<5? >iU-,c ,^Lc Aij

‘A-J^J (J>-c j.lA-5 \aKJj «-ilj qJ iyJic 0L>J! jA> 0w_J io4f3txi JlfiJ*,

a Lm ^jpyi iL_jyjw —\as! idX—Jjj <sLA_S_^jit

LJfj sOy xul Ov^ A-*.:

iLjyw LCio' Jls iA*-w qJ ^jJJ! q£ ^jJCj qJ &JJ! -V-e qJ LLs'Ae> t&y'JO*

0 & (jjOkAV Xaav 0j)

£jlj Q-J ii-itc 8

y*45 CT
4 ^ <^>) ^ q ! 2yJi£

^Lsj 3 (776) U 3
OU30 A-Joy! j.As
0A> ys-LgJI
3 ! J^c ssiL^i l*j-w

0*^-wJ) A—y" V e\jl\e> 3 0*^-wJ! \_^—< \J lj£j si— b —\j^Aw

0 - 0J -*—** ^Xj &jy£.

X! Ljyxajli xJLj'lfij 5
XL, iA>i *J (ji3-jsj X$ j?oLL_ (3 jys? 4
iL-o! y— i
JLJLj ^j^L! ^
i3c>li ills
3 LC
0j> ^ o ^'-5
l^y 1
^ y«! Ljyti
^ Lio U.JLs Lixiu^sf

O 0-5 5 —
pyi cp £> £
(*j^ cr^
9 7 Hv3^jj aI JUb ^bCo <Jx.

0-,*, LyiLc J-Css IiA-jA-vI ASlxs tyblxii Axis qX. U" ,LJ! tjjiyo! \*L 0^ -Aiy
5 .. - 5

xjl* KJLxa^ .Lw iXjAil \*/o

My JS 3 ,
jj! JJCflj q1^

iL-Jb 11 \——o 15
Lcj (j-Jj ujLi I_v5 0-0 ^3* \_J jjjtj xLX.~>l 0^ 0:—\JI

3 ioLiPi V^aAaJ ^^*^3

5 5

(j^- c (JnI 2J iC—*— ,Jo

w - _ 5 5 -- - 5

I j*Aii>3 12

o^ 5
cF^- lXx^j 3

u=>M q? y^j5
0***S 0— J 0-? yi^ Li—! 0'LJ-O
3 yyA- '
0i \iJu>y 0—yAwj! ^1

UJ/ K-Jic yj’i jj^c

0 jj^>Jt iu^-bC!!
0 jt
_y>^ . *U! ^_jX5 i i-o- 3 b?5 20

0^.wwJI K-JLe 0^0! 3^> 14

^X! liLi^xX jj_i j*.li iU^bCl! 0j! x-oJ> J-bo 0-, -yiiE

^Li!, C




(vowels in A,


s. p. See however Geogr.


but cor. to

om. two

-; -j,

where marg. note:

D jyu



and wJy.
64, 81,

11) A 0iy.
YII 360.
8) BC ^J.






in A.

Mss. every whoro


BC otyo.

197 Yale Oriental Series.

jy U
jc ^gtA-^l j, /till iL^ac jls y>Uli _^jl

iL*i-w ^_5 yyiLw , 3 qJ iLiyw

^ lXJuj! ^Ij iAJL«y. yS>^ ^Lai^l l\L<U ^yl

L*/ 0-J *sLw-*C X-C^ Ci^^5 **'

* i'» y2/0 i?J

^>L^Li LI
iL_*_w l\*^v
0 _j cvyJJI
0 -c- qJ L* 3<-\>

5 y>L£lt y! (Jjjjt g*c>l iUac Jyu ^1 yp> 5 8

^-°3^ ^Uai^l 4 I^LuO

O 3
x-aJ^ ^ M
7 *_jlJOCll sLI 6
IAjAs» iOjIj xJL^y Xjc eLwlj

„ y2
b5 |*-tlil jlSj (c2> ^<? ^^-Las sU LI ycii jJ K_*JLc x-*J! a*oL^U«|j
„£ w w- 3

Ujti> jjj jJi y>t£lS W ^>3 ^Li 9

^LuJ> pi
^ ^i-op y>^i! (^t q-* ijr^Ui

*UL jwwJsli lX-Ls^ qJ xxL*^ x_<JI j»iXs UJi xj^£0 xX*)j Jxju

ilJ 10
iuXw^ Jw-o qL" iAij iboL> \Xyo.l l\sjj y^-LgZS _»jI ,«JLa3 Lo xaJL> Jou
y . iiV_j

; ff

ju^j ^ jp y>lgil IjI qI xju**^> jlsi bLas$ iJty> *J ^lj iy&s. o^yl

. *-obo
D l
0— i3*p ^.3

^iL qj xyc xla^i*! (^jlxJS ^yyl j. jyu qI xyjy! y>UII _yl yVi UJi
O- w
l\x£ LoJo US' ^>1$!! y! 0JjJS 0^ .
jy5 L

cPj i cr^w. xaL=> y^> l ^3

cr* o~?
p^-5 cr?

cP Syp & ^’-5 c^


cP eU:!

y !

cr* -S 3 ! -^LL-iJI ^ Ly^>

D vUy J 'UU.U 0 z~U. ^ cr?

q^_5 jly^J L5>j^Jl_5 olmJI^ sLiliJI l_£..J plil ^Laj^l j-jt L^ljE (J"^>

L^j yiy jjls Lj-JI ww vyy> M 0 J JJI JLc \i >Aae ^cjJI oVLP iUlv^s

ipry^ c^' ^ l5'^


20 AyW/Oj JjUil L>bUJl <sJ JlSs , 3 qJ Xjyw

! Jj>c ipai. piAs 13
5 • ^ " " ••
° »«

ijy xjyw ^lXXcIs ^LavLj ^Lcu^I l\-^_c ^4 (i. c^j^_5

1) Superscr. not in Mss. 2) BCD ijOCjwj For the reading 51, cf. Ibn

Dinar 26; also Tab. II 93 f., Wad. II 272, al. 3) D om, This date in

Mahas. I 149, al. 4) BC ^’uLp. 5) B sLo^. 6) D yvp.. 7) B V UT.

8) B ,JUU- 9) D + s^aAJI v-jL^
q^»i . 10) D om. following. 11) BC
it y>. 12) C (^jJI. 13) D resumes. 14) D + ^ytll.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn lAbd al-Hakam. ,

5 #
OC #

q-, a —a-Ju\_1! ,% lo i_\js

J^c J.
1 ,_cc> xJjjj 3
jjj -ja:> ^L-*i Lx^-lj i! ^
4 _aJL> 5 L^-yU ^L*j (Aij iLv^j> i_A*j syCv*£

gJiili 6
.... ^! L?
*^ ^ l_£J li Ji ^Xr'6 5
jojj'O t_p^ lXs»I_
v_ja_J ^Lii!

xJt v^SjAait L^JLs (j^liAc ^A^Coli 7 ^jwoSlXc J.I bl_^3» '^.xj Ji L Pj^as^ Lfc^li 7j

- o - o-
iUL^bxiS gJCstj L^eOili 8
iUaai ^t ^Lw aL3-

<X.lo sLo goi_\^> qJ iuyi/o

o* ^cJJ)
0 3yjilj vs ^
f 5 4*

y^^ y^^ ^^[5 Jij

\-j«p/o ^vdj ^^ &-x-ii (^53^

^L^wJi ^j., v^Lo ^»..l-3 |»L1 4^—x_L»i ^)sJl\j ^coL) lils &UI

(^®_\-i! jwOyii jj*,Lj!-SI Itli j>Jlj iLyiiAAjlj (j»L»Jl — y> "iit

-G- . 1
G J - J O-
L\_S> Jlij
/3 j»^*-v) qUCo ,1! aJy _njl\> aLsyw

tj_ j-ilj iUiie. i\xw q-j \iiyJJI Li-ioV> 11

iUJu*^5 q_j ^kJ_U Jy£ Uo\_X^>

jjvc v^ASj 13 gyjol lof

_5^> 2 *—jL^PIj
^ 12 AjAc o^s o'-5j^
L5J ^ j^9 '^r^y
o^y> e'Jo jli
Lils !yjCi! (77a) J^L jlas ^colyll I 5

j»La-5 x-a-^!o ji
q-, 3j-*j ^ Uxj L^j*cj i_j^Lfi*j!_5 i_jLwwo oL^-

^y. ^ _^>5

l\*j lys'j! .yjLi^sl qI q"^Ij>>*J! o\jj Jo liVJo lXac

0 5 G Gw o
& o^^>j Lo ^jLoO j^sJLi ^yic K^=> v^><_w.^JiJ[ ^ij is^w iikJ3

1) BC fajji. 2) D J! and om. ^isy. . 3) D 4) D c^L>j,

5) A iuLo; cf. Khord. 1. and note s. 6) The name of the place is wanting.
A leaves a blank space, C has the two letters (i. e. y^>?), D orn. also ^!.

- 5

Bokrl, 1. c., p. 14, also omits this sentence. 7) A ^y-oLXi: (also below), B
U^kAc. 8) A s. p. 9) D iLLLixAjii. Khord. 87. Often with see also

Bokrl, and Ysq. IV 97. 10) D om. to end of trad. 11) B -f~ ^Lai^l.
12) D «u. 13) D + sL*aJt. 14) B lytjuat.
195 Yale Oriental Senes.

jybs J^v; ! Lg-b*< Ljj> LAs 0^3 0-» JLJ ^Lo Lg-kit J^m+s

y\o csLLs^ bLo> 2i-*-g -c iAjj )£XLo „y>^ i 34v^ ibb* IgJbs

3 3 0^ ; „ —03 o-
j»L\jt 1— *-dj qL, woLS Js.ij iUiic jiS nyivcls 1
SyfyQ y\jj

J LM eLJ Lo! iLJic jlss L_*Jus tjAJbui AJjj ,3 LVJ 3

u>«bb jJ «sJ (jlsii

5 !^o ^ 3 iOJic . !l\*jc (j\Awj Ax iouAli 2

a-Lc i_ytS!

• OJSy^bAf ill liAJb

S J w. ) —

Cl ,

0^! Lg^Lsls q!j5 ^>yas s^s q, 2bb> uCo^ J

j5=> Ui'i iyaS liVJo

l*.xlic yas 1
_^-P_5 4 y»U> 3-P! yd I^JlS l\o>! j*Juiy (j-> J-^

w 3 3 _ 3 3
7 X- xa^ J-% 3“^ (J^ 3 5
bjlijf (j»\j

ocU Lyi ^Lumo l^bos? 8 ^ybi LAs

10 (JsC 2
^ j*li lyA; j?y>Ls2 (76&) aJuJ

^ jlia sjo^oI ^Liia »As>ls LgAAxi a^-i., L^LosI ^1 ^yXi! yb> 9

Lg-Sa^sls ^lijY y\^s
_ .e

\jo v
^ 3**-<y^S ^1 Oj^j vi^ol LM 3J Lo! jib*
3 ^aIjc

. tcXxC: o\-*»D abLAA'i

abJ'bSb abbys eVJjo (__cAbc. (j«*i <JLs_s Ao>i j*Xj !^_5 0,

15 jJJ abA_lb jLw-j Aj jybi Jl»i aJ yyu

p-As yi 10 Ljo-!^ abac yybls
— c
-Lo ^ qUC^; x-x-iL^ |»c|^ i^CCxJuX^'O |^a^L3

w - OC
(cJ>3 l\-xJLc ^jL^L xU wXjlXA ^Uol3
^ O^ 3

1^,2-a^ hUaj ^.c 3 vi^^AJ xJix: (j^o Jjc>3 .JJ!

u syijb
[s/^ o 1
^ UJI ^ iLbic ill! tjU«3 (j^»J ^ LU

. .
w 3

20 17 y.L> ^1 y .
liVJiAj ^-4-^0 l^.QjCxv^ ly^v.5 L^av^> (jJVXxaw

w_03 s
18 ^LJ ,jr^> 20 l»ytby jji Lbbo
^ jrdl 2bb^L) yji

1) D iAS^o. 2) CD ^uJlc. 3) AC Jo>yi. 4) BC s. p., D 0 5 U^. !

Yaq. II 394 has: ^.]t yc(c

^ ibsic l^Ocjt ^y^>- 'ij£ i5o>A-<i yS\ j^L=>.

Bekrl-Slane /. c. lias ^L,L>. 5) D sjLi_Lt. 6) D ^Jj. 7) D K-iJLi.

8) B + ioJl, CD + LyJI. 9) Following in Yaq. IV 315. 10) B raarg. -J- sJU:.

11) BC s. p. 12) D Sjlyl. 13) Foil, narrativo Yaq. IV 396. 14) BC

*ij i. !

15) C L.avo>. 16) B tlVJjo. 17) B s. p. 18) A (jomIw, B (jviUia^.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ,
Abel al-Hakam. 194

v* O —

^ L^—Ot) 2 &*a 1 q»^ L^aJS

(76a) <5r yew (l!

ja 3 ' ^j_: i_\_JyJ q£. x*jU ^j! Lj_j'uXj> jUU~a iiU-»! tA^c. Lo’vA>
£ 5

^yjo x-a-avO ^5*^) ofjjc }Cj»jJtx3

^3^^ Loi •

G 0 5

q-» —
^ 5
tr ^*:? *5j*~ 0.5 ®5j*^ tiV_Lj ,3 (j^.^-i'J! " q-*-'*'— (_c^
2£'^5 °

tst tkX. w i&SliJIj (jyu^i iLLw iLoliit^ u^f

qJ iOJt-c ,ojlXj> qJ iL_jyw t_\jtj i»_y*iS 4
-j> J JS 3 £SU XAiic

y-w liLiyi^i slb^t
O 5
< 3 ^

3 5
jwj jjwj
0 5
K>—v l

t\-*-E q._s UiJo Us" LyJt yvj q^5 • CJj*“ q-»

(jS*L\*i<-, jjl

O 5

^Lj«L-Cv*Jl \5^0li • C‘JyM iC-A-AV lX^AV V^Axili

O*^ 0^ ^
5 w- w 5

iy-1 ^*va Lo tyt^o_5 j?A-£-c. iA.i
q^3 *JLLj^ 7 Ua^o

iiUv3 ty*a Lj-Jf lXs (jolxJt
0^5 • |9*^£ (jry »Lb.I

^uJ*c 10 (^)JLaP 9
jilj yi x*Jiz ^JiLU . Lg^Ccli ^j/Jbtyb!

xJLo ww v^Ju> 12
0^.*i x^a-o ^Lw ^ ^^-dt LT^ 0^ *S"f^ 0^
£l\l^ ^oCLc l\3*L, L^Coli 0^3 f»u\J5 0VU> 20^5 2 CjLo ti«L^3 jaw &jIo u^li 15

dVJ tp! lc\-P ^Jj6 K-xiLc JlSs JXJ&L J 05 L\£ o.H*5 JliS x5o!
!v3i ji;
|l^L-A^-£ &J&J} 0^ j!^La—
^.^^\avL) ^v-Lw \— j5^ <3 (^)ooi vi>\AV«w^

0OLw^ <?CjL+Ja1j

LC ^ 1 iCLiA^ ^5
u iCo^> #J L^' :> t (*^
j^Lw Ji

1) C 2) A om. 3) Superscrip, not in Mss. 4) ABC £>..

The following narrative is quoted from Hak. in Bekrl-Slane 12 — 14. 5) BD yio.
— O —
6) A (jJiAiuj (tho j and jjw both marked as B y^SA^JUJ, so C s. p., D
like A. See Bekrl-Slane 7, Khord. 86 (and Trans, p. 62), Mokadd. 245 and
note l, with the literature there cited. Ysq. IY 911 and Bekrl-Slane 13, quoting
tho present passage, have oy qi (j*woL\ju; and in IY 578 Yaq. has uu.UJt'°-
7) B cor. to U*Ai2X<a. 8) Tho following in Yrtq. IY 911, 18 ff. 9) D

*/Uv> 3* 10) So Bekrl. BCD eUo, A 0111 .

11) D y-,
c . 12) AC
13) B om. 14) C Mj2>.
193 Yale Oriental Series.

3 . ^ 3 3

liVdli A>«£ Ab«(e S***j^> 3 ClT

r^'^5 ^-Lw &jyw
o.- -G - . #
w 5
•>ys Jjj j*Ji qj»-' A*c lilj yii Arfcjtj 1
L»*ac |*-jLLe jAej i^os yAs'i qj!

U:>'As> Qjy>L^l! ^ &cU> sA£> 2u1j£ ,3 0^5 3- „y> L ^=>
A*c LoA> 0;Ac. qJ ouvjJ L-LjlX_>5 qjS LoAs* isL^-Lw^o dVJUf iX*c
- " 5

5 Jls ^L*o ^ji 0^4" 0s dJt A*c 0^ 0s 0^^ 0^ a>^’ ndjLdf qJ aJJI

Ldais ^ya-L^ii ^ Low_j yjA=>
0_ j! jys iUiijy! lj

& ^jf- q-j £JL> yG! Ia= jJLs 0 -*«> Axj \^sua*J! goAs>

<3 !
1 lX ^ >
cy o-* cy 0^ <* 5 ^ Loa^
qj! ^xi: \*As jAj>I
J _} jUs ^yiJI 3 3^ 0-c jLwj
0j 0*y*« c^Lwj <jls

^ ytLo &JJf v_jL^P| 1 _jL_so8 j |
0-*^ Ajsj iAJLjyLi UliLj -guAs*

Gr Uyi w> A:>L q! 2 (^Uij'^l ^jf- qJ id^>- 3^ (j*lj ^y>L^if

0^ ^.A> 3
- 3

K-oAxj £*2y3 ^3 iAjy (XI ^-glols Jla ayi-j *yLs qJ £->> ^

O— , O-

liUii aj£ xyLs* 3 /-*j Q^s5 jLi; 3 ljt*^ y 4
LaA jAuoj j*Jli loGt L^yaLs? 3rj v— ftJ! 3 6 i "^
3-^r“ ^ jUbj *-JLjA^o 3
w 5 •
1 q( SvA-JiAxi S^Lui: (j^UJ! &5lw j 3 (^ciy “bSI jjj

£y*o ^l>o^ JwC ^yjj qvo (jA>3 likJAJ 0 «LaJI q., iLcU^ Ai As ^Astl!
3 O ,

'-t-y Lc [y-Ac. q^JLwI! LjJj>As LjIajL> j.Sj As iUjAx Ibis (_y.LiJt

iiVJ 3 3 ^.X\i iAAii! 3 0«bJ! v_aLb>'s •

^jAj> iiXU^ Aa£ i^SjAoiSj

w - O ^
Ji v^jLoli ii)Jo
O - 3

20 liVll! A^c jls 2

|!^Cwj Xx^Lciij 3
0_«^»ao ^yJJ i_jys3 XwA*J |lJU-«

^ L^s ^
'-^-- y~w 'y ^Loo ajLa*w oAs>ls

^uJlc ^o\iLi !*JLs |?yoLs^ \Awi>o „^jAj> q_j iLjyt^ L^!j£ 3 ? JL®r!3 Jls

? > w 3 s £
^.xitj \s!yAt A*j *UI y.~?0as ^wo jul^t iOcLc _ j>- Aij LgA^o L^ji

1) B aAb\ 2) D abridges greatly, as usual. 3) D ^Jlajj. 4) BC +

\*sjy!. 5) B y^ou, CD yCw.«. 6) Yaq. s. v. quotes a considerable part
of tho following narrative. 7) Yftq. II 108, ^O. 8) AB 0_*_£.a*.
9) B

The Fiituh-Misr, of Ibn ’Aid al-Hakam. 192

5 w —05 —
iLob> iL^iA.uCw'^l -bLij! ioliSPi ^Joi

oua^Jij ix* 1
j^uibu ^yjJ*2
3 ^ iLo'Li JA . <^j)[

3—^ x—*-m 3 3 v_jLLiJ>- jf- C& L?yE JlS & A*/>

y«lj' ^5j Uisju “bS B^Jf 2
wO J
i^j aj^lXaJCw^Ij Jajlji' aIjiAII

y-^o! c^*Ie kAJj o\jew i_\>-e q^Xe lylE

0 _j all! 5

.c o £ p w
^JuJIe 4
y>t ^ L.yLiJ^ io^LX^Vw'^! jujJlj (yJy |»jjSt lXJji AJyAAjCw."4lj

w - #
<3ty£l aX« Ji 3 ^U-o

- G - G-

q( j_j! U3tX> Jujtfwwt Jl+ad LoiA^> g>^wJ! ^JpMd UoJo


5 - G >

ijNj'l uu j^E ^yjJaiUl 3ujj qJ iUid*J <Aae (jvjbw ,3 ! qJ AaXe

a-Jt a_x_«
y. l
AJ (j>y> X aXe _^>C£o aj^L*-* ^ iUJilc i_aX>o UJI ^.i.E 10

XJLiAit Jv?! q-, j.UcJf 3-^i

^ i_jb5l syiotj liloJOcoi 3-ii 3! ijyw

ijtyi Lol\e> 5UAv~» 0-J iih-lii Aae LouXj> UJi a_*aw Lyi ^iXi

iLjyw ^ i_aX& Uil yXE Lo! sjmj a^lAaC*^! ^Le

^^ 1
u\jjj qJ aabJLe

Luju ^_
5jJ Iaoexj oL£i Lo LszJi yXE U_i1 U'^S 3JCsL>
» .

^ L-j^! iL*j^t
3 Q-2 '-^!-*2 tiLj'OiA^t iA_s 3! LijXj* xJi wOUo AJlftSf 15

&’ G^ ^ 5 G _ >

o^5 ( i5
o^ 1
o' ^j 2

G— G —— G w £
Q-J yp= 2 A- « -*- 6
3 t>Li-£ jL^zb
Q 0j! !
.i Jls _5y-*r!
; { g
'Sr lJi JiA*j ibwL>- aj ^_5 jyj uoL*Jt

ij* ^ '^ ,
i/® 1> s ^?- a ^ O' “/2

iA-*-w aJJI l\^e iAjej ujytli 10

„y> 3 9
jls (756) 8 ^o3^> iu^Lsw

1) D |
£ua*j and 2) ACD s. p., B ooi^. A +J(e. 3) CD q^Ij.

4) BC c
_=y>L 5) BC 6) Here begins in all the Mss. the fifth main
division («j>) of the History. 7) Superscription only in A. 8) This chapter-
heading, and those which follow, are not in the Mss. 9) B pref. A^e Lo\Ae>
j*XH iAxe ah! iAae qJ ^yT^’i for the introductory formulae in A and C see
the Introduction. 10) A £f>y
191 Yale Oriental Series.

lX_s aUI l\ac aJLJuJI 2 a-*.&Ie

"b5Ljo iA-av!

k5 /^- O 5 -
O £-
<^3 ^ Lf^
*1% ^ ^ o'iiiii»
^ ^ iUj
— 5

w - ** oc
LgjLc >of lXjrav <$JJ[ (Ax£ Lgj>.)jx5 LjSy3 <*JJS «A^d ,Jl& Jjdl
O- ? w . M
^ ^_aj y" »lX*j L^>jyi
„ 5
OC 5

JS Ajjj
a*«JIe »<Axj L^>jys aU!

^1 ^aA jli 3
j.L*j> AS^f ^Jl aaa*JS 3 aa ^ 1

cv^Vj A$yl
U *

xo ^oLc
q 3 j^



ys> us^aj

jJi sjl —
Lil- »l\£> qJJ>

^ j»L*^>

0 ij

(JN5* iJL«_s
0 ^^

eLSAj waj^"
• OP -
& L\£> q. j^ial viioA> xUij j.Lj’ qJ 6 ^iAS"^Uj . A£yf qJ .-ajA' 'AjU^j (_^vL*J5

io (ja>-*j> a—Oa ,j, JjyP qj ^•^LjJoawJs |» 5j^ ^A^S

l jL«-A
^J (736) Qjt y£ jls

j_-L-ot Lo jlfij ^jjj_*XJS LaJa-0 'A/« i_j^xJS ^Aj! 3 a^AaJa.ia'}! ii)jAJ l^JLss

wf O S 3 - — P
l^juLoi o^ lif (J^-c ~j>li 1
^^* 7 LM ^Lw q^l\£j Lo ^xj

a-aJLe 3 a-j^lXaJCa’^I iA-i^jJ <-rSy v_^J! 3 '^~

bjJIaO iuIiiAvo <£y?.y^ s^y L^ 1

(j\ItJLI3avJ ^51 |^LXjysi l-35
^UJLe ^rjui

LoJlc 10 9
15 ^ v_ytl! _^I v^aaasIj iLot^Ui! |jJlfl5 »yo[ q£
|^Jb>j»5 j.L1J>- L\£ LoLob Lo>^> 11
j-JIc aI I^jsaa^s ijlas
q^ 5
w . ^ . O ^

jj-. ^>5 yi OjC ajIS" yis ^vLxij'j v_a^iAj |*XJu ^ JLss

^ wA^jlt 3 ilJW

X^lXaJCvw^I j^£>

lXaCj 12 LolXs»
20 *Ut w<-<l*s> 3! Ajjj ^jE A*AfJ qj! Lo'(Ae> jiLo *JLe
^y q.
w 3

U'-jLwIt JvC aJJ! O^Lil (^a^LsaavI UJ Jls \as>Lo J>_e L2?lXe>[ uXjjj s 03? ^jt

1) Cf. Hajar I 226, Jbl/ iAae sj^ ^yJJ aL^mo. See Glossary s. v. ixJ.
2)C Aili. 3) The year 65. See especially Hajar I 225 ff.
also Mahas. I 184,
Wad. II 306. 4) C
lf, and so below. 5) C ^yi. 6) AC
7) D j^AflxJt. 8) B aJt. 9) C’^ytj. 10) B C OMAll) AD
see Glossary. 11) C IjiXs?.. 12) See above, 130, 12 f.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. 190

yOJA, j^S *A-a* j. to Ajs_w qJ vJ^aU! q-e j-Lj qJ *Ht

lX-jjj A*a* qJ <aLJS LLo ^ *11! Aae LoAe> LL isjji.J! sAS> csajA:>
_ O
£—« (jaLJ) ouii 1
jjJl (j^tyLt to jjj LI A*av qJ *11! Aae ^t lauO ^
«»- w S -O 3 CC O 5

jL&i Ajow *JJt Aac j,t ot j^t t^iw L*Ji ^_*Jt

^ 3 iO^w sLbjt jd 2 yAU

^yjjl ^-x£ 4
jli* <& iCcLwJI v^aJi ^ ^ uj\J (JV> . c^j U> 5

^ 5y^S. <S^Lw
^ oL Joy? 0 ^5 Joy? ^t y> L!

(j't+Lva1! i—Lt^o L_rtj Jls ^_a_>_a.e> jltt qJ Ajjj q—£ csaaIJ! OoA> J! ^-—r~j L
r - -O- w-
^t ^NJtJb As jlia (jaLI! ^tj^b (j\j Asu« *llt l\a£ j,Ls uL^ LjL La^o^j

UvaL^ (j^LaL! Q-, Jw>> *JL Li (L& tj^AvOli i_LL> '-a5( |3

jLst Lo JoJS>

xilLlt j»tj!
Jj |ja»Ls? As>! *LL Li pi*ijo il-oLSt jJs ^LIiAas! ^LJt ^>-jaJ LLs io

£A {sljLl/La ^y\S iH-iAll J^t 0 -, Jo>^ j.Uii

_L L^-Ali fjjL v— aj ^ *Jl Jlas
— o - i Zt

csaaJL iJLLs iLs

0^ j*L jyy »jLi Jo> *11! q! ^Ai! l^it Jlas AjtA*
0 * *11! Aac.
O ~ 3 O S
Lftj tjjLji xUt ^aaj tj-Ljt *llt Aac. jLai 5
^ *Ju L, *JJt qOL SjLS^ ‘SA.
— i3
05 w — O 3 O
I^JlXXili jSPySis y^o yJt ,
1 !
y>*^! w
' suaAj! lXJs xX>L^Ui L-^5yj J,

.Ls-KL *Jt 6
^aJL^' ^t^ilt c>JL> 5 ‘VrV 0 '
-1 -Ll 7^*5 '
’LLaJL, JaaaJLi IB

L JLiii t ji jwjjlt c^Llc jUii v_jLiuJf_5 J^aaJIj I^J-AOLii Ai t^ili' t^JLj Lo JUis

s^-i'S Ji j»j^Jt oLi JlS sLjSToL Qj-iy.

^ ljIAa!^ J*Axlt 7 (_\Aj AJs |^Jis t^Jbe

i_jjAALLi ^yjoiu l>e*aj i_^Ltjlt t yhij*) oAai As yis t^JLi L Jliis

Ajjj q£ KjiaL qj! LoAe> *LLa« qJ liLJLt Aa£ LaL'Ae> <5? ^lt ^oLL JIS

JliLi .
jLalt Alt J-wXaJLi
^ Jo'
8 «j)to
o] ^aL! * J'o ^t 20

j^¥\. _jAxjt wLyo olLs jA*it Ly 0, Aa^s^j *11! Aa£ \^SjA

- 5 O-
(AjUv qJ jJJ! ^-yO qI^ 10 ^jJuLlx]\
lX-JJJ qJ ^Uiilc plfti ^LJI aJJ! vAx£ L^TyO
0-3 - -C i:

1^,VJ>3 l\xJ \*ilyoi \li) l\.x.£ (JLw^ • L-LUtLlib SSLk**3 xLa\1/»vJ[ L«J>yC23 ’w^.

1) B cor. to Jot>. 2) B ylo (so frequently), and om. Jst. 3) A om.

4) D om. following. 5) Sura 2, 250. 6) B ^yJL^.. 7) C oAii.

8) D ‘—LI Lt. 9) D om. rest of narrative. 10) Hajar II 1206, Husn I 100.
189 Yale Oriental Series.

^joLwwl! ji" Lw!^ 1

aIaJI yyjj ^ il lit

<s 0 5

& jjUx: JoLw &Uf lXaC Oyail s* <& iXj&yo jCi,£ L^o

_blixwij[j q-JjIjlXJI j, ao! t^yAbixlt goUill (j^i*J AJ> L*a2 jlfljj

%v O. f f
,j, l5^ig> q! j*i"Lju\i'cj j^ljA^lc Lj] : Ja b?i
yS 1
\Ji..^yi ^1 jyj st\£%

q^IA-Ajj 2 &Lw
5 tl)Jt\5j (jv**ii<o yfA q.jjLx^ ljj>^b LwS^ (jyL*^ (j*!^ AjLiJli'

5 0 5 O - -

q! (J^5 X-XXgJ!
£ w££*~
^X-&i bLXS y^lvvil
^ S
L^U 0-^3 ^-XJx^ JLsAgJf l\£3 ^03!

yyJLwII JsC iLjyJJ 'tSj« ‘bS aJ goL&JI «^_a£ ^ SwlXJI

^ „w
I^Uwo q 5 »yCs Lw|^ (jyej^t u^LxJ! qJ j^,nJ IjA-^l Ja&JLi jyixj ge Jif ^j|s
w- 5 5 — O „ O 5 w
10 gL*j 4 Lyj j$J jw-aJS _>-^5
A) JIsj JaJil! ^Liac
^ j*-Jac
,J^ t*Ui3 C)j>

iiU35 6
Jy^*i g-*&H ^-a-5! '^aju !y= 5
liLSJvj l^u>li ^yciiSj tiUJ

& ^0boa »A£ . tjjjyoli Jj'bS! qUjJI j- iiU3 ^a-CCAi gv*iiJf q- c Isjr-J jfljf


jlwi X^ui! 7
.**" »t

^JLc c
J^c ^ ^ £+^3 . viOi-Xai-

^J-Lo ^yi gsL>

^ ^io i;
J*> f&fi Aa^i ^y«l 9
nAc. ^Igs 8 ^ib^.

15 !Jlj ^L^u^-t
£ '
^ ^ gjLwi! —
u^ *^ 1
j -i
J ^yibs^u^-! q_j
aJJ! Aaa£
Jvc (jy^iw ja£ ^L^ >iyj j yo AjUili

b5 '-Ajy® |Jc Axi

J^ :

W i - - 5t > - o -. wW 05
jJ 11
(3^3 *^3 ^0 <A^c bli qU Lys 3 *^3 UXv^ I^JLXSj

^ 5-j^C - " o
.^£-5 , 5
_ w£

L-PcX>i hLm JJo^ 0 5 lX>^j ^3 oAp Ju 3 5 tJ! ^3LI

<2? (jyjmt Xj A-y-gj ouJL. U-Ao q^3 a j^-c. syuUj jaj'jO aju^I A-Jl*5

20 (^[y^Jf L5^
o -
A*t 0-j iAiAj> Uy (i! A*a« 0_j aJJ! lXac Ijc JS (73a) Jls

1) A 2) BC 3) Vowels in A. 4) A om. 5) B tsLSAJ,

C ora. 6) Read comparing Beladh. 238, 6,

g**.s? 7) BC
s.p. See Googr. V 59, 76, 78; VII 336 f.; Beladh. 238 f, etc. 8) BC j&iUo.

9) B ^uJLc. 10) B
^ JS. 11) BC ^b.
The Futuh-Misr, of lbn Abd al-Hakam. 188

*JJ! i_Xa£ y> Lo'i_Xe> U3 XjyJ! (?3

OjLbbl l\xmj yl <dJi i_X>x. b£ jls

Lo'cXj> ibi-w-*
3 y} tiX —LLI lXjx Laj'lXe^ <5? jjyJjj (__clX^>I Xb*v yJii qj!

y*^ Jje
yJ Lkx^ yl aUI

lX^E ytf
JlS (726) yl lAjjJ
JlS joyJ! aJdjlai yylSj ^^>1 ^ ya/o
- 3 3 ,
qJ j*-b 3^5 gV.>-XE>
CT? by*-* Qr^ bXjuXbi ^bli [jiXXii jlii lXj^j

3 - - - 3 w 3 O - -Ot
i ! lAjtw isil! lXac ^uol^i tslcj qJ 3 X£yl

^eL£JS JlSj .
i^UiLw 3
0,-0 3 3 30- 3 0 - 0-303 -O O- O-
6 5
^lNJLi ^J-iL-cO ^-J

"b ^Lsl (J.c |JU-o iCJ^XJ J^e jJl^-Lo *JJI iAxe A-JlX^> j u-Vr^* (3 s

. .
~ W -C 3 3

Lx/3 !lX5^ ^jn-U^vwL! <swLw q!^ (j^-Lvkkil

• — - . . O- W £ .C O - £

vJilAo % i-X-£-e (jn-u,
$U-o u^A, 3
< ! qj! jli' . Ji j. bXbj

3 -- 03 £. 3 C 3 O 3

^2*Sj (_CjX^o q! (J^b ^_jt Js & (Jia*j U-C2*J ^bi XbuX-P ^ U!


U. 3 iAE» & l&Jl lXj^w 1—A.JuC>

3^ 0-? I-Xjjj ^j[ UUC> qI^j •
rj^ cn3 i^

^ 3> 0-J Jls X*A y^\ U'i'iA^- ^as yi lXjje^

3 - £ -3030-
& 3-^-g-b ^ lAjjb Jbv. xj_jAi! 3^1 y«!c 30 0» 3^^ 3y> xliwo y+M

u»^j ib'ubb' ,
3e y&* 3^! ALb.^ u^*j 3b L*3 XjyJt A b 0 i_xJi
y^$ Jls

0 3—w»l!v- e
l ^f*
-'0 ^~Lw 3 3 u*>^j
3c 3j Jlib^ iU-w 3 3 bv!^ 0S.Xwj

1) D om. this whole chapter. Cf. with the following esp. Beladh. 236 ff. 2) C
3) BC s. p. Of the tribe Ma c
afir. See Hajari 788, Husn I 89; also the
oft-quoted passage Duqm. IY 3, Husn I 63, 4, Maqr. I 297, 3, Yaq. Ill 896
(3jjC>), Mahas. I 74 (iijblj ya 3-4j-^)- Probably originally a Sabaean name,
in regard to which see the Glossary, s. v., and cf. the very similar name
4) C syiL. 5) A ^lXJ! 3. 6) The verse, and the substance of the

following tradition, in Yaq. II 599. See also Kindi If. On the jjoXil sb)^ see
especially Beladh. 237, also Mas. II 383.

Yale Oriental Series.

jis sAJ; 85 iiX_A yjl yyst 3

Jo! jj> jib *_*_e 1

, -o „ 3 m 3

jlS q^Xj *^5 v^aIS w*^>Lso

o ^i^*^ 3 ***^
0^ JlS (j^*b5t

A 5 £ C 3 3 £
>2 Lif lit*, L\P <jy£ ^t 3
oJ^ jli* ^ac ^JuuaS q! v
^y-^t q( lXj^I

,jjy> jj^; <wy-i5 tiUo jJ-s 5
yJbLvo LCit jybl Ji aJiaLs (jr.^-Lo jybl

5 (j£>y^t v^^olo »l\-xo

O— O
^ -^Jl L\-$ &-it

lX^P Lij^ jy&o 5iV— ^>Lo ^t

«- #

c>Ui Ab j jli» £*y-5 t*UA ^AuLolj jjtsls iiU5 ^yo q! o^tlAwl ^li iCwAalt

7 6
jJjt lAJjj jib Li" _jt jjS^ynj X5 j U, *tc ttXaxXa oL>! j>t liU
S 3 ,*. '
f - <*

^xj yi ot xoi=\»lt o^i«Xb ^Jii> ^NjA-^-LI j*»a^ ^j^4,Lw^L 1 lXaav

*_Xj\As£ K_^-jy sAj yy* (J^ ^ jyA J, j^>j yJlc ^»J3o U-cil ijJj

10 i^oAaP 85 6i\^ q^ICc j, jlsi jj^ail jSX3 j-l

c^yr' ^ LXj <aLAj

»yu& Jwc (^-J\Ji A-e jib y-wj>!) 8

Lydaju iLj>3 jil U^Lu A>li iJoAs^
_ 3 3 30- —
ii5y>Lw^ vJJA^s (X jib ^5 »L5 (_c^ly>t JLc ay-ac i_jyu A>tj

q-m^av JsUac^ L*-§_w lyy Li?

Lct j)y-i ytlo *Jii
Jyy> Jji Ui iiUv3 qC

jyyj carols ^*7 qi L*J ii)Jv3 ^ilLc! Lf! j*jtLo &)J! Jy^

15 V^AAAlil5 Livg-VW LiyyVW y^AxI a ct^ ^CwCa.L? ^ 1 'wALftS j^JtLo «Ui


iiV-jLX^ (jaLaJ! ^Cjj qI ^aa-c>! ^ <*JJ! L^i

jy^^J to JlSi -^£ oyoli ^U) ^Vjcj^U 3

0-j l


3 w 3 _ 3 0 3 —
c^Lg-^li ^-jlLo aUI ouli* lXJS q! ^JjLus ^*^9. u^ aJj!

" 1 5

i3yC>! LOy& qJ q! 5^1»AaJt ^t tot


20 Q-te J'j'k’ S' jv^i^ liXjXJj ^ Jlas jib' Uf _j! a]Jt j,t yyl lii^ iAvj

& |Jlcl
qJ (i^-JJI ^_£ q_j aU! Ax: L<J
jya LoA> U/ jib

^_£ Axe Lol\^> L+i^ ii5J-)

^ ^y^iXcj /^
Ml ^W^wv A*«

^ ytl^) L.^ 5 k,i^ASy (j^o

1) C ^5Ju. 2) C A>5. 3) BC + aJ. 4) B ^Sjj. 5) BC ^oJUvi, D om.

6) BC jlss. 7) CD L
jy**aj'. 8) C om., and writes Ly»wJ>t.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

O ? o . £
Lc jb ^ vi.1 »l\-u <A:>ti J1S L\£>

O - w O - - C_ .
s _ J £ w- .

Jl L^J Aa ^ -1
~*>U *^5 ^-Iaaee* aaEaS i_\o>li " LsAo aU! iA-<-r. IALa2

L^o! J,! is Li! ^jyo j*AiAe>! oty LM jyij ^-ojS! |$-o^! L^iy jJlKj

o i ^ u_ >

q-J aJJ! iAaE fui ^ (jyl

^ U AjIaJ 1_£a/0 aJeOj 0j-J 0^ vi^-dj 3
0^ Lgjp’ls

0a*j jls iA*av qJ oaaJJ! Laol\e> iU-Lvo ^yi liLLl! l\ae 4

Lol\e» ® &l yo^i! 5

^^ae j.AJi-2 .iAaJb |^aa11 ^-Ajji! aU! Aae lXjew l\ae

^_) (Je ,% 0^5 0 ^

qj! AJMj tA^Uwi! JJ ^UaE yk?

^*i! yUjJ! 8 ^ jsti 0^ AJ L\a3 qUe
a)J! l\aE 0iAj JL-e aJJ! Jo! 5
£ J> Ji a-aJ.e
iS^ Is ^ iAks^ yyj!

^Jl ji o^-£_w ^^AiLi (jaLJI OlXo^ yjy! 0 J aL! Aac Ij

y jls ^ i_\*Ay

W -.505 (^ciAJ! jJ-A_s qUJjL!! (j-, Loblc jwJy


OAiij q4ae (Je L5A^aj (3




. i= w > O - .

Jjj J? Le? ,j|ve»

1— *-s 1 jLo!j ^_loli j*-L^-aj j»Lsj aj J^*E>b (^e-XJlj aaJe

.-^yCs q! o^J LM Jlifj »lX_ao s^j! <Ae>Is a_o! ooji! aU! l\ae j»lSj
oajAaeJ! yo ji! <^^Lo ajIS^ q! Jos L^ae-Sj L^aj! J,t (72 a) flails »!^1

aJJ! iA-a_C (}-Jb l\J >5 i_AO> 3 , !

0 -J I-Vj^
0 s1
0 ?^ AaoJoj Jj' ^ SlV>
S ^ . . w

jJe! aJJL) sA*j
.. o£ - o -
^ G 5/ -
0 qI 7 yXow q.j aU! «A>xi Lol\>

0^! Ju c iiLi: p!A> _j! i_jj*i!

_ ^
Q-, L>L>j ajw 8
^ aJJ!


V^l ^ (jLiii


oLjjUt I ^ !<3!
(J^> 13^*0 jlS

^ JS 0^ oijjili! ^-E ,3
(jsAjlS Jls (^A>rXv Lo (^A Li La^L?* ^ oLjAo 20

Iji^ Uii Jw>^ oy^li ^d^vXwJS iAi>li Kiibw id^vXw

(jr^° q »5
0>e>Lo Joi! Ji Liity (j^E-Lnjj Ui.!^j ,1 ^yL> ^J>SSj. jJIs UJL>LXi » <L*J!

- 5 wE w w - 3 t ? _ w

2CCa-Jj> i^ci jlai Ub o>^ 5^* ^
\jLwJj ^JIXj

1) D If.. 2) A om., B s. p., D NSjt. 3) B )

Ji. 4) D om. following.

5) C qJ jJ! . 6) A iA*j. 7) B s. p., C (JjLS!. 8) D resumes.

185 Yale Oriental Series.

o — v*- * 0-05 w - — — 05 0-0

jL^u>Li (A-x— q]
0-0 -5 VSI O
2 sl_o q, q_L*>^\xS

cooli" 3
iAJ! yxJ! oE liLJjo Ojp-Li i__Jb(Ji Il\ 5> jyb lo i^JLs

& 4 cA)L*0 L^SaC ^^AsAo &a!x

5 ^-J 3
*Ut Aax ^jj| Lo As- K^Lw—o cbJLli Aax 6
O - £ . - 5 .
j»yC!l xjAj *^!s
£yo! (^AJ! 6
jA3 5 XaS^jsI ^AiS

^Aj S—*—o qL—o!
jjcs? jls lA—S 3

yj ^ KJs^lobU jlsAi
o;^ CP 5


\_JiaS^ jis vj^4p!! wUjcj (A£ o* jiao iuJf ly sLs^ Ki yij\ iX>j Js^- |
s^-LL)! u^xL
iA^ As>Lao LXrfO Q^yC-Co Lj^Islj lylAo |?Aa£. ^j*%aJ

10 Q-,
^ Sj-aCj qJ qAx boAs- Las i^lojl !^*a« Ufj & |?LU
— o—
KjJy^si j! jLiy Lo a—A&J jL> AJs vji^lo qI^ 8 yyo qJ ojb AJj

c>*+" iiSjlo'jLo

ji! q_o A-jjj 0-c yx«

0 _j yo LlS'As- yCH Aac aJJt A-x jd 9 Lo'As-
- 5

( 3 ^
^ A>x q£
y 43 qJ q£ Ajjj ,3!
qJ U'*** q 13 v

10 iC fijyLi Aac ^Juo

15 £_*J_s- j_fw yyjtSy (Jjx LJi yyif ;
(j*UJJ iAxav *JJ! jls

i—a!x> Lsaav
UJi BbLaJt ^Las jA*J( ^Gl I^IJbj tiU 3 <i<x!y A^wi! 3
& IPl>!c! Ji s^Lwiit plsls oJ 3 y« yt Ji oyxC>! B^UaJt »A^ q! jo ^o

&Wt A>x ^La«5 . Aax jo jLfiJ^

jiL qJ yfi£

20 0_j tXotw 1 _Jo'Ao> ^ &LJ Q.jyLx i~Ajy! 11

^ *XjALI 11 ji ^XL>^

*JJf Axe 13
q! Bjy qJ j»LA5> 12 &U! Aax qJ jj«uUi (jsS'Ax- yxc

^Lab SjkS^. j.atx2 qAc ,J»c jA>Ao iCAyt

Aac A*w

(jaLJI j-h^" q! jyliAAw.j' jA *J jLslo qLkLe i_»a^o Bj jiJ! tjUj' (3 Loj jAxii

1) BC b. 2) A eUs. 3) A {
j^\. 4) A om. 5) D om. fol-

lowing. 6) A j^ftjj, BC Jao jliuj. 7) D resumes. 8) Vowels in A.

9) D om. foil, trads. 10) A + sbUo. 11) B transposes. 12) C

13) D resumes.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ~Ahd al-Hakam. ,

2 0_.C

£-aJU^ lUc £/o

^j£ JlS Lo O^AvhM jj! JlS

LftJ! jL-JLjo £jLL3 (j-v^LaJ) jLi ^ly>] ^jIa*J! U>Lo

• w 3 .. - 5 3

oLXj lc^ 3*
cr» iAr^ . .Loj> v^aj! 2
^Iajj jJI ^.UJ^ ^Llo
w 3 3 *

qj! Lo\Aj> i__c>-Ve qJ ou^jj LoA=> '(S'^Lop s ail xjy* iA*j xL^t (X! jsiAs

L! 0-c- 9 qJ q—7" yit >Ax£ 0_J sj-r'p* 0-c 5

> #
w 5 OC
l»U^-t otju oUi iLjjJij^it b jji: J. x_jx\i> Uy\j>
4 (j*jt

L*_j\As> iC*Xw^« iAx£ *_k\_=> t3f^tjU3 i_XJU^j xa^u* qXJo

0_j liXJUt I v_jJt xJ j*_wiii

^-0-^5- JjCjSj X-A-£-Jjit tjC iAxav qJ xltl iAaC ^t iAs>tj jAC q£ l\x*m qJ v^-JJS

0, u>«_Jjt jls ,^LLjl> w^it ,j^>tyt
i ^U_jO o'it x-ii3 JuU^j (jajUJ! l-jLoIs

O 03 G
& ^ i- ^.jLwvO 10

l\xa* JJ! iAa£ qL& jii gUo CT*^ A JlS

3 0-
jls KxaU Q-jt
^ O O —
xUUwq qJ t^ULl!

lX>x Lol\j>
— o -
& 6 tail ^Uo
J^r'j xjUjlaa* 7^1 ^ <XJ L^A/wV
L^Aav ^di ^ L^a£ B*j 1

— — O -
0-J 0T^r. L^uwUx) ^(dAa/Q*) ^LjUj^-w ^LcvXyO^

- 3 _ OP

JO w 3

VM - 3
o- ^ ^ -

\aAJ (jiAJU Xa^JU IwA^Aj IjO’ ^Jut\lt Qji gLi qJ

Qjt xS jlsi L\P qI o!l\aL! JUs <iU»3 y^jsi oiAiiJi

c&\j Lo <X q! Lo JlS

iiU Lgi^j *

^aAc lXaXa*} l\a£ qJ ^JJi l\a£ L0 J 0 Us" 12


jAXJ 1^1^ lXJj Uj ^Jaw J, ^lAai^l ^ O^Lo lAi 20

1) BC ora. (D wanting). Kindi Ms., fol. 5a, quoting this same trad., has (j^o^t

j?>5yo. 2) B ora. 3) D om. foil., and next four trads. (exc. a few words).
4) So Mss.; vocalized in A. 5) BC Jc>! JJj .
6) Cf. especially Aghanl VI 59.

7) C iAw/^1 (\t Co.£^ (B has Laej). 8) BC om. 9) A om. See Hajar I 208;
doubtless the same person, since Gthutaif was a branch of Murad (Wiistenf.
Tabellen, 7). 10) C xi U^JLas, 11) BC 12) Agh. VI 59,
Adharl 5ff., Haldun II (2) 129, and then such fanciful tales as Noweiri 318 ff.
L* 183


3 0^

^&5Jt xJ g-ol


w O —



Yale Oriental Series.







O —w



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e *JL



CKXm 0j
q! Ji
^-^Utols *




*JJJ lAyfi 3Jj> J, ._^.XJo 04,+i.ij* iyibyit oSjb! q-» 0 *

yyux<i 3^= j»Lt
3 7
^ Jjiij
-C o 0 5
9 8
LPjjc ij,
xJobiwjj yv^Lv*!! jj=” 0, (71a) jLjyb 8 j^*^ j,t lX*a« 0j!

(j*UJt L*J>s tikJo 3 x*-« S^yixlt iAju Lp.jxi 0vUJI Q^Jilc i_>i-\Xs

]0 . X<J! jH2s> lSjcm 0j *JJI lAyc (^olAsu q! jf qJ Oj^- 0*ic

L^J jULi xXjJw: l\Loj.j qIIjJL-w yiX^vo lg*JI iAxa* *jJt iA>£
- . 5 05 CS - G~
ujyi^ *aL^u*( l\£ <)3j& ^ <3^ <iU*o
10 xjl> LL ji
O - 5

isUit l\>x. Lot\> & &ilLLw ^>3 j-olkxJt

0 I*3

^iutLs? n odL^uJ Ax^gJ Qjt Lo'iAs> kJLw^«
jj J? ^y>-y> jls

] 5 J3 (_c3_lt 0'ij <sJJt xlxsij xlj'Ui y^y' *-A-*-Jli Jls ^J-o 0j ^ic c^jl>o

qJ a)JI iAa£ y^>-j>-

l\aC 0^CJJ U*2 *1x5
f f «* -
L«J^ |^jLL£ l^jLoli Lj5^5
> UijAvjt lXaav

jLJwo ^SlLj 0 q' (J^ l\_=>Ij l\jo« 0j *UI lA^fi

0 [

(j'-JvwI! j*3Ule. <& lit 5j^s Igj o\i>Jo tA^>! Julfi Jy. X5 j!

20 0_c: o^jw/S)! jjjt
0j! 0fi iL*_Lw^o qJ (iUUI iAxc LiSiA^* U3

1) BC 2) Mas. L^*iw ^wvofj. The text of the verses in Hak. is

plainly more original than that in Mas. 3) Mas. mjz>. 4) Husn x5y jilt.
5) Mas. U (and B gives U as a variant). 6) BC om. 7) C ^^xL sj .

8) A j~>, B jy>, C ^y>, D jy>. 9) C xiolXjwtj. 10) Thus pointed

in AD (and so Yaq., al.). Other pronunciations Geogr. Y 79, YI 87. 11) B
* .

)j!f>j>. 12) B 13) B (sec. man.) alters to yyjo. 14) C qJ).

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abel al-Hakam. ,

xoUj( LcL, cLN. 9)13

lo! olS iA-A~jb Jp *-ij u 20

oy>t yJlit Q.^^oj vjjtyia XiSliSt LoL,

qJ * lya>l <_Vwt^ 4
aU! Lo'A> 2? j^L^iitj yii! 3
iijyw q^5 |fdii

•i^e q! 0_j aU! iA-*-c Q^jit iAxc £pj iAx*j> l-jL^Xv ^yt q£ 5

Om ww^ w w 5 O S-

^ v!>^ i3 (jr^^ lo! ^5! jo Bli^JI &3j&z> (j>p- (jolxjl qj! 5

^ ^oL^A/o (J<>15
1 L^jj-bl ^-Jx ^ L&w ^ !^J£,w ^ ^
(3 La*^*> ^ Oy0 1 U«* l-A5yO ^yol qX ^yob Oyo! L^UI j-yJJI

.C 0 5 w w
^yuJI LlSAx> Joli L-^OOy. Jjj oil *^1 *JI ^ yglii U-*

^ty A_Ly> LoJo

jJ qJ lA_jj_i yji<_\a> ^cw^cit
^ lXjjj aII! i_\ae

tit silt l\aE X_1_J^ jls is'ojt k3j^£> Li Sy= ^t (jolxi!

^ fKy* (jaJjS , 3! ^E 10

^ ^yia jjr2CLj Soli ya>L.i-\/0 J-li tVwj yJLj ^j^tLaaEO

0L0 ^ tola ojLii »tyt ^t ^Ljlj iAae g, vjJJo.,

lCLo*J! g, yjCjttoj c>it iolj

jj-Lyli ,3 yOos^Oj tola l\a*J1 Jjo ^<? -1e L>ola (jaLaS! j*£>|j i_Xo>!

-Le j*-a-j^.av tola ^wo'it jjOivi q.i l_j 1

yiLi Uaj>Li (J'aaJ q-t^I ^iiw ^la ujtydt LClc

aUI iAax ^l\aj‘ 9

UJi <2? ^Jo (j^oUCwl L^jtxLiAj^
l5 ^ ‘Aac I^.^aL>15 15

^e jilo *11! iAaEj O^to

^ ^UiLSt iAae Lo'uXa> UL Aaj! jJ*e LCiA2jJ _j^ t

f M f ^
10 LI Jjxgj iA*^ qJ
vi, q! L-aX>I lo aUI^ jls
0 .-J ^jC: iOlvaUI

l_£y> a.a.Le uo^swO lc-v^ aLSI ^1 s_Aa>! Loj

(jaUJ! \Jz-jJj yii! a-aO>Ij j*JakJlj qO 0_5 jla „ajLe JyJt-w Lo'lX=> 20

yjyt aUI l\aE jyi) AJ \i jA:l\j ^t u^O>(a ^t
likio j,_5

1) BC ^yXijt. 2) BC ^yjjMot. 3) BC 4) A ora. See

Guest, Kindi, tT, 11. 5) BC om. 6) B ora. 7) Kindi (?_.

8) C ly-^5 and U_ii. 9) D resumes. 10) B ^t. 11) 'Abdallah ibn

az-Zablr al-Asadl, AghanI XIII 33. Cf. Husn II 5, MasHdl Y 61 (Bulaq 1283,

II 53, has a better text).

181 Yale Oriental Series.

0 aLj lo <— jliu

D i all!

— -or o . w
^-*5 lX-^L>3 5jf“ (j*bJI JLfii ob*bJ! IlX^ 1

- 5 £
lili o(pLo| js i^is^ vA-ac y~^y <*JJi
6 ^y*j
w O # 0 5

* tC^oLo ^\-*aXj ^
^ Soli . v^ixUt !i»X^

5 ^
Z r ~ - 5 vs. W 5 G „,
t y w
ujI^-aJL ob>b o^;J q13 LL-w ujjyJ! ^Jjc 3
|^Lw^ j^oL^U J>1$

^l\-5 (JlUc j^i£oli J^-t^aS LM ^ *_^b NL, xyi3> ^-aJLSI ^JLiOu* NS^ ^Lmj q-»
5 £ O— _
xjc-a-^J LSl\s> Q5Ayo JuJ UlSl\-> &!*& (j^iUCw! LgjtxLfij^

W - 5 5

^ l5
-* wW
CT^ 0" c U*

^ CT^
l ^ 3
CT^ (
3^ L\^j3 .

oXo Lo pxho *111 *bi> (j^LaJ( JL&*i 5

q! <*JJj^i
^c JlSj

® *lL> <*JJL v3-^J <A^I U: 7 \ajc>!^

^ l

Aj_^o iXaC (joLatlf iLuflj

0£ isL^J-b A*^° q£ A*^ 0

qJ Axe LoA=> ^v-jxi qJ A*.! Lb'A=>
M ^) «0 w
tbt 0jJ L jLs-S all! Aa£ ^ jj£u>! Jls O*^! 8j*i3S> U (job*!) 0j _J^C J-Ot4v,!

'bli bxXv u (jrvLwJij An j-^*!

[tj-] jj-j^
(jOLw^Lj Lil

SA-a^>j yij iiV_i! j*_Lc(j l_J_w i ;tyJ! ^-Lc 0*w-^ ^_cj>-S jjrJCLs'O! tblj

USyci ^yjLi (70&) cjy<it ii)>_j! j*.^JLI! ^iJLiLwt (_f^5 ^Aj^t ^S ^-gJUl 9

0 -3 ! *11 ^ * oil S) ijl
^ 0^ limits lOjjjc
^ J
Jji£ li 9^: ^ U/jj
’ • w
0j ^jjbu U_i'A-> K*J-w.xi
0_j liULLt A>.c 13 LoA> & (jiAii ^c> vi*J 3

&} jlfij »Uxe 14

oijb islijJ! U (jolsiit
0j qc
jlj &jAz O^yo ‘bS] *JJ! yol
0, ^o!
^ Jjxj 0!
0^xC>l o^ Lo iot U all! Axe

1) D 2) C aA»jl. 3) C I^JLwj and UuL, also in the sequel.

4) D om. to end of chap. 5) Cf. \JS Sur. 10, 30. 6) B L*j>.

7) B i£a*>!^. 8) Not in the Mss. 9) D om. all thus far. 10) C om.
the remainder. 11) D j_£_*J! i£Lx_o-xxv ^,5 ^dJl, and om. 0^3.

12) AD om. 13) D om. foil, three trads. 14) A 15) B

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abcl al-Hakam. ,

AxxlJI 1.o'Ae> gJLo qJ <xJJ?

2 Axe LoAe> 1
lAA o.e-jE> Lo “S} iil_JLc-

^ ^oL*j! q-J jj,= pAi <Jl5 wXXxE» ,3'
qJ AjjJ

q! Lo As ^Latif
^ _5^c lAS 3
jlflj 3
^ jxlXS JX alij^s

„^iXo ^e £*xX L3As>

Xc. qj Aot« LoA=> tiXljxX ^1 q^a^I J^e

^ Lf*°j j*^ cV y“^ qc


^sAjl ^jS Lo (jol*Jt ^j*e AxxLSI jli" & !^yo! "X (70rt)

O _ w
i >^jsnJL, o

(^o l*J f ® &

jpX- 0-J (jr^T.


M £
LXlA> aXs iAx j, U^L*J!
^ L5
i^j' X 6

7 y^l Lgxij (jvxj^I., i^Xi' iLLw (jol*Jt qJ X* ^ AxxUi qE 10

_ 0_ w 3 -
^ L^yti! »lXJ
4-w tji:
Js^ (jy^ <3® q-^

l\x-v* 0..J l£aaU! L-i-jc\-^> ^li* gsuLo <*!!! ® l\ac^ L^“v^ Lo’l\^>^ jli*

&— U 5jp(^ ^-^vL«4»^v ^^-j) (3^ OT^”

G -— c
iAJUeS?. 0^1! ^ ^^e>S XI Axe Lb }jf- qJ XI Axe JLfij sLxxe {^\X^J> isliy!

X! Jy"j
oJ ^ 1

iAb^o Xt Axe aJ y"Ai Ojl! A*j 9 U/o qX! 5 “L5 jls L\£> 15

V^xxS^ A_S jlj’ iX-X Xlt lA-x-E LXj |»Lwxjlj vEixjl^

^! „^x2J!j ^_jlLo
S w 3 i o£
j»-«Lo SAxes^ XI a*j (jxLJI Jj-sLj Lo cXe ^_g-u2*j ,JwE ^xxi iLJJLi ^Lxbi
<£ 3 -C M C OC 3

. VM S O 3

CJxxjli (_5>X ij*

j»Xxo"i5l XI ^_}Aj ^ ^jlxJl J^l q-» Alj.xv^Jj5 X I_jAe LS^aLxO oLo

^1 (^E iX*jLI CiXs X ijAj k^xAiaxis ^JuLxxi 44

sAj ^.^1 Jaxxxi j*jXo X! jyxj 20

LjA->I 13 AAJ_x=> * ^ybl 12 pbLw^l ^ 'i J,S Ljlj jjr.oj q., j»Aaj' Lo ^ ^sib

1) D -|— iyJ-E j»Ai Xxxe LXj. 2) B Axxe . 3) A . 4) D -j- J^xii

fXEt XI5 ^e>I olyo xXe j»Aj, and om. following. 5) AB (D wanting)
and so Husn I 119. See however Qamus and Lisan s. v. X, and Tab. Ill 2554.

6) Of. Kindr rr, Mas udl c

Y 60, Coteiba 146, Khali. IV 555 f. 7) C iOJiE. 8) B
Axxe_j 9) A Lo. 10) A om. 11) C t_5Aj ^1 .
12) D^sju. 13) A transp.
179 Yale Oriental Series.

O- C _ _ 5 . , m O_ . M

0^ ?" 0-^ A— A»A (J'~


^ v_ib>^S ,3 5 JsLsLlS! 0*yo ^Lsw A> Js c l3LjOo

O— — ,
— — C
q!*,j£ s-».xj! JlyO ^-*X <*J
0^ <A-£>L^° &J y\3o 0*^3 ^*X 2<Jl**i

>oj>S »A^> q!»;C 4 ^xp>Loj 3

q! 2
j*£ jlia i—bl^ *j( **j jli’

O - O- O 3

LlS'Ax- Jlj' ^LciJ3 tiLLl! A»x LoAx- &!^Aj £Ae. A3 lAij 0^jx
^ £Ae
i^5>5 qJ
q i^jc 0j iwx 6
Jls ob^j A*^" qX. <xU! iA*£ 5

0_J 9 isjLtxi>
3 K-syCx 0j 0j 0jLo 0j 03 qJ t>Ulo 0j 7 —*.A^b 0jt
3 w - ° -

3> 3 A^bf^ *Ix>5 jli' & oLa lXac 0_j c5^ 0^-*-x 0-J

^ ,
j«>pwJl woLfl ^.Lo

qJ &U! Aax iLoLiJ! iUAjiit J, jli j-bx ^j 5 kAoA=> Ji jli

0-J LoA^- gJLo 0-J Aagj 0-J iAU! A*x 10 LoAxs?

‘iSli aJ-St jUJLmwo .

v 1
^ cr
^ lM*' !

V s
o !

J»aX5 &<jb>Jt J. jUI ii\._Lj‘ Jx

s^kS^ jJx ll$'L> 2 uAjIo

j*Jti jls ijoLxJI

0_j ^x jls p'bLwJf x-JLx O^i j*x (J>x 33E j*JLwi Jk^'j)

• °. ’ - . s -C

L\S> ^Ai> JLiLi 0olxJI qJ s* !(Ajy> lXj^aJ! ,3

? o- -03 ,
Q^yxo ^j.ix/0 lX-J. »,
iMki i 3 tj'*-r“3 ij-4 ^
lXa! AStj *_i] » yt-t. JLia ^jtl^s S30 i/j4
-*-^ A_i^JI jli I »JLi

S ,-
0! 0!^! x-kJLl} (jp-jjlj l\_jyjl 0_c (__c-b^ yx» q, ^_j i^xiiAi 11
U; J,[ ^Jlc.

w 3 OC
(^ jJb
S^jXv all L^L*a! ^
Jx>J> jii' J^xo ijjt
0£ qj! UjlXx- iV 3 12 ^oxLi!

13 1AJS5 *
Jl-25 k^jllaii
0j J*x JvX (j^LseJ! 0j
3 S O - j: -
L-jLw ^>^[5 jli' (J^Uit ^ 0-^

1) D om. 2) D *j«x. 3) B (
Jjt5l. 4) D om. three foil, traditions.

5) C »4fj . 6) His. 487, 7) C yco . Nawawl 405 f. inserts Afj 0j here,

and i^ijc.
^ after o^L^-. 8) B u^ot/kX/o, C 0^.*ixo. 9) B illeg., C Kxib>.
10) D om. following trad. II) B Li and om. *j. 12) A yxj, BC yxi.
13) D w>^nx> (As 0^5*
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. ,

— — — . . -C 5 r:

jliij J JwE l\*w qJ a)J! iAa£j (J.C
1 tyE 0^^
3 - — ' °" S S
^li L^Jl^r. ^>[5 l^-oyb
4 Syidl LM lit

- O - f O)
qJ ^-‘
o^T4^ CT^
^-V 5*

<-\y. y 3
w» O—
yu ^Ju o!^ i_s^> ^ j*^*o j*-U iLolid! Sjit 3 io^LXiiCw^l olX^w (j'j‘

0 3 O - .C 0 3

Cr^ l 5;^ !
(3 ! (j^u JUS u^jy 5

L^JLavo L^Jt L\£> U?yIvo <*!!! q-* L^j 13 ^*!e

it v* O £ — .. ClC ~0

lXJs j.jiA^i ypfiJI tji2*J ^Jaxi jyy-Li ^>»o!

^ qIs Sj.Lii ^Las
O ff

t& J, t^*wls
w 3 O
X-kjt 0_£ ^^Jle q-J y^y ^.c v_^5 Lo'Ao iULv-^j iAUt iA*c Lu'Ae>
S O - S O ^ o-

! jmH »^.J_e 5
syp-^l aL^Uaii g*Ji xil tjoLxJS 10

O^c. U_Sl\e> G> yj\je.*>( ^Uc aJJ! yllsii qJ y£. oy iAxj ^Lae qJ CT*^

0wV_^>] toI.av Jj'i! iL-j^i_X-*jCw'it jls a t *

^j( L0J0 x*Lv^o tiVAi!

0 _J L*ioV> <$t
0 -jLvj 7 lyJLy ^w.4-> iU_w y>"ii Lgj=i^ ^^**£3

X<Lw ii_j^iAx5lw'i! (69i) j


i' iAjcw q_j l\x£


j»lslj ijtyi o_ji j±£ Jj a_»_w ^>85! Lys?3 qJ 0JC-o! 15

<5r iA»« *JJi iA-*.c

^33 yj*-^ aIjc j*j t io^JoiXw'it gj iA*j uolstii
o —

LT*^^ (3^ 0^ -X-r?jJ
0^ 3 yKt jls

-03 3 -- ^
0y^y. v^v^3 Lo l\*j (j^-w (j^LiJI 0*pLjUb

<2? (j^tLjiJlj »L^Ji

oLL^i j+£- ^£- *>j+£ 20

g_5 iA*J »_jLLli^ Q_J (jxlc jlj iA*aw v^aaII! ^Lo qJ 0*^ L-o'^>

10 Li?LX=>!
3 olL^Lw! yk ^j) Jls ^ yy^iAs ly-o 3j*e j»uXi yu« y^>

1) BC _y J«c. 2) BC _|_ aJ. 3) Yowels in AD. In BC s. p. (A orig.

but cor. in marg.). 4) C >_a_o(. 5) B au.:LJt, C »y>^!. 6) C

7) A Uxxj. 8) Qeogr. VI 82, Belrtdh. 215, 220. 9) See Yaq. a. v.

10) D LifAoi j, 3! ^!.

177 Yale Oriental Series.

JUj jdxiS U*Ul jUa JCls jwt_5 ailt 2b j.lXm ,1!

Xfwl qO jls obLw ^ iAjj^ UlL'iA£>
or ^ ? o?
t& y>!
Luos? ollLi! Jo
^jJ&J) JuO. L-i-Xo! *1 Jljj (j^O^ sLwLj >^>yS^ iOJ jd LtJ Sj^

^JOol Jlfli j.^!! iiUu< U1LJ JuJia ioj^- ^blo

5 ’y ,JjJ ^ /*>

iL-^obo j»^Jl o3j*j ,jsJ! £_jyiS! i_j y> J,! xj>p' (jo> _j^= jla

u\otw LbAos? «*] o>Jj> (jbJI o^-o*Jt 3

J, LuJx ^aLo>!j 3 * jla ^b^
? 50 - w ^
2oX^>L> ^LoiaJ 5
^b^ Jl\_c j.^t JLxJLS 4 j*^.*aj
t J,! x^>jiS U i^*£:
^| ^xic ^j!
bjiA^s s^ot Uij JuLe JLwj 5L\aai s^-ucia 7 Koy>! J^S *^Lui>la 6 guuoJt JuLe

io Jls kJLv^s ^o eLUl iAxc Lot>o> ^?L^joo

£c>!y>L l
L^jly>L ysli j?^.L> (joju j.
O- C 5 S O 5 . .

^.jkjyCJI _5^~c jb q! l\*j ^Uai _j^£ £aUv ^ j.yij L^lX« loL^ iu_ii J^l

lA-o jj LoJo> t$? J,! ojip- i_ctP

LjJji>5 (S^Lxai ^b^ ^uit ic>5_5 3.0^ pls'ls

J.! (jo'osJt
Q? 3^4-c Jo«j s 1 o^->i' J-£t iOj^ J-$>! Jl 5 <A>x *JJ!

w , 1 9 .
£,jL JJ s^A^r. J*lj
^*ixa (?!cO ^ Lgjy Q-, oJy xo 9
v_j(y> L^JU *J Jc>Li ^USjt

15 s^jL^li J?lcO lXjc bSLI:/! ojtjXJLi ^c! ^olj

\Jyn tJJj Joti 10

ifT> J,! jiji
^ S* V°“^ ^

&UL, .L^j!y>Li jAi Lb^j' ^ 8 «aL »l\£ Jls 1AJ0 (_c!p UJi

^UJf ib^i»Xi\<vwb5 f <^J2 (j, Ls \jLiJtJ ji'd

j»» JS *JJt pj^> Ui jls (3* cr^ cr 11 io^jOo J,f ^=>j j

1) BC 8 l>j.^. 2) D om. superscription and greatly abridges the following

traditions. BC write 3) -A- om. 4) B C (j~oyb. 5) D -f-

. _,= J-3-^. 6) D -f- q!o .3 cr* Loys. 7) C D ao^l! and syujei.

8) BC slX^j. 9) B L!j>. 10) A om. In B sec. man. 11) Superscrip-

tion not in Mss.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hnkam. ,

oyu ^.5 ioLjww A3-!} J*/oy> (jjiiSj oij^kJt ^yiSt J

£. OS, o, .. "c.

JojJ) (686) tiLyJ L! ^yxj Jjl>} hAj^uL

alA=>Ii ObjtaJI -SwaJx 3 (jdby*JL iCcLv "i^L^Cs 1

yJ! 3
— O O -- —
yr w yjyai
&-e|y> J, 3! aAii-N.lx

,3 ^ .
Jw»y> 2 -Liy^} la^su
£ - 5 CjC

j»L)1j Axj Jwoy- olo xJLw A>li a^Jlc

£^33 aAoli aJy yjf ydxJI 5

M ,
£ - 5 O-O^- - - ?

AA J aAiO yCg> aAotj ^c^j+s. yvj syy« 3 ^ 3

<y y aJJI

^oJLc; all! A22 ^Aa Cw"% 5 pjj^- QyJuwII

$dX; ^yd**!!

3 ywa^J! J.AS3

w 3 —O —
jJjsi ^XajA/j 3 ct*^
^ _5j^ 0 4^ t

4 |?Ux ouavJ! £iy 10

® A^Lvvs-'O XjO ^cAJf &U<3 3 ycli (iUb 3
A^U**-* L-t!*, $*—J*jJS Aj^\»**vo a! JULj ^clXJ! iyjLXjiX*«'^51j (_j?_XJ! Ay\**d _3^3

& idS" lAyv j»AS>3 . liUUS 1

ou-wJI 3yx: yj a^”Jt

A-i I^JLsis yiaai Ji y^o i_5y^ liM-i' J»5>!

»sLs^ ^iJU v_jLo! Lo 3j*^- £y>3
w . 5 .C w O 5 m

3 *JlS L-LjI3 l>^ LaxLx/o fjA^-li (joydiJ! ULaIx j* A3j Lls^Lo ^sl \jS

j^Uaau jfej iuJLj! ^-a-Lc ^iyi ^LiU ^.y)

^(_J qI^ U 3yx. ^Ulc Jy * liVjAj 15

^3 1AJO0O 3 Ij*^ Lax JoLftj q! LJ qI^ Lu \^xXjo Lo Lo 6

£ --

qvO t^x>y> |»
gAxgJ j4*x j»AJ*5 jJJ! »A*jli (A2&3 0-^ Loli

t5? Xj^AJLjCw^t

U 5 -O - w 5 .

^r?y* LoAx> L/ ^A^ 1


iP wt
0 5
cr? 3jr^
^ j*dd 7U3,] y^Uj,
5 0 -
0 (

iLo^ j,t
(yj r
Ld^ ^0 O


^5^ vXf I

—jL LAx>! (J^-C Lo L^>! jl&5

y»d q! LJ iC_j!y> yjt Lf! liLjyJ>! Lo ^sd-wJI

^3£ '^

(69a) ^-j=^
7 L«3-} y*^>lo l-a^Ls yUc U_iA> lie. oia=» qIj [^ydc. Lyd L*^dc

1) B jjlUi*j. 2) D Jy^>ls. 3) D tj^y. 4) BCD om. 5) C lA^Vw^o.


6) D om., but inserts below. 7) AC L>f. Cf. Yaq. s. v. U3*|: yi j xj'A^j

yo^o _y3 v_jL^

^ x^Wj. Yaq. has the following narrative, ibid.
175 Yale Oriental Series.

1 '3

Jocm qJ q_c »llo 0_j *JJI lXa£ Lo'Ax> L3 KyAJA-v/^i ojI^ lXJsj jli'

w — O —
<_-3!^lS (3
^ya^S! $U_Le
Os l>5 '^AA^juit (i! yJ AjjJ

^$5 dy- ® (68a) 1—go

q* j$j3>Ij f^w^S

5 A*-w Q-J .slit l)u£ (j3_*J! Q-J _5^c jj£ ylic

^ q*£e <-^3 ^ *a3j

Ip^yw k_j^lXaJCw^I jiAatSl 3 &aaS>j y3-L> iLijtx) qIs jbS

q 1^5 J_*-fi-i <sJ

^-o JA* o_^j yA=> L^y* -

pAs. .sill
«j-gM ySJ t_pl*J! 3y=

'-W^ y3 * 3$ ® ys^Jlj yJt 3 iyf ^A\ ^+2 0 UCo $ ^ ^ijj iwoljJI

3 O j: .»

10 q-j '&s>JJ> jULi A=>! ^LU iotLu jji j._jyl Lis Jaxii!! ^y0 *x:Lbi ys ^wJsyitt ^1

jLftj !
g-13 yaxi (jiafiXij' 8 ^xif "b5j
7 y&u q! jJUia^b _jy*J XsL\>
03 w- — ^£
alJ! (_«y^*5 b/0 cr5

^ w

u^ !
*5y^. 3^

0&3 ^ 3^
ioyjt O^iyJ 3^s? (__cyi!!

^ w
yYs6 y> ^xaj,
^ ty>y^ &(jax>j

3^“ 10
3y^ ^ u^. Ji M !^y
^ Qyy3.3 a^k5 l^y=> 0yy^5
S^o^i JaxgJ^ o)uX-o ^vjL) ^Jl 11
15 LkAj ^U! <3 LyjLijJLi

>JLc y*s yj) 3 ^^3 ^*3!i 3 3yc L^j1 >Ay^J yLiA^Jt v^^oLot 3^ ^'-\1. -^a'

i ;LiJL, 73 0\_*Xw3! yJ 3 !! 0J.3J[j

^ ty^Xylj l?~?'y^

—g-A-vo ^yLw»li ii-Lj’ (y-^LwZi Jv£ QyLvAlt y>[XjJi



3yy jy5 u_3° ws3i> >Ai yyl 0JO5 .
3 ^y-w
^y e^syi
S 3 Go

20 Jyi j|y3! ^t

o _
rn -O-
^1 (j^t y« sb>
14 ^Uxi6

gs^>jwx) L!
^Xj ^j jUb «Axjj
^ xu!

1) Husn I 74 ff., Maqr. I 167 if. 2) B ^syuU. 3) A ora. 4) BC

^JL*. 5) B «y&L 6) D c r/ Ax. 7) C j?oA£. 8) C yl. 9) C
Uxi, D ^ys. 10) C yvx; . 11) The vowels in AD. 12) BC y*i.
13) B cancels. 14) D yNSjUaXj.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

- w L* 0 5 - »

^ ^>1 *j! o'-dx. l\ 3 j XoL> ^5 &oy> aJLu^ XLo y*s-d*, lXaXaJ! L-jlIaisi

aLLs_E ^Jii ijoj ja£e iA-osaw Lo'Ae* L*-o aJ Jlsj . (^c^ae 8^3 1 *e &Ije! v^OjAs
^ 0 5 O— i, O w
,jc=> Lgio 5aJJ! Oj*J! La^J o-jl*’ a^i & L=
; j. j*- J.
"hi! lx>(^ coaawJ JIS3 3y= Jo i\xj* u>-dJI c*JlV> JJ Ji Jls
. w wC )
B^IeS? 1 g_LA yOL* JLc S^_^.J A*a« 0j ail! A_*_£ Jl qLsLc qJ q+aE 4 5
" 5
5— -05 O- w 5

Jot=^ aujAo> ,i viiA^JJt Jls

XAyoO ^eAj Lgjwo auyu —&e ^j! Jls j.y^L ujbAJ! .

!ySUA2J ^L*:> 3 i_j|^b! jA*i

Jot> (^cAJ! q 1^5 aA5 y> ij- -^UsamaI! \_j q! (J^e

Jyj . LUjawaI! a—a j^^Ass cAaJJ! Jls £aa*e» A*a« qJ ail! Aae JI j*-CjJ L*A
_ w r wi:
qO^I! jlaXij qJ all! AaEj 5\&J! jJlb s^LeJ! j»lsls qO^I! J! J~w^ls
A*a* qJ ail! Aj_c ad J-^iis awls^M jjCiXwls a-o! aAjJo> aS$ B^LeS! Jj b^eAj 10

U>j lA^twil ^j^e ^ J*_a-s! A_*/a 0_j aJJ! Aae ^! yyfjJ ail! l\*c Jh,

qLx*^CwJ! oi^Jixlls aouAi xjAj (j\j b^L)

^ 3^ qJ ail! Aae J^lj

A_*_e (J.c ,j^e=-

5y? (jjJ ail! Aae JsasIs aCoAo> j. cAaU! Jls . aIaa!! Aae
- 5 Cv - 5 O- .

l\^ Lo iAx«w 2JJ! l\x£ ^ liLw^ (i,V-otJ !i*X^ jlib lXx-w jdJ!

