Shipping Statistics and Market Review

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Statistical Publications

Shipping Statistics
and Market Review
Volume 54 No 7 - 2010

Market Review
Analytical Focus
World Merchant Fleet
World Tanker Market
World Bulk Carrier Market
World Container and General Cargo Shipping
World Merchant Fleet by Ownership Patterns
World Passenger and Cruise Shipping/
ISL Cruise Fleet Register
World Shipbuilding and Shipbuilders
Major Shipping Nations
World Seaborne Trade and World Port Traffic

Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics

ISL Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics
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Prof Dr Burkhard Lemper
Prof Dr Frank Arendt

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Contents – World Merchant Fleet by Ownership Patterns

ISL Comment 5-10


1.1 National and foreign Flag distribution ......................................................... 5
1.2 The major Open Registry Flags .................................................................. 6
(2) OWNERSHIP PATTERNS OF LEADING SHIPPING NATIONS ........................................................................ 8

Tab. 1 World merchant Fleet by Ship Type and according to national and foreign Flag ................ 5

Tab. 2 Additions to the World merchant Fleet by national and foreign Flag distribution according to
Ship Types During 2005 and 2010 (in mill dwt) ............................................................ 6

Tab. 3 Newbuilding additions During 2009 of the Top 5 Countries of Domicile by national
and foreign Flag (in mill dwt) ..................................................................................... 6

Tab. 4 OECD Fleet by national and foreign Flag ...................................................................... 6

Tab. 5 EU Fleet by national and foreign Flag .......................................................................... 6

Tab. 6 Total merchant Fleet (Controlled Fleet) by Region and national/foreign Flag share ........... 7

Tab. 7 Development of major Open Registry Flags ................................................................. 7

Tab. 8 World merchant Fleet Registered for Panama and Liberia according to Countries of Domicile 8

Tab. 9 Controlled Fleet of the Top Ten Countries of Domicile by national/foreign Flag ................. 9

Tab. 10 Major Ship Types’ national and foreign Flag distribution according to the Top Ten
Countries of Domicile ................................................................................................ 9

Tab. 11 Top-Ranking shipping nations – Flagged-out tonnage Registered under Open

Registry Flags .......................................................................................................... 10


Fig. 1 World merchant Fleet by national and foreign Flag ....................................................... 5

Fig. 2 Ships registered under foreign and national Flag by division of Age and major types ........ 5

Fig. 3 World merchant Fleet tonnage by national and Top Ten Open Registries as of
January 1st, 1989-2010 (in mill dwt) ........................................................................... 7

Fig. 4 TonnAge development of major Open Registry Flags as of January 1st, 2006 - 2010 ......... 8

Fig. 5 Open Registry Flags by Ship Type as of January 1st, 20100 ............................................ 9

Fig. 6 Controlled-fleet development of major shipping nations ................................................ 10

3 SSMR July 2010

Contents – World Merchant Fleet by Ownership Patterns

ISL InfoLine Special 11- 15

ISL Statistical Tables 16-40

1.1 Total World Merchant Fleet by National and Foreign Flag and Ship Type .......................... 16
1.2 World Merchant Fleet by Country of Domicile ............................................................... 17
1.3 World Tanker Fleet by Country of Domicile .................................................................. 18
1.4 World Bulk Carrier Fleet by Country of Domicile ........................................................... 19
1.5 World Fully Cellular Container Fleet by Country of Domicile ........................................... 20
1.6 World General Cargo Fleet by Country of Domicile ........................................................ 21
1.7 World Passenger and Passenger Cargo Fleet by Country of Domicile ............................... 22


2.1 Key Figures on Fleet Development .............................................................................. 23
2.2 Major Open Registry Fleet’s %-Share in World Fleet ..................................................... 24
2.3 Top Ten Open Registry Flags by Ship Type .................................................................. 24
2.4 Number of Open Registry Ships by Division of Age and Ship Type .................................. 25
2.5 Top Ten Open Registry Flags by average Age ............................................................... 25
2.6 Open Registry Flags by Country of Domicile ................................................................ 26


