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Taylan Ozgur, 4780345

Mikk Laanes, 4811895

Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

1st Order Analysis

I: Design Data

Internal Forces diagrams:

Shear force V [kN]:

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Normal force N [kN]:

Bending moment M [kNm]:

Juxtaposition of Internal Forces:

Med[kNm] Med[kNm]
Element Ned[kN] Ved[kN] Mted[kNm]
(support) (mid-span)
1 46,50 133,40 168,42 187,48 0,00
2 3,74 125,00 0,00 312,50 0,00
3 89,38 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
4 391,60 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
5 0,00 152,27 0,00 0,00 200,00

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

II: Design:

According to given dominant loads in each member preliminary profiles have been assumed:

Dominant Force fyd Wmin/ Amin* Predicted

(N/M)[kN/ kNm] [Mpa] [cm^3/cm^2] Profiles
1 187,48 355,00 528,11 IPE550
2 312,50 355,00 880,28 IPE 600
3 89,38 355,00 2,52 CHS 114.3 x 5
4 391,60 355,00 11,03 HEA160
5 200,00 355,00 - IPE400

* Wmin/ Amin= Dominant Force / fyd

1.0 Member number 1:

1.0.1 Properties:

L 10 m
S355 355,00 MPa
Iy 671000000,00 mm4
Wel,y 2440000,00 mm3
Wpl,y 2790000,00 mm3
A 13400,00 mm2
Iz 26700000,00 mm4
Wel,z 254000,00 mm3
Wpl,z 400000,00 mm3
bf 210,00 mm
tf 17,20 mm
r 24,00 mm
h 550,00 mm
tw 11,10 mm
iy 224,00 mm
iz 44,50 mm
Ɛ 0,81 -

1.0.2 Calculation for Class chceck:

σN= 3,47 [Mpa]

σM= 76,84 [Mpa]

ψ= -0,91

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Class check:

c=(bf-tw)/2-r 75,45 mm
t=tf 17,20 mm

c/t= 4,39 < 7,32 ~Class 1
c=h-2r-2tf 467,60 mm
t=tw 11,10 mm

c/t= 42,13 < 92,26 ~Class 3

~Cross section Class 3.

~Previously we have checked for full compression (column 2, tab. 5.2 [1]) which
classified the web in the 4th Class. For the elastic state with bending and axial
compression (3rd column) chosen cross section passed the condition, classifying it in 3rd
Class. The profile passed the ULS in elastic state no need to check in plastic state.
1.1 Resistance of cross sections:
1.1.1 Shear:

ƞ= 1,2 ɣM0= 1,00

7192,52 > 6228,43 = ƞhwtw [mm2]

Vpl,Rd 1474,17 kN
VEd 133,40 kN

VEd/Vpl,Rd= 0,09 < 1,00 fulfilled
~VEd<0,5Vpl,Rd it's effect on moment resistance can be neglected(Cl 6.2.8 [1])

1.1.2 Compression:

Nc,Rd= 4757,00 kN
NEd= 46,50 kN

NEd/Nc,Rd 0,010 < 1,00 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

1.1.3 Bending:

Mel,Rd= 866,20 kNm (Class 3)

MEd= 187,48 kNm

MEd/Mel,Rd= 0,22 < 1,00 fulfilled

Influence of axial force(CL.

σx,Ed= 80,31 [Mpa] (Pt 1.0.2)

80,31 < 355,00 ~condition fulfilled

1.2 Member resistance:

1.2.1 Buckling resistance:

Lcr,z,y= 10000,00 mm (worst case scenario)

ɣM1= 1,00

Axis z-z
λz= 2,96
α= 0,34 (curve b) table 6.2 [1]
φ= 5,35
χz= 0,10 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 484,99 kN
NEd= 46,50 kN
Ned/Nb,Rd 0,096 < 1,00 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Axis y-y
λz= 0,59
α= 0,21 (curve a) table 6.2 [1]
φ= 0,71
χz= 0,89 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 4254,89 kN
NEd= 46,50 kN
Ned/Nb,Rd 0,011 < 1,00 fulfilled

1.2.2 Lateral torsion buckling resistance:

General case(Cl. [1]):