5 c
OaIS' LJa 5 !j^5 1
^ 4-r^ l^-yot Lg—JLc. l\5Uw qJ ^Jjt iAa£ vjl>^>Jli \-aJLc U "l\^j>!
^—33 jf 3 Lm^ ^c^\yjh}\ ® |»tp-j^
* ^ a*—aJLj jsl

o -
LoiAe- LS' y^i ^ i_^L*J! 3y= JjE ^3 Jls t& 9 ail! ^Ui ^! * »^oyi

'i-i~M j. iA*a« ail! l\ae aLAJ^j*, Aatw q_j ^3^! y+f'* iAae ^j!


1) B Oj*-l!, D otyti!. 2) The vowels in A. C a^i^a JIclXj (sic). D s. p.

All the Mss. except B have an insertion at this point. Thus A JuAs: ^j! Jls
O— . — 50 —
^3 \SS' «yjLX^ ^ UL D has only the first clause
of this, and writes
aUv^o (sic!). C has: oAoti! jj! J Jls AjAs ^ j*-wUi! _^j! Jls

UI3 a—^-a^Xa al
1 ^ ^3 s^aAw ^ Lri (^?!*

See further the Glossary, s. v. aAi^-xo. The correct form of the name appears
5 --
to be isy>j&,. 3 ) See Yaq. s. v. 4) D om. C is corrupt here. 5) D
liLoOj- 6) ACD ^i. 7) A 8) B ^503. 9) A om.
173 Yale Oriental Series.

l\J> alii
q} (3^ q-e qE 0E aJLvo tiUi!

q! (jvjL^U yL (_c|^ q'6 j»lji ajt<*b "hM aLdoy! (j'Oj ugJLu U_Jie

l, ioiyyL Lp] ^ y= aLt oaXJCs Jots wju Jp aJJ! Loop •, LSjjjxj

i O o«
^*i2jJ! OyLit 2 Lo'iAe> d lo l\e>! L^jjiu ^5 Ly yiAiw 1
syl£ aLybii
O - w 5 ** ..

3 cr? V cr^ 0^ '-ii


lo L\_E>i l^J! xE>jf oiy o^-b abyltt 5

&-jLLiy! Jyio ojUoii yc ^jlc*
.. o -» ——
<-X_jy qJ oy- qE aotA^S qj! Lb'Jo qJ lX-wS Lol\e> < 3? sllf oJlslo

o^‘ £bL C& (*

^bo bii (Jjyo^ wO-^Lo 0^ i3^Xav^$ ^jE 0*^ ^^Ie

SjOIe a-bby! qI 'J jf Jlss abby! 6

3j^ i3 qJ y£ qJIXaJ ait ‘dj^UiJf

10 yb^o
(_pl*Ji Q-? 5/^ j£* $ »j-*4s cr? cr^ '^• l)c> ^
O- _ O - ,

aboj <JU-o
^ Lo (jiaaij lApiS liiOo ^»<Joy iuj &] ^LXj (jbsyil!

iylyo Lsc>!^ 3j*e oiybli 6Ao». lyo! \_b3o "J ^Joe 0*yytli tX-^!e LJs yys

^ (*-^**^ ^jAAAApi ;
^ 8 JO ^e ^ JLs, * »!jI U

f** A*
J O- w
3-a_wb o^UJS
^ Jj*s. 0-J.jy9 !
o „
(^fy -+*- Jls

Lb" sljj jls . lXaeaLI 3

w O • 0b iXaej (_p^"b5!

« .. — o ^
q_J^Lej 0aJo Lbw „L^- ^lXuOaO iA*aw qJ oIEA-oLSJ j*bCj LjiAe*

q, lXjeav ^o ai!i Jox. ojCLJ^ qJ Li Jls jaJLe tAxatw Lo'l\s> *

20 _ji LLo aii! iAae LoJo> Lb" 0^ c 0? 04^c oAbs^OCwt LfJLi ^ 7 j.^IaJi lX-ouD
- f f )

aUi Jy.c aJ jj-*j q! 0-Le q-> 0:!^ U 9

0eL*J! »^s. 0pJJ! ^^_e SjL

10 j*e;
8^3 0-*Le aJ ijlbii liLJb 3 *^i i-X-ijj uX-ptoJI q£ Jot^v ^jt

1) C a^bLiJi. 2) D om. two following traditions. 3) Mss. y^j. 4) A

O —
has ^yt, B £.y*ot, C ® e 6 the Glossary, s. v. ^.yLJ. 5) A
jo.sbjS’i 6) B »;jj£. 7) D om. 8) D ~y&- 9) B —}— ya» 3* 10) 9 yE*
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn cAbd al-Hakam. 172

\-La_) yjAsJS 3
Oywj 9
*» 0a 1 oy^o 0^5

_5^= sysLs^

$btJb Ui (67a) 5
((jylj'j (_5A=>I iCLw yA_^y>
^ '-V>E vi*

0j _j^c yb UJli *J KJsLL ‘hJj Uyi jJUs £A*aj ^ xjtj u*Jj^bl 6

&aj A*

y*vJf xxyy
O -
^ bLc> Oy> (j*JbLbt *JuAv.
0-5 (jolxJ!

j*JLs U^L>l\5 9
|!^CbyvvLo 7 ^yvjd lysMs A-Sj l^iac Ai^ *oy« aoA/o \ly> **

*_5y= ^ !**>_; 5 ky ^ _5y= lyy^ls ^ yy

Ajjj 0j cy^. 0E ibtyd Lb'A=» ^Li>- Aa-c 0^ |
10 yiASl jjt 9
O- O —

sjji; uoi_*J!
0 -j
jy lyy Jyy iALiy.^\J! y-y ^ ^
05 0-5
0-j JLsLs 0Loo/«j 0-^P £ LeS IjjSAa 11
J-i-jbo 0j ^ ju&> yi LLjm*, (jwXs^JLI

5 w 5 £ £ ~ 5

L>! >Jyb q! (J^b ^ (joLju! JlSj vjjyb ^ Jjbbc 10

'i^jS. j, ljLL^- (jolxJf * ^IOsaX^I

A a r
. l_Aj'A> L*Y ujUai^-
0 j <\i
uAAi i_jye_l! X->jJ
0 ^y ^

1) Mss. always »y«; except that A once (namely where the earliest history
of the place is mentioned) has Oyw, as in Yaqut, who gives as his authority
certain Mss. of Ibn c
Abd al-Hakam. See further the Glossary, on the correct
form of the name. 2) A s^Li, B s^lo, C »^Li. Yaq. s. v., and also under

oy, »yw, and see the Glossary s. v. oy. Originally from 'AfSporovov?

3) A oy«3. 4) A «^Lo, B s^Uu, C »jLo. 5) This gloss is misplaced in

all the known Mss. of Ibn c

Abd al-Hakam, coming immediately after (j*Jj^b,

just below. It stood there also in the excellent codices used by Yaqut, and led
him astray; see especially III 522, where after citing our text: oy-y ^ 0^5
yjA&j! iJjyJ! oy^j SjL y lyrwfj X-ajAaO ^y^ syaLs^ ^OCseJLj Lii 0\jU2^ba

gJt, he proceeds (line 1 8 ff.) ^‘Lo 0^ yw! yJbl^L 0t JAj lAp


y5t (cf. Ill 31, line 19 f.). See also III 32, IY 737. But Yaqut is mis-
taken in this. The suffix in LyrJ could only have been intended to refer to
Sabrata, and the ^JbfjL of this narrative is a city, not a district. A marginal
gloss was inserted at the wrong point, perhaps even in the source used by Ibn
Abd al-Hakam. 6) D om. 7) BC ^-y^'- 8) D 9) D om.
foil. trad. 10) Mss. yoi. 11) C JJbw. 12) B om. 13) Beladh. 225 f.
171 Yale Oriental Series.

^LxJ! qJ sj? i51s q-e **'^1 ,3* V_>^ <3*

0^ doJo £S>j j JIs & *1 $J

j>j <A$e ^jjllaj! jyij j**£l Jx
ioj>-tj 0y*H U! -3y> ^jIe- Kiy JeOu qXj Jj jls .iLo ^j!

L> jLoj *Jb_5j 2

j4 jili qj £*&£. (joist!!
^ *>53 & Lg-^3 ®L> (3!

6 ^ 3 0V»-Lv^ii xL*^ xsy

J t O i- .

Lo'A> t&
0jyi.£5 00ot iU-w (j, jji
^Ce» ijoIxj!
0j 3 J^c ^Lw j jls

U~V/> 0>oL*JJ
v. 3
0 ^ -Sj^ ^ 5
JlS lAnw
0j ^j£ ^.xJo qJ <sl!t l\*£
(3^ J^e Jj-*-i .
0^s £-=>> J & CT^y^-5 3
10 0-3 03 J->_;
s^Ci J^E <?Urf j\JU ^
^ Lpyol^ 7 L^yi 0,

^ X-a-JAL) [j-322^5 ^jLj X-X-aa* 3 JAxaSa/S »j*E j»^_l qIJ jjJiA#

lao ^ 8 ^\J[ qI^j ^vJt Xa*? (J»c ijA^li ^U! SULals jjjo-j ^ yCwj fcJ! |yjw!

l3 " EjL*w yi ^jR^y

jy** 7~^~ '
'* X-A^.A^ 0fc-J L»aS X^Jl\U jy>*J
J»J '

10 L? Lwy«
^\JI *—jL^PU,
X_JL-J>\il XxE>[j
0 , u^le lAi tols jlhji
f&j^ i!

• 0 "

15 0 , Ijjl
XjLaO I^JlE>A5 ^S\JI &JLyO (jiSLE ^gAil £»i5ji!
0 , L^jJ! UCLvvO t^lA>53

j. iul^Ptj 3 j*e yEj!} ^Uaw
^ 0^ (J^ [53^5 &-c>lj

13 j$J
3 If. “b5t
j»3j!( jJ^s piW^ i^5 *

t3? AoAI! 3 0^ Lk>

1) B qL^. 2) B 3) B —(— L\e>. There is a note here in the

margin of A: jfS
jJLe *1!!
0 ?
0 Uj 0JjLki! eU/s
0_j 0^^£bl5t —S3 3 ^o>Lo q-j u*^Ua3 \f«v!

^JblJaj!} aij-o ^y^eXlt. See Glossary s. v. (j^E^la!. 4) CD ~hf&- 5) The

following narrative is quoted in BekrI-Slane 8f., Yaq. Ill 32, 522. 6) B ^JiJL

7) D L^xjjAy* 8) C —— 1

9) C iEjLo . 10) C l
A.wtj'O. 11) D 3^wJl.

12) Mss. 0 ,. 13) B jJcj.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. 170

3 1
(66a) jJLj ^Ju\yo XjvJI tj&J JoSj
m£ 5

0J A*.w *Uf Ju£ y«[5

y^LXJ Jj£ liUi J.C y«^l Jjjj
.e _ o ^
^ <*JJ) £lw KXJ&yA ^ (i)sj<3 ^L^OLaliS


*Sjj ^JC5

j.'iLwJl fwJL-Lc xi*i LJi o^L> jjXLc (jvLwIaj 4

0^-5 ^ 5

jff CT* ^5 5 ,s '-£-s

.5 ^ Vj-*^ i' UMr?L>^’'

itLJwj 6
XZfSj o^A&Xs j^iyiXs L JLu
^ "3^ ^LfwJ!
0 , l-jjw-j Li jLoyfcJt

w O- o£
5 5 5 * w ..

^3 ij^JjLLd! (j^y jCj!^S jLjA** v-jjii! (X!

5 5 — O- 5 w- cJ

viiAJjjj b*v\>J ^CaJlX/Q csaJjJj j^xJj &-o ^wsajI^ iwjjxif

l>j^5 j»'s|5 t^>3 Jw>i ,q-» pjjJ! 0» —gJ
q^> ^»5 7
Oj>-w iLJ-JiAxi 10

& |?obb (J>£

i_aJ»e. ^i aJjiJSj gJLo p^JJ IxiAi*

£.e iwUi lgl$>! ^Lai Xiy j»Jo L c^>
J«^ £ O3 ^ 0? ;L«i
O w _ s W.C
LLjlNj> til jfcLsj^ j, |JLjLo! 0, \y~>\ q* LgijOjJ ^LilO

xj’ljJ J.C (jol*il 0j %

jls lXx-w 0j Lol\j> £*L*v<s liVJUS l\*c
o -
0-» .»A^Lc- 1. f * i
j*XjLjj ^Lol 0^ j*
0 !
^L*Lf~. xL)^-w ^ 0^ 15

10 LlSiAs*
0, uJbLki;
0 I qj! LolX^> _jJ»o qJ 0^^c &iL>jQ-

qJ i-X_}j_j 0£ LiliJo X4J-W) qJ tiLJLlt l\>x Lol\=> ^ 0oL*JI qJ }jf-

0_ 0^ ^^oaiL
1 (jrfJjUait
til ujLaJCj slj‘( (j*LjO (66&) j! 2sJJ! iAxe

*U! l\x£ 0j >A_JjJ 0£ 0ji LLslX^> iCjLwx

^ tjUIt l\xc UoiA>

1) A om. 2) BC lajjyj. 8) I have transferred to this place the su-

perscription wrongly inserted above. See the Introduction. 4) The following

in Geogr. VI 91 (other refs, there). 5) B iujjLcj. Cf. Geogr. VII 339, and
-o -
also AdhsrX 2 (note s ). 6) C Xiu y 7) Mss. «j^w. On this name see below.

8) D l*JL>s. 9) A s. p., B JuJL 10) D om. the three following

169 Yale Oriental Series.

0-c q-c 1
(*jL=> Lo'Jo ^ja A**t U$\A> <$r niiXs. v_jyi£s

j+S. it (jolxtt q_J _j
j-tS. l-AS' Jlji 8 iA_S- *-*j! q£ * <_.yJtii q-J _5

O — -O .C s — — — — \H w

q! j*c
gs>i5^l xJ! v—Oi£a < *PA ay> iA^*j lXa£ aJliwJ v_jL!ct=&-5

V* -E .C —O -C

<5? lo Ijl>^j ^S ^s>! 2uli LgJU <$J

A-jty> u^*iw«*JJ ^AsJ!

L-«Jj t^Jls v
cy- ^*
A¥ 4 Lo\_\£>


J?lj1 jfs> L^JbCf. jJju J &_a-w crisis Lji^> ^jdl ^cyilt it J^J-t
w 505 y

L*Ji ^Aaoj! 6
£L5 j£ Q_J 5
(ji^p- ^_J ^-*^0 _ 5 JtaWjls IS^As Jpj
!sj-aa« 5j_LsSj ^ j^JLsa L^tyaj^lj iLoi i 7 X_jl_^*Jt i SylLw

10 j»^-*Jwt o|^w jJLId

bLia ^t h^po y$J>j! Lo (ic j*5^iAil Li 9
q_j tiULo „y> J—J JLajj jlj <$r ^LjAjIj jjJii!} jlxa j?A-Lc jji L^J-c |^s\p
o_ _ O — 5 0- — O 5 M
LgaJl> U; aJ j*Jlc NSj pL^lJt (jiaaxj Sm£> yli^t p^>lo jS>^ ^A^itt iU£.lj

_5^*£ oou Jj jLaj^ Jla &iiU3 »jp>l5 ^j+c it l$o!p* ^J, Hi 11 ^^laS!
v>mjw w_j Lgj jjis ij^jiJiSt it ^U*i ApHt it eyyS^Jt
u*^5 (jotxJt Qjt

13 jULi 12
15 jb>li Xjw^i l
^^ »jA=> 3jo^- c^i^a u*^att

LC£Ajt J<£> 3wOyiJt i^p>lj 0^0 jL>! *wjt jlajj .

j-i^L alils
LCot ^o'i) yS^.J! «-ic

<3? |*ict aittj L^+i^t iu^aj JUu j^Iait it

(jol*J! l3-t ^jlj 15 (j:^2jt

u*..aaSS iA*£ qJ jail t_>oL*i! jls

1) Thus A; cf. Mahss. II Notes, p. 160. 2) D ^t, and inserts

before it. 3) B it. 4) The following in Husn I 67. 5) B

6) AB s. p.j C jjyi, D icLa^c. 7) C wLsult. See EdrlsI, Gloss., p. 281.

8) B -f- i^>jit (sec. man.). 9) I have added the vowels. Husn LAS'. 10) D
jCol*j. 11) D —{— j^jksJt (ic jW^Vgs. 12) B otji, C » it
D om., with nearly

all the following. 13) B 14) Here follows, in all the Mss., the

superscription iCiy y'J, see below. 15) See above, p. 93, note 2.
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Ahd al-Hakam. ,

iAa> ^yalt y-F ijt-sLs ajw X-*jL 1

^.lAsb^ a-Ac ^lAsili Ky>l> ^t
-5 Cl _ _OC — -0 5 . -O
i_^-u33 ^j^o! Jls ^yt o-ytot yF i
JotpwJlj ajyaj ^ytoli .by-Jt
. - OM OC O - w 3

jls ^ a^Lc £sy aJt LU-Lt Jfs> ajLe ^Jb! Ui ajyto i_^<U ayto <Aiii adJty

. .C O O - w O
JU53 ^cAj! U! ci^

!^!^>i ^’Aj^ lXJ^ (j^Lo! *jAa*j A^o ^x. jlai ^ 4

c^yju^it 5

2 *
<5f ^sj'b ^5 j*Ic! ^ (jyU^Lt y_«lj jls

^1 y.c ^yo £_jlj ^£. 1_\jlw

^ ^bA> yLo qJ ait! iAa£ (_yj'Oo

y^mt 7
oLl^»! (3
0 s 4vbt 0-c 3ty«J! 6

i_jlXJC!li jy«yt slj't L*_li ujLIaJi (656) q-j y£ ^t (jalxJ! yyc ^ yE»

eU;y^b 0yjb 0 I yajl Jlas J^>yt 3 jts Jw-yt yjj Jls »!yb 10

y-JLbj ^t a—'j'tXs? t)^^' y*^ at jLiLi a_j sli'ls aoc>j*JS iCjyiistJ!

yo> aiy
y? aJ o!c 11
Sy 3^* aiy J$ »yj> syb 10
by 3^ t-y aoyaj buy^-S
0-0 o — — -C _ , £.

A-^j ^ySS' q| yyL-o^-tt ^-ycb jlas *1 O^-suJ )o IcO ^

£.)£. -5 Ajy o«o
; s

v-^53 aJ q^ 13 ol^ AIII5 AJ3 ^j^IAj 2

M G »c
Jw-jtt iA_X_vili 3_«J-wXt i^a>t a-wJL^ 'it (3y*XviM 3^3-* 3^ aJ 15

(j-Liit q(Aj! * q! j+e- wOlJb tAs ajj. j+e tit _^j! ^o-O^b
w »» ^ ^ 5

0^ 0C j»jL> qJ A^X^ 0
Lo x> A-w! LoAx> "& \X-wJLr^°

i_AJa^-t q-j tit ijobbt jy*E '~

r ^ Jls
sJc> a-ol Q^t
> ^ O ?C tf
% % % $ o -
Jsxftjj iiLJo ycf ^JLwl jii" >cf jJLwl 0"£ idiMO

17 20
aby'li y »_j ^lj j.^Lw'it a—*—L.a. (yo^t! aJ^> 3-bt q! j*£ a_*Jt j.iLw'it
" £

£ c
1) B altered (man. sec.) to piAsh 2) D om. 3) For B
y^l’i!, C (j^y'^t. 4) D oAaiLwt. 5) Superscription in C: |»i

je* 3^!. 6) BC See Hajar II 521 f. 7) B Li-t. 8) B ^ut.

9) BC om. 10) A by CD , jy, B jyi and adds (later) LCJb before »jJO.
5 —
11) AC (3y (vowels in A). 12) C 13) BC om. 14) D + ao.

15) B (jJjJt ^jut. 16) C om. 17) BC and also add ^t.
167 Yale Oriental Series.

xl SliLS
q;jA ^X! yeJLe 2sJJI
Jjy*j p>l^?t q, J-Py* oJj qJ <A^ JcixAi

Ji (j^Ui! L^_*_jL»_x_: iilyC*aJI 8 l\_^ Sis t*)L 5 L03 *JJIj Jjjt! JLiLi ysy* lj
iyi xy
A '
j .| L g- ,
^ »J
I L.^U ^afcaAtij

& LgJlS>t ^! LgijOyjj y*UJl

w 3 — O—

x^lx. <*US y*UJ! 'wa.L^ q-j j#x q! yJji o*^
yiaj 3^
* •» £ S O w W ,

Ju^j L*j| q^! 3

0^ q! ww*c>! iJi^ qU^ ^JU 3! tXS &]} y*UJi Igjj JIS JS

Lx-kXJt xp QjiAjy 4
|»!yj! »ty i \_5 x—ii »y>b yt Ju^> <A_s3 sAJLe. U5 xUS xj

w - '£ £ £ S -£ — _

J>! j#ioyu Us" Li] ^5 !

^Xj^lyb ^XSUxb ^D! I^Ju^li ydjJS au Q^Juy^
£ 3 w — — „ 3 0^
10 *Jaisijt i.Vsi j*i^Lj>t xit! LuUaj a 1
yp ytUo xJJt
3y*>j o}3 Jyu

^St yJsJ ypJt .yPjj ^>jJS

p yCsyu
tyi> xPe I
q-« jyjj I L*Jls pjtXxs

ydj^ »L*jCaib^
\j& 6
fyi ^ LLj^
G£ _
»IjUa 5 >|j
|^jc> 24

w wm w 3 w —S »« 3 «w

£ ^ £ 4 £ — 0'S _«.• .« ')

Sy^ xJ! 9
,3! Q^i ^«S3]y9} 8
f^iA^b *^3 ^UjuS ^3


15 jLi» (jol*i! qJ 3^: j»lSi . xJU xJUaS ^ slX-o yf-

10 (j«>ai i xxijJi iiU3
S w$ w w.3 O £ 5
«, ££
0^0 XJw^ U^i {J>^
^Uh£ y-t
V^ D 1 £l

Cv £ ^£ M V* S- . w 3 w
13 X^ai! 12 10 ^jJJt^ XX« XjUCj
St X_l^! XjUqSS 8lX-P yf- tjaJLS (jts XaaP>J (iU|
«M . 3 ^‘£ W ________ 3 £

y^j 3b
15 & j^JjJJ ^3 ^U^Ci 14
^3 ^j^j6 j$3yt>

16 * UStA^
20 tA-^ y*b! 0^ 0^ BJv^e 3^ Ui" y*»

obbLw (jls
17 toLstX)
OlAc jls jjizJ) qt, !i)o 3u(c (jy,y,! yy«L
i jlsj i_)LLl^ qJ y£
O _
G £ 3 £ OS
0 biy*v*9 y^Ljuf

0^^ lit (j*j*ii*33 £
0^ 3j*^ 0^^

1) B Igj^xyj. 2) The following in Tab, I 2741. 3) D tyit. 4) BB y.

5) D St. 6) BC 1XJjJb. 7) D ybJLw. 8) D 3 J^>'uJ.
9) B ^t.
10) BCD ^yasai. 11) B cor. to gJt Sp-^ pot liUL/ - r , Xelc ^!. 12) G
x>L»OAiS. 13) C xJJ> KksaXi t. 14) Mss. s. p, 15) BC insert Ji' (cancelled

in B). 16) B om., C om. £). 17) D J>L**j.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. 166


O _P .
w 5

jJCo JwP! ^23j^ X-oiJcL^ &Co v^S ^.gxxj ^jrJ^ ^yb*J! \>i

— — 3 O *o .C

^4.c jli^J} q^wJI Uli q! x_aJI ^a>o j

4.£. vi,t l_xx£s *ju JlS

1x3! 3! tPjXAV ^cjt ^! jliO 1. X j

!jj-XAV ^J*Lx)J jL-&—3 I^XX^O ^1 3>1j>
_O M — ,OC _ O — £

yj y»*J! 4
jyyls syto jco
^ jy, Jlas . Luo I

O -8
0yy (j^f 5

O 3 C.£ 3 <w
^ j*£l


*= .
!oli uj^! ^-*-^>
o — *
^ J3J! I3l$l3

l\xv! LjlS‘i\> i &^r>° 2*-x^ «Lxxo! ^-3? ^5} l^JUs

Q—^ (*"^ 0 “? l\*av j»LcLP

0—C qJ £^5 LoA=> 0j!

s lo
0, (^LwJCc.1 jls J JwjoLor. to JS jL- ye q! 7
<y^LcP- Axw q—j ^ye
3 «- ^ .. 3 $ _
ye (iLo ^bdaSl 1
J-A-jj ^Ls>- 0sL*JS cix/oAi L*JLi AjwI ye Jls <& t^ly) *jls y<y! 10

(_col\s^ jls & L^caJjj q! Jyj j$U-u lilyCoi! jLs^Ci! ^jIaxS LSjjCo plxiel! iAJiAj (j^Uii

0_j Hjy. 0_c l^w^I q£ £*x§J ^j! ljy>l jjd> (Axe qJ *U! Axe

^bji (Jlfij> 0j j^xjCe:- gOj ji/ jLai 0j eLIxJI ojLIeii y: jls

jLsj ojLLzii qJ y= i^xiils oASJ ioL« Lg_de oA5f ioL: jU^- 0^

O— £ ^ O -

Jls* i^>caxfij

!A^ 0l
.3 0! J^Ajj Aoui y=

jlia sLL*J(

|*x&> jLiii wAA^li -?JLoj

JLv. vyJ>\i

tA^ qIs 1
^ (*^L> L 15

ye Jls

~ - £ S 3 w £
^^aj’ lX-Js*)

» »
^ ^l\Jj! Lc aIS^ ^)C^> jLiLi l\j
Lo jUli
— t

Jx: ^iAi!

Lo’l\^> ^AxC qJ *Ut l\xC ^1 Lol\J> t& X5 l\x 3 U»ij 0^5

1— cljtL)
(jxUJi yF »•


boy y=
gLXo! |»fy»

0 -J (*x?L>-

^y*i «_o^iAo 0!
0! J_ib 0_e 0xji 0j
J^xJs ^LxLLt y^L>


0^y 0^ (3 (jxLJLl (i>>.yy» li^Xo 0! yotL^ (AJL jls t5? xojJCwo Aoto!

u l^syAo 0t jAj (65a) jilLu (jyCoJ! liUo ^vLL! ^jLas 13

^LP- j.L*L ^ ydl 0j!

1) B &XjAJ. 2) C Jouu. 3) B om. 4) C j^ls. 5) B + ^L

6) BC (_5yis. 7) A om., BC ^Ul, D om. whole isnud, as usual. 8) D^LsnJL

9) D om. 10) BC "i. 11) D om. this trad. 12) C £y*J. 13) B^lii.

14) C l
165 Yale Oriental Series.

3yx. L> i3li> yl L-l t

j*£- gj>5 Uii liVJJi
i&iXwli ^otlajCwi qIs »l\^ i_j

w f rn — w o ~S

JxAAij 3 Awjt As *j! yosb &J jlas sji=> ^y-wJu hli y-Jl=>S it ^Lii
w 5 , ^
0^3 ^o>y> J,j »l\o ^-wjLi ^lXJ^ lx>l <*J JlS ob&5 *o
w ? OC W _- w
Lo ilkAx j»jci ii)J3 liLoLc 8^_*Ja*s JsAt ij)JAj i^AsAs*
.. 5 0 .C S 3 3 .-

5 jL^il i\^f. Lo ^o 3j*c JLii LjLi-w xo 3

^Jjc>*, luj&»

ti_JJ> i*x>lw jlii oL^.ll it |jA^u ^ xA 5

jc.a lfruax>3 yx «3 j»ljtlj

x^Ulcj _j^= *AA xA.^ J^l_5 iH-jAlt ojj ^5 j 4 y^uit t<A£> (j, ^ ty«t

& Q^AvJt 200 JjtX-J

lX*a« qj ^JJi LLo aJJS a*x L*y ojUxi qj y.x q! JL«j _5 Jls

10 it
Ji5l£t ^S
: (JoL*Jt
OC r

i lAA

0-3 q£

iLoj ^
^y-J Ajj q-X AjOo

^eyjti liLilj (jolxit


qJ (jolxit

O £- .C O . C O —
i^LaaJ Lc l\*j Lo! (jolju! qJ &ajI »(j^£ b 6
^5 «lj^i Lo b!
C w G _C w .

Jolav*ji A>t q! yx-y

^ ^aix ^y^is ^a^x
j^£. likxji <iVj^ y ^ S*

^iJt j XAJtXil ^t i wby Jx. j.0o !

0| J

^saJ! J, tiUJI J^t £jt it
— M 3 0
15 o^Iij ii JoJt w\X5o it
10 1

—g-LsA) jO-« ttX^ 1

^ v^A^t ^] jljj

q-j ijoLxJ! it :
y*s. ioxi! -AOCj gLtAwo ^5j ^lidlo
^5 y**.£ tjlj j^>Jt y*t i
13 AJii
i Joju likoLxS* (_c-*1a (jobti!

w 4
£ 3 i W c W „ 3 o£
X * v»5 yo i^LJo liLJob
5 y4 (64&) Jjtij
0 /)
3 ! ii^otJLS*4 ^1 0JlxiXj jOJ!

^yO li-A
1 '- 0-^" * o'
yX: AoJ! A**5 Js*ii ' i LU4 -l
y£ ^yO LX^li! 13 Ait

20 & aAo UJS i^Aju ‘bSj. lfjb>5 L^awAx:^ LgjyAi L^L*Id

^t LjLjA> .yoxi iao qX uol*Jt 3 -5

1 1ft (jLiij •)

0_x g-<-^U ,3 !
q-j! qx ^ 0**°" qJ aUS A*x

1) AC JJjxJs. BC JAJ.
2) 3) C 4) B + 5) C
e^JLo. 6) AB 3, C ora. 7) BC om. 8) C !|*c. 9) D resumes here,
prefixing (see above) 20 j,l*Lit aA« (jv=>. 10) D Lplatb JJji;

l^>^3. 11) A NS3. 12) D + ^ix (

>). 13) B om. C Q t for xJt.

14) D om.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-TIakam. 164

A_Ut 2
lA? ^$3 q^Xs ^3 JAXxj ^5 ^_o^t L\P q! a! J^JLJ5 ^.yjt 1

j/wOJ aUIj v^OlX-O jljj yf- 0/0 t— LsUy//

liLJLc jU NSj iaVJo J, l\j>U'

^> a/j*j L * OiJLIajt a] Jliii i/3
aJGo Lo aJLxjLS!
0/0 ^^>5 _5^e Uyoiili aU! sLil a/Go £^£3
^ • 0 5 — #
— W ». .

yvJL'Oj-tt <*J jLiu ^cu\Jf tol UaaaqII jCa-wL^ ,3 (__a-\Jt gsU>t yGc>t y oS
y Lo 5

. 3 5 3 0 — 30 3

Lo A_jjj ^a*J! a-o 4 oy> 0/> oL j*JLs [»jLsJ! J-yJt 0* AiUi

w 5 o— . , . w
j-wo! gUli* J-^t liLJcXj aJJ! jjLGi aXoj aIjAU ^t j»L*Jail q^o ot^S

yS jJj*if lXxC q-J 5

<A*J iup ,jc> j.UkS! XO Jb+^J Jjj y^ y«f ^jy^U
—— 5 — 0 5 - 5 5 ~
uyJJ yX! »l—;->Lx-yc ^LaS ^LSili B^y! &x*y£

& j»jJLait Ls^b A>c>lj q^o 7 ^.Lw4jJ!

8 <_jlLJ-l
Ui-U\=> US' A_*j_t (.lAij (joL*Jf 0j 3^*.- jj'
0j JLsjj jls

0jt 0& 1-^3 qJ a!!! Aa£ L'L'l\j> |*X^- i\j£ 0j aJJ! iAaC 0j *ibL i_\a£ 9 ^jS>\

lA-S ujytSI
oi 3 j*-£3 L »
3^e ^_c aX^o- JIs
0-T^ -U c

0— ?
'-X *^ 5

0-£ a-t..j,

(64a) ywuJj —£-jLU

cU>j£ A_ij eVJLgj q! 00 IS
3 ^ ^i^eLcLj

0 5 * . 5 5 £ ^ Off

0^ iJaU*
0 -« aU! vi^Ur! (__®Aac ^y>jl _>!
— 0^3 AJL> 15
£ .
— 5 S £ —
^A>Ui 11

Lo .

aII! ^CiuJb
^ ^y*xhjJ«\
5 5

UsKs Uii pUw’S! JU* 0^i jUs\j‘ L^a2 0A« L-U'J ^ Ait 12 yC. Ai
14 ^.-CvJUi XjJu^ q! qI5 ^Ls\J! 13 xJC5 lXJCw!^ gs-Jj>! j-Lftil

5 - . ^05 S

L*_Li jUi 15 Ail«

Jotili j*Jti ^_*«c a! jL^\i>- ^t j,L*Lit A-<i ^U^V. LiAw Aaj

aJ LpSLiis ^*aho Uas 0/0 a*3^S J^>t tUjjJ ttUi3 jSL3 a-iLIt> 1 0j Aic 0/o 20

l.g.AAa^ ^oj ^L*-b OXJLlo ^ ^ Lo

1) D iA/c. 2) B lX^’. 3) A ora. 4) D -j>* This narrative also

Yaq. II 465 f., Mahas. II 417. 5) D om., so Husn, Yaq. 6) A axjuo.

7) Duqm. Y 53, Mahas. I 59, 3. 8) D skips from this point to the letter
of c
Amr, below. All four Mss. transpose the two names here. 9) BC om.

10) B >^U>jE, other Mss. s. p. 11) A j^OJJu. 12) C 13) BC aS^.

14) C . 15) BC oJjw (B ^).
163 Yale Oriental Series.

— C ^ Off ff — _ o — 3

q! <«!£*-> I i^s*>-w to! ^LA' Lo (63a) Aju
w 3 O O - , Cl O
j4X 2vUl : (joL*J( qJ yyx 1
<*)y> OJyi »1 j^£ Lj JS Lo
*« , — O ff .C

Ao (^ulJ b (^LxaJ LjO Axj Lo! (joLxJt
CP (jvyL-o^l!

a + *hr you aJ! avjyi . jsJJI A^y 3 tiLAc. yilwJfj ^ciAac l$y>lj ^A>x. 3 yju

& —
1 g-J yx. c^Ai Ui lC*j lyuoasu ^aaj ya*; lsy>lj aajAIL LgJjl ^IXs

j»L*Ut q, xJi U (you L^> Loj aajAIL J* jjOj JLc

U^U! J*E Lfiywib uoli, Jjt <A *^5 ^tyfcSf qJ y^-jySlj u-^£

* plstJai! Sj-lfL q' ^LxJaJ! ^ AaIc. Uj !y*J 4

o^o Jy5>!
^t lyeAs *
. O . — O— O _ ff o .,.

^cAJ! -L^jL 3A&AJ 3 «A«L^> !^oAjLj$ j^l^Lo

® yOfcxSI

ff . w $
10 UIs .
(j*Uif ^£. ^—!aj *]Jt s
y*- J3
iwiL^J L*J j»L*Ii!t aaS
> - c~

cp *a)x 7 j»A j (jol*i!

^ _«^4.c j,! *il! aj* jP (iU3

yJ-! BjAaS'
^5 y^/S (J^LvaII JsC Jo *JJ!
q| ^ L y= JlfiS AaLe |y>A& JJW

9U1e X-***y^5 JA '-*3,j^
c^^>! LJ £ ^yiif Asj
? ^ ff ff » Sw ?

L^Lo LsaI=» ^&=>! ^lJ sys l^l *>5

w w 5 Off


15 ^li isLjCcj K_a_jlXI! ^t jilxaif Ajy j^i J>

9 ^Cff»

^ - O 5>D- O-,

^ L^^UvJCi cLjL^Ij c^J( olLLili A-jy L? j-L-a-3 ^3 ci^

. 5ff

y^o J^! ww (^LJAj y^>L uSJLLuli *•*?


11 10
c iiA^ 1

(636) J, qI uj^u t^Sliij ^jJLc tiLSo J«sis

Go^ ff *« 3

, ff

jAijy H l3 12
lX> ^3 yil LX£> q! aI jyjjj iA^JJ j*ia*j'

w-*3 Jlsj
»|; (J^r
3* liVa^Aai ^t 1 AJJ0 jy£- £~>f
,ajJl~>! yo aj lj y«! U;
6 ‘ UV 35,
tlM-^ j
_j^c Ij liLJf ^ait J.IAj sAaj

yL*j' ^&yi
ya /0 J^t ^ ^yo SiA^ J^Aj t^Jlij iiU3 JJiis

1) A -(- iiUi. 2) C Ji. 3) C !yju. 4) D om. 5) A om. D has

Ja>5! for yJt>J!. 6) C Asuio. 7) A s. p., BC [»Afl3 ,

D and Husn j.Aiy.

8) The vowel in B. 9) C J^Uva. 10) D j. 11) B om. 12) D A^.

13) C y^t. 14) D + ,t£bc.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbd al-llakam. ,

_^5 iUl<^ qJ tiUi! (Ax£ LlSl\=» U*j v_jlir>!
CJ? q!

.C 5 C 5 O - ? O -A

^ oL^ o-
L> ^ c
’V cH cr
>^ o£
JoL/ ^LxE 5
oy> o’-5 I*
|/°’ li’ -jS?.

jls ^cot-JI u\*£

^ liJoyi i^ls v^5 cH’
O— 5
^ oy^y ^
w ^

5 .-
O^;^- ^ 5

lo >5 jjCi! jLslr (jol*Jt ^_j ^y= ^! J! ^yuLiS! (jr^" q-J liVjyw qS Loth
o %
£ _c > o >

0v3| j*£i ^lXJs! Lo 3^* jLii-5

^ ^<3bo! LLo***^
w Cj 5 w - > 9
uCfAM ^Voyi ^1 s^dP. V^llaii
^ y: ^i o^Jo l^= i^U3 ^Jj Lb _$y=
.C r w O ~0 -C f , ^^
»!yi! ^jLo ^ajI Ui *o ^>jui q? *~J! ^0l5i yox> jo^b 9 c^y>

1^-5* >i>3t>-o likxLcs Ijt Lo JLiii b lAyyi jliii 10 bC.y£ 10

liVJj v_iLxS^ j-a£

0 » #“A^I —3 ^2^-L iL ^ qO!3 q-» !l\P
11 i5| aJ ji5 tiAw*Ao

<J-e 0^3 Lis „jy>Li *J
o^ 8l
L! ^ (_ 5'Li Jot>l q! &Ut L\yc
w O ? «v .p

Lib^w i^VJjcb jls y*oji lXxj>» JlS v^A-i! ^1 l

^y 5

__ O- OC O _ S ^ - W £ 5
16 15 ^ixLiii
J^Sj 5! JlS q-I ^L5b jli* (jy-*o^L[ j-a^L aj6 JlS

^Vjyi ^1 (jo L*J I il '-aX>o jli* JIS oL*if

^ Lo
^U 15
? 5 w )

tj? 2 wo ^^Lia Loj J^sLs- ijc*^ o^’

xxjaLL (J^UJ! q! lXxjw Q_J viiOJ! q£ 17 S^a£ _j!

qJ aiJI Jux * Lo'Je>

q_j _j^= ^1 a'oLo^J f iL-i_w J,

i_jl_&ii qJ yf- iLj^L> J, JoAio ^ULo!

Lo! j»^Lw yol*J! q_j o^L*J! ^t oy^I! j-*wo! y+£ <sJJ! q-,

_>^3 o0 ^’ 20

1) C gjjjJI. Superscription wanting in B. 2) Husn 73. 3) Husn I 117.

4) Thus B, first hand, corrects from yLo, the reading of CD; A s^J>Li_j. C
D l. 5) Mss. vJ>!yj!. 6) B JoLii, C JoLw. 7) C c^ySL. 8) B om.
9) C c^A^u. 10) CD 11) BD lot. 12) BC 0Jols. 13) Pointed in A.

BC JJ^_yi.
14) B oL>!. 15) A ^olaLxi!. 16) Pointed in A. 17) D qLo^c*
101 Yale Oriental Series.

«OJ Z O 5 5 «w „ G 5 .£

q! q-« v_j»iyS ^Ulx: i^Aj J,l J^^IaJAwt

& p^UJtj . aJLe 1

<£b ^JLe ^ U ij^jcus

sd! j£.c. 1$>L.:=> A*x*

^ cAjJJS ^ILo qJ «*!!! Axe 2 LoAe»

AJ_*_j 3 iCAo I^Le-j

ii)J3 v_aJI >wsi! «Lji oxxUt ^x£ Jls* . vaJ!
o .-

5 5
>1+jOA! (j\p> Aju* 0_j Axe L^La-j vi^xlK jli . lu 4
u *jS, U: jf «-Jt wOlT
£ 5 - O M- >

ytfb £^\aUI ‘Axe L#b

q*£ c. jliLS olS! v^aJ! Lj-Jx

7 iiLlJ ^y= aJ jUi cAxUi ^x£ Jljj * &L$>a ^j 5
6 pjV,ytot
^ jls \j>jj Q-,

& Joukaai! 'w^r ^

UoL*Jt qJ ^yf- ^1! wjLia^ qJ yf 8
Ai" Jlif (^cyclstK o^ 1

"! qJ pLix5> LoA=>

si y - 5 "s- - s.

10 y^iyUl Jlss 5y= *JlxO 4jI^>5 bjLc 9

j^' cr» (A* !^
S*** o !

** y - - o 5 s.


Ax£ AE>t_5 (5 L+s

-p^Ao o !
*jr?s CT
10 8

/“ cr (
62i )
e!/ qQ .3 k>|r> &.*,
fojj cr ^ t\f

iAj^J LgJ^I J*^U JtA&J ^ l^y^O>3 Lpy lXavO^ L^\i3» KJbv J, SUjjJ

i_jUT & 13 12 ^yiJf

,3^ Jls X l^xs J»*c ^5 l^xs tAtf* Jjti Soli

15 J^«E UaAxwt UJ 16 jls AjoI qE. j*Xvj! qJ 15 Aj^j qj!

14 JsliiEi ^jjt yx£) Qjt

j&> iM*l Q-.

r-j ^ vAx*jT 2oJt Jj£- g, Syf L-jliaii

JLfij Jvxi L§E>iy>5 ^2A qE yf. SjX^Alj JaJiSS (^p

L'Ai 17 ioJ! ^jus
5 , S £
^ y^io (^JLotc^ Lg.j^Ux. Lj-jL^ l\^>^j y*A)

cr i)*^5 j-f ^^>'3 |»L*-5 LpAj^j ^ xils' a)

^L I8 a>Lj U|j

20 &W

1) BC p-^S. 2) Maqr. 1. c., Husn 69 mid., 70 bottom. 3) C om_

4) BD D om. &>. 5) C adu&At. 6) D 7) D om.

8) Husn 70, 6 a f., Maqr. 74, 7 a f. 9) A Jb. 10) BCD om.

11) D J3^j.
12) D JsF. 13) B + ^i ^ tfj>\
Axe Jl5. 14) B
\_xJLLe!. 15) C A-jj-j. 16) Husn 1. c., 10 a f. 17) BC om.

D -j
- L^A.

The Futuh-Misr of ,
Bm c
Abd al-Hakam. ICO

C- VI C- w —
2 LLi'lilo^ qJ ya *JJS 1
AaE? L*_& slAxj xU! J •a*J La_Ue uXJsj v_ioLo
0 1^.

4 ^_jyiA5 LaIav \j 3
L^Vjjj tikU ^ae Iaa*j! OU> 0 , *11! j*ic UJ (jvUsLe-

_ w- >
" 1 3«J
s !jXE>‘bSf»

^ 0-«3
0 , *11

! oLjw LlLs jo3

O 0-0
— i- -

vAju L^as iuCjSfj *LolXJ! A-acijji iiUj‘ qC <_X2S *11! qIj tlXUa (j^ajIs j*JsLo JS
C- w . . ? S O 5 SO o_ o - .

(j^j> 13^5 L^jLLis- Q-jlj aIIIj L>l ^yCs’ ^ 7 Li^c xo G

oi^XwJ ^ ^Aj! ^VjLx5^ 5

"C > S SO S wCv. 5

<J=y J-V
q-» u^,c (62a) I05 Lo^rij l$!jj| Lae£ ^aaRa! lA^il 335 o!g
" - O- 5 5 w ~
l« v_jyo Oj-J-J 0 ,
jJj 8 hgsr ^ lo ^Ja2E> UilstA^ \Ai

1 ,\a ^LwAJt LfJt L— g .. j i^y^S sLaav! 0_e Ul^ iiVJ *11 !


US' i_jLLu->!
0 _j *»J! <_aa£j & j.XaJ !_5 . ^ 0 X! |UiE *11 !

5 5 C? f )

ybt> (J;! 0 j *11! iAaaE

c ^a£j
0 -J *11! lXa£
0 j 0JL5?. XoLlie! v-jUi' ^ oA>) 10

u-jlii>! c (jeLxJ! qJ 10 j**aS

U55 )y® 3^
0 j j, 0 -fl •
1 (3 ^

to! ‘bit *1! 3 (_cxXj( *AJt tiLUt l\-J'! 3^ [•'bLw tjoUeJ! 0j 3 !

OjUi! oUU—aj Jj!

iiULAS"_5 „!^-L liULUj]. ^ i^Ua-I! lavas' sycS" v^>.ae~ cXjjj

14 Ljljta>! ya/« ttUoAi! 13 0^U! ^! iiUU 13 ^ao^!

- 0 5 ^ O ^ 5 w S05
*^5*, \+xl (i\J 15

u\i 0^^ ^clX-Lc^ Uli J-rLi 1 l\P ^1x5^ ii)b1 I«3l5

Q-J jJJf pMAj (joLxJ! aoJt U^0o ^


ji-P *b5! ^J!

*b5 ^l\J! aU! tiV-JI lXJ^! J>li (iVJLc j*bLw (jol*i!
^ v«j1Jx>!

U 5 5 k
5 Z
osil 0ji ^Ue! 3 !
17 ,*-EjJ5 Jj&) J, ^aNaaaaj 0^A^i! ^yo! 3lj! <-\Jis iAxj

3^! 0^5 20
(U*j' U ^Ias *
0E ua£j! 19 U *U!j 31^ oUjl3!!
v^[5 20

1) Mss. l\a^' or s. p. 2) C Uxlo^. 3) B 4) BC <Jyu..

5) C ^lVojj. 6) C ouaaaj. 7) C Ug^c. 8) B Jai^U. 9) B cor.

to (js-1
^ an d + qJC (appar.). 10) Mahas. I 73. (C qj!). 11) BC ouial!.

12) C ^1, D uej. 13) BC 0^. 14) B (cor.) D LgJUa-^, C Lgil*>!.

15) D om. 16) A only (also Maqr.). 17) B ^Ejjj, C (*-*=53. 18) C
o^i!}. 19) B (orig.) CD om. 20) C j*JL*i U gdo.
159 Yale Oriental Series.

55 3 .C 3 O - 3

toli (3—Ji3 J-Jjo

OS-a2J Q| jJ
1 -y£ f^S. LjuuLyw —
(A Jt3
D l v—AAjiJsJ}
3 3 3 j
<3-*-/0 bUs ^AW-Si j, (__cu\j! 3
0*3 tjJ ^ 2

5 .
3 » 5. - f)
t^JyL.ji ^cAj! Lo vi)J<3 £x> i^)u<3 <A^>y
° ^^LaJ sct^jJ!
C1 Ls^V5^


iJj^Vxi \^yjS 0-*Ji


w z
.c ? , z y

& i^.V —S3 ^Jo! q! cA^ji’ lAJij liAwiLi XJ oAs^o lo ^-ae l

JjeJ ^«85! Lolaj btyzw
3 w 3 .C

gVjtxf. >5 *il vi>J^ l\3 5 gU3 ^yi ^iyo vJu&» q!

" 8
^cl\a£.^ 1
^. 5 ^ ^a-Lc; 3 ^ywJI
lo jl^x. ii)sJL^c ^5| (^kJi3
j: „

(iLiwO l\:>j~> *Ui Aae Lit bLr xix; (iXJLwt l*c (61&) Slsui x3 S|jO *JJl

3—0 . u-
O 3
-» — OC
- l_M— ^ . w — J \J J — !_/ tv U ^ IM ..
14 oL^tAj * a_e L05 gAj! oU> 13 ^Att „y<b 13
j_g_JLJt 11
sllaijj v_3iil

10 Q-ijtt aJJI j*j»o (joL*Jt _jy/= xJI u^cjCs jli'

^ j.bLwJtj . jLs_<\J! j A_3 xila

A_f! iaVjAe (joLxJl yVA^jAt x_o! jf Ay*j

(i\jJt ^vlj j»^Ltv
0 _J (j-» <sl!i

^liiyLw! ^cA-tt 3 yXOylt „yo! 1 ilx5" AiLs Asu Lo! 8$! <*]! ^ ^Ail &)J|

— O —— w

^ ^

Jv-£ L^>ty>
^ 16
J-yS iLL&tyi!!
^ 13
Lfco ^c-iJt, J^t
3 O- - , O-

U^!* y!s L l»bL« !4t iAa^o Uaa) tl)J3 L>^3 ^UAj!

15 17
^ l\aa) 1_Lao *

? O
u^Cjt ^jJCc5
3 .W-

J—c tjj'i’ y=!

l^)oLa5^ jj, Lyy L-Jl.=> 18 Lyixi^ j-^->-lj q( o£3^

l5j^ c>^ 19
y=> (j^ ^ eU3 0 !
3 — — w- — OwS

Q-rV°; ijy^ Q-> v_)|jAaJt ^yO XO likJ ^1^ iA.aJj 21 OcJvii*Ji 20 olaeliiJL)

1) C _j.*3u. 2) Read Ljj Lju? See Glossary (jyi-). 3) B oist^j. 4) The

tasdld in A. 5) A with
J (
muhmala ). 6) D xcLsUJ. 7) BCD yxSj.

8) The middle vowel in A; B 9) B s. p. 10) D gj-??.* 11) C

LL*j;, D slxLij. 12) BCD j^-tt, also below. 13) B ^Att, also below.

14) A -JL>Jlj‘, but C -JLs\Ju better because of the intended rhyme, Husn *
(u ^ * (iv (l>

B s. p. 15) B cor. to xs. 16) B 3*3. 17) D xoLyo (sic). 18) C

L^xJb>\ 19) A yj>, B C y*p> (also later hand j£>-), D ^3». 20) BC
oL^iaiilL, D oL*AnaiL. 21) B (sec. man.) s. p.

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn c Abd al-Hakam. ,


Jwki jjyj ^ T^-j^
~y-aao jL»o

\_j_i A3 *j LVJyo
^ 4
Jo jLiio* (Jl» & yS?J!

q* (j*A&l oJj 3
e'J 3 ^£3
!ols 3
y>! Aiyo ykiU! ,Js£ 0^3 *
^ J 3^

S ,
w .C > -ff

. liyoxA >_-^j io! aUJo'3 Aoy Lo &! ^Acli io«Y o V*-lc

& j^-Le.5 *i!


— - O VJ s:

qJ 0^*^Jt 0£ l\*A« 0.J

0^ 0-^ 0^ (J^^
3 J

3 w ~ O £ w .- 3 3

j»lXJ5 U ao! l\o£. ^axi iw_jl ^£ !

lCsuo qJ q£ 0^'
O - . w - 5 .

Ic jlfli yCwjtS! <Aa£. ^<jI c

q^x; <J^
£-a-^ ,ww ^Lx^o S^oXi^l iAJs y*^
!yaA»S qLo 0j 0-wJi jo •
(jalXaL! jyoy! q^*U! j-*^-! (J, J?bLȣ^

^Lis\J! Ax£ 7 y^xJt o***^! _*-ot Lo A;> ’Sj.yJ! \o ^aJ! iut^oys j! j?Lloy* 10

(j^Aai xi] jUs ^.0.0 Jyy- qC L.*Y jL*« q! juu£ jj q£- Kotoi ^o! Lo'Ax>
? O - O - >

^ j»y^?V.L! jj yooifij! 0\J Lo

9 8
C * sILaa^I
S <j

Li" (joL*J! 0j 3^= jJo ^ „!ys^JI l-jIIjA-

0j yx LLuoJ LJi 10 jo (
61 a)

|*^X*J! 0^jit idJ! j*-wJ N-xJi wA-XS^ i\xjm 0j vi>.^d! 0-E 00 idJ! AxX LxoA— 15

41 ^Vdc
idli ii.l_JI A.?’) ijoL*J! 0j 3^ j! (jwojl! yy«! idJ! A.c u-,

^cAJ^ 13
tjio^t kiXxo^! tolo \a!c ijyi! J, (j!o A*o Lo! ^S> "^! a!! ^a!!

l\_s Lgjj.3
j>^3 jO j 33-J3 !l\L>3 *oL\£ LyJl^! oJJ! (j^Iox! As iCoaJjC. ojt—3(3
3 »3I » ,Cj3 3 .

tyJO 0, 13 SA— 0 UX^.xi "iL,- Ly-^i [»_L,=3 oUx^ait L^X>-!c

(_jx ijJo j^o — !ji- 0-,

ioOy icoaj!^ Lo j^c Ojj Lfst
44 L*-o 20

[ J3£.
0:AJ! A ijAobCo 3, OyT! 0X^3 lc i 3 Ax- ^3 Joj-X^is yi.

1) D jx*xi2j. 2) D om. 3) D !a^. 4) D -j- 5) D om. to end

of chapter. 6) Cf. Duqm. IY 34 ,
14 . 7) AC yxi, B s. p. 8) B om. (Cor.
in marg. has 3, y=). 9) C Jj^L, D _!^ JLx. 10 ) Husn I 69 f., Maqr. I 78 f.
11 ) D -j- *11 ! £JZ"j 5 ' D OjLu.
12 )
13 ) D 3
j$lj‘A-w. 14 ) B -(- xto.
15 ) B 16 ) BCD V3A>. 17 ) ACD 3.
157 Yale Oriented Series.

3 2
jlSj iA-5<5 wcsls ^Loj> s aJ5 ^Jag-il

- O — P 5 CP

xLw yf- yJ! vXI tiLJjo ^aa^s (jyL-^il ^ 4 d'JJ J,
* 1^015"!

jL&s 8
<?JL*o L^J £Sxxj "iijj §Lo l^j 7 JjxxX-xo ^Sj s
Ojj ^ ^ lo &j ijLIact

\xi! >__axXs j,S iiV_Ji_\j v—*.x£s &jls>U! L g *s i—vx£!t Lgi£o iA^\xi Lit

-«• OP
O r w .1 w
dV-L*J5 oLo ^yn L^-o 10 ^j>li 9 *^| ^LLi* ^Jlju Li]
5 (606) *h$

— — (*» O —
*1 jL*? ^l*JS
^ L^xS 12 ^sO ^ jjt
0 Ks
11 2UL^ NS_5


q~£ yK$>2 ^ !
qX: iLo qUaC LoOo Uy 5^AJ u*jyili _
jlgS O^C- Ja&

(__CLXJt lX<J!
^ ^Liis Ui'iA^ic L\_$ ^ 14
^ to * Lo jls
lC«x£ ^ 13 s\L*x.

ji5 £*xiJ (j-?5 0^ Jsiyxit 0j (ilP LoAp> <3/ ^.xxJjj SjA&Jt

10 <£x4- j-^»w &> -* *< |*>Jji vix*5»j i3^". I'A-? 1

0^-J Lo jjt LoUS" ,j, tA^Jw Lit

O — O cO w ii
4 ^-x_si
JliSj & (j^JLwsJU sy*iw L^ljo»li JAaa jLai *_jUoii
^ jj jJyjj i-^XXs

Lo'lVs- Ui'
O «
j*JtLi> aU! jyWj L_jL^P 1
^ W
L^x-j ^-X-Si-S
0 -J SjUx

0fL*Jt 0 J K.w-+.r>
0^ 0^ *^L/o ^L+ic
O - &-30- .. , J
17 KiiJo
»jX2J jjtj ^C'A-X-J J! o^,s- * iAxcj <Ax£j
0 j aJJ! <si!!

H O _ — J O >

15 (jls ^jjylxai’^! JsJLi? ilJLwx^*,

0^ic JlSj .
^olc *^^5 i_C)La*^
.-O- Cj«3 »
& 0^ ‘Aju loj sVjL^-t ^laiLo ^xxaai! 0%j Lo j*J3ftitj iC*x^J jjjjt

3 3

0xxJ jls X-y.A-jj

^ 18 ijj^>t .^-vxaflJt j, alxi>t l\s 5

xU! <Ax£j ^-x_2_c lAxstxv 1—oiA^> ^ ^p>LxJt iJjLJj j*jelxa

( S*^
jlii-s ^U>^t i_x*S^ i^s. LxJc >0 jls Xxjt
0 fi iJLias qJ j^e^J! Lx'i'A^* ‘bSls
19 l>Ixc

21 20
20 LxJijj jls ^xxaiiSt Q^J^ai' L« jlas js5>! q/« Lxis j*j!i!
0^° L*J

1) D jJL*. 2) B cor. to 0\jcwJo. 3) B ,j,. 4) D om. 5) D aJLw.

6) B £jjJ. 7) C -LxxxxvJ. 8) D+ hjf- 9) D 4*v3. 10) The hamza in B.

11 ) C wsxxj. 12) BC 13) B solxc. 14) BCD ^3. 15) D om.

this trad. 16) C lX*^. 17) A om. 18) D has instead: y^Yi j—ui-s

(Cod. c^-**^- ) 1 cs^yi 0^0 j*^lxs (jT'vyo jw*)} jS>LxJI (_5^3y9 d^S t5>^l

jj^c ^xxas iuX)j j[


gJt yax. 19) Mss. s. p. 20) BC jyii. 21) B ^yoiu.

The Futuli-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam.,
' 156

^ jd-w! ^iXio *A^>^j

^y^ ‘Lljr*' ^ ^y^

a)JI Axe qJ “
Cr'jj O*" CJ^
ti-VU! Ajx. lxkA> Li"

q! O-^J^ lX— iLLlf Axx

ct^ i~

ii)Axd jlJLs tAJj J,

bA^>\^> ^j! KtXFi hAAJS JJ4 ^ j*L*t JLc WjU £x2J

^JLkskJ k— i_xJ! J_^l q] aUIjs ye.?. tAl5

Oj^ o’ 8 ^ 5

Lol\j> t& lAJj Ai.c ysL*3 ^xx) jjLwl

j^p (
LjJWaj‘ v^SjiCi ^U/o w^y q/« <Lj>

Axe yf <_xx>j> (3^ qJ Ajjj Kat^y

Lxi\A=> iULww« eLi! Axt
V*. . . f ) w -
^ jJjwt ^yO q-£- iuj?- ^4aJ q!
g'jy" qL=* * 3,1 >—xiA j4j*j!

iOJ! q! r -
L^ \ylki sKjJt \yj‘!j sbLJ! tj-xlslj !j-jb' qIs Jls 3L-*4s dyi

" 0 S.

*y> L bL y>^l j.yJLi
^5 aUL ^y^y. b5 qjAJS I^lils JlSj .

-- O 0?
5 ^ i . w . . _ _ 1 5

l^IaJU ^5^ L-jLoCJI t^j^t qJlXJ! 0*->* 0Jl> q^UiAj ^ \JJ!

0 5 -
jls Aatw qJ i£>-J-'i Lx_iA^> bU-Lw^j ii\J_It Axe. LxjA^>5 7 jfuo Aj
^ »

^xJU! $ J/ . y+JU a Ui 9^;ij (^CyLoj A-*~vj Q_J aU! Ax*i

0 l5"

xa*j Li^ot
0-5^ i^j ij 2

qJ 10
LlSA=> LLo Ax£j o’^£
3'b oXjtxv ^jxLJt *4’S L!! LL*a 15

i » w 05

^La-Lc (3
jk^_5 11 ^A^ui ^5 Lj
w? OC Ofr
^LcU.^- jCCw J,
5 5 £ — O _ «m

!^A2^>l3 JsA,vwLj w! l\-^0 ^

505 w £ >
«. O 5

^yo Jo! LyL< ^i/ot ^5

L^o (j^\j yb Kjy Hyix:

jjuJic (jisyL qjJJI 3L»j!! 20

3 0-5 £

5 jf“ jo lX^aw v^JAaJJI Lol> 0 gJ-O qJ aIII l\a£ LolX^>

1) D om. 2) B 3) D 4-^-tolaJL 4) D L^uj. 5) Mss. s. p. 6) Sura

9, 5. 7) Sura 9, 29. 8) D om. this trad. 9) BC J&aXct. 10) Husn I 69, 7.

11)C L ^. 12) D iwXJCIj. 13)BC»y>o. 14) B om.; C om. J,. 15) C

iuys 16) B (joyu. 17) Husn I 65, Maqr. I 124, mid. 18) Also Yaq. IY 608,
mid., Mahas. I 38, Faqlh 59, 14, al.
155 Yale Oriental Series.

U Si C


ya/« lP> !

o !
b5/. c/ >*>"*

o’ ^

^[5 Julc
ioLjb' K_JjU dLL> ob ^ 1

^ oh 0 *a 1
^ U!

yK~\A 0^ "6? Li-Cw XL-T^JT*“ 0-» p5

X 1 "•
^ |*b*—*0 0-1
J 0 5

^ <2U^0 O^o q-* oy 0^ {iLLo yb 0,

4 ^o'j gsLaj! liUAi gJ^oJ

<& j*JLet alltj . iLj; joJIe i^Lo U/O ^Uc jj>iy

0-b _j^c 0-J lA^* Q-C wbJJj Qjt bb'Jo ibi-w^o 0-J dLLl! Jyx: LbJo

ytf X-Jj£
5 "
JLm v 1

J *
^ ^ (^ ^

°- 5

J*. £l
gL Lo ^aj! 0-j liLJU
JlSj ^V-Lit

w ?

titvys: &joJ q! *i5

y 3 .

^5 l\-^>! I^UwO ^ 7 ^li Zy£. gJ3 I03 jjl> yp

^ j*Lwt

0/o gAoJS Jb>!
o ^ J^j^
, i
cr ^.AjT c*^'
O -

iooX*] jy>i ^Obo |*JL 4 0^5 syx. !jiA>! 0jiAi( sjjbsil j£>t Lo!j &JL05 2U^b osol
-E SO- 5 .C 5 ._ Co
0*^5 Ua5 OjLo^ j?L>^b
I^aIc S^bi 0*^ y^JUv^Ji Zj&J} XmaSU

Lo j^bJ>£;
0^3 ! jbj: I^-Laa
^ 0^4 ]^*Jboj l^ssJubot j.^5 1? Lft gJbb!

k_jLL^ 10 iA=0j
0j j-f Lo !^bx_^ ^_j
^uJLc o!j_j 0! i^J ^jj xJlc |j^-Lo
C55^w OS5 5 5

15 |*-XSyj 0^w.jf
oJ - O
iAi jLfti

(jaL^JI <w^Ia>
y ^^5

y= L^-o ^JLo ^ ^jy> Lot^ jli* .

13 jC^\^|yl J^c.

iA_P 14
3j> * L^_^03! 0^.b^^ 0*1 —bJ! 0aj L^fwJb jj6 (jjSj^t yi! l\_s 0t

J. 0^ w»/b" '
^Ubo Xsyut O^Lil J^>l jbwj 0! cb/ i_A>b


0, vy^> 0^ 0 5 _ > dbj J> J, Ajlob 5 ]_5 0bbo L.».JLc dbJb 0^ A^>j 0^ dbJb

20 lX/X 0_J yf- 0t lX*aw 0J o*-bJI Lo JO XUb*vO 0j dU-l) A*x Lo Jo &0 *LwiS r

0*>JbJ! j vJi^-tj
^ JJi 0, ibojJ! (
60 a) ^ 15
cr*^ £^5 j -^ 3

d^ Lit Ax jljy Jls <& xjJj ^£. ]^JLwt 0, yLbr J,
^Lo |*Lw! 0-0
16 ^La

1) C-j-JJt. 2) B x/bL. C auit)'. 3) C om. j. 4) B om. 5) A

s. p., C go Jo. 6) D resumes. 7) BC dbJjf. 8) D ^jLc. 9) C ^jjbboj.

10) C 0oJ3t. 11) BC om. 12) B C 13) B »LS&>yi.

14) BC Jj_j j*Ji (B cor. in marg. to bjj'li). 15 ) D 0, ^_e. (as in Maqr.).

16) BC ^bo.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ~Abd al-Hakam. ,

, . o o ff o

Lo ^ JlJLi (jolxJ!
^yj ^c. 1
ui>j woLo
^ a./>! a t? c ! ^
^ ^
^"^5 -^JT^ v3^"

w ^ 3 O ~
qL, yCJiE byS"" U-Jx q! I »-5 *ity> yjt Lx! Lo liL-iyE*! L vJdi-wJ!
... - O w w w 5

yxo ^! ,11 xv-Po xa-jiAJJ- L\_$> ,

1! xv-SO 5
q-Xj .
yX-ix LuLax* LLc ^JUiJ>
s o -
<& s^Lc

jla xyx> i_\_-iyj q£ K*wgJ qj! Ll3 iAe> ixLwx qJ tiUI! l\ae LajA>
O 3 O ff w _wff

*Jloj .WJU a] ^ Uj! <A^C
O Off
Uo'l\s> iC+i-w^o Lo'iAe* yv4l_w.Lt Lyls
^y tiLU! l\_»x *St jJLe all!
yy (jx

q 43 Lijiuu 2wJy» Jx 1^4-Lo J,y
L»jI jls yyti! Ju£ y y= ^! L ^** w
^y ^yx*
Ic q! lX_os_w 1

^_Jt x-XS^ ‘ xyJJt jlj $1 ^UX-jLs^J s^i J3 a_y^! qI^" |!Jwo

3! SlX-Jj 3! lXaE y_, ^LaJle 10

jj:i3Ji oiil y, *J ^lAXyl 9
I03 j^Xiys- 8
ij- -Le^oJ t

°— w

q! ^uS! oyy yx xeLo! qL j5L> ^uls yL> tiUJ ^13 iuL> 3! syj 3! ^ou
« . ci _ ? ff ffG. O- Off - Off

i)^9 yOo y! 83^ jjLs? ^^jt ^ fjjjS'f U>3 11 ^AWJ!

ls>s}jf (_= J Li Li iwJjll iA*j LLai yl3 i^Jj^. Oyto! ^Jx Oy yt (j»^l
G ) —

ff . -
.. t
Jy*^ er^s Jls •
^ tyL>

—L^> ^yi xiyit Ly LXyy iuyif Jx yyLj' i^U^> (59&) yy>3 jLx>yl
v« ' ff w 5

Lils jls*j!t JuyiJt Jae sL*-wvo tv-jy> j^oJ^E yJt * K_j


y>y 14
q! 0^(3 NS3 *J Jjj ^ ^0 13 yylt J.$t y, iiU^> ^cy

g-y J3 (j^

^ ^yy> yr*-^
"U y. ^ O 5

ff . w
(_P3jL! ^_ic ii—JjS- yjysjt 1A3E qJ yf- jli} VEEV.JJ) jlj ft yvJLvwJL! KJoji
LxjiAe> qJ liUi—Lt i\j.c L_u'w\e & 15
K/vXJ! JO't iAjy yyi?^! JLe x^w__J»

0-J yjyxJt iAae q_j y= yl isoly- qJ tlUi! A>x ^y; jyt

tvX-^ dUIl Jyx xaJl\e»3 jlj

^LjLx>! (
jx Ja^Jt (
*-yj> JotaV

1) B Li>l. 2) C y*aj. 3) D Lit. 4) x.wyjat. 5) D om. re-
mainder, also following trad. 6) C -f- Lti'iAx- Jls ^yi. 7) D om. following.
8) C cn . 9) B L4-0 L03 ,
C 1^3. 10) C yyAJt. 11) C SjyJ.

12) C tyj. 13) B om. 14) BC 0 Li. 15) C ^t. 16) AC s. p., B yoyL.
153 Yale Oriental Series.

,t O ) w £.

J *Lwjp p
; o -
iFy^ cr* '—£-*-= ks *F.F iK J/>3 |SUvF 0yJuFF
^ (ja^t *-L*e>- Q-, * SLjIjlXjMj
jJuvoLXi 3 qJJsLxI (je^I q, ^.yysrj
05 5

* l^Ey 3
OiAe 4 Lyt/a
Ji 3
L< ,X! !_
5j*-U ii3lj qLLiL»a<JI
, 5jjj (j%r»1.w..»J J KiLyCaj! ^.yS?.

G E M 5

5 ^ £<JL> Lg,xs v^i!^

q 13 ^iA&j ^LvoJ!
^ 6

^<? — jylt! 3! s_jLXaI! Jy-yS! ‘bSf qJo' lo JX>3 I
jl».V^>I ^lXJXj LJaJe
11 10
q-» UF 'iXJo QyfWU Jj (jEj^l OlXe J^~£. I^FL-O g!y^ O'* (_5^

gy ^e U**2 UCwj 12
X/toj! <_Xe>!
y? qIs |JUslb (59a) ^(Ai Je ^JJ> ^yS! uXjy

jF lo
(^Jocl »oLy!t Ayy ^ w
^ ^(3 jLFF^! Je eLe
yF 13

10 Jayly Je ^ol^j .
jjGXXc Je t*U<3
[j^vaS !j_e>LaIo ^li ^seeJI JJ>! ee
q-E (_C
3^ — lX/j
til . liXJo Je 12 (jEj^S ^ywib Llplyjj 17 ^.Jy4E3 WU.t 16

~0 >

,Ja*:>3 . iyE-
f-L^L l
*9 ^5X_Xj Lwy! Qysi't&AA* yoj ytLo
05 O O _, O- w w _
yJx ^yLj jji JsyiSt yJt« q-»
yF eO^ eA-e! ^LXi JjC! ^JuIe
vv # O-
l>L\/)! iCCw lXjLo^j 20 iLoy 3 iLo yto

15 u^o^j
y qc isUlwwo
^y liUii JyE LoAe> UT ujlkli y= ^3
"b5 iCwEJ JsC
^y-w L« QjL\Pl*it Q-, *^lo L>E>Lj Ujlyi Qj! qE

jf" L;^Ai*v yc» yyy\J 1

yE — 1
cr^ iya ^3 L? *.aC i^XJo

(_53j 3 jls
^ ^UeXw! ^Aib ^JuJe o|^ (yjt*Avt
^3 ^Ue ^Jl&> |yyb:E>S ioli »ysl j.

0 tiA>
i XFj ,i;t qJ
Ui? 0 0 Lf !
^ cr^ gjyi ^y

1) J-sy, D J-Fy- 2) C ^yAXxF (= Maqr.), D ^lX^as (as in Husn).

3) BC UooSlXs. 4) D om. (writing oAcj). 5) B cor. to LyU ^yyys?. j

^yJLwIf ictjyoi Uaaw. 6) B Lyo ioy Lo (lo and Lyi later). 7) B slyt

yJL> (»! yd in marg.), cf. Husn. 8) D om. foil, clause. 9) So A (recte);

B ^LaaII; BC „3yll^ (Husn, Maqr. avoid the ellipsis, reading 1

}e^)* 10) A
s. p., BC om. (D has Lyj^-vAiLi)- 11) C f^^wJu. 12) C om. 13) C Li.

14) C LLet. 15) D ywi. 16) D om., and following through eO;' esuej.

17) B ^yiyj,. 18) ABC om. 3. CD om. cr, (secondary in B). 19) B ^UIe.
20) D wyElfj. 21) D «Ua. 22) D £*ej. 23) BC litj.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn c Abel al-Hakam. 152

qJ yf5 yf- qJ <sJJt Jy-c ,jro'A> ^j! 1 — iULw^o q_> ^UI! Jy_c
we £ off
l>LLS»^ 1 slyo! ,11 w<J^ ^J-«X q! \.$ijl£> \jl y-+£. ^yO yLJ l»lj

O;^ LyjO> qj-*^ (*-t^_j-?'5 • 0-» "
‘V.jr’- 1

XLjL^it ry, (jyj-wlt

cn <J*C

£ S
0 L j! “
^ ^ ^ 4
'^) cr
O _ _
xLu=> cr
G— — .
o ?

j^w ®
t3^ CT*5

9 ~
L^ywXj ^Jt isywjdij yJI ® ^Ckicj iik>^JI 0^Oi ^ qIawj! JjC

10 s
. JLJ j.'bLw i!
q-, |9_j jji q^ua^jj (j*L>Jt (jv.^oyLi

yjj-oj ^ qI^j . lilo^St j*i" (^ol ^ ^LwJt J^jCJ LcLo y^c.

u^olTj Jls t&X-jjJL J-5>! JL>j ol i-c! j,

pj&o. ^UaaaS^ s LwJljl Jlc x^IL 1°

_5 yf’ X-jLJj ,3, JoS-v. 0-J u^yJJ! Q-C. 11

liXXU o\yC. Lo J^> Li” yjlLlJ^ qJ yf- XOj
^ (j^a-w LoA=> jls (_5yy« Aa«! Lu'iA> & otAxil iOiw (jolxJI

> w - 5

K-iL/iP O^wJ! J^C. ijlj

1S i_)yu2^
(yj iCijL> {
-jt. oi^i 12

6? <?<iLo oia-yJi IvLJj j»yi

^ ,:>
*~> ^»c yjt oLw^Xwt (jol*Ji ^* ^
j»_ 5ji! i\ j! l a! LI ijF 0^5 ( 3

Jjj q[j I^uie- '-^j Lg_l^l !>3! JaOoCJL ^U‘.;Lo- ^O'ij

SjU*JI J, 0yLi>'L^yi 18 ili^£: 17 jyXiAi

L^JUf>5 i\.u.»
LgjjjLoj iy.yj JJ" |yaiii ^3y>y
^iut! 19 l^ysl
jLt iU-wJi!i tiLLXj ’s^kJL !of (_5^> < il

1) B tjjyxu, A s. p. 2) BC ora. D omits all tliis trad, until ^LX_jy>j.

3) BD d Sl\*. 4) D c^JI. 5) BC + cr .
6) BC 7) D
8) BC iylcj. 9) C aywjCi!, and j^LS!. 10) D tjUtAj olo-'iM
and ora. rest of trad. 11) C -|- ’^Lws . 12) C q-i! . 13) Thus A,
with Law above the line. 14) CD v_iuy-w! (C orig, as in text). 15) D -f-

0» LgJtyi!. 16) CD !l>!^. 17) C (also B orig.) £*jsXs. 18) The reading

in Husn, probably correct. A has BC 0^^ (B s. p.), D y*>£.


Maqr. t^st^c. In B the whole clause was found too difficult, and corrected so

as to read: L^J_^i cLv^ cr»

the other words being cancelled.
19) B cor. to lyzjsl (^ji).
151 Yale Oriental Series.

o — . .

LgjO 5CC^\JU3 *j j*yu ^ 1
kS$ LgJOa * £ ^Ls\Jl!

O w ,w ) S ww O £.

^ y^jo Jj?! q_£ Sjm.J! KJOaJ! iiUj X—LkJ (j, Ld^J yi*s. )uw aJJI »!j>! lXJs,

^j*Xe Lo\As»
istr9 o
ii ^ i^y 4
£ j:

Q^Cji jf ,J>c (&3 j*_xLo

5 gLJLi* <3 aJJI »ty>l I^Ujod q! *l>^

aUI (oA5* ^JJS jxvXj q( (j^y)

LA ujLLii ^J 8
iJ^kxj &U! w-)L^wb 7 Wj<3 kJLJlJI


&—J iJl .,
•v •

2uJS ^.Lx^. ^ SLjj^JL v-jlLii qJ yf ^^3 jls

10 3*^ y**^ ^^Xab? LasSuX.^^* L^S”** ^a£W)

- O „, 3 3 0 -
out KjLc L$ysij^> ^JoS^ iPybLi £ Lo
3 LP^yM^ SwlSi^ 10 Lg^\Jli> yL^\j yap
18 12
^3 l£z tiXJo q^xlX-s ^ ^XJ>3 q^aaaxj ^Lit ^Ln^o 11 l&it

wXas LasSuX^^’ iyi j*s 14

wOS" J* tatUL^
O 3 J
17 16
V-JOj *3 (^^v. j*
0-^ <&Ut 0*X ^IjLO Q-J *UI u\a£ q£ ^JJi <Aa£ 0jl

] 5 LtojC oJiS^St y>iyjj |JlZoyj jjUiLLvo [j^trJj (joLoyL K^uXil (586) J>Pt

*^5 jLe y^C2J ‘bSj
19 >^a_Le Oj> qi (j^: ^Jl K_)jii 18 j^y&J

qJ 22 LjLS'lX»J> <& J, (jJ^JuvIL Q^-wJo 21 ^EiAj ^5 20 qIiA^JI (JyE

24 qJ l\+^° q£. 23
Lvx\s*j ^CiiAs* Lstslj
q! g>jLc qJ Qjjy I iAa£ ^1 Lo'Jo vi^uJJ!

1) D 2) B y. D +
— £-
aUL 8) C + (5>JL 4) D iif. 5) D om.

6) BC om.; A has after !y^j. 7) B om. foil, sentence. 8) B (as

in Maqr.). 9) Cf. especially Husn I 68 ff., Maqr. I 76 IF. 10) BD L^U^>.

11) 12) The vowel in B, A ^U(. Coptic nope, § ee Glossary.

13) D J^jJL 14) B + ^t* 15) B om. 16) D pref. ^y= ^!. 17) C
18) B A s. p. 19) B ^yiS, D 20) D -f* ^1*^!! Je
21) A s. p., B (?^CL\j

D om. 22) B Jcotw. 23) C ^ !. 24) Thus in

A, See Qam. I 199.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,
' 150

6 yi otyittj isllAL ,i yj LocXli J, aJJI iuii Q*,

cX-otw 2
UAAj> & iLi_p- j q^! jt-j qLs^>3 £*41 ij. =Uf j-gi 1
qL?Uvj (58a)

(i! Ajy LoOo ‘htli Kx>xJ

aU! iA>.e3 <Axa*
^y kii-wJJ! lo\As> yyi yt ^yt

&y>b5! g, J-yJ! Lot5^ au! ^iUiLl! sJ>LXx> ^1 jjJ>- <*;!

