Third Paper CJ Main-2013

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M.P. JUDICIAL SERVICE MAIN EXAMINATION- 2013 Roll No! srp54t EL EET] Candidate should write his Roll No. here Weare omar organi wel fore C.J.-13 ARTICLE & SUMMARY WRITING ‘Third Paper get wd wel yale wees Total No. of Questions : 4 No. of Printed Pages ~6 Ge weal st Wem: 4 ya yet ot We: 6 Time Allowed -__ 1.30 Hours Maximum Marks ~ 50 wy — 1.30 ae wie — 50 Instructions / Fea — J This Question Paper consists of four Questions. All questions have to be answered. kindly adhere to the word limit as it is mentioned. Wa yes 8 ae a ger By) eh peat S weae SFB) gett S wel 4h ag we eT I SEY Ulett we] In case there is any mistake either of printing or ofa factual nature, out ofthe Hindi and English versions of the question, the English version will be treated as standard. aft fet cea 4 fet yor af afd yao ar cea gfe gh a) we & feed cen otiohh wai FS sich waiae arte ara oT) Write your Roll number in the space provided on the first page of Answer-Book or supplementary sheet. Any attempt to disclose identity, in any way by any means in any other part thereof shall disqualify the candidature. sar oferer ser sae vic @ wer ps aR afte wns oe et cig@aiM cifed we) foah at var @ fad At wer eno feet oer ATT OR NEU Wee Oe selon faxféc et oat | While answering a Question, do not use any word indicating a name. Where ever needed, use alphabets "A B C", Please do not mention your name, address, roll number or any specific mark or name under any circumstances. Otherwise it will be treated as disqualification and candidature shall be cancelled. fot ft wet cae 4 feet aram@ ae oT Ta ee vel sara et cel TH Or W oer “yf or vat oe wae TH, oe, Get TRY aT Re fire gee a wl Sere Fare 4 ae) eT Se aT aT wre cen eaten Peet ox Soret | Answers of this Question Paper must only be given in Answer-book provided for this Question Paper. Answiers given on another Answer-book shall not be valued. HUE Ua Se TH eg St eager 4 A fee | ome Gar gaan # oer Writing of all answers must be clear & legible. If the writing of answer-book written by any candidate is not clear or is illegible in view of Valuer/Valuers then the valuation of such answer-sheet shall not be done. wat sant #1 ferame ere Sh yerty err oaeae 21 PS Mert Ss eet feet ae sen-ghter #1 foram af aegtoreat/ wise Sag 7 gee a suo eth oi Seer apaien wef far aie ay Answers to the Question No. 1&2 (Article) and Question No. 3 (Summarization) must be given in one language either in Hindi or in English, Ger Bas 1 7 2 ran) vd we orion 3 Seo) dao oer we a amt feed ar ofttci 4 fora erm] QO. yoro 1 Write an article in Hindi or English, in about 150 words, on any one of the following topics (Social) : frafeiad fasct Granite) 4a feet ca oe fed seat stich 4 corr 150 teal 4 crea fe () Menace of corruption. FETA o Way (ii) _ Role of Women in Nation Building ay Paty 4 afters a yar Write an article in Hindi or English, in about 150 words, on any one of the following legal topics (Legal): : frrfeittze fevat (fatten) 4 a fant var ue feet sera site 4 orryris0 wal 4 ce fetay (© Legal rights of an accused afte & TPH otter (ii) Mediation: New hope towards inexpensive and speedy dispute resolution. FER: Tet Ud cia faare Pree @ fey ag Tie Summarize the following passage in Hindi or in English (in about 150 words) : Prafertad seer or feed) cera sitet 4 wieiftrer afore (ePET 150 ai 4) lL. The petitioner in this case is the father of a minor girl Kiran Devi, who was 15 years of age. Kiran was found missing from her house on 27-10-2006 on which date a boy named Jagat Pal was also found missing from his house. The petitioner lodged a missing report with Police Station kotwali Damoh. Pursuant to this the police became active and after search nabbed the boy Jagat Pal and also took Kiran Devi into custody. Ze After recovery Kiran Devi had been sent to Nirmal Chaya. She made a statement that her parents were not accepting her marriage with Jagat Pal. Barlier she had made a statement that she had gone with Jagat Pal of her own accord and willingly married him without any pressure or coercion. In thes circumstances , question of vali of marriage and guardianship has arisen for consideration, —~ : 2 Marks sa 15 Tt is clear form the facts of this case that the girl was not kidnapped but eloped with Jagat Pal of her own and got married with him. However, the girl was below 18 years when she got married. It is not in dispute that the age of the boy with whom she got married was above 21 years at the time of marriage. We often come across cases where girl and boy elope and get married in