3.1 Key Figures on Fleet Development .............................................................................. 28
3.2 OECD Registred Fleet’s %-Share on World Fleet 2006 - 2010 ........................................ 29
3.3 Number of OECD Registered Ships by Division of Age and Ship Type .............................. 29
3.4 OECD Fleet by Registered Flag and Country of Domicile According to Ship Types ............. 30
3.5 OECD Controlled Fleet’s %-share in World Fleet 2006 - 2010 ......................................... 31
3.6 OECD Controlled Fleet by Countries of Domicile .......................................................... 31
3.7 Foreign Flag Registered Tonnage of OECD Countries of Domicile by
Top Ten Open Registers ........................................................................................... 32
3.8 OECD Fleet Additions for Top Ranking Countries of Domicile 2005 - 2010 ........................ 32

4.1 Key Figures on Fleet development .............................................................................. 33
4.2 EU Registered Fleet’s %-Share in World Fleet 2006 - 2010 ............................................ 34
4.3 Number of EU Flag Registered Ships by Division of Age and Ship Type ............................ 34
4.4 EU Fleet by Registered Flag and Country of Domicile According to Ship Types .................. 35
4.5 Development of EU Controlled Fleet and %-Share on World Fleet 2006 - 2010 ................. 36
4.6 EU Controlled Fleet by Countries of Domicile ............................................................... 36
4.7 Foreign Flag Registered Tonnage of EU Countries of Domicile by Top Ten Open Registers .. 37
4.8 EU Fleet Additions for Top Ranking Countries of Domicile 2005 - 2009 ............................ 37


5 Broken-up Ships by Type and Country Group of Registration during 2000 - 2009 ............. 38

6.1 Ships in the World Order Book for Open Registry Flags by Ship Types ............................. 39
6.2 Ships in the World Order Book for OECD Flags by Ship Types ........................................ 39
6.3 Ships in the World Order Book for EU Flags by Ship Types ............................................. 40


7 Ships Completed for OECD and EU Countries of Domicile during 2005 - 2009 .................. 40

ISL Market Review 41-68

4 SSMR July 2010

Comment - World merchant fleet by ownership patterns

This “short comment” is an excerpt from the “Analytical Comment” published in the ISL Shipping
Statistics and Market Review (SSMR) No 7-2010.

The SSMR includes detailed statistical information concerning the “analytical focus” and provides
approx. 30 monthly/quarterly market indicators (Market Review).
For more information compare attached “contents”

If you are interested in the complete publication covering all

details (tables & figures), please contact our subscription
department or you can order it via our
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the
ISL does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in "ISL
Shipping Statistics and Market Review (SSMR)" (this is also true for the “Short
Comment”) nor does it accept responsibility for errors or omissions or their