Lo »y>bS! j, &_L>o3 O I^lLw ,_cJ1

J—e_0 Q-, ^yo Lo ^y=t 4 5

^ jLyO cr oyv. Lo jfl

y^> otyttj O 6
l5^« (jj* ^UO

-f* (jJt ^LyhM
^ 0y^ Lo jj£.\ sLo qL^>5 O
Q_jt ^jS. yXo ^_j ^yXc —Xjl>o
I LA j-^^o (joL*Jt
^y _jy=
Lis jls

iL>^> uv> lpLO Qj 3y= lyL! Jt o3o 0^ qc ^LsniL

O* U*^

Lyj ^] (yy? ‘ht LO LJuXj q! yyohtt lylt aJ t^Jlaj ysO yXi! 0-» iGj^j 10

yOSI 15
L\P ^ 14
0i^' X_LL syLc ls jUa
tot A_j| t^Jli' * vi)t<3 Lo
3 ^
^ LLc LJjt>j lyyt LLytojIi 14 Lyyt 0jo * yo Kj^L> ^t bA^

j»bLO ,3 L\P q| »)jf- (Jlai JyO LO ,j, IpIaa&S! Jj Lo

— o ‘
ff „

^.yj ^Lx-Ls *b5 Lo j*l\^j

5 yF 3 o^
A-Jl u-aaJsj ii^_SiA-J ^t i_aJC5"" L*Ja =^L>Li 1

^5^* 15
0j y-p [

Off 9 _
20 19 o\i 18 2
LyilLi iLiLIi<j tiVjJt lXJsj *_L*> Lo ^lX^j j.^Lw^t

. li-o Sols iLilla*Jt
gj c^~
c ' ’Lx^i* j»u\_J LoIj ^Lx^ lilbl to! J-^Xi! J^^to ,j,

^ O wff ff

0^ ^ t &L! t lXxc 0*^

J ^

^ll&St lA^I^Jt
*JJt litoySV: i__c<3Jt ^LyiJt v0o|jJt aitt
^ q!3

^y>o bLi tiU>Lo


J^t L^J iAij |»yo i_-*.^*3^! Js>o J^yJt ^ ioLa^Jt ^yf- ^-iiiLs ^t 20
j»y .

1) B -f- 2) D oni. this trad. 3) C qj!. 4) BC ^Lmc, in B pre-

ceded by t^cysr. (added later). 5) BC LlJ. 6) C iPlLw. 7) BC !yx>.

8) C L^Uw. 9) BC L$Lf*. 10) The following in Husn II 190, Maqr. I

58, 14 ff., Mahas. I 37, Mokadd. 207, Ibn al-Faqlh 95 f., al. 11) D Jjx: idlt gi.
ff-» i
12) A io^j, also below; C io33 L, also below. 13) B Jls, C t^ilss. 14) D om.

15) B om. 16) D + JJlH3 . 17) AC oCjl^3 .

18) A +Q t. 19) C om.
20) C wLko. 21) B + tj^. 22) BCD ^yp'.
149 Yale Oriental Series.

_^j! JoAc Oy^ yp

ijyb VU^^-5 (i,VJo -l^wj v •^^v~ Ll i
^ J

f£ o^Aib sIl\*JI s^Lo <3 LaJt yAc ,301 yyyi Jls Jjyj! IJ^ byy>

lAij lA-*-/>
2 iyp* '—A^jJ ^ ii>.ljis lAxj J*^j! (J^£

O -t w w w £
4 3
uy^°li iitj ££/«! qj! ij^
ijrH 0^ >—a-wjj qJ. ^As Jw,rJ! JL*

5 y*j LC^ } f-^ *

y" Jy 0 ! ! Oo>! 5
o>As jo-* jls ^ oJb lw> jyu ^ jls

(_yi5y G
y^o3 yyk V/^ q!} •*• fAc

J^jJf /6 3

oX-e 0-J s-a^I} jo*_tjJ LolX> ylo qJ
(jy^-*-^ *A5!
0^ CT*^
w 3
j<JJ! y* xLr y^*
O 3
Jls jo! uoL*J!
^ 3y= ^y xUt ^
10 ^*jS V-P
Hi. ^S OS^S Ijl5 ^ U yxj*]*) 3 j«W^L^
o ; 3 . w
xU! o|y! Lo ^S xJLjy> o-jlo! Soli li^xc xi xliS Lg-^lr. ^LgJ^I xJ’Jooli

^jl LlSl\j> gXo CJ
4^ L^‘A:> &
3 5

Crv^ 0 ! sLo J* ^ ur^

O $ £

( 3 *-^ jL*_=>>5l JLw 0O&W 3 0-J , !

A )

T * ^t
^y 3jy 0* ax^J

3, J.I 0v»y ysyil oils (^XiSj (^t jls Sy> *JJI ^Us" j, JwJ! IJy^J

15 0 !
11 *
w^y 1
vK ^5 iJJ!
q! iJii ^uy
,_y*_) b tX—53 iA*j [jr^y?- £ 12 &U5 ^cy^i 37^ o !

0^3 s - O 3

0-c l\^£ LL_iX> Ju«jj qJ l)u£ LolX> 53^»> 13

q_j iJJ! iJJ! <3?
Jy-ol jls j**Lo *JJt Jy«) 0^ ii^ 0“ c 0-? U^ ^* 0-c 0^j^^ lXxe qj!
w .. o — O -
v3yJJi Uj'lX>
y^3 0 ^ *JJf 3a£ LoX> & &*4^ ^^5 ^yi otySSj qL^>j

20 ^LjJ! wj; jyb 0 ^I 1 jo!

y; 3 yx! 3 0 ! J

1) D-f-y 1
2) C j*f>. 3) AC + (jr.o qj!; A also a third time. 4) D
qjuuo _jl. 5) A J,t (jls. 6) C yxwij^. 7) Cf. Husn II 183, Maqr.

I 50 f., Mahrrs. I 35 ff., Yitq. IY 863. 8) Husn I 119. 9) D om. following.

10) D resumes (omitting isnads in the sequel, as usual). 11) D om. 12) BD om.
O 3

13) B y: (Husn, Maqr., Mahss. have uXx).

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-IJakam. 148

i p o o£
Lit t>-A eiA_jlj ILwV
^ i

J cr
O - O OC 3 - O - CO 10o
I 3 O CP
y~~7~ ^-Lx.Li T .A.jl
^ f

^Aj L?»
^A^ vd)f«3^

l 5^
ti!_>w ,.wO
O -
j3Le 0_J
,1 b5.

w£ o - _ 3 o _ j 5 -
j-i} 6
^A-J L-t-wJu, JLj p_fj L<
j_c 13]
jyjs-jj U_cLj 13

er^-5 rlr* cr* ^-*-*

jt_j "3 » “s
Loj 7 jjj'Ji" gy>3' ^cy
£ o _
10 8
— £_yyA<=ui ^Lx_w! 0-^5
Lg-,)]^-o ,i a .j» W—o iLJa—^ e-j^5
O - - #
O O - - w O ?

O w O
5 ..
^ &^LjLj ^L> ^>LaJ) So}

^LiXCoU ^ |»-r Xj

5--^ - P w
3 P

0^ \_ 3ui>J! A3 >li
^U]^s) ouai ^U 3 « 3c>[jj solyiJS
0 , sIajAcI Ai Lili y= jls

x~y-A,:J Lo‘A> x+L**^ qJ iikJU! Axe. UAA> & JaPjSI Ai

0j y= it £sAj
0 t 0-Ojl »Ac- 12
D w! 0£
! SAo, 0j y*> 0C
0j 0+xLw LoAs» qJ A*J LoA=> tst *11^1 0qxj J^c xUxJLw! y= 0^3 *Jlo

i J |5 0-^vJ! (0, o^Ai Ui sy^ jj!

Jli‘ Jls 0? A^ 0^ 0^*^ 3 (
^ 15

^A r . NS^ aIH ^Aju ^a-wJ 1^*33 (]ii* aIII ^]Lo <•^-*<*'35 ^lA-c^ a!]1 ^A—£ Lj

va^Lo 15
i ij^p*
qUj! L-^iXSj aJJ! jlo 0>! _}%, Li?io!c 0^ _jAc ^^3 p^Lw^!

v^>-w.i Li jta' aL’! (JLo ^>as> p'3-AA 3!

_» A_e», aUI » A— c. L jls


GUit 1^3
^( jtc 0~>! ^3 * Lftots 0, jAc 0JO, f
^t 3 Ac aU! 3AJU

1) B yy«t. 2) C ^y/2** 3) B C wLe. 4) A ^_j 5L£ (metri causa).

5) C SjyLij. 6) B Ui 0-uJj. 7) C lA^tf. 8) B *tuj. 9) C lyLo.

10) B 'iL>j A^ 1

C iLc-^Ac^. 11) D has this sentence, then omits again.

12) BC 0-c. The grandfather was Surahbll ibn Hasana, wall in Syria under
Omar, Nawawl 312. 13) D resumes here. Cf. with the following Beladh. 82 f.

14) C 0Lo!, also below. 15) B om.; BC om. below. 16) D

and then: oLoj3Sj Aii- 0j!c Uli ^ °|/ s jyii) o!cla

yJ! Jls. 17) Mss. om. Supplied in A marg. (later hand) and marked go.
•147 Yale Oriental Series.

jlM qJ jF ^ w jls qj iAL>

ff O of
^3 c^-iL-5 L\ H w. JS j_L_:t
Off o __ .

Jjjf o^l j iJUt jLo * 3
(_c '3 oLolwJt J^ 5
! M_j
O O Off O - O Off 3 - 0 - 0 -0 - 1 O 3 o of
y^i [jr^ r* *_jLw*£> j^LcLi ^Jl
O- o — o — _ o

7-b !J> tiJiA-i-ff

c ,^-J jf-^3 ~+^ 7
a jliJI %

v^~c (^jl (jr^Qs v-a-* 1

® Hot—g ^ . LJ i %
O - 03 - C-
0^3 (*'j^ (jy° (J"-^ ^5 ^^jiSLT q-»
SO- - o-
j— V jSUsJLJt^/) 10
; cr^ L^JL^ ufi
i X_jyLxi K-Ia-J^
o — - #
_ — — .. „
^tSjlsW j, 0^1 HjL_i_J sl_J>
0;iA_a_^J! ^_>LxJS fci
c;—- O — *3 3 — o- -

w. ff

^ —

10 !*:_£ T 3 ^_CLJ 12
J^3 i_5 L> ' *—'•*-^3 j 1 5
(*-£-5 ur^ '*jr*
So! U|j, I S3} £_>_yj
OS o -O— O — O — O- — 3 S ff - 0-350
A^O |»>.
£-X-4wVwl3‘ (*
^SlX — ^--xsajLj

5 0 0 - o
^4»*xi!^ ^
Q«5 Aav» J
0**Ajt •
^J^./cS V^OlX^j

1—Li'uXff- UY oLyAM ajvp J0I5

Q s jlibj jls <5?
0j^uJ! 0^ 13 ay^> _^jt

Cr- Cr c O'" J /?" O- V^5 o c ^* 14 CT? Lf*^' Oc O-

1 i 3jS

15 ,jli' (__CjjOiS ^Lx^U-It v—

1) Text evidently corrupt, either from accidental omission or because a mar-

ginal gloss was wrongly inserted. Cf. the note above, fol. 56, and Beladh. 384,
where the verses are given, with a slightly different text, and their author is

named. Huwailid ibn Nufail, called as-Sa c

iq (Qamns III 246), was a noted chief-

tain of the Bann Amir ibn Sa c c

sa'a (Agh. X 32, bottom). His grandson, Yazld
ibn c
Amr ibn as-Sa c
iq, was one of those taken captive at the battle of Dhu
Najab (His. 127, Yaq. IY 744; cf. Agh. X 20, 3). He was a poet, Yaq. Ill 423,
Qotaiba, Liber Poesis 404, al. Abu ’l-Muhtar, Yazld ibn Qais, the author of

the verses here quoted, was the grandson of this Yazld. The four Mss. agree,

except that D omits

0j. 2) B yt-3. 3) C S^oSj (ABD Ijl^). 4) B

0jjtjyAj. 5) D 6) C 7) B (jyiiLJS. 8
B HoLg—jJt ,i.

9) B jfjh. 10) C 0 ^3*0 . 11 ) C 0-,. 12 ) C ^yu and 3j»J. S

13) On
the contrary, those intended were
0 0 L*_*jJ
-j 1 and j^-st-wvo
Beladh. 385. 14) A marg. corrects (first hand) to ^f.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. 146

jQt LJ iyi J+S-

^y£. Alo
^ K_j^_se>j LbA> UT iAlwi yi A+^° i—jUaii y? Ja Jls

5 y= A* iULS ^jjxJS Ax ^.j AJt Aye Jls iC.cU.Av q_j oW>"

G - . w 5 - U~
j*JCAAi2 jtys'jj f->A*i <jL*jeJ5 yiow Aaj U! 2yJ! (_pLxiS qjI

jAlUlj *
^ A*eA A—yJI cU*J A-Sj

o $ _

aJ ^iiA—^i y-1^ 1 iU-Lw^o A+^s 1

j»As Lfis .
jAiUJfj tJwLo spools AJU (iUvwlfijJ

gOA$> 3
J! oOOj |*J A*^° L (jlij 3j,= u^cAi \Ax L$OjS iuA$> (jol*JS qJ ^yf-

*J jU«j JwwAUJt oA Hjj_c

-y«Ajw j*jlLo aJJI cajA^I AJSj

iCjAP sUi Is £aXtj sLi L> ^^-Cs-yJlj jALl AJ! JyWj A*^
o ^
Oyo LyJ All gv*S 5^c ALiii L^iU> |»loj aL_jA^> ly-bC^ '‘L^xLj a^>! A! U^l 10

^v^aJL J-oAl! jjavxU A^li q-j (joLatJ! aMj U!tj i iLLtAi ^*jti xo

AyA xJLwj yi A*S^ aJ JLsr aAv. ^Ue> ^Ae AyA qJ

AUgm c
v^_AiA j»Aj

(57a) 5
_cAJ 1 "bSjJj Aa« ^y> yf-^ ^LsJt A
iLiUb AA_i-e Ab >_^/AjUSI &di 9
A jUi 8 UyJo Ay*^.} * U^jc Ay*o 7 !jic

£S>. aUt XfJjjj SyClol I 5

<5t Ji aJLo A?

10 ^*iiAJt
_jj! Ui'Ao UU AU*J! v-jLLA^ qJ aUavIAs uuw jls

Al Q_J AjjJ qC Qj! qX. AwfUvvO qJ AJLLi AxCj AxC

1) D JCu^. 2) B om. 3) B ,Jx, D ora, 4) B l^JUs. 5) Fol. 56

is a scrap of paper attached to fol. 55 containing the following, in the original

hand: L_)lLii yf. ^yot JyLi i__o3J! Sj-yc^ (jr.JUi! £

so Ms. (^j u^As) ^UAU! olo^s * iCiUv^ (jA^ii jka) ^dji * Ac *W1

^ 0-5
^eLcii! oajt^ii! u\JLj^> qJ ^.y. 0^ 0“^ qJ lXjjj. See below. 6) B
B) !j-a-c; C s. p., and Ay«. 8) C Lpjyb

9) D-f 10) Mss. jxci (A j*xi).

145 Yale Oriental Series.

. . - - , * , G
tiAi? v^/Jls jn jujO (_j*yiit A^t JS L)^-w ^xt l\*j i\^>t 55

O . w #
qLjCs iULs^iJJ aA^ils q-?
l\oJ ^los K-*Js |*jC! di! i^b 5A 8 ^iA>

A lAbyi!! i
dy *-
J ^5 xjiASjlSt >yj£- _jjt j-p <As jji lAjfjJt (j., ^ ^ 3 Jbfjj! XU

,jt> <cJj Li yaxi
-O - 5
Jj>t q^_5 . iLU eL> 55! y^si
O )
^ M
^ K*JJj (j^-ostit iA-j^j 0-J jda/a, u-oJ/ qJ ,rfu_b
q? abac 2oJt

3 "5L>l\s ^-< 5 Lit qJ Axd (j*ys ^LbAi iAx-fljj ^aLw_j
O -^ 5 i
. <sL*iLc

yb55 J,l &UI

5 jliLi 8
ybxwL, 7
L^j ^xi yCwjJ! J^l ^ liui ^t L? xo
%v 3 > J o - O -
JbUxw«ftJ( it SyCi yu*.!) Lo_5 qJlXP

jis ArAi 9
U^Xa>- LJls l^lOjLs yzy* ^y}
ybJ ybwjtSt jb£>lj J, Xotycyo islsUo t^j

10 \o>lo obi XLc y _5 ,jX> ^li'las 10 jdw £ *,

iibb^! Ijtj ioLit O^b! isba*J ^ii*

11 X3b^ Jt
yJZ- L_Jy!Lwi Jsliiwiji At 51,05 ,_^> <A—ib JJOo Jows Lcajt J-fcii

13 bu-A JLtj *sLJt Oj^'-b zL+jSs- * Lj*A XsLiJ! ^j^Uj 12 55L&S

A5 ! $>5 ,_c^>
-Off «C .
» ,

6? A-r»ji! q-» ^j[s f?!^>! %

r^\>o <$Uf i_X-j-e

5 0-j ^uXm Lo’iAs> Id" > iLLi^i ^ u»<XS"

15 l\*-w
0 .J \iA-JJf ^jC iL«d-w-<l
0_J li\_Li! iAx£5 jaXj qJ *JJt iAa£ qJ

17 16 Q-J 15
cr*^ CT Syf- At A?®
,5 w Off m „ i ff

18 by^wJt
iC_i!wV^> Ljditj tibj_v5 5t liLwdjJ Lgd’t^ (jyjLo sLIokJ! ^J j*j‘li

^ iOCiLkOii (joist!! ,3f! Qd*-5

1) BC lX*£ At. 2) C Kb?jdi. 3) B Jutyt, also below. 4) The

’ - >

pointing o^»j (sec. manu) in B, with gloss oblwj. C s, p. A oj*- 1

an(^ marg.

(later) See Glossary. 5) Thus all Mss. See Molcadd. 214, note l,

Khord. 80, note k. 6) C %>3 . 7) BC 8) BC ^Ud>. 9) BC

j^UaA. 10) B o^Lw. 11) BC t^lo.. 12) BC t^Jlfis. 13) C om.
14) Husn I 71, top, Beladh. 456, raid. 15) D resumes here: Ji

At v iyi. 16) D 0 *d. 17) C jjj. 18) C *J.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ~Abd al-Hakam. ,

— 5 - ot - 3 w

^JAo LpP« Ipzuu yp ^j! l?

*a* y^« Jp> jy°! C1PS5 jls

O - « J

jX2>C .J^Liiwjb ^SUv^f JC>^3» iUxlj ti)JLo jUxli
G l^
5-05 .C 5 —— - w
„ /Lj‘ LY jJ^YxSI
3 0! Ap>lo 8jjCj pi&j q! tiUo ^ ppwJ! ^l*^

5 • w 5 -
0-j aU! Ap LAjA> & A-di liJJLx? AliOj aJ ybs? pjIjiAil \_a*>

ypaJ! Ap>lj ^ o-
Jpj q-, Jp*> yeL!t ^yXwi! ^yAii ^ l-Xp 5

o- # * , oS 0,0
y^-Lw-L! Jp> aAIpcj qT jj », JpAi ^pd! H jLo J,

J, aJ q^jCj liLSjo y3»! |»i-X3 UJj LjLc yiii^t p^>Lo xJLe ^Aa-j ^li

0-5 1
c>JLx>L£li JlS yLS^M ^oLas xJlLs JjuLs Ui" Jotas gJL*it

ppp> qJ j»tyLit (j«j-s (jAyil 5>3 LpPj ^aUAs ,Jsc yLio'i! Aij gJlxJt

-O 5 O 3 w O £ 05 w - w O -
^o^ivJ! xJic lXx-J (jAyi ^Lk^\il^ 3 ^-yo^ui!
.•. .*• 10
w - — O- O w
^cLcvJ! Jyu LgJ^ 5
. tiX*J
(j*jS •*• ^^pJ!
.05 o - 050 —- . 0 - - - oe
^ .9>»w ^ oixAw


w -

3! xjyw
oi m—
0-j LLjJo ol^i qj ^ 05

Jj’ <3f Lw^j 3

p> (j_p
^i-j^f (__c^ j*-*i>*^ a!!!
cj^ o,E
O w w _ ^ OC - O—

cr^ cr^ 0-? 0?yf '-Xp Jis jn!!

LaUj! jP?JJ qI^ jis <& 0Pp" 12W 3 0! JUii aj sti^jw^l

U 5 ° 5
5& "» .
- 0$

^3 ^ytyZiQ
^ xJi*J 10 .*• oi^t d jlib

AjJIc ^JJColi Ape qJ lApJ

^ 0^5OC
pJLb iAa
03j^ 0p >-Xp 0^3
^_5ys 0j i^vA-Pf ^paj 0^ IJi Lgp oLs Apjjj} sl^eli

SjiA^T. Ji jJUJt O^jLo Uii ^^3 AiLjy^o oJLL Ajj 11 (Jls Jdx^\]\ LgA.5 ^Lp* 20

(555) L^ljl 0^ Ap aj ips*>i Api aaj! ]^JLfi2 Lfc4 i 1 —>j*j 0-«

aUIj k^^JLasi AXsyu AjJI o^Iao op>ji^ j^iatas AaJ[ ,jp> |p>y>li sL«| J,|

1) C Ui. 2) C (_5yo^sXi[. 3) A y-*-^*, B y^>, C s. p.

4) C pi*! (sic). 5) C JjJ. 6) B r

yiJI. 7) C _^. 8) Yahya
ibn Said | 145; Mahas. I 395, Wad. II 471. 9) C ^su!. 10) C 0y^JU.
11) BC om.
•143 Yale Oriental Series.

S v* G — O_ _ O 3 O
^yyiol Li^\JL q£> ^ >S$ X-JujLb^ 1
xoygj a! ysli tiX-Lll Axe j.Ux5> Aij aj! iiUJ>5 x_jL^Uj>-! qj! aj ‘Jijyj! i^cAi!

yL^! q-j! 3-*^ 3

Axe i*_s^! a_xJl$ y! 3r»j a_s^S a-x*e>
w _ o -*
^^-Syi-i! 0>>! yac ^tfjili j$J |»Asj y/xxi 3 A^aj^ai!

5 .K3u0 v^lV^* j3"3

^LJaJi £ <jUx=>
oJyi 0yr-~^.'- 3^ ^1 j ooUbjj yxLJl Jjj Lii Jls

VVrP- 3
< *
cf vi>j^ c
cr 3y* CT'
V^5 0^
O _
Lo«A^> _5^

^ >Af1 Lo'Ae»

^UxiaJL (J^ y* Ait gJxXj> 0^ AJy*-* 0^ 4

t^=y$-*il A*vU-i qJ q^H 0^
jJ> 3^ 135 3“?*y^ 0^ A/O^Lc 3*"p^ i
.^xxxS^ jJ^E Axxwg (3**«*^ 0-jS ASM
C w — f n
10 suXJx: Lo^ u\i !l\P 5
jO LL a! jlsii *J1 qj!
-3-0- 3 - 3-D . vs. S

^ &~*w^ lo*, goL\j> q-: 1 Jb aj l \-5 y*ji LXP jS U-ci

6 ^Ajl ^LSI A-Jy^Uv 6

*JJ! ^£l\j xit (J^i ^ (j/*-J Ai! ^<3 JL& i^jL^aJ!

m O -D «v _ „ S O _ - Cm -

,j~, Axil >^£>1 (

55 a) (JaIjO*) j*_^JJ! sAxJ CvJl*>5 tiAxxE ^ !A-x~E ^AxJj^

^ >AxxJUt
a_a 7 |*Xi». AxE aUI AxE ,3!
* Lo'A> <3? Ailoy aI^Ij sAij

15 qJ AJyw ^1 iLwL*Jo vVr-*^* 3^ 0-J ^y? q£ iA*-w

^ i£ixxJli! LolXe-

gOL-SS-J Lo aJLwD Ai (_xg 8

iAxE j*_lls j-^_5 j^> 3! (
3e yO A_it Ai'Jo yJtXE*

0 it 3^*~^ y^ A-j^£i_> laaxxx^Ulxv! lXd ^j-gi! IlXP 0^ 3^ i3>a«^s

LxJ y« jls ^.L^Ji- 0j 0*35 0E AXx^i 0jt Lo'v\e>

y^ iAx*-w LolXe- <St

Lao iAxe 10 (jiUE> u^ 9 > 0? ^x

3 OP

w 3 w
r' 0^3 ^ -'^

0^ 0^y^ L

O ^

20 330!^ lAJLi AJJly ^JLxxj ^5

j*j‘ ioyw 0jL »lt>Lx5 j»^LxJt qC 3®*^
^ O ? O- .C 3Ji
^3 0^3 5
jlS . Aa5 q(
12 lUc ti)J

JO. 0 3 3 3

Lo^, QyJj Ui! v

j9^>*>y^ goA^>

1) C ^Lo. 2) B eULt LI
0^1 Axe jls. 3) C LJLi. 4) C Jj^f.
5) B om. 6) BC tiUl. 7) C Jjt. 8) A 3. 9) C y>y. 10 ) C
0^.x>c>, also below. 11 ) Mss. s. p. 12 ) C lXxe, 13 ) A &s>y*J.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abel al-Hakam. ,

»•- 500
OC 5- >505 . w _
job' . v^Ojj'Sj 2
y*iA>L»-WL>5 y-Ojj b-*i iAol 1

O - 0-0- C O- - - -

•, u^Jyl >3
^ .

j lAolj' w<-o>\j o-bbj . j»

4_j _ft.’!
; j jb>li' c_iiAoiJS ob^j * •
(jrHs Lo j
. 5
0-05 - - cS
O- - - O - w - 5

o.ilj .
8 Jajuyi} xoljbj j,
7 job o-ibj .
j*ju«5j KLlwo., 6
£ ^ — , O— — O — .

11 LoJ 10 -Lu^jj Xol^L job'

. -_oJ _JJj
u*4jZ (JVC; j t_Xolj qy>y^> ool^j .
j 5

O O- O— w .

,i <A_olj' ^>-o q— (j*^c ^Lsooj ouxi j Ab>lj

| obbj

< - O— - - O— .C #
O 5 5

J'5 -LT^Is (j:y5 j <Aob' 0^=> O'b^ *(j*LJ-S>! (jy>i

. oS -OC — - - O - . -O-

o- ^-
# .
(*— Lwfs jL»f5 • j *-$y! J[j . cr j 51

- O, 05 O - O - # 5 .

14 13
q-j ^L**o . X-oyc^ Jo-oy^ ^2^0 3 lXj*^ ^L\> Q_5<Ai>lj

0-» iL-aoLb 00^5 . j l\o 1j cibkj • oJ^j’S i 3 iG/to

5 0- . 5 ?

6 0 yiJoJL.
o3 Jc>Ij oi^o^

tjJb ioyw ^ 17 £i*.j ^o J! j uL*j j_;L> L*j^ 1G
» jj> ij^ju 0^
^OjIL l-OC^j 0^j Usuoj o-o 0^>Ai>lj JoUaSI 19 j*Iic
0! ^1 18 Jol (jc
c G — -o 5 - - w
Jls . >—uJib ,« oJy« LoojJ v£oJj ^La-iJ ^ tj—«lj1 Lo 20 0./JJL.5
^ 5

f?yJL> fpPs
22 0b?j ^ j^=> 0-, bi 0^5 Lp^lX^'Is 21 bjy>: gJiXo 1 5

uibyl ^ Q-, K-aJLLj 24 0-vbb> 0^ Lg-*i

1) Mss. 0:A^!. 2) The vowels in A; see above. 3) B auSLI^. 4) A

Lo, B Lj, C Lo; see however Yaq. I 874 bottom (also 486, 10 ff.!), Geogr. YI 82.

5) A B s. p. 6 ) Passage om. in A. 7) B ^yA^b, C 0 5 l>o>LJ.

8) B s. p., C A has Jxoy^,, see Yaq. Ill 867; probably the result of

a scribal error, cf. Geogr. YI 82, YII 337. 9) Mss. s. p. 10) A as above,

BC -LjJyjj . 11 ) Thus A; BC lo. 12) BC -Lao (B s. p.). 13) Wiistonf.

Tabellen 5, 17. C has for

0 ,. 14) A as above, BC s. p. 15) Thus A,
B 0^iL\Aib, C ^yiLJb. See Geogr. V 74 and lit. cited. 16) C om. 17) B ^Ju.

B Jo. C ^LaL A Liykj, B C

18) 19 20) C aJUL 21) s. p., Ljyfeu.

22) AB C s. p. See Qamns I 219 mid. 23) C f?j.a!b>, and om. L^o.
24) C
141 Yale Oriental Series.

UAxs . iboOj t^^o ^ qIs ! g-U-fti SjxsjJCwli j^clXju yULc.

«a - ff — -C G _ff w w 5 5

|^*Jx.!j #-Wj5 2'“*-*'0> 0*U >Ai Jo>^ O4*^ ~^5 ^ jUajt j^SSpJ yp-jjj


xi^ajy a£LU> xie 3

A*y JjS>l ^*3 JL>jJI (j^tyclS (j*yjw j>t

O^Ujj 3 skAcit sUkJ iboLall At JsL^ j,
yli! I^JLctj jJo ^l\5

(_col)c>5 . iLyoUJt ili^itj ^jwtjJt (jUtj
^^jit jU^U ^[5

L\JL> Ljjj .tjA^'ls yax yUlc *JJt

gj tot JyLi ^xJo^a> <sJJt
jy*j \jt (yJbo^It

y3 jo Ai
^>t_5jf_3 jli aJJt
Jy*y |J_5 jj *1 Jliis (jyjl oU=>! - lAJLp- Ls.yS'

s oS - ~o

5 o—
SyuU^i ^j^f Lo

(j*Luf 5
__ _

t^Ajii . XaUajI
_ __
^ JJ -bLi^ £
jJjJt _j-o^ Q^it (jiaj’ w-jLlXJ!
5 Oj^JtJt OjJiit Soli j*XJ i—jLLp Lo

G ** c_ **«> o—
1° yLba u\_o>t q^lXSj 'jj 7 aUt i»Sy ja yLbtixwi j.e yS^UiJ! q, OyJt ^Jaaitj

c o 5 - - z G o 5

jy>) . Juy*£ _$t

8 xX*jw
^ oLbt Lo <?JLotj X&^Vj <?JLa£

liityait l\ju (_ 5 lXJ[j Jlaj ulx.

2 jJo uvUiax^ 9 jis ^j*XJLc *JJt Jia^Cwtj tiA5>

- ? O __ « ) o ?

xJ! [jiyai! !v3! (j*LjJ! 10

3 <A^\j u L aCOix>' aI U JjjUt ^
oujt jo. |?t US' -bLyt


13 £ L> qIS^
(*y* 0>0j tot jls

Off >0-0 } - 5 0) . -) w
qL^ L^lb^ Lg-O «-X^>L

j. 0 ^jo>lj L>o*^ qO aU! Jyo Jtj (joUi! 14

j! qUo ^ysbo iutyt jPt

5 0— 5 — # . . 5

20 .
jAJOyl ^3 lXu>L q!jlXc vi>Jo^ •
jK*Oy*2 ^^Lo 3, (54 b)

1) A <JUs. 2) A luvij. 3) D j*Ui^j>. 4) B as in Husn.

5) CD yLlx^. 6) D y^tj. 7) B -j- aj^cj, as in Husn. 8) A aJouv, B

kkxj^o. 9) D om. from here on. 10) C 11) This superscrip-
tion wanting in B. Cf. Husn I 72. 12) Later in A. 13) The vowels in

A; cf. below. B (j^julwOj, C (jwA^Lw ^Oj. Yaq. II 573 gives the name on the

authority of the Futuh Misr. 14) B om. 15) B s. p.

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-Hakam.


> 3 0- P OP w
Oj-clLs (_J Li!
yifr-jJ -bL-wJl pjA->b JAs! J>!
^^5y! Ulbli b^mo pLiLi

v« P - 3 wl 3 - P

* s^Lai!
j»l§l i -bycJI
O — 5 — O—
(^-o Ij Jls

^ oji Lj

x-Jlx: ^Jb!8 gxo! ^OoUii AaoS yJLll

• w 3
-P- ^ O it
wf y
v» O-
x-JLc c^|^ aU/ ^-Jx oLLjLj ^LbbJ! \j jLc&y ujLo

J~7r^^ Cf.^
(jXi** , jtj-sofy 1

J^3 5

- «c OP - ^
^LJb ^ . JUxJl ayS^ jy&aJI Q-fi
^LoJCS^Li j»b>y4! j^Lo^ »ojt

oL^ai! ^ i^>!^! A*j v—«.*xd! ^1 j£l\j L^jli

bp ^^>5 ^b] * (j*UJ! b

^x^ajV jt]> 7 Q^Ui-!j jLodl Bjbb, 6

^c;bt tipi! (54a) A*j *JA*J! ^3 £*bJ! Axj

pi xJI Jjjj £lji Aj "hi &il J jp 1

p> j+c. (3 JUif A*j J^sii^ JUS
O - P
liUJ ^1 a^wju (j%j \iUvJ yu<AxJI*, x*v*x> i3 10

3 w P
iu«ij |Jl*i! >—^v*^i ?^_£p 3 ,
^3 JA'ilS s-j-uoaJIj AxapiL A=>UJls

cabAj' As xil (j^Ui! pow biilc mI > 5 J'ib> q£j blot

n ^y<Li
Lj .
y *JJ!

JpJf v lbj ^jJji 14 ps, Lp!

pp iUlit 13^0^4 pbbl 12
vp-ijj ^pU!
* jboi Q-***^. (^y! (J^3 JjL^wJ! iaA>jO; vi^*A£»3J
- C$
^iJLc> slXaao^ l8
^i!p>^ ?yy> ^ xUt K5y J^x.
17 I 5

20 19
Loj.Lw'» jAiliiifj Lgjj PjAc (j., jjbL> Uili l£>yj

22 21
0jAi! qAw-jLj oL^xi-LSj ^gbtj !yp> 83
^3 L>
^a».vj aJJ!
o !
Jyjj j*aU 3 ii!! jyv, *i! tjypi* ^ y? L<?jAa> .p^J! o/^-5

1) A jins (sic). 2) B ^La*ji. 3) A jlil (jolaAtj (see below). 4) C

jiibw. 5) B i 3 ^L >3 C ^Jj! jbb>3 (^bj. 6) B pbt, but cor.
prima manu to ^W. 7) B ^jrla^-L,. Read see Glossary. Mahas. has

(jbll) Husn omits the difficult portions of this hutha. 8) C Jjb.

9) C ^asLIIj, D k-AAO^iLij. 10) C wOLij. 11 ) So A, expressly; B Q^bj,
C jy^uLS. 12) C objj. 13) All four Mss. have ^odls!} LU, (a copyist’s blunder).

14) D Abj. 15) D Joty^-- 16) B ^«J-. 17) Thus A, expressly, as

also above. B jALbb<\s, cor. to tycswls. Husn and Mahas. C -
j*Xl 16) -l

xb=> 3 . 19) B 20) A s.p., B fjblait^, D pibJ!,. 21) AC s. p.,

B obyAwyity, D obj-f*b!j. 22) B .

139 Yale Oriental Series.

Ol)oIj jls
l-axSTj jTiAj do <slii
v^a**w col * bb
'Sr j*Jti jo liVJAj liblc (j*LoI

JJ }j4£.

^ jls
3* Q-e q-?
! byx o-6 q-j
0 5
a>x. 6
B ^jwolxJS _j^c 7 ^sl^SI 31s |jJUo 3! JblliwiJlj ^yuA>; (jaLJI

yLS^ lAJCiiij ^*3ls l^iyotjli bJs jlai 8

CiC OC ? w £ 05 w - — 5,

jj ^[5 XmJu qAaJ A_S 9
j*-SlX-E>! sL> b ^*j*1e! ^Sj j*_JCL>LJ3aw.S (J^-E v_->lji-Xj?

3 ! £j-? >AjjJ
0-E fot A
(Jjjt qE i_A$>5 qj! LoiAe- _ 5
^C qJ lAj't Lo‘(Ae»
~ £ - 5

£ G
bb bj ^_5 j£
y^j 31 u^bJJ
SyF ^'*.£. jis y-^*y>

10 jj^Ij a-wb qW 1AJ5 jj>-p =b> b q^Je! 3j jvbuli a^ju^j ***jb (*^^°

lX-^c Lol\x> ^ j^Xil^jxS ^X! jyo-^li oytJ! ujLjJl ^.LS! [jo? 5*315

31 (j^LJU <j«jiy uolxJi v^axU) LolXx> i^XXU

L ^>i O^JI ^5^5 Q-jJJI v-ilxXJI
4-.XiL^S ly>-y>T S^Jii

5 - o ^ o r
IB oSj^il Q-J oi^t qX: ay*u^o lXjj^w LolX> . (jolxJI
3^ 12 jOli£>
£505 - ^
W \&s>j JIS ^yL*Jt y>3 ^a^u 13
3-b qJ **a$J

(j:^ba-«J! lc
lX_x-j *-Uol ^LxxcJI ^3-1 3J3^ 15
y^Vju boui1 14 b
3»*£ j! ^Aiy

1) C 2) Mss. b-^ .
3) In the duplicate passage, above, BC
then continued: jb-y-^.5 biwi qJ 3JUt Aa£ ^c. lX-J^JI sj-f (C y^>) li^3l

t3? (C Sjase) ^a«£ ad3. This is in red ink in B. The two Mss. then proceed:
main division
3 !

^ ^cyCbt Ji
(fp-) of the History.
jlo, etc., as above. 4) Here begins,
in ABC,
in B.
the fourth
5) Superscription 6) pref.

the usual long introductory formula, see the Introduction. B pref. A*e Lb\o>
jlo |*jC3- lAac qJ 31! ^Aae qJ. C begins with l\jl\o ^t, as usual. D om. even the
isnuds. The following is in Ilusn I 72. 7) D-f" ex*)' ®) ® ora following.

9) C As>l. 10) B yb^j, C ycL^. 11) AC Ue, B lC3. 12) C *k>.

The following is quoted in Mahas. I 81 f., but with an inferior text, as usual.
13) D resumes here. 14) D s'sbai lA^w!!. 15) C I^a^s?. 16) See Glossary.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

2 1
(jis-ot-i jiA->—w iLstwij Lto I aJ j»iAi UJi yJUs aJJ!

y . 5

qJ yjxJ! lytlaiS
3 ^ yy Jls <$?AJJi jb 3 ob Uis lyo
5 o „ _

0—c 0?^ 'r*^ 0—^ t£5>.5 ^ yp cr t^pP 0_5/°

O- )
3 j *
Q-C ^lXxxv qJ l\x£ ^j-C. (J^x^u! Jaxfii KjLO^ q£ wXXxX- l\jjJ
. 5 - C* s:

jyv.^ (ili aeAe-j sLee^ AjJe.

4 i— iCx^Lw qJ ^LbjJ
o c
^ Aii Apt 5

o^l Jls aJJI
Jy^_; li <3 LpjS jbis 5
a-U w&eIj JyJS glby JhJLcli syj>lj yJuo aJJ!

s o 3

1 iL_•> Ae> „ JLo -

aJJ! A_<_e LoAo 3? I yb ^lXXw Ajyj jls .
jJLw^s 6
\S 3j

ysli A-J-f-jl ^ybxib ^LxJjJ L3Le q! 3^ 0-$ AjjJ Q-C lXjtM U>-Jlj|

3^ 8
UjJ jl% Aj&Eli yJLx aJJI
jy*j 31i A-pbbtj juLjt
slXx>j 7 Ajbx:>b
S 5

L*Jls aj oby (*.*JLo aJJI

3yy APe ajUiAIL qIAo aJJ! Jy y> yip *p 10

UJ 0^.5 i^py bA bt aJJI

jOPw 0 -^^ jb aJJI
Jv*"j cyy AXvil

a_Pe aJJI ^ytoj yb 3*1 Uli * cry J^ 3p ^yojJ ybo aJJI

Jy^ jlss c)Ap

i Ja^>! jLfij ^lXjLw qj! stal i_>lLi^ qJ y= ^5 UJls 9
0L0 3^=” AJCaai ylc: yi'i

3J y«t \j oi^jls c>a-^ oly»! (^t yijT a] ijlsii yJlo aJJ! Jyy iLyOj
5 - f'C 0 5

» y!^
* lp^ 5

-57^ 3! 11
3 i_»0^si
^y! jUo (3c£\Loj L*j 15
- o - 5 5 £ £
^lX-jLxv ^'-X-AXV
^ jX^J ^3
\XxvsJ L.xx* Jijj ^OtxvO U^b aJ
72 yL G t

y-^lj U?AJ>I qLajA^* a7c yiO 15 14 k_jtyoj|j
Il\7 3^"% . jJLct aJJI; (52a)

qJ lXjjj qX: iotjy! qj! LoiAx> ^li' aUI-w^ qJ 3-UI iA^Ej y\j qJ (_cpP. boi_Xx>

LyJb« yLo aU! 6y^j
3b ^-ji yii 3! ^_c 3^

J*lw! *


J, 0^ JlS .

xU! ojL>[ L-xx^j^
c- y y

L^J aIII ^flx

O? ^Jjf 20

1) D AJtbib. 2) D om, remainder of chapter. 3) C sA> q£. 4) C

„y^. 5) C aTe. 6) C (^5!. 7) A marg. ajLo,3^u, C a>-=2. 8) C 3*

9) AC om. 10) A + 3. 11) B + y=. 12) B yls. 13) B ajcu^,

cor. to a*a>ej. 14) Cf. Hajar II 272 f., 374 f. 15) BC in the former oc-

currence of the passage proceeded as follows; CwA> yBx> (jr.jJi PLe ^Jj
pbi y^P CJ^
Aae ^y LoAo ^ 3b ^i-ALw . 1-^) BC om.

17) C l ylw 3bv

137 Yale Oriental Series.

liLJo JLL 2
u^riy* J-^L* ii-1 (516)
j-i-'iStj oyL! Lyu ^Ail

_^L> i^ofj
^Uwj 3
^ lo Usj! lAJ^JJ isUit Cys.
^ tXL^il

^aLeLL! a&o^LS! cs^j^-^ls aj^sU! ^1

- -o) .

^*0$) ^<AJLw ^Lil lX3 ^Lc. *Ut UjlLii
^ jf.

B 6
Lj . >A*-w q_j ^y£. t\_L>
^ LLoW> LL q(As V aJt L^ix a*wjL*J

jl\Jm qj! lit ysm)

ij&J ^ La^L (j*L»Jt (j-i liAs>! jLal v— >LLii- qJ LxJlo

jjjxi! l\xc qJ j*-o^S! LSyoLlj oLc &I Jjj jJIs £yL4! aLyL« (j»jt ajJaii! 7 ails

5 - o£ -- -
* aJo^ q*
j? gUiaj <& J^ast ^5 l
—gJLo j.LX_a! a t * ia s (j*Lls

O ,. o

qj! q£
G *v
A>j: LjolXt>
LY ii)JJ
^ ajiLs!


10 «A->j-S
j\S-m aJ jlsj j.'^Lc ^^LV^vl! ^LijJ
^ ait »iA> q£ a-ot q£
^t J-w^ls ail! Jj-wj ^t ^iAjU* jls a-ai!_5 a_Ljf pA=>5 *-i>^ (
^ jlaj

qLs Li ^y*L!j ^yHj Li jf^xiotj ^y^Lj" 'i Lo ^_Lrs\j' ^ JLas ^Lij

— Of. ^ J _ O^vy 10
L5j>! _jl xj JL« ^3 ail! Jii=> I^jlXxj ^5 f?j*X£y" ^(5 j^X-«wols j^iLy^
OC «. Of ^ O_ w 5

u!S <*JJ! L ^ JL-S-5 oiXcli

15 v_LlVoJ! Jit J.!

^t-X—Ljw ail! Lis j*«Lw«< iJL tiL

Ji ^=> yG _^j!
12 alL« j*jlLo ail!
^y»j ^v°3 ^ -La=>f Jlai sSs. ail! ^ytoj

i^lX-Lc j*^' ^! csvyisj q! j»ju Jlii j*jLo (j^-Jt Kaa^j Jaai>T at Jlsis y= j!
O 5 O £ w f 0-0 M O > 3

jUii 13
Lj^Jo I y^ili jj! ^xlr:
^ Lo (iVxJLc

J»pw^ aLyOj 20J Jaas>! (joLstl! J*'1 i—aXKs '-Ll^ U^l 2^ jCK+m
^ J*"

1) I. e. y>^! j.L^ ^[5. BC (above) have simply y>Ht ^Li^ (^i-oCil j.Lf’ J,!.

2) C here u*oy«, but above ij^>y>- 3) A BC ^ (J>c above). 4) BC

in their duplicate passage, above, also continue in this way. 5) Yaq. IY 674,
Mahas. II 100. 6) D resumes again! 7) C Lis. 8) In the second oc-

currence of the long passage in BC these words are omitted, and after aJ JLSj

^iXLw, below, the text has simply £-fcy> t_=f ^Li! al Jls aJ! ^1 yi/jAH
the remainder of the story being omitted. 9) Cf. Husn I 71, also 94 f.

10) C ^/. 11) D u^!. 12) D at Jlfls. 13) C w^Lot. 14) D

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam. ,


j&o-a 0L0
(Ji lols LyJ
D y-o 3 |

0 3
^ 1
L^Cyj l\*j

cr l
. !? C?jO Lo J^x Jywy! jLLaA— bi!a-wjb flyiaS!


1 lX*£
cH u~^
O -C

‘A^ 2
o5 j st

,A^C <3 !

o -
^ ^L^Uc
JJ V-^l^U 0^ 0^

3j^5 * j(? 0 1

? 0^
9 o 3 ° ~
jcLwJ! 2us jyb _^5 1 bis" »^5*) col i loj-wJI B

3 3 - -a- O 3 3 . O S — - 3 —
L.3 ^L 4,^-Jl v^jjLiLj

6 4
qI^5 j»L>j L^ja£ j»!
LxJI »l\s> J.I (j^o! ^li £L*X*JI j\j> iAax
3«^- 3 O C #
£ - O 3

eL!i jLc jyj j*JLi u^UJ! oyMj.3 ioJ^t &jJ x s^Lb oLx'it ,3 ^Uj

ilL^LwJI ^b lyS jl_JLj ^b j+s: JcliiwiJljj <St xabai yiytii <Aax ^_j 3= 3^
£-*^ y^jlJo$\il 3 3J! 6
^.bJI ^b lo tjy^l L^y* 10

& JooLiiit o ij 3 osa!!

Jl*_^UI &_j^L*o> 5 jbvoJI X_i^L*os ob^LvuJiJt * jjytii iAac 3J5 Jis

3JI ^L*oLS!j 11
L>J L=>^SI <JU JUb ^ J.yj
xLb» 10
3 (jkLXSl ^ImO}.,

Xoyi Jaax» ^ b-o Joofj yjy*.!! <Aax isL-^LwOb oyo 3^ ^73 j-*Ji ^j-o

Jls ^Jbt_5 3J 3 3d! »jb lyba tjiDyxi 12

^coLxJt ^cAx 0 J
0^3 15

y-LJt L
a •> *_i j»ub^ ^L-^jLwou oyo 3^^ ^-a-^Lwaas 3—bl! iA>x pLwA? 1

G w #
- w O 3
jsLxJb i^Uo lXju , y^uJ! (j^Jj yaSJt ^LoafiJl
J, ^^llivvASt

ysb'3 14
£^’3 Jls Gr uaUJI (jaU*]) _^-o L^alblj J-j!} 3^
0—3 SO- - O — - -
'zLmJS jXt l\^> j-jt L^-o^£ b^LxfiJI ^sJLi>
0^-5 (jrb

yS*} bj 3b! 20
pl+J». 30*^1 J.U> U"[p (j-i
3 -1" • 'ilbl-S5

1) C tiV.o)y«. 2) Cf. Hajar IV 237. 3) A, marg. ^Ixt kT$> tiUJo lCaw


£ .J 3 G 0 -

resumes here,

id^li i^ilwjl

two lines
Jc>li xj^lX-ou

(to \*bai). A
^ Jdi_5
^ yo
C ^xsi!.
4) D
5) ^!. 6) 7)

3-JaJ!, B s. p. except iA, C l>u^- (sic). 8) Asbagh ibn al-Faraj, f 225.

9) Secondary. A om., B in marg. 10) C om. 11) C has here *s^l=>jJf,

and above (where BC repeat the paragraph) ic>jL> _^j

12) See Moscht. 334.
13) C (above) 83^-5. 14) C xJolj.
135 Yale Oriental Series.

aJ LXLoj A_j~Lc aJI*^ qj! iyi (jygai! iA*c LgxLat aJLw^o ^yt
O V,

5jtt i\x£ ,3!

jij . K_LwXwJi ^tiA_j oyu ^tA_Jt a3 L^ qJ l\jjj
«« '5-gS 5 O -£
l\a£ <3^ Lgil ^Icl liUJu
^5 (iUv3 Q»,yCu ^c^iJ! qJ Jujj

g j>
G I— ^y«
W- £
L-b 2
G-*-* X4 q-^ Gj
<j& pt Gk*=>!
i_ ^ !

5 ^c!^ 0^ lX-Sj Ug^Lw! £^1x 1 j^Xcj ^bLxlt sLo! |»lXs J& Igj iAgXO»wl5 |»LwJt it

Ig^s tblxa* . 1

Gj j»*h,n.S? Jyyjt iXa eUJI iiUo blat^ yax it LoiAS yxJoa ill! Jywj

AjUlXI! it fbL*Jt „y> G aJ jLiu l*gJ' iy)

aaS LXwlj L>o>!j biyL* ‘bit

\_«L>J LgJ yjy3 j»L£J! it Jia ^/S s^t qJ aXL>o ay^- |.(e Jjciis

q! aILvj JU. aX! Jwwjtj jCiLop y^jt it liUIt iAa£ iAac idyw: ^Las ^yt
SO- w - - 5-05 "£.'
<3 <w UU> L^o <*J jiXfij. Lo *! L
w G w
lit^sS eX^uiJj (iLJ (
51 a) ^Xo AJL 4
q] jlsj * aJL>o aJX>iAj ^t ot^t tot »^to

1 gJL*J>j 7 ^Li-Jt gt^iAg

0*cty3 0,
6 yXt L^yw Jjt>j l^UX A_jlGj qj!
. 5 5 5 S 5

j»lXs ®Llj Lgy 8^_x\jC*v« LgXcli' pl=>j 9 iA*ju »L\j' *

0-j L* Gs i«*>5 ^
LgJ Jocp G litLt ^£ v^JLftj't (Xft 5 jf- X (jUs AjG^ Qjt LgJL-s J05 ya^ (^Lc
« 5 55
15 ^*XjS q1Xl\JI JX< »Lo 9 Q^yitt \\s\m^, j»yJt yci_XJt lA^wlt !l\o»vww«

, 0 5 w
j_gt «A*j »Lo ^ . sjJ>
0^5 ^r"f ^jtAJt AajO Jjo-o ^tiAit sbsUj

»U_o Ojya>t Ji ^tjii aU! iA*c qJ s— JlLit AjO otj G Lujj 0g eLdt iA*£ 0^1:

0_j! =tbl*i! 0j o^- ^ 0-j j/1 0L0 G sLuJt tX_5 >

|*x]> qJ (j=jGSI

q^O Jl^-jit
yp t^L* 5
qJ 10
Loy>-lj LXje’btls lAxi'bSS ,J«c ^luXj! y*a^>3 UJX A*i>t

ijajSLit tols 1 g-»—0 jL^vt j-£> 0» (J>£
A-g.A.1 3 JX yjL\«jj t^LwLj tjo! =Lw-*JI

iLwOi! yoy j! tols u^.LaJt 0-, aX! Lg—«w»o 0, ^X sUaJt (J^c (jr?

05S0C 5-05 ^ (
Li^LSi i^bJ <3 ^ws^j (ju^Lw^ L^obG>^ tjrtP

t^Lw-Lo' Lo !iA_jt ^ob^tj »lA !j ityoj y'XLwdtj ^t^JjiJI J, a>.X}

1) C iAj^ 0jt. 2) A ora, 3) C aj. 4) C 0^ jls. 5) B ora.

Mss. + 0,. 6) C yXt. 7) C om. 8) Mss. iAx*J 9 ) See also

Abu Salih 115 . 10 ) C cyjil. 11 ) B ^Aib^, AC s. p. 12 ) C s. p.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Ahd al-Hakam. ' 134

r o > — s o > w c- oc
^ y2 Lu^>
2 4
£^l_ j L^-Wjj (__cLjJ iA_i yytl!
^ g, ij.

& yke^l x-oUi> (j^y> ,J^c yp Lgj <*J y[j XjjiAJL&w^I v_y> ^
lX-cxC q£ XxjtgJ yl UjJo- _jjt LoiA^> .
y£ y! yJL \Lwy yyth l\x£
° - ^
O^/ 0
j~4j*^ ^£

O f
<3^ <y iAa£ y; isyxil
y alii

U=y*il Jx y ^ yy* y liUit iX*£ ^Lstj JlS & 4 l$4as jF yl ^1 jLop v_ASIj 5

i_jL^P( u. (It ^yw_it£

y yi! j»ll^- »jiO y^Ls’
,_pJ A^>1 ^

j$“ 10 lXxXav ^ ^ l\xC • — 2jPjl

w £
^LiOCwli Jjy&a iA-ou*
y y=3 aX*sL> j. axle 7
J^>l\s wlsS?! <i ^(3 ax-o c

£ 9
jty ^Ls
all! xJJus aJUs! ^JLc
y y= 8
jliu sy alxi i_jL^ aJUs j.

^Uy[j yJjJt jl a*J^ 10 jls 10

v_sjli to j$> ls> dUit iA*£ * jls lo l_j^L> io

oVyi xo^Xaj ye jyo j! dUlt l\xc aLw^ (j^UJt oySli Jjtai dlXc. ydylaa Jill

j>£ dU-T* lo a! (jLiii dUit l\a£ dUo ^Jbj lgiy>lj axjl
^ z\-c*\ lyo L*JCS^ axi

Si o s,_-.£ yl
j*Xc tot iOLclI-> ^i>^«lsUAvt ^3 ^yLvi t^Uo dl—t O^o Lo-i L.g-lty jls lo

LS’tyi! yJt J»lfii oto 8jto iUsLatj SiAjy Xit^ i_jyjj d)l| 12 Ai
| dklt

iL*ALi ^ iUJLwo qJ d'JUt jiit

13 ^_byiSt v_jLsiPt WU> ^>t yu£ y (_5^y 15

15 11
dV-Llt iA-^-e Jlij »U-w )~^1S ’
q! "b5| s^wli *4^0 ^3 d?y^^ -^-e

1) C u^^lyt. 2) B |
Sy_< o>lj, ;
C Sly>lj' (also below). See Glossary 4d>t.

3) A Jy*. 4) This passage om. here in BC, but given below, where the

paragraph is repeated. C has yJL instead of yil, and xlociis (!) instead of LgJuiis.

5) C yjjJt. See Mahss. I 203 f. 6) Mss. ^LS. 7) B ^Ju. 8) B + *J.

9) B jtjj. 10) BC om. here, but not below. 11) C om. 12) C
13) BC proceed hero with the paragraph beginning: ol^Lw-diS! yy^t l\xe Jls

(jiiL-jJij jU-^3 y<J! (see below); then give the Ibn Sandar traditions;

then repeat the paragraph beginning: £jt^ Jc> ^cyit Ji jls (above, p. 133);

then proceed as in the text; and finally, repeat the paragraph concerning the

okjl-w-A-i of
Abd al-
Azlz (below, p. 136). The order in D, which gives only

an abridgment, is like that in A. See, further, the Introduction. 14) A om.

15) A om. The following is quoted in Duqm. IV 86.

133 Yale Oriental Series.

'_A_)lwJt 8
4 iLvdi ^a^S " £—'\j ^L> ji

lX-a-c: oLy^ LiLy^^l Jc> jJj*jS *-X*c

< 3^0 !
&jy! ^5 jtvAJt

jajSAj lJj*J (^cOs vjjlsji!

3 jf ^_yi a-j^La Uai! iuvJW jJa'iL,
j f

0_j .

0_j vi>yl> q_j <Aac q-j JsJj> jjjxit iAac jLsSj tS?- LatLisLo slXJj a^Li

5 ^0^j_w^-aJS ^-aaae 0 ? iS*-^ ^ £ basJt

(3 i_5^^
a— ^b j»Lci*P

0 j ait! l\ac j.Ux?’ qJ 1

v qJ |Aac ^ l“^> c£ Jls & ^JiiyJ)\j

yl ^ ^ ^j-*5 O^X* CT^

^ ^ Li»! iAac. qJ jfL) _^j!

aJJ jio jjt ^_xi lX1s>j j*s. »yCi Lc ^1 Jaaa* $ 6

Qiy *1
uiV— JLtt

7 IL& ^f 3 U^j> D t ^L^L £1 v^= 6

0 ^«-> ^ o' ^
10 ^L&iSI ^ £-**j^* &xLSli <-\>ju »A—Lj> v^a^\J6 L-^j Ul^\LJi
O .T

0^yQ 0j ^*ao v_JL^lis Loij ^aaae
0 ? (Jta^o ^b ^

_^dt j_j(Aif Ja-ow
0 _j aOJ ic iAaJ^JI b^l^e ^Litj & bjAA^ ^IjI Joa*{^j ali

qJ iAa ^ 8
liLiAj ^30^> * 9
libl (_c*-wj ..Ioat./s <5?
LJus i—jL^?!

O O- C -, O > O~0^ o^
ur; ^ r^i £/ cH CT^
u^ju Jyij aJj (506)
£ o>—o^ £ o— O ^ o _ O o _, i - o-
10 ^Lif qJ iUac aU±> oLaIs cX/f
l |*-^UJ 8jW 0X

0j 15^1 (3^ ,3^5 “r*^ rr? lXac ,.X_5 Jls

12 (^c;lX_JI 11 aJ
j.Uj> ai JUj j.U^iJ! o! 3 s^b Ja3? aJjJUi <Aa£. a! viiAjl^j

)0 C c -
20 lX-olS Jl5 jm^jI iwC>Lo 13
q^aJI lX-Lc qJ lXxc j*<-Xi UAi Q-i-XSt

1) The following, to the end of the paragraph (p. 134, 1. 15) is repeated in

Mss. BC several pages below. 2) Here begins another long omission in D.

3) Mss. s. p. 4) This nisba only in A*. See Suyutl, Lubb al-Lubub ed. Veth,

p. 266. 5) B -\- j-s-jj}] ^c. 6) B Ia£a*o, here, but below as text.

7) C Lw. 8) Mss. (JLaj. 9) BC qLI. 10) This whole passage is wanting

here in BC, but is given below, where the paragraph is repeated. 11) A+
jjjjdt l\ac 12) C (jrJt. 13) C (also below), B s. p.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. c

^ 3 .
^-<05. 7
AjSJmL! 3 ^-y j aw-^
s £ >
^ * ^LL 0_j *U! l\a£ j!) 3 . &JL05 (yjt**«5 &L« t3 8 'y* 3 tiLSJ Aju
o o-
ijyjLoj tyke o^Li * iLj_Av 3 tlLJii 3 ^ 1 q^Ij Qy«Lu (50a) i_jLiL 3 t^oy.

yi oJleo^ * yyoaii Jo q-, Lyu to ^t lyli"

Jo yo Jootj

^ (;
{$>\j^o 30! LL^ ya*j (
.y, t$>yej &jly 5

q! ioJ! [yy^ cr~^

1—S-j'Ao Li" 3-LS A-*—
c qj iAjJjJI JLe qIXs

j^Lj ^3) i_Xj>Lw*LI

J .»_jt
q! |^I.jlJI wJ3s jLo q-, A_S Oj-O

^Ls-yJ! 1 iL Ck-Xl. y^Jt

0^" '3'“°^ 3 AyjwLS yus _bLLi^>aj
O— . 5£> qJ AaJ’ Li Jo & 8 iotLai! Ayw^-. <_jytJ 7 (j^JLaJlj oyu I^c jLt jJLa

& L-L.~gp |»L>j Ju£ *3 yfi/0 L^ULwij Ay^w^ ^ $3 L=y^ 10

^_j! ^e iUkv^o
^y liLLi! A*e U_i'Ae» Li" ya^ _bl!i<*Lj v^>jJj iUw^Ji"

w O—
JjLi 1

xJLw) j»L! ylaJLaJ! 0J0 j-3! iCw-JOvS! yu> JJ’I yyLl y>^2JtJ
ly. £*jyJ
C wj£ 505
jSj 9
q! ol^ ,^5^ (j*oUXJI I^JLo q( jSil aj (ylSj xJLwj l\JL£\J| (iUt3 ^XSli

5 M, j*_Xjtj yi 3 Lg—1| jLfi-s ALyj iL*L*vo j^Lle yJJ>li yO xJoj j^L^J

^ ya^i -LL> sAy 11 Aa£ 10 |yiCwi 3 15

jjLLsJf j=zs j>

iLaj ^ya^-lj U^5 ^ iyr-> Qy*^*Lf A25 jli'

y'Aw 3 ! ^j_j iuy*'0 3j 3^ 3s JjJ (Jj L -^-JjLj


(^cyJL-w! Ji Q^5 yjyvy ^ydt Jo N.t.L sU, 15 iJJ) jjL^ qJ iui-w-<l xla3- yjyiili

i3 ^ QyJI i_jL^! Ac 17 s L*aaJ(

3 3'^ qJ 1(5 20

1) BC iXSW, 2) Cor. in B to yyyi _yt. 3) BC om. 4) A om.

5) BD yie 6) BC liy"<3. D om. this sentence. 7) Duqm. IV 35, 3, 6fF.

See Glossary. 8) A s. p., BD &JLaJt, C tSail\. Cf. Maqr. II 325, 17 f. 9) D om.

10) C |yiLwi. 11) D Aju. 12) D om. following, and title. 13) D l^Jy.

14) D llaa. 15) B om. 16) D Jo. 17) C + iplL^al.

131 Yale Oriental Series.

9 2 1
. 1— gJi/oyi j
jjJt L^xjCw f^ias LM Lgj^xjCwj CURLS' q*j^j

4 S jyG
^ ^F? L
-rJt*J ^5 c5^ Uj !/ q* J-^:. NS

cr? ^j 3

& i3
2 l-gjy-^Lo 1^0^ Ui LgJU 5

Axj (^^Lo j'Sjl ^


5 aJ ^jl— AjS-Vw^L! (ALs- iL^JLw^o ^! 7

^ j/~ (3

liLLxj 9 j?Cil
QK u\>Lw^U
^L*it 8
J^! Ai>l
^ ^cXi I auL^y,

0-j ^a^ 1

LoJo & x*-vJ L^aIx: ^Lxlt t^Jlj> Kaav jJ,

£Ao 5_5 iA>L«^i! 11 s tXis^ aUJu^vo AA-S .yG

tA 15 L-*-H u*L*«M Jls aJJ!

^ ^jjjlS! >A*c j»lX^ Ji

^Uc (iUJ> Jailwtj ^Ui! ^Us ^ ad^ q'% > q£ ;

10 ^t aJoNli- £ ilUIt iAac

^ iXJ^i! ^.Xf Jet • «Lo^ y^JtAAW^ ^AW <S*AA** uX^Vm*»L!

o yi qJ Hy5 Ju^ v^ol^ .

yA* 12
J^! uil^ ii^j ^3 ^-vaaxJI qJ syj

11* &XaJ 8 av£ V^JaXaJ ^JVAJ>*i)i L^OlXd (^JVJLvaJ £»aav
^ ^A2/0

15 qJ
£:L*Jt Jyb J3 ^JLLI iAx£ <*JJ! l\a£ JjCj J^l
O ^ - CJ _w ? — Ow~D ^ ^ OC — 90- S^ —
s^. j oy>! l\_5 q! Lilj’i o*j^U: Lo L.^\c

15 tlk_»_j! X-O 1G ^1>^-L

0 L-Lc: 3>*-JI ^AjLji

jja»»a5 c\,4»xi 1 Q'i*)

\_ 1

^UaJI Ii»\— ^ * «L^_5


K 1® *^l ^j^>ljSt
8 ^j, Jy-f" \%

L^a5 y^LJ) 0^^ ^vaxJ! Xj^Lv^a3 ^X! uXj^Lw^i! J»(A^

w 3 O _ ?
21 (i aG^LwjJi!! alLji!^ 20 aiLuo ,yG> ^j^iJ!
jiJ! iGjJiil (iiGKj j»yJ! ^! j, ^y%

1) BC aJJG’. 2) C L^^*v. 3) B b^GCw. 4) BC LA. 5) B NS,

o^y C ,
c->^y _5 NSj. 6) D resumes hore! 7) Husn I 63, 1 8 ff.

8) C £Lyj. 9) A »U, D om. 10) D om. this trad. 11) C ^Ljo.

12) B om. 13) D om. to aJ/ a^stA^i. 14) C om. 15) Husn II 7,
Mahas. I 244, Guest, Kindi, ‘1i' . 16) C, Mahas., ^^ALi. 17) BC i<AP sLu.

18) D »j>j>. AC + tiLy!i 19) C J.«JLl!. Duqm. IY 63. 20) D om. to

c>\j j (as in Husn). 21) BC om.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

Axe qJ 3 yExJl qXj A^AblAiS *

q! jj-e JaLg*
j! l$J ^Jls Lctj Jls

gi 0 f
! bjy o* cr-j! ^ LiSAe- ^Qi-

qJ qIj . JujI _yjj j£> aus s

Jjj “^jJU l\e»! qXi AjU>! cabli’ U !_5 . bi^AxSCw/^lj
O— 5

&xi ,j»>JI |»yC!! I^JIe _ci=>

owoLaJ! qJ sjLej JAit bjAx£A>! e06 U (jolxi!

j-x^aJI (_pL*jt
y^ ^ JjA Jyj eoA> 0-? w^*-0 jL-ai 0oL*i! yj ^ A$w«
^ ALJI Jj Q &I b^ ^1 1
^ q4 A*x« all! Ax*J ^Lo l? -^ 1

l*x .,y= 'AeAxx AA (jxXJl ^^LaJ! ^yi 0 1^ 'iyAo 4

LC,U*J! ^l> j_j! Jyj

i_jyi5j Jjo! lA_£>

^y !_cJ! a
b £L_/iyx i eoAe- qJ &_Jy*x Jyj pAAi Ay ^sAt
G - 5

£L>y>Jf Ij!
q! jl£j$ q* «y> -^> t ^ v3jr*
^Uj ^^votAaj! HoLx. 10

^jJle! aillj »jw

sAxS 1
qjL, uxu> Jj! ^ Ajy qE bey! ^yf Lx’iA=> yAo 0J q+xe ° LL'Ae-

*_jL^?! y, (49 b) uolxJl yj yf ^JAs _j

<-^LxJt ^>J ^4^olSXw! LJi Jls L^xjAe* j,
w G ^O)
yxoJ q!^ \-*-X ^yAix ouajjtj Je»!j.mJI j. £-1j5 (jxlxJ!
aLxx« aLxj'Lw |?Axj 9 yAxy ybil bA j'Aib vAyxA' ij>
£_y!! b^L> b^AxjCAA IB

&A-jLe»I k_o I.AjsaIj ^_jL5P! y, \jw q^-. ^x5 Jijaj yEi wftj^E JXJ ^ii!

^! lxxc> ,J;!
Ajjj U_SAe> iAxJ yi] Lxj'Ae* iALx^o yi eUI! Axe LoAe»

10 jjxi!
0A- J! 0 L<i Ij^Axj! 3j£ Ji
\ [j-LaJs Ji L_^jACx U yuLxL!

q! oLe*! ^t Jli !
jjE UJLs ACxxxS S^AXxxi jAj XxE»L 4 Xxj
^ (_cAi!

*li! by Je !jy^xv Jls

y^p AxC ^ ULs Lgjj^LxxJ j*Xb' bt JjLxi! (jJ^' 20

/yj ^IaJI JA>Aj Je»jS!

0 LjCs «-o( _cyJ3
^ ^b J, ius^ jxbbu
G >

^!a!! c<ALA-s ^!aJ! q^. a j J, ias^j ji'jxi y>^! J.L A L^Ao JjA j xAV,

1) A Lola. 2) Mss. yai. 3) C ora. 4) A om. 5) B slo Uxj, cor.

later to bsLo. 6) Cf. below, fol. 736. 7) B j JaLJ!. 8) C

9) B 10 ) C
129 Yale Oriental Series.

3 £-ib paS>^ iAJ>3 (49a) 1

iyJ-L frjL&y* ^U#t3 yis
cr q^3 *

S O*3^" LK’L,*-M q 3 tiUL^ Lo {3*S>I(3

gJL^o cr, fi-x-p ^ jls titgjpj^ UV^ !

j S
cr 6/3 04^5
tj-Jlj _bLliw.aJ! jj q! sj_*_P» j£>l JLw UJ (jol*JI q_j q! yjM

6 L^jj sjjJ^ 6 £sb v4jJj«i vp, Kka 6

J«J>yJ \jS Lo <aJL5l J>ju«w bLvSiAs 4 biA£vc
& O ]S O ** 3

^ iLaJLb_3 *J>p ^3 ^-o-Si ^jt

^ ^>-o! 3 J3 ^IlXoPj vM 1

fjjc£s»t iXs XiuLb pA ool^j $t 8 ^U5 ;'JI

qJ liXJU

a^Ls- qJ
X*fiJLc *

^ ^<_Ao |j, i^)J<3 lXs 10 ^yu Ka»c 9 J^UxwaJL

• if
j^ p f (jUb j*^Jt
^ r y o>l*JI Qj £• iL>^ 0* °^3 J&

O^J ^ 3 S
d^iiSj J-H3 Oj;^ 12 K_Lj yJ ^ q, j»y» it^oJ- Loti

Q i(3 si*Ly yjK
^ ry y=j
^ a*
j»3jll c^LLfli . sLo^-Ij yew _bLb*Adh ^vit 76 X»u qj! * 'SJusuh xJIj 16
&j qj! *

yjis ^yy Li yts pLi» ^ j -^ 1

^ Gy v/^ ^1 o y^J^[*>
qIs ,JUa*j JLfti ULu yii’ j\£ ps> ^yjC)
D li o^Jb £ ytifj iJjb j jy
15 sL*ii c^Lj-o .
^ybjJL L3ci>t iAs Lfj tXw'it
p&J yvj 17
y^ ^lXx

y^y«v^LsJ( H^LkaaSIj


^ ^ 0*^ ^seu^j USlX> liUIf lXa*£ USlX> ^LJ3y^

Jli .
^ 18
-y^L QoUJt -4
CJ 3j ^ [»AJj Jls g-Lj 0-3 Jlc 0-C
0 p^
*y^- ^Uw iu^j
0 jt

1) B (raarg.) inserts after pa^- 2) B ^sL. 3) BC *JLOj- 4) A ^lAibU.

5) A J3-AJ (and so Husn), C y>cXj. 6) C om. 7) B Tajrid II 54,

Husn I 104. 8) A om. 9) C JAkwiJl 0,. 10) Duqm. IV 51. 11) A pJ>.

12) A Ji, B y, C 8. p. 13) A yj3j. 14) B ^Oo 5 . 15) C

16) C 17) C 0 K. 18) C i^.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Iiakam. 128

djjJLo^lj dObCOL, iilij qOS yf^bs-l kiOjli J,! j*jeXo aJJt

iJJij liljJLo'^tj dULOJU jJl£\ jZgUI all! Jyvj J'lsB qL«l>j

q? X-jjj qC l\*av ,jroX>- 3Lo qJ aDI X*£ LoX> Gr y^-iyO^I

O i - c
Jj I^Jls JOL*is 2 Jls all! Jy*> q! x-juLj aJI v<-k>j>

& cr* o^ *^ 1

Joyu! 1
^xLl>1 j^ca/o J? jL**wJ! wx^l-o 3 J°!$ c3^*

3>4^ 3 j?$
0^x2^. LW3> |^° • J^z-0 ^
Jo (*J>
^ tfcX&lp v^Axiii

^ J-^Ls (O5
. # - O - O- t w
^y;jLo l^ca* ^ J-Oi j yo -_«!=> y-, &ijLb

> 10
Loa5 J^oLoiiSI (jjyo ~
<A^ ^)j' L?^* 3“‘t*““T 3 j\2 '
ta >l2*^V

W OC w
dLiJ iA.*o lo#, qLa^ q ct
4^ o^°) 3 0^5 Uii Jo^iiSi ^Xt
3 x>jLl!
C O > 0* M-

^ Q^y-di iS^ <S^ 3^ £**•> (j*LJ[


a^^Jf ialaa>.

5 ^
o-.'j '-ryyP
<3^ Q-J kXlJJ
0£ LoX> ^Lo ^ Q*ic L0J0
qJ _j^c wdOLi BjJk-^vSS L^'bStj qX_5 qLA^S 1 5
kii-kLsOi jli x^-Lo ^.c Ll?kX^>l k\jjj 15

j, |^Ji*s Uj ^LJLc L05 (jOLkOJ &U! £jUo U- Okju k_jlLii y= ^i,! uo'l*]!

kX^ 1

i^kJi wOiXj sj-k^-L jjjkJ! q-» O^Sj 8
q-» i
q^X*^ 3 7 Loj ^cLL>

qJCj ^ 9 ^iLk£:
q! Oy^ #J
JyMi ^313 Q, Lo Jk£ &U!

Lo <^k\j' ^ y^. liOj*, ,yv. q! dOLiPt ^ kX^>^


qIi dOS ^’Lkc

[j-j! ^<x«c>Lj 8
yCj Lo
^ Jjaj ^cS^ * 5
(Jji ^XiL!/ ^5 d^k-L*J_j |?L^\aj 20

SOc iiU3 _5j^= . UkAa^> yOOlt 11
!l Oc
Qjli 10 !^Lst^ya
SU^tj dO^

1) C y^ jo. 2) AC OjU>. 3) B yy. 4) The following cited in

Husn I 64 f. 5) C c^Us. 6) BC + *UI. 7) BC c>k*^<. 8) BC

Loj (and A orig.). 9) AC om. 10) B + Sjx^L. 11) A Lf
127 Yale Oriental Series.

(j£>L*Jl q_j A_s ^sl*i! ojl/j .

aoj U c>3jj ool^ As

Aq>t ^5 Jlas |$Uiio «jJLw^ ^1 oskJ3 t^A/iXs J*aaJS i^Sy?" j?l3ls


^ (jJl Lf*^ Jt ^iLx_l! Jiij, ^*SoyA Jl Lioyi JJi^s ^LSPl

^ J,
Joi>! loy>


3 ^X! J^UCd ^ |^aXc.( *jL^P^
^ JlSj c^I Ju

b J/yLtt ^o aoA=>
1 tfrjls UT ^IXs *33 J>!s x3 (j*LJ!

b! (j*UJ!
^ Jls
4 ^j'Lo
jJl& q-£ J-*~o J-t 0-c J^**\J qJ [»L& Lo\A>

3jy> r ^t v^s? ^1*11 ^ai> 0 L<i w%* ry 0^5 1 y>j> {f

w _ ^ . O— 9

^3 yti>t qJ A^S ^ 1 Ly*»J A^\-V*Xj ^jSljtllj (JtjJt ®

A-JS ^AOij . isO^A*£v.3lj
jc O — o—
^3 ^LUall ^3 iA-5 ^3*41 lX-^ *-*L4 j»U XJyj ^3 ^3 <Ap

10 LoA=> iAoAH sl> (J^JjCwJ Sj 2

A-^A-4 Aa£
. (•jvo^JLw'zii 'S? ^clXj!

^_c Ax** alit lL<_c

^ LoAs> (iUI! Axe ^ A+^3 yL> jjt (486)

J^c xl^
3Ljm Lj JlSj &5l3 Jl xiacj j*xJl<o (CvjJt q( 31jw q£ Jy£UC«

«_jl3 J~*^5 q31s xsLJt aAP 13 12 aLstJ! jlj'

L ^> uSJLiajf

t>)^o c^'*! iOSll w 14 lAiivJ! ^t 5 ^>3!

3L*x oilLili

15 jjJLs ^Sj j», alii U..!s 3 w«L>j iAa> j*ju I^Sls !l\_^ j-ks- A>o- ^ J>._^>

43 yoL3*\J sXLoSlj 3Ljw

^yj! ^-1*03 pis ji (^_cOLa3

3y«j v aJL> Joist ^t Aj^! JI5 Aj^J L> JUs tjUWt
^ j^Wj lit Jls

L^>yo aj jli' j*j*JLa£> &U! w sLaj^I Lo «31jw \JLc Uli ^-^Lo

w 9 0 9 ^
KJLi ^jot v-^33 ^juLo ^Ju Jo^mj! ^)o lx^y«3 8 lXa£ q^.
- 0„ — O— 9 Ot
20 yoL^ 1

0^°^ ^^03

Jy«j o3L> q^> 3l_Jt» Jo Las Jy^tj ^ l

i**' 31^ JLcs J.

JyOj J,t O^ojCs 8^-jb>t ,jfC^>

q3j^j (j)yJLo! lil^JU^tj yNO.X^'^l
^ KLoLi j*Jslo silt

1) So A, B xo, C s. p. Qamus IY 274. 2) C J^>t, 3) C t^xct.

4) C So Tah., Hazr. jjLo. 5) A om. 6) C lA§s. 7) Mss. s.

p 8) BC j.^5.

9) A Xojit. 10) C jaS3J1. With the following cf. Beladh. 69 ff. 11) C q£.

12) A + Lo. 13) B w. 14) C o>L>. 15) BC s. p. 16) C D tA^.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam 12G


! a — ur A_c to! ^~*-o ttUU ^t

(48a) JLsi
0 '^> q-* Jo>j iuL>li
o - o _ w o- s s w- G o> o -
qJ jjke qj 1
0'^-=- £-!Lw) q-*
50- w - 5w O- OP 0‘S - -
«a)Jl0 \-j (^cl\-> <_0c»| ^Aot L«-w ^i,!

. 5 C - " w
C X_1 U^J u>-0>0>!5 ^ y\j gC>Art vi>.Lij>tj Jli 5

. 0-0-
^5) 0? LT-^ ^9} eJ^*>



'^:2 0 '
P- - -> - -O- w
L>»v^ v^ftLwJ) '^A&yA l^iS
5^> ‘ f^-C2yQ

O- o— o —
jjsJ yj^v^xlt ^ljjJt_5 4 (jpJ (jwLsJt 0ia*J IiLc Aij t|^\AiSt
Jj (j«^£ 3. . 5

O- 3 0-
(& Jls US' 0^3 6
0^ f?
jUi 0^»-c 10

^t SLyAx q£ wtx^i qj! LlSAp» ^llil A>x. qJ <

^AiajJ! O^wit jjt UoAo>
G o _ **

&xi>. J, JuLiiSI y£\ JlS aU! JjyWj q!

