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ne S10) © © YOUR GUIDE TO EXCELLENCE NOSHOK Company Profile Established in 1967, our Company was one of the first to offer a liquid filed pressure gauge. This, Lnheard of feature slowly caught on as the industry began to recognize the value of the extonded ser vice ite that a quid filed pressure gauge provides. Inthe late 1960's and early 1970's, the NOSHOK ‘name became widely accepted and was placed on Standards Committee specications at several of the leading industrial manufacturers in the United States. The first of these industral giants was an automotive company and we are proud to say over 20 years later, wo aro stil on thase specications. During that’ time records were maintained on gauges sold against gauges returned for reasons of failure. During a five year period, the return rate was no more than 4 gauges out of every 1,000 gauges 0d. This statistic ilustrated the remarkable buil quality of our gauges and in 1973, led to one of the most innovative moves ever made in the pressure ‘gauge industry — offering an extended warranty on 2 pressure gauge. ‘Out company took a bold step into the future with a THREE YEAR WARRANTY covering accuracy, sealing and performance as weil as defects in materials and workmanship. The rest is history as today NOSHOK pressure gauges are on application in vitualy every industy throughout North America and. are also finding wide acceptance. in Latin ‘America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. NOSHOK pressure gauges aro sold through more than 200 distributor locations and our Company's continuing commitment. to product excellence, service and a sincere desire to be the best provides the NOSHOK customer with a distinct edge. We have come a long way in these past years by ‘expanding our pressure gauge program and adding related new products including Transducers & Indi- calors, Needle Valves, Diaphragm Seals and Bimetal Thermometers. Separate catalogs are available on these other NOSHOK products. Our original 4 page pressure gauge catalog has become the 44 page catalog you are curtenty reviewing. | now, personally, invite you to reter to the NOSHOK product index, 'Guide-to-Excellonce’, and solect a NOSHOK product for your spectc requirement. Remember, we quarantoe its performance! feb. James B. Cole Chief Executive Otticer Ene ut a0 LOW PRESSURE DIAPHRAGM GAUGES 1143 BRASS CASE LIQUID FILLED GAUGES 1418 ALL STAINLESS STEEL PRESSURE TT) meer meteor 39-27 4V; INCH PHENOLIC CASE PROCESS GAUGES COPPER ALOY ANID 1683 SYSTEMS, DRY AND LIQUID FILLED. a snp oun rT Cs a ii SNUBBERS BRASS AND 2163S PISTON TYPE SNUBBERS. 209 ‘STEAM. SYPHONS —STEELANOSIOSTAMLESSSTERL gg CONTACT MAGNETIC CONTACT swircHEs FOR Sairones — PESSURE GAveES: o CONVERSIONS 4 FOR INFORMATION ON NOSHOK DIAPHRAGM SEALS. PLEASE REFER TO OUR DIAPHRAGM SEAL LITERATURE. 4), DIALS, DIALS, DIALS ry WARRANTIES Three Year Warranty NOSHOK will warrant for three years our 300, 500, 690 and 700 series liquid filed pressure sauges: = Tobe tee from defects in materials and workmanship. — To remain within catalogued accuracy specicatons. = To maintain the inlegtty ofthe hermetically sealed case, therfore proventing laakago. — To operate within the catalogued perfommanc» specications. Limitation which apo are — Bourdon tube pressure gauges must be used within thoir calbrated maximum range 10 prevent damage. — The pressure gauges must be oporated within the folowing working pressure limits: + Dynamic pressure application, 60% of cial range. + State prossure applications, where no shap fluctuations oocur, 90% of dial range — The gauges must be operated within specihas ambient temperature ranges. Determination of gauge faluros willbe made by NOSHOK, nc. which wil use its equpment anc personnel o averted test acilty specializing inthis ype of evaluation and determination. Gauge faluxes determined to be caused by wer-ranga, incompatibility with environment or product madia and abuse wil not be considered under this warranty. NOSHOK, Ine. wil at I options, repair or replace the working parts of the damaged gauge without cost fe customer. “This wsitan warranty apples only fo the NOSHOX gauges. referenced inthe fist paragraph ofthis warrany, s01d by NOSHOK, In. and is authoraod distDutors, One Year Warranty [NOSHOK wil warrant fox ane year ur 100, 200, 400, 600, 700, 800 an 900 safes proscure gauges: = Tobe tre trom defects in materials and wortmansip, Limitations which app are: — Bourdon tube pressure gauges must be Lsed within their calbrated maximum range to provent damage. — The pressure gauges must be operatod within the folowing working pressure mits + Dynamic pressure apaicaion, 60% of dal range + State prossure appications, where ne sharp fucuatons occur, €0% of dla range, _— The gauges must be operated whi spectfed ambient temperature ranges. Determination of gauge falurs wil bo made by NOSHOK, Inc. which wil use is equipment and ‘personnal ora certfed test facility specializing I this type of evaluation and determination, Gauge fallures dotormined to be caused by aver-tange, Incompattiliy with environment or product meda and abuse wil not be considered undor this warranty. NOSHOK, ine. wil at is options, repair or replace the working pars of the damaged gauge without cost fo customer. “This writen warranty apalies ony to the NOSHCK gauges, reteroncad inthe st paragranh of tis warrany, S013 by NOSHOK, In. and is authorized dstibutos. ‘CAUTION: Sperating coctons incuting, bu not Inked wo, system possue, media compatblly and ambient codons must be _hnaered when elec gauges an acseasoles. improper slctone and ue of gauges cou possibly cause gauge fire ‘fas fo pore pope damage o*prson Inky ‘ater fo Arvican Natrol Skane ANSI AO ore covract election ane use ot gauges. copy al ths standard may be obiinod from the Ameton Soaey of Mechariel Engrs, Und Engrwerng Corer, 46 Ene 47tn Steet, New York, Noor? WARNING: {ycorne or Sioore coud rout ia spantansous chemical feacton cr eosin when combined wih stong oxen agers Incadng (vt ot nite) slorne ecyoon. Rprocnoni orn acd and hyerogonpoosie. Do ret use yeerne or scone fled guages or accesso In hese ypes al sorvce. Consul ac Tor appheaton asaanoe In koeping with sr for purposes of pec andor mandectrng process improvements, NOSHOK. INC. eserves the ight so mee dao changes who peor ete SoEoRolceas. GENERAL INFORMATION NOSHOK 100 Series Standard Gauges are a high quality dry gauge designed to provide reliabie service on applica- tions not corrosive to brass. These gauges feature either an ‘ABS case or drawn steel. On 1%, 2 and 2% inch back connected models, the standard ABS case employs a ‘built in bezel” for panel mounting that is molded as an integral part of the case. The addition of an inexpensive panel mount clamp or snap-on front flange is all that is nec- ‘essary to convert a standard back connected gauge to a panel mount gauge. The standard lonses are plexiglass and are the clearfront design on all but the 4° 105 & 115 models which utilize a bayonet ring. The stem and connection are ‘machined in one piece trom brass. The high quality bourdon tubes are made in the “C” configuration on pressure ranges of 600 PSI and lower and are the “coiled” or “spiral” safety tube on ranges above 600 PSI. This spiral tube allows the higher pressure to be spread out over a greater area thereby OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Working Pressure Limitations a, Dynamic Pressure The working pressure should be li dial range. b, Static Pressure The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations ‘occur, should be limited to 90% of the dial range. ited to 60% of the ORDERING INFORMATION 1, Select size and model number 2. Select pressure range, 3, Select NPT connection size (if more than one is offered)... 