SSMR July 2010 1

Comment - World merchant fleet by ownership patterns

Fig. 1: World merchant fleet by national and foreign flag as of

1 TOTAL WORLD MERCHANT FLEET January 1st, 1996-2010
Today, 70 % of the world merchant fleets tonnage is 220
National flag Foreign flag Total fleet
flagged out, e.g. not registered in the country of domicile 200
of the owner. More than one third of this tonnage is 180
registered in one of the two major open registries, namely 160
Panama and Liberia. The four largest shipping nations 140
Greece, Japan, Germany, and China control over 50 % of 120
the world merchant fleet tonnage. 100
The “country of domicile” information included in the ISL
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
survey indicates where the controlling interest of the fleet
is located, i.e. the parent company. As of January 1st, 2010,
the country of domicile information was available for Tab. 1: World merchant fleet by ship type and according to national
32,742 merchant ships of 1,000 gt and over with a total and foreign flag as of January 1st, 2006, 2009 and 2010 (dwt
%-share, mill dwt)
deadweight of 1,139 million dwt, whereas for 4,557 ships
with 86.6 million dwt this information was unknown. National flag dwt mill Foreign flag dwt mill
%-share dwt %-share dwt
World merchant fleet by country of domicile as of Jan. 1st, 2006-2010 Ship type 2006 2009 2010 2010 2006 2009 2010 2010
(Ships of 1,000 gt and over; in mill dwt) Tankers 34.3 30.4 31.4 149.2 64.5 69.6 68.6 326.6
Bulk carriers 29.1 25.5 26.0 108.3 69.4 74.5 74.0 308.9
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Container 36.3 29.8 31.2 47.3 62.6 70.2 68.8 104.0
Country of domicile 885.8 955.4 1011.8 1077.1 1139.1 General cargo 42.4 37.2 38.7 34.6 56.8 62.8 61.3 54.8
Country unknown 50.6 45.7 59.3 67.3 86.6 Passenger 59.4 54.0 53.5 2.9 38.7 46.0 46.5 2.6
World total 936.4 1001.1 1071.0 1144.4 1225.7 Total 33.5 29.2 30.0 66.5 70.8 70.0
mill dwt 297.0 315.0 342.3 588.8 762.1 796.8
As already mentioned, a large share of the foreign-flag
tonnage is sailing under open registry flags. Based on the Ships of 1,000 gt and over; Excluding tonnage for ships of which the parent
company is unknown.
flag-ranking as of January 1st, 2010, there are ten major
open registry flags, namely Panama, Liberia, Marshall
Islands, the Bahamas, Malta, Cyprus, Antigua & Barbuda, Fig. 2: National and foreign flag registered ships by division of age
Saint Vincent, Bermuda and Cayman Islands. and major types as of January 1st, 2010
Tankers Bulk carrier
1.1 National and foreign flag distribution 125
At the beginning of 2010, 19,338 merchant ships with 100
mill dwt

796.8 million dwt equal to 70.0 % of the total tonnage 75

were not registered in the country of domicile of the 50
owner, but flagged out. For comparison, the foreign flag
share stood at 65.1 % in 2005 and 51.3 % in 1995. The
foreign-flag registered tonnage is largely attributable to the
up to 89-94 95-99 00-04 05-09 up to 89-94 95-99 00-04 05-09
major open registry flags. 1989 1989
Major ship types
Container ships Other ship types
All shipping sectors tend to use open registry flags 50
increasingly, although the foreign flag shares differ National
between major ship types. Bulk carriers show the highest Foreign
mill dwt

foreign flag share with 74 % (based on dwt), followed by 30

container vessels (68.8 %), tankers (68.6 %), general cargo 20

ships (61.3 %) and passenger/cargo passenger vessels (46.5 10
%). Passenger ships and especially ferries are hence the 0
only ship types with a majority of vessels registered under up to 89-94 95-99 00-04 05-09 up to 89-94 95-99 00-04 05-09
the respective national flags. 1989 1989

Regional grouping
According to the ISL fleet database, Asian and European
ship owners largely control the world merchant fleet. It is
worth noting that all regions except North America Sources:
increased their foreign flag shares during recent years. If not otherwise mentioned, the source for tables and figures
concerning the world merchant fleet, special ship type features and
The regional grouping of countries of domicile shows that order book information is “ISL based on IHS Fairplay”, please quote
547 million dwt or 48.3 % of the world merchant fleet
were attributable to Asian-owned parent companies. With Country of registration and country of domicile
Country of registration indicates the country of the port of registry of a
501 million dwt, European ship owners controlled a share country (flag). The country of domicile indicates where the controlling
of 44.0 % of the world merchant fleet, of which 86.3 % interest of the fleet is located in terms of the parent company. This
information is applicable to merchant fleet vessels of 1000 gt and
controlled by shipping companies based in EU-27 above.