>w*A> ^-5 jW v^&LwJI ^JW*J

OP -
^ -
L*wW ^X(

& S^snjo! o^y^>3 ^Lx+jI (j^J I^Ulx^ ^
^ &u<Aj 5^

Jyil lyUri
J<£> ^il*it LCU.'s

1UUU0 ^^Wt 0t^>

(jvj t^Aii* J-jUo I^JLt ^ ^Uio>tj
c — M ) o-
^ tjj^t liUyi qJ 8^5 (JvUiAflt 0VJ} jiUUt^

eUio 10 9
q, ^^UJt (3^—X liU^lsClJt; ^i_Aj 5 ^iLstUil c>JLx. >|g ,

^5 jiL*I!

h i^ ]

(J^ . 0%=> 0 . slxSLL, t

^Pt 0O> ^uiiai^ U^ s>

^^-UvR* 0! J*£-
JULiiit »A5> 'it I
A? (3 u^yU, yviw J0L0 Jv£ 0^^ lWP-

1) C (jJj. 2) BC li^>. All Mss. Lxfij. 3) BC fa. 4) C lJ^.

5) Mss. s. p.; A ora. (writing 0*^). Wiistenf., Register, p. 39, top. 6) Mss. ycu.

7) C 8) BC s. p. 9) C fa. 10) C + A*j. 11) C

12) B C y-^_j 0jtj.
125 Yale Oriental Series.

j_j! lo\A=> y*p> O^oa=> Jls |*jtLa *U! jywj

0 0^ ?^

qJ cbjH q-c LoiX>

3 ,t
0-j 0 Ajj_j ^
0 j! o^wilt
S 5 &$ 5 - «

J-21 ^Uls _5>

(_£;Oj! "3! l3—L*£ 1
(jb2 A^-S 'Abs^ q_J A*L*v«

eb^> q-js a*a£J 0 -j! Lb'Aff* O^s. 3 jAi

2iJ! Ojjw^S _^j! LoJo ^AiL^I
w , G 0^7

o^y^> ^ Jo! i^jAj ^ JlS juj

. ?. .

aU! iA>x 3j*- o ,

l cM 0 2 * ^bt
x /8 ^ _yo oJo>li 6wuf JliJ

IjiiJj 3 b-'* Jt ,

'~r*v cr» [j^2^ >3 3^ 0 ?

, — t* O- 5=
) O— SO
^ vy-?^ v'-y 1

0"%^ cr 0^5 o/^’ <jb b£ U^Lw

w.o- cr*


5uLo . (j^J
3 ^U-o o!y9 JoLj53 ' lyiS

J wv - ? ? « - OC O -
10 qJ tgWJ JjU 0)1*3 B^-CaP ^L> LC£L\j*ii qUJUv ^isJ

^lo Alait a! jLa-J ajUjC . a—<£5 qIs&O 0^ A> ~*+bJt 3

<J^ u*uy

2vjAs> yiaJj£. qLLum Li ! 3 «jfiJ lX-olw qL^s ^ i_\—*-*£ Aotw 3^


<& ^Jl 6
iAJLsI,! ^Ls * Aits aIsIIj
W % - W - G W O - vv

!yia/0 ^cf o^JL^\i! qjwv^u! ^-iy Oy*-S! jli*

15 v_suLc
(jsJ t^j J«4^
i3 LLcj 5
V^F’ ly^5 i) 4^ !
i- J^ls ^^
O _

d^j 12 11
XjjLliJI ^ 0#
^ q^ 1
|JccLi> yo3 jJUo
0 l*ys JvA> jyb 3lo3 ^U 5 w^wJlJ! o3yw XiUi"
-Off 5 w-J S m- - o - Go?o-
eVJLo Lo! * sJL^ ^jr-^ o -^5

- Off o _ G 5 > ? -O- - ff w ff

20 15
liULg^iS Jjb * i^.j3 bb j*^iw LiL>! qLj
— - -:

1) B 3^’. 2) Mss. ^oai. 3) C qj!. 4) B sA^c. 5) C xlaxSI o^Lo.

6) BC y^Ui!. 7) Mss. l&p. 8) A L^. 9) BO foLf


(B s. p.).

10) In A cor., prima raanu, to i_= 5

^Ul (i. e. ^cjSLS^I?), B 11) C
Aj^bi>-. Wiistenf., Tabellen, 4, 16. 12) B 3bjjj. 13) Abdallah b. Alqama
b. Firas was the chief of Firas ibn Malik, of Kinana. Cf. Yaq. I 564, below.

14) Vocalized in A. B Lg^o. Lot for fLut. A ^ t^s. 15) B Job.

C has li^L.
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-JIakam. ,

O w -

-3 - O - O ..- 3 3 0 -
3 - O- - - o£
Lo iA_x_j iA-jjj ,^-lc xs\aj

ilLc L ,’-J
j^_>0 ^5 ^L-*wiv —ilbj xjLXIj JM
^.Ai c iX^jj SA—jLe t

- 3- - 3 3 O 0-3 3 - X - - G o 3

_rt 3 ^i/ sl ; lb- j»iA_J_J lX— biy>j
Go— . w — o — wC
^_jJ»JI £— <! XJ jtot Loij

- JO-
5 - w
- J - I

L-^ y. a.

O -— - - M C
x yo

3— 5
! iA_r>! ^_Jb j.l\_s So! X- j^.tx Jls yAit I

_ O- J
lXjjaj lXj^j 5
*5 sb-yoa ,
3 * obiS! 8 iWj <_x*Aat! 4
3 bub ^
{Sij* 3^ l ^UM )*^A
• ft
- - O - ?

xl*$ qJ J\jic; *—0>U> 7 qJ ^w-O * 6

U*0 ^— bojJ
o - w . 5 v»

(^^Lxil (^- v^vLi x>«w 3 , l\jc 3^3 ^c^bJf

-O- - o - £ v. 3


CJ^'S qJ _5 j^ . *Dt £
0 1

3 ^COb> bob.

x^ 3(3

3 ? j^-*-^^.!! x-LLio>- o^ owS\j‘

^ ^AAafijSj x_£y! q-j (
47 £>) i— jf 1—0^53

qJ (j*u«b! (jj_J J>5 Hwbu (_cb_Jl xbluO- 8 Qjl yb * —0 L0 j-Jpj (jljbfcu!

(jjf qJ iuyw qLcj

0^5 ilb’ji! 10 *J

oy«j*53i> —b 9

3 b ^*-'5 ^oUCwli j.b5" (joj lAJLb

qJ iUi—»o yu ^ xjli yb
libSo xj»w»4 »^s Mb liUiAj a! — ^ ^Jy9 f :£S ^- ii-1

l$b! s^Ls Li! |*lwi

^ ,jbli aJ Jliij &y>yx> ^ Jor'j ^

b 12 -
b-xy!) (_yi5;
q! *J jls bJUvwO liLJo 0wbll!
1 :L
j^Uj LjLi Jowi

bf Jls cb 1
Q-c *) JbiLj bob Ojlaj Lo 5b br'j Jbli Jls bo bbi

^ |Sbbi jJji 3b 3—c ,

(ytjlOLj' <-iy Jls i
3—<}-5 Q*i Jls ib«!

jbb> 3 ! iL*Xc
q£ qj! Lo'lXs* jblll l\xc 13
yCajJt 0^w*bS! jj' LolXo>

1) A *J?J6 (rocte), B C 2) B jbr.. 3) C (i. e. j»LJt) wty

5 .

4) Mss. _^jl. AC tsbxii. 5) C «bcj 3 . 6) C om. 7) All Mss. uxJjj

^*5 qJ '-r^b. 8) Mss. yii. The vowel of xbLo> in A (twice); cf. Tab.
I 937, note g. 9) AC s. p., B x*j^>. 10) Mss. I have supplied
a) by conjecture, 11) C jo?u!. 12) BC + iiUo. 13) Mss. yai.
123 Yale Oriental Series.

(47a) -l * - 1
J> o|jv« q, L*^Lw L_^Lyo ^JjJcu
5 f { .

4 8
^)^™**^* _3^
3j^ ^*3^A^*^$! ^ * L-O g. ^2?

xut Uyc ji>

i^Jm L-Ljj£. pljli Q>jf |SUic Uye i_3t\«JI Oj&Lwt LJi

^ ^iAaoJ! 8
liLxLw sbsu 5 Oj** yJ j»yj
|^U«« iALJL Jjj ^3
3 O _ w
CT^*^” C1^3 ^ [*^ t 3 ^ ^•'*wA,

O^* ^ ^^2^3

Oyyja> Q-» J^LL^iit ijoLjsJI

3^ g/i Jj>Jtj . JJ^Xlt 0j .silt iA*£ "b5
qUjc 0jl
w- .-> oe ._> 5 W oS ?
liJJLcj gjjjlt qj^ y<-> lX-Ie 11
q(oAj! (J! g,* iixLis* wwJA qj .sJjt iAax.

15 X^iAq> |jM,yfl^Ll !3
(jiE;ol qJ ay^ ^L> s^tj^ dyD- 13
CP g-Xx-’tit qJ 3
^ qj!

qJ Kc^j qJ 17 17 16
j*i UZsdt uXJx 2GcLi>3
^3 0 ^ iAJLe qj!

10 XjJLxS! qJ qJ qac^Ij 19 18
yj 3-2(3 qj iiU/9
y qj!

!ybXi>b J»b! J* ^Ju>Lo yef yu5 \j'

<3 ^>! lyil
^3 ,
0U^ Jk! <Ay>

0 ^ 0^ oy 31 jjysSPt
0,» y_*Ji yi>
wJi-XAajtj 20 (*.^lw ^jyi
3 « 3 w 3

^hA-a! ^o 3 ,
23 &£hs> V s^ Ab
9«ilXc 22

iu^jw j»L! (jwslxJS qJ 3^ tj u-^s »3>t 0^3 . g[s y 0j! yo lAix

w ?3
iAs>t 5^S*
»•“” iuyw

jLi j^Xs

3j.^= Jlfts
ttXi 5 ,j., JLiis
- , 3 —^ - y )

q-»^ wXax ^yo ^Lxj Ls 'iLjuus jLSi

w —03
Lg«o L^ iuAa^S ^3 (^55^®

jyb l/
^ ^3
y^o J<^! u3|yi!

25 Lw-ji
itiAiif y&> JC3 26
^^jLLi-iAXJ elxJCJLSI * (3^! oibj

1)Ufw, BC yJLw. See Wiistenf., Tabellen, 7, 15; Lisan XY 194, Doreid 242.
2) C yil^. 3) C al^UaJt. 4) B 3Jc>^!, C s. p. 5) C j\Ss>. 6) B
0U=>, C ^Li>. 7) BC Lvki«w. 8) B C lik^Lvi. 9) C 0^^ ^3*
C u-A.k^. C (B has, as above). 12) See Taj VI 13.
10) 11) 0(oAj!
13) A 0j. C has i-jj^-. 14) A (jxot, BC s. p. 15) A &*ji_xi>, BC s. p.

16) B g*hw, 17) AB s. p. 18) BC s. p. 19) B ^-A-w^Jt. 20) A

BC s. p. 21) A 3y^\.
22) BC yko43 . 23) B »J&>, C ^uL>. All

Mss. omit j. 24) C + ^^Ut. 25) C ^sbUJl)!. 26) B

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-IIakam. ,

. ^ > O C -
j^cA—SI ,1,1 liUJ yj lo i
>A^>! ,11 e_jA.eiH3 libber qX:

JwOtfw^ O^lo jjJ! ^IaJ!

^5 Jylw Q-jf jb q! 3
~ *0 O J w G$
^^ lo
b 3
cr, oiiU ^ LxjI .
y*s> ^ £Li> JaL*J

A-*-C A^Vw.11 SjlSI L>>VUAJ ^cAJ! <slS! Aa£j • *JJ1 lVx lAi*.^vO ,1,1 A^.J C£'~) l_5

qJ yytSI A*x OyO Axj yew s'Sjj li). Li! eX»«x

0^3 O^f9 iA*e 5

yJo ^c
-o>f i
l a - Ae> L*jf 9
X— a. aw ^_cOl+.£>
^ ^ 3y 2

JjI _J-^5
L*^Xlo yew 1)*^ qLS^j ^'-^:> 5
0 l<5 l\*au qX
(_)*GG 0-t S
Le ^ <11

lo vjislxls X—S'l^A 1

^_j! ;
b c^Ab b'li ^^Julii! 7
^b ^t Ji

0J A*es^ e-^ou
^ ^yuliil idl^lS 3

^b J.3 . liLSUul ^xj iib_er
^ 10

^^o?. USAs* L*/ sULwil ^>ol/« . bLLv^JS j»!c yew yolxi!

^y _j^
= Jx>J> yG
qU3 Ax*v qJ
o^s*! ^yblAl! .
ybJj'5 IGA* y*e> ^ i^waUI

eiw£>l c^Jis ^^yix iLi-Li wJJj J, *_xw q^5 goAj> ^ £jyw Jejil UJls iCA*/i3

ieelc |^uJeXi ^yM [jJaJLj

^ ieJx. j*£bS 111 yo qJ Ao-^ 0
^yyiaj q, ^yisliil

) w *C , £
^wyj ^ cwJlo yooV> K_jyw jlai yG 1! |^Jaa.=>f jls A3>! UJi 15

JL_c 10
— ypt A5W. 9
X_iLo^U! ^!aJ! bj . \JUai iuls iibyf|j
w 0 5

^b ^

j*-^>y! (_co1j a^\av./i v_Ajl*Jj . ^U>j ^l LfJL>b j.^ KjAjaJ! Jl*>J! L^jI

yy! xLii q, oLiUiJj &^JLsi£ 11 XJJ>^ liUi^ JatyiSt j*-^y^ A^Uvw

(5 LjJUx> sA^ 1
ys. \jfo is

o^<oyxx» [yili U-w e_ijGj tjjy yc> 30cL^. a_yo (jGyj e_ie\>eJ! oJtws»tj 20

^Xaw 13
q(cu\j! j[ yu5o ^ Ajuv ^nj jdLiiJ! U lyi!^

1) So A, C 2) A ^y£U. 3) AB omit. 4) B + UV^ks-

5) Cf. Husn II 7, 5 ff. 6) A BC (j^-eibo; Husn 1. c.

7) Thus A, which om. ^yulxii. 8) B eiwJG. See Guest, Kindi VI, Tab. I 3406 f.

9) B Mua'biji. 10) Mss. s.p. 11) Pointed in A. 12) B lo. 13) Wiis-

tenfeld, Tabellen 4, 21. B ...IcAiS.

121 Yale Oriental Series.

> O - O


j£=»-£o yCcio ^y«

aLJ_?>L>Ji i^L*o
Ci », w , ^ w ,

U^o £ I^^UaJS lijjy (^s> ^LaJo^\ tyii* ^ ^SiLc

lJAaoJI 3
£L&it jJwj L^> tyiSj Liicj JU-ciJI v^ 1

cr* 1^-5

qE LoJo l*y oiilc .

|jUyoC] LgXlaE> ^jtwj'lj <& s^«5
" " ° "* 5 ?

5 oLiliJj, .
ya/> (joLxJl 3^c J30cc y^UJI v^aIS lXjjj
qI^iAs^j 7 6 5 4 A^Vw<<
<h q|^iAs» (__oA^W-< ^1 LA*aJi ,ij
i^jr* o|y*^-!l j*-gs

? o S
|»LoJJ) L^^Lw^O ^3 . ^®j»Lojj! ^^(3 ® ^SL^Lc

pU> ^ ^ ^^LxXa^J qSO

(^)y^jr- (3 ^

. o — -
10 XJLo oiiLc
^ 13 lX*j> vJilSj
j*$3 (46&) vjjilxii iAjy t-ziSj ^L*j

lX^UavO jJi
^ ^Axj lXj^Lvvs^o &a$3 ^LaaaxLI ^ ^c^Xii i3** &'
, w (*^^*

^3 . l^U-* <*JJi lXaC (jvvyO

^(3 j^Jtlo &M1 jywy <3*^3

qj! LjlSlX^* ^lXaJI

^ lX^° UolX^> <&^ 1£jlX> ^s?L^ *11! dy*j

(_cl\4^-I Xcb_5 ^'-^> UT^/^ (JJ^^
O-U qJ LolXj> u-^5

15 LlX/ j^JLc ^y<i jJl*o aJJ! Jls Jj-Sj ^yisliil 5^- « ^


J-sw aJ! ioJo

> O- S

*^ls yf^’ A-^- y-^wj (_cv^« Q_ j A-w<! LolX^> ®^L»J! SiAxii/o 3' l -a *.

qJ aJJt iAa£ qE O^Xj! ,

3! KJbci qC ^*-JLw aU( lXxe q£ LolXj>
W ) ) ) f M •

Lj!j ^jLfOyS tot Jyij ^<v< aj! t*.VX«

O -» .

lX-^VwvO bj^l! ijilsj Oj^L> !i3lj

ijj^Jl ^Isj ^t ^ ^ys> \ji\ ^3
M o-
20 (J.iAaeJ! j»^LwJt lX-a-e qJ uX-Jli> iAae (__eAJl aL*JiJ!
3 O iA^T-w^! _>^5

^ o _
Lcj UaiLiii a^r^ ^1 iA^j 00 [5
i^two 18 ^^e Li (iijgx 17
^ ^U-^j)

1) Pointed in A. B s. p., C aJiA^Jis. 2) C 3) C om. 4) B

s. p., C o'j-*-^-; see Qamus I 389. 5) B-j- ^^ 1
- 3) C A^Vw».
7) Pointed in A. 8) So A; BC s. p. 9) BC if. 10) Duqm. IV 23, 28, 40.

11)0 + ^. 12) B iA*e>\ 13)0^1. 14) So A; B u=^, C

15) Pointed in A. 16) B s. p., C A adds in marg. aU^I!

17) B tf. 18) AB J^.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. <

^ cr*
“ '“^"c 1
^ cJ^-
° - . ? _, o-
aUI l\51vw0 ^ x*^>jSU) ^IsjS! (iUiAs LgijJu sblS^Ji ^1 eby
«, o - oc
v^OsLw blj ill
;) 4
Uyy Lcj yUjJt 3
^yl 0»
o- _
i^Lmo I03 k iirLseJ
yp JiJyJ 1
Ay c^jlj cLw q£ qL Us w*-Uil vJjlsj

\j *^oA»»els Abb qJ SCU-w-^ w'i q^ . v^asjll ^_gXo y2> <-^^LS yps 5

_^Lo qJ yPjji jUj 'aa^Axaj U-< 7 Liajl

&UAs ®^li_>3 • cb’U-'Ul ^£-

3 U oA_L>! L-C^*
^ ‘St \_jj_sLc
^ ^iJlli- Ajȣ ^Ij JtC>

^!oj (__c«p> ^b |X! ^yib _5^> y^w!j t

o'bj_5 y&e qJ ^b <sLJL»-s ,sjijy*JI
slaXxJ! AjSVwyj J-Us j?5
£lUx*il 8 KfiywJ! Jb Li yiLi ^ & yLU 1

3* J^Lj 12 ^Uio 11

y<s> <_^>li>- oL^ 10

^b 0, 4_sjlxU 5 ^•pg-ww-Q 10

0^3 tliLX-xJi J. soLX-c Jjb’ y*s> y^> 13

oUL Ayj 0^3 .
3JAJ JLwib Uxj csb! y-UJS
y 0^! AoL Jyu y>l 0j AjOtw 0^3 . &ly:

r^ !

cH cr^ 1
0^-5 ^ *-> !

3 J=^> cr C^ o u^-

0_t Us lA^vwil l\JjJ >^yJi
3 KsbywJI Q-t bis <& iliixjtif ^J^jO

^LrJlj Jl ^ ^-li (3* (_r y^o L5

U 16
Li i^Uwj ^.c
^ U3 ojSUi iiLur i

7 16 iiLjUU _j-o ^La-L)3 3-otjv.S i_jlib Ale |*_p jJLaijj Jj*i! &LAwJ iCeL^Ui

iCbyi3 (j:y> ^b 17
V ;
O-^- g Ail b! Jaii ^£.
0^ Us (j:y> ^b Ale
O^ ^_ w _ o -

(^^3 .
j*^s 0,
16 ioLUi
^ S£_Le> liUj^j ^Iaj ^Li! j^s yU«Jii!

Uajj SLJ3 <-g-ALw
l 31 SjLUt *J i^UJt Aa^CvU' Uaaj juLAi

o*^-s3 48
0^s> 0, q. fix ? b?3
1 1

© 7
^yjyMfS I ‘^~>
j 3 c? -^! 1

. o — .

^jC qIS^ L03 JwJbX- g LS vJ5lX-L^! lX-Jj-j d\—LA-^ <

^_x q^1 L4-5 Jul\^ ^3

1) B «3»L. 2) B LcLe, C Lbe. 3) C Jfl. 4) B U^JLj. 5) B Ua*JIs,

C Ui*JU. 6) B + 0j. 7) B om. 8) C oy-JL 9) B s. p., C Lfii*JI.

So also below. 10) C JjO. 11) B cor. in marg. J^’. 12) C 0LJUo.
13) Pointed in A. C + 0,. 14) BC ora. 15) A U. 16) B s. p.,

C \jU-L. 17) B om.; C om. ^b. 18) Mss. s. p. 19) Cf.

Duqm. IY 29.
119 Yale Oriental Series.

q_E yjil yj A-a-E qJ Lo'A=> 1

^fsLiaaJt loOtAs y\4 yHy^- ykj
O) w 555
, 3 !
qj! “ |JlJx 8 qLo Xaa. 2033 !
(^A«* c^-^As jli vi^s^AJI

3 3 _ o 3 3

_3 ^_5 O- •
4 ^ ^5*^
0^ Wl '
[5 ^ (^-“AaS yy+J*A (.jJ ^yiy+j |^. * ^ • " y~^ 3^_J
w 3 O 3

jjLufl (Jo U^o iC_iJ jit jL5 83W j}Lo> 0^05 & 6
(jaJsaLIj aL^oAi! JJ>S (Jjs sAaae

5 ^daj Js ^Jtp* l&j '^- x-*~ ^- >

S3 S^il^ 7 »3jL> |^y>
* -y* 3^ Qi Ckju*

L^itS vyyi loyAAi £LJIaS> j^JjLAs. *-Jt 3jJ> Axj tjolxil qJ 3

t& v_ytil ,Jo U^c 9
ULc lyiij ^_»A*aii I3&S3 (_2y*JS 3 Laic ^aas) 3^
OjLo 3^ ^SaJIs y^E-SyLS! (Jo Li (Joi oLaXi^j .
j*o?b ^/oai^Sj
O„ - _ W - 5

^ ooj £->JLc ^1 11 ty^L-o^ K-o*4jJ! jL>j &>iic qj!

“V^ iV *^ 3 ^" (*“Ls ^ ^ rw ^y* L£bj i3 SjpA^t 3 |*Sa> q-* yb

> cj^'

3-? ^30 l \ Lc
... (_cAJI A^uLS 3_jl_iLj ja*j 3 *JL^. |*ob 3JLi_P *JjA3j ^_*os\UI

A^VwaL! Ajjj ^olj 3Aat y£. Li &)JS A>c A^w-^ |L! (j^A^S 3 ^ y\Oj^
w O- 3 .

^£. Loj ^JJ *11! a*c Ajs^-w^ (j^,

j 30 i'
oio^U! 3 ^lii
Oj'it (jli j-iyi Ciywo (jjt * LgxL-i> j*3- ojl> . owLxJi e^Lwo

15 A^wii 14 tb> A^Wflj * . cb>5

3^^- tiLJJ qIs LgxLt==> 3 J ^31 3
^jAj ^Li)o'

A^Uvitj ^3 o*^!
oijjii'! (J>c i^cA—J! bjLoit Aix. (_ejjf

| 3>3> s^Loi! f'bb ius q^wJos 1

, Jd (jw.JL^' yu*> 1(5

3^ LT^ A03
Q^ilo 3 ^ !>3b 'wSojii!! J,t

Li J>Ja

DyiL 3 .
gJli ^-jl
Jj (Jo Li 19
0j^t (
46 a) ^ 48 LjLo3 LLL* *

1) C suj>erscr. in red: LjLvJ! xJLc 3S jL>(!) 2) B L3JL. 3) BC

j*i. 4) Thus A; B j?^-wj, C ^ \y^i, and Jj'Jil ^JL,. 5) AB 3^=.
6) C (jLLoJLi. Cf. Mahas. I 262 above, Wad. II 359 f. 7) C »3jL>( |^y>*

8) C ojyoJi. 9) Thus A (also spelled out in the margin: a q^); B LLc,

C LLac. 10) B y^LoJ. See Guest, El-Kindl, HI. 11) B I3313. 12) C yi.
13) B

^ it. 14)

B om. 15) C J^xtL Mahas. I

AB A^i
621. 16) C ^1.

17) «AJLi. 18)
djLo3 fAii- (B s. p.). 19) (i. e.

Wiistenf. Tabellen, p. 99). 20) Duqm. IY 9.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. 118

£ .. s o _
oLS^UalL yli (jvjti! yJi. l\a X-JyXX^ 2
^ LMs 1
vv , £ ,
slyCvili JJjxil l\a£ (J*|y 0V*XLj X X«i lo OxLolj
w . £
X-3lyfl j,
yb Jj! (jjp' ><> jl—»-JO wXb j-JjJtS! l\a£ qJ yo _^j! July* (i

- o c
U*l *Jt \>U v^Ax^li ^Lx-jo xjLo £-y*o 4 yjyu! Axe. qJ yG &o! xL«w! \jyUili

i_V^\.wX! ^ x-L.*- ^ yb q.j j*X>- XyUvli ^L^w! jd . L^lJI oo~w«b xiyxy 5

0— j*^^5 ^ XtaX^I X
£ 0» ytf* <P i3 jrV 1 ^ .x_iJa xo !yj ^c. (_jy>S_5

O - w 5

Oy x_Jb |*yJI vJ^ytU lXjSwI! (_cj ^lXJ!


(45&) yb

i3' 0-X 0^^" j vJjy-Jt ^1 ^yXb q5jiAc Ji JlS

O- w w ., O - 5

qU^Lw ^ 6

^ 5
y*jL> jCL3>

w ^
vJs&y, qI^Ac &by* £ SCc^Lw


[^9 cr j 0 L> *1!
7 yuJl j fyyi y> 10

w - 5 O - %
X-J ^GyZ> ^Lx-> "LaLj ^ ^LobLw ^
^ 3
U *-Ljj-> 13 Q-J jX^-J 12
LjJjij! J-A-P- g^5 u=y qL^ 11

^otj lil^Lvo (Xc cfy5* 0^?" LC*J?JJt JJj ^ c<

Xc &L=> yij . fM
^fiyliiall iJujj 15 l-a^L3

13 15
(jiXJi ^*^[5 ^5 Lo Jj! ja

20 ^j\Xwi (jrJ qL^ iM

19 yXwjt]t i8
^.'ijii ^1
oAX^Ji (Jo Li yCcio (}-<> X JUj
22 21
j»^L^ su^> l^-
5* £ J )
>w ay^fl iA5\«>^ j»yJS

*] JLa_j 8-p ^ J_=>y kL=> ^yJ! (_yj 0 lL> 0^5 .b>Lo 23

lXacj iutyt *y,y ^cyi! 0^^ 0? g«jyi y\iB llik; dyo ^ oUi -,'yi!

qJ Xjy *§1 Jlj l* siUj j, OyXl! 0. Jlj 0:^3Jo j*Lu ^Xj jji .
s. X 20

1) Sura 38 : 22. 2) B i_oyXx> xo, 3) C £*v*i. 4) A ~f* 0J.

5) B (j^jLi, C y«jb. 6) Thus A; BC as above. 7) C + Ji 8) Blank

space in B. 9) BC Lab

. 10) C lo. 11) B ^yi. 12) C yyit.

13) B Ji. 14) Mss. \JLjl>£>. See Wiistenf. Register 184, 255. 15) A om.

16) C has here a new chapter heading in red: ay* ^l£> y'i. 17) Duqra. Y 43.

18) B 0^-b. 19) Duqra. IV 34. 20) Duqm. IY 11, 125. 21) B oby.
22) C JiC > . 23) B (and so C orig.). 24) C .
117 Yale Oriental Series.

y3l iA^»( J.I ^ Joty! lit JlSa {Pjac |^iiu

J^ss Ly-X^ 1
v^aJjj OAc ^ JY qLXs iJJAj ly£y lyX-?


& j*ic! abX, iJJ 3 Jy>l Xjj

Xclyui y 3
lay y <J>Jj jLo 2
yXoJ! lA^ug 1
opM ^
O'-yj! J => :
' q^j^Lw {&*-} Jj'-XS’ ca*^ s*
3 Jy>XS> lyXyu ^ 5

Oljy [5

O -
^LXa .
^_vo^ i_XJ_r. yjl XJijyvvJI
(» 1

^S^iAc Xajyw JJ JolX2>

^1x1" q-, JjJyJ X«Jy*Jl Ji yJjabM ^yl *Jyj
^ ^aJJ!

q_j * yytSS l)uj; ^y ^.Jo ,J;!

j*iJ> ^Lo lX^Uw^ & j^yaS 9 XiUo Jy*o

uy^j 0^3 8 '-^ (*^- i^ »|y^5

0 >^Su J-aLo^I qI^j JslLo^l
^ jyj
••*’0 5-1:.

'^sls^cw aJ JL_a—j (_&xJS i_X^VwJi ^ ^ xg^ (^cv^J!

^ |yu {_clXJS

w 5
o 5
<*!!! o^° xM \2^4jto^ p'*— oj^^* L ,»»—Ls jxjLio ^-Cw 3 AyA ^ Am.<* 1

c w 3: -05 5

q! x— ^yvLoti!
3 ® (jyL^-L! j-y^S jX! ycb yaf ^jC>

r O? . #
MW $
jlo ^xilju> £ili' xo iyb ^cOoi J^e L, j>[^ <*Jl> j?^>u*v<> ,3
5 0 5

;y£j yJo
lX_jyj Lo'lX— U^i v_a^.Aa»Jt ^-*_**/
jjjj q ^3
^Lua^^t ^! Lyj \iAjt_jj vj^'oa^ ^_j ljia*J ^o*J
-05 w
v^l vimm JlSj eUJ>
o^/° cj^
.. 5 5 $05
lX^\-w^I! 3 ^cX-J! Ix\_^ j/i s^L^lxa^. Ij! l\a>
5-0$Gf -O- -


Al$LVi 3 !

ULjO ^Ji Uai- oy> ^ <A^, jlS
^^2 UJi

o>-X=>5 14 lX5 jlas j-Jj-3^^ f L> J 1

y^ £
1^‘ cr* i)^ i3^ £ tyiS!

$ # W -05
£-wj' *j ^yi-! SlX5>
q] * yo Soli JjjJoXs yu Jo ^jSu&joa Jli LLi* i^y> oa-^Uait J.

1) Yaq. II 622. 2) Duqm. IV 84. 3) A lay, BC lay (and so also

below). Doreid 286. 4) Cf. Xclys

^Isy Duqm. IV 20, 31, and see Lisan X 40.

5) A olyj, B J>ly-j‘ ,
C 8 a>^_j. Cf. Maqr. I 298, 13 a. f., and Rhuvon Guest,
Khittahs, p. 70. 6) A _^j, C j?j. 7) B ^IAj, C 0^« 8) The vowel in B.

9) A iolo, B juLu, C iu'Lo (and om. JyU). 10) BC om. 11) Daughter
of Abu Bekr ibn Abd c c
al- AzIz. 12) C *a>jy>* 13) The following in Duqm.
IV 72 ff. 14) A om.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

—— ff
G '
G J ——

& 0>^l/O ^L>

^ yxkxSb tyooc &L\e> &>^L> v_Ab> ^Jj t-u'E-l}

5 1 !_5jls» 3
Jf „L>-yi v_j^> J! ^-O* Q-? A-2>L£Ui Jo (
_4^> gvOotj ibL* it

( _5
^ 5
q ^5 Jij-w isL-U-S ,3 tjxofl ujL^5 )
3 (jN * tjx2'0 5

w o ^ y .


'~k' ' A^\x>vO ii 3 '

> '^ >4 * ~ '-Xi^Vw-*0 t^ilj
^—^5 ^ l. ? . ‘^y ^ ,}* -

it 8
*=y> ^yj (j-» uy*J ^S-tt ^
. ! q? 5
jsyi 3 i_®A—tt lA-^wtf

q-J (joL*i! j»i q"^ (jol*J! qJ •5j

llW. ^ L5^ '—•aJ ^5 ^ ^j^°t.xi!

^ A«jS^ ,*!!! Axe qJ UoAe* |»LkP qJ liUii Axe Lo'Ae» &iuyj J0 5 S

uj;ae> ut yjv. jo oyi" cr* ®y^ j^ 3 !

^ y <y o^t 10

Off w
^-yiE 3 I iys-'iS j*joLe q£ oLj ^o A>iyt Axe q_e 11 oxilL 10 (j«L*J!

liUj 5_Li ^LeLeS jb y&JL

O ) w —
^ )
^y> ^Jo q, Jes^

. .

ibis i
5 y^ ^xaxi Jl ibELoaS bxb' ^xxxi' q! pLxvbl Jofllc it eAOo ojLLJi
» > > O > n
Sj^xxwi iicUaj »ixJo ^Jb

it J 12
3 jMpb yjo Jo 1_2 yo oJxiiXE-l J Jls

O - w
^aJJ! eUj utAoyi 3 ybLwj y^ju o>J3xe» 1
Jj ^j^J!
O - f „

g. 9 Q-. ibjLb ®A-*J Q, oXxEijii Jj jS^Jt i! qU^Lw A—iblb o>£yi

Lo2jt ^ JuLLS^

cr5 *-^-ty!s i_y Ji 14

^ ^y !
3jt qLsJ

q— liUIt Axe LoAe> , (jolxjl ioo i«_oiyi Lr!} & L^jw 20


U! JLsMj . (joL*Ji
^ X_j^ yw o>-^ Jtii K_3Ex-^..i LoAe*
Off Ml

3 ^ £->» SjA^; AJj tyli' ojytil

^ JoLbi! sl_jLit
^ Loyj ^1 iloiy! (45a) o>^-w

D ! tyy*>
y^y 0 ^’ y«>s oae y^y ^ ^yb uoi*J!

1 ) C ikx-fjj ^yi xxxstjj. 2) BC 'sJvxE . 3) C C y^b>.


5) Duqm. IY 29. 6) A om. 7) Fully vocalized in A; B s. p.; C J^o

7r 7rQ\vT 05 ? 8 ) Pointed thus in A. B \y>, C £ *y>. 9) C j^yolotl!. Duqm. IY 23.
10) BC (jxLe. 11) Read vJLb 3 !? 12)6^. 13)ACs.p. 14)0^.
115 Yale Oriental Series.

y . .
- - _ ?

ts^LsxJf bA—S 1

q! JLk-3 uJyoj! JS ^LXjOj! q,

Ijjjj 1
-g^Li yaJtJf s^Lo

w O —
*J *U! i a>X tSs.** L-^bLo LJPj5^jj l- g .A r ,

. q., jjvc

O„ G
»Lo'lX^>5 ^Lo 0_j *DS Asc «Lo'Ax> & A£>LwJ! jXLu 0<j> L>A*j s jLo
^ 0Ai*Ai3
O W^ Aft

L^Uj & Q-jf 0^ 3

0?) 0^ (_c^?. 0? (_r-^
5 .. Ci) 5

5 0 ?
A-sa£. q£ 0«yi2i» Jv-SO 0j u.aaJA
0C S_a-saE> ^1 ^ Ajjj Li2jt vAsaJU!

LeO 4 !ytjJ> UJi 0yU*i(

j»LstLiJ -blliwiii 0i J. ay^i Jsl ^sLw xil ycs~

-blLwiii 0 A-_^J 5
Ljjlij ^jlaJLi _^J 5 JJli *J cxsJUii -blliwiJi JhXi 0^3
w 5 C

0 _j! AsJ.Ae> LgJboj (44 b) tSfli^Iasls ^-stLo *111 *5A 0C ? jli»

JS j^sLo *UI
0 ! HyOJ Jcl
^ (*5*^1 0-C 0^5 0-? 0= ^*^1

io c&jxic <a>ju* «U’iiA^> . l\^>u, (jjw j, ^Ijwl ^sLXi!

5 w - - VS. ^ OC vs.

^.>3 ^c^xi! .
^L^a2j( ^L) ^<3 (3 ^ cJ^ Jli'

VS. „ O _ ~C- _ 5

0wcLst^J! 0jS yai 6

0i Uajl |$Jj .
j*iAv^ 9 **As OykJ! 8
Bs> 3j qj!

^!aJ 10
jJt 1 KeUaUa, JlS -s^xj Ja! gvjLi^o (jasu y^ 0jjJt

0_J 0^ 5 t
0^-j 0j ^ JvS^l 12 ciol^ xl iiljAj
0j) ^sv-o'

15 ^ aLiafli! LgjJj' LeoL> ^1! 0sJ!

lXaC 13 j*-sjA
0 _J Sj^C * jl (jolxit 0j _5^c
^ (jjl^
0jA)I 0^saJJ! JaAE>!j

<3? sLb^t qJ y*sj JoaAUi . (jA^jJalyiS! s_jL^P)

c^jli *uJlsaa« dls_LU lXa£ L?Lx^>5 gslvAo 14 0xi oL*-^ ij^3

vJsljj J.
w _ O ) . #
O i- C-

^2-^5 Xxi ^clXJI vjjli^! j. vj?y^ £xkc J, xJiiJ! w^i*^

1) A s. p., C 0as*sXSL; where the passage occurs again, fol. 108&, A has

(j^^vJlj, confirmed by Lisan YIII 297 marg. Possibly the 0i«AxJt (in a lino

of poetry) of Ysq. Ill 752, Taj s. v. ijsa*=>? 2) A otj. 3) A (jaLc, BC s. p.

This was (jille 0j *D! Ax. 4) B lyej. 5) B J^lj'. 6) A om. 7) BC

s_A.Ejj'L 8) Fully pointed in A. BC io^L:. 9) A 10) B
11) B jyj C ,
jy-i; cf. Beladh. 315- 12) B cxoLXs. 13) Mss. 0* +,~p

(C (^Ai;), hut cor in marg. of A; cf. also Tab. I 2954 (Add.). 14) AC 0*.

15) I. e. ^oA*^- Aax v_, 204.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

sULjj aJ a_j£j.s * Q5y> qJ <Ax£ ^ ^Lw.i «jj! _jl Amalfi

y:LccJ! (jyjj AxSj lJjXj
O^ ok^-5
w-- M - #
- - OC £ _C-
o4) fU^> £ (jfc^ oLJi &J ^'al.A.LS 0#*
3 3 w GO) -3
X-aJ-AJ ^ jA-iw ^!*) N-X,. *)

G .c o
o^ 0
'r^ as-Ls» j.L>j q., >wO .
aJ oLo! 3 5

L^jawJCj jXi!
q^_5 j»Lxo"M LgxS viV-AXf i-Vjfi ^yi lXjjJ ^o! A*-wJ^ 3 ^y»+d

3 U ,_ju!
^Jt BJAfiHl A—L^U J_J^3t!! lAxfi a] yxjfij • A—jLoj (jOLo! iLx-w 3
liVJj Q, Li3 wOlS^ qL*j5\J

jJLwJ! c L^xjj (jrM aL^USj p^xSt qL>j5 O^wJ (JaSI »^L> j»lyiit ^xJjSS -hxp>\y

IJ>! j~xj ^ajjJ! Qi aJJ! iA_*_c Lgxjj A-jJji lAjloj \x*ai i_5a\JS 1°

L-SO^s L^lsuioS 0i^° qJ d—bit iA*£ Jo*, 4^jLcU! (jii*J £3 U-o ya/> j»iA

^L-jlXjI 3 jjj' j*JLs AxijJS qJ <-Ajjj ^-JL^o L&Ai-! ji iAU! Axe ^IcbS 3
w r
j.LL^J c>j^5 85^ q-j j»UL5 > Lg-xi a*JXs jA*> ,3! (jwojl! ^x«S aj^*i d^
iAfi>jj ^xjjJ! Juji aJJ! Axfi 3* JJLi Lo JISj |&xJlc 7 l£Oy yili * ,31 ^ A>p*ij

VVr!^* 3 ^
Lo'Jo J.I0
^4.ic Ui'A=> ^SjjSi aI 15

Gr J^LLtwiiLi JaX=>i
^ ^ojlt

^ (jolaeil
5^= yj)j .
j»!^JtS! ^!l> lXjLe 0 jX3J _jj! Jax=>tj

I Lg x.X) CaJO ^! jX*Lo 1

(jrL-S! Q~fi SjA2J 3! jOv<J ^ Afljjj!} AxawJu

o _.

cr^ cr* VVif> 3!

qJ lAjjJ t\jjj l\L> (^fi lX*a«
IjJjia SjJuw lots Ovgj ^,1 tiA-c Ul jo j*j«Lo *JJI Jy«^ 3! 20
3 C -
Q—j aJJ! lXxc 0^ ® 0^ l\—*-av 0j Lg.J^ &

(jJ^3 (V*Lo aU!

jy«j q! 8_^2J 3! 0-E 3)^4^! 3^

1) C om. B writes qL^* 2) B qI^, C ,^b qjL,. 3) B ,Jj^.

4) So

A. BC y*£. 5) Cf. the verses, the same in part, in Guest, Kindi, v!


6) Cf. Yaq. Ill 894 bottom. 7) B l£OjS. 8) Husn I 131 yc>.

113 Yale Oriental Series.

=laie* iLjLy
y sLjLxi Axe q-j yJo q_j y Ajox
y Syxe
w — O- O -
<$) 1

o^L-o> J. 8 jL> o-o jC> lX^L^Us

& yyxjt wxS>Lo ^Ixoi

W O- 1 «,©£ «- w

^L> (A-!
qJ ^4-w JaX>»$
6 3 w .. # O- w
yJt y_jAJfjj j»L*J> by* <Xt ^bw q^5 ijA£>lj Xx*J> 1>^ Xlcj q— ?! Ja-xe*!}

« w 0 ?

Jalliwxsb &le> *£>

y t y"^ j*xxJ Jls (_c y^JI j»Li^
y Ax*a> jy>lj <3?
^y yJ
o* L_Pyi y_j X—Styj .JaUaxxaJlj j^J yJ! J^L - a. I ! 1—f|j bja^jLi ^J^xlae* Lf!} y^a^

j-o .o!y*ILi <$J j^Lx-t! U (jy^Lo ty ‘JU'^ xIlc^S!

- O^ ^ o - 7 ?

10 X-£y!
^y oy X_$y! qJ ^4-Ci
^[5 q-jlX-^ X-Jyl qJ wO^ *-*-^1
— JO —
UX.J yS" yS-lP JlS yf LoA> 3 yX2£
y (Ax*xv Lo'As> * & y j«yw£j_3

y 4
0jy^ —o'i\>
' <&i_jlLii
yy wNb> j. y yi jj( »yfj
" .
w O 5

lXjjJ q-£ ybc> ^y lXa*^! 3j^!

qO lX*^° LolXp* *JJ! cXxC

£^ y
£ O

w 5
y V*/ JL Q
yy - -

.C - »
Axe 0 t

NS^ l£Xfv*f
Jjl |»^L_x: lil^ Lgj‘iAg«ii jlii^ X;oL>Ij oUa^ ^ jf- XxLii>

15 lc
%^ V^5 CT? a J_=>y j_5>3 Jl5 xi jls L^xjw ^ys Jve ^yiCj lyel

Ajju LoA=» ’St ^jAH y3 ^ yi Jj iLoiyij y oA^ii! jLfij *JLo juJt

aU! Axe ^y-j cr^ ^ £y<U> y. y, y 0yy= LoA^> ye y!

£ *v w - C
iLJlyjl ^yJ l»— Oy5^ ^Xjljj
03 ^ AxC j»ljj
^ yXOfO l^X^Aj J'lS yl
- O

20 L^eUo yjjjfcJ! Axe 7 oty! L*JLi iL_^l*xx«Jt J,

^5u>Ljt!l (jAc
y Jax>!g

y j, yJ! ^yb jgU (44a) j&u L^lyit

A=> _J_5>
y>yi &-^> 9
8y« U^. (»yi-Sl
l5^* (»Ui5.5

1) His. 165, Hajar I 176 f. 2) Called £$yt

y yi y( in Doreid 310;

cf. Hajar IV 187. 3) B om. 4) C o y. 5) B 5 y. 6) C ^LxJi.

7) B sly, 8) BC yjt. 9) See Duqm. IY 105.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

y3 ^bj 1
^iUjsJt Aac 3 A^ 1

^bj £sli 3!
0-? 4i/j
0 5
0? ^ (j 4>^
3 J— 34 0 5^

C -

,3! 3 aa>x Jy* |Ab> 3

3! ^bj (^Laii
aII! Ax yJj! ^bj ^AyJ! 33d!

3! 3 Juyw <d L^L*j

3d Oj'asj 3d! 4 0NoU*Jt L^sj 3 3d! »jb sAx 3! daXi*!., 5

o -
33 3 jjjjtJ! Ax LPjjXxd oUs (jiyj
3 -Ajj ^b y^bLTj


3 3= 0? *d! Aa*J edd qI^ di^ |»U^>5 4 L^as 3d! 3^ ;

jjjxJ! Ax Lg>jjas _j^c

3 aUI lNac aiAj! (
436 ) a!!! Ax. J aXa/^ Ixo^y l^di!
w 5 0-
a-j^Lo 33 a! Jliij ijAH yaid!., . Ugd ^ Iwdy X^gAvj Lsiy* LAXJjli
33 3! 10

aJ AJj j.b sUo Qjy 3 jjjadt Aod AApji ^*yaj! Axis, 3^ bdad> 5

O — - w 5

3 -J ddsi-Jj <5? fly^dlj AX/toy ) tibd 3) A/iJy Ajl Lgd! uawa} A^lo Lgi JliU

3 aJJ! Ax 3s aLI>A/0 7 ^OjJUsdt c

A3 3 lCaaax mi\? J? ddd
5 - O - O

q_j 33 dyOa Jut 8

idly yAysu * (_cAJS ^y^Avd! Ldsw »Ljlo ^Lb

^j p^*—^ I

O-^ l5^ (^v-ixaJ &«x-*i3 L£> xjUo^ ^-^*^wJ1 l)1^av 15

US" (jol*J! q1^ lXJs, ^-aAju ySj L^4^° (•'

5 >

vi^ou l\L> (cO 1A-J5 jC,x,x-gJ ^j! qX j^ac qJ iAa*av Loc\j>

O - O — M
^! dls a_A « ^j U -

dbaj sUxaaaIs (
jaJC4J! Jx aIx^J Aclij 30 A>

Ld! 3 aax>L>o ^li jaJCL! vy^ 1

j»Uj> d'jdAi 3^^ j!AJ! x>Jy!! xjL^
! Jo Li (_jJLLI( odL*x!! j*^x» . tiAS>lg

O 5

'S? 5 s' Ls^>L Lg3»5 3^^ cAji! oibii3 !
3 ,3! i-iA>!^

C 5 w
^!lXJI A-£y! ^j! ^b Aix 3d! ^L\Jt
^ aaj!_
jbdJ! (jaU daA5>!»|

qj i
-^-E 0-j ^-Adi (jaL!
_3s Oiy^d! d! »AiLd! olij^! oibi^t LgAS 3d!

1) B om. See 109, 22. 2) C^bj. 3) 0 3

. 4) Sic. 5) A om. 6) 0 ^03 .

7) LisSn 1Y 101 (^ct^^d! dy-J axiIx!!;. 8) 0 ajLw 3:^^. 9) B y*o.

Ill Yale Oriental Series.

3 ILu (jls
^ qJ A-x_w j ail! A 0-c yyojpJl 2

0*A^2 j^5 ^7^ Ss^a xjLS?!
0 » ^jtLo xLl

_ji "if! liblc iolj *Sy> qAw! ytLa aJJI jyWj jLfi-S Jw*ii |^*J (3!

<&yAA ^a£ x-Le

_;y ^ KvJ6 ^ o[j3C> xo ^Awi ^ UuAa
5 ^ ^1 ^IlX_J! iwto qJ ^L*j
^ jlajj B iWs
^ wOtS^ JiXi>Sj
o _ „C/ .-

v^aaj _^£> _AjtS\, . iJ^uJf j'Aj i_jyL> JjJ ,Jv_j L_S JoOLlsJ! oSj (_Jj3

0_j l\L> 5 , likw! li! iL-t jls xJo>! ^1 * .

w O- t
(j-aw^cj j^wJ! (J^ »y&Sl i3
9 L3j *—if 8
x-a-3 j*£jj t_cA_S! 7 ^Lw
xUl lXjx (__cyijJ! LoAs> & 10 Jyb xo cAjAs> qLa-w qJ AJL>j . l^gjJx &UI oj^l*3

10 ^jllc q! ^yislxJS j^oyi ^L^Ual! LjoA> ,i\jyi ^_j iyo> LoAs> A_jy

j^T. 0 t 0£>l*il
0_j 3y= j,t i-W*' ujliiji
yy 0 !
(?jO>! (jr.-^uft A**. qj!

^ jLai (jyUjI! ^jysl i»jU^ » lysis _j^c XjJ! J^ls fLooliS! iwto

31 Axj 1 £_o u>jJtJ Jd x-AJ^i!

^ Lg-A.9
^ loj xJj^lIL q, all! xo£ j b5 sJJIj

0_J 0^5 0-jf Jls ^ .y= x^yi sLaaii jWj ^1 (Jils L^o *11!
11 »Ls\j

15 L
c^J pyJI
^ yjJ! ^!A_j i_jj*j' ^lAit Lcut . iC-JL^Lii- ^ L«i3> &JUsi

U-0 siy)
0^ t-s 0^ Jij j—joU-aJl ^liji
0^ 5

0rM .

JwJ Li 0j y.n/j 3osw.ll

ekj 3 0\j UaSj
yj Jkc iCUa
O - > w 0.5 3

13 Q^yo ^-JXSt 12
xiJij<A<o ^b*, j<J Lg-*^, x*-y>

iOii£ jj jLftj_j ^cyait 0*wi! Ao 0j jib yj>j * ^1331 y^ly qj! ^bj c^vbCJf

1) See Taj X 201 ;

most others Hazr. yii (sic). On fol. 102a A. points

After the name all the Mss. have here 0t, erroneously, since y'-oil
is the kunija of 0j 2) B pref. qj!. 3) B L**j. 4) B i^=.j>.

5) B sJLfi. 6) C ;
L*o. 7) A om. 8) C om. 9) BC 10) See

below, fol. 89i; Hajar I 959—964. 11) C »L^1. 12) Vocalized in A.

13) Thus A (except 0); B xaLAo. This was ,_5>JbCS! xiJuAo ^yi jv^oyi, Guest,

El-Kind% ,
lo and note, Duqm. IV 39, Yaq. IV 656.
The Futuli-Misr of lbn Abd al-Hakam. ,

o,Lo jdt ^tA-S! Ley! 1 y^LeuLi! cyj y £-^-5; -^>3 ^ iLi-w.=> y JyuJ>yi

q-J LlL'Jo- <& LgJj AS q'L, iyo ooL y u^AlS •


& OaJLL xA (jaJjILuI c^L>

y ^3 ^ eA^lt! qE y^J y *M!

yJ! *_jL£?! L :*_'> (_cJ! yfAjlj ^-x^aJ! ^!o i__yyb! iAbli jjt [-ue>L,

Ajj-j ^-j Oj^- x*x$J q-j! j—P_5 Ae>!j iioA» yxlo (jr.-xit q-e »-e yJ 5 5

— . «w OP
jyij j_c^5 ^Lii! (jAj i-Aa _j—Pj x»L li> Lt jli"
_jA»ej! — yl^! yh~^ (_ou’Ae>

aU A~2*1»wJ ,*_Lw./4 ^ A—llj 0 ^^>awJ! yi54 &-4-_L>lj LlL y*Jlo aJJ! (i, jls

y! ^ya (i!
y Ajjew^ yw/Li! jj] bLoAe- & x>-y La aJJ! sxij "bS! iiiA5l«

X& J*P!
y£ xLe (_cj^ As, xxxe!

5 .
^ CJ, Je>j 8
xL> AiL> qJ ye L^-oCwj
0L jjJ! ^!aJL, jls 10

y _5yf-
^iU3 (jyeL! >$ 4*A5I
ftfi iS^ q-» ,JyJ aLe=> Leu! \_AJyLjt

^»A*j ^
^L> L^J JLiu p_jy!t yEib xsiobU! s^to — y* ^! 9 l-^w y * &UI A*e Joe>!j

^.aobj eiyu i^jA-ll y*uAji lAP syes jylt yL> L-gJ jliy ^^Jl ^ Ail^ xJu^Jt

,_y> (je> xJLa yal qLAc y yxE A3bL> j, tiLii3 A*j »Lij U!j 10 ida>
L> 15

xJ! X**gi qj! LoA>- 11 x*1^vi-<3 * iiLUt Aae LoAe> ^xiJu^s!

o #

A*a« q-j xU! A^e ^a !j£ (43a)

^ ylAaJ! ^t
^ Aj lm*> ^t
^ ‘Ajjj

^IaS! »AP qLuo 12 ,__cyj L?Lo yto J, otAflJJ *JJ! A^c JI5 L*JL» jeJAi!
- Op -OP
l\& 5 (iLJLo 00 l\—ft-5 <5JJI jLo
0^ 0^ <?J jl&5
3 O-W--.-OP
*]Jt A*e qI^j . L^CaA^J (jO'ya A^i! J—Sis jyb q! A*jw q_j aJJ! A*e JL«s 20

xic jjU A^»!^ A.A> j^rLo tf^t o* r^ ^lc^-

^ LJ ^i
J*£^i! ^ySi JiAfij! (j-Ue qJ U^LIe ^e i>A^i
0— jJ cuA> ^>3 syjE y*ie ^xS!

1) B ora. 2) C 3) Mss. s. p., except C x*xaJ!. 4) C +

5) C -j-yLii- A*e ^yi yai. 6) A reads b!^. 7) C (jE. 8) B pref.

C xla2>. 9) A om. 10) A ora., BC xLje>. 11) B ora. 12) C

Ay. 13) BC LI.
109 Yale Oriental Series.

(2-t qJ fX^! j **1^ Jji ^=Ai! uJ

^LaAa wa*sxi jkza ySAo
y q_j ^.LsvH
qIS" Lo Ji »JO«5
. ^j3

& 1 -r?
^ ii)w»jSU t_»->J! i—j^AJS ^! iot^c ,itt ^Aj

(j*L—jLe JooLiiL! 0jL^ ®^L5 ^^A^xil £

0-? ^_j tj
i_5^ ^j0
•& *aaj£u! (426)

qJ (j*L*£. j$C> 2 ULj! tZxyy ^^i! A^c Jaili*!}

3 iA**a« 1_JLj\A> {Sf^gjl^Lil (iUIi iAa£ qJ aUJLw ^b 5 LgaJb* ^! (jdl (j;y>^l
O - 5

3? 4 (
j*XJ! (Jy£.
&JLv^> JwkA^W ‘<£*jU^
O* * ^j! U$\A—

5 ^yaa.0o
A_i>t (jdl |»Uil ot<3 A**J! ^L> ^laxit yi _^j! JaXs*!} Jis

10 Lx^>!^ d'JLi?’ J\C>

-1j Li y>HI Lgjhj JooUaif vJjlSj j. LgaL l$yj wo'bC!
O — 5 w O—O — — O—
.^li£ 8
^.Ij 1 AJ ^c> ^jt ^_j ^Lac
i»L:> 7 liXlo 6
j*a> ^! ^ ^y* ^
l__cA£! 1^5 l — A-J^L; j*-*i>o ajJt jywj ^ (j"»ytt! <Jy*>j !iA_5> y*~y qj!j

. yp? ^jiAay j**La *11!

3y"j jf^ 9

l\a£ ,_J;! LolA> ^ A^e Lc

y2^ i3 j*-*!-* 3 *JJt
^y^j *— A^c 0^ ^_cA-J! y^ _^j!j

o ..

15 LoAs» aUJLv^o qJ iiUl! Aac

Lo'As>5 Aju« ^jjAii^
(*^=* L ^£ 0^ *U!

w O - - - O-
Li! Jj' *_avL«— Ac q£ 0^^^ 0^ • ^L',
^j^‘ 0c >
^a^5 0 ^^

L^L^li \yayX6 _b!^*sJ! L^a5 XAj Ltop! j*jG! *ALo *11! Js jyy
w 0 5 /O — O— £ M S
^j>li *AJ j, ^LlAAiLj ^jy>! tjli *L-<3 jjd

— ^s? iLJ_iJ £-*oy> & qIcjIAo l_l?5 SJ^aaS> ,_5^j! 0^y! Aotj

20 j_cAL 1 iiUo *1 (Jls j*jtLo «>»J! ^1 ^5 Jyjj u>-UJl c^*<v. ^^3 (jjj!
jfe' . L^a«

iSt 0ALc ,3
yix J^! 41

^ALwj> ,_cj ^L> (^CjLal! 12 all! Aȣ (_^L! Jaxi-fj

(Aj! 0-4~y! A*£, -iLxy

0l^Laj^l yS Q K^£3 ^Jj
J ja

1) Duqm. IY 8, 28, 36, Guest, El- Kindt, Ho. 2) BC ,_cj!. 3) B sec.

man.; C inserts before ^*^1 qj! below. 4) C y*oCll. 5) B sec. man., C om.

6) C yy>, and in the sequel. 7) C Jlas. 8) C NSj. 9) C liUAl.

10 C i_=y>!. 11) B om.; C om. J^>!. 12) Cf. Hajar I 178, Husn I 79.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ,
Abcl al-Hakam. 108

O «.

qj! a£ajAs>
ysBo (_5yJ!
^ syc
K-h-Z. As>f5 v£ajAs>

0-j iAxc x:lVs> q! xwL^-vv 0-t <3

3 - 30_ 0
j*— oj*j qjlXjI (j^ij ~ Jyv.

^ D UJ 3
3 ! .*
0 UJ Jaa> j, *JJl j&iaSj iwyil
.. w ) 5

Aa£ ^_j 0-TjJf AaC

4 ,j*olXx 3
A-a_c JajC^tj 5
^L> _j-==>! (j«j(Ac q-j ailt


v» 3 SO „ 3
q-j^S t^s» (jol*il 3^= JLss *Lt! Lg-ti ^osr. i_5^
3 M - 3 3 — ** -

va>wOj 5 <A_g-£ jtV^1 ^ c5^^r* e!

*?.}** o- iS ^ V^3 0? j^= cs ^>3
qI^j ^L> &J ylAJ a-aaXs (jnAw
^ 0-J iLj^jw y^o piA-J As y*c 0^3 ^
0 ^ j»Lt

j«£ Ju gsjC^a Li fA^j sLmJU LisaA* 7
0-^3 \aS A£>^ ,ja-J ^Lias liVJLc? 1


O —

J.stj Li" (jvj+LmI! J-o* v_^S 34J *Las
^ A^fwii
o _
jy> Lo ^1

3> iL_LwXwJS ^l»J (_A^5 A_g_iC ^ q, (*^

q ^5 &aLe j»As
w O -

q_j l-aS^ qL" Jis Ax« AaaJJ! q£ ^_oCj LjA'As> ^ A^wi! (jAjf-
Si - w^ 0 - 3

j>l^J! 10 ^jyisCj iC-LAw !)
jjyot jA+c 15
_3jt J._^t vA«»)Li 83jc. J, 0

^11 ^1
<r» “^/i > ciM, g-4- ^ Al
“od isM,
- O - O ,


ii^ cs»-i^3 yy>|^wJ! ^jSyiJ! A^\A»

^ (j. '^s-aJ? A alsa£iaS>|3

jls *LjlJI
^ Q^V. L« q! -V;5

; ^ 0^3 *-AA* iuLo

^ jva2J

JAaaw &jLo (^_cAjil J.L! j. A^wU ^Njiy ^y} Jls ^lyi-ls Jlii aJ csaaaLas

jti3 oa*S3 yias Lo ^ySai (jaUJ! tJf JjoLaJI vjjlij ^3! J, oyo L*Jj

0**J^! ^3 ^ >a>-aAj cso^3 isAj>Ij isyi Jl Lyl^ sUoauJI. 1) C .

2) C JJiii. 3) C + 05O. 4) C iUa*J5. 5) B ^*4?.. 6) B +y

IJ>aav ^1. 7) C 0^3. 8) A Lo. 9) C + Jvt. 10) Mahas. I 87, Hajar
II 1285. The year is given as 25 in Baladh. 164, Yaq. I 928. 11) C yt.
12) C pref. j,!.
107 Yale Oriental Series.

ojUJI nJoyj,
^ J^JCa 1
LJls . Xs^L> aI^I aJJI

i3 ft 1 l5^-^ _^ 0-? |»^^5 j-*"^ qJ lA-iLo (jU Aa>[ _5^c Qj|

^5 ^51 j*-wL^ j_cj Jkc (ji-jO ^JS XsL^Uail

0 ?
qL«^> jyy *^9$ .
j*-*^o ailt w.; ^co Ls a-w |Ju^o [jx.boj
? - oc so- « >

^Lci-S 5
Li" LX-g-c a—o K_a_x! _^_jo jJ 5
0 *.s«p 7

0 ?
OjL^Jj 0_5j'A_xj ^ j-Lx* 0^s

r —

* r-^ -?-
— OC
S w
^c_/Ci3 SjjLs^t
j*.*ss> j\

* *

7 jLs-s 6
L*jl 0, Bj^c j»Uc^ v«sJL> 5
0_j! plis* j.U*s> Jls

\3r ^Lsu*

10 ,_oj tXJj qJ ^o\c 10

(jfj 0, * ^5 9
Xs! jo io-^lo
0^ lXSj
• « ) C > C — 0 3

oliaii ^_j ^t x_j!yo 12

^-Xwi <^aOjwli (.jllxii 0j iX-g-c J,
11 XJyi

(jjt XoU! j, ly.y* (42 a) w^oj! 0t (jolxJS

0j ^ ^t 13

I^w-JlX^*- l\-JJJ ^ L-^lXavO vi>Oj-wi q(5 S^aaOS Lm^> *^5 ^

goLw^O jUb v^a-JlXzn. LXgJ

15 ^t^«.jl vi>otf ,J<j

jlJLj^ slxis Axil lXxc jlS

W o- SO —
jJ|vC j»A> 1 9 "jftX 0«alxJf 0-j tLoa^xif

Lj’LiXjli (jOuWJ (J^ft*i» i>L-*-Av

j ^J-A2<0 j- 0j 0^j/S j»l\S '
' ,’

oy^~* ^
aJ 1_£-J aJ AaJLS^J] iL*Xj !^b
0 jj. q! Lf
Lc JlJj

(jryJI 0_E kJs. ^kM ^ ^jL 0^ (j«JiXe 0j^ ^ 16 0j^ii

1) D om. all that follows to the chapter A^wlt ^ soLjJt, fol 496.

2) Mss. 3) BC ool^. 4) His. I 251; not in the Dlwttn. 5) So A.

C (.la^. 6) C pLsr' ^yt. A om. the next three words. 7) A om. B om. jlas.

8) The vowel in A (cf. the scholion quoted in His. II 82). C j»ls^. 9) C Ajj.

10) C 0j y». 11) The following in Duqm. IV 6. 12) Mss. «_^Sy (s. p.),

but probably corruption in the parent Ms. from 13) A -f- y=,

14) C LfcJlc. 15) BC xaJli-. 16) A adds: 0j ^ jls

^ bLo <jJ 0^1 0_jlIJ! jls jlj UiA> Jiii

J^s. 0j lA-otw 0j aII! iA**£
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abel al-Haham. ,

w .c _c so — .

^ cXcli ^v*lj tiXy-Lc xili Lo^m*«w-'0 1

£ * 5 . -05 -
\-AL**o \-clo L^-iyu
cr* U*3*^ y ^
5 ^
Lo^v^o ^ls ujyiJ 5^

siAic q-> jk5^j ^Jo lo^fvw-* S'-Xj-’. jjj a.wj>- ^ ^w.^\1j

ajLsJ JJic

^ s— qJ jiAc

A=-l j^>5 3
£sIlV> qJ * &>^l:> — y> (j«UJI

• £ ,

l\_j>!^ <*Ui ^ l\^. ^j^Lj Il\-^ jL&-$ ^j*UJI &j^a **

J.pyS^J^ *
AJ^C2S (jolsti! }yf- yVjsSLJt lA£>! AaJIc i_X-wj (j*Liii

• £ 5

syiS^ »
iAi>! ,jr^> x~Jx: v—>LyJL> (j*UJt sLo^s Ac& jo^tAii oLy*JL>

u.jLg.>Cv ^ikiLo l\xxav aJ ® L-Xh^u^i! «-VmIo

O - O — ^ O - O 5 -o -
£.^w 4. 3 1 Lg-Lioli »l\.u Pii xAi* c

»^U* <c>AJIj> tL-ijjte xOOj sl^Ui iS^ Xgl^J jA oy^vJt

® XljitO ^ {^yJKlyZo l\a*aw jJwCvw! Jd
x-Ij»L3 oy-Al> v^Aaa^Li ^«Ly lA-ot^v sjyOj Xy£.
05 w .C * - -5
yA Ji-Aj 9
CP ^yJ-j ^Ji Lajjj u3jj_5

? - *-

s^S-yvJi v^axXv

(^^^3 l5j^ ^V5 !

o !
Lf^ U* LJ!
'^'jr^' (3^V5 JJI3 L«!

^Jb^ili 3
j*Jti * iL)jl*Xl

- w
Q*Jb LX.? 1
jlss w-Ji"
5 vs.
^ 10


*JJ lydc AJvbi Lf! JL fi-5 eLsv^jO sAJj *J JysJj eCxb3! iA-i>li \ii^c

w- ^
5 1 i
% 5

(jA.£ q-, xjLo^! ^X! JJlS

^i 03 . Jwwjli xic JAw UJi

Luc> i^XJlXS" ui-l« aj IjLs- ^s> sjJiJ’ ^ aLLs-^^ ajAj !ytL& s—ot^

kiLxi (jw> lj
y£ uX«] l^iljis j.LLe aJ JO5 xji !j.*^wj * LkILc aI o^xi^i »y>? „5jj ^
jlij . sylXsi aIabj q^Ls ajyxs) 14 [j.JlXs 13 aJ sAJjj Jo'ii

yJ 5 a*L (ja=> 3^= jLili (jol*J! $yf- os>j! lo aIIIj U! a^-jL=> JsAi ^CuXJt

1) C LX^jli. 2) B om. 3) D cX^. 4) D ^ wbliil. 5) B l^lijj.

6) D condenses the following narrative into a few words: <\x^ oXj s^JLiJi jLtai
, £
o's^ _fiS^>
'—Sji; sA-Otw Js4<^ (^^jsssyi) AysC (s. p.) oLtiifj i^ULc qJ (sic). 7) B
corr. + IlXjO^. 8) B corr. J, AJyto. 9) BC 10) B Jsio
11) D resumes here. 12) C aj^Ijm. 13) D eL-L\_j a>-^L> £f*i.
14) D l^olXwb.
105 Yale Oriental Series.

M C/- m) w O
(jp3 j^ < 3 ^
0—^ ^ 1
&MI iA^c
O 4 w # }

y> ^ s^UaJ 2
,bAx>! AS slit jlfis yeJoo all!
<}y"j LUc .^y* ^ &L\=> ^y!
— o _ _ o 3

y5\aJ! £U3J q5 ^1 sLLjeJt a^La y\_j Uas yXJ 3 aJjcs- y^IS ytJf y> ^ yd
^ Ax*v ^y \iaUJ! ^-yC dLo Axcj viaUJ!
wuHw j ,^1 sL*j'A>
_ >

5 (jolxJf
^ _jy JayL Jjc £-ifA^> y ’iJ>JJ> s^Ju j, oLIXs* aA_c ^Uj

(3 ^U>!
0 ^ lUU( cr^ sj? o* ^^-5 urrj^ Uja i3^> pWj ?y= pi;

^ylai _^_Py (jjyyUt yyai (j*Uil ^yLxj iLyUi* qI^j aJyLx J, oJLsXj S^i x*Lj
) ;

jyjj 3 y= qU_s • &>_yL=» *W !y= oJjt Jls

fy aU Hi ^y b!

yyw ,y (jr*^

. UiAo ^Lo yyw LoA> & pyJI iiU3 ^5t -Li ytu yxii Lo

•** 1 - - o -.
10 Lb ^2 ,**. 0^Li^ Q-^ ^.jy* 0^ '
ta'^5 0^
W O > W ^ ?

\-L& \Llc. V***^ 0^ &byi ^ A3 ^cAxj (j*JL> LM Lj^AS

° 5 5 &
^ ^yC 6
. Ju>^! Jj&s Jyjy.

LdAa> ^Lo qj &U!


7 LoA=>




pLci.Jlj Jjci


U &>jL>
3 ^ 0Vj>o!

J>yi Aiy
W O 5 W — — O
yii XSiS
O —
AJsLxj Jls

^CyAJ! l<vjA> ^AaJ! qJ iuyw
^ Ouj JJi^t

15 iU-LwJ jy wyy*^*j (joLxJt

jy ^y=j cj^ *-oAi! Aic otyil ^
ySlwJl |^p
tyLai eLJj] jywoAJi J^z>
&_j5 iji jJ.c j—jy Lo A*j tyLili

^_ci j»Uii! Jw^l A^bU! y2 -1*

U12*^ jyiLwi !yiyajt ^ ^Ai Lo A^bU!
3 |»^e LAjLo! otyJt J— qi JaPy ilia ^jyJAylt y-^y9 ^ »yU» L^yi Q^iy. iifiLw

W -o w OC
(yiycli *yb ^Uy bt
^ jLai UJ j $>_
j iUU ^1 Ajyj Lb'Lkci

20 iyyw „y UJli i^b ^ lyfij^5 '

ij^ Uiiyw ^
jjvysbt y.U 11
j?Ai>! (41&) ^iao! i^j^i! b'A^bwJ! A^“ Uii yS a^LaJ

uiyujli ^\JL5Aj sA^i A-jy. *JUiX* ^5 0“*^ (2^*^ A>LwJ)

5 c i w C
jLa-i A^XlaJ! 13 Aa>!y j*AjUo yj'
ib-jyu ^-EOy oLijLi (j^Liit

1) C ^)ll. 2) Mss. jbyl, C+^!. 3) B + aJJI. 4) A om.

5) BC ^y=. 6) C yi. 7) D resumes here. 8) B oJlU. 9) B

iyi*ili. 10) B ^yii y. 11) C jJLb* Jb>^ . 12) A O? 3*^ (sic).
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. •104

Jy 1
aUJav A^VwIt 3 —^otj
1 yit ^lA-it (it
y (j*yJ Jyo

v*^ - OC W 3 3 w

^3 j»L*e*I i
y JJ Ajy O'j^j qj! w*iL> Jj ^-volAai!
y soIae JaxE>Ij

Q-J yjj*i! '-^c U?Aj>! ^LajIs LyiE> J,t ytjj qOjII _y>^> L^jljCw-j
^ yj! ^tAit

(_cy>^5t OjL*£>3 aJ vooolXs 5

bLoax+J! a_JLo qLio
aA-o AyUwii yyi
w O -
. 3

_j XE>jb>


^3 & oLUzS! A^wlt aA-o o*jywJ' ujL^pI =ULsnJ! »_jL^p| (ij xtlXsJ!
o #

»^Il> aA-o (41a) yyiiot jJu L_JLi yyttt Aac A;> ~«-Au ae>jL> jy^it


xJt <—*5^
yyit -V £ i

yy^ Uii j-jjjti! i

y yotiJ
0 3
^1 »._jo o'iS byiju

^1 AiL«i (yxit Axit £-sAj q! Axj iylc lAOy ^SA_J! 0w.*=> i_jLxy 3 &J
— j>[j 10

Jo . 4yCJL> a! y*L ^3 ^JIe L^Jy a L^iL, *1^1 bli i\p U JL& 1^1/
O .e

\jJ! £yE^t l-g *A yoL> .
^"^Le ii)lo J] liU, Uaj ^yil o-j1j2 a*a« qj
f O— .

jy?T. ^L\JL x^>jL> 0j*i v»jLg^w q-j! Lcaiji) lXJU^j *jutoli‘ v >Lg-^

aJ LaeJo y£ lXju <iV_Lt! AaE y i_X-sjj JJ yoL> ji ty«t (Jj ^y

^gjjJt ityAot

eV—Lif iA*e
y |»LixP 3* |3-*5
a_jjj olo (_£.:> ^.ae^I j_a_j aJ lyjuo ftyCL 15

l&jyo^t (CU J,!

jy ^uJLe !^S L*Eii5

0_£ yvLo> jyj aJJ) A-3E3 0 _j uuew LoAe> u/ iotiAo> qJ 6

0j jf niU^ jLs yv. Ksyi

. 3
^^ J3!
u-V^ (J-
5 'AjjJ y: 7 ^aJJ!

yj Ls!iX>
y aLe»jLo> yib A—io l\*j Ut 8
j.'iLw (jeI*JI
y 3y= J.I wOlXo

L^cl\-^13 SlXP ^^ '

x5!^-c> lAftij

•c&^'iLwJI* aJJI tUi ..,!

iAe*^ ytJoo ( q_e asSAe*

y ae>jIe>
y 9

lame- ,it
y Ajy qE Axaw y v£*-Jli! ^jl\e> 3^3 »y£ ysLo (fyJ! q-e aae

1) BC iUJu^s. 2) C 3) B aJI. 4) AB ora. to lXjjj J! yaL>,

below. 5) Ms. J^ytt. 6) D resumes here, but only for this paragraph.

7) C -f- Aj^w y. 8) A om. 9) D om. the traditions immediately following.

103 Yale Oriental Series.

La:A=> jjJis. iAa*a* Lo'As> sUiaBj! h"3j L>=L*J!

^y 3r
= lVSj /Ua ^y aUI

w 5
O- ..
qJ yy= »Sj ya* (jolxJi 35
^y ^ Jls WU{J ^y!
ycA-Oyjl fy> qJ Oy>- qO a11! Aa£ (joLxil
^ 0 ? |J*aA5 wol> Joa^Ij

Q5yc q_j yjytJ! Aac t_ y^

5 Lg-Jlj L03 Suly^ qj! Jo _bbL*JI oli^ La«

5 yjytS! A_a_c £ys^U Lo yjl^j ,yo lo s-aJuc J.A3 yj\p> XiL^ <_ASy>
O So
Dl^ . JLII o-O yjjslsyo j»yJ) 1,
. l L ^LaSj lX^VaaI! aU) <_\a£

ioL^ u-^5 As jjj*J| Aac ^3 v__)LxjC5 f

3 1
^.ye qJ * yysJ' t^£ f wLflj

jL^il iyt aJIaj q-j! aaLc j»l Si aaH J^a l» Ji yyt!f Aac ^lo Lis aJ ^1^ Lr'b>


. .
w G

wO>l^\U JL&
&J 2

*h5) &JlE ^ «.

10 uc>Li- J—s>As tA_ e. tJJ qOLaaJ |»yAJt

3 qOLa-w! iCiL-o^ qj! aJ JLhs aac JJsIaj

w a o GP
,_y>S aJI/j X_jL«j qj! aJLe J3o Lis *JLiot Jlss Alyb yj>ls yyut iAae

aJ ^oJj iLiLflj JJ AseAs Aa*su yb> yysJS Aac ^yi Asyu yycSS AotS ylii
• o y ,
o —
i^gAJi Least yjy*J! Ayj q[Jj> a_ae>Lj j»^a!I <Jl 5 jjjjJ! SUL&j aJ y*,y^
J , o > o- >


\_AAV. yjiij .y>4C qLa^\J jytJ (_sAJt BJA^lJlj ycA! aJ

I^lX^O qJ

15 IJLaoI Aa^c ii)yV« yj_j

j-a^ (*'^*' Aac qJ aU! Aac 3;^ La:A^> Ui^ i3Jj
• _ -C £
A-J! yyot Aac ajw g-y^ &a5! j-^-73
^* 1 L^~i~ c Ldls

8^_Jyll ^S>Lj> 3^ jJyxJt u\aD JaaIs aI Aa^j. 1- 3 a*^ jjytSI (AaC a! Jls UJi

Q^j ^Aj
ija-*^> syy^-L aajIs sy*^ AaSj AJtA^-f AaLc 0*i a! jlfls

|ybo syyP- i«_a3>La3 4

y'i * piA-S 5
_j! O^LJI
3 0^ 0^ 8cXx ajL«

5 .
- - 0 -
20 X-jJ! JJUs yd liLio 5
^ Ui oU^>

w y-.'O yjyai! Aac. aa!I

La-Li ^Li^j



lAJ J_g_5 Jls yXi'ii

^4 L» lil jU 0^.3 yrAt 3L«5 0^ y^A^i 0. ^A^ 0jj *5 (jL&

•^^yj! 3^ |^ jy lil
!j JSC Aaaa5>3
O— * w
Jo JLJLj^ .
ytLa aUI Jyyj 0^y Aais waa> 3^

1) A om. 2) BC 5y. 3) BC pref. Jls. 4) B ^Ijls. 5) BC om.

6) A This trad, in Duqm. IV 127 f.

The Futuh-Misr of Iln c Abcl al-IJakam. ,

0X* (3^ »Xo Sb"” jli Ji t3_b j*Ji iAj* 1

bt Ibb

j?y j' -* .
O ^Jt 1
—£— (^albb "^5
^ L^yfj! 0^^ L^SjAXAJ

y w

® l*_ou <3^ *pJ.X> 0? bytxsj

0^V^ Xa£ 31j
yb-w 3 >
qJ bow <3? byw
b_yM ^loj 3 X. T.A.g f
Qj! q£. 3
^a&£ 0_J iAaJCw L*2il\-S> Lb"
0 ^jl)J! C&
^y liVAIt iA*c LbiAo yboL; yboLo 3 i i'bSt iC*^t
^0 l^ LaJI yv*^t 5

Uil qIJo . o!^j it —Li_xi alt! <A->-e qJ 0^5 0* bwgj ^y!

