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Farmer’s Revolt

 The Depression caused a rise in the prices of food, created a huge surplus and

made the people leave the land they were occupying.

 Banks held on to the debts of the people

 There was a tariff that protected manufacturers

 Farmer’s suffered from high payments as well as dealing with poverty. They also

had to deal with railroad dates that were high and often discriminating.

 There was a cut taken out for stored and processed commodities, often by


The political system of the Gilded Age dealt with a series of issues that included tariffs,

currency reform and civil service reform. There were two different types of tariffs that

were difficult for the average American to understand. The currency has value based on

how much of it was being used. (Circulated) There were also concerns when it came to

the government workers and so civil reform was needed in order to deal with that and

create stability. The concerns of there being the difficulty and complexity of dealing with

routine government were addressed. Current political issues now have to deal with

helping other countries with the difficulties they are facing from dictators as well as

natural disasters. We are also facing the issues of keeping our economy afloat as well

as jobs for the people. They are similar in the fact of the economy needing reform.

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