SSMR July 2010 5

Comment - World merchant fleet by ownership patterns

Tab. 2: Additions to the world merchant fleet by national and foreign

Flagging out is of prime importance for North America. In
flag distribution according to ship types during
2010, 85.7 % of the total controlled tonnage attributable to 2005 and 2009 (in mill dwt
North American shipping companies was flagged out. In
the other major shipping regions, about two thirds were newbuilding additions to
sailing under foreign flags: 69.2 % for Europe and 68.9 %
national flag foreign flag controlled
for Asia. Ship type 2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009
Tanker 9.7 15.4 22.4 34.7 32.0 50.1
1.2 The major open registry flags Bulk carrier 4.6 7.6 17.8 31.7 22.3 39.3
Container 1.5 1.2 9.5 10.0 11.0 11.2
The flag-related ownership analysis shows an increasing General cargo 0.7 1.1 1.6 3.3 2.3 4.4
concentration on open registry flags. At the beginning of Passenger 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
2010, 796 million dwt equal to 70.0 % of the total Total 16.5 25.3 51.3 79.8 67.8 105.1
merchant fleet tonnage were registered under foreign Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over; Total controlled fleet including unknown
flags—mainly open registry flags—and only 342 million
dwt under national registers (ships of 1000 gt and over). Tab. 3: Newbuilding additions during 2009 of the top 5 countries of
domicile by national and foreign flag (in mill dwt)
As of January 1st, 2010, the ten major open registry flags
had a tonnage share of 78.5 % in the total world merchant Country of domicile
China, Korea,
fleet registered under all foreign flags, slightly lower than in Greece Japan PR of Germany Rep. of
2005 (85.6 %). National flag 7.2 1.9 2.6 - 0.4
Leading open registry flags Foreign flag 10.8 18.0 6.7 8.0 4.1
Total 18.0 20.0 9.3 8.0 4.5
At the beginning of 2010, tonnage registered under the top foreign flag
ten open registry flags totalled 683 million dwt (ships of %-share 60.0 90.4 71.9 100.0 91.5
300 gt and over). Leading open registry flags are Panama Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over
with 287 million dwt (23.2 % of the world tonnage),
followed by Liberia (141 million dwt, 11.4 %) and at a Tab. 4: OECD fleet by national and foreign flag as of
distance the Marshall Islands with 76 million dwt (6.2 %). January 1st, 2006-2010

During the last five years, the average tonnage growth of National flag Foreign flag Total Foreign
open registries reached 8.4 % per year. Table 6 reflects that No of mill No of mill No of mill flag dwt
Year ships dwt ships dwt ships dwt % share
especially the Marshall Islands, Liberia and Malta
2006 5,795 161.6 11,446 442.1 17,241 603.8 73.2
experienced an ongoing expansion of their fleets. These
2007 5,873 167.7 12,386 493.5 18,259 661.2 74.6
flags realised average growth rates of 12.3 %, 11.6 % and 2008 5,977 177.7 12,869 514.5 18,846 692.2 74.3
10.9 %, respectively. 2009 6,031 175.5 13,782 562.4 19,813 737.8 76.2
2010 6,141 190.5 13,749 569.1 19,890 759.6 74.9
The strongest increase from 2009 to 2010 was observed av. growth
for the Liberian flag with 15.1 %. At the beginning of rate 2006-2010 1.5 4.2 4.7 6.5 3.6 5.9
2010, the Liberian fleet stood at 141 million dwt as against Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over
123 million dwt one year before. The world’s second
largest register Liberia is the most-favoured register for Tab. 5: EU fleet by national and foreign flag as of
German and Greek ship-owners. January 1st, 2006-2010