0s 0^ Lb\X>
LJLi\A> ^Jsl^ Lol\^>

c& lXjL^JI qLxL.c

»lr-l ^

.1 £jUjc**

3*“J ^“!'3 0* *•
^ 1 * 3^ (3"^ 3*^ 0^Kaw ^1 \JyXA 0^ 3^' 3'^'t*
^Ae ybb * (»y-4 3 fr*^-
^ JLsLj ylijt qUCs v_jytSI

j»3lc lXJj 3Lao J^Lj yG 3A 305 3y>"'5 bbi b-JJ! bJj J0 3y*£3 ( 10

0*bt 301 0 » J'-r’j 3y
^3 3 y^ 0^LaJj
iAxxav LolXj- Lb ^J^jLXii 0^5 •
^t^jX!! j3 L^b ^ 3' J ^®^
- -
cr* bis bbcj

0— jLo 3, ^-s*Jt bxyt y<Ga

IaJ y^*yl byw 0^3 3 * 0^^ 0^ " ^~3~~
w 5 )

3—>! tAl^

Jic'i jls ^_j! \3Jo 3 ^jde ^j! JLi . (j-yjLo

o|^j!j jwwJi- q, O^LJ! jiUj^jj ^^(5 i^G'^Lac 0l.A ^GUIitf
50- - J ..

Jli . bLoai
«-Jl> osJt iLjUXwj iLyw 3^ jLy3>- 3^ ^iut
0 ^*->5 ^-aJOsJ!

- O > > .
503 O
q-» Uilo jL Lo !A-P lo jUb JXm^> ^ji

sLLfij j*_X-iij^tj 8 y" s'ox. a_jA3! j —sii iA^wI! Jkc oa-Sj I O-i »jO^ LiJ> jLj

3jC*-=> qJ K-Iai-j 3^ &Wt i3jLi 3Lfii j*Jii tjils jAXot^i (40^) j^o'^Lx:

& 10 jrUi3! oaL^o oytJ (_5t3Jt ^IsjJt 3 9

0*JJ jto >Aa£

obli’j 11
iiiL^ ^jt b lXah ^31 »jb j^-^wJ! uoljii! 3 ^
0 ? u^-*
3 bai2>tj
3 V.

i)u£ iy^c lA^wlt 12
3 ^t^ *
3 ejv^i ^y!

1) B 0bb>bJjl. 2) C 0Aa).b^o. 3) C yar, and so frequently. 4) C

-f- 3**c b"f (y- 5) C q£ OjtAy. 6) B -f- 3 3 -
7) AC 8) C
j»-Xj'L a N rt. 9) Thus pointed in A., B j_oj, C Q-yjy
cf. Duqm. IY 24.

10) Duqm. Zoc. cit. 11) Duqm. IV 66, 86. 12) A corrected (prima manu)
to Ajja].
101 Yale Oriental Series.

hX>t Jo JL_s_jj & jyJS j*p> AJlx s La&SI

J, ubLbl jLstj no LPlJCbo

0 j * Jc> Jl J^l ^b 0.-0* J! ebb" l^b o$b£l

^ olA&b

L*j^> L_?U*i vjo j»A^_5 L^j'Aa qJ bAalt ^b iUac eljols johi* J>

o— S

. ^^b-^bi U-L*—> 'j 1

jj 3
L*J ie>b* iuyw b! w>.bs iuyw i^>«Jul bx^l S^b
w w ^ O— O— w O—

jb t^b-b ^woLxJ! o»5j^\5
05^^ r*^"^ (b^yi ^JA-*-4»vv

5 0- J w O-
t& V-J^Aiait ^L\j (JwOjSS Q-» Lgbi ib&J b-5 jb L#-)!

- B
5 o£ Off 5

oL\5il ^jl&j cr»

l*UJ> *^3 s-^o*! L-o

^_c o»^*-w v>L*x> Lol\?- Juc qJ OiiS^! i_jj£*j Lol\=> ^ iXou LI

Ids n£_jj*w viSiAfilt j*jtbs bl b,*Ab Jls * osLb-j ® ^jC j^jooo

10 aJJI Jywj b cA>y> Jls l\>jw LI SjLo^l jjp

^5ub j*jtLo bl ,j«^ «-J JIS 1

(JJbb Jls J. Aaa£ |^<jlbJ lb j»yil) (jj-»

Ax>l (j£ libuOS J, q! jj^S Lcj

J*£ J^cl ^ oL^-L iiL*-XJ i>

_cAJI 5 Jls l£yi ^JJI slSj ^y« l\ow LI isjlbiS

LgJL*u ^t bLw.j yd(c Xbb Jl aJL^Uvl ij\p> iuyw wOb Jj JLsjj Jls & Sl\j!
- O 5 0 5

8 jb jC-jyw &xLsli Joui LgbL-o ^xi> Lo juLxj} lA^wil (40a) lXjjjJ

15 lXjjJ Lu2j! ^-jyw lXj^a jb ^03 L^LLJ3 q ^3 \j}y"+* t

iLJIs K_jow ij b jjb Lii *.*5 JbXjJ ts bb ^Ui! y^icls j»^Ii!l ^eji
^ 'sJji

LgJj-o Jojil ^b Ja>*i ^ »Lw.»li i^oL' Lb" iJJj ^jwLsJI

O 0 5 5 5

^ ^

^15! lX^ q-^. ^‘^3

^1 0X nsjtvgj ^_j| Lo'A> 5

yOxJS Jj!
Lo'As> ^ lobsUjS^I

20 0^5 goA> qJ iootxj sALtj Lo^j iuyw oVLc Lb Jls A**£ qJ bLos J^-tS

ojjJtSI obo 0I5 iCjbCiLi

^rj (»^%!
i^bb! jb^UL" * 6
VM ff 0 5 Off

*UI olb j, Lo j.y_j ob Jl—«j L^cooj _} L^syCil

o '-5

UV^ S;S ''^:>
V'b3^ »L*-wb> LI _jls UfliJtj ojy I Ia?

1) A om. 2) C L{l. 3) B 4) Thus vocalized in A. Also

pointed (_jLw-j, see Fischer, Gewdhrsmanner 94 . 5 ) Mss. yoai. 6) B -f-

C ^^balt J-J-L". 8) B c J.
0j. 7)
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

- 3 -
p^^\JJ 3 ^b ^ sAc. ,_oJL>iAj "bSf xo>L> ysij LPlXju dAc. Joioi pJj
O- o - «
<&8lXae qJ sAae iCLi- iooUijJi ^b Jo JliUj . ,3' 0?i
M G.- W A ) O — w
j^-wj J^yo «!^ Igb kd-w^o JaX=>!j 1
Jwo^i ^b A-L<U ioJLwi . m's-L,

a_!L* bJLb L_*_li

lCa^>UI qJ SUx [~u:>^ pjtLo
0-j J.., y«!c iL»Ji_£ alii

O Aj j y_»y*o (joJf * pL*H ob »^b s Ui2fiJI j. \_J Jo3>^ lsJ>b! sllaclj s^b ioiow

Jly>f cr >*> ^ £-* u* 4*^ ^ L5jLs? l\ac yb jj <yo JJ op A

^i ^coJ Ojloo Ujlj . Ls>lj! \*Lsli 3
(jJ^e qJ gJUa 0-^ —AjAi .
^tjyo yo
pi JoLot

Aiojy i^b dyo ^5
- O-
« )

^i jjytii '-^£
0 ^ ^
JoL>l> ^CO ftJCxA^X^ ^ l X*«L*wO
il*, vi^-o! (J^ILan

O _.C m
^1 —A-Jp OlJt &&} l\*J **L***$
<Aa£: « $y± 10

^Lo l_cbJi q!^ . iUXwvo oojt J*£a* pi jOLaj! yysi I iAae j.fA _^j! —
- — . G^
^ iLjuvvo ^b oblXs .
^Uvj ^e i^jp (_cbJt oij*ilj

^ ^iJI
O *v G—
qOj yoytii iAae yo ^^>3 yoytii l\a*J ^Lo l*/> ^b^j Oyw pLo* J,! tJoOCii

(jaUJI ^coXjj
j q^j • J«^ j»i *—j1y> !
^E \-ij 5 L J^w pi x-o^o
^y« yj ^
C 5
0^" 15
lA-*OS^ ciA-oi 3 l>Uo»j (J^aJj ^yoXjoJi yCw"^t 0—j"^ U^o li\.Ji3
0, ^jAC
(^Lai^S o\a*av yO?, \e!j L-« XaJ-aaxi iL-AOE qa5 (jr?

^ijJi l\j5

o -
qL>p L^SyCvcli Looj! tXjiw qj L*^c ,JjL*4>J!

^ iAax*v Ll3«A> Ui^ l\L^ qJ £*L*vo <& (jpO^o ^jL,
„ M ) ^
J. aJ -Lx>^ yc!c 0j iUa£ L> Luj! ioytx ^yJCbtj .
(j^^i^Lii Jjx; _5y= plo! )u*c>l 20

.y^Ji Ja^Jf Ib^a^U .b JJ objliii fLoiii

J,i pJaE*ji Q-, 0*aJL* 0j . &JLA5

O 5 w w . - 5 w
ciAjoi pyJi^ pi aXaj!
iC_*JLE L^ao*-^ aaAe Lg.* iVit AA^ x*Ju«a^ Jo Jlao^

Jo>i (_cbJ! q, Iao^e ysL ioiOti L^xLii! Ui! iUJUv^s
q^ 5
;yS?. lXSj joiiE

£_ji^ ^oi JyO uajLaaJ! sby-O Jj Ojba l\_S jt^

^ c>bl^ ^ S^b AaaI

1) Duqra. IY 5. 2) C ^yw J.i. 3) Became wall of Egypt in 135.

4) BC 5 . 5) C 0f%. 6) C 0j(.

99 Yale Oriental Series.

Lo'Jo byw^i sLoAs> . 2Co!b jOv&i ob>! ibLxJt Jls j*x)Lo all!

W O- 5

q£ 3 A-yot AyC JyJo liUl! Afc£ jjj*j! AyC q-E iAkgJ

" °
jiLJ lg>JL> Jd jjb! &o"^! J^i ^!b cso^ Jo Jlibj & Ax** u*As

X—L/0 lXjew qJ (j-—S l_$A>ls * slj X- A.g.r. Jo JUj^ • Aye

5 ilLe> ^tA-J! (JJj Jo jLfiJ^ . JooUsJt ijslsj ,3 (JvJ! (joj^gai! J\C> LgJL» jUsjXj

—go ^Ao^s (joli 5 (ii ^o A*.«J JoaXaJJ ^!b c^oli’ Jo JUb^ .

^ iOiie

o— o «-

q! jL-g_jj
aJj^iL ^^J! s^L> 3 jjdi HjSb e ^-oAstj (jv^Lw^t
<sUlj oas^-Jlj
w 0
5 5 5

^ Igj^s oUs 4 Ax** J^i LiL, Ax**J iaLsi* _yS> i_r*^ 'JjAxaJL \^ijsu ^d!
w 5 — £ O W 5

^JsX: LaJ!^ o( *w-olJ jJ-aLsJ! L*jl^ • j!

5 0 O—
^ ^LoO ^ai! 5
q^3> q-? CT» ^ ~!ji>

^iU<3 IXcii L^o I ^olo Jj xjlXjj q! jiy ^Uit iAajd
^ lX-J^JI

LoA> 7 jsAj ^! vAbo &s^Ui Jj jjjxit A*c y= 6

JJ ^tbp ^j!

u>.Jo>b Jls
q ^_5 ^ (jr^ J—x,'J * ^U/is loAs> gv^vJ!
^ obL->

l*_*Juo <sJJf J ojL^PI iCCS^o! 8

q^j: iodliAoJ Axe (J^
w w C $
]5 ^y*X. iOL)0>l >0^*-^ J^bl *dj*OJ sAJLc ^yj£s
0-5 W - i:

' a.35 ^-^cix: j,

9 0'Jjw ^jO qL-^o5” i- ojL^' ibdLwi *JJ! '-o^5 ^ CT*

^.j^ycodt J, Jliis
10 ^Jt LgoeiAj * xJ! o-<a)CJ J-aJli q^o ^ Lg-o^Cwl ^UoO

Ojj*^ *J ^ n ^LoAJl Ju ^l !
'OaAJ' 'o>Jo tiLJ ^ ^jo! Jls J ^o^Jo

9 oojw 0l~*o> J.1 Jls j ^LJ! J, y>ls *^>Ld! Jlji j sjyaJ^j

C -
1) -j O^s. ^Aoi. 2) All Mss. 2 wt; so also in fol. 1056, where

A marg., prima manu :

^oAJt xUal j, s-4 (X! L^"c 8| A*s ^SS

UojI AjAs *)JiA J^o! j, xj‘l)c>j IaA*, ^-Ac sJoc^

^ Ao u^J iro^ti' . 3) Istahrl 49, Hauq. 97, Duqm. IY
34, Yaq. IY 688. 4) B A*~J. 5) C JsiJls . 6) B + Jt. 7) C jib!.

8) A om. to ^sSjC>\ below. 9) BC 10) B J, lg*SLX-J.

11) C .LLob.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. 98

(jobtfl Jaxrxl

O- 3 Off 3 w
ijUt j, q-,3 (*'^*^5 »,y= jy>

& Jjf JCrf OlXX gJC&SS j AJjJu£jU 0^J ^ 0*»

3 —03 .
O^ w
s-^«^o L*4*j|*)
y& Qj ^
^ yts~
^X^o ^
c _ 0 3 _ off f
aI q! JLav jC^Xv^J 4 ^A>Lo 3 (jJvJJo!
q! q |^0 ^ ^*£. 5

jj_A-$ *j ^cyii^sJ y\ SjX>b l\L^U X-*-Lw) ^Xj £jyw u^C5o q!^J<Aj! v-Jj 5 *b$jJLo

3 3 -OC a 3 ^ o^
X_^JLavwo jjJLli (j^wIjJo! lX— i>li Jjtii Jo^Uj q!^*j
w 3 — o^. *03 o
spx &xLaj q!
O bj3
^X-x. LaS^ jjCx* xjUco s^ot^ Jj^vJS

jlfii ^SuJl j^Jj L*.aS ® iuJ £-w^Jo iL*i jJj Jo^f ^Lax

L^vjO -W*Jt Q^j jJS 7 10

122 _Lu^*Jt
0 ^j 33 !^5 U*_;^ i)-*
py^ CT*^*^
9 8
0vLaJo( ol* Lji ^T~t * aj12aaj ^jij 3 Ja^wJt Jai«i
0 ^»i 1
*>13 a! IjwCj .

O ^/ 0 0

0 ^
^ ( 3 ^ 0^.3 *
o^f O^ vXAXhi!
Off w
gboli '*bz>
0 ^ j*-£ o^/° 0^ <->p^

xLi> 0^ ^t
0 ^y> (39o) qJ yf- yoi ^ vJjliJt 10 ii)Jj
0 i

- ° "
a °. 5 w


^Loas ool^5 JxUj! lX^wII X-LaJ5 J, »l>Lx lXjlw I5

0^£j u*^* ^ v'-^-k (3^ 0 2 (i> c »y 11 »'§5 iALJI |1_5 UJ L^Lyj

Lj^jyo 3Jj 13 Ui! jUii aJ Ifl^jo 3 ^c'j jlsi 12

(iU ,3 aI aJ

A_j^a> (j^s> iA*« qJ JLaJ^ L^i ^ jLo

0 ’

3 -

0p 0-^jm! AJ^* 4J L^a5 O^JtX*wL| L^JSj Ijtj y^LyJ \.\j> sfe^J!

Q ! Lf Jo! .
0 Lx_jl\o j*aLo (C.jJ!
0 _c.
u^5 0C ^ ^ 14 L^i yj ^^LwJJ 20

1) A ora. 2) The following is omitted in D, to the mention of &>jb>

Ait jo qJ and his A^y2 ?

104, 17. 3) B Luot. 4) B vJs’AaA^. 5) A
sEjli, B 6) BC AJ. 7) B ^Lc, C f&£. 8) A Ja^Jt. 9) C

yjuujt. 10) B om. 11) C %. 12) BC <J o/j. 13) C Lgit.

14) C l*Jp.
97 Yale Oriental Series.

Kfi ^cAJ! j, 2 o*s8jJ JaX>! Jo Jlfij _5 . tJJLp *,jf jbjj

^eA-J! j$>2 jyLp. AJ-c jjd! iyoXif ^(AiS sA? susl <*U! Aos JaXs*^

q, ^Xs^tj '& (B8&) joy (J^

lyas Lgjj tUuJ! lAP IpLu

& ^j_jt k**J6 xJae» J> Asswll AXc ^1 SjoXJI ^Ail sA£> q!
w C 3

uby; v 3 yy i>A*^ c y 3^ p+? ^ qc sy^ 0^ cf

Lpyjuas Bj-Lo ^£ O^j As xUt ^ji. Jls j**io &U) Jj-Wj q! jV*io &UI Jjavj olL^5 !

w C — w £ — & „ c>

_^jt Jls . (jf^LsixJ! tyas j_jt aJt "!4! ^jji! ^jjj! g»oaJI sbLo JJ s Lb*J! s^Lo y\o Los
3 iyaj LLii JLkjls (jAjo ^3 Ap>Ls qjAcIs
J,! i
_jj( jj> li! csA^jj j*or

10 aJJt
J^*«j s^ot^w vssb! 3 tyas LLj
^3 J^\ Jli© jjf .b J»t (_cAJ! wjLJ! AXc sljAs^s

^jjJI y^JI gsoaJt Jj fUiotil U-o L^jioi isl^Lo 3oS «JJ! q! JjyLi j*_*bo

^ol q£ qS sJUt A^c qJ iS^'-

^ —bs'A.‘> & |*jti Jls OX*#*, csbl Jls yti Jls

sJLb yj'Ap- A-Sj Q-jl 0-E. 0^3 Q-^ qE 3 !^ qJ 3-4X. »Lo'A>3 sjoi?
o „,

w - 3
j,UbJl (**< < 3 -

Gw 5
_ ***€-' 0^ a®
g^ !

15 ^ic ^3 i&^y* ii*JA=> . 8 Ac wio! 3 L>t yJ.o 3^ ys ^3

j*^io qJ 3y*
J's (_ 5 >x 5 I
q! (_^)L*Jt

1 (_>sl-Jtjt ^3 3^4«c
^1 »LoiA> • »^UaJ! KJb"! wUoCJi U
w 9

l —£-0*3 ^ iwii (J.JC

0-k gJlo qJ sJJi A_<_fi »LoA>3 ^JLc qJ
O ~ 5 ^ 5 ».

0^X 0 q£
0 aIII bX^x:. g ^C*J( ^Xajuw lXjjj jili
q^» ^ l5

2° u^voi*
0 t^_aJf J, yb #Ul Jy-^j J^ q-J 53^ q-® ^ X^ ^ '

0.0 Axm »ULj'As> 8

0 lj'A^ 5^40 ,33 7 jJalb! ,3 Lgo» HA^ 7 Hj^c

1) B -)- uolsJt ^j. 2) Duqm. IY 6. 3) B s^*ai. A -f- (^UiJI. 4) Bg^iJl.

5) C (
j-j! . 6) B s. p., C 0,iiotJi , 7) BC ylxc and £&*. 8) BC

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

£ (J«

Jlas Sj* W O-jt ^*1 AJy*.-o a] jLfij q-, ,/il3 yDo yolc

<5? liklo isbyw JyiS yt(c a] J^si J^r"

y^ 1
Jj wyw a!

oiAailj .’.(joli; (X!

^ A***j .‘. 1 qJ yOjit .'. ytj aXw ^Aj
^ (
i^x> *

.*. a^X^wwo A^ss^j ,*. (__CpL*^j"bSI i_(j_j! .’. ^A^oLciil (jj-J a^L * r •'•

« 0 -
3 gAaj*
8 t$Jb>0
O^-5 y*lt ^ ^Lac
o tf
^ 5

q! 3 l\-JLs\^ q-x qJ%J! lXx Lu<A=> Au^J! q— j A-mj<\J! A*x

Ale ^5 ^y®' (A3*? £ k^ 5

o^ 1



^ y
0 '0

y-c. Ax^ti LolXj> jLil A*£ J.j!

LoAs> t&Aj>fj vi>jA^>
^ w £ OC w^ O- _ 5

Lx> Aw! aJlS^s S^yiot jyb ^Ux ^ jls 5

XiLeix ^
»!^ As Q-< ju(e
^ j*jtJLo aJJ! jywj 10

aJJIs 6
aLjA aj SAj Jt
y AxLi> IjyfAi ALJLi -LaAI y* jju* Jls

& ii)J>3 J, yo"^!

** i 9 A^Uw^i \_jL> A-Lc ,»yJi aJ 3> ^.j
^ Ja*s>li * jls

> 5

(joL*JI 0-: ,xjj! A>x Lg-05) Lg-yj> ^ &ioblJi s^tj^ oMjW!

0— L-i-j Ax> & l\L*J! ^ lXa^c^j

0^ c^lX-^ AJuJS gsjLciw^ 0i^ju

11 ^aamJL »^oJj lXxx ^oCj 1 lXax :i:

0, (jol*Ji
0_j 0 .J AiS! JlS
0 j xli!

M > VW O •
x-Lw sj\ij A^*^ L>!

^Jx! ^JJi^ olo

(__cAJ! j.U.^Utj (AiA> ajLo yt u^oys y*Lo lCajJI q.e Ajix yjw J-^5 1

oLwUjo j»3yS! oLoL*^> q! 13 yLaJ!

j»U^> aJ JAs Ui!j *) ^UJI j»Uj> aJ jlsb

(^ylaj! [»La=> iA^ !A-5> J>^>Aj fjJtj' »Je.KS tjly^ pL*l^- lA_P L*JLi JuS 20

1) A ora. 2) B om. to qLA- c y+Jic. 3) C AJLs?, A s. p.

1. e. jJA^J! ys= y> A-otw yi aJL^°. 4) Mss. y^o (C

^ 3 ). 5) I. e.

y,y i y>. 6) C a-aIzA. 7) D j.jJ ^Jaj^> tj. 8) BD om.

9) B +u cJ!. 10) BCD ^A>. 11) A C £2-wl>. See Yaq. Ill 34.

12) The dates given by different authorities range from 65 to 77. 13) CD om.

14) D om. to end of chapter.

95 Yale Oriental Series.

.. * > > o 3

(J>^3 • '• <^>pM <*1 Q? 3 oLc >3 .\ 20 ,JXwj:

jli go A; 0 0^'
-i Aac 0joiA> 0 j! Ud'As> o!^w
0 j 3 j+£ LoAs>
dy*} V*^J 0^ U^" '^*-r* 1
JyM ^jUavJ! j*& (3^ 0j tX*x«
O _ 5 w . 3 .£

\iyj^s> L-^-j jli* o*1j A^>! XjU! jib ^ jyu ydoo aJJ!

o£ 3


0^> ^aA gv^ _^Pj ^Aav J^s?i Jla

0 ^ y« 0 i jjjxJ] oW: ^As ^las

£jtJ aJL*li jJj*Jt Aa£ JLSS ad'A^S? OaJ.AH 0C aJLvj jJj*j! Aac
L 0 ^j^ 0J
j*_xLo aJJ dy*j L\AA u^Av Jlfij adUl (j*!^ ^X! ww 0^ ^ A=>l ^yiu
f ^ (JoLaJi
0 j 04£ Jyy^ 0^ yS>} ^Atfdi 3
.A> 0 W^>5
j .*. JjiU

aJ p^s jLa-i goA=> ^ a_jyw j, ^aJuc^l AJij . aL^AjlX*v'i( gOdb ujllaii

s_aax.wj ydl Aac 0 Aac »LoA=> OajA^. iiU3 ^cSVas*!^

10 *AaaJJ!
0 j j aJUl

0 j A-iy*
0-c (i;5 0 ^ Ajjj
0£ A*av
0j 0£ oJlo
0 j alSS AaCj

vjyaif j yLwi Lo^j (38a) ^*0 j*js1as ali! Jj*«} q! goA> 0j aoyw 0t 0aa5
j}3>uNi q^Laoj!
^ o-<ib bo jlsi sbUJl
^ ^yu Jo^
W C .3 w
"^i "b5 IjJLaa 0 v'Aj! iA-SAj Oj^li .’eJtfj (j^-IaSIj ^J^ai

15 ^Ac 0 Aw^j j »Ld'A^> AjAS |^.^\^>lj al*^P aJ

0 ^

£;4; cri (jr^ o-^ O* 0^ L Vt 0s

0^ Ua^ a_5
yd J;!
A^c JLc ljj>l^> (Jj
a_j goA> 0j *-_jyw Jla

w ^ 3 .' .

oL-Jlj 5
(j*y LlAc j»A-s ai^ Jls *-*Ac. ^cd [5 aJlil A*s^ jJXb >3! »Aac

L JlS JS j«wjL-w 7 Lil ^>b> LJ Q>b ySj Ou^LJI

8 iOJic. aA_ac A_j^i Uil
20 ^l-H-s b
y j-<lc
0 j ii)Aj^l ^5 J-! JLiis aLJic aJ Jlid J^s»j
- f ,

jj' ^ *Ut ^>0 b^ ^Jb3 Hyu!( ^15

vi^Uvo ^5 A^d; 9
aJ jlaj i__=AS!
9 (Xyo yclcj .’. Adojj

jliis 0\A* ^1 0j iu^o Aa£ 0alxJ! 0j ^ £* ^ adf J-«a> ^slc aJ Uilj

1) Also pronounced A-^c, see Hajar I 294 f., Husn I 81. 2) Cf. Makk. II 39.

3) C ^oAi>,
as often. 4) B liUI). 5) C noli.
6) C 0 L0 . 7) B

V$, c om. 8) A om. this passage. 9) B J-a>, CD s. p.

The Futuh-Misr, of lbn Abd al-Hakam. c

* _ O — 0-3 v. O - OC
0 -j ^ .\ JJLsJI ^Lot
0-3 3 303
As>15 qj! Jls * .
yy JLiijj . isdLp- qJ uuU> ^UiJ!

^—c. ilJLv/o eUi! lXxc L*Js'A> <5?

&3l*> ^yi x_jAA> jjt jyjj iUjtl!
cr^ ^ ^ O* -* !
0^5 $
0 3
^ CT
C^ !

^y£. Xxjigi Qj! ouA> J"^5 Ad>^ iApA> iAc ^Uj . JAx^O qJ ^uuS’y .\(joL*Jt 5

03 > O -Off
jls 7 \_j! G
JjLib<i Q_J i_. ypS> qC D^ C ^ 0^ 'r*S*=> <i>t 0?
xJtj &^LaJ! J, jJLbj a^£ ^.JLxj eXp» 8j_p- ^ JjJLi y*Jlo aJUt jy-vy ootf*

qI^j (__cA.yjSt 6yp- 0? 0— ?

*>Ut AjXj •"• '—jyttlj (__cAJt
Kv*^r t

U :;
glo 0 j * >JUI A—£ LoAj> & \U! iAax; y*.Lo aJJI i^y^j »U.aO (jolxJI Xf*l

uux> qJ Ajjj O-JJi Lo\As> yJy qJ 8 ^

0C (Xl
0C iAjcw tsSS \Ul l\x£
0 j!

Jw£ pA-S ^cA-Oy 9 tp- 0J J3 qJ l)p

0pJt 04.X1 Jls !

0 j flit

0j"4 11
JSj (jolxit dW»*t L«
10 yiiJ! uUc j— ^5 aJLS^
ijlsis ylv»Ls

qJ 13 dW*t
dy*j JlSs (jolxJI jlia dW*' l>« (jolxJt (jolatU Jlsj (jolxJl JLsB l«

16 ^JjJ|
^ l_i:>y> Jl Up>lo LjL^Ij. 5 jii jjl jJli!
15 AxC j*Jo! 14 Uol*Jl |*JtJ0o iJj!

- 18 'iSjo ^jLvo 0-w.oeJ! 18 &L*to •*• 17 lijUw! Aij 15

, .

0j jy+£ it -^-3 ^ ^^3

O- ^

.’. jkiA {j&j\ J«3-0 0-^J ^ q! q! SyoL xJt i»— y\p> (joL*Jt

O -

cr» O^ 1

o“3 i5

^0 3


•* 3 0 3 o 3 ,

1) Mahas., Maqr., tiyAj, B (orig.) sy^ai, C sy^^p. On (CjLaiJt sy^^ ^jI see

Hajar IV 36. 2) Fully pointed in A; Husn 109. 3) B s. p., C yy, D

Ajy; Husn 109 yAj. 4) CD om. (D also following trad.). 5) C pLJ

Following in Yaq. IY 880. 6) B 7) A om. 8) C om. 9) C y>.

10) A ylait. 11) C om. to aJLSf Jt-as- 12) B cor. to £'$. 13) A om.

to *Ut Jiyujj Jlaj. 14) C om. 15) Yowels in A. B cor. to A-oj;. 16) C

.yJjJl. 17) Whole trad, wanting in D. 18) B xp. 19) D -j.


93 Yale Oriental Series.

,Jjt 5
qJ .*. Uiijj ^5 As <£Ul! A*.e

^3 -3^3 U^ !
0? 3/^3 •’•
O^ 9

.'. (jolxjl (Jil


.*. »_jLLii
^ *JJI A*£j .'. (^jlXaS!
u\_*_c qJ jibj .*. (jyclxJ!
A*** aJJt iAxEj .•. OyJ^] otA&J^
C w O
4 3
U'-nV ' 0-? C3^V^ ^[5 •*• Qr? ij^ iJ^Hs *

c^ ^3 ! ••• B
»^ .*. &j* £-^> _*[s •'•l5 j^ !

O - - - O - S
£y J-woL> 0^3 0^^-**^ 0^ L^53 *
* 0-^

LgJL>0 U q— 3 ^uoL*J! qj!

• iAjej )
(joli^ (3 ^
3 *-Xjt*v lXS^

(_>£>lij 0—J AjCv. l\**i 0_J kilA-fcii! q£ *

— qJ gL I I! Ax£ LoA=>

7 y^W l»Ai
0-50- 3

• \ ^LaSaJ! XJtxJ} lA^-i <A3$ ^a^LuJ! BoLx .\^IaOJ^ 5I

^ gO&St vA^wj

v iui 0— j
j+£. »jiju ^Ai! !^A_j tX^w As^ (^jLi3j"!ii iL*l»wJo 0j A+^^j

^ ^oyl! j_x> 0^ Ovtjo

^^ 8 Jo-! jPj &JLc osL*]!
^ yyx. ywlas yO)

L0A0 * £^3 bjj'A=> <5? K^sua x! jl«J ^^Laj^i! aL^U .‘. j.l!J*Jt

3 ) w w 3

l*»-X5 ^> olXJ^ (37 b) jyb cXl^° Jl5 &xj(

^ 9

ij l\LJ! is iA_5 0^5 • jWJC 0j! b!j &JJ! jyv.j j_5 iCoiAit j**Lo (jr.jJ!

•*. (JvJCa^ (jyLol jC—AAy y^-. ^Ui»w^ A-jj-j Xi^L>

^ I^vAaOj iuyw j*b!

3 jLa>> Ij a1.2 l\^-w tXi^

^^3 ^ 0^ l\JL>
3 0-3 O -
^Lx (•L^ 0^*
jl 5 * ^fc^LXJt Jjf^ .*. (jy*A*j>

^ 12 0?!

1) The following in Maqr. I 295 f, Mahss. I 21 ff.; cf. Husn I 78 ff. 2) So

Kindi M*, Husn I 100, Duqra. V 14; Mah., Maqr ,

al., Marg. note in A: jib

o^lJ>- (Ms. l-j Jo) v—>Jz> iux! ycic qJ Jaxgi [^j] 0^0 A*£. Also men-
0? 0j
tioned below, fol. 65 fc, bottom, where the author adds: (joL*J! L>! j-ib
J'j U:,
0 ). 3) C + Qjl, D J)l. 4) 0 jj-JI. See Hajar IV 237. 5) The
vowels in A. G) BC ijy!. 7) B -f- L^j! . 8) C y>!. 9) D om-

10) B syi^c. 11) D + 3d. 12) His. 345.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn lAbd cil-Hakam. 92

|»LjiXAvt ycs> i^-yAs IjLaxIj otjlA^ xyy> *

0^5 Ax**

Q—JwVii xUl ojL^Ptj !yX q(, A—Ll-fiJI j^X/iSj _c^> LJS ^yX jy yli
jyy l

^-c xLxjxI xJu«aX!

^ liUit l\*£ LoAx> US' iy-A x-o iA^jSj & ISyx/a^

S i! ^yxJt x—jli A*j U! ujlLii ^_j yx x-jkJi i_ajo jli' ^ylAosxJ! ^yl
.C O - - O-
. #

L*ji5 j*y^' q! s
Lo^l (37 a) c Jj-*— o*-^^ 3 ' 5

xJLw.x iA Li I A<x Lo'Ax» \jj»U LJ S-Uc. tll-ojix

ysliJ! 4 ,Juvv« Lf
r^* 1

^ cr^ **=> <3


cr 1 A^ cr*
' 3
l * 3lX:>

& A^wl! yj^uj xAily (jol*JI _jyJ q3^j qI^ ytto xU! Jy*j v_^=>Lo

0-c. Q-jt ljyx>! xjLw-^ q.j (iVJUl A*x LoAx> .^Uit 6 J^>!3 JLs

0oL*Jt yj _jyx xAS' Jls ^.Lo jd OlA^l

^ ^y

yx xJi wAXs A^A*lt AJLc dVJ UIxLAid As Gl qJ ^4-c ^

s ic
q— J® •
-tw"*«t \SiyM
q! y^' ^ O^" 1
3“?"^ (jr^

&x*xgi ^y! J(j SaK£> , oAy!! lyi ^lo y\U± ISy* \±ylx^\S 7 xSyJt JC> ^ X*xi!

Ao li
10 xlax» xiyJ! jU q! Ac LoA> liUIl A>x qIs A*-w Lcij 9

LyA A jjls xi Q^yo qJ '-^c L^Qt xJL«>.s ujUo^

^4-c xWI 15

Q-j| ^-j—c Ajjj

(_w.yj ^y: <_a^ q_j! lxiAs> _j
yx qJ A-f'l LAjA=> ^ Uyi
Lyj Jai!>lj
0 5
yXs yx.

A>.c Ayi jls

xAjI Axx y ^Lw y O
11 LyA (jAis |Us * LyA ^yUxij q! Xjytl lyA^y Jls oLy^Jt Ay x^yJI

^ 12
5 . - 5 -
LT -
^ cr* (*^° (Jy«; v_)lxlPi
ya» gi IjAyi qJAS! Q-. -iaxs>
^ q^j

A-L-avo —Li A«x LoAx> US' A^»o ytLo xill

jy«y xJ
^ O”^ 3^3

1) B fly. 2) B x»as. 3) B tiy<.Aw^>j D tiG~wx»'. . 4) C JUh.

5) B (orig.) Aiiu. 6) AC JJlXi>!j, joining this clause to the preceding.
D omits the clause, with the following istind (D omits the isnuds regularly in
all this part of the History and in the sequel). 7) Duqm. IV 6, 54.

8) C xo. 9) D om. two foil, traditions. 10) B (cor.) xGai>,

< 11) AC om.
12) C 5y=+ A^i a to Ay, AjAs
Q-wil ^y! Jx JlS.
91 Yale Oriental Series.

O 0^ Ajjj 0“ £ *— 0^ L-x_iA^> qJ q,+Xc Lo Jo 3


- £ w- £
LjaJCwaj I^aaO Ldj^ftxi IP^LaJj Lfrij-o io^iAxjCw'ii! U (j^LatSt qJ

j+£. JLwa. 5 liX_Ji5 ^ ^^LaImO ujUai^ 0~? 4^

J ^ oJ>1^5 3
LJ’IaaRX" lAi q^LaaaC JlSj

5 X3I (JVaaOj-1^ ^axLj »
- *~3 Jls 2L—< (j^LvaL! tfris <S^ <3j^U J-£* J*pw^JI

0 5 w
(j^mi o£>! 3j*£
i5 |^— £ U! J^r. ^j-aao Xi iXI v_aaXs
O 5 w
iAa£ LoJo <& _blkwA!l ^1 Xj^JuJCm^I (jolsti! ^y= J^fCi * '— *&°

LoiA>5 * l_A-A _0 lA*A« qJ i^-N-a)J 5 IaS' JO .^Lo
0 j

0 J j+c.
q! y.M> ,_il
^ iA-jjj
0^ q-£. 5
(-^3 qj! LoJo gXo 0 ^*

10 s^asaJIj iXLcfc ^cy*S Jjlj ^5 qJ l\ra* ,i,! —aaS^ ujliaii

q! OOj! (JKaO Mrf jJCaaJj
(_5^ {^Lr^ ^1 XI^lXaJCa/SIj Jjlj J.S>5 0ol*St qJ 5y=

Q-, oslij Jj!

qJ iA_*_w jys\s . o^oAs jjCJlc pAJs! (_ 5C> iS^^j £aJ 1

Jj-i-s ^_a_s
0^ (^AJS ^LXil q-, s^oaS! i A^>l<o 3 *—s^XSI (Xi ^y*S ^jSiAao

C*A+« 1—4—5^3 Jls <& —^pLLtaaaJzJ ’ |X! &_^ji_XA.jCw'ifi Q-, (JoL-R-JI ij*^- Jj^3 ^SjASaJI

0— JjO j*2£ o_J iAaXwj AaE iAaC LoAs> LfS^ -HJxwaSI

15 j 0 ^
(*~^-^ <sJJS (Xjf

O > ^ w %M

\L>U2a*o j L*J (jol*Jt

!i3ls yt>\
[» 3j^ q-* 0^ JLa^ iCj^iA/XAv^l J!

U.X" jilt 1
w y->«ls (•j
5^. LA-a« |»j>
? Aiil 0oL*Jl 3 j*x jlas AS pU-i
'£ - £
lyls JjAj yiai &j^iAa)Cw^!
^ ^^JLwIl J.w Lis ^*aiLi! u^=>Lo w ^adjJj j£>

jjRj' ,jJ! ^'aJ! qI^j \»I> t^A-M 3j4x -LUxwaI -LILawaS!

l\a£ 9 ^Aa^\Jf jIAj

20 <& is'^ARAiS!
3 j4£ (

iUJ-VAAO (iXli! iAa£ LulX^> l-4^ lA-SO./AAil 0JlL*J! }yf- ,_^J5

1) Here begins, in all the Mss., the third main division (^y>) of the History.
The following Husn I 62, Maqr. I 296. 2) The usual introductory formulae
prefixed in A, B and C (see Introduction). 8) C L^Lar^. 4) AC Lo'l\t>.

5) B cancels this passage, and om. following isnud. 6) A -f~ lo. 7) BCD
S^aJj. 8) D ^t. BC + xas. Cf. Yaq. Ill 896, 4ff. 9) C UaH.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-Haham. 90

Ay Aax y aU-Lw y! ^.y> Jyu yJo y *JJt Ay y yyr.

JLJLs dUo 3 ,
|*JlX5 _L*sJ!
^ 1
y5Ws y yAiij Jy-^ J! .jA>ls iyAw j,

y: &JLw-<
y dV-Lll Ay Uo'uXj> &yJI lyy-l jj]
A^yl! XJyy |? Lil
vw - _C O —

y q^P* yjy*J! Ay 0~j yx i_jU^ !y> ail yt (i! ^-j i^Loj! y £*y!

y dMIl Ay LoA> & Aiix ^5 Ay yxj sylx yw q! 2 gay 5

0 i

y *U!
lW ^-c 3 goyi
y q-T^ y y<
yc (11 ^jl_ld> w^XJo syjll X-xIaaoJ y*»wX» J,l
yjA>! 2> — il x_:A:> ^Ly- 1
f f W , S -C

l\j>Lj q! &cl\3! (jn*j lXJLc L^> l)c>5 *3 i^U-3 y^Aj

C 5 C O^ o ) )

^ ,

3 ! I Ay yw jA'i Ax*S ^ J>lj jAx iCySJ

yy lPA> yx. xJI y.:As

iL*_yj q_jI Lo'A=> Jls £*Lw^o

y dlUl Ay lj.'j'Ax- Jo qJ’jj! Ay 6
UoAd> ^ *-i 10

q' ^
(^y q^ 2
l\a£ qJ yc yAS^ Ji '-yy-'”
0 ^ 0C
Ljl3 A> JLo qJ *JJ! Ay 8
U$A> & Aiic ^Sj Ay yjb syx yx«

^LJ Jls yyi! Ay y y= ^1 iulJ y y ^ Jyx y; v_jy! y!

y lX#wI LoA> & ^*.*j Jli" uXyc j*a^ J>^5 J^sj' >oj!
y *

tjolxJt ^_j _jyx »lXo>

( y *_*j!
y y yy y y! 15

CJjU * — 5
^L\_=>i oyi yo-*J Qy^yJ q — >
(3 >—jLIaJ*
y yc Ji

yCi ^ 10
y !5
jsols yic \j
,^ / q,
1 yc s.J! yois

qJ y?, UaA> & yJLv^Jii ss^j ^1j JL« co^aj (3 Jjt:r'^ >_Ajic *J

- o
Jls on. —it
q— j!
<y JJl3*
0-J 0-c Ax**
y 11 yiAy^ y: i_\JL=>

*_*_£ aJJ! ytoj ujlLii

y yc LyJLsey y*x. ly/ca*^ iA yu ly=*2 y^ y 2 20

12 j»y!f
J' ^Us dUo ,y34i dUo Jx |?J^5 i^o>3 L*a^t-

1) A ^Ws*:. 2) B y'Jy* 3) End of the long omitted passage

in C. 4) B A_>x. 5) C ^.Lx^>i. 6) The following tradition

only in B. 7) Ms. y^y* 8) D resumes here. 9) A om,

10 ) A 0 ij. 11) B Aiy as in Husn. 12) C + ^Ix! *U)j.

89 Yale Oriental Series.

.sLkLwvo til —L,! A *. _r LLjAs> <3? Aac 8Sj A^c ^*xj a Ac. ys^

A_*_c Li-j A> <5? s^Ac 85^c ^c <^**851 ,it qC ioi^J 1*3 As*

£*Jl*Ji Jji i_jyj 1

qLAS jd ^_c £**^5 0-?5 L*j'Ao x*Jlw*« tjkUt

0/OyOcil *JJ! A*c qJ Ojtk> jjjC 'w*^ qj! CT^ 2

0-J * A*c b.*s>!j

5 _
5 ^-A-i-iA aA*J A_fiJ jyb (jol*J! ^j*c £<* wl xof ^c \j'As> qL-^ Ij! q!
* > > Off
w C .1
iA^c ^0 q\i u^JjUail 85] Aac 8(3 Age ^Jle y^n Ja*s
^ 3
Ao85 loj iAS 1

5 J > # -5
0^5 kO'-***- 4 ^* l

— 0I5 ^ k^.i*J«*5 t^***v AjAo ^ 0ji « xj ^- 5 ^j

y o

(j3sl*c 0£. i_
*£3 ^ji LJuAs* iUJL*^ eULL! A*e 6
LoA> <& yiiAju

y*t /** ff 0j 3J^ o' 0^ !

^ <i?
0^ 54
**^, 0ft ^C^ai!
M &

10 I c^ci 8
ja q!
7 Lsyaj L^k> * ow~8 :> 0? j*
0^ >Agc ‘Aa£

0?yt A*c 0C s
rA^5 0^ U3 A> xJU^i 0j tjLJLLf A*c L0A0 <$? * L^L, j,8lw8U
G - O C 5

^ |+— vX£t^° ^ ^j— ^ ^SijjXv

yjL* J-J>85 x*s At-^j j*Ji

sA^c 0«»c A—>! 0^3 *Ao Age x*2
^ — — 5 ^ S S
jJ-wi 0*5

ikJa 2
^ pi 0A0 Aj^ 0ci (^cjOt 81i ^oyi 03 0^51 A*c
A "£

’C& Atc

15 A-*-Cj ^L**y. A*c 0j 11 yia*J! _^jt LoA=> 3

< ? iAAi |»lsi
0^5 iwli

cH uAj'li b,j>Ia> 0j tiVU! A*c 0c ijt*^J 0jl UiA> 851s

0j iAUl
O- J

A*c 0—J ~r^ Jls 0-* y^> J*— 0-»

" ^fy 4

C O C -0-0 ,
lA-JLo q-J ^!^£: jL^i ^JU>I JoxfiJ! ^JyO K—JJJ>
^ (
35 fl) xLamO

j*c ^_**Ks A**>Jt iiijxf. 83A.C l^Ai>i LfS^ Aac 8I3 L< ijl-®-5

s - o- 5 W
. I I 1
20 0^*3, Jis J^>r. q! ct^
* vi*

C qL*s (cor. to 0l**s); so also below. 2) B om. 3) C H~ L<

4) C v^Jl*s. 5 ) Beladh. l*!v, Yaq. Ill 898 . 6) D om. seven following

o -
traditions. 7) So B, Husn, and Yaq. Ill 898 . A Lgsysj (i. e. L^cytoj)

as in Maqr. C lA.J> (cor. from orig. \J>yo^). See Glossary. 8) C L^Oo.

9) Here begins a long passage omitted in C. 10 ) BC A?!e. 11 ) Mss. yaj.

* *
12 ) Thus A; unpointed in B. Husn, Maqr., and Beladh. 1*1
v, 1 1 1
See Mu’talif vl. 13 ) A ora.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. 88

iLo U_5 1
o^v *^-5
^ ^J <3 !l\xx£ Uxs 4
^ (j^Lv^JJ by>

°SjJLC ^.AOrfO J'b ^^0 ^<3

5 0- —

liLLU <_V*£ Lo3o ^lXac ^ i_Xoe bjJLe (346) ^>-^Vs Jo ^5 J^5

q-& jJ ^o Jojj ^_c G

x**gj qj! lb\3o ^5a J.Lo qJ q+Xc»j ii+lw
o - I o-i 5

,3^^ul >—
^5 0-J
O 0-0 w —
(j^Jb bJy ^1 qJ bj-uuJf
^ &U! £hcv/

0-o L L^.^i! JL-iLa p^JtSI ^-ojJ! j»l9

iA^c. obb U->o3 U lj] Jyu

j*_*Lo *11!
dy^j j*-***s L*5" L^i«-wJix5 *JJ!j ^ojJI Jls L^-wi! ^ &Utj Jlaa (jol*Jt

S C C -O -
L-£y>S j4^ &-J! ^wi-Xs (j^-Lo^-ll — x./cl ,XI ,jrc> jli
j^ ^*

0 - 5-- O-

c cH L-C^- Lf
^,J^5 ‘
*^ cH $ S
J-P* Jj*4 * l5 ^
13 10
J ^
j*£- Juaa Ja xo! L\^j o-.% 0-0 * yviw 0_r. 11
s^ie-LI 0j *UI Jo^c

> \X\s w*aXs * i—;Liaii

0_j j*. c J.I o-oJLa I 0O> l4*-w /-.;>* 0$J
oi < .

&\_j 0^! £,_cX ^Jlc iyo j-*OjM

q4 *£j<Ae> ^ ebJLD i-^c ja <& 14 LX§j xJ!

lW 0_t X*jOj 0jt Lol\o> 'Ja ALo 0j 04^c» iUi-v—

0J liUI^ oV*_c.
S 0—5
0t oaPj 0ji L*-olXo> 16
liVJJt iAxt LoAa> ^sjjLc ^iio5:'Jo yo/« 0i Alii

aj-^-E o>-^s ^-00 0> 0oJj-io Lo>Lyii! Ja ^-

0-0 J>Lj
0 -j Q^yl -V-c

17 * 0E Lo'Josf. ^tJL «9 lAiic lX^e. yJtJ

0^-'5 0^5 (J;l 0j! Jlii .

Ui>Uuit Ja |*jo!
0j| 0£ wa^j 0j! Uit\o> o-l*o 0j 0^-^ L*o'iAa> Gt ^a*

1) B Dy^, C 1*^5. 2) C >^Lo. 3) B 4) B D^'.

5) Husn I 60 f., Maqr. I 295; cf. Beladh. rivff. 6) C 0^5. 7) C i,W. Called

0.3 LX!! in Tah., Hazr., and in Mahas. I 20. Wrongly given as xUI iAxe

in Beladh. l*lf, Ha, Guest, Kindi ,

HI, Husn I 60, bottom. 8) D -f~ lAao. ^j.

9) B points j", D lo^o C I&JU5ytJ (sic). Cf. the passages mentioned

above, and also Mahas. I 27. 10) C lXo. 11) C ^«I(. 12) A om.

13) C om. 14) D om. this trad. 15) D om. four foil, trads. 16 B
-f- xjlwo) 0j. 17) C Q,. A om. This trad, in Beladh. ti*., top.
87 Yale Oriental Series.

^ 1
O^ 0s '~r t*=>
i3>' -\}jJ

(3L>-jS! L
g i^£. yx$ (_joL*Ji ^yi

^c *% 3 2
0-^Ujo c
gs-yi *^3 Lo J! jJ^J! \*JL£>j^

&oJ! L_s"^!

&oLj $j\Ac
v^itLi tiVJijJ
.30 |^«x>lj

o*f* goyi qJ »>o» oJtf* v-^5 qJ Uibo ^1^5 qJ o4^ bd'Jo

jls ! 4
5 Jls

cH ir'
o' l?4
^" ^-isfj S r'^ t^J, Xj>
JyM. Q^y q?
3 O -
&—x-Lx-0 &xlc Op^XjjO SiAJLc IjA^ qI y2^ Ja x gJ Jo y^O gJO ^ (J^JU*Ji

£. 3 303 W --
*-xJI 8 iAJLc q! yyO y^5 (j^I^ &-J Juu LX-ouai!
^ Lda.0

£ (JLwJ * \j^3Lfv*J & X.T jbwj ^j, !Uo^ iA^U>j jXjij iJb«*S

JO L/’j^ Sy+z- d^J* y'jah ^ o-* Jb»*J bL**** 1

— ft I^JLfii

a^b?: ijIlXac 7
U-. ^Jl ^xJ q! u^l^Jt iiU3
»Aj * a^flo
- w £ w )

L^jO ujyoOi L^o Joy *yf l^sxsa (jolojiL aJyb^ ioyU; KJLiu ad^w

. . w <M O
^io ^ $Ut IgJLc &xiu»x&ji Jl

l\a£> &.—Vrfl^ 3^^ LS><3 CJ^***^^

L t
g ^ ^cjjl
-03 s - - ww-3
15 ^j;
Lc*^- o' ^ii-Sl ty>y*! iaxgJl ^1 iwus^ ,xt Qjt y"iAi . lX^wLI ujL

O 4^
3 3

qj! LlSl>u> q-J ^^* L^:> 8

l\^>I *

-C w o w •

aoi ixo ^ (^kj.3 Jl* JwSUv! (jol*il

^ -
5r= Q t w«-o^>
0 3
0 J Ajjj
x-j-x) £^^uvlo j9-JI wxxKj_5 olj|jc ^J»x j^y! »w>Jx

^ ^ojO bOj] (j%_v^»j>j iLse-Cii

20 (j»^t adit ^Joii Jls dy4> Jdi>5 ujy' i>t

£~?J ^
0-03 - 03
y^JoL (j^Lv^I! cy^lb Ouy obLi^ y^£ y^°

L-j-jJ^c jt^3 bdi 9

^'^d-bt ,J~c j.3^11 Ij^lbs
^y> ^ «.ils

(jol*Jt Q-j yjf- ^>JOd 9

iC_J^iAA^^v'i5l S^j LJ tNSjL^ 1

yijj * Q^Lwdt

ol jS o^liit ao^iAAjdw^t Jot^lj' yf- &jJI i_^X>b v_jLbii (ibltXj


1) Yaq. Ill 897 f. 2) C vji^lp. 3) B lg*9. 4) Husn I 59 f.

5) D Do! /ju- 6) A ora. 7) B + i. 8) B j?Jot. 9) D ora.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn ‘Abd ul-Hakam. 86

qj! Lo'A> 2
iU*J.w^o 0.J eUit l\*c * U.S'A=> <$>
jUJu lAJtw ljU, ^f.Ac

— £
lX ^£ O c fy-r

& <T?? ^ *


^ *
xo J^xj
2uJ5 j, a)LmU Kj^Ljw ^Xf ^o(c qJ i^OCS^ JlS qJ

^Is^ xi JLs s v^sJi v^ijL j£_ j^Lx/0 &J ^S^Um^o*, 3^U/c

- W 5 -O
LJ ^w-J xlXUc
^ iA-J<3 xit * (jL-2-2 q>j!j Lg*s Ja*:>ls liVx^j' ijOj\ ^1 'Ja it .

.-*-£- S^filjo yJo o!y ^ISj S^yi SOtojf jo>*j D q! L^i/o Jp^yi iXw j?iAyc

aJJI iA_*_c U3 l\£» cr ivs^ o**>

iA^j ^3 ^OSlk

cr* cr^ <3*
v^. !

o- u^ -

LL>)^xi 0^ <3^ 0^ <3^

^ ^udc o!jj ^ jJa^c ^ 5uJlc lAjjj iyyt< ^>!


q! jA-a-c 0-J iAax^ UlSl\^> Us

q ^3 Jj£ Ui q! * 0^3
— . . 0 5 M

yy- y*£: jjJj iy*-* q^3 ya-»

^ yi j iUy^ it <-^5 lyAw ^
O- c - 0—5 — » . O
jLwi qI^jAJI 6
b’^Uc. JUii xyx. uX-syt (Ajj
-O w O- £ 5 w )

L> £.fJ iLxJotJ iuyw jUtf 8

J*ej_j * (j-J^i! ^yolj y>. o^p> ^cylxl! 7
^2y£-=> J ^3 0-c ^aXx^" yv-^ll ^v°U iyiAo jlaj iAxxc, liX^s Jyij' 15
L< x.

^ -J ^ iyyw xJI j^uai J^bLs Jooi bli



0 lk=>

uiy: ^

LoAs> iUJLxwx!



10 lo\A^>

u^3 ; cr 7^ ob

w £
vW 4.5 *
r' ^ .
oli/i 0^ JS

[j-J-^ qLs (jol*!! qJ ^! w*^" iA-!jo ^<w L_l >-Lt &Ut 20

o !

iU.lw.-3 qJ eUi! l\xx US'A>3 t]i Gi

(?!y ^! j?OJ>^li el-3o (34a) p^lw^!

1) Cf. Beladh. Ha, above. 2) B ora. D has of foil. trad, only the four
v v
words ^Ualis ^x£ !ybo ^3. 3) Abn Suraih "Abdarrahman ibn Suraih al-

Ma'afirl, of Alexandria f 177 (Hazr.). Tab. I 407 edits yoyi ^y!. C -uy?* ^y!-

4) C jj+xf! jJ, and ora- 5) BC LUi. 6) Pointed in A. C ouy>3,

D i_xj^o>3 (or i^>jy>3 ?), B u^y>3- 7) Pointed in A. D J^xo. 8) C ora.

9) D tiULUi. 10) D om. foil. trad. 11) B olys- 12) Mss. <_xxyj3 lX^c.

85 Yale Oriental Sel'ies.

yb'A=> (jfi qJ aUI Axx£

o -
y&X Qj yG ^yi ydo Q 0** c biA>
1 8Li Abe Ayej * Abe A_g_e daxslt jjJjJI ^yvo
^ Jb'
^y _jy=

Axxe qC IwJ^j! yJ Lb'As» ^Lo5 q-J aU! AxC Lo'A> 4? yj Ae^le 3

^^lyY Abe
^ yaxi Aye q! (Axil finis'
^ y-Al
CJ^ y*"?" <J^ C^

5 y*£» ^1 Qj aU! Axxe

0^ Ajtx* qJ eAddi
q £. (jyslxJ! obS"!
y ^LiJ Lb'As* 5

Uj-j yf- axjAI! l3y>l$> JLai ye* ybd y_c tbAaJI Ls=u; <exJL« S (jb

?° cA ^ a_jf Aj Ldj qIs aJ .

ye* „-o3 oA-ebo |*dx^ UL,

pU ^ Jya c>das Age

^ 0xJ Ait Jls
0* JUu ^LxJ b jias Age

^ qL*
y AJ_e ' jL-xY^ 0
lbe*j wx£>lx9 bdb Abe ^ t lUS" A_j)llb
Lxb yu Jlai
05 x — - _ 5

10 ^li 4 jd .
(jxJ^d! v_xe>Lo (
j*JL5Aj Axe l_jLxS"j Axb^ i_xe>Le (33£>)

! NSj 10 NSj 0
^ yj ^ ^ ^y>y^b Jgjyi &A 85 Jli

y_e A_«.x_g.J
y S Lddi A=>
yXj y *JJt

0 5
Axe y bb'Ayj & j*yde
^.xe*'. ^j? "^5

^ iLdic. i_xxS" jls iOJie dy 5 idt*y> x_3A> \i! i^xp (i! Ajjj
£ I

15 *J 5_^xlCs 13 idfte a_j

y Axe 11
Lg_xj oiiyCxxj U^i aJL^o ydw qJ A_jyw

13 d!l
iib^Jlxsl ^lajT »Axe *
^ *5 dy° J^as ^3 oJ! ^ ^jj3

^ l35_ 3»^j “§! 5LJ«Lw 'ub^yi i 3 q! ^ ^5 ^xxJ iixfic Jlfij id>Lo

^ yo853 t

^ % (*yjLxd
^ ^

1) Repeated a third time in A. 2) C Lyyvxjtf' (sic). 3) The following

trad, in Mahas. I 20, Ysq. Ill 897, 10 ff. 4) C aj^Is. 5) The vowel in A.

Cf. Yaq. I 166, 15. The same name above, p. 19, 14, and mention of the same

man below, fol. 69d. 6) A Lc>t; seo the words of Yaq. ibid. 10 f. : ajA^
y^iA i _yd ^ idswi y.£ J, [Ll>] ,_dJtj]. 7) Fully pointed in

A; cf. His. 359, 578. C ^by, B ^by. 8) The tasdld in A. The same
name above, p. 73. 9) C £jbxi‘. 10) Yaq. loc. cit. 11) BC L^j.

D om. threo following words. 12) C ^ (sic). 13) C a1^! Jai b Axe.
14) C ^iAij. 15) D jxtoy<i.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

qJ yy*c iLi tik-iC-j LI y+c. " iAic p^-pdjj * 0OO p^


tStpPiyj J,t \^>£ 0^ ii)lL\i p^Lw^l j, !^L>j> y\h pSy^ 1

. sysLi (jolxSt

0-J y*> Q-J

0 4-£
oL^^4^-^' £ 1~>
^ (33a)
^ 0^5

C 0? (*[5 0 -?
° »Aa>x. .3^3 ‘H^£ -
0 ^ O"2 ^- pis

iAac C03 iiU>3 A*J J,|yOj

7 goA> 0^y! I lAo: ptj 5

l^WM 0^V !
^3 LS2 ^J 2 *
^3 o^ !
(*^ 0^ 0 3/° t

^La: ^.ao>J
^1 Jls
^ j^C>

.. O w

0_j 0^ 0-£ Ax*v 0j 0_jJciv ;5l >_jyj

0*y> viAjJo
w - 3
£>> J 9 jii'

Li q( (JV*^ ct^
CT^° CP Lf^
w o i
(jk-c ^vUJ! ^a)jc>li •
^LxxajsJI^ -S-Lwjjl
u ^
s! *4 5j4X jUii Lg^wJs Q^Xjy. cfc*L*l! qL& |!jUv^ <3

IpJlk 0-JlwI! ^ij L-^JLij lys^ xJjw *-*Jt .pJOo yvJUpLI

i ^-ysi ji.1 <^jS\
«\ s o~

JL_c y»J sj-ij Co y^»y> 0^Xj j?pi3j C^wjjj ^5 &aJ^ '— 0^0


C ^00 vi^o’jo Jy^L yJo. \joJ>^ 1

C?! 0.o ^>L, i.4 1

yj j?» Ae oL<p>

y^S wy> j pyU iA^>! JC otjj ^ 10

J^>, Js^ 0^}C.^ 0^C P J 15

pC^ iu^iAAX-w‘4t L$t ^jJL, (j^LS! 0, ioki L> ^Asi: >pL \j! LM 0j^LoJ>
5 ^ 5 .. »• wf
8>^ 0^5 0^ pyJi CP i_5y. ^ _;'-
X-i £-'y^ 03^.
jls viA-JUf 0*Lx. Lj-'iiA=> <3? iOoJi
^5 ^Jlo py] 0^. ^3 tXiic C l
^ £

^?8pi£ v-A^i Uils *S( L-jis" yw jpftj uuo> 0j 'Ajjj 0^

1) B —(— xOj lX^e, and om. Apt below. 2) C ^>^^3 L

C X; (
see ®6> 19)- Cf.

Husn 60, 12, Maqr. 294, 4 a. f. 3) The following in Yaq. Ill 117. 4) BC
oLm^*Ma^!- C inserts here jls, in red ink. 5) BC om. 6) Marginal note

in A: 0-ji *Jis 0-J sy 1 ^*vl s . There is also here a long note on

aC* 0^ LS2 ^ an(i sAjko; _jj!, on the authority of yAc 0j i\**«. 7) B guA=>.
8) B 9) D om. the four following traditions. This chapter in Maqr.
I 294 f., Husn I 60 f. 10) C + pC«.
83 Yale Oriental Series.

W 5

aj^AaJCwj! 1

^ w
y , AjO
^ )
^M_yj U ^Aib j»jJb aj! "bJI

k • w£
^ ytf!

'i f') w
^ ^cy. Lo

(JsC £^4*3 !>^
3 _

^J'i 1AJ53 & £_<o ^ ^U-o qXj tAac ^ b^ac


UU*> qJ Aj^jJ q£. A*av

^ CV^dJi ^X gj^fl ^ AkX Uj'Ai> LY yi/fl

O - O- 3 3
5 —jJ
I jlfij aj 5j
3 (jw.x^'J! Lfj ijlsy aj --oxJo L^J jlib aj^S LjO« i^JLsli'

axL*^>^ 5 j?^xOj ^tys i—illxai qJ jV1 j?As 15- j^-5 aajALL j?yLLw jiji 1

w __ O

Q-j A-jj-j j^jC ajlcjJ qj! ly.»x>l dLo qJ y*i^£ 6 lAj'Ax> * & x* j JaxfiJt

W W _. -• - - O- 0-03 O- 5
^wJ^l 1^-fyjL/w Li5*Lw^ Lv^L?^5^ ® av
,Jv—^1 (_5
o !

& iA_j>5 y, Ojj »^= ^1 *_jlk^ ^_j 'w*-^ jyaai 9 (jvx» aJuAII

10 jf- q! (3^ ^yi (j-

^ qX iUlwi
^ iiUi) Ac LoAx>

y\..j j*-^J A-ji ,_?,

^ yS> A*ab> jj^^diLw i3 >—

\_JL_k_J i^L^vS XjUO ^Ux>! qU ^ **^3 ^ U) A] yvjmi y, y£3 ^JLwl

y \

ij—oAx* |1! ji'iLw'ii! ^Li2>li ALcjj i3

^*i> ^ qLA-2 aXjji

O _ ^ 0-03 w

cj^ V^r^3 i3~* a2 -^3 uw^2^w Q* q*"*^

15 jj 5^5 UJ I^JlSj j?j-L^Uvl ^y-LvII jijuic j&3 UJi

^ j, (j^Lvit

q— i
jf- ajJ! i_aoCs > iLLiAi qJ j,- >i,t dU3j (jol*il ^yf- a-j^AxJLw^!
' " ,
^ ? J - O 3 J ».
^a-JLw^JJ iL-oO oLy uiJLiJ' 14 iL-VjAAw^t 3-*_>o

(*— ^^Iw-JJ HjJj ia-A-ali \xic ^.Lo Uj 0^3 (4^

A-^jlJ k-jLIaii Ul 17 ijLsb
5 e'Jo tyixsi LV^x "^5 iLj 16 ^yuL^Vj

20 q-x '^-*-£5 ijtvjj ^jt Lo'Ax- K+L^o AUI A*x Uo'Ax> j»A«j‘

cn O^*

CJl o* ^ 1

Cr? V=

1) B-f-Js^!- 2) BC Cf. Baladh. i'lo f. 3) A regularly points

(Yaq. II 507). 4) A ^-^xlaJA, D -j~ ^"3 Lwia^ij (see below). 5) C

j*.5y^o jj. 6) D oni. foil, tradition. 7) B ora. to i3^ below.

8) C LfJL). 9) C J>^~- 10) C u"-^, and ora. j,. 11) BC u<;


12) BC ora. 13) C v^3- 14) C ^Lfc>. 15) B Qy ycoj, . 16) D

L^yUx-7.. 17) D om. to end of chapter.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

5 9 C ... ,— w .


L^-a.s c^-yoi <3! L^i Lo OLoi *i5 v^a-^3 J>15

lXju Lot ^jLLls-

;o , .. W w _ 09
^^jJU 3
$lJlc. J*U^>
0*^1 i^L ^*4! AJL?y

^ o- d*£*^*^ LoJo jU-Lv^O Lo\X> J'B ^ ^L*JJ

^ytA-o jLJu Lf-O l\j>3 gJCi LI (jol*Jt _5^c

4 (jo^L&c ULiA^> j-Oo <*U! qJ 3 ^

O - i
U uoWI ^ iyf Q l gjyi

^ byp>
^ »!

05 b
^ aIJI Jy£ ^ ^. L

Lo'l\s> JJ^aII L*jAs» <5? jUb \_aii yx ,_co! lyj iA^-j ^Aa^a*"^! gAS

Syf- lyL>J (jcjt idLJJ! j" ^ 5

jj>y Jls AaXa* A*as^

J-LS5 Laj'l\s> wsJ! ^yu-w jjf jy=0 I^as !yl=> ^yit idLiil _jt (jolxi! 10
C- . . O w w

o-^ o^y *av

7 e
cr^ o "**"
cy cy l?^ 1

W .. i « - 9

yi^c Ui! oLoUii Uyi £j^l\a\*/^Li
^ JB l\a>x- qJ Lf^ C^ uv**^
^1^5 y?_i iC_tL.j> ja*o 1 r Ji si! (j*dfO yi<o! LwLi"0

^ai! (j»jtj JL>y! q-» a-il

f.ij^ q. iL^Ax}Cw^Li ^yi isiAa.

^ LaJ! Qyij Lg.Ai ^jLoCJ!
q* V^/ 0 L$J Qa^wj!

^-!jA- q-»
L?^ CT* i_5T®^9

O , i
(i^ (_^L-»Ji v_ai-c>li .
ujLcy^itj =Lw-«J! w^i! 3>jL^0ai lAi^j

!_^j> (J^c jiA_j! ^5 JLftj (326) Lj^-wj Q^iA-jy (jaLa]! S>y\

* ? £.

(j\-JuaI! q! Lg.iLwg Lg-*yaj xa-Lt.-j 11 wOJo 11 yvjyyt y^i i,! l-aa^I

12 ^U Uas ^>!y> ^yv. i_aa^2 L^«*ji 20

ty AiAA4JJ
fy^5 ^ jF iui! J^aJLLj

S O 9 .. VM £. M
Ls\lo yax ilXs ^.t
u»ys Ly^ !
uc*^^ ijF f?»^ L^yli ^Ly>
^> ^ d^;
qJ^LoO L^O

v5 |^° L ^
^^j3 -

1) C iy*i!. 2) B + aJL \ 3) D om. foil, tradition. 4) BC

5) C ys>Jt 6) C yJuiy. 7) C UH+&. 8) B + ^ ail.
9) Mss. om.

10) D |j_Aaa>li. The following also in Maqr. I 295, Yaq. Ill 897, cf. Baladh.

rif, ru. ii) b + Gut. 12 ) b om.

81 Yale Oriental Senes.

4 >
l a . ^ ^

•~*o! *
. .
^ • t*"*

^ ^*>
q-J &_iyw iL*-.yi! q£ £,Lo
CT*^ ^ (jolju! qJ $yf- o/JUj

1 ^ ^t X_5 _jLjw jJ jliLo gdUL 2
lyyiy i_jLiaii q_j j? jj SiXoIj 1
- -C 7 w O
5 .
^3 SuLwyl jLo Loyi s.i^AvJf v_)Lc53L» £a/o! lo$ 3j^ ^ JL&

L ^ sA^ "CS?* &i! wX4^> jfe* Lx>Lav ~k io^wVLCvj'i gjb s.y>! ^c ^xjj L*ij

w - 5 i 0 5

c^Jtf* jyb wtf* qJ 5^^ Loc\^> 5 al!! *

20I *-u! q£ ^^Jlc ( (
^_Cj&J! lXjjj iX*.e

x^lN-UCav^I gdb ujLLii j+s. j,t ijoLxJ! qJ . _*^.

Xi*j jyb 1
„jX> uyu
% 5 £ 5

L*yyO lX^Vav^I vI^aL^O ^ lXj^\a*«*I v^jL-O ^ &-OiX*i v4^CcXft5

io >_jLo 6
c by>LL i^j'l jjju ^y, jyjl> OA>y> oj aoo Ado b!

^y _jy= 6j**>j
~.oA=> aoyw W c>J>2j jlo cod' q-» codlfto
_5v^Cj'l3 yLdi

jw> LyJoLw l^iLv ^_ado> 7 lAXwj ^odd! codydlo




8 L
so'B ^jyc! «wC>li (32a) oJUb

o)AXe L JLJLs ^yd^L s^j Ado^ iuiXj ^cA-o>L sslo^ j^l-^y. '-jL^l^ qJ j+Jw

15 qJj-JJ jLiLs lX^wIi (Jr*

* (77^ Kj^iXaXav'^) xUt (jyy^L! ^^slj c^iai
£ o . s _ o »c
u>4Jj2 iik_jl_£P! j_A-p>li j*j ^ jls ^ (_/>l-^! ^*^ 1 ^ X-*_<L> sllLaJ! (jaUJ!
^ q3I
o <*

io^Ls- b jlfli (j~Jc> y oU^Aj IceXi iJLiiil J-jiXwfj x!j>U J3-J*; L<
lo ^ ^X^li
a li Ji' jo J sL-aJ> t
^_n ^^"13 jsS' jUi-s c^_j j^>; 9
oj Li pL*L>
^ j^ 1

b jlo ^<? «Lc> (J^-e iib_*-< voo^^ j»l»Ia!! jiU^^J!

5 £ 0 5

20 b> lo jo felc> J<c c^iS'li Ji" jbJLi oiyb j. j-*-*-? vooolo

y ^ jJ> iu^l>

c>-bo Lo
^J">y jlo jols (^jvXo^Ii
y^ i^aLs jlo i i^a-oI lj io^Ls

M c V» m — i- 5

0-XX/J^I ^AaaO*!^ ^L^JI 0 »AAj 5 Lo


O -J

<5? ioyw b
B ooJvi.. 2) D 4 «J. 3) D + LUT. 4) C Lo^i. 5) C
iXojs-*. 6) C ^.£ . 7) C Jh 8) B 1,i’*'k* il3 . 9) C c,>AAjl3.

10) B + 0 I.

The Futuh-Mhr of ,
I bn Abd al-Hakam. 80

!J> ,3 w^AlA** }! 1
wAj A.U! Aas aJ Aiixs qJ sjIae !cAs
) w
iL-i.AAjCw'it t*yob> Jo l,W> qJ A-L>5 qJ 'oAjA=> JJ y
1\aa* *y>- JAA-J xx*Ji- j»vJ o*aS»\Sj liLIo J-aS £w.».r>j J-0 OA Axj jAc! iLx»wJ

Ix-^J qj! L3A=> ^Cii Aae 2

yu*J! o^a*M (316) IajAe>
W 3 0 3

sol a_c J,(ca> Jls iLyj t 3^! qJ sOUA> qAC AaX-w qJ JWJ &U! Jus qJ yjCj 5

^jaLaS! qi wulio _jA*Ji ^Leo IgJLb JLe jyjAXwlil i^axiLejI ^jt

.3 (J>£
£ #
Oj^bS? O ob
,Aa) 3 AA |*-jJwO jS- jr-iXAS
f, g

jJciL ^ ^_p3cJ! xit l\*J> JlS ^ c>ii 5

(j^UJI * l\^>! Jjjjl JLfii

* Jt I s O
q! <j*o! q-j liOlil «Aa£ LocX^>5 Jo <& L^ic b\^>!

L».£==> iL-^AA-Cbbl a* J! JLx-jj bj>j' xU! j.jP Di Jls & 10

w W .
3 I

Q-J 6 ^aJJ! l\a£ Lo'cX^>

OL-L3* yjj\ A^JjO ^Jit

Vj 3,
cr 3 x-*_xi
Q^; _)j.
c iuL^?!
^ 3r>, iu^AACbil, t>olxjl

cr* I^a®5 ju^A-bww.'i! J.! 3 |*2 j^ cr** Vj^ q 1,5

cv £f\? i5 f5j^ cr*

L-*->|; ls> 1-*-M -sy

j-4s ky o^
cr* cn
8 ^->Lc iL^AA^bv^! Lyle Ai As oJU! ^5 v__>Lia^ yf- J,t v^5 ^ pli'fj 15

& L^^LsS’. "b5 By«L5 x_j!^ q_j jf- *wjl >

rAjAs . A^c ^5 Aiic ^ob

LAj'A_s> UT L\A L^Os . j.UJt Kj^A^Jbv’ii „J6 ^5 xxaoJ qj! Jj

q-j jLwi L^j

^ oLajUIo ^j! iJ JL-Aj 7 (j^jJLJI A-ot*«

<A-Jb J.! jjV= «kjLi-li t >L<J( *J ^Aajj x-X-o JAI5 Xas^Ij \mJu xAc^j ^LxJ!
- w __

ij^Luji]! iUs>lj
^ tA-^ xL>Aa« 9
c J-b'b-s ujLaJI 8
^LajLIo 2J 20

iLJ_iAi! ujLi
^ jy>! oslxii Q-J _s^,= J-b-Axi ^1(5 ^UaL« —
1 0—5 JLib jSJ!

Ji aj^Aa^^Li
* v_aAc aLxLao q-J^ j^ib A_Sj . ^aJ jJI

Cr» J® J^^a! j»Uao LuAs» Jb^cil
^ LoAs> ^ 10 j.^aJ!

1) BCD sAj. 2) Mss. ^Ab. 3) C ora. 4) BC ora. 5) BC

b'A? ^j^LaIL 6) B ^-itjjl. 7) C 8) B AxUio, also below.

9) BC om. 10) D ora.

81 Yale Oriental Series.

A ^ ^LS^ L/C * N 0 *-X A—\_ /ci

0^" Q-*—> 0 _* I*l.w,l

^ Q

q-J SLjyw iL*-A-J ^jl q£ £.bo

^ CT*^ Ub'Jo US" (jol*j! qJ _J^= v-ajUj

3 0JW v_^a£j SL_j»1jw *J JLsii gjLib 2

y^o i_jLIi^ !lXJs!j 1
4 Lo^e.
5 .
^5 XJu*y! jLo bb>-p O'^^S v £aas! L03
3^ aJ jlfts

! <$? A! l\U> J1S. Lx>L* yf- j~£ iu^JOjC^'Sl ySu y3»! y= J^e yLs ULs
*. - J £ o )

jyu xoi qJ USAs* cftW» 5

AaC *
\stfA aJt ^^Jlc.
ij'^y8 lXjjJ 0j &UI

. - 5 1

SL^iAaSCw^! ^Ju ujUaiS ye ^| 0oL*Jt

^ . yk£- yjju jyb 1
goAs> iyyw
) S 5

Li-cO lX^wWw,! ^a1^>0 ^ jLo B^xglxSt ^ XOu\ii

10 i_jLo 6 (jJLc L>U i_jliaii

yj yc jyo Axis Ijt

(joL*J! 0y*>
-v.^> y? lit c^Uiij Jls
^ oULss yOuls y-*Ji
- -- $ «M O .

,y=> LyiLw (J^c _jt L^sLw Jle l£> f^j '— 7 /'•rU A£&j ^ y^e osiyajls
5 f O C
toli caUso L*JLs 8 l
iilycAa yAc^l! ycl '_a>Ls (32a) ys ciULas y-c ^6^
^Aae lc jL&i vjjl A-io^ xjlXj ^cA^-Ij »s^ J^Lmj ^Uaii ^ yju
15 ^LjLs lX-^\aw^L) ^X 1 x^t-XA^w*^) iJil

C C- S — c *c
^_x3> li
^ Js jli* (j^LJt X-jL_x)b> zs^UJI (j*Uj! £ q3!

So^L> b jlfij
0aJL> y oUcJo IciAi SJLjiJI yjjXwlj xlyU JjsOj ^^J-o Ji

a li JU" Jo J g L*-=>
L^_c c^iili J/ jLJLi c^3 yaS 9
fL*L> ^
b j'j'
y ‘Ul> y— ^aa/Ol5 iV_*_X ^iy! ix^aaS"
^ 1 * f»L«Ijil yLw »,H
5 £ O ?

20 So Lc jli' jLjLi oUb j. x4"^ v^ajo y*'

^ Xj^L>

oJ^ Lc (3°^ (^yA-^iS ^ jS l\^\a-m^!

wC w w « i )

^ Xjyw L

^0 ^5
1) B 2) D 4 *J. 3) D + LUT. 4) C Lo^. 5) C
6) C 0X . 7) C 8) B L*-Xxa.j6 # 9) C

10) B +a l.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn c Abil al-Hakam. 80

'j> x-^j j. ijuAj J>£.

xUS ^J6 xj Asi*i aoLx. !cAS
y w
x-j^A^Aw^t !»yoL=> Jls Aj^> qJ AJ-i>5 io.A> <1! £j>j Jt

xLw JA-w^ XJC+Ai j»*p> Xw^0>j CA^ Axj '


0_c I\-*-a.;J qjI LoAe> A<-c qJ 2

y^i*J! (31&) LoA^»
w 5 O ?

isOL^-C J,(eO Jlj' Xyal 3 j;l Q-J s'oULJ> Q-t A-Otw qJ jwJ xUI A*£ ^Aj 5

yj_5 u*LjJ! xsjLL) _jA*Jt JlFc L^JLS (Jsc ^1^3 x^AiAwif i^axLojI ^j!
. y y & c

^aX^>; ^ qOU
jJciL ^ (jjjJ! xif A*i> JiS c>JcS 5
liLlLc?’ (j*UJt *
^ Ae4 jASt jUii xJ!
c ,6 I .5
y^yH q! (J^O? liVJLo
^ kiUUl A*£ LoAE>j jo Lyot |*-^> Ao>!