4, Solect any required accessory or option. STANDARD PRESSURE GAUGES ‘educing bourdon tube stress. The precision movements provide accurate readings to a standard +2.5% of full scale ‘olerance (higher accuracies are available). Our standard sials, (UV resistant), are dual scale in PSI and kPa (kilo- pascals). Dual scale PSI-Kg/om* is available in most popular fanges in 1", 2", 2%" and 4” sizes. NOSHOK 100 Series Gauges are used in almost every area of manufacturing and are especially suited for applications in pneumatics, hydraulics, process, petrochemical, medical food, pharmaceutical and most industrial and commercial applications, Options are available in various types of panel mounting configurations, custom dials, special connections, different lens materials, different case materials and finishes, recalibrators, maximum indicating pointers, cover tings, and orifices. 2, Ambient Temperature O°F to 140°F (18°C to 60°C) 20.110 + 100 PSI + %" NPT + Black Steel Case 15.100 1KINCH ‘ABS CASE Ye NPT. BOTTOM CONNECTION ch Models 15.100, nd 15.10 8S (Gon tt Buaten Sto, Mod 15.120 — Back altos soe wi come tangula beae an Ulan. ee! 15.10 sta wit a bach bozo mld sn ints al part of he case fr ease of panel euntn,| Moo 15120 ~ Chrome pate sil siangulr bee ‘Se Porgass H}Prosotor Bronze 178" NT ass ‘Brass & Non, or -Bras witt Highly Plshes Bern Seca + 25% Ful Sol ASME gato B Mole pase Srale and Rat KPa Sea. IN Peseta. ‘te Background wi lock PS 15.110 15.120 1KINCH 1K INCH ABS CASE STEEL CASE © NPT NPT CENTER BACK CONNECTION CENTER BACK CONNECTION PANEL MOUNT Fgue Grower inert “Tena ris pan 98 rigsoare | Vesa | : Rae - -apawooies | 4poKre BR so ivi00.% | Zin 1080 saetsoows | 4pionre arses | Toaiones_ PTE 210-000 | Sinz ir aaaow [freee 2ayernite | 2 panies sone tet Fe FARE ‘eo pstoowe | topes008Fe J zorranire | itor rH 100129 10 3017s ERE : es oe 5 } 10 pe-100012 | 10910018 2 iy 00%es Oise reed 38.0.) esas aon piano | 209200 Fe Rees) cronies sony 10.r can ell copsnonoea, ro ptic04r. TM sie200% [os msie EEe Bf naan | apse ea Preis te | oss BE Fedcg) 500 psi-saon ers | 50 ps-500 Ps PEE secon [osmosis Eemee so [10100 Pe emer oso | tee 3} 00 son 10-100 Pe [Ge rao. | zr ‘Const factory or ameaiy F wpe a ranges and optons, i aT aye J (iV in ZINCH STANDARD PRESSURE GAUGES SERIES 20.100 INCH ABS CASE ORY NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION 20.110 20.120 2 INCH STEEL CASE HNP CENTER BACK CONNECTION. PANEL MOUNT 20.148 2 NCH 2 INCH ABS CASE [ABS SQUARE CASE OR 4 NPT. 1’ NPT/10-32 FEMALE CENTER BACK ‘CENTER BACK CONNECTION CONNECTION PANEL MOUNT Boo y Mess 20103 20.110 ar 2.148, rare | Gusunen Cavemen ABS {Acryl Nitrl Butadien Styrci) wee a oo se 20120 = sk sites es on 0 oon vac ees smc | asp | tm juin 20 nig001¢a) 2nvgi01ea er ‘ict ete so vosaben in | ane Ee Integr part ofthe ease for aso of ‘90 inkg-100 KPa | 6 inig-20 KPa vere nt aan 700i ial a i 20:2 - cae ae eee el vague bec ahh hy ‘opine feta — amet sem ee ‘omcae tyne n ime ne oie aan “Oostalte 40h oe ‘Highly Polished Boaring Surfaces. ‘30 9-100 KPa 20 ing-100 Pa i 222% fu Sau sigass | (MMI icone) ono (a Sons-sohre ae ae | EER Sepa loons DEERE rena | wri weg eS | RMA see | cops SEM apes | newer, sa STE main | osivesie oan oc j i0se-t01r pe-aOies Consul ekeny Tr avaabety oF Spee model ‘gsonre SETAE) 100 pt oo a ai al i 2'h INCH & 4 INCH STANDARD PRESSURE GAUGES l 1 SERIES 25.100 25.120 2% INCH 2 INCH ABS CASE STEEL CASE ¥eNPT YE NPT. BOTTOM CENTER BACK CONNECTION CONNECTION PANEL MOUNT 25.110 40.100 2% INCH 4 INCH ABS CASE ‘ABS CASE NPT Ye NPT CENTER BACK BOTTOM. CONNECTION CONNECTION B) cry ir wutacen tyr, BD oce 25 120 ~ et sea wth chroma tang bezel and same. Navel 25.110 standard wth ‘ln Bezel ded as en integral par of he ease for ease of panel mauning. del 25.120 ~ Creme plated Pad Bex foes ‘soivay100 a | 2-0 HPs ‘psoakea | 1 gs0hh phi 00 wa | 8g 20 4a Zepsizm Pa 2psianiea sing 1006 | 5 Hy 20 Pe anpsroniee | 2/0 Pe Bhs 00 Tons er | ahi ee PRE] nce | sem | suing ne |o ‘yon | soir Nal ‘Sng 100 Pa | 10 nia = swowall pes serene | setae gee O01 a 225% Fl Se ASME gat | our Eta spain |isenze Be F aparom i | wpso0iea Mesos OPS) ATTRA toe | c2y-2ure RMR cost | sop-snia | 1 Resist. CPTI ioo-oire | osnni.swe QPSMEMME rene 1001 ps-1000 ta) 00 ps-1000 ka Opava ihre, AER aera 0 ina 1 ps ca I ! 4 INCH HEAVY DUTY PRESSURE GAUGES SERIES 40.105 4 INCH HEAVY DUTY STAINLESS STEEL CASE We NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION SPEOIFICATIONS =] IU Siew Set SED) 204 Siainioss Stoel | Prengiass Sei ocr rns 0 tee we | Frese op OODFS, 5105 Ce Styne tr | SSSR 4 NET Bass 12" eT ‘al as Spode! Orc Onton Cees) Br na Net sive wth py Poses Ger Sas. = TFB GME Ge Th Teed eo nae Anon, Bic Frit ‘urn, ie Bec Bick Pl Se ard Rte Se is Sarr Sige Sas PS and Chal Ses PSA or PSR Ca ae Aaa a Sk Opts osc 40.115 4 INCH HEAVY DUTY STAINLESS STEEL CASE Ve NPT BACK CONNECTION Eas ‘wings | sysanes ‘ain 0 sian sig wa ‘ps0 ‘ie 1042 sisi | 2iett-20 a end zope zo1m | 220i sopsoure | Apsisaire s0ps01% sopesu0 bre iy 10 4 $0500 KPa 3000 5 00 KPa 100 ps-t000 a 02000183 ‘ops: ee ‘astra | OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES PANEL MOUNTING Panel Mount Clamps (PMC) of chromated steel are available for panel mounting models 15.110, 20.110 and 28.110. The PMC is easily (field) installed locking grooves in the case and uses the bui is molded as an integral part of the case, as a narrow flange on the front of the panel Black Front Flanges (BFF) and Chrome Front Flanges (CFF) ‘are available on models 15.110, 20.110 and 25.110 as an easily (field) installed item and simply snap-in to pre-formed, locking (grooves behind the built-in bezel. Polished Stainless Steel Bezels are available on models 16.110, 20.110 and 25.110. Models 15.120, 20.120, 25.120 come complete with Chrome Plated Steel Triangular Bezels and U-Clamps. CASES AND COVER RINGS Black painted steel, chrome plated steel and 304 stainless steel cases and cover rings are available on most models. as production options. MAXIMUM INDICATING POINTERS AND SET POINTERS Maximum Indicating Pointers (MIP) are an invaluable tool for identifying pressure spikes in a system. They are vory helpt during system start up and trouble shooting. MIPs add an additional =1% error to the gauge because of the increased load on the bourdon tube. On ranges of 60 PSI and lower, IPs may double the allowed error of the gauge. MIPS are available on 25.100, 25.110, 25.120, 40,105 and 40.118. Set Pointers (SP) are used to identify an operating minimum or maximum pressure or vacuum value. Set pointers ‘are available on most 100 series gauges. RUBBER CASE PROTECTORS Rubber Caso Protectors (RCP) are ideal for gauges that are subjected to direct physical shock. They are available on ‘models 25.100, 25.110 and 40.100 (2" covers are blue and 4° ‘covers are black). ORIFICES Press-ft brass Orifces (.012" LD.) are available on all 100 Series gauges. Orifices are used in a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing and decreasing pressures, therefore lessening the Immediate effect of pulsations and pressure spikes. Orifices are recommended for all dynamis ‘applications. RECALIBRATORS This option, an adjustment screw accessible through the dial, facilitates re-setting the zero point without disassembling the gauge, Recalibrators are available on models 25.100, 25.119 ‘and 40.100 as a production option. SERIES LENSES Instrument Glass Lenses are available on most models. Laminated Safety Glass Lenses are available on most 2 and 4 inch models. Homalite Lenses (resistant to many industrial solvents) are available on models 15.120, 20.120 and 25.120. NOTE: A stool or stainless case and cover ring is required when other than plexiglass lenses are utilized. ‘SPECIAL CONNECTIONS ‘Special Connections are available on all 100 Series gauges. ‘Some examples include: metric threads, female threads, straight threads (flare or swivel type) and special O-ring ‘connections. Please contact us with your requirements for prices, availabilty and minimum quantties. CERTIFIED CALIBRATION Cortfied Calibration is available on all 100 Series gauges. Certitied Calibration provides the user with a serial numbered gauge along with a calibration sheet against a primary pressure standard and is traceable to the National Instituto of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards). 