Favoured open registers by ship type National flag Foreign flag Total Foreign
No of mill No of mill No of mill flag dwt
For most open registries, a specialization on certain ship Year ships dwt ships dwt ships dwt % share
types and countries of ownership can be observed. 2006 3,250 105.8 6,574 223.8 9,824 329.6 67.9
Looking at the “specialties” of the top-ranking open 2007 3,389 113.3 7,161 255.2 10,550 368.5 69.3
registry flags, the following observations are worth noting: 2008 3,498 123.0 7,632 269.0 11,130 392.1 68.6
2009 3,538 127.9 8,083 290.0 11,621 417.9 69.4
ƒ Flagged-out general cargo ships, container ships, 2010 3,509 132.2 8,105 300.0 11,614 432.2 69.4
tankers and bulk carriers were mainly attributable to av. growth
Panama. rate 2006-2010 1.9 5.7 5.4 7.6 4.3 7.0
Note: 2003 EU 15, from 2004 – 2005 EU 25, since 2007 EU 27
ƒ Liberia has a particularly strong position in the tanker
market. OECD Countries as per January 1st, 2010
ƒ The Bahamas are in the lead as open registry for Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Rep. of Korea, Iceland, Italy,
passenger ships. Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,
ƒ It is mainly German and Greek ship owners who use Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
UK and US.
the Liberian flag. EU Countries as per January 1st, 2010
ƒ The Panamanian flag is mainly used by Asian ship Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
owners. Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
ƒ The registry of Cyprus is mainly used by Greek and Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK
German ship owners. Major Open Registries
Countries permitting the registration of ships owned by non-residents. In
The foreign flag registration is a determining factor for the general, ISL figures on open registry flags are restricted to the top ten
major flags: Panama, Liberia, the Bahamas, Marshall Islands, Malta,
fleet development of all leading shipping nations. Cyprus, Antigua & Barbuda, Saint Vincent, Bermuda and Cayman
Islands. (01.01.2010).

6 SSMR July 2010

Comment - World merchant fleet by ownership patterns

2 OWNERSHIP PATTERNS OF LEADING Tab. 6: Development of major open registry flags as of

January 1st, 2006 -2010
%-change av. yearly
As of January 1st, 2010, 19,890 ships (1,000 gt and over)
mill dwt over prev. growth '06-
with a total of 760 million dwt were controlled by OECD
Flag 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 year '10 in %
countries representing a dwt share of 66.7 % of the world
Panama 209.9 230.2 249.9 270.9 286.4 5.7 8.1
merchant fleet. The OECD-controlled fleet increased by Liberia 91.0 103.1 115.0 122.7 141.3 15.1 11.6
3.0 % in terms of tonnage compared with previous year’s Marshall Isl. 47.7 53.4 58.4 67.6 76.0 12.3 12.3
figures. Tonnage figures for 2010 indicate that OECD Bahamas 49.6 52.4 56.5 57.9 59.4 2.6 4.6
Malta 36.9 40.1 43.5 50.8 55.9 10.1 10.9
countries controlled large shares of the world deadweight Cyprus 30.1 30.2 29.8 31.4 31.5 0.2 1.1
tonnage with respect to passenger ships (81.2 %), Antigua & Barbuda 9.4 10.2 11.3 12.6 13.0 3.5 8.5
container ships (78.6 %), bulk carriers (68.3 %) and tankers Bermuda 8.3 8.6 8.9 9.6 9.5 -1.1 3.4
(62.6 %). Saint Vincent 8.3 8.6 7.9 7.5 6.9 -8.1 -4.7
Cayman Islands 4.3 4.7 4.3 4.3 3.8 -11.2 -3.0
As of January 1st, 2010, the foreign flag share of OECD Total 495.5 541.5 585.4 635.1 683.5 7.6 8.4
countries was 74.9 %, 569 million dwt were registered Note: Ships of 300 gt and over
under foreign flags. For comparison, in 2006 the foreign
flag share stood at 73.2 %. At the beginning of 2010, the Fig. 3: World merchant fleet tonnage by national and top ten open
EU-27 countries controlled 432 million dwt. The foreign registries as of January 1st, 1991-2010 (in mill dwt)
flag tonnage share for the total EU fleet was 69.3 %.
Compared with 2009, the fleet controlled by EU member
states increased by 3.4 % (14.3 million dwt). 600
Open registry flags National Registries

