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MP. JUDICIAL SERVICE (CIVIL JUDGE) MAIN EXAMINATION -2017 ‘arqPrich/Roll No. Total No. of Questions : 7 No. of Printed Pages : 4 gat aed eee: 7 after yet @) sear: 4 LOCAL LAWS, CRIMINAL LAWS & PROCEDURE Third Question Paper qdte geo AG — 300 We pre — 100 Time Allowed — 3:00 Hours Maximum Marks — 100 1. All questions are compulsory. Answer to all Questions must be given in one language either in Hindi or in English. In case of any ambiguity between English and Hindi version of the question, the English version shall prevail. eft ger afar 21 wit oedt @ cay feed aera attoh ye ae 4 a A 2) ufe PRA wet @ stich ok Ret us S de we wiser 8, dh ae aT ara eh} Write your Roll No. in the space provided on the first page of Answert-Book or Supplementary Sheet. Writing of his/her own Name or Roll No. or any Number or any mark of identification in any form in any place of the Answer Book not provided for, by which the Answer Book of a candidate may be distinguished/ identified from others, is strictly prohibited and shall, in addition to other grounds, entail cancellation of his/her candidature. Bae GRerer aera aguye ve Boyan ge we ARE eI Oe A RIE sift oY) GR yRerar a Aftee wr & arfahtan fe kIT oe ST ATA aT SrprHiG loan ae soate UT Me ar wie Pers sift wea foe went a soe Geer ah ora wee yRerwral @ ater MEAT oT we, eer vinta @ oft ory amen & afeRad, Geet spaftiar fia fea aM ar ora SFT | 3. Candidate shall start answering of next question from the next page. Writing of all answers must be clear & legible. If the writing of Answer Book written by any candidate is not clear or is illegible in view of Valuer/Valuers then the valuation of such Answer Book may not be done. oral ore oe GT GAR ome YS S tat oe wt | wort at ferarae ere oi vosta sar oraeae 21 feet where & ene feet 7g wgkaer ot fae a qpieredt/yesietmate Sad F RUS aT aaah Shhh at Serer erie FA fear oT wT P.T.O. QNo. / OR. 1a) 1(b) 2a) 2(b) 3(a) z Question / we ‘COMMODATION CONTROL ACT, 1961 aa. ware Preiaor afer, 1961 Under what circumstances defence may be struck out ? What would be the consequence of striking out defence ? for eeneil 4 ara wana fear oT wae é ? sara GATT SMS TT coord et 2 Enumerate any four grounds on which eviction of tenants from accommodation can be sought under the Act ? WW fe aR qe) or seca Afiy Riad ore we afar } ori fever a aeeech ers oT Wat BS ? Define 'Holding’ ? Discuss elaborately about the partition of holdings ? ‘art urna ay ? ant @ fom } a 4 fergie ce wR Explain briefly the procedure prescribed to be adopted against a person in unauthorised possession of unoccupied or Abadi land. omg wr A wae Ver yA ar onarél yA wa Ee aa FH fase orenPic orders ar was A aly wifsig | INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872 a wer afer, 1872 "A" tried for murder of "B". A says to police officer "I have buried the knife with which I committed the murder of "B". He shows the place where knife was buried. Knife was taken out. Whether the statement "with which I committed murder of "B" is admissible ? Discuss. Marks SHB 3(b) 4a) A(b) Sta) ‘oR a Hw w fran fear ore a1 ‘or yfers oftanfat went & fe “FA we um wT RR AAT SH ea HS, TeaX wT 2 de Va UM I aaa 2 Get aE TST TT ee ae Ba AT er wwe wee “re Ae A ger He Te aha e ? fara BT | Define accomplice. What is the value of its evidence and how for its evidence is admissible. Wear a oftnfta at) wean & wey er gar Feed 2 ix TAHT UT Get TH Beals? INDIAN PENAL CODE, 1861 anda qs wfedl, 1361 When offence falls under Sec 304 Part (I) and when falls under Sec 304 Part (II) of I.P.C. ? Discuss. anda ag dita & serfs wa AIT aT 304 ATT (I) st GRA A F wa 304 PT (IN) St UR A onan 8 ? fade Bt | What do you mean by term Criminal Conspiracy? How i punishable ? Discuss differences between Criminal liability under section 34 IPC and criminal conspiracy under section 120A IPC. omit vga Way aor wad & ? a Ga averting F ? oT 34 mae, & skh arpa at a art 1208 wew. b sierfe arritie weds & Hey cise at faatert we ? CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE, 1973 ‘aus far wftar, 1973 "Every offence shall be ordinarily be inquired into and tried by a court within whose local jurisdiction it was committed". Examine this proposition of law. Do you think there is any exception to this rule ? vgede ore at ate yd fare angeh de oe Be Saareta ener fear rar fea wiry ataRar S ore ae oer fee Ta ey" sree fae Yat wor wee PY | aa var frais F AY smare #? 4 5(b) What procedure is followed by a magistrate on receiving a complaint under Code of Criminal Procedure? ws Sire Visa S series Rae a wet et WR ARS ENT STE GM Greft wiser wt Herel ? NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT, 1881 uRer feraa afer, 1884 6. Discuss the essential ingredients of offence under S. 138 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881. Which defence is not allowed in any prosecution under S. 138? Rery fered sa 1881 FT oRI-138 @ sieht ERE @ sta ued or aia anf | arise @ sicrfa omer & fery aiftrarory at Wt aad sand et elo B ? MIXED PBT 7. Write Short-notes on : - (A) Public Document (B) Standard Rent (C) Unlawful Assembly. uftra fear faked — @) ate aenta @ sears Jara arst (@) fae fee ora) ek 8

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