40.100 RCP 25:100 ACP Consult factory for availability and minimum orders (if applicable) for all options & accessories. 5 — 25,00, 42100, 40.105, 16.110, 20.110, 25.110 031s mo Tl A fl ear Flange ange Para Must clamy 300, 4.10, 60.105 18410, 20110 9510, 60.110,c0.115" seat, 20110, 2510 ‘wth ana 40.116 ater been) ‘08, 20.12 25.120 240 C : 2 Ce 240) Rot 6 ae 38 7m | 8 a m |e | 38 1 yi-|- sa) 2 6 | 8 35 | 2a s | 8 se tar ve | 8 sp tsr te | ie say | 457 iz | 0 | “ea tae fa ease mae ae ciaeon eon ea anmiaee ‘sions of the rear fiange are acer Seas LOW PRESSURE DIAPHRAGM GAUGES GENERAL INFORMATION NOSHOK diaphragm gauges are designed for extremely low pressure or vacuum measurement. The ultra sensitive diaphragm capsules are rated for pressure (or vacuum) at low as 0-10 inches of water and as high as 0-10 PSI. The cases are constructed of black painted steel on the 24s" size and 3048s on the 4” size. The lenses are moldec plexiglass on the 21" size and instrument glass on the 4' size for strength and clarity. The diaphragm capsules are phosphor bronze and when coupled to the precision all-brass movements provide extremely accurate indication over the service life of the gauge. OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Working Pressure Limitations A. Dynamic Pressure The working pressure should be limited to 60% of the dial range for longer service life. B. Static Pressure The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations ‘cour, should be liited to 90% of the dial range, ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Select size and mode! number. 2. Select pressure rang 3. Select NPT connection size {if more than one is offered). 4, Select any required accessory or option.. SERIES Available options include overpressure protection of up to 200% of the dial range. Mounting options include chrome or black steel triangular bezels and U-Clamps in addition to chrome or black steel front flanges. Applications for NOSHOK 200 Series Gauges include medical, biomedical, heating-ventilating and air condition- ing, gas distribution, fitration, burner and gas combustion service, waste water treatment and everywhere low pres- ‘sure and vacuurn measurement is required, 2. Ambient Temperature O°F to 140°F (-18°O to 60°C) Due to the sensitivity and construction of these gauges, the measured media should not exceed 140°F (60°C). 25.200 + 30” HO + %"NPT + Orifice DIAL PRINTED WITH UV RESISTANT INK ‘ULTRA SENSITIVE PHOSPHOR BRONZE DIAPHRAGM CAPSULE PRECISION MOVEMENT ‘BALANCED POINTER, JONE PIECE STEM AND CONNECTION LOW PRESSURE DIAPHRAGM GAUGES 25200, 25.210, Black Fie Stee, 25 204: la ABS with Zinc Pied Ste Pane Noun Camp $200, 30485 Case & Hoel int; Caron Pras sInsoumen lass Phosphor Brae "8" WPT Bass ‘Brand Nick Sr wh iy Posed Beng Suracs. 2s = 5% Fl Se ANE tae Ae 45 21% Ful Sole ASME Grae 18 Back Fal Norio “Ana, Wile Backaround th Back Merkings singe Sele Except Ned in to Dil Cefguaton| (hart UY Ratan 25.200 | 25.210 2 INCH STEEL CASE NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION 2 INCH STEEL CASE Ye NPT. CENTER BACK CONNECTION Fue ut sto sito ro1ve0 unio eo sinao si20 ronieo f onieo oii wrieo fo ‘nie tanoy WF eat Se dramas dons ‘radon ims ‘azaieo ‘Osea Tia ris zie ozK20 sit an io abo ‘20 02 aied 25.224 2tfe INCH, ABS CASE We NPT CENTER BACK CONNECTION PANEL MOUNT 40.200 4 INCH STAINLESS STEEL CASE %@ NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION Fue ‘raauatlon sacra oral Sua a2 Sala ocala Bwird asain ‘sue ah Bou owl ‘oxina ora owlr20¥ieD |b uta-tked owlr20imeo | 05 al ted 05 pt 5p Tost ‘Oi pt 2 pal O2pet MODEL 25.234 GAS PRESSURE TEST KIT (photo not shown) is a convenient pre-assembled test kit that includes: = Garying Case + 20 02/95 In H.0 2 Test Gauge #3 ft of Hose with Test Fitting See line drawing Pg 13 DIMENSIONS — OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES PANEL MOUNTING Chrome Plated Steel Front Flanges (CFF) and Black Painted Steel Front Flanges (BFF) are available for flush panel mounting utilizing 3 mounting holes to attach the ‘gauge to the panel, Chrome Plated Steel Triangular Bezels w/ U-clamp (C3- U-Clamp) and Black Painted Stee! Triangular Bezels Ww U-clamp (BB-U-Clamp) are also available on mocel 25.210. Model 25.224 incorporates a builtin narrow bezel ‘case and Panel Mount Clamp as standard and is intended for direct U.S, size retrofits, All panel mounting options are considered factory installed options CASES AND COVER RINGS ‘Chrome plated steel and 304SS cases and cover rings are available on models 25.200 and 25.210. SE RECALIBRATOR ‘An external recalibrator, or zero point adjustment, accessi- ble through the front of the dial is standard on all models. OVER PRESSURE PROTECTION ‘Over pressure protection of up to 200% of the dial range is avaliable on models 25.200 and 25.210 as a production option. ORIFICES Press-fit brass Oriices (,012" 1.0} are available on all mode's, Orifices are used in a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing andior decreasing pressures (or vacuum}, thereby lessening the immediate effect of pulsations and pressure spikes. Orifices are recommended for all dynamic applications. Consult factory for availability and minimum orders (i applicable) for all options & accessories. 4 | LoS 2S A Ul » ‘eu Hy ws200 Manga dot wh UClamy 208 53 055 «14 248158 a) 4 4) 5 ak = t 64 aaa 038 | 087 7 4 Jair) aa | oss | 3a | 2.96 a BRASS CASE LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES SERIES GENERAL INFORMATION NOSHOK 300 Series Gauges are the highest quality liquid filled gauges available in today’s market. The heavy one-piece die casting integrates the case, connection, movement support and bourdon tube support into a solid Unit that eliminates leakage and when coupled with the ‘alycerine fil, greatly reduces the effects of vibration, pulsa- tion and shock. The lenses are molded plexiglass and are ‘sealed with an o-ing, The lenses are protected with a polished brass or chrome ‘caver ring, The heavy wall bourdon tubes are made in the *C* con- figuration on pressure ranges of 600 PSI and lower and are the “coiled” or “spiral” safety tubes on ranges above 600 PSI. This spiral tube spreads the pressure out over a Greater area, thereby reducing bourdon tube stress. ‘These tubes coupled to a precision all brass movement and balanced pointer provide very accurate readings over an extended service life, OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 4. Working Pressure Limitations. a, Dynamic Pressure ‘The working pressure should be limited to 60% of the dial range, b. Static Pressure The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations cocour, should be limited to 90% of the dial range. ORDERING INFORMATION 40.300 « 4, Select size and model number..... 2, Selact pressure range.. 