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World War

The factors that led the U.S from neutrality to active in WWI were:

 The economy of the U.S was threatened due to the fact of the war beginning to

have an impact on international business and other U.S interests.

 American merchant ships were sunk by U-boats as they headed for Europe.

 American allies were being attacked by Germans and so the U.S was drawn into

the war to help its allies.

Americans at first were not interested in entering the war for any reason. It was

considered to be a European problem and nothing to do with them. It was after their

interests and economic livelihood was attacked did Americans choose to join in the war.

It took the attacks of American merchant ships and the attacks on countries that were

allies both diplomatically and economically for the U.S to step in. The attacks then had

meaning and an actual impact on how it affected America and how they would respond.

The government strategies for uniting citizens as well as gaining their support were:

 They had political figures from that day and time speak to the people and tell

them of the need to become actively involved in the war.

 Convincing the people that the U.S interests in Europe were in need of

 The placement of patriotic billboards by the government that portrayed that any

American that was loyal to their country would want to serve in the war effort.

I believe the federal government strategies were effective in accomplishing what

they needed to. They wanted the people to become involved to protect American

interests and they did. I believe that it benefitted society more than anything because

not only was the American soil protected but the economy as well. The U.S was

economically sound during the duration of the war due to the policies that were in

place by the federal government.

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