2.2 The top ten shipping nations 500

mill dwt

As of January 1st, 2010, the top ten leading shipping 400

countries represent 69.7 % of the total world merchant
fleet in terms of tonnage. Greece has overtaken Japan (183 300
million dwt) as the country with the largest fleet with a
tonnage of 187 million dwt and 3,120 vessels of 1,000 gt
1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
and over.
Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over
At the beginning of 2010, leading shipping nations like
Japan and Germany registered large shares of their Fig. 4: Tonnage development of major open registry flags as of
controlled fleet tonnage under foreign flags (92.2 % and January 1st, 2006–2010 (in mill dwt)
83.5 %, respectively). Within the top ten shipping nations, 300.0
only the foreign flag share of Hong Kong is smaller than
50 % (38.6 %).
Tonnage figures at the beginning of 2010 compared to last
mill dwt

year’s results indicate that most top ten flags except 150.0
Norway (-13.5 %), UK (-0.6 %) and Germany (-0.7 %) 100.0 Marshall Isl. Bahamas
increased their controlled fleets’ tonnage potential. The Malta
largest tonnage increases were attributable to Korea (16.7
%), China (11.7 %) and Hong Kong (9.2 %). Compared to 0.0
2006, China and Germany increased the controlled 2006 2010 2006 2010 2006 2010 2006 2010 2006 2010
tonnage by 59 % and 48 % respectively dwt—the highest Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over
growth rate within the top 10 shipping nations.
Fig. 5: Open registry flags by ship type as of January 1st, 2010
The tonnage decrease of Norway provides an example for (dwt %-shares)
the “financialization” of the market and the decoupling of
Bulk carriers
owners from operators. With the registration of the Tankers
previously Norway-based Ship Finance International Others Panama Panama
Limited in Bermuda, Norway instantly lost a considerable 28.6% 29.5%
share of its controlled fleet. Marshall Liberia Others 12.7%
Islands 25.3% 23.1% Marshall
In absolute terms, the top three leading shipping nations, 16.7% Islands
Greece, Japan and Germany, increased their tonnage in the
period 2006-2010 by 31.7 % equal to about 114 million Container ships General cargo ships
Panama Others
2.3 Open registries attributable to major countries 39.3% Liberia
of domicile Others Marshall Marshall Liberia
20.2% Islands Islands 13.8%
At the beginning of 2010, OECD countries’ foreign flag 6.0% 7.5%

tonnage was to 34.5 % registered in Panama, followed by

Liberia with only 15.7 %. The comparison with results of Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over

SSMR July 2010 7

Comment - World merchant fleet by ownership patterns

2006 reflects the tonnage regrouping between traditional Fig. 6: Controlled fleet development of major shipping nations as of
open registry flags as well as the growing importance of January 1st, 2006-2010 (dwt – yearly average growth rate)
emerging new registers.
ƒ German ship owners used increasingly Liberia (47.5
%), Antigua & Barbuda (13.1 %) and the Marshall 200.0
Islands (12.7 %) as open registries. Greece
187.5 183.2

ƒ US foreign-flag registered tonnage concentrates on 150.0

mill dwt
the Marshall Islands (40.1 %) and the Bahamas (12.1 Germany
%). 100.0 104.1 101.9
China, PR of
ƒ Japanese ship owners favoured the Panamanian flag 50.0 44.4
(79.8 %), whereas Liberia (22.0 %) and Malta (19.5 Korea, Rep. of
%) were especially relevant for Greek ship owners. 0.0
2.4 Top ten nations’ engagement in specific 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
shipping markets average annual dwt growth in %
Note: Ships of 1000 gt and over
The average yearly tonnage growth of major shipping
nations differs significantly (compare figure 6). The highest
growth was attributable to China. In the period 2006-2010, Tab. 7: Registered tonnage share of top ranking shipping nations
the tonnage controlled by Chinese ship owners increased according to major open registry flags as of January 1st, 2010
on average by 12.2 % yearly (+38 million dwt). Korea’s
Major open registry flags (dwt %-share of total foreign flag)
fleet expansion was also remarkable with an average

Antigua & Barb

growth of 10.8 %, followed by Germany with 10.3 %.

Saint Vincent
Marshall Isl.

