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National Grid Corporation of the Philippines


Luzon (includes Embedded Generation Recorded by SO) Visayas (includes Embedded Generation Recorded by SO) Mindanao (includes Embedd

Month Month Month

2013 Date and time of Occurrence 2014 Date and time of Occurrence 2015 Date and time of Occurrence 2016 Date and time of Occurrence 2017 Date and time of Occurrence 2018 Date and time of Occurrence 2019 Date and time of Occurrence 2020 Date and time of Occurrence 2021 Date and time of Occurrence 2013 Date and time of Occurrence 2014 Date and time of Occurrence 2015 Date and time of Occurrence 2016 Date and time of Occurrence 2017 Date and time of Occurrence 2018 Date and time of Occurrence 2019 Date and time of Occurrence 2020 Date and time of Occurrence 2021 Date and time of Occurrence 2013 Date and time of Occurrence 2014 Date and time of Occurrence 2015 Date and time of Occurrence 2016 Date and time of Occurrence

Jan 7,079 8-Jan-13 1329H 7,121 8-Jan-14 1341H 7,315 21-Jan-15 1355H 8,175 18-Jan-16 1408H 8,249 13-Jan-17 1413H 9,213 9-Jan-18 1414H 9,123 14-Jan-19 1349H 9,713 7-Jan-20 1350H 9,162 25-Jan-21 1118H Jan 1,463 7-Jan-13 1809H 1,331 6-Jan-14 1909H 1,476 20-Jan-15 1835H 1,693 12-Jan-16 1400H 1,804 28-Dec-16 1820H 1,892 25-Jan-18 1825H 1,873 14-Jan-19 1815H 2,066 16-Jan-20 1400H 1,927 25-Jan-21 1430H Jan 1,284 14-Jan-13 1804H 1,354 26-Dec-14 1814H 1,386 21-Jan-15 1828H 1,497 11-Jan-16 1400H
Feb 7,214 15-Feb-13 1324H 7,545 10-Feb-14 1338H 7,610 17-Feb-15 1334H 8,229 23-Feb-16 1616H 8,668 23-Feb-17 1434H 9,579 22-Feb-18 1437H 9,309 11-Feb-19 1448H 9,889 28-Jan-20 1429H 9,574 24-Feb-21 1400H Feb 1,446 6-Feb-13 1837H 1,362 5-Feb-14 1840H 1,479 17-Feb-15 1834H 1,669 23-Feb-16 1900H 1,747 31-Jan-17 1835H 1,913 21-Feb-18 1835H 1,919 22-Feb-19 1400H 2,201 29-Jan-20 1355H 1,945 26-Jan-21 1450H Feb 1,244 25-Feb-13 1838H 1,351 5-Feb-14 1826H 1,380 13-Feb-15 1405H 1,472 4-Feb-16 1925H
Mar 7,720 19-Mar-13 1415H 7,655 14-Mar-14 1406H 7,878 20-Mar-15 1415H 8,806 16-Mar-16 1438H 9,459 24-Mar-17 1343H 9,936 6-Mar-18 1418H 10,180 21-Mar-19 1424H 11,103 9-Mar-20 1411h 10,543 18-Mar-21 1353H Mar 1,528 22-Mar-13 1837H 1,411 11-Mar-14 1841H 1,528 24-Mar-15 1414H 1,749 11-Mar-16 1424H 1,829 23-Mar-17 1400H 1,956 20-Mar-18 1400H 2,010 22-Mar-19 1400H 2,140 13-Mar-20 1400H 2,145 19-Mar-21 1410H Mar 1,245 28-Feb-13 1824H 1,344 26-Feb-14 1838H 1,370 3-Mar-15 1400H 1,485 18-Mar-16 1530H
Apr 8,178 25-Apr-13 1337H 8,267 25-Apr-14 1335H 8,727 20-Apr-15 1424H 9,586 14-Apr-16 1332H 9,831 21-Apr-17 1407H 10,539 24-Apr-18 1341H 10,957 22-Apr-19 1423H 8,377 22-Apr-20 1420H 10,425 22-Apr-21 1428H Apr 1,548 17-Apr-13 1353H 1,499 25-Apr-14 1845H 1,630 20-Apr-15 1350H 1,846 13-Apr-16 1406H 1,914 25-Apr-17 1435H 2,044 24-Apr-18 1355H 2,116 25-Apr-19 1400H 1,789 22-Apr-20 2100H 2,124 12-Apr-21 1400H Apr 1,226 12-Apr-13 1345H 1,310 26-Mar-14 1117H 1,406 21-Apr-15 1404H 1,514 25-Apr-16 1959H
May 8,305 8-May-13 1334H 8,717 21-May-14 1351H 8,928 21-May-15 1423H 9,726 3-May-16 1352H 10,054 9-May-17 1427H 10,750 22-May-18 1337H 11,245 15-May-19 1348H 9,639 21-May-20 1346H 11,556 20-May-21 1358H May 1,572 6-May-13 1347H 1,606 7-May-14 1404H 1,618 21-May-15 1415H 1,893 5-May-16 1328H 1,933 19-May-17 1328H 2,053 24-May-18 1334H 2,224 16-May-19 1400H 1,966 20-May-20 1400H 2,159 5-May-21 1420H May 1,366 21-May-13 1830H 1,339 23-May-14 1342H 1,438 22-May-15 1342H 1,590 13-May-16 1508H