3. Select NPT connection size (it more than one is offered) 4, Select any required accessory or option. ‘The glycerine used for dampening the effects of shock and vibration as well as lubrication of the movement is an ‘extremely high grade of synthetic glycerine so it retains its crystal clarity and lubricity for the life of the gauge. The dials are printed with boid UV resistant ink for ease of readability even ater years of exposure to direct sunlight. Positive case relief is accomplished by means of a relief system on the top of the gauge case and away from the operator. NOSHOK 300 Series liquid filled gauges are used on demanding applications throughout the world that are not corrosive to brass. Options are available in various U.S. and metric forms of measurement, panel mounting con- figurations, maximum indicating pointers and special connections. ‘And while everyone else talks about Quality, NOSHOK stands behind its Quality, as each and every 300 Series gauge carries NOSHOK's exclusive 3 year Warranty. 2. Ambient Temperature OFF to 160°F (-18°C to 71°C) Lower operating temperatures are aveilable 10 -40°F (40°C) by using a special glycerine mixture or low ten- perature silicone, Please contact us for assistance in ‘selecting the best filliquid for your application. PSI - "NPT + RF (Rear Flange) SAFETY RELIEF HEAVY DUTY BOURDON TUBE PRECISION ALL BRASS MOVEMENT /ONE PIECE DIE CAST BRASS CASE NOTE:AlNOSHOX tematcalysecaé gauges wh anges of 200 Pn belo dang all cam and compoun ages, Supt i et pin the ee innit OPN ener oe latin o ane Wks Scat 2%e INCH BRASS CASE LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES 25.300 25.310 2% INCH 2% INCH BRASS CASE BRASS CASE GLYCERINE FILLED GLYCERINE FILLED Ye NPT Ye NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION CENTER BACK CONNECTION Ea! EE ao ee - | Ee cies ose — Re oided Piss wt O-Ring Sel Pasphr Bronze “O"Tube fr Pressures Bp i600, Coles at Tube Atove host Bs" er be Gast wan te Case, 771" -20 SAE Ausable Type Sag Tea it on O-Ring Wao Aveie Bes. Soc Opin on rary rages SAB, SIRI sss an cht Sivr wah Fgh Posed Bearing Surfaces. ‘Sse te so Te Top oe ase 31S Ful Sale SIE TRA Balrcoe Amin, lack Fish ‘Arann, ne Back und wi BGR ark. Sle Sele PS, is antag. SVB, PSIRPa ox PSURG- Dsl Scola ‘sAvaabe as Stock Optors On Dul Sele Dias the Outer Sea Pt lack and Be beer Mois Scale oR. oss. hearine ad Water 2016-10 psi| Zino ini? pe Sinha? pa 10 i ps 0 rg 0 pa [10g pi 0 e-50 ps [TOW Sst sot | 02p8 Msc | 0505 rT | 050 | 1p {2s | MN os) Cote os | tm (Gost tas sett o UE oa ngs oO five spa [Tinos os Ee Figure Into 50 ps 100 pal 100 pa 7200 os 200 ps 300 ps 00 pa 500 ps 1000 pe 000 ps 1500 pe 200 ps 3000 ps P eraduaton Intra Spi Ons Tops 2008 Doe 70 8 20 Ops 10 ps 100 ps [0 pe 200 psi 200 psi ME 4 INCH BRASS CASE LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES SRE Ss 40.300 40.310 4 INCH 4 INCH BRASS CASE BRASS CASE GLYCERINE FILLED GLYCERINE FILLED 4/4" OR 1/2” NPT 1/4" NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION LOWER BACK CONNECTION Dl ost ass J Fue | Graduation ; marie, fetervals interval ical ea RS | Eis oss ESI 0 eo-S ps [nh 05 ps FI 10 nS pat [Ting 05 pal sph or “O" Tie fr Pessues ipo 600 5, S165 Cold Safety Tae Abe 600 FS i "VA" HPT Die ast ih a Case. 172° NPT is OT 100-10 os | Zt pl ‘Avalon Cartan 40.300 Rang 2 Stock TT i int? (pt, an on Cte: 40300 and 40.3108 oe aon Stock Opto, Te 500 20 | Sina? rasa ke Sire nit igh Poised PTS 2010-0 ai) Sia oo earn Surtees, SE 20-20 [10 Soot Seley ei Diss ato Top of ie Cae D | as | oe fo Peter p00 = TF Sale AGN Grade TH Aluminum, White Background with Black Markings. = | once | (pons, On Ol See Das, the Cur Szab Si | OR a a came a indica eer Met Seals Ro. eee * ” UW Asan, (yetne and Water youre Imre ‘pa ‘wpa 10 pl f 10005 20 pat 300 pst DOs! 500 ps 00 ps ‘oes 1500p 2000s os (Ege ‘Graguaton Tateral ie Sea Tors | ops 20 pst 20 si Ost ‘50 pa 00 pal WoO pa 500 ps 200 ps 200 ps FLANGES FOR PANEL MOUNTING Polished Brass Front Flanges (BFF) are available for flush ‘mounting on models 25.300 and 25.310. Chrome plated brass Front Flanges (CFF) are avaliable on modes 25.300, 25.310, 40.900 and 40.310. These flanges can be installed in the field Chrome Triangular Bezel Front Flanges with U-Ciamp (CB-U) are available for fush mounting on mode's 25.310 and 40.310. Chrome plated steel Adapter Rings (AR) are available in conjunction with these flanges to adapt to oversized panel cut outs. These flanges can be insialed inthe fel Fear Flanges (RF), for front of panel mounting, are available ‘on models 25.300, 25.310, 40.300 and 40.310. The 2% inch rear flanges are brass painted brass and the 4 inch models are ‘chrome plated brass. Rear flanges are a factory instaled ‘option. ORIFICES ‘Threaded Brass Orifices (.032" I.D.) are available on all 300 Series gauges. Orifces aro used on a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing and decreasing pressures, therety lessening the immediate effect of pulsations and pressure spikes. Orifices are recommended on all dynamic applications. CERTIFIED CALIBRATION Certiied Calibration is avaiable on all 300 Series gauges. Certified Calibration provides the user with a serial numbered qauge along with a calibration sheet against a pressure. stancard and is traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards). MAXIMUM INDICATING POINTERS Maximum indicating Pointers (WIP) are an invaluable tool for identiying pressure spikes in a system. They are very helpful during system start up and ‘rouble shooting. MIP's add en ‘additional 19 error to the gauge because ofthe increased aed ‘on the bourdon tube. On ranges of 60 PS\ and lower, MIPS ‘may double the alowed error ofthe gauge. Maximum Indicating Pointers are avaliable on models 25.300 and 25.310. METRIC DIALS AND HAND MADE SPECIAL DIALS Dual scale Metric Dials in PSVBAR, PSV/kPa, and PSI/Kg-cm? are available on models 25.300, 25.310, 40.300 and 40.319, Certain other scales are available for specific sizes and ranges: cinlo seal bar and kPa, relfgarart scales an attude scales; please Coneult the factor for avalabliy. Hand Made Special Dials such as a non-standard motic scale, ons on ram, Ibs. of foree, etc. aro availabio in small ‘quanites (as FEW as One Picco} on models 25.300, 25.310, 40.300 and 40.910, SPECIAL CONNECTIONS ‘Special Connections ate available on all 300 Series gauges. Some examples include: metric threads, female threacs, straight threads (lare or swivel type) and special o-ring connections, Please contact us with your requirements for prices, minimum quantities and lead times. OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES SERIES 25.300 PSUKPA Consult factory for availability and minimum crders (if applicable) for all options & accessories. IMENSIONS SERIE ei 4 . A A -———F ti 4 if 7 —— : : vom sn oe wan Fran Fang: AI sles ad as . TT 7] nu. ‘su aso amo (Chrome Waaptr Ber th Ci 055 we | og | 520 2 520 12 “Please note that the ‘tango OD. (F), bol hole crcl (@) and mount: Ing hole (H) cimensions ofthe oar flange are ential to the same size front fange cimensions. ALL STAINLESS STEEL PRESSURE GAUGES GENERAL INFORMATION NOSHOK 400 (dry) and 500 (alycerine filled) Series gauges with all stainless steel construction are the ultimate in ocr- rosion resistant heavy duly vacuum and pressure gauges. ‘The cases and bezels are constructed of solid 304 SS. Lenses are either plexiglass, trogamide, instrument glass or safety glass. The connection and bourdon tubes are 316 SS and are argon-arc welded utlizing a 316 alloy filler materal to maintain the integrity of the measuring system. "C" tubes are used on pressure ranges through 600 PSI and coiled safely tubes are used on pressure ranges above 600 PSI. The bourdon tubes are then matched to stainless steel precision movements and balanced pointers for OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 41. Working Pressure Limitations A. Dynamic Pressure ‘The working pressure should be limited to 60% of the dial range, B, Static Pressure The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations ‘occur, should be limited to 90% of the dial range. ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Select size and model number. 