Buckling curve (table 6.4 [1])

Calculating Mcr( according to NEN1993-1-1 Annex D):

kred= 1,00 (h/tw= 49,55 <75)

Lengths Lg, Lst, Lkip:

Lg= 10000,00 mm (length between torsional restraints)
Lst= 10000,00 mm (length between laterally restrained points)
Lkip= 7750,00 mm (length of an equivalent laterally unrestrained
Lkip was calculated according to bending moment diagram, as the length
between MEd=0 ( drawing next page)

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I


Determinating coefficient C:

S= 1990,64 mm

Factors C1 & C2:

M= 168,42 kNm
β= 0,50 [-]
B*= -0,35 [-]

C1= 1,2
C2= -0,85

C= 3,75

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Iw= 1,88E+12 mm6 <= from section tables

It= 1,23E+06 mm4 <= from section tables
G= 81000,00 N/mm2 <= EC recommended value

Mcr,m= 280,20 kNm

General case(Cl.

λLT= 1,76
αLT= 0,34 h/b=2,62>2,0 (curve b, table 6.4 [1])
φLT= 2,31
χLT= 0,26

moment distribution between lateral restraints influence:

kc (tab. 6.6 [1-1])

kc= 0,9
f= 0,99 < 1
χLT,m= 0,26

MEd= 187,48 kNm

Mb,Rd= 227,36 kNm

MEd/Mb,Rd= 0,82 < 1,00 fulfilled

LTB curves for rolled sections(Cl. [1]):

λLT,0= 0,4 max value [1]

β= 0,75 min value [1]

αLT= 0,49 h/b=2,62>2,0 (curve c, table 6.5 [1])

λLT= 1,76
φLT= 1,99
χLT= 0,31
χLT,m= 0,31

MEd= 187,48 kNm

Mb,Rd= 302,29 kNm

MEd/Mb,Rd= 0,62 < 1,00 fulfilled
~The utility is higher for general case (0,82>0,62), for further calculations
general case is used as a worser case.

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

1.2.3 Bending and axial compression resistance:

Cl. 6.3.3

eq. 1

eq. 2

interaction factors kyy, kzy (Annex B):

αh= -0,90 Mh= 168,42 [kNm]

ψ= 0,50 ψMh= 84,42 [kNm]
Ms= 187,48 [kNm]

CmLT, Cmy, Cmz: uniform loading

CmLT, Cmy, Cmz= 0,91

kyy: Table B.1 Class 3 kzy: Table B.2 Class 3

0,909 < 0,911 0,9995 > 0,9992

General condition:

eq. 1 0,8451 < 1 fulfilled

eq. 2 0,8351 < 1 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

2.0 Member number 2:

2.0.1 Properties:

L 10 m
S355 355,00 MPa
Iy 921000000,00 mm4
Wel,y 3070000,00 mm3
Wpl,y 3510000,00 mm3
A 15600,00 mm2
Iz 33900000,00 mm4
Wel,z 308000,00 mm3
Wpl,z 486000,00 mm3
bf 220,00 mm
tf 19,00 mm
r 24,00 mm
h 600,00 mm
tw 12,00 mm
iy 243,00 mm
iz 46,60 mm
Ɛ 0,81 -

2.0.2 Calculation for Class chceck:

~Axial compression force is very low (N=3,74 kN) in comparisson to bending moment
(M=312,50 kNm) for class check we assume pure bending.
Class check:

c=(bf-tw)/2-r 80,00 mm
t=tf 19,00 mm

c/t= 4,21 < 7,32 ~Class 1
c=h-2r-2tf 514,00 mm
t=tw 12,00 mm
c/t= 42,83 < 58,58 ~Class 1

~Cross section Class 1.