Jun 8,208 7-Jun-13 1400H 8,607 2-Jun-14 1344H 8,881 3-Jun-15 1416H 9,507 15-Jun-16 1345H 10,000 14-Jun-17 1348H 10,876 28-May-18 1353H 11,344 21-Jun-19 1352H 10,642 23-Jun-20 1409H 11,640 28-May-21 1357H Jun 1,555 24-Jun-13 1904H 1,636 27-May-14 1357H 1,562 26-May-15 1341H 1,831 7-Jun-16 1342H 1,935 2-Jun-17 1410H 2,010 28-May-18 1400H 2,220 20-Jun-19 1400H 2,044 4-Jun-20 1450H 2,164 28-May-21 1425H Jun 1,364 18-Jun-13 1840H 1,416 24-Jun-14 1842H 1,435 8-Jun-15 1400H 1,585 8-Jun-16 1424H
Jul 8,030 27-Jun-13 1400H 8,265 14-Jul-14 1317H 8,826 30-Jun-15 1335H 9,339 21-Jul-16 1324H 9,588 30-Jun-17 1417H 9,996 4-Jul-18 1327H 10,997 11-Jul-19 1439H 10,595 9-Jul-20 1412H Jul 1,543 18-Jul-13 1855H 1,511 11-Jul-14 1842H 1,584 20-Jul-15 1853H 1,819 21-Jul-16 1400H 1,869 29-Jun-17 1340H 1,972 20-Jul-18 1418H 2,129 11-Jul-19 1430H 1,956 8-Jul-20 1400H Jul 1,384 17-Jul-13 1839H 1,390 23-Jul-14 1842H 1,397 14-Jul-15 1502H 1,536 22-Jul-16 1409H
Aug 7,755 26-Jul-13 1350H 8,230 14-Aug-14 1350H 8,889 11-Aug-15 1334H 9,379 27-Jul-16 1326H 9,957 17-Aug-17 1420H 9,843 1-Aug-18 1342H 10,687 16-Aug-19 1344H 10,422 27-Jul-20 1438H Aug 1,512 19-Aug-13 1828H 1,579 11-Aug-14 1844H 1,596 11-Aug-15 1902H 1,825 27-Jul-16 1400H 1,965 9-Aug-17 1500H 2,015 23-Aug-18 1400H 2,148 14-Aug-19 1335H 2,080 25-Aug-20 1405H Aug 1,326 14-Aug-13 1835H 1,386 6-Aug-14 1840H 1,446 11-Aug-15 1901H 1,582 18-Aug-16 1400H
Sep 7,966 3-Sep-13 1334H 8,005 23-Sep-14 1419H 8,738 8-Sep-15 1323H 9,082 7-Sep-16 1336H 9,806 8-Sep-17 1358H 10,035 24-Sep-18 1355H 10,392 24-Sep-19 1331H 10,570 8-Sep-20 1422H Sep 1,547 2-Sep-13 1830H 1,528 11-Sep-14 1847H 1,625 26-Aug-15 1402H 1,817 2-Sep-16 1332H 1,936 7-Sep-17 1400H 1,954 29-Aug-18 1400H 2,164 23-Sep-19 1400H 2,098 26-Aug-20 1400H Sep 1,256 17-Sep-13 1811H 1,391 19-Sep-14 1802H 1,453 18-Sep-15 1413H 1,592 30-Aug-16 1409H
Oct 7,564 2-Oct-13 1400H 7,993 22-Oct-14 1419H 8,624 30-Sep-15 1400H 9,005 24-Oct-16 1336H 9,483 18-Oct-17 1406H 10,346 12-Oct-18 1400H 10,845 23-Oct-19 1400H 10,344 30-Sep-20 1355H Oct 1,520 24-Oct-13 1820H 1,517 22-Oct-14 1759H 1,705 21-Oct-15 1812H 1,823 25-Oct-16 1800H 1,953 11-Oct-17 1810H 2,026 12-Oct-18 1345H 2,224 25-Oct-19 1400H 2,032 1-Oct-20 1400H Oct 1,219 26-Sep-13 1758H 1,441 22-Oct-14 1749H 1,507 14-Oct-15 1800H 1,645 24-Oct-16 1755H
Nov 7,488 15-Nov-13 1400H 8,033 18-Nov-14 1336H 8,498 26-Oct-15 1358H 8,900 21-Nov-16 1352H 9,590 21-Nov-17 1335H 10,088 14-Nov-18 1348H 10,413 18-Nov-19 1358H 9,886 20-Nov-20 1337H Nov 1,518 5-Nov-13 1801H 1,610 17-Nov-14 1756H 1,768 18-Nov-15 1803H 1,838 22-Nov-16 1800H 1,975 14-Nov-17 1800H 1,980 26-Oct-18 1350H 2,168 18-Nov-19 1800H 2,043 19-Nov-20 1400H Nov 1,397 25-Nov-13 1801H 1,469 12-Nov-14 1755H 1,517 12-Nov-15 1810H 1,642 22-Nov-16 1750H
Dec 7,670 17-Dec-13 1341H 7,996 26-Nov-14 1353H 8,487 21-Nov-16 1352H 8,774 28-Nov-16 1413H 9,441 4-Dec-17 1336H 9,987 6-Dec-18 1350H 10,111 27-Nov-19 1338H 9,634 11-Dec-20 1357H Dec 1,350 16-Dec-13 1809H 1,526 4-Dec-14 1801H 1,727 9-Dec-15 1830H 1,859 12-Dec-16 1805H 1,957 4-Dec-17 1800H 2,020 5-Dec-18 1800H 2,151 6-Dec-19 1755H 2,027 14-Dec-20 1345H Dec 1,428 12-Dec-13 1801H 1,453 9-Dec-14 1809H 1,510 22-Dec-15 1800H 1,653 1-Dec-16 1751H