2, Select pressure range. 3. Select NPT connection size (it more than one is offered)... 4. Select any required accessory of option ....eeseeeeree III SERIES smooth, acourate indication. Giycerine filing (in the 500 Series) further enhances gauge life by constantly lubricating the movement and dampening the effects of vibration, pulsation and shock. NOSHOK 400 and 500 Series all stainless steel gauges are inuse on demanding applications where corrosion resistance and reliable operation are important. Typical applications include chemical piants, petro chemical refineries, pharma- ceutical, food and beverage processing, offshore oil platiorms, papermills, salt mines, fertlizer plants and on shipboard. 2, Ambient Temperature ‘A. 400 Series -40°F to 260°F (-40°C to 127°O) Higher operating temperature available to 450°F (232°C) with installation of a safety glass lens. B. 500 Series O°F to 160°F (-18°C to 71°C) Lower operating temperatures are available to -40°F (40°C) by using a special glycerine mixture or low temperature silicone. Please contact us for assistance in selecting the best fill liquid for your application. IPT + MIP (Max. Indicating Pointer) SAFETY RELIEF HEAVY DUTY 3168S BOURDON TUBE 3048S CASE PRECISION SS MOVEMENT WELDED CASE SEAL, NOTE.A¥ NosHOX hres ssid gauges wh anes of 200% and bso, ncn al asim eg compound ngs ae equiped wha vat ere Se. “Tho vr pa Sua bo Yovaved er aso oe fae onc ocouaie ‘ete 15.40) 14 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL ia 4 NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION Ses 304 Stanae Sta Paks 504 Sales ie Instranent Glass S16 Stans Steal O Tate ‘16 WT, 16 Sess Seal ‘Staness Stel and Ryn wit Fight Pulsed Bearing Suracas, + 258% Fl Scale AE Grate 8 ‘ack Fished Ain ‘Aumann hit Backend wh Bok Manes. Single Srl PSV estan 15.410 14INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL NPT CENTER BACK CONNECTION CONFIGURATIONS nn AG 7 s) 2'p INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL GAUGES ke ih 0/500 SERIES 25.400 25.500 2% INCH 2% INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL. ALL STAINLESS STEEL DRY GLYCERINE FILLED WNT Ye NPT BOTTOM BOTTOM CONNECTION CONNECTION 25.410 25.510 2% INCH 2% INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL, ALL STAINLESS STEEL DRY. GLYCERINE FILLED NPT NPT. CENTER BACK CENTER BACK CONNECTION CONNECTION Ee | tore Polished 304 Stainioss Stoo! — en wos] ape | I 516 sities Steel °C" Tbe for Sore | Spat Freres ta 600 Foe ie | om thn ue Bor 62 Pt jaa} pr SD) We vr 16 Sass Sot min} an] By Stars Seat ara ron wih Paes aa | oy oie eng Stes [robe to] st | | Lt leh emi, = Ty inion res ‘om | | Tate elie on eTpot | Ed | totes | TE 20 soos Toi ei oop | 50 134 RaSaie SiGe | MCEIENERIMN 30s | 02s ‘00a | tps Fane unin, Bakr —| i sca) 05 pa vo00pa | 00 pi ‘aor, Wht backyard with tps! 1 st 2000 pst | 200i J kage Sl Seay P35 opi |2pa ‘00 pst | 200 pe Sarde PSVBAR FSUAP 07 tg cual Seal i Avalable 2 Stock Opn. On Dual Seale Dis, ‘he Ober Scale Fn Buck and ‘te or Mate Sol [WRasicart i ‘Gyre and War (50 Series ony | Ops 4081 4 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL GAUGES 40.400 40.410 4 INCH 4 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL ALL STAINLESS STEEL DRY. DRY. 1/4" OR 1/2" NPT 4/4" OR 1/2" NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION LOWER BACK CONNECTION t z =] = 04 Sass Stat REET Pied 304 Ses Sot p peels TE sia | osha | Sos al Sas Seo Tae —| Em 3 |r ‘ee BB) Fesures pb ovr, cots TeM Were 50s 2a Say Tbe Abe 60°50 {Omi 10 pa] Pat Er} Seam tS Se 0 mg 2 | ae? ph 0a Se sana on 03,6002 3Oinkg 20 pst | tig. 2 ps 50 pet igs Sono] Se 100 a ae aa ES 20-50 | 01m 100 pal | Sopa rony rte one J Suaces, fo 20 a SERV Oa cts Tp ote P= ET Ge jon 0 ps = VF Sia EG TH ja psi Opa anc Aurv, i rsh jos 0 ps mr 1600 pa Bink Marans. Sl Sea Ps j i J Sanda, PBA PSAP mes | mo YT Palen? uel Scale fs Avalbleas | Obata or ras apave modo, gs an pian Stock Opn. On Dual See Oa, ‘he Otr Scala is PI in Back and ‘hale Met Scale Fe : ‘Aluminum, Vinita Background with q woe HIVE senda PSVBAR, PSVNPa ce a 4 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL GAUGES fa : A S ERIES 4 INCH “LING ALL STAINLESS STEEL ALL STAINLESS STEEL GIYCERINE FILLED GLYCERINE FILLED 1/4" OR 1/2" NPT 1/4" OR 1/2" NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION LOWER BACK CONNECTION Gece = f risea 04 Sartre Suet | Cresson ]. Pots 504 Sunless Set none rerun Gass | YS hig Ta oe “ei pa_|Tkip 05pe ‘oops | 1Opal | Preset Pt, Coted TORS pa |g pe aos | zope Safety Tue Abowe G00 FL I I 0 in%5-10501| 2a os 0p | Ope Vea saws 16 [smo § “pat | ap areardon 03,000 Pstand nate | fl | Sie et | songs | 50pa ‘Sine St wih intoal er | | sito O00 | 100 “Sipe Fates Bay | [tore S os) CEI I ar ete Baka |B [iris | 0 pt I) Bianced Annum, Sick Fingn—| 500 psi | J Auminun, vite Background with) 500 pal | Back ats. Snga Scan *S,.6 | 1000p I PSU em ul Sea abo Stack Opts. On De Sze Dis, the Outer Seog Pn Unk ane ‘henner Mele Sales Red. (sistant. ‘Gyre an Water (500 Sees oa) Carer ty SY FS Ho, ng nS. lon 1) HIRT RI ES E G INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL GAUGES 60.400 6 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL DAY NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION a aaa en “Laminated Satety Gass eRe eee ree a = See es ieee en casa aeet ites E eer Seta tiea nei a ES ium eeeerees weet eee encores aesl one keen ead 60.410 6 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL. DRY NPT LOWER BACK CONNECTION BOUL Fee Fave Ocdaton | wor | teal TOE shy | osiaiy I PSI Ot S ot 1 nip 05 pl HEE Toy 10 rr boa five a pt STE 0 ny 100s | 2 ep-t po PEIICR Ty 204-2000 | op pw PT 20 9-20 | 5 ig 2 | = f 0.40 pe | Srp f 2010950 | nny Spt Hit | (Ope Sot | 05 al oa) tps co Bos) 2 psi ET Dpsi_| 2 pai RECT Opi | 4s QRScece 1000 ps THY Sop) | Spo (ORNs 0000 ps Teel Opt | Spal ‘Ce try are of specie weds ros ons. ‘ration Interval To pst 20 ps Boa a0! 50 ps 10 rs Twos 200 ps 200 pat [ao psi 500 pal 00 pst [toon pt [rood os "2000 pst 60.500 6 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL GLYCERINE FILLED BOTTOM CONNECTION = 04 Staless Ste am Paste 904 Saris Stel Bayona ina 60.510 6 INCH ALL STAINLESS STEEL GLYCERINE FILLED LOWER BACK CONNECTION | tae ose ies Ci Say Ba [Sees Sul "i or Pesues poems Ora 56 [1 ne Ses 1p 0 cs Say eae TET io sod 0 5. SLT 10 er-1 pat Te wT OSes 9618 ETRE i= henree omen sail ES rc | sneer SSE Fl 0-0 | Somos" OEE Serrg sas no 0 GB ssp | oso | Stetson eae | pee nemam | oe ae i 1% Fal Sie ASME Gate 1A po: aT ‘Belanced Micro-Agjustable Aluminum, p20 a. fin | aim | aa ‘Alurinurm, White Background with Back Dee Toei Mag Srge Sea sae ‘PSUBAR, PSVKPa or PSUKg-cni? Dual Scale Oe: ow. Eibrars Sec Opt eo | ae ‘Sil i, Wo Out Seb 8 Fn Black tac may eno ma ee ‘athe ler et Sa sR. Waoscene, Tops 20st 20 pat ‘Oa Bp 100 ps 10 os 200 psi 200 psi 0 pa ‘00 pst [soo ps ‘0 est [toon eet 2000 gi Hl SE RIES FLANGES FOR PANEL MOUNTING Polished stainless stee! Front Flanges (SS FF) are avaliable for fish pane! mounting on models 25.410, 25.510, 40.400, 40.410, 60.400, 60.410, 40.500, 40.510, 60.500, 60.510. Front Flanges are generally considered to be a factory instaled option although field installation is possibe. Panel Mount Clamps (PMC) of stainless steel aro available for fiush mounting models 25.410 and 25.510, The PMC is easiy (field) instaled on the gauge diameter into pre-formed ‘grooves in the case and utilizes the existing gauge bezel as a Narrow flange on the front of the panel. A polished stainless stee! Flange Ring (FR) is also available for use in conjunction with the PMC. The FR has a diameter approximately 20% larger than the gauge bezel and is used when itis necessary to adapt the gauge to an oversized panel cutout Polished Stainless