Uf=> x-j^AJjCw'it ^sXi_; j»» Ji ^L-jt-jj lil^j' xli! l+li j'S joLw 10

w «m
y I

cr^ -2r
c G
vixJJt _\Jlo xll! Aa£ LoAe»

^ wJlL« j. xjx/« (j.,^ _j^v= xjl_^?i Q-, oj! xj^AaAAL uoL*j!

w^JAw'il jt 3
CP i3 (•
3^ CP* CP i3 (*5j^ CP
L*->|^ yo uoLjiJt
0 ^ 3j.
j-4s (*^ v/ 1

cr 1
^ cp ^ c/
a^->-£ xj^Aiiww'i! Uyl* Ai AS xUS jf- j! <-A^5 LjL^sis 15

<5? "b5 x_j!j

^ x-JI >_^0o . A^c Aiic

Ui" !AJ> L^’Jis ^.-^vw . ALiJl x^A*jCw^)! '^ x-*r^ Qjf j'o

qIS’ oLxLwj xi jlJLj 7
cr^ -Sj* y^j 0 !
c5jM !


c'Jj j! e ^ x^sj X>A^J ^Lajl

c ^-5 ^[5 W^jIj (J^E

lA-5 1
xLe>A^o 9
c J^Ai 8
x_xLlo ^.jf xi 20

x_CjAU i-jLi jj^i (jot*!! _j^c A-A-Axi

0 UJLv ti^IxiS L_iJ JUu jSi!

xJ^AA^v^Li * ^.Jic x-^LUj Jb A_Sj

c^ !

. x-w_C.i^ x>^>
CP C5^
5 w t

cr» J-As Jlj' cCjil*it q-j pU*> UoAe> LoA> 10 j.^JI

1) BCD sAj. 2) Mss. yoi. 3) C ora. 4) BC ora. 5) BC

cj^LwII. 6) B 7) C j-^JLJ!. 8) B x*Lij, also below.

9) BC ora. 10) D ora.

79 Yale Oriental Series.

JjJajI La jls 0-J yp liUo ^Jb Lis t^g-ii! aL^iAa^CD! yoLs? uoLxi! qJ 5 yf-
JLi Ajj
^ ^yTjit Aac Aik* qJ (jrtri*?.
LS'A=> &I^S'A>t U
(_pl_*Jt q-j _5j/= fries' y&A wjlkii q_j j? LLu! LI Jb‘ a_aj!
. 5 3 *.f

liliii laj (jOJ-vw A—Oa yXi! yux .A-o ^_e A-jLkL)

Ass Axj Li
I M M G £
5 yaJLj ^ ^Lx-jj *i)yj' aUI jL^Ac wol lc IoAJI
^ j*Ju^>ij yi'A>l U *b5 i


yo aL.xj^t dLii

^sjS JAij ygjLo




Lc yfA
* lays

o' *1
Lo '

3 2
aLa-aJ^ ^-aaLI i3 ( £ *^ 3 j?;A£ Jl a_s JLe u*LJi I A£> JiLL" liili'S

O - £ 3 ^
O w
XiAa9 4 QjXJ q! Lx-M-> yjjjf (jJjJ! ^3 likjL^I |*l\J5^

Jyo a_eL* * Lgjls aL**^-
(»y. JljjJJ Aae iiUo q£Jj ‘-^>[3 a^AaeS"

\. »j~. ^t LJls .
j?jA£ (Jl^ jj^iJJ! 6 8 jJLmo_j a)JI (j*LJ! gjtJj AbL^t CL533
C- w ,

(jaLaJ! j»Loi yjxiAaj yuJ! tiLLiji to L' yP '—jLuT y^Lc S^sj (jaLL v_jL£SS

yik! c b^Lw-Jj j^>5 j-£ *Ui ^i jj-A-cy. J iA^3 q !

U*LJS y> _5 !

Lk A-Lk? j_j aULa,« ^LLOa! uoLSi

JUyj & i^Lai
£ w o S —
15 K-J-«axi aJ JLs
O -
s'^ jbi >

J, ^JL yi! Jis

^ »lLo ^^jLc
aS LXiixXs <*11! L^l^P!
^ iCryw <*J

0—J Ov^LxC jl5 lik—J»3 Q j! ^ivU-J ^cAJ! 0ijX-O 0^LaJ!

J^yJi ^i^i a_>Oo l3t> Ui «—wy (Jsc j— 5
} »Lls soLac ^yf- L\s jls vi^-oLLi

A^L= »L aJjLs liks^j 0^ (/Jjlj yj liLJL (i^OjC *J JlfiS

20 y^ai j*^-, % ^LAas aLLL boLc ^uXius jL-XJs AJ Aacj auv!^

i\*£ &US iAaE Lil\^> AJ^iAaJCw*!^! 7 AjAj jiC aU!

l*L^. Jit I tiXJi3

jLaj (jL^> J a^lo

JiJLwi iL-^iXUCw'ii (jol*i! }yf J^c UL! II jls

^LxTij! iA_jy. aJj! ^Lat 8 "$} »jL»i ^aJLoj j-J 5

Llj ys’it IlX-^ ^ oyk LCji

1) C JJw 1 j-
2) BC ora. 3) BC j^k>j 4) D ty^o. 5) B
Lyo Jyji HcLwJI (L^as secondary, as in Husn 57). 6) Mss. Aj^Ju>Ajj. 7) BC
slXj .
8) A ^yl
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Ahcl al-Hakam. ,




j? ^ 1
U^5 *
0J-r> cr?

x_o ^JcsOi 3 LjLI*> q-, (j*Uo i! JuL^Plj U^LxJ! qJ 3j,~ tj\i3 (__c^ Uii

(j^Lw! LJ-iAjL *Jyo Jo jjoi jjU JUs iJjjK-iij

£Ubo q! [jyolj W
^L>J Ljj jJoliJPl (_c Jul j, Jls J 1
^aIc ^xU-ola jjCwJj! I^Uiij'
^ U|^a*LXjw!5

1 . 1,*) ,»
|^jLs ^ LoL^i 5

jCLuj LJJ-o L*_o * ^ xLx> j*XJ (jls ^U-o
LC^» Ji tiUi

Ly>Lo wLIe. qLs l-Loj Jo»^ (J^ 5

2 ik ^/5 p-^ykxjj 2 tA£*ji Lj n»V

L ,i 1 ^> Ul^p*Lo j*-£*j>Lo u ^A>»x^c^ L A-i ^^vLaaw!

^joAL J,
Lf L>Lo^ 3 XJLmuQ} ^lX^IjU} L^UlXj ,1! j*JsJLxx>w

O'* 33^ 3^3*^ lA^ j^c^v-Xxs 3 10

L* Jl3$ x^Lww
* jj*j q!
Ll<^>LaJ j*Xl< jjO I^JlSj

w ) ty ^ m
^ Jo ") * lil^ 1 7
^ ^LajjS Lflj oo*_5 liVjL^P! 6 i_AJo (jo yO

lc 7 LL-j dUJ o-U-5 qLs JjLa_j ^Jo- ^ ii)-»! Lo

^L-j *JJ!
9 Lj>^5 AL& <$JJ! l3(^ eVilX* . ii)ol^PS

s\3s^ x^Lc &j!ci ^CcLw xd«ww*o 15

py^® j^’ o' ^ y?f^


(*^ U ps^i!
si c
p-jj'a Lo
uClc Lmitj' p^jAjj iA—S 3 LCix; [^a^ls iiLJo lXxj o*1j jj<j>
ii\ —lJ tXit iJL-2-2 »_>-oe o.'r
Jj’ q'^ L*wO 3j»c
ly?" y 1 —*Aj

11 ^t 10
lyi o'ili Jai 1-0 }yf- Jls’s iiU iaa^s ~^yjS lo
^ ^axX^l

Lp} iA-ij 'bSjf 8j-o Lo^ iL-xJLijl slX^j K_a.JL^LA1- J. i^fiyo 20

(31a) Li
L- t-\.vii bJXa>l^ o^-—o*X*J
oyL Lo 12
J! O^cl

y ^ ^rvy> o2 Lyjjj
^ aaoI Qjt ac Q4-X viioJo il
J>; j Jis

1) D om. 2) Different order in B. 3) A om. 4) BCD L^o>Lo.

5) C 6) Mss. lL^o'. 7) C i3iJL*^s. 8) Read L^jLJ? 9) D _ji.

10) BCD pref. &JJL,. 11) BD oU 12) BD om.

77 Yale Oriental Series.

A*£ 2 Lo A> & Uk li LjJuaitj j*xLo *JJI dy*j


^oL> U JiS abi

^ (jiL^c La$As>
^ j*U^3 LbAs* auJu-wo

3 S- «•

—«JI gb L*_Li ^ ^ ab^«A&l! >_^>-Lo JS ab^A-X^t

cmJ Jls ^IAa^LL L?j

p <*J Jobb iCsAfti! ^oLo bb&s q^>j J3o

o ^ q'A^A
4 (jot K_Ui J_=>Aj
5 l\Js^ ^5 JvJLj y*JLo aJJI ,i>_3t_,'~ - Uyj!
^ j: wff 3

dV—LL! l\a£ lJLk\-> &J>t5t ^-ob !^JLi^A5 |»-> aj'Lj 1^>lXj *^1 oy^
(^yoL-X-J^ (jb* l\^-w \4^**aU1 LoiA^ jC^LwvO

r — > }
Xbo pA^J * 5
oLy-^Ull c>JbL>
q! * ^.k.LiUkbl dLs-j jȣ,LjLs> *J
^jCa^ j
uiL^ b«.A£ As _jA*Jl
q] _jy*J J-Aj jls .
^ eV^oliw 7

&SyyA q »A^
9 aIjj|^
10 Uol^ !jl Jis aj'lyii ^^Ajy. J>£

aSJJI j,,y>S Jls go? qJ ASl=» ^j30^> jls gJlo qJ

o4^ bs-oAs* ^ £?>
ysXvJ UJls SAjAA ^Lbs j»Lj^I
^ Ipj iL^AAADIj
^ J! Jots (jol*Jt ^1

q£ aUilj (30i) 10
yi *.cyns aL?^ iuLlxi ^1 ^ j^L ^U^j jLaii

3 „ -
^^5 wL^Pl
12 xJuaavJ aUJuw^o aJLbui
j»La_j Q-, Jo>^ si?" ,_eb> auJI
l5j^5 *>yj

15 (jol*Ji 3j"*
V A‘ Ai2J^3 (Aib oj-Cvj j»jpt ii\JAj o^>yb yoliw LyiXJj

JL Lo ii03 Aa£ 3>

,c *i^^Al

W^yd*5 JL>P J>i»lA^ ^TjCkJ >.‘.wj _cAJ!

X^vL »11

14 ^odlj'Lss ib-j^A*X*v’^i (_c^ jLiLait AXbi! ^ wc>ty_ iUL*vo e^>3

^ L*;^>
^>J>! J>S> (. 5 ^! !)Jl 4c 15

20 iL-^JLwvfl ^>^[5 (joL*Jt q-j j?A^>! V ^

^ ^
2) Following tradition omitted in A; wanting also in

Maqr. 164. 3) C 0 A-a-s^w. 4) D om. 5) C vJLA^uILi. 6) B

o^AfJ, D om. sJv*. 7) Pointed in A. B has ^cJu ^!, C ^yb^t (sic), Maqr.

jSaj ^!. 8) D om. this clause. 9) C and Lbli^ below. 10) B om.
11) CD (j^lj. 12) BCD aJLxavo. 13) So pointed by AB. 14) BCD
‘jOLilas. 15) D V^ArCvLj^Avi *
The Futuh-Misr of lbn Abd al-llakam. ,

. .
5 K
' 0-5

& pUt ,_AjI

5 5

v^slU^v ^yt dUx JIS AxT qJ <Ab>5 ^ J


J^c up_*JS oj~^ JyM py! XL* q^_j •

p jll »L>Lf. >% ^Axbbsl ,1!

+—2£- ^j*sjU5" p^lS LS piS p,U ' ^ ^ ^gtj.TP ) S ^ ^S L^jA-iLv/^M 5

iyyXXw^lj (30a) pjl! 1
A^x q ^—3 btj X-^AXw^l u*obS"

Ly-LL* pjS' ALS aL^AuXDS! J|x livJb qaJ XU! JUj J.LLJS ^^JLc

L_gJ Loliicj A^vJUJ IgJ'1*5 jvvLaJ 4

ij^ AJ^AaLwj! ,1! AX>j y> AXjSXap 3
Sjly^. yb

£y LL iL^LXxJlw'iS lXju p^S ilflj Lo Jlij

py! ^ Ax>! aXc. oJLsXj qS yolj

sybe ,t*j' a-Lw j,

Ap-o * Aipx y^mS ^yiSj 5
ajUs aU! Aiyo sjly> q-« 10
w O - •

^ l\J5
CX*"^ ^
+UL> ^S>y ^yi &J 2vili y+t&j

£-x-w J, olo JlS lXjuv q-j v£x-JJI yJo ^y <sJJ! l\x£

^y L^-X-^
^ 8 r UJI AJ^bbj 7
IgAp ^jJjbc

v_j^*Ji oAawIxawSj jlj A^J* q_J Abp v_pj! 0-J 'bO'-L> iU £^>j
><? X
Aa£ LoAx^ & SA-jA-w *)1>J5 j?jJuLfij AJ.^'-^'LD! (JAS j<£ jtXfiJLj tiVJo lXXc 15

O -
ysvP i3 ^
qJ -VjJ i

^ \Xxm. ^y>
c^aJJ! Lol\s» ^.Lo
^ *iJ!

SjjX^>li Sj
— g_^a
^ 9
S^lXftj (j*UJ! J^c |^U>=^ isL-J^AxjCw"ii! ujIj q-* p^!!

Jlfii AaoS jJ SJuS ajLsAj ^S ^.j^Sytjj Qy^aiXj a_j l^idLjSj a«#I^

-O — vw £ w
131 fyJu] lyir! vlL ^^xa12jLo* j^5oiy ^^xnxXJ (jol*ii ^yl
. £ 5 £ .

jJwS p^jjS pX*>Lo (_/>S^j j*5^o^j AwwS^j [j

— >s^S |»'-‘^s |jXijLj 20

P^S pyl vis w V/ S_5jX=>li y^SjlIu

^ ^ pJS ^
Us" (jol*i!
^ 5 y: 0 l(j ^jX^Lo Spiotj
ali pXijj JUs j^JS ^c^i' 10
Lr ^ 1

JJUs o) j 1
Jyjj Xy? qJ ^jjE- AJtpJ qj! qT. aJl—vo ^ji liUiS Aac LoX>

1) C -f- A^x. 2) Mss. after pLUUJt. 3) C lAjly^u. 4) D om. from hero

to the end of the trad. 5) C \j!cli. 6) B om. 7) C 8) BC

„UJlj. 9) B ^b-j. 10) B + iU>X.
75 Yale Oriental Series.

i_^>Lo i LjU; Ic^Le Jlss io^iAxJCw'il „\j3
^ y^> Un
0-jAJ it b-o ^Jio LjLj waAAj (jLai J-lals ab^LLa 0,

LLm-w l3^«3y SuIaoc^ _LoO v-jLxS (j^J6 2


4 3 * 5
ic lij-y Lg.Ls' Q_y^- cr by-y» 9Lju&> l^Jy lit o^yiy j^UJi

5 iU^co 0
Lo^jj Lol^ --y^y9 pLp» 3 * L03S Lul
<£*j •>
£ I

yb! jbo jy*5 !**** tytJb Lo j.^iii jjb LJlij yi*/i3 0» Ly^i
xJoui a_**y J^> Lil^ UJi 6
JaiS |.Uii liVIj’
0» j*^s „y> jj v_x5^jj
t O 5 .

i^-Lsi-s Li^' siX-yJ £*y^ w\— l5j^-

a^SW/i b
_3^ 0-Syo Ly>! lye lA-iy. ^ Li-Jt iLi^o sU_jt. Ui liAjy. aitij LXS 1


10 \-^.T 3 5L&1 ^" aJ^O^J Uylb 3

|7 |*^\JJ! -fjtf
0 0"^ (JT;->LO lXj>!j
0 >^i»-

0^3 Ojl> 5 (j^b 3 Jbsl ^ aJLxi

_j^> ai^> ,5 fy ^ Ji 6 *^>y

o-Jb 0*ai>. oJb»-> L*JLi

0 ^>- obsO
> 0j> a_L/o o*p^-b (*^UJI ^JuJd>

9 (j^>Laj Jlo jjls ,_c^ 8 (j*ol

UJ ^ i 3ls ayJ! ^bj!
CT*^ (J^ oA*a=5

ioLiCj _LoAj! v_jLo xJLw iAij a^c Jy-Lw w*xy abi ^jJi
0 1^
J, Jjj

15 (_5
j>I objb
^ (iVJo c^ci J,t ^bxL ^5 aOjb y^ibj
J-, y^>J>
0^ aJyo ay 10 (*bCo ayit ^ai!
^_jjjej) !j.iij Lf! \j! 5-^3 iotfwSj UI

^,yJlLu ^ O^LJt Js c ayJ-c- IjO lo ijb Lf! j*^j! tlU3 lAix:

a^; y;? aby 3

a-^y 0-^ Jjis
^ L<
^> Lg-U
3 o¥^f-
^ Lo^ !

iA—13 ^ ^_a_o jjjtJI lA-yc jUu . ayl^?! L\j>S eUAa y*a.

20 aJOo'ii
3 JL>y 0, pUJLi 0yJ j^yoo Jbi ^ |*Jti
JlSs 12 a-iJL>3 11
)&—*$*) ^^>^1

3-y>j 'iJu3 ^suju J . a-ij. u*\Ji3 lXac iAy£. jloi ~y*y* bby s*+^>- 3 ^3

Jjj jl} 0**? 0j lU> Lol\=> y/yll! qJ 3IJ 5

LciiA^>3 jlj Si yb
. . i o- m , o )
3*ii \_J.c i .j^aJI it 0-^ Uj j.lsls a>Lsu 0oL*it 0j 3^
1) BC 2) B Ljyj'Lflj. 3) C l'^yi*o (from \j^y lx=>). 4) B
cor. to L_jyb) 0t-^». 5) C om. 6) B -f- LyJt . 7) B Jyj>! ji. 8) C
y^j, D 0,!. 9) C a-y>Lx=j. 10) C . 11) B aJOb>j. 12) C aJL^j.

13) B c^-tjij .
14) C + .
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

Lojo ^is all! 1A3E qJ 1

g^wJ! qJ Utllo LolXjS?

^y^JLi 3>A*J! ^yi! oo! ; ^= all! Jy»E J^yi jj! LoJ\j> * Jyjt,-J
.. O - w
qJ iAae ojL^Is 4 Si yJ! J~*L>3
oL=>tj> _5j4>c ail!
33^ .Ay0 q!Jj 3 iOcJJil! J^e
5 9

o b^ o bj-5
JULi ULJo> a
oy^j' 3J - J'
1 **-* »y-L^
. W £ O-
,S_E> !yo» 0_E \il^O yol Jygj S=L=5 ill! Jy£ j»iA£U2 3^ (A/cU

ail! lX*e Jlsis

^L)' 3! J^-a-Ls
Lc 0_xj (j^Jui! jj/~wL> Lc Ivi! * Jy!

qJ q+Xe 10 LoA=> & Lo (jro! yJ3> ^j*s. Jliis Jo Lc Byols ».^e Jj Jv^y! ^y-y

oV-L^jj (joL*j!
3^ 0 ! wyyc> J,! ^ Juyi ^e qJ! £*o

^is ll^. lVa-c q_j 13

^*i2XJ!3 j*^-^- l\xe qJ aJJ! 1A3E J;!
Lo\_\o & usy^J! o^Lo 10

sLl o uCLo > i! &_$Jo loSULL q! b^-w q_j yo 0_c qj! Lo Jo

(j\j' J^oJy KsjLIs JJo (joLxJ! qJ »_*e ayyAx&w'ilj

(jyd^*JJ alJI g^s Ji Jis Jy^ ^y JJ03 v_jyj ^0 L c^'. JJ £~rj J
l £-J yK2<*\2 £1 .iAa&w')! [3_.1t.JLj yo 14
il_*yijE iliXsw ^vJo-v-J yJJ J.X03
y G w 9
orl^! Jyi>
0 3J r y ^ a-*^ Dy^> fuLz oi ^ f^
1 15

j^Lo! If. iayflj! |?JW3 (296) eLlL £^3 lo J! (j*jls yaa JJ

15 ^Jo

j£j ^3-t ajt*y ^jj! UL'Jj> JJ^xl! ^yi j.lS’ Lo'l\e=? Jis ^ XjJ!

0-E JLw iCg J.XS.w'i! j»lXs (JNJ> jjj*i! Jy.E !

o' 2J** o-
£ £ vs>

aJLo *_j »3_jls ^li ^33!! ^ ^! cJ^j! ^3

-a ULj ^ aJ Jyjio

1) B gsLxi!, C ^LJL 2) D om. 3) B (j^!, C i^y>^, D om. J-<L>3

and the four following words. 4) A -j- jol_3tJt q-J • 5) BC oJiy.

6) D Ly*oj. 7) C ^ij!!* in a !i three places. 8) C Jyjjj. 9) ABD

q-e (^
53-yE! o-!Le>3 ^wixJ! o-LL> lot, plainly a corrupted tawll. C saves the
meter, perhaps by mere conjecture. Maqr. I 164 is from another source. 10) D
condenses the two following traditions into <Jy£- s^Las o\JLc3_j +~+£- Jis

Zxfy s_a.jLb J«JCj. 11) B lyoiy C bjo!. 12) Mss. y&i.

13) BCD ^-jv-^JLw-U Job. 14) C sjjtolj. 15) C (q! in red ink).
73 Yale Oriental Series.

jl—2J £ ^xsols oL? ^
j;t ci^vS !i3!
j; y ^Lj q!j Q-1

& LaaJlc 2

|^“ (_>gL.«.J 1 5"^*" ^ 0 **^ C jA_Z> jt £Ly*j Ja

j$J £ Lwj^ AcUs» ASM „^>5

jy. tycliitj
^ -LuiiJt Q-,

5 ij*—L\.o ajji! jLii i»oKl Ls Uj^c-t la bJ! O^L*aj v^j^Av'itj

y ,<.

G >

byo (29a) |»i^if lys^S (jt ^ijy >;» It


it LyyjX* -blliwij!
^ oal*J!
^ .y= j*yJt
_.y5? —^LaJSj sl\*JLi
y tar ^1

o -
^ A2jl_D

o -
ly (j^s -boy jia
yis» l«_\j>t
yy^ vJUj Jo aj^Xa-Cw^M

i*Ljy« j.yo ,Jo> *—*-x »iy= Lyiaxj alt!

$yyp layi- ^Us

io _j^c J^wj! Jo Jlajj y^t [^a> all! gXs J? |»Lt aaJLj ao |^JLaX3o

0—jt a*L*m
— O—
liUIt iAac l_JLa\Xa> LA jf^ljt

J, ^^aav
^ liluyi (jolxtl ^yt

^JLlje eVjyi yA a! jlas ^eLJ! y&t! Aac ^yA^li —aaa2> jjt

^y l\jjj yj A*yJ

Jkr qI^j liLyyi j»yCj liyyi ijJiii aa1.*m

^y A LI I i\o yi jo 3? [&jp tiVjyi

— t , oc J o, O m
c-LA^L, aa yoXclo j»yCl! j,!
4 sy£\Jls -byyj yy£j (JoI*jI tye axAsw
M a a 1 «* - 3 f
15 ^-^>1-0 6
^-X^AoJl SC^L (^)Jl<C X+£ [j LI y<cl (i\Jv3
^1^ I4-I5 ^
W s 03 ^-3 — — oc # ff

jj-, a-.^-«-Lc Ja^lo iC_jyv ^ 0^3 yLiv! aJ JLsj yiw^S! (j^yJ!

w C

jy-c jyjlo 8^_*o>o
8 (
yc j,! jji (*» jt Airily j»yji

C 3 0— w >

yj_iv^5 io>y> yw"b5 lo^yuli j^yt
y2 ^. jj-Jitt t ^oaaa-w t . aj

0_jwV> jl jy>. J) ^ aj 0 bUl 11

ebiL^ ao>Lo aoJo 10
oiii (_yytt q!

20 L\jAxi ^LXS L^j 12

0^uki2JUo l^xil JS Jb
^ OoJ>j ^jySi
^ ^jr^- ,
t # t
jOJI l\^-c qL^ Lo^j KxaIsj L-;.j ^JlXXib q^-^jL lyi^l >of <*1SI JS
3 0—, S
&_5yc iyi qI^j^ >Ai^J 14 *t^JJ5
J-oL>5 JUXiit J>£ 3yc

1) A with taSdid- 2) B cor. to ^yi‘ yt» 3) Om. BD. 4) Yaq.

IV 330 LsAJb. 5) BC iab>! 5 . 6) B marg. + »y^:i 3 y£ j!

plainly secondary. 7) B taLsu. 8) Mss. ^y= j.!. 9) BD ^cOJt. 10) A ys.j.

11) In B aftor oiai. 12) A u~U~o. 13) B ly&ils. 14) B ^t, C ^t.
The Futah-Misr, of Ibn Aid al-Haltam. ' 72

L*» q/i ^5 ‘fb yilaj 3! dL) (

_jc> 1
cVJUijj ^'3 1

0 3 ~- -
Uo JoxaJt ^nLo j+j tAS} (jvcLL!
^c J^LbJLw L+il^ Lik-jASlc^
w 3 _ f


liLJ q^-4jU JaJufj litj ‘JdxS

^ ob ^ ,$^3 i^Va-o

H- f -C * .
liQJ! wJLbt Ijlj .
_CjJ Lli j»3jl! Lclj \jdc yX>-Lo (__oAJ!

OC w

6ld>J>\j JaxaJli ij&JLLj Jb lo &j JlS jL*ai> o^LS ^c^hxS 5

ijj ^y*JOo x.Jlc iA-JiA£(e Lo jlc ^0U-l^3 jrU-l5 oVo^, ji Lo ^cwoy\y

y! 3
ji<j> |^c>Loj bis q! |»^Ai! lXxj |»3
tA3 L*v q! xolii! L0I3 1 >.

f w 5 0,
Lo ^3 ‘ Oj-3i>3 jyL*iX*vl5 jiOL^yCD j.^5 ti)Jk3 j*£i ^Ljlj Il\*a£3 Li-O

. iyyXiXwbSlj
y.\ ,3 J-y^-iA-j
f?^Lj qI
^ ck-Jt u-JUa! &L3LL3I

^_jy-^\j! *J L-zU^a-i q! Jwf waIL U jj iuL>'3 liVjjo (j^L*Jt

^ 3 -tC «*3 aJu'o 10

jCj^uX^X-w ^ jj ^aL*a»WASj! ^**0 Lo ^^>*v^3 ,

wLuiaj^ jly^M ^44^3 L*j4^>

& c*J^ 3 S L> Li" Lif^c! JaxsJi ^ij ^j»Lx: jisj <& jjlxso

. <sL-iy>JjCw/iSi ^L<l-« _3^j j»3jH (_<Le (_>al*3 S qJ 3^ »iUa U! q! S^-ii

^Jo U ^jjoL*! 1
qJ 3j^= q! cisJJ! ^iAxI! iAL> qJ

^Uc „Juajt (j-JijjiLl x!L«3 s^iLi^ ^L*-Lc ^*Lt iLLLi U-L^i yaLa> w^iA/L>Cv^S 15
^ 3

^ iJLi! A*c 7
Uo'l\j5? Jls liU-li q! (J>h Jaxa3 ! i^>Lo Ui"

^AjJJ 0^ lKXM qJ VfA-LU! Lot\=>

-w-’' c>3 ^*^^ ,,c
yy^ j^ j cp _pv*y cV cy -5 j c>^

\LoSWJo j»3
yt C-V-JLfl C.V—3 J
1*3 »Ukw iA_i y«l j»3^! ^ iL-o’iS^t i^t^t
2 20
t^siLcii ^Lxj*^3! l\*w! tiy&jly —a^LwJCil lX^v^

43 .3 Jjyj- ^3 jis ^yJ 3
Lo jo LLbLi tjJLw! jliji (j-jjjill \-J! „ i_jj>- L (_>aL*3 i

(__)iaA*3! jjlo la^ftSL ^ jjiaiLo ^3 i^wjLXvili l\Js jli j. o^3^\j

1) B . 2) BC j,ls. 3) C cU U. 3 D + Q
4) !. 5) D (J >^. i

Husn 57 ijt~L=>, Maqr. 293 ;

Duqm. V 118 ^p-^T.. Seo also

below. 6) BCD <Jj. The following in Maqr. I 163 f. 7) Quoted in Duqm.

Y 118. 8) B JJ>I cU*. 9) B JaoSlwJ! . 10) C JC^yaj. 11) C (^^o.
71 Yale Oriental Series.

0^5 y^o lS2^ ct*
Loj |Ji! 0^x1 \-*-Lc ^ L^^aS/c

wwl) ^> *-°^>

(_ 5 *
3^' ij. j^aA” q' (*^/^ U 5
^ ^
^J-c Lx_a_*J> l^jl^ "^]_5 ^LaLe jL> KiSo.^ liVJo J>a2 qLs Ja*S 2
Lo X»Lr ..;
p^l liVJLfl

0-Lc x-*-I*j LLaS"" yl t<)^_Lo ^! (jwjjiii! i_-aa53 LLxs^ w I^aaS^ , ^aLe Lo

5 s-a-Le ^y.3 gAfiJ iyJ! a-a^^Ls * 1^” ya^'

j 3 Lo 8
j?1jyi «->|^ (*3j^

b5 Lo t-ugSi a>a^e sy^" q, Ljj Li!! j-wx. A-ytil 0* ii)li! Lrj : ioLxs^

^\i LJie VyJ! A 5 sbl 1^!3 JUsJ! \jS>/ iuSJI

a \i
HyLSlj sJaxL! |SL*^o aJaS! ioLo q, yi"! liljw 0,^ iL^iAJijCw'ilj
0, ya^. ^a\ae

^.5 ^LxS oj^i ^ Lo
O >

]0 yj> 0. iA*-< 0.J c^-i* ^Jj'Lai' ^5! £ i'oi -Lua!! jl=> <i yyl 0, aVjw 0. 5
0 7 w w
^***>3 ^-L-5 ^Oo JLtj yXi^Sj y&y^ t^ £ fO [$& 5
jt^' ^ 03*^

t*\__b AJv," ii^_Lx * tj)Ji3 bv jLxjul ^Juia^Uj &iyls”"

(*jy^ .
^~Y~ t*)J
^-iiLs ^Lc |fj! iJJSj j»3jS! i^LLo slj't LJ ^wJsyiil jlai .
p.^l ^5 LU^
O -0 *V VO £
4 Jo!^J! Lo lo5
£—jLo fi

15 _>-^5 jjUrf* Jj'lfij aL^> 0. ®A_=>t ^ot Oj-U J»yj

^Li! eUij Ll«

Ujijc ly>! 3 "% ^3 L?i (L! ^ryl

O^J -^ !s

^3 LoAj! jj, is
— |^J iC J-ll 13X^0 I3-L0
q] |jJol 0yJjijj^ La^o I^LaS 0^-0

»Lxi> O^ii «^Li *^-5 0^3 tj/lJLt} ^1 y.h i! q-, ,jXs-oL!t XJLb ^lX’S *^i o«AJ

"bS J-t &LH3 j»3^JI yL.*-0 jjjw ijyjO wSIaJ"3 0^? ^-aSa^aO ^JoSj Uj'lXjj

5 c » >
20 ^1 SiA£ 0^»^yAAA *>oi "yLcbi ^3 \a1c i_jy«Jt a^->-La3 bij sxi c>J^>0 U^«

(286 ) c^aj |33 '-^ (A-bj j-3-oAy.Ij
i3^ l

S _ 5 ^ O- J

J. La-ai!
QyQ j*Aa=>!
Lc^y. Lo! J13 »y ^3 iAU! 0jl*j ^ Lo

(joL*J! qJ 3^= u^AS^all JaLs! Ji . iAAAAj!

^ 0^LoJu 81AJ33 AJL03 Xw^j J>c ^>0

0>iyj b§
0! j»3^j! ^r L»r-> Lo (As tAU! 0! JLaj

1) BC (joyolo. 2) B u. 3) B 8 lX*J!» „^bL^J!. 4) B om. 5) BCD

^ o
y&j , 6) B JoL*J. 7) C jJLc! 8) D om. 9) Mss. I3-UAJ3
The Futuli-Misr of Tbn cAbd al-Haham. ,

Jlsii 2 ejO Loj I LJ ^Ia3 Ui .A^aaE^ LeaS La] L.jlf" [* ^aaeJj IaaIe

JLcJi X_1 .ae> qL sA^e ^ A_e-e Lo (*-AJLe As

Ua-o s-U 1
Ia$> jl=> As Lo csJLj.3 L^jJt ^ju>t I^jo a^e x£>^xJi

- -0 5 £
Jlc >yb ^^ILloL, j^LLx-j lX^c jjuJo> 13 ^LcS lXj Lo (jvju,
0£ o!;^ o!;^J * l^^ut 2
(J^ai Ji'
0 y^f.
0 X) 5

0 3 ^
jLo ^








yS\ _jl U^-JLwi!



4 2


bj j*JiL

xo L\-£> 7
J^yii lyL-o
^ 3, (j»yu ^ SU^i ^<J

xJLe iuj-Ai- ijAo
rJj XaeIs> Aax^j L.*,gJl OAe !j.a£E>* KasL> -LuiiS! Je. 10

^aee. A-A^j lCae=>! ^-^.> qLXs sAJ^IS qLt^Li (?jlijE ebb 10 9


oJ! ALM iCA q, yi3 I ^aaS^j !^ae=>! 1*aS IsaPj! £y+-r' cr* Ls>LLe!

*$) AA J*' ^ ^LoO v^sj! jav>e ^to! Aa/o^j ^aaeu^s eajIXs ^va&j

q^V° qJ LoAe> iUlAv-< lXa£ 13 LolXe>

ijdr^- 0^ tlUI!

cr cr
^ LI Jls


uC!-^> i^Aw ^ sL<! 0^*aJ i^)sjv3 L3y5 Lo
^ |J^t 0 A^

Aae jls ^ oJ! • aJi XAjL*ji ‘Ae c^**Li qJ^UjO ^j^LoO

|!|0 ^c-Le

J.Us u*o^jii! ^1 uaaa> Ajjj qE Ajew 0AAlii Lo'Ae> *JJi

iK t^E q-^LLjJ 0-j^LLjO (28a) JaAii)

uC e
1 {j£>jiU'
G >
lCL£ l>=L*J!
q-J s-S

® i+v^ J^r"^ 20

ajjLI -bj^ j-J '-Vr*-> Q-J >-Xb>5 >_^jj q~J

ut*^- AajAe> e* ^~j s*

a! Loj"i tiLJb j^Ie jJi'l IA-5 5
JA« ^^-Le |*-r-^
5 0*b ^jA^7.

1) Mss. om. Cf. Maqr* 2) C ^aeaj. 3) Mss. ^^Lop. 4) BC LA

5) D ^UeU^:. 6) Mss. o^/^- 7) B ipA. 8) B ^aIe. 9) Mss.

^LujJ). 10) BD £jj>. 11) BD f^aupj. 12) D om. foil, tradition, sub-

stituting for it: oLi AaJUe *E>%*Jui HAjeJi [jae^! J-Aj- 13) B om.
14) B
69 Yale Oriental Series.

soLc plfii .
t« vlXJ 1

y (i ^ eky>lo *>tj>
»iA^ KLai* ]yus>\^ ^i ynJa ] »]j£> vAle (jwds^aK Jtsi wl^?^

to ^.1 y'JtjUb t^JS ^ Q^ij Xstlp |Ju j*Xi to *JJ^5 c^XUi!

its j, Lot j*/ !

j] J'6‘
tg-Jt £JUa> ^clj ^JLas

5 q-, tX-Jv"^ tj yo&j qJ^ ^ya_j j*Jle! Lili 5Jb3 to!j w ^Sy t

(jw)! i3 !Aa*c j*ju jls I Jot !Aa*£

0yC^I yis Xiitilt

r “
^—X a i* i p - ;
vX-j^ ^ji 4 ' ''


/ X-t '^ ,
I’^tv !
or e m 5 ?
^•p^I 03-lli l^-Jli' ^ Lx^ ^JwX^jCv.^0 obLkJi
^ J4J3 l^cLo

8 6
1*5^4 JsaSJI rj-o ^ ii^jj-^-tj -btla^aJl q,
<tJaib k^;!* * Uutlc

lAie ^ule gdte
y-2-®^ i3 0 -» jtxsJt tikij
W i- - r > >

^1 Lg-lS^ ^^A*f Q»t ^^3 * wiLs> ^W3 JsXb ^W3 jji qX/O^
5 °" £ t!

^ v Ji tXs a^bLw^ !

^5i jyj likJj jjJz ‘bSj wXuuaJt (275)

jj<j UjL£Z\J ^1 Le^-b SjO^t to 13 SUa*^(J aJJ^j Q^IaiUj L jvJkJts xst>4 ^l -^'
r r o _ r r s

IB 11 jtjij to |SU^o Uj UJi . i^owXvu' qI 0i jiyijJalj \S>£ tJ^s j*ia£! j$> to

xiyyu Q^o gj.*a <AjAj [y&j^ to 0*oyL»^

,i.t 1 1 1
0^ 'clk-X j k^! L>aj^> ^ 0-J U**^^t*^

0>o jjls JoJdi; 0i J.ya> 0Ai

_Lc dkJj ^\i L^j ^J! ^yjl JLaii
- ^
o> #
- o£
15 qI
[^-^3 ^^^^3 jiU ^5 olxi! ^
O £ 5 $ B£
20 0L2 likjL^I 01 ^iJ j, o-j^ (Xl^Pt
01 jjj j. li! tito! ,yJa£Li
jL^XmIs . \JLe \jS to J.I j*Jo
^ 0^ t*^^> UJ ilUb j*j' tXJLu yo”!)l pt&lw!

jJJ! g>Xaj ,_c^> ^5 ^JtoJ! 0^ s^ci (if

p'-h^F [jJLaj ^UJ j. #jL^! 3^

1) C ysvti. 2) Mod. apoc., and so Mah. I 17 (bottom); B ,

so Husn, Maqr. 3) BC oni. 4) BC ^jCJl^^. 5) A jlasj'j y (3,
B jLajli.

6) D . 7) BC y.^, D _bLLiw^iL, 01 • 8) B jj^>. 9) D om.

10) BCD plur. 11) BC iL$^>. 12) BC 13) C ^U^suJ.
14 ) BCD JIj. 15) D 16) A om.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. c

^ m> C v.5 _ 5 w
L a.. JL>^ LLwIac !^s L-cL, 9 Ll<Lo[ Lo Lu^ U!^
o.i w .- - u5
. \->Jl-t- U^o yiS^! LLwjU^ 1
lL>y Lc LJ l^if LoJJS jJ &x*wJ!

O — O «M . -O

LfeJt ^lC> ^.Vw^O L^Axft.) xLd> LLLo LL Xaa>J l\jjj i^jJ! jUli

jax^! ^y! yjJo JJjLJI J, eUUj £-*Iij L5j ^>JU Loi yy>li cy^Li q, iJuoJ> LSi

w > O— .C

p^LwSI Lo] £ LuJl Jwxjj

^ ytlo 4^Uf Jywj _^_5 (JWO^I! »y)l l^j*, 5

aJJi Ijyflt jCUjLIoj xLwy a_jUo! y£

8 aJJi L5 (_cjj! qjJJ! ^jJS

lo xJicj Lii lc a!
^ Jjss
5 ^ ,j^> o^iy x&!L>
^ Jolaj q(

y'A*** AJLi Loie

Lol\J! j.
liXjL^Pfj c*jl liLU c>JL3 qIs <dJ!
0jJ J, bb>!

0B <^J JcsWj Js yLUs l—Lxy-y

L5| |».X uyyU! "bSj (*^t3t »y>%
O w*£ ..

. .

yutj xj (jr^y j*XUL*j 0^yiLo Jo ioyL LJ! SjOls xys- 10

0, ,3 yLi (_j»yC
j*/tjlj 0^0 |*X*£ Julojj yysy UJu lo IAj! j»!c Ji 3
w O .

c UUc l\^£ xj ^*^J

0^5 LoCoJ 3 3^|
y^A£ yjju |»yzj^ (27a)

lo o^-yoi y by>! 0 » !_y—^ ws-y*3L>

' "i! j*^3-o^ 3^>j 0^3 s
I. Jhj'j U-oJ U^i LJ jy>\. 3^ \J #JJt 0jAi (__cAi! UjoO SvA^ 1

j*Jwi Joy

Oyo b» joiG'
0 t
0 ^ Joy lo !'Jo! Qyo 'J lo ! l\P' ^yyilt 4
<3 jlaj .
^CwJi^ 15

jlas lo yo>3 id)!3 ^^oLoJt

0 j »oLoc *J jLis . Lo jJ! L !^X-o£ j*XI

jLsj ^oj3o ajLo£. jiy JLas- cjLLi! 8 j^> yjc jJui=> ^t \jj^f' Lli! ^yylll aJ

l_5y£ ioLoj> liAir |*JL! lo fjji c

(jy^l sA^ '-yjS
s LfwJl »t\^ Vj 5

03,y Us ^.yiSt l\s jliis «jbiP! eLS3 l\1c ^LsyLl! ^Juli . UU^lj
. . w£ « >. . O -5

Oyo lc !lX^ v5 S^ol^! lc Lo! jjJ! lX^>! 20

v.5 5 s
8 Lo Lotj &syj L5 8
y£ 0JO j J3»Joj j*-jy« 0j! y-*U!
0jj d)y3 7
0 ! !Aj!

obaoj U-o [ytej _>-J liUJJ

0 y^J Oj-Wi 8
0 !

(_cy Lo-s * ,xt A_i b'oLoL ^Jsyilt jl_ai UJlc 0^! 0^ l^'y ^UxLc! L

1) C liJJjl . 2) B 0oi. 3) BC (B cor. from (_yjt!l). 4) BC om.

5) BC iUiJLLJt. 6) BCD + Uo^j. 7) Om. B, C Ly-i!. 8) B Q t.

9) B (marg.) C L\jt.
67 Yale Oriental Series.

Jls >_JA eLJ 3 Uii . sjlXjc j>Lg_>3 ®Uoj J, JLA3

0;AA_e. a^wA? ^ Jj-i 1

q!j 8yiA t-XJjJ Jas Jcs-Jl !A-aP JJ^o

JLe L (j»j^l JJf ^>ji>\ Saa q( s^IaA

i_.Jjb.Mi b5]
0 ^!
A_s JLoJ! Lgjt 1
jlfij va>xUai( qj »oL*c (J^e (jMi^sil! Ji . LgJJ"

5 La *bS 5
L* ^-XxJa L t*LaL^?l qS-») li-VjLc oLbJ L3 liLxjlsA lit***'*

A_ij L^-o ^CAe^ LaJAJS (

266 ) s_JLc
4 Lj o^J
KA^uJb 5 sOAc ^ao^j ^ L |»3jS! *u«A> q-« jmXJLxJL] LaJI A>jj
I*^ /

i^uJic SjAia qJ j*Aj! LI3 J0I3 0^3 b^ 0^ ^$As>! ^Lo 3 L BALJI3

w e
S3 DC w» O — .

Q^*Xa<V®J |^» 1 t«X*3 ^%T^^^8g3^AiS»J ^*^<<*3

^ ^

10 LfAjJaj
q^3 *»^JiA«sb to £-L%, ^Smxq} ^JClLs oy q^3 ^^^3
ibaL 0j^LUw>
0J^Lj_l> j*XA Jcs-j JAJ q! (J^c j*X^-Laj 0! LmmSu!

b^ L jL'lLjLi 0! J^o j^TobJa Qjjyaujj L^ljjAlJiXs ^LuO a_aJS ^SiXsuX^-^ ^LoO

4 jJji
L Lj! liLl^S b 5
j liLLaj 0^ia ‘Jj !lX 5 > Lj aa^LaJ! 0j s^Lm-e JUS . 2u ^_3CJ
. w£ o - w
iA-A L ^LjJue b5 Liij jiCijZS'j! 5
0^ au L^s?

15 <sl![j tl) —lAs L&> jAL L 0^ 0] M 0^ LZe 13 jmAj (jAJlj NS3 aa Uii ^ 3 (__cAilj

W 3 f oS j: G»W t

loi L-a-^ l\-a e UJ ^XsS ii)J3

*4 LLo^ tXw^ 9JIa 3 ,3
Qj^ 5

w ff « — 3


§0^ Lj AaS>j 0$<J 0^ Ly>! 7

0^ Li>S SmLe LwflAi
0 AJ 3,
0 ^

ff w C-- 0 3 , w w ff ff

0! L>! 0ja;AM^<JI (j^Aff*! (JjJ AJA> ^JLi« L^3 tikJj 0^0 LuJt v_Aff>t "^j L*JLjc"i

£_:} 3 La 0I 8y>^[ iUAc 3! j*io Lj^ib
0^ LoAi! iAAc ij)JAj LJ ^iaxa

20 0^ j*L" ^aLJ" ij. LJ jls Ja>3 je JJt

llx olgjC>‘^t A*a L-JI yylLaJi i_^e>"^

_jeAj j.^j 'bS! La L3 8

0jyLaJ! £/> JJ[j JJI 0(3 Li BjAT Xa2 ic>-JLc iJ-Ji

X—L^t ^1 ^3 KiQj\ bj »AJLa bOjJ iSlj s'oLgLJt x_Sj^a 0! sLm^ Ls-Lmo

BAJ33 jJ^S *jij La a>(3 Jy ^jyUvl AS3 9 Lm2 j*,? La A>b 5 (jmJj 8AJ33

1) BD + J. 2) B (sec. man.) ^.i oOL. 3) AC -|- b5.

4) B 83'i.

5) BC G) AC Oyo, B U DyG. 7) B 0c. 8) Sura 2, 250.

9) Thus pointed in A; BC A.L*j* JJI \iih>.

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Ahd al-Hakam. ,

jjL> ^ai HyAc i_yt!S (Jo y£c 1

A*jo* Lo'Au> &
j,t £ ^(’A^S o^LaaSS qJ HoL<-e. (26a) ^L-LiS byA. jo>j
w w £

3 "$! 3
2 o_J! s^eO \ci j-S
!$— ^[5 (»}-^S (*^>-^ Q* syoSj jo
f 1
f w w f I

q! j^otj li^5 <j.
^jJS j.o\JLj' A_S (jsAojl! ^_,yoS qIo jL»O0> sAP (^coV>)

o^*S co^LoJS s^L*£ qI^j & 5

jLai» ^^JLJS sA^ ^ c?^ LoA
4 j^f 5

jLaj jOj^-wJ Ov^L-C |*lX£J \xLc. 1^x5^^ L4»L

0 i£x'*‘Ji

L^ UL^l 0^w*4l ^<A-^ Lkx4J> 8 jyOl-Xhj (lAP ^-X.C

»ycl Lx-x*j> ££>ji L^ 1

LlJx. j»uX&#Jf^ ljj-c>5 1)l\xw ® i-4-Lc_5

q ! v_a-^ <j& ^3 »4)j ^ ^W-3
20 8 yl)! Lc LijjO yAjS

qI^ w| if tjJls fjjO

j*— 1 —r!j ^*^1*122 ! SAP 1


— 05 sfr s ^
Lxa 5 ojywJt j-Xa-J Lj bliic^ jCRjLw LlLcssI^ L*x^-*0 LxLsl^! 0* Xili (^CjJ L*5^
%« w OS 5

AXivI J,l5 oisy ^o*fc ^2 O^xvl L |»lX&j Hl)Laxj jlib

5 —

q4 -^o ifojlJLo o>>*-r-v Ao jiao b'oLx. 2 oJS j,Aaio iAP ti)JAJ oJOj! J«c

1 ^»AJ 7 AAj!^ !j_iiA jJastj ^OwO lX-^v! ^i5" j-^>j v«a!!


- - -OC 5 - - oc
jCjLc Lj aII) lX 4*2>! (i\jv3
^^0 ( 3 ^^ ^^[5 LXb ljl*|
^ i^kx^O 15

l x X 4..^ LxxxD Ut ^Jl\5^ L^x4^> Js^X*Jixv-! ^c^lXc

w S 50- ..

*^3 UiJ> ,3 ^C-x-dy uj^L> qxx> Li^iAr: gLjjl^ <*JJ)

viU3 ^yo Luxd Lo Jol>3 LJ (iUL j^>! cXb jJJI
q( *^1 L^xx) ^L^Csxv'bU LJLb

l3A>t 2ul£ q*4 U^L> *4| ^U^- <

0^ p! y»^J> 0-< J\JaXi *5
0 ^! IjA^>! ^Lj I03

O ci 5 o i
^ L)Ao>! q!^ qIo L^a^dj iLlAj s.L^jj ^LJi Ac^> L^j A«<j L^LS^Lj aJLS"? LoASI 20

lA£> (Jx. yAalj *Ut ilcUo J, wiai! ^LLuo <si

^ ,ji
5 sla^ ^t ^iXJLr

(j<A;J L_^=L>j^ LoAii (*^r*j q^ 5 LxJAit J. L ioLLo^ »A*J (jAf

q! IaJ! Ajcj Lilo 2u Ljjot_j Uj^ Gyi! tiUAj^ a A»^t ^ cL> JL, ,—ooJi U! ‘

>-A uyo'^j Aijy: yAj_j Axy> liLwo- Lo 'it LoAJ! q^o La=>! xi? ^yCi' 'i

1) B om. 2) BC is. 3) BCD + it. 4) B -f 5) BC JLaii.

6) B marg. Lie Luictj. 7) B

65 Yale Oriental Series.

5 h£ ,

& (j'djytfl
q 2 >A ^>5
l5 & £>_; J
VjSoJ 3 yLola^o jLbj LJLxS J^e
yi^Olj Ij^bb
3 yOj 'AS
j»y j»£j]
U^Ldi qj!

l-\Sj —^Lpsdj^ SlAxJ) |*Adi

^ l\S^ H^AVm3 XUJ£ |*Jo! Lfj^

C # — £ #

Q-l ,<-JNwJ j*Xa^0 UJI t^ixjlj LuAj! 3 0^lxd j*Joi Ul_5 JuyJI SiA^ j*Xj

5 lie £_LiLo^ Aj>y Q«r*^'j‘ Lo
(J^ yLixJj Lix-o L*»o y"^> jib qI ^JLxJls * jjLo^Li"

\—de ^L\iii j.Lbd! k-xsu ds 1 *Lxj y*S Jd^d!

^5j 1 . j»jjl!
y ^1 Su\$>

0 ^by, LyJI j*jCjb>.^ yOdld liJlbu yfbM t^cA^j' q! yd*Jj

ud-*J! q-J 3y= u>-j1 Udi .

yyl ^ w ^ ^y*
7 ^ysy L>
<Jb j^L*]
o -
JLsii ^xSyiil i^uJlc oL> (jyJLdj q-ax^j sAxe ^U«xJ> u*JjyLl! Jwy
10 (AJ<Aj USj <sOd qvL^Aoj J-y^! q4,Lju
%.,_£- l
y j, jjLs!
(jaA:>] ^] j*JC>Loj (jr-o s-j\ xLwj £-o ^-*lc Oy (jylvdt jL> tjy

y*Lo! q!} Ld Lo yd 0^5 Ld!y>j j*-x_xjsS jdiLdil ,3 j*-

1lL^o q! Lo] <3La3^> odd
yds?. JUrJIj y^aJL ydiA^b- ^1 Lo]j 5
^y:lo yLtj Aj XjyL yyLcli

o^d 8 yJ Jls sjJI 0^‘jyi! o®L> Lis .

7 0%_^L^. j$>s c Lu*j aJJ!

15 (J^d iL«yt XjJ[ uot ^ijtydlj i>Ljl

^ ^5 u^J>l I^Jb'

10 ^yo!^ v-j!yd( ^.c ‘fUv^L> Ut 9 LoaJI

^f3 J,
? ~ - o ?

OyCo^> L5I} <A>jkJ! |^wO lAjywjl


^ ^
jLaJ . ^ -LLL,
^Lvob l\j> 1
^fUL^o L^x v^L^u sbUoJt
S .. f I w C -05
3 L_ lXJLc

20 ^ 0^r^° l\-x>I JUS Jx

V. .. 5 t
^ i^LcS! Op3 •
^p c !o! (*yr^ ^Ajtj [j

C t
5 ~D
»L^s£ L ^ yLwoL*j 4^Js1a-o Lx-df ly^jf ^jAyy-»i

q_> boLxc ^l\_=>I Ju> s yLc (jol*J! ^_j ^yf- uivooi .

j*_£Jj Ld _'bLo \xi

1) BD ^jCoXT. 2) C om. 3) BC ^L^Pt. 4) C SUyL^Wj^.

5) Sura 9, 29. 6) AD + yOxJ5 .
7) Sura 7, 85. 8) AD ora. 9) D itf.

10) A jfyij. 11) B ydLc. 12) BC io



The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abel al-ITakam. 64

w O O _ w
U »

x-LwXw lX ^^ lXao^
w 3 ^ 3 w - ) 0 _)
^ 2 1
[vJslSj] 0-» qIs (•'/>

2 4
_^l v >Li yjjJS 0>^ j*^5( ByoloJ!

O — »v c
AjUaJ <\J JUa (joL*Jt +,-? iiUJ
tL*i «A” lo (jiJ*J yOjJI
CJ^ ^ 2
c -.- c -
^ K—xjUl!! q-jIj <Aa5a*J 0*J! oiij C
A£ii q-»! * yjjN jl a_3 q] 5

„o£ m
(j^-o! q^xjj U-o qJ j*Lis^ Lo'iA^> U/ fjytif ^ojJ! f &bo

uy j^jljc^ Gl\~ji yt^ ^ArCv JoJli ^vwxi

0 ^5 i ^CoLfijl

lC£> ^L» (Jyz. v£^JJI ^-c 0^ <sl!S Af qC

gJ-o 0^
°" 3 5 ?

QAisA^vJJ LiJLs^ ^3>S Lg-^j ^oaSI 3 , l\3$ £*>~w

jJJt} 10

HC ^
0-J 'AJa>5 ujjj!
^ Lfj^.
^_c gvjcp
^Ab> J.Lo qJ 0 *£c LocXa>
C; - 3

(j^iaj Jyc «A-j j (jyubJi xxU^> lXjjj qJ jJLi> Lo\-Xj> ^5b tAx*j>

5 -LuiLl
^ jC-f l.4-
> AJ qI^j 8
^,yJjlj t^yoL> L_i (jylwi!

A^a ^yLe uV^\j! p^jLil (_c|^ L+Ja lj -tw L^j J?jijLia



ijr''^ (34^ !s^=v. o


^ r°H)i ^'JciL!!
Lf^ rj^ cr 15

,yj)'Lsij iLcl*^. ^UjOj
LiiJ! y^aJ! l_j!j
q, Ja*Jii! y'i"!
^ XcU^-j

Js-yJ! 1^5^?* i5 ^ ^^3 y4- ^Ja»J ij^clj

(»yv^ iLcLUaJI [j-a->Ji (256)

Ui o\*J \_aLs^' n ^.^x£^f ^Oa> golxivO (_p*J

0 ^
0 >a_r>Li wiol^s 12
c^o'i^. L_jyiol_j ayil! J^'3 j.5

O'*"" ^ i_j !

^ »jjj>tj (j~i^ailj 20

1) B j»lj5*. 2) Mss. Marg. note in A, repeated: (cf.

Yaq. Ill 894). 3) C 4) ^jS\ not in Mss. See Ysq. Ill 894,
Duqm. 1Y 16, 49. 5) C lXjCOJ. 6) B mw qI. 7) C y>a>. 8) Mss.
0^Jt ujL .
9) Marg. note in A : i
^ ULyo 0j jlsu

^J'jXw‘% iwLiw 0^5 J^ofi _^5- Cf*. Maqr. I 289, 27, Yaq. Ill 894, 14,
Mah. I v, Mas c
udr, Tanblh 261, 5 and notes.
10) B J- J^c. 11) Marg. note

in A: (j*Jyitf JwLi ^.ya jAj 0^ ^JxJiSt ^siAxlt aI JLsj -y^fi^i. Cf. the

passages just cited. 12) D jfu^oj.

63 Yale Oriental Series.

a J 1 mi i JuLa+JI 1— »A*c 1 yuajJI /$! ^jl Lb\X>


0-5 v* i O- - O- °" 5 *• O -

0^ 5^3) cr" "f^ ^



OU2jJ! *-aL*J q! JLfi

XC>I ^C2J lX>b * j^JtLo *Ul qLcj J, ^Al>l jlS

^ 5 ,
4 ^.iAiiil j>‘bUj * )
JjajJi *J y^tJ L\=>! ^1 J<£> ouiii! «Jj j*Jjb L&

5 jls*
Lxls^ ^ls jjaiu
^1 5
xXjL> £*R~y ^^SUJuJ CT» ^ all!
w O - «. O- 0-5 w m
£-r* >JIav (25a) ^1 qIx-o
^ ^ ,j>j*x>f$ 6 (j^U^ (j&L^

L\-£-j j*xbo all I

<jy**j q-&
cxX^T. 8 Qy*.lj|j Q*a> Joj!y> _^5 _5j^
qJ alii A*c

& 10 Ocai!
i 2
*-*-$4 J>! ^_y_ul! jts uoL*il s _5^c ,^-Lc g-il! LLul L-*Ji xij>\> ^
» sS 5
, t
^ 11 ^xl>! wbL> Ubv (J^- eUbu -sJJ! gJb ^1 jx>y «*U

y±- jls & Lx**-?" q! Sj.ju& !^-*<v< i<5! ^yoij Jjw ^o» pCJsU! vjjyv &p*li
5 - w .. f —
y^UJl J^cLs^uj 13 xx* yjj ^^sil U*^; Li q*£c
(J^ yrt'^i
cr*^ £>; J $ & 13 y*Xo a l
^ \iy>
^ (?Lfj &=> [J^i

— &mXs5 5 j^5 s^x^aj Stjx^Aj^

y$y^ i**
"** ^^ Lfia

15 i_jL J-t iul^PSj cX^ri S^JjP L*^r* <AS q! 3^ -

>3^^ (iVJio Jb
a\XXa^ ajw q-,^ iamJ6 u-.sjil! k_*L> UJj ^yaii. q^JLwI! »>-sXa5 q*3^-
0 5 - ^
qJ^UjO* Ja*»^ LCic v_JjJtl] q! sfcOj U^Latl! qJ _5j/=

Jls ~aJi-c. q-j o\oi>~ ULi A=> ’S? iUo j wL>li 14 ^<JU
Jj ,J*&

1) Mss. y^j. 2) A always (see Doreid 118), B unpointed, C (sec.

manu) |*^£, so Hazr.; D omits this isnad. 3) B (sic) &*=>Laj y>Aj, C yzi

for y&j>. 4) B -^AaJlj ^=>bU. 5) B om. 6) A ora. 7) A B un-

pointed, C y-yj*, D om. 8) AD q^! i-jL; BC have q*3^* v^* ^ n ®

cor. from Q^y (see the note below). 9) D o^A-sXj. 10) B adds here:

(Ms. (*^Ib) jvaIIj »A5> Q^jit oW: jls (Ms. Ju lXjlXj

^1 ^liii! jli';
y ^y) _^j!

i. e. ,
a marginal note (concerning the writing of j.^J? see above) has been in-
corporated in the text of B. 11) B yaail. 12) BC 13) B -f-

14) in B transposed; A -}- qJ^UjJi ^^bop, C + (^boj.

The Futuh-Misr of lbn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

J sti-Lo Lail ydc got g 1

y y-gl go j* g*Jt
y ygt yd>
jyJ> Jlog! S* yA ^**i!

^ yA J*Adl f>»-\
1 +.d jo A ^ 7 1 ^.y) 4 OJ-'O^A—>
£f>j J
Judjj ^yf- jijj . oi-gyJ^JI jyJLc £jOj_5 j*nsi]] gx. xJ! (jolx!! 5

O — O _ w — 9 — O — O m O — o — Go-
Jj £ oi_<g--> jJL, 3 ^ij^iJJ j.vJj ^tA-+...,.\ J pyj
O - O — — O 3 05 GO —
‘’ogJ! g^dJ! jg Jg?

^ oyf?- Uft»
^ ^W 3y=

u^>Lo jt jx>o Jo jkz* j*$l q-, g~gi jy>! 6

Ud uol*J! qj 3jP Aij
3 £ 3 3 O £ #

^ l\3$
s 0 3
£ W
go (? Ux>

\Jb\jJ3 QA^il 10

yi jdLXiLo byS^o *-dx giJb O -Sg 5

*r> y, |J! V UI gx ^Jjl y^~
£gi -g-v gj'd ^dio Jo a! jUis yyJl ^ jx>y ~»g Joy yg
edu Ux,-**o go> q-» go g Jg! 3 .! *J jlai Q*ali- v_o>lo <11 yjP
w> £ -C 3 # 3

j— g Jx>j jAs ^ Li
J! >_^.:>1 acUx- jJ3 jo~aj
g yJl*i! jlai ^jJI jdo

JuliirLl jgiL
g tlxy a] 9
(jOj*J *5 1 * }jp
8 jxS AJ «_<! U-. Syol
^ 15

g> LJ jlj' oUj> ^o —oJo> ^ bLow
•) SJVJ3 ._jj4-c

^ j.yj »!j5 sJJx: (^doj A-^i

J, (.i^xiLait

m O
^ 11 ^yoii- ^^Lw-l'

XvWjS (dc wOj^j Aj'do

^ [*20 Ldi SJJ«) A-d> 12 gdc* AaJI
^ Jl
gso'i_j3 Qyd? [>d^ g*-o'3 {gj go b^L UJi gd: 13
3 ». .

ijjLo lF”
> o^dj "ig gdb ^jE. lidJAj >gui
d gljoj

\ *

go* gLo« ^ g>g g'i" L^o ggJ og*j g j-o-g ^L^L. 00 ^

AgK^T?. glAs [»»g — *5 sdoJ! gJiXA*lj jo j^go'l wiCy jgj


A om.; C Jo g in place of Ji

2) Cor. in

jig joy.; C
C to ^yoait. 3) C ogoJj.
4) odos:.. 5) All Mss. oig, and ora.

6) B Uo. 7) B joJLc. 8) B jg, vocalized, C jAs, AD unpointed.

9) B uyg D uy*j ^ 0 t. 10) C . 11) C cro^L. 12) B aJoj.

13) BC J*7V 14) B s^ug.
61 Yale Oriental Series.

ooiil J?yao 0£>LxJI
^ 0T (jaxj Jo &icxj
Joyo 1

giii LLut Uli j£u<\a>oj (Xj>\£ ^LxJs jJdjlSj Ltlo oVJoL *J JlsL ^cjJi

Joy oJ i iou^L 6
yf s J»*li
tiU J x*Ixj^ 4 bl\*Xao olLii qJ yf Jt xJe

olisii xJi oASj Jo^ JOj *

^y y=
a-xj>Ij 1J0JJ00! lXS J,j SUL* v ail JA' Jx.

5 oLxljfj qJ 8
oiW! pLjw Jo> Gu*> Jo> —aif J/ Je \
J»^ v_jhM

. y z. - y ^ o _ 10 3

xMjo ^y
xo^lo Jo
r* £-

C - O~
. JJOa)
. .
^y &Ju^j o-^Le!! ^y sjLej
yyf- ^
"% L-aJ! yCE jSo! i&ju* ^t yJLci ollio qJ Jis’s . iCjLv^o ^lXxj "iS

l \xm ^yi io>*-dJS ^ooi^o^ 0^5 0^ J® 0*ic ^ xZs (j-i Ia)I yiE uol 9
~ _ O
»A_e ^ yyo (3 j?Ao! vo^xj S 3 ! JL>j *J
0^ xi! <jy~/ i_a*Z JS

n stjo^
10 Jf _Lxo! ioij v_jJ>. j. JoySS <JJ3 xilX< llit ww ^
u^Jjili 12
Jj‘ . J_o^ o_H j?oi^ xJ! xjioL^- (jiyo 3
qI-^s j?Jo(

QK Lo l
» ^ oxj 0-<3 oLXsiltj yyJL xCixj ^ olLi^ 0^ j,
e £*x> (_c3Jt

qE x*aJ q-j! Laj Jo ^LynjS Jae qJ 14 yaiit o^wM _»oi LolXo 6r ^y~S £yoo

3> 5y? Jo oia^! J^-5 oLLii

0 1^ Jls oo Jjt Jujj

15 UoJo iLj^w^s tJJLLI l\ac Lo\_\o Xaf ^a!! iow o\^ii Ujf ji^c. 15 ^cof ^* syi!

0-? J.
0 -r^V^r
(3^ 0? ^j
L 1
. 0^ 0^'3 0? 0^ 'r^S 0?'

J3 t^jlxj (j^iE AC JijJ <2? UJI ji*E ^coi |»|^xJI

^ OJIJ olio
CS^5 »t- ° 1
\ I j-2 vil ioJ-ib b'J-jy) Jy_jAci lAXw 16
! JjOj Ltjji vjj JoO?JJ !^jlx>5 |^Ua3E> Jy>

.JvxJi (J=ja! Xj'uci?! 0JAJ qLxj 17 xLli sAe J. 0-» |»lXS Jvj _»^= q'^5

20 (Jow Lr ^ o-*>6o L« LaJ^ -^

18 Sjjli (
246 ) oJJoi J! (jrt ^ Ui
j? U^ y^i

J, _» JoLj LoQ iJJ 3 (Je »y='15 Jo^ Joy 19

J-oOU ^Ji ! joj * tJoL^?l q-,

beLo j] liLJj (JaC LJaaS ^^LvJI

^<a(c SLCaS ^Zwit

1) BCD j?yEj. 2) C yjoAjlj. 3) AD 0^Z^ (® om V^ )) ^

v ^*

4) D sJo^UXwo. 5) B eOjo. 6) BCD ora. 7) A ora. 8) BC v aJf

9) D vo^xj'. 10) B cor. to x3. 11) C 0y>^. 12) Following trad.

om. in D. 13) C l^o 1

* 14) Mss. yn. 15) BC Loi. 16) C om.

17) C xJLsls . 18) BC om. 19) D l^xk&T..
The Ftituh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. c

c ^-c
cJ^ lF^ o*- *j» 5 gFy" CjF qJ' L

dUJ v3 Jjtii *1 o»aj J—Pi * yp£ 1
iL*_*i2j ^!jC-*—<3 *
^ s^JLw
-C 0-5 5 05 — 5 -
syLw^ x^Ux*, IwJjJ} lP^
q-ju&>3 I^LuO *jb£?l CP 3j^

^<3 b
l\-^£ <Ayx bcyOo 4
aJJI Jsl ^Jotii <?J |^x^j

^ O3 [fr
xjL^ !
^oi c^obtl! ^

Jo ^LLjO v_a!' q-JjX^e. t^Jis yJi&j!
^ *-? gJA ^IxU ^ Uiy Uii AjA=> ,%

»eL^ .^LoO \^Ai! ^j-jAx. LAi 5
tjOf pyJI Aju yCstAoj Ui &>U> ^ _j^=

y .J fjjls liyol
^AjJ AiuF 3 ^= ^ JLai (fly's Jl s^JibAli -LAI ^
0 5^’ - I*-
!? cr
r^i r^ $ u ^ $1 J Jls ^cAif J*yyl Jlas U--^>

2sw-jUi?S 2kAI AlLi 20 yofj 3^= i^A^Aj AyF* lyiAJLj A ^M

y-*aj , JA 10

^Uyl ^y _= JAO !^C

^ Uii 8yoL> yi> Jyjj U (J^jAj 2ot Sjyi-^

>-y?3 ( jjj! y£ Jlj' <Sl Aly ^ 3^y= — eU.P Ao 7

sAyy ^^.LA! iJJJ v^LU j.

cA>Ao> L*ii ^UiA! Jlj U jP 1

^y y;
^ytb Uii (jol*J! ^yi 3y= Jo
O- w £ 5 fr 5

UyXw«.i ^_Uo y^x Ui! (A5 >

qJsj ^ »JjJ _y! iJAs U! 20!

^ Uiy L*-li 2Ci_)A=> j J;! Jo &oi2> J^yjf Jo U ^ oiy JAt LJi 15

^J iUju f?y)!3
J-X-UJ (joL*j'i ^-J 3^,c J^Ao
Uio ^SJ\ 5 4jaJl
Ju-». >A J 2sLfc-wU"^if ^jaUJj xjIo^ 5
^ »~!ytjL Ajy-i
y 1

(24a) ^vUL>3 'uUic 10 _UjAjt Jotyj jyji oy^>
-O- 05
^^Ji! cbJj ^ CP x-^iiU) ^JixL
CP i3^T^

q-jAJ! 12 2yA- y'wUyi 20

iiUJ.I ^j_j’ 13J03 viUJo j.*y ! i^jtA^i j.»y ) Jf J^c

Aij £,
jlj ^u-jyH (wjU^* ^3^3 sjyi-U v_jloi?i ^^3! ^ J_Ji^ J-o byj'I ly'i’

<3t tAP 13 yiii))

• 3 c
5 yjc> 2kl]t Ax*f; .(^y o^ 4 Ui'A>

C 2 ooo2>j 2) B ^Aait cov^ J^> 3) C (jyyi. 4) C

5) B 3 JI3
I . 6) ACD tjylaj-. 7) A k.
A^ i 8) c y^i. 9) B om.
10) B |» 3y!!. 11) C ^\y>. 12) B Gy^. 13) C yAdt.
59 Yale Oriental Senes.

jji ,j5> wwil jitAi ^ j^c x_q>^j' 3 x_L:A> 3 , Jo

,^-j {
-yTj5! l\*£ LoA> i-a^5 LbA> iulw:
^ iAU! iA*r USAs? .

,* .w .^'*'w
y -^ - bj^X2>]\ b**1** iO? i^u^w
-Off 0-5
^3 3y= jj-li yol^L L*ii ijiJ ^jS OS *-$yt ^ voy" oJ^.

5 3i*>J jJUaay Jij» ll_o JoA-ait

^ jiij Lsli ^jLx S
^ (jr^ OjiAs

U*,ljJt fc-Ia i3 (? I— [TSj^ 0y*Asj ^j-P (j> qV-?^ ^

3^ y^lx- i^jik A>! ^1 Q^>yj ^ j^a!! ^1 JLas )jUa y>! Jo-j aub>ls

. - —O - O-
3! vjUIaji lA$> JyL) visbt cs-J^is ju-u^Lo oA>li jyJl c^ai Jls fytp* I^Xas

0 <-XXs sytAY>
3^ j?^cj wbs?l ^1 (^cA!! ^r**3 3^> qJ ;>jf

10 3 ;-^ f^Ao iA_:A:> 3 jls 3 3o 3A» 3? 3j^ j*-Uit

gJo ,jr^>
^ l_£j s^Jljlfti
(j^«J^ <it v^s-«d3i j-^% ^t jsIlXj *i$

^LxJs 6
Ljj s^JLj'Lsi qjoO
5 ««C

3 !
3^* \_AA-> ys^ij
. .

^>1 £s!Aj ^ (jy^


3 Kt^SL
* ^
—- _C W w 5 ff

X-a lLJ) j»U-' v_i'i! X_*_^b sAcli sAAwj _A0b

i tirJCaii a_jJLc LLij!} (AjlX—i

'-V3 ^ V-^5 Q-J>
^ J->_;
J ^ ^Uj lR5 |


^ ^ {y? Sy? Jls • (*—

^ y* UV*^ 3^ 0£ 0^ i 3*^> |j*v

xjt-s _ j>Li jL-XaJ! ALc (236) ^ 3^ e^ 9

V -^ 1 i3L«s (_>sLxJI

-*ail 3^2 3^^5 3^ 3^* 3^ £ qi iuLf>*>-« 3 >

gy |pi

A-jlX-H 9 8 L: A**al 3 -^;> 3iA3> As

]y^_5 l^*-r”3 'i' l

^ J!
3^ ly ^ I^i ^

cr o^- l.^^ 5

3^ r^ 1

20 \>j 3 i3^' X_jiA> q-j ^uJLc xjUv^*3*


JbLaJf 0aL*il _jy= LXcj .

^La3» [ySj Ji £‘Js^' 1

ir0 ^ 12
e^4l5 ^ 0^ 3J! 3^ o-U>5 ^>5 cr 11

\JjA> 3 1:!
v_aPj qj! Jls <&L>3j! t^Jjt>5 qa^I 35A3» As

1) BC yoiyiJlj. 2) C 3) BD V; s. 4) B oiXs. 5) A ^A-cJb.

6) BC om. 7) A v_)Aj!. 8) D l^X-ybl. 9) B eb^-. 10) B 3^>>

11) AD ^Jlj'Lfis. 12) B (orig.) C 13) Maqr. I 293, 33 ff.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. ,

s 05
U i

(J^Aj ^ iLoy sL>j

lilaX;] xjUS" J^_c i il
y= ^Ais "J pi q^jC)'

^,1 y.-9 Jx>Aj J-*S q! \-J! '—aXKs q+Xe: JlS lZ*



' J 5

lX-X-W yJ yC. ^-AjLc qJ lA-O^W LoJO (joLxJl qJ &Lo

C„ O — c —
qAaKaD LW ^ ^loc j*a5( £_aJ_} X-g-A./^Jl ^j’L) I^aa^S 5

X^ i»X^Lw«LI jli


G 3 *• W
qLjo vXt *»j>y 3^ (joLxJS jy= yAs u*yyiii jJu Lis Jls

aAAj^ iow

p/ cr

31 J^s>
y3 ^


LoAj^ X^^^uJI &SjO\ (jioytiLi lot jn>

1 -5j^
cr J—^-1^3

qX _j^c ^ySUas Jls oAxy> 3^ qJ Ajo q£ iooxi Qj! UjA=> iL*lw./« tiUI!

v. G - .

o ^ ^ a1 —

s /> t/V> ey* £* gjP' cr^


3 f
q-J Q-TjJf Ao_c gyyi 3 !
^x: JAyi!
o~? (jH^
^A> U3 yx/> 3* [
»'-^ i

jLsi-s iJU^Cwj (23a) »y= 3^ 3^ aJ 3*^. oxy°^ oJi- qJ yyCt Ay CJ^ 'ty'/"
-els <=L> ijijytJt I^jlLj L*Ji y«L*jt Jo[s^ ^ 3^> (iVjL^I j-is *J 15

)« £ Cl ,G-
j*jo3? .j 3 3j jA3*ji t* -*->'. a-' 3^ y 3

O bo J
J3 I oolsJI 0-J j.Aii3 Jls rfsLx v£>jlXx> 3> 3
! j'

Jlc aiJt gXs 31
yx; Ux> IA-jA-w ^LxJs ^Jt ajJu'a U_i!! \X> Joy jXsyj
O -
0— J »y= ioU-yO ^3-C yXLC 0j AjJIav Lo'Ax> U3 iA*^ 0j *JJS L,Vx <5? xjAj
G - w G — W
gJLioi 0, yic ^jt y£ Jlsj & tuy> 0, qI 3’ iyL^-y
^ AXo (joL*J! 20
G ) Of
11 10
3y= j»jAS wUu UJx _y! aJ Jliu -NasU ouLv! io^AxCw^Li qIjj yo-c J^t
3 £ «•

!?A_Lo qIj iLjjO
^yj 0yG "bS «_J! JayJJ 3! o-o3 3^ uoL*J! qj!

3y*i o\yy tytf LyJL jy i" qjAJ! 3iyJ! q! Jlsy -jy1



1) C ^Aj'. 2) C „y3!. 3) C ©Jj, 4) Yaq. II 302. 5) B om.

6) CD J^y. 7) CD jLj. 8) AD a U*o?o. 9) B r
Aiii. 10) BC Uilw 1

11) Mss. and texts (jv^Ly; but see Severus, ed. Seybold, 98, Off., 99,21ff., 101, 6 ff.
57 Yale Oriental Series.

OP p
jl&i (j^Lwit «!y& l-jIaOL Ic^Xi

^5 wUs" Jj A^c
0 i
J» Jj y» y^> cx*

t^Caalj Ijjjtwi yox (j^jl I—»_Lio wlxi" Jlj q( y^A ij&j\

u^xXb *
y.ii 3
ynA Jl * joL^PLi j^JsJiXs ^Liwlsj 3^=
^ Jo JISJ3 <3 /
2 .sill £iy

ujLoXlSl 0*>o^ s- $>^11 wAXs i-o

£)3>^ __j^3 0 J.I

iA*j Lot tjoLsL!

^ (joLstJI JJ (
226 ) ojLLiii
^ ys.
^ aoi Lb »lyij ,jijyiJI

(__coa!3 j**J j-AJ likxo L—f!j

^3 y\
L g
3 tiLw “
^,3 yO/O Jl O yn tJoli

*11 Aoi> 3^= Jliii .

^>jli yo/« o^JfcJL
^ ^li o^w L iiLI



^ (JJJ Lo'Ap> .jJ 3
Li" |»iAa>6 yOA J3J0 sAS> jol

cr £* t^
£ 8lX ^ i 3j^ ^i 3

J.I qoIxmIs I jmi v_»ojCj iLoL'L lilLi 3} i_jLLi^-

0j 0=3 u^*LLt oL>! Lgj

0^0 JjA QjjJ) LiPAo JoL^I y»tj ya-a

f J.t Jy^) Q-, I^^UaJ q!
^ 3 ^X0 ^ |»yiK

^ya 7
o' *3^3 Jv*i It (
3 jXLiuJ ij>L_^>"b5! *Sy«t »Aaj L«-)i "XLJ
^ ^Lw ^
(Job iA*j LI 00^^ o^ (joLjsJI J.I . jf- 20JI o^*Xi ojlLii J,l tJJ 3

15 A_i* eLLo!
^3 «_>jl5 Jo>Aj‘ L3 JjLxs" iiLLi>t ^b ^Lot-o 'o^f-
w O
Q— 0_oSf.3 iUJLvoi qJ viV LL ' iAac U-b'A=> L*i . liLVo-^ J.I ylclj iJqa b oiL3>Ji

0 30= u^XS" v_jllaii ^1 Jlaj 3 Jb ^lXj^ qC iAL>
j J,!
w ^ J -O

tiLstwo oL-L- 0*i 0^5 J.I likjoo 9 jAawJI J,! * 0«LJt ^cXo 1
qI |.LwJI go3 L iA*j
.. o - o
10 bAa£ 0j (AjjL y~i
L? 3jV= — 3^ J.I [j.cLvb 3^,= jjbiXis j-o ju >^0^3 \J

20 o^LtJ! 0j 30= 11
At j? Jl«2 o- ^ o -^


l»lAJj} >—03 13
i; ..3
0 i
Q^-ioSjlt 0V°U

o^ 4 ^ l*

^" cr i'
G >

0.A_«i^LI ^yto iv t-L't* ^3 iLao y£ £. „ y>7. ^1 ^Lx^b S^LbU o^>3

1) D ^t. 2) B + w^. 3) C om. 4) B om., C om. 5) B

G) A om., B 0 ^. See Gloss. JjL (Mss. JJo). 7) C + iiUL. 8) D-(-ya/«,

C LaJiLo. 9) D om. 10) Belndh. 212. 11) C JJI ^05". 12) Thus

pointed in AD; B (
cor - to <j=j>), C £
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. ,

q_j jf- LJLi Jo (jXXJ Jo: Ajjj ^w-Lx

A/i?y> jO/o JJ q! A
qJ\jI 2
JI*ij aj ^Ls? 3^c \jJi j»ls

*1 (jaj^l J-ZS'I ^5 Lj^Xj SfS —jAste

q! tiLJ} Jlsj UJlx

Jjj A-Li liUJ Jo cH y" (JL-XLai!

yfj yo* a*1x qv^j IJlx?. Sj^.j v_j^^ y= >a*e l£y>S » -*x 5

oJ^ (
aJ_ o Jo JU03
1 .
^ yb" * J.:>j ^sJ ! a-xj^I Jx aJ Aa» j*x (JJjJ

Ajjj ^x ajl<J qj! loAx> 6

^ll^- Aax ^caXS! O^-w^l _^j! Lb'Ax> * <$? ajI*m«* 3"5

—bA> & jLiUw^j

o"i! &JJLaj y^o Jo>o (jol*JS q!