2.1 Resistance of cross sections:

2.1.1 Shear:

ƞ= 1,2 ɣM0= 1,00

8380,00 > 7401,60 = ƞhwtw [mm2]

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Vpl,Rd 1717,56 kN
VEd 125,00 kN

VEd/Vpl,Rd= 0,07 < 1,00 fulfilled
~VEd<0,5Vpl,Rd it's effect on moment resistance can be neglected(Cl 6.2.8)

2.1.2 Compression:

Nc,Rd= 5538,00 kN
NEd= 3,74 kN

NEd/Nc,Rd 0,001 < 1,00 fulfilled

3,74 < 1384,50 kN ~condition fulfilled

3,74 < 1094,82 kN ~condition fulfilled

~NEd effect on moment resistance can be neglected

2.1.3 Bending:

Mpl,Rd= 1246,05 kNm (Class 1)

MEd= 312,50 kNm

MEd/Mpl,Rd= 0,25 < 1,00 fulfilled

2.2 Member resistance:

2.2.1 Buckling resistance:

Lcr,z,y= 10000,00 mm (simply supported beam)

ɣM1= 1,00

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Axis z-z
λz= 2,83
α= 0,34 (curve b) table 6.2 [1]
φ= 4,94
χz= 0,11 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 615,59 kN
NEd= 3,74 kN
Ned/Nb,Rd 0,006 < 1,00 fulfilled

Axis y-y
λz= 0,54
α= 0,21 (curve a) table 6.2 [1]
φ= 0,68
χz= 0,91 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 5043,26 kN
NEd= 3,74 kN
Ned/Nb,Rd 0,001 < 1,00 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

2.2.2 Lateral torsion buckling resistance:

General case(Cl.

Buckling curve (table 6.4 [1])

Calculating Mcr( according to NEN1993-1-1 Annex D):

kred= 1,00 (h/tw= 50,00 <75)

Lengths Lg, Lst, Lkip:

Lg= 10000,00 mm (length between torsional restraints)
Lst= 10000,00 mm (length between laterally restrained points)
Lkip= 10000,00 mm (length of an equivalent laterally unrestrained
Determinating coefficient C:

S= 2109,77 mm

Factors C1 & C2:

C1= 1,13
C2= -0,45
('-' unfavorable load location)

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

C= 3,33
Iw= 2,85E+12 mm6 <= from section tables
It= 1,66E+06 mm4 <= from section tables
G= 81000,00 N/mm2

Mcr,m= 325,78 kNm

General case(Cl.

λLT= 1,96
αLT= 0,34 h/b=2,73>2,0 (curve b)
φLT= 2,71
χLT= 0,22

moment distribution between lateral restraints influence:


kc= 0,94
f= 1,05 < 1
χLT,m=χLT 0,22

MEd= 312,50 kNm

Mb,Rd= 271,58 kNm
MEd/Mb,Rd= 1,15 < 1,00 not fulfilled
~The general case was not fulifilled, but utility is not exceeded for rolled
profiles case which is the valid one.

LTB curves for rolled sections(Cl.

λLT,0= 0,4 max value [1]

β= 0,75 min value [1]

αLT= 0,49 h/b=2,62>2,0 (curve c)

λLT= 1,96
φLT= 2,32
χLT= 0,26
χLT,m= 0,24

MEd= 312,50 kNm

Mb,Rd= 319,97 kNm
MEd/Mb,Rd= 0,98 < 1,00 fulfilled
~The condition for I profiles is fulifilled, for further calculations rolled profiles
case is used.

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

2.2.3 Bending and axial compression resistance:

eq. 1

eq. 2

interaction factors kyy, kzy (Annex B):

αh= 0,00 Mh= 0,00 [kNm]

ψ= 0,00 ψMh= 0 [kNm]
Ms= 312,50 [kNm]

CmLT, Cmy, Cmz: uniform loading

CmLT, Cmy, Cmz= 0,95

kyy: Table B.1 Class 3 kzy: Table B.2 Class 3

0,950 < 0,950 0,99997 > 0,99995

General condition:

eq. 1 0,9341 < 1 fulfilled

eq. 2 0,9774 < 1 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

3.0 Member number 3:

3.0.1 Properties:

CHS 114.3x5
L 7,07 m
S355 355,00 MPa
Iy 2570000,00 mm4
Wel,y 45000,00 mm3
Wpl,y 59800,00 mm3
A 1720,00 mm2
Iz 2570000,00 mm4
Wel,z 45000,00 mm3
Wpl,z 59800,00 mm3
d 114,30 mm
t 5,00 mm
iy 38,70 mm
iz 38,70 mm
ε 0,81

Class check:

Tubular section

d/t 22,86 < 50ε2 = 33.10 ~Class 1

~Cross section Class 1.

