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The Roaring Twenties

The social, political and economic changes and that occurred during the Roaring

Twenties were many as well as the advances. The twenties came on the heels of the

World War I and enjoyed a prosperity and economic boom that has never again been


The social changes included the fact that women now worked outside of the home and

took more control over their own lives. They worked alongside men in factories, stores

and offices. They attended college and worked in more professional and powerful

careers. Women also took control of their sexuality changing the way they looked and

dressed. The new woman called a “flapper” now wore a new shorter hairstyle and

clothing that was high waisted and shoes that wear unbuckled. They smoked, drank and

even cursed. The introduction of birth control allowed women more sexual freedom as

well. Family units were now seen as more nurturing towards the rearing of their children

and more involved. There were now more leisurely activities that included dancing,

movies and sports. Men and women mingled at amusement parks, clubs and


The political changes were many in the 1920’s. The Red Scare was among them as

chapter that was stigmatized with fear and intolerance. There would be attacks against

radicals and foreigners that were seen as potential communists. This led to many

organizations including the American Legion, National Security League and the

American Defense Society to lead an offensive and have many immigrants deported or
imprisoned. This made thirty-two states pass incredibly political restrictive laws that

required loyalty oaths. There was also the Prohibition that occurred. This restricted the

sale, manufacturing, importation, transportation and the exportation of any and all

alcoholic beverages. This was done in belief that crime and corruption would decrease,

but backfired. Crime exploded in the twenties, organized crime appeared and the

prisons were crowded with those who broke the law. People also began to make their

own alcohol which was dangerous.

The economic events that took place during the twenties were many. There was an

economic boom when it came to technology and consumer spending. Construction was

also a booming business as people migrated rapidly to the cities. Technology allowed

for people to be replaced by machines that included steam engines and electric motors.

This allowed for the increase in consumer goods and the labor force exploded causing it

to grow faster than the population. This resulted in competitive pay for jobs and pay

went up. The average income increase for each American was one hundred and fifty

dollars. Productivity went up and consumer prices went down allowing people buy more.

Residential construction doubled and road construction made the suburban life more

attainable as it poured money into the economy. Auto manufacturing however was the

most prosperous. With the invention of Henry Ford’s Model T, people could now afford

cars at a reasonable price. He also invented the now forty hour, five day work week.

The Model T allowed people to travel farther and fuel urban development. Americans

enjoyed the highest standard of living at this point than any other era.
The end of WWI influenced the changes because the government contracts that were

focused on wartime efforts now turned to more domestic ideas. Factories began to

produce goods for the everyday consumer and construction companies designed and

constructed buildings for dwelling.

The emergence of mass media, society and celebrity influence changed because now

celebrities found themselves on the front pages of newspapers and magazines their

every move followed. They were followed on the radio as well by millions of eager

listeners. Media allowed the ordinary person a chance to interact with their heroes in

some small way. Your favorite star could now be seen on a movie screen weekly and

families could now stay at home and enjoy listening to their favorite programs.

The clash between the modernists and traditionalists would be defined by how young

women now called “flappers” would smoke, drink, dance closely with men, engage in

premarital sex and cut their hair short instead of like the women of old who would be

chaperoned and was defined by getting married and having a home and family. The

new woman rebelled against the old ways. The music changed and so did the dancing.

Jazz was the new way instead of the old ballroom dancing fad. There was also the fact

that people borrowed money on the belief that the good time would never end. Those

who were traditional believed that you did not get something until you earned the money

Traditionalists tried to fight back against modern society by imposing strict laws against

modernist activities. They passed the Prohibition laws that instead of stopping crime

increased it dramatically. They tried to stop the advertisements that they believed

influence loose morals among the people and threatened the old way of life.

The twenties was a time of great prosperity and commerce but also a time that was

gilded. Though there was an economic boom, it was not shared equally among the

people. Minorities were often left out of the loop and with all of the borrowing and

spending that occurred, the system eventually collapsed and brought on the Great

Depression that hit Americans hard and was one of the worst financial crises in U.S



"The 1920s: Lifestyles and Social Trends: Overview." American Decades. 2001.

Retrieved April 10, 2011 from
“The Rapid Changes in Women's Roles from 1900 to 1920” Associated Content 2005.

Retrieved April 10, 2011 from Associated


“Prohibition in the United States” 2005. Retrieved April 10, 2011 from

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