^_*x a! JULs


q^Xx OoA> J) £:>j J?
,05 o


^ 7 oiilc
tiUif A*-C

^Cila 1 0

&..*>., ?> f x S’ y^\ 3 ^111 ^-L-^w ^1 L ,jlj^ ^Lo ii\»-oLcw^ ^i)jAAv^«3

^ <\1J1



q!j uiyojli

^L*b .syo-oXw^
GO LiXoy

Ly 3 1 lxb>Ai' qI


y^*> ^x

q( Jo
Jo oSys^’ A_iUCi ill! ^Uiu^ (j^LJl
^ J^o>t \_j jx.Z* j y_j jy^i oiy>

w^f ax^o ^ k^ *~‘. io


q?* A^bj v_jbb<it A=>! _y q] o0 '-*- y c oiZ^i j_io _y» L,= ojLoC!! ^ols

3 j,

^Lwj \3tstoj J^AMjif q, ooLiL^Ji u\o>Ij j*—b y,

c Axi! A_j!ooj"^! a-o ^i_\~y,

12 11 Ji Ly-^ JL^b 6 yi Jo jcs> y> Ui
cr '-T
f j oy

1) Marginal note in A ^Jo Aoi J>-J» a^U^- oolLii y= ^iAs j, oJLxi-l


oN-Xi Aoio pic Jo J-ojj ioolii- pAJj Loi^ 5 ^-XvK-Xl ^W*wVV Aili 1

o_ ..

J-yw £*a-w jJ,

AxJ byXv>X: Uj ^i.1

q! OuS^cit^ HjisC qL-^’ (Ms. s. p.) JlS^ byisc

^ Q 3oLw
^ (jjV5 ^ j uvy ^bxJi
o\o y=
^ UliOo. 2) AD Jliis. 3) B Oolst. 4) B ^t. 5) Gloss
in C, i3 A)j.
| B l

r y*‘ 6) ® J® (J^ 1
Jo ^y^"y y
A>x LoAx>
7) C pref.
cr . 8) C + s^j. 9) C 10) C Ay^. 11 ) B J.

12) B + .
55 Yale Oriental Series.

iLS 5 L
^s> LCLe jjd joj y*LiJI aic 1
U; wli 5

? O - w
,*ju l^ilia xj u^Ji piio y>j£UaJ q! J.E. ii)J 3 iii piie! q' ipJI ie
j L$

(It ^ylol ,_y> ya^ ,11 (ji*iJi yc auss-Laj ^y: osJiilj ^U-x i>^ ^ IjaJUj

3 *-*a#S
Lo * yiL, (jjy^l q-, Lgj L03 IgJlSl syYj IgJpUc ^ ^c\js iijyXiLw^t

5 XLyiAiiDI ^1 jlijj jly^l ^ L^-juJ Lo iyij is 8 yi/«

J—ic Uo J'sj

jio 5
v_Ss|jj . L*_jb oLjli 4 j^oDl
^ l_gj Loj l^JiS 1
! sybj b-)U.j aOy-.,
O P C/ £• S
—^-^O Q-, isA! ^LsS^jvilj jJlA vb Xk_s Ip+ift Lys l^X-tl: Xy ! py£
Lo bAASI —Li
lb 1 jyiA*! Lij ^LAL I pJLj ^5 Uj ^ylyj XLUjCo

~ V. 5 - -

L f^> ^ *-^0 Oy&Avl} £ 6

U>JL53 ^yO LjJl <JU^ ^ca^o
^ LgX/&}

io &<w.<*JI ^Lov3 v«« &)*S^ wj 1

Ot W «H

?2 Oj5^^51j ^yclyo \^K*p> ^ (j^Ui! ^vL-4wCvJ!^ »Li!

ly?^> jy= j*i

£ o-RJj ,JN=> (^cyj vx>.Lsls
^ Jw-j L^J j^UUsIj L^SLj

UXJb yU“il IlX.^ (jy! yll 8 lX^ *5] is SjS^il slA£> LuxXA Lo tiblo q,

q! Ay^iA^A/Ail Jw^l i5 (jr

/ *^
0 !
. tjul
Dyi ^ Lo \Sj>

15 Ui aJ t»Ub !pJU>?r.
q 5 ^j^-5 ^ ^ *j[s o^ / 1 8 !y

Lo^jw iuP»Loj iUijls 7 IpJtows

(j*L#iJI '^aJ^3 * _jy: 1^*503

JiAxi yf-
I_jy 9 iVJio L» ^j by l
^yj>Loj U^Oj^Sj Lf'Ojy (22o)

5 y Lis ^Lo 10
»y^!5 olil J^ias! L_fJl pji Lo bJU 3^
L^>^ij yw
J_jt QLii Jls LiJ! ^*v>iJ tiivotj ^Loo oJ! |5U_iyj L^i ^iJt jsw> wLi?! ,1!

> wor >

20 & 11 aiLiLj aJiAiiXct jLo

^y2vO j^tS

y^Lcj y-*^ ii^ (y '-\^ c ^-**r' y^ LbA> y yLc UoA>

1) BC JJ>!c, D sA^e. 2) C k*J?\i. All Mss. and Husn -j- (iUb. 3)A
4) B marg. -(-y^3 * 5) B oiaj^. 6) C om. 7) B -f tiXJi . 8) D om,
9) A + Lo. 10) D py^lj. 11) C ajdLtj, D \bLijj. 12) Husn I 51 ff., Maqr.
I 288 ff., Wad. II 168 ff. (abridged), Mali. I 6 ff., Yaq. Ill 893 fif.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn 'Abd al-TJakam. ,

by JbJ! ?b£?! Jo^ xJLo! ^cy .y

bJL^> J.

(•y c- AjAb xjLo! Ay (iVJb W yS <31 bbi

yy ^y Lyi &JuU


^ sLiUvO
L?^* (j^
Gw . G > M W
x^aLtc iy> lyo cA>y? 6jo j.lj e>y> (j*l*bJt oJo J! uib'ij xjlX< 2

AS l\»>Nr iy> J! yLj Jjgyiwl LJls LgJLXsii

£u*o lyS
^yj _jy Ly yy 5

yy JJ Jylj L f 1 A lAlo. ao!
^y sy>li sA5> lo
5yJ Jlas Lyo «sJJ! sly!

l*i illH 5
sAS> Q-, oy» yJab! sAb By elb'y eb bit 4
J.Lo>! As Joj

b Jl sis Liybp j, J»C2aii ubllzj J, i_j!s5P! £—a c^As Jls obL*Jt » A_3> eboAs!
£ M
*»o yyw! L° (^ybjy Jls ebyly ^ _yy ii)b jbJ (jd.»bJi

JLiii . »yu! &JJIS 6 ^yCo y>t t^ou b-A-yoi q!

^li ^ dVJUt ^ J>l5

t^-ou 10
^lyb! b Jls JobJ! ibb Jo (21 b) J) j*y yby ^Asb ioj> oob (j*U£Ji <*J

J>l JL&i jIa-O y^aJt ^JCj JiS u'^I y& Ui <Joj LLwJ
£ .
5 .

3 ^-^[5 iy*\\ . 9 ^ 1 ^uj ICwyyU

3 ^-Lo) Utj O^L-A-jt 3 byO v.y~r^

^_y» J!
iAj^! btj eblb Ay JLc fy\b ebb o!jc> !yb 7
O s:
0**j^ eb^ac! *bby>5 iJJ! Aic ebj ^obb J,! ^yau*j' ^! eb Joi ^c^bb J!

Jbao iO_j>V= J, ya^ Jls bobb 9

b JLai e^b'y eb J-Lo>! J.bu bit ^b}

LyiJe>0 _^J (j*UbJ! aJ J'^Jib Jao Ulb»o! yi 5 b3 b Jba y^iAAJbwbS! Lb

> - M
Jybl ebbo 10
ebb_5 Jyj' U J »j.
= JLsis Ubu _bo Jo>bb' b eb! o*-*ib

iib>! bX^jtiL xl bjjLi-U^

03 o* (^cU ^JJ! tjU-5

lyix U^U 11
q? 1 Lxj >> J'o ebb J, ^ybbi
0yb y 3 .y= JUs eb'o^

£ v.
# >

dbw 13
y>*j! qIs * b-3>!b iibab>! (j^b iibj j, 50>yJ
!ybc IjAJLc yO^j
o oc —
Jt 3yc vjiikils ebJb j (jbi?! ylb! L y> J^bit _jy= b JLai bcyt^ ebiaas 1


1) C g-*bi. 2) D om. 3) D Uy,. 4) C J,Lpi. 5) C HAb.

6) B +J (sec. man.). 7) C oLib!. 8) B (orig.) yilk>. 9) A qJ^. D

om., with following eleven words. 10) BC ebJLc. 11) C obbi, D oi-by.

12) B j»b! b^/yc. D om., with following eleven words. 13) B e^.*J*5.
53 Yale Oriental Series.

Lo'iAs> iULwi qJ o\a£ U3 l\s» < 3? (jJjl ^ka j^Jb lAs 1
iJo-tj LLo

<jo j*xLo oJJt uX-*-w 3^ yb 3^ U"^P

3 iL^lo sljj coo'/j <& iojii \Xs. >5! L3uo \&Sy b yl ^yb _J

q-» LjJ 0^-5 • eb- fa ^ qJ jF L-fUe (_c^°3 iajUsOj sybe 'iSj+i

5 v_*JL\*aj! yL Lit
q] ^j^r* Qjt iUJLwvS 3JU1 l\>-c Lo'lXs* Li" (j3syilt jLo

jT c
_ qj! ibJlww eVJUt lXve Lt_bV> Li" j*jbLo «JJt
Jy*j ®^5 3«ju

y+-~ L a I~> LS> " y~ij) L

0j jy= L^Lio ,jrb> iJJj Jb (Jj s^oe.!} £aoL;J! l
_ej3 jbp>lj

O > w
(21a) ooi isLJA-P ^ (iL-Llt l\-*£ JlS .
(jis-SJuli s^Lj'lSi (jrWi

10 ^LvO> jyu eUJ 3} c-*^ c ^-Uolpj 3j,c A-*jU_> 3 !

j*jwt ^jt Jo Gtyzf.

0jJ iU-p» L$\A> Li" eopi qj!

\_a_jr_Li> ibosOj U" —
I 1—1! Jt ^.to ^—jJLSI Jo
O — _ £- —
^_a_x_rP^Jt (j*,^ jj-4-xJj >_a bl_o>5 » —-«. 3

ii)yi! J.I j**Lo (_cyJt J-w^ Lop y" o 0L0! 3

15 (yoLx.Jf *j+£- J j *«-P-JJwVW ^

[•lX-Sj ]0 »yxc Jib iiU* coo / Lis Jo 3_o


^ic \iooAs- J! Ji Jo
c. 5
J3>0 i\o
^yf _3
^ 3 (joLsiJ! »yf- »j bL> 11 isLoL^-

L*3 LpLjJ jf q'^j yp 3 ay£ Lpy3 3 1:i

—- 1 i
0>A^ ^A ~
J ^
r T~ t
«* *; t Y-~
^ LxO

Cj ^ C

20 j*^> I jo (j^yi 0, yi J ajL^CJ y^uXib-j! ooa-jo Ji j.lX-0 ly= ^1 *_*JLs \jt lAjjJ

—•y^ 0y<i_\A«! <oo^p 3 a jl>3J j»l\o io0i_\b\Av"j
! yy ’ ibw^L^-vC

1) B A>!_5 u^p- 2) C yj-ly 3) C \x5jii. 4) B [jJjj. 5) D-|-qJ..

His. 487. 6) AD ^Job* d j. 7) C Jy« . 8) D cbs* and B L>o.

9) B ora. 10) C yix. 11) C

jlU. 12) C Lew. The following in

Husn I 45 ff., Maqr. I 158 f. 13) A \3wLLi, and (jibbi in the sequel.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn zAbd al-IIakam. ,

A_-^-e xli! Ay qJ (jy*o> ^e Lo'A> l*j yjyl j»l oAij Jls

xUl Jyy, Jo xj^Lo 0AJ5 H Jo (jJ_y qJ x^yCc ^e (j* x q-s xJJ!

qJ Jx: Lo'Ae> LA oL |»y.

ytLo xll! Jy^ qA ySyl qIL, <& LaJj ly&Et

0_x s lyll
O- c 1
^”w '^-s J-—-r"j 0— 0-E U"J>^ CT^ Lfr
^c CT^

LoAyj >3? xeLo^ yo xlj. ^ lyk *J q! yJUo xU! Jy«j Jlso !yii yj£ xlA o.jj!c


O-® yL
y o-
^LrSlJi LoSAe> oLj Ae>1jJ! Ay q_e xJ-w ~
^ ^-?-

y^3 Jyy Jo y*-$yf LCiy U Jo Xaj!

y ftySt

^y Joy
w V. ..
y #
«y= ^y

& xeLoj xyj yo xJy. J> L*yy xJ q!

wO>! ^L*J>5 xJaJ! Jo (206) j_j

Ayy <J>jAe» J! 0
£ >> ^
# 5 O- » . 505 w w
l~o J^*«~c LAs J-waJ! xy^tj j^suu ^Lo*- jAij xlxAji x>JI xjI^J 10

Ay q— JooJ 1
3 LjAe* <$} ytJuo lya*j J, qs/ ^yE* JJu' xSyJli

q— 0^J^'
Ay t£.ms Ay q£ yiLw qC jjlj qJ LoAe* ^CJi-

w w 5 - - 5

*JJt uW ^x 6
w^jJaSS ^1 t^Jlhit qJ VjA qX oiJL 5
^x 4 3y*J!

xiJ! tW ^y xlii Jyx ^ yv*Ji!!


USAs* iU-Lv^i
iiUI! iA*c Lo>Ae*j . Jyuo
. O- —
«A^ ^Lo ^5 u& liUixi ^JJt L LJL3 jls qj( ^c. iCSii! qx: 15

xL> J. 5 !
yaxi ojLyj' (3 _jt XajA^> J, A^e ^y ^Xts> Jls .ycxi ojLo J. _j!

O 5

s^j>I ajm! qI(j Q-jf jo j^-yo ^ ^x-Uj 3 L^a^S jls

-- o-
0jl Lo'lXe> ICjww^o
^y ij)Jl 11 lXxe Lo'Jxe-» ijJ 8
Q^yAv ly-J
^ Jo Jlio 5 .
LyjCwlj xJo> Ly>!_5 XJ^lAjCgg^t >_xE>Lo ^wJjjiU 0aJO Jli' „y:*4 !
qE X*yJ
LLoJVe> jijjJt ^o JL^ LoAe-j & ^lyy l5
^J J-
xJoAoi J, ^JiLo xUi Jyy 20

^ (jJ^
0^ 0’w^‘ 0^
5 W
0^!> '-F~trt

0? -^JJ t

• 1

L-tJOl j^ (*
*_yy xoyj jyu Q j !
0 LA«
lytlaiii'i LyLytj iylS>!
^ xjyJl JA! jyE> ^ „iy>
^ A=>! Jj: 0 -<J yli ^uc

1) B J- xjo! ^yi. 2) B om. 3) The following chain of authorities is

omitted in CD and cancelled in B. 4) A JyxJi, B unpointed. Aae ^y 0-**J>

Jytil xlll, Tahdhib II 290, Ansab 3886, Hazr. 5) B vAotE^t. 6) I. e., sy
JtAxjJl 1—A-JaJi. 7) C iyxio. 8) A 0jyvl.
51 Yale Oriental Series.

*•&«.! ..

Aa£ 1 Aii> qJ JLw^c UjA> jjCii- A*£

V* o — O —
JfcAVj Jsj j*j0yt
1 ^ vu*Jl5 xiJ'A£> L^it Ajjj xo! *U*! xxw^=>

— - £
£-*Aj jls

o -
xj^> 3 xll jjlc

^ ^
oi>! viio!
_j_>! Jlpj *jUo xU!

jd>^l £-^U> 3 Acycj ^voLo A_ej xJ! l_jJ i Ja^Ao lo J^JLi ^_3 wJJLi!

5 <& ^ o» iiV—? L;|_j ljkX =>5 (20a) Li-# AA‘ j*^5ylj eV__JLc l3A>^j Jjj'jSf £-Ju CLo

cr^ (_c?
cr? K
'~ *^ cr^ U"-iH cr^ ur*^ '-;“5t X:>
- l
-V*^ qJ UiA>
A_a_c l\o j*jtLo xJui
3y*j A3*S jlS xUI A^c ^_>L> -4; qJ ^LLc

x^vAo sA>jj (*-Jyt xAjt xo (^AJ! Jesuit ,i,t xj s^JiJLLijls qJ

q5 jII

— -C ,

q-£ ^Aj 5
^ Aw»X ,jAj ^ Sj^" l3 W'ASjj «AJ>li
o - G C G-

0Ax> AJx oy^> 0\Jix>! ^oyo ^x

6 flXJt
10 x-oux-o Q-JX>li (
_o-X)_5 ^ jls

O . O- w w
^UiA-w & 4 XJ
. l\a£^ '—^^5 ^LIj awv 20 ^^ 0^3
lip- a_xjLo J^a** I g-ilj 7
xi’A^o Ac^ *_«> yoi xil ^ ^

^-cAjj x-^JLai! Qj>T. 0^5 e^-j bL L\£>

^ 8
AA! llp>

Ax qJ 9
Lo'Aj> x*JLw qJ y&j}\ LoA^> <& Ja-i*Ao Lo Jyij

A-x_^c ^AJLlI qJ xsLw) Uo'A=> JwO^^i qJ => L*j'A^> 10 xLwJt

-j |*j^

^ X-J^L-3 X—X)
0^ A A^£ 0^
•w 3 f ^ 03
xJJ! Jywj Ij J-xiii oA»i Uj ^-xli -A Lfjy <5
j*JtJLo xJU’! Jywj

^-sAo ^5 12 jLas
blv 1
il q**j y^j' 0-^5 ^aAi’ >5 UJ] Ls!

3 03 3 -

0_c JoLaJ q-c xjvJW 0 »

y$ LoA^> 13 Lo'A^> & xi&J xU! w*>!
0 3 3

20 |*yj JlS ^iblc qJ oL^

xUI oUi 0 ,
qUj! (j«aU!I q! Jlai j**Lo xiil 14 .Lflj j*jtlo xJL!t Jjywj

^ LaAxJUjj (
_c^> -tlcAJLi 10
UfjAoJ^ lols xi'Lx> ‘blj Aj>1 cj^I 15 qIAwXj "b5

1) Nawawi 552. 2) B (prima raanu) xJUt. 3) C ^vc^oj. 4) C ^.L^.

5) A + yjj* q j. 6) D yx*A>l. 7) D oJLo. 8) D v^o!. 9) Marg.

note in A, by tho original hand, shows that some of the best authorities omitted
Ibrahim from this isnud. 10) C LCxLiJ!. 11) A + xUaJl!!. 12) C JUj.
13) B
^>; . 14) C Jtai. 15) C D U~Xo. 16) B lfiy+J&y
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-JIakam. ,
' 50

JJ JLiii £. *-J J? JjP |j, ,_cJjj!5

„ . - W C M
»ikp»ijo ,j_c ,3-pd (jXc a •*
« 5'
q! ek*b"lw

cJo J * 2
LvC? O-p- aI L*s jis a1I| j^-wj Jo jls
l cV^
° -
*ji 5 lX^-CCo aI (jS sAb

qL j^LxJLc !cO Q^rJ SyJlpJ 0^

A—Op 6
SlX-E>! ol^p> a! L*j aJJt Jvw^ 5

j*-JC> lXP ^ jlai LoAJI tLfswJI ^ aUI a*s^ !jp> aJJI ^uOUj

J! 9
iiV_j y^LXo A-j^iAp * ek-*-* J.—
v^I ij)ow I

— J-J oA*J L!iA^ s AP

p .2., eAo>tj_j
J 0_;.-P ^!p> o"^lo aU! (^uXpLj Jls

u^oti' qJ L^a^j b'JoIjj 12 11 aajJo qj ,3 jS j*aLo JII

O >

^Uj j*-^ol pJtJlo aUi

jy*J a_j^L> oA-Sp 3L5^b 0» Ojk plpJ xJI d~w;[i

& j*Jt)Lo xUI aj A^>p aJI (j*LJt p>l q-,

^aaS qJ 14 **Lvx/0 liUl lAxn 13 Lol\J>
0^ Lo’l\^> {

w w o > o -

jy0 0 ^A-iajI A-p-w

a_Pj! J-E s^nj
aUI t

LoApj <& 16 ^*Ju U3A> Li" »^«js
Jp eLU 00^ Jj' ^ L*J^t aJIe
«. > w 5
17 oXp 15
(j-o! q£ ojIj q£ q^P* q? Lo'lXs* a-J^w^s liLUi

y? 0^5 aJ-juXIL
^ 1/
0-p* J^ sJJi
^y*j L^o>^> Jls e^Jlc

c^i^Xi Oj-lt ^5 a_<-Le L*Jo>j Ji Apii stilj j*jlLo aIH qj!

i- CO- i>Uo>j Ipi] aU! L k_*vt 19
jlsi sLip
Lg»,*j‘!g jls qj! aJ

m 0 5 )

q_j xUi Ap 19
jt La-3l\> 5 Lpj cj^J^ ^ ^ J*po ^ uALaJ!
0js T._s

1) B J. 2) BCD <5>i. 3) B IpJo Lo. 4) C 0p>. 5) D ApiJ.

6) C <3t. 7) C om. 8) D om. 9) C eVolp^AJL) ajJAP. 10) D iiL«lP.
11) The narrator confuses ^A-ptJI ,j^p (see 47, 14) with
^ (
!jp- _^j!

^cjlX*]! Aajjo. So Husn I 49, 22 f. ;

cf. Maqr. 30, 23. 12) B (sec. man.) ^cjAxJ!.

13) In the remaining traditions of this chapter, D abridges and omits very

extensively. 14) B 15) I. e. ^clX-peJI e^Jlc qJ f 108.

16) B -J- (_c0^si^AJi (i. e. A-*.* c . L
^£ )’ 17) B sec.

man.) oL*e>. 18) In C altered to yp>, B The tradition in somewhat

improved form in Bokh. I 328. 19) B om.
49 Yule Oriental Senes,

q-, Xe> 1
^ L50o “J iLoX-fJt ^*jLo &JJ! J^^wj J^iis iiVJi3 q!

L^IXeJ L« oXo *•_»>-'. ^1 8

£ aljO-^l ao^Lo ijf L^Jls Jsi ,

- ? > m O m O
l -f .gJ jls \-i! dVJJ»5 jL^lo aJ \JJ! ^Lxi>'i eV^yJ yc>! ,*gJut JlB x^j'

Vi^— 0 *-Xyv '<0 X-^Lo dJ^i-XxS SlXaC aJI " l\^-vwO

5 Ljjc3*l ^jtLo jOJI o-^ct^ o‘A^io‘ Jj XcLv L^xi>t L^c^t Jo.5

M O »

&bJo> &j^>AJ Jo ^iJUejc J&5 (j^loosJ! xJL~x qJ <A*o?

jd ^jjO lXojJ ^_c iL*_«oJ ^o 3 &U5 Xc UoAe> * JJs^aII

^ J.lS> Lo As^ Jls

>5 4

L5yIi Q-rJt
L&AJLe i_\ s>ji V U . o If sXjj 5
j**sy! |.t
<J*e **Lo aUf Jy*, J>io Jls (jol*JI

1 0 xv^aj
3 £_s^s IjJIe J^Aj L» Lo^ qI^j jKZA Q-t I jjw j»A_s 6
^ i

A=>ls ail^s ujLLii ^_o ,<e> 3 s^c.

_*x Ky*3>ls
3 el_!j> (*_jyta ^_*e. xojJiLs

v^\—5«3 1. ,
4- .Ls ou^JL a —aJI ^c^li LPuXjLc Lg-oyi^ x^Lo (J^c >5 s^ft-y*JI

^ t”0 lW 1^-=^ 0^ ^j£

Uaj^Sj U>ty As xU! q! 3 _o> i


J,lj'[ Jo^e> ^j!

all! J^wj J'ois »j*s>ls j*_*JLo

15 lC
0iU53 *-£+->*''
q! j,y« t_5 (J;
0»J^ a-x-il! ao!_5
(jr^ b^-E LaLj 0 !

KjooJ ^e LolXe> yPj?\ qJ Xoi 8 yp>C> Lo'Xe>j

^j! qj!

r^V r
! oA^ ^ $ u~j* c^
Lilj c.L_<-Le p^LuJI JLJLs »il> jjr^-
9 S^oi aXo * *xJoo ^aj (3

^_J u\J’! Lu'iAe> <2? L^jJ! (j:jlj qL^2 v3ou q!

20 Q cr^y J 1 oV ^ r^y

u^ 1

C^ O'f
- oc

Jls a-JLol qE j^JLw! 0-j iAoj q_j ^j*E>y! Xe 30 J 0 Jls o^co! (196)
O- w
Jls iXXlo
^ wJjL> »JS-E> ^_E 200! ^jE i«_aJ3L=>
^ Q^>jJl l\*£ Q.J

l*jtlo aJJi
6y>*j ojLiLXo \XL>? A-^LX^iLw"^! iiU>^ J.I j*jJ.o &UI Jy*^

1) D JsE. 2) C A^il. 3) CD ^e 4) CD ^A^l. 5) B om.

G) C ^ UJ. 7) D om. following tradition. 8) B ^e yp*j (secunda raanu).

9) C om., B om. sJ^s. 10) D om.

The Futtih-Misr, of Ibn Ahd al-Hakam. 48

i 5 0 m £
[jlp oLo Ub lilyo Lc ^^>[5 b! Uls" ytlo *11 ! y^y!

*1!! l\jX qJ obj LajA=» 1
lilsli! Aa£ LoA^> & „.LukaJI ^yi
~ - O _ 0
q-J qLwJ> ujyO 2

q!)^ q! *-yo q-J

VA^. Oc bbS*!
q4 lX4 ^
(j*A> Qj vi>olj q! qJ A4A lCoA^ vjS^*! Qj! Jl3 ^A^mJL) cjo'i

xiiAc. Jl
uA jys? qLwj> V/*3 Ulr^* J-b*i! <—*3.5 U"b& Q?® B

\_jLy*JLi ujyto jLaj IlX? L> JLsii X_=>ljj qJ xU! Aa£ *-Jili>

__ w £
lX_sJ jli' 1$ jls ^ju^> !_— ybLo *U!
3y"j y-Lc i}-^ <J^’ *JLS as »y
w ,OC oJ ,^
lAA , .

0 lwj> (eAi *j iiU3 ytLo *JJ! Jywj !j-j1 juiLLli Jy>JI oblbl oLy-l

JLfij jAyyai LC A> !

i J.LyA> bl! Jiyy) b ij>b! Jbsi q15^°j

£ 9 w O $
JJI sLticli ^V.J ^ jib* viVjLo! A-s ^ qL^w> L j**Lo <JJf Jj-w^ 10
w s 0—5 50— - — O— S —
^Ami' *^<.bL>
LCJ^ “b5lo |»yjl *l_lA>
^O yaS ^5
4 loyO LyA lOjA yJtLo

isUiAi &x! Qjy-w si laefj _j yO J, qCIo- L^LLuJi |*JtLo &U!

jy—y J! I g-J

**yJ qj! I_JL_kA> Jbycil qJ fJA LoAs> & 6 qAj> qJ ^ oAly

*4-0 j*jlLo *1!! i]y~j l_jLA sbl Li g-.syil! ^1 —J>- qJ Ajjj ,jrL;A> j'o

^_jLA (5 *XjLoj (19a) 7

\X*j A^ 1
^cAll ^>jJ! *ji (3^5 *jAo 15

O- j: - - -
JAj *Jt; ^.Uo "SSj Abo ,3
qt^A! yy ^ ww A^uJ Lj]_5 *11!

(eO iusb yyj s^jLI yj'L> q!j (jyS^Lwi! stLwJl> qI^ SAb! JAj "%

cr» ^5 cr*
3^“^ ^3 cr"^ ^ ^l3lc LL>j
= _ c,E

wvjL;! ^L*j>5 *ljb *J ^cA^L, *JJ!

<Sy*j by UuojI a.jf q,
O— O — *4 —
q! ycL *liAa3 jb v— **jj U-j t
^ LL*\£j
y^ 5 L?L*i bLyjj

JywjJI iiVJ3 Jotss ytO ati 10 syA iL<Lw (__cy syb yio^ »jLwJj> ^y«

*4-1c!j v_jLyJ!j J»wjl!!j (jyolAlj ^•yA'i! yJ! pA5 ysLo *l!l Jy-yj Jo ^Ao Uls

1) His. I 737 ff. 2) Mss. ,

also in the sequel. 3) Mss. »A_).

4) A §L>yj, C §L>yO. but see Yaqut. 5) A ^y^A. 6) C J- cjoIj' ^jI.

7) B \i*j. 8) B (jyAbl!. 9) C y^>. 10) C ora,, B -J- yoA yjo.

47 Yale Oriental Series.

Q-, ^ Jtj y-'*^2 SjAaJI

*A® 2 Lyo plci '^ySS' lXs Jo iJ*Jio aAS 1

p£ ^j! "^5 [*-£

yjytS! 3> »_XS si^li 2A0 ^ fLuoiM
Z^ |»bA!t 2C>jS^
o' O^
liyjb^W: p-b* 2 y-' , ~> ^ "% x_cL_«_j! ^ -I ^ .A .ft i|g L^b
t^* i3

. O _ w
5 »A_^ Uxs>L*j »Aju ^ jool^?t 5
JjJyjj obLJi ^c ijlo!

& iJyE>Lo JJ joj-Ji ljjj> IlX_$>

^ iyAJJ A <3t blj
LLjP lo

. >-AOCs xjyotili wOXj Lyi" !eO ^<j Jo obs**) (186) pU*.? i^oA^*

lo iil~jLilS^ o!j5 A_sLo Aou lo!

8 p^Lv 7 -LyiJt p*^ y*biyil!
^ aJJt JyE

20-)! ^jlo! cA>4^ cX_Sj iA_3 LyyO ^jt C^-*^ '-Xjsj 2yJ> ^C-Ao Lc
_5 0^3
10 s^*Ao^ pyiaE Jaxflj! 3 qUCo U^i yOL^l^.
tJyJ! tiUyw^ ciA^OjS^t iAij pL&Jb

^y-i a!!I Aa£ Lo'lXe> ^MyA ^yi lAw! L-OiA>- tS? p^Lwj!j L; k\ y*l .sJjLs lil»J! lOOkA^!}

(3® i_5;b-8J! (Axe q.j q^jJI i_X»*£ q£. yjlf-w qj! ^yC. Aojj qJ jjaOjJ J-^o>! y-A^

LLL> p^l$ yjLodt 10

J*y_s j*jsJus * 11! Jj_wp yjLxXj wJolo> LJ

£JULjj 3j-m*5" wJdL> ^_v« aJ (^cA-^Sj p*Lo aJJI Jywj J! &_e>j_w ^ *iji qa*o!j

(3# <J?y^ u-3 q !

j ^cf>^\ yA?3_5 f
! L?Il \>1 tSJ^L>5 Lfr';^

IB Lfy-% Jy 12 jLfiJj
ya» J.E (jol*il
^ ^ ^cjJI ^b> 11

&*^5 iW 3^3 Aae pi qLao-
o o — »

juoaJ! ULiA=> ^ (_5>J^Ji iLa_Jii> qJ iyc>i>J 3L»Ji

q 2 A*e?

^A-a._i! qC ^j-iJJi l\_Ij ^-yi jCcLwi q£ 3wAcl_fv«i qJ pi'L> q£ 14

^yaL*Ji Qji

ci lii^Jli'
i® ^y^yiM —<1
CT^ O-4 ^ i-X-ae

1) C oi^b. 2) C Ui. 3) D pUJL,. 4) D fjep\ vyw. 5) C

^jAj_5. 6) B L^JL^i. 7) C pJX. 8) D ora. 9) A jJjs, CD ^

C - Ac>t, D ”)- 1^5. B D qL*»e> Jo JLsLsj
10) 12)
“I 11) -f-
(_i-i .
0 -j!

Oyy^A iUoiiitj JJasw yjp», and om. the whole of the following

tradition. 13) C points iUJlvwo, as usual. 14) Thus expressly (^ysLyJi) in A.

15) AC yijA.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Ahd al-ITakam. c

> O- —
k_jLx^jIj yo! 8
L*Ja all I J ^Lvit 7
lcJLs- L~*Jo

» g £ y
2 Llo
^ ^j]
jwJtJ-'O Lo Jls (18a) yLxXJS IjS Uii y!t Jmojli jo y itj (jyiis

yx\j q! j*_j
y ^ Lo uXoL> 4

JL&s * lCLc JaLw-o lCLc
- 5 £

i_a1oL> yJlc Isolds tSolxy! J iLcbw yy J-*Aj _5 ^ q! yJlc: jJ (j-« (J>


2u * JXJ! yjt w! uXo'o

aUS yXj'o
yj Jay e^La q1^ iAo 20 ! *J Jus aaX**a

yS> L*J 7 qJ Ia.O 6 yXxj y*J yXcls OC0 5

yXj! 5
“J j liU q]_j iiVj ii) 2
’^LvJsaS^ L03 Lo
0-3 xj &JJ1 ^ilCf &X/C y>f>

LlX _5 (
1,! sjy-xJ! J_£S tX-jXxT "Jj
a iyil Ji 8
t*)Ll Ijjlco Lj iXt^W:

ywj 8 iLxX! !ys dyLi UXI5 idlyi

cr fW’ o^r 11 2sJJi * ,aatA*Jl

ijls lX_*_j Lot j^c^Xy!! y» q-, (J..£

Ji x g jl ylic (^yyli ,1! &Ut Jyy iA*as^°

. — _** £ ,coo£o-o-oo£ £
yi*J 10 XjIclXj
J^Lj (jGyO ^y>t &Ut g^Jy) j*L*U ^-L*b j^Lw/hM lilyCOj 10

Uuiuu JO<Jo bSj UXw 2u 11 iilyio *Ut "S] lAxxi "i5I j*jCLoj LLLo £l^w iUJs J!
. £ w£ — ~D w - £
«Osj>i »(y5 UJi .
^yJLw./) Lib q!3 q-» LL^t Ln*j
9 - *M 3

^ LoX> o^> ^
iy tVotw all! lXa£ <& iylc
y^5 ^ q-,

^! iA>! aLXJx. 12 KJLJ iw».LjL>

yyyil Jy 1
q qM ^

l y ;

l\_o tX«£-ljo q! yLct J,li LeJ-t liLiLwt q—e yy^' ^51

JLsa *J ^Uyy 15

3 -
Lo ^X(
^ JlS ^VbJc
w 3

q^JLsoj jbb Jli‘ H^UaJL yjL^ Lo £-^\5 aIII l\aXj q! <i! JlS

- xJ Ij ^Lco^ |»L-a-^>3 j»yJ! Jli

£ -


ly-JLc oS

18 c\JCjLjo
^ isXaj

iOCaAy Jo




yj Jls

yy 17
( 3 £^3'

Jo'Lrj 20

3 w O 3 .t O
yj'L> yXX (jyj^ >—ijUi

L Ja »yo>

i5 —
I <-Xa

1) A aL>, B oL>. 2) D -f- La=>. 3) BCD |yAo. 4) B Jls. 5) B om.

C you 7) B 9) A + ys B ycbu.

6) . 8) C tiJl^M. Sols. 10)

11) BD JyLo'. Sur. 3, 57. 12) B XJ. 13) CD + aJ. 14) Mss. ^Jlo;

also Husn, Maqr. 15) A "^j. 16) BCD ^Ja. 17) Mss. JJCiu (orig. Jjij?);
Husd, Maqr. Jya. 18) D zJisuo.
<xllf J y»j <-jl ^ J^ l

y>L^o y,
8 4 &-Lw UJ syi-3 qJ 5 3 UkXo>
Jy*j Jls j.1^5

0j lXav! 7 UlDo Gr (^Ut J[ i

X-k_j_jA^d! j*jJuo ill! Jy«^ jy-p (*-*Us

Jlo ujlg,w qj! y£- <AjjJ qJ ,jaO^J J>y3>t W^_5 all! iAaC Lo\AO> (_
£ vv O _
5 *JJ! iA 4^ ^iJUl (J^c j»^j ob> plo |*^Lo a!!! J^w^ q! lX^c qJ Q^yS! lA*c

ili yp^Jl vij^-Lc JJ 0ia*j! q) iAy! iAxj Lo! Jlo Ji lAjL&oj \Ue (jUSj
C «M

lil^L-Oi aU( |*_jyi 4*^y^ c>iJu>t US' ^Jlc iylXA?
0 “? _y*t

<—<—jyul Uli (jvyJjJi cS^je-U (jyJ)! ^yUo J.I vi>-*jl q! LC^*c J! t _y>.5 ! J1*jj
« « o i £ s

Jiao A-JI (jrJjto" q-» ySU ^y*>.:>l ^5 jlsj »yi blSU iAa*JI I0 3
I ^ytoy LilJU

10 ^yyolo dUtsS'Lv JJ aUI aJJ! ^y^lo tyiJU>lj yAys! i^cjJL yyj^Sji*- oyl yU!
9 qIwJIj qUaS!
15 aJJIj aJJ 1
Jy«j b Q3 y>l^l! jLiii |^U^ ^>5 i_=4J! j*IsUj jJUx
O - J -O_ .- O ~3 o > S
^t K-xJdb u*U3U> v^>jlo UJju^ l3j*i OlU^*
— — O w f

J) AjLaU»
0^ A«aSO v£aJUj JJ j^AavI! i_^Pj XJ^iAaXw"S! wa>Lo
.. > o - - o- >
^ Si? viiO^Xs- yl3 ^ (_cy^t (^cvAaLsiJ!
(joL*j) yi '^* A 5 y- *

15 ^**1x3 & ][ jy«j v_jLx^j

1 wa!dL> (^4 11
Jo 8 yUj 0^1 [»l£J> >ioA> Jf
° )

L_*Sy j^uJ! (4^ twOyX/a . p c\j>^ tjl Ulo

1) Here begins, in all the Mss., the second main division (y>) of the History.
2) This superscription is wanting in C, but space is left for it. 3) B prefixes

LolXo> Jo yi qJ LoAp*
j 0^ vy^V- 0 ?
lXoS* y=
0-w>^- 0J 4) D + sysyJI 5) All mss. and Maqr. (I 29,3)

y>L^o. 6) C SyoA=>. 7) C om. following, to Joy qJ. 8) B v_jUc>l.

9) C feJI. 10) A (fully pointed) and C have final i, B D c


11) The following is in Husn I 47 flf., Maqr. I 29 f.

The Futuh-Misr , of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. 44

j,L^> LoA=* LA o)^

o'f'f o’
^ . £ 5

oU-w! 2
£-^>' 0= ^ cr?
^j! o"
1 ’

(j*_5j i3 ^-J lejj

y3 *-
^ ^ ijah

I*£ 0^*1^ pH* “^LI3 il*ryijl 4U jlsu ^IL, L-^jJ

^ JLP-

tiLlj l\*j l_^_cJLot ^c- * J?Aju K-joU-^yt Ji Jc>j jc. 2sJJf sli^j B

|*£ gULAW-l! Ujl^t

iLsdlb 6
, 3 ! Jx 5
II o3 Xxyw L0J 0 LLo sJJt i\*c 4 Lo Jo

p3 * i3 p_5j^ c^A-A-ta^
^ (_)*La£
J ,

Ojb £ Jyij
u»pM JsO! £ (j«Jh p3j
i! v^i£ >’ (J^li JlS (jJL" 3
Q-jt Lo'Ao yjCwvO 0_J OjH 8 l—LoJos^ £oJt 3 O-LXo! A-Sj & j»LvJf (jis^t 10
o Jc. I

»A-w! LjJ>lXj> <& 9 c^Li-St* Lo j-^uaJI uli' (j*^ q-j i^ULo ^r:
>0 w I I

12 £*xj jli'
(j*Lx qj! qX. gJLo 3®
o£ (_5>bC!i <^x 10 JvJo iJJ! Jox Lo'Jo

3 ! A*.w I Li Jo A^i Ll$Ax» 'S

,13 ?laa«
(it (j^-^o LW L * OV^"

£*xJ! £*** 3>? (jy? L> (JV-^ Jo j*aLo ali!

Jy cy^J^iSI

14 yix5 ^wjj (1,1 (jL_H_!_5 (l,f Ao|^n OH Lc OJuJt 15

\ 1LU tJx ijls &jUI (1,! Aiic J.5^ (jUaS^ qJjwxJ! 3^ »jw«3tJi ovf Lo

16 lllj jLo^ *

which, having been displaced by some accident, have now been copied at the end
of the chapter. The first of the two was written by the author himself as the con-
tinuation of page 26, line 13. The other was designed by him as the continuation

of page 35, line 3. See also the Introduction. D om. the following, as far as the
Lo'Jo before the name 1) The following is quoted from Ibn
Abd al-Hakam in Husn I 29, below middle. 2) B ^oJ, D jJo. 3) ACD
&JL>j xl5>l. 4) On this addendum ,
originally written as the continuation of
page 35, line 3, see the note above. 5) D om. to this point. 6) BC om.
7) C repeats this passage. D 8) simply 3Jlc jls. 9) B «-y* (1,1 JiLL,
D (1,! lAJLi!. 10) C oJo. 11) D (j&Lx. 12) AC £***, so B orig., but
corrected; D £-<_w j*x31. 13) ACD om. 14) C b^Lxj, BD b^cLc. 15) B om.
16) B om. At this point the first main division of the book ends, in all the mss.
43 Yale Oriental Series

1 ^Aa ^'Ae*! > 0^-5 4 Ae>! „ j&„ ^

7Z.T O'* f^"*”

3* ^ f (_cw j^>Vo!
O -
5 ^L^s

,11 LfJ y-AJo I

—j-aIe liALi aJjuloj

9 lAaAo 2
^i/yAJo iLs^h> L5lj _y>
l—A ,,y> I^JLsL; j^AjUwJ (j«-*«wj! yy»yi Ajs-j Qj_E*pS7. ^ ^jI^s i^>vwJLi

B & iy^AAv/^t ,j, j*^r. oU-v^iiii!

cr* i3V oolXj oU-wJJait 3
ol!;s \_Jui4>)

jo (jloAit 4 A*av plA? ^jE (jU’Lae Jy^w! LoAe> (_c-^5-'5 Aw! LoA>
o!^ i!^av
^y! e>jJc> JAa ^3 A >yi i_j^oC-o
11 iy^AiAw^lj j^ A>j *
^e> A_=>! *_E>ys^. 7 lc!^J> jAe ^po! J^E SjjA 6
^uJ! ojl^j* *ys

0-»ae q-c Oj!j> q_£ (__co!iAiJt *JJ! A-yE A.*eS* * LoA> £? j*JtLo A*e>° 50at

10 ji.! »yo q, (156) Qj-Jyi ,jn=> ^t-J As j»Ie>jS! yy! q-c ^Uee qj!

0_j AAXv ^La; 35

k <J-* ^ l\XXv! ^L_ g -x J ! Ijls (^jyrAi! zi. JjA. 49

£ ** »» 5 o£ 3

XsytU J^! Ae>! ALe Ae>! Ja^ yyi'A>- (j^*J qE ^J> LY j.!^DI ^yJy t>!e

eUJ! jyy <*Ui c>A 13
!j^> |*^l 12
J. J^S Cr*
3 £ O - O C 3 3 O C - f.^3 O
j.bL^>*^! cybaiu^tj ^^5 1
^^JLt jyic oy^>
G - 3 « ^ 3 Go )

oi S-!«wv =LA-j! 43 iUtAys


j.^L_e! 0-^=> J
O- 5

O Zt .
^_5> i^s-Le^I

P-3 >J

j»! *j j.!

^_j^j Q-C o_E Jy! yw! ULj'l\E> (jJ Aw! 17 'lulX>

1) B om. 2) CD c>yA>3. 3) B 4) D iAoow. 5) C ^A>j.

6) B om. & OjiS^; C £, oj^j. 7) B J. 8) C ^i. 9) C om.

10) C Ja^j. 11) C ^. 12) C cr . 13) BD 14) The following

verses also in Husn I 33, Yaq. IY 966, Qazw. II 178. 15) Husn |,t_>'^t.

16) A ^_JLL_yx, BC LLA, D iLLAs, Y<aq. and Qazw. 1\JL<_U, Husn iiUjyt.

17) What now follows, to the end of the guz\ is given in all the mss. as the
continuation of the preceding, without any break or indication of a lacuna.
But wo really have hero two distinct Addenda ,
namely, two passages which
wore intended to occupy their own definite places in the preceding history; but

The Fuluh-Misr, of Ibn c Abd al-Hakam. 42

.5L^AaXav 3S
o !
Jts £VH ^ eg ggr eg O^V’ A+c '

LyxS jC^Lv^A&Ji ^ ‘-X^'wAv^i I^La^O XwV-XiLo <jCw»4J> i»Aj>Lv^0

,*1!1 l\aD ^jt LoJVj> L*y & (J^LxJI qJ lXj^UvvOj 3

> -

& ^-

4 3
L05 8^1 Lx\ £*3y* ‘ ijuxj ^_aa> J.S Uaexj q^° ^33 j*XJ>- -V£

JA J>£
< 5
iLla^aj^ <
p^*JI K—j^iAaJCw^!! xaaes ,t_/Ayo
& K-JjlXaJCvj^IL, < I 5

w 5 5 5

o_ij ioJaA^u 0
o^LiJS (Jj:
e^—S3 od=> 8
^ 7
jy^5 °o-t^ <1 ixx^tj

^ Jls
JlA^JS v_s_j.L> aJJ! Ju£ 1 ;.oAs> jJ^xL! qJ Lo'Jo & L*a^>
13 L*_j'iA^> 12 Kjsaa^j 12
0_e iS^y9
eg &v3Xxi» q^k^>- ijtAw Kj^Aa.'Ca3)

KJJji 3o
jlX>Xw^I out jlii xoS qe 14 ,^_cA-wJi all! lXae qJ iAli*

(jaAj^! j»b>yL L ..\

^LaP^I (j*\>J
." dkio

uco Ui


'ijF _^jS^


Jls & ^3!

0 5 5 5

tv3l^ j»l—

i>Ji f
L>/ (j^La-J j, £yJO j, J..3JL
16 JaAji^vJ (__p3cJ! J-J>y! J_^>J>S

caxaj iA_fiJ goLi-l! y<3 1—wx-i Xj^iAaJsa^I JlS <& 18 8^1 17 y^u> ,j,

e^vJilX^ ^ lX-sJ*) • &jL*aL} .

' JZ^~ * aAw XjLfcAla • -

LgJa^ljj 20 liAi> (ji:Lj 7 itOjjA ioy> SjAEJ (JvCj "^S A^>t LJLAAj Lo iCLw (^jcaav

23 l3LL*JS qE |*r!y* Jit

22 Lj^C>[5 ^ L^aS 21 ^.jAvAaaJ L« Kaav (JV*JwW cE*3>wO lAiiSj

i^aa—aJS ^/j S3S |os^ ^Ujutj A-jJJL) E^.AiEj al^A^Aj ^^l\a^w*31 Jls AJL3»

1) B + (^clXJS. 2) C ol-^F'^iS- 3) Maqr. 148,24 '&.*.*** (which has also

strayed into line 26!); omitted in Husn, Duqm. 4) CD j§>j 5) C iCjAai^.

6) C ^Ju«. 7) C om. 8) B om., D 9) B ^LJS. 10) BD Jeue^.

11) B JJlX^J!. 12) B 13) D om. through *-o! ^c. 14) C L

15) CD ^JuXa^S . 16) D -Lasu. 17) B (j^L. 18) C yJt. 19) Cf.
also Yaq. I 260 and Faq. 70, 12 ff. 20) So B orig., but corr. to l_5>^_o^>,
- 5

C LyjAes> Duqm. Lj_*_ae^>. 21) C _.20ao, so B orig., but corr. to

22) See Faq. 71, 72 and the passages cited in Husn, Maqr., Duqm.; the ex-
panded version in Yaq. I 258 f.; cf. also the story given in Maqr. 145 f., Duqm. 123.
23) C UwJt.
41 Yale Oriental Series.

b^Lds i_gAJ! jliv.3 . auJI wwwJu3

6 2u uiyy Xj Ai&w^ilj 1
xs^su SLo Lgj

J>3 .L^AdCwd! X—XiL>jt (^> L£S?\X=> j-d! ^3 XAdil


0*fjydl xJLd 4 Lid" LgJ dlflj Kj^j5
^ ”
JAju ^ iLIt L$*Lj

j? Jws»5 iut ^vAbj Qjl tat&JCcls ^iiL jd! ^3 &j^J05dwdt adldoi

5 oIaS>^I tA;kj>3 ol*x5! (jpAd! 13(3 ole qJ otAL lit kJs 0 AJ^Ad^wdLi

ld“L ^ ^ dtj * 2
^Sj d! XC^Aj 3 Aavj
>3 ^5
0^XjlaJ OjjJl

dSA_L iL^Alddddl 18 13
(_et\JI q! JLLjj . ^l*IK’ dLp-'dij &*^d qj! jls .

<5r jJLct aJJ^ o!c qj!

JLAid! u^CU Q-? A^c LoAs* 14
(3"%^ is^- CJ- W*^)^ USAs* (15a)
A^UwjO X_^Ald*w/dL A>Lwrf8
10 |*a!a3 j^J-dl Hv^tS> jls <CjuU
0£ S,jui

yCaQ 3! (^wjj-fidl (3d lX^Lw-<3 j*X. 0»*1 w A-^\aw^0 j iAv-idddl )!,! l^jil SpLU! uXlc

yvjjSif (3d 3! ^Aia^- t\^Vw«<3 Kj^Lm^Ij obsulJi AJLe (^Aj! 3^3 |»!lLwJS L^Lle

^ 0^5 A^Uwo 19
L»-gJd> A_>lj v_jLJS „ S?
y\>> x—*_)A_U ujL Adc

JdjXU qJ ^Lj? 21 LlSA_> t&^AJi (jsol_*J! qJ A^vwwtj 3^ 20

qj 1 ^AL

1) BO Xxmu. 2) C iSjhJLS. 3) D om. 4) A lUd”, D Lid", BC and

Duqm. Y 121 LwA, Yaq. 1. c. L-^f ;

cf. also EdrlsI 160, 12. 5) C

6) D U3 .
7) Husn I 41, Yaq. 1 258, IY 966, Duqm. Y 121 have aL>3
oLdLdl. 8) Maqr. I 148 Ai^; cf. Mas. II 421. 9) The two nouns pointed
in A. 10) C J, iijLf\]l id?3 ;
so also Husn. 11) C q*JU!. Cf. further below,

43, 10 if.
and see also Maqr. I 160, 23 f.
etc. 12) B om 3. 13) C
A adds in marg.
qj[ 1] Add S3 ^Lo^t <j, ^.Lsi! Jvc jfe

o - > > > > > «- y -

q^3 3® ^ ^jjF

x-A OA-ili’ p^-j* J^vLaJi 0_c Aj^a qJ dd Lf

'iUbj Similarly Maqr. 148. 14) C 15) B J.L-Adt, C ^Ly^J!.

16) B ,
D . 17) B (j*^. 18) B unp., C oLsudt, D sl^uJJS.

19) B Lj^s. 20) B SLi. 21) D om. all this trad, except the bare state-

ment that there were five mosques.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-IIakam. c

J ^ jxl \Ue *11! lib

D t JyAuJt y\
^ uy*^>
<x,U xjj >'6 *JLj? ^_^>! L>Lo iA>-E
0^5 L>b ^ UA«

\_-s^j5 tJLx-} gi adJt »Lk£>li oUi wg (J^e s^j^cas ,5,1 ja xlil XJu
r w 5 m )

j$l> *_i*3 (joyiSI 13 ^

5 ur4”*^
oUi *Jy5 «^cas *

<^J X—j*^ 13 l—^1 5


l\a£. i
£• x— 1
3 L+-3 ~ ~ ^—*vv (^X ^

i*' ^j

-V: Ui-Jo 0£ qJ u-j>. q-e U^> 0j jL=-

r 0^ o y--
> «M W 3 O .,

0_j l\^c q£ (^lui
^ 0s 0^ (*
a° £ 0^ ^yoxo
) > '°
^-£. qJ A^l LjLSA-> & 9
£*UjlSI q|j-oLo $ * ^i*j

!3 L^S JlS
cr^ cr^
^ qJ
o4^" cr^ olr^ ct^
lX ^c 10

^ L^.xiii.0 0, 0^*»w.«i
q^-5 't^**' o^ w
u""*- ~^ 0^g j^4 ^ uvy^
0^ 'rVr^ 3 <
! 0-J ^.y. 0= 0? !
0^ g^L^i LP*J /'bj J^’

0^cj 0! Xj^iADCw^I ^Ui jjjt jli X! (joL*J! 0j ^jf- 0j xU! iAa£ ^c XsJo
12 11
\_jLo (^e (Jjj‘ j*-Lj LiA3 ^ojj L$>^ 0, Jjt 0IS3 y-JL^j 1# lX^j!

rij — L-<
sCj iLJ_jl iiijjo c^-yi sAatj ^*a^o
iJ^JLi! I gJjtLVis JS iouLa^oj 15

JLc j*JtLo Ojtj> 0.J 0^4-w jib L*_Li 0^Ej5 8


0» L:o 0^ Lo j»i-X^j yvjjiilf !3

0 ! jd (tX^v^wo L^.o (_5S*i
LjJ LXi'jl

gXotj sy^ij 0J ^<AiJ Jl |*X: JjU 0j 0*jJU« tUu Sft

fji-P5 XXd! Ju\j liiyil fLu

\y—io ^Lo LgJjl 0, Kj^AjoCw^I ,j>j L^JL> ^e SjUK ji tj

xu L«

m . S 3

*J 0^-J eV-L 0, 0yJ ^j-yEj |55

jil 0^) bAju lil^-ll LfXSjtJu J U2JU Is^iX . 20

1) C xUi. 2) D om. 3) B ^jyi-U 4) BC 5) D om. to

c -
0ljy5 aJ 0^. 6) C 0^=i?Jljt 0£. 7) C om. 8) A points [
iju and repeats

it in the margin. Unpointed in B (^bu) and C. See Qam. IY 359 marg., Hajar,
Tah. YII 60 ,
Moscht. 559 . 9) D om., and also the following tradition.

10 ) C lXJ. Ibn Makula 3 a. 11 ) C l^I. 12 ) C jjj. 13 ) B om.

14 ) See above, and Yaq. I 262 . 15 ) D om,
39 Yale Oriental Series.

0 JA ^ l3^3>! yis j*XjjX=»tj pX+IZi
> — Ci i r w ^ £
L£U ^Le! y, j.^1 c *jt tyot Jjjt q! j*/AL£ bjJOCo AsjiA^ 1 1

iso^AAdiM Lgj jliu AjAo sALe ,_cOjti y^n tj&J ^ ^uSt Je>U jit _cC^>
>t O »6 w G^ —
jlJii lo ^Ji3i jl&s (jr^* ^ «li1 &jLo
^^ UJo
O £. £
viAaU^t AS Jlas Jhj\ jLJii x_j
gj£. j*i' * L_£_*^o ^-jtAo l?;^ lAjAo C5j^

L&Ae>j (JUjAo 0^t 5 4

^Sj JLiLi Jsu\ jlai 0>t^ *3 Lpy:! ids QjtAlt
^ (AjAo
j^.i! ^ L^j
. I'Tj.'go
0:A!!j L-i-LS" <^X—1—i Ut <jJ jls 0^1

j«^UL j*Xxj L-jj-w j L .

? *. * LiUaLw tiX-J j^E* a_sj 0c^"i! 0^ '
ot^t Uitj

(j*^Avdt £~LUo ^1j 0-e> ^U (*^ u^-Avd !
0E> ^U*s j*JL3t!t cE-y-jj
W w 3 -O — w Om ^
„y>L jb>l
^ lX-m*J! ^s-o >3^" 1
» g
*-e UUj_j 0^*^ 0-U~E» U?5 0-i '-XwJ!

AE>y ^3 „ v-E>U} .-fcE-ij

oy^'LiU v__>i)b3! 8^>j Uo Ae>^S „yE>Lc_5

oLot^xJ! q., jC -of iX>j^ widAJt »j->3 £L-S^>j q-jAj! qjJjLsj S^Uas i3o!

10 0
Sj^Uaii LjJL^j xlH oU^d! 0» iC^of A>ji y*&* j*3
^Ua&I! j»yi!l q^'IA
US' SASi^ q! i\jwo t^Jlas . (je^L jJAoJS ^
qJ iJ>[j^ Lol\e> J.LCCJ3 yi liUit lX-<e
Loc\e>5 <& LoLxS" jj, IiAS^P sA^ 1
Lilj 0/0
q_j lXJL> Ajj qJ jji (Co’lXe U^uw! ^ oWsF 14
idJ! A-e

jLiu y^jyiS! 0:3 0E JA« j*-*d-o idlt AS 0^5 q!l\*^

&.US 'LUsi- a!Le» jS iUv/dL 0^ dU«
0^5 1
jj- ^-**5 . i

w > £. ~£. co-

tUo^Li t^wj

jAytoj Lot tjai: j*^iJt jlas (146) ^ l> JyM xic

^ AjU 0_c Sj^t 10

0 ?
* Udj LujAe- |
A^ >

JIS ^?L>-Lo ^U>j

q S»

LCL/o yUyLtt .3 ^IS JS

0-e so'las 0e &5jE ,it

0^3 w )

0jt q£. LLuc yi qL-A USAe> SUA 3 1 USA> US' yvjyiit t3 Uj|j

1) D If. 2) B u. 3) B „/*i. 4)Bj. 5) C ^lAc. 6) B lk^\

7) B 8) C ora. 9) BD fli*. 10) C SypUUt. 11) CD y&»\.

12) C AiAlt. 13) D ora. the two following traditions. 14) AC om.

15) B orig. t*)Uo added later. 16) B om. 17) D om.

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd al-Haham. ,

- O
cr ^ cr g*** (>^^=>5 Jls <$t

j*aLo _y qj 1

(jy J-^ tJ'? ^-hi- 1
0?^ (jj-*

O- ’ 3 3 - s ^ S O 3 w - O^O- ^

o -
lXaL^Oj ^JlXj LX-Lq L4*Las*<0 ^ClX> -aJjRi _}t5
0 1

O 5 _ O — OC _ o _ .- .. ^ _ .-
7 g
A-iyx j*_Os_=» j*_Lc *_jLaa*1 ^—sLJAj *_^lA*JI ^Jj 5

- o- e^. 55 .
o - n - o o - - - 5
cO L.
^ ^
3 ^j*a«4«/<asJ i w.AA^/O ^ci^j5

soA> ,>lo
or j

O' e-'
<5? ULv^o
JL5 (jviJiJ! _j 3 n^" ^ LS5^3 (14 o)
3 oc

0-J lXXaw 0-£ O”^

°-j cr^ o^ lJ ^~c cr^ ^-5
&U! Aae
^-J LlL&s La/o^j La -1 '? X-Av'i jC-^lXa&a/^L Or ^L5 ^jc
5 w O
ssIjjaE>Is 9j\j> £ LaJL> sliA:>^j xJt LLsJJaili sAae oA^Ci yde Kxiic

^1 ULalla:! ^
3 £ wE
LuaJ_e JsaJsI xaLLaaJ (j\e> Lit fcskJj JJL« bL, Jlss Ll^j UJIaaJ li

v_su>Loa« ^ijw cjLoCI JA' (JLq=--j Lji L31s 2 wAe>I j*j^Lo *U!
3y*j Aae jlai

^GlX*J a_Jjae>Is a_*J 1 i^Oycuii j*j^o *11! dy*j J^c UJ qOLaaJ j^Ilai

* 12
^ Aae ^ Ue ^ L

^ j*_Lc

j-J \j*Lo


E w

E 3 3

^-oLLI jlS

mw dy^j

L 15

- O OC ^ o 3 3

0-*^ ^sL>o! jLJii yS^JIj »-g->3 vj ^5^ Lij-AOAJ ^li

j*jlLo aU! wj ^t L^-li

^CJL>oti jls aIeoIs ^L^?! ^ ° -^l :

w E _ E w
j*>>aae=-! u^-IjLo q! iJ^a-5 -*AaXv jli

1) D c^L. 2) BC unpointed. 3) D ora. These verses are usually

ascribed to lXj^wI
^ qIa^j> qj]
e-o‘ ,
but sometimes to others. See

Lisun s. v. _bli (verses 2, 3), Aoy> (vs. 3), w*JL> (vs. 3), Aghurii III 191 (vs. 3b).

There are several variant readings. 4) C eVJU, B 5) A
CD and Duqm. iA-av^j, Maqr. A-cL^v. . C transposes 1 b and la. 6) BD
LEjlilL, (jj.Li.ii. 7) D j*aL>. 8) D i^aJLs?. Duqm. has: ^aL> ^=3 ^ae £
Aa!E> Js'jj. 9) C om. 10) C U>j. 11) C For the following

see Husn I 40 ff. 12) C ^ ^e. 13) C )JdE>^l5. 14) C l» JLc.

37 Yale Oriental Series.

L^i „j=> ci^l (5 t*U3 jj^o sJj wjLs" j, xJt t^Jl^


iCjUv^> pf-yr^ jd^S* L&JI _5^> liA>! jlti* £jwej "b5

£^5 l

J OyA£l jJs^ Pj Ui
<S^3 j^jS* *-*-!' j,l J-Wjt

jj-*-s y^i*ait x! \^y&s J-uO q-« iL^JLj jJjj£> yslj cUaO q, ^Aiit

5 —-{—i-o
iSw*-Lc j3o jijJjX& j**3jj uu 3
^L^s-gu L^Jli>u\s

oLol^Ilj x_a>Lo l&A>f ll?y«l LX=>f

^ 0^ ')?&* cp

ec^ * c5yw-^ ^ J-*5 LrytO- J

i j^-w i
|jijT >vv <?cl>l£3 ^avJ i

l^)Ji3 qLX-5 £A»*3 Q-»$
i- o-
10 U*;^ ^cy*S fj^s:
IJpJ lXa*sI (j\J> djJ Q-» slixci

^ 10
^>44 U*J& *
J '-*^5 l5j"-^

f Lo j^iS
S ^ O_ ) „ > C^ «**

LT jJo^ xo^ 1
S^yat jȣl
^ g^i; ^-olX^>
5^l ii)JL« j»

q^_5 t& 2u.yAJLJi.wbi t jjJLs Lf0>!y> x_iLo>j LfJj> xJf jjo»j fs-A J>c

IS ^C-gjuN-^XAW*b) V^A-M<-W XJj w\>w\^*'b i 'jfc ^^OiJjIf 0Og2- '

^.0 L^^Lo (JrfWAV^ iCgjl-NwV^Awb^ t

pLw^ 1
(iVJ-LI l\*£ L. ^syoL^I Jj! sj-j'
q ^-5 i3
jo »Ob3 ^oCCO qJ oVoCw LC*^y°
ijU^O^, LoA> ^^Ov^jCwbit Xfwl jo

xU! i_X^>-£ qJ oljj 0—^ L

(•' ^^ )

0-? iA-U! cVa£

* LoAo> ^ (jvjgJ!
Q-. I^Sjfyi Ua0 jv>lc4t 0Ajob>‘j( Jy*o Q-<
oLsi"! qJ l-W
20 0-^ o^- cp c4J^4^
'^jf 0? ^jf y^> J^ 5
cr Kt^

CD OjD^t and similarly the two following, ^l\cI and ^tXiJt.

1) ;
2) B

3) D 4) C «JI, D om. 5) D UX>. 6) D

0 U^y'.
7) D om. 8) C |*3. 9) C + 10) D ^ji y^L 1^3.' ^
11) The

following is cited in Duqm. Y 119, Maqr. I 147 12) BD LotX>. 13) B ff.

14) D aotxs jlij, and om. all the preceding. 15) D ij>l=S“l qj! Lol\e>.
16) Both names fully vocalized in A, the former also in D.
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ,
''Ahd al-Haham. 36

0-^5 'ilQi '>1'*“*^ Ajj £-3»Sj_s ^ iS 7
q! As 1

Jls ^s
Aidj (jyob $Us yoli jAl JS A> AI3 aI jLas aTjJ j^LAwI Lo ^LeLs-

OUjL^ A3>li xlAl 5

j^t odlaib AJ tiX-Lcl (__cAJI Alo^ Jo jls
^A^c *JLJI

cdALSI *
0 5
jly^A J^c Joio L
j^> sl> (*j a*A ^ aJI '—AS" ^1
w .C W
aJ! £_ij> 1*3 L?J U ^xi> ^o! a! JL_ai LPtya aJj^I ajL^uoJ! aJI jsAs 5

£ o .o £
jiJo Jotaj q! ^li ^ JIS^ q*d Ipy&'i isLoliJ! &u^uoJS
»* £3£ Of f
jJJL jli (^ xiiliiS Xsu^Uojt *-Jt

w . _ O- 3 _ £
ys>2 lXws^S lXJs ^cy*S' ^1 J ^SWs l5 j'v v: *
^ ^3y^
0 3 c O S3
^-*^5! qL*-X->\j Juii qLjC^j si sJLj q! ^ILv3 ^XJLc i3^j vi^uJLx^lj Liyu

C3 y^ tM yy*sl! ^a-o t

^y*^r* x— -c ^"i x-o ^i^APLxAJ^ 10

j»^_Ji Lit [j_wJl^>! <?J JLsii j.»yi tLJac q* LIi^ (cO jly^A £ L> UJla

w £ .e
r £
^-Lc. ^xXvLj ^»Xxlx~. ^ xa^jC.Lvv^ ^ Lo l\^ ^wvLaJI ^j/vlpJi i
3 1

q-, yCc

L\_P £us*j jLJii

J, jyi^>li v 5 ^ -C


• ,
Jj <Sf*^ cr 'ilLsJy 0^ AosJ! Lx.2 1
ot^l !^0u2*j jljj |jAs

c^jLIj Lo aJ( aaJ! jA^3 (jovs^J !a^ q| (13&) Jls ^ai Lo ^XLo 15

. -» O -» . — 03
Lcj UjLXS^ ^ ^ l\>1 ^
4-CwJi 1 ^-XP j^JCCvO i^Qy+S ^j^JU

UVi5 OAj> y«! *i| ^XLo &c!c

js£ ^Plb luX^J Jjt

O- £
J.!} Oj5"3 i^Ail

Lf ^4 ^ aJ! w^XJo

G - c o—

^UJAj J,li ii)olii?t (jv, 0 ^) iAjjlj li'ow „^>Li l^j (lM ^Ac^i
. . £ o . . -
tA5^ (A5^ qLjCoj ^li ajLo iA*^ j*ni !A5"_j ijA ^JA.) lob 20
• • o
AjL^vo^J> iLoUw^3* ^ ojlj LI ^Adj ^JLdi lAj lA5"
^Ld £yo y>

A-Io ,Ji) qI_j J^j 5

a! * j*j q|.
jI_j^j_£^v ^1 sAic 0 » 'A^Jj

1) D + jj-uJI. 2) D + Ai. 3) B ^5. 4) D ^Aorj. 5) B aLUI

^cAJI. 6) D . 7) B il^l; so orig. C, but cor. (prima manu).

8) Pointed in A. 9) B {joyzL-j idjoAA'. 10) D 11) B om.

12) B w<.XfCJ. 13) £a2 ^*j. 14) C J~wy. q! aI. In place of these words
B has t_cyO (1^7^)* unpointed.
35 Yale Oriental Series.

. . W £
vi^b^ -^LaJ i J 1

L»Am5WbX«^^“ ym.3 1 ^ t=^AAJ t-eXwASAA* L*A»S^,^^^*3 ^2?" ^j^=«4*b*AA>o* i ^k.£ &li i Lb2^^\5

u&°jj£ pzy^ u*j li Jliy Jl5 KjwJ
pj^ 0s " i^jLw^ljf
r r

t*X<A,£i iwaeAii.i^ U^exS^* l*4»S^ y*^ )

£ (, $ LxAjV^m^C-J f Vm—A, AAV ^*^^3
w O 5 w — — O
^S<A^> jli* ^e^jJ! ^j3<Xp> jlS ^^Aaoj! *
^-^ qJ 1

. q£ obj (13a) qJ JJ^J)

wLLii i i I I ri 1
^ ^bAAnC
^°^sn3 &U ) ^ tc^AA£

13 L-AAA^b 1 W«AAAV
... i
o p.

. Axi k^S. ^
505 £
^LaAAkJ <^*A£. &1J) gyhDy
-31 ^- )

£ — O— — o
l^b'W’aii ^)a^13 0^0* &»^/3 1 <&J ^L>S5 ^va£^
O .C <w w
^LLj^ ^yt q^aop>
10 ^5 «a*o
; v^Jibi (jy^bS!
y^3 ^LwJL x5l^ jllb^ &*!e Vj^3 ^*^3
i^X—5 ^JsXJ^ Lg-X^o jii X_aoiA^q ^XJlj ^1 CX*^1 _3 *-J tfJu] &a31 «*A
^^3 ^AvLl*JCaao

jlyyLw waX5^3 i^oLX^j

j** (j^li ^L^Jae q^ tX! ?
q LLuaav*^} Jjyp 00^3


^Anfa'TL^J 1 t^X»3*=^ &a3 i i««AAiX3


y^ ^

^ ^ o’ /^

wO^Cs iUiXsLj \*Lc j»j*j ^ey*fS iuJf wJOo J6 x>L« uj^-u 9

g^Ao'j 8

15 ^^IlX-j Lo jJLju _jJ liLitj JJO) iAxc t*U (j«-J «it Jyij^ *.3C>^j L^j! »-Jt

. „ w - . - 5

i3^AJb*- \aXx^aJ ."v j,ytJ [

€ \>bji \ ^ .\.t ... SxXjL^/Q

tiLJ3 Q_LxiLj >—dc j.jju

l5 j*^ w^*i2*i X*>!^j LtojJ t—UXs

*_s>!^ JLsii ,__c—wi" i_jlxT sjjJli (_wv^ls

^ |^Ja*J! ciV 5J>
j'jljb*” i3
wW ;k

1) B unpointed, CD iXJb. B has above the lino wajL (i. e. c<ju). 2) See

the Addendum to this juz\ 3) C om. A has a marginal note : ^*-ju\_=> L\£

sAr.Jj ,3 (__ 5 »^sj i i_jyi*j^ o^j (J-^^XJ! s^j , 4) D om. to ^y+S ^>
5) Erased in A. 6) Sco Noldeko’s trans. of Tabari 292 f., 300 ff. The namo

is generally correct in AD, corrupt in C, partially pointed (or unpointed) in B.

A, marg., glosses the name ^y~S as follows: j^j-^ q-^

7) ACD 0 lLJuJ!. 8) C J^bs?. 9) B JjCjf. 10) D om. to u^ais.

11) AC » Aj1X< .
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn ,
'Abel al-IIakanu 34

rJJin'6 Lyo j
cl's i
3 pLciJI (J-c py«_ e L_k-Ls pyjJS JL-e u*^
* «v c
ly>-lo ^ULe j?y-£-k !r^ L-*Ji ^jji5 pjjit SUilelj ya/O

,yy> liVJjo jM^JI ^li_5 (Mj^t (J>J |»^( ^ I^-Las lo ^yo q! <J-e (jy>li

pj y I
(JV_J ya/0 Vil^/fllslj
yax J-5 5
^E .aXoil likJo qLJLj LyJx: (Ji*>Ji
y{-ia vi^Li> 5

w $ . O_
u*^ (J^-
Oj^LExj^ vi^^L^Cwl J& (^jn-Lw ^ ^wv^li^

.C , -r&i — _ —
liUi q^_5 yaxj plwJL ^yJI £y>S ^*iLxi« |oy>5 jjulc lyyiia ,j?a> Ot-X+ilj

yLoj * lyT pULJI ojLx=i plfLw^l <Asu^ aulsj J-yj pJtLa all!
3y*>j iA^e 3

1—»—oA^>j ^(_gCv yE^Cj ^yo ®(_5^ ij>

(_ypLsi (j*aaJ py^Li l^aJLi* &LS^ ^ya^o ^y^l

\wjLyi qj! y£ jJb> yj 6
J-^Ae 5
yE A*a« yj vivyJJI Lul\e> yio yj aDI l\ae 10
5 w»

,« ? v ;
l r
. lX_5j i_jLjcS^ J^S pj
^il y^iyiAS &JC»j y^LwI! q»JoL>'. y*5y<AXS j'S

M Of . 0- 5 —
piwAj l3y^ ^_CvA_J! pA*A) (_CtX_il V—iLaJCL y^l^AA* p_jCl! QyCjJ pAjlj (jw^ui!
- OC #
5 5^ C - 5 -

^ ji^ji! L^^-a-Lc >5^ ^Lx-j^ ^l—o ^JJt (J|J-JU5

(J**^ ovxic L-4^
5 5 5-Cw O O -- 5 C
lX— X .
\U ^ Q^-yljLowv lXxJ
- - - - 5 O- O «, t) -O-
jb 7 ^ypyt ^Lio ^yc ^AaJu ya^J lXLo^j_5 16
0j! . .JJt

£<* 0 5

^lj*l^ L-J Jl5 *—i! <*JJ! l\-^x: jJJI <Aj^

^ o' ^l 5* ci^



r^- o' ^ (J^


^ J})
- -


^aJ yX*il Lo JjLs i^aX*j pJ pjtLo a)J! (iLiii ® (JV-w j>-w ,J. uyjli
- c
qLoj uyjli (i-E pj^JI aJJI -yet £-+-" S (J^
- O - 5

u>-JJi qE y.Lo qJ i5^'

^ 10
^jyJLwlt „yi 9 iyouX^JI 20
^ 11

^ *1 JUU. ^^_cuXJ!

^Lo ^wv-wl l\5
^jpyil (_\jtw

p^yi 5CC>^>lj qE t_yj^ L*Jj pyJt yiyO —tLIiwaj ^aAil

1) B om. 2) D ^jciUax. 3) B Jx. 4) B ^ . 5) C + ^yl.

6) D + q£. 7) Sura 30, Iff. 8) D om. to pi. 9) C XaajAH. With

the statement here cf. Tab. I I..1, lines 2 f. 10) BD ^y^U. 11) For
^yLL; cf. Khord. 81, Faq. 60.

33 Yale Oriental Series.

5 O « -05
aObjil 2
^ oLsJt Jisuv 1
oiij-o LX-jA> bhAsu

dVJj> q, ^UJJ ^ £*>, -3j3i

L?^" ^ oi-io La eVJ<3
(J.-C a — ^_cjjij q-'Sj «Ax3- j,LSJ! ‘ Ayy La
xj jJUaj a-wAti L*aJLi>

a—Jt —bbs?. ^5 (jyy^ x^bLax« ,j. cvJLiit j-jy!., ‘ SjAe £jj>5 x>!y> aolxyj xy
5 1
f Loj Ly\J3>
5 05
jb>., ls>yy>

Lg,.-o ii)Jv3 l^>^> ^ j-?y*

j, qIiA-j (j:AJ! ^yl! LX0j liLJo (i«E yj'iXi . xjyi! J^b 5 ajs?uL> _jt Jiyj x*jL«J

LyJiaxi j^bw L^i! lyi (j^UJ! OlX^u yl! ^ycy ^ ly>ty» ^ xsy Ji"

x*^ qj' LouNo | -^c qJ yail!

; LoA>5 &jy£SI Qj*yo Qj^xi!
«M - - 5 - O - O - -
yj yaxi yyo! iAJJ^vO 6 aUlvxwA Abe ^ ^by 3 ^’ 3“*^ cr

X £
yA^t yLwjt Jls <Ajux. LLj 7 Ayy qj! »L>LjLi blybOA»A _j_c all! A-x-e <_^c

m o o£ Oxo .c — o —v «—- o -

Q^y yA Q£
10 xJI ^y^li 9 8 >_Juxa
y—) xiy!j jls ^ y=>ls ,3 ! x*lx*>^

i 5 Qyb fM y& Lf! iibla»s?^5 "bSj iiU (j**-J Qjxy y5^ q! al J05
. - O)
^yA^Us * Qycy y/ yyo 8
v—A-bo tjJyj ^> ^^yxxxji JaLIiwill ^Ajy
15 ^yLvxli £{&?>
oy^yy* ®l ^ >

ct* ^°
11 ^
ik >

q! \S•~
> j^yjy'Mi
0yl-w.Lt i^dblys
"yys ^^Qy^xb^a-o ^UjS^iA-o (?jl^! ij>

^^3 i_y^y**>


Jwt L^lsj jMySt oy-b J
u J-^I
Jls y*-=5 ^ cH 1

O ^ ^• A;>
4 3.'
£>J j 3
20 uv^" j^2x< yjJ! c>Jbj‘Uj uy'i! -Luvj (126) j, q_jAJI y^
(J-c |»»ijl! !^>-Lo ya/A J^! eUJ> Uli ysyJ^ yJ! J, jUai! ^jyLxoj (*yjy3 ^-

1) BD vJL^Ao. 2) B JIsWj. 3) B xo. 4) B om. 5) B x>L>.