3.1 Resistance of cross sections:

3.1.1 Shear:

Shear force check not required as Ved is equal to zero.

3.1.2 Compression:

Nc,Rd= 610,60 kN
NEd= 89,38 kN

NEd/Nc,Rd 0,146 < 1,00 fulfilled

3.1.3 Bending:

Bending check not required as Med is equal to zero.

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

3.2 Member resistance:

3.2.1 Buckling resistance:

Lcr,z,y= 7070,00 mm
ɣM1= 1,00

Axis z-z and y-y

λ= 2,39
α= 0,21 (curve 'a' according to EC3 Part 1-1 Cl. Table 6.2)
φ= 3,59
χz= 0,16 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 97,48 kN
NEd= 89,38 kN ~condition fulfilled

Ned/Nb,Rd 0,917 < 1,00 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

4.0 Member number 4:


L 5 m
S355 355 MPa
Iy 16700000 mm4
Wel,y 220000 mm3
Wpl,y 245000 mm3
A 3877 mm2
Iz 6160000 mm4
Wel,z 77000 mm3
Wpl,z 118000 mm3
bf 160 mm
tf 9 mm
r 15 mm
h 152 mm
tw 6 mm
iy 65,7 mm
iz 39,8 mm
Ɛ 0,81 -

Class check:

c=(bf-tw)/2-r 62,0 mm
t=tf 9,00 mm

c/t= 6,89 < 7,29 ~Class 1

c=h-2r-2tf 104,00 mm
t=tw 6,00 mm

c/t= 17,33 < 26,73 ~Class 1

~Cross section Class 1

4.1 Resistance of cross sections:

4.1.1 Shear:

Shear force check not required as Ved is equal to zero.

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

4.1.2 Compression:

Nc,Rd= 1376,34 kN
NEd= 391,60 kN

NEd/Nc,Rd 0,285 < 1,00 fulfilled

3.1.3 Bending:

Bending check not required as Med is equal to zero.

4.2 Member resistance:

2.2.1 Buckling resistance:

ɣM1= 1,00
Buckling length:

CA= 5,00 (CA goes to ∞)

CB= 5,00 (hinged support)

Lcr/L= 0,95

Lcr,z,y= 4750,00 mm

~Ib2 was assumed as 0 because of the hinge

(safer case, longer Lcr)

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

Axis z-z
λz= 1,58
α= 0,34 (curve b) table 6.2 [1]

φ= 1,98
χz= 0,31 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 433,06 kN
NEd= 391,60 kN
Ned/Nb,Rd 0,90 < 1,00 fulfilled

Axis y-y
λz= 0,96
α= 0,21 (curve a) table 6.2 [1]

φ= 1,04
χz= 0,70 < 1,00

Nb,Rd= 957,52 kN
NEd= 391,60 kN
Ned/Nb,Rd 0,41 < 1,00 fulfilled

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I

5.0 Member number 5:

Member 5 is only loaded by a torsional moment in the free end, it can be seen that
Case-1 represents the boundary conditions of the member, then following equations
have been used.

For the starting point IPE400 beam has been considered in a MATLAB script just for
the easier computations in stresses in different part of the cross-section. For IPE400
MATLAB Script is provided as:
clear all
%Section Properties IPE400
for i=0:400

As a result of the Matlab script provided Von Misses Stress have been found as
42326 MPa which is higher than the yield strength of the cross section. Then, with
the same script all the sections have been investigated for HEA,HEB and HEM and
none of them had Von Misses Stress lower than the yield stress. Thus, a closed
hollow section considered and for higher efficiency circular hollow sections have
been investigated, since the circular hollow sections do not have warping stresses. It
has been found that the shear stress for CHS 193.7x11 is:

~condition fulifilled, utility: 0,97

Taylan Ozgur, 4780345
Mikk Laanes, 4811895
Steel Structures II
Filip Wrzosek, 4930908 Home assignment I


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