Steel Narrow Bezel Front Flanges with U-Clamp (SSB-U) are available for flush mounting models 40.410, 60.410, 40.510 and 60.510. SSB-U's are a factory installed option. Stainless steel Rear Flanges (RF) for front of panel mounting are available on models 40.400, 40.410, 60.400, 60.410, 40.500, 40,510, 60.500 and 60.510, Rear Flanges are a factory installed option, MAXIMUM INDICATING POINTERS Maximum Indicating Pointers (MIP) are an invaluable tool for identiying pressure spikes in a system. They are very helpful during eyetem etart up and troublo shooting. MIP’e add an additional 1% error to the gauge because of the increased load on the bourdon tube. On ranges of 60 PSI anc lower, MIP’s may double the allowed error of the gauge. Maximum Indicating Pointers are available on most models, except ti" and 2" sizes, ORIFICES Press-fit brass Orifices (.012" 1.0.) are available on all models. Orifices are used in a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly inereasing andlor decreasing pressures (or vacuum), thereby lessening the immediate eftect of pulsations and pressure spikes. Orifices are recommended for all dynamic applications. For 2¥o" gauges MIP’s are not recommended for pressures less than 60 PSI when dry and 100 PS! when liquid filled. ‘SOLID FRONT, SAFETY CASE GAUGES Al2y2", 4” and 6” sizes are available in a solid front, safety case configuration, both dt and liquid fled, as a production option. AMMONIA GAUGES ‘Ammonia Re‘tigeration Gauges with dials reading in both pres- sute and temperature are available in 21/2 and 4 inch sizes. METRIC DIALS AND HANDMADE SPECIAL DIALS Dual scale Metric Dials in PSVBAR, PSUKPa and PSIKg-om? are available on most models. Certain other scales are avail- able for specific sizes and ranges. Examples include Bar and kPa single scale, refrigerant and altitude scales. Handmade Special Dials such as non-standard metric, | | OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES scales, tons on ram, Ibs. of force, etc. are avaiable in small {quantiies (as few as one piace) on most models, ‘SPECIAL CONNECTIONS ‘Special Connections are available on all 400 and 500 series gauges. Some examples include: metric threads, female threads, straight threads (flare or swivel type), high pressure ‘connections and special o-ring connections. ORIFICES Threaded 3168S Oriices (.082" |.D.) are available on all 400 and 600 Series gauges Orifices are used on a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing and decreasing pres- sures, thereby lessening the immediate effect of pulsations and pressure spikes. Crifices are recommended on all dynamic applications. CERTIFIED CALIBRATION Cerified Calibration is available on all 400 and 500 Series ‘gauges. Certified Calibration provides the user with @ serial numbered gauge along with a calibration sheet against a primary pressure standard and is traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards). Consult factory for availability and minimum orders (it applicable) for all options & accessories. Er on “The SS Flange Ring (SSFR) is applicable only for models 25.410/510. It must be used in ‘conjunction with the Panel Mount Clamp (PMC) and does not have mounting holes. | 7 i | re g = re $8 aay wt “aaar satan | To | 028 == we | 5a | = | = Tor | 023 58 “Please note that the ange 0.0. (), bot hole crc (@) and mount. ing hole (H) dimensions ofthe roar ftange are identical to the same ize font ange dimensions. | | | | 4'p INCH PROCESS GAUGES SERIES GENERAL INFORMATION Noshok 4% Inch 600 (Brass) and 700 (3168S) Series Process Gauges are specifically designed for demanding applications in the chemical and petroleum processing industries, as well as many industrial applications, ‘The turret style cases are constructed of a rugged, corro- sion resistant phenolic material. The solid front, safety case design with a blow-out back isolates the gauge face from the pressure measuring system and assures operator pro- tection it ever needed. The standard lenses aro a shatter resistant acrylic and safety glass lenses are available. ‘The heavy-wall bourdon tubes and connections are made of copper alloy and brass (600 series) or all 316 stainless steel (700 series). “C” tubes are used on pressure ranges through 600 PSI and coiled safety tubes are used on pres- sure ranges above 600 PSI. These bourdon tubes are then OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS +, Working Pressure Limitations a, Dynamic Pressure ‘The working pressure should be limited to 60% of the dial range. b. Static Pressure The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations ‘occur, should be limited to 90% of the dial range. ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Select size and model 2, Select pressure range. 3, Select NPT connection size (if more than one is offered) 4, Select any required accessory or option matched with precision movements of similar materials; brass movements in the 600 Series and stainless steel movements in the 700 Series. The pointers are balanced and micro-adjustable. Liquid filled mode's are also available to further enhance gauge Ife and incorporate a unique breathing diaphragm that limits the etfect of calloration changes due to ambient Pressure and temperature changes. ‘Applications for Noshok 4% Inch 600 and 700 Series Process Gauges include service in chemical, petroleum and petrochemical refineries and pumping stations, food processing plants, power generating stations, water treat- ment plants and pulp and paper plants. They are widely Used throughout industry where accuracy, readability, safety and reliability are important. 2. Ambient Temperature a. 640 and 740 (dry) -40°F to 160°F (-40°C to 71°C) '. 680 and 760 (liquid filled) O°F to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C) Lower operating temperatures are available to -40°F (40°C) by using 2 special glycerine mixture oF low tem- erature silicone. Please contact us for assistance in selecting the best fil iguid for your application 45.740 + 100PSI %"NPT + 316SS Orifice HEAVY WALL BOURDON TUBE BALANCED POINTER, PRECISION MOVEMENT DIAL PRINTED WITH UV RESISTANT INK ‘ONE PIECE STEM AND CONNECTION NOTE AB NOSHOX heme sexed gauges nt ages 20 S| and eo, cg aM acu a comp ngs, te ued vt et pins he ree dc. Th vert Sn bo Yoneda asin of te ge to nu acura Indecton Mill) SERIES 4*p INCH PROCESS GAUGES 45.640 45.660 4X INCH 4% INCH PHENOLIC CASE PHENOLIC CASE COPPER ALLOY INTERNALS COPPER ALLOY INTERNALS ORY. GLYCERINE FILLED #ENPT YE NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION BOTTOM CONNECTION SPECIFICATIONS ANDARD DIAL CONPGURATIONS Tet sve Slack Pew Soc Fort, ae) ae wit Bon- Bak Tree ak Perl [0st ‘Aan. Laminate Sate Gass 6 Wabi ‘Sinlg-3 pal | 0.5 ig-0.2 pal yu Coppa "ue Presses wt “outs ps” tito ps oni S00 S105 Ce Sey Tie he Toinig-10 58-04 sat MT j Sorte 1a] 2a aes | se Sorat Bae ew toe Oty 20,62 100 pst | 10 pl ‘rans and Well Ser wth ony Plahee ete rh SRE Loe SS Seg Suess A eel 0 op Shp 20 psi) 20a stn. 0 pl S00 | 2p 1 Fl Seas SVE re 2A Hamp | al ea {00 psi | 40 pel th — { ‘Aina, vin Background wb Black | : = | 100 to _ Nets Sle Seale PL s ara cs 100 Sent PP SU Oa eos SS false Ste Ces On Dl ee Dia th Ot Seale Pin lack athe le tS fed WY Ress (Meds 8560 heat ae Wat Ske {x azabon ee ale s Options 4;PNCH PROCESS GAUGES. 