G) C points xJLwi, and so usually. 7) C Ajjj qj!. 8) Mss. and Husn

UxLa. 9) C Jx. 10) BD aylj, C slytj. 11) D om. 12) B +aU!,

C j.ygJLXs . 13) Superscription not in Mss. 14) B {joJ.

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn cAbd al-Hakam. 32

(Xt L*Aa Lj
Q-> ^ J-c *yj« X—*_jls J/ Ly«jl

A*j ^lAel
tiLxAot ii)t^! “iSI cc*-^ <»J Jlas Ly«j! jjijt-o
3 ,!

ib-a^Lc: |SJLJ A-X3 j^A^U ^UA> Li! Lyo^ aJ jlaj

,0 O w f
djJj-w Ly^t JlS ebjj oLXxax Lo*> yoi o^ 1
. Jo *s*Joy* ^y.y*

LyO^ Jliii cUb iJJIlXaO* l\>5 8^^ £3) UJLo ^4Jb Jj q13 5

5 5 5 f
* :> (jywj L^lyjj qjIa* v-jyis tiXJ ^co^J l^c> jfui q! j*
1c! _yi

^yiw Lg-o gwyJ bly> *A_a*

ySA jrb> !As»S L-j-j i^yii

(j&juu 3
Lc^j_5 KJLaJLj Lgj

lX^j^ y^\
Lyo^f j*li‘b 3o

J .


G > - — 5 w £
jJjtj 00 Ij (jojl ijL*^o' ouJo bli*i y^c. plsilj iiU q! xJ! u
(X,! LyXj! L^< ~j£2 aJLi>l ^lo LJuL ol^-li CX&

L^3j*JC AA* A*J IfcJS yCLA (12a) Oj y^j oO? q! J t_>*Aftit <^>yJ

_jj[j yH Aa£ jjj aJJ! Aa£ Uo'iA^>5 &AJL«j_j q, s^ALc Jjj ^Jli

q-. [»A> >il

y£ qJ Aye q£ J^Xj Jjt
^ qj! Lo'A=>

d'woAJi 1
Lo 3^= qJ &UI Jw_c a) JLsLs uoLjsJ! 3,^= ^ *il! L>y_c ^1 j»UiJt

ui)ty ji y^A ^1 La-jiA ^ 1

\^*jS (jli !o ^LL jl} i^o! jli lio^Ij

ci^ji AX q! JUa L^o

L^o oA^ul AX
Ljj!y> lCj02aO l\Xj ^LAXai!} ^LaaJI * 1^*2 yj |Us ydj l^Jf. 6

l5^ J, |#b Lo 7
ioy L g-xi Jtjjj* Ly> sJuulj b!jj* (•yul

^ ilXy
2 Jls ( 3 ^ A*aai
Ljj'A> 3Lo qJ *JJt Ac L0 A03 20
£ _O >

!>j“ |2*-j! A-5-C (J^£ yaf. ^ iC*j ^ t^3J! q! y^ 3^!

^ V.


j ^1 |JuXc
ijAio ^ (.^jw 9

^ yys Jj"

Q 3^J
(^i2kj vi^xix^ )v3li bl^Jt Jw>! Q-t q-v^

1) D om. 2) B Jl. 3) C L^ 3 . 4) C U. 5) B cc-oULC

6) B U?y>, D Ljlx>. 7) B 8) B ^^Ab. For the following, see

Maqr. I 74, Husn I 21 f. 9) CD ^=jXo. 10) AC (jAu, D (jasu.

31 Yale Oriental Series.

L.«Jj f pL-JbL-j 7
a«oS al^uwlj
y_, 0 <Lfi3 Jls

- S - - o i

^oj J^c j^Ja_5 (116) 8 j-*cj ,_^-<i qJ iU>o», Lb'Jo UT y^j

Lg-ybc 3 2
V^r> £ LaU-? b°jl (*^1 d^ (J»>f J
>3 j?ly*3 d-^/^

6 i LJub awclsw “JljLb yoyiX*) ljjl£ db!y*5 ^ 0, Lliu Lya^t d>! ^£05
Ldx; aLxJ 4 yjLy*jJ La jyLs!
(pJLas a-J! i-jyJj aJJ! b>to^l ^ Ly^]. Jlas
w O v» ***


1—«X!j Q^bls m 3jH/ 0^3 b-Ji c>^*ax5 yaa vaa*^ Lo jpva-J k_sl^ Laj

_0£ W W W VW

^23! yj 2JJI x *<3 Lx-*^i *JCo ^ Jj>iJo3 X y^WJLi ya/> (ALo ^1

q-, j-U! idLLJ oUlaali pjCsL>t {joj$\ 0, iAs>! qLo! pX*.wj ^3 pXJ y«dJ!

10 a—yJ! jpKxvj aJCxi^o

0, 0^+1.* ,3 L*J aa tp^aXctj (j^La-J 0j ® (j^y^s d^ d* -dyb ^ya
3-5 5 - w w _ O J £ w 5
j^vo Jybl L\-u£ viV —L-a-S ^ q] ysi x-aJI iS

^batj i_jlxjCStj ay-di j? idiAxyxa j? Lo aaJ! uaJOo ^Jl

8 7
Ls^Jlj sO^La j?L>j_j J) 0*i yaa \_a-Lsd ^UU-lbj jJuL c^oiAXc!

831X^0'! ^A-SI libLM lt>_P

Jv^ ykaj \^>! j-g-bo b^ji (jr^ls b;y^»

14 Uy-O 0, cib*> ^UwJ! ^bdc ^yo! tjxLb! jJ j^li


g-x-j!} ^C£.Lk) L> Jw< ^3 j^-J xl ^Xjsu L>y^o

^ (

yai Vi>^. pby-t ^ 0I jLai ^oljj by^l liUbj Ub (J^!

11 10 ^aIiJ 2
L^XLt 5 jxa<-, Ui lXju ajwaj (^odJf
yy« v4i*J-p iiJ 'ibb io^ p-XliUj

£su d^3 yb ayi ^p3J i_ebit ^ *^'C ^

20 0 -laJ
0 _j 0vxyj d>^ ^L«j J, Ly^i
^^ v^iy*
0 . aU^S

13 ^ab yn/o
ynxi d^^ y*-> t 5.-yj j'b ^? 1 iLi-w aJj'Ua iiU><

v_A-*fl5 e=bJ! ^pSylt ^ V^r" ^ J-*>3

yv! 0* Jxs bis d^ CT*

- t

1) D 0 -yjS. 2) B om. 3) A LyOpt . 4) B Jixm*3. 5) B

also below. 6) D Lib. 7) A 0 3j*b. 8) B LAS- . 9) B !jy>.

10) B ybj. 11) B LgXJUr Jd. See Jer. 43:10. 12) B a-Jtc ^la.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abel al-Jfakam. 30

Ais ^Lo aoLiAll

0^5 [^*25 j*joLyy IjL*o" |*yj!jAy

iiUi! Ajy. IlXS3 y**jJ ,jLa5 a-JJoj aoj! liVJw. allows olio ajJLs*

w c- , s o i "c-

J3»o (_£:>
LCwyyi]| J^-«js!

Jj ^5Lo aJ *+>3
(iU x>y>!
Ijt Jiao v_Ju^ &UA
£ Uv*Jf Ojs-c 3
^ j^C>! *J jli& <3^ (Uc SlX-jLc q! «j^>li

!A-£> oAe
M a) jlsj

ajAj (^ju »yUs wm ^ 6
^ -05bty> 6 4

l»vJ Ji" oL^Lwj Lo ^L\JL« j*Xi j'o < slAjlj ys jls lik-^A-J Lo_j jlii &

‘x_jy>! (3 —13 Oc>Lo JjJJI ^1 8

J-*ju J^oLxJ! lLs^aS jo (.oi qj! Js^
S .5 £ m
asJSj! iwJW ^,^=2 I L\»c vi,V 5J> liL^t aJ Jls (jy Jw>3 j£- ail! jotsj jli

4 j^vy>yij!
pyj Ji" J^>5 j£ ail! joub *5 (jUjj aJlXo (
sAw! (__cAJ! aul^ A=>!
G G , £ ) w ) , 5

A_c'o (iV —jLjj^ q-, !lX-^

Q l (ikJ3 Loyj Loji jxjj Loys jAj o.,!

CT» ^ vls ^ 1
(j-» (j^j-^ i_^>Lo Ljlj {j»y*j> J***J 10
£ m£ C
£— v^Aax aLJ_jAxi ebJlc oiJL! AJs 0^ qJ 9
0 !
^ jij ur _jt

•> O ) . £ = 5

qI>o syeii? aJ^j (J^c p'^lil! ca^siic! Ao i^a-Lo aloAx !3Li

5 # .O- 5 O »- )

®A^>! j*iy 13 j Jo,*,gl! ,j^5 likJAj (^X^j_5 a_i_<i aLLjA^i i_jL A*«j
—o ^ . o—

j$XLi jL^J yef jo «ja£j qL^ v^OlXj> j.1 >ef JlS 15

w /.
M 5 0^ W
^ K-J—
|^UCL4-i (j^-M
(^^- 3
^ Ijw^

3 • »
°" W 3

Li^Jt ptA-gi! Ui5^ (j^Ju^O »L>!

Q-, ^_5 .

ij-Al L^AS_j AJj_j L<PAij_5 j^STjtS! tiX-Lj' ^! ao^Uo] ^.c A^>! ^Aiu 5^co

o4) ^ cr |>A^j!; ^i^J! <j)J
3 ^tLiij'o 'wiy^ “bJ

alL> ^—s- 14 20

aLiyw^ a^t>baLo! ,j.c A_s>! ^AJLj j*ii

tia^Axt cjUtj ^*iy ^! blj

fyt^ u«lxJ! aj Ijjli’ U

1) ABC (j^v«yi!!, possibly correct; see Glossary. D y*yyiS! i_^>Lo. 2) ABC

U-yyii!. 3) B ^e. (
4) All Mss. y^yil!. 5) C l>!j>. 6) ADJ-^il. 7)C + j.
8) B L^j. 9) C ^!. 10 B yy*y.s. 11) C ^bsu**. Copt. uj<\2£en<\K jw.€H

rtA'5'‘\A, “Talk with Paula!” 12) Yowels in AD. 13) D ora. 14) C al^.
29 Yale Oriental Series.

f r* ^<4 (
]*" > .^ .
. I
.' ^^C n4 L-j-tV.-4
^j3^0 bLs—d V—sSd^^^V»*»vl5 |ls3^o3j

£ m JO
ebk> |»iAJ! ^ka^3 j^3 buyj q! 8
y*^UbJ ob^wb
J*^U^o q=^ y^L^b <20 jlib ^it^w! q», t^suL^ &jdi»

^ y^Jb^b ^yj
y^JU v^^Ab^wb J^S^Lvo y^^b^b J^Ia XXw yv*sij^l

5 ^"CXl^
yab^b #b>l v^&L^t.Mrfb y^JP^b yA^Jlo J&

^3^3 &Lw KjU 5

|}0CUi J*bljLo kJ^j xot oJ^^X^b ^S JS LiLoj

w O— — .

1 ^ ^
-ySC^' v-V* 3*J^4
1 Vs^iAAi | ffiAW l 1

&ajL> xSsiy.3 ,XIsj <dJi xIaS? ^xbj Q^f iAju q!^ q-^ iAs4 &*JLj ^ L*l*./s

LLi'iAs* 6
aJJi iJ»_»je
q 4 iXJls* * q-c (jr -^5 q«£ >-^*d LotXs* oU3 aiLLc oJsAs

io ^*Jao jjtj ole LJ ^a_*j q£ ^^bCJ!

buX_*-j iik_Lx
0_*_aJL*v jls <^*jtY
o j£ jc *m


jdt v^OJl i_jLo!j adj'lfti t*kL# «-JI ^L*o 1 qLaJIw j*£ * ^s>y«

*$} LjU v^a&AS |*Jtlo q^aIaw


j*ayo J^l kxb> 2 _gvXS! q! |jL*Jt q-, Jj?! q»,

~ £ 3 3 -C O-
j£uLg. ^y£\j 2JL0 ^LU qv5 b=> ^J! i^bJ53 Uj|

9 sLaXC. «JbCs
15 ^jli 1
Q_ft j*_iCSLwl q! iA_J^i ^i] JLai ^i)Jj yiJiCwf
3 3 C 3 O

w O C W-.0- i=

^Lju3 ^LaJ
Jb" ^ dJ! Lo J,3^>I
^ jbB
^ Ubw ^1 I3JUB

[»^«j jy ^ y^4»ccbl Lo ^
*U>mj! |**j*2
> i

3 ^ (®
w S w ^ £ —-

^ l^jUb ^lb>b s^b^Lx^b

T ^li> ^blv3
^1 tjb^ ^ ^-^ pv3
|**pj ^
3 ^j,

3 0- w O-
20 y^ycyjJ! ^a^>L^>3 Qjjcy t
JS s^b ^ Lo
10 yy^>bjo ^ Q^iLo ^Ju*a
£ c. £ £

q 3 <Aj^j lo y\Xk jlSS ^yo!

q£ ^JLvO o!d j?ljli ^Uit jbb.
* oc o w a £ .c**
3 ff
' '

^bt*3 JsV. ijbCs j^Jw) JsjdiJLs biLel q! ^bX^! 3 ^ q! *^1

1) B LaJj^j C oeo» (with ^3^)* 2) B y^-Ojoj, 3) C y^lo-ML^L 4) C

both times. D om. following, through bl*j. 5) D cm, 6) ACD

iAib> dl! 1A3&, B has both. 7) B Kp. Text reading originally corrupted

from 8) B ^Jl£. 9) B JJU^c. 10) AB (B without points).

The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. c

a 5 .
o «

^tJ-ot syi q-» yaJL yb*i —*i —£—wo

1 l yj'b yJt q, yyJt »AJ> ob yr
bt l\Js j?yt q! j&ly> i4>^' j-W UJi .
^Lj ylxaj' lo ^U*Ait J, tsUb

ti)JLj \^S y*OA Jv^

^ JjJl> Uli ^Ui( t^JS^Sj ^Us (106) iLw-^5 1

St Uaw l_£J yl*SJ Sj §y£o

jy2 ^
2 y^U£J S tyaLs bySt 3 yjt yoit

yji (iVJlXj tjJLxs L_b q! * LJL-

^uit J-o! j^ciAJ! yLidl ^—to i_jbot 5

(iUo y! Lg.^L j yb 3! Lg-ixct ^\Jb 3! L^y* L^3

j ^ Ly-Si ^5 ’^ya-tt

4—Lcl 3! LdLw
o'-5 I^L>
^ £
^ (j*LsJI J?^3
Lsa5 (£,VJi 3

>.S"yJb jy^btJl «X*j ^Lo y<3>

^bb-2 -^5
^“Styit j*yEy 'b5jE UV"* S*^ *b*o 10
CT^ ‘

iw_>;yj5 LjPAae oLIjkj ist^—lt c^-ibbi jLs-jit ^ e ^ycu J) fty>S!j LX-^otJt St

q^jL>Ls |y->bb St Ls aav

q S 5
jls-jit <i-E ^jbyvj L^y>t (yy>St —jyi^

y iAjjj y: ^**ft yi ybtX^ yic JtS &Sb>jtt sLw^Jt yt ^bb icjUb ^t

j?Ao>t yyj»j 5
^t 4
Q+j LcLi't j»ytt tiVJb (J^c JaJitt ^! ,^t

w> w i:-3i:Xw
w jyybs Lj ^^yt ^Jo yblw! (jybo S 5
j?yt jJlXj' 'tLL . i45 ^COCJui jts St 15

_ ,_ s _
»yCLb 7
Lriyb y 6
oy ; 0 ^ ^'
- ^ i^^-f (\r^ '^’ cr f^-
ob Ji $ & »Sm iuUjUjt q, !^' (iUj yjJCo KstJiXi y< jy j*Ji yir,

o^j 0 cr? u^’ ^ cr 1

lt ^ '
—fi-Lsoo^b lyJ^L y 0^y
tfJy-J ^5 ob (jy*« viiUji S! vi^oCr |*Jj
(jwLat sb>t jLLiX*vli

1) B om. 2) C 3) Superscription not in Mss. 4) So Husn;

Mss. and Maqr. -)- s b«i.
5) So B, Maqr. ;
ACD, Husn U. 6) Yaq. IY 550,
With the names in the following list of kings cf. Husn I 24, Maqr. I 39, 143,

Mas. II 410 f., Wad. I 211 f., Mahas. I 66 f., Abulf. 102, Ward. I 50.
_ y

1) Yowels in A; so also in the following names. 8) A ywOjj, B unpointed,

C (j*Ojj, D So also below. 9) B (j*US, D (j*l*J. 10) AD ^okAi',

B (j^jSlXj, C (jA.otiAj. See also above, p. 9, note 14.
27 Yale Oriental Series.

£ 3 £ w , t _ _
^S jJLj UL5" ^jwXjI Loi^vv!^ iXd^ L^^jl

•* *» - 3 - C 3 C £ 5 0 $
^5 Lila £o>b Jj q-> (j«^I^Uj! joJLc 1
^toli bobb *: >,».•> #oj U«a> yy!
m £ f s o _ .. f £
L^l/ ya/0 (Jis.t Jo — J ioJsLs*! tji_\_> y*Ljb! Luj £*J:2J q! Q,Lj

^xJtj ^LU_a3! i^wolitj iLU yi Ls\xb> obbtyj (yyifj Lxitj

- O - _ O - «M .- -
5 (^W L#jk5^ ^•j^'wc J LawcI «?\ -a ! S ^ ^LwwQ^ ” (j^Ls^U 2>l-o

oj^l ^-cLc OjH$ ^L=r^ (J*J=^ j^ £ U^)^°

> £ r
5 4
{J**y>n* v-Jy£> aJjiL>?. u\^>! j?t)l Soli
^1 ^lyclj

ya* — lXj
til ^xJUi tiLJb ^ [ly^xi iSiA-^jj iLetw j, *_>., t^ci
^ (?bts

ijLaj ^5^' ^LxJL _>^5

ybil ZXa» j, sJiu
^ ^Acy^ qoo ys* ^LPo!^!

10 & 6 sy£^ blsj * sJvS tA-ouaJb tASj ya<-. joS\xl! ^L\> ^

’(jjl^t J^c /£
vi^obj 8
»yAj LyJ JLsLj ay>Lw jyyo yi 0^5 ,_j
(JJ? Q4-^ Jb>

lX_5 Li] lyj iLJiot Ly*JS jfyS’uw^ <JUJIe ^ ly^Aajj Lyjxnj ty^wJ!

oJjLj layi LJ (Jw^Ls ilyLU Luj ^bj q! (j^L) "iJj tibb! IjLcyjj Jf bLyu>!

IB . UJLi! ^_£jj bjjl^l iAJa UJj^> h .

ujL Jj X-*-^S d oJLjc>5 v^Oo XJulX^o

^ Q-» ^
jj*4.^>^ vjlxxSI^ ^wJSj ^\JS_5 xLx&iS ^S

cr° ^
. .
^ 3.S
r ^ 5 ^
w £
I*MjS 0^5 iOLiyj ^JCLc jiaib^ q^->- q-& Lo LXS^ I
j&. 3 I

2° Lllyvj 3
^ _jl Jo] _jt JL*j _jt J-o> Jo; yJ( j tyK
D] jJUli
1) B JJL 05 I . 2) B and below (twice) (j^y^. 3) B ^.La-cj, and

below j^vJuooj. D om. 4) D j^yy?, . 5) B ^Ub. 6) B s^jS k&i .

7) B —|— yac. 8) A '»J*u)oi‘, B »y-XJ, CD without vowels. See Yaq. I 531,

II 191, Ibn Duqmaq IY 130. 9) ACD 1^, B bj. See also above. 10) D
iflys^ Jt. 11) B om.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ihn Abd al-Hakam. 2G

Ji' wJlL & *-*^5 tjfju

sjx.lbli Myi ^Lxjj ii)^L*j' <»J^a

iS'+! Lf^y9 ^ oy*^

c? ^7^ cr^ iV ^ Lot\>j

^ g^JLj ^ ulS ^01X1 Lj-j L-g-j jili »l£o

L-d-s Jo^i
JL_ii *J! |jjt*^>li Ja*ii!!
q, U"J^ o i!i a_jIo Lg^Ju*

. Li!! (jyt*^_5 v^i!! iLjL*Xw
<s*y“ q^5 0^Jli X-^y^-! q| Qy^ j?J 5

J-olioj i_>bi?! j>! ,_y> L*Ji ^y<uJt J. UvjL la^L wL^?!j tiULwi Jls

\3f-i Jls lLL^j ^ yLS"! o|j-w L*i y<\J! ^uic 3

/ />!

l>^£ JJCJj ^v-yo q! JLsLj_j iuJ! fj-Iii X=- yS\J! J-^>Lv i_Vyj
j*£ .
uC 0^/
y$>y jls oL^v-w! jj! LolV> iuyw LuW=> l\JI=> Lo'l\> & yo*j
5 — O - £
*—^jC_5 £^>3 &—jLo ,j,L*Ji *^5 (^lXJ! ^.yc yy» j_^b 0^ Jls Oji 0£ »y 10

> O— .c x:

Byix auJI (j\p* iJCojj iyi^c j*JtLo Lo£ (10a) jjIo

^ ^J>! £yj
«w . w £ . . £
(j^LjLU »jw^ y=x 0Lo y~- 6
x>Jt^ v_jLali a^yuaj IlX/j LxY jybj

3? 6 ^'jLtoU, 2l*1>o Jj»c


jiXJJJ ib

CP k*® (j*^! >A*j ^*^*2 8

*^3 04^c ooA^> ^ ^Ls 15
- 5 £ O £ i w £ £
0» ofj-ii! jUicLs ^Lw^Jfj iX*o*Ji "i!! o*-^. ^5 <-V>! L^Jl^! L3!yii

^ JLfiJ »!y>! u^jj 0 f

£*^3 !l ^-:>!
^ 0’ £Lw-^ cr

J-^3-^3 0^» i-iyi (j, oo'ij Vj^j'3 'i-AjKx*, JJic L^J 0^ 11 s[jy kSjJj

(j^^! ii)^Lo L^JjLiXj v^a2Us\s L_^^L*j (jnjcavj zJLvj l.Wij

0 ! i\ * am ^c_jLo ,4jj

xU£ 0w-_ "ilj iA>! Lj*s ^Lu Q^j yi 0I 0^ o^!Lsa ui^w"!!! fL>w.j Ci-ou^ 20

1) Sur. 43, 54. 2) Sur. 26, 54. 3) B ora., C 4) C

B adds, above the line, ^JbyJ! 5) B .

6) See also the Addendum
at the end of this juz\ 7) Superscription not in the Mss. 8) With
the following cf. Husn I 23 f., Maqr. I 38 f., Ysq. II 190 f. 9) B

10) B -f- ,^£. 11) B £ C l^, D Lj . See also above.

Yale Oriental Senes.

qUi;> ,JwE q!s_j (j,

jjjt Xilji 1
^ijLs\U ^_J2>
M _ Of
(J^U! j SCJu^Ltf iLi-Lj J, (9 1 (J*j2
i5 xx-j-jj Qj_£jj (_cl\j jjvj ^Lwi j*.
Juo pASjj

ty>yb jJlJx y^uJl ^y&JI 7. y$j |?y>S J3o lit eVlJI SyLsnjf (j«LJt
5 . o —

oy^f ^f~ 'Sty* $ ti-x-5) ^ uv> 5 ^>-*-^5 yy
USAs- ^_y> qJ lX-wI Lo'Af> ^c.
^ uJt flails Q^JaJu

6, ”
o!^ O- ?
M) O* CT^
CT? Q* J^4 q-'*^
3 O C W
4 3
oysi L_*J
u>-Ai q*t-^ j Jls j jt *11! Jls j^jlLo *111 q! (j*Lae
> ) ^ f £ O *_* ,
JL> q-, <Aj>! bt_2 u jl
^Jo \-J <^>05^! ^cuXiL
3 5 £ — .. w >£
10 (jr^y> Q-J A-wt l_jLi'A-> & K_5^! xS^AA x-iL^o 05^? 3 i3

jls A-ALs^ v_AjL*J! sliie iC_*-Lw oLj’ 0£ _^jt Uo'Aj>

3 ^ o .

oL^l*J ^—iSjaw! <JyV. lV UTHs

llW i3yy“r“
£ — 0—3 . w
Lo!^ Lo Jolywl _j»o oJLai |*XiLs-\L>J ^iAj^ Jy^ qve^s ji

9 8 LsijLw
fA^> q-, iLc^ Lcjfj Laj^ La JIS5 (AS* liLuw

_ O £ C w 5 £?
15 o^oi cjt^ - ^ i3^' L^ty^
w- C 3 £ 3-^ — — £ 3 .

Q^Cji Jt
j1yi j^snjjlj jS^-JLi oy>t
j V^
JLfij =s
q}£j2 j!

Li2jj j*js\ils Jls JUa o ^j( *U!

LCo L JLas

U^* u^-5 ' L ^ ii->5 jf aUI qI^ \»J (**Lo

. O £ £
A-wl kiAJi>£» ^ Jls <& »La*j U) 11

20 0^f „/>} JlS (j-Llc ^t 0C ^ILo

^ CT^

0_c uX-otw ^_jl Lu'iX>j iAJL> ^ yOljJk^vi! {^Yy

>*‘ a—jLo

^^3 Q3^ CT*3


oy^f* (if^'
^ ^

D ^JLi-. C A 0>/. BC om. B Aid.

1) 2) 0 t>A^- 3) 4) 5)

6) B l*£> (cor. to Jb> in marg. 7) All Mss. -)- jj«UJt. 8) C UbLw, .

D IsLm. 9) C Loajw. 10) C om. 11) D xilj. 12) D om. the fol-

lowing two traditions, through the words kjJf Ij^Iaj

The Futuh-Misr of Ibn c Abel al-Hakam. ,

xU! lX^_e qJ lXJL~> Ll$lXs>

^ l\-J Lo\Ae> t&xJ! 1

J—«-jt iS'ty* ur§^ ^ ^ 0^ 0 £ $f° 0^ 0^

Dyy grS
O 3 ,OC

w ,
^ tLi!

i> 0y cy

0V> yJJ? 3
Jw>5 j£ x_j, j*£ (cJ6 4
^l\J li] >_jb5Pl (jlii J**-k\Jt 3 sty UJi 5

•o — — o -o O
,_jLLjLjli J-*-2-i y^Jt litLaJU Ljytot xt 5
XaxJ^ ^JU-J C^Le* XjLyto j^OJJcJd

lit yifti liyjLj jiXe Lo! XjO oilftj'i (_c**J

7 ^hslt OjJaK 6
Oji Ji" * qUo

1— JLs^ L *oii 8 ^L*JLr

^0^5 xj^ (oAs 3>y» x-i q! oiL^U
S 3 • 3 w £
j^Uo 3*:s? f Lti 10 u^.Sa5 sLoju JLaj ytLxj NS5 9
Ll« q! ol^ 1

uct^ 1

off ^!s y5
f w £
^ 3 3
2 r^ *^ L5y.

^S\J! ^XJs
13 s^Liol x!

jUii L^JL> J^e
3 0-0
xs^lx, ^q yt> xJoa
^ i__»Ait

Aa£ LooV> <& L*j ^cju 14

\y^j j^Uj! 13
_y^ <
^ jJ UT Juo J^> l

3 U-4* cr^

cr^ <3

cH 1

£ 0-E $*» UL'Jo yio xU!

£ . . w-- SO— S
q-e ^Ll qJ ijoa=> Lo'lXs=* <& bUww jli' tj.^ Xji

& 17 Lflj^L)
q-c , 3 q_c x*^t
! ^j-j! Lo\_>o J.Lo
^ 0 -*L;c Lol\j> Jj' x^yCe 15

j»-0>^f l\a£ qJ lXJ'I _o! LolX> <2?l£>y^« t-4^35 li'9 v— oV*-^*

3 -
jls lX^L^Ui ^ O'
51 Lj^lX-s* Ji«jJ iA+.s^ Lo’lX^-
SO-SO- .. 3- w 3 S
& LS^5l> Lo'A^ &
JO 0-^> 0- £ 8v>lX-3
^ tXotw

lXw! Uiojos-
o 3
^ J^-wi! J^yt jj-w!

^ 18 iAj^ ^yi jit oVo^ JIS5 Jts

L-a-^L^ i_)oS\5 < (J«Lfc£ 0-jt ^jC ^Lo 3^ (0

Ai)L! Jj-E. xlit iA_oE jJL> 20

1) AD !jj£u. 2) A 3^.. 3) C ^ty. 4) Sur. 26, 60 f. 5) BD

^U-05. 6) B om. 7) Sur. 26, 63. 8) D -J- 9) In B altered to

Uoi*j. 10) CD ^JiXi. 11) At/, B CD !/. 12) C vSiSjt, D

L^^ot. 13) Sur. 44, 23. 14) D -}- lXX=> ^jt, and so originally B,
but cancelled. 15) D -|- Le^Xsxi LsijjL>, and om. all the following traditions

up to gJt £->j Jd • 16) A + j^sj! 'ityj'*j. 17) C om. this tradition.

18) C Joj>?.
23 Yale. Oriental Series.

cy* '&J^‘ J
j*_J! (3 80 j.J-=>
Qj-c 3 *11! Oj-i Jls

BjAEj <jj*Xc co,A>

o —


LL!3 <Aj> US' JUlyvl
03 ^ M
gU! W" * 4

0^3 J'S "&UJI ^JLS!

5 sJJi 0*U_e 0-^t Q-r. <3! 0-D 0^ <$JJt 0j l)JL> 0£

o c £ _.. .. „ ~E.

Cy° i 33?jj-,w ^ _>•*”? 0^3 0^ f*^ S*tyA

l ^
is < 1 » y w j?j ^UJ 0^^ j!?J
-^.j^i I^Aac 0! IjJUj LLoj Ul> q^Cj5

(3yS ii,V —Il\j xLv.

0_j^w£ 0“^^ -^3 u^a*« ^jI (j.* aJ
“ \_JijO5 si I iCiJbij v__aJt

LjLSlX-s> <AaJ —UiiAj>

1 <St
3 l *-J i^_5 qvUU iswsO^xiJ 0I *
10 v_aJI KjUXmi yo^o l^>y> $> oAa-ax 3! q£ oiiH ,xl (
9 a) qE (_c>>ytwit

iAaJ 0aJlX=> JJ ^ jli <$}

^ JwJji 5LOy&J S?$J& qI 0fc£.
y jlss USI Q^LfcAV}

J 15 (ji.Cc Qjt 0=
^3 S 0-c
l< 4^ ! 0-e *UI Jyx ^ e\JU> ^jC 0-yi

LolXj>j lXJL> JlS & uJlftJfj ^jyOJ.^\il (J^jw \_jj) K-jL^w. 43» XJf-Xj QjCy ^y>5

0^*^ 03^ ^3 Cfc**/^ 1 ^* ^ 0* 03

/ r
^ 0C 6
'-) **~ _* !

7 «^s oLsiwis * J^-j jc &U(

15 ^ v_Ji^Avt s^cLbls iiV_jL\s

m— y

^^Lc Q_J (J^yi ^ILo

^ &U' i_X_A>C Uo'tXo U/ tJoij*.! _>Jo 0^3 jLs
03 w
0^ LoAs> lX^I USJo ^ 0 j£j5 j! gyl |^il^ q! ^aj! 0^
0^CjS iSrii tf^V 1

034^° 0^ 0s (2^
O - -03 . .3 ^c r
05-X—Lc 0<j> L^s’JLw ^ jLi JS ^
20 ^.j^pLa-Ls X/oyiJ qj£j2 ^U jLas |yu^>lj Ja/ilSI q, \
sJt iuLc 0^>
^*^0 ^Vbwj (JU> . UJI f^jLu*!^ sJI &jL»jLw |*JtLo i_jL^?I 0^3
2 8 b*oL
CjLtol 0^-Cji v_>l^p| y>l (_c*j-^ ujL^PI y>l L*Ji j^*Jl 3
10 y^l 9 L»j j^*J! ^jUc
J^>L. (JwX UcaIs 0^-CjS 05^3 iA_LvOj_J 0^0 o|^_AV Jj

Superscription not in Mss. 2) C om. 3 ) Sur. 26 ,
54 f. 4 ) In

AC this tradition is transposed with the following. 5) AC iA*u*. 6) B

-j- £/>. 7) Sur. 43 ,
54 .
8) B om. 9 ) Written in CD. 10) D yS I.
The Futuh-Misr, of Ibn Abd al-Hakam. 22

q! OLyLSt yvjj vi>>JL> (8b) ajL1J0 JojyL (_cyj is^y*

*0 £ w
XAxjt lulls' LiSti^yO ^j! j^Aj Jls OUvjJ j»UoE liLwj ^5] yM qJ (JV^I JusSj

LJi (5^5 £E>y yxJt

vaJls ju*.s» JjAJS i
3 iL*.4tL
£ 5 O £ w
a. i Lo vi^sJLi v^^uv^j ^Llic q! oyjl jlS Lo Jl5

^JULmj 1
£jt ^|* Joist "J si^JIs Oi-wyJ j»llac <Je <2® lijj ^] tjyjtXi

V it is j o^oo L-^A^j Ai>ls ^clVu Ae> ci^is s^>JLw La iiUi Jl3 liLdlw L

sllso Gy Li] villas aJlwJww Lj*s b'Aiiyo iXjiAs- q,, &Cw xlot ^ J-ysJt ^LLi (i*

^iLJ- 2
!Jvs> it »LJj^ i
oli- tL i
jAeJj -
.oli- iiVJ3 i_a-*^>Ls i
oil! tiVJj q-,

j x j! Nr lot*> tiLJL 1_a_j^ LJi 3

ii)L> i—jAe-Jj u^jllL 2
fA£> i^aa:>ls

Js l*y*E> qL_»_jL21 y^xiE-lli Jw^aJS Ja_vvj sLixfijLj AjAe- vJSjAao

“ t £ , £ «,

^a-jc-w Lo L^-J JLS5 ^jCw^iL Lgji>ls LAA-o lA>Lj <coj^ ^jLc v^SjvAaasJ!

- - ^ w w w .. #
£ ,c£.c >
^LxXv^ 0— ^ HtA->)») ^ V^A*j|*> Lj!
^ Jw«vvl

^y ajl> ^y. ^jw^ya qj iAaJ ulae* & iiU3 iUi jii uy xjLo ^^e-

Ay AJs ytlo \_AwyJ

^ jls (_yUE J.Lo ^E ^^-^LCSt ^jE aDI AaE
<JLa_s \y>y>3 j.yil!
$ y^> q-»
^Ijw x^Uoju jy>y>7. xjya AXe

j>fr c^JLAi L^J-e ijASaj

v^iuvyj j»UaE J.=-l ^ !A5> |v 5^*=? Ut

Lc^ir> ^
) w ^ £ _c
yv2 "-
(_e^*j' (jr*
c lit i_Jya*J qJ 5
yit x—o! _ J.M l^J JLsj

• . £ »« o >

L? s_su«yJ j.liaE A_e>Ls I 2-jJIe JwdAi Jls eL*jCE> jls xJe tiLJJo
q] i Jot^

LLe Jjj
q^Le Lo'Ae» xlll ^ Ui^y siLw Q^y( vi>Jls ^*£^>1 j!s

iAw iLLiL ]y>? LjJ pli'li

y^. ,*JtL3 y3 jls Xj A> ^ qE X*j^i

it j^> y?

(*e (j^ya A_*-J c>Li!c L_ft (jLuj l-j^WJ « ^xa-a it ia^-L>>^_5 j*e ^Jt-wjj (_y>t

5 - ff

(See Goldziher, 2«r ara&. Philol. II, xli f.) '»Jm ^-^*<^>5 ioUiL s sLiL,

1) CD ^>. 2) B tiUL. 3) B to, D y>^t ^olil ^J3. 4) Thus

all Mss.; Husn I 23 and Wad. I 34 have Gen. 46, 17 rnitf. Cf. note

above. 5) So Wad., but Mss. and Husn have ^t-

21 Yale Oriental Series.

j^[m^ „LoiAJ! qUoLo (J*LIe ^yjt

0£ (_!-(
0E ^jJuCJt
0£ iAJLe»
_ f O 5 5of w 5 o — 0-0 5 __

t_jL-w>5 [

— — —
iX qj!
q^L 3 >
b jlSs (_M.LJt

v* £
qL«LP J^jsXwI
^ _
^» i . yi V M^
n i
*U* ^Uw ^ ^ jL«xa/«/

O ^ 5 O-
&— y^jt qIoL^ <*j q-o pxbo C 5 s

^ c Lfr?
S L>

laJ! J.I XJi<vwj. J»U2C Jj** jf£>

r J

U^O xLj’ yjj* |»LwJ! yo<o ytlo J pUaE viiJU> #il«j jla

£ O- O £ w f
Jjyyj q! >—
jy> 0 ? >i)U-»«
4 (jo^e>"^! (i;! qE 3 ^^aIxXSI t_Xx^J tX*^ Lo'lXe>

l\Jj Oj5 yS Xi^L> 0j l\-^ MUj J.L&JS q,

J^S ytLs aUI

j*-*Ju3 aUS JLiis i_jj oy |*jCJlc ^ y>L*>J! (jLSs ® IXXs ^jw/oI *

Jjy 0
«w f f f w 5 «o 0
10 jL-Jb guJiot J© Jy-p^l ^xx^>! LUi 3 oLo Jiyt jlS Ju^?
5 £ . £
xU! j*Jtbo xUt jywj j-«I
JT-^ 5 L-*Jj y*JUs xin J)yMj Ji lyUsls

yjuaXi y_*ES? ^ iA^wI! v_jL_<

^ls! (_y^* Xx_Le>^ (J^e g-ycJl eL> j^Le

iiLXE-LE> L« 8
ytLo aJJI
jyyj JL&i * ytlo xl!f jywj liJLXS5 a! j^Jlas »y>5
> £ £ w o£
eV-j]i y*i^ *JJ! Jjywj X) jLfii »lyj
^ jji xj! ^5] (_c Ol Lo xUt5 jls
yXll> kXs
0^ lAJjj J-O? Jls v_SU<5 tils'
J-O^. Jls q’^Ls j.! v_A J|S j*JU js
s - ..

xi'ls XcLyo j^j l\s

aXi 13! si-XLc
^ J^S^! (j>=> aI jls ybbo xUt Jyyj

0J ab-Jli b» 0-4-j' ^ JLai lyp> xJv«
^of = -C
ci ^ w E
^-jlLo aJJ! JlS LiLi3 i^V—L-wf JA'
^ xX a a f? r I *b5]. L, „aXm

r S of ^
^ A ^

AjbiPl xUl ys ui^E 04J>yi iAxE b

Je: Jy«j J>*il »L>i L-gEjLs
0 j t3 ^ j*

3yyj b
*Ut LJls i^y* ^1 jli»
1 Jli' il—bo
0^^! 0 ^ b«

LjLS yE/Jt *^^13 ByAS^ O^Lo ^-X> Oj^- ^ jlj

jy-^ b°5

1) Sur. 40, 38 f. 2) Superscription not in Mss. 3) C ^Jbcbit, B un-

pointed. 4) C (joy>iM •
5) B Jols . 6) B LolXs L*awxI .
7) B yLwl

8) BD om. 9) ACD sI&uLeI, but the second t cancelled in A. 10) A

(marg): iLLJ y^y* 0^ xUI '_

0? y«! 1 Xol y^bw IgW

The Futuh-Misr, of lhn Abd al-Hakam. 20

o #
£ _ — — _o£ c

<jl3 Q-J lA-OCw LJLSl\> LL2J (^-yoS

q 1^5 wOU2 y«

L*-SlX^>3 &Sj-* OuJL^j! q-» qO *jI ^<AxJf Lol)o

0—^ 0 Ajjj
Q-? q-* ®j**^V* 0— ?
lX_*_£ ^

- cE w o _

< ^ tJJ! oijLXAaJt ^y**4
W.C _ £
^XU aj lsy"J vA5i oi-JL^Jl q* 0*i aJJfj

L-x— jaJl& '*^f^*** 0^ C_^*^ CT^ 0 ^j^ O'* (^^3 0"*5

" ° "
5 *** 5

jam (iLLo q! jAALiwfl ^e iU-bli Jjt
0 ?
Ayjc. L0 J jls

ji.1 t^cLXj’ wAA-St p?~>c 1—*-!j i-^“

£ A-L-«Jt
0^- ^5 A-LLt s Lu!
0 , KcL»-~>-

0jfij5 ^iLli JAL gi g^JI 0, £liu Jjt JUo (AsAj ^! (J^ t^'ila«s!s giAt

3 0-

syiiyj* Is

0 J


0 |f

3 o -
^ JA £

s —
A 03 ^
O -


(J^c ^UL*o|y« Bj_j‘f

AU-il {
-y> x^s ly>Lio As UUxJ UjC> ^UJuo- iAs 4 Lit t^Jiij

3 — o£ w £ .C 3 £ -
v—*—&3t _A pALe 0-w.SJ liLAo! ^t >A_s J,]. Jls i»o os.'AA Uls
S w£
3 3 0C J3-O5 —
Lcajtj ,9^*^ iCvlaJj (^^ri '^JtJ 0^ * ^0^(5 ^5^yo>5 jv^Coli^ai

siXcji * 7 jXit l_^>Lo JJ 6

Jww^li (8a) Ju+j AU! Jd ^ sjiA*it5

iyJ>Lo jfU* jA —J-jO

JsaSj idLJ jJiA-E^t,
*aJ>Lo tiLJLo iodu- > q! slA, 15

^UCUi .
j*lct ailt^
A tikJJjt *i
0 ^i
>AAjj i^Ltj’ iioU^*3>
0 ^°
(J^ iS'ty* 0 -° 0^3

^ tiLU
0yy pis li
8^3 ^Lo 0^ 0 A cuA> ^>,


ULJi'lXj> iAa£ *W iAx£ LoJo ^ ^\ju •

aUI jC>»w &jL+»w«43»

^ tj £ 3 W -
*_jUjU) Q^-c^j ^£>jCo 10
L! ^oyoo^ut ^LfjJLw o^L> 20
1 J1S

3 "• - 30^3^
0— ^
O^L> Lo*l\> Lo*lX^> ^ ^LaAvj!
Gi S — 3 __
U-O 0^5 ^ gA^2J ^ qJ

0® lX^v! Lo'iAs> LA qjA 0jwt^ (J>£

iXxsy qI^j ti? iLJLi^st J,! yax Lo ^5A.

1) D 4- A Jst 0£. 2) B 0 ys C 0 3 D ? ,
^tjs. 3) B and D as above.

4) C A LA. 5) B (Ay«t iA*j. 6) B AajLs. 7) B corrected to axlJ’.

8) D ora. 9) B *1. 10) C u^fcl. 11) CD

19 Yale Oriental Series.

w #
5 O £
^3 kLsmLwJI (76) q* ^JloI <3 ]^*>3 3-mJI ^bL* c Js£
W 5 .. C B
v»aJLI3 (^* »A
i ^ »l 1 .abjM
^ ^3
s- s. ..

j^^L^AAsl i V SwB&AA^»1 ^»^AAAot>* *^" (^)AAkJ^=3 Wo^S-* j^J I lJ^A*£ La^S Wr^*^5”

-. - .C W 3

(jviUi «Jj?j3 j*.e ^j^JLjlj ^jil ,

1,! vinX^j KJLw H^w£ jj-w qj! jj?3 wO>lS! £
^ A-w ^ &-ab C^Ls &S.m LhL tib 3 (jw(e &Aw

t& '&Sjm iwlcj (jbb> qj! j&j l?^3

V«Aw^J <^S,*J j.AO<« ^
\J*«jJ lXjU ^gJtb 3
Ljb q( ^ jlS 8^x£j ^lo qJ qLIc ill

4 a jLc j*^3
XjJLe «JJ( 'xmJom j 5 ,3 jS jKLvsa'bSf jtbtj j*JtL>s

^ 0 3 3 £ s

»t\su <jUCJL*i
q|^^> £y°y *b tjb (jo Lb ayw sJbjiii Ubat

&US (Aac l\JL> q_c q-J wA**! LotXs>j ^ 6 Li't I^L> qI/j qLXjm qj!
3 w O „,

lX*fcu,t j*JtLs oL L_l jls wJtf q_E q£ (_pip»


^ 6
liLJL^ L* jlji qL£c '.i^oJo ^1 ^s-j Jj
^ ya^o

& Ja.jJS q*
7 Ulb ^L#Ju£ jlS •
(^5^° O^f !JlxUi

15 y. i
— ' *» ) ^US (b^a£
* (

o-5 - £ - o

0_j iA_ot-w Lot\^» 9

LUp aJ jlflj «La*s
q, 0^ jyy L?t\>!

al{-J_5 12
11 0^" 10 a^aUi^ q£ iUJb'i ,ij *HI l\a£ U.'iiiAs>
o/ !
0-» Jl5

1) ABD + '\Xm. 2) Superscription not in Mss. 3) B ^b. 4) D

soUej iLix>Uif. 5) Vocalized in A. 6) D Lule. 7) Thus vocalized in

AC; D, here, Udi>, and so (^^Jib) Mas. II 398, Wad. I 31 (but p. 211 UUs),

Ilusn I 21, MahSs. I 63. 8) D om. 9) D Lib. 10) B *j(. 11) B

^tji, C 0 !y>. Note in Margin of A:

^ ^l^ls ^>3
^ ^bj ^lj

(•j^- JL-r" V*^ L ^[5 ,

0-? (*b« 0^ >33^ 0j5 (33*^^ otb^c qJ qJ 0^ij

v^L v_sUl
0 ^ Sjf 04 ^ 0 j 0'/ blj
Q \f jyij ^^a*J3 0^15
JL> jLi^s

0Ajm. Contrast Ibn Doreid 322. 12) C ,3!.

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn cAbd al-Hakam. ,

2U(Aj Ajy.
^ Jjiai q! ^iAoj v_AjJo jls
3 Jlj*

^^lAJ! {jas£> _y! ,_co\Ao *i!t l\a£ jJIo q£ (_5^y qj >Xw! US Jo -&y}L£S! La^j
J £ C- O- J
jli sli^Ji \jyiO LUi XjLw SyCUc yzA (jojl ^ (jii!c ^_y2x-s q! uosJ" q£ 1

50 — *0
~0 Cv M
U3 0*1yOj ya*, ^y-O Jo ^ oAyy

0iyp" J«+> >3}^’^ ^yA> ! J>L)

|.^J! y*Lo .y^ty! Jo^Uwo ^S 0_c 0-c AJIo q-c iXwt 1 —LSJo 5

a- C>^ ! & ^Lyo j-wx xoU> ClW^ xLo^

- w ? - 5

o^jIj ^3 u© • jy°3 s^^UaJ o^> UJi JlS t_Aj^ qC. j

v^a^j j*jLT
^ J q^-LxjLj j^ibo xbJo> 3> l\aJ JlS .

jJ ^oli (jz>^l 3, «j*Sj q! xL* xit*, oLo Jo »LI xJoL,

0_j| LSlXo ,sn_Lo 0j ^L*-i-c USJo aJiJ fJP> y^> J^ 5

! uiyi! xxa 10

J^«o ^ olS 0-» [y^

l# jJsli ya*; ojyixJ _j^ (Jls 3 Jo
; ^yo 0£ X*^J
. c
& jJLeI aUSj 2uy> JJai ii)Jc\j jfLfljl (j^iAiil! ^

‘'OUvvjJ 8 15
j ^6
$£Ls lX-jJ^I 0-j
0 C J! oL > Jlii ^Lo 0 Uxc joA> £=>, jb'

^y*5 ujy ^4 ; ^-5 'o^ jr^


o y !

a- o !j> slX*^
cr 16

U3 |*JCjIjT

« ° -
y2A tjoj
^ 0y>ySjOA
yjo] Jls olj^il iu'y^O Ui iolf: 3JJ!

q_£ (J-20 _^jt ^co'Jo 6

ill! l\-ae qJ jJlo qC qJ lX*«! LoA^-
* *° 5

lX*^ 5
Lo'l\-p> X& Tsyi^ oob 7
oUi pfjut ^cliic [^Jlrli
q£ J^

xJ! O^-Lo xJLw^J 0-j^> JlS V>^> ^l-4-w ^x: 8 (jOy>*^l ^ I Uo'Jo> Jot^i ^j!

y>"b5 t ujlXo-!} K-tJ)

0^ (_o-\J! wvJL^- JyjJ! ^_*jlo Jo! J, i^Ac. 20

— i-ob

5-^0 1 *~Li

y^>“b5 !



8^J^> (j^jJ! yoL^-

0 , t VjiAjukO J,

X^LktC liVJJ

1) A, margin, ^Lo'il wotS" slyo! 0j! yp> _^j! ^_cyyii- yolc 0j jyj- 2) D
0^yo (both times). 3) B + Lc
^ ry^‘ 4 ) Superscription not in Mss.

5) D om. 6) ACD + LCc^!. 7) D l^Jl*^. 8) C uy^!.

17 Yale Oriental Senes.

slj*^ yAa/O f /i
j»Li^ Lo'lX=> Ui" yew b-AJ._j y£ v_jJbu JeiO ^Uyi >3.3 J^

L> j*£. v_ju*y * SUjils oljwtj ysj l~sj &±i' 5
^LsH ^
qJ i_\Jli>
^yc. qJ lX*J Lo‘l\^> ^ 4 iLjy iyyj J! (^ve

5 hiA-Jjj uyjJi*J yew J*e>0 Jlj (jaLj-c

0-j! q£ ALo 7

iAwt ^ w&j! ^CjL^Avw


LiLvo! X-ilS o^ t J3o JlS yjjL^S <3 !

M $ £. <*

(js-.JbGI q£ aJJ! i_\ad 0_j i_XJL> lX-w! Lo'oV> L*y Jjoij & v_sJI ioU^w

jjt >
ajJx. (j^JLwi tiLUl ^i^-c A-jy>} ^y« »1j! (j*LfcC qj! qC ^J-o
w r
10 ^SLwjj JJ
lo^-i-J JjWjt ^-*ew
^ Ij 3 L*»J v_jjJL*j qI^j tjoph 0 -« J-bsfiJ
^IsScI 0_: ^LwJ? JJ ^ Jl5 <&
lC5oj AWjXJla xJiLs wSu^y jeJ!

0aw^> UJj> Ls=u« ytLo v_jyi*j Julxi

^yy yyuu Je>J> Uii Jl5

0»,^yixc Jij' g^yvJt Lyjl i^k—ej.c y! y"" 0«f_Cj5 aJ JLfli oy-^ y gy aa^iAJSj ic>jJ!

j»^LwJ! ^UJLc '— **^.5 —jyi*J Xsto ousj lAa y>Lw q**j qI^j ajIoj
tS*y *.5

IB (7a) «obUt ^a3j_j ^beX-it J^c q^J L-c-^
! ii)^j q' jS^i &
s: 5 «• r *M > ^
xLav Lo qIXs Xw-lrs^ ,1,1 jJi' UJLs AJeVl (JvE yew '~

9 oU*Sj
v* „ £ M ^ f
*J JLsii s,_ci J/ x!|. *1)1 lVj_e! ejyixj aJ Jl5 iAa*j' aJ Jo q! a^c
5 - G w £ ^ - -
QtV^ »A-^>I s!j3 ^1 ^yo (^acl xi] ^ l5j* '^r
^ 0-< 1*0 !
^cuX-jl ^ (^)i
^ L-*w»^J i

- O -» oS f £ I V» —

2° ay=i J!
yy. y^o Jo^! J^> a^ LJ! v ys! ^kcl
^1 o'-5 <i^3

ljyk£ j»Lj!
g ^ Lw_aoLjJ
J,! Jl-i ajlXj (i^c. bo^L (il^LP IlXP Jlas

L -4aS fi-\^ Jlo byf ^.LaaJ

r Q ^ ^

1) Superscription not in Mss. 2) D ^yo^vj. 3) B ora. 4) D om.

5) U oyj. 6) BC-(-aa*v. 7) A q**j, Maqr. I 246 Q^y, Husn 1 19 f. (jy.

8) AD obbyJ(. 9) B Lyli, and so j*iySI below. 10) B {

ji. 11) A (ja^.

The Futuh-Misr , of Ibn Abd cil-Hakam. 16

D ^l5
^Lbi Lgls” y^if. *J >5 * |*ybJI q-» v— a^j J< 3ls I^jIsaS

w 5 £ CC
_ _
\xJf Sj*oAj *^3 L!^
^ ^Uix Ja*i Lo I^JUb *^3

i w J

(js-JLLji ob j»^-J ob (jS^> iLi.A« iLjb j»U"' (__Cy>! &am yyi« j»Lilj t*LL*J!

& jJxl aJJSj jCa»w tXjLc^

jys j*JtLo Ji«jJ jLj jls ^bs"! qJ |.Li.P 'ioA> ^i £J>j b? JLjj 6

q-, ^cu\J_c q| iiX_UJJ ijlsj a! (6£>) aa^uJI j*c uUb If! aj^ tiXAI!

^•p jb |»yssiM Jijji ijla ii)li 3 Lcj libll! aJ jlfii ^ b

yc jaaXaJ^ a*X^L
£ —
5 VS. 3 3 .

*~jy> ^Uvvaj'^ |^aj ^1 y*b s^o j^l y^A

W £ w 3 w ^ J

b ^l\RJ sUi! Ajy JjJ OjA*3 (?f

^5 =Lo ^p \y£.j> !jls yjyi 0(A£ JvE
s w w £• G 3

Ljy^ *jy JJo jtv0 ^ qL^j NSj Lg^l ^x »obj i^Ub J, ^yb ^ oy^t ^ LgJ 10

q-, olSjb ^LLJlJ L*ajy0j l£bLLifl ^jaas^ a_o “bS! iLU |JlSLo "i5
3 W £ ^ _ 3 _- M £
oljj ^3 a_sL> vX-£>b yaiL ^Ls ob^ua L^i J-JUI ,i o!cLaJ!

y*li j*Jtlo uiwjJ L\as .

yb Jls =U»wJS Oj_JXo Il\P
^yy *J (jlai syVb ^jjy

iLilb LjJ (jLsLi iCjy |>yvsJ|j O-*^ Ajy Jjl ootfj !o»Jsj> L^J lXS-^ qIa-mJ

1 —_Li ^UaJ!
q 4Jjj yj?. ^ol ^ ^y.y i^ju LgJyj AjyJ! ^3 15
-O- O f ,

1 'v^Oc»\X ;>
i -^L—Xi

(*-*bo Jusjj yi-r, JsaJ! y*ls Jjt qI^j Jla ^iiU 3 Jbs Lyj^Jyu (_^UJ! Q-Ci

jysrvxJi JajL> iCc>Lo ^3

4 sly iLol * aS^Jo (>**} Jb J iLLiw ^>3
° 0 -s

q»5^c jJjx!! •A-a-c ^-^33 .

^-m 3>L LvUs^3 5
^jJi j^obo ^3-^3 Luxib lU-JL*

LvLiw ^XjJjJ! iLj^b> 3 ^y>3*AJI i-X»j^

^ iwLwt ^^33 yr^° _j^3
Lw-Liw 20

.... vs. - 3 ^ £ 3 £ .

i3 jo
0^ l5^^*
l' ‘^'A> ^ j*r y
0 3 o ^
C& JaLIiwiil aj'oIjjj Jb>L\j3 oUai

1) C (jasjJ. 2) C oby. 3) CD AiUb; so A in text, but cor. in margin

(orig. hand) to ajLw. Husn l. c. XJUi, and so Abu Salih aI, 12; Yaq. 1. c. has

aJU; a^UvJ 33 AjUbi. Cf. also Yaq. Ill 244. 4) B om. ;

C L^, D L^, Yaq.

I 262 Lj ,
II 190 ll.. Maqr. and Husn have generally b^ . 5) B cl^iAJt.
15 Yale Oriental Series.

q! Jls i-xlj aUt

J>1 s t«LJ3 o«^t (jcx liVJLtt L^t j*_*j |*_*Jua

\ \
0 r. — - x 5 - o£ ^-oc »* « „ £

. i
KiLS qI Jiwjj L\l ^J]

SUs" ^Asyn
^ Qjji; L^JLs*^ \js tiAS"
'A*»a2J! (Jx!

JUxJt ^jisjb LAS" ^as^a it tiAS" *AOy« O* Lo ji LsjOLs>5 L\S"

o ^ o_.
^ 0 \
3 (jnjLLJ! j-^tj Q^P^Ut it (Jxt
^ „
c^-*.jaj L_^J jlsu £_jyij Lsf\Jl> ^a>5 ^SyXiJ! gUJi ^-^5 j»^-*xSt gUl>

t ^ t LP^Uo ^>^~' ^ ~' A |»^a&j t
^ (^J^* ^

LjU>o! ^ tlo SLjUI j, j*Ji i_jjiJt it 3

c>-*£aj s
|j^ ^3 ws^ii ^yfeJt
Cj_ ——
(^c^> fLXXjS tikJj> qI^j 1 jlAai \>y>tj fiscal tj u^AaSit
^ L^aS
^ L jLas isJxsJt

10 jj^I-lt fj»]j J, Js^t fL 6

KaSj^ L^t O^Lao tASj i^uJi

O^Lai LPL&aO L^\JLs> J.JkXj jMrJxjt it XjfcUij ^^PbUi it ^^Sjt jjx* *aS t_«j^

^taj LaIs Lj^j (jv*aaw idU tU-P Lg it ^

Q^5 »i 3 vjX-JL_Lt J^aS! CT*

9 8
vi^Uotj |>^Asj! xaaaaO v__ait * i^c !tA_P ^X—Sjjt sfit^j^J
J6 liLL-lt LfcJt
gjjj |»^j

Jajt^fi jjli Us"

15 iA_SU> qj L a.WaXj> . (Up jj^c. L^>3 *3 x^-*'*** tXjj J5

^.. A ^J t W*A>AaS^* j
1& nJ IbXbJ A. 9 A t ^ ' 1

^ t ^ ^ ^

- > E
jaS" iA_s jASa) Ja_P! jLJLi iL_*_w y>*^;t LPj^s! y^Aj ^Ise iLLw Q?t jP^ j&a
s o £
eUwiiJ 1 gUjtLai Ui3j! o|^-it q, tsU^ajJ jA->! Ij-ttij s^J^e oJlXi-tj uA«jJ
i: O £ ?

,5 ^U! |Jju U eXjl^ ^yt lajJj ^13 L^i


20 |»^sJt “
jLXj>\s ^_oa)
(^>!U j, K-J^jJt ^jis yx'j 3UU it litljjj
o* LC^t 0*-wi L^aLcLs

iUsejjJt »yUj ti-J>3 (JwC (J-^3 iiUJ3 Ut \_it UiJUj iLjww g, tSf iiU3

1) CD ^as?. . 2) B (jaLlJ), and so Yaq. 1. c. 3) Thus ACD, and so

Husn (unvocalized); Yaq. *i, B and Maqr. cmXaj. 4) C i^aaoj.

5) C iU^> an<^ s0 Ysq., Maqr.; wanting in Husn. 6) C iuy. 7) ACD

8) A v_Att. 9) B 10) B dU^.
The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Abd al-Hakam ,

jj LoLstl^ j?LLc! L^is SU?j! ouv^j ^yLwlj



jijjJiJf JjLlaju*! js£>

j»Lw«P ^ La— i" i

Q ^_5 j»y4Lj! qLojJ! k*)jj & $
4 iLjLo kSm cjjj L>j
[D'f-f cr*
iiU^« U |*£ q! ijjLsH 6

5ULL*i \XJo> oiAsjj ^JLsLe.

y*jj a*1e Jo q| aI liUIS ^
(jJU* l\_*_j JyiJt eLLVj s^Jjie y4 SybCs JiaJJi sLJj (
JuJLsw |Juic. Op j
_G _ 3 £ .c >M s: w
iuysUI ^cJo’ iAJwojj aj »y«£>l LC^1 L?' CT* J3»

iLjJSuJ! 8
^ o' ( LC fejj (
J-*->J-'i alyOoSj iAx**ai! 7 *L &JI04J biij

Ltxc aj*i 4 >- l^lLsis j*jtLo s-wo L^j ^1 10

jlflj ytLo v_iu*y (oAj ,1,1 L>ly>j liliAJb ^t 10 IjJb oIojas 9

lye ioyS?.
£ .e o 3 5 w
yd jii !^XL L v^ 3 ' lOjfcJj ttl c^oi^ Joj yu aj^s qLCo ,*1x2 Jo
£ _O - w O £
sj-^Jf q, *->5 CT* 3yi '-’ 12
oVou J3j * aJ tjXJoj 11 XjyyJf ^5! LgJ w«-ol
° — *»

J^LJt Ja*w_3 j. y^« ,JJuY y' 5 -lawj j.yaJ!i 13 j»m> yc Jls . sly^loj iul£
^ "3!

liU j^5 * b^Ls^i 3! £y£? ^ ^1 7

^ kp-li
^ * Jy ^ yxa
^ (6a) 15

j*Lw^ ji a_-o>j
. *5],

Jyj (JLiii
1C \i*L "3} !^£u Ly>3 ^3 15
IspLI Lyjilai! J05 \ajA=> J.

1) B w ofy • 2) Superscription omitted in C. 3) B later hand,

margin, -f- aJJ! >Xx. 4) B + ^yuJLSj . 5) BD om. 6) Thus B and

Yrtq. Ill 934; AC wy?J!; D y^H, as in Husn I 18 (three times). 7) D om.

8) C ^ (sic). 9) C IgAC. 10) B h'l). 11) C 12) Thus

also Husn I 18, Maqr. I 245; Yaq. Ill 934 JcjJlj. 13) D -(- xi-jA^> %. l

14) In all our Mss. and witnesses, this clause stands (through a very ancient
scribal error) just before pLi-.J j+-£ 3
Jls. Thus Maqr. I 245; in Yaq. Ill 934
and Husn I 18 the awkwardness has been relieved by omitting the clause.
15) D »Lt . 16) So pointed in A.
43 Yale Oriental Series.

M ° - 5 ¥» —
^tyX-A»-»A I l A/»vl Jls >aI ^**’1^^
v» O
^-J ^byi x«**j! $l\xj p'^bs 3 s ^ '^jibL^b <3 ^c**y® j*yS

L^Tj ,_cJ! »Lj^ liU-U (^c^
UJi ytLo ^ybJ! oy^i v_»o*L3 yPj 1
j^jL> qJ tXjJ^JI

5 (_c-^y»
0-J tXwi U$A=> <!?
y£UvJ[ (J_,
2C>y>ls tiVJUI «-J( J^Wj! yLo ^suv^j l^yr^

»ljls Jls (56) (_w.l_I_E ^_j[ q£- ALo jj q£ ^yJljbl Q_e *)Jf iA_y£ qJ iAJU>
O ) S J 5 s cS
(J«^i <?y (clXs (£,VJ-L^ *35^ IOl\^> LjLo ^.^VavJI u^uii s£,VjLc J^*jJ

liA_$ yJjsj! 3^ bs ^ b'A> b^Lc i^5 ^) b!jI l—I-ta £b*w (jbJii ! Abyj _j
_5 ^.j^»«3!
O — _- $ _ _
qI — *-be Jii

& v_JLSli' "i5 *J 3 ®j * — s^>_XJs sA-xJslj ioyjblj bySlwJ! L^-Jju b. i^jbjy

10 £-iAi \yJ_s 3 6
syl 3^*3 3 5
(*-btc - *bb«5 \gIa*jCwi UJo bybAs» 3 *j&5

*i!l l\_ yc
y i_xJL> y: (j^y3 y <A*J LoJo oJii> 7 b sNS^j * xj-'b> *-3t

0^ ^JXSt
'rJ ^" 5
3 'r'^b li^b) * (J*be jjjE jil_) O ,_b
Jr-J** J^jj!

w £ O - „ 3 M S3 > * f
& iiUI! a%L> q! y^u-. 3yb3L '-jyOj 3JU!
t iuIvAS^ iUjy iC5»yv»< io!o aUacij

^t iCoyb: qC 9
_^j! *Ut Jyc ^ l\JL> ^_£ ^5* O?
-o£ w £ y w ^
15 (j-» 3y3^ 3-*>t q! J>!
jy-c (Jb^ libXaLw iAi ouvj-J 3^
• f .

315 »yij qL^-c <^-jl>«-j> 3^ ^ 31s ^(*-*j Ji»^J 3ls J^bsl /^jb eb^y
M W _O ^
ayb! bjlb yax yt (j^ii bL*o *v« iOLo liVJUl 3'b’Oj j?ybl ^-b>ij
y £
J V^jAAiii ^COcX> b\«Vrfl L-A—iV-X-^ & ^-A"?>»3 (£,V-L< bj)p

'wa^JvJL IjyXilj y^> 3^1 ^yb (ASil! 3 b‘ L3 yb^Xs* 3’o

20 ^ |^b<b^b Sybils Xxai SjiA^?. ^ ibcaaJlj tjywls 1 y^b !»A>T. ^ ^y^-

sL_ii b; Xoi ^lJ oio * bit 3 (*bs Ubi l»A->'.

^5j "ij Jz yl
72 77
IjyJ-^lj LXwajI "^1 bib o>-yj Ji lb iy!Las jbJlii! sjjlj ^jOjl«3I iibj 3 8

1) C jyjb, BD unpointed. 2) D om. through . 3) A ^c!^,

B »L 4) D Ui'Jo (aic). 5) C + xJic. 6) D slyf. 7) D Ls*^.

8) B oyb. 9) AB J^_*_«. 10 AB ^/. 11) CD ^yyb^Ji.

12) C om., B -f- _ci.(
The Futuh-Misr of lbn cAhd al-Hakam. ,

oJJji 1
t ,^.a Le 1 2-*-S 1^5-w.J "b5
^ J^e UaaS’j Jd 1 ^3 !

iU^oj LoA> L*/ sjlw J& & (.blwJf L*_g_<le qJ J-aeU*!

q£ C
q-7 j^ lAxE vJjLs^!
0s -
3 ^
0 ?

3j* 3 J'*'
0 ?

W j:

c>ol£j (J—E
u\Juj’ H L^jl o^j 03> 8 j-Jj^
Jw*esJI ^jj iL_*Jww ^e L
cv»vxi LoA> LY ys-lS 5
0-^3 <5? cijjJt-t Ujt-Lr 5

LCs^J ULo oyr- 0 , j5 > oL^t 0^5 0* LW 3 !

3 !* qj 5^3
2 O 3 w
^>lS> j_Lo i^oaE Le-»_* ^ytLiixj iA_s bjLw s^L* 4
(J^e LpjSt

JL&i L^-aJIe ^i_\i& jUi ii^Lw L^xJlLj l$>y1 ^isKj UIj.3 0^3 5
L^ (ej3*
3 £
iiU3 ^yCo 7 L^u^L^* JlS L> U*. L^ac 6
^ibu ^1 t^U j*-^! jj!

^ ^ (>
\^y^l4^ ^ ^Lwsxif 2 LjLw 10

jA\} J*a.+} *&!!«**] f jk‘-2

v_iJL^*«ls UJlo q-j

-jjj’ ^ Jlo »j^c3 qL£e 0oiAe> JJ Jj Jls

r vm 3 _


ji Jlii • i^jCLo sSyol

Jj! LS^e J^J_5 aJ q^J y^3 *-*-?(
Ljy> *-*ju!

14 UJ!j y^xLjia 13
L-JLo |»y«L< iL-oi l ,v»e XJji i^aLsX-wli iCoi L»^e> \^*byi

j?ij» XaIUaSI jJUs I

—jJlA ^-ae* (j»j! i^Loj !^rj y^3 l^5>0 o-,« 15

q-, ^uCU-s ^La-Le q! [y°j J* tAjAxi ^Ixi |

^dj'Las 16
j^3 ^ ^ ^vJjJI

Jo ,kJ~ Jilj Kmyi\i LjL>ww \Jle <sJJ? -LLo iCCi.E>UJ! gjotg j^'5 iCUw iolo

^ 33
'w!^^^c J^M3 1
yb- 0 -
j»Lav^ tiklil l\ae Lol\> L*o v^iiAjLjtiSj

1) B !^>_jLLa2 ,
but later hand cor. in margin oiiJUi . C u^Jibo; so also A,
but original hand in margin i^>_«J_*_j. D om. 2) D ^
+<-j. 3) B om.

4) C 5) B original band 1^3, D L^J LeI^o. 6) AC yuu B ,


ginal hand) D tyixj. 7) A Le-^osj^u, so C without the vowels. 8) B

(later hand) D-}- ^. 9) B -f- e^ 3 .
10) D oyj- 11) Superscription
not in the Mss. 12) Yowels in A and B. CD L,y>. 13) C as above,

D \%f>.
14) B UJI, D Lai^. 15) D ora. 16) B ^3, C D ^ .

17) Oj'bi, cf. Yaq. IY 549, Husn I 17. D has ^j! (Qam. 3^.)
11 Yale Oriental Series.

2 1
L c^>l
(dots* ido! auyAli idJLo ^lh id^Jlc ^aJLju
E -C

QyCj ^ alyl idotojl AaJ jlss 1

sbls jAl 0a*J

^! idJUjo Js xJLc 3 ^J3>o Ui B'iLaJ! (*^^t jJsj Ljj jta L^jJi e^J S5j

o 3 _c ^ 'c- s s 5

cAo v^&LLtJ q! >JL!I (^co! LgJ dLai BAjAw £ca*js 1

»Aj ^^rajsb la^i] bAj Ja^o

5 id' —L> J«Ao —gJ

d^' ^Aa*iiJI q-» A_w! 4
bAj <_>l xb idyo! ^ls

liUs (^lXj oU-Lj q! idJI Jls yyUnxai( 0» A£( o.CaJu t>l*9

I r! (do] Jl—iii l_jo eL> ^jAJI (cAs 1
bA_j oJiLbtj idyat Si! <*11S

C £
LJLi 5
(o-d-A'i * y--lA L^LLcli (jotoj! jj-* U^>y> i ^LwJlo !

- O £ 3 w 2 ^ O _ " —
J.A3-L, y»UJI A_j Ji^ My=» va>J» yya y d^ uiyail ySd^jl

10 ^ v^5 0^ (JS (_co L) j*Jvaf (iUxi BJjS> _jj! Jls . Lol=>



Jls vj^ j^atLo aJJI
5 w

w 3

.C w —

d ^5 £7 ^ d^ (J^, (JN> -^5 /LXJI jic JaLo bli

> J«£

qJ AjwI I—LaAa> Gi 7 ioJcci

^ dlA? c^*J q] ^JL!t c^Jls d^ ioiw _^j!

15 o^JLb
^ JLa ^si Vy02 '0

(3^ 0^ d^l^^ 0^ 0*^
L^>5jXs Lcv*a> I i_Xj (^o^_j djJ-l Q-> (ikLo (i>-u i^ob" w 0^ |»^«wd
( »d^

sAA* to Jlia iOUa^lj d^JLII
^ tiVJLxi
Jj; Lgj jib p'bUvJt iylc :
yt (5a)

t^cO LgJU ^jAj q! B^Lv c^>il^>5 '— 9^* dji d^fiJ |j! *JJ! bo «J (dlai

-o . s: 3 S
^>13 (iVJL,c l^\_5> AJj (Jl—sLs ioJo>^ wJu 1

20 »A-J> ^1 idJU! JJS j uAj aU' oftilali sJ (cAs Lf*s 'i iJJt^s d>

L_^i! ji &JJ! eLci Lc LgJOojo>? L^J O^ji L^wij pA^-' jyuo 3 B^s^

yvoiiJj 12
UjAaiA-v dliis &»Jo L^» Q-ofcjJ (^aLs?
^ oL5 l^Ac l1

1) D ora. 2) D+ ^yp. 3) CD ^i>Jb>ot. 4) B ora. 5) B yi> oJlsis.

£ v. i * s.

6) D c)\^oyb. 7) B (unpointed) adds ^JuS »U^I yiil ^>JUa 0=y>! L^J olsls

The Futuh-Misr of Ihn Ahd al-JIakam. ,

* il ^ja^IA—j '
wAaJLo lc^" 1
s* Uk^'Aj xof Lo

l_X-jy> q_j ^LJL \A_jf ^aJLsX^li 2

f Ljy> J? * oJJ^° Lop»

Ji Ll^> 3
LL sL>l ^aLaXaJo *J aJj \ ,
^jjj’ Ji iu«. XjLo &£JUs
^>L? qJ 4
LJLo jOj! v^rIAKaJs Ljy> qJ LJlo

x&j*jtLo ,jLL> sfyof 8jlw.i 5

y^A JyLJ /*
LL a^Jl «j*£_5 (jr-^yo
0 ~j AaJ LoAo> LL y^xi jwAf^jf jy>0 qAj

!L> (
&> J^S isjwj (46) „ jJ> pLiJt <joJ f -gf L yit

Ajy. S^Lo J^jls

L^JU=> y"J Lis
£y> ^y>
LJu>J> ysisi ujlols l^jjxs
O 3 3

Aa£ L-.a. ,:> Ao> AaJ LoAs> LL h^Lw ^a*.s> Lp^oi aI Aa3j^ LLLL *

(jaLe ^_j! ^_e JLo ^_c ^aJLJI

f. aJJt Aae f A_Sb> q£ ALLA (jj JJ!

yoli Jls 8j*Cj

AaJ clOl\j>
>of cJls ^ 6 2 f>-’> Q*>
BjLw (JJAV_">
^ jls

L^J liVJLil

^ (jSL*' (jls sfjif

8 l\S> Lo iJ

fLa jwAlyf jLwj \Le c>L>Li

1 £_a-S |J^aJ ^ JJf^S (i, *UI ^jLs liiJL lAA jA-A^L'i JULs UiXl *)Jt qa-ajLs

sA-^J (j^Lm Lo JlSj fyb^ La^ 7

LfLLictj wAj idJf oLLls *11! !cAi is
£ U-wJ! s lo

^ u ^Cot (^)JLa5 Jyb q^_5 .
^>1^ 8
L^J ^f^y> L^ai ^OsJ£

f.f f V^3 CT?
f LL'A^> ^?wjyJf Ajy

^La_e» ^>is^f j»Ai |*-A^fjj!

q! (jls j**Lo *l!i '-^->
'^f'j CT^

^fyot iA_jf
q! J^~ !a_ 5> L^J (jlas (j*LLI 0^>f »^L« 9

citations from Ibn c

Abd al-Hakam in Yaq. IY 549, Husn I 17, Maqr. I 136;

also, for all these names, Mas. II 396, Wad. I 210, Maqr. I 36, Mahas. I 61,

Ward. I 49 f. Ms. A alone points the names fully here. Loj> always pointed

Loy>. 1) B »l=>f. 2) C om. 3) D LJlo. 4) Wad. I 210, Mahas. I 62

jjaJo^J. 5) Superscription not in Mss. 6) CD 7) AD LLLct^.

8) A om. Tor y>L> 1§J D has only g-o- (sic). 9) C ww 00^5.

9 Yale Oriental Series.

JLc L$_\s-I Ajy lXJL> aJJ! l-W; £*oJ qj! q£ AjL> ^y LLo qj!

aDI Aaj £*yJ qj! fySF 0^ Alls* yoAs* jis L*Jj ^Uie 0^ '-^5 Ay>lo

l»L> 0 yao ^y
yi ail!
05y; G ! A*j yac
W >
O bo
- O^
i^Jls AJls> ^yt

LvsAj QjSblS sAj*,^ j$> vJytSI A*j Oj4£ &uA* ^

yao q1^5 Jls .
oyS^Ij JaxiiJi ^LvJj asUj 2 asL vsaa**« ^L'Jyi lyy^yj |ytL As

iyy»j £a*S-j »L5 oLw ^AJI »AJj y£l yax

a& V_A**=J y/ Ai pis*
0 jl

_ O > w >

q—a,j Lc <*J •
y^-* y^-*o ^aiju jAa+*i Lj-j t^Jja3 ^1
s oc s oi _
0] y JlS .Lay &-L>l j.t iLiy
^ 85ys
0 ^* ^1 (jLjyJ! v_AL> yOy^uUt

L^-o b^aA* Jjl (jrp qU^c J'S

^ ^Soyx jj.
q^As i^y*

10 ^)i ^ l5^' yt^~5 CT^ £>; ^ (J^*


Jy jL>3 y^ 5
(j»^l Q-» j£*iz$ a^3>( A-^>!^ 3 X-J-j( |*L>

*"^3^3 y&A ® AJj L-4—is 8 A—^y_5 &amJL0 j-x2v0 **

# JujJI SAP «jJjJ3 Xw^jJ l&jy^:. * ^^25 8AJ5 q* A^>l_5 J*Xi ^Lis
o£ tf «v ?

L^i L05 LLai Jaajsi ^aj^av L^Xwi JaaS 7

i ) oJ o £
IB ^1 LyjjO L-4-5 0y*Ui! 0, ® 04-vi"^ 5' ,
i T % . ijyvj! 0«..*

V. ' 1 ^5 l<3

S M ) - > #
o -
l« k_^oyl^ J—IaJj * . A_J i^>..*.».wi Qywl 0^-vv! 0&*O ,j,

ysyJ! jl,t Lo (jyj L) Loj • *—? o-M~«i 11
yyyt Q^Cwi Lo ^JlL* 0\j
A-A-JOaJLi 1S Q_i£y> (J*^
LgJl£ ys/3 ^.ilAs X_j Lo 0^Lwi
w £
yax qJ Jaai AJot ^aLs^wli you 0 j
yax 0^' yi J15 ^ 13

20 yax ^-i ^ yax 0-^^ bL-S>! v_aL^UvIj yax ^-J Jaii ,j^j‘ ^
0—J Lo »La>! yax 0j aOyl ^Sy y yax qJ yoy! »L>! \_sL^wlj

0-J (jytAj ^jy j Lo 0j 14

(jyLXa Ao! \_slLsX*v 13 yax
^ lo ^iy' Jf .

1) D oyt. 2) D as!x. Copt. A<\<\&€. 3) Mss. ^•Li^Ia. 4) B !yax, C om.

5) B ^y* 6) D 85 (for 085!).

1 7) D om. 8) Pointed thus in A. 9) A JlU,
B AB«. 10) B liy-wl. 11) All Mss. Loyt, and so Maqr. I 21. 12) D
om. this passage. 13) ABD ^yyp-. 14) Mss. always (j*oL\J'; but see the
The Futuh-Misr of Ibn Abd cd-Hakam. ,

O ^ S O ^ O 5 30 — £


^ HvcJ j, slXJj
q-, A_=>! ^5
viL^u J 3] iiVxc>t

X*^-5 kil^Lxi l
X^Eu> »_jL>! iA_S j*^Ut Jljj J-wj^ (J.C »Aj £x3j^ j*JtLo ^._jj

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