Maximum 8,305 8-May-13 1334H 8,717 21-May-14 1351H 8,928 21-May-15 1423H 9,726 3-May-16 1352H 10,054 9-May-17 1427H 10,876 28-May-18 1353H 11,344 21-Jun-19 1352H 11,103 9-Mar-20 1411h 11,640 28-May-21 1357H Maximum 1,572 6-May-13 1347H 1,636 27-May-14 1357H 1,768 18-Nov-15 1803H 1,893 5-May-16 1328H 1,975 14-Nov-17 1800H 2,053 24-May-18 1334H 2,224 16-May-19 1400H 2,201 29-Jan-20 1355H 2,164 28-May-21 1425H Maximum 1,428 12-Dec-13 1801H 1,469 12-Nov-14 1755H 1,517 12-Nov-15 1810H 1,653 1-Dec-16 1751H

Ann Inc/(Dec 416 412 211 798 328 822 468 (241) 537 Ann Inc/(Dec) 21 64 132 124 83 78 171 (22) (37) Ann Inc/(Dec) 107 41 48 136
Rate 5.27% 4.96% 2.42% 8.94% 3.37% 8.18% 4.30% -2.12% 4.84% Growth Rate 1.38% 4.04% 8.10% 7.03% 4.37% 3.94% 8.31% -1.01% -1.70% Growth Rate 8.08% 2.89% 3.29% 8.96%

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