45.740 AY INCH At INCH. PHENOLIC CASE PHENOLIC CASE 3165S, ae 3168S. un ‘va oR 1/2" NET 4/4 oR 1/2" NT BOTTOM CONNECTION BOTTOM CONNECTION “set Se lack Phenol Sod Ft, Safety Case ih een Threaded Black Prenake Arye Lana Saety Gass vaio 56 Sales Sel °C" Tube fo: Presues up {D600 PS 31688 Coled Salty Tike Ano 00 st V2" NPT or 14 WPT S163 Stress Steel wih Highly Pols Baring Sues An tara esp sta. 12s Fl Selo ASME Gra 2& 7% Ful st, ASME Grae or ny, 5 Pt and 10 Pt eangs Balanced Wero-Adustable Akinum, Black rsh Arian, Wil Background wi Back Marking Sab Seal PS andre SIR PSUR? or PUM Dl Sale is Avail a a Slack Opin. On Dual Sale Dats, ts Our Scales sin lack an ts Far Mate Soe Pa teadeant, (acl 45.760) Gheain and Vitor icon or Fabcrbon ae Albi as Oabons 45.760 aH O5 rH ono 10 Tonio Too Sing) asa SiS 08 Wig 02 pe 10 ngs pst | 1 05 pst TOinHG-10 psi tig-04 ps I 20 gO pal 2 nat ps 301mg 20 pst) Zing ps oinig-20 pol nly? ps 3Diny-50 pol 5 inig2 ps Sino 02 Wii0 Sino asria0 onto 1 nk20 monk | 220 aoniga | éinkzo. aonigo | ¢ni0 ‘soiiwo |S intz0 ii Dips 2 O2ps Sp Dips * ony avatene 740 Series ae Tops pet 208 2p 50 pst 0p 100 psi 10 pi ‘00st 300 pst 200 pst 500 pei {000 pst 1000 pal 100 psi 2000 ps 000 ps 1000 pi {000 pst 2000 ps 405) 05 5p or 1D pa 20 pt 20 pet 50 pst 20 pt 100 ps 100 ps 50 pst 40 pat “oops 100 PANEL MOUNT RING FOR FLUSH PANEL MOUNTING A.Black Panel Mount Ring (PMR) is easily installed in the field 1 facilitate flush mounting of all 4% inch 600 and 700 Series gauges. Our unigue turret case with our mounting pads on th feat of the case make front of panel or wall mounting a “built in option’ on all 4% inch 600 and 700 Series gauges. OPTIONAL LENSES Both Instrument Glass and Laminated Safely Glass a’e available on all 4% inch 600 and 700 Series gauges. LIQUID FILLING OPTIONS ‘All 4% inch 600 and 700 Series gauges are available in a liquid filed version. Our standard fil is glycerine and water, however, optional fi iqulds include ‘Dow Corning 200 Silicone ‘and ‘Halocarbon. A Liquid Filing Kit (LFK,) is also avaliable 0 convert dry gauges in the field. Each Liquid Filling Kit (LFK) ‘includes a vented biow-out back with breathing diaphragm (for internal case pressure compensation) and O-ring. Fill quid is ‘ot included. REID VAPOR TEST GAUGES ‘ARieid Vapor Test Gauge configuration which includes a handle, special dial and special pressure partis available in pressure ranges of 0-5 PSI, 0-15 PSI and 0-30 PSI RECEIVER GAUGES, 3:15 PSI Receiver Gauges are available in both 600 Series (Brass) and 700 Series (3168S) configurations. METRIC AND HANDMADE SPECIAL DIALS Dual scale Metric Dials in PSUKPa and PSUKg-cm are availabe on all 600 and 700 Series gauges. Handmade Special Dials such as non-standard metre soales, tons on ram, tbs. of force, et. are available in small quantities (2s few as one piece) on ail 600 and 700 Series gauges. 45.640, toeco MM) 120) 97 1025 8 45740 forgo M50) 981 405 3.38 45.740 PMR, 45.740 PSUKPa ORIFICES Threaded Orifices (.032" ID.) are available on all 600 and 700 Series gauges. Orifioes are used on a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing and decreasing pressures, thereby lessening the immediate effect of pulsations and pressure spikes. Orifices are recommended on all dynamic applications, CERTIFIED CALIBRATION Certified Calibration is available on all 600 and 700 Series (gauges. Certified Calibration provides the user with a serial numbered gauge along with a calibration sheet against a pressure standard and is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards) * ew Crise ademat lO Cn Caen "aH sin —jala 14 | 1524 88 23 AB wave 189 108 55 800 3.46 e 8 I I PRECISION TEST GAUGES SERIES GENERAL INFORMATION ‘The NOSHOK Test Gauge is accurate to within £0.25% full scale on elther rising or falling pressure. This accuracy Is obtained through selection of the highest quality ‘components and a specially designed movement with Jeweled bearings. NOSHOK Test Gauges are also built with your safety in mind. A safety blow-out disc on the rear of the case is standard, The NOSHOK adjustable knife-edge pointer in ‘conjunction with the mizor dial band eliminates parallax" error. ("The difference in apparent direction of an object ‘as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object.) NOSHOK Test Gauges meet the specification of ASME Standard B40.1 Grade 3A, NOSHOK Test Gauges are used in laboratories on calibration stands, gauge repair facilities and on sophisti cated aerospace equipment used in launching space vehicles, When accuracy and sensitivity are critical parameters in measurement, NOSHOK Test Gauges rise to the occasion... accurately. OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 1, Working Pressure Limitations 2, Static Pressure 60. 800 The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations e cour, is 100% of dial range. 6 INCH NOTE: 800 Series Test Gauges are not intended for Sean use on dynamic applications, BOTTOM CONNECTION 2, Ambient Temperature O°F to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C) ‘ORDERING INFORMATION 4. Select size and model number. 2, Select pressure range...ssseccseceeeseeee 3, Select NPT connection size (if more than one is offered) 4, Select any required accessory or option.. + 10OPSI + %" NPT + Carrying Case PRECISION BOURDON TUBE ADJUSTABLE KNIFE EDGE POINTER PRECISION MOVEMENT INSTRUMENT GLASS LENS. MIRROR DIAL BAND BLACK PAINTED STEEL CASE. PANEL MOUNTING Black Painted Steel Front Flanges (BFF) for flush panel ‘mounting and Black Painted Steel Rear Flanges (RF) for front of panel (or bulkhead) mounting are available, Both versions utlize three mounting holes for attachment to the panel. CARRYING CASE ‘A rugged high density polyethylene case is available for safely transporting or storing your NOSHOK Test Gauge, PRECISION TEST GAUGES - OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES SERIES OPTIONAL LENSES: Cee en Ser pxijen oo avec on ot 800 Series gauges. ORIFICES Threaded (.032" LD.) are available on all 800 Series ‘gauges. Orifices are used in a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing and decreasing pressures. OPTIONAL MATERIALS AND CONNECTIONS NOSHOK 800 Series Test Gauges are also available ina back connected version and with 316 SS intermals as a production option. CERTIFIED CALIBRATION Certified Calibration is available on all 800 Series Test Gauges. Certified Calibration provides the user with a serial numbered gauge along with a calibration sheet against a pressure standard and is traveable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards). s Crt A ole [ir fl ary 634 465 | 055 | 087 | 772 023, Bi} tet | 95 | ie | a 198 58. 0 en psa SP ‘SPECIFICATIONS 304 Sarees woh 1 304 Stale Stee | Trevurent Gs ee fae Dial Range Berylum Copper to 6000 PST kd RD UO se abr ot 71 {ie NT Bato Cre ‘yas wi od ire Nate | Pion ear ane Sats ‘Salety Rei Disc on the Rear of ie Case. | OSH Fa Sea SVE ide A Adsl Kies Poet | | Tota) STnr ery) Trials) ee eee a Ter cr) ‘ya ay vy TOS a ness [2g | arg Bing psl_| 0.25 1-0. WinkyS pal | SHGL2 pel ForSpst | 1 RA-OS pst TnrgDS pat 2 ing-t psi mre pa ‘inh a orp pa fo 60 pat econ Perr (pai te 6000 pst cic) SERIES GENERAL INFORMATION NOSHOK 900 Series Liquid Filled Gauges are extremely high quaity liquid fled pressure gauges which incorporate Unique design features geared towards extended service life and reliability, ‘These gauges feature a light weight, shatter resistant ‘ABS oF a 304 siainless steel case. This Is made possible with the modular measuring systems which interchange with either case (in the 2% inch sizes). The lenses are molded plexiglass for strength and are sealed by ultrasonic welding in the ABS case and a rolled 3048S bezel and O-ring in the stainless steel cased models. The unique (Oxring case and connection seals guard against leakage {and help protect against physical shock and vibration. The heavy wall bourdon tubes are made in the “C* configuration on ranges of 600 PSI and lower and are “coiled” or “spiral” safety tubes above 600 PSI. These bourdon tubes are then matched with precision OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Working Pressure Limitations a. Dynamic Pressure ‘The working pressure should be limited to 60% of the ial range. b. Static Pressure The working pressure, where no sharp fluctuations ‘occur, should be limited to 90% of the dial range, ORDERING INFORMATION 41, Select size and model numbers... 