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Tech Integration Template

Date:5/9/20 Grade:11 Duration:50 mins Topic/Title:World War II Battles

State Standards: U.S. II Standard 6.3:

Students will cite and compare historical arguments from multiple perspectives regarding
the use of “total war” in World War II, focusing on the changing objectives, weapons,
tactics, and rules of war, such as carpet bombing, civilian targets, the Holocaust, and the
development and use of the atom bomb.

Learning Outcomes: Students will understand how new tactics, weapons, and other technology
influenced the battles of WWII.

Timing Procedure Organization

10 Lesson introduction (How will I engage students?) Students consider question
minutes Think, Pair, Share- WWI had 15 to 19 million deaths then pair up and finally entire
compared to 70 million to 85 million. What are some of class discusses.
the causes of this drastic increase?

30 Body of lesson (What will I do?) Groups will be responsible for

minutes completely filling out their
Students will be divided into groups of 4 to 6 students. own google doc. Each student
Each group will be given access to a copy of a google doc will have to read at least one
with 8 important battles from WWII. I will have QR codes article and respond to the
placed on the walls of the classroom/school that link to question.
articles about the battles from Students
have to scan the QR codes, read the articles, and respond Groups will coordinate
to this question on the google doc. What new technology, together and discuss their
weapon, and/or tactic was an important part of this findings but students will also
battle? be working individually for
Groups will also discuss together and come up with their part of the assignment.
top 3 most influential tactics, weapons, and/or
technologies. Students will be allowed to use
their own phones but will also
have Ipads or Chromebooks
made available to them.

10 Lesson conclusion (How will I wrap things up?) Groups select a spokesperson
Minutes and take turns sharing their
Each group will have a turn to present and explain their lists. The teacher will write
top 3 list which will be combined to make a class top down each top three combine
three list. the most like results into a
class top three list.

Assessment of student learning (What strategies will you use to assess whether or not students achieved the above
The top three lists will be a easy formative assessment, as the teacher can see if they have understood what
tactics, technologies, and weapons are new to WWII and if they had an important impact. The teacher will
also have access to their google docs and can check their work as they fill in their answers for each battle.

Description of adaptations for diverse learners: (English-language learners, students with special
needs, gifted students)
Ell learners can readily be supported through Google translate extensions that will help them read the
articles. Students with special needs can be assigned only one battle to research and perhaps teamed up
with another student if they need more support. This assignment is also helpful for students who
struggle with handwriting or spelling because they are submitting their work on a Google Doc. This
assignment can readily accommodate gifted learners by assigning them more researching or asking for
more in depth results.

Reflection: (Justification / rationale for technology decisions, analysis of each technology using
PIC, and analysis of each technology using RAT)

I would say this technology falls under Interactive. The students will interact with the QR codes and each
other using the Google Docs. I think that this would fall under Amplify. Students could be given similar
material without technology, but this makes them go to more effort than just reading a handout and
makes it easier to collaborate by using a Google Doc.
Assignment Specific Summary: UDL summary only

This assignment is designed to increase engagement by having the students physically move around to
scan QR codes and giving them choices in which battles they research. Students will practice multiple
means of expression by writing their findings down and discussing them with their group or class. The
opening of the lesson is designed to remind them of lessons they learned about WWI and get them ready
to expand on that for WWII.

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