spite of the opposition from the family or parents. Very often these marriages are inter- religion, inter-caste and take place in spite of formidable and fervid opposition due to deep- seated social and cultural prejudices. However, both the boy and girl are in love and defy the society and their parents. In such cases, the courts face a dilemma and a predicament as to what to do. This question is not easy to answer. We feel that no straight jacket formula or answer can be given. It depends upon the facts and circumstances of each case. The decision will largely depend upon the interest of the boy and the girl, their level of understanding and maturity, whether they understand the consequences, etc. The attitude of the families or parents has to be taken note of, either as an affirmative or a negative factor in determining and deciding whether the girl and boy should be permitted to stay together or if the girl should be directed to live with her parents. Probably the last direction may be legally justified, but for sound and good reasons, the Court has option to order otherwise. We may note that in many cases, such girls severely oppose and object to their staying in special homes, where they are not allowed to meet the boy or their parents. The stay in the special homes cannot be unduly prolonged as it virtually amounts to confinement, or detention. The girl, if mature, cannot and should not be denied her freedom and her wishes should not get negated as if she has no voice and her wishes are of no consequence. : The Court while deciding, should also keep in mind that such marriages are voidable and the girl has the right to approach the Court under Section 3 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act to get the marriage declared void till she attains the age of 20 years. BH TERT FT ateared cea cise fred, frat oF of, ar fic & | fered fee 27,1000 et cad ER Tra og eo gat aie st ww asl out HM SES aR ur oT a arg 7a | ufareat + saat yA feeredt at wet fed yee mn atoareh, cite a at eft | oft 4 ai oe} ae ash VTA ot yes six fered at sive 9 fer wer feat en fe sad afta oat eel oe S wer Wier a ox Wd | a wR we oem fo on fe ae % ure seh act @ we ofl sie wert fear feet cara site wa & oft woh SY oeraaet } Ger eet at S| ea oRerltal 4 ore Ft aur shy eked OT wea faa & fel sore | BH oe: WH ancl ad @ wet cease art ora Z ak GRaR a arn—fior & fixe & aaa face wx da @ | see a feos amrenta ar raat ad @ six yaet cen omterget fase } aaa wt eta & | var, ager sik sat stat ze # eid & civ a wns sik ma—fict ot cast @ed @ | CH geet A ene S waar efaer sik fara oRReft et orc @ fe ear fear wed | ga WE aT VaR SRI Fel @ | AEG aed ¢ fh oy ven we WT var aA fea WI Wee 2 | de velo seer So cRal a URRefeal a fee ox 2 | ce Pela qe wo SG asa a ase Ht OR, wast eae eR Sh oRugacr fe ger a oRoTa onfe wasd oe PR eer | Z tes d a ‘ ce a) 4 ORG & BT or ust fe a ase-asat Gt we BR VET at S @ arti aed a ase et vad afar & wer wer ar Pee ear ued | wan aret fda af fate we 8 vtec al wen & Sfert cha o oe oot ST S UG sraeT sree SL BT faeed Wi | eH ae Ale ox aod @ fo ome yew 4 WT ashrat fase yet A wad war @ gfe fava six sryiet Gk Todt 2 aef oe ase o wae afta G fret al ett a1 ; ware a Pea axe Tra ae ah eas A west ales Wi flare yroowtia ge 2 otk agat Gant 3 aret fare vir shar & sits ~eea 4 oir oT afer ured & fe ae 20 ad SF ory art oer O ad te flare ot a dita ae we | Translate the following 15 sentences into English :- friferad 15 aaa or stot 4 argere aarfere 0} @) afaion 3 omar ‘v caftxe ar ty ye aftent & ore eet a we Geta Sra oe Vad afer ae A vei at ce YT wat stron Bat A Vers Wea F Pare a feria 3112.13 Ua aT 10 aa YS aan S eel war @ vine va St Be saw ST | Ze WH SWEAR Ta, ST ae S wan S dhe the ver oT ‘y @ anya oe wan * Sa | Set aert S aaq G ae one EY Ue aie Gen oT Hes Song sa git 4 dea cae Hat } aTEy or UT, Sa Tet SoS. Ga Se HI YH SE ites V eH ST ae (11) (2) (13) (1a) (18) wa Yaw wer & fee gor, oa alta vd mel St aT ax aga wer ag Rreta @ waey Tet werd Ht Tre eT wae wea 3 ae ax ate aed, fot oa at fitter at The Or aft et Ter Gar aia after wa a wearer Fart way sie afar ‘Ua Bl seseret Vga TAT | wv a Read we orien oma gor oie agar ay oS fee gfea Role sega a TAT ad 3 ae wr Hh vgs a ak eg td tee @ Fare tg SEAT e | . Ww GI TM Teaa We Tela ae a daa ae Sy wav 3 od 7a @, foes WI OI STOR wae ofS FI are) 4 gfaaderr ter 12H wer 8 fe wat ae wis AEl eae ait ae ae set rT fe fd wR aoe wT A EI arava 4 ag wei ot set wer fH |e HI are aa, fore fey adi a 16 vast } ge a onagamar ek 21 Ba Vor ad a aque oraziect & oe 4 per frat 8, ar amt aftgre sé 21 Am

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