Cayman Isl.
TOTAL Foreign

Differences can also be ascertained with respect to ship


Country of mill flag dwt


types. Fleet figures indicate that approximately 53 % of the domicile dwt %-share
US, and 50 % of the Norwegian controlled deadweight Japan 79.8 4.0 1.8 2.1 0.2 0.3 - 0.1 0.0 0.3 11.4 168.9 92.2
Greece 14.9 22.0 13.9 9.7 19.5 9.5 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.5 8.3 128.8 68.7
tonnage are attributable to tankers, whereas the tonnage Germany 4.0 47.5 12.7 3.2 4.1 4.9 13.1 0.8 0.0 0.9 8.6 87.0 83.5
controlled by Chinese, South Korean and Japanese is China, PR of 41.6 0.4 1.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 - 2.5 2.8 - 49.7 62.1 61.0
Korea, Rep. of 92.6 - 5.0 - 0.1 - - - - - 2.4 25.9 58.4
mostly concentrated on bulk carriers (compare table 9). US 11.5 6.4 40.1 12.1 2.2 0.3 0.1 1.4 0.4 4.4 21.1 28.2 81.0
Taiwan 47.5 27.0 - - - - - - - - 25.5 26.2 87.4
2.5 Future tonnage of the leading shipping Norway 12.5 4.3 12.7 21.5 3.1 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 - 44.5 24.7 65.5
nations UK 12.8 21.7 7.5 9.5 1.1 5.5 0.1 1.6 0.3 0.0 39.7 23.4 73.0
Denmark 6.8 0.9 1.8 3.6 3.4 0.3 0.6 - 0.3 0.2 82.3 19.7 61.3
Looking at specific market segments, the following TOTAL 32.1 16.6 8.9 7.1 6.7 3.3 1.6 0.8 0.8 0.5 21.6 595.0 70.0
tendencies are worth mentioning: of which
OECD 34.5 15.7 9.5 7.9 6.9 3.5 2.2 0.6 0.5 0.7 18.1 569.1 74.6
ƒ Tankers on order at the beginning of 2010 reached a EU 27 9.9 26.6 11.4 7.8 11.4 6.3 4.0 0.9 0.9 0.6 20.1 300.0 69.3
volume of 145 million dwt. Of those ships for which Note: Ships of 1,000 gt and over
the controlling owner is already known, the largest
tonnage volumes were contracted for Greece (26
million dwt), China (11 million dwt) and Japan (9 Statistical details “ Ownership patterns”
ƒ World merchant fleet by national and foreign flag p. 16
million dwt). ƒ World merchant fleet by country of domicile p. 17-22
ƒ Major open registry fleets p. 23
ƒ The world order book for bulk carriers stood at 272
million dwt. The future bulk carrier tonnage ordered by Statistical details “ Ownership patterns”
the top ten countries reached 187 million dwt. Over 50 ƒ OECD fleet key figures p. 28
ƒ OECD registered flag and country of domicile
% are registered under foreign flags. Large shares of according to ship types p. 29-32
the future tonnage are attributable to owners in ƒ EU fleet key figures p. 33
ƒ EU registered flag and country of domicile
Greece, China, Japan and Germany. according to ship types p. 34-37
ƒ Container tonnage on order accounted for 56 million
Statistical details “Future tonnage developments”
dwt, of which 38 million dwt are registered under the ƒ Ships in the world order book for open registry,
top ten open registry flags. Two thirds of this tonnage OECD and EU countries p 39/40
volume was flagged out. The largest container tonnage ƒ Ships completed for OECD and EU countries of domicile p. 40
volume was ordered for Germany, namely 20 million ƒ Ships on order for OECD and EU countries of domicile
by major ship types and delivery schedule p. 41/42
dwt, followed by Greece and China (each 4 million ƒ New orders for top ranking OECD and EU countries of
dwt). domicile by major ship types and major countries of build p. 43/44

ƒ Compared with tankers, bulk carries and container

ships, the tonnage ordered for general cargo ships was
modest, reaching 20 million dwt at the beginning of
2010. Germany, Japan and Norway were the most
active owner countries in this segment with a total of 8
million dwt.

8 SSMR July 2010

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