2, Select pressure rangessessesseesseessssssveseees 25.910 3, Select NPT connection size (if more than one is offered).....seee++0 4. Select any required accessory or option.. 1000 PSIKPa + LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES movements and balanced pointers for accuracy over an extended service life. The glycerine we use for dampening the effects of pulsation, vibration and shock loads as well as lubrication of the movement is a very high grade of synthetic glycerine so it retains its crystal clear clarity and lubricity over the lite of the gauge. ‘Our dials are printed in bold UV resistant ink for ease of readability even after years of exposure to direct sunlight. Positive case reliel is accomplished by means of a relief dsc on top of the case (on 2% inch gauges) or on the back of the case (on 1% inch gauges) and away trom the ‘operator to insure the operators safety if ever needed. NOSHOK 900 Series Liquid Filled Gauges are used on industrial applications throughout the world where pulsation, vibration and shock is present and the pressure media is not corrosive to brass. 2, Ambient Temperature O°F to 140°F (18°C to 60°C) Lower operating temperatures are available to ~40°F (-40°C) by using a special glycerine and water mixture or low temperature silicone. Please contact us for assistance in selecting the best illiquid for your application. IPT + PMIC (Panel Mount Clamp) HEAVY WALL BOURDON TUBE BALANCED POINTER, PRECISION MOVEMENT DIAL PRINTED WITH UV RESISTANT INK ONE PIECE STEM AND CONNECTION OTE AE NOSHOK eealy ea aug wh anges of 200 PS Bel inci ‘acum and carpe rage, sage wi avr nf th role ox "The tin hale raved afer etalten of epg ne Rei aan ABS CASED LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES SERIES 15.910 25.900 25.910 14 INCH 2% INCH. 2 INCH ABS CASE ‘ABS CASE ABS CASE GLYCERINE FILLED GLYCERINE FILLED GLYCERINE FILLED We NPT NPT ie NPT CENTER BAGK GONNEGTION BOTTOM CONNECTION CENTER BACK CONNECTION ABS, Aryl Mi uta Sl C Faure) atuaton Pegs Utica Weed ; intres | “toya Seis eh ponte | panea SI) Prete: Bronze °C Ube oe ‘ontp-0ea | Ting sia FP 0 pcsoows | apc nra Pressures up 600 FS Coed spasnPe | Osos iP Seley Tb Above 800° ! : SN TS ey Si 10K | neo 10a Brees sevsisooire | Speco 25. S910 Stet le icon joesra tte | 1 eiteiee ; Joy Case, 19SN0 Say et BP 2-001 | Sno 20k AMER 100-000 a | YO e100 Ke Dac on the back ote Coe. zosro0 Ka | 10a mm 5 Ran wi gy BPAY 20 i 100¥ea| toi swe 100 ps000 a | 10 p00 Ke Polished Boag Sites. nL re Weaodoio= 15m False ee : isle Gate iooi0 29% NFER Sort 00%Fa| Tonves0e Bere 20 pscam0 ee | Zona 0K Fl Soae, ASME Grode B| 40ps/400 KPa | 4 pol40 KPa ) i Balanced Auuminurn Blak Sb 100 ws | 10 wy SNP a ops sonne | Seas Prisha 5:910.ldod Pate 0 “Ore | yee D -25.900/910: Aluminum, White ne me ERT ATOR. le | ARERR 07s GO NR Oe | aT SaaS fooprunwe|iopaoven | See 0 | MER scr [ose Eee peas | ee oSeecrs Sais eoes | RATES oe 0 | 05 sien RMR cr 0 a Spa er re Sri [05 Ses REMERON iro oo eu 01004 oot ot SORERO 0230 0 SER eee Reed mri | coccinea eo Tia ert tae) 10-0010 | tyrs0ire i Cet sry emma of td age an pom NOTE Arie mo 1810 calcu \2% INCH I STAINLESS STEEL CASED LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGES 204 Stamos Ses 504 Staion Steet : 25 Poyoaroneta [Prncrerert Gass Ss 25.901 2 INCH STAINLESS STEEL CASE GLYCERINE FILLED Ye NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION 25.911 2 INCH STAINLESS STEEL CASE GLYCERINE FILLED ve NPT CENTER BACK CONNECTION STAN . | ise Soe,“ Press up 0 SI Gilad Sait Tuoo Above 600 PS ore fe wr Bass A ] Sst ice iss on Top of Case. | (REIN Brean nwt igh Palshed Barn Sits PTS 25005914 = 1.5% Ful Seale ASME cade f20 9011 os 1.0 Fl Scale, ASME. Tod rade 1A. Balerced Aaa, Bleck PRT Frits. un, We Baro, Dua Sel PS, ese PS Sea, ans Rod Pa See, wrest Tern Fire | Graouaton r nea | Siew a einer | pane ; ‘Wisois | Tinie ah SpsiS0 Pa | DS psi ka Bde ce aie “parOKTe | pvr01a forsee Ginyaee | orate | 2par0iew | soinig-00 17a toinie 00 f 2 proves | spainoiea jo ova | Tova ra fs 0siao0¥a | anaioura | Joie tovies | Tones J sopsiconnra | apsisonre il a ig 10 1 5100 00 psa ka) 10 p10 Ke Bini 20nrs | Osinia- a Spew0P 5ps50Pa Tops 10ckPe oC KPa ope KPa O5ins a tps101e% aoe OE pant ane rn ean of EN ies ans OO Ospe5e Oe Wa j amr 40.901 4INCH STAINLESS STEEL CASE GLYCERINE FILLED Va? OR We" NPT BOTTOM CONNECTION 40.911 INCH STAINLESS STEEL CASE GLYCERINE FILLED We NPT LOWER BACK ‘CONNECTION ier pain 0 p40 ‘Graduation merle perks tps paso Spa “eps 10001 | HO ps-100 We Tou pstioniee | 10 psc ‘ipsam jae ‘ipo 00 pts ure i 00 ps°SO00WFe | Sp S00 a co po-tonon [copa 1000 ea 100010000 F100 pa 10004 500 pa 10900 a |100 ps 1000 a ip) 2000 os 20000 Ps 20 pt 200 HF ‘a paa00 a 4 GPTIONS & ACCESSORIES | I COVER RINGS Protective friction ft Cover Rings are available in black painted steel (BCR) or chrome plated steel! (CCR) on models 25.900. rolled on 304 stainless steo! cover ring (SSCR) is available ‘or model 25.910. 304 stainless steel cover rings (or bezels} are standard on models 25.901 and 25.911. FLANGES FOR PANEL MOUNTING Panel Mount Clamps (PMC) of chromated steel are avaliable {or flush mounting on models 25.910 and 25.911. The PMC is, easily (field) installed on the gauge diameter into the pre-formed grooves in the case and utilizes the existing gauge bezel or lip as a narrow flange on the tront of the panel. A ‘chrome plated stee! or polished 304 stainless stee! Flange Ring (CFR or SSFR) is also available for use in conjunction with the Panel Mount Clamp (PMC). The Flange ring has a diameter approximately 20% larger than the existing gauge bezel or lip and is used when itis necessary to adapt the gauge to an over-sized panel cut oul. Stainless Steel Front Flanges (SSFF) are available for flush panel mounting on model 25.911 Black painted stool or chrome plated steel Front Flanges (BFF or CFF) are available for flush panel mounting on model 25.900. They are algo available on model 25.910 as a special production option. Please contact us for pricing, minimure ‘quantities and lead times. ‘ORIFICES Press fit brass Orifices (,012" |.D.) are available on all 900 ‘Series gauges. Orifices are used on a gauge to restrict the flow of rapidly increasing and decreasing pressures, thereby lessening the immediate effect of pulsations and’ pressure spikes, Orifices are recommended on all dynamic applications. ‘SPECIAL CONNECTIONS ‘Special Connections are available on all $00 Series gauges. ‘Some examples include: metric threads, female threads, straight threads (flare or swivel type), high pressure ‘connections and special o-ring connections. Please contact us wih your requirements for prices, delivery and minimum quantities. RUBBER CASE PROTECTORS ulbber Case Protectors (RCP) are ideal for gauges that are subjected to direct physical shock. They are available on model 25.900 as a stock option and as a special production option on mode! 25.910. Please coniact us for minimum ‘quantities ard lead times. RCP's are molded in bv. CERTIFIED CALIBRATION Certified Calibration is available on all 900 Series gauges. Certified Calibration provides the user with a serial numbered gauge along with a calibration sheet against a pressure slandard and is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standarés). ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION OPTIONS + Maximum indicating Pointers + A2 inch bottom or back connected model SERIES 25.911 LIQUID FILLED (WIS FRONT FLANGE 25.900 RCP Consult factory for availability and minimum orders